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2008.11.22 00:38 Netflix

Unofficial Netflix discussion, and all things Netflix related! (Mods are not Netflix employees, but employees occasionally post here).

2010.08.03 04:53 Raerth British TV: Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation

News, articles and discussions regarding British TV shows, film and stand-up.

2010.11.21 05:31 roger_ Mitchell and Webb

Anything to do with British comedy duo [David Mitchell and Robert Webb]( (including [Peep Show](\)) and [That Mitchell and Webb Look](

2024.06.09 14:52 kannionn Can i get a detailed guide on how to NOT get banned?

I've tried making multiple TikTok accounts but they all get shadowbanned, they get exactly 0 views, and it might be a couple reasons: So i made an account with a free UK vpn from poland, posted within 6 hours of making the account and had an username ".gg/(discordname)" because i was trying to promote a discord server. Are these 3 good reasons to get me banned or some are not bannable? How do i include links in my videos to not get banned? Do I use a proxy? Do i buy aged uk accounts? Can anyone give me a detailed guide how to make tiktok know that im not a bot or anything, and i just try to make an account?
submitted by kannionn to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:03 ukpolbot r/ukpolitics General Election Campaign Megathread - 09/06/2024

👋 Welcome to the /ukpolitics General Election Campaign Megathread. Parliament has been dissolved, and Ed Davey is spending his mornings at Alton Towers. Oh! And there's an election on.
This is our new daily megathread for all of the day's news until the election. Polling day is on 4th July, and you need to make sure that you are registered to vote if you haven't already, and that you have a form of photo ID (passport, driving license, etc). If you don't have photo ID, you can apply for a voter authority certificate.
Please do not submit articles to the megathread which clearly stand as their own submission. Comments which include a link to a story which clearly stands as its own submission will be removed. Comments which relate to a story which already exists on the subreddit will be removed, to keep everything in one place. Links as comments are not useful here. Add a headline, tweet content or explainer please.
This thread will automatically roll over into a new one at 06:00 GMT each morning.
You can join our Discord server for real-time discussion with fellow subreddit users, and follow our Twitter account to keep up with the latest developments.

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**** · 🌎 International Politics Discussion Thread . 🃏 UKPolitics Meme Subreddit
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📅 Key dates

from the Electoral Commission, BBC, Sky, ITV
  • 12th June, 7PM BST - 📺 Sky News "The Battle for Number Ten" (Sunak v Starmer live debate - format tbc)
  • 12th June, 7PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Rishi Sunak - Conservatives
  • 13th June, 8:30PM BST - 📺 ITV multi-party debate (CON, LAB, LD, SNP, PC, GRN, REF)
  • 18th June - Deadline for new voter registration (to be able to vote in this election).
  • 19th June - Deadline for new postal vote applications (for this election).
  • 20th June, 8PM BST - 📺 BBC Question Time Leaders' Special (CON, LAB, LD, SNP)
  • 24th June, 7PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Reform, Green (England/Wales) / SNP (Scotland)
  • 26th June - Deadline for new proxy vote applications and voter authority certificates (for this election)
  • 26th June, 9PM BST - 📺 BBC head-to-head debate (Sunak vs Starmer).
  • 27th June, 8:30PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Keir Starmer - Labour
  • 4th July - Polling day. Emergency proxy votes deadline at 5pm. Polls will open at 7am and close at 10pm.


It's almost that time that the parties start putting out manifestos. Manifestos are essentially a set of documents which outline the policies that each party would want to implement if they were governing.
  • 📘 Conservatives: Around 10th-12th June (source)
  • 🌹 Labour: 13th June (source)
  • 🔆 Liberal Democrats: w/c 10th June (source)
  • 🎗️ SNP: TBC
  • 🌼 Plaid Cymru: 13th June (source)
  • 🌿 Green Party: 12th June (source)
  • ➡️ Reform: TBC (view "pre-manifesto")
submitted by ukpolbot to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:08 AttorneyDue8412 Proxy

Can y'all recommend any good proxy sites for US Mercari? I live in the UK and was wanting to buy some stuff off of the site.
submitted by AttorneyDue8412 to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:12 PCJs_Slave_Robot Doctor Who 1x06 "Rogue" BBC One Live and Immediate Reactions Discussion Thread

Please remember that future spoilers must be tagged. This includes the next time trailer!
This thread is for all your crack-pot theories, quoting, crazy exclamations, pictures, throwaway and other one-liners.
The episode is simulcast on iPlayer in the UK and around the world on Disney+ at 00:00 BST. BBC One will air during prime time at 18:45 BST.

Other countries should check their local broadcaster.

  • 'Live' and Immediate Reactions Discussion Thread - Posted around 60 minutes prior to initial release - for all the reactions, crack-pot theories, quoting, crazy exclamations, pictures, throwaway and other one-liners.
  • Trailer and Speculation Discussion Thread - Posted when the trailer is released - For all the thoughts, speculation, and comments on the trailers and speculation about the next episode. Future content beyond the next episode should still be marked.
  • Post-Episode Discussion Thread - Posted around 30 minutes after to allow it to sink in - This is for all your indepth opinions, comments, etc about the episode.
  • BBC One Live Discussion Thread - Posted around 60 minutes prior to BBC One air - for all the reactions, crack-pot theories, quoting, crazy exclamations, pictures, throwaway and other one-liners.
These will be linked as they go up. If we feel your post belongs in a (different) megathread, it'll be removed and redirected there.
Want to chat about it live with other people? Join our Discord here!

What did YOU think of Rogue?

Click here and add your score (e.g. 318 (Rogue): 8, it should look like this) and hit send. Scores are designed to match the Doctor Who Magazine system; whole numbers between 1 to 10, inclusive. (0 is used to mark an episode unwatched.)
Voting opens once the episode is over to prevent vote abuse. You should get a response within a few minutes. If you do not get a confirmation response, your scores are not counted. It may take up to several hours for the bot (i.e. it crashed or is being debugged) so give it a little while. If still down, please let us know!
See the full results of the polls so far, covering the entire main show, here.
Rogue's score will be revealed next Sunday. Click here to vote for all of RTD2 era so far.
submitted by PCJs_Slave_Robot to doctorwho [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:00 GoAheadMMDay Government cover-ups... excuses for war... World War 3 nears

They look for excuses to expand their power and influence. And when an excuse does not readily exist, they create one.
The Façade
Recent history confirms this. Let's review several cases over the last 130 years in chronological order.
■ At the end of the 19th century, the US wanted to expand its sphere of influence. In 1898, they sabotaged one of their own battleships, the USS Maine, in the harbour of Havana, Cuba, blaming it on the Spanish. US newspapers built the case for war, which was viewed as a pretext even at that time, as represented in the movie Citizen Kane.
From :
"A declassified CIA document written March 13, 1962, outlines Operation Northwoods, a plan for a U.S. attack on Cuba following its 1959 Revolution: ("
"On page 11, during an outline of false-flag tactics, the CIA directly uses the phrase “a ‘Remember the Maine’ incident”, and follows with plans to intentionally blow up a U.S. ship to start a desired “war on communism”. Our revolutionary comrades in Cuba hold as official history that the 1898 incident was a planned, false-flag operation."
As a result of the sinking of the USS Maine, the US gained the port of Guantanamo in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and control of the Philippines as a foothold in the Orient. Note the theme... a covert act by government used as an excuse for war, and using the media to spread misinformation to gain public support.
■ Next example, WW1. England wanted to draw the US into the war for some badly needed support. So Winston Churchill, who was serving as First Lord of the British Admiralty, created the excuse the US needed to justify joining the war.
The English Channel was swarming with German submarines (U-boats), attacking British shipping. The British implemented shipping by convoy under protection of British warships. But on May 7, 1915, Churchill called-off naval protection for the RMS Lusitania, a British commercial liner with 123 Americans onboard, which was subsequently sunk by the Germans. "A ship sacrificed. Her innocent passengers, pawns in a cruel new era." /
The sinking turned American public opinion against Germany, and contributed to US entry into the war. "Remember the Lusitania" became a rallying cry repeated in the papers.
■ Next example, WW2. On the morning of December 7, 1941, the day Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor, a sequence of intelligence and messaging failures sealed the base's fate.
Prior to the attack: "Radio communications intelligence 'lost' the location of Japanese carriers." "Kimmel did not inform Short." "Washington issued 'War Warning' messages." "Anti-aircraft guns to protect Pearl Harbor were not deployed or had their ammunition locked up. No fighters were ready to engage a Japanese attack."
The morning of the attack: Japanese submarine periscope sightings, dismissed. A huge wave of aircraft blips on radar, dismissed. Nervous phone calls from radar operators, dismissed. One desperate message was found "balled-up in a trash can".
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not a "false-flag" event; it indeed happened, and Japan was indeed the perpetrator. But such readiness failures despite warnings give me the impression it was made just too easy for them, that the gate was left open.
Was Japan baited and lured into attacking Pearl Harbor by suggestions, whether private or public, that the American public did not want war, and the US government would simply cede territories in the Pacific? This theory has been in circulation since the war.
Whatever the cause, the US government got what it wanted... a reason to join the war.
■ Next example, sabotage proposals: The US Department of Defense proposed "Operation Northwoods" (cited in the 1st example above) to President Kennedy in 1962, outlining a number of "false flag" missions to make it seem the US had been attacked by Cuba. The proposal suggested the US government engage in "acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, ... to justify a war against Cuba." Among the proposed acts of sabotage were shooting down a remote controlled aircraft painted as a US Air Force plane, blowing up an American ship (described above), and orchestrating acts of terrorism in US cities.
Other proposals: "Create an incident which has the appearance of an attack on US facilities in Cuba"; covert attacks on British Commonwealth member states Jamaica and Trinidad-Tobago to "incite the people of the United Kingdom into supporting a war against Castro"; and "bribe one of Castro's subordinate commanders to initiate an attack" against US Navy base Guantanamo. All such proposals were flatly rejected by President Kennedy.
■ Next example, Vietnam War. On August 2, 1964, US forces carrying out amphibious operations off the coast of North Vietnam were confronted by North Vietnamese troops. On August 4th, the US claimed it was attacked by North Vietnam. On August 7th, US Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave newly installed President Johnson (less than one year after Kennedy was assassinated) legal justification to enter the Vietnam civil war.
But as Wikipedia explains: "Later investigation revealed that the second attack never happened." "The National Security Agency, an agency of the US Defense Department, had deliberately skewed intelligence to create the impression that an attack had been carried out."
The US weapons industry had been wanting another war since the Korean War ended in 1953. But President Kennedy wasn't cooperating. After Kennedy was conveniently taken out of the way, Johnson got what he always wanted - the Presidency, while US weapons manufacturers got what they wanted - war.
■ Next example, US involvement in Iran-Iraq war 1980-88. In 1978-79, Iran’s religious revolution overthrew Iran’s king, the Shah of Iran. The new religious regime in Iran confiscated the oil fields and facilities of US oil companies operating in Iran.
The US oil barons called on the US government to get their oil fields back, citing US interests in controlling global oil flows. The US wasted no time attacking Iran immediately following the revolution, but not directly. Instead, the US backed the forces of Iraq in what became the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88.
■ Next example, 1st Gulf War 1991. By the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988, the US had not been able to orchestrate Iran’s downfall, and thus had not been able to retake the oil fields it had lost in Iran. The US decided it needed to put its own troops in the Middle East and finish the job against Iran themselves.
But the US needed an excuse to station US troops in the Middle East close to Iran. So it created another pretext, making Iraq believe the US would not interfere in Iraq’s plans to invade Kuwait.
“On the 24 July [1990], U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Margaret Tutwiler, told journalists, "We do not have any defense treaties with Kuwait, and there are no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.[10]" On the 25 July, Saddam Hussein held a meeting with American diplomat April Glaspie. During the interview, April said, "We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait," and, "We should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America.[11]" Some historians believe that these comments represented an unwitting green light of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.”
On August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. On January 16, 1991, the US launched Operation Desert Strom against Iraq in what is now called the 1st Gulf War.
■ Next example, 911. I know, I know. People have been refuting a US cover-up since day 1. I'm not going to sidetrack into that debate here. All I will say is... both Trade Center towers and the Pentagon had been recently renovated, the work of which is difficult to ascertain and still secret. Everything else has already been extensively debated on the web; I'll just leave it there.
The main question concerning 911 has always been, "Would US agencies commit acts of terrorism against their own cities as a pretext for war?" Given the scenarios presented in operations Northwoods and Mongoose cited above, the answer to that question is, "Yes."
For more evidence that 911 was a planned American operation, see my other post:
■ Next example, false claim of WMD in Iraq. In late 2002, US intelligence presented grainy satellite images of what appeared to be military trucks and supply depots in Iraq. They claimed the trucks and depots hid weapons of mass destruction. Congress gave the military permission to attack Iraq, which it did in March 2003. And behold... there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
David Kay, Head of Iraq Survey Group, later blamed the false claim on "a lack of human agents inside Iraq in the months before the war", and "analysts being under pressure to draw conclusions".
What did the US get out of 911 and the false WMD claim? Excuses to invade Afghanistan and Iraq... neither country of which ever had any involvement with 911.
The official reason for entering Afghanistan was to capture Osama Bin Laden. Yet after OBL was killed in 2011, the US remained in Afghanistan until 2021. Why did the US remain in Afghanistan for an additional 10 years? Because Afghanistan borders Iran.
■ Iran has always been the principal target of interest. The US oil barons have been eyeing Iran since its religious revolution of 1978-79, which confiscated the properties and facilities of US oil companies operating there.
The US wasted no time attacking Iran immediately following the revolution, backing Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88. But the US realized it wasn't going to get Iran without direct US involvement. 911 and the false WMD claim gave the US excuses to plant troops on either side of Iran - in Iraq on the west, and Afghanistan on the east.
After removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq in 2003, the US remained there, fighting groups backed by Iran. This was followed by the conflict in Syria starting in 2011 and still ongoing, with the West fighting Iranian-backed groups there as well.
From the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, to post-Hussein Iraq, to Syria from 2011 onward, the US has been engaged in a 40-year proxy war against Iran. What has been only a proxy war until now is poised to turn into a direct conflict soon, as tensions between Israel and Iran continue to escalate.
The Rehearsal
Preparations for war require more than just fabricating excuses, but also conditioning the population. This includes spreading misinformation, controlling the judiciary, and displaying intimidating force. Trump's presidency worked on all three.
Trump's term in office was a dress rehearsal in spreading misinformation and manipulating the news, principally through Fox News and a large number of conservative talk shows across the country.
"Fox News has been described by academics, media figures, political figures, and watchdog groups as being biased in favor of the Republican Party in its news coverage, as perpetuating conservative bias, and as misleading their audience in relation to science, notably climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic."
Additional charges against Fox News include spreading misinformation regarding the 2020 election results.
The paper "What is Fox News? Partisan Journalism, Misinformation, and the Problem of Classification" - a collaborative work by several university academics - questions "the idea that Fox should be considered a news source in the first place, claiming it should be considered something more akin to propaganda".
Trump's presidency was also a dress rehearsal in influencing the judiciary, filling the courts with loyalists to promote the group's causes, including overthrowing Roe v Wade. This will come in handy when the time comes to suspend other rights and freedoms, including the constitution.
Then came COVID. That was a dress rehearsal to practice locking down entire countries, suspending rights and freedoms en masse.
They also practiced displaying force by mobilizing militias and gun activist groups behind the insurrection of Janurary 6, 2021, intimidating voters at election sites, and shooting at protestors. They even practiced defending their obedient shooters, ie: the shooter who showed up at a protest rally with a full-sized rifle, killed a protestor, and was later exonerated on grounds of self-defense. What a joke.
The Actors
So what's next? They're already working on their excuse for WW3 in the Middle East. Look at what's happening in Israel and Palestine. And now they have a new excuse for US presence in the Persian Gulf - attacks on shipping. Attacks against shipping in the region have been occurring for decades. Why are they reacting so strongly now when they didn't before? Because both these conflicts allow the US to strike at Iranian allies: Hamas in Palestine, and the Houthi in Yemen.
I'm not saying atrocities should be ignored. I am asking why the West focuses on some atrocities and not others. There are plenty of atrocities taking place in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in which the US never gets involved. But when anything happens that gets their troops close to Iran, they're there.
The West has been fighting Iran in one arena after another ever since the Iranian revolution. The recent conflicts in Palestine and the Persian Gulf are just the latest excuses to position forces in the Middle East. They've been there since 1980, and will remain there until they are ready to attack Iran directly. It will be an allied invasion, composed of the US, the UK, Israel and Russia (which borders Iran to the north).
Russia is allied with this "group" we've been talking about here. Recall the glowing accolades Trump showered on Putin. Recall the assistance Russia gave to Trump in the 2016 election.
Trump even asked the Russians to find Hillary Clinton's emails. Why would Trump ask Russia to find US government emails unless he knew they were hacking US government computers? Why ask Russia and not US law enforcement? Why Russia and not another country? Because Trump knew Russia would help him. /
Recall also how Trump kept denouncing NATO, challenging it, threatening to withdraw the US from it, weakening it from within. The intent was to make it easier for Putin to take Ukraine and other former Soviet territories in Eastern Europe. Had Trump won in 2020, Putin would have been free to achieve his ultimate objective of rebuilding the USSR. All handed to Putin in exchange for helping Trump get elected, and for Russia's participation in the up-coming war against Iran. Fathom that. After all the effort Ronald Reagan put into dismantling the Soviet Union, Trump would help Putin rebuild it.
Notice too how Koch Industries, the 2nd largest private company in America with over $125 billion in annual revenue, refuses to observe US sanctions against Russia, and has continued doing business in Russia. The Koch brothers have also refused to denounce Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Koch's ties with Russia go back to the 1930's, where their father, Fred C. Koch, made fortunes building oil refineries.
Today, Koch Industries engages in a range of industrial enterprises. A severe polluter of the environment, Koch Industries finances misinformation denying climate change, buying political influence to fight environmental legislation. The brothers' political influence supporting conservative politicians and conservative think tanks has been described as "overwhelming".
President Eisenhower identified another player pushing the world toward war, which he called "the military-industrial complex", a cluster of industries that benefit from war. They need war to clear-out their inventories so they can produce more weapons. They prosper from armed conflict, and thus influence politicians to pursue war. As Eisenhower warned in his farewell address to his nation, "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists."
Another major actor in this drama is big-oil, which benefitted from US control of Iraq and its oil fields, and is salivating over the prospect of regaining control of Iranian oil fields. And big-pharma, which benefitted from government money for COVID vaccines, but then refused "to waive intellectual property rights and share vaccine technology" with developing countries, "fuelling an unprecedented human rights crisis".
And who else belongs to this cast but Elon Musk, who not only defended Putin's invasion, but also cut-off Starlink's satellite service in Ukraine to prevent Ukraine's military from launching satellite-guided missiles to defend themselves against Russian attacks.
Not all conservatives belong to this malicious group; the vast majority do not. The conservative camp has become divided into two broad clans: the “middle-right” and “far-right”. I use “clans” because the two groups do not get along.
The middle-right are reasonable, cooperative, respectful of the law, devoted to the order of government, and committed to building the nation for the benefit of all its citizens.
The far-right, though, are radical in their dealings. They are divisive, they lie profusely, they incite violence, they threaten other members of congress, they are disruptive to orderly government and international cooperation, they do not know the meaning of "compromise" which is essential to keeping the nation united, they are unreasonable.
The “directors” of this drama are from this far-right clan. These directors manipulate the actors from behind the scenes. They put the various actors on stage and in the spotlight to sway and stir the audience, while they themselves hide behind the curtains. The script they follow has been decades in the making, and is about to reach its climax.
The Script
All this until now has been in preparation for what is to come, regardless of who wins the next US election or any election after it. Remember, political leaders are only figureheads. They are just servants providing this group of directors with important services, and to sway the public to support their causes.
When they are ready to launch their plans for World War 3, something will happen (real or faked - perhaps a radioactive "dirty bomb" detonation on US soil) that will prompt another lockdown similar to the one we "practiced" under COVID. Only this time, it will last much, much longer. The freedom of the press will be suspended, and so will the constitution. Our freedoms will be removed again, but this time it may be permanent.
If you throw a piece of wood into the water, it will rise to the surface. But if you sink that wood deep enough under water, it will not rise up anymore. Why? Because the water pressure grows more powerful the deeper you go. The weight of the water prevents the wood from rising up. This is why pieces of shipwrecks stay on the ocean floor.
Civilization as we know it is about to become shipwrecked. Society recovered from COVID because the interruption was brief. It was like a piece of wood that never sank deep enough, and so rose to the surface again.
But this time, they will keep civil liberties suppressed for a very long time; years. Suppress something long enough and it will not rise up again. They are getting ready to shut us down, and it will be a shutdown from which society will never recover. We will forget the press. We will forget elections. We will forget owning property and money. They just have to keep things suppressed long enough for people to forget them. A decade should do it.
Now we know why e-money is so heavily promoted and being so quickly adopted. Anyone protesting the new regime will be erased from society via user-specific digital shutdowns. Barred from transacting, investing, buying or selling. Cards deactivated, crypto seized, bank accounts emptied.
No? Have we forgotten Cyprus 2013? Well, it has been a decade.
The next phase of the plan for World War 3 is ready to come into effect, regardless of who takes power in the US - Republican or Democrat. The US entered existing wars and started wars of its own regardless of who was in power. Remember, a president is not the real power behind government. Actual power lies in the hands of the directors behind the curtains who control the actors they put on stage.
Joseph Cafariello
So how can we endure what is coming? Better still, how can we avoid it?
One word... truth.
All the turmoil and chaos we are experiencing come from deceptions, distortions, and lies. What they build on lies, we can demolish with truth.
Everything built on lies is unstable, since lies shift like sand. Whereas truth is stable and constant, and cannot be destroyed.
Embrace only truth, reject lies. Speak only truth, abandon lies. Receive only those who come to us with truth, dismiss those who deliver lies.
Remove the façade and expose the actors who try to deceive us. Reveal what has been concealed, uncover what has been covered, speak what has been hushed.
Only then will we have a better world, a stable world, a world built on truth, a world of freedom. Because lies enslave those who believe them, whereas truth sets us free.
submitted by GoAheadMMDay to conspiracy_posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:31 leckysoup Public Service Announcement: Vaccines

Public Service Announcement: Vaccines
In 2024, from Januart to April, in the UK eight babies have died from whooping cough.
In the prior 10 years, since maternal vaccination for the disease was introduced in 2013, 21 infants died - that’s an average of 2.1 per year. Compare that to the eight dead in the first four months of 2024 - that’s 2 per month!
In the 12 years before maternal vaccination, the average was 5.25 deaths per year.
National rates for maternal vaccination against whooping cough are currently at 59% - in 2017 they were at 75%. Some areas are especially low - London, for example, has a rate of only 36.8%.
We all know how much Russell likes to bang on about vaccines, I wonder if he’s talked about these dead babies?
This is the legacy of the likes of Russell Brand spreading vaccine scepticism, disinformation, and hesitancy - dead babies.
Aided by right wing politicians sabotaging and defunding the British National Health Service (NHS), so there are fewer health campaigns and less access to health care.
Remember that when you see Russell Brand swanning about, puffing on cigars and hob-nobbing with the children of far right politicians who act as proxies for their extremist parent. Remember as Russell pushes their cruel agenda and works to elect fascists who will steal what little health care you do have.
Remember that, when Russell gets to live on his sprawling estate, isolating himself and his family from the hoi polloi. Remember that, as he tries to discredit public health measures, communicable diseases disproportionately affect poor people who live in heavily populated areas, who have to work in cramped conditions along side coworkers, who have to send their children to shared child care and over crowded schools when they go to work. Vaccine skepticism is a luxury for the elite - for the rest of us it’s a ticket to death and disease.
Dead babies and Russell doesn’t give a fuck.
submitted by leckysoup to russellbrand [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:39 Sashcracker Stop the US-NATO escalation toward nuclear war! Unite the international working class against imperialist war and genocide!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International
  1. The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) condemns the latest escalation of the US-NATO war against Russia, which is rapidly spiraling into full-scale war between nuclear-armed states. This is the most reckless decision ever taken by any American government. As for its European allies, their collaboration in this escalation is rivaled in its recklessness only by their catastrophic launching of World War I in 1914 and World War II in 1939. There are no “red lines” that the US ruling class and its imperialist allies will not cross. Even as they politically support and provide weaponry for the Israeli state’s genocide of more than 35,000 Gazans, they are taking actions in Ukraine that could result in a nuclear catastrophe that could destroy all life on the planet. The global capitalist system, whose insoluble global crisis is the underlying cause of genocide and war, is descending into barbarism.
  2. On Friday, US President Joe Biden secretly authorized Ukraine, without even a public statement explaining the reasons for his actions, to carry out strikes using American long-range weapons on Russian territory near the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. This was followed immediately by the announcement by Germany that it will do the same. Within 24 hours, Ukraine has already launched strikes on Russia using US-provided weapons. The decision has been taken in response to the military collapse of its Ukrainian proxy force, including in and around Kharkiv.
  3. The United States, Germany and the United Kingdom have provided Ukraine with cruise and ballistic missiles with ranges of more than 300 miles. When fired from Ukrainian territory, these weapons are capable of hitting some of the largest cities in Russia, including Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov and Volgograd.
  4. Not since the Nazis’ “War of Annihilation” against the Soviet Union during the Second World War and, in the case of the US, the post-1917 Revolution Civil War, have the imperialist powers directly targeted Russian territory. Such actions were not taken even at the height of the Cold War, as it was assumed that they would trigger full-scale nuclear war.
  5. The US media is full of declarations that Russia’s publicly stated, official military doctrine of using nuclear weapons to respond to attacks on its territory is a bluff. The argument is that since Russia has not responded to US provocations in the past, NATO can keep crossing Russia’s “red lines” without consequences. “Time to call Putin’s bluff,” declared former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger in an article in CNN last week. Retired General Philip Breedlove, former Ambassador Michael McFaul, Stanford Professor Francis Fukuyama and dozens of former US officials wrote in a letter to the White House, “Russia’s demonstrably empty threats are successfully deterring the United States.”
  6. The claim that Russia’s military doctrine is a “bluff” does not stand up to the most basic scrutiny. Just because the Russian government has not responded to NATO provocations in the past does not mean that it will not do so in the future. Could anyone doubt, for example, that if Russia or China decided to launch attacks on US territory and assert that the American government “wouldn’t dare” to respond, it would be inevitable that the US would counterattack with overwhelming force?
  7. There are very real reasons, from a military standpoint, why the Russian military would feel compelled to respond in kind to NATO attacks on its territory. Moreover, who is to say that Putin, in the midst of the crisis triggered by the NATO escalation, would not be replaced by a faction that is even more prepared to use military measures to retaliate against NATO?
  8. Assertions by US officials that the Russian military will not retaliate if attacked are so flimsy that it is likely that these claims are not believed by those making them, and the actual goal is to provoke some form of drastic military action by the Russian government, which will in turn be used to justify a nuclear retaliation by the US.
  9. In his 2021 book, The Strategy of Denial, Elbridge Colby, author of the 2018 US National Security Strategy, explains how vital it is for US propaganda to force the targets of the US military to “fire the first shot” and thereby be seen as the aggressors:
Perhaps the clearest and sometimes the most important way of making sure [an adversary] is seen this way is simply by ensuring that it is the one to strike first. Few human moral intuitions are more deeply rooted than that the one who started it is the aggressor and accordingly the one who presumptively owns a greater share of moral responsibility.
  1. The Biden administration has taken this action without even bothering to make a public statement announcing it. The New York Times wrote on May 29: “Officials concede [Biden] most likely will never announce [the move]: Instead, American artillery shells and missiles will just start landing on Russian military targets.” An earlier article in the Times stated that the US had not allowed the strikes because of “Mr. Biden’s mandate to ‘avoid World War III.’ But the consensus around that policy is fraying.” At no point has the Biden administration explained why what is involved in Ukraine is of such monumental significance that it is prepared to risk a potentially civilization-ending nuclear war.
  2. The NATO powers are playing Russian roulette with nuclear weapons. They are plunging headlong into war, without even suggesting the possibility of a negotiated settlement or an “off-ramp” to their brinkmanship.
  3. The latest actions follow a definite pattern. Again and again, the Biden administration has crossed every “red line” it set out to limit US involvement in the war. In March 2022, Biden asserted, “The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews” would mean “World War Three.” In May 2022, Biden stated in an op-ed in the New York Times, “We are not encouraging or enabling Ukraine to strike beyond its borders.” In June 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron declared, “We will not go to war with Russia, therefore it was agreed not to supply certain weapons—in particular, attack aircraft or tanks.”
  4. All of these “red lines” have been crossed by NATO. First, NATO sent armored vehicles, then main battle tanks, and then long-range missiles. NATO members then secretly deployed hundreds of troops inside Ukraine, all without informing their own citizens. After having declared that direct US involvement in the war in Ukraine would lead to “World War III” and “Armageddon,” Biden appears to have changed his mind, without ever having explained what led him to do so.
  5. There is no question that the next step in the intensification of the war against Russia will be the introduction of tens of thousands of NATO forces into Ukraine. This further escalation will certainly be the subject of secret discussions at the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, D.C. in July. Snap elections in the UK have been called for July 4, in advance of the summit, to preempt growing opposition to war and create the political framework for a new stage in a European-wide war.
  6. The escalation of the war in Ukraine, spearheaded by the Biden administration, is the most extreme manifestation of the decades-long global eruption of US imperialism in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In pursuit of their interests, the ruling elites are prepared to accept death and destruction on a massive scale. The same governments are funding, arming and politically supporting the Gaza genocide, which has already killed tens of thousands and is subjecting an entire population of over 2 million to starvation.
  7. The subjugation of Russia is part of a broader global agenda aiming for not only the carve-up and subjugation of the former Soviet Union but ultimately China. The punitive sanctions that were meant to cripple Russia economically have failed to bring it to its knees largely because of large increases in trade with China and to a lesser extent arms from Iran and North Korea. The escalation against Russia therefore will entail a morphing of the conflict in Ukraine into a truly global war.
  8. In addition to the geopolitical imperatives of imperialism, the Biden administration is driven by a far-reaching social, economic and political crisis for which the American ruling class has no answer. The US economy is sustained through rampant government spending on military rearmament and continuous bailouts of major corporations. The federal debt is doubling every decade and is being financed through currency debasement and debt monetization.
  9. This is taking place in the context of a staggering political crisis and factional warfare in advance of the 2024 presidential elections. Donald Trump, the presumptive candidate for the Republican Party who is currently leading in polls, attempted to overturn the election in a fascistic coup three and a half years ago. There is broad popular opposition to both capitalist parties, amidst a deep social crisis and growing anger and outrage over the US-backing of Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
  10. Similar conditions prevail in all the major capitalist countries. The ruling elites hope that war abroad will create conditions for the suppression of democratic rights in the name of war-time “national unity”. This atmosphere of crisis is breeding the resurgence of vile militarism and a type of internal violence that was previously associated only with fascistic regimes and military-police dictatorships.
  11. For its part, the Putin regime has made miscalculation after miscalculation. There has never been anything remotely progressive in the “Special Military Operation” launched by the Kremlin in the interests of the venal Russian capitalist oligarchs who rose to power on the basis of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the privatization and plundering of the state assets nationalized in the aftermath of the 1917 October Revolution.
  12. Putin launched the reactionary invasion of Ukraine in 2022 hoping to negotiate with his Western “partners” from a position of strength. But NATO has shown that it is completely uninterested in negotiation: The only outcome of the war acceptable to NATO is the military defeat of Russia and the carve-up of the Russian landmass in the manner of Yugoslavia. Based on its bankrupt nationalist perspective, the Putin government and the faction of the Russian oligarchy it represents are driven to ever more reckless and provocative military escalation of its own.
  13. The global escalation of imperialist war is coupled with mass repression. In the United States, the government has criminalized protests against the Gaza genocide and carried out mass arrests of thousands of students and young people. The violence inflicted on the protests reflects the fear of the ruling elites of a broader movement in the working class, which will be forced to pay for the war in lives and the destruction of social programs.
  14. In Ukraine, amid mounting opposition to the war and resistance to the draft, the Zelensky government has arrested the Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk on fraudulent charges of serving the interests of Russia. In fact, Bogdan is an intransigent opponent of the capitalist Putin regime and its invasion of Ukraine. The arrest of Bogdan reveals the extreme nervousness within the Zelensky regime and its NATO allies that opposition to the war is finding a growing response within the Ukrainian working class.
  15. Ten years ago, in its statement, “Socialism and the Fight Against Imperialist War,” the ICFI warned:
  1. The past decade has confirmed this warning. Amidst the escalating open US-NATO war against Russia and the developing conflict with China, it is impossible to see world war as an exceptional event, but rather the expression of the basic driving forces of capitalism.
  2. The same contradictions driving imperialism to the brink of nuclear war provide the objective basis for social revolution. The international working class is a massive social force, whose interests collide with capitalist exploitation and imperialist barbarism. The conspiratorial character of imperialist war planning reflects the fact that the ruling class itself is well aware that its policies do not have mass support.
  3. Despite mass protests against the Gaza genocide, broader sections of the population are unaware of the rapidly escalating war with Russia. The ruling elites and their political affiliates, including the apparatus of the trade unions, are engaged in a systematic effort to prevent workers from understanding the gravity of the danger while subordinating the working class to imperialist war policy.
  4. There is only one way that the spiral toward disaster can be avoided, and that is through the intervention of the working class to force an end to this war. This demand must be combined with a struggle to end Israel’s genocidal onslaught against Gaza. Workers must demand the immediate withdrawal of all US and NATO forces and weapons from Ukraine. It must likewise refuse all support for the reactionary nationalist policies of the Putin regime, which in no way represents a progressive alternative to the war policies of the imperialist powers.
  5. The working class must use its power to stop this war, which is plummeting toward disaster. The mobilization of this power requires overcoming the gap between the advanced stage of the global political crisis and the present level of mass political consciousness. This solving of this historic problem requires the development of a Marxist-Trotskyist leadership and the revolutionary renewal of the international workers’ movement on the basis of socialist policies.
  6. The International Committee of the Fourth International calls for the unity of workers in Russia, Ukraine, and all of the former Soviet Union with their brothers and sisters in Europe, Asia, and America in opposition to the capitalist system that is the root cause of war. The only way out of the unfolding disaster is though the struggle against capitalism and the victory of world socialist revolution.
submitted by Sashcracker to Trotskyism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:01 ukpolbot r/ukpolitics General Election Campaign Megathread - 08/06/2024

👋 Welcome to the /ukpolitics General Election Campaign Megathread. Parliament has been dissolved, and Ed Davey is spending his mornings at Alton Towers. Oh! And there's an election on.
This is our new daily megathread for all of the day's news until the election. Polling day is on 4th July, and you need to make sure that you are registered to vote if you haven't already, and that you have a form of photo ID (passport, driving license, etc). If you don't have photo ID, you can apply for a voter authority certificate.
Please do not submit articles to the megathread which clearly stand as their own submission. Comments which include a link to a story which clearly stands as its own submission will be removed. Comments which relate to a story which already exists on the subreddit will be removed, to keep everything in one place. Links as comments are not useful here. Add a headline, tweet content or explainer please.
This thread will automatically roll over into a new one at 06:00 GMT each morning.
You can join our Discord server for real-time discussion with fellow subreddit users, and follow our Twitter account to keep up with the latest developments.

Useful Links

**** · 🌎 International Politics Discussion Thread . 🃏 UKPolitics Meme Subreddit
🗳️ Register to vote · 🪪 Apply for a voter authority certificate if you have no voter ID · ✉️ Apply for a postal vote (or here for NI) · 🚶🏻 Apply for a proxy vote (or here in NI)

📅 Key dates

from the Electoral Commission, BBC, Sky, ITV
  • 12th June, 7PM BST - 📺 Sky News "The Battle for Number Ten" (Sunak v Starmer live debate - format tbc)
  • 12th June, 7PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Rishi Sunak - Conservatives
  • 13th June, 8:30PM BST - 📺 ITV multi-party debate (CON, LAB, LD, SNP, PC, GRN, REF)
  • 18th June - Deadline for new voter registration (to be able to vote in this election).
  • 19th June - Deadline for new postal vote applications (for this election).
  • 20th June, 8PM BST - 📺 BBC Question Time Leaders' Special (CON, LAB, LD, SNP)
  • 24th June, 7PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Reform, Green (England/Wales) / SNP (Scotland)
  • 26th June - Deadline for new proxy vote applications and voter authority certificates (for this election)
  • 26th June, 9PM BST - 📺 BBC head-to-head debate (Sunak vs Starmer).
  • 27th June, 8:30PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Keir Starmer - Labour
  • 4th July - Polling day. Emergency proxy votes deadline at 5pm. Polls will open at 7am and close at 10pm.


It's almost that time that the parties start putting out manifestos. Manifestos are essentially a set of documents which outline the policies that each party would want to implement if they were governing.
  • 📘 Conservatives: Around 10th-12th June (source)
  • 🌹 Labour: 13th June (source)
  • 🔆 Liberal Democrats: w/c 10th June (source)
  • 🎗️ SNP: TBC
  • 🌼 Plaid Cymru: 13th June (source)
  • 🌿 Green Party: 12th June (source)
  • ➡️ Reform: TBC (view "pre-manifesto")
submitted by ukpolbot to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:09 ForeignRefuse3737 Merchs

I bought merchs from Goods Republic, Etsy, Ebay UK, Animate International and GCrest through proxy buyer Buyee. Is there any other store you can buy from? Just expanding my options because it seems Animate International is down and I'm disappointed with Buyee ( they didn't include the preorder bonuses for my ParaNeko purchase😥)
submitted by ForeignRefuse3737 to ParadoxLive [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:06 Leaha15 Krakend Not Ignoring SSL Certificates Help

Hi, wondering if anyone is using Krakend and knows how to get the ignore TLS flag to work as mine wont and when calling the API URL for the container I get nothing out with error logs saying it cant verify the certificate
Now I personally dont care about having the container verify it, and ideally want to just bypass it, also have no idea how to get it to accept the certificates anyway
Here is a snippet of the first API call in the krakend.json
"version": 3,
"name": "NSX Gateway",
"endpoints": [
"endpoint": "/nsx",
"method": "GET",
"output_encoding": "json",
"extra_config": {
"": {
"sequential": false,
"return_error_details": true
"backend": [
"url_pattern": "/policy/api/v1/infra/segments",
"host": [
"headers_to_pass": ["Authorization"],
"encoding": "json",
"extra_config": {
"": {
"client": {
"authorization": {
"type": "basic",
"username": "admin",
"password": ""
"version": 3,
"client_tls": {
"@comment": "Skip SSL verification when connecting to backends",
"allow_insecure_connections": true
"mapping": {
"common_name": "Segments"
The admin account is being used for testing, I have tried client_tls and tls from the documentation, but I cant get it to work
If anyone knows where I am going wrong, it would be much appreciated, as I am very new to this and am really looking to aggregate multiple API endpoints in a few VMware bits, like NSX, into a single API endpoint Also my first proper look into APIs
submitted by Leaha15 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:36 MonthRemarkable9919 Catch Up on the BBC Election Debate with Sign Language Interpretation!

Hey everyone,
If you missed the BBC Election Debate or you're looking to rewatch it with sign language interpretation, you're in luck! The debate features leading figures from the seven biggest political parties in Great Britain, facing questions on the issues that matter most to voters.
You can catch the signed version of the debate on BBC iPlayer. Here's the link: BBC Election Debate with Sign Language Interpretation
It's a great opportunity to stay informed and engaged in the political discourse. Happy watching! 📺
submitted by MonthRemarkable9919 to UnitedKingdomPolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:17 PCJs_Slave_Robot Doctor Who 1x06 "Rogue" 'Live' and Immediate Reactions Discussion Thread

Please remember that future spoilers must be tagged. This includes the next time trailer!
This thread is for all your crack-pot theories, quoting, crazy exclamations, pictures, throwaway and other one-liners.
The episode is simulcast on iPlayer in the UK and around the world on Disney+ at 00:00 BST. BBC One will air during prime time at 18:45 BST.

Other countries should check their local broadcaster.

  • 'Live' and Immediate Reactions Discussion Thread - Posted around 60 minutes prior to initial release - for all the reactions, crack-pot theories, quoting, crazy exclamations, pictures, throwaway and other one-liners.
  • Trailer and Speculation Discussion Thread - Posted when the trailer is released - For all the thoughts, speculation, and comments on the trailers and speculation about the next episode. Future content beyond the next episode should still be marked.
  • Post-Episode Discussion Thread - Posted around 30 minutes after to allow it to sink in - This is for all your indepth opinions, comments, etc about the episode.
  • BBC One Live Discussion Thread - Posted around 60 minutes prior to BBC One air - for all the reactions, crack-pot theories, quoting, crazy exclamations, pictures, throwaway and other one-liners.
These will be linked as they go up. If we feel your post belongs in a (different) megathread, it'll be removed and redirected there.
Want to chat about it live with other people? Join our Discord here!

What did YOU think of Rogue?

Click here and add your score (e.g. 318 (Rogue): 8, it should look like this) and hit send. Scores are designed to match the Doctor Who Magazine system; whole numbers between 1 to 10, inclusive. (0 is used to mark an episode unwatched.)
Voting opens once the episode is over to prevent vote abuse. You should get a response within a few minutes. If you do not get a confirmation response, your scores are not counted. It may take up to several hours for the bot (i.e. it crashed or is being debugged) so give it a little while. If still down, please let us know!
See the full results of the polls so far, covering the entire main show, here.
Rogue's score will be revealed next Sunday. Click here to vote for all of RTD2 era so far.
submitted by PCJs_Slave_Robot to doctorwho [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:30 SFMatchThreadder Match Thread: Scotland vs Finland International Friendly [BBC]

This match is now over. Join the post match discussion here

FT: Scotland 2-2 Finland

Scotland scorers: Arttu Hoskonen (54' OG), Lawrence Shankland (58')
Finland scorers: Benjamin Kallman (72'), Oliver Antman (85' Pen)
Venue: Hampden Park
Watch live on BBC Scotland or BBC Three or Premier Sports 1 or BBC iPlayer or BBC Sport Website
Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Angus Gunn Craig Gordon, Grant Hanley Scott McKenna, Kieran Tierney, Jack Hendry, Callum McGregor, Billy Gilmour Ryan Jack, Andy Robertson Greg Taylor, Anthony Ralston, Lawrence Shankland Tommy Conway, John McGinn, Ryan Christie Lewis Morgan.
Subs: Liam Kelly, Zander Clark, Scott McTominay, Kenny McLean, Ryan Porteous, James Forrest, Ross McCrorie, Ché Adams, Liam Cooper.
Jesse Joronen Viljami Sinisalo, Leo Väisänen, Arttu Hoskonen, Tuomas Ollila Tomas Galvez, Ilmari Niskanen, Matti Peltola, Robin Lod, Niilo Maenpaa Leo Walta, Casper Terho Juho Talvitie, Teemu Pukki Oliver Antman, Joel Pohjanpalo Benjamin Kallman.
Subs: Pyry Soiri, Lukas Hradecky, Miro Tenho, Urho Nissila, Richard Jensen, Robert Ivanov.
KO' First Half begins.
HT' Halftime
45' Substitution, Finland. Viljami Sinisalo replaces Jesse Joronen.
53' Niilo Mäenpää (Finland) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
54' Own Goal by Arttu Hoskonen, Finland. Scotland 1, Finland 0.
57' Substitution, Finland. Oliver Antman replaces Teemu Pukki.
58' Goal! Scotland 2, Finland 0. Lawrence Shankland (Scotland) header from very close range to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Andy Robertson with a cross.
63' Substitution, Scotland. Tommy Conway replaces Lawrence Shankland.
68' Substitution, Finland. Tomas Galvez replaces Tuomas Ollila.
69' Substitution, Finland. Benjamin Källman replaces Joel Pohjanpalo.
69' Substitution, Scotland. Ryan Jack replaces Billy Gilmour.
72' Goal! Scotland 2, Finland 1. Benjamin Källman (Finland) header from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Oliver Antman with a cross.
79' Substitution, Scotland. Scott McKenna replaces Grant Hanley.
80' Substitution, Finland. Leo Walta replaces Niilo Mäenpää.
83' Craig Gordon (Scotland) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
85' Goal! Scotland 2, Finland 2. Oliver Antman (Finland) converts the penalty with a right footed shot to the bottom right corner.
Don't see a thread for a match you're watching? Click here to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.
submitted by SFMatchThreadder to ScottishFootball [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:15 AutoModerator MATCH THREAD: "BBC Election Debate" (Friday 7th June, 7:30pm - 9pm)

This is the match thread for the BBC Election Debate. Please keep all live discussion about this debate in this thread, rather than the main daily megathread.
The BBC are hosting a 7 party debate, which will be moderated by Mishal Husain.
Snap Voter Intention Survey
What's next?
The next debate between leaders is on Sky News on 12th June at 7PM, where Sunak and Starmer will face-off live. The next multi-party debate will be on 13th June at 8:30PM on ITV, where representatives from the 7 major parties have been invited.
submitted by AutoModerator to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:13 xxpegasxx Manifesto (read if you have time, leave constructive comments/critisism or say I did a good job)

One said: "Who are we and where have we come from?" And after decades of debating, we forgot to add one equally important question: "Where are we going?"
Since our independence from the Soviet Union, Georgia has become a dot on Western radars. By "Western," I primarily mean the USA, because the USA is the main ideological powerhouse of the so-called “global West.”
A former Soviet state in the Caucasus region with a troubled (and potentially more tense) relationship with Russia is an asset. Georgia became hard pro-West with Saakashvili in power (undoubtedly a hard pro-Western ruler, speculatively even a USA proxy). During this time, the USA didn’t take any vital steps to strengthen Georgia’s economy, sovereignty, and freedom. The USA gave $6 billion over 30 (!) years to Georgia (200 million a year), which is pocket change for them. In comparison, they gave $26 billion in just one payment to Israel to continue bombing Gaza civilians. It’s also important to mention that most of this money didn’t go to the government and people but to NGOs. But even if this money had been given to the government, it would hardly be anything to strengthen the economy. That’s just not how the economy works. No important infrastructural, defensive, or other partnership deals were made. Georgia went to Afghanistan) and Iraq to pledge their allegiance to the USA and even became the third largest contributor of troops. Georgia lost 38 soldiers in these missions, in wars we had nothing to do with. So having a couple of battalions in the Middle East for just $6 billion is a good deal for Uncle Sam.
The West didn’t even reconsider their relationship with Russia since their brutal invasion of Georgia in 2008. Our “friendly” nations held parades on Red Square, had new deals made, and their leaders ate burgers with Medvedev. As if August 2008 never happened.
There is a logical question: why?
Well, the answer is clear: because they didn’t have to. See, when you have “your bastard” in power of a certain country, propagandizing that all (economic, defensive, cultural) ties should be with the USA only, you don’t need any other investment in that country. In other words: why should we spoil our relationship with Russia if Georgia will be our guy anyway? And for many years that was true actually, there was no real alternative to the USA but now we have a different picture - there is a country, a promising country, a scary country.
Don’t consider this as an anti-Western rhetoric from me. Not in the slightest. Western values of freedom and liberty are most attractive and possibly the best. But being part of Western civilization is one thing, and real geopolitics is another. People often confuse them with each other. One might say: well, USA is our friend!
To that, I’ll answer:
There are no friends.
International politics, and mainly realism school of politics) (started by Machiavelli and now held by John Mearsheimer), is not a matter of family and friends. It’s a free-for-all battleground with no morals and no higher authority. Therefore, there are no relationships as we ordinary humans are used to: there is no friendship, love, or jealousy—there is only one thing: survival and everything that concerns that. There are no friends—only contemporary allies; there are no enemies—only contemporary adversaries. A state does everything in its power to survive, and if something threatens its security, it does everything in its power to eliminate it.
The USA is no friend of ours. No one is, no one was, and no one will ever be. You, the person reading this, will put your personal interests aside if your friend needs help. You’ll act altruistically and self-sacrificially because you love your friend, you have a personal relationship, and you’ve known that person for years. No state has ever done that and will ever do this (in the current system)
We are alone, always were alone, and always will be alone in pursuing our interests. Yes, we have allies and will have allies with whom we share our interests, but no more than that. It is our path to walk, and we should never, ever consider anything but the security and well-being of our people.
Considering what the actual hell is happening in the world right now.
Since the end of the Cold War (not 1991, but unofficially in the '80s when it was clear the Soviets lost), USA became the global hegemony. There was no other global power to threaten its dominance. USA reached its fourth phase , and as others before them (the British, Mongols, Romans, and so many more), it influenced every part of the known world. From the Middle East to South America, there was no country to challenge them, and even if one appeared (for one reason or another), the USA swiftly “dealt” with them. And as we unironically repeat the worn-out phrase “history repeats itself,” it indeed does. Like those before them, the USA is becoming a victim of its own system—in this instance, capitalism. In their golden era, capitalism pushed businesses to move their production lines to “cheap countries,” and the best of them was newly “half-decommunized,” poor and large China. Americans probably never would have thought that they were creating one who would challenge them in the future and possibly even end them. And so, for the first time in 50 years, we have a truly bipolar world. We have entered a new Cold War era.
In the blue corner, we have the reigning champion, devastator of the Middle East, Mr. Coup d'état himself—the mighty and powerful USA!
In the red corner, we have the title challenger from Asia, octopus of economies and surveillance, oppressor of Hong Kong and Taiwan, young and furious—PRC!
Bruce Buffer would have said this in some parallel world (though with the shit happening now, he might as well do it in this one).
We have a situation now where both sides rush to make “factions,” getting as many countries on their side as possible. It’s an unusual situation for the USA because, for many years, there was no alternative—you either were with the USA or were dead. To add fuel to the fire (in the White House), China’s foreign policy is much more attractive to third countries. Xi’s famous “One Belt, One Road” initiative is a clear example of that. On the other hand, the USA still has a lot (and I mean A LOT) of leverage left in other states. By forming BRICS, the global south challenged the USA and the most important and powerful weapon in their arsenal—the US dollar. China does everything slowly and methodically to dethrone the USA, and by the looks of it, everything plays into their hands.
Why does China do that?
When you grow to a certain size, you attract enemies of your size. The USA and China naturally became adversaries because when you grow big, your interests multiply, and so does the overlap between your interests and other big powers' interests. And as we said above, one only acts on behalf of their own interests.
China already has on their side: Russia, most of Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Iran, probably Turkey, a lot of African countries (predominantly in the sub-Saharan belt), Hungary, Brazil, India, South Africa, and a lot of countries that were traditionally allied with the West have hinted at jumping ship if they see the China option as winning and more beneficial (e.g., Saudi Arabia and, by extension, all Arab countries). It seems like a race to win Europe, and whoever gets Europe wins the race.
That’s where we come into play.
Unlike the US, whose soft power consists of installing regimes and propagandizing their ideology as the only way of achieving “American Dream™”, China acts differently. They build tight, mutually beneficial economic ties and economic deals only they can offer and that can’t be beaten. With that, they guarantee that certain third states will never misstep from their path—no one shoots a duck that lays golden eggs. So to have Europe, China needs strong, constant economic ties to Europeans. Meanwhile, the USA needs to isolate the EU as much as possible (*cough* Nord Stream 2). But it seems Europe is not keen on maintaining the status quo and also seeks ties with China, since their economy has been slowing down year by year, the workforce is declining, and migrants appear to be more of a problem than a solution. Europe needs more economic diversification (presumably with China), and for this, they will be willing to let go of multilateral peace guarantees between NATO countries.
NATO was beneficial to Europe for decades since they didn’t have to worry about defense and spend money on defense. First of all, when you are bordered by countries that are also NATO members, you have nothing to worry about, and secondly, the USA did all the heavy lifting. In return, the USA requested a unified foreign policy. “If I go to the Middle East, you shut up and go with me.” And it was mutually beneficial for a long time. But as Bob Dylan said, times they are a-changin.
After Russia engulfed Eastern Europe in fire, trade between the EU and China halted, and both of them started seeking new routes since Russia was unacceptable and unreliable for Europe and China was not keen on it either. So the "Middle Corridor" idea was revived, connecting China to the EU through four countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia/Turkey. This corridor not only priveded safe trading route but also the shortest one, shortening delivery time from 50 days to just 14. China building infrastructure in Georgia and in the aforementioned countries and also starting construction of a port in Anaklia even more solidified this theory. This route is essential for China, Europe, and most importantly (or as I said, the only one that matters) for Georgia. This route is not only a big economic gain but also a huge security and prosperity guarantee, since both the EU and China will be keen on maintaining peace in the region to not disrupt trade. This may come in different ways to Georgia.
(what I’ll describe below, of course, is the best way scenario, not the most likely one, but realistic nonetheless.)
From China, Georgia can get Abkhazia and Samachablo in one way or another. And no, as I said before, there are no friendships and gifts in geopolitics. This may happen not because China = good, China = kind,but because it just may be very beneficial to them also.. Since they most definitely will want security on their trade route, it’s in their own interests to have no separatist regions near major transport hubs (fortunately for us, the Anaklia port will be right beside the de facto border), and since China has major influence over Russia (especially after 2022), it won’t be hard for them to ask (demand/make a deal with) Russians to withdraw forces. Sounds unlikely ? well china already did this in Yemen (again, because it was in their interest ro have safe passage for their cargo on the Red Sea)
On the other hand, if this route goes through, the EU will most likely want to have more control over Georgia rather than having it act on its own. For that, they might give us EU membership. The other trend that also benefits Georgia in that matter is the gradual shift in power in the EU. As I stated multiple times, entities act only in their own interest. Therefore, EU enlargement happens only when it’s beneficial to the EU. One can be beneficial to the EU in two ways: politically and economically. With the right-sided shift in EU politics, political enlargement will become more and more frowned upon, and economic enlargement will become favored. This will accelerate 10x if China starts bringing some final assembly plants and factories to Georgia since it might as well be cheaper and more profitable for everyone.
But, there always is a “but.”
It can’t go this smoothly, can it? Of course, this project has enemies—quite big ones, actually.
First of all, it’s of course our old one—Russia. Our northern neighbors are losing touch in the Caucasus; they are even losing Armenia. Having a strong, sovereign Georgia right at the border won’t be their dream scenario. It’s also notable that if the “middle corridor” doesn’t go through, the second most likely option is to renew trading through Russia, meaning this project is costing them influence and revenue. But fortunately for us, Russia has become China’s lapdog—an aggressive, pit bull-like lapdog, but a lapdog nonetheless.
But even worse than that, our adversary is becoming (or has already become) the worst single country to have on your enemy list—the USA. This trade route is a big no-no for Uncle Sam, and they will do almost everything to disrupt this project. (Yes, including that.) A country that used psy-ops, bribery, and propaganda to stage coups in more than 60 countries will stop at nothing to halt this project. That is my biggest fear.
Ironically, the viral TikTok trend during the “Russian Law” demonstrations quoting, “Next time somebody tells you, ‘The government wouldn’t do that,’ oh yes, they would,” refers to the CIA pretending to be vampires to overtake the Philippines. No, sadly, I’m not kidding and yes they succeeded.
We must never let ourselves be dragged down by Russia, the USA, or any other country. Honestly, fuck Russia, fuck the USA, and fuck China if it benefits us.
We don’t owe anyone anything.
We must choose sides based on who offers us the most; that's who ends up having deals with us; that’s who ends up winning...
Who is a Georgian?
What does it mean to be Georgian?
Is it blood?
For me Georgian is someone who prioritizes Georgia’s interests above all others, even if it goes against their internal beliefs.
submitted by xxpegasxx to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:58 IceGripe BBC iPlayer problems

I'm in the UK with an LG tv using webos.
The BBC decided to update their iplayer app yesterday and now the back button doesn't function correctly while in the app.
Instead it brings up the list of apps, like the dedicated button for that.
submitted by IceGripe to webos [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:24 MagikBiscuit What time does dr who appear on iplayer in the uk?

Because I swear last weeks and the weeks before I was able to watch it on iplayer in the evening on friday. But google says it only appears at midnight on friday?
submitted by MagikBiscuit to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:34 WeylandYutaniALIEN Do they just do this in the UK?

Do they just do this in the UK?
They’ve also got similar stamps/markings on the back of the legs of the Mutant Mayhem figures.
submitted by WeylandYutaniALIEN to TMNT [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:01 ukpolbot r/ukpolitics General Election Campaign Megathread - 07/06/2024

👋 Welcome to the /ukpolitics General Election Campaign Megathread. Parliament has been dissolved, and Ed Davey is spending his mornings at Alton Towers. Oh! And there's an election on.
This is our new daily megathread for all of the day's news until the election. Polling day is on 4th July, and you need to make sure that you are registered to vote if you haven't already, and that you have a form of photo ID (passport, driving license, etc). If you don't have photo ID, you can apply for a voter authority certificate.
Please do not submit articles to the megathread which clearly stand as their own submission. Comments which include a link to a story which clearly stands as its own submission will be removed. Comments which relate to a story which already exists on the subreddit will be removed, to keep everything in one place. Links as comments are not useful here. Add a headline, tweet content or explainer please.
This thread will automatically roll over into a new one at 06:00 GMT each morning.
You can join our Discord server for real-time discussion with fellow subreddit users, and follow our Twitter account to keep up with the latest developments.

Useful Links

📰 Today's Politico Playbook · 🌎 International Politics Discussion Thread . 🃏 UKPolitics Meme Subreddit
🗳️ Register to vote · 🪪 Apply for a voter authority certificate if you have no voter ID · ✉️ Apply for a postal vote (or here for NI) · 🚶🏻 Apply for a proxy vote (or here in NI)

📅 Key dates

from the Electoral Commission, BBC, Sky, ITV
  • 7th June - Deadline for candidate nominations
  • 7th June, 7:30PM BST - 📺 BBC seven-party debate (CON, LAB, LD, SNP, PC, GRN, REF)
  • 12th June, 7PM BST - 📺 Sky News "The Battle for Number Ten" (Sunak v Starmer live debate - format tbc)
  • 12th June, 7PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Rishi Sunak - Conservatives
  • 13th June, 8:30PM BST - 📺 ITV multi-party debate (CON, LAB, LD, SNP, PC, GRN, REF)
  • 18th June - Deadline for new voter registration (to be able to vote in this election).
  • 19th June - Deadline for new postal vote applications (for this election).
  • 20th June, 8PM BST - 📺 BBC Question Time Leaders' Special (CON, LAB, LD, SNP)
  • 24th June, 7PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Reform, Green (England/Wales) / SNP (Scotland)
  • 26th June - Deadline for new proxy vote applications and voter authority certificates (for this election)
  • 26th June, 9PM BST - 📺 BBC head-to-head debate (Sunak vs Starmer).
  • 27th June, 8:30PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Keir Starmer - Labour
  • 4th July - Polling day. Emergency proxy votes deadline at 5pm. Polls will open at 7am and close at 10pm.


It's almost that time that the parties start putting out manifestos. Manifestos are essentially a set of documents which outline the policies that each party would want to implement if they were governing.
  • 📘 Conservatives: Around 10th-12th June (source)
  • 🌹 Labour: 13th June (source)
  • 🔆 Liberal Democrats: w/c 10th June (source)
  • 🎗️ SNP: TBC
  • 🌼 Plaid Cymru: 13th June (source)
  • 🌿 Green Party: 12th June (source)
  • ➡️ Reform: TBC (view "pre-manifesto")
submitted by ukpolbot to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:30 Idea-Aggressive DNS A Records, shows old SSL, could it be DNS cache?

Today I had to point two domains:
To a machine address
The destination machine is a proxy server, that expects both domains.
Disable these, to generate the SSL certificates using certbot
certbot certonly --standalone -d
Which works fine, then after
certbot certonly --standalone -d
This one seems to have the wrong certificates, surprisingly the certificate is for (I checked history and the command was correct flagged -d even though the nginx conf file points to the correct file.
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
End up deleting and creating other certificates but the problem is that when requesting
It shows the previous but deleted SSL.
The DNS records are on Cloudflare which I don't have access, just requested the domain to point to the machine.
But its been more then 8 hours and the issue persists. Starting to believe its not DNS cache. The old HTTPS SSL is still showing.
Request flush in
But no luck so far!
I'm now thinking, could it be that cloudflare has some sort of cache? There's something between the domain and the server? The requests are now reaching the server because of the wrong SSL, I know this because if I accept going forward with the request I hit the nginx
Tried the curl command in the remote server (NY US) and locally (London UK)
curl -I
Same issue.
curl: (60) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name
I dont' really know what's going on and how to troubleshoot this. Maybe its just DNS issue but doubting, it's been more then 8 hours.
Since 7 hours ago went with a different SSL certificate for sanity check, but it never hits it, shows the deprecated and deleted SSL certificate from Lets encrypt (even if nginx is stopped).
server { set $old_docs_host ""; set $redirect_url ""; listen 443 ssl; server_name $old_docs_host; resolver; ssl_certificate /etc/zerossl/; ssl_certificate_key /etc/zerossl/; error_log /valog/nginx/ssl.log debug; include /etc/nginx/conf.d/shared-locations; } 
submitted by Idea-Aggressive to CloudFlare [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:06 newmusicrls Best New Melodic May 2024
  1. Pole Position – Dig My Moves (Mila Journée Remix) 05:44 124bpm 1B
  2. EdOne – Cant Stop (Original Mix) 06:00 123bpm 4B
  3. Sahar – Drive (Original Mix) 05:40 125bpm 7B
  4. Innarius – Hypnosis (Original Mix) 05:23 123bpm 8A
  5. Gespona – Bucht der Träumer (Original Mix) 05:18 122bpm 6A
  6. Moullinex, Yulia Niko, A Sul – Sand feat. A Sul (Moullinex Extended Remix) 05:52 122bpm 5A
  7. Goldtrix, Andrea Brown, Kolsch – It’s Love (Trippin’) (Extended Mix) 06:37 128bpm 9A
  8. Adriatique, Solique, ALSO ASTIR – Changing Colors (Extended Version) 05:22 122bpm 11B
  9. Miss Melera – Sage (Extended Mix) 05:02 124bpm 12B
  10. Tito Azevedo, Mrqz – Finger Reader (Alican Remix) 05:42 124bpm 7A
  11. EdOne – Cant Stop (Sam Shure 5AM Version) 05:16 123bpm 1A
  12. Pole Position – Dig My Moves (Ede Remix) 05:46 124bpm 10A
  13. Catz ‘n Dogz, Cloud Boat – Open Door (Jonathan Kaspar Remix) 07:54 123bpm 10B
  14. Extrawelt – Riverrun (Original Mix) 06:42 128bpm 5A
  15. ANII – On Fire (Original Mix) 06:29 127bpm 11B
  16. Severin Su – Recall Your Name (Original Mix) 05:59 123bpm 8B
  17. Recondite – Cut (Original Mix) 05:43 126bpm 9B
  18. Erly Tepshi – Sonne (Original Mix) 05:17 124bpm 4B
  19. Dubesque, Marie Lang – Myself In You (Original Mix) 05:59 123bpm 11B
  20. Xashes, Human Rias – Hails Of Space (Original Mix) 05:38 124bpm 11A
  21. Rick Offen – Four Proxy (Original Mix) 07:30 121bpm 6A
  22. Helsloot, Rose Ringed – Superstition (Extended Version) (Original Mix) 07:30 124bpm 4A
  23. Eynka, Layla Benitez – No Place To Go (Original Mix) 05:36 124bpm 11B
  24. Goom Gum – Don’t Wake Up (Extended Mix) 05:50 124bpm 12B
  25. Andrew Sant – In The Beginning (Original Mix) 06:28 123bpm 11B
  26. Eelke Kleijn – Time Machine (Anyasa Extended Remix) 06:19 124bpm 10B
  27. Simon Doty, My Friend – Tuxedo Park (Extended Mix) 07:10 127bpm 6A
  28. Cipy – Everyday (Original Mix) 07:04 120bpm 8A
  29. HunteGame, Noah Kulaga – Stars (Original Mix) 06:02 123bpm 4A
  30. Fka Mash, Biishop – In The Crowd (Extended Mix) 06:34 120bpm 1A
  31. Enamour – Hyperdrive (Original Mix) 07:07 126bpm 10A
  32. Oliver Koletzki, Malou – Is It Real (feat. Tim Engelhardt & Sean Doron Remix) (Original Mix) 05:49 122bpm 5A
  33. Th;en, Guzy, Marina Marie – Run Away (Original Mix) 05:14 125bpm 5A
  34. Brandon Lucas – Meta Freak (Original Mix) 06:26 127bpm 5A
  35. Mehill – Chameleon (Original Mix) 05:53 121bpm 6B
  36. Double Disco – Hesitate (Extended Mix) 06:14 125bpm 4A
  37. Alican – Everything To Me (Original Mix) 05:50 124bpm 1B
  38. Upercent – Benigne (Original Mix) 07:16 124bpm 4B
  39. Sasha, Super Flu – Astra (Original Mix) 05:58 124bpm 7B
  40. Ilija Djokovic – Orion (Extended Mix) 04:53 128bpm 2A
  41. Durante – Ancora (Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs Extended Mix) 05:30 128bpm 4A
  42. Djolee – Horcrux (Original Mix) 06:35 121bpm 5A
  43. Nakk – Echoes (Original Mix) 06:28 120bpm 6B
  44. Lauren Mia – Olim (Clawz SG Remix) 07:52 123bpm 10A
  45. Alican – Kray (Original Mix) 06:19 124bpm 4B
  46. Tripolism – Good Times (Extended Mix) 06:20 122bpm 7A
  47. UNKLE, &ME, Keinemusik – Only You (&ME Remix) 08:34 120bpm 4A
  48. Jiwa., LERM (HU) – Reconcile (Hardt Antoine Remix) 06:09 121bpm 4A
  49. Christian Nielsen – Turn Me Up (Original Mix) 06:18 125bpm 11B
  50. Layton Giordani, Anyma (ofc), Loofy – Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Extended Remix) 05:14 129bpm 5B
  51. Armonica, Zamna Soundsystem, ROZYO – Summertime Sadness feat. Blu (Original Mix) 05:31 124bpm 3B
  52. mOat (UK) – My Lightning Bolts (Extended Mix) 06:20 122bpm 12B
  53. Skatman – Unchained (Original Mix) 05:55 125bpm 6A
  54. George FitzGerald, Elderbrook – Glad I Found You (feat. George FitzGerald) (Dusky Extended Remix) 04:45 134bpm 3B
  55. Oliver Koletzki – My Last Attempt (Rampue Remix) 06:07 122bpm 11A
  56. Moullinex, GPU Panic – Jade (Original Mix) 05:49 122bpm 4A
  57. Carlos Barbero – The Chant Of The Wind (Original Mix) 05:43 123bpm 6A
  58. Kiki, Quilla, Drown – Myths Of The Mind feat. Quilla (Original Mix) 07:30 123bpm 8B
  59. Gumm – Komale (Original Mix) 05:29 125bpm 9B
  60. AVIRA – Eyes Open, Mind Free (Extended Mix) 05:32 123bpm 10B
  61. Sentin, Wout Vantieghem – A Wall Of Glass (Original Mix) 06:17 124bpm 10A
  62. jjsojj – Neural (Original Mix) 05:47 123bpm 1A
  63. Carlos Nilmmns – True People (Original Mix) 04:38 125bpm 9B
  64. YUMA., SOMMA, LE YORA – ALL 4 U (Extended) 05:13 124bpm 4A
  65. Ivory (IT) – Futurism (Extended Version) 06:15 123bpm 11B
  66. Hardt Antoine – La Mosca (Original Mix) 05:45 123bpm 11B
  67. Frankey & Sandrino, Charlotte Riby – Memories (Original Mix) 06:36 123bpm 9A
  68. Th;en, Mia Mendi – ESCAPE PLAN (MILA JOURNÉE REMIX) 05:53 124bpm 12B
  69. Massano – Destructure (Original Mix) 06:35 128bpm 4B
  70. Paul Schmidpeter – Take You (Original Mix) 05:46 123bpm 9B
  71. Inamo – My Joy, My Peace, My Strength (Vocal Mix) 07:16 120bpm 7B
  72. KASIA (ofc) – Interstellar (Original Mix) 05:29 123bpm 4A
  73. Nick Matthew – Exodus (Original Mix) 05:16 124bpm 11B
  74. Yotam Avni, Yulia Niko – Higher (Emanuel Satie Extended Remix) 06:18 124bpm 4A
  75. Aaaron, SeeMeNot – Together, Pt. I (Original Mix) 05:09 124bpm 8B
  76. Benzsoul, Sitze – What Would You Do? (Original Mix) 08:03 120bpm 9B
  77. blaktone – Missed Connection (Extended Mix) 05:27 158bpm 6B
  78. Franc Fala – Indy (Extended Mix) 05:29 126bpm 1B
  79. Jonas Saalbach – Acceleration (Extended) 04:57 126bpm 9A
  80. Ark Nomads, MESH (SA) – You (Extended Mix) 06:24 126bpm 11B
  81. Axl Stace – Hold Me (Extended Mix) 06:05 126bpm 6A
  82. Darmon, Augusto Yepes, Sounds Of Rituals – Seva (Original Mix) 06:55 122bpm 5A
  83. Rafael Cerato, Alex Ronin – All My Days feat. Alex Ronin (Original Mix) 07:24 122bpm 9A
  84. Rebeat, Parlando – Albtraum (Original Mix) 07:04 118bpm 3A
  85. Sultan + Shepard, LANKS – Highest Love (Dirty South Extended Mix) 06:55 122bpm 3A
  86. Against All Ødds – Reflections (Original Mix) 05:58 124bpm 9A
  87. Helsloot – Outburst (Extended Mix) 05:44 124bpm 10A
  88. Einmusik – Meia Lua (Original Mix) 06:17 156bpm 4B
  89. Dan Sushi – Black Zone (Original Mix) 05:55 124bpm 3B
  90. Trikk – Luxo (Original Mix) 07:44 125bpm 3A
  91. Paige, Jeh, Darla Jade – When I Dream (Extended Mix) 06:01 123bpm 10A
  92. Solomun, London Grammar – House (Solomun Extended Remix) 07:01 130bpm 12A
  93. Enamour, Samanta Liza – Slip Away (Club Mix) 05:52 123bpm 9B
  94. Mila Journée, Hoax (BE) – Vengeance (Original Mix) 06:02 122bpm 9B
  95. Yost Koen – Fomo (Original Mix) 07:01 123bpm 5A
  96. Moodintrigo, Ben Biron – Coming Home (Original Mix) 06:27 124bpm 6A
  97. Nicone, Enda Gallery – House of Love (Dumming Dum Remix) 05:31 123bpm 5B
  98. AMAS Studio – 1984 (Original Mix) 07:38 122bpm 4B
  99. The Yard Woman – Spellbound (Extended Mix) 05:44 123bpm 12B
  100. Dominica – I Gotta Let U Go (Hendriks & Basti M Extended Remix) 03:56 128bpm 4B
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:53 _______bt BBC iPlayer

Hey folks, I just started a ProtonVPN subscription yesterday, wanted to watch some shows on BBC iPlayer, and it actually worked great yesterday, but it seems that literally as of today all of UK ProtonVPNs servers are on the iPlayer blocklist. None of them work anymore, it always shows the 'you must be in the UK' warning, can someone confirm this? It is really just as of today and I got really unlucky? Will probably refund my subscription if so.
submitted by _______bt to ProtonVPN [link] [comments]