Baike baidu


2013.08.05 22:06 兰州

兰州, 甘肃省的 政治. Lanzhou is the capital of China's Gansu province in the north-west.

2008.01.25 07:23 r/中国

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2024.05.14 13:20 BetInformal8763 一名普通医务工作者就“中国阴性感染者”未知病原体分离鉴定有关咨询

林军: 你好!你和部分患者希望我从专业技术角度对未知病原体分离鉴定工作的具体内容提出建议。其实,未知病原体分离鉴定专业技术性很强,方法也是很多的。国内卫生部系统,农业部系统,中科院系统,以及重点大学的分子生物或微生物学国家重点实验室都可以开展这项工作。具体的方法学很复杂,要由主持工作的相关科研人员具体设计研究,我在这里不详细阐述了,只是从宏观的角度提出如下建议。 一、 病原体分离鉴定大方向
(一)反转录慢病毒 我认为“中国阴性感染者”是一种慢性感染性疾病。患者主诉很痛苦,多数患者外周器质性病变又不太明显,所以高度疑似是骨髓和中枢神经系统的慢性感染。在病原微生物谱系中,这类感染中枢骨髓系统的病原体多是反转录慢病毒。建议在慢病毒分离鉴定领域开展以下工作: 1、在患者人群中对人类已经发现并文献报道过的感染人类的反转录病毒进行排查:包括HTLV-1、HTLV-2、HTLV-3、HTLV-4、MPMV、MMTV、HRV-5、XMRV、HIAP-1、HIAP-2、SIV、SFV。
2、在患者人群中对可能感染人类的动物逆转录病毒进行排查,包括:VISNA、BLV、 FLV、MLV、CAE等进行筛查。
(二)支原体 支原体在病原微生物谱系中是介于细菌和病毒之间的微生物,属于柔膜体纲。这里提到的支原体不是医院医生普遍了解的肺炎支原体等常见支原体检测,而是未知支原体分离鉴定。支原体研究特别是艾滋病相关支原体研究是国际病原微生物研究的一个领域。在艾滋病相关支原体研究过程中,人类陆续发现了穿透支原体,发酵支原体、梨支原体等艾滋病相关支原体,并发现这类支原体与HIV病毒有协同致病作用。早在上世纪50-70年代,美国和西方国家就对感染人类、哺乳动物(猫、狗、马、牛、羊、猪等)和禽类(鸡、鸭、鸽子等)的支原体进行了细致的研究,并做出了明确的鉴定和分类规范。支原体所致疾病是很严重的,可以导致人类CD4免疫细胞急剧下降,CD4/CD8比例颠倒等临床指证,往往和艾滋病有相似的症候群,但又不是HIV感染,这从美国专利文献中就可以明显的看出(见本文附件英文部分)。我国近期出版的权威学术教材《支原体学》(人民卫生出版社,2008年1月版)中对国际学术界关于穿透支原体,发酵支原体、梨支原体与HIV病毒协同作用在艾滋病进展恶化中的机制研究动态进行了介绍,还明确指出了发酵支原体感染和慢性疲劳综合征(CFS)的关联性。国外部分网站的专业文献也揭示支原体感染,特别是发酵支原体感染与慢性疲劳综合征(ME/CFS)、海湾战争综合征(Gulf War Syndrome GWS)、不典型多发性硬化(Atypical MS)、阿尔海莫氏病(ALZHEIMER)、帕金森病(PARKINSON)等疾病的关系(见我博客摘录的英文学术论文\_6d6f292f0100m1ld.html)。此外,我国学者也提出过支原体感染与反应性关节病(ReA)、系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)等慢性疾病具有关联性的学术观点。互联网上关于支原体与慢性疾病的中英文论文很多,只要敲击相关关键词,就可以检索到大量文章。国内有很多学者曾呼吁应加强支原体与慢性疾病发病机制的研究。综合国内外学术观点,支原体慢性感染与人类中枢神经系统慢性疾病、风湿免疫慢性疾病有着高度的相关性,所以建议对患者开展以下支原体感染排查:
1、在患者人群中对人类已经发现并文献报道过的感染人类的支原体进行排查:包括解脲脲原体、 人型支原体、生殖支原体、 穿透支原体、 发酵支原体、 梨支原体等。(重点是发酵支原体)
(三)耐药结核杆菌 通过现代分子生物学技术,将特定质粒DNA导入,使细菌产生高度的耐药性是一项非常简单的操作。由于部分患者结核检查呈阳性,部分为强阳性结果,且部分患者主诉抗结核药物可以暂时缓解症状。因此建议开展结核领域的相关分离鉴定,耐药性分析等工作。但是鉴于患者的感染方式绝大多数为粘膜感染,而支原体的最大特点就是极易侵袭人类和动物的粘膜表面,且支原体和立克次体(无形体也是立克次体的一种)一样,具有军事医学上的用途,容易加工制备成为气溶胶进行扩散和布撒。所以我认为结核杆菌应该不是这类疾病的主要致病原因,而仅仅是一个继发感染。此外,抗结核药利福霉素对支原体也是有一定作用的,所以不应仅将注意力集中在结核杆菌上。
(四)特定蛋白质颗粒 “中国阴性感染者”和慢性疲劳综合征(ME/CFS)、神经肌痛性脑脊髓炎(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)、纤维肌痛(Fibromyalgia)、海湾战争综合征(Gulf War Syndrome GWS)、不典型多发性硬化(Atypical MS)等这一大类疾病有一个共同特点就是疾病伴发明显的中枢心理症状。大多数患者主诉都十分痛苦,甚至想要自杀。很多患者都说“不得这种病,体会不到那种痛苦”。还有很多患者说“失去生活兴趣,脾气暴躁,对以往感兴趣的事情都全然不在乎”。敏锐的医生应该意识到,这个病应该高度怀疑和中枢神经系统有关联。因为只有中枢神经系统的痛苦才是最痛苦的,是很难用语言描述的,也是其他人体验不到的。就像你没有经历过触电,就永远感觉不到触电的痛苦;就像你没有吸过毒,就永远感觉不到吸毒的欣快和戒毒的痛苦一样。所以这种病的病原体很可能侵害中枢系统(脑白质)的某些特定功能区域。比如部分患者会出现听力问题,视力问题等等感官症状;部分患者表现出明显的焦虑和烦躁的心理症状;部分患者表现出逻辑思维和记忆障碍的认知症状。这些都提示病原体很可能持续损害中枢神经部分特定区域。这种中枢症候群可能是病原体直接寄生并损害中枢神经细胞所致,也可能是病原体基因序列表达特定有毒蛋白质所致,或者两种损害机制同时存在。2003年日本学者就发现过慢性疲劳综合征患者血液中一种特殊蛋白质CHRM1可以阻碍大脑和心脏等神经信息的传递,而在健康人的血液中没有发现,且这种蛋白质含量越高,慢性疲劳综合征越重(相关文献见互联网。此外,传染性朊蛋白颗粒Prion(普列昂)也可以导致类似的慢性中枢症状。因此建议在现有导致人类疾病的蛋白质中对患者血液中CHRM1蛋白和传染性朊蛋白颗粒进行检测。
(五)其他供参考的实验室检查 1、多数患者血清铁蛋白偏高,但是又不是太高,血清铁蛋白可能是一个具有统计学意义的指标。
二、国外文献致病假说介绍 国外的很多文献提示了一种观点。认为慢性疲劳综合征(ME/CFS)、神经肌痛性脑脊髓炎(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)、纤维肌痛(Fibromyalgia)、海湾战争综合征(Gulf War Syndrome GWS)、不典型多发性硬化(Atypical MS)等这一大类疾病是以支原体为载体(支原体在分子生物试验中用途广泛,前不久国际新闻界炒得火热的人造生命事件,主持科研的美国科学怪才克雷格·文特尔John Craig Venter 就是利用山羊支原体作为人造生命的基本试验载体的,见互联网,在支原体基因序列中加入布鲁氏杆菌(或梅毒螺旋体等病原微生物)的基因序列和特定毒蛋白表达序列(毒蛋白序列主要来自羊Scrapie病和人类库鲁病,都是脑组织进行性退化慢性疾病),利用支原体具有在细胞内长期潜伏寄生,且难于培养鉴定发现的特点,隐秘的、持续的损害人体多个组织器官,特别是脑组织,导致患者慢性进行性疾病,并通过这一手段,不断开发并扩散出包括重度焦虑抑郁症、慢性疲劳综合征、多发性硬化、海湾战争综合征,甚至艾滋病在内的各类慢性疾病的惊人观点。其核心就是为了销售制药大公司的各类药品而盈利。这些书籍和论文从疾病暴发流行特点,人为改造病原体技术可行性(尤其是70年代人类发明了DNA重组技术),污染疫苗注射、试验人群选择(多选择有特殊行为生活方式的人群,如同性恋、嬉皮士人群等),资金来源等多方面系统的进行了阐述,并有大量基础数据支撑。在欧美西方国家支持这种观点的重量级人物很多,但由于不是主流声音,一直以来没有被我国医学界所了解和重视。例如:美国哈佛大学教授,美国科学院医学部成员,《新英格兰医学杂志》前主编(该知名国际医学杂志的第一位女主编)玛西亚·安吉尔(Marcia Angell),曾经说过这样的话,“ 大型医药公司一方面减少抗疾病新药的研发,一方面推动疾病的发生,以便更多地销售他们的药物”。并写作出版了一部名为《制药公司的真相,他们如何欺骗我们,我们如何反抗》(The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About)的书。此外,现任美国总统奥巴马的精神导师赖特(Jeremiah Wright),以及2004年度诺贝尔和平奖得主,肯尼亚环境保护活动家旺加里·马塔伊等重量级人物也是这一观点的强力支持和宣传者。
三、国内专家和相关单位资源 我从互联网上检索到国内的一些相关专家,我认为这些专家在卫生部的牵头下尽快参与到这项工作中来会有力的推动工作的开展。
(一)反转录慢病毒分离鉴定领域专家 舒跃龙 研究员卫生部中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病研究所副所长、国家流感中心主任;
陈化兰 研究员 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所国家禽流感参考实验室暨农业部动物流感重点开放实验室主任;
王汉中 研究员 中科院武汉病毒所国家病毒学重点实验室人畜共患病毒病学科组组长。
吴移谋 教授 华南大学医学院《支原体学》(人民卫生出版社,2008年1月版)主编,国内支原体、立克次体、螺旋体研究领域专家;
赵季文 教授 东南大学公共卫生学院 《支原体学》(人民卫生出版社,2008年1月版)名誉主编;
王蓓 教授 东南大学公共卫生学院。 (三)朊蛋白研究领域相关单位 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所传染病预防控制国家重点实验室 中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所,家畜疫病病原生物学国家重点实验室,农业部畜禽病毒学重点开放实验室,农业部兽医公共卫生重点开放实验室; (四)新药研发设计领域专家(病原体分离鉴定后,新药研发必须尽快跟进) 彭师奇教授 原北京大学医学部药学院院长,现首都医科大学药学院院长,国家新药审评委员、国家自然科学基金委化学科学部有机化学学科评审专家、中国药学会药化专业委员会副主任委员。国内化学药物研发设计领域专家。 (五)临床治疗领域专家 本人认为在病原体分离鉴定之前,临床医生由于缺乏必要的手段,发挥的诊断治疗作用是有限的。
祝患者们早日恢复健康! 此致 敬礼 附件:美国支原体相关专利文献(Abstract部分明确指出感染导致的类艾滋病症状) 北京普通医务工作者 梁建 二〇一〇年十一月三十日
submitted by BetInformal8763 to unknowndisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:17 RexaOvo [不懂就问]各地的“非裔侨民”能在压迫中一手发展世界性的音乐,中华民族怎么说?



  1. 中华文化(民间)的多样性,是否与 帝制朝代中人民被压迫的状态 有关?
  2. 中华民族与侨民能从 黑人音乐的的艰难历史 中找到效仿的方式吗?压迫就没停止过捏
  3. 有没有什么 实力派华语唱作人 推荐?不要歌姬和流量明星,首选中国大陆(最差)或其它地区。


非洲传统音乐>压迫>劳动歌(Work songs)>美国内战>军乐队(Military band)演奏,接触欧洲音乐

Historic Traits历史特征:
大多数奴隶是从非洲西海岸抵达美洲的[10] ,包括现代尼日利亚、加纳、科特迪瓦、塞内加尔、冈比亚和塞拉利昂部分地区。[10]这些地区的和声和节奏特征、欧洲乐器以及强加给美国黑人的动产奴隶制都对他们的音乐做出了贡献。 [11] [12] [13]
许多定义非裔美国音乐的特色音乐形式都有历史先例。这些早期的形式包括: - 田野呼喊(field hollers)、 - 节奏口技(beat boxing)、 - 劳动歌曲(work song)、 - 口语诗歌(Spoken Word poetry)、 - 说唱(rapping)、 - 拟声吟唱(scatting)、 - 对唱(call and response)、 - 声乐vocality(或特殊声音效果:喉音效果guttural effects vocality, 插值声乐interpolated vocality, 假声falsetto, 旋律melisma, 声音节奏vocal rhythmization)、 - 即兴创作(improvisation)、 - 蓝色音符(blue notes)、 - 多节奏polyrhythms(切分音syncopation,聚合concrescence, 张力tension, 即兴创作improvisation, 打击乐percussion, 摇摆音swung note)、 - 结构texture(对唱antiphony,同调homophony,复调polyphony,异调heterophony)、 - 和声harmony(民间和弦进行vernacular progressions;复杂和声complex harmony, 多部分的和声multi-part harmonyas in spirituals如圣歌 , 嘟·喔普Doo Wop, 理发店音乐barbershop music)[14]

African American music history Timeline

百度百科 或
省流: - 1620—1820 劳动音乐(Work songs) - 1700 田野号子/田野呼喊(Field Hollers) - 1820 福音音乐(Gospel musics) - 1850—1950 灵歌(Spirituals) - 1860—1920 蓝调/布鲁斯(Blues) 补充 - 1890—1940 散拍(Ragtime) - 1898 黑鬼歌曲(Coon song), 代表作品《A Trip to CoonTown》 - 1901—1917 爵士, 代表人物Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie - 1930—1950 布吉伍吉(Boogie woogie) - 1937 波普爵士乐(Bebop Jazz) - 1940—1960 节奏蓝调/节奏布鲁斯(Rhythm and Blues, R&B) - 1940—1950 摇滚乐(Rock and roll) - 1960—1980 放克(Funk) - 1970—2012 嘻哈(Hip-hop)
[需要更多时间阅读] (有视频)关键时刻与人物:
省流: 但当一代西方音乐家出现时,他们自觉地是种族主义者,并且热衷于以意识形态为由消除音乐中所有摇摆乐的痕迹,于是出现了像 Skrewdriver 这样的乐队。他们的音乐是严格的方形,没有切分音的痕迹。听起来像是通过法兹吉他演奏的波尔卡。至少对我来说,这完全是狗屎。但我不得不承认,这也与这些乐队的种族主义是一致的,他们拒绝允许任何可疑的时髦元素进入他们的声音。他们本应如此,枯燥、无趣、紧张。 如果美国没有大型非裔美国人社区,我认为所有西方流行音乐或多或少都会类似于新纳粹朋克摇滚中愤怒、军事的波尔卡节奏。
submitted by RexaOvo to China_irl [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:03 BetInformal8763 一名普通医务工作者就“中国阴性感染者”未知病原体分离鉴定有关咨询

林军: 你好!你和部分患者希望我从专业技术角度对未知病原体分离鉴定工作的具体内容提出建议。其实,未知病原体分离鉴定专业技术性很强,方法也是很多的。国内卫生部系统,农业部系统,中科院系统,以及重点大学的分子生物或微生物学国家重点实验室都可以开展这项工作。具体的方法学很复杂,要由主持工作的相关科研人员具体设计研究,我在这里不详细阐述了,只是从宏观的角度提出如下建议。 一、 病原体分离鉴定大方向
(一)反转录慢病毒 我认为“中国阴性感染者”是一种慢性感染性疾病。患者主诉很痛苦,多数患者外周器质性病变又不太明显,所以高度疑似是骨髓和中枢神经系统的慢性感染。在病原微生物谱系中,这类感染中枢骨髓系统的病原体多是反转录慢病毒。建议在慢病毒分离鉴定领域开展以下工作: 1、在患者人群中对人类已经发现并文献报道过的感染人类的反转录病毒进行排查:包括HTLV-1、HTLV-2、HTLV-3、HTLV-4、MPMV、MMTV、HRV-5、XMRV、HIAP-1、HIAP-2、SIV、SFV。
2、在患者人群中对可能感染人类的动物逆转录病毒进行排查,包括:VISNA、BLV、 FLV、MLV、CAE等进行筛查。
(二)支原体 支原体在病原微生物谱系中是介于细菌和病毒之间的微生物,属于柔膜体纲。这里提到的支原体不是医院医生普遍了解的肺炎支原体等常见支原体检测,而是未知支原体分离鉴定。支原体研究特别是艾滋病相关支原体研究是国际病原微生物研究的一个领域。在艾滋病相关支原体研究过程中,人类陆续发现了穿透支原体,发酵支原体、梨支原体等艾滋病相关支原体,并发现这类支原体与HIV病毒有协同致病作用。早在上世纪50-70年代,美国和西方国家就对感染人类、哺乳动物(猫、狗、马、牛、羊、猪等)和禽类(鸡、鸭、鸽子等)的支原体进行了细致的研究,并做出了明确的鉴定和分类规范。支原体所致疾病是很严重的,可以导致人类CD4免疫细胞急剧下降,CD4/CD8比例颠倒等临床指证,往往和艾滋病有相似的症候群,但又不是HIV感染,这从美国专利文献中就可以明显的看出(见本文附件英文部分)。我国近期出版的权威学术教材《支原体学》(人民卫生出版社,2008年1月版)中对国际学术界关于穿透支原体,发酵支原体、梨支原体与HIV病毒协同作用在艾滋病进展恶化中的机制研究动态进行了介绍,还明确指出了发酵支原体感染和慢性疲劳综合征(CFS)的关联性。国外部分网站的专业文献也揭示支原体感染,特别是发酵支原体感染与慢性疲劳综合征(ME/CFS)、海湾战争综合征(Gulf War Syndrome GWS)、不典型多发性硬化(Atypical MS)、阿尔海莫氏病(ALZHEIMER)、帕金森病(PARKINSON)等疾病的关系(见我博客摘录的英文学术论文。此外,我国学者也提出过支原体感染与反应性关节病(ReA)、系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)等慢性疾病具有关联性的学术观点。互联网上关于支原体与慢性疾病的中英文论文很多,只要敲击相关关键词,就可以检索到大量文章。国内有很多学者曾呼吁应加强支原体与慢性疾病发病机制的研究。综合国内外学术观点,支原体慢性感染与人类中枢神经系统慢性疾病、风湿免疫慢性疾病有着高度的相关性,所以建议对患者开展以下支原体感染排查:
1、在患者人群中对人类已经发现并文献报道过的感染人类的支原体进行排查:包括解脲脲原体、 人型支原体、生殖支原体、 穿透支原体、 发酵支原体、 梨支原体等。(重点是发酵支原体)
(三)耐药结核杆菌 通过现代分子生物学技术,将特定质粒DNA导入,使细菌产生高度的耐药性是一项非常简单的操作。由于部分患者结核检查呈阳性,部分为强阳性结果,且部分患者主诉抗结核药物可以暂时缓解症状。因此建议开展结核领域的相关分离鉴定,耐药性分析等工作。但是鉴于患者的感染方式绝大多数为粘膜感染,而支原体的最大特点就是极易侵袭人类和动物的粘膜表面,且支原体和立克次体(无形体也是立克次体的一种)一样,具有军事医学上的用途,容易加工制备成为气溶胶进行扩散和布撒。所以我认为结核杆菌应该不是这类疾病的主要致病原因,而仅仅是一个继发感染。此外,抗结核药利福霉素对支原体也是有一定作用的,所以不应仅将注意力集中在结核杆菌上。
(四)特定蛋白质颗粒 “中国阴性感染者”和慢性疲劳综合征(ME/CFS)、神经肌痛性脑脊髓炎(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)、纤维肌痛(Fibromyalgia)、海湾战争综合征(Gulf War Syndrome GWS)、不典型多发性硬化(Atypical MS)等这一大类疾病有一个共同特点就是疾病伴发明显的中枢心理症状。大多数患者主诉都十分痛苦,甚至想要自杀。很多患者都说“不得这种病,体会不到那种痛苦”。还有很多患者说“失去生活兴趣,脾气暴躁,对以往感兴趣的事情都全然不在乎”。敏锐的医生应该意识到,这个病应该高度怀疑和中枢神经系统有关联。因为只有中枢神经系统的痛苦才是最痛苦的,是很难用语言描述的,也是其他人体验不到的。就像你没有经历过触电,就永远感觉不到触电的痛苦;就像你没有吸过毒,就永远感觉不到吸毒的欣快和戒毒的痛苦一样。所以这种病的病原体很可能侵害中枢系统(脑白质)的某些特定功能区域。比如部分患者会出现听力问题,视力问题等等感官症状;部分患者表现出明显的焦虑和烦躁的心理症状;部分患者表现出逻辑思维和记忆障碍的认知症状。这些都提示病原体很可能持续损害中枢神经部分特定区域。这种中枢症候群可能是病原体直接寄生并损害中枢神经细胞所致,也可能是病原体基因序列表达特定有毒蛋白质所致,或者两种损害机制同时存在。2003年日本学者就发现过慢性疲劳综合征患者血液中一种特殊蛋白质CHRM1可以阻碍大脑和心脏等神经信息的传递,而在健康人的血液中没有发现,且这种蛋白质含量越高,慢性疲劳综合征越重(相关文献见互联网。此外,传染性朊蛋白颗粒Prion(普列昂)也可以导致类似的慢性中枢症状。因此建议在现有导致人类疾病的蛋白质中对患者血液中CHRM1蛋白和传染性朊蛋白颗粒进行检测。
(五)其他供参考的实验室检查 1、多数患者血清铁蛋白偏高,但是又不是太高,血清铁蛋白可能是一个具有统计学意义的指标。
二、国外文献致病假说介绍 国外的很多文献提示了一种观点。认为慢性疲劳综合征(ME/CFS)、神经肌痛性脑脊髓炎(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)、纤维肌痛(Fibromyalgia)、海湾战争综合征(Gulf War Syndrome GWS)、不典型多发性硬化(Atypical MS)等这一大类疾病是以支原体为载体(支原体在分子生物试验中用途广泛,前不久国际新闻界炒得火热的人造生命事件,主持科研的美国科学怪才克雷格·文特尔John Craig Venter 就是利用山羊支原体作为人造生命的基本试验载体的,见互联网,在支原体基因序列中加入布鲁氏杆菌(或梅毒螺旋体等病原微生物)的基因序列和特定毒蛋白表达序列(毒蛋白序列主要来自羊Scrapie病和人类库鲁病,都是脑组织进行性退化慢性疾病),利用支原体具有在细胞内长期潜伏寄生,且难于培养鉴定发现的特点,隐秘的、持续的损害人体多个组织器官,特别是脑组织,导致患者慢性进行性疾病,并通过这一手段,不断开发并扩散出包括重度焦虑抑郁症、慢性疲劳综合征、多发性硬化、海湾战争综合征,甚至艾滋病在内的各类慢性疾病的惊人观点。其核心就是为了销售制药大公司的各类药品而盈利。这些书籍和论文从疾病暴发流行特点,人为改造病原体技术可行性(尤其是70年代人类发明了DNA重组技术),污染疫苗注射、试验人群选择(多选择有特殊行为生活方式的人群,如同性恋、嬉皮士人群等),资金来源等多方面系统的进行了阐述,并有大量基础数据支撑。在欧美西方国家支持这种观点的重量级人物很多,但由于不是主流声音,一直以来没有被我国医学界所了解和重视。例如:美国哈佛大学教授,美国科学院医学部成员,《新英格兰医学杂志》前主编(该知名国际医学杂志的第一位女主编)玛西亚·安吉尔(Marcia Angell),曾经说过这样的话,“ 大型医药公司一方面减少抗疾病新药的研发,一方面推动疾病的发生,以便更多地销售他们的药物”。并写作出版了一部名为《制药公司的真相,他们如何欺骗我们,我们如何反抗》(The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About)的书。此外,现任美国总统奥巴马的精神导师赖特(Jeremiah Wright),以及2004年度诺贝尔和平奖得主,肯尼亚环境保护活动家旺加里·马塔伊等重量级人物也是这一观点的强力支持和宣传者。
三、国内专家和相关单位资源 我从互联网上检索到国内的一些相关专家,我认为这些专家在卫生部的牵头下尽快参与到这项工作中来会有力的推动工作的开展。
(一)反转录慢病毒分离鉴定领域专家 舒跃龙 研究员卫生部中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病研究所副所长、国家流感中心主任;
陈化兰 研究员 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所国家禽流感参考实验室暨农业部动物流感重点开放实验室主任;
王汉中 研究员 中科院武汉病毒所国家病毒学重点实验室人畜共患病毒病学科组组长。
吴移谋 教授 华南大学医学院《支原体学》(人民卫生出版社,2008年1月版)主编,国内支原体、立克次体、螺旋体研究领域专家;
赵季文 教授 东南大学公共卫生学院 《支原体学》(人民卫生出版社,2008年1月版)名誉主编;
王蓓 教授 东南大学公共卫生学院。 (三)朊蛋白研究领域相关单位 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所传染病预防控制国家重点实验室 中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所,家畜疫病病原生物学国家重点实验室,农业部畜禽病毒学重点开放实验室,农业部兽医公共卫生重点开放实验室; (四)新药研发设计领域专家(病原体分离鉴定后,新药研发必须尽快跟进) 彭师奇教授 原北京大学医学部药学院院长,现首都医科大学药学院院长,国家新药审评委员、国家自然科学基金委化学科学部有机化学学科评审专家、中国药学会药化专业委员会副主任委员。国内化学药物研发设计领域专家。 (五)临床治疗领域专家 本人认为在病原体分离鉴定之前,临床医生由于缺乏必要的手段,发挥的诊断治疗作用是有限的。
祝患者们早日恢复健康! 此致 敬礼 附件:美国支原体相关专利文献(Abstract部分明确指出感染导致的类艾滋病症状) 北京普通医务工作者 梁建 二〇一〇年十一月三十日
submitted by BetInformal8763 to u/BetInformal8763 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:52 RequirementThat1979 If Wikipedia has been blocked in China, here is the Baidu Baike page of The Amazing Digital Circus :神奇数字马戏团/63778562

If Wikipedia has been blocked in China, here is the Baidu Baike page of The Amazing Digital Circus :神奇数字马戏团/63778562 submitted by RequirementThat1979 to theamazingdigitalciru [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:51 RequirementThat1979 Speaking of the Great Firewall, here is the Baidu Baike page of The Amazing Digital Circus :神奇数字马戏团/63778562

Speaking of the Great Firewall, here is the Baidu Baike page of The Amazing Digital Circus :神奇数字马戏团/63778562 submitted by RequirementThat1979 to GlitchProductions [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:00 t_ppa 10 years ago filmed drama is released "Where is the love"

Probably will not be subbed since it is on LeTV (for me unknown platform) but its interesting that these oldies are raised from the ashes.
submitted by t_ppa to CDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 22:52 lihb0725 The West China Adventure of Li (2023) — Chapter 13 — Go Where? Village Hemu or Baihaba ?

The West China Adventure of Li (2023) — Chapter 13 — Go Where? Village Hemu or Baihaba ?
August 6, 2023: Day 16
On August 5th, it just so happened to be the birthday of my wife's best friend. We gathered again at midnight to celebrate with candles and cake.
Planning the Next Adventure
With the birthday celebration behind us, we turned our attention to planning the next leg of our journey.
Our itinerary was set to take us through the mesmerizing landscapes of Northern Xinjiang, starting with the dreamlike destinations of Hemu and Kanas Lake. We would then embark on the iconic Duku Highway, immersing ourselves in the rich history of Kizil Caves before returning to Kuche for a family reunion.
Finally, we would make our way to Kashgar, where we would marvel at the ancient city and the earliest Buddhist grottoes before bidding farewell to this remarkable region and heading back home.
Preparing for the Road Ahead
As soon as we returned to our hotel, we wasted no time in packing our belongings and making the necessary preparations for our early morning departure the following day.
Eager to experience the wonders that awaited us, we were determined to make the most of our time in this captivating region.
Hemu Village and Baihaba Village are both villages located within the Kanas scenic area in Xinjiang's Altai Prefecture, they are both well-known tourist destinations renowned for their stunning natural beauty and unique ethnic cultures.

1. Choosing Route: Exploring Hemu and Kanas

Embarking on a journey from Urumqi to the enchanting destinations of Hemu and Kanas, you'll traverse the vast expanse of the Junggar Basin and the ethereal Gurban Tonggut Desert. Three distinct self-driving routes await your choice, each offering a unique blend of captivating attractions along the way.
Western Route: Take G30 Lianhuo Expressway, S20 Wukesu Expressway, and National Highways 217, then County road 852, including the Tieka Section, Tieye Section, and Yihe Section. This route, spanning approximately 700 kilometers and taking around 9 hours to complete, winds its way through the cities of Karamay, Fuhai, Bei'tun, and Burqin.
Eastern Route: G7 Jingxin Expressway, S11 Wuda Expressway, and National Highways 216 and 331, Provincial Highway 232, and County road 852 Tieka Section. Opting for this route, you'll cover approximately 900 kilometers in 12 hours, passing through the towns of Fuyun, Kök Tohai, and the No. 3 Mine Pit.
Central Route: Newly Constructed S21 A'uwu Expressway, National Highways 331 and 232, and County road 852 Tieka Section. This route, stretching approximately 750 kilometers and taking around 9 hours to drive, takes you through the cities of Fuhai, Bei'tun, and Burqin.
As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the morning haze, we set off on our adventure, opting for the direct northern route that would lead us through the heart of the desert. Our chosen path was the S21 A'uwu Expressway, a modern marvel stretching from Urumqi to Bei'tun, promising a full day of exploration and discovery.
The S21 A'uwu Expressway boasts a remarkable design, featuring dual four-lane or six-lane carriageways that cater to the smooth flow of traffic. Its construction in the vast expanse of the desert presented unique advantages. Mountains were leveled, and bridges were gracefully arched over low-lying areas, creating a seamless journey devoid of significant bumps or jolts. The sparse traffic further enhanced the driving experience, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the tranquility of the surrounding landscapes.

2. The Sunflower Sea

Our fully fueled car happily zoomed under the blue sky and white clouds, constantly switching between the desert and oasis. Even on the desert, there was green grass covering it, not the bare sand dunes you might expect.
Actually, Xinjiang's water resources are quite abundant, but they are unevenly distributed. Along the way, we passed by many lakes and marshes, and in vast stretches of farmland, corn was thriving and growing vigorously.
At noon, the sunlight was glaring, and even the sunflowers looked a bit wilted. I tried taking a few shots, but they didn't capture the essence, so I gave up and hurried back into the car to continue our journey.

3. Fuhai Lake

Deep in Xinjiang's inland region and even far from any ocean, there lies Fuhai Lake, a vast lake resembling a sea. Nicknamed the "Pearl of Junggar" and the "Jiangnan of the Northwest", Fuhai Lake is China's only inland "Gobi Sea" famous for its wild fish.
Here, you can enjoy birdwatching in spring, water activities in summer, scenic views in autumn, and ice fishing in winter.
In early 13th century, Genghis Khan's army passed through here on their western expedition. Seeing this vast and hazy lake with rising clouds and mist, they named it Ulungur, meaning "the place where clouds rise" in Mongolian, but in Kazakh, "Urungu" means "a bottomless pit."
The Erqis River, China's only river flowing into the Arctic Ocean, meanders gracefully along the northern edge of Fuhai Lake. This lifeline not only provides the lake with an abundance of water but also brings a rich diversity of fish species. As a result, Fuhai Lake has earned the well-deserved reputation for its delectable "All Fish Feast," a culinary extravaganza showcasing the lake's aquatic treasures.
Beitun serves as an important supply point and transit hub for self-driving and touring in northern Xinjiang. Many hiking and cycling enthusiasts gather here before heading to Kanas, Hemu, and Baihaba. Local cuisine mainly consists of Xinjiang specialties, with notable dishes including roasted whole lamb, stir-fried "hutu," and minced meat rice. Hotels or guesthouses here are quite affordable, although they may be fully booked during peak seasons, so remember to book in advance.

4. Arriving at Baihaba

Our original plan was to rest in Hemu and Kanas.
However, after looking around along the way, we found that accommodation prices during the peak tourist season had skyrocketed, and we couldn't find a room. It made me wonder if some people just had money blowing in with the wind, as they seemed completely unconcerned about prices.
We decided to change our destination on the spot and head to Baihaba instead, avoiding the crowded Hemu. We stopped to rest in Burqin along the way. I ordered a plate of pilaf for lunch, while my wife had Tokesun No. 4 noodles. I wonder how they tasted.
In northern Xinjiang, the scenery lies in Altay, while the scenery in Altay lies in Burqin. Known as the "Fairy Tale Border Town," Burqin derives its name from the river. In Mongolian, "bur" means "three-year-old male camel," and "jin" means "herder." In addition to Kanas Lake and Hemu, Burqin also boasts attractions such as the Five-Colored Beach, the Stone Figures on Argun Gaiti Grassland, the County Riverside Night Market and Cultural Street, and the Friendship Peak Glacier, which is the lowest glacier in Xinjiang. All of these are worth a visit.
Whether heading to Kanas, Hemu, or Baihaba, a border permit is required. Not knowing this on our first visit, we found out at the administrative hall in Burqin that the border permit had to be obtained directly in Habagexian County, resulting in an unnecessary trip. After arriving at the border station in Habagexian County, we successfully obtained the border permit and continued our journey northwestward along Route 219, winding through the countryside.
Due to the high latitude and altitude of northern Xinjiang, it could be considered early summer at this moment. Along the roadside, some wheat fields had already matured and been harvested, while others were still growing. We saw blooming rapeseed flowers, grazing cattle and sheep, and even camels along the way.
On the hillsides, various shades of yellow and green patches dotted the landscape, truly living up to the title of "Eastern Switzerland." After passing through Tiekereti Township, both the Tiebai and Baikaduan sections are mountainous roads, constantly climbing, turning, and descending among the hills. At the grand canyon near the Zhongka border, we encountered light rain. After stopping to take a photo, we continued our journey all the way to Baihaba Village.
Baihaba Village is situated on the border between China and Kazakhstan, right at the peak of the "rooster's comb" on the map of China. Nestled in a valley, the village is built on a narrow plateau between two small streams, surrounded by mountains and water. It is a village where primitive natural ecology harmonizes with ancient traditional culture, making it one of the most beautiful eight towns in China. It still retains its original appearance from hundreds of years ago.
The local residents are mainly Tuvan people, known for their unique ethnic costumes, religious beliefs, and customs. Their wooden houses and livestock pens are scattered among the pine and birch forests, creating a serene and harmonious atmosphere.
Baihaba Village is known as the number one village and the number one outpost in northwest China. From May to October each year, it experiences a tourism boom. The roadside guesthouses are filled with Xinjiang-registered RVs, out-of-town self-driving vehicles, and bicycles belonging to cycling enthusiasts.
The innkeeper and his wife efficiently completed the check-in procedures. Since it was already late, we ordered a Kazakh-style stewed beef with rice for dinner. The large plate of stewed beef was generous in portion, but it was a bit too salty. We ended up with plenty of rice leftover after finishing the dish.
After driving the whole day, feeling a bit weary, we took a short stroll nearby to aid digestion. By 10 o'clock, we returned to the inn to rest, planning to visit Kanas Scenic Area the next day.

5. Related information

Fuhai Lake
submitted by lihb0725 to u/lihb0725 [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 12:14 Yuanke_Thomas 【In-Depth Analysis】Plant Factories - Vertical Farming: A Vision Across Millennia, A Journey of Conquering Hell

Hello, here is a review of my understanding about the industry of plant factories:

Opening Remarks

🌿 T*he Green Revolution from Ancient to Modern Times *🌱—Unlocking the Secrets of Vertical Agriculture with Plant Factories, Rewriting the Rules of Food Production!
🚀 The crystallization of wisdom spanning millennia is no longer a dream! From ancient reverence for the land to the fantastic stage of modern technology, Plant factories are propelling vertical agriculture from concept to reality with a transcendent presence! Amidst towering skyscrapers, secret green bases are quietly staging a green revolution in food production ✨.
💡 Here, the interplay of light and shadow is no longer just the cycle of day and night, but a precise choreography of life under LED lights. Each crop grows leisurely in carefully controlled environments, showcasing the perfect fusion of technology and nature. In the unmanned plant factories of Chengdu, lettuce enjoys exclusive LED light SPA treatments, and every steel frame is a declaration to the sky for a bountiful harvest! This is not just gardening; this is the ultimate display of technology and nature dancing together! 🌟
🔥 Yet, this green journey is also the ultimate challenge of commercial models and cost-effectiveness, venturing into the depths of the "road to hell." Finding that golden key between high technology and economic benefits, unlocking the treasure trove of sustainable development, has become a mandatory course for every pioneer of plant factories 🔍.
💰 In this process, we witness the brilliance and challenges of AeroFarms, the safety declaration of Nuvege, and countless attempts and setbacks. Every fallen attempt is an indispensable stepping stone towards success, and every breakthrough is a brave conquest of "hellish" economics!
🌈 And in this land of hope, plant factories not only redefine "cultivation" but also open up endless imagination for environmentally friendly and efficient agricultural models. Amidst skyscrapers, they are writing a new chapter that emphasizes both green ideals and profits!

Current Crisis

The United Nations predicts that the global population will approach 10 billion by the year 2050, which will result in an overall 50% increase in food demand[1]. Meanwhile, human civilization faces numerous challenges, one of which is the impact of climate change on agriculture. Global warming is altering weather patterns, leading to increased heatwaves, droughts, floods, and extreme weather events. Elevated temperatures accelerate evapotranspiration of plants and soils, adversely affecting crop growth. Additionally, threats such as reduced water supply and increased pests and diseases pose risks to agricultural production[1].
Simultaneously, the available land area for cultivation is decreasing. Scientific analysis reveals that approximately 33% of soils have been degraded due to human-induced land use practices, including erosion, salinization, and nutrient depletion. This diminishes soil productivity[2]. Farmers are forced to abandon degraded lands and cultivate new areas for planting or grazing. It is predicted that by 2050, human civilization could lose an additional 400 million hectares of natural habitat, equivalent to twice the size of Mexico[3]. These challenges significantly impact global food security. Declining crop yields will push more people into poverty, especially in areas already facing food insecurity. It is estimated that by 2030, approximately 43 million people in Africa alone could fall below the poverty line due to these factors[1].
All signs point to the need for humanity to reduce dependence on weather and take greater control of the process of independently producing food.


Actually, since ancient times, humans have always hoped to reduce agriculture's reliance on weather conditions and achieve greater control over food production. In China, explorations and practices of controlling crop growth environments through artificial means began early. As far back as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a facility called 'yingjian' appeared. According to 'The Annals of Lv Buwei • Mid-Summer Chronicles, Volume Five,' 'yingjian' involved burning mulberry branches and leaves in winter to generate heat and maintain the temperature required for crop growth[4].
During the Han Dynasty, designs like 'wenpu' emerged in cold regions, utilizing piled-up cow dung to create warm beds, enabling vegetable production through winter[5]. The Ming Dynasty scientist Xu Guangqi also mentioned the structure of 'nuanwu' in his 'Complete Book of Agricultural Administration,' which enclosed space to cultivate vegetables with a greenhouse effect[6]. In the Western world, relevant records can be traced back to the Roman era; at that time, noble caretakers would move portable vegetable beds outdoors in good weather and indoors during inclement weather. When sunlight was abundant in winter, they covered the planting beds with transparent quartz and placed them outdoors[8].
Modern greenhouse-like structures resembling today's were not seen in Europe and America until around 1670, but they still relied on translucent oiled paper or glass to allow sunlight, limiting environmental control. In 1889, Liberty Hyde Bailey conducted the first experiment with artificial lighting for greenhouse planting at Cornell University, known as 'Electro-culture'[7], only about a decade after the invention of the incandescent lamp, which limited its economic feasibility. Subsequent experiments on controlled human planting were conducted, and in 1964, Emmert, an agricultural engineer at the University of California, Davis, used the term 'Controlled Environment Agriculture'[9].
In the 1970s, as controlled environment agriculture was applied in greenhouses and factory farming, the concept was further developed. In 1971, American scholar Tibbitts published a paper systematically discussing plant growth responses to environmental factors, advocating for optimizing crop production under controlled conditions[10]. Starting in the 1980s, NASA conducted a series of studies to produce food for astronauts in space; the findings concluded that agriculturally controlled environments could yield higher and more nutritious crops than traditional methods[11][12]. Against the backdrop of humanity's pursuit of highly controllable and customized agricultural environments, academia and industry have developed new subcategories and expanded concepts. The terms 'Plant Factory' and 'Vertical Farming' have emerged to denote the same concept in different ways[13].
In 1999, when Professor Dickson Despommier of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, along with 105 graduate students, delved deep into exploring the negative effects of agriculture, they collectively conceived the innovative concept of 'vertical farms'. These farms are multi-story buildings where different crops can be grown on each level. Crops in vertical farms can be cultivated in various ways: hydroponically, where plant roots are directly immersed in nutrient-rich water; aeroponically, by spraying nutrient solution onto plant roots; or through aquaponics, where fish farming provides nutrients for plants using fish excrement. Of course, if the building design allows, traditional soil-based cultivation methods can also be used[14].
After decades of technological development, the field of plant factories reached its modern pinnacle in 2011 with AeroFarms. Located in Newark, New Jersey, AeroFarms covers 70,000 square feet and is an indoor vertical farm founded by Professor Ed Harwood from Cornell University, along with David Rosenberg and Marc Oshima. In this modern farm, rows of propagation tables are filled with leafy greens such as arugula, watercress, and bok choy, stacked up to the ceiling. All operations inside the farm are precisely controlled by computers. AeroFarms employs its patented aeroponic technology, using only 5% of the water used in traditional agriculture. From air temperature and humidity to carbon dioxide concentration, LED light intensity, and optimal moisture levels, everything is managed automatically. Biologists and botanists can monitor real-time growth data of each plant around the clock through onsite technology or mobile applications. Compared to traditional agriculture, AeroFarms achieves yields up to 400 times per square foot[15].


As a modern agricultural production system, plant factories utilize enclosed structures and artificial lighting to provide the necessary light energy for plants, using techniques such as hydroponics or substrate cultivation for plant growth. By combining advanced technologies and control methods to simulate and optimize plant growth conditions indoors or in semi-indoor environments, plant factories achieve efficient and sustainable plant production[13].
Through vertical and stacked planting methods, plant factories maximize the use of limited space and provide precise environmental control for crop cultivation, including temperature, humidity, light intensity, gas composition, and nutrient supply, to meet the growth requirements of plants[16][17]. The significance of plant factories lies in achieving food production independent of weather, enabling human society to truly control harvests autonomously. Compared to greenhouses, plant factories use closed, insulated building structures, whereas greenhouses are often constructed using semi-transparent, heat-dissipating materials. Greenhouses rely on sunlight for cultivating various plants and are still significantly influenced by daylight seasons. In contrast to the strict environmental control of plant factories, greenhouses have more lenient climate parameter adjustments[18].
In addition to AeroFarms mentioned earlier, many other plant factory companies continue to advance technologically:
In China, both industry and academia boast leaders in the field of plant factories:

Reality Gravity Opening the Gates of Hell

Although various research units at home and abroad often make new technological advancements, the promotion of plant factories faces multiple challenges. Firstly, there is the issue of high costs associated with plant factories, which is reflected not only in the initial construction and maintenance technology investments but also in the economic viability of commercial production. As a pioneer in the field, AeroFarms projected revenue for 2021 was only $4 million, with a staggering loss of $39 million. In fact, in June 2023, AeroFarms filed for bankruptcy protection and completed restructuring on September 18 of last year.
Another typical case is AppHarvest, whose product features a mix of natural and artificial lighting along with a rainwater collection system to achieve yields up to 30 times higher than traditional agriculture. However, according to the latest data, AppHarvest's stock price is only $0.0666 per share, with both its trailing twelve months (TTM) earnings per share and dividends (TTM) showing losses, and a price-to-book ratio (P/B) of only 0.04. The company's earnings per share are -$1.16, and its net asset value per share is $1.73, with negative free cash flow for several consecutive quarters. Additionally, AppHarvest has faced investor lawsuits, alleging misleading statements about the company's operational feasibility to investors. The company had to file for bankruptcy protection to support financial and operational restructuring, a decision that further drove down its stock price. Despite successfully raising $50 million in financing in 2022 and receiving considerable funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the declining trends in its liquidity ratio, quick ratio, net asset return ratio, and total asset return ratio still reveal issues with its short-term debt-paying ability and profitability.
Furthermore, other companies also face challenges:
These problems can be attributed to three main reasons:
  1. High Initial Investment: The construction and installation of plant factories require expensive steel structures, sophisticated artificial lighting, efficient air conditioning equipment, high-quality insulation materials, and a series of sensors and automation systems for environmental monitoring and control. According to iFarm, a U.S. plant factory equipment supplier from the industry, the construction cost per square meter of planting bed space for plant factories ranges from $2,200 to $2,600, while the cost for high-tech greenhouses ranges from $250 to $350 per square meter.
  2. Ongoing Operational Costs: In addition to hardware costs, plant factories require professional maintenance by technical personnel and energy consumption to maintain a constant environment, which constitutes ongoing operational costs. As mentioned earlier, the highly energy-efficient plant factory of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences is one of the few that can achieve a level of 10 kWh/kg. Most units, as estimated by Harbick, consume energy at a rate of 19 to 23 kWh/kg when growing lettuce. From an environmental perspective, according to research from Cornell University in the United States, the carbon footprint indirectly generated by plant factories' electricity consumption is 10 times that of traditional agriculture. Additionally, the cost of indoor cultivation is more than twice that of outdoor cultivation and transportation to cities in the Midwest. As Professor Graamans' team calculated, although plant factories achieve a production area yield 2.5 times higher than greenhouses, their energy consumption yield ratio is more than 4 times higher.
  3. Mismatch Between Business Output and Costs: Currently, plant factories mainly commercially produce some common leafy vegetables, which have relatively low market value and struggle to economically support the high-tech investments and operational costs of plant factories. For example, a lettuce plant factory at Osaka Prefecture University can produce up to 5,000 lettuce plants per day, consuming 3,616 MWh annually. From an investment return perspective, even though the plant factory produces 5,000 lettuce plants per day, yielding approximately 750 tons of lettuce annually and selling at double the wholesale price in Japan, the revenue is only about 5 million RMB, meaning that the electricity cost alone exceeds the annual profit and severely limits the economic feasibility of plant factories. Many companies invest in automation and AI technology to reduce costs, but research and development costs are expensive, and the market return cycle is long. Investors misunderstand the economic benefits and technological potential of indoor agriculture, leading to expectations of quick returns that do not align with the reality of agricultural economics.

New Hope: Interdisciplinary Approach

Furthermore, as a product itself, a plant factory needs to demonstrate its value in the market to garner more support. The acceptance of a plant factory product in the market faces several challenges. When discussing this field with friends, they often ask, "How do you prove that vegetables produced in a plant factory are safe and healthy?" and "How do you demonstrate that plants produced in a plant factory are superior to those produced by traditional agriculture?"
After addressing the quality issues of vegetable production, market positioning also needs to be considered. Specifically, when building a plant factory, is it intended to compete with farmers or to provide farmers with new tools? If the former, given the principle that food is essential, why should vegetables produced by a plant factory be priced higher, of unknown origin, and nutritionally deficient? If the latter, what do farmers gain from investing heavily in a plant factory — a long return period or a more straightforward planting experience? These questions are currently unresolved in the plant factory field.
In fact, when exploring the teams behind plant factory enterprises, one often discovers that although the construction and operation of plant factories require knowledge across multiple fields including agriculture, architecture, materials, energy, and automation control, previous talent recruitment for plant factories has been primarily focused on agricultural technology, with outsourcing being the norm for optimizing construction, materials, energy efficiency, and control systems. On the other hand, even when convening a multidisciplinary team, many biological and physical phenomena within a plant factory are intricately interconnected. In fact, when constructing a plant factory, it is crucial to handle internal and external physical coupling issues properly because these directly affect the plant growth environment and factory energy efficiency.
Internal coupling issues primarily include:
  1. Interaction between temperature, humidity, and airflow: The efficiency of air conditioning system exhaust and supply determines energy consumption. Therefore, a delicate balance must be achieved through precise energy management and aerodynamic design.
  2. Impact of LED lighting: LED light sources not only provide necessary illumination but also affect temperature due to their heat dissipation effect. Optimizing light energy utilization and achieving light-temperature linkage are key technological challenges.
  3. Influence of plant transpiration: Plant transpiration alters humidity and temperature in the surrounding environment, especially when canopy structures expand, demanding higher requirements for airflow distribution. When designing, dynamic correlations between plants and environmental parameters must be fully considered to ensure uniform and stable conditions.
  4. Application of optimization algorithms: Integrating data management with environmental control systems to continuously optimize control strategies for light, temperature, water, and air elements.
  5. Real-time monitoring of plant growth: Modern agriculture seeks precise tracking of plant growth status and real-time adjustment of management measures to ensure optimal environmental conditions at each growth stage. However, the higher the requirements, the higher the cost of plant factories themselves, including maintaining temperature and humidity conditions.
External coupling issues also pose numerous challenges:
  1. Interaction between enclosure structure and outdoor climate: Designing a rational enclosure structure maximizes natural advantages while mitigating adverse weather effects on the internal environment, which is the core of light-temperature structure design.
  2. Utilization of outdoor CO2 resources: Efficiently introducing and utilizing outdoor CO2 as a gas source for plant growth, achieving a clever linkage between air and CO2.
  3. Effective use of solar energy: Fully leveraging solar radiation for illumination and converting it into electricity for plant factory use to achieve a complementary effect of light and electricity.
These aforementioned primary coupling issues can be further refined into at least two sub-problems, covering the design of efficient ventilation systems, balanced maintenance of environmental temperature and humidity, optimization and upgrading of LED lighting systems, management and regulation of heat output, optimization strategies for water supply, adaptability design of ventilation systems, integrated optimization of real-time data collection and environmental control, synchronous updates of optimization algorithms and adjustment of environmental parameters, real-time monitoring technology of plant growth status, adjustment strategies for nutrient and water supply, design and optimization of enclosure structures, effective measures to reduce climate impact, efficient introduction of outdoor CO2 and its supply-demand regulation, improvement of solar energy collection and conversion efficiency, and integration of electrical systems, among many specific directions.
Therefore, if each expert in the team only seeks the optimal solution within their own field, the superposition of everyone's solutions cannot guarantee that it is the optimal solution for the plant factory itself. This indicates that only by comprehensively considering and deeply integrating all relevant factors can humanity have the opportunity to explore and approach the optimal performance of this complex system.


In the vast expanse of human civilization amidst the surging waves of food demand and the dual challenge of climate change, a magnificent adventure about food self-sufficiency is unfolding. This article takes us through the intersection of history and the future, witnessing a green revolution from ancient times to the present, from theory to practice.
From the ancient "yingjian" technique of the Spring and Autumn Period to today's AeroFarms' LED photosynthesis symphony, humanity, with wisdom and creativity, has gradually unlocked nature's code, liberating agriculture from the constraints of the earth, and elevating it into a green fantasy within cities. This is not just a conquest of space but also a transcendence of time, allowing plants to dance in the vertical dimension, blooming in light and shadow.
On this path of conquering "hell"—the balance of commercial models and cost-effectiveness—we see challenges, yet we also capture sparks of hope. The pure declaration of Nuvege, the light magic of PlantLab—each name represents a legend, standing tall amidst skepticism, flourishing in adversity, demonstrating the immortal power of innovation and resilience.
And for those temporarily fallen warriors, like Fifth Season and IronOx, although their explorations were not perfect, they illuminated the path for those who follow, reminding us to seek that delicate balance point in the fusion of technology and nature—efficient yet environmentally friendly, economic yet sustainable.
Ultimately, the story of plant factories and vertical agriculture is a symphony of poetry about dreams and reality. It teaches us that even in the face of challenges akin to "hell," we should continue this green romantic voyage with a graceful posture, carrying an infinite longing for the future. Because we believe that in the harmonious resonance of technology and nature, a new agricultural era will emerge—one that nourishes humanity while nurturing the Earth. 🚀🌿🌟


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submitted by Yuanke_Thomas to verticalfarming [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 05:22 March_Explorer 甚麼是大健康?


#大健康 是根據時代發展、社會需求與疾病光譜的改變,所提出的一種全局概念。
依大健康業態區分,可分為 "健康管理、醫療醫藥、復健智能、養老養生" 四個構面來進行區分。
大健康就是緊緊圍繞著人們期望的核心,讓人們 "生得優、活得長、不得病、少得病、病得晚、提高生命品質、走得安"。
/04 2024

submitted by March_Explorer to Isletforum [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 06:16 Dillon123 Yanshou explains what is a Zen Patriarch?

As with the last post, I will stick with the formatting of putting Yanshou's words in bold so it is easy to discern from my notes and comments. This post is an examination of a Question & Answer passage from Fascicle 3 of the Record of the Source Mirror.
[0428b03] 問。以心為宗。如何是宗 通之相。
[0428b03] Question: Taking the mind as the fundamental principle, what are the characteristics of its universality?
This post may be a bit heavier on some translation talk... The term "宗" (zōng) can be translated as "fundamental principle" or "essence," while "相" (xiàng) refers to "characteristics" or "marks." ... or "traces" (as in Teaching's traces - see my previous post, Yanshou on the Teaching's Traces).
[0428b04] 答。內證自心第一義理。住自覺地。 入聖智門。以此相應。名宗通相。此是行時。非 是解時。因解成行。行成解絕。則言說道斷。心 行處滅。如楞伽經云。佛告大慧。宗通者。謂緣 自得勝進相。遠離言說文字妄想。趣無漏界 自覺地自相。遠離一切虛妄覺想。降伏一切 外道眾魔。緣自覺趣光明輝發。是名宗通相。 所以悟心成祖。先聖相傳。故達磨大師云。明 佛心宗。寸無差悟。行解相應。名之曰祖。又 偈云。亦不覩惡而生慊。亦不觀善而勤措。亦 不捨愚而近賢。亦不拋迷而就悟。達大道兮。 過量。通佛心兮。出度。不與凡聖同躔。超然。名 之曰祖。
[0428b04] Answer: The primary principle of realizing the inner truth within one's own mind is the foremost step. Abide in the ground of self-awareness, enter the gate of sacred wisdom. In correspondence with this, it is called the characteristic of universality.
Yanshou says here to abide in the ground of self-awareness (自覺), and to enter the gate of sacred wisdom (聖智). 聖智 is also written as “圣知” (Shèngzhì), and according to Baidu, it "refers to an existence that is more ultimate than enlightenment and wisdom, omnipotent, and the highest form of wisdom."
In correspondence with this, it is called the characteristic of universality.
The characters here giving universality (宗通), are rendered as Zong Tong. Wikisource reveals: "In the context of Zen Buddhism, 'Zong Tong' means to have a thorough self-realization, which is referred to as being proficient in principle." And “'Shuo Tong' means to be adept at teaching the Dharma, referred to as being proficient in expression. One who is proficient in both is considered a great master."
This is during the practice, not during the explanation. Through understanding, practice arises; through practice, understanding is perfected. Then, verbal teachings are cut off, and the place of mind and action is extinguished. As stated in the Lankavatara Sutra: "The Buddha said to Mahamati (Great Wisdom), 'Universality means the attainment of victorious advancing characteristics by oneself. It is far removed from the delusions of words and thoughts, aspiring towards the self-aware ground of non-leaking, self-existence. It is far removed from all false and delusory thoughts, subduing all external paths and demonic crowds. It is based on the self-aware ground, advancing towards the manifestation of radiant brightness. This is called the characteristic of universality.'"
The "non-leaking" (無漏) means "anāsrava. No drip, leak, or flow; outside the passion-stream; passionless; outside the stream (of transmigratory suffering); away from the downflow into lower forms of rebirth." Such as in the Treasury of the Eye of the True Teaching, where it is found that Master Huanglong Xin said to an assembly, "Bodhidharma's school of mind has been transmitted up to the present without leaking a drop, without moving a hair. But if it does not move at all, how is it transmitted?"
And *anāsrava (*अनास्रव) is explained on Wisdomlib to mean several things according to the Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra, such as “pure faculties”, “pure happiness”, “pure wisdom”, and “unsullied (characteristic of open space)”.
Yanshou wrote: "It is based on the self-aware ground, advancing towards the manifestation of radiant brightness" The radiant brightness (光明) is (āloka, prabhāsvara, amśu, tejas, prabhā). 'Bright light', 'radiance.' This is a "symbol of the wisdom of a Buddha or bodhisattva. It is an expression indicating the destruction of the darkness of delusion and the manifestation of the reality-principle. It is an expression of praise of the unlimited and unimpeded light of Amitābha Buddha, where 光 is distinguished into the light of his wisdom and the light of his form. 明 is the external manifest functioning expression of this wisdom."
Amitabha and Vairocana are often combined for the Dharmakaya (we will explore this at great length repeatedly through this record. Amitabha is one of the Four Dhyani Buddhas or Wisdom Buddhas which surround Vairocana Buddha (cosmic space Buddha) in the center of the four elements.
Therefore, to awaken the mind and become a patriarch, the ancient sages have transmitted. Thus, Master Bodhidharma said: "The clear understanding of the Buddha's mind has no discrepancy even to the slightest bit. Practicing in accordance with understanding is called a patriarch."
As Zen Master Linji taught, "If you want to be no different from the patriarchs and buddhas, then never look for something outside yourselves. The clean pure light in a moment of your mind--that is the Essence-body of the Buddha lodged in you. The undifferentiated light in a moment of your mind~that is the Bliss-body of the Buddha lodged in you. The undiscriminating light in a moment of your mind--that is the Transformtion-body of the Buddha lodged in you. These three types of bodies are you, the person who stands before me now listening to this lecture on the Dharma!"
Linji was referring here to the Three Bodies (Trikaya) which are symbolized too by Vairocana.
See for example Huineng and how he enlightened his disciple by reciting a verse about the Five Dhyani Buddhas, and how without the Three Bodies they would be Prajnas (wisdom) without bodies, and that one cannot talk about the three bodies as something seperate from the four wisdoms.
Furthermore, it is said: "Not observing evil and becoming disheartened, not observing goodness and becoming diligent, not abandoning foolishness and approaching wisdom, not discarding delusion and attaining enlightenment. Reaching the great path, surpassing measure. Penetrating the Buddha's mind, transcending limits. Not condescending to the mundane and the holy, transcending. This is called a patriarch."
The "great path" (大道) characters are, according to wiki, in Taoism 'the ultimate Tao'. Yanshou makes a good number of references to Daoism from what we have uncovered thus far from the record, even directly quoting the Tao Te Ching at times.
Yanshou is a great Zen patriarch!
submitted by Dillon123 to sourcemirror [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 09:03 Hezzyo The Compendium of the Six Great Generals (Everything we know about them)

Compendium of the Six Great Generals Of Old Era
Hello here,this is Kaijin(or by my reddit account Hezzyo),after previous post where I writed about Renpa,Chou Sha and Gakuki with Yan military,I decided to write some sort of compendium which would include everything we know about old Qin Six Great Generals(military achivments,campaigns,strategies,diplomacy) and ascension of Qin Military from a small army to a superpower(weapons,armours,ideologies included) .I also collaborated with Pallad(Apple) on this,and I would like to thank him for helping me with this.
Turned out the post is very big(apparently it has 55pages),I would upload it on drive and share the link so everybody can read it , I would also upload pdf there you don't even need to download it you can just click on it and read in browser.(the photos would be included as well and won't be messed in order like in the reddit post and i wont be limited by numbers of images either since here i need to be under or 20,in pdf there are more) - the only issue so far the ODT format get messy when it gets converted in pdf(an old problem),and by this,pdf format is having a little weird organisation,so I'm sorry for this.
The visual representations are not really accurate,but I choosed them based on how i felt and liked them at the moment of writing the post(I wasn't going to bore you with some ancient posters images,but the Battle Maps and the records are accurate,whenever a record conflicted I mentioned both variants and also my personal opinion)
This would be a giant post(55 pages,images included),hope you would enjoy it.

1. Shibasaku (Sima Cuo 司馬錯)

He was the oldest general of old era compared to other greats,given the fact that his first known war was in 316,and he also served under the previous Kings of Qin before King Sho.
Visual Representation of Shibasaku
Political Scene: ''He advocated the expansion of Qin towards the south and personally commanded the campaigns against the states of Shu 蜀 and Ba 巴. His political opponent Zhang Yi(he advocated instead for attacking Han) did not accept his argument that the conquest of the southern regions would economically support the further expansion of Qin towards the east. Shibasaku was right in his argument because the conquest of Shu did not only provide grain and tax income to the state of Qin, but also personnel to staff its large armies. Moreover, the region of Ba was an ideal base for the conquest of the state of Chu 楚 along the valleys of the Yangtze River and the River Han 漢.
Shibasaku words:'' If you win Shu,you ll win over Chu''.
316BC: Campaign against Shu and Ba
Shibasaku,alongside Zhang Yi and Captain Dan Mo,invaded Shu and fought with them at Jiameng Pass.King of Shu personally led his army in battle and adopted a defensive position at the pass.Initially it was a hard battle,but soon the Shu army was heavily defeated.King of Shu fled,and was later killed by Qin Troops in some months. In the winter of the same year,Shibasaku took the opportunity and attacked Ba as well .
(While we have no concrete evidence of how many troops were there for battle with Shu,The Old Qin dramas mention that in this battle Qin was outnumbered by the enemy,and most of historical records point this as 'heavy battle'.)
310BC: Chen Zhuang(regional commander of Shu appointed by Qin) rebelled and Shibasaku was sent to destroy the rebellion.The rebellion was crushed,and Chen Zhuang died.
301BC: Duke Ning Hui of Shu rebelled against Qin (some say he was later framed by his stepmother), and Shibasaku went to pacify the rebellion. He granted Ning Hui a sword=>and Ning Hui and his wife chose to take their own lives.
~ Shibasaku pacified the land of Shu three times. It is said that he personally oversaw the construction of towers, city walls, and gatehouses in Chengdu, and remnants of these structures endured until the Jin Dynasty.~
295BC: Shibasaku served as State Captain and led the army to attack Xiangcheng of Wei. (he succeded)
293BC: Hakuki succeded Shibasaku as State Captain while Shibasaku was promoted to Left Chancellar position. (State Captain was highest rank for military). - ''Zizhi Tongjian'' created by Sima Guang in Song Dynasty Time.
292-291BC: Shibasaku served as the Left Chancellor and was tasked with leading the army alongside attack the Wei state,capturing the Zhi territory of Wei.He also attacked the Han state alongside Hakuki, seizing the Deng territory of Han.
289BC: Shibasaku and Hakuki,invaded Wei,capturing 3 cities(Yuancheng, Jueqiao and Heyong).After this,the Qin Army arrived in previously captured Zhi territory,and captured another 61(both large and small cities) from Wei.
286BC: Shibasaku conducted the military campaign against the state of Wei 魏 and forced the king of this state to cede the territory of Henei 河內 and the former capital Anyi 安邑.
280BC: Shibasaku also realized the large riverine campaign along the River Fuling涪陵江 commanding 200k troops.
The Qin army defeated the Chu army and captured Qianzhong County 黔中(from where Chu was much easier to attack in future) of the Chu State forced the Chu State to cede the land north of the Han River and Shangyong to the Qin State.
-This is his last mention,so he probably retired and died later of either old age either an ilness,we dont know since his fate is never mentioned.His family continued to serve under Qin and other empires as well-> Sima Jin(his grandson), was the deputy general of Hakuki,he killed himself alongside Hakuki later. Sima Chang, the grandson of Sima Jin, was the chief iron officer of Qin(in charge of controlling the iron supply of Qin) .The son of Sima Chang was Sima Wuze was a Master of the Market of Han Dynasty.The son of Sima Wuze was Sima Xi,he was a Lord of the fifth rank. The son of Sima Xi was Ma Tan of Taishi Company. The son of Sima Tan was Sima Qian, the author of "Historical Records" of the Han Dynasty.

"Shibasaku was a strategist with innovative and pioneering ideas. His ideas not only helped Qin basically to destroy Chu, but also provided a reference for future kings who wanted to attack the Central Plains from Shu. When Shibasaku initially focused on attacking Shu, he said: "If you win Shu, you will win Chu. If Chu dies, the world will be united." This shows that he had foresight. -

Military Records Compilation Committee of Qindu

2.Hakuki(Bai Qi 白起)

He was also called "Ducal Grandson" Gongsun Qi 公孫起 because he was related to the house of Qin.He was appointed to the position of Right Militia after he had been recommended to King Zhaoxiang 秦昭襄王 by Counsellor-in-chief Wei Ran 魏冉, and was granted the twelfth grade of nobility.
''His lively gaze mirrored his decisive actions, thorough analysis, and strong will. He excelled in troop deployment and maintained a close bond with Wei Ran.''
294BC: Hakuki was sent to attack Xingcheng in Han.
Battle of Yi Que(293BC)
With Wei Ran's recommendation,Hakuki was promoted.Meanwhile the allied forces of Han, Wei and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty guarded Weihan to prevent Qin from advancing eastward.Hakuki was sent to deal with this situation.
Qin troops were 120k while Wei&Han combined army was 240k commanded by Gongsun Xi and Bao Yuan.
Yique terrain was dangerous,having mountains,forests and a river,making it an important strategical location.
Among the coalition forces of the states of Han and Wei, the Han army was weak, and their chief general, Bao Yuan, hoped that the Wei allied forces would take the lead in battle.
Gongsun Xi believed that although the Han army's combat strength was not particularly strong, their crossbows, armor, shields, bronze helmets,were all of excellent quality. Therefore, he hoped that the Han army would take the lead as the vanguard.
Hakuki stood on the gentle slope of Yi Que, overlooking the armies of Han and Wei. The Han army was positioned in front, with their allied Wei forces slightly behind and to the side.Scouts and Spies,brought news that the commanders of both the Han and Wei armies were showing signs of discord, with each side blaming the other and preserving their own strength, neither willing to engage with the Qin army first.
In response to this situation, Hakuki decided to adopt a strategy of avoiding the strong and striking the weak, aiming to divide and conquer while sowing discord among allied forces.
At the onset of the battle, Hakuki first deployed a small number of decoy troops to confront the Han army, creating an appearance of intending to attack the Han forces.These decoy troops consisted of numerous banners and fluttering ribbons arrayed at the front lines, causing confusion among the enemy and leading them to mistakenly believe that this was the direction of the main attack.The Han army, unaware of the true situation, was thus held in check by the Qin decoy troops.
Hakuki then withdrew his elite main forces and maneuvered them to the rear of the coalition army, taking advantage of the unready troops of the Wei to launch a sudden attack.Caught off guard, the Wei army was overwhelmed and forced to hastily engage in battle in the narrow area around the Yi Que mountain.Unable to coordinate their formation in time, they scattered and fought individually, leading to a swift and devastating defeat.
Upon learning that their allied flank had been instantly routed, the morale of the Han army plummeted.Soldiers mutinied, and the commander lost control as the situation deteriorated. At this moment, the flank of the Han army was fully exposed to the formidable main forces of the Qin army. Before any orders could be given by the commander, they were immediately flanked by the Qin forces, leading to the swift collapse and retreat of the Han army.
Seizing the opportunity, the Qin army pursued the fleeing enemy, further expanding their gains,capturing Yi Que and other 5 cities.He also crossed the river and captured land from Han as well.
A big part of the combined army surrendered and he had them massacrated,all of them,all 240k(including Gongsun Xi) -but i believe this number its a bit inflated,also Qin casualties were in tens of thousands,but we dont know the exact number. Because the oustanding result,he was promoted to National Captain. I already discussed about how he took part in campaigns alongside Shibasaku(292,291,289BC),so I wont discuss that again but i ll add new details about the battles where I can.
Now we had an interesting record,in 282BC ,Hakuki was sent to attack Zhao,capturing 1 city.
And we have: ''Hakuki attacked the State of Zhao, beheading 20,000-30,000 peoples,wiping out a city'' -which appear in ''Historical Records'' and his Biography ,but on the other hand we have ''In 282 BC, the Qin State sent general Bai Qi to capture two places in the Zhao State. The next year, Qin sent troops to capture Zhao's Shicheng;another year later, it attacked Zhao again. The two countries fought and fought. Zhao lost more than 20,000 troops, but the Qin army's offensive was stopped'' which also appear in Historical Records,Zhan Guo Ce,Zhao records and General Military History of China(a modern book) as well,which implies that Hakuki was stopped by Zhao even tough it come at a cost of 20k troops and 1 city got destroyed. The Zhao General who has the achivment for stopping Hakuki is Rin Shou Jou(Lin Xiangru). -it was mentioned in the Military History of China(the book) and if you search for his chinese name it would be mentioned on those sites as well listing multiple modern sources.
This would also explain why when RSJ speaked with King Sho,the following years,Qin didnt dared to attack Zhao right away even after being deceived by RSJ with the Jade thing 2 times(and this was considered a great insult yet they didnt dared to attack).While Zhao deployed troops near border,Qin still outnumbered them but instead they opted for peace.So Qin and Zhao made peace.
Also when RSJ arrived back home he convinced his disciples to stay and he made peace with Renpa(even in manga it was shown for them to be at each other throats,but in a funny way) I wont enter in details here since you re here for 6GG but he said this:''The reason why King of Qin did not dare to use troops against Zhao was because of the two of us'' -reffering to him and Renpa.
So I guess it was a dificult battle for Qin,or they suffered big casualties,and the campaign wasn't worth anymore,Hakuki having a tendancy for stopping the attack if he is not sure in his chances or if the casualties would be too big.Either way,he stopped Hakuki.
Back to Hakuki
After Grand Riverine Campaign,Qin attacked Chu again,this time sending Hakuki.
Battle of Yanying(279-278BC)
At this time, political corruption prevailed within the state of Chu. King of Chu neglected state affairs,cities and fortifications as well as the army deteriorated over the years.
After analyzing the situations of both Qin and Chu,Hakuki decided to adopt a strategy of directly attacking the central regions of Chu's rule.
In 279 BC: 150k downstream along the Han River, capturing key towns along the coast. Hakuki ordered the destruction of bridges, burning of ships, and cutting off of retreat routes to show his determination for a decisive battle. Along the way, the Qin army searched for food to replenish their supplies(plundering grain supplies from conquered cities and villages right and left).
Meanwhile, the Chu army, engaged in fighting on their home turf, lacked morale as soldiers were preoccupied with concerns for their families, they were also unable to resist the fierce attacks of the Qin army, leading to successive retreats.
The Qin army advanced rapidly, swiftly capturing key locations in the Han River basin, including Dengcheng ,and advancing directly to the Chu capital, Yancheng,where Chu had assembled its main forces(100k but also civilians+militia etc) to block the Qin army's southward advance.Qin army was met with fierce resistance and the city endured prolonged attacks.Hakuki couldnt take the city by force.
Hakuki decided to take advantage of favorable conditions with Man River water flowing from Western Mountains to Eastern Side of the city.He ordered troops to build dams to store water,and also ordered them to construct long canals directly into Yancheng.The he flooded the city trough the canals,the city was unable to resist and was drowned,resulting in hundreads of thousands of soldiers and civillians deaths. He then led his army to capture Xiling.
In 278 BC,Hakuki launched another attack on Chu, seizing the capital Ying and burning the tombs of its previous kings in Yiling.
The Qin army advanced eastward to Jingling , forcing King of Chu to move the capital to Chen for self preservation. In this battle, Qin occupied vast territories around Dongting Lake, south of the Yangtze River, and north to Anlu, establishing Nanzhong, and Hakuki was ennobled as the Marquis of Wu'an for his achievements. Meanwhile, witnessing the nation's gradual decline, the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, in frustration, threw himself into the Miluo River.
Link to an animation for this battle:鄢郢之战/3999239 (when you enter on site its literally the middle video above the title even tough its in chinese)
277BC:Hakuki and Zhang Ruo(the governor of Shuzhong County) led their troops to capture Wu County and the Jiangnan area,and established Qianzhong County here.
276BC: Hakuki attacked Wei and captured two cities.
Battle of Huayang(273BC)
Zhao and Wei Army attacked Huayang(an important city of Han), Han sent envoys to Wei Ran for aid.Wei Ran, alongside Ko Shou and Hakuki led the army to rescue Han.
While the allied forces and the Han army were deadlocked at Huayang, which was far from Qin territory, Wei and Zhao estimated that the Qin reinforcements would not arrive in the short term and thus were lax in their defense. (Zhao general was Jia Yan and Wei general was Mang Mao)
Hakuki adopted a strategy of attacking unexpectedly and exploiting weaknesses.The army set out from Xianyang, conducting rapid marches averaging one hundred miles per day, and arrived at Huayang within just 8 days. They immediately launched an attack on the relaxed Wei army, annihilating 150,000 soldiers of the Zhao-Wei coalition, capturing Zhao generals, and forcing Wei's prime minister Mang Mao to flee. Subsequently, they attacked the Zhao army again, defeating the reinforcements led by General Jia Yan after fierce battles, and captured 20,000 Zhao soldiers, drowning them in the Yellow River.
(Ko Shou ,also beheaded 40k troops 1 year earlier,before this battle).
Anyway with the main force of the Wei army mostly annihilated and unable to continue fighting, General Duan Ganzi of Wei requested to cede Nanyang to Qin in exchange for peace.Qin and Wei made peace.
For this battle Qin had around 100k,the casualties on their side were tens of thousands while from Wei and Zhao(who combined had about 190k,Wei lost 130k and Zhao 20k)
*after this battle,Wei army was literally destroyed it would take good years to replenish*
Battle of Xingcheng(265-264BC)
Fan Ju, a man from the state of Wei, fled to the state of Qin due to persecution by the Prime Minister of Wei, Wèi Qí. In Qin, Fan Ju, in the capacity of a guest official, advised King of Qin against the shortcomings of Wei Ran, who repeatedly led Qin's troops to cross the borders of Han and Wei to attack the state of Qi, expending great effort for minimal gains(actually Wei Ran did this because it would help his private estate to get richer)
He proposed the famous strategy of "befriend the distant, attack the nearby", suggesting that Qin should use a combination of benevolence and intimidation to befriend the states of Wei and Han, while threatening the states of Chu and Zhao.Qin would then launch attacks on the nearby states of Han and Wei to expand its territory. King of Qin adopted Fàn Jū's advice and launched attacks on the neighboring states of Han and Wei.
In 264 BC, King Zhaoxiang of Qin ordered Hakuki, to attack Xingcheng in Han, capturing five cities including Xingcheng and killing 50k(''beheading them'') Han soldiers, thus initiating the Battle of Xingcheng.
The following year (263 BC), Hakuki led his army to blockade the Taihang Mountains in Nanyang.
In 262 BC,Hakuki captured the city of Yewang in Han, severing the connection between Shangdang Commandery and the Han territory. The prefect of Shangdang Commandery, Fēng Tíng, had no choice but to surrender to the state of Zhao, triggering the famous Battle of Changping between Qin and Zhao.
*Explanation: Feng Ting did not want to surrender to Qin,because they were pretty brutal,so they instead surrendered to Zhao because this way Qin would be angry and the 2 states would fight.Zhao Court officials rejected the ideea because ''it would bring more disaster than benefits'',but who are you to say to Tojou Father to not accept a stupid decisions?So Zhao accepted the ideea.
Then Renpa was sent to defend Changping against Qin army.
Battle of Changping (Chouhei) 262-260BC
In 262 BC, the Qin army, led by Ouki(Wang He/Yi), invaded Shangdang, and Feng Ting had to evacuate the commandery fleeing to Zhao and merging with Renpa army.The Zhao army also mobilized, and after arriving at the front line, Renpa strategy in the beginning was to asses the enemy commander strength,so he set up 3 defensive lines pivoting south of Changping Pass.
The first was the Kongcangling , the second was the Danhe Line, and the third was the Bailishi Great Wall.
These three defense lines stretched east to west for dozens of miles, intricately interconnected.
Ouki troops: 550-600k
Renpa troops: 450K (Han troops included)
In April,Zhao Army first encountered Qin army west of Gaoping Pass on Renpa first defensive line.Initially Zhao army killed Qin scouts,but they were soon overwhelmed by Qin giant number,resulting in Zhao losing several skirmishes in the beggining resulting in losing the Commander in Gaoping(in April) and some strongholds nearby(1-2 months later,also losing 4 captains in process)
Renpa now assesed the enemy strength,he concluded that field battles are disadvantageous for Zhao Army,while he was outnumbered,so he opted to counter Qin by holding the 2nd line of defense along the Dan River(which was a large river)
He started focusing on further reinforcing positions on the east bank of Dan River valley using fortified ramparts built along the mountain foothills, hoping to exhaust the Qin army, as Changping was much farther away from Qin territory than Zhao and keeping the army supplied would be much more taxing to the Qin due to the more rugged and winding mountain routes in the west.
The Qin army attempted to cross the river multiple times under Ouki command,once they even managed to breach a part of the 2nd line,but the only issue with this strategy was that Renpa could always surround them and deliver heavy casualties to Qin Army,thus repulsing Qin army back while Zhao Army did not suffered many.
This happened for more times,and Qin Army was pretty frustrated with how the war was going.
At this point Hakuki was holding the greatest rank in military,he also come to the battle multiple times inspecting and giving directions and commanding as well(before Ouki was being replaced by him) *Lian Po -is Renpa in case someone might ask*
Hakuki observing the battlefield
Sources- ''Bai Qi led a large army into the territory of Wu'an, when suddenly a scout came to report: "Twenty li to the east, we found the Zhao army's supply camp, heavily guarded by General Lian Po." " After hearing the scout report, Bai Qi was suspicious and went to inspect it himself. It was okay if he didn't look at it, but when he looked at it, he was shocked. He saw bags of food piled up layer by layer in Zhao's military camp. he military camp below was lined with large tents and the flags were in order. So he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Zhao's army has enough food and good soldiers, but God will not help me." He hurriedly ordered the troops to retreat. From then on, this nameless hill was called Sushan'' (this come from Tang Dynasty records)
There were also mentions in some modern records of Hakuki trying to attack some strongholds on 2nd line of Renpa defense but couldnt get them.
(In the anime 2nd season in Sanyou was mentioned in Qin court room that ''Even Hakuki could not get a castle from Renpa''.)- in the manga tough it was not shown.
(Those sources come from modern records (not the old ones like Shji and Zhan Guo) ,but they come from Li Dei from Department of War Theory and Strategic Research, from Academy of Military Sciences and from Directory of Chinese Generals from Ancient Times to the Tang Dynasty as well + others but those that i shared are the most relevant) -so with this we can conclude that this happened,and not just 1 time Hakuki himself comed to the field,at least from the modern records historical point of view,since the old ones doesn't mention this,but the old records also doesnt mention the abundance of details in battles that happened in general. Keep in mind that there were probably a lot of skirmishes, most don't have names, let alone details,most arent even mentioned.Often times, annals just mention at a certain year that something happened.A certain campaign might also have numerous battles, and the number of fights were even mentioned, but these minor fightings were almost never given details (if they are mentioned at all), and were considered to be under one military operation, of which only the results and the most decisive event were given a description (sometimes, even these aren't given descriptions)
Either way,back to Changping battle,both Qin and Zhao Kings were frustrated.Qin because suffered heavy casualties and the war become a stalemate since they didnt dared to attack again,while Zhao was mad with the lack of action and that it cost a lot to maintain the giant army fighting Qin.
So after years of war,Qin sent spies to the Zhao court,praising Choukatsu(Zhao Kuo) as great general,son of great Lord Ma'Fu (Chousha) and that Qin is afraid of him,not afraid of Renpa.
Tojou father having Tojou brain rot,called Choukatsu and asked him if he could defeat the enemy.Choukatsu agreed and said he could defeat them easily.
Zhao Court Officials opposed this ideea right away,saying that its foolish to replace the veteran Renpa with Choukatsu who didnt fought a single battle so far. Choukatsu mother also said he is not a great general and how his father often said that he took the war to lightly and he is good just on paper,but when it come to the real war he is not flexible and would do mistakes.
"The battlefield is a place of death, yet Chou Katsu speaks lightly of it. If Zhao does not make Chou Katsu its commander, that's the end of it. If they must needs make him commander, it’s Chou Katsu who will defeat Zhao’s army." -Chousha of 3GH
Gakujou also opposed this ideea,Rin Shou Jou(who was very ill at this time) literally begged the king to not replace Renpa with Choukatsu because it would bring a disaster to Zhao Army.
Either way Zhao changed Renpa with Chou Katsu,while Qin secretly changed Ouki with Hakuki.
*Now we know the total number of troops,but I have some records that conflict each other here,one is when Renpa in beginning of the war ,only had 200k and then receiving later another 200k(in months or next year) after the mobilization was complete,another is when Choukatsu replaced Renpa and he come with 200k as reinforcments(after 2 yrs of war),either way ,total Zhao troops should been around 450k with Han army,but I can't say exactly for sure with how many troops either Zhao or Qin begin the battle.Qin troops also grow exponentially as the War raged on,King Sho sended troops to the front multiple times - but I wanted to share this with you in case you might want to know.*
In July 260 BC, Chou Katsu arrived at Changping and took over command of the Zhao army.He discarded all previous strategies made by Renpa and also replaced all Renpa veteran officers with young officers from his side.
He decided to take his main force north to quickly cross the Dan River and attack the left flank of the Qin army stationed along the river's west bank,hoping a decisive offense would be enough to break the Qin army. In doing so, he left most of the provisions stored at the old main camp further south along the river, which was now relatively undermanned and could not secure the elongated supply line stretched along in front of the Qin army across the river.
Unknown to Chou Katsu,Hakuki had anticipated his plan and responded with a maneuver that resembled the later Battle of Cannae.
Hakuki had deliberately reduced the strength of his left flank stationed along the river, and had a line of hill fortifications further west of the river reinforced instead. When Choukatsu crossed the river and attacked, the Qin left flank quickly abandoned their riverside positions and withdrew back west toward the hills, drawing Choukatsu to chase after them. However, a Qin detachment of 25,000 men had then traversed north through the Taiyue Mountains to perform a wide left encirclement behind Zhao's third defensive line stapled around the Changping Pass, cutting off Zhao supply lines from the north. At the same time, another detachment of 5,000 light cavalry with bows and crossbows advanced on the right and crossed the Dan River to cut off communications between Zhao Kuo's new camp and their southern main depot, splitting the Zhao army into two, and Hakuki main force immediately followed in to secure and choke off the Dan River valley exits.These detachments eventually completed a triangular encirclement that trapped Zhao forces around a small mountain range.
Choukatsu soon found his attack against the enemy left flank halted by the Qin hill fortifications, unable to make any progress. He then realized that his rear were being ambushed by the Qin cavalry and provisions were quickly running low, and was forced to abandon his offensives and pull back across the river. The Qin army then counterattacked and pursued, inflicting heavy casualties upon Zhao retreating army. After being unable to reach the friendly forces in the south, the Zhao Kuo's army dug in on a hill and had to await relief.
However, since 295 BC, Zhao foreign policy had been dominated by opportunism, and had frequently shifted between hezong (合縱) (anti-Qin alliances) and lianheng (連橫) (pro-Qin alliances), depleting its diplomatic goodwill with other states. Therefore, as the battles in Changping unfolded, Zhao was unable to secure any help from either the State of Chu or the State of Qi.
King of Qin used this opportunity to mobilize additional forces against Zhao from, by bestowing one grade of noble rank on the population as merits and ordered a nationwide mobilization conscripting every able-bodied man over the age of 15, with the king himself personally overseeing the reserves to the Changping frontline in order to further bolster the encirclement.
With the enemy firmly trapped, Hakuki started repeatedly launching attacks to further wear out the Zhao army and deny them any chance of escape. Choukatsu improvised hill positions were besieged non-stop for 46 days, and by September, with winter nearing, his army's struggle for survival grew more desperate, with the starving Zhao soldiers slaughtering all the horses and allegedly even murdering and feeding on each other. The fighting was also so fierce that half of the Qin soldiers were killed in combat, but the exhausted and demoralized Zhao army was ultimately unsuccessful in breaking out. Chou katsu was eventually killed by Qin crossbowmen when leading his best troops in a final attempt to breach the encirclement. With their commander dead, the remaining Zhao army gave up and surrendered.
Hakuki wanted to take advantage of the victory and quickly lay siege to Handan, but guarding and feeding the large number of prisoners of war would be a huge burden, and releasing them was out of the question because the newly subdued local population was still hostile to Qin rule and these Zhao captives would likely get reconscripted or participate in revolts.
As a one-off solution, Hakuki ordered the captured Zhao soldiers all to be executed, presumably by being buried alive;only 240 of the youngest soldiers were spared and released back to Zhao to spread terror. Han dynasty historian Sima Qian stated in his chronicle (written about 150 years later) that over 450,000 Zhao soldiers were killed during and after the battle.
It is also debated if Hakuki alone decided to slaughter everyone or if he got the order from King Sho,either way this massacre had long term effects.Prior to this campaign, Zhao had been one of the most militarily powerful states of the Warring States and arguably the only one that could resist Qin's expansion aside from Chu. Instead, it never recovered from the loss of manpower at Changping. Meanwhile, three years of war had financially and domestically exhausted Qin as well.
About the casualties on both sides,Qin troops casualties were around 250k(most of them were against Renpa),while Zhao casualties were 450k. The 450k number seems exagerated,so it was probably lower,but we know it was so big that zhao was never able to properly organize an army bigger than 150k again,even after decades.
''The Battle of Changping was the largest war in the Warring States period.Its intensity was rare even in the era of old weapons worldwide.Not only does it deserve research for the strategic successes and failures of the highest decision-making levels of the major states, but it also concentrates the participation of the most outstanding military strategists of the Warring States era, such as Lian Po(Renpa) and Bai Qi(Hakuki). This battle involved these legendary generals commanding with unparalleled strategic acumen, thus embodying the ancient and rich military science theories and practical experiences of ancient China.'' -Anthology of Historical Records
After this battle,somehow Shadong County was recaptured by Zhao,and in 259BC Hakuki led the army again,he splitted his army into 3, Ouki(he gone and captured Buan and Pilao),Sima Geng captured Taigen,and Hakuki himself led his army to attack Kantan(Handan).
Zhao could not risk to send forces to defend against Ouki and Sima Geng,and they instead amassed everything they could at Kantan to stop Qin,since if Kantan falled,then whole Zhao would fall.
Fan Ju was jealous of Hakuki,he tought that it would overshadow his career in Qin,so he tried to convince the King Sho to stop the offensive because if he was to succeed then it would make Hakuki even more stronger in Qin. Hakuki has other opinion,he wanted to attack Zhao now because they couldnt properly organise after Changping Battle,and there was a good chance Kantan would fall.
Fan Ju convinced King Sho with things like ''qin troops are very tired of war'' and other things and Qin and Zhao made peace.This enraged Hakuki.
Fan Ju representation
1 year later,Qin attacked Zhao again,this time attacking Handan(Kantan).At this point Hakuki and Fan Ju were having a conflict.
Hakuki refused to command the army and feigned sickness.He believed that the State Zhao had been well prepared this time.Also, led by great general Renpa, every one of Zhao was ready to revenge for their sacrificed people in the Battle of Changping.He tought it would be a very difficult battle and advised King Sho to not attack Kantan.King Sho did not listen,and initiated the war.
With Battle of Handan(Kantan) ongoing,more defeats and high casualties occured in Qin army(we will speak about this right away when we go to Ouki),King Sho asked multiple times for Hakuki to led the army,but Hakuki stubborn in nature,refused.
''At this time, Hakuki recovered from illness, and King Sho intended to appoint him to lead the attack on Handan(Kantan).Hakuki advised King Sho, saying, "Handan is not easy to conquer. Moreover, if the other states come to its aid, their troops will arrive within a short time.The other states have resented Qin for a long time. Although Qin has defeated the Zhao army at Changping, the casualties were also big on our side. Our army is far away, contending for someone else's capital. If Zhao collaborates internally while the other states support externally, they will surely be able to defeat the Qin army.Therefore, we should not attack Zhao with our troops."
King Sho personally requested Hakuki to come out of retirement, but Hakuki declined. King Sho then sent Fan Ju to visit Hakuki and criticized him, saying: "You once won against the odds, achieving victories like a god (referring to his victories over Chu and defeats of Han and Wei coalition). How can you refuse to fight with strength against weakness and with numbers against few?"
Hakuki analyzed the situations during the attack on Chu and the defeat of the Han and Wei coalition, believing that he could win consecutively because of strategic advantages, rather than any supernatural prowess. He then pointed out that after the Battle of Changping, Qin failed to swiftly capitalize on its momentum to annihilate Zhao, which instead allowed Zhao time to recuperate and strengthen its resistance against Qin. Additionally, the people of Zhao would resort to defensive strategies and guerrilla warfare, making it difficult for Qin to defeat them in open battle. If Qin's military efforts yielded no results, it would prompt the other states to come to Zhao's aid. Therefore, Hakuki believed: "I see the harm but not the benefit." Fan Ju, feeling ashamed, withdrew after hearing Hakuki analysis and relayed his words to King Zhaoxiang. King Sho remarked, "Without Hakuki, wouldn't I be able to destroy Zhao?"
The battle unfolded exactly as Hakuki predicted,Chu and Wei come to aid Zhao,and Qin suffered heavy casualties.
Upon hearing this, Hakuki said, "In the beginning, the King of Qin did not heed my advice. What are the consequences now?"
King Sho, enraged, personally went to Hakuki residence and forcibly ordered him to lead the troops, saying, "Even if you are ill, you must lead troops for me. If you achieve military exploits, it is what I hope for, and I will reward you generously. If you refuse, I will resent you."
Hakuki said: "I understand that even if I go and achieve no military exploits,I can still avoid blame. But if I refuse to go, even if I have no fault, I cannot escape death. However, I just hope that the king can consider my humble strategy, abandon Zhao, and let the people recuperate to deal with the changes among the other states. To pacify the fearful, to attack the arrogant, to eliminate the unjust, with this, you can command the other states, and the world can be pacified. Why must Zhao be the first target of attack? This is what it means to yield to a minister yet conquer the world. If Your Majesty does not carefully consider my plan and insists on satisfying yourself psychologically at the expense of condemning me, it will also be conquering a minister but being subdued by the world. Which is greater, the prestige of conquering a minister or the prestige of conquering the world? It is said that wise kings cherish their countries, and loyal ministers cherish their reputations. A broken country cannot be made whole again, and the dead cannot be resurrected. I would rather face severe punishment and death than be the commander of a disgraced army. I hope Your Majesty will consider this carefully."
After this King Sho leaved without a response.Following this, Fan Ju once again requested Hakukito return to duty, but hakuki still claimed to be too ill. King Sho then demoted him to the rank of common soldier and exiled him to Yinmi.Hakuki did not immediately set out. Three months later, news of the Qin army's defeat continued to spread from Handan.
*I needed to literally stopped abruptly here because I exceeded the character count allowed on the post(over 40k,damn it REDDIT)\* You have the full continuation of the post,in the drive and on the kingdom discord(in both discords) in history spoilers section,PINNED.
I would want to thank you for reading this and arriving here,hope you liked this part of the post and I hope you would like the continuation that is in drive and on discord as well.
submitted by Hezzyo to Kingdom [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 19:44 bajie90 最近面了三十多场面试,走火入魔到听《猴哥》听出个动机信框架

最近面了三十多场面试,走火入魔到听《猴哥》听出个动机信框架 submitted by bajie90 to douban_one [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 09:46 Due_Curve1490 网飞版《三体》为何在中国引发愤怒、嘲笑和怀疑

submitted by Due_Curve1490 to LiberalGooseGroup [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 07:21 bajie90 最近面了三十多场面试,走火入魔到听《猴哥》听出个动机信框架

最近面了三十多场面试,走火入魔到听《猴哥》听出个动机信框架 submitted by bajie90 to douban_read [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 21:07 echoch4mb3r Falling in love with the classic masterpiece Emperor Wu of Han 汉武大帝 (2005)

Falling in love with the classic masterpiece Emperor Wu of Han 汉武大帝 (2005)
Drama name: 汉武大帝 (Hàn Wǔ Dà Dì) aka Emperor Wu of Han.
Casting and costumes are A+
This 58 episode drama from 2005 has douban score of 9.2! It’s director Hu Mei 胡玫 is also behind the critically acclaimed 1998 Qing dynasty drama 雍正王朝 (Yongzheng Dynasty) that has douban score of 9.4. It was reported to have cost 50 million yuan to produce this drama.
The drama is based on the life of Emperor Wu of Han 漢武帝 who is the longest reigning ethnic Han emperor and his record long reign of 54 years was not broken until the reign of the Kangxi Emperor more than 1,800 years later.
Standout performances from Chen Baoguo as Emperor Wu, Jiao Huang as Emperor Jing, and Lu Jianmin as General Wei Qing.
Enriched Synopsis
After putting down the chaos of the Rebellion of the Seven States, Emperor Jing of the Western Han dynasty set out to solve the problems of the kingdom and cut down the vassals to strengthen the centralization of power. Emperor Jing, who governed the country well, followed Huáng-Lǎo's 黄老 rule of inaction (Wú Wéi 无为). However, the newly stabilized Western Han dynasty faced the powerful nomadic Xiongnu 匈奴 invasion and had to endure the humiliation and maintain border security through marriage (heqin 和亲).
After the death of Emperor Jing, the young Emperor Liu Che was pushed to the throne under the careful planning and wooing of everyone by his scheming mother, Wang Zhi. As soon as Emperor Wu came to the throne, he showed a different courage and wisdom from previous emperors. He opened up his voice, looked for wise ministers, and implemented reforms. Under the foundation laid by his father’s rule, Emperor Wu continued to expand the foundation of the Western Han dynasty, showing his growing imperial courage amidst setbacks and difficulties, and under the influence of Queen Wei Zifu. With the help of his younger brother Wei Qing, he drove the Huns out of the Central Plains after decades of crusade, sweeping away the national humiliation of the past. Under Liu Che's iron-fisted rule, the Western Han dynasty reached unprecedented prosperity.
Numerous prominent historical figures such as the generals Li Guang, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, as well as the diplomats Su Wu and Zhang Qian, also make appearances in the series.
Where can you watch it?
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any HD version with English subtitles. There are two playlists on YouTube [1] and [2], with the former being better quality but with only Chinese subtitles, and the latter having incomplete English subtitles (meaning there are gaps where no subs are displayed) but with very high contrast that you can't see shit.
One helpful tip that I can give is to read the baidu page of this drama which contains very helpful per-episode summary that can help you understand the plot.
Here's some highlights I noticed from watching this drama.
Emperor Wu imported numerous dwarfs to act as slaves and jesters which was depicted in the drama.
Emperor Wu with his court dwarfs
The use of simple eye-liner only makeup reminds me of The Wind Blows from Longxi 风起陇西.
Simple eyeliner make-up comparison with The Wind Blows from Longxi
Want rough-looking realistic generals? This drama got you covered.
Lu Jianmin as the infamous general Wei Qing kicked ass in this drama
Lin Jing as Queen Wei Zifu really looks like those Han dynasty figurines.
Lin Jing as Queen Wei Zifu
submitted by echoch4mb3r to CDrama [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 12:02 KyKenKamishiro Neuvillette Mains Banner Gacha Rolls

Neuvillette Mains Banner Gacha Rolls

Hello & Welcome to NeuvilletteMains_ !
A megathread for in-game media of gacha pulls. Feel free to flex your RNG here.
To post your pulls/drops, you can upload the image to imgur and post the link here. If you have a video of your pulls, you can also upload it to youtube and post the link here.
Good luck on your rolls travelers!
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Release Date: September 27, 2023 Version 4.1
Last Rerun: April 2, 2024 Version 4.5
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submitted by KyKenKamishiro to NeuvilletteMains_ [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 09:01 AutoModerator Happy Anniversary, Feng Ling Yu Xiu!

Happy Anniversary, Feng Ling Yu Xiu! The show is seven years old today (31 March 2024).
Feng Ling Yu Xiu Firsts
This series is the first, true baihe or GL donghua.
It is said to be the first "double-heroine wuxia" story in any medium.
It appears to be the first donghua to use the “xuan paper effect," in which the animation looks like it was painted on quality rice paper, especially when lighter colors are used. This effect was used in season one.
Which era?
Fans of the series have pointed to everything from servants’ hats to knives to Yuxiu’s hanfu to demonstrate that the series is set in a fictionalized version of Song Dynasty China, which lasted from 960-1279.
A Mixed Audience
A survey of season one viewers found that 45 percent were women or girls, an unusually high number for a wuxia donghua. Writer Zheng Wei has praised the well-rounded portrayal of the heroines that defies donghua stereotypes, as well as their independence, their mutual trust and admiration for each other, and the subtle ways the animators reveal their emotions.
Traditional Chinese culture on display
The series is filled with Chinese cultural artifacts, including the three-dimensional, interlocking burr puzzle the Lu Ban lock, the jade flute, the game weiqi, better known as go, the musical instruments guqin and guzheng, I Ching trigrams, and sky lanterns.
A Team with Aliases
Many talented individuals were involved in helping make a TV series out of DDF’s music video “Hair Like Snow.” Like DDF, some of them use aliases or nicknames, such as producefundeco-planner “Christmas Eve Nightmare," whose wife sang the opening theme for season one, early screenwriter “Chinese Mugwort Leaf," editor “Please Call Me ‘Big Bull,’" which is slang for an outstanding individual or extraordinary person per Baidu Encyclopedia, and screenwriter “Dou Dou,” pronounced “doe doe,” using the character for “bean," among others. Christmas Eve Nightmare and Chinese Mugwort Leaf *helped to plan the plots for episodes 1 and 2, according to CEN.
*An explanation for the slang term can be found in Chinese here.
The Future of Feng Ling Yu Xiu
In an interview in the season one art book on page 160, DDF says, “We plan to make four seasons of Feng Ling Yu Xiu…” 「《风灵玉秀》我们打算制作四季......」.
For more fun facts about the series, see our trivia guide here.
submitted by AutoModerator to SoulmateAdventure [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 03:08 Different_Ad6979 买刀实名制(转自百度百科)

买刀实名制,又名买菜刀实名制,(Buys the knife solid famous system;Buying, real-name system)。是指我国某些地方如上海世博、广州亚运期间试行的、购买菜刀或大型水果刀等管制刀具要实施的实名制以确保安保的一项强制措施。据报道,2012年1月起在北京大型超市和家居用品店,不带身份证将不能买菜刀等刀具
本月广州市已逐步试行此条例。违反规定最高罚款5000元 根据通告,违反刀具禁售或者定点销售规定的,由工商行政管理部门、城市管理执法部门按照各自职责予以取缔,没收非法销售的刀具,并可对个人处以100元以上1000元以下罚款,对单位处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款;刀具销售定点单位未按照规定实行专店或者专柜销售、明确安全管理责任人员或者配备必要的安全技术防范设施的,由所在区、县级市经贸部门责令限期改正,处以1000元以上5000元以下罚款;逾期不改正的,由所在区、县级市经贸部门取消其刀具销售定点单位资格,并报市经贸部门备案。
上海世博会期间需要重点加强安全管理的刀具范围为以下两类:一类是纳入国家管制范围的刀具,如匕首、三棱刀、带有自锁装置的弹簧刀等;一类是管制刀具以外的菜刀、大型水果刀、工艺品刀、陶瓷刀等具有危险性的其他刀具。 主要措施 (一)管制刀具和陶瓷刀禁止销售,其他危险性刀具实行定点销售。上海世博会期间,上海市禁止销售管制刀具和陶瓷刀,对其他危险性刀具实行定点销售制度,刀具销售单位必须取得区、县商务部门颁发的《世博期间刀具销售定点单位》证后,方可销售。未取得《世博期间刀具销售定点单位》证的销售单位必须将刀具下架,并妥善保管。世博期间刀具销售定点单位将由市商务部门向社会公布。违反上述规定的,将由有关部门予以取缔,并予以处罚。
(四)对携带刀具进入公共场所或者乘坐公共交通工具的要求。严禁携带管制刀具、陶瓷刀进入公共场所或者乘坐公共交通工具,违反规定的将予以处罚。携带其他危险性刀具进入公共场所或者乘坐公共交通工具的,应当采取必要的防护措施,确保公共安全,未采取必要的防护措施的,将由公安部门责令改正,并予以处罚。 (五)刀具持有单位和个人的义务。单位和个人应当妥善保管所持有的刀具,防止刀具被盗被抢。
在北京不少小型五金店内,也有刀具出售,但相较于大型超市和家居店的实名制购刀,五金店店主均称顾客不用登记任何信息,便可购买刀具。 [2]
播报编辑买刀实名制无损公序良俗2010年8月19日,广州市公安局起草了《广州市人民政府关于加强刀具安全管理的通告(征求意见稿)》,规定菜刀、大型水果刀在亚运期间,将实施实名制购买、定点销售制度。据了解,上海世博安保也要求买刀实名登记。(8月20日《广州日报》) [3]菜刀、水果刀都是常见的日常用品,与老百姓的生活休戚相关。有些人认为,对于民众而言,服务于日常生活需要的买刀,纯属个人选择。强制实名登记,未免有“公权侵入私人空间”之嫌。并且,买刀实名制是个不治本的法子,难治“挥刀作乱”的病原。总而言之,认为“买刀实名制”背离了公序良俗——按照日本学者我妻荣的观点,“限制个人和营业自由”是违反公序良俗的两大表现。
“买菜刀实名制”纯属惰政之举 [4]据《法制晚报》报道,不带身份证,不能买菜刀等刀具。最近,北京市大型商超和家居用品店相继贴出通知,购买刀具实行“实名制”,须登记姓名、说明用途。(1月29日广州日报)
submitted by Different_Ad6979 to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 04:28 PitifulCall9574 加密货币的创新之路 之八、成王败寇话宇晨 作者:祝维沙

图一 比特币的走势图
图二 波场币的走势图
图三 TrueUSD在波场生态的跳涨
除了碰瓷马云,他还碰瓷巴菲特,花一笔钱忽悠了老先生三回。三次报道的效果远超过了4,567,888美元的价值。他做了不少别人不敢想和不能做之事:担任格林纳达常驻世界贸易组织代表;在伦敦佳士得20世纪艺术晚拍以2000万美元(1.3亿人民币)和200万美元(1300万人民币)的价格,分别拍下毕加索的《戴项链的躺卧裸女》和安迪·沃霍尔的《三幅自画像》;以1050万美元的价格拍下编号为3442的孙宇晨朋克(Justin sun Tpunks)头像;豪掷2500万美金购入飞往太空的船票。透着就是豪横。有钱代表什么?个人有个人的看法,但是在拜金的社会,这一定是引起关注和红眼的。不患寡患不均,所以黑他的料不胫而走,拥有众多的转载量。他也成了消费对象。
就在昨天,比推消息,孙宇晨在X平台表示:“考虑对 FTX 持有的代币和资产提出要约,以减少其抛售对加密货币社区的影响。让我们团结起来,支持我们的加密生态系统”。成不成不知道,注意力有了,公众形象也有了。
  1. TRON基金会(34.3%):作为基金会以及团队使用;
  2. 公开贩售(40%):于2017年8月30日以1ETH=205,000TRX贩售400亿枚TRX币;
  3. 私人贩售(25.7%):于Tron基金会创立之前,以1ETH=1,025,000TRX私人贩售25.7%;
  4. 根据社区治理奖励决议,每年增发1.8%用于超级代表和投票节点奖励,约18.5
亿/年。到2021年TRX总存量约为1,019 亿。随交易量扩大,2023年TRX上半年已经通缩了2.8%。
submitted by PitifulCall9574 to chainlesshk [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 16:58 lihb0725 The West China Adventure of Li (2023) — Chapter 11 (Part 2) — Flaming Mountain and Grape Valley in Turpan

The West China Adventure of Li (2023) — Chapter 11 (Part 2) — Flaming Mountain and Grape Valley in Turpan

4. Flaming Mountain

After visiting the Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, the sun was scorching at four o'clock in the afternoon.
Opening the car door, a wave of heat hit, and sitting down felt like sitting on fire. The steering wheel was too hot to touch, but strangely, leaning back against the seat was surprisingly comfortable, like a warm compress.
I quickly started the car, rolled down the windows, and turned on the air conditioning. As the air gradually cooled down, we continued our journey to visit the Grape Valley in the ancient Gaochang kingdom.
Flaming Mountain, known as the "Mountain of Flame" in the Classic chinese fare tales, is called "Kezir Takte" in Uyghur, meaning red mountain.
During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was known as "Chishan" or Red Stone Mountain. Flaming Mountain is the hottest place in China, with summer temperatures reaching up to 47.8°C. The surface temperature of the sunny side of the mountain can reach as high as 82.3°C, with the main peak at an altitude of 831.7 meters, called Qinglongzui.
Not only does the story of Sun Wukong borrowing the palm-leaf fan appear in the novel "Journey to the West," but there is also a legend among the Uyghur people about Flaming Mountain. Long ago, deep in the Tianshan Mountains, there was an evil dragon that preyed on young boys and girls. The leader, Shatok Bukhara Khan, sent the brave warriors Hala and Zhuo to subdue the evil dragon. After a thrilling and heart-pounding battle, the dragon fled westward with injuries to the Seven Wells northeast of Turpan, staining the entire mountain red with its blood. Therefore, the Uyghur people call this mountain "Red Mountain."
Driving from the backside of Flaming Mountain to its front, one can truly appreciate the mountain's majestic presence.

5. Grape Valley

Turpan is indeed a naturally endowed "oven," with high temperatures, little rainfall, and excellent ventilation. Along the G312 National Highway, you can see grapevines stretching out in vineyards. On sunny and ventilated slopes and open spaces, you'll find numerous "grape drying structures" made of adobe or red bricks. These structures have walls covered in closely packed square or diamond-shaped holes, which are used for drying grapes into raisins.
Grape Valley is like a secluded paradise within the fiery land of Turpan. It's over 20 kilometers from the entrance of the scenic area to Grape Valley, and visitors typically need to take an electric sightseeing car to reach it. Along the way, you'll pass through numerous villages and guesthouses, with grape trellises dotting the landscape alongside the river.
The melted snow from the Tianshan Mountains gathers to form the Buyiruk River (People's Canal), which flows through the Grape Valley Canyon. This river nourishes the land, resulting in lush vegetation and moist air, creating a cool and pleasant climate in stark contrast to the scorching heat of Flaming Mountain outside.
A stall is filled with various ethnic musical instruments, and the owner seems to have disappeared without a care in the world, leaving the instruments unattended.
Along the Mukam Corridor, there's a refreshing green ambiance with clusters of grapes hanging down from the racks, ripe for the picking. However, one must resist the temptation as picking or eating grapes without permission can lead to fines.
Turpan is renowned for its grapes, with some varieties boasting a sugar content of 19 degrees, making them the sweetest in the world. Grape Valley serves as an open-air grape exhibition center, showcasing 52 different grape varieties of varying colors and shapes. Among them, the seedless white grape is the most famous, followed by the large-sized Mamour grape, the medicinal Soso grape, as well as red grapes, Kashkar, black grapes, and imported varieties like Abienna, seedless purple, seedless red, and Rose fragrance. Local farmers still adhere to traditional environmentally friendly farming practices, producing grapes of exceptional quality that are naturally free from pesticides.
Passing by a small stall selling grapes and melons, I was amazed by the gigantic watermelon displayed there. Next to it, several similarly sized melons were soaking in the small stream. Comparing them to the melons I've had before, I couldn't help but wonder which one truly represented the authentic member of the melon family.

6. Jar Meat in Tulufan

Grape Valley is just 20 kilometers away from Turpan city, with smooth roads leading directly from the city center, making the journey quick and easy.
Surrounded by high mountains, the Turpan Basin experiences long hours of sunshine during the summer, lasting up to twelve to thirteen hours. While temperatures rise rapidly, the heat is blocked from dissipating by the surrounding mountains, resulting in exceptionally hot conditions and extremely high accumulated temperatures within the basin. Unlike other places where high temperatures might last only a few days, Turpan can maintain temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius continuously for a month or more. Residents of Turpan have grown accustomed to such extreme heat and hardly find it surprising anymore.
Having checked into the hotel after 9 PM, just as the night fell, I noticed a Uyghur restaurant nearby. I ordered a bottle of cola with ice to cool down from the heat.
My wife ordered a local specialty, Liangpi (cold noodles) and Huangmian (yellow noodles), while I was pondering what to eat.
Suddenly, I noticed a pot of Kashgar Jar Meat already stewed on the table. I quickly asked the owner to bring a serving to satisfy my craving. This miniature version of the large pot contained stewed lamb with red dates and goji berries, making it a healthier option.
Jar Meat is a traditional delicacy in Xnjiang and a method of preserving food. It is typically made from lamb or beef, cut into small pieces and mixed with spices before being placed into large jars. Salt and soy sauce are then added in appropriate amounts before sealing the jars for fermentation. After a period of fermentation, the meat becomes tangy and flavorful, with a rich aroma and unique texture. Jar Meat is a specialty of Turpan and is highly regarded for its taste and preservation qualities.
The radish and meat were both stewed until very tender, and the clear broth was full of flavor.
Having traveled over 500 kilometers and visited 4 attractions in a single day, it truly was a fulfilling day.

6. Bibliographs

Hami City
Baiyanggou Buddhist Temple
Bezeklik Caves
Flaming Mountain and Grape Valley

submitted by lihb0725 to u/lihb0725 [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 07:11 ClearJackfruit1472 有没有生物老嗨简单讲解一下这个酶

有没有生物老嗨简单讲解一下这个酶 submitted by ClearJackfruit1472 to NEWTo_Cave [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 06:22 Addarash1 RI General Info + 5 Year Sub Update

It's now March 2024, which marks a happy 5 year anniversary for this sub! This seems like a good time to update the sticky post that has been otherwise unchanged over these years.
The subreddit rules are found on the sidebar, please read them as they are important. Please feel free to discuss or message moderators using modmail for clarification.
Now, on Reverend Insanity, also known as 蛊真人, Gu Daoist Master, Daoist Gu or Master of Gu amongst other titles. Here is a summary:
A story of a villain, Fang Yuan, who was reborn 500 years into the past with the Spring Autumn Cicada he painstakingly refined. With his profound wisdom, battle and life experiences, he seeks to overcome his foes with skill and wit! Ruthless and amoral, he has no need to hold back as he pursues his ultimate goals. In a world of cruelty where one cultivates using Gu - magical creatures of the world - Fang Yuan must rise up above all with his own power.
Novel links:
Webnovel dot com (official EN source)
Manhua links:
Meraki scans
Manga dex
The novel and manhua are both on hiatus at this moment. The novel was removed due to a change in policy by the Chinese government, while the manhua stopped due to insufficient funds. This will be updated should the situation change.
IB/New Novel
The author is currently writing another novel, Infinite Bloodcore (无限血核). Links are below:
Update Apr 2024 IB is officially on hiatus and the author has started another novel named 仙工开物. Link here(raw only)
Other links
RI has an official discord server here!
There is also a (fan-maintained) wiki here.
Fang Yuan page on baidu (fan-maintained).
Subreddit lingo page. (thanks to u/kopasz7)
More edits to this post pending as necessary.
submitted by Addarash1 to ReverendInsanity [link] [comments]