Used aliners campers for sale


2020.05.31 05:40 SmallBusinessOps UsedBusesForSale

This subreddit is dedicated to used buses. You can buy or sell your buses here and provide valuable information about used buses in general.

2022.10.07 23:25 skyfleeet Selling Mens Used Socks : Mens Used Socks For Sale

Selling Mens Used Socks, Footwear and related items


READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING USMLE Step 2 CK is the second national board exam all United States medical students must take before graduating medical school. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/step2/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking Step 2 CK, along with analytical statistics of study resources.

2024.05.20 02:07 Soninetz Unbounce vs Elementor: This is the Ultimate Choice?

Unbounce vs Elementor: This is the Ultimate Choice?
Looking to create a stunning website but torn between Unbounce and Elementor, both landing page builders? Which platform, the simplicity of Unbounce or the flexibility of Elementor, will best suit your needs for landing page builders? Dive into this comparison to discover which tool aligns with your website-building goals and design capabilities. Whether you prioritize ease of use or design freedom, understanding the differences between Unbounce and Elementor is crucial for making an informed decision. Let's explore the features, functionalities, design flexibility, and unique offerings of each platform in the WordPress ecosystem to help you choose the perfect fit for your next web project.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Comparing Features and Prices: Evaluate the features and pricing plans of Unbounce and Elementor to choose the platform that best aligns with your needs and budget.
  • Mastering Landing Pages with Unbounce: Utilize Unbounce's marketing tools and editor on the platform to create high-converting landing pages that drive engagement, sales, and conversions.
  • Boosting Conversions with Unbounce: Leverage Unbounce's A/B testing and analytics capabilities to optimize your landing pages for maximum conversion rates.
  • Building and Optimizing with Elementor: Explore Elementor's drag-and-drop interface to design visually appealing landing pages and customize them for better user experience on the platform.
  • Making the Right Choice for You: Consider factors like ease of use, design flexibility, and support options to make an informed decision between Unbounce and Elementor based on your specific goals and requirements.

Comparing Features and Prices

Design Capabilities

Unbounce offers a drag-and-drop editor, enabling users to create customized landing pages with ease. On the other hand, Elementor focuses on widget-based design for websites and pages.

Pricing Plans

Unbounce provides pricing plans ranging from $80 to $300 per month, catering to various needs of businesses. In contrast, Elementor offers a free version with basic features and a Pro version priced at $199 per year, making it cost-effective for users.
Step into boundless marketing success 🌟 Start your Unbounce Free Trial now! 🎉

Target Users

Unbounce primarily targets businesses looking to create high-converting landing pages for marketing campaigns. Meanwhile, Elementor caters to individuals and businesses seeking versatile design capabilities for websites and pages.

Mastering Landing Pages with Unbounce

Diverse Templates

Unbounce offers 101 landing page templates across various categories like e-books, webinars, and more. These templates cater to different industries and purposes, ensuring a wide range of options for businesses.

Simplified Creation

With Unbounce, creating landing pages becomes effortless as it eliminates the need for coding. Its user-friendly drag-and-drop editor allows users to customize templates easily without any technical expertise.

High-Converting Focus

Unbounce's emphasis on high-converting landing pages is a game-changer for businesses. By providing optimized layouts and features, it helps in maximizing landing page performance and enhancing lead generation efforts.

Boosting Conversions with Unbounce

Creating Popups

Unbounce offers a user-friendly interface for creating popups and sticky bars, crucial tools in capturing visitor attention effectively. These features can significantly boost engagement and conversions.

Generating Leads

With Unbounce, businesses can efficiently generate leads by designing captivating landing pages that drive customer interest. The platform's intuitive design tools make lead generation a seamless process.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Driving Sales

Unbounce plays a vital role in driving sales by providing customizable templates and A/B testing capabilities. This ensures that businesses can optimize their campaigns for maximum conversion rates.

Feature Value

The value of Unbounce's features lies in their ability to streamline the conversion optimization process. From drag-and-drop editors to mobile-responsive designs, every aspect is geared towards enhancing user experience and boosting conversions.

Building and Optimizing with Elementor


Elementor offers a wide range of widgets to enhance website design, including text, images, buttons, and videos. These design elements can be easily customized to create visually appealing web pages.

Drag-and-Drop Editor

With Elementor's intuitive drag-and-drop editor, users can effortlessly create engaging popups for their websites. This feature simplifies the process of designing popups without requiring any coding skills.

WordPress Suitability

Elementor is highly suitable for designing WordPress pages and websites effectively. As a powerful page builder within the WordPress ecosystem, Elementor provides users with the flexibility to customize their sites using various templates and plugins.

Making the Right Choice for You

Key Differences

Unbounce focuses on creating high-converting landing pages, offering a user-friendly platform with pre-designed templates. On the other hand, Elementor is a versatile tool for designing entire websites or individual pages with advanced customization options.

Consider Your Needs

When deciding between Unbounce and Elementor, consider your specific requirements. If you need to create optimized landing pages to generate leads and drive conversions, Unbounce is the preferred choice. However, if you aim to design comprehensive websites or individual pages with intricate layouts, Elementor provides more design flexibility.

Features, Pricing, and Use Cases

Evaluate the features offered by each platform based on your business needs. Unbounce offers A/B testing, lead generation tools, and integrations to optimize conversion rates. In contrast, Elementor provides a wide range of widgets, templates, and responsive design options for building visually appealing websites.

Making an Informed Decision

To make an informed decision between Unbounce and Elementor, assess your budget constraints and desired outcomes. Unbounce pricing plans are tailored for businesses seeking high-converting landing pages. Meanwhile, Elementor's affordable pricing and extensive customization options cater to those looking to build professional websites without coding skills.

Final Remarks

After comparing Unbounce and Elementor, you now have a clear picture of their features, pricing, and capabilities. Unbounce excels in creating high-converting landing pages, while Elementor offers robust tools for building and optimizing websites. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms boils down to your specific needs and goals. Consider your requirements carefully to make the right decision that aligns with your objectives and budget.
Take the time to evaluate what matters most to you - seamless landing page creation or versatile website design options. Both Unbounce and Elementor have unique strengths that can benefit your online presence. Make an informed choice based on what will best support your digital marketing efforts. Your selection will play a crucial role in driving conversions and achieving success online.
Elevate your conversion game 🚀 Kickstart with Unbounce's Free Trial! 📊

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Unbounce suitable for beginners in creating landing pages?

Unbounce offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality, making it ideal for beginners to create effective landing pages without coding knowledge.

How does Elementor help in optimizing website building?

Elementor provides a wide range of customizable templates and elements, enabling users to build and optimize websites easily and efficiently for better user experience.

What are the key features that make Unbounce stand out from Elementor?

Unbounce specializes in creating high-converting landing pages with A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and easy integration tools, giving it an edge over Elementor in conversion-focused tasks.

Can Elementor be used for creating complex website designs?

Elementor's advanced design capabilities, including custom CSS options and responsive editing features, make it suitable for developing intricate and visually appealing website designs tailored to specific needs.

How can one determine the right choice between Unbounce and Elementor for their project?

Consider factors like your project goals (conversion rate optimization vs. website design), budget constraints, technical expertise, and preferred functionalities to decide whether Unbounce or Elementor aligns better with your requirements.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:04 chatsifieds Don't Get Scammed! Your Guide to Safe Social Media Interactions - Your IT and Tech Mates Cybersecurity Tips

Don't Get Scammed! Your Guide to Safe Social Media Interactions - Your IT and Tech Mates Cybersecurity Tips
Don't Get Scammed! Your Guide to Safe Social Media Interactions - Your IT and Tech Mates Cybersecurity Tips
Hey there! Let's talk about something super important: staying safe online and not falling for scams.
I know social media is a great way to connect with people, but there are also some shady characters out there trying to take advantage of people.
Don't Get Scammed! Your Guide to Safe Social Media Interactions - Your IT and Tech Mates Cybersecurity Tips
Imagine your friend Sarah gets a message from this company called "Lucky Lifestyle Co." promising an easy way to make money from home. It sounds too good to be true, right? Well, that should be your first red flag.
They start with a slick sales pitch video, trying to reel her in. Then they put on the pressure with an "exclusive" opportunity that she has to act on right away. Warning bells should be going off by now!
The scammers try to rush her into making a decision without doing any research. A legit company would encourage you to look into things thoroughly before signing up. Sarah was smart enough to dig a little deeper and found negative reviews exposing Lucky Lifestyle as a scam.
What is the moral of the story? Be super cautious about unsolicited messages or offers that seem too amazing to be true. Don't fall for high-pressure tactics or unrealistic guarantees. Always do your own research before handing over any money or personal information. And if something seems fishy, report it!
At the end of the day, using some common sense and a healthy dose of skepticism can go a long way in protecting yourself from online scams. Stay safe out there! Scammers are getting trickier, but you're smarter.
By Your IT and Tech Mates, Fast & Fair, We Fix It All. Computers, Phones, Big & Small.
submitted by chatsifieds to chatsifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:03 Soninetz Octane AI Free Trial Boost Revenue with Quizzes!

Octane AI Free Trial Boost Revenue with Quizzes!
Did you know that businesses using AI-driven marketing increase their sales by up to 50%? Harness the power of AI with Octane AI's free trial. Elevate your customer engagement, boost conversions, and streamline your marketing efforts effortlessly. Dive into the world of personalized experiences and automated solutions to supercharge your business growth. Try Octane AI's free trial today and unlock the potential of AI for your brand's success.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Boost Your Revenue: Utilize quizzes to engage customers and increase sales by offering personalized recommendations.
  • Try Before You Commit: Take advantage of the 14-day free trial offered by Octane AI to explore its features and assess its benefits for your business.
  • Unlock Advanced Features: Discover the powerful capabilities of Octane AI's quiz maker, such as customization options and integration with various platforms.
  • Gain Business Advantages: Understand the benefits of using Octane AI, including improved customer engagement, data collection, and conversion rates.
  • Start Today: Begin your journey with Octane AI by signing up for the free trial and creating your first quiz to experience its impact on your business.
  • Maximize Results: Regularly analyze quiz performance data to optimize strategies and tailor quizzes to better meet customer preferences and drive revenue growth.

Boost Your Revenue with Quizzes

Generate Revenue

Implementing a shopping quiz for a hair care brand using Octane AI has resulted in generating about 40% of their revenue. This interactive approach engages active people effectively, leading to increased sales.

Drive Email Subscriptions

Drive significant impact on email subscriptions by using Octane AI quizzes, as reported by Cody Plofker. The engaging and conversational pop of quizzes captures user interest and boosts subscription rates.
Drive revenue with engaging product quizzes! 📈 Start your free trial today!

Achieve Sales Milestones

Achieve over 1 million in sales within a specific period by creating highly personalized quizzes with Octane AI, as mentioned by Flywheel. The tailored structure of these quizzes appeals to customers, driving sales growth.

Explore the 14-Day Free Trial

Sign Up

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to access all the features and benefits of Octane AI. Experience the advanced quiz maker capabilities firsthand.

Hands-On Experience

During the 14-day free trial, immerse yourself in using Octane AI's quiz maker. Gain insights into its functionalities and ease of use.

Positive Impact

Witness the positive effects of Octane AI on engagement and conversions by utilizing the 14-day free trial. See how it enhances your interaction with messenger contacts.

Advanced Quiz Maker Features

Customization Options

Create engaging and interactive quizzes effortlessly with Octane AI's advanced features. Customize your quizzes to align with your brand's identity through the flexible design options available. Tailor the quiz appearance to match your brand's style and tone, enhancing user engagement.

Analytics Integration

Leverage Octane AI's powerful analytics tools to monitor quiz performance effectively. By integrating these tools, you can gain valuable insights into user interactions and behaviors. Track key metrics such as completion rates and user responses to optimize quiz results.

User-Friendly Interface

With Octane AI, designing quizzes becomes a seamless process due to its user-friendly interface. The platform offers intuitive tools that simplify the quiz creation process, allowing you to focus on crafting high-quality content. Engage your audience with interactive quizzes that resonate with their interests.

Seamless Integration

Integrate your quizzes seamlessly across various platforms using Octane AI's integration capabilities. Reach a wider audience by sharing your quizzes on websites, social media channels, and other digital platforms effortlessly. Maximize engagement by making your quizzes easily accessible to users.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Benefits of Using Octane AI

Increased Engagement

Implement Octane AI email pop-up quizzes to boost unique viewers, engagement, completion rate, and opt-in rate. According to Arjay Ruggles, this strategy has proven effective in driving user interaction.

Early Interest Generation

Experience early engagement and interest through Octane AI quizzes. Monica Grohne noted that within just a few days of going live, 150 people engaged with their quiz, showcasing the platform's ability to captivate audiences swiftly.

Enhanced User Experience

Integrate Octane AI into your essential Shopify Apps list for a positive return on investment and improved user experience. As suggested by Jason Wong, leveraging this tool can significantly enhance the overall functionality of your online store.

How to Get Started

Sign Up

To embark on your free trial with Octane AI, sign up and gain access to the platform. Begin by creating engaging quizzes.
Start by following the straightforward onboarding process. Set up your account efficiently to unlock all the key features.

Onboarding Process

Once signed up, delve into the platform's interface. Navigate through the various tools available for quiz creation.
Utilize Octane AI's user-friendly dashboard to design interactive quizzes that resonate with your audience. Experiment with different question formats and result options to enhance engagement.

Resources and Support

Make use of the support resources offered by Octane AI. Access tutorials, guides, and customer service to ensure a smooth experience.
Engage with the community forums to learn from others' experiences and gather insights on optimizing your quizzes for maximum impact.
Skyrocket your sales with interactive quizzes! 🚀 Free trial available!

Closing Thoughts

By leveraging Octane AI's advanced quiz maker features and exploring the benefits it offers, you can boost your revenue significantly. The 14-day free trial allows you to experience these advantages firsthand, making it a risk-free opportunity to see the impact on your business. Don't miss out on this chance to revolutionize your marketing strategy and engage your audience in a whole new way.
Ready to take your revenue to the next level? Start your 14-day free trial with Octane AI today and unlock the power of interactive quizzes to drive conversions and enhance customer experiences. Your business deserves the competitive edge that Octane AI provides - seize this opportunity now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Octane AI offering a free trial?

Yes, Octane AI provides a 14-day free trial for users to explore its features and experience the benefits firsthand.

What are the key features of the Advanced Quiz Maker in Octane AI?

Octane AI's Advanced Quiz Maker offers robust features like customization options, integration with marketing tools, analytics tracking, and lead generation capabilities.

How can using Octane AI benefit my business?

Using Octane AI can boost your revenue through engaging quizzes, personalized customer interactions, increased conversions, improved lead generation, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

What steps are involved in getting started with Octane AI after signing up for the free trial?

After signing up for the free trial, you can easily get started by setting up your account, exploring the platform's features, creating interactive quizzes, integrating with your website or social media platforms, and analyzing performance metrics.

Does Octane AI provide support during the free trial period?

Yes, Octane AI offers support throughout the free trial period to help users navigate the platform, optimize their quiz campaigns, troubleshoot any issues, and maximize their experience.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 menatarp getting a router to start off with

Hi all, I'm looking to pick up a used router. At the moment I just plan to use it for trimming edges, so I don't think I need a plunge.
Here's an old model I see for sale sometimes that I'm thinking of picking up--Sears Craftsman, 1 1/4 HP, presumably 1/4" collet. It doesn't say anything about fixed or variable speed, which is my main concern.
submitted by menatarp to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 samuelgato Yikes, just diagnosed with severe SA

I'm 47, m. I've suspected/ been in denial about my sleep apnea for some years. Finally got the Lofta at home test, got the results today. Will talk to the "therapy advocate" tomorrow.
I'm moderately overweight, stopped exercising years ago. I drink average 4-5 alcohol beverages/night. I know there are lifestyle changes that must happen, I'm hoping that finally getting sleep therapy will give me a better fighting chance at making those changes.
Man it is wild to realize I've just been running on fumes for however many years now. The last few years in particular, like I'm approaching middle age and I realize I've slowed down so much. Like, what the hell happened to me. I used to be so much more motivated to get shit done. Now I do the bare minimum at work every day, come home and just nap, loaf around and drink.
I'm looking forward to finally getting some therapy, something that might actually make a difference in my life. Lofta is recommending a BiPAP machine, so looking into options now. I suppose I'll know more after the phone call tomorrow with them, hoping it's not mostly a sales pitch for their machines. I've seen a refurbished machine that I think will suit my needs without breaking my bank account. also I'm liking what I've seen about the Bleep Eclipse system, I think I'm gonna go with that
Anyway, just introducing myself to this sub. I might post updates, questions later on. Wish me luck, cheers
submitted by samuelgato to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 rcamoore3 Any non-Tesla EVs Using NACS Yet?

Are there any non-Teslas for sale using NACS yet? Any idea when they’ll start appearing? I currently have a CCS EV and a Prius, and I’d like to replace the Prius with an EV that uses NACS, but don’t want a Tesla.
submitted by rcamoore3 to evcharging [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 ItsssYaBoiiiShawdyy Theories on Theories: Assessing the Potential Magnitude of the May 17th Prospectus Filings, Part II, Is the Reverse Uno is Upon Us?

Theories on Theories: Assessing the Potential Magnitude of the May 17th Prospectus Filings, Part II, Is the Reverse Uno is Upon Us?
Edit: Of course I fucked up the title. Lol. Is the Reverse Uno Upon Us?*
Hello again, Apes.
I have gotten a solid 4 hours of sleep and am ready to keep plugging along.
Disclaimer: Nothing of which I discuss is financial advice and not indicative of what you should do with your money or investments. Make your own decisions. I have no idea what I am talking about.
Link to Part I of my little write-up, recommended that you read that first:
TL;DR for Part I: After 3+ years of working in near silence, Gamestop has dropped a reverse uno time-bomb nuke on shorts, and I don't believe we have fully comprehended just how big and effective of a nuke it will be. They finally released their plans to end the abusive short-selling once and for all... I believe the details in the filings have the answers. Need more eyes. We just need to HODL and let RC & Team work their magic. This was precisely timed and will be executed precisely. I believe they are about to throw the whole kitchen sink at em. Shorts r truly fuk. To be continued.
TL;DR for Part II: Although you should really read through this to get super jacked...Predicition: Gamestop will lay down the reverse uno... the company will protect its shareholders through a slew of new, private, non-dilutive security offerings that we get first dibs on, and that are backed by our current/future holdings. Cash/non-cash dividends from the proceeds of the sale of those securities (units) are on the table. Thus, forcing shorts to either pay or close. MOASS is inevitable.
Many Apes have stepped up to begin analyzing these filings. Thank you! The goal with my analysis is to continue to educate Apes on what all this jargon means, shine more light on the specificities of the filings and to speculate (for fun) as to what I think Gamestop is going to do based on the specificities. In the first part, I discussed Book Entry Securities issued via the DTC (the stock we all know and love), Preferred Stock (the juicy and scare new stock on the block), and the mysterious "Preferred Stock Depositary" (PSD) and its proposed role in the issuance and management of Gamestop's preferred stock to Apes worldwide, keeping it away from abusive short sellers and directly in the hands of Apes.
In my first part, I speculated that the unnamed PSD would likely be computershare. But the more I think about it, the more I am unsure of that. And maybe that is why it is unnamed as of yet. Many Apes from different parts of the world have been unable to DRS, so that means they have been unable to access/use Computershare to hold/manage their shares and the DTC shit the bed one too many times when they committed international securities fraud on the splividend. So, I am thinking its possible that Gamestop secures another entity with more accessibility worldwide, or perhaps is even in the process of creating their own depositary for their newly-issued securities (dare I say, units?), to manage their "Global Securities" (a term they use in the filings).

Tory vs. Tary

Chat GPT: In the context of stocks, both “depository” and “depositary” refer to entities that hold securities, but they serve different functions:
In summary, while both depositories and depositaries play crucial roles in the securities market, a depository is involved in the safekeeping and trading of securities, whereas a depositary issues receipts that represent shares in foreign companies, facilitating international trading for investors312.
It seems there is more to come here as to what exact role the depositary will serve. Notice the phrasing \"series of securities that differ from the terms described here\"
Tinfoil: We have seen some evidence of and speculated that Gamestop is looking more and more like they are positioning themselves to not only be dominant in retail gaming, but also serve as a holding company, potentially even serving as their own "bank". Could a brand new, currently unknown arm of Gamestop BE the unnamed depositary??? Warren Icahn anyone?
If so, what role would Computershare then play? This was speculated long ago and I am thinking these filings are just a peek inside the inner workings of such an entity.

Subscriptions, Warrants, and Units

Sounds a lot like "series of securities that differ from the terms described here", doesn't it? I left off with a couple teasers and I look to close the tinfoil loop on those here.
Stock subscriptions and warrants are both financial instruments related to the stock market, but they serve different purposes:
In summary, while both stock subscriptions and warrants give investors the right to purchase shares, stock subscriptions are typically offered to existing shareholders at a discounted price to prevent dilution of ownership, whereas warrants are long-term instruments that are often issued to sweeten the deal when other securities are being sold321.

Here's where I use a whole roll of Reynolds Heavy Duty Tin Foil:

Sooo, in Part I, I offer the notion that Gamestop isn't going to just do one or two of these proposed offerings, they are going to do them all and they're telling us how. What I am gathering so far is Apes/holders/longs will get a chance to suck up the (45M, but up to 1B) book-securities shares faster and cheaper than you can possibly imagine through the simultaneous issuance/use of Warrants and Subscription Contracts. These investment vehicles will be issued to all record holders in "Units". And there's a lot of juice to squeeze outta this IMO.
Notice here, mention of \"unit agent\" and again in the bulletpoints, they mention \"a bank or trust company\" that governs the \"units\". I'm thinking they will likely be the same entity that manages it all.
Gamestop's TL;DR on units: We can issue any number of combinations of two or more of the aforementioned securities/vehicles (Warrants Subscriptions, Common Stock, Preferred Stock) which we call "Units". They may be transferable as a single security that holds multiple securities within it. Our unit Agent (a designated trust or bank). AND, the units might not even be listed on any securities exchange. (Privately held, hard to trade, hard to access, hard to fuck with UNITS of securities?)
So, hypothetically, all shareholders of record on a given record date determined by a supplemental filing will get FIRST DIBS to purchase en masse, a lot of Gamestop stock, perhaps cheaper than ever before. The warrants give us the opportunity to buy at a pre-determined price, the subscriptions contracts give us the chance to not dilute our value in our holdings. Gamestop is literally going to nearly GIVE us a shitload more stock, privately, securely, and through a private, exclusive offering.
And here's where it gets even more juicy...I think they're gonna do it DFV reverse order, relative to the order of each type of offering listed in their filing.

Protect Ya Neck, Shorts! There's gonna a rush to grab GME stock!

The Plan
See if you can follow me order...
  1. BOOK ENTRY SECURITIES: Gamestop gives holders the exclusive rights and first dibs to purchase a shitload more Class A Common stock through new "Units". The units house the subscription contracts, warrants, and underlying stock. But there's only 45,000,000 more slated to be offered (so far). They give us the OPTION to purchase more later on until a certain date. The subscriptions give apes the opportunity to prevent dilution of their positions through scooping up the new stock before anyone else can. The Warrants allow us to add more at a given price (buying at a fixed price on the way up anyone?) This raises a TON of capital (potentially billions) for the company.
  2. SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS AND UNITS: Apes jump at the opportunity to scoop up more class A shares and this allows them the opportunity to then "purchase" a greater number of fractionalized preferred stock (depositary shares) than they could have before (with only 5,000,000 whole shares available). All preferred stocks (whether whole or fractional) are backed by the chosen depositary's receipts (the official ledger, NOT managed by the corrupt DTC). AND GIVEN ALL PREFERRED STOCK IS BACKED BY THE GLOBAL SECURITIES (GME Class A Common Stock)...THIS ALLOWS INTERNATIONAL APES AND ALL APES WHO COULD NOT/CANNOT DRS TO ESSENTIALLY HAVE THEIR STOCK DIRECTLY REGISTERED THROUGH THE COMPANY ITSELF. Unfuckwithable!
  3. The preferred stocks (somehow) become part of the Units where all securities are held with the Unit agent (the depositary). Proceeds from the preferred stock sales go toward the company capital, to be used for general company purposes. What are those, you might ask?
Gamestop states that, while they could, there are currently no plans to acquire other companies or make any specific investments. Until they do have those plans, they want to invest the net proceeds from the offering in interest-bearing securites or accounts.
I'm sitting here thinking...what if, as a "thank you" to loyal shareholders, they invest it back into shareholder accounts through an immediate cash dividend? Why would you want to leave if you're getting sick divvies on all your newly acquired stock (common and/or preferred)? You just spent $ buying preferred stock, why not delight investors by giving some right back? Awh but that would be expensive for the company! Nope. It would be expensive for the SHORTS who are responsible for paying that dividend!
GPT: When you short a stock, you’re borrowing shares from someone else (typically your brokerage firm) and selling them on the open market12. The person or entity from whom you borrowed the shares still technically owns them. If the company issues a dividend during this time, the original owner of the shares is entitled to that dividend12.
However, since their shares have been sold to a third party (by you, the short-seller), you are responsible for making the dividend payment to the original owner12. This means that if you have a short position on a stock when it goes ex-dividend (the date by which you need to own the stock to receive the dividend), you will owe the amount of the dividend to the lender of the shares12.
So, in summary, if you’re short a stock and that stock pays a dividend, you’ll be responsible for paying that dividend to the person or entity from whom you borrowed the shares12. This is an important consideration to keep in mind when deciding to short a stock, especially one that pays dividends.
So, let's say the shorts are still regarded af...and they have the $ to pay the dividend(s), cool. What if FME issues multiple or even monthly dividends? (There are currently 80 stocks that issue monthly dividends) Well, one, they can only pay for this for so long on top of the collateral and capital required to maintain their short position... Then, boom goes the dynamite. And if THAT doesn't work, gamestop could just choose to issue a non-cash dividend...which they outline below...
Wombo Combo?
Gamestop's ELI5: In the event that we issue a non-cash dividend, the PSD (depositary) will distribute the PROPERTY received by it TO the record holders of the depositary (preferred) shares entitled there to, IN PROPORTION to the number of depositiary shares owned by those holders. UNESS...the PSD determines that it somehow cannot be done...THEN the PSD may take that PROPERTY...and sell it publically or privately, and then the proceeds from that public/private sale will go directly to holder of the preferred stock.
Tinfoil? They're gonna try and issue/distribute the Wu-Tang Album or some other non-fungible property via a non-cash dividend. If that can't be done for whatever reason, they will sell the album/property at auction...all proceeds go back to preferred stock holders. No matter what, holders of the preferred stock win.
My last bit of tinfoil sounds crazy but, again, in part I, I spoke about filings saying the stock can be issued permanently, or even temporarily.
Gamestop sucks back up a ton of their class A common stock through buy backs. They may already be beginning to do that while the price is cheap, eventually leaving only a small amount of shares, or even just preferred stock available, privately held in the names holders. Non-diluted, scarcem valuable, and unable to be fucked with. GME becomes its own bank. Shareholders get the protection they deserve. MOASS happens through one of many ways...
I understand this is NOT proof that they are buying back...just speculation.
Once Gamestop has the shorts off their back finally, and the capital they want/need...they then go about what they really want to continue to GROW the company...mergers/acquisitions?
Also, some other Apes have said that its possible the Gamestop is offering the shorts a way out. And while personally do not think this is fair or likely, I think its possible and would not surprise me. But what if Apes/longs suck up all the shares at these offerings before shorts even get a chance? Then they're still fucked. Still needed our shares and they're now EVEN HARDER to get.
Apes together Strong.
TL;DR: Although you should really read through this to get super jacked...Predicition: Gamestop will lay down the reverse uno... the company will protect its shareholders through a slew of new, private, non-dilutive security offerings that we get first dibs on, and that are backed by our current/future holdings. Cash/non-cash dividends from the proceeds of the sale of those securities (units) are on the table. Thus, forcing shorts to either pay or close. MOASS is inevitable.
submitted by ItsssYaBoiiiShawdyy to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 Soninetz MRPeasy vs Unleashed - Small Manufacturers' Software Showdown

MRPeasy vs Unleashed - Small Manufacturers' Software Showdown
When considering the best fit for your business between MRPeasy and Unleashed, understanding their historical context, user reviews, analytics, ability, and pricing is crucial. Both MRPeasy and Unleashed have made their mark in the market with their products, offering unique features, pricing, and benefits to businesses of all sizes. By delving into their origins and evolution, you can gain valuable insights into how each platform has tailored its services to meet the changing needs of modern enterprises. Let's explore the journey of MRPeasy and Unleashed to help you make an informed decision for your business.
Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Your Needs: Evaluate key features, user reviews, analytics, and inventory management for small manufacturers to determine which product aligns best with your business requirements.
  • Prioritize Planning: Enhance planning reliability, scheduling, and effectiveness by utilizing software that offers robust planning tools, analytics, inventory management, tracking, and real-time updates.
  • Seek Customer Feedback: Leverage customer insights, analytics, and reviews to understand user experiences and make an informed decision based on real-world feedback.
  • Trustworthiness Matters: Place trust in software solutions that prioritize data security, reliability, support, and analytics to ensure seamless operations.
  • Start with Confidence: Begin your free trial journey with the software that resonates most with your needs after thorough research and comparison.
  • Make Informed Choices: Use the trial period to test functionality, support responsiveness, and overall fit before committing to a software solution.

Key Features for Small Manufacturers

Stock Management

MRPeasy offers comprehensive stock management features, including inventory tracking, reorder point control, and multi-location support. On the other hand, Unleashed provides real-time inventory visibility, batch tracking, and serial number tracking.

Suitability for Manufacturing Companies

For manufacturing companies with 10-200 employees, MRPeasy stands out due to its user-friendly interface, scalability, robust features tailored to small-scale operations, inventory management, order management, scheduling, and analytics. In contrast, while Unleashed is suitable for various industries, it may lack certain functionalities crucial for complex manufacturing processes such as inventory management and scheduling.
Take control of your production with MRPeasy 🌟 Start Your Free Trial Now! 📦

MRP 2 System Functionalities

MRPeasy's MRP 2 system excels in offering production scheduling, material requirements planning (MRP), shop floor control, and inventory management. This system enables companies to efficiently plan production based on demand forecasts and current inventory levels.

Planning Reliability and Effectiveness

Capacity Planning

MRPeasy offers robust capacity planning tools that enable manufacturers to effectively manage their production resources. By analyzing workloads, lead times, and resource availability, manufacturers can optimize their production schedules for maximum efficiency.

Materials Planning

With MRPeasy, manufacturers can streamline their materials planning processes by creating detailed plans for inventory control, procurement, order management, tracking, and data. This helps ensure that materials are available when needed, minimizing delays and maximizing production output by tracking inventory management and order management data.

MRP 1 Functionality

Unleashed excels in MRP 1 functionality, focusing on material requirements planning, inventory management, order management, tracking, and data to ensure that the right materials are available at the right time. This feature enhances production efficiency by accurately forecasting material needs based on demand and lead times while tracking data.

Production Scheduling

When it comes to production scheduling, MRPeasy stands out with its ability to create comprehensive production schedules that align with capacity, material availability, inventory management, order management, tracking, and data. This allows manufacturers to optimize their production processes, inventory management, order management, tracking, and data to meet customer demands efficiently.
  • MRPeasy's production scheduling capabilities help manufacturers utilize their resources to their full potential.
  • Unleashed's MRP 1 functionality aids in reducing costs and saving time through effective planning.

Customer Insights and Reviews

Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial

CRM and Sales Functionalities

Customer reviews on MRPeasy's CRM, sales functionalities, order management, and inventory management highlight its intuitive interface, robust analytics capabilities, and tracking data. Users praise the seamless tracking of products, orders, sales data, and inventory management, enhancing overall business visibility.

Estimation Functionality Impact

Unleashed's lack of estimation functionality, tracking, inventory management, and order management has impacted customer satisfaction negatively. Reviews indicate that businesses struggle with accurate reporting capabilities, tracking inventory effectively, and order management without this feature.

Procurement Features Feedback

Customers' feedback on MRPeasy's procurement features emphasizes its user-friendly interface and efficient access to essential data. The platform's integration capabilities streamline procurement processes, improving overall efficiency for businesses.

Trust in Software Solutions

Inventory Valuation Methods

MRPeasy stands out for its accurate inventory valuation methods, tracking and order management, ensuring businesses have reliable financial data. By utilizing sophisticated algorithms for tracking and order management, MRPeasy provides precise valuations that instill trust in users.

Average Cost Impact

On the other hand, Unleashed relies on the average cost method for inventory valuation. While this approach offers simplicity in tracking, it may lack the precision required by businesses seeking detailed financial insights in order. This can sometimes raise concerns about the accuracy of inventory values when tracking orders.

Shop-Floor Reporting Interfaces

MRPeasy's shop-floor reporting interfaces are designed to provide real-time visibility into production processes, tracking orders. With user-friendly dashboards and customizable reports for tracking orders, MRPeasy enhances transparency and efficiency on the shop floor, fostering trust among users.

Start Your Free Trial Journey

MRPeasy Onboarding

To begin your free trial with MRPeasy, visit their website and locate the sign-up or free trial button. Enter your details, such as name, email, and company information. Once registered, you will gain access to the online platform for a specified period.
Upon logging in, you can explore features like MRP, kitting, and production planning tools. Take advantage of the available resources and training materials to familiarize yourself with the software's functionalities.

Unleashed Onboarding

Signing up for Unleashed's free trial involves a similar process. Navigate to their website and find the registration section. Fill in your details to create an account and gain entry into their system. Utilize this opportunity to navigate through Unleashed's interface and features.
During the onboarding process, you can experiment with functions like inventory management and order fulfillment. Access their support channels for any queries or assistance needed during your trial period.

Contrasting Experiences

While both MRPeasy and Unleashed offer free trials for users to test their platforms, they differ in terms of focus areas such as tracking. MRPeasy emphasizes MRP functionalities and production planning tools, catering to manufacturing businesses. In contrast, Unleashed concentrates on inventory management solutions suitable for various industries, focusing on tracking.
  1. MRPeasy
    • Specializes in MRP and production planning.
    • Ideal for manufacturing companies.
  2. Unleashed
    • Focuses on inventory management.
    • Suitable for diverse business types.


You've now seen the key features of MRPeasy and Unleashed, understanding how they can enhance planning reliability, provide customer insights, and build trust in software solutions. Start your free trial journey today to experience firsthand the benefits these platforms offer your small manufacturing business. Make an informed decision based on your unique needs and goals. Take the next step towards streamlining your operations and boosting efficiency with the right software solution tailored to your requirements.
Boost productivity and efficiency with MRPeasy 🗝️ Get Your Free Trial Now! 💼

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features of MRPeasy and Unleashed for small manufacturers?

MRPeasy focuses on user-friendly manufacturing software with features like inventory management, production planning, and scheduling. Unleashed offers inventory control, purchasing, and sales order management tools suitable for small manufacturers.

How reliable and effective is the planning aspect of MRPeasy compared to Unleashed?

MRPeasy provides robust planning tools for small manufacturers, ensuring efficient production scheduling and resource optimization. Unleashed also offers planning features but may have limitations in terms of customization for specific manufacturing needs.

Where can I find customer insights and reviews for MRPeasy and Unleashed?

You can explore customer testimonials, case studies, and reviews on MRPeasy's website to gain insights into user experiences. Similarly, Unleashed provides a platform for customers to share feedback and reviews on their website or other review platforms.

Can I trust the software solutions provided by MRPeasy and Unleashed?

Both MRPeasy and Unleashed have established credibility in the manufacturing software industry, serving numerous satisfied customers worldwide. Their track record of delivering reliable solutions tailored to small manufacturers instills trust in their software offerings.

How can I start my free trial journey with MRPeasy or Unleashed?

To begin your free trial with MRPeasy or Unleashed, visit their respective websites and look for the "Start Free Trial" or similar call-to-action buttons. Fill out the required information to access the trial version and experience the software's features firsthand.
Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:58 DaleNoPowerTools_ First timer here

First timer here
Just picked this guy up for $20 at a local plant sale. Curious if I can cut the longer roots when I repot it into something bigger or if I can save them and use them as propagation. Also the last slide shows a yellowing leaf, is there any concern?
submitted by DaleNoPowerTools_ to Monstera [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 manualpropulsion My Boring Mattress Review, Twin XL

I’m a paraplegic from a spinal cord injury 35 years ago. I’m 5’10” and weigh about 200 lbs. Like a lot of paraplegic wheelchair users, I’m very thin and bony from the waist down, muscular and heavy up top. I don’t have issues with skin breakdowns, but I am dealing with arthritis in my shoulders. I’m a side sleeper to relieve pressure on my backside and use a CPAP for sleep apnea.
My old mattress was a DynastyMattress New Cool Breeze 12-Inch GEL Memory Foam I bought from Amazon for $329. Along with a Leggett and Platt adjustable base and a bamboo topper, it served me well for 11 years.
After researching online, I decided to buy the Boring mattress in Twin XL. Just before I hit the purchase button, I remembered a Reddit post where the founder of Boring was offering a discount to offset the price rise on their products. I was still within the two week limit, so I messaged u/daehee on Reddit. It was a Saturday evening but he replied with a discount code 7 minutes after I messaged him. After I ordered the mattress, there was an online issue with sales tax that daehee explained to me. He also let me know when the mattress would ship.
The mattress arrived on time. It was packed very well and set up quite easily. My initial impression is that the mattress is well constructed and without any offensive odor. The top is very soft while the rest of the mattress is firmer. The springy feeling adds some bounce that is different from the more dense feeling of my old mattress. After reading some reviews about the firmness of this mattress, I put my old topper and a mattress protector on beneath some new sheets. I checked how the mattress worked with the adjustable base and found it accommodated all positions
Night 1: The mattress is a combination of soft top and bouncy firmness beneath. It made turning and positioning myself a bit more difficult compared to my old foam bed. There was also a squeak from one of the springs, not too bad but I did notice it when I turned over on my side. The initial firmness of the mattress made it harder to find a comfortable position on my side and it was a while before I fell asleep. I usually wake several times a night to reposition myself, but with the Boring mattress I only woke twice. Fitbit told me that I got almost 8 hours of sleep as compared to my usual 6.
In the morning, I felt some general stiffness I don’t usually have. I also had an ache in the shoulder I slept on. The FAQ says it takes time for a mattress to break in so perhaps it will get softer after 30 days or so. If not, a thicker topper is always an option.
Overall, I’m quite pleased after my first night on the Boring mattress. It's a welcome change from my old mattress. I’ll set reminders to update this post at 50 days, 100 days, and 1 year.
submitted by manualpropulsion to Mattress [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 Skarkbaitt p016

Well it’s back after 23k miles since cam phasers,chains and guides were installed at the dealer. They will cover the repairs under warranty however I feel like I’m not going to get passed this issue no matter if they are using updated parts. Should I find a different daily/tow rig for our camper?
submitted by Skarkbaitt to FordExplorer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:53 Soninetz Octane AI Demo: Elevate Client Interactions Live!

Octane AI Demo: Elevate Client Interactions Live!
Looking to witness the power of AI in action? Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to precision with an Octane AI demo. Experience firsthand how this cutting-edge technology can revolutionize your business operations, boosting efficiency, and driving growth. From personalized customer interactions to streamlined workflows and sales, an Octane AI demo showcases the transformative impact of artificial intelligence like never before. Dive into the future of automation and innovation today.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Explore Octane AI Features: Dive into the various features offered by Octane AI to enhance your client interactions and marketing strategies.
  • Schedule a Zoom Call and Live Demo: Take advantage of the opportunity to schedule a personalized live demo to see Octane AI in action tailored to your specific needs.
  • Enhance Client Interactions: Utilize Octane AI to create engaging and personalized interactions with your clients, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Try It Free for 14 Days: Experience the benefits of Octane AI firsthand by trying it out for free for 14 days to see how it can elevate your business operations and customer engagement.

Explore Octane AI Features

Messaging Capabilities

Octane AI provides unlimited messaging capabilities on Facebook, allowing businesses to engage with their customers seamlessly. Through these features, companies can reach out to their audience effectively and foster stronger connections.

Automated Campaigns

Businesses can take advantage of automated campaigns offered by Octane AI, including cart recovery and welcome series. These automated processes streamline customer interactions and enhance overall user experience.
Supercharge your Shopify store with product quizzes! 💥 Free trial awaits!

Subscription Tools

Octane AI offers a range of subscription tools that enable businesses to expand their Messenger list efficiently. By utilizing these tools, companies can grow their subscriber base and increase engagement rates with their target audience.

Schedule a Zoom Call and Live Demo

Personalized Zoom

Book a personalized Zoom call to witness firsthand how Octane AI can transform your business.

Advanced Targeting Features

During the live demo, experience the power of Octane AI's advanced targeting features in action.
Interact with VIP support for quick issue resolution. The team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless experience for users.

Enhance Client Interactions

SMS Messaging

Utilize SMS messaging to engage with customers in the US and Canada effectively. This direct communication channel allows for quick updates and personalized interactions.
Implement advanced segmentation strategies to tailor messages based on customer insights. By categorizing customers into specific groups, you can send targeted content that resonates with their preferences.

Expert Guidance

Benefit from expert guidance on platform setup and optimization for enhanced personalization. The support team offers valuable assistance in maximizing the potential of the platform.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Try It Free for 14 Days

Sign Up

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to experience Octane AI's features firsthand. Explore the platform's capabilities without any charges.

Features Testing

Test out functionalities like one-time notifications and automated customer support during this trial period. Get a feel of how Octane AI can benefit your business.

Detailed Reports

Access detailed reports provided by Octane AI to effectively track your return on investment (ROI). Understand how the platform can help you enhance client interactions.


You've now seen the power of Octane AI in enhancing client interactions, scheduling live demos, and trying it out for free. With its array of features tailored to boost engagement and streamline processes, Octane AI stands out as a valuable tool for your business. Don't miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your client interactions and elevate your customer service game.
Take the next step and schedule your Zoom call today to experience firsthand how Octane AI can transform your business. Empower your team, impress your clients, and elevate your brand with Octane AI at your side.
Skyrocket your sales with interactive quizzes! 🚀 Free trial available!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features of Octane AI?

Octane AI offers a range of features to enhance client interactions, including chatbots, automated messaging, and personalized customer experiences. These tools help businesses engage with customers more effectively and drive conversions.

How can I schedule a live demo of Octane AI?

To schedule a live demo of Octane AI, simply visit our website and book a Zoom call with one of our experts. During the demo, you will get a firsthand look at how our platform can benefit your business and improve client interactions.

What benefits does Octane AI offer for enhancing client interactions?

Octane AI enables businesses to enhance client interactions through personalized messaging, chatbot automation, and targeted marketing campaigns. By leveraging these tools, businesses can provide better customer service and drive increased engagement and sales.

Is there a free trial available for Octane AI?

Yes, you can try Octane AI for free for 14 days. This trial period allows you to explore the platform's features, experience the benefits firsthand, and see how it can improve your client interactions before making a commitment.

How do I get started with trying Octane AI for free?

Getting started with the free trial of Octane AI is simple. Just sign up on our website, create an account, and start exploring the platform's features. Within minutes, you'll be able to see how Octane AI can help you enhance client interactions and drive business growth.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:50 lakimens How do you guys test Facebook Ads for your business?

I'm curious, how do you test your ads for your products or services?
Typically, what I do is the following:
Some questions:
I understand that this depends on each advertiser and ad, but I am just looking for opinions. Also, is there any tools to better analyze ad results and suggest optimization?
Thanks to all of you! This subreddit has been a good place for learning more related to Facebook Ads.
submitted by lakimens to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:47 Soninetz MRPeasy vs Odoo - Small Manufacturers' Software Comparison

MRPeasy vs Odoo - Small Manufacturers' Software Comparison
Looking to streamline your manufacturing processes, inventory management, procurement, and service but torn between MRPeasy and Odoo? Both platforms offer robust features and functionality, but their suitability varies depending on your business needs and service. MRPeasy focuses on simplicity and ease of use, ideal for small to medium-sized businesses. On the other hand, Odoo provides extensive customization options and scalability for larger enterprises. Understanding the nuances of each system is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with your operational requirements and growth plans.
Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When comparing MRPeasy vs. Odoo for small manufacturers, consider the specific needs and priorities of your business to make the best choice.
  • Focus on planning and reliability in MRPeasy to streamline production processes, manage inventory efficiently, and improve overall operational performance.
  • Trust customer reviews to gain insights into the user experience, support quality, and overall satisfaction levels with MRPeasy as a software solution.
  • Start your journey with MRPeasy by exploring its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and dedicated customer support to ensure a smooth implementation process.
  • Leverage the power of MRPeasy's tools and functionalities to enhance production efficiency, reduce lead times, optimize resource utilization, and improve inventory management for better business outcomes.
  • Stay informed about the latest updates and enhancements in MRPeasy to continuously improve your manufacturing operations, access inventory management, and stay ahead of the competition.

Choosing the Right Software for Small Manufacturers


MRPeasy and Odoo offer essential features for small manufacturers. MRPeasy focuses on inventory management, production planning, and scheduling. On the other hand, Odoo provides a comprehensive platform with modules for various business functions like sales, CRM, accounting, inventory management, and access.
Boost productivity and efficiency with MRPeasy 🗝️ Get Your Free Trial Now! 💼


MRPeasy is known for its user-friendly interface and quick implementation, making it ideal for small companies. In contrast, Odoo offers a high level of customization but may require more time to set up due to its complexity.

Efficiency and Productivity

Selecting the right software tailored to the specific needs of small manufacturing businesses is crucial. MRPeasy's simplicity can streamline operations by providing a clear overview of production processes, enhancing efficiency. Meanwhile, Odoo's versatility allows businesses to adapt and scale as they grow, boosting productivity.


The choice between MRPeasy and Odoo significantly affects efficiency, productivity, and inventory management in small manufacturing operations. A well-suited software system can improve inventory tracking, optimize production schedules, and enhance overall workflow management.

Planning and Reliability in MRPeasy

MRP Functionality

MRPeasy stands out for its robust MRP functionality, offering small manufacturers efficient tools for production scheduling and capacity planning. This ensures optimal resource utilization and timely production processes.

Inventory Control

One key benefit of MRPeasy is its automated lot tracking and serial number management capabilities. These features contribute significantly to improved inventory control, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing traceability.

Planning Reliability

MRPeasy enhances planning reliability through various features, such as detailed purchase requirements reports and shop-floor reporting. These functionalities enable manufacturers to make informed decisions based on real-time data, leading to smoother operations.

Trust Through Customer Reviews


Customer reviews play a crucial role in establishing trust and credibility for software solutions like MRPeasy. Positive reviews not only highlight the efficiency of the service but also reassure potential customers about the quality and reliability of the products offered.

Real-life Experiences

Customers using MRPeasy to manufacture products often share their satisfaction through testimonials. These experiences provide insights into how the software helps streamline operations, improve efficiency, and boost overall productivity for small manufacturers.
Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial

Influence on Decision-making

For small manufacturers evaluating options like MRPeasy, positive customer reviews can significantly impact their decision-making process. These reviews act as social proof, showcasing real-world success stories that resonate with businesses looking to enhance their operations.

Starting with MRPeasy

Initiating Journey

Small manufacturers can initiate their journey with MRPeasy by signing up for a free trial on the official website. This allows them to explore the features and functionalities firsthand.

Setting Up Process

To set up MRPeasy within a manufacturing environment, users need to input their company's information, such as products, suppliers, and production processes. They can then customize the system according to their specific needs.

Implementation Steps

The implementation process involves configuring modules like inventory management, production planning, and scheduling. Users can gradually integrate these modules into their daily operations for a seamless transition.

Transitioning Ease

One of the key advantages of MRPeasy is its user-friendly interface that simplifies the transition for new users. The platform offers intuitive tools and resources to guide manufacturers through the setup and implementation phases.

User Support

For additional assistance, MRPeasy provides comprehensive user support through tutorials, guides, and customer service channels. This ensures that users have access to help whenever they encounter challenges during the onboarding process.

Final Remarks

You now have a clearer picture of MRPeasy and Odoo for small manufacturers. Planning, reliability, and customer reviews play pivotal roles in making an informed decision for your business. Starting with MRPeasy could be the game-changer you've been seeking.
Make sure to weigh the features that matter most to you and align with your business goals. Your choice impacts your operations, efficiency, and ultimately, your bottom line. Take the time to evaluate your needs against what each software offers. The right decision now can lead to long-term success for your small manufacturing endeavors.
Take control of your production with MRPeasy 🌟 Start Your Free Trial Now! 📦

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should small manufacturers consider when choosing between MRPeasy and Odoo?

Small manufacturers should consider ease of use, scalability, customer support, and pricing when deciding between MRPeasy and Odoo. Evaluate which software aligns best with your business needs and growth goals.

How does MRPeasy ensure planning and reliability for small manufacturers?

MRPeasy offers robust planning tools like production scheduling, inventory management, and demand forecasting to enhance operational reliability. By centralizing data and automating processes, MRPeasy helps small manufacturers optimize their production workflows efficiently.

How can customer reviews help in building trust with potential users of MRPeasy?

Customer reviews provide valuable insights into the user experience and satisfaction levels with MRPeasy. Positive reviews highlight the software's benefits and reliability, helping potential users trust the product based on real user feedback.

What are the key advantages of starting with MRPeasy for small manufacturers?

Starting with MRPeasy allows small manufacturers to quickly implement an efficient manufacturing system without complex setups. The intuitive interface, comprehensive features, and dedicated support make it easier for businesses to streamline operations from the outset.

How does MRPeasy compare to Odoo in terms of user-friendly features for small manufacturers?

MRPeasy is known for its user-friendly interface designed specifically for small manufacturers. With easy navigation, quick setup, and intuitive tools, MRPeasy simplifies manufacturing processes without overwhelming users, making it a preferred choice for businesses looking for simplicity and effectiveness.
Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:47 kingschwap Depop banned me after they took my money

This past week I sent TWO shoes out through depop shipping. The mail lady took both pairs like it was nothing. Then come the following day the shoes got sent back to my house because shipping label I chose through depop was >2 and the shoes exceeded that. Quickly told the buyer imma take care of that asap and I did!! I appropriated the shipping myself and paid the difference for the label. Told the buyer I just got that out and sent him the tracking via depop messages. WRONG. Because I used depop shipping it technically stated it got redelivered on depops end so what did depop do the following day? THEY REFUNDED THE BUYER AFTER I ALREADY SENT OUT THE SHOES. After I saw the email I instantly blew depop up and the told them what happened and I provided the receipts as well as tracking all the evidence I needed to show and I was demanding a reversal of the refund due to him having both items, depop followed up with “oh we see it got delivered back your house so just repost them and have the buyer rebuy them because it wouldn’t be FAIR if you had both money and shoes” and at this point I flipped and I let loose on depop I was blowing them up telling them how could they do this what were you thinking etc etc depop generically told me to have the buyer repay for them and all will be well or if not to hit them up and I told them that there wasn’t resolution because the buyer was telling me “oh I’ll pay for them when they get here” I was begging and pleading to depop the hours before they got delivered that I was getting scammed and they wouldn’t have it. The shoes got delivered and the kid said he was gonna pay and he actually gave me hope as well until he didn’t, the kid started playing dumb and said “I never got the shoes” but I have him saying “I’ll send in a little bit” I have been going back and forth with this kid as well as depop and depop is giving my me 0 help I’ve contacted them on their socials and was telling them to check my shit but they would send me the automated emails and ignore me but then tell me they weren’t??? Bruh I have had other claims where I email depop they ask for the evidence I send and instantly moneys reversed back with emails and all that so I know how it goes!! I did the exact same thing and depop did nothing but say they’re looking into and that it’s escalated to the proper team, but nothing was changing they were not doing anything for 3 days!! They kept just stringing me a long. On top of that I’m in a message war trying to get my money and this kid is reporting me for but he is scamming me? Depop is taking so long for anything and telling me they don’t like the way they are being spoken to? and I’m going crazy because of how much money it is and how little help depop is giving me, I am literally telling and asking what they’re doing and thinking. I would send one messsge and wait 24 hours for the next. Even now it’s the 4th but now depop has banned me because they “don’t appreciate the way I’ve spoken to them” they have banned with the scammer having my money my shoes and his account in tact. I’m left with no shoes no money and this kid has found my instagram and hes making accounts to troll me and I’m sitting here like WHY WAS I BANNED. They said I’m going to get paid out my money but they told me the balance without the money I’m owed then I told what about that and they said it with a different team being handles??? Why the fuck is it like this why am I not getting answers I know why I was banned I for sure hurt their feelings but why was I banned and not him? I have the screenshots that he acknowledged he recieved and the ones where he retracts and starts saying how he never got them etc. I was relatively new to the game but I just past my 50th sale I had 22 5 star reviews, this kid had half that and when I left review that he was a scammer depop took his side and took that away?! I’m at a loss for words because depop was my side hustle and now I have to find a new one. I don’t fucking understand why they’re doing this I wish I would’ve just had the guy rebuy them instead of me resending them myself thinking I was doing the the good thing. I’m so hurt right now
submitted by kingschwap to Depop [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:46 AbandonedUCanada Abandoned Controversial Theme Park Near Disney World. The Holy Land Experience

Abandoned Controversial Theme Park Near Disney World. The Holy Land Experience
The Holy Land Experience Theme Park recreated the architecture and themes of the ancient city of Jerusalem in 1st- century. The parked opened in 2001 which would allow people to experience Israel as it was in Jesus’ time. The theme park cost $16 million to open. “We hope all visitors will come and see the majesty of God. Or at least go home and dust off their Bibles,” The grand opening received national publicity some generated by Jewish activists who said the Holy Land Experience was designed to covert Jews. Irv Rubin, chair of the Jewish Defense League, compared the theme park to the Holocaust. Rubin was arrested, a short time later, on charges that he conspired to bomb a mosque in California and the office of a US Congressman (Rubin died by suicide in 2002 while awaiting trial in a Los Angeles prison. The Holy Land Experience could not break even. It just cost more to run. By 2007, the park was $8 million in debt. The theme park was saved by Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). They bought the Holy Land Experience in 2007. They planned to use it as a studio and a set for new television productions. In the first year, they laid off about a quarter of the staff and outsourced some of the more expensive maintenance, including cleaning and landscaping. They increased the number of visitors by about 25 percent, up dated some of the attractions, and added brand new ones. Visitors could now get their picture taken so it looked like they were walking on water with an actor portraying Jesus. And they could also play mini putt. Unfortunately the Holy Land Experience still required lots and lots of cash. In 2010, TBN put more than $40 million into it. In 2011, another $23 million. In 2012, TBN stopped raising money with telethons, after much criticism of the fundraising practice, and cut support to the theme park to about $2 million per year. Sadly ticket sales started falling. From About 250,000 visitors, it dropped to 180,000 paying adults in 2013 and then just continued to decline. Tax records show nearly $9 million in ticket sales in 2014 dropped to $8.5 million the next year, and down to $7.1 million the year after that. Ticket sales dropped to $5.5 million in 2018 and then plummeted in 2020. Attendance was down by about 50 percent before COVID-19, and then the park was shut down by the pandemic in August 2021. It was then sold to a health care company for over 30 million dollars. They have plans to redevelop the property and build a health care service buildings. The replica of ancient Jerusalem was the world's largest indoor model of first-century Jerusalem. This 25-foot-wide model is meant to represent Jerusalem circa AD 66. Full video:
submitted by AbandonedUCanada to urbanexploration [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:40 badgrapes How do you organize work projects & life admin?

Looking for advice/thoughts on setting up ClickUp to manage both work projects and "life admin." I'm using the Personal Workspace Layout and have no collaborators.
I know that it's helpful to start as simply as possible and add complexity as it becomes actually needed. The thing is, I'm importing a few projects already underway (plus a lot of small tasks of varying value), and want to avoid defaulting to my familiar old systems without assessing whether they're actually working for me, or are a good fit for ClickUp.
Assess my setup and give me feedback on where to go from here! I've included a ton of detail on my current setup below. If it's TL;DR, my more general question is: Tell me how you set up ClickUp to handle both work and life admin projects. How are you using categories, status, priorities, tags, and task types? I'm having trouble figuring out how to use them, especially since there seems to be a lot of potential overlap between them. Or, what advice do you have for migrating to ClickUp with a couple complex projects already underway, plus a lot of small tasks?
For context, here's how I have ClickUp set up right now. It's pretty simple but I'm still not clear whether it's the right approach (and FYI, I'm not wedded to it at all), plus there are still lots of components that don't neatly fit anywhere in my current setup:
Next, there are a few different types of things I'm trying to plan and keep track of. As mentioned, I'm not really sure how I should be thinking about them through the framework of categories, status, priorities, tags, and task types.
Give me advice on how to organize all these things, please! Or just tell me about your ClickUp setup for work and life admin projects! Or give me advice for migrating to ClickUp with a bunch of tasks and a couple complex projects already underway, rather than starting from complete scratch!
submitted by badgrapes to clickup [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:40 hilightnotes Some highly critical first impressions of Legendary Tales

This post is very long. This first section, before the first triple-line-break, is the summary. Details follow that.
So, I was very much looking forward to Legendary Tales for a while now after hearing so many great things.
I bought it on sale a couple days ago and played the first hour or so, completing the tutorial and entering the main hub. Then I uninstalled and refunded it.
This is not a 'hate post' and I hope that this post will not only help people understand some of the issues of this game, and what this game is NOT, but also help people understand what this game is and why you might love it. I talked about my criticisms with others who love the game to help me approach this and hopefully deliver some useful thoughts. It's worth noting that I got lots of agreement about my criticisms from the people I talked to - who still love the game.
In short,
People love this game for the combat development in the context of a 40+ hour adventure. All the depth to the skill trees, which of course in my hour I didn't touch. The creativity of building the mechanics of a character RPG style - except you get to physically battle in VR. The reward of unlocking that cool skill you've been excited to try out, or finding a legendary that's a blast to use. Even in my short time with the game I could feel the beginnings of this with the parry system. I did have fun fighting skeletons with a simple sword and no skills, and felt the challenge as I had to aim my sword deflections well and time my counterstrikes. There is an effective mechanic preventing waggle-fest and I can begin to imagine all the room to develop your combat mechanics in a way that is, fun and rewarding, and uniquely VR.
Sounds great right? To some it truly is.
But to me, not so much. Why? Because everything else is lacking to a degree I did not expect.
I've been playing a lot of The Light Brigade lately. And although these two games are totally different, it's a useful game to bring up because The Light Brigade excels in all the ways that Legendary Tales significantly falls short.
Atmosphere - music and sound, lighting and colours, art design, character and enemy models
Interfacing - Onboarding and intuitive learning, UI design and fluidity, control mapping, options, grabbing/interacting with objects, general polish
Storytelling - Plot, lore, world building, characters, character and enemy expressiveness, writing
For many people who play games, combat is at the forefront of their interests. For me, it always takes a backseat priority - if its present at all - to the above three aspects. The combat in Bloodborne is great, but it is because it excels in those 3 aspects that it's one of my favourite games. I also love lengthy games like Pentiment, Disco Elysium, Planescape Torment, and Pathologic 2, which have minimal or no combat and lots of reading!
Legendary Tales is simply mediocre in those three bolded aspects and for me that's a hard pass. If these aspects were serviceable to me - done well enough to facilitate the combat - I might have kept going. But I don't use the world 'mediocre' lightly. This is the appropriate word to me, and because of that, I did not want to spend 40+ hours in this world.
For those interested, or for the developers, I will continue with a breakdown of these aspects I am criticizing, trying to go through everything I felt about them in the first hour or so of playing.
Main menu was my favourite part. I liked the scene + music together. Nice. I was looking forward to playing and this had me feeling fuzzy and ready to enjoy the game. Unfortunately, it was not to be.
The very first issue I noticed was that the game felt washed out. Even in that main menu I liked, I was feeling like it was a bit washed out. So I tried adjusting brightness down... then the darker areas felt better, but the light areas felt off. The more I played and tried to adjust to find the right equilibrium, the more I realized the lighting and contrast is just not good and adjusting brightness can't save that.
The second issue I noticed was the menu cursor to select things. It felt like an early VR game that hadn't quite figured out VR menus yet. It's useable but not fluid and pleasing.
The third issue I noticed was the unintuitive controls. I thought that this was the kind of game, kind of like a Souls game, where you aren't taught everything but learn things as you go in an organic manner. Maybe some of that exists in this game, but mostly it's simply bad control design and a bad tutorial. It's the difference between having barriers that have purpose, purposeful friction, and feel good when discovered vs barriers that feel pointless and just build frustration without purpose. The controls feel like a mess and while it's apparent that people can get used to them as they play more, it's not in a justified sense.
Along with this are interfacing issues. For example, grabbing items feels very awkward. The motions are clunky, for example the way a weapon will slowly glide into place in your hands. There's so many interfacing issues. The interface to see weapon/item stats on weapons that are laying about is clunky, the interface to switch weapons is clunky, the magic interface is clunky, dialogue boxes feel clunky,... all of these things feel clunky both in terms of feel and also aesthetic.
A very straightforward and obvious example is dialogue. Character dialogue is presented in a large bland text on a page. To progress through the dialogue, there's no obvious place to click or button to push. In fact, you have to click a particular area of the page, which feels totally arbitrary and unintuitive. Sure, once you learn, you can do it fine, but it's just bad interface design.
To go back to The Light Brigade, think about the difference in both feel and aesthetic to opening a chest or breaking a pot. Grabbing a gun and how it arrives to your hand. The attractive dialogue boxes. Watching a reward pop out of a chest, picking a tarot card. Putting objects into your waist pouch or taking them out. These interactions are all comfortable, beautiful, fluid, and intuitive.
The next thing on my mind was sound.
As I played the tutorial, the soundscape was barren. There was a wind loop, which didn't loop correctly leaving a solid second of space between the end and beginning. Sounds didn't feel like they were placed quite right in 3D space. Point-based sounds (like the crackling of a campfire, that comes from a specific point in space) had too small of a zone (the sound should be heard from further away). In general the soundscape was very barebones. And when I encountered the first character, not only did the character look totally goofy and out of place, but they made no sounds when 'speaking', not even grunts or gibberish sound.
To skip ahead for a moment, I also felt the music did not match the environments enough. The music was quite pretty - that's not the problem. It just didn't feel like the environments were quite synergized with the music.
Again for both music and sound, think of the gun sounds, the ability sounds, the sound of the enemies as they spot you, the sound of the environment, the footsteps and dash, the grunts of characters when the speak, the music... not only does it all sound great, but it all feels like expressions of the unique world of The Light Brigade. This is excellent sound and music design, that truly bring the world to life.
Although a minor complaint, I also noticed lots of grammar and spelling errors. Although I understand the team is in South Korea, and I appreciate the challenges of translation, just like with everything else I was just expecting... more polish. I thought it would feel like a full package, at indie scale. But it feels very much like a partial package.
And that segues into the writing...
There are games with simple and/or unmemorable story, where the story is still servicing and facilitating the gameplay.
And then there is just plain bad writing.
This is very much the latter.
Maybe a bit of this goes back to translation but I am doubtful that it fares much better in original Korean in essence.
The writing is goofy, juvenile, poorly structured, and generic.
I was also seriously turned off by a couple lines in particular, that I'm sure affect me more than most but I will mention anyways. One was something like "valuable gem missing. And a hot girl". Like... There's nothing inherent about calling a woman (or a man) hot that I don't like. Yes gamers, you are allowed to find women attractive, relax. But it's the way its written,... I'm not going to turn this into an essay about male gaze but the way its written simply services a particular male audience that casually objectifies women.
Even worse was the final line I read, a quest line. Paraphrasing, but the primary descriptive words are all exact: "Go kill 10 kill peasants in a refugee camp". I don't think I need to elaborate, people who are on a similar page to me will understand why this was just an incredibly gross line.
I know the above two dialogue criticisms will not be shared by everyone and not affect everyone the same way. I am expressing them as part of what I felt, my personal criticisms and experience, just like the rest of what I'm sharing.
Again to compare to The Light Brigade... every line feels thoughtful and builds character and develops the lore. Whether its the forlorn lines of NPC members of The Light Brigade, or the scenes that appear between runs, and other bits and pieces you get. The Light Brigade develops so much world with few words, it's quite impressive and again a beacon that Urban Wolf Games can learn from.
The final issue I'll discuss was something that struck me earlier on. That is, player character model and lack of customization.
First of all - again an issue that the majority here probably won't be affected by - I could not pick my character model until after completing the tutorial. Specifically, I was forced to do calibration as a male character model, and then had to play the tutorial as this character. Minor complaint but again just another polish issue.
Both male and female models are just... boring designs, and the female model is again very juvenile, obviously serving a primarily male audience, whether intentionally or not.
But more importantly, there's no character customization. Not even the tiniest bit. Even the ability to change just skin colour and hair only would go a long way. Especially in a lengthy adventure like this, I need to be able to identify with my character. Especially with multiplayer it seems essential to me, but even if it were single player, and as someone who plays primarily in single player, character customization is hugely impactful to me.
This does not really have a contrast in The Light Brigade - there's no character customization in The Light Brigade either, although the kind of game it is, it's not as relevant. That said, I do think it would be a nice touch if there WAS some minor character customization in The Light Brigade, and especially if you could play as a woman instead of man if you so choose. Although maybe lore-wise it is intended that all members are male except for 'Mother'. This hasn't been established with any good reason though. So on this point I would lightly criticize The Light Brigade as well.
Ultimately, Legendary Tales is quite simply a very indie game that probably had a very small team and limited funds. I don't know for sure, but probably there *wasn't* a dedicated writer, a dedicated UI and interface designer, etc.
However, these things are still failings of the game and its design. The greatest indie games to me are ones that successfully recognize their scope limitations and develop something complete within that scope. Whether it's the roguelike world of The Light Brigade, or the very short and stylish Tiger Blade, or Jeff Minter's trippy games like Akka Arrh and Polybius, or the retro Silent Hill aesthetic of Organ Quarter, or the suspenseful hotel of Propagation Paradise Hotel... all these games are made by small teams but successfully navigate their limited funds to deliver a full package within an appropriately limited scope.
On the one hand, I really value and support BJ's push for indie games to be respected and for that respect to reflect in the price consumers are prepared to pay. But after being totally on board with the price of Legendary Tales based on what I read from BJ and reviewers and many regular players too, I have to disagree with this game's pricing. This game is not polished enough, and is not a full package. That the game sucked out so much funds is an error of scope.
Maybe I will be in the minority, and Legendary Tales has been a success so it seems that I am, and so good on them for knowing the value of their game to the demographic they targeted I guess. And regardless, even if the pricing and attempted scope of the game are an error on the dev's part, I'm glad for the dev to earn back as much as they can, or even turn a profit hopefully.
But to me, reflecting back to the question the devs put forward: "Do you want to see deep combat development like this in VR for a 40+ hour adventure from indie devs?" The answer is no, I don't. I do consider the scope of this game an error on the part of the developers. It sounds like they did not even turn a profit enough to allow them to expand their team (but maybe I'm misunderstanding). I hope that they do continue with VR development, but instead focus on a much smaller scope game. Deliver a polished, complete package within a smaller scope, implementing a much tighter budget that will allow for potential turning of profit with an appropriately lighter sale price (maybe targeting a $30 game?).
If that is successful, do it again, and again, until they can expand and eventually work toward their dream adventure RPG, hiring actual writers and UI designers and sound designers etc. For me personally, this is simply not the kind of game you can half-bake. It should be attempted again when, and only when, they feel they have budget to do this in a truly full and polished manner.
I had the pleasure of meeting BJ briefly at PAX East. He struck me as friendly, kind, totally genuine, and incredibly passionate as a game developer and a VR game developer in particular.
I do wish this team good luck and despite my own harsh criticism I am glad so many ARE enjoying this game, and also feel the price point is justified. I want devs to earn money, including Urban Wolf Games. And I hope that they will continue to develop and bring more VR to the world.
I hope that my criticism is constructive and useful toward these same goals.
submitted by hilightnotes to PSVR [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:39 Soninetz Octane AI Alternative: Top 13 Competitors

Octane AI Alternative: Top 13 Competitors
Did you know that businesses using AI-powered tools achieve 47% higher conversion rates in email campaigns and marketing platform? If you're seeking an octane ai alternative to supercharge your marketing efforts, look no further to increase conversion rates, leads, email campaigns, and brands. Discover a cutting-edge solution that offers advanced automation, personalized customer interactions, and robust analytics. Stay ahead of the curve with a versatile platform designed to elevate your digital marketing strategies and increase conversion rates through social media, landing pages, and campaigns. Unleash the power of AI without breaking the bank. Embrace innovation and efficiency with a game-changing octane ai alternative today.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When considering alternatives to Octane AI for marketing platform, it's essential to understand the specific needs and requirements of your business, customers, and brands to make an informed decision.
  • Exploring a variety of options, such as the 13 alternatives mentioned in the article, can provide a comprehensive view of the available choices.
  • Evaluating key features and pricing structures of different platforms is crucial in determining the best fit for your business goals and budget.
  • User reviews and comparisons offer valuable insights into the real-world experiences of users, helping you gauge the performance and reliability of each alternative.
  • To make the best choice, weigh all the information gathered, including user feedback, features, and pricing, to ensure that the selected alternative aligns with your business objectives.
  • Taking the time to research and compare alternatives can lead to a more tailored and effective solution for your specific needs.

Understanding the Need for Alternatives

Limitations of Relying Solely on Octane AI

Limited Customization: Octane AI may not offer the level of personalization needed for specific business requirements to meet customers' mobile needs, hindering optimal performance.
Scalability Concerns: Businesses experiencing rapid growth may find Octane AI's scalability limitations restrictive in accommodating increasing demands from customers at rates over time.
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Cost Prohibitive: The pricing rates structure of Octane AI might be prohibitive for small to medium-sized businesses, impacting their budget allocation for other essential areas.

Importance of Exploring Alternative Solutions

Exploring alternative AI tools is crucial to ensure a comprehensive approach to conversions and customer engagement. By diversifying options, businesses can adapt to changing market trends effectively.

Benefits of Diversifying AI Tools

  1. Enhanced Flexibility: Utilizing multiple AI tools allows businesses to tailor strategies according to diverse needs and preferences of customers, leads, shopping, and website.
  2. Improved Performance: Diversification minimizes reliance on a single tool, reducing the risk of performance issues or disruptions.
  3. Increased Innovation: Accessing a variety of AI solutions fosters innovation by experimenting with different features and functionalities.

Exploring 13 Options


RetentionX stands out as a top choice among octane ai alternatives, offering comprehensive AI-driven data analysis tools on its website for customers' experience. Businesses can leverage its capabilities to enhance customer retention strategies effectively.
With RetentionX, companies can delve into intricate design options and explore a wide range of features tailored to their specific needs for customers on their website. The platform's intuitive interface simplifies the process, allowing users to navigate effortlessly.


For those looking to maximize ad performance through AI, Admetrics emerges as a game-changer in the industry. By utilizing advanced algorithms, businesses can optimize their ad campaigns across multiple channels, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.
One of the key advantages of Admetrics is its ability to provide real-time insights that enable quick adjustments based on performance metrics. This proactive approach significantly enhances marketing strategies and boosts ROI.


Seery offers a user-friendly solution for businesses seeking predictive analytics without extensive resources. This accessible app provides a streamlined way for companies to forecast trends and make informed decisions.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Key Features and Pricing

Chatfuel vs.

Chatfuel offers customizable templates and a user-friendly interface for creating AI chatbots, ideal for brands seeking efficient messaging channels. In contrast, focuses on capturing leads with its robust form capabilities, making it a preferred choice for teams looking to streamline lead generation.

Captain Growth and Dialogue Pricing

Captain Growth stands out for its cost-effective approach, offering competitive pricing plans tailored to businesses of all sizes. On the other hand, Dialogue provides revenue-focused solutions with flexible pricing structures that cater to varying business needs for customers. and Meya Engagement Features excels in providing AI-powered interactive forms, enabling brands to enhance customer engagement through personalized interactions with customers. Meya, on the other hand, offers advanced features for creating dynamic conversational experiences for customers, making it a top choice for businesses looking to elevate their customer engagement strategies.

User Reviews and Comparisons

RetentionX and Admetrics

Customer experiences with RetentionX highlight its intuitive interface and robust analytics capabilities, enhancing customer satisfaction. Users praise its personalized recommendations, optimizing their shopping experiences on websites. In contrast, Admetrics stands out for its seamless integration with various platforms, improving overall customer experience for customers.

Seery and Chatfuel Comparison

Users favor Seery for its user-friendly interface and efficient customer engagement, providing a smooth website browsing experience. On the other hand, Chatfuel excels in simplifying customer journeys, offering interactive features like quizzes to enhance user interaction for customers.

Pros and Cons of and Captain Growth

  • Pros:
    • Advanced analytics for tracking customer engagement
    • Streamlined customer journey mapping
  • Cons:
    • Limited social proof integration
    • Complex setup process impacting visitor rates

Captain Growth

  • Pros:
    • Comprehensive social media integration
    • Interactive quizzes enhancing shopping experiences
  • Cons:
    • Lack of in-depth analytics
    • Challenges in retaining visitors long-term

Making an Informed Decision

User Reviews

When evaluating engagement tools like Octane AI, consider user reviews from customers for insights on real-world business applications. Look for feedback on campaign performance, ease of content creation, and overall satisfaction.

Feature Comparisons

To make a well-informed choice, delve into feature comparisons between Octane AI and its alternatives. Analyze functionalities such as message personalization, delivery options, and time-saving automation capabilities.

Business Needs

Consider your specific business requirements, including customers, when selecting an AI tool. Evaluate whether the alternative offers a great way to enhance customer interactions and streamline operations. Assess if it provides an easy integration process and aligns with your long-term goals.

Closing Thoughts

You've delved into the world of Octane AI alternatives, understanding the need for diverse options, exploring various choices, dissecting key features and pricing, and even comparing user reviews. Now armed with valuable insights, you're ready to make an informed decision that aligns with your unique requirements.
As you navigate through the plethora of alternatives available, remember to prioritize what matters most to your business and customers. Seek a solution that not only meets your current needs but also scales with your future aspirations. Stay informed, stay discerning, and choose a platform that empowers your growth and enhances your customer interactions with customers. Your choice today will shape your tomorrow.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of exploring alternatives to Octane AI?

Exploring alternatives to Octane AI is crucial to ensure you find the best fit for your specific needs, budget, and goals. It allows you to make a well-informed decision based on comparison and evaluation.

How many options are covered in the blog post "Exploring 13 Options"?

The blog post delves into 13 alternative options to Octane AI. Each option is briefly discussed, highlighting key features, pricing structures, and potential benefits, providing a comprehensive overview for readers seeking alternatives.

What are some key features and pricing aspects discussed in the blog post?

The blog post outlines essential features offered by various alternatives to Octane AI, such as chatbot capabilities, integrations, analytics tools, and more. It provides insights into pricing models, helping customers assess cost-effectiveness.

How can user reviews and comparisons aid in decision-making regarding Octane AI alternatives?

User reviews offer valuable insights into real-world experiences with different platforms, aiding readers in understanding usability, customer support quality, and overall satisfaction levels. Comparisons help evaluate strengths and weaknesses to make an informed choice.

Why is making an informed decision crucial when selecting an alternative to Octane AI?

Making an informed decision ensures that you choose the most suitable alternative that aligns with your business requirements. By considering factors like features, pricing, user feedback, and comparisons provided in the blog post, you can optimize your selection process effectively.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:38 conn250 Tiny brass lamp single day restoration

Tiny brass lamp single day restoration
Got this for $0.50 at an estate sale! Polished it up, cleaned the electrical contacts, and put a new power cord on it. I think it originally came with a glass lamp shade of some sort. So if you have ideas for what I could use to replace it let me know! Might keep it as is showing the Edison bulb for now.
submitted by conn250 to restoration [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:36 Soninetz Unbounce Landing Page Templates: Top 100 High-Converting Picks

Unbounce Landing Page Templates: Top 100 High-Converting Picks
Did you know that 75% of online visitors judge a website's credibility based on its design, creative assets, and simple storefront? When it comes to creating impactful landing pages, having the right templates can make all the difference. Unbounce landing page templates offer a quick and easy solution for designing high-converting pages that capture attention and drive results. With a range of customizable options tailored to various industries and goals, including unbounce landing page, creative assets, and page builder, these templates provide a solid foundation for your digital marketing success.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the Right Template for Your Needs: Select a template that aligns with your brand and goals to maximize effectiveness.
  • Essential Features of High-Converting Templates: Prioritize templates with clear CTAs, mobile responsiveness, and A/B testing capabilities for optimal results.
  • Getting Started with Unbounce Templates: Utilize Unbounce's user-friendly platform to customize templates quickly and efficiently.
  • Maximizing SEO with Unbounce Landing Pages: Enhance your landing page's SEO by optimizing meta tags, keywords, and content for better visibility.
  • Creative Uses for Unbounce Templates: Explore innovative ways to use templates, such as event registrations, lead generation, or product launches, to stand out from competitors.

Choosing the Right Template for Your Needs

Business Type

Identify your business type and goals to select the most suitable Unbounce template. Consider whether you are in e-commerce, service-based, or a portfolio-driven business.
Evaluate how the template can showcase your products or services effectively. Look for features that align with your industry's standards.
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Design Elements

Consider the design elements offered by each template. Ensure there is enough space for benefits, pricing grids, appointment scheduling, padding, margin, align, or width if needed.
Check if the template provides customizable sections to highlight key information about your products or services. Confirm that the template's layout matches your brand's aesthetic.

Content Strategy

Evaluate the template's compatibility with your content strategy and target audience. Ensure that it supports your marketing campaign objectives.
Look for templates that allow easy integration of various media types like images, videos, or infographics. Consider how the template can help you achieve a cohesive look across different marketing channels.

Essential Features of High-Converting Templates

Prominent Headlines

Look for templates with prominent headlines that immediately grab visitors' attention and communicate your message effectively.

Clear Benefit Sections

Templates should include clear benefit sections to showcase the value proposition and entice visitors to explore further.

Customizable Forms for Lead Generation

Prioritize templates that offer customizable forms for lead generation, allowing you to capture essential information from potential leads.

Social Proof Elements

Choose templates with social proof elements such as testimonials, reviews, or client logos to build trust and credibility with visitors.

Comprehensive Layouts

Opt for templates with comprehensive layouts that guide visitors through the page smoothly, ensuring a seamless browsing experience with wrapper, padding, width, and cta.

Product Showcases

Templates featuring product showcases can help highlight key offerings and drive conversions by showcasing your products or services effectively.

Referral Welcome Popups

Consider templates that include referral welcome popups to encourage visitors to refer friends and family, expanding your customer base organically.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Location Selectors

Templates with location selectors can personalize the user experience based on the visitor's location, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

Discount Code Offers

Look for templates that incorporate discount code offers to incentivize visitors to make a purchase, increasing sales and boosting conversion rates.

Getting Started with Unbounce Templates

Click-Through Templates

Begin by selecting a Click-Through template featuring a compelling headline and captivating visual elements. These templates are designed to quickly engage visitors and encourage them to take action.

Product Launch Templates

Opt for Product Launch templates when showcasing new products. These templates come equipped with pricing grids and sections for social proof, enhancing the presentation of your offerings to potential customers.

Lead Generation Templates

Choose Lead Generation templates for effective lead capture. These templates feature well-structured benefit sections that highlight the value proposition of your product or service. Customizable forms make it easy to gather essential information from leads.

Maximizing SEO with Unbounce Landing Pages

Incorporating Keywords

When creating your Unbounce landing page, ensure that your content includes relevant keywords. By strategically incorporating these keywords, you can enhance your page's visibility and position on search engines.

Optimizing Images and Videos

To further boost your landing page's SEO performance, optimize all images and videos by adding descriptive alt text and titles. This practice not only improves accessibility but also helps search engines understand the content better.

Utilizing Unbounce's SEO Settings

Take advantage of Unbounce's built-in SEO settings to customize crucial elements such as URLs, meta descriptions, and page titles. By tailoring these aspects to align with your targeted keywords, you increase the potential for higher rankings on search engine results pages.

Creative Uses for Unbounce Templates

Sticky Bars

Unbounce landing page templates offer a versatile solution for creating creative assets like sticky bars. These bars can be used effectively to grab visitors' attention with new product notifications or limited-time offers. By implementing these, businesses can enhance user engagement and drive conversions.

Reminder Options

Incorporating reminder options in Unbounce templates is a strategic way to encourage prospects to save offers for future conversions. This feature acts as a gentle nudge for visitors to revisit the site and complete their intended actions, thereby increasing the chances of conversion success.

SaaS Flash Sale Popups

For businesses looking to create a sense of urgency and boost sales during special promotions, utilizing SaaS Flash Sale popup templates from Unbounce can be highly effective. These popups are designed to capture immediate attention, drive urgency among visitors, and ultimately lead to increased sales volume.

Closing Thoughts

You now have the tools to select the perfect Unbounce landing page template, optimize it for maximum conversion, and unleash its full potential. By incorporating essential features, kickstarting with Unbounce templates, boosting SEO, and exploring creative applications, you're set to elevate your online presence and drive results. Take action today and watch your digital marketing efforts soar!
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Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should I consider when choosing an Unbounce landing page template?

When selecting an Unbounce template, consider your target audience, design preferences, and desired features like lead capture forms or video integration. Ensure the template aligns with your branding and goals to maximize conversion rates.

How can high-converting Unbounce templates benefit my business?

High-converting Unbounce templates are designed to engage visitors effectively, leading to increased conversions and sales. They offer user-friendly layouts, compelling CTAs, and seamless navigation, enhancing the overall user experience and boosting your marketing campaign performance.

Is it easy to get started with Unbounce templates?

Yes, getting started with Unbounce templates is straightforward. Simply choose a template that suits your needs, customize it using the drag-and-drop editor, add your content and branding elements, then publish your landing page. Unbounce offers intuitive tools and resources to help you through the process.

How can I maximize SEO using Unbounce landing pages?

To boost SEO with Unbounce landing pages, optimize meta tags, headings, and image alt text for relevant keywords. Create unique and valuable content for visitors while ensuring fast loading times and mobile responsiveness. Utilize Unbounce's built-in SEO features to improve search engine visibility.

What are some creative ways to use Unbounce templates beyond traditional landing pages?

Aside from standard landing pages, you can utilize Unbounce templates for thank-you pages, event registrations, product showcases, or webinar sign-ups. Experiment with different layouts and functionalities offered by Unbounce to create engaging experiences that drive conversions across various marketing campaigns.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:34 doubleaxlexpresso “Kinda” lowball (? Or maybe not) and commented on my post

I have a gently used bag (used it for a few weeks) and it’s from a premium brand. The colour has been discontinued too so I priced it at 40% off from the original price. A person has offered 70% off from the original price few times, almost half of my asked price and this time they commented on my post saying the bag is currently on sale and only a bit higher than my asked price. They’re said they’re not willing to pay more then what she offered. I’m not sure if this is common. The tone definitely doesn’t sound like a “friendly info or FYI”. I’ve also looked it up and the bag is not on sale.
I’m not sure if I’m in the wrong here for pricing it a bit higher, after all it’s a nice colour that has been discontinued. Maybe I have too much expectations for sales? I’m not sure how to respond to this.
submitted by doubleaxlexpresso to poshmarkcanada [link] [comments]