Adoption letters of recommendation

"Never forget rule #1."

2012.01.26 23:13 "Never forget rule #1."

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2011.09.04 17:36 Video game RPG news, reviews, discussions, and updates

RPG_Gamers is a subreddit for fans of all video game RPGs from JRPGs (Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest), Western RPGs (Fallout, Baldur's Gate), action games with RPG elements (Diablo, League of Legends), and discussions related to them. Subreddit in general revolves around discussion of RPG videogames, recommendations for new games to try, news of upcoming RPGs, and reviews of recently released RPGs. Memes and other related filler content is not presently allowed.

2008.03.15 13:19 Lose money with friends!


2024.05.02 20:09 Specialist_Nail_504 Letters of recommendation

I am wondering how to go about asking for letters of recommendation for grad school. I dont feel like i know any of my professors that well (i just graduated) so I feel weird asking them. But also do i ask them and then if they say yes I put their email in the application? or how does that work?
submitted by Specialist_Nail_504 to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:03 Cute-Bike4837 Michigan penpals f/30 for f/28+

Hi, I'm from Michigan. I have a p.o box and would like to make some Michigan penpals I can write to. I'd like to start with just reddit messaging first to see if snailmail would be a good fit. I like the idea of making friends through letters/messages and possibly, maybe in the future being able to meet in person and grab coffee/tea or something..if that's something we would both feel is a good next step.
I'm a Michigan Native. I am a student. I'm currently in college finishing my bachelor's, taking online classes. I have an animal, and am a big animal lover. I enjoy arts and crafts. I draw and make jewelry sometimes. I like thrifting. I listen to many different music genres from reggae to gothic metal. And folk and classical. I'm always up for music recommendations. Through messages and letters I'd like to share stories or whatever comes to mind and generally learn about one another. I'd like to have a generally positive exchange.
I'm a fan of Neil Gaiman and his books and TV adaptations. I like reading fantasy and sci-fi, and some comics. I like going for walks and exploring with my friends.
Feel free to say hello. Summer is coming up. You're at a BBQ and making yourself a plate, tell me what's on it? šŸ˜‹
Friendly reminder, women only please.
submitted by Cute-Bike4837 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:02 Euphoric_Meet_2671 Question regarding admittance

So I have been offered a place at a dream uni of mine. I had a letter of recommendation and a good personal statement for context, however my offer was for 37 Ib points, and I feel I will be at max be able to achieve a 36, or even a 35. What do i do? Am i supposed to submit an appeal? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Euphoric_Meet_2671 to University [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:53 nightsky1123 Missing my perscription

After i refilled the new forms and luckily wasnt charged anything except for the blood-test forms i got 2 emails one with a treatment recommendation letter and the blood-test recommendations, i still havent received my electronic prescription and im running out of T, im scared to miss significant time on it. Ive emailed them twice and still havent had a reply in 3 weeks, any ideas on what i can do?
submitted by nightsky1123 to GenderGP [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:45 IVIIRAGE To Statin or Not to Statin

Hello everyone! I wanted to start a discussion regarding those of us who have genetic heart disease run in their families and are ultimately already living a healthy lifestyle(uncle very similar to me had heart attack at 40). Curious on what choice you made for your health regarding prescription medicines or healthy alternatives, thanks!
30M, 5ft 11/155lbs and active lifestyle and overall healthy diet. LDL: 152 HDL: 64 Trig: 87 Trig/HDL ratio: 1.4
LDL was alarming so Dr sent me to a cardiologist. His recommendation was to take zetia and red yeast rice instead of a Statin due to my age and family disposition based solely on my LDL given my current lifestyle. To be honest I wasn't very happy with his recommendation, so decided to continue my newly adopted Mediterranean diet for a few more months and then retake lipid panel before going on any medication. Curious what others have been recommended/are doing in similar situations?
submitted by IVIIRAGE to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:40 RedWizard52 Advice about colleague tension

I teach at a small liberal arts college and have been there for 10 years. I have published a well-reviewed monograph, consistently receive positive student surveys, and am considered a popular teacher. I serve on the Faculty Senate and several university standing committees. Additionally, I am the chair of a section at my main professional organization, review for several journals, and a university press.
I mention all this for a reason, perhaps to psych myself up. A few years ago, during a meeting with an advisee who had expressed interest in pursuing an M.A., we discussed their desire for me to write a letter of recommendation. After a few weeks without them mentioning it, I brought it up during our meeting. ā€œDo you still want me to write your letter of recommendation? I havenā€™t heard you mention it in a while.ā€ In response, they asked, ā€œWhat is ā€˜pedigreeā€™?ā€ Confused, I stuttered a reply, ā€œWhat? Huh?ā€ They continued, ā€œDr. [name excised] said I should reconsider asking you because your pedigree might not be sufficient for an admissions committee.ā€ I stuttered a response, ā€œOh, okay,ā€ as the advisee continued to inquire about pedigree as if it were some formal credential I lacked. It was very strange.
After the advisee left, I felt discouraged, ashamed, and angry that a colleague in my department would say that about me. Pedigree?! Are we in a Jane Austen novel?! Itā€™s been about a year, and Iā€™m still stewing about it. I see this colleague every day; they are collegial, but I still feel stung.
This might just be a vent. My question, which I probably should have asked a year ago, is: what would you do? Or what would you have done? For context, this colleague holds a PhD from an Ivy League school. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
submitted by RedWizard52 to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:37 AnalystItchy5581 Letter of recommendation

How soon did yall ask yall professors about lor?? Like how long did yall wait. I have this one professor in mind that I took last fall and I feel like that ship has sold for asking for lor. I plan on applying for fall of 2025 btw (worded this horribly I know)
submitted by AnalystItchy5581 to PrePharmacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:37 AnEdgeLordWeeb Need help to convert my single-agent project into a multi-agent one

Hey guys! So for context, I'm trying to develop a simple chatbot the offers personalized video games recommendations based on user input, by searching the internet for the top results and then use them as an answer to the user. Initially, I started this using one single agent, but as more ideas came into my mind, I think sticking with only one agent and try to implement those into code my result in some issues, specifically when it comes to the number of tokens. So I've decided instead to leverage LangGraph in order to adopt the multi-agent way and thus some myself from some trouble. Here is what I was thinking about when it comes to the agents I have thought of and their objective:
  1. Input Agent (Agent 1): This agent receives the initial user input, interprets the user's query, and dispatches tasks to other specialized agents.
  2. Search Agent (Agent 2): Receives tasks from Agent 1 to perform initial searches for game titles.
  3. Details Agent (Agent 3): Fetches detailed information for each game identified by Agent 2.
  4. Posters and Trailers Agents (Agent 4 and 5): Responsible for fetching official posters and official video trailers for the games identified.
Then I was thinking of sending all the details from Agent 2, 3, 4 and 5 to a core agent responsible for formatting a response based on them and then display them to the user.
Problem is, so far, I keep failing in my attempt to move from LangChain to LangGraph whilst trying to implement these ideas into code.
Can anyone please help? I would really, really, appreciate some help with the implementation of this.
This is how my current LangChain code looks right now:
import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_openai_tools_agent, Tool from langchain_core.runnables.history import RunnableWithMessageHistory from langchain_mongodb.chat_message_histories import MongoDBChatMessageHistory from serpapi import GoogleSearch # Load environment variables for API keys load_dotenv() # SerpAPI and MongoDB configuration serpapi_key = os.getenv("SERPAPI_API_KEY") mongo_connection_string = "mongodb://localhost:27017" database_name = "chatbot_db" collection_name = "chat_histories" # Define the function that will use SerpApi to perform searches def perform_serpapi_search(query): params = { "engine": "google", "q": query, "api_key": serpapi_key, "num": 5, } search = GoogleSearch(params) results = search.get_dict() return results # Create the SerpApi tool to pass to an agent serpapi_tool = Tool( name="serpapi_search", description="Performs Google searches using SerpApi.", func=perform_serpapi_search ) # Setup the ChatOpenAI model for conversational interactions chat = ChatOpenAI( model='gpt-3.5-turbo-1106', temperature=0 ) # Define a comprehensive prompt template for handling game recommendations game_recommendation_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages( [ ("system", """ You are a sophisticated AI trained to recommend video games. Your tasks include: - Provide game suggestions similar to ones the user enjoys or mentions, covering various genres and platforms. - Recommend games based on specific genres or mentioned developers/publishers. - Identify and suggest top-trending and highly rated video games, including acclaimed titles from specific time periods. - Tailor recommendations according to user-defined preferences, such as complexity, time investment, and progression style. - Recommend games suitable for specified platforms (e.g., PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Switch) or fitting certain age ratings (e.g., E, T, M). - Replace played or unappealing games with suitable alternatives. - For each recommended game, provide: title, brief description, genre, platform, developer, publisher, release date, Metacritic score (if available), and purchase links from digital storefronts. - Politely request more specific information for ambiguous queries. - Guide users back to gaming-related topics for unrelated queries. - Maintain a friendly and engaging tone throughout interactions. - Utilize the SerpAPI search tool for up-to-date and accurate recommendations in each response to user queries. (VERY IMPORTANT!!!) Ensure clarity, conciseness, and engagement in your responses to enhance the user experience. """), MessagesPlaceholder(variable_name="chat_history"), MessagesPlaceholder(variable_name="agent_scratchpad"), ("human", "{input}"), ] ) # Setup tools for agent tools = [serpapi_tool] # Create an OpenAI tools agent for handling game recommendations game_recommendation_agent = create_openai_tools_agent(chat, tools, game_recommendation_prompt) # Setup the agent executor for managing operations agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=game_recommendation_agent, tools=tools, verbose=True) # Function to manage MongoDB-based message history for each session def get_message_history(session_id): return MongoDBChatMessageHistory( session_id=session_id, connection_string=mongo_connection_string, database_name=database_name, collection_name=collection_name, ) # Function to handle user queries def handle_user_query(session_id, user_input): """ Process user queries by wrapping the executor with RunnableWithMessageHistory which processes various types of game recommendation requests and manages user interaction, maintaining a history of the conversation in MongoDB. """ history_manager = RunnableWithMessageHistory( agent_executor, lambda session_id: get_message_history(session_id), input_messages_key="input", output_messages_key="output", history_messages_key="chat_history", ) # Execute the query with history management response = history_manager.invoke( {"input": user_input}, {"configurable": {"session_id": session_id}} ) return response['output'] def main(): session_id = "unique_user_session_id" # This should be uniquely generated for each user session print("Welcome to the Game Recommendation Chatbot!") while True: user_input = input("You: ") if user_input.lower() == 'exit': print("Exiting chatbot...") break response = handle_user_query(session_id, user_input) print("Bot:", response) if __name__ == "__main__": main() import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_openai_tools_agent, Tool from langchain_core.runnables.history import RunnableWithMessageHistory from langchain_mongodb.chat_message_histories import MongoDBChatMessageHistory from serpapi import GoogleSearch # Load environment variables for API keys load_dotenv() # SerpAPI and MongoDB configuration serpapi_key = os.getenv("SERPAPI_API_KEY") mongo_connection_string = "mongodb://localhost:27017" database_name = "chatbot_db" collection_name = "chat_histories" # Define the function that will use SerpApi to perform searches def perform_serpapi_search(query): params = { "engine": "google", "q": query, "api_key": serpapi_key, "num": 5, } search = GoogleSearch(params) results = search.get_dict() return results # Create the SerpApi tool to pass to an agent serpapi_tool = Tool( name="serpapi_search", description="Performs Google searches using SerpApi.", func=perform_serpapi_search ) # Setup the ChatOpenAI model for conversational interactions chat = ChatOpenAI( model='gpt-3.5-turbo-1106', temperature=0 ) # Define a comprehensive prompt template for handling game recommendations game_recommendation_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages( [ ("system", """ You are a sophisticated AI trained to recommend video games. Your tasks include: - Provide game suggestions similar to ones the user enjoys or mentions, covering various genres and platforms. - Recommend games based on specific genres or mentioned developers/publishers. - Identify and suggest top-trending and highly rated video games, including acclaimed titles from specific time periods. - Tailor recommendations according to user-defined preferences, such as complexity, time investment, and progression style. - Recommend games suitable for specified platforms (e.g., PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Switch) or fitting certain age ratings (e.g., E, T, M). - Replace played or unappealing games with suitable alternatives. - For each recommended game, provide: title, brief description, genre, platform, developer, publisher, release date, Metacritic score (if available), and purchase links from digital storefronts. - Politely request more specific information for ambiguous queries. - Guide users back to gaming-related topics for unrelated queries. - Maintain a friendly and engaging tone throughout interactions. - Utilize the SerpAPI search tool for up-to-date and accurate recommendations in each response to user queries. (VERY IMPORTANT!!!) Ensure clarity, conciseness, and engagement in your responses to enhance the user experience. """), MessagesPlaceholder(variable_name="chat_history"), MessagesPlaceholder(variable_name="agent_scratchpad"), ("human", "{input}"), ] ) # Setup tools for agent tools = [serpapi_tool] # Create an OpenAI tools agent for handling game recommendations game_recommendation_agent = create_openai_tools_agent(chat, tools, game_recommendation_prompt) # Setup the agent executor for managing operations agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=game_recommendation_agent, tools=tools, verbose=True) # Function to manage MongoDB-based message history for each session def get_message_history(session_id): return MongoDBChatMessageHistory( session_id=session_id, connection_string=mongo_connection_string, database_name=database_name, collection_name=collection_name, ) # Function to handle user queries def handle_user_query(session_id, user_input): """ Process user queries by wrapping the executor with RunnableWithMessageHistory which processes various types of game recommendation requests and manages user interaction, maintaining a history of the conversation in MongoDB. """ history_manager = RunnableWithMessageHistory( agent_executor, lambda session_id: get_message_history(session_id), input_messages_key="input", output_messages_key="output", history_messages_key="chat_history", ) # Execute the query with history management response = history_manager.invoke( {"input": user_input}, {"configurable": {"session_id": session_id}} ) return response['output'] def main(): session_id = "unique_user_session_id" # This should be uniquely generated for each user session print("Welcome to the Game Recommendation Chatbot!") while True: user_input = input("You: ") if user_input.lower() == 'exit': print("Exiting chatbot...") break response = handle_user_query(session_id, user_input) print("Bot:", response) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 
submitted by AnEdgeLordWeeb to LangChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:27 140BPMMaster Who should I send my arguments to, in favour of assisted dying, for the best chance of having an impact in up-coming parliamentary debates, votes etc, to see our laws become more progressive, such as those in Belgium?

Firstly, I hope this question is not off-topic. I have read this sub's rules, and I am not certain if it will be accepted, but I'm slightly inclined to think that since it is a request for information, rather than actually campaigning here, it should be allowed?
There was a debate in parliament just recently about legalising assisted dying. I have a number of arguments I have for it that were not mentioned by any of the MPs.
I would like advice about who I could send a letter to, to make my point of view known. I'm thinking: MPs, charities, organisations - anyone - who I might want to write a letter to, who might directly or indirectly influence the outcome of how laws may change regarding assisted dying in the UK.
I have never done any campaigning before, nor do I have the slightest idea of who I could/should contact regarding specifically, campaigning for assisted dying, and who I may be able to either influence into thinking along my lines, or who are already on my side but may become better armed for making headway with my input.
All I know is:
  1. sometimes people are encouraged to contact their local MP, but my MP is useless and I suspect just writing one letter, to him, it would most likely just be ignored. And even if it wasn't, I don't think my MP has any interest in the topic, and if he did, he'd be stubbornly against my desire anyway.
  2. The charity Dignity in Dying - while they are advocates, they seem to be on their own stubborn path for some reason, and I don't think they care for my view, and are unlikely to use my points in whatever campaigning they're likely to do to influence future changes in law.
If it matters: I would like a system like Belgium has: in short, anyone experiencing unbearable suffering with little chance of improvement, having gone through significant safeguards and so on, is eligible for euthanasia.
Who would you recommend I send a letter to, explaining my experiences, my arguments, etc, for the law to become like that of Belgium's?
I have asked this question to Dignity In Dying, but have not had a response.
submitted by 140BPMMaster to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:27 pxffpufff school list help

Hi I'm a Canadian student wanting to apply to American dental schools but was having difficulties finding Canadian-friendly schools that are good for my stats.
I have a 3.46 gpa a 3.41 sgpa, got a 20 AA (nothing below a 19). I have about 150 hours of shadowing and three letters of recommendation. I also have some research work and was involved in extracurriculars. I was just wondering which schools I had a chance at if money didn't matter
Also dont know if this matter but i currently just ended my 3rd year so my GPA is based on 3 years of school
Thank you
submitted by pxffpufff to predental [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:20 Melodic_Mulberry_482 6th grade struggling reader with dyslexia...

My son is 12 (finishing up his 5th grade school year) and is struggling with dyslexia... flipping letters, omitting the first letter, or most frequently reading the first few letters and guessing the word. He was diagnosed in second grade. He has been in public school and qualified for special ed accommodations, but he was allowed to simply 'check out' of work and the teachers would then make everything homework. We tried private school thinking he would get more small group instruction and support... that wasn't the case. We have been homeschooling now for a few months and he has worked his way through the Reading Horizons Elevate program. I didn't really care for it, and I don't think it really helped him all that much. I'm looking for recommendations on what to try next... he knows the basics and can [very slowly] read chapter books aloud (I Survived books are his favorite), so I really don't know if we would need to start a learning to read curriculum or not. I have looked into Logic of English and All About Reading, but I'm not sure that would be the next best step for him. Any suggestions?
submitted by Melodic_Mulberry_482 to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:19 Revoltoso999 Urgent help with eviction letter

Hello. I was away from Berlin for a month due to sickness of a family member and when I came back today I found an eviction letter in my mailbox.
It consists of five pages from the Amstgericht and three from the lawyer representing the landlord's agency. In it it says that a letter was sent in February warning of eviction due to lack of payment of the nebenkosten and the delay paying two months of rent, but I've never seemed to receive that letter so this was a surprise.
The Amstgericht letter, sent the 25th of last month, states a date and an apointmet for court on June and the option to write within two weeks to defend myself against the lawsuit. It also states that per Ā§ 569 Abs. 3 Ziffer 2 BGB if I pay the due money before two months pass from the eviction notification (I'm assuming the one from February that I've never seen) the proceedings become invalid.
The lawyer's part of the letter states that I'm sentenced to leave the apartment and to pay that amount of money. Also that if the legal accordings pertatining to Ā§ 331 ZPO are met, a judgement is done without oral hearing. The brown enveloped letter was sent this last 25th.
What are my options here? So far I sent the owed money and wrote to both the landlord's agency and their lawyer explaining the situation and showing receipts for the payment. Tomorrow I plan to send a written letter to the Amtsgericht with the same information. Should I contact a lawyer as soon as possible? Any recommendations for English speaking lawyers in Berlin or ways to find one? If I get evicted I have literally no where to go and I'm freaking out to be honest.
Thank you for your time
submitted by Revoltoso999 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:02 follybee Ringworm Advice- Already been to vet

I adopted a cat 3 weeks ago who I just discovered has ringworm. Sheā€™s itchy around the eyes and neck. Failed the black light test. I also now have ringworm. I have been to the vet and they sent the lab test out but said it could take two weeks before I get the results, and they will not provide treatment until then.
I am treating myself with the appropriate creams and am not super worried about my outbreak at this time, itā€™s pretty under control. I am trying to vacuum daily and wash blankets, towels, etc as often as possible.
Is there anything I can do in this two week wait to make kitty comfortable and to prepare before I am provided the proper treatment from the vet? Any highly recommended wipes or sprays that will get me a head start on her recovery?
Quarantining her is not an option due to my living situation. She will have to remain having free range of my living room and limited range of my bedroom.
submitted by follybee to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:59 No_Combination_7573 Needed a reason to gush

I restarted all of distractible and finally caught up to chess3 and Wade is complaining about the scarlet letter and it's the worst book and I want to talk about the BEST book. My favorite book is challenger deep from Neal Shusterman I have liked all his books but my favorite book of all time is Challenger Deep. Huge recommend.
submitted by No_Combination_7573 to distractible [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:49 OA1125 I'M STRESSING ABOUT LORs for Post-grad

I just completed my undergraduate degree in Biology, and Iā€™m looking to apply to medical school. The thing that is holding me back is my lack of Letters of Recommendation. Over the course of 4 years, my first two years were completely online due to COVID, and a lot of the classes in my last two years were online/asynchronous (especially the science ones) online since I live over an hour away from campus and opted for online sections. The only science related courses that I attended in-person were ones that had lab sections associated with the lecture or recitation. In those sections, I never made the effort to get to know the professors as I never had difficulty understanding the material that would prompt me to want to ask questions after class or attend office hours. Another problem was the fact that the classes are so large, its is difficult to become noticeable. Fortunately, I have doctors that I have shadowed and worked for who are willing to write me letters, but I need at least 1-2 letters of recommendation from science professors. I did excellent in all my science classes, but I do not know any professors to ask for Letters of Recommendation. Someone recommended completing a masterā€™s program which I think is ridiculous as itā€™s incredibly expensive and unnecessary as I just need LORs, not research or a higher GPA. What should I do?
submitted by OA1125 to SBU [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:47 OA1125 I'M STRESSING ABOUT LORs

I just completed my undergraduate degree in Biology, and Iā€™m looking to apply to medical school. The thing that is holding me back is my lack of Letters of Recommendation. Over the course of 4 years, my first two years were completely online due to COVID, and a lot of the classes in my last two years were online (especially the science ones) were online since I live over an hour away from my school and opted for online sections. The only science related courses that I attended in-person were ones that had lab sections associated with the lecture or recitation. In those sections, I never made the effort to get to know the professors as I never had difficulty understanding the material that would prompt me to want to ask questions after class or attend office hours. Another problem was the fact that my school was very large with classes ranging from 150-300+ students. Fortunately, I have doctors that I have shadowed and worked for who are willing to write me letters, but I need at least 1-2 letters of recommendation from science professors. I did excellent in all my science classes, but I do not know any professors to ask for Letters of Recommendation. Someone recommended completing a masterā€™s program which I think is ridiculous as itā€™s incredibly expensive and unnecessary as I just need LORs, not research or a higher GPA. What should I do?
submitted by OA1125 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:44 BluebirdOk2007 I accidentally was reported for Sexual Harassment in my High School

Let's call this girl (L), I met her during my PE Class last quarter. She was a freshman while I was a junior. At first I was shy to talk to her but slowly I did and to her friends. I also had her for Study Hall. We slowly became friends but I had a crush on her. I asked her out during Study Hall one day, but of course, she said no. But we were still on good terms. However last week during school lunch, one of her friends that knew I liked her told me to write a letter to her. I did but this letter was inappropriate. I don't want to go to too much details but it was intended to be a joke. When I gave it to her and her friends saw, they were surprised and laughed about it. I did not think she was uncomfortable. She even asked to keep it as a memory
Although yesterday, I came to her table again. Her friends and her seemed happy to see me and one of them said hi while I was coming to them. I said hi back and asked how was their day as usual. I also apologized if L was uncomfortable, she said no. But I did make more inappropriate comments that I thought was funny to them. As embarrassing this sounds, I made a joke about her breastfeeding me. She was surprised but I was not told to stop seriously by any of them. One did but I didn't take him seriously as others didn't seem too.
L said it was okay and she was smiling and appeared not offended. At the end, I said bye to her and her friends. They said bye back. I didn't think of this event much until my 6th Period Class had me sent to the Admin. I was surprised that she reported me without warning. It was embarrassing and at first I declined that I knew her until the admin told me she'll check the cameras. I should not have lied but I was not prepared at all to be reported. Now I'm suspended with a recommended expulsion because of this. And my parents are upset at me.
Not only that I am black but she is white and most of the group as was as well. Only a few of the friends around the table was black and/or hispanic. I don't know what to do next. I don't want to be expelled. I'm also socially awkward despite me talking to many people. My parents have to go to a meeting where they have to defend me from this. I'm not sure if the admin also brought other people as well. There is a possibility that even if I am not expelled, my mom would possibly try to get me out of the school anyway as there was a incident like this before and I did not understand what I did wrong as others seemed okay with it.
I tried to shoot myself with my dad's shotgun earlier this morning but I thought the boxes were taped. I looked again recently and turns out they were not taped. I want to put one shell in it against myself but I worry that I would change my mind and end up causing another accident.
submitted by BluebirdOk2007 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:35 DrAbdullahIqbal0 Are You Facing Gallbladder Surgery? Learn About Your Treatment Options Here!

Are You Facing Gallbladder Surgery? Learn About Your Treatment Options Here!
Gallbladder issues can be painful and disruptive, but knowing your treatment options can help you make informed decisions about your health. If you're facing gallbladder surgery or seeking information about gallbladder removal, you're in the right place. Let's explore the world of gallbladder surgery and discuss key considerations for anyone dealing with gallbladder problems.

Understanding Gallbladder Disease:

The gallbladder is a tiny organ found under the liver that stores bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver. Gallbladder disease encompasses various conditions, including gallstones, inflammation (cholecystitis), and other functional disorders. Symptoms of gallbladder disease may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and digestive issues.

Types of Gallbladder Surgery:

  1. Cholecystectomy: The most common treatment for gallbladder disease is cholecystectomy, the surgical removal of the gallbladder. This procedure is typically performed laparoscopically, using small incisions and a camera-guided instrument to visualize and remove the gallbladder. In some cases, open surgery may be necessary, particularly if complications arise.
  2. Gallstone Removal Procedures: If gallstones are causing symptoms but the gallbladder itself is healthy, procedures such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) or lithotripsy may be used to break up or remove gallstones from the bile ducts.

Reasons for Gallbladder Surgery:

  • Gallstones: Gallstones are solid particles that form in the gallbladder and can cause pain, inflammation, and other complications. Gallbladder surgery is often recommended for individuals with symptomatic gallstones that do not respond to nonsurgical treatments.
  • Gallbladder Inflammation: Inflammation of the gallbladder, known as cholecystitis, can result from gallstones or other factors. If left untreated, cholecystitis can lead to serious complications such as infection or rupture of the gallbladder, necessitating surgical removal.

Recovery and Aftercare:

Recovering from gallbladder surgery is usually swift, with most patients able to return to normal activities within a week or two. It's essential to follow your surgeon's postoperative instructions, which may include dietary guidelines, pain management strategies, and activity restrictions during the initial recovery period.

Managing Gallbladder Health:

While gallbladder surgery effectively resolves gallstone-related issues, adopting healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent future problems. Maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and managing weight can all contribute to gallbladder health.

Choosing a Surgeon and Healthcare Team:

When considering gallbladder surgery, it's essential to choose a skilled surgeon and healthcare team with experience in managing gallbladder disease. Take the time to research potential providers, ask questions, and seek second opinions if necessary to ensure you receive the best possible care.

Don't Ignore Gallbladder Symptoms:

If you're experiencing symptoms of gallbladder disease, don't ignore them. Prompt evaluation and treatment can prevent complications and improve your quality of life. Consult a healthcare expert to discuss your symptoms and possible treatment options.
submitted by DrAbdullahIqbal0 to u/DrAbdullahIqbal0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:35 Financial-Dust-7290 Shelter in Connecticut let my senior mother adopt a high energy, reactive rescue pit bull and they said if she returns him, she will not be eligible to adopt another.

My mom is not experienced with large breeds but wanted to adopt a large breed dog for the first time to help her feel safe when she walks. I recommended she find a senior female German shepherd.
She went to a shelter in Connecticut to look at a 8yo female GSD who was listed on PetFinder, but when she arrived she was told the dog was rescued. Ok fine, maybe they didnā€™t update their listing.
Despite her telling them she has cats and is not experienced with large breed canines, they talked her into adopting a ā€œsuper sweet and calmā€ 2yo pit bull terrier who they called a ā€œshepherd mix.ā€ No shepherd in this dog, heā€™s just a black and tan pit bull.
In just a month, dog has become aggressive with her cats to where she has to keep her cats locked in her office, since he absolutely terrorizes the cats every time heā€™s let out of his crate. He escaped from the crate this morning somehow (my mom said this has happened twice) and sought out the cats like a heat missile, furiously barking outside of her office door trying to get to them. He is also not well trained on the leash (sheā€™s in her late 60s and is frail ā€” he is pulling her something awful to where only her husband is able to walk him). My mom says the shelter said he was fine walking on a loose leash.
They contacted the shelter to see if they could return him and adopt an older, calmer pet but they told her if she returned the dog, she would not be eligible to adopt another. This is a kill shelter, by the way.
Sheā€™s found a board and train for the dog and says sheā€™s going to work with him, but Iā€™m just mad this happened to her and that they shamed her for wanting to return him. I also really hate the pit bull labeling thing. Can we stop pretending that rescue pit bulls are breeds that they just arenā€™t? For the love of god!
I guess sheā€™s going to keep him after being shamed by the shelter for wanting to return him, but Iā€™m sad for her poor cats, one of which is a senior nearing the end of his life, and Iā€™m sad sheā€™s stuck with a 10+ year commitment based on pure lies.
submitted by Financial-Dust-7290 to PetRescueExposed [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:23 Bommit91 What do you feed your Cavalier puppies?

What do you feed your Cavalier puppies?

Hello everyone!
A little over 2 months ago, I adopted a sweet little Cavvy boy named Bojji. He's 4 months now and at least 7 lbs, and I've been feeding him the same food since I first got him. He's always been able to eat at least 2/3 a cup a day, which is what the bag recommends for puppies under 7 lbs. However, since he's grown I can't really get him to eat any more than that same amount. He doesn't seem to mind, or act hungry. However, he's very interested in the cat's food! I'm curious if he's become bored of this food, and if I should look for something new that is more flavorful, but at the same time still nutritious and healthy for him. The vet has advised me against heavy red-meat diets, since Cavaliers are known to have heart issues.
TLDR: What do you all feed your Cavvy puppies? I'm looking for something they love to eat while still being healthy for the breed! Attached are some pictures of the food I'm feeding him now, along with some pictures of Bojji.
submitted by Bommit91 to cavaliers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:21 Murky-Teaching4975 Nexus Letter Ignored? Appeal Claim Also Denied Due to no Nexus?

Nexus Letter Ignored? Appeal Claim Also Denied Due to no Nexus?
Hello, fellow veterans and VA community,
I'm seeking advice as I navigate a frustrating situation with the VA. Recently, I appealed the denial of my claim for a service-connected back injury. In my appeal, I provided a nexus letter to establish a connection between my injuries and my military service.
However, upon reviewing the decision letter, it appears the VA did not consider or reference the nexus letter in its decision. This led to another denial, citing the absence of a nexus link as the primary reason.
Has anyone faced a similar situation where the VA disregarded key evidence during the appeals process? How did you handle it, and what steps would you recommend I take next?
I am torn as to whether I would file an HLR or an additional Supplemental just reattaching the nexus letterā€¦againā€¦
I'm committed to securing the benefits I deserve and appreciate any advice or guidance you can offer.
submitted by Murky-Teaching4975 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:18 Worried-Visual55 Did Excess contribution to my spouse's RRSP by mistake - next steps and a few questions

This post is about documenting and verifying the next steps for people like me who over-contributed to their RRSP or Spousal RRSP.
Posted it first in cantax, re-posting it in this sub since this has a bigger audience.
On 30th April, I realized that I did a big mess up in my spousal RRSP contribution. I didn't understand that it needs to be deducted from the contributor's deduction limit :(
Now, in my tax return, I have an excess contribution of > 20k via my spousal RRSP account.
Looking for some help to verify my next steps I have planned (based on CRA website) below, and answer to some open questions.
  1. I plan to withdraw the 20k that I excess contributed ASAP (will let it withhold tax). (I know I could withdraw less than 20k considering the new contribution room I would potentially get fo 2024, but I am not certain about my total 2024 income yet, so don't want to accrue 1% penalty per month and just keeping it simple). To get the withheld tax back, I will have to fill out T746 in 2024 tax return. (Another option if I didn't want to have my tax withheld would be: fill out T3012A and get approval and send it to my institution before withdrawal. T3012A process is known to take longer time and I will be accruing 1% penalty per month on the excess contribution.)
  2. Haven't filed my 2023 tax yet, I don't owe money to CRA so was waiting for a few more days to sort this thing out first. Question: do I have to submit the 2023 tax return before T1-OVP Simplified and RC2503 ? Or, it doesn't matter ? How about the order between T1-OVP and RC2503 ?
  3. I am in the process of filling out T1-OVP for 2022. Question: I have to file another T1-OVP for 2023 next year, right ? Since it's May already and I had the excess contribution these 3 months this year ?
  4. Planning to also file for RC2503: Request for Waiver Part X.1 Tax ā€“ RRSP, PRPP and SPP Excess Contribution Tax. Question: In the years involved, should I mention only 2022 or both 2022, 2023 ? 1. Or, do I have to request the 2023 waiver separately next year ? In my understanding, I may be taxed for over contribution in 2023 too (may not have enough room). Should I request it now ? Question: When is it recommended to pay the tax owed (as calculated in T1-OVP) ?
Also any tips on RC2503 waiver request success ?
I have read in reddit people saying, the success chance is slim, but worth a try. I am planning to include all of my RRSP account's monthly statements (showing contribution and withdrawal history) and a letter explaining the reason and steps taken with dates. I was reading, there is a penalty of 5% when T1-OVP is 90 days after the end of the calendar year :( Does the RC2503 waiver request cover that penalty too ?
Honestly, I am very pissed at myself for creating all of these extra work to me :( Anyone went through this situation ? Can you please review my plan ?

submitted by Worried-Visual55 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]