Perplexors puzzles online


2008.02.09 16:59 Puzzles

The place for all kinds of puzzles including puzzle games. Self-promotion is allowed in the stickied "Promo Weekly" post.

2013.11.19 19:49 foxdots Online Jigsaw Puzzles

By becoming an impeccable combination between the art of image and intellectual development, **Jigsaw Puzzles** became a way of expression and an endeavor in our goal to develop problem solving skills. From educational and character development to important therapeutic range of benefits logical picture puzzles are a valuable asset that the human race created to establish a perfect equilibrium between the necessity to relax and to stimulate our brain activity

2011.02.26 17:22 flabbergasted1 Crossword Puzzles

A place for crossword solvers and constructors to share, create, and discuss American (NYT-style) crossword puzzles.

2024.05.17 13:23 NimbleThor 5 Quick tl;dr iOS Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 218)

Welcome back, fellow mobile gamers :) As per tradition, here are my weekly mobile game recommendations based on the most interesting games I played and that were covered on MiniReview this week! :) I hope you'll enjoy some of them.
Support these posts (and YouTube content + development of MiniReview) on Patreon: <3
This episode includes a great racing game, a fun arcade platformer, a great deck-builder roguelike RPG, an arcade casual game, and a neat deck-building dungeon crawler.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 216 weeks ago here.

Let's get to the games:

Art of Rally [Game Size: 2.3 GB] ($4.99)

Genre: Racing / Simulation - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Art of Rally is a rally racing game with an amazing atmosphere, several fun game modes that range from casual to hardcore, and deep gameplay customization settings.
The main career mode has us play through several years of rally history on tracks all around the world, unlocking new cars and skins as we progress.
In addition to the campaign, however, there is a custom rally mode, a time-attack mode where we can try all of the game’s vehicles, a free-roam mode where we drive around a large open world to collect items, and daily and weekly online events with leaderboards.
What I like the best about Art of Rally is that it can be as casual or hardcore as you want. Free roaming is a fun laid-back experience while the time-attack modes are incredibly challenging. And even in the career mode, we can pick the difficulty of our AI opponents.
The touch controls are okay but lack different options. Thankfully, the game plays perfectly with a Bluetooth controller, and there are lots of customization options for everything from the HUD to the interface and gameplay, including changing the steering sensitivity, enabling anti-lock braking, and much more.
The game has a great atmosphere, and the low-poly art style and minimalistic UI fit nicely. Unfortunately, loading between menus and levels is slow, and I ran into a few minor bugs - so the game isn’t perfectly ported from PC.
Art of Rally is a $4.99 premium game with a single $1.99 optional DLC that adds additional map areas.
It’s a game more about precision than driving super-fast, so if that’s what you’re looking for, I think you’ll enjoy Art of Rally – especially if you have a controller to play it with.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Art of Rally

Level Devil - NOT A Troll Game [Total Game Size: 87 MB] (Free)

Genre: Platform / Arcade - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by Ark:
Level Devil is an easy arcade platformer with no surprises or frustrations at all… or is it?
The game has us move left, right, and jump to navigate seemingly simple one-screen stages. But as we progress, the game starts trolling us in lots of unexpected ways.
Floors suddenly disappear beneath our feet, spikes spawn at what looks like safe spots, and the game sometimes even changes the rules of physics by lowering the gravity or reversing it altogether.
So you better be prepared for some rage-inducing deaths. But to me, the game’s main appeal is exactly these unexpected twists. The game quickly becomes all about anticipating the next troll attempt, and nothing beats the satisfaction I got from outsmarting a level in my first attempt.
There are 80 stages in total, with the game autosaving every 5 stages. And while some stages are challenging, they’re all short and concise. The controls are also simple and responsive. Unfortunately, there is no music at all, and the graphics are very minimal, with just a single yellow-reddish color scheme that gets old in no time.
Level Devil monetizes via occasional forced ads between levels and deaths, and a $0.99 iAP to remove these for good. Thankfully, I didn’t personally find the ads to be too intrusive, even with me dying a lot.
Despite being a troll game, it balances overall fun vs. overall difficulty very well. So I was able to complete it relatively easily without getting too frustrated. You could say I had a "devilish good time" beating the game.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Level Devil

Loop Hero [Game Size: 250 MB] (Free Trial)

Genre: RPG / Deck-Builder / Roguelike - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by JBMessin:
Loop Hero is a mobile port of an incredibly unique tactical roguelike that mixes lots of gameplay elements, including deck-building, auto-battling, resource management, and city-building.
We begin the game in a place outside space and time on a dangerous path that forms a loop. Our character traverses the loop on his own, automatically fighting the enemies that spawn every day. These encounters provide us with loot that we equip to grow stronger and cards that are used to alter the loop.
Playing a card somewhere on the path changes what happens every time our hero walks through that part of the loop. For example, we may place a grove that spawns a rat every 2 days, which we then fight to grow stronger. This ability to customize the loop is one of the most unique aspects of the game, and I really enjoyed it.
After our first campfire is built, we begin to meet heroes who are just as lost as we are. Through short dialogues with them, we start to learn about the game’s light city-building mechanics. There are plenty of buildings to construct that offer all kinds of new and interesting gameplay mechanics - and even new classes to go on expeditions with.
What I immediately appreciated about Loop Hero was its top-notch soundtrack reminiscent of early 8-bit games like Castlevania, and the sprites that are stylized to match the gloomy setting but still vibrant in their design.
The biggest downside is that my large fingers sometimes made it hard to see where I was placing things. The game is definitely best enjoyed on larger phones.
Loop Hero is free to try, with a single $6.99 iAP unlocking the full game.
If you enjoy excellent roguelikes with unique gameplay mechanics, I think you’ll enjoy Loop Hero.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Loop Hero

Tumble Rush [Game Size: 159 MB] (Free)

Genre: Arcade / Casual - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Tumble Rush is a fun, fast-paced marble maze arcade game where we guide a ball through small top-down levels while avoiding obstacles, traps, and holes.
Apart from rolling around with our sphere character, the only other thing we can do is tap an interaction button that activates/deactivates doors, turn on fans that let us get over obstacles, and much more.
Despite the additional puzzle elements introduced along the way, the game is very easy in the beginning – maybe even to a fault. I quickly grew bored with the early levels. But thankfully, if you stick with the game, it eventually becomes much harder.
The coins we collect in each level are used to unlock new cosmetics for our character. But what’s really cool is that they also completely change the design and theme of every level. So unlocking cosmetics quickly became my primary objective.
While the standard mode is relatively easy and lacks a bit of variety, the game also features a much more challenging time attack mode, where we attempt to finish levels fast enough to earn three stars. And if we get bored with that, there’s an endless mode where we earn more and more gold the further we get.
The standard gyroscopic controls work alright, but I personally preferred one of the touch control options.
Tumble Rush monetizes by showing ads between levels. They appear relatively frequently but can thankfully be removed via a single $1.99 iAP.
It’s an arcade game that gets better the further you get. So if you’re looking for a fun game that can be played as casually or competitively as you want, I think you might like Tumble Rush.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Tumble Rush

SOULVARS (Game Size: 346 MB] ($4.99)

Genre: Deck-Building / Dungeon Crawler - Offline
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by AlexSem:
SOULVARS is a futuristic mix of a jRPG and a deck builder, where we fight demonic creatures using a deck of cards produced by the gear we equip.
Working for a secret government organization, our job is to maintain peace by engaging in bloody confrontations with hungry spirits that invade the human world via spontaneous portal-like breaches.
The combat system is quite elaborate. First of all, our deck is defined by the gear we equip, and each card lets us execute an action, such as using a shield, performing various elemental attacks, or dealing different types of physical damage.
Picking two different types of cards allows us to perform devastating combo actions. But we must also pay attention to our enemies’ resistances, constantly charge our “burst” meter to eventually turn into a powerful monster, and link together attacks of multiple characters. And this is just a small portion of the game’s many combat mechanics.
Mindlessly executing random moves works for a while, but we eventually face enemies so strong that this tactic isn’t enough. This is where the game's complex combat systems comes into play, and we need to learn all its intricacies and meticulously manage our equipment to win. This will be too challenging for some players, but a joy for others.
The exploration part of the game consists of navigating maze-like rooms, interacting with the environment, collecting loot, talking to people, and engaging in random battles - an old jRPG structure that is apparently still popular among certain audiences.
SOULVARS is a premium game that costs $4.99.
While the game’s repetitiveness and unengaging plot eventually make the gameplay a bit boring, there’s more than enough entertainment for fans of complex combat systems.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: SOULVARS
NEW: Sort + filter reviews and games I've played (and more) on my mobile games discovery platform, MiniReview:
Special thanks to the Patreon Producers Wrecking Golf, "marquisdan", "Lost Vault", "Farm RPG", and "Mohaimen" who help make these posts possible through their Patreon support <3
Google Sheet of all games I've played so far (searchable and filter-able):
*The newest mobile games (with gameplay) on my YouTube channel: *
Episode 193 Episode 194 Episode 195 Episode 196 Episode 197 Episode 198 Episode 199 Episode 200 Episode 201 Episode 202 Episode 203 Episode 204 Episode 205 Episode 206 Episode 207 Episode 208 Episode 209 Episode 210 Episode 211 Episode 211 Episode 212 Episode 214 Episode 215 Episode 216 Episode 217
submitted by NimbleThor to iosgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:23 NimbleThor 5 Quick Tl;Dr Android Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 304)

Welcome back, fellow mobile gamers :) As per tradition, here are my weekly mobile game recommendations based on the most interesting games I played and that were covered on MiniReview this week! :) I hope you'll enjoy some of them.
Support these posts (and YouTube content + development of MiniReview) on Patreon: <3
This episode includes a great racing game, a fun arcade platformer, a great deck-builder roguelike RPG, an arcade casual game, and a neat deck-building dungeon crawler.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 304 weeks ago here.

Let's get to the games:

Art of Rally [Game Size: 2.3 GB] ($4.99)

Genre: Racing / Simulation - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Art of Rally is a rally racing game with an amazing atmosphere, several fun game modes that range from casual to hardcore, and deep gameplay customization settings.
The main career mode has us play through several years of rally history on tracks all around the world, unlocking new cars and skins as we progress.
In addition to the campaign, however, there is a custom rally mode, a time-attack mode where we can try all of the game’s vehicles, a free-roam mode where we drive around a large open world to collect items, and daily and weekly online events with leaderboards.
What I like the best about Art of Rally is that it can be as casual or hardcore as you want. Free roaming is a fun laid-back experience while the time-attack modes are incredibly challenging. And even in the career mode, we can pick the difficulty of our AI opponents.
The touch controls are okay but lack different options. Thankfully, the game plays perfectly with a Bluetooth controller, and there are lots of customization options for everything from the HUD to the interface and gameplay, including changing the steering sensitivity, enabling anti-lock braking, and much more.
The game has a great atmosphere, and the low-poly art style and minimalistic UI fit nicely. Unfortunately, loading between menus and levels is slow, and I ran into a few minor bugs - so the game isn’t perfectly ported from PC.
Art of Rally is a $4.99 premium game with a single $1.99 optional DLC that adds additional map areas.
It’s a game more about precision than driving super-fast, so if that’s what you’re looking for, I think you’ll enjoy Art of Rally – especially if you have a controller to play it with.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Art of Rally

Level Devil - NOT A Troll Game [Total Game Size: 87 MB] (Free)

Genre: Platform / Arcade - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by Ark:
Level Devil is an easy arcade platformer with no surprises or frustrations at all… or is it?
The game has us move left, right, and jump to navigate seemingly simple one-screen stages. But as we progress, the game starts trolling us in lots of unexpected ways.
Floors suddenly disappear beneath our feet, spikes spawn at what looks like safe spots, and the game sometimes even changes the rules of physics by lowering the gravity or reversing it altogether.
So you better be prepared for some rage-inducing deaths. But to me, the game’s main appeal is exactly these unexpected twists. The game quickly becomes all about anticipating the next troll attempt, and nothing beats the satisfaction I got from outsmarting a level in my first attempt.
There are 80 stages in total, with the game autosaving every 5 stages. And while some stages are challenging, they’re all short and concise. The controls are also simple and responsive. Unfortunately, there is no music at all, and the graphics are very minimal, with just a single yellow-reddish color scheme that gets old in no time.
Level Devil monetizes via occasional forced ads between levels and deaths. Thankfully, I didn’t personally find the ads to be too intrusive, even with me dying a lot.
Despite being a troll game, it balances overall fun vs. overall difficulty very well. So I was able to complete it relatively easily without getting too frustrated. You could say I had a "devilish good time" beating the game.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Level Devil

Loop Hero [Game Size: 250 MB] (Free Trial)

Genre: RPG / Deck-Builder / Roguelike - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by JBMessin:
Loop Hero is a mobile port of an incredibly unique tactical roguelike that mixes lots of gameplay elements, including deck-building, auto-battling, resource management, and city-building.
We begin the game in a place outside space and time on a dangerous path that forms a loop. Our character traverses the loop on his own, automatically fighting the enemies that spawn every day. These encounters provide us with loot that we equip to grow stronger and cards that are used to alter the loop.
Playing a card somewhere on the path changes what happens every time our hero walks through that part of the loop. For example, we may place a grove that spawns a rat every 2 days, which we then fight to grow stronger. This ability to customize the loop is one of the most unique aspects of the game, and I really enjoyed it.
After our first campfire is built, we begin to meet heroes who are just as lost as we are. Through short dialogues with them, we start to learn about the game’s light city-building mechanics. There are plenty of buildings to construct that offer all kinds of new and interesting gameplay mechanics - and even new classes to go on expeditions with.
What I immediately appreciated about Loop Hero was its top-notch soundtrack reminiscent of early 8-bit games like Castlevania, and the sprites that are stylized to match the gloomy setting but still vibrant in their design.
The biggest downside is that my large fingers sometimes made it hard to see where I was placing things. The game is definitely best enjoyed on larger phones.
Loop Hero is free to try, with a single $6.99 iAP unlocking the full game.
If you enjoy excellent roguelikes with unique gameplay mechanics, I think you’ll enjoy Loop Hero.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Loop Hero

Tumble Rush [Game Size: 159 MB] (Free)

Genre: Arcade / Casual - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Tumble Rush is a fun, fast-paced marble maze arcade game where we guide a ball through small top-down levels while avoiding obstacles, traps, and holes.
Apart from rolling around with our sphere character, the only other thing we can do is tap an interaction button that activates/deactivates doors, turn on fans that let us get over obstacles, and much more.
Despite the additional puzzle elements introduced along the way, the game is very easy in the beginning – maybe even to a fault. I quickly grew bored with the early levels. But thankfully, if you stick with the game, it eventually becomes much harder.
The coins we collect in each level are used to unlock new cosmetics for our character. But what’s really cool is that they also completely change the design and theme of every level. So unlocking cosmetics quickly became my primary objective.
While the standard mode is relatively easy and lacks a bit of variety, the game also features a much more challenging time attack mode, where we attempt to finish levels fast enough to earn three stars. And if we get bored with that, there’s an endless mode where we earn more and more gold the further we get.
The standard gyroscopic controls work alright, but I personally preferred one of the touch control options.
Tumble Rush monetizes by showing ads between levels. They appear relatively frequently but can thankfully be removed via a single $1.99 iAP.
It’s an arcade game that gets better the further you get. So if you’re looking for a fun game that can be played as casually or competitively as you want, I think you might like Tumble Rush.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Tumble Rush

SOULVARS (Game Size: 346 MB] ($4.99)

Genre: Deck-Building / Dungeon Crawler - Offline
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by AlexSem:
SOULVARS is a futuristic mix of a jRPG and a deck builder, where we fight demonic creatures using a deck of cards produced by the gear we equip.
Working for a secret government organization, our job is to maintain peace by engaging in bloody confrontations with hungry spirits that invade the human world via spontaneous portal-like breaches.
The combat system is quite elaborate. First of all, our deck is defined by the gear we equip, and each card lets us execute an action, such as using a shield, performing various elemental attacks, or dealing different types of physical damage.
Picking two different types of cards allows us to perform devastating combo actions. But we must also pay attention to our enemies’ resistances, constantly charge our “burst” meter to eventually turn into a powerful monster, and link together attacks of multiple characters. And this is just a small portion of the game’s many combat mechanics.
Mindlessly executing random moves works for a while, but we eventually face enemies so strong that this tactic isn’t enough. This is where the game's complex combat systems comes into play, and we need to learn all its intricacies and meticulously manage our equipment to win. This will be too challenging for some players, but a joy for others.
The exploration part of the game consists of navigating maze-like rooms, interacting with the environment, collecting loot, talking to people, and engaging in random battles - an old jRPG structure that is apparently still popular among certain audiences.
SOULVARS is a premium game that costs $4.99.
While the game’s repetitiveness and unengaging plot eventually make the gameplay a bit boring, there’s more than enough entertainment for fans of complex combat systems.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: SOULVARS
NEW: Sort + filter reviews and games I've played (and more) in my app MiniReview:
Special thanks to the Patreon Producers Wrecking Golf, "marquisdan", "Lost Vault", "Farm RPG", and "Mohaimen" who help make these posts possible through their Patreon support <3
Episode 281 Episode 282 Episode 283 Episode 284 Episode 285 Episode 286 Episode 287 Episode 288 Episode 289 Episode 290 Episode 291 Episode 292 Episode 293 Episode 294 Episode 295 Episode 296 Episode 297 Episode 298 Episode 299 Episode 300 Episode 301 Episode 302 Episode 303
submitted by NimbleThor to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:22 -cosmicglitter Dog Weight Maintenance

Hello everyone! I've tried to keep this post as organized as possible, I am sorry if it is too much or too little and am happy to correct it as needed.
I am concerned about the upward trajectory of my dogs weight and am looking for advice on what more we can adjust to keep him healthy!
Species: Dog
Age: 6
Sex/Neuter status: Chemical castration in March 2024 ( decision for aggression issues after adopting him and trying to train his behavior for ~2 years )
Breed: Not fully known, his previous family thought havanese/chinese crested mix, we think maybe maltese mix of some kind.
Body weight: 7kg
History: Before chemical castration it was difficult to keep him on a regular food schedule, he was picky but he maintained a healthy approved weight ranging from 6 to 6.5kg - vet was happy with this weight. At the time of his castration, he was 6.3kg - this was maintained across about 2 or 3 weeks at the time and is a good representation of his usual weight. After chemical castration, his focus on food skyrocketed so that he began to gobble down each meal - we broke his meals into smaller parts and began measuring more exactly, starting with 35g per meal. He now eats four small scheduled meals a day, using a puzzle feeder to slow him down.
Clinical signs: Idk if this is a clinical sign but I'll put this here. His weight has been slowly climbing. He is now 7kg, and his waist line is filling out and his ribs are less easy to feel.
Duration: 3 months
Your general location: Norway
Additional Info:
Side view:
Top view:
Cute view:
His fur is a little longer than we usually keep it now, too, so I'm not fully relying on visual indicators in noticing his weight gain this month.
submitted by -cosmicglitter to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:21 SearchForLove 28[M4F] #chandigarh / #online - tall fit nerdy ambiverted creative guy who works in finance / programming.

What I'm looking for -
Anything goes really. We can spend quality time online or we can meet in real in a few weeks if you are closer to haryana or punjab or chandigarh or delhi . (I also visit mumbai sometimes )
(If you are from outside India, that's also fine since I don't care which part of the world I live in if I can be with someone I love.)
Then we can go for long walks, go on a date/outing. While I love physical affection like cuddles, hugs, kisses , I love a nice company too and will respect your boundaries if you don't want to be touched in the first meeting.
Ideally, I'm looking for a meaningful medium term relationship but which has a potential to turn into something everlasting in future. But I'm open to casual setups too in case you feel you aren't ready for serious commitment.
I don't understand people who go through traditional route of arrange marriages. How can they bypass this dating phase and jump into the nuptials directly. Also, if you don't test out the compatibility beforehand, you could very well end up in a deadbedroom situation, which is big cause of divorce.
Personality type :
Physically, I'm tall ( 6'0" ), cute, neither the most handsome nor ugly, average built and medium wheatish complexion.
I am a semi-introvert. - I don't have social anxiety or anything but I am avoidant of certain people, yet find it easy to talk to strangers. Although I can't approach women in real life. I'm pretty blunt by nature. I can speak well in stage and on public , get into conversations with Co-passengers in trains, buses etc. Yet, I feel intimidated/uncomfortable talking to my relatives, immediate neighbors, school friends. I'm fluent in English and Hindi.
I'm more the thinking type than feeling. But I do feel bad for hurting someone. I fall In love fast but do not get attached too fast.
I'm super blunt and straightforward. Sometimes chill, sometimes intense. I have great anger control, a friendly amicable temperament.
I prefer voice chat because although time is not an issue for me, we can express emotions clearly and I can explain myself more elaborately than text where I have to cut down. But texting is good too and has its own advantages. Or alternatively, if you are not comfortable speaking, you can just listen. I can sing you a song on call.
Hobbies and passions :
I love watching crime, thrillers and inspirational movies. I love reading books especially non fiction books and web articles, forums, blogs.
I like puzzle games / board games. . I don't play much video games anymore. But I can play to give you company. MOBA, FPS, anything .
I used to play all kinds of sports in my college days but now it's just football & badminton
submitted by SearchForLove to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 Lavodan My thoughts on the game post credits

Alright so, I really loved this game for most of my playthrough. Discovering different facts about the world, unlocking my tools and doing everything was really fun. The main puzzles were really nicely designed IMO, the art is really nice, the music is cool, and it's an ACTUALLY optimized game which is such a rarity these days.
With all the being said, I'm a bit disappointment at the more advanced puzzles. I get that maybe it's just a skill issue, but to me, scouring a really big map looking for a tiny thing I haven't explored is not too fun. I found myself stuck during the main game several times, which wasn't very fun, but I did manage to do everything without any help (apart from the dog disc flame, since I thought it was ridiculous you have to actually put it in the slot while being chased, so I confirmed that with a video, and ended up doing it on my first try after, lol).
My least enjoyable moments came just before the last boss fight, because I somehow did not notice the boss area once I got the lantern, and so I wandered the map over and over again since I couldn't find a way to progress. I found some eggs using the lantern, but then what I did was the worst lol.
I'm not sure if it is known (I haven't seen it mentioned in my little bit of research), but from the top right area (bear teleport), there is an area close to the left of the telephone, where you can jump down the shute, and there are some vines to prevent you from disc/bubbling... however, you can actually bubble inside the disc, bypassing the bird and the vines, and then you can climb up. I managed to do that before getting the lantern, but of course, a bird white blocks you. However, after I figured out you can disable white birds with light, I went up there again (after like 15 attempts) and found the endgame area, the torus, the clock (however all of the doors now just say 000) and also the stopwatch. It was really cool realizing the map loops, but it did kinda take away the wow factor once I did actually realize there is an end game boss fight.
After being a little angry (at myself and at the game) that I wandered aimlessly for so long, I decided to look at some of the post game puzzles online, and I'll be real, I think they're too much, not something that's really fun at all, at least to me. I guess it's just a different way to play games, but I'm a bit sad that the game left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth because of the ending + post-game.
I'd still give it like an 8/10 because it really is a wonderful game in many aspects, especially in making you have that sense of wonder (some of my favorite surprises were the map looping, the fish heads being transports with bubbles (which I didnt realize the game was telling me), and accidentally discovering the control panel for the screen), I just wish it got that balance in it's latter parts a bit better.
submitted by Lavodan to animalWell [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:15 Itchy-Assumption3803 Space Travel Jigsaw Puzzles

Space Travel Jigsaw Puzzles is Verified!
Links:View Space Travel Jigsaw Puzzles
submitted by Itchy-Assumption3803 to decknewsunofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:10 obigowens Is it really fine to want to live the rest of your life alone?

Just verifying that its not a mental issue. I have always preferred being alone. My favorite time of day is late at night, when I can immerse myself in a favorite song and act like nobody exists to annoy me. I find people annoying, and like a unique puzzle that I have to solve to understand each person. Its not as if I don't see myself ever finding anyone, or ever having a friend or two. But I do see myself spending large amounts of time away from a potential spouse, and infrequently contacting friends.
I do not have any prior relationships aside from one long time online friend who shares similar ideals. I have no trauma that I can think of. I certainly don't have PTSD. And I have zero body image issues or other self harming beliefs. I guess the only thing I do have is a high level of social awkwardness when in person, because solving said puzzles with new people is like being faced with a wall without any hint on how to get over.
Oh and another thing I do have is a strong imagination/inner voice. I can have full detailed conversations with myself, including other people or making ones that don't exist. I find myself acting out full scenes in my head, with an actual setting and situation that I like to visualize.
TLDR: Title + I have no diagnosed mental issues so far, and genuinely enjoy being completely alone, with some music or something.
submitted by obigowens to introvert [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:58 EcoLogicCrusader Must-Not-Miss Interactive Experiences at AniMinneapolis 2024!

Must-Not-Miss Interactive Experiences at AniMinneapolis 2024!
AniMinneapolis is back and bigger than ever in 2024! This family-friendly anime convention is a highlight for anime enthusiasts, offering an immersive experience that celebrates Japanese culture, anime, and gaming. Held from May 24 to May 26, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, AniMinneapolis is the perfect place for fans to come together, dress up, and participate in a plethora of exciting activities.
From interactive experiences to vendor halls brimming with merchandise, this convention has something for everyone. Organized by, this event attracts thousands of fans from all over, offering a welcoming community where attendees can participate in hundreds of different events, meet new friends, and indulge in their shared passions. With three full days of programming, there’s no shortage of things to do and see.
Interactive Experiences
One of the biggest draws of AniMinneapolis is its array of interactive experiences. These activities are designed to engage attendees in fun and memorable ways, allowing them to dive deep into the world of anime and Japanese culture.
1. Escape Room
AniMinneapolis features a thrilling escape room experience where participants must solve puzzles and riddles to break free from a cursed classroom. The escape room is designed to challenge your problem-solving skills and teamwork, making it an exciting adventure for friends and strangers alike. You have 45 minutes to solve the mystery and escape the room. This interactive experience is perfect for those who enjoy a good challenge and a bit of suspense.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It The escape room is a fantastic way to test your wits and bond with fellow attendees. It’s a unique and immersive experience that brings an element of mystery and excitement to the convention. Plus, it’s a great break from the hustle and bustle of the main events, providing a quieter, more focused activity.
2. Maid Cafe
Inspired by the popular maid cafes in Japan, the AniMinneapolis Maid Cafe offers a whimsical dining experience where costumed maids and butlers serve snacks and beverages. The cafe is designed to transport you into a world of fantasy, with attentive staff who ensure you have a delightful time.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It The Maid Cafe is a charming and unique part of the convention that allows you to experience a slice of Japanese pop culture firsthand. It’s a fun and interactive way to take a break, enjoy some refreshments, and be entertained by the maids and butlers. Whether you’re new to the concept or a seasoned fan, the Maid Cafe is a must-visit.
3. Nightly Dances
AniMinneapolis hosts nightly dances featuring some of the best DJs, including Party Monster DJs, Lucid Beats, and DJ Oso. These dances are a great way to let loose and enjoy a variety of electronic dance music styles, from techno to hardstyle.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It The nightly dances are a high-energy highlight of the convention. It’s an opportunity to dance, have fun, and connect with other attendees in a lively atmosphere. Whether you’re an experienced dancer or just looking to have some fun, the nightly dances are a blast.
4. Formal Fantasy Cosplay Ball
The Formal Fantasy Cosplay Ball is a special event where attendees can dress in their finest cosplay and enjoy a night of dancing. The ball includes professional dance lessons, ensuring everyone can participate, regardless of their skill level. For those without a date, there’s even a Date Auction before the event.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It The ball is a unique and elegant experience that adds a touch of glamour to the convention. It’s a chance to showcase your cosplay in a formal setting, learn some new dance moves, and perhaps even meet someone special. The Date Auction also adds an exciting twist, making the evening even more memorable.
5. Interactive Panels and Workshops
AniMinneapolis offers a wide range of panels and workshops covering various topics related to anime, manga, and Japanese culture. These sessions are often led by industry professionals, voice actors, and passionate fans. From voice acting workshops to discussions about your favorite series, there’s something for everyone.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It Panels and workshops are a fantastic way to deepen your knowledge and engage with experts and fellow fans. They provide insight into the anime industry, offer tips and tricks for cosplay and art, and allow for meaningful discussions. Participating in these sessions can enhance your convention experience and inspire your own creative pursuits.
6. Video Gaming Area
The video gaming area at AniMinneapolis features a variety of gaming consoles and arcade machines. Attendees can participate in gaming tournaments, play casual games, and enjoy a wide selection of titles, from classic favorites to the latest releases.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It For gamers, the video gaming area is a paradise. It’s a great place to compete, make new friends, and enjoy some downtime between other activities. The tournaments add an extra layer of excitement, with the chance to win prizes and bragging rights.
7. Karaoke
Karaoke is a popular activity at AniMinneapolis, allowing attendees to sing their favorite songs in front of a supportive audience. The convention provides a vast library of songs, including anime themes, J-pop hits, and more.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It Karaoke is a fun and interactive way to express yourself and entertain others. It’s a chance to showcase your singing talent (or lack thereof) and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow anime fans. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or just looking to have fun, karaoke is a must-try experience.
8. Autograph Sessions
AniMinneapolis hosts autograph sessions with voice actors, artists, and other special guests. This is your chance to meet your favorite stars, get memorabilia signed, and even chat with them.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It Meeting the voices behind your favorite characters is a thrilling experience. Autograph sessions provide a unique opportunity to interact with industry professionals, gain insights into their work, and create lasting memories. Plus, getting your merchandise signed adds a personal touch to your collection.
9. Cosplay Competitions
The cosplay competitions at AniMinneapolis are a showcase of creativity and craftsmanship. The grand cosplay competition is the main event, where cosplayers compete for prizes and recognition. There are also other cosplay events, such as photoshoots and meetups, throughout the convention.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It Cosplay competitions are a highlight for both participants and spectators. They offer a platform for cosplayers to display their hard work and creativity, and they provide inspiration for future costumes. Even if you’re not competing, watching the competitions is a treat, as you’ll see some truly amazing costumes.
10. Anime Screenings
AniMinneapolis dedicates a room for anime screenings, where attendees can watch a variety of shows and movies. The screenings include both new releases and classic favorites, providing a chance to discover something new or revisit beloved series.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It Anime screenings offer a relaxing way to enjoy some downtime during the convention. It’s a chance to catch up on shows you might have missed, see new episodes, and enjoy the communal experience of watching anime with fellow fans. The screenings are also a great way to introduce friends to new series.
11. Tabletop Gaming
The tabletop gaming area is hosted by Flame Point Games and features a variety of board games, card games, and role-playing games. Attendees can playtest new games, join in on scheduled sessions, or just enjoy some casual gaming.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It Tabletop gaming offers a different kind of interactive experience, focusing on strategy, creativity, and social interaction. It’s a great way to take a break from the fast-paced convention environment and enjoy some quality time with friends or make new ones over a game.
12. AMV Contest
The Anime Music Video (AMV) contest is a competition where creators showcase their editing skills by combining anime clips with music. The contest is held on Sunday morning, and the winner receives free tickets to the next convention.
Why You Shouldn't Miss It The AMV contest is a display of creativity and technical skill. Watching the entries is a fun and engaging experience, as you get to see how different creators interpret and remix anime. It’s also a great source of inspiration for aspiring editors and creators.
Other Events and Activities
In addition to the interactive experiences, AniMinneapolis offers a wide range of other events and activities that fans should look forward to.
Vendor Hall
While at the con, be sure to check out AniMinneapolis’ vendor hall - a bustling marketplace where attendees can purchase a variety of anime merchandise, artwork, and collectibles. It’s a great place to find unique items, complete your collection, or pick up some souvenirs. It’s also an opportunity to support local and independent artists by purchasing their work.
Need a place to recharge, grab a bite to eat, and meet other attendees? The ConSweet is a hospitality area that provides free snacks, ramen, and soda throughout the weekend. It’s a lifesaver during the busy convention weekend. It ensures you stay energized and hydrated, and it’s a great place to take a break and socialize with other fans. Plus, who can resist free snacks?
Meetups are scheduled gatherings for fans of specific shows, genres, or interests. These events provide a chance to connect with like-minded individuals, share your passion, and make new friends. Meetups are a fantastic way to build community and make connections. Whether you’re a fan of a niche series or a popular franchise, there’s likely a meetup for you. It’s an opportunity to engage in discussions, share fan theories, and bond over shared interests.
Tips for Cosplay
Cosplay is a major part of AniMinneapolis, and many attendees enjoy dressing up as their favorite characters. When choosing a costume, consider your skill level, budget, and comfort. If you’re new to cosplay, start with a simpler design that you can easily assemble. Think about characters you love and feel confident portraying.
If you wish to create your own cosplay, start early and plan ahead. Break the project into manageable steps, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or use online tutorials. Focus on key details that will make your costume recognizable, and remember that comfort is important, especially for long convention days.
Cosplay Etiquette
Respect other cosplayers and their work. Always ask for permission before taking photos and be mindful of personal space. Cosplay is about having fun and expressing your love for characters, so enjoy the process and the community.
Tips for First-Time Attendees
If you’re attending AniMinneapolis for the first time, here are some tips to ensure you have a fun and immersive experience.
  • Plan Ahead: Check the schedule in advance and plan which events and activities you want to attend. Make a list of must-see panels, screenings, and interactive experiences.
  • Stay Hydrated and Rested: Conventions can be exhausting, so it’s important to stay hydrated and take breaks. Bring a water bottle and snacks, and find time to rest between activities.
  • Be Social: AniMinneapolis is a great place to meet new people and make friends. Don’t be shy about striking up conversations with fellow attendees. Join meetups and participate in activities to build connections.
  • Budget Wisely: With so many tempting items in the vendor hall, it’s easy to overspend. Set a budget for your purchases and stick to it. Remember to also budget for meals and other necessities.
  • Register Early: To ensure you get the best rate, register for your tickets early. Ticket prices will increase in a few days, so don’t wait until the last minute. Early registration also helps you avoid long lines at the convention.
AniMinneapolis 2024 is shaping up to be an incredible event, filled with must-not-miss interactive experiences and activities. From the thrilling escape room and charming Maid Cafe to the energetic nightly dances and elegant Formal Fantasy Cosplay Ball, there’s something for everyone. Don’t forget to explore the vendor hall, enjoy the free snacks in the ConSweet, and participate in meetups to make the most of your convention experience. Whether you’re a seasoned attendee or a first-timer, AniMinneapolis offers a welcoming and exciting environment for all anime fans. Register early to secure your spot and get ready for an unforgettable weekend!
submitted by EcoLogicCrusader to animinneapolis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:40 getclueus Decoding Caterpillar SPN FMI Codes: A Complete Guide


Ever wondered what those mysterious SPN FMI codes on your Caterpillar equipment mean? Understanding these codes is crucial for troubleshooting and maintenance. Let's discuss Caterpillar SPN FMI codes to decode their meanings and ensure your equipment runs smoothly.
These codes, standardized by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), provide valuable diagnostic information. Each code consists of two parts: the Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) and the Failure Mode Identifier (FMI). The SPN identifies the component or system that's malfunctioning, while the FMI indicates the type of failure that has occurred.

Understanding SPN FMI Codes

SPN (Suspect Parameter Number) and FMI (Failure Mode Identifier) codes work together to indicate specific issues or faults in your Caterpillar equipment. These codes are like secret messages that reveal what's wrong with your machine.

Decoding Caterpillar SPN FMI Codes

Accessing the Diagnostic Display

When a fault occurs, accessing the diagnostic display on your Caterpillar equipment is the first step to identifying and resolving the issue. The diagnostic display provides crucial information about the health and status of your equipment, including any active faults.

Identifying the SPN FMI Code

Once you have accessed the diagnostic display, you need to locate the SPN FMI code. This code is a unique identifier that indicates the specific fault that has occurred. SPN stands for Suspect Parameter Number, while FMI stands for Failure Mode Identifier. Together, they provide detailed information about the nature of the problem.

Referencing the Caterpillar Troubleshooting Manual

To interpret the SPN FMI code, you will need to refer to the Caterpillar troubleshooting manual or online resources. These resources serve as your code-breaking guides, helping you understand the meaning of each code and the steps required to resolve the issue. The troubleshooting manual provides detailed explanations and instructions for diagnosing and repairing faults, ensuring that your equipment remains in optimal working condition.

Interpreting Common SPN FMI Codes

Let's crack some codes! Here are examples of common caterpillar spn fmi codes and what they mean:
Understanding the severity of each code is important for deciding on the next steps. Some codes may require immediate attention, while others can be addressed during scheduled maintenance.

Troubleshooting Based on SPN FMI Codes

General troubleshooting steps based on the identified codes include checking for loose connections, inspecting components for damage, and ensuring proper fluid levels. For complex issues, it's best to consult with a certified technician.

Preventive Maintenance and SPN FMI Codes

  1. Regular Inspections: Conduct routine checks to identify and address potential issues early on.
  2. Fluid Analysis: Regularly test fluids for signs of contamination or degradation.
  3. Component Lubrication: Ensure all components are properly lubricated according to the manufacturer's guidelines.
  4. Filter Replacement: Regularly replace filters to maintain optimal performance and prevent contaminants from damaging components.
  5. Software Updates: Keep your equipment's software up to date to ensure it's functioning correctly.
  6. Operator Training: Provide operators with training on proper equipment usage and maintenance practices.


Decoding Caterpillar SPN FMI codes is like solving a puzzle. By understanding these codes, you can keep your equipment running smoothly and avoid costly downtime. So next time you see an SPN FMI code, don't panic – crack the code and keep your Caterpillar equipment in top condition!
submitted by getclueus to u/getclueus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:32 smithjohnys Unraveling Ancestral Threads: DNA Testing via Online Photo Analysis

Unraveling Ancestral Threads: DNA Testing via Online Photo Analysis
DNA testing has become quite prevalent in the current generation. When each individual is unable to obtain answers to their inquiries, they inevitably turn to DNA testing. There is an increased reliance on genetic testing among them. Likewise, DNA testing never fails to disappoint. It offers dependable and precise information pertaining to matters that are not perceptible to us. Every concealed piece of information within our DNA is accessible to us in order to enhance our self-awareness. While certain individuals utilize DNA testing for recreational purposes, others employ it for critical objectives such as establishing paternity, identifying criminals, locating lost relatives or individuals, constructing an ancestral tree, discovering ancestors, or obtaining health insights, among others.
Acquiring this information has been further simplified with the advent of online DNA test by photos. Results of this form of DNA testing are available immediately. This will conserve your energy and money, allowing you to concentrate on other critical concerns. They deliver results that are as precise as those obtained from a tangible DNA test. This article will elaborate on the process of discovering information about one's ancestry.

Understanding the facial analysis software

Choice DNA offers tools used to analyze and examine various facial features such as the eyes, chin, forehead, jaw edge, lip thickness, mouth breadth, dimples, eyebrow patterns, nose radius, ear size, and cheekbone structure.
EDFPC, short for Electronic DNA Facial Point Connectivity, is a biometric technique that uses distinctive patterns to scan the faces of individuals manually. Electronic picture DNA test Point Connectivity, also referred to as DNA Face Matching, analyzes a person's online facial image and compares it to another person's facial features to identify any similarities. This approach aids professionals in ascertaining whether specific genetic features were inherited from a particular family member.

How does facial recognition work?

Facial recognition uses artificial intelligence to compare an image of an individual's face with images stored in a database. Facial recognition software performs the following functions:
  1. Accepts an input image depicting an individual's facial features.
  2. Examines the visual representation of the individual's facial features.
  3. Generates a visual representation of an individual's facial characteristics known as a facial signature.
  4. Utilizes face recognition technology to match the facial signature with data stored in a database.
  5. Verifies whether the facial signature corresponds to or closely matches any of the photographs in the database.

Benefits of facial recognition

Facial recognition has several advantages, which include:
  1. Enhanced assurance:
Facial recognition systems have the ability to detect faces in photos, which is challenging for humans to detect. Facial recognition technologies can enhance human decision-making and reasoning by precisely matching faces using algorithms. Facial recognition can enhance certainty regarding someone's identity by confirming their identity. A facial recognition paternity test offers accuracy and reliability to the person testing for it.
  1. Protection:
Facial recognition is employed for authentication and security in numerous cases. Facial recognition, when functioning properly, offers a more robust method of verifying the identity of users or consumers, hence enhancing security.

Where is facial recognition used?

Facial recognition is commonly used in different areas. Some of them include:
  1. Access to mobile devices
  2. Identification in public events
  3. Banking applications
  4. School attendance
  5. Airport verifications
  6. Finding missing/lost people
  7. Medical treatments


Genetics has changed within the last few decades from being a specialist field to an at-home tool for personal development and knowledge. The ability of businesses like Choice DNA to employ DNA research to change human relationships and health gives our innate need to know who we are a new expression.
Here we are, deciphering the genetic relationships across families, depicting past migration patterns, and even tailoring our meals to our unique DNA. Notwithstanding enormous progress, the genetics revolution is far from over. To properly utilize our genes, further research has to be done to solve the remaining puzzles around DNA.
submitted by smithjohnys to ChoiceDNATest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:30 halinspecscart Cycling rides are fun but I do get irritated from the unwanted dust and debris entering my way. That actually interrupts the fun and makes me annoyed. Someone has suggested I should get a pair of cycling glasses. What type of lenses will be perfect for me?

Let's be honest, who doesn't love a good bike ride? Especially on those rare free days, the open road and the feeling of the wind whipping through your hair are pure bliss. That was my jam, at least until a few rides back. It wasn't a physical limitation or a sudden drop in cycling skills – it was the constant battle with dust and debris getting into my eyes.
Every ride seemed to end the same way – stranded halfway home, furiously rubbing my eyes and enduring the (not-so-subtle) amusement of my cycling buddies who conveniently forgot my plight the moment they reached their comfortable couches.
Then, one sunny afternoon, it dawned on me. Everyone else in our group seemed to have some form of eyewear – prescription or otherwise. Maybe that was the missing piece of my cycling puzzle. A quick chat with a friend confirmed my suspicions. It wasn't my speed causing the issue, but the tiny dust particles acting like missiles targeting my eyeballs. That's when I learned about the magical world of cycling glasses.
Now, here's the thing – cycling glasses aren't a one-size-fits-all solution. There's a whole range of lens options, each promising a different benefit:
Polarised lenses: Perfect for battling glare, those sudden slowdowns caused by the sun reflecting off empty roads, or anything else trying to blind you mid-ride. They basically enhance your vision and keep your eyes happy in harsh sunlight.
Photochromic lenses: These lenses became my personal favourite because of their light-adapting superpowers. They work like sunglasses on autopilot. They get darker as the light gets stronger, giving you the perfect level of tint no matter the time of day. Once you're back in the shade, they magically clear up again, all within seconds. Pretty cool, right?
Tinted prescription lenses: This is a simple and elegant option for those who already wear glasses. You can get them tinted to fight the light and dust gremlins, all while keeping your vision sharp.
The very same day, after yet another dust-induced near-disaster (and a minor fall, let's not dwell on that), my ever-patient friend (seriously, where would I be without him?) suggested me to connect with Specscart’s customer support team to get a permanent solution,. Now, I'd never bought glasses online before, and let me tell you, the variety of frames was mind-blowing.
Thankfully, the customer support executive was a total pro. He patiently explained the different types of frames and their uses, completely putting me at ease. Plus, he understood my specific requirements before recommending me some frames and the lens option (seriously, the folk was awesome).
With a vast selection of flexible, durable, and lightweight frames to choose from, I finally found the perfect pair that fit my face and style. And guess what? My glasses were ready in less than an hour! It felt like a miracle.
Since then, cycling has become a completely different experience. I can finally keep up with my friends without tears streaming down my face (both from exertion and dust, let's be honest). It's become a stress reliever, not a stress inducer. So, anyone who is looking for a pair of cycling glasses – forget about the frustration and enjoy the fun of cycling with a good pair of cycling glasses from Specscart! You won't regret it.
submitted by halinspecscart to TrendyEyeGlasses [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:12 ririmile I (F26) have a problem with my (M27) Boyfriend who always wants to help women emotionally?

I (F26) and my (M27) Bf Have been together for a year and a half, He is a very helpful person in general who would go miles to help a random stranger He met this (20F) on an event and they text ever since, she’s a little heartbroken over her bf and he helps her with that Recently she has been having trouble studying, and he offered to study with her online and usually he and i study online together and he said i can join them if i want to The thing is this girl told him that she wasn’t looking for a relationship right now and he was puzzled by that and told her he already had a girlfriend Anyway he was curious as to why she wouldn’t want a relationship and she answered that she’s still discovering life and he was upset at that and said girls who say so scare him so much I was confused, since he and i have a very great relationship, communicate and generally always been there for each other He is always curious and want to help any girl or boy who seem to have some sort of trauma What can i do about this?
submitted by ririmile to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:51 BigBookest- Issue with Essential Mod and Friends Joining

So I created a mega mod pack (around 325 mods) and the world in single player opens and runs just fine. But when I try to invite anyone they are instantly kicked out and met with the error message:
Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unable to fit 2557455 into 3
It was not a crash (I think) so I was not able to get the entire crash report from them, but nevertheless, they are not able to join.
I tried looking up the issue online to see what the issue was and it was apparently something to do with too much data being in one chunk/scoreboard, but I am not sure how to fix it because the world was brand new. Before this I made 3 other worlds that I deleted after one another and for some reason the map data from Xaero's maps remained (I don't know if this information is relevant to the issue but I'll just put it here just in case :))
Below is the mod list, and I was wondering which mods could be the potential issue here.
submitted by BigBookest- to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:13 fknrddt Fiendish on Sudoku 10,000

I deleted my old account, but to distance myself from an online MMOROG game I quit cold turkey. Needed to make sure I wasn't hanging in the reddit channel.
This is a burn account. If I make a normal account, I''ll have a different name.
2019: Solved my first puzzle in March
2019 to August 2021: became a masterclass in educated guessing, thinking I could invent new sudoku techniques.
August 2021 - September 2021: forced myself to use only actual techniques. A very miserable 3 weeks. Educated guessing is such a crutch.
Late September 2021 - April 2024: was content with puzzles under 4.0, (Very Hard section) but slowly amassed a number of more difficult techniques.
As of 3 weeks ago, been happily doing fiendish puzzles on Sudoku 10,000. Hardest puzzles are over 6.5 SE. Haven't mastered all the techniques, but I'm solving 4 out of 5 without too much difficulty. No doubt I haven't come across every new technique yet. Even if I restart a puzzle, I usually do it flawless the 2nd time, if I don't come across a new technique.
I'm not sure I want to become active on Reddit again, but I thought an an update to ya all would be interesting.
PS: I thought this would be inspirational to people just starting to solve Sudoku puzzles.
submitted by fknrddt to sudoku [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:03 0404S Anxiety support groups

Are there any groups that primarily exist to help players with anxiety?
I'm a mid range player but hate playing online because of the anxiety and toxicity. I love puzzles but I really want to branch out and start playing again.
Are there any clubs that exist for the main purpose of letting people play in a mental safe arena?
Somewhere where everyone is actually nice and supportive.
submitted by 0404S to chess [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:42 MissParadox4991 Where Can You Find an INTJ/P? -ENFP

My (I/ENFP) boyfriend (INTJ/P) and I broke up after five long years of a long-distance relationship. Some people think it's impossible to fall in love with someone you've never seen in person, but that wasn't the case for me. My INTJ and I met online. I got an SMS from an unknown number that said, "Dear stranger, do you believe in second chances?" I was very intrigued at the moment and thought it was someone from my past who wanted to reconnect. Later on, I found out that he was indeed a stranger. I don't usually entertain messages from strangers, but there was something about him that made me want to keep replying. He sounded really depressed, like he was about to end his life. The Mother Teresa in me felt like I needed to save him.
So we talked and talked, but I was still mean to him because, you know, he was technically still a stranger. But we'd talk about all our problems, things we couldn't talk about with our family and friends, our deepest darkest secrets, etc. In my head, he didn't know me anyway. He prolly thought the same. We found comfort in each other.
After months of talking, we fell hard for each other. Really hard (at least for me). He was the best thing that ever happened to me. Yes, he was mostly very grumpy, but I found it cute! He was also the sweetest guy I’d ever met. He always wrote me love letters or dedicated songs to me. He was really vague, though! If there were things he couldn’t say directly to me, he’d find another way to send the message. As an ENFP, I am a very literal person, and unless you say it in exact words, even if I sense it already, I won't assume. It felt like I always needed to decode or solve a puzzle with him. I liked it, but not when dealing with serious issues. Still, he was the love of my life. But life gets in the way... We had the most beautiful, tragic love affair.
My INTJ/P ex-boyfriend was a very private person. He didn’t have any social media (which I couldn't comprehend at first) and we only communicated through Skype or Telegram. I feel like I’ve never met an INTJ in person or just couldn't spot one.
Where do INTJs hang out when they are not at home? I’m really curious. I think INTJs are awesome, and I’d like to have more INTJs in my life.
Update: I'm 29 now. It was 4 years ago since I last spoke to my INTJ/p. I was also shocked when I counted the years because, honestly, I still think about him until now. I haven't been in a relationship since him. For someone who was miles away, he set the bar really high.
P.S. I'm easily attached but find it hard to move on. That's why I'm really really careful about who I let into my heart.
submitted by MissParadox4991 to intj [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:04 TranscendentalLove I feel like every man in their 30s who's never done sports NEEDS wrestling in their life... it makes you SO happy and fulfilled... it's such a game-changer... I wish everyone could feel this happy as I feel after practice... this must be what everyone in sports feels like all the time...

I come from a very online introverted afraid-of-conflict place and this is like a missing puzzle piece. I just can't get over how good this is for my body and soul and spirit... I just wish there were more first-timers at 30+ that were doing this... with the right coach it's the best work-out ever...and the endorphin rush of PURE JOY after practice...
this must be what everyone of you has felt all these years growing up. but as a non-sportsy person this is like the missing puzzle piece for me. but more importantly i think about who i was just 3 months ago before i started wrestling and... i think there should be a revolution for all men who've never played sports or feel initmidiated to just DO THIS SPORT ASAP
submitted by TranscendentalLove to wrestling [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:29 DenDens7 Online palia maps

I’ve recently found there’s an online palia map that shows you where you can find stuff etc. I was just wondering if there’s a way I can track how many chests, recipes, puzzles I’ve found ? I don’t know if it’s possible but it would be so cool just so you know what else you need to find.
submitted by DenDens7 to Palia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:17 cherokee91red How do I really raise ELO?

How do I really raise ELO?
So I've been playing chess online now for a little over a year. My current ELO for daily games sits between 750 and 850, but I for the life of me cannot get it up beyond that. I've done so much of the training stuff, my puzzles score is ~1900, but no matter how good I think I'm doing, my opponent just plays way beyond their ELO. This last game is a great example, I'm a 765 and my opponent is a 785. So when I play a game that the engine scores at 1100, I think that's great, but my opponent plays at a 1300 and beats me due to a single blunder. I get that blunders are big swings, but how am I ever supposed to move up when everyone in my supposed level is playing at double that?! It's not uncommon that my opponents have a game that is valued at 1500 when their ELO is listed in the 700's. So, I don't know what else I can do when I'm supposedly playing above my level but everyone else in my rating is playing at double their level. Maybe just a rant, but it's frustrating that I feel stuck due to a what seems like sandbagging.
submitted by cherokee91red to chess [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:52 Potato-Pancakes- Math majors who didn't continue with academia, what do you do for mathy fun?

Do you keep up learning from books or online resources? Do you read hard sci-fi and play intricate puzzle games? Did you leave it all behind?
submitted by Potato-Pancakes- to CasualMath [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:17 ja_feel From Snacks to SaaS, and lessons I've learned along the way

Hey Entrepreneur!
I wanted to share the story of the past year and a half of my life - a tale of challenges, tech innovation, and a whole lot of snacks. This isn’t just about launching a product; it’s about solving a big problem that inspired an entire platform.
TL;DR: My buddy and I sold our previous snack subscription box company and made a cool thing

The Seeds of Discontent

At our previous company, my buddy Mike and I saw how powerful influencer marketing could be. Our business, delivering international snacks to doorsteps, was perfect for social media. But managing these influencer partnerships was a huge headache.
Each new campaign started with excitement but quickly became overwhelming. We dealt with many social media platforms, each with its own rules and metrics. Keeping track of everything felt like trying to solve a puzzle with pieces that kept changing. The tools we used were basic. They helped us send products and payments but didn’t offer much for managing or understanding the big picture.
Tracking our campaign performance was a real pain. With just a small team running our marketing, we were juggling hundreds of influencers at the same time. It was hard to keep an eye on everyone and make quick decisions. Plus, the data we got was often late and messy, making things even more frustrating.
This constant struggle showed us a big gap in our toolkit. We needed a solution that could make managing influencers easier and give us useful insights, something as dynamic and global as our product. This ongoing frustration planted the seeds for what would eventually become our new company.

Market Research: Finding the Pain Points

After selling our previous business, Mike and I took a six-month break. We explored different ideas, from unique apps to a Castle Crashers style game. But our experience working with creators kept pulling us back to marketing. We knew the challenges of influencer marketing needed to be addressed.
We talked to our network in the e-commerce space to see if they had similar problems. The feedback was eye-opening. Many businesses struggled with existing tools, which mostly acted as simple marketplaces, where interactions were brief and not very deep.
Even worse, the few ambassador tools available were expensive and limited. When I searched for an ambassador software tool that worked across all social networks, the options I found required scheduling demos days in advance. They often lacked direct API connections and supported only a few major social media networks. The starting prices were high, often around $5k per month, with costs going up as the program expanded.
This research not only validated our experiences but also showed us a strategic need for our own tool. We realized we needed a solution not just to fill the current gap but also as a key part of our marketing stack for future businesses. We were determined to build something that wouldn’t force us—or anyone else—to pay a crazy amount for effective influencer marketing.

Designing the Dream: Our New Business’ Blueprint

With a clear vision from our frustrations and market research, we set out to create our new business. Our goal was to build a comprehensive tool that would change influencer marketing. Here’s what we focused on:
Each feature of our tool we were creating was designed to address specific pain points we identified. Our goal was to offer a tool that was powerful, efficient, adaptable, and enjoyable for both brands and their ambassador partners.

Launching Our New Business: Embracing User Feedback

After about 18 months of design and development, we started the soft launch of our new business on May 1st. Opting for a soft launch allowed us to focus on real-time feedback and fine-tuning over making a big initial splash. This approach is crucial - not just for introducing our product but for understanding how it fits into the real world, where actual users rely on it.

Initial Rollout and Testing

Our launch a couple of weeks ago marked the start of our public journey. We released our new tool we created with ambassador apps on the App Store and Google Play, and opened our web-based company portal for business use. This phase is not about mass marketing but about engaging with our professional network and early adopters testing everything in real-world conditions. This includes real companies and creators, ensuring our platform is robust and responsive.

Iterative Feedback Integration

Feedback from these early stages is invaluable. We have set up multiple channels to communicate with our initial users to ensure they feel supported and heard. This ongoing dialogue is critical as it helps us identify and implement necessary adjustments quickly. Each piece of feedback is a step towards improving functionality and user experience.

Continued Development Based on Early Insights

Since we are still in the soft launch phase, our focus remains on refining the platform. A recent development was adding the Creator Hub and Company Center about a month ago—enhancements from recognizing limitations in our initial setup.
Creator Hub: The Creator Hub allows businesses to manage their ambassador relationships dynamically. Companies can discover and invite creators who match their interests and campaign goals, ensuring more personalized and effective collaborations.
Company Center: This feature allows creators to independently discover and apply to various ambassador programs, giving them the freedom to engage with brands that align with their interests.
These features aim to make the connection between companies and creators as seamless and beneficial as possible, accommodating a wide range of marketing strategies and campaign sizes.

How The Tool We Created Works: Streamlining Influencer Marketing

Our tool is designed to simplify and enhance the influencer marketing process for both companies and creators. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how our platform works:
  1. Signup and Integration
- Companies can quickly create customizable signup forms. They can also invite new ambassadors directly from the Creator Hub that match their interests. This flexibility helps integrate Social Strudel into existing marketing workflows.
2. Ambassador Onboarding
- Creators apply to become ambassadors, download the Social Strudel app, and connect their social media accounts. This ensures that once approved, creators can start engaging with brand campaigns promptly.
3. Application Review
- Companies get notifications of new applicants and can approve or decline them based on their fit and relevance to marketing goals. This step ensures only the best ambassadors represent the brand.
4. Targeted Segmentation
- Companies can segment ambassadors into groups, allowing them to tailor activities and communications. This supports targeted marketing strategies and more personalized engagement.
5. Activity Management
- Companies set up new activities on various social platforms for ambassadors. Examples include:
- These are just examples, and activities can be tailored to fit different platforms and goals.
6. Real-Time Notifications
- Creators get notifications about new activities through push notifications and email. They can browse the app for available activities, ensuring they never miss an opportunity.
7. Submission and Verification
- Creators submit proof of activity completion directly through the app. This makes managing submissions easy and organized for companies.
8. Activity Approval
- Companies review submitted activities, approving or declining them based on quality and alignment with campaign objectives. This maintains high standards and ensures effectiveness.
9. Rewards and Motivation
- Upon approval, creators earn points, which can be redeemed for various rewards. This system motivates creators to produce high-quality content and stay engaged.
10. Custom Rewards Creation
11. Reward Notifications and Redemption
12. Reward Distribution Management

Looking Forward: The Road Ahead for Us

As we continue with our new business, we are committed to not just meeting but exceeding the evolving needs of digital marketing. We’ve only just begun to tap into our platform’s potential, and our roadmap is geared towards enhancing our service and expanding our reach.

Enhanced Integration Capabilities

We aim to expand our platform’s integration capabilities, adding support for social networks like WhatsApp, Discord, Telegram, and Quora, and adapting to new emerging platforms like the anticipated Vine 2. By covering more platforms, we provide our users with tools to engage with audiences everywhere online.

Advanced Analytics and AI Implementation

Understanding the crucial role of data, we plan to enhance our analytics engine with advanced metrics and predictive analytics. By integrating AI, we aim to give users insights that reflect current trends and anticipate future behaviors.

Continued Focus on User Experience

User feedback is key and remains a cornerstone of our development. We are committed to refining the user experience based on real usage and feedback. This includes enhancing our mobile apps and ensuring the Creator Hub and Company Center are intuitive and robust. Both are still in early stages, and we are actively working to improve these features.

Expanding Educational Resources

To help users fully leverage the tool we created, we plan to expand our educational resources. This includes tutorials, best practice guides, and case studies for new users, and advanced content for experienced marketers to refine their strategies.

Final Reflections

If you've stuck with me this long through our story, thank you! Reflecting on this journey, it’s clear that every challenge and setback helped shape our vision and refine our approach. From the initial frustrations to the detailed market research, every step has been a learning experience. We're excited about the future and committed to improving our platform constantly to meet the evolving needs of our users and potential users. If you have any questions or feedback at all, I’d love to hear it! Your insights and support mean a lot as my partner and I continue to grow and innovate.
EDIT: Formatting
submitted by ja_feel to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:01 FfejL [TOMT] [Late 90s/Early 00s] [Web series] about a game show disrupted by an earthquake

The contestants (all actors, this was pure fiction) were each in an isolated room. The idea was they would solve puzzles and somehow 'win' the game.
But then an earthquake (I think?) hit, and they wind up cut off from everything. And so the series becomes about them getting in communication with each other and 'escaping' from whatever building or set they were in.
It was notable not because it was good (it wasn't, as I recall) but because it was one of the first crowd-funded web series, with episodes coming out weekly or so. Lots of hype, at least in certain online circles.
submitted by FfejL to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]