Mr. marcus facebook page

Beans In Things That Beans Shouldn't Be In

2017.03.02 06:20 SpareLiver Beans In Things That Beans Shouldn't Be In

Post pictures of beans in things that beans shouldn't be in. Inspired by, but no direct connection to the [Facebook group](

2014.01.27 17:44 Varryl Regular Car Reviews

This is a subreddit for fans of Regular Car Reviews on Youtube.

2014.04.21 04:27 David Liebe Hart

The subreddit dedicated to the wonderful talent and the perfect human: David Liebe Hart.

2024.05.19 08:47 abato1991 Bài viết về "phong trào dân chủ" Việt Nam, có thể hiểu tại sao rất khó để thành công trong tương lai

Bài viết lấy từ 1 page năm 2016, nói về "nhà hoạt động", "tên phổng đạn" Nguyễn Chí Đức, đồng thời cũng nhận xét về "phong trào dân chủ", tao xin phép trích đoạn, mời mem sub thảo luận
Chuyện làng dân chủ:
Năm 2012, làng dân chủ Vẹt rộ lên hiện tượng Nguyễn Chí Đức, một đảng viên cộng sản công khai bỏ đảng, bỏ cả công việc ổn định để gia nhập các hội nhóm dân sự, hàng ngày có mặt ở các điểm nóng, các vụ biểu tình này khác, trong đó có vụ được đưa lên thành "hình tượng anh hùng" khi bị an ninh trấn áp, túm bốn chân khiêng lên xe buýt. Tuy nhiên, sau một thời gian tham gia các "phong trào đấu tranh", đến 2014 Chí Đức bắt đầu vỡ mộng và tỉnh ngộ trở lại. Vốn theo đuổi chủ nghĩa dân tộc, bản chất yêu nước ngây thơ nên chưa thực sự bị nhuộm đen - dù thất vọng nhưng Chí Đức không giãy giụa cố đám ăn xôi trong đám bùn hoặc âm thầm quay lưng rời bỏ, mà vẫn cặm cụi hàng ngày góp ý cho các "đòng chí" cũ trong làng dân chủ, dù chính bởi vậy mà bị chụp mũ là ..DLV. Hãy xem những nhận xét khá thẳng thắn của Nguyễn Chí Đức về nội bộ giới dân chủ giả hiệu ở Việt Nam, trong đó có một số gương mặt cộm cán đang ứng cử đại biểu quốc hội khóa XIV: Nói về tình trạng các cá nhân tham gia làng dân chủ, Nguyễn chí Đức huỵch toẹt về "10 vấn đề còn tồn đọng và rất nghiêm trọng trong làng chính trị dân chủ":
  1. Hoang tưởng, cuồng vĩ, tâm thần (bệnh lý)
  2. Khệnh khạng, bố đời: có thực tế, độ quái nhưng nghĩ là minh chủ => từ từ dẫn đến độc tài.
  3. Nổ, ăn tục nói phét, suy diễn lung tung tuy nhiên không ác ý.
  4. Hận thù quá khứ: chống không đc thì chửi cho đến chết
  5. Bất mãn nào đó về vấn đề lịch sử cá nhân.
  6. Cơ hội: kiếm tiền, tìm bạn tình, đi du lịch, mối quan hệ làm ăn (dân chủ chỉ là bình phong)....
  7. Ngây thơ chính trị, adua the số đông: phò Mỹ một cách tuyệt đối, chống Trung Quốc bất chấp lý do
  8. Tư cách đạo đức cơ bản lởm: bồ bịch công khai, lem nhem tiền bạc, phạm tội hình sự, lười lao động, bị đuổi học ko liên quan đến chính trị...
  9. Cài cắm của AN, Zích: vấn đề này chỉ nghe đồn chưa có chứng cứ cụ thể
  10. Không có sự đoàn kết
Nhận xét về thực trạng một số hội nhóm, hội đoàn xã hội dân sự:
  1. Họ không có thực chất, chỉ tát nước theo mưa và những việc họ làm thường không thực tế và không có nhiều tác động với sự tiến bộ của xã hội Việt Nam, thường chỉ quy tụ trong một nhóm nhỏ độ chưa tới 100 người. Đôi khi hoạt động và tổ chức của họ còn không bằng “một đám ma to”.
  2. Quá vọng ngoại mà quên đi cái lòng tự trọng và tự tôn dân tộc của mình
  3. Họ thường áp đặt quan điểm và không thích lắng nghe ý kiến, quan điểm của thiểu số và không cần tôn trọng sự khác biệt.
  4. Và họ còn độc tài hơn cả Cộng Sản.
Nhận xét về phương thức hoạt động của làng dân chủ, Đức đã có cái nhìn:
"Muốn bắt chước CS thì cũng phải bắt chước đúng.".Đức đã viết: phải bắt chước sự chịu khó, chịu khổ và tính kỷ luật, vì đại nghĩa-đại cuộc, ko vì cái tôi, hi sinh gia đình mà dấn thân. Nói chung là phải chí công vô tư. Đây là những điều mà lũ cơ hội này không bao giờ làm được.Đức nói: "Trong cách đánh giá và và kinh nghiệm gặp gỡ của tôi thì không những hiếm gặp mà không thể tìm được 1 anh/thằng nào có tố chất như những người CS năm xưa thời cách mạng để kết giao chiến hữu, bàn chuyện thế sự dài lâu. Chỉ được 1 thời gian thì không lòi ra trò ma mãnh cơ hội thì cũng hoang tưởng. Còn bọn có động cơ phò phạch, bồ bịch tôi chỉ xem là cửa dưới kể cả thành phần lớn tuổi. Còn bắt chước cái vụ kích động dân oan, thì ngàn năm muôn thuở vì dân oan vốn đã tạp nham (không phải nông dân) lại còn ít vì 1 chính sách ra có chăng chỉ lẻ tẻ sai sót, oan ức cá biệt...".
Hội skeptic VN : Tiện có cái anh này, hôm nay lôi Hội dân chủ ra đá chút chơi, không mem lại bảo sao Hội toàn thấy chống cộng Về cơ bản thì Ad không có chống cộng, tại sao ? Vì điều mà ai cũng hiểu là có cộng đâu mà chống. Này nếu chế độ cộng sản còn tiếp tục, người người nhà nhà làm theo năng lực mà hưởng theo nhu cầu, tất cả mọi người đều được ăn ngủ vui chơi miễn phí thì có ai điên mà đi chống nhỉ ?Tóm lại cộng sản là 1 chế độ tốt đẹp, nhưng không thực tế, và vì thế nó không thể tồn tại tiếp nên đã bị thay thế từ lâu. Nói cho đúng hơn, không phải là thay thế mà là quay ngược trở lại để đi lại con đường chủ nghĩa tư bản nguyên sơ, người ta gọi thời kỳ mới này ở Việt Nam là tư bản đỏ, và cái mà ai cũng muốn chống là bọn tư bản đỏ, lợi dụng chức quyền để vơ vét hết của cải về cho bản thân.Phong trào dân chủ ở VN hầu như không chịu tách bạch với phong trào chống cộng của nhưng ông già bà lão VNCH, đó chính là điểm yếu khiến cho phong trào dân chủ ở VN luôn chết yểu. Bởi vì tất cả đều cùng nhau lao đầu vào đánh nhau với KHÔNG KHÍ.Không biết mục tiêu chiến đấu của mình là gì, không biết đặt điểm mạnh của mình ở đâu, không biết dấu điểm yếu của mình thế nào, dù nguồn lực thì luôn luôn dồi dào vì được đối phương ban tặng.Nguồn lực ấy là gì ? là ngày càng nhiều người nhận ra sự thối nát của Đảng ta, là vì Đảng ta đúng là thực sự thối ( chứ không phải bọn phản động nói thế ) Tiếc thay chỉ vì sự nhập nhèm giữa dân chủ và chống cộng nên mọi nguồn lực đều bị phát tán ra vô định.Mệt mỏi trong chiến đấu vì đánh nhau với không khí, đám dân chủ không dấu nổi bản thân đã bộc lộ hết ra nhưng tính xấu ( mà cái anh gì đó viết ở trên cũng gần đủ rồi ) Cái tính xấu mà tôi ghét nhất chính là nói láo, ba xạo, bịa chuyện để câu view. Người làm cách mạng mà toàn nói láo thì thu hút được ai ? Anh tưởng lừa người ta được 1 lần thì lâu dần sẽ quên, nhưng anh quên mất đối phương của anh có cả 1 bộ máy để ghi nhận lỗi của anh, và cứ mỗi khi anh định nói cái gì đó về sau thì nó cho độ chục clone đốp vào mặt anh cái chuyện anh nói láo, thế là xong !Thời nay có quá nhiều chuyện để vả vào mặt ĐCS, nhưng mấy anh "dân chủ" lại khoái lôi chuyện quá khứ ra để chọc, nó khiến mọi người đều liên tưởng đến anh lính VNCH hiện hồn về để đánh nhau tiếp với Cộng sản vậy, trong khi cuộc chiến này đã qua từ hơn 40 năm qua, còn giờ là 1 cuộc chiến khác hoàn toàn cả về mục tiêu và cách thức, các anh mải chiến đấu với quá khứ, quên mẹ hết cả tương lai, nhập nhèm lung tung rốt cục người ta chẳng biết anh là dân chủ hay chống cộng. Mà tôi nói rồi nhé, không ai điên đi chống cộng với các anh cả, không ai điên đi đánh nhau với không khí.Tóm lại là : Đừng điên đi đánh nhau với không khí cùng tụi chống cộng, muốn dân chủ, hãy đặt lại mục tiêu rõ ràng cho mình: anh đang chống cái gì ? Hãy tập trung vào đó và đừng lan man.Dân chủ là 1 hình thức phân tán quyền lực, tất cả mọi người cùng chung chí hướng sẽ tập hợp thành 1 Đảng và chỉ chiến đấu vì mục tiêu đó. Những bạn yêu cây xanh sẽ lập đảng Xanh và chiến đấu vì cây xanh và môi trường, không đá sang chuyện biển Đông. Ngược lại những người quan tâm Trường Sa, Hoàng Sa thì lập 1 Đảng biển Đông, chuyên vấn đề đó thôi, không đá chuyện cây xanh. Nói theo thành ngữ VN là : một nghề thì sống, đống nghề thì chết. Cứ thế mà làm, sẽ rất nhanh thôi, mọi người sẽ hiểu dân chủ thực sự là gì, Đảng phái thực sự là gì. Chứ đừng như bây giờ, hỗn độn, tạp nham, tung hô vì tất cả, chỗ nào cũng có dấu răng, nhưng rốt cục chẳng chỗ nào thành công.
submitted by abato1991 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:37 krazymunky Beach Handball 5/19


Beach Handball, Sunday 5/19

Come by to learn and play Beach Handball at South Mission Beach tomorrow 5/19 10am-4pm.
We will have beach handball for players of all levels, including an intro clinic for those who have never played before. Whether you want to play some or just hang out with friends, it's going to be a blast! Event Page: [IG]( FB
What is Beach Handball?
Some gameplay
submitted by krazymunky to sandiegosocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:26 mcbw2019 Someone tarnishing my name

I am struggling with how to handle this situation.
We found a (stray?) dog and took it in. We immediately made posts on local pages, took her around the neighborhood, called shelters, etc. with no one reaching out to claim her. The next day, my husband took her to the vet, where she did not have a chip. The vet said she had been bred excessively and likely dumped. At this point, we were planning on keeping her if no one came forward, but she began biting my kids. In the interest of our children, we changed our mind, posted again looking for her owners, and heard nothing from anyone. I know not everyone is on Facebook, but if you were really looking, you’d have family searching on there or post flyers or contact shelters or something. Radio silence.
On day 6 of feeding and caring for this dog, a woman who lives on a rescue farm offered to take her in, and we accepted. We were clear about the whole situation, and she came and picked up the dog. Now, I will admit that it was actually just a horse rescue. I did not know that initially until my husband told me later, and I guess they had plans to keep the dog personally. Honestly, I was fine with that because no one was claiming her anyway and she was crated all the time at my house because of my kids.
A woman who had read the online posts messaged me on FB wanting to know why I deleted my posts about the dog etc. I explained the whole situation, everything I just told you. She asked where I sent the dog in case the owners were found and wanted to legally claim her, and I told her.
I guess she called them, because she messaged me back and said they only had horses and could I have taken her somewhere else. At this point I stopped responding because I don’t know this lady and honestly I just want to be done with it. A few hours later she send me a NASTY message telling me what a terrible person & liar I am, how my stories don’t match up, karma will get me, and mad because I deleted the post. I deleted the post because I was getting 500 messages to go check for a chip etc.
I would just ignore this completely, but I’m a teacher and we have a ton of mutual friends, principals, fellow teachers, etc. and I am concerned about what she might say. She didn’t post my name publicly but told people to message her if they wanted to know details about the shady person involved.
I did eventually reply and reiterated my role and that I had been honest about everything from the beginning. I was kind and told her I’m sure she sees a lot of shady people in the rescue community but that we were not doing anything for our personal gain, etc. I said that I appreciate that she cares for animals but that I appreciate that she not spread misinformation about me and that I am deterred from helping in the future because of the critical responses received.
What do I do? Maybe we should have taken the dog to a shelter, but we didn’t. We were trying to be kind to an animal in need but those FB pet groups are so critical and rude.
Owners still haven’t come forward BTW.
submitted by mcbw2019 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:25 OP_Cloudy [Repost]What skin did you vote for in the giveaway?(Source in comments)

[Repost]What skin did you vote for in the giveaway?(Source in comments)
Apparently you can vote the skin you want in the giveaway on the official Facebook page of Mobile legends and fill in the form
submitted by OP_Cloudy to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:24 fellowhuman-W_H_C We have two traitors, Duterte and Marcos. When risa hontiveros call them on senate committee. Hopefully she and others push for scap election.

We have two traitors, Duterte and Marcos. When risa hontiveros call them on senate committee. Hopefully she and others push for scap election. submitted by fellowhuman-W_H_C to 31MillionRegrets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:30 Excellent_Ebb4659 Dodged a fucking bullet

Started talking to a guy on Facebook Dating on March 20th.
It'd been going pretty well except for one thing that bothered me since the beginning.
My profile very clearly said to be on the same page about no kids.
This dude very clearly ignored that.
Because then we would start talking about the possibility.
I actually started finding the idea interesting enough to come up with potential names.
One of the names i thought of was my deadname by the way.
Fucking idiot i was.
Eventually dude started ghosting me for like over a week.
Midnight beginning of May 13th i sent him a text wall about how that made me feel.
He was acting exactly like my first ex did in ghosting me.
Plus the fact that i was lying to myself in thinking about actually wanting kids.
I was basically saying that i wasn't going to pursue something that in the end was only going to be beneficial to one person in the long run.
No answer from him since.
I never mentioned this but i never felt fully attracted to the guy anyway.
Even when i really wanted to be.
So long story short i'm staying fucking single.
submitted by Excellent_Ebb4659 to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:30 AutoModerator FIA Formula 2 Championship: Imola - Feature Race Discussion


Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix - Feature Race

F1FS Wiki: FIA F2 Guide 2024 Drivers & Teams 2024 Calendar

Session Times

Friday-Sunday times are in CEST (UTC+2:00)
  • Practice: Fri 17 May 2024, 11:05 (UTC+2)
  • Qualifying: Fri 17 May 2024, 16:00 (UTC+2)
  • Sprint Race: Sat 18 May 2024, 14:15 (UTC+2)
  • Feature Race: Sun 19 May 2024, 10:00 (UTC+2)
You can convert the session times to your local time via
A full time table of the weekend's events can be found here: Link

Imola Circuit

Imola, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Circuit Diagram
Length: 4.909 km (3.050 miles)
Turns: 19
  • Sprint Race: 25 laps - 122.725 km
  • Feature Race: 35 laps - 171.815 km (Mandatory pit-stop)


2022 Pole Time: 1:40.221 ( Juri Vips, Hitech Grand Prix)
2022 Fastest Lap:
  • Sprint Race: 1:28.841 ( Juri Vips, Hitech Grand Prix)
  • Feature Race: 1:28.353 ( Jehan Daruvala, Prema Racing)
2022 Winner:
  • Sprint Race: Marcus Armstrong, Hitech Grand Prix
  • Feature Race: Theo Pourchaire, ART Grand Prix


2024 Pole Time:
2024 Fastest Lap:
  • Sprint Race:
  • Feature Race:
2024 Winner:
  • Sprint Race:
  • Feature Race:

Provisional Starting Grid

The Formula 2 page on

Live Timing & Streaming

The FIA F2 championship has its own official Live Timing services.
  • Live Timing: Here.
  • List of Broadcasting Channels: Here

F1FS Guide

New to FIA Formula 2? You can read our dedicated guide HERE, or watch our video guide from 2019 HERE!

Twitter & Discord

For up to date information regarding this series, follow these Twitter accounts:
We have a Discord server for the subreddit, check it out here: Link

On-Demand Race Replays

You can access previous races of this series and more here: F1FS Race Replays

Championship Standings

Full championship standings here: Link
submitted by AutoModerator to F1FeederSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:17 LawComprehensive2824 🧨 I have 1.2 Million Followers on TikTok, Like, Comment, Repost to Spread the FFIE Hype! 🧨🚀

🧨 I have 1.2 Million Followers on TikTok, Like, Comment, Repost to Spread the FFIE Hype! 🧨🚀
I finally decided to say fuck it, & made the post myself. It’s only a slideshow so who knows potential. For those of you who don’t know yet, I have 1.2M audience on TikTok, 400K on Facebook. (Psychology page, but still hoping this still spreads Hype.)
This could go viral, and certainly SHOULD GO VIRAL if everyone apes on this and like, share, repost.
FFIE, History in the fucking making! 🚀🚀
submitted by LawComprehensive2824 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 GrownUpGirlScout Nancy Cunard, Parallax, and (Taylor's Version of) Modernism

Nancy Cunard, Parallax, and (Taylor's Version of) Modernism

I did not entirely intend to end up this deep down a rabbit hole, but here we are!

The other night after reading the wonderful The Eras Tour Follies post-GO READ THAT POST, everything in there relates to ALL of this as Loie Fuller was a modernist choreographer and so her art relates strongly to everything I will be discussing. Pretty much everything I present here emphasizes the idea that Taylor is leaning into a very specific type of performance art. Anyway, after reading that, facebook suggested to me a post from a page with follies in the name and between that and the line “my swift imagination”, my attention was captured. From the post-
“‘You shall not prison, shall not grammarise / my swift imagination.’ So declares a poem Nancy Cunard wrote in 1919, at the age of twenty-three. The speaker of “In Answer to a Reproof” casts herself as “the perfect stranger / outcast and outlaw from the rules of life”. Conveying something of Cunard’s defiance of social norms, the poem seems to prophesy her later cutting of ties to both her mother and her country. For Jane Marcus, it constitutes “the declaration of independence of female modernism”.Cunard began her writing career as a poet, and her long poem Parallax was published by Virginia Woolf’s Hogarth Press in 1925.
Jane Marcus wrote a book called Nancy Cunard: Perfect Strangers which was released in 2020 (post-humuously, the book was finished by her research assistant.) It seems like it was a small university press type deal and not widely available in print, though it seems sites like jstor may have it available in its entirity. The book summary-
“Nancy Cunard: Perfect Stranger reshapes our understanding of a woman whose role in key historical, political, and cultural moments of the 20th century was either dismissed and attacked, or undervalued. Here, Jane Marcus, who was one of the most insightful critics of modernism and a pioneering feminist scholar, is unafraid and unapologetic in addressing and contesting Nancy Cunard’s reputation and reception as a spoiled heiress and “sexually dangerous New Woman.” Instead, with her characteristic provocative and energetic writing style, Marcus insists we reconsider issues of gender, race, and class in relation to the accusations, stereotypes, and scandal, which have dominated, and continue to dominate, our perception of Cunard in the public record. In the wake of inadequate histories of radical writing and activism, Nancy Cunard: Perfect Stranger brings its subject into the 21st century, offering a bold and innovative portrait of a woman we all thought we knew.”
I was mostly going to get into her poem Parallax, but after having looked up the entirety of “In Answer to a Reproof”, I HAVE to bring that up as well. Her work isn’t super widely available online, but I did find this weird little poorly formatted archival site that seems to have the full text of her collected poetry . I haven’t read it all (yet), but to start with I’d direct you towards the poems “Outlaws”, “Monkery” and “The Love Story”, but when I read the opening lines to “In Answer to a Reproof” my jaw DROPPED.
“Let my impatience guide you now, I feel
You have not known that glorious discontent
That leads me on : the wandering after dreams
And the long chasing in the labyrinth
Of fancy, and the reckless flight of moods —
You shall not prison, shall not grammarise
My swift imagination, nor tie down
My laughing words, my serious words, old thoughts
I may have led you on with, baffling you
Into a pompous state of great confusion.”
“The long chasing in the labyrinth” “shall not grammarise my swift imagination” (grammarise or gramarize can mean to analyze or describe), are both lines and ideas resonate a lot with what we know about Taylor and her work. The poem is saying, "you will not hold me to these interpretations you have of me, even if I was the one using my words to lead you on and confuse you.”
“...I have concluded we are justified
Each in his scheming ; is this not a world
Proportioned large enough for enemies
Of our calibre ? Shall we always meet
In endless conflict ? I have realised
That I shall burn in my own hell alone
And solitarily escape from death”
The burning imagery, the implications of a deep emotional rift between enemies who might be lovers? This poem, and honestly a lot of her others, have that sort of vibe. This part is justifying the need of enemies in the world and bringing attention to the role of destiny in the fate of two such adversaries. The poem text is available the collected poems I linked above, there is also this handwritten original from Yale’s archives on Nancy Cunard (had to go to the original to figure out what word she was using for solitarily because the formatting was so wonky on the other, lol)
Let’s move on to Parallax! As mentioned above, the poem was originally published by Virgina Woolf’s literary press. It is a long form poem based on the The Waste Land, also a long form poem by T. S. Eliot. This is from the wiki page on The Waste Land-
“widely regarded as one of the most important English-language poems of the 20th century and a central work of modernist poetry…The Waste Land does not follow a single narrative or feature a consistent style or structure. The poem shifts between voices of satire and prophecy, and features abrupt and unannounced changes of narrator, location and time, conjuring a vast and dissonant range of cultures and literatures.”
These ideas are all VERY important in modernism. And modernism is VERY relevant to the idea of what Taylor does, but ESPECIALLY what she is currently doing with TTPD.
Modernism was about rejecting the old ideas of things, and trying to rebuild, especially in the aftermath of WW1. Artists,writers, and musicians strongly embraced the idea of the visibility of the artist in their work. They no longer felt compelled to uphold the status quo and traditional methods (of poetry, of painting, of music, of literature, of architecture), they experimented with forms and processes that would be visible to the viewer in ways that had not been common or fashionable in the art world in the past.
Stream of consciousness writing, unreliable narrators, and multiple points of views were new things being explored, especially in writing (A Room of One’s Own by Virgina Woolf being a great and relevant example of this, also go check out the first edition cover-Midnights much…). The artists wanted to invite deeper thought about what was being said and by whom.The way modernism referenced the past was also very relevant. Modernism was known for creating entirely new interpretations of traditional works. Rewriting traditional narratives, creating parodies, satire, incorporating aspects from many other sources and being referential to those sources (the idea of artistic collages, and incorporating old media into new works was being heavily explored).
The definition of Parallax is “the apparent displacement or the difference in apparent direction of an object as seen from two different points not on a straight line with the object”especially : the angular difference in direction of a celestial body as measured from two points on the earth's orbit.”
Okay so I honestly have a hard time wrapping my head around this, but…put your finger in front of your eyes, look beyond your finger, and then alternate closing one eye at a time. The way your finger appears to jump? That is an example of parallax. The closer an object is, the more drastically it appears to move when observed from different places. The further the object, the less it moves. (I find it interesting that Taylor’s shows have been speeding up and going faster? Almost like as she gets closer to…whatever she’s heading towards, the faster, the more drastic the change?)
These are typical visual representations of parallax
Which majorly reminds me of this.
And I know that there’s only so much one can do with lights on a stage, but I find the visual parallels and the different perspectives during the TTPD set interesting.
And from the lyric video of “I Can Do it With a Broken Heart”
Let’s get back to the poem!
Here is Parallax by Nancy Cunard
Scan from google books of the original printing of the book.
A website with an easy to read full text version.
It's long, but it's WELL worth reading. Very very rich imagery and themes which seems to go along with Taylor's use of similar themes and images
“Provisioning of various appetite.
Midnights have heard the wine’s philosophy
Spill from glass he holds, defiant tomorrows
Pushed back.”
“Think now how friends grow old—
Their diverse brains, hearts, faces, modify;
Each candle wasting at both ends, the sly
Disguise of its treacherous flame . . .
Am I the same?”
"Without prompter for the love-scene or the anger-scene.
And . . . You and I,
Propelled, controlled by need only,
Forced by dark appetites;
Lovers, friends, rivals for a time,
thinking to choose,
And having chosen, losing."
Again, long but well worth reading.
For a couple years, Nancy had a relationship with a man named Lois Aragon. I found this research paper about Aragon’s personal interest in fairy tales and in the author Lewis Carol. Cunard was instrumental in assisting Aragon to create a printed French translation of the Lewis Carol nonsense poem The Hunting of the Snark. The paper includes this bit, (part of?) a poem Aragon wrote for Cunard during their first trip together-to London. It is a love poem which uses ideas and imagery from Alice in Wonderland (the pdf of this pastes to nonsense so, screenshot.)
So as interesting as I found all of these connections, I did at many points wonder if I was in fact thinking about all of this way too much.
I decide, I’m just…gonna google Nancy Cunard and Taylor Swift. See if anything, at all, comes up.
The Cunard Building. She filmed the video for I Can See You. In. The. Cunard. Building. The Cunard Building, which was built for the Cunard Steamship Company. Nancy Cunard’s family.
So now I officially feel like I’ve lost my mind, but I am even more interested in…where this is going and what is the POINT of it all? All of this suggests to me that TTPD has been HIGHLY HIGHLY staged and planned and executed in ways which seem to encompass all of the ideas of modernism, while making reference to modernists and their work (Louie Fuller, Virginia Woolf). She is using herself and her life, as well as them and their works, as the references for the writing. Leaning into the unreliability of her narration, the parody, and the multiple points of views from switching narrators.
And that concludes my post on...introducing Nancy Cunard as a highly probable (in my opinion anyway) inspiration for Taylor's work and life, as well as giving even more context and understanding to what we already knew-she's performing. But trying to be sophisticated about it? And trying to point at a lot of references in order to make us think about the deeper meaning.
I'm EXHAUSTED. And so happy I've finished this. Thank you thank you to this sub for the assistance, moral support, brilliant information, and incredible connections that make us all more knowledgable and better critical thinkers. <3 <3 <3
submitted by GrownUpGirlScout to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 SadMeasurement7899 Common Scams Known scammer Facebook

Common Scams Known scammer Facebook submitted by SadMeasurement7899 to CommonScams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:36 Beth0419 Idea for blog - what do you think? What about the domain name?

Hi everyone,
I would like your opinion on my blog/domain name. My current and updated blog under construction is at My previous site (that I created for a course but am modifying for use) that I am in the process of moving from to is is the domain I intend to use and /blog is the subdomain. You can look at both sites to get the feel of my brand/presence I want to convey.
Since I also want to have this be a professional site for branding/linked in purposes, I went with I toyed with, but 1) I'm not a store and 2) it's a premium domain and like $6000/year from GoDaddy. Do you think is confusing? I also considered, but that's confusing as well! I plan to launch it by end of summer (once I finish editing, getting professional photos done, switching my domain over to bluehost, and working on SEO and analytics. I might also have someone from my local WordPress group review it for me.
I tried to capture my personality and where I've been and where I want to go. I plan to write articles every other week and share on LinkedIn and Facebook (thinking about creating a Beth's Blog page on Facebook to share from). I also frankly am creating this to help with branding for jobs, as I'm a contractor and not sure when it's ending. I figure this will give me a leg up on the competition. Any other advice is much appreciated! Thanks for your time.
submitted by Beth0419 to Blogging [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:18 thesizzlingcelebs The Sizzling Celebs

Step into the glamorous world of entertainment and celebrity culture with The Sizzling Celebs 🌟
Our page is your ultimate destination for exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and all the latest buzz from your favorite stars.
submitted by thesizzlingcelebs to u/thesizzlingcelebs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:10 Minute_Economics_550 I accidentally saw his social media

My abuser had a complete meltdown a month ago and I felt forced to call the police. I had been asking him to leave for months because he was refusing to get help for his declining mental state and addictions, but he refused to leave. As I'm sure you all understand, I love him and wanted him to get help so that we could be happy, despite how unrealistic that hope might have been. I only called the police because I was scared for my life and his.
He was arrested and I got a protection order. He had a gun that he had hidden from me. I've discovered so many other lies since then. I've realized he was just using me. It has been incredibly painful and I wish I could turn off my heart while I heal. I understand trauma bonds. I hate that I want him to reach out and make promises I know he won't keep. But I've been doing my best to focus on myself and my healing, through therapy and music and meditation and now medication. I cry every day. Sometimes all day. I am failing at my job. He traumatized me and he traumatized my dogs. And I still miss him so much. I haven't reached out and I won't. But if he reached out to me I don't think I would have the strength to not respond. He told the court he is in therapy now and "looking into" AA and NA. The court ordered a mental health evaluation but he only has to do it if he doesn't want me to be able to renew the protection order in 5 years. I know he will do none of these things.
I heard recently that he lost his shit at work. In a way this was helpful to me because it felt validating, for other people to see the mask slip. His job is his whole identity right now. I also was told that he bought a brand new car, a sports car of every teenage boy's dreams. I felt disgusted by this because he has no money, is living with his mom, and the only message he asked her to pass along to me after his arrest was to ask if I would pay for him to get his own place. I didn't respond. She's an enabler and knew he had a gun for 3 years and never told me. She's planning to buy him an rv. He can't afford that car. And now with his outburst at work he will probably be fired.
Today an acquaintance apparently got him as a suggested friend on Facebook and she sent me screenshots of his page, including one of him showing off the car. He has a new profile photo, he's smiling and handsome. His profile used to be him and my dog. I know it is a facade. He had 24 likes and 24 comments on the post of his car. I want to know who commented and I also really don't. He had told me he wasn't using social media anymore. Another lie.
I'm sure he's talking to girls about his car. I'm sure people think he's a good person because of where he works. And I'm just sitting here crying and needing to throw up. I did not want to see his social media. I was doing well and now I'm back to square one, I can't stop seeing the photos in my mind.
I hate everything about this and that abusive people just go on with life like this didn't fucking happen while we're left with so much trauma and confusion and pain and love and stupid hope.
submitted by Minute_Economics_550 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:50 Sink_Adventurous Ecomm Champions Group

Ecomm Champions Group
So they suggested a lower budget and turned into profits and consistent sales. They get me 3-5 visitors per dollar and the goal is to have a high conversion rate and some how some way they want each visitor to be worth more than a dollar. I was confused until I saw this visitor stat next to my sales. They ain’t playing with folks over there. I asked if I could leave a review here since the last person did not ask so contact them at Ecomm champs page tell them you saw this review from Carolyn. Or just say about the payment plan thingy
submitted by Sink_Adventurous to googleReviews [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:48 Ok-Dog-2739 Blaster Box Giveaway

Blaster Box Giveaway
I am starting a new FB page. Click the link below to enter for this giveaway!
submitted by Ok-Dog-2739 to tradingcardcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 Fantastic_Week7406 Can i run facebook ads without posting anything on facebook page?

So i got a ecommerce store so can i just run it without posting anything?
submitted by Fantastic_Week7406 to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:34 RavensAndRacoons Does anyone know if The Cumshots have a working website?

I recently remembered the existence of The Cumshots and their music is surprisingly good. They have a Facebook page, however the website in their FB bio doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know anything? I tried looking for it on Google but I couldn't find much.
submitted by RavensAndRacoons to InMetalWeTrust [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:34 NineDog999 Does Critical Mass or Bike Party exist anymore?

I saw CM was revived last month, is that continuing? Bike Party's facebook page seems to be inactive since October, is that just for the season? I've loved participating in CM in Pittsburgh, it'd be great to continue here in Boston!
submitted by NineDog999 to bikeboston [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:32 ARedditor397 (05-17 / 05-18)

(05-17 / 05-18) submitted by ARedditor397 to onepiecenews [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:29 ninamaee1 Facebook Scammer

Do Not. and I repeat. DO NOT. buy anything from the “official sonic temple ticket exchange” or whatever the fuck it’s called. I bought 2 stadium tickets from this facebook page today and sent money through paypal to someone who was supposedly a “verified admin” because i have a good heart and trust people. Turns out it was bullshit Big shocker. Give me shit all you want, i don’t care. i was desperate to see sleep token. I’m sure this happens and has happened to a lot of people. I was able to get into the festival regardless, but i’m out $150 to someone who was full of shit and i am furious over it. Don’t trust these people if you plan on getting last minute tickets tomorrow. Buy at the door if you’re that determined to go.
submitted by ninamaee1 to SonicTempleFestival [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:25 88fishing RC offered to buy Bbby for 400 mil and the said no 😂let’s discuss

RC offered to buy Bbby for 400 mil and the said no 😂let’s discuss
If the float was around 90mil that would have worked out to be roughly $4.45 a share ….but the board accepted an offer for $40 a few months latter!? Huh!?
submitted by 88fishing to houstonwade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:14 bmhorn81 AITAH for getting mad at my wife for inviting a nosy neighbor into our backyard?

We recently moved into a new house with a very talkative, nosy and gossipy neighbor who lives directly across the street from us. This neighbor is part of a real estate Facebook group and posted about our house on that page while it was for sale. She constantly posted about how much more it was listed at than her house and how overpriced it was. When we bought the house she again listed the selling price on that Facebook page and furthermore mentioned the repairs that we were having done to plumbing and for termites, again much to the same effect of can’t believe these people are buying this house for this much with these problems that my house doesn’t have.
She also gossips incessantly to the neighbors about other neighbors and tries to talk to us every time we step out of our door. She does not have a back yard so is always in her front yard. She has made many further shitty remarks about our house like “the contractors put a bunch of cheap stuff in your house right? The backyard is cheaply done isn’t it? And “I still can’t believe how much they got out of that house” to our face.
My tact has been to be cold and ignore her as much as possible only responding tacitly to questions asked. My wife has a harder time avoiding social nicieties and gets sucked into conversation with her. This has led to the neighbor talking more and more with my wife and coming onto our front lawn to talk with her etc.
I’m in the process redoing a lot of the backyard and I know the neighbor is curious she has asked me about it and I just don’t want her to know about my life or what I’m doing. Her nosiness feels like an invasion of privacy and all the information she has had on our house she has previously spread on the internet and to neighbors and even to us in mean spirited and unthoughtful ways. I’ve told my wife I really don’t want to have this neighbor close to us, to come into our yard or backyard or become comfortable coming over whenever she please. I was very clear that I didn’t want the neighbor to come into our backyard either.
This evening my wife and son were playing out front and the neighbor came in over and was talking to my wife. I was inside and stayed inside . She asked to see the projects I was working on in the back and my wife led her to the backyard and showed her the deck and our back house. My wife said that she didn’t know how to say no to the neighbors request.
I was enraged because I specifically requested she didn’t let the neighbor over as I feel the neighbor invades privacy. My wife said she doesn’t want to be cold to people. I feel like my wife is valuing my neighbors feelings - as well as her own desire to not feel awkward around neighbors - over my feelings. I understand that my wife can’t be as cold towards the neighbor as I can (I’m introverted) but I felt I was clear with my boundaries towards the neighbor with my wife and she didn’t respect my feelings.
I got into an argument about it with my wife…I’m not sure if I’m the asshole or if my wife is the asshole or if this is just a shitty situation that we have to deal with somehow…
submitted by bmhorn81 to AITAH [link] [comments]