Green mucus phlegm

Eminem_2 but even better

2018.07.30 18:16 thiccdiccman-1 Eminem_2 but even better

best sub ever and we have no mods besides me so yeh its good

2024.05.02 16:50 PtitEggroll For ppl having acid reflux. Do you have green mucus in your mouth every morning ?

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submitted by PtitEggroll to badbreath [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 03:29 BladedVengence been sick for 2 weeks and looking to see if anyone has had this experience to see what i should do

to begin with I've been diabetic all my life (21m) have a 6.9ish a1c and have for like a year or two, before that it was around 7-7.2.
2 weeks ago the illness started with a sore throat, which progressed into a full cold or flu. I got over the sickness a week ago which sucked but was fairly normal sicknesswise, but I either caught something else or some other complications are happening.
My current symptoms are little appetite at all, thick mucus and phlegm which makes it hard to swallow, if I eat I feel better for a bit, and if I don't I vomit bile. I have small to moderate ketones that go away whenever I correct, so I don't think that's it. I also have been constipated and feels like I have stomach acid in my throat, that went away with some miralax. When I blow my nose it has blood in it sometimes(never happened before) but I'm not congested(not even a runny nose), so to clear out my nose I have to blow hard, and its mostly white with a tinge of yellow sometimes, the snot is very thick. I could manage all this if i wasn't exhausted endlessly also.
This would be fine and all if it felt like I was getting better but iv had these symptoms for a week with little to no improvement. is this just a weird stomach bug or something?
submitted by BladedVengence to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 19:47 alwaysdeadinside_ Question

Did anyone get a weird popping, clicking sound in throat after surgery? Like maybe where the tube was? Also any mucus or phlegm.
submitted by alwaysdeadinside_ to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 18:15 tostadas3x2 Im sick of getting sick

Started with this NF in January- 3 kids have been getting colds, and coughs. MB had bronchitis when I started and didn’t feel the need to lmk even though she wfh and is always near me.
Fast forward to today… 4 months into working here I’ve been sick for 2.5 months. AND MISERABLE. Just got diagnosed with sinusitis and taking antibiotics (not improving)
I don’t do much outside of work and my circle is very small to be catching something and then passing it on to the NKs- if anything my family has called me out to stay far.
I work close to my 1 yo NK and poor thing has had it all from fever, green mucus, eye infections, coughs and lots of weakness for the past 4 months.
MB and DB don’t give the NK meds, taken them to see a doc but they don’t give much help. They’re also a “crunchy” fam and “disinfect” with only vinegar.
I am TIREDDDDDDD of being sick. I eat healthy, take vitamins and do my best to stay clean. But if you’ve read any of my past posts- I can’t stay clean when I’m in this NF house 🫠 I’m so upset. Poor NK cries in her sleep because she chokes on her mucus and can’t cough because she’s so weak.
submitted by tostadas3x2 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 17:15 Shortiecakek30 Sinus congestion causing side pain

I literally feel like I’m falling apart these days. I’ve had sinus congestion for 2.5 weeks now but it’s slowly getting better. Not sure if it was a sinus infection as I did not have facial pain, just slightly green mucus. Anyhow, my left side has been getting some random pains in it. Like a little pain under my rib cage and sometimes a little lower. Starting 2 days ago, I started feeling nauseous mostly after I eat something. Of course I am terrified. It’s my pancreas, wondering if I could have stomach inflammation or some thing else from the incredibly clogged sinuses for 2 1/2 weeks now. Anybody else have the situation happen to them? I’m a 45 year old female.
submitted by Shortiecakek30 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 15:46 Shawvez Cured 4 Month Long Sinusitis

I told myself I would make this post once I knew I was better. I began heavily reading this reddit around 3-months of my sinusitis and far too often posts die without the OP updating the community on what they found worked (assuming this is the reason for the non-activity).
M/29/No underlying medical conditions beyond history of sinus infections.
TL;DR: Cefuroxime Axetil; MEDROL; Olopatadine AT THE SAME TIME.
In December 2023, a group of my friends and I all contracted some sort of respiratory sickness while on a trip together. Whereas others cleared up, mine advanced into full blown sinusitis and I went to my primary care doctor in mid-January who confirmed it was an infection and prescribed me a five-day course of Amoxicilin at twice a day. I commonly have sinus infections in the spring which have required a 10-day course, if not something stronger than Amoxicillin so I was wary this was going to do the trick. At the end of 5 days, the sinus pressure was gone, but typical symptoms of a viral sinus infection remained.
The primary care referred me to an ENT, who I saw in early February. Through an endoscopy, the ENT confirmed no active infection but prescribed me Medrol along with fluticasone, azelastine, and cetirizine. The combination of these prescriptions had no effect on my persistent viral sinus symptoms. In this "non-infection time" I was still suffering from all the typical viral infection symptoms, plus acute headaches behind my right ear. It had been months sense I heard my normal, unclogged voice, and I couldn't have long conversations with people without a mucusy cough or blowing my nose.
In early March, having no relief and feeling as if my symptoms were progressing, I returned to the primary care who prescribed me the 10-day amoxicillin course. The primary care seemed concerned, as they did not know of any other form of antibiotic that would treat a sinus infection.
In mid-March, feeling no relief from the amoxicillin, I decided to go to an urgent care and describe the above history along with my longer history of sinus infections and how, in years past when I failed the amoxicillin, I was prescribed "something that I was told to take on a full stomach, as this antibiotic could cause issues." The Urgent care then went on a tirade about how the only thing stronger is a narcotic. Asking the urgent care what he meant by a "narcotic" and that I certainly wasn't prescribed a "narcotic" in years past- the urgent care then backtracked and said he was speaking in the addiction sense, and that "we've already lost Long Island, they take antibiotics all the time and their bodies can't fight the infection, they're just kind of waiting out there because their old and who cares." The urgent care then suddenly remembered doxycycline existed, and he could put me on that notwithstanding the previous five minutes of their "narcotic" tirade. I ended up with a five-day twice a day prescription for doxycycline.
Late-March I had no relief, although I wasn't in full blown sinus infection territory. I had exhausted my prescription medicine and no OTC mucus relief, allergy relief, flonaise or daily netipot was providing relief. I decided I would just let my body fight it out.
I was in San Diego for a week and my symptoms kind of alleviated. I began to wonder if my sinus issues were related to mold in my shoebox pre-war NYC apartment I shared with two other guys. When I returned back to NYC the infection symptoms came back full force and at a level I hadn't experienced over the past four months. I set out a little mold test that eventually came back negative.
Early April I returned to the ENT fully shooting mountains of grey-green-brown mucus out of my nose and lungs non-stop and was prescribed the following:
-Olopatadine HCL 0.6%, twice a day nasal spray
-Xyzal (non-brand name but same thing, same instructions as you get OTC)
-MEROL 4mg,
-Cefuroxime axetil 500mg, twice a day for 10 days.
Within five hours of first Cefuroxime my head pressure cleared. It would take five days for my voice to return to normal and at the end of 10 days I still had one episode a day of a bit of green mucus. It's now been 14 days since that last day and my symptoms are completely cured. I believe the key was not only the Cefuroxime antibiotic along with the Olopatadine (it was like instant relief to the inflammation) but also taking the MEDROL at the same time as the antibiotic.
I hope this helps with everyone here. It certainly is a mental battle with not only the "will I ever get better" but also navigating the healthcare system. The first four months of this year just seem like a wash to me, but I know there were still moments I pushed through to enjoy with friends.
submitted by Shawvez to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:06 CurveOwn9706 Having green phlegm every morning for past 5 months?

Hello doctors,
I (27M) got pretty sick last Christmas when I traveled back to visit family. It all started with a severely itchy throat and then turned into the typical flu symptoms. However, after it cleared up, a couple of residual symptoms still persist till today. Namely, I have to cough and hack up green phlegm every single morning. My throat feels sore when I wake up, but this soreness isn’t pain. It’s more like how I feel after doing a workout, and my muscles are sore. This soreness only happens when I take a deep breath. I also had headaches from the center of my head upon initial sickness, which I’ve never gotten before, and they persist today in a dull form and appears here and there every other day.
I have gone to my PCP, and she insists that I am fine and it takes time to recover. But my symptoms are starting to get worse again, and I don’t know how to convince her I need help, so I am here on Reddit now.
I don’t smoke nor drink.
Thanks for taking the time to read this 🙏🏼
EDIT: I forgot to mention that my PCP listened to my lungs via a stethoscope (one for initial appointment and one for follow-up and said they sound fine) but won’t give me any additional tests.
submitted by CurveOwn9706 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 09:58 EducationalWalrus129 Blood in my saliva in the mornings

Hi guys, I am a 25M who for the last week or so has been waking up with a metal taste in the mornings. My saliva always comes up with some pink/yellow colour and I am sure it is bcs of blood. The thing is that I've got a problem with bleeding gums, yet I am a bit concerned if it could come from either my throat or lungs. However, I don't really feel I'll and I don't feel any pain in any of both places. Additionally, it always comes mixed with saliva so I've never spit any blood in phlegm or mucus. Does that mean that it must be from my gums or could still be coming from my respiratory system? I always bleed when brushing my teeth, but it is possible for your gums to bleed even when you are not touching them or anything? Thanks in advance!
submitted by EducationalWalrus129 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 06:26 Paralegalist24 My sinusitis journey (so far)

I first contracted sinusitis in early January after overcoming a horrible cold over Christmas and New Year. My GP initially put me on Augmentin (2 weeks) in addition to a steroid spray and saline nasal rinses. Augmentin was renewed (another 2 weeks) after my symptoms (including green discharge) failed to resolve.
Since then, I have also cycled through Doxycycline and Avelox to no avail. I have continued the steroid spray and saline nasal rinses every day to little effect. Green mucus continues to appear along with post-nasal drip. Facial pain constantly afflicts me, with the maxillary and frontal sinuses being the worst (but not only) culprits.
My GP has done no diagnostic testing other than a perfunctory x-ray (which he claimed showed nothing). He finally (reluctantly) agreed to order me a CT scan. After a two-month wait, this has still not been performed. He attempted to refer me to local ENTs. The earliest appt he was able to obtain was for late August.
Every day, I suffer through varying degrees of pain and discomfort. Chronic sinusitis has had a devastating physical and psychological impact on my life. It has also exacerbated my diabetes and hypertension. I have been left feeling extremely frustrated and defeated by this affliction and I have experienced a deep sense of abandonment by my GP and our public health care system (Canadian).
I have undergone numerous health episodes over my lifetime, but none have had such a negative effect on my daily life as chronic sinusitis. I don’t know what the ultimate solution will be in my case (I expect that it might be surgical), but it cannot come soon enough!
submitted by Paralegalist24 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:08 notagoldengirl This is my second sinus infection in the month of April and my 4-5th one since the start of 2024. What is wrong?

I keep getting sinus infections, or what I’m assuming is sinus infections. I've stopped going to the doctoemergicare because the last time they didn't give me antibiotics. The last time I went they told me it probably wasn't a sinus infection because I didn't have a cold that led up to it and I'd only had it for 2-3 days at that point. The emergicare doctor just offered up that "some people have persistent sinus infections" and kind of just left it there and sent me on my way. It feels like it never 100% goes away, but it does become less noticeable. I just feel like I have a persistent runny nose and minor cough nowadays.
I started getting sick more frequently back at the beginning of December when I started working with elementary schoolers. This would seem like the dead giveaway for being sick, but I have been working with kids full time, primarily middle schoolers, since 2021. However, I've been working with kids since 2018 - I’m no stranger to getting sick from kids. I know that me working with elementary schoolers seems to be an indicator of why I’m sick (and it definitely has a large part to do with it!) but none of my coworkers are ever sick at the same time as me. I have coworkers who just started working with kids for the first time and they are not getting sick at all. I know that I’m getting sick from the kids, but no one else is. Furthermore, I consider myself to have a strong immune system, up until this point in time I typically would get sick ONCE a year and that was it, and it was always around the same time each year. The fact that I've gone from being sick once a year to 1-2x/month is truly wearing me out.
Since December, I have gotten what I think is a sinus infection at LEAST once a month, but sometimes twice a month. My most recent one was the second week of April. They are typically very fast to come on, I notice them because I get a feeling of post nasal drip in the back of my throat and within 12-24 hours I am full force sneezing, dealing with a simultaneous stuffy and runny nose, and blowing mucus out that is thick and yellow/green.
What is notable and concerning to me is that my mucus seems to have changed, which I can't seem to find anything online about. When I have previously had any problems with my sinuses my mucus just was not as thick or sticky. However, anymore all my mucus ever seems to be is thicker than it's been for the other 23 years of my life. I can go from being relatively okay on Monday morning to blowing out thick yellow mucus by Monday night.
I’m considering probably looking into making an appointment at an Eyes, Nose, and Throat doctor, but I'd love to know any formal input that anyone has prior to making said appointment. Honestly, just really looking for validation that I should be concerned. This seems abnormal but I can't find anything and don’t even fully know what I’m supposed to be searching for.
Information: 24F, 5'5, 265 lbs, white, no existing medical conditions or medications, no smoking (not ever or even once), no alcohol, no drugs.

submitted by notagoldengirl to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:57 madhawavish sore throat associated with body weakness vertigo and dry phlegm since a few years

32M , 5'10 ,60kg
since few years have been suffering from sore throat, channeled a physician and got medicine for a long time. But no reduce of symptoms..first felt hard to swallow(this has decreased now with excretion of phlegm so rarely and hardly )for last 3,4 years i just caught a cold just once..but mucus didn't go out from nose, just a few went out by dry coughing.. there are few pale colour rashes in throat ..after lying down on bed on one side, nostril in that side become heavy after few minutes, after turning to another side upper side nostril becomes clear and other side nostril becomes heavy in about 5 minutes ..from the begining whole body felt so weak, tired and fatigued, some time later when my head become very busy eyes became blury, felt verticgo and was very close to faint.. got a CT scan report of brain and sinus areas, it was ok, doctor said no problem was with me after doing some more tests..when my throat stiffness and blocking sensation got reduced(this happened after i caught a cold and excreted some phelgm by coughing), the vertigo and fainting sensation also reduced proportional to this..but there are still a littile vertigo sensation(appears rarely in about 2,3 weaks) and some fatigue in body ..can't understand what this is..
submitted by madhawavish to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:04 madhawavish good place to get sinhala medicine for phlegm

since few years have been suffering from sore throat, channeled a physician and got medicine for a long time. But no reduce of symptoms..first felt hard to swallow(this has decreased now with excretion of phlegm so rarely and hardly )for last 3,4 years i just caught a cold just once..but mucus didn't go out from nose, just a few went out by dry coughing.. there are few pale colour rashes in throat ..after lying down on bed on one side, nostril in that side become heavy after few minutes, after turning to another side upper side nostril becomes clear and other side nostril becomes heavy in about 5 minutes need to find a place to get sinhala medicine for this, better if near to kurunegala..
submitted by madhawavish to srilanka [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:02 sharewithme Word of The Hour: apophlegmatic

apophlegmatic: designed to facilitate discharges of phlegm or mucus from mouth or nostrils
See tree for apophlegmatic:
submitted by sharewithme to funwithwords [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 20:43 MirkWorks Notes on Recent Episode I

Inspiring negative feelings in others, a generalized goading and prodding, poking at a sequence of signifiers (like exposed nerve endings) in order to elicit a, one would imagine as of this point reliable/predictable, response from people might be a useful ritual meant to sustain engagement. Useful for the one devoted to their own little Cult of Personal Relevance. But I think this remains a destructive tactic with deleterious effects; that it all collapses into a Dopaminergic Singularity doesn't negate the fact. Becoming no different than the Gore or Morbid accounts on twitter. The same principles are at work. Assume the pragmatist stance; this wouldn’t be the case if they didn’t work. Is it the algorithm or is the algorithm a reflection? A snapshot of us in 0s and 1s? Framed in the social media. Revealing them disguised as narcissists and their victims. This agonized state has been monetarily incentivized. As attempts at reparations or restitution have at times accidentally given monetary incentives for people to develop behaviors that have proved deleterious to those the programs were supposed to help. Take this money, keeping using this thing, vote for me. From indentured servitude and slavery to wage and welfare.
In the case of A&D they don’t even have to do that much in order to elicit the negative response. Aloofness and ambivalence is at work. Words consistently distorted in the interpretation and transformed into something personally injurious. Returning again and again to be injured. Attempting to write a comment capable of repaying the injury in kind. Given the nature of the medium and its intimacies, being ignored inspires the commenter to comment more, getting upvoted by other teeth gnashing users until finally they’re rewarded for their devotion with either a coveted response in kind, or more often than not a good-humored comical response. That or more insidiously, they appear to verbally alluded to on the podcast itself, giving the impression of having made some sort of impact on the strangers who exert this degree of undo influence on their lives. Gambling logic at play here. Keeps you coming back for more.
Having been arrested for shoplifting the female court clerk translates Charlotte’s statement,
“Your Honor, I’m just a late capitalist subject navigating a vicious and frankly unfair system. Isn’t the culture industry truly to blame for producing these desires in me and failing to provide me with the means to fulfill them legitimately? I know I’m meant to be an obedient consumer to market interests, yet I’m as much if not more of a victim than the store I shoplifted from.”
Charlotte smiles at the female girl-boss judge. Cut to her weeping on her gay German friend’s lap, having been found guilty and fined 500 euros.
Feels like there is a lot of mourning over the Fantasy of the Fantasy of Indie Darling Dasha, a Bataillean Dasha, with strong Radical Nietzschean-Communist sympathies. Who loves carnival and protests and is working to do her part to bring about Full Luxury Gay Space Communism. This is mirrored by the fantasy of a Catholic Socialist (or Franciscan Communist) Dasha who supports a popular social movement. But this Fantasy of Dasha was never not connected with a Softness of Bodies-esque Survival/Necessity wrought (daddy issues) Narcissism. A 21st century “femme-fatale” as someone just kind of stumbling through life, stumbling out of catastrophes. Actually ruthless. Leaving a trail of broken things in their wake.
The “Radical” 21st century Femme Fatale, is revealed to be nothing more than a female Pee-Wee Hermann thrown-into the world. Stunted man-child, the under-the-weather dirtbag lingers, dreaming of being something people pay to simply exist. No abstract ideological justifications can obfuscate this. She knows what she is. A narcissist. She’s simply surviving, and striving to be something other than what she is, through seduction and the aestheticization of her Self, a commodity chewed but never swallowed. Traipsing through the world that necessitated the development of this type. Like money, she burns. Difficult to tell how much is calculation and how much is compulsion. It’s not so much that this is actually Dasha but rather that this is a personae Dasha has creatively explored and interrogated, not simply as something she has been formally type-casted into by others but as a type she likes to mimic and model and take apart and reassemble. Capable of treating the personae with equal parts reverence and satirical derision. Alternatively Dasha has type-casted herself as a type typed up and cast out the World. It’s her comfort zone, obviously she has a sympathetic attachment with the Superfluous Woman. Addicted to benzos and social media and Love. Her brain is addled but she’s still capable of making intimations towards necessary social calculations, blessed with prodigious low cunning. Overtly-identified with drug addicts, ghouls, and depressed poverty stricken losers. Susceptible to the influence of memes and atrocity porn. Having clawed her way into the lower rungs of the entertainment industry she knows a lot of people, is 3 degrees of separation from a lot of people who made it. Scrolling through her feed. Totally oblivious and protean in her values. Her opinions, her identity a roiling mass malleable, the internal spark animating it totally
Synthetic-orphan. Oh star-bob waif stumbling through corridors uncoordinated barely surviving through rapid-fire wardrobe change, only the flip-flops remain.
Too much sun. Beach too long. Friends too far away. Water? Tap water here tastes horrible. Started drinking early anyways. Pretty blue bikini lady, collapsing on the beach. Panicking. Ankle twisted? Have to stop inhaling sand only making it worse. Gasping. Everywhere. God it's everywhere. Wires of saliva, tears, and mucus binding face to the earth. Try to croak out a cry for help. My "friends" are dancing and OD'ing. Inhaling and coughing up more sand, wrenching. Sand on tongue, between teeth, in throat. This is awful. This surely can't be the end of everything. Gone through too much. Loved too hard. On second thought... actually on third fuck all this sand and sun. Aren't my elements. I was lying, God. Is this your attention?
The Ocean. Soon the waves will break against delicate body and the tides will drag my body out to sea. Will I have strength left to turn myself over? Will I drown? Then what? Goosepimple cold water without a gentle touch to press them back down.
I'm going to die here...aren't I?
Is that a sea turtle?
It is.
It's face. Uncanny. Father-like face.
Eyes locked into mine.
He knows me.
Dragging itself forward slow but steady. Directly at me. Unbroken turtle focus. Magnificent marine creature.
What does it want?
"W...what do you want!?"
It continues shuffling towards me.
"Hey are you okay?"
Strong arms.
Another day. Another attempt against my life thwarted.
I think I love you.
Seducing with a promise (made or perceived) of something just round the corner, tomorrow. Just wait and trust in the plan… terrified of being exposed and pilloried. That those who’d come around drawn by whatever promise they thought they saw in us would turn around crestfallen and seething with the inevitable disillusionment. People who’d defended me. Sure they had their own motives. Didn’t ask to be taken as a escape route from their lives. Never asked to be turned into this beautiful thing they’d turned me into. Like if I’d suddenly swooped down into their lives knowing exactly what to do, knowing all the right people, with boundless time and energy to help lift them up and out of whatever it is they need to be lifted up and out of. You really think you’re the only one with that fantasy? Really? What you’ve made in your head is something that can’t hope, can’t desire, can’t await someone capable of making this make sense. Why can’t you be that? Why can’t you be the hope, the desire fulfilled, the arriving. I was never an answer. I thought you were and that wasn’t fair. Each and every one of us is tasked with making ourselves appealing if not valuable. Maybe making yourself appealing is the only value left. All of it is seduction. Didn’t you pretend to know better? You don’t think I fantasize about a lover that can save me from myself. Understand me, beckon me to go on living in your promise. I’m disillusioned, I’m frustrated. That bundle of ambivalence is clogging up my brain too. I’ve made my choice.
Chin resting on heel of palm. Looking through the feed.
Aroma of coffee, baked goods, and the subtle spicy scent of a great many books seeped in coating the inside of her skull and clothes. The memory of it a least. Pressed the soft tissue paper against rosy-rimmed nostrils glistening, clearing her throat. Glanced around. Ambient bop in the background, fusion jazz intermingled with light conversations, the hissing and gurgling of the latte cult’s machines, and the upward inflection of green aprons taking orders and calling names. Cosmopolitan beepboop music to strive to. Recording of a life getting blown away into a flute. Whoever or whatever it is is dying for us. Jazz flute phantom, bent over at the waist bobbing and swaying to the emissions, cheeks distended, red veins erupting. Kind of music meant to let you know you’re cultured. At least she’d felt cultured the first few times she’d heard it in a public place. Feeling like she’d entered another first chapter altogether. Guaranteed to be better than what preceded it. Better in the possibility of not being what preceded it. The first few times at least. She’d made a note to investigate. To download the app that would allow her to hold up her phone to the tune and receive the names of artist and song. Create a new playlist. Speak of these things with casual authority. Have them on a first name basis. Consciousness elevating, lifted by the short-sleeve black button shirt jazzman up and out of the muck. Break the monotony. Had figured at the time that anything else would be much better than everything as is. Didn’t even like it that much. She already had her music. Adjacent but better. Was frustrated at first with her wills own rebellion. Wasn’t sure why she’d started avoiding it. The knowledge remained and was by her estimation, still rather formidable.
Always been complemented for her taste.
Engaging in social media sortilege. In the blue-light pale.
“If you loved me you'd tempt me.”
Her stillness broken by the audible gulp. Snot sparkling in the corners of bathroom paper towel chafed red nostrils. Occasionally grimacing jaw jutting out. Face contorting in a carnival indignation.
There was high praise in the comment section, thousands of hearts, roses tossed on stage. They don’t know or pretend not to know. Cutesy the publicly-dower and ever-derivative performing an “ironic” curtsy as the curtains closed. Thunderous applause. They love her. They love her. “And what about me?”
In the dark depths of the Congo, a child miner lost multiple limbs and for what?
“Vapid bitch.“
Thumbs had gone to work with minimal prompting.
Backspace. Too crude. Didn’t feel right for the moment.
If you loved me you’d tempt me…
Dreamed of being welcomed to the city-world, shoegaze city, she saw herself there one day. Dreamed about it. One amongst the well meaning citizenry comprised of strange semi-corporeal spirits, pensive intellects with great comedic timing, and beautiful people. A place of chessboards and lovers staring without care. Close her eyes and feel a breeze just cold enough for pleasant, cold enough to justify her style. A place located in the forever something better.
A Girl stumbles out of an IPA serving establishment in an artificially dingy part of Los Angeles patronized by would-be bohemians and proud DSA members. Brunette and wearing a sailor suit. A lit American Spirit brand cigarette smoldering between her middle and ring fingers. She presses her ring finger against a tear duct, before taking a mighty drag. Exhaling a pillar of smoke above her head into which she projects the flickering images of noire detectives. It descends, engulfing her. Dissipating it reveals the Girl now blonde and wearing a fashionable tan coat. Ready to hitchhike across America, to a Magical City with unburnt bridges. Ready to uncover the Truth.
Spitting out a wad of bubble gum and dreaming dreams of jeans and leather. We’re seduced by a music, the water nymph’s inspiration and inspired craft, capable of bringing together the disparate elements floating around our interior cavity. Shaping our fantasies. Dasha as an artist performs the Superfluous Woman well, willing to sacrifice to this Identity-Specter, embodied in her jangly walk (concealing surprising nimbleness), through the performance. She’s at once the performer, the performance, and the producer-director. Mutating, evolving to thrive in the collapse constitutive of social media and streaming platforms. Maybe because she’s seduced by it and sees that others are seduced by the persona as well.
Seductive, self-conscious, retarded.
Dasha Nekrasova we love you.
I love you.
Going to protests in order to skip class and party. Showing tits for hope and change. Consider that at the time maybe she cast this desire as the desire for Revolutionary Autonomy. Rather than as a desire to be desired (recognized) by a Prince and by the others. Perhaps wanting to skip class and party does speak to something vital and potent in itself. That the desire to break out of institutions and enjoy the company of other humans gathered together for a Cause… this youthful exuberance… does actually constitute an autonomous act. It’s not in and of itself Revolutionary. It’s an approved protests (even when they aren’t formally approved they become something of a ritual confined within a series of spaces) that more often than not transformation into little music festivals. Everyone gets to have a good time and ultimately go back to class, finish the semester, return to business as usual. The participants get to play the part of the “young student radical” and the event organizers get something else to include in their portfolios. Referenced Amber A’Lee Frost’s book Dirtbag, specifically Amber’s citation of Occupy Wall Street activists turned founders of boutique consulting firms dedicated to choreographing “events intended to appear as dynamic, broad based social movements” manufacturing “feel-good content for an activist’s social media feed.”
Few of Amber’s observations are worth reproducing below,
“What the entryists could do, however, was secure positions as brokers on behalf of the people. They worked their way into academia, got bylines in legacy media, established think tanks, got jobs at nonprofits, started their own consulting firms, embedded themselves in NGOs, etc. This isn’t to say those jobs always make the world worse, but as a political “tactic,” you can’t help but notice that the professionalization of activism does more to shore up power for a growing class of “movement managers,” and that, rather than relying on democracy (much less democratizing anything new), they were joining the very institutions used to circumvent democracy. Granted they would ostensibly be taking these posts to capture the king’s ear and thus wield a little “soft power” in the name of justice. It made sense, on some level. You had a glut of angry educated, progressive millennials who recently found themselves on the professional and economic downslide. They knew they were a bit screwed, but they also knew they were way less screwed than everyone else; and they needed jobs. So of course they wanted to pursue positions where they might exercise a little Professional Managerial noblesse oblige that might benefit “everyone else.”’
”Nonetheless, Occupy Wall Street really was more than the Potemkin protests, for better or worse. Much to my chagrin, the major opposition to the opportunism of Professional Managerial Anarchists were the Amateur Anarchists, for whom “spontaneity” and “organic” activity was the goal in and of itself. A sort of shitty Emerald City was formed from the energy roiling in and around the park; it’s not that the outside world disappeared exactly, but it became less noticeable, and it was easier to forget the rest of Oz, much less Kansas. For a lot of people, this escape - a retreat, really - was the dream.”
As it relates to Red Scare. The point is that podcasters or streamers aren’t Revolutionary Agents. At most what they have is a platform they can rent to others. They keep calling attention to the position people like them occupy, shock-jock solidarity. How it's a kind of strata and pocket-dimension (Twitter). Anna had a number of bangers this episode related to this. When discussing figures like Carl Beijer and Noah Kulwin she says something along the lines of, I can't believe that the people who go to the same parties and funerals that I'm invited too are my 'ideological' enemies, it's not ideological conflict it's professional competition that it's narrativized as something ideological and Manichean is just what these people tell themselves in order to not confront the fact that they're strivers and careerists. She says something along the lines of "I knew BLM and MeToo was evil from the start, it wasn't coopted" easy to read Anna as being a smug and terrible person, ignoring that earlier she'd mentioned that all of these things discursively adopt worthy causes (Racial justice, sexual justice, Covid justice etc...) the point isn't that the people or the principles informing any of these things are "evil" but rather that the medium itself can be considered evil. Evil in that it specifically harnesses hope in order to betray them. Makes the principled unprincipled and mercenary. The “trained Marxist” with a real estate portfolio made filthy rich. Social media, the US, the NGO-complex etc... Within the machineries provided and present, these things inevitably canalize public discontent/heterogeneous forces back into the service of the Homogenous Anti-Fragile State. Numerous Ponzi schemes stacked on top of one another forming an incomplete Pyramid. The eruption of base powers canalized towards the preservation of the essential relations of production.
Consider the following point by Anna concerning the “Rightwing” E-Girls on twitter breaking the bit and the absurdity of it,
Anna: “…literally they’re being besieged by armies of 19 to 23 year old…14 year old brown guys with like a dial-up connection. That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back!? That’s what finally and definitively made you turn away from rightwing politics? Like you came there, you were OKAY with the racism, you were okay with the antisemitism, you were okay with the hatred for democracy, you were okay with the contempt for the poor and the weak…”
Dasha: “But HitlerRapeGroyper calls you a ‘Roastie’…”
Anna: “…you were okay with Holocaust denial, you were okay with Human Biodiversity…. but the minute they said something about ‘Eggless Roasties’ you were out and Ridin4Biden… that’s crazy bro. And also like no offense but racist rightwing anons on the internet aren’t politics. They are not representatives of the movement. They have virtually nothing in common with the GOP.”
Vulgar and revelatory.
Find the relationship with Rightwing Anons in some ways it’s a predatory/exploitative dynamic, “I pander to you up to a point sure but I’m hoovering up anything clever, encouraging Simpendence, taking your money, and using cleaned up versions of your jokes and your takes without giving much if any credit… because you’re a nobody online who decided to center your whole virtual identity around being a racist, an anti-Semite, a reactionary monarchist, a race realist, a holocaust denier, a Hitler enthusiast, and a hater… you can never be anything other than an anon. You’re fucked unless you totally start over and that’s hoping you didn’t dox yourself over the years you’ve been desperately searching for human connection on this thing. Which you probably have.” The Rightwing Anon is something to be studied (representing a pathological reification of the conservative normie unconscious) and drawn from.
The Rightwing Anon is not only not representative of the GOP voter base, they are also not representative of the actual audience that these people are attempting to tap into. Though they might serve as influencer’s influencers and gatekeepers and models for online activity (what discourse is and isn’t permissible) the extreme positions and antics they adopt conceal the conservative-leaning “anti-Woke” but largely noncommittal normie Zoomers (24 years old and younger) who do in fact constitute the audience or demographic Conservative-signaling and GOP-aligned MSM along with other corporate bodies, political operatives, and people within the entertainment industry… would like to tap into if not outright secure. Representing a potentially enthusiastic voter-base, a talent-pool, and a spare change (disposable income) dispenser given the fact that many of them likely don’t have to redirect all their funds towards paying rent and utilities just yet.
Plus, on a more concrete political note…There is a dimension of tactical support for those who want tighter immigration controls, a bit of protectionism and/or outright economic nationalism, anti-interventionism and by extension (or perhaps more importantly) those willing to bleed NGOs and minimize the influence of foreign national actors on US politics i.e., namely diasporic and exile interest groups, powerful enough to form political blocs that exert a disproportionate influence on US foreign policy, animated by nothing more than ancestral beef turned into a familial mythology and site of identity-formation, avenging their great-grandfather and bringing ‘democracy’ to the countries they’d fled from by punishing those who decided to stay and those who didn’t leave until things got really bad. I’m of the opinion that no one in the GOP will ever come close to achieving something like this but disillusionment can prove vital.
The very least these Rightwing E-Girls can do is maintain a general fidelity. Identifying with and pandering to the Abstract Right while denouncing the Left (adopting/adapting anti-Communist sloganeering and critiquing the “Actual Existing Left”) or at the very least, bare minimum, to not countersignal the GOP. Making fools of fans and donors alike. If you’re going to be asking people for money then you might as well not insult/humiliate them in the process.

Attempts at a Dream Interpretation from penultimate episode
Thoughts that came up. Into the arms of a Self-Made Father. Recognized as being of him. Of his glamor and grandeur. Dancing if anyone gets it its him right? To be moved by the Spirit of the Time. Like recognizes like and we are dancing together in the ballroom.
The usual and the cynical note the shabbiness of the whole operation. This doesn’t matter. We’re going to Rome, to Vatican City. To the Throne of St. Peter. The negging has worked. Shabby sure but the little foxes are rough and mischievous and part of God’s design.

People don't tend to deal well with disillusionment and dwelling with dissatisfaction. It’s all too dualistic. All or nothing and it's never enough. Lots of raging so far.
Women who age, who become more conservative (literally not liking protests because they're too loud) and who don't actually have a strong knowledge of the material but still opine simply to opine is unforgivable. That the opinion should carry a profound existential weight rather than be something subject to change is something struggled with. Or perhaps it's mutability itself and how this mutability is connected not with information and by extension sincere conviction and conversion but rather with necessity and social or monetary considerations... is what's particularly infuriating, especially for other women (and jaded Simps). The assumption being that the appearance is the essence. There can't be any interiority, there can't be anything to these women other than the fantasy we pour into their words. Projections turning the whole thing into a run on sentence. Once they had been good but now they are bad.
submitted by MirkWorks to u/MirkWorks [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 18:02 Tobey-Maguire123 Worried about hole on the head of my cat, mom won’t talk to vet

So the other day i noticed my cat and a hard tuft of fur on his head, and at first i ignored it. Today i noticed another one, and when i tried pulling it out it came out pretty easily. There was green mucus looking stuff on the fur. The spot where i pulled it out is a oval hole on his head now. He doesn’t react if I touch it though so is this normal? My mom doesn’t care about our pets at all so she’s not gonna take him to the vet. Please tell me it’s nothing.
submitted by Tobey-Maguire123 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 15:11 NoIncrease7980 Extremely breathless with dizziness after eating / drinking - 25 y/o f

So the past two weeks I thought this random dizziness and breathlessness was down to stress / anxiety but it was today after I had a glass of water that it instantly started that I then realised every time has been after I’ve had a drink or ate. I have to sit down as my head spins and can’t get a full breath in.
I’ve no idea what could be the cause of this? I have also for a few months been coughing up double the amount of green phlegm that I usually do (have been for 4 years after my pneumonia) but my sputum sample is clear BUT my bloods have come back showing a low white blood cell count.
Could this all be linked? I also suffer gastro issues (for 10 years) and on-going exercise induced chest pain / crackles / dizziness/ breathlessness since the pneumonia. I feel like doctors just always send me for bloods then cut my investigation short.
submitted by NoIncrease7980 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 14:43 Shiver_with_antici Is my cough a worsening lung infection I need to take additional measures for, or is it improving?

Timeline: April 20-21: my lungs started to feel off, almost like an itchy post-nasal drip sensation but only in my lungs, not in my sinuses or throat. Began taking ventolin and flovent 5-6 times daily (per ongoing doctor's instructions anytime I feel like I'm getting sick).
April 22-23: my lungs felt like they were in a vice grip, with a knife stabbed through them, hard to breath deeply, but were dry with no coughing.
April 24-25: coughing began, with some yellow phlegm.
April 26-29: yellow phlegm disappeared, coughing was slightly moist, hacking, severe, and nearly constant, I was very short of breath, fatigued, but struggling to sleep due to the constant coughing and the bubbling/crackling/gurgling sensation with each breath.
April 29: paid for an online consultation with an RN, got a script for symbicort and a cough syrup with codeine to help me sleep. Woke up during the night several times to the sensation of lots of fluid in my lungs.
April 30: woke up coughing up green phlegm, feels like I have trapped fluid in my lungs, but overall frequency of coughing has decreased. Lungs feel heavy, I am winded.
Underlying medical conditions: asthma (moderate), epilepsy (controlled). Medication: Ventolin and flovent as needed, keppra daily.
Female, 36, 5'3", 200lbs, non-smoker Duration: 10 days Location: lungs
The presence of green phlegm this morning was alarming to me, but perhaps it's just a sign that the symbicort and cough syrup I was prescribed are actually working?
There are no walk in clinics where I live, I have no family doctor, and the online clinic will only treat mild colds not full blown lung infections, so at this point my only option to escalate would be to go to Emergency at a hospital and sit for 10-12+ hours waiting to get seen or turned away.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Shiver_with_antici to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 12:52 healthmedicinet Health Daily News April 29 2024

DAY: APRIL 29 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 05:39 Superb_Telephone_73 ER or Urgent Care, 2+ weeks suffering.

AFAB, 25, history of Hodgkins Lymphoma (4 years free woo), IBS, Asthma, anxiety. Currently taking hydroxyzine for anxiety as needed and was put on zofran from a minuteclinic doctor. I also take magnesium in the morning and night and CBD from time to time. Not pregnant.
My primary is out until end of May, my new patient appointment with a gastroenterologist isn’t til mid May.
Having IBS-M I can usually handle the ups and downs that come and go. But its been almost three weeks of suffering and Ive had enough!! My symptoms for the entire 2 weeks are as follows: Nausea, constipation that sometimes comes out as diarrhea, mucus in said poop, bloating, yellow phlegm/light sore throat, no vomiting (but I have a pretty bad fear of it so I try to avoid it lol), can barely eat (even a simple cup of rice made me sick/bloated), and what feels like heartburn. I have lost about 8-10 pounds.
It was my birthday today and I couldn’t even get out of bed. I was so nauseous I felt like I was going to pass out, I tend to feel more nauseous before I end up needing to use the restroom. Ive been able to sip water fairly well, pee is usually sort of dark in the mornings and super light yellow/clear by the end of the day.
I used a minute clinic doc who gave me some zofran and sucralfate but the pharmacy I use doesnt have any til tomorrow. She instructed me to reset my stomach, sip water before drinking more, only eat a fistful of food after I tolerate water and work up from there. Any amount of food has bothered me. She also said if I wasnt better by Sunday (4/28) to go seek emergency services to get someone to do an ultrasound or a CT to see what the problem is. Well, I felt pretty good yesterday so I didn’t end up going, still didn’t eat much but got out of the house for a bit.
But its all back with a vengeance today and I am so defeated. I tried my best to celebrate my birthday but now Im past the limit. I need serious help, I havent felt like a human for almost 3 weeks!!!
My main concern is going to the ER and being sent home with the same regime an urgent care might give me, but our urgent care doesnt do imaging. Would they even do imaging if I went to the ER?
I cant wait any longer for my next appointment, I need answers and to eat again. Er or Urgent Care? And what might be going on???
submitted by Superb_Telephone_73 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 02:29 Ok_Coconut_2560 Noodles

My family has always been of great minds. I hated it. Growing up and having to study day and night to try and live up to them was extremely exhausting when I couldn't care how things worked as long as I was happy. I gave up but somehow everything kept turning out to be true.
Over my lifetime I have become the Gorden Ramsey of the science world. Known for my temper and also for huge things like curing world hunger using play-doe and cancer with baby powder I got in a back street ally while drunk.
To get my family off my back I started making random ideas so they could see me as a failure and leave me alone but...they keep working. And soon people started to praise me. Fame has left me with nothing but more and more attention. So today I plan to make sure that everyone can just think I'm insane and leave me alone and not some king.
I chuckled like a kid who was opening a Christmas present as I heard the crowd of people chatting and talking loudly as I hid behind my stage in a grey tight suit that my sister had picked out. I sighed and was ready to walk out and make a fool out of myself but my brother stopped me.
" Jack... I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Dad would have loved to see you right now. "
I thought it was ironic because last night while chilling on the couch watching TV and eating chips I made this theory up. He dusted off my shoulders held them tight and looked me in the eyes taking in the moment.
" go give them hell man. "
He had a goofy smile just like Dad but spoke with confidence.
" you got it, man. "
I heard my name being called onto the stage and the uproar startled me for a second but I collected myself and headed out after giving him a nod just to entertain him.
The lights were blinding as I grabbed the mic and looked at the table in front of me with a small box with the ingredients I needed and a chalkboard behind me.
After I stood still for a minute the crowd died down. I had not told anyone what I was presenting so the whole world was watching without a clue of what I was doing this time.
"Hello everyone. Today I believe I have my most important presentation yet..."
The crowd grew silent and hung on every word. And I heard my voice around the room through the speakers.
" Today I have with me a box...and inside is spaghetti I had for breakfast. "
The crowd laughed thinking it was a joke
" shut up "
The crowd grew silent once more
"Behind me is a chalkboard and I will now present my new findings to all of you...I have found out how to make portals to other worlds. "
A man in the far back of the audience yelled bullshit in a heavy Indian accent but he was so far it was a faint sound for me. I smiled at that thinking I had finally found something that would make me lose my title and I could go ahead and live a life without people making me feel like an evil man for not helping others.
I opened the box got a handful of the noodles and threw them at the chalkboard. I then grabbed a paper towel on standby to clean myself.
The noodles hit the board and slowly moved and rested on a spot on the board. I made eye contact with my brother backstage and he had a look on his face showing he believed in me.
I spun the board dropping the noodles to the ground I then grabbed the chalk and drew around the sauce and noodles that stuck to the board then drew my attention to the others that had fallen on the floor and drew an outline of that.
After it finished I threw the chalk in the crowd violently hitting an old lady in the face.
" Quickly I want a show of hands who thinks I'm a crazy guy "
Everyone raised their hands and I laughed to myself
I then went behind the board and laid it horizontally. I grabbed a small knife in my pocket and poked my finger with it. The crimson blood fell and hit the chalk and then as more and more blood hit the chalk it started glowing.
" you have got to be joking. "
I said out loud as it started to spark an orange glow and it slowly grew color to the rest of the chalk in orange sparks.
Once the symbol was fully sparking with orange the sauce began to swell and move around in a counterclockwise manner. I stepped away from it in shock as small parts of the blood in my finger began to float to the parts where it fell on the floor I drew my outlines on and started sparking those as well.
It started to smoke and hiss as if lightning could whisper and the orange began to take shape and the sauce made a doorway. The parts that were not on the board began to grow ice around them and started to make designs on the floor circling me and the board. Suddenly it grew in size and a large booming voice was heard through the portal as I felt panic of people start to set in.
A huge claw came out and scrapped the sides of my table trying to crawl out from the world it had been trapped in. Cold winds hit me as they cut my skin and threw around my clothes. As I saw the table was now melting from its touch.
A slimy green claw with mucus like a face-hugger egg from the movie Alien carved through the floor and pulled the rest of its body out slowly. A beast stood at 12 feet tall adjusting to our world as goop grew and shaped its body as people screamed, ran, and stood frozen in fear.
As it looked around it locked its spider-like eyes and swerled around coming out from the portal and twisting and turning around the body as it made its way to its head finding a place to rest. It then locked its eyes with me and its jaw twisted slowly from an ant-like maw to mine and slowly shrunk and it soon took the shape of me and knelt on the floor and spoke to me.
" master. "
I stood in shock as everyone seemed to calm down and watched to see what I would do.
"...umm "My family has always been of great minds. I hated it. Growing up and having to study day and night to try and live up to them was extremely exhausting when I couldn't care how things worked as long as I was happy. I gave up but somehow everything kept turning out to be true.
Over my lifetime I have become the Gorden Ramsey of the science world. Known for my temper and also for huge things like curing world hunger using play-doe and cancer with baby powder I got in a back street ally while drunk.
To get my family off my back I started making random ideas so they could see me as a failure and leave me alone but...they keep working. And soon people started to praise me. Fame has left me with nothing but more and more attention. So today I plan to make sure that everyone can just think I'm insane and leave me alone and not some king.
I chuckled like a kid who was opening a Christmas present as I heard the crowd of people chatting and talking loudly as I hid behind my stage in a grey tight suit that my sister had picked out. I sighed and was ready to walk out and make a fool out of myself but my brother stopped me.
" Jack... I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Dad would have loved to see you right now. "
I thought it was ironic because last night while chilling on the couch watching TV and eating chips I made this theory up. He dusted off my shoulders held them tight and looked me in the eyes taking in the moment.
" go give them hell man. "
He had a goofy smile just like Dad but spoke with confidence.
" you got it, man. "
I heard my name being called onto the stage and the uproar startled me for a second but I collected myself and headed out after giving him a nod just to entertain him.
The lights were blinding as I grabbed the mic and looked at the table in front of me with a small box with the ingredients I needed and a chalkboard behind me.
After I stood still for a minute the crowd died down. I had not told anyone what I was presenting so the whole world was watching without a clue of what I was doing this time.
"Hello everyone. Today I believe I have my most important presentation yet..."
The crowd grew silent and hung on every word. And I heard my voice around the room through the speakers.
" Today I have with me a box...and inside is spaghetti I had breakfast. "
The crowd laughed thinking it was a joke
" shut up "
The crowd grew silent once more
"Behind me is a chalkboard and I will now present my new findings to all of you...I have found out how to make portals to other worlds. "
A man in the far back of the audience yelled bullshit in a heavy Indian accent but he was so far it was a faint sound for me. I smiled at that thinking I had finally found something that would make me lose my title and I could go ahead and live a life without people making me feel like an evil man for not helping others.
I opened the box got a handful of the noodles and threw them at the chalkboard. I then grabbed a paper towel on standby to clean myself.
The noodles hit the board and slowly moved and rested on a spot on the board. I made eye contact with my brother backstage and he had a look on his face showing he believed in me.
I spun the board dropping the noodles to the ground I then grabbed the chalk and drew around the sauce and noodles that stuck to the board then drew my attention to the others that had fallen on the floor and drew an outline of that.
After it finished I threw the chalk in the crowd violently hitting an old lady in the face.
" Quickly I want a show of hands who thinks I'm a crazy guy "
Everyone raised their hands and I laughed to myself
I then went behind the board and laid it horizontally. I grabbed a small knife in my pocket and poked my finger with it. The crimson blood fell and hit the chalk and then as more and more blood hit the chalk it started glowing.
" you have got to be joking. "
I said out loud as it started to spark an orange glow and it slowly grew color to the rest of the chalk in orange sparks.
Once the symbol was fully sparking with orange the sauce began to swell and move around in a counterclockwise manner. I stepped away from it in shock as small parts of the blood in my finger began to float to the parts where it fell on the floor I drew my outlines on and started sparking those as well.
It started to smoke and hiss as if lightning could whisper and the orange began to take shape and the sauce made a doorway. The parts that were not on the board began to grow ice around them and started to make designs on the floor circling me and the board. Suddenly it grew in size and a large booming voice was heard through the portal as I felt panic of people start to set in.
A huge claw came out and scrapped the sides of my table trying to crawl out from the world it had been trapped in. Cold winds hit me as they cut my skin and threw around my clothes. As I saw the table was now melting from its touch.
A slimy green claw with mucus like a face-hugger egg from the movie Alien carved through the floor and pulled the rest of its body out slowly. A beast stood at 12 feet tall adjusting to our world as goop grew and shaped its body as people screamed, ran, and stood frozen in fear.
As it looked around it locked its spider-like eyes and swerled around coming out from the portal and twisting and turning around the body as it made its way to its head finding a place to rest. It then locked its eyes with me and its jaw twisted slowly from an ant-like maw to mine and slowly shrunk and it soon took the shape of me and knelt on the floor and spoke to me.
" master. "
I stood in shock as everyone seemed to calm down and watched to see what I would do.

"...umm "

Part two of the noodle demon.
Now that this creature knelt before me I realized that the room I was in was so terrible quietly you could hear everyone's ass get tight in anticipation of what would happen next.
" ...what...are you. "
I spoke carefully to the being that had taken the shape of myself. It still took my breath away and my throat was dry.
The beast was a deep green. The color mixed with shades of grey streaming from it. The longer I looked at it I could see it getting closer to what I looked like shaping itself.
From small flowing green tendrils to an arm they grew as they twisted and made bone then muscle and finally skin.
It locked eyes with me and it smiled deeply at me. As it formed the face finally.
" Your vassle. "
My eyes had not moved to the crowd at all but even though the lights hit the stage so hard it was enveloped in smoke.
The creature's eyes glowed as it answered brightly, not figuratively. This thing's eyes were glowing.
"To serve you, We are bound by blood magic. I am a reflection of your desires, Master, " it said, its voice now a whisper in my mind.
It began to stand up as my grey suit began to form on it and by the time it stood fully up it had copied what I looked like.
" let me explain everything. "
My body frozen in fear woke up with adrenaline as I blinked and a flash of green smoke covered my vision as he teleported right to me face to face.
Its body turned to smoke and went into the slits of my eyes. I felt visions follow me in my peripheral vision but surprisingly no pain followed power filled me and it felt like one hell of a drug.
My body and mind altered.
I was now in a very dark place with no walls or light except my reflection on the floor which waved like water.
I took a step back looking around and back to the reflection of me on the ground.
Soon the water rippled and my reflection fell through the floor like gravity was inverted. he flew upright and water fell off of him as he looked at me as he now stood straight ahead of me. He was just reflecting in the water but now eyed me down.
Collecting my nerves.
I begin to speak.
" what do you want..."
He was still in my form and stood perfectly straight. Now with water dripping from hair.
Slight stubble with hair that hung down and my hazel eyes were not present within him but I was greeted with a swelling acidic green that doubled the size of my pupil.
" to serve you. "
He made no other movement than putting his hands behind his back like a soldier at ease.
I could not tell if it was lying or not.
" that it? "
" I am the embodiment of your fear desires and brilliance. You have shaped me. Your desire for solitude birthed me. I will aid you in shaping the world how you see fit. Your reality becomes mine. "
There was a slight echo in the room as he spoke.
" wait...where are we "
I questioned haphazardly
" your mind. "
An awkward silence was in the air until I spoke
" I just standing on the stage not making a sound? "
He gave me a concerned look.
" no...time has frozen outside for you. You may sleep here without having to in the real world so to others you look as if you never rest and you may think and plan what to do in battle here. For them, it will be about two you not have any knowledge of what I am? "
Suddenly I felt bad like I had encountered someone famous and I had no idea who they were. A slap in the face like a popular kid meeting someone who had never heard of them. Ego shattered.
" ok sorry no. I...don't go around reading about...monsters?"
I felt like was I saying the n-word of the demon realm not knowing if that word was offensive.
He folded his arms a little upset.
"Are you not a warrior? "
" I...just watch TV and cook here and there- "
The demon cut me off
" weak. "
" excuse me? "
" look. I am an immortal being and after a while you get bored. So I'm sorry if I may be a little upset after being bonded with some nobody. "
I got quiet and I was a little annoyed that I was being roasted by some demon that I just met.
Its form wavers and eyes begin to open on its skin. Cheeks forhead etc.
"After being a god for so long it's fun to play with limitations. Makes things extremely exciting. "
" what do you mean by that? "
" look. You can only be so entertained by the same things. Life gets boring and are going to help me with this. I get to have pure entertainment while you get every wish you could ever want. A mutual bond no? "
He then closed his eyes annoyed and the other eyes meshed back to his skin.
" though... the TV is not that is what gets the blood pumping"
I felt the need to quickly change the topic
"Are there others like you? "
The room began to take shape very slowly as the water floor turned to wood and walls went around us.
" of course. You may meet them one day "
Confused and curious I pressed.
"Meet them? "
" yes. Summoning one of us is considered a threat to them. "
He spoke while opening and closing his newly found hand except backward.
" that don't look right "
I quickly responded
" Wait! How is doing that a threat! "
"Well, one doesn't just accidentally Summon one of us to suddenly get powers beyond human control. "
I thought back to how I summoned him by accident with some food I made.
" well...funny story but I summoned you using my breakfast..."
I had never regretted speaking so much as in that moment.
" What... "
Acid dripped from his words. Literally. His pupils split in half and his bottom jaw ripped open like an ant and curved giving sharpness to the bone.
"Please don't kill me. "
The room began to look like a cozy cabin with a fireplace and he slowly went back to normal.
" I would if I could. I've never felt so disrespected. We are bonded by your blood. If you die...I die. "
Suddenly I felt at ease by this new information.
Then a thought came to my mind
" ...God's can die? "
" you did hear me, right? "
The SAS from this guy was unneeded and I was starting to miss him being on his knees as weird as that sounds.
" so...all that power gone.... in an instant... "
" actually God's powers don't just disappear they transfer to whoever killed them...wait...hold up."
He suddenly had an epiphany.
A smile grew on his face and he grabbed my shoulders
" you! You are going to help me kill the other gods! "
He sounded proud but I let him down.
" ha! No. "
" oh come on! Don't be like that. "
He did a pout.
"Look, man. I'm not killing gods for you. Just because you are bored. "
" hey...they might send people to kill you because you bonded with me. "
"What did I ever do to them? "
"They have a system to this stuff. They like to build and watch things play out. You're a problem. That can mess it up. So...they kill be honest, I don't know any other way to explain it, man. You know people normally just use my power to kill people and become a king and know this already. "
"This is outrageous. "
" bro. Look if you do this I will be able to get their powers and you will be able to do so much more than what I offer "
I tilted my head
" what can you do? Know what never mind. I will just talk to them and figure things out. "
He groaned and his form melted down sagging and it shot back up reforming
"Is there not anything that you want? Anything in the world? Gods don't put themselves in physical forms. They give people power and can make beings to hunt you. And if they care enough to come down themself. Ha, good luck."
I stopped and thought about it trying to weigh the options of pissing off higher beings.
Suddenly. I found something.
"Can you bring back the dead..."
He stopped confused.
" "
" then I don't want anything "
" wait! "
He threw his arms out pleading
"I don't...but another God does..."
He crosses his arms smiling. He had left the question hanging letting me reconsider his offer.
I stopped and thought for a while before looking back up to him.
I let out a sigh and looked him in the eyes
" are going to help me get my father back. "
The demon smirked.
submitted by Ok_Coconut_2560 to dontmindthis9 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 23:28 Sandiebre Tips for easing/stopping cough at night

Like what seems like half the population I have that chesty cough going around, I’ve had it for about 10 nights now - all nights have resulted in waking every hour with the cough.
I’ve tried cough medicine, sleepy cough medicine, no cough medicine, Vicks on my chest and back, Vicks in hot water steaming my face before bed, lemsip max, benelyn day and night, night nurse, sleeping elevated, steamy showers at 2am.
Am I missing some kind of secret? I don’t want to go to the doctor for an antibiotic, the phlegm isn’t green it’s just clear and foamy and my cough has eased during the day just at night it is horrendous. Any advice appreciated!
Edit to add I got pretty decent sleep last night after reading some recommendations from you all, here’s what I did: Ginger tea and honey right after dinner (this is my routine anyway), Vicks steam while watching tv before bed, Hot steamy shower just before bed, Vicks on my chest and back, Took an anti histamine (non drowsy - it’s all I had), Made a mix of hot water, honey, cloves and lemon juice (I didn’t have whiskey but it still tasted good), Put the window on the latch for some air flow
Best nights sleep in 10 nights! I’m still wrecked but I’m hoping this is going to knock me out every night now.
submitted by Sandiebre to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:19 Unusual-Village4053 Could it be IBS OR IBD ?

Hello I’m 23 (Male) and for the past three years I’ve been dealing with on and off stomach issues that have made me anxious to know if anyone has had a similar experience. It started with the gradual stomach pain at the top of my stomach between the ribs and some gas after meals. I would have months in where it would flip-flop between diarrhea and constipation.I would go only 1-2 times a day. Stools have also flip-flopped from sometimes being brown to being 2 shades of dark brown and light brown to even yellow or green. The other day I went to the bathroom and white mucus came out with no stool. Now though it has began to get worse with some occasional diarrhea after meals and lately the stomach pain after meals has gotten really bad. I am still going to the bathroom 1-2 times a day with my highest getting to as high as 6 times a day. I’ve done a colonoscopy that came back normal just with hemorrhoids and my most recent Calprotein score being 21. I’ve been officially been diagnosed with IBS but I don’t know sometimes my mind feels like it could be more. I’ve had blood in my stool but my GI thinks it was from the hemorrhoids. Other lab testing has confirmed normal bloodwork.
My reasons for thinking it could be IBD are that my “IBS” symptoms haven’t remained the same. My “safe food” now causes me issues. Drinking even water causes me to have stomach aches. I’ve gotten boils around my groin area with the veins around my eyes starting to show more appearing a bit red and irritated. I’ve been prone to canker sores and have had itching across my body. The corners of my mouth get this white film in the morning and sometimes throughout the day. I can go the whole day without really having an appetite. When I do eat it’s only very small amount. I’m currently in the process of checking on kidney stones because there’s amounts of occult blood in my urine with flank side pain.
Any thoughts I’m tired of being anxious and being labeled crazy I just want a solution to this…..
submitted by Unusual-Village4053 to IBSHelp [link] [comments]