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Everything related to STARGATE: Remote viewing, telepathy, psychic development and lucid dreaming.

2024.05.03 01:53 Peacock-Shah-III The Election of 1948 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

The Election of 1948 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

President La Follette campaigning in California.
Winning the presidency on a platform of silence, Philip La Follette would alienate his party’s anti-war wing immediately with his fierce prosecution of the Third Pacific War. Appointing General Douglas MacArthur as Secretary of State and retaliating to the Japanese usage of two nuclear weapons on American island bases with a series of atomic bombings claiming two million civilian lives, La Follette has presided over the dismantling and occupation of the Japanese Empire along a domestic promise to “Win the Peace” with a policy program including universal healthcare, an interstate highway system, investments into hydroelectric and nuclear energy, and the forced sterilization of criminals and the mentally ill. Amidst the fastest growing economy in national history, albeit one plagued by double digit inflation rates, the President has clashed with erstwhile supporters as he seeks to enshrine constitutionally the New State’s expansion of executive power, fueling efforts from opponents across the spectrum to pave their path to the White House of a burgeoning republic.
Surviving a fierce primary challenge from labor leader John L. Lewis that culminated in the most violent national convention in American history, 51 year old incumbent President Philip Fox La Follette has been renominated by the Farmer-Labor Party alongside 51 year old Vice President Michael A. Musmanno, despite rebellions from much of the party’s grassroots organization following La Follette’s call to make Farmer-Labor a middle class party of collaboration rather than one focused on working class interests and an effort by his supporters to purge CIO-affiliated and pro-John L. Lewis members of the Farmer-Labor National Committee. La Follette has barnstormed the nation to appeal to voters to “win the peace” and grant him a second term to bring to fulfillment the promises of Lindbergh’s New State, regularly posing for photos with sickened patients to highlight his argument for the need for universal healthcare and arguing to unionized workers the need for an employers’ union alongside the maintenance of General Trades Union nationalization. Meanwhile, Vice President Musmanno has targeted major cities to court ethnic voters as the administration has sent its message through the media, where the Hearst and McClatchy media empires have endorsed the President, alongside the Blackshirts famously embroiled in convention night violence on the President’s behalf. More controversially, opponents have accused La Follette of utilizing the machinery of the nationalized General Trades Union to promote his own candidacy, while others accuse the Farmer-Labor President of hypocrisy, pointing to a set of thousand dollar European golden goblets owned by First Lady Isen.

Presumed dead and having lived for a decade under the alias James Hay, Ben Gitlow would return to the scene in 1934 with a book that would restart his career with a dramatic shift from the left to the right.
A decade and a half after returning from presumed death to denounce his revolution in I Confess, 57 year old anti-communist polemicist, former Representative, and former leader of the Bronx Soviet Benjamin Gitlow has been nominated by the nation’s Progressive and Federalist Parties after uniting the party’s interventionist Luceite and center right Progressive wings against Fulgencio Batista; a member of the Progressive organization, Gitlow has selected 49 year old Federalist Iowa Governor H.R. Gross as his running mate. Aided by a widely syndicated speech by actor Clark Gable, Gitlow has run his campaign akin to the thousands of speeches and lectures he has given since his return, with the man who once coined the term “New American Revolution” portraying himself as repentant as he conjures vivid images of the Bolshevik brutality that sent his one time idol Nikolai Bukharin to the grave, arguing that the communism he once fought for and the fascism of Howard represent two poles of authoritarianism irreconcilable with American liberal democracy. Utilizing his upbringing as the son of impoverished Jewish immigrants to appeal to the masses, Gitlow has campaigned alongside erstwhile Farmer-Laborites such as Senator J. Bracken Lee, who has implored anti-La Follette members of his party to back Gitlow over Batista, and celebrities such as aviator Eddie Rickenbacker. Further, Gitlow has taken moderate positions on issues such as universal healthcare, promising a market based path to universal coverage.
Declaring that “reactionaries ride on the totalitarian juggernaut…economic security and freedom go hand in hand, only through the democratic process can both be achieved,” Gitlow has invoked images of American exceptionalism in vows to act quickly to dismantle the New State and weaken executive authority while promising “massive resistance” to mitigate the spread of communism and fascism domestically and abroad, investigate communists in government, grant immediate statehood to the far north territory of Tannenbaum, denationalize trade unions, and to “not be taken in by talk about peace, arguing that such rhetoric serves Soviet interests. Despite his fierce campaigning and successful fundraising, unrepentant revolutionary sympathizers and some members of the right alike have denounced him for his political turn and questioned his fitness for the presidency as a former insurrectionist, while others have criticized Gitlow for claiming that housewives are most susceptible to authoritarian ideologies. Further, although President La Follette has denounced anti-semitism, certain supporters such as Charles Coughlin have drawn attention to Gitlow’s Jewish ethnicity, though the candidate himself has identified as an evangelical Christian and, despite criticizing many missionaries as being susceptible to communist influence, Gitlow has attempted to break Farmer-Labor’s traditional hold on the religious politics of the Fourth Great Awakening by campaigning with controversial preacher Carl McIntire of the anti-communist organization Christian Crusade in response to critiques from General George Saladin Patton, the nation’s most prominent Muslim.

Liberty League campaign poster.
In an attempt to breathe life into the Commonwealth alliance of old, both the Single Tax and Liberty League organizations have nominated 68 year old Cherokee comedian and 1928 Commonwealth presidential nominee Will Rogers for the presidency. In a concession to the group’s libertarian leadership, Suzanne La Follette, a cousin of the President, has been nominated as Rogers’ running mate on the Liberty League line while most Single Tax groups have endorsed California’s Jerry Voorhis, although the Illinois affiliate has nominated Governor Paul Douglas. Rogers, alone among the major candidates, has fiercely condemned the atomic bombings of Japan as murderous, while campaigning as the paragon of the common man and calling for a bottom-up redistributionist tax policy, proportional representation, a non-interventionist foreign policy caveated by support for a new League of Nations, the denationalization of unions, congressional representation for native tribes, the importance of religion to social morality, and, in a blow to his own Liberty League backers, campaign finance regulations. Mocking President La Follette as a want-to-be Milford W. Howard, Rogers has collaborated with Ben Gitlow to coordinate united tickets in swing states, urge strategic voting, and campaign together against the perceived dangers of fascism, with the specter of cooperation in a possible contingent election hanging over their heads. However, Rogers himself has been defensive of both France’s Marshall Petain and Milford W. Howard’s fascist Alabama in the past, humorously musing whether a benevolent dictatorship is ideal.
Driven to mass popularity by his sensational tales of entrance into the hollow center of the Earth, filigreed with claims of dinosaur inhabited plains open for conquest, 60 year old Antarctic explorer, Admiral, and former Secretary of the Navy Richard E. Byrd has been hoisted into a spirited campaign by supporters under the Scientific Government banner that nearly carried his brother Harry to the Virginia governorship, despite the urbane Virginia aristocrat standing as an awkward leader for his deeply populist supporters. A committed small government liberal conservative on mainstream issues, Byrd has focused his campaign on promises to harness the resources of the Hollow Earth alongside other conspiracy minded concepts such as an investigation into unidentified flying objects (UFOs). 45 year old Raymond W. Bernard, President of the American Hollow Earth Society, has been nominated as the Admiral’s running mate in most states, although several such as Missouri instead have 75 year old Mormon Apostle David O. McKay in an attempt to wrest from President La Follette the Mormon vote and win an intra-Church struggle with pro-La Follette elements led by John Y. Barlow.

A young Richard E. Byrd in Antarctica.
Last among the major candidates is 47 year old Cuba Governor Fulgencio Batista, a military protege of the famed Rafael Trujillo, who led supporters to bolt from the Progressive-Federalist organization after facing certain defeat at the convention despite a first place showing in the primaries, who has been nominated on the Social Labor line alongside W.A. “Tony” Boyle, a protege of John L. Lewis, whose endorsement of the Batista ticket has carried it to newfound legitimacy. Campaigning on the slogan Lock Up Lindy!,” Batista has denounced former President Lindbergh for his purging of accused war criminals in the military, including Batista’s mentor Trujillo, and thus has both promised to prosecute Lindbergh for criminal negligence and has accused La Follette of being a traitor for his support of Lindbergh. In a populist campaign claiming to have bridged nationalism and socialism, Batista has accused Gitlow of being too conservative and launched vituperations on his ties to the Christian Right, noting Batista’s clashes with the Catholic Church in Cuba. Legalizing gambling and refusing to enforce anti-prostitution measures, Batista has become infamous for his extensive ties to organized crime, but has won over Lewis and his CIO with the Cuban’s support for independent trade unionism and his willingness to hoist Lewis to power in the labor movement once more.
Among minor candidates, several possibilities have emerged with limited support or ballot access. Firstly, committed socialists unwilling to compromise in support of Gitlow or join the CIO’s conservative wing in supporting Governor Batista have managed to secure in several states ballot access for 51 year old Catholic Worker editor Dorothy Day and De Leonist activist Georgia Cozzini, herself ineligible due to being only 33. Endorsing a complete transition to a socialist and eventually anarchist economy, Day has promoted the consistent life ethic and called for nuclear disarmament, universal healthcare, pacifism, and federal restrictions on abortion. Finally, followers of the Church of Immanuel have placed their messiah Manuel Herrick of Texas on the ballot in several plains states alongside ally Wallace Dodd Fard, who have campaigned on declaring Herrick to be god and thus legally the nation’s supreme power in light of the Jesus Amendment.
Note: In order to accurately represent limitations on ballot access, the tickets of Dorothy Day/Georgia Cozzini or Manuel Herrick/Wallace Dodd Fard may only receive votes through write-ins.
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2024.05.03 01:27 auntiestarshinetalks Embrace Diversity

Embrace Diversity
Many years ago, I worked at an office, where a young non-verbal girl would visit frequently, with her mother. At each visit, I would talk to her. I learned how her day was going, her interests, likes and dislikes, I even learned the name of her pet. The biggest thing that I learned was a bit of sign language, that I still remember. That is how diversity can impact our lives.
Diversity refers to the presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society. These qualities and attributes can include but are not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.
Embracing diversity means recognizing, respecting, and valuing these differences among individuals. It's about creating environments where everyone feels included, empowered, and able to contribute their unique perspectives, experiences, and talents.
In workplaces, diversity is often seen as an asset because it fosters innovation, creativity, and problem-solving by bringing together people with different viewpoints and skills. Similarly, in societies, diversity enriches communities by promoting understanding, tolerance, and collaboration across various groups.
Embracing diversity offers numerous personal benefits, including:
Expanded Perspective: Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds exposes you to different viewpoints, experiences, and ways of thinking. This broadens your perspective and helps you see the world from various angles, enhancing your critical thinking skills and decision-making abilities.
Cultural Enrichment: Engaging with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds allows you to learn about different customs, traditions, languages, and cuisines. This exposure enriches your cultural knowledge and appreciation, fostering a deeper understanding and respect for people from different cultures.
Personal Growth: Embracing diversity often involves stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging your preconceived notions and biases. This process of self-reflection and growth can lead to increased empathy, open-mindedness, and adaptability, which are valuable qualities for personal development and building meaningful relationships.
Enhanced Communication Skills: Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds requires effective communication and interpersonal skills. By navigating cultural differences and finding common ground, you can improve your communication abilities, including active listening, empathy, and cultural sensitivity.
Professional Development: In today's globalized world, workplaces are increasingly diverse. Embracing diversity can enhance your professional skills and marketability, as you learn to collaborate effectively with colleagues from different backgrounds and adapt to diverse work environments. Additionally, diverse teams often outperform homogeneous ones, leading to greater innovation and success.
Increased Resilience: Embracing diversity may involve encountering challenges or disagreements due to cultural differences or misunderstandings. However, navigating these challenges can help build resilience and conflict resolution skills, enabling you to thrive in diverse environments and overcome obstacles more effectively.
Overall, embracing diversity not only enriches your personal life but also equips you with valuable skills and perspectives that can benefit you in various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal growth.
Enhanced Problem-Solving and Innovation: Diversity fosters the exchange of varied perspectives and ideas, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions to problems. In professional settings, diverse teams are often better equipped to innovate and adapt to challenges, ultimately driving success.
Broader Networks: Engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds expands your social and professional networks. These connections can offer new opportunities, insights, and support systems that can accelerate personal and professional growth.
Cultural Competence: In an increasingly interconnected world, cultural competence is becoming a crucial skill. Embracing diversity enhances your ability to navigate cross-cultural interactions with sensitivity and respect, which is invaluable in global business, diplomacy, and personal relationships.
Marketability: Companies and organizations are placing greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Individuals who demonstrate a commitment to embracing diversity are often more attractive to employers and clients who value diverse perspectives and inclusive work environments.
Social Impact: By actively promoting diversity and inclusion in your personal and professional spheres, you contribute to positive social change. This can lead to greater fulfillment knowing that you are helping to create a more equitable and inclusive society for future generations.
Becoming more welcoming of diversity involves both self-reflection and taking proactive steps to foster an inclusive environment. Here are some steps you can take:
Examine Your Beliefs and Biases: Reflect on your own beliefs, attitudes, and biases regarding different cultures, identities, and perspectives. Recognize that everyone holds biases, and commit to challenging and unlearning any stereotypes or prejudices you may have.
Educate Yourself: Take the initiative to educate yourself about different cultures, identities, and experiences. Read books, watch films, listen to podcasts, and engage with diverse voices to broaden your understanding and empathy.
Listen and Learn: Actively listen to individuals from diverse backgrounds and seek to understand their experiences and perspectives. Practice empathy and avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes or limited knowledge.
Cultivate Curiosity: Approach interactions with curiosity and an open mind. Ask questions respectfully and be willing to engage in conversations about cultural differences, experiences, and perspectives.
Expand Your Social Circle: Seek out opportunities to connect with people from diverse backgrounds in your community, workplace, or social circles. Attend cultural events, join diverse groups or organizations, and participate in activities that expose you to different cultures and perspectives.
Speak Up Against Discrimination: Take a stand against discrimination and injustice when you encounter it. Use your voice to advocate for equality, fairness, and inclusion, whether it's in conversations with friends and family or in larger social and professional settings.
Challenge Stereotypes: Be mindful of the language you use and avoid perpetuating stereotypes or assumptions about people based on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other identities. Instead, celebrate the diversity of human experiences and identities.
Support Diversity Initiatives: Get involved in initiatives and organizations that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. This could involve volunteering, supporting diversity-focused policies and programs, or advocating for systemic change within your workplace or community.
Reflect on Your Privilege: Take time to reflect on your own privileges and how they may influence your perspectives and experiences. Acknowledge the systemic inequalities that exist and commit to using your privilege to uplift marginalized voices and promote equity.
Be Open to Feedback: Be receptive to feedback from others, especially from individuals from marginalized or underrepresented groups. Use feedback as an opportunity for growth and learning, and be willing to make changes to become a more inclusive and welcoming person.
There isn't a widely recognized "Diversity Quotient" like there is for IQ (Intelligence Quotient) or EQ (Emotional Quotient), the concept of measuring one's understanding and embrace of diversity is increasingly gaining attention. Some organizations and researchers have developed assessments to gauge individuals' attitudes, related to diversity and inclusion.
Embracing diversity fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance, both for yourself and others. This can lead to greater satisfaction in relationships, career fulfillment, and overall well-being.
Diversity not only enriches individual lives but also contributes to collective success by encouraging innovation, expanding networks, and promoting cultural understanding and inclusion.
Diversity is a complex and multifaceted concept that goes beyond a simple metric. True diversity and inclusion involve ongoing learning, self-reflection, and action to create equitable and inclusive environments for all, regardless of their backgrounds or identities.
Becoming more welcoming of diversity requires a commitment to continuous learning, empathy, and advocacy for social justice and equity.
By embracing diversity and committing to ongoing learning and growth, you can contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable world.
I hope these tips aid you in your journey toward life success, whatever that looks like for you.
submitted by auntiestarshinetalks to SUCCESSANDLIFE [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:25 auntiestarshinetalks Embrace Diversity

Many years ago, I worked at an office, where a young non-verbal girl would visit frequently, with her mother. At each visit, I would talk to her. I learned how her day was going, her interests, likes and dislikes, I even learned the name of her pet. The biggest thing that I learned was a bit of sign language, that I still remember. That is how diversity can impact our lives.
Diversity refers to the presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society. These qualities and attributes can include but are not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.
Embracing diversity means recognizing, respecting, and valuing these differences among individuals. It's about creating environments where everyone feels included, empowered, and able to contribute their unique perspectives, experiences, and talents.
In workplaces, diversity is often seen as an asset because it fosters innovation, creativity, and problem-solving by bringing together people with different viewpoints and skills. Similarly, in societies, diversity enriches communities by promoting understanding, tolerance, and collaboration across various groups.
Embracing diversity offers numerous personal benefits, including:
Expanded Perspective: Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds exposes you to different viewpoints, experiences, and ways of thinking. This broadens your perspective and helps you see the world from various angles, enhancing your critical thinking skills and decision-making abilities.
Cultural Enrichment: Engaging with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds allows you to learn about different customs, traditions, languages, and cuisines. This exposure enriches your cultural knowledge and appreciation, fostering a deeper understanding and respect for people from different cultures.
Personal Growth: Embracing diversity often involves stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging your preconceived notions and biases. This process of self-reflection and growth can lead to increased empathy, open-mindedness, and adaptability, which are valuable qualities for personal development and building meaningful relationships.
Enhanced Communication Skills: Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds requires effective communication and interpersonal skills. By navigating cultural differences and finding common ground, you can improve your communication abilities, including active listening, empathy, and cultural sensitivity.
Professional Development: In today's globalized world, workplaces are increasingly diverse. Embracing diversity can enhance your professional skills and marketability, as you learn to collaborate effectively with colleagues from different backgrounds and adapt to diverse work environments. Additionally, diverse teams often outperform homogeneous ones, leading to greater innovation and success.
Increased Resilience: Embracing diversity may involve encountering challenges or disagreements due to cultural differences or misunderstandings. However, navigating these challenges can help build resilience and conflict resolution skills, enabling you to thrive in diverse environments and overcome obstacles more effectively.
Overall, embracing diversity not only enriches your personal life but also equips you with valuable skills and perspectives that can benefit you in various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal growth.
Enhanced Problem-Solving and Innovation: Diversity fosters the exchange of varied perspectives and ideas, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions to problems. In professional settings, diverse teams are often better equipped to innovate and adapt to challenges, ultimately driving success.
Broader Networks: Engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds expands your social and professional networks. These connections can offer new opportunities, insights, and support systems that can accelerate personal and professional growth.
Cultural Competence: In an increasingly interconnected world, cultural competence is becoming a crucial skill. Embracing diversity enhances your ability to navigate cross-cultural interactions with sensitivity and respect, which is invaluable in global business, diplomacy, and personal relationships.
Marketability: Companies and organizations are placing greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Individuals who demonstrate a commitment to embracing diversity are often more attractive to employers and clients who value diverse perspectives and inclusive work environments.
Social Impact: By actively promoting diversity and inclusion in your personal and professional spheres, you contribute to positive social change. This can lead to greater fulfillment knowing that you are helping to create a more equitable and inclusive society for future generations.
Becoming more welcoming of diversity involves both self-reflection and taking proactive steps to foster an inclusive environment. Here are some steps you can take:
Examine Your Beliefs and Biases: Reflect on your own beliefs, attitudes, and biases regarding different cultures, identities, and perspectives. Recognize that everyone holds biases, and commit to challenging and unlearning any stereotypes or prejudices you may have.
Educate Yourself: Take the initiative to educate yourself about different cultures, identities, and experiences. Read books, watch films, listen to podcasts, and engage with diverse voices to broaden your understanding and empathy.
Listen and Learn: Actively listen to individuals from diverse backgrounds and seek to understand their experiences and perspectives. Practice empathy and avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes or limited knowledge.
Cultivate Curiosity: Approach interactions with curiosity and an open mind. Ask questions respectfully and be willing to engage in conversations about cultural differences, experiences, and perspectives.
Expand Your Social Circle: Seek out opportunities to connect with people from diverse backgrounds in your community, workplace, or social circles. Attend cultural events, join diverse groups or organizations, and participate in activities that expose you to different cultures and perspectives.
Speak Up Against Discrimination: Take a stand against discrimination and injustice when you encounter it. Use your voice to advocate for equality, fairness, and inclusion, whether it's in conversations with friends and family or in larger social and professional settings.
Challenge Stereotypes: Be mindful of the language you use and avoid perpetuating stereotypes or assumptions about people based on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other identities. Instead, celebrate the diversity of human experiences and identities.
Support Diversity Initiatives: Get involved in initiatives and organizations that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. This could involve volunteering, supporting diversity-focused policies and programs, or advocating for systemic change within your workplace or community.
Reflect on Your Privilege: Take time to reflect on your own privileges and how they may influence your perspectives and experiences. Acknowledge the systemic inequalities that exist and commit to using your privilege to uplift marginalized voices and promote equity.
Be Open to Feedback: Be receptive to feedback from others, especially from individuals from marginalized or underrepresented groups. Use feedback as an opportunity for growth and learning, and be willing to make changes to become a more inclusive and welcoming person.
There isn't a widely recognized "Diversity Quotient" like there is for IQ (Intelligence Quotient) or EQ (Emotional Quotient), the concept of measuring one's understanding and embrace of diversity is increasingly gaining attention. Some organizations and researchers have developed assessments to gauge individuals' attitudes, related to diversity and inclusion.
Embracing diversity fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance, both for yourself and others. This can lead to greater satisfaction in relationships, career fulfillment, and overall well-being.
Diversity not only enriches individual lives but also contributes to collective success by encouraging innovation, expanding networks, and promoting cultural understanding and inclusion.
Diversity is a complex and multifaceted concept that goes beyond a simple metric. True diversity and inclusion involve ongoing learning, self-reflection, and action to create equitable and inclusive environments for all, regardless of their backgrounds or identities.
Becoming more welcoming of diversity requires a commitment to continuous learning, empathy, and advocacy for social justice and equity.
By embracing diversity and committing to ongoing learning and growth, you can contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable world.
I hope these tips aid you in your journey toward life success, whatever that looks like for you.
submitted by auntiestarshinetalks to u/auntiestarshinetalks [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:15 ar_david_hh US House reps call for military aid to Armenia, $200 million refugee assistance; Azerbaijan on "watchlist" \\ Russia's stance on Tavush delimitation \\ Police Guard: reforms \\ EAEU trade \\ Turnover tax reform \\ $125M refugee aid \\ IT workforce \\ RU-AZ alliance

13-minute read.

did/does Russia support or oppose the ongoing Tavush border delimitation process?

Some pro-West figures in Armenia believe that Russia is against this delimitation process because that would further reduce the need to have Russian boots in those regions, and Armenian government member(s) have publicly stated that there will be no need for Russians to stay there. Others cite a recent statement made by Russian MFA spokeswoman Zakharova to suggest Russia supports the delimitation. Others believe Russia organized this delimitation process by using its "puppet" Mher Grigoryan - the head of the Armenian border commission.
Let's recall the events.
March 18: PM Pashinyan announces a plan to delimit the borders and to start it from Tavush. Says the chance of a war is high if Armenia doesn't return the 4 (2.5) Soviet-era Azerbaijani villages where civilians used to live.
March 20, Moscow, Zakharova: There is a mechanism for delimitation and Russia is ready to assist the parties with our expertise. We are ready to cooperate [suggests that Russia is not currently part of that process]. That is the role we could play. Now regarding the role we certainly do NOT play today. We have nothing to do with the decisions voiced by the Armenian government. Do me a favor, understand and remember, that whatever Pashinyan said, must not and cannot be associated with Russia. Armenia held no consultations with Russia in advance, no contacts, this is an exclusively Armenian decision based on Yerevan's consultations with the West. This is the West's zone of responsibility. The questions on what agreements they have reached, what the [West] was pushing Armenia to accept, should be directed at Yerevan. The Armenian government should not blame Russia for this. //
Fast forward to April 19. Armenian government announces a breakthrough agreement with Azerbaijan. Territorial-wise, it is more favorable for Armenia than many expected, with Armenia maintaining control of crucial roads and most of the Soviet-Azerbaijani territories during this phase of the delimitation.
Following this agreement and the successful launch of the border marking process, Russia's Zakharova makes a generic statement welcoming any diplomatic effort: "Let me remind you of our [Russia's] traditional position. We support the settlement of all issues related to the demarcation of the state border between Azerbaijan and Armenia, without exception, exclusively by political-diplomatic methods."
Do you believe Russia organized, supported, or truly supports this process? Leave your opinion in the comments below.
video, source, source,

Armenia's ruling party met Ben Cardin, the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee

A delegation of ranking ruling MPs and Armenia's Ambassador Lilith Makunts were hosted by Senator Cardin on Wednesday.
They discussed the AM-AZ peace process and the Crossroads of Peace regional logistics project that aims to lift the blockade on Armenia.
Cardin expressed support for Armenia's sovereignty and democracy and expressed willingness to further deepen the US-AM relations.

tens of U.S. Representatives urge Congressional Appropriators to allocate $200 million for Artsakh refugees

66 members of the House want to...
(1) Expand the US military aid to Armenia. $20M in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and $10M in International Military Education and Training (IMET).
(2) Suspend all US military and security aid to Azerbaijan.
(3) Urge Blinken to develop a potential sanctions package against the Azerbaijani regime.
(4) $200M for Nagorno-Karabakh refugees.
(5) $10M for law enforcement reforms in INCLE
(6) $10M in democratic reforms under OTI
ANCA welcomed the letter by the Congress members:
With tens of billions of American dollars being shipped overseas to crisis zones around the world, the less than $20 million that President Biden has set aside – but not yet allocated – for displaced Artsakh Armenians is truly an embarrassment

United States Commission on International Religious Freedom recommends listing Azerbaijan among "countries of particular concern" like Afghanistan, North Korea, and Cuba

The USCIRF made that recommendation to the US government in its 2024 Annual report.
It also urges the US government to allocate funds to restore, preserve, and protect Armenian religious and cultural sites in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The report notes that in 2023 the Azerbaijani government continued to pose a threat to religious sites in Nagorno-Karabakh. For example, the chairman of Azerbaijan's official State Committee for Work on Religious Affairs Mubariz Gurbanli urged Armenian Apostolic priests to leave the Dadivank Monastery, falsely claiming that they had no ties to the religious site.

U.S. Treasury Department sanctions an Azerbaijani business for assisting Russia to bypass the weapons sanctions

An Azerbaijani company is accused of acting as an intermediary to negotiate and execute business deals on behalf of sanctioned Russian entities.
source, source,

Azerbaijani president Aliyev praises Russia's role in "ensuring security" in Caucasus and globally

Ilham Aliyev hosted the Russian Senate's deputy leader Kosachev and the head of the Eurasian Integration Committee Leonid Kalashnikov.
RUSSIAN SENATOR: President Aliyev's insightful speech at the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue regarding the restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and [the anti-French speech about] neo-colonialism were very relevant under today's conditions. Mr. Aliyev's recent visit to Moscow was very successful.
ILHAM ALIYEV: My visit to Moscow was very productive and it once again displayed the strategic nature of the Russian-Azerbaijani alliance. As neighboring states, we provide maximum support to one another. Russia plays an important role in ensuring security not only in the region but also in the wider area.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Ukraine discussed bilateral and regional issues over the phone

Emphasizing the efforts to achieve lasting peace and stability in the South Caucasus, Ararat Mirzoyan attached importance to the unconditional respect for the principle of territorial integrity in the process of border delimitation, the commitment to the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration and the position expressed by international partners

Armenian government approves the package to establish Police Guard as part of ongoing police reforms

EXECUTIVE: Purely police service will be created with new weapons and trained personnel in accordance with international standards, which will be entrusted with the maintenance of public order and public safety, the protection of state buildings and important objects, the escorting of delegations provided for by the state protocol, as well as ensuring the legal regime of martial law and state of emergency.
At the same time, the adoption of the drafts will contribute to more effective realization of the right of citizens to hold assemblies, and will exclude the risks of use of disproportionate force against participants of rallies.
INTERIOR MINISTRY: Police Guard will be one of the 4 pillars of the police reforms [Patrol Police, Police Guard,...]. We have been working with the Council of Europe and Armenian NGOs to develop this reform. It has received a positive evaluation from international observers.
The Police Guard will have civilian management and be monitored by the parliament. In comparison, the existing Police Forces operate under a different code. The Police Guard will be formed as an entirely new structure and won't be a legal successor of another division.
New international standards will be implemented for the use of force and weapons. This will come to replace "inaccurate" formulations in the existing structures.
Today we have reports about a disproportionate amount of force being used by police, or other inappropriate conduct. That is because these police officers were never trained and educated for years. The Police Guard applicants will receive training on how to ethically communicate with citizens during mass events, how to negotiate with citizens, what the citizens' rights are, etc.
The main law will go into effect in September, launching a process of bringing other laws in line with the new code. The head of the Police Guard will be appointed in January 2025; it will be fully formed two months later. We decided to do it slowly so as not to compromise the quality and to give enough time for applicants to study and join the service.
PASHINYAN: This is the next important reform in the police. We have decided to do it slowly but accurately. We need to standardize how much force the police can use and when. The correct boundaries will protect not only citizens but also the officers who will avoid harsh consequences by not overstepping their boundaries.
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Armenia and US extend agreement on cooperation in the area of counterproliferation of weapons of mass destruction

MOD Papikyan hosted Ambassador Kvien. They discussed the current state of AM-US relations and future developments.
The US expressed readiness to continue to support defense reforms in Armenia.

Armenia will join an EAEU mechanism to identify the true origin of goods

There is a unified system of determining the origin of goods that helps streamline the movement of goods.
EXECUTIVE: This will significantly facilitate trade, as goods from the EAEU member states, as well as from countries that have or are planning free trade agreements with the EAEU, will undergo minimal inspections and enjoy favorable trade regimes. The unified system will simplify the procedure for processing documents.

the government discusses changes to the tax code for businesses

FINANCE MINISTER: (1) We need to raise the turnover tax rate to reduce the difference in tax burden compared to the VAT/profit taxation system. (2) Turnover taxpayers should improve their documentation discipline. (3) Certain types of activities won't enjoy the privileges of microbusinesses and turnover tax. The latter must be more targeted.
As you know, the purpose of the turnover tax system was to simplify the tax system and have a milder approach to certain businesses. However, the research shows that the turnover tax system has turned into a system of "privilege". We compared the tax burden under profit/VAT and turnover systems and found that in almost every sector, the profit/VAT burden was much heavier than the turnover-based burden, ranging from 2-3x.
Moreover, recent years' experience with turnover tax and microbusiness shows that these systems often include types of business activities that resemble activities that are prohibited under the turnover tax system.
Therefore, it is necessary to double the turnover tax for most cases to address the aforementioned issues.
the tax rate for trade enterprises will be set at 10%, for production enterprises - 7%, and for the catering sector - 12%. At the same time, the limit for turnover tax will remain unchanged at 120 million drams per year (equivalent to about $300 thousand), and if the business exceeds this threshold, it will be forced to switch to VAT and profit tax
At the same time, the final turnover tax rate will be lower in practice than the existing rates for certain businesses that properly document their activities.
retailers will be able to reduce their minimum tax rate from 1.5% to 1%, manufacturing companies from 3.5% to 3%, and the catering sector from 4% to 3.5%. Full report.
As of 2022, we had 56,000 businesses paying turnover tax. That's twice the number of businesses in the profit/VAT system. These turnover-based businesses paid only 2.3% of the share last year. This is a very low number. We need the tax system to be fair.
PASHINYAN: Our conclusion is that the turnover tax system has been promoting bad motivations. Our goal was to allow businesses to grow so we believed that by providing certain privileges, certain trampolines, to allow people to "kickstart" their businesses, it would allow them to grow and in turn grow the economy. The goal was to allow them to grow and exit the turnover tax system and enter the VAT system.
Today the turnover tax threshold is ֏120M so you pay turnover tax for under ֏120M, and VAT for turnover above ֏120M. For microbusinesses the annual turnover threshold is ֏24M.
The research shows that as soon as the business reaches this threshold, instead of using the trampoline to jump, it for some reason hits the brakes. It turns out that how well businesses perform on paper is mysteriously tied to whatever threshold we set. The turnover reaches ֏118.5M but never crosses ֏120M. This system promotes a shadowy economy.
It is time to gradually abolish the turnover tax system and set healthy motivations for businesses. If we want to have a country, we have to collect taxes. Having an independent state is the most expensive project in the world. Every looma you pay to the tax authority helps strengthen Armenia.
IRS CHIEF: Another amendment sets January 1, 2025, as a deadline for turnover tax businesses to improve their paperwork discipline. If we find discrepancies in the business's product inventory not explained by paperwork, we will be able to demand a 20% tax.
PASHINYAN: I don't get it. This system existed since the early 2000s. Does that mean for 20 years the tax code promoted and allowed illegal activities and we're fixing it only in 2025?
IRS CHIEF: (nods in approval)
PASHINYAN: Why did we not fix it sooner, after 2018? Can anyone explain how it slipped through the cracks? This is why we need to develop Armenia's institutions. This problem is everywhere. We have thousands of state employees presenting daily nonsense reports but not the important things. Sometimes I read stacks of documents, never understand anything at the end, and develop the impression that it's a ploy to keep you distracted from the important. Why are you grinning right now? I know you have all experienced this. Let's fix this.
We must step-by-step abolish the turnover tax and establish one taxation system in Armenia. Businesses that require help will receive help, but we must end this economic deformity. //
full, source,

government authorizes allocation of another $125 million to assist Nagorno-Karabakh refugees

It will keep the monthly payments going until December.

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan could swap parts of their territories to address border demarcation issues

KYRGYZSTAN: It's possible, but only after discussing it with border villagers. The border delimitation work is reaching its end. We have seen two conflicts and we have sustained losses among civilians and servicemen. People are concerned and there is fear among the border populations on both sides. In some regions, the border passes through communities but it's necessary to make mutual concessions, without which it will be impossible to resolve this.

Russia expands the scope of anti-migrant retaliation to include citizens of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan

About a thousand Tajik citizens, many of whom were students studying in Russian universities, were detained at the airports and borders. Now the same is happening to Uzbek and Kyrgyz citizens.
Russian NGO: The migrants are being arrested at the airport. They have accumulated around 4,500 people at airports since April 24, and a similar number was blocked on land borders. This is the first time restrictions are applied at this scale. We receive letters that the travelers are left without food, water, and toilet, and that their cellphones are being taken away without an explanation. Some of them got deported within 2 days, while others had to wait a week. //
Foreign ministries of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have urged their citizens not to travel to Russia. Tajikistan's MFA sent a note of protest to the Russian embassy.

Georgia’s Western trajectory is at risk: U.S. government

STATE DEPT: The United States condemns the Kremlin-inspired “foreign influence” legislation advanced in Georgia’s parliament and the false narrative government officials have adopted to defend it.
Members of the ruling party have been clear that the intent of the law is to silence critical voices and destroy Georgia’s vibrant civil society, which serves as a critical check on government in any democratic nation.
The statements and actions of the Georgian government are incompatible with the democratic values that underpin membership in the EU and NATO
Comments mischaracterizing foreign assistance in Georgia – which we have provided for 32 years to strengthen Georgia’s economy, democracy, and ability to deter Russian aggression – fundamentally undermine the strong relationship.

What is happening in Georgia? Protests continue in Tbilisi over the "foreign agent" bill.

The government says the law is necessary to protect the country from foreign influence and that it could be revoked/amended later if the EU decides to accept Georgia. The opposition says it's a Russian-style law that aims to punish pro-West NGOs and will derail Georgia's path to the EU.
UGULAVA (ex-mayor of Tbilisi): The vast majority of the population is against this law. If you take the speech by the ruling party leader Bidzina Ivanishvili and replace "Georgia" with "Russia", it won't be any different than the speeches made by Vladimir Putin. Ivanishvili publicly announced that the West is the enemy of Georgia. He even distorted history and announced that the 2003 Rose Revolution was a Western conspiracy. That is an identical copy of how Putin described the revolution. This angered many Georgians, who felt that they didn't "sign up" for this. Modern Georgians have two elements that shaped their identity: (1) Georgia is part of Europe and is a European nation, (2) the Georgian identity was formed during the struggle against the Russian Empire. The separation from the Empire was the biggest achievement of the 20th century.
Ivanishvili also announced that the October elections are a "formality" and that he plans to arrest his opponents as part of a "de-Nazification" crackdown. He plans to declare [Saakashvili's] United National Movement as an illegal organization. He said it point blank during his public speech. [needs fact-check]
REPORTER (RainTV, Russian opposition): Many observers have indeed noted how open and direct Ivanishvili's confrontation was with the West in his speech. He almost promised repressions against the opposition.
UGULAVA: This is a Putinization of Georgia. They have declared Georgia as part of the "Russian world" that must fight for traditional values, etc. but the population is against this en masse. Over 100,000 protesters took to the streets of Tbilisi, which is not a large city.
May 17 is Diversity Day [against anti-LGBT hatred] but the church wants to convert it to Family Day. They are provoking. On that day they [traditional value defenders] often organize mass unrest. This is what Putin does. Ivanishvili, the reactionaries at church, and Putin are operating in tandem.
source, [source,]

9th Crusade is officially launched in Armenia

Robert Kocharyan's MP son Levon Kocharyan's assistant released a statement after assaulting a pro-government journalist over a report critical of an opposition churchman and his involvement in businesses. Context in May 1 news.
KOCHARYAN's ASSISTANT: Yes, there was an incident between us. This young man has adopted a mission to discredit the church, which is unacceptable for me as an Armenian, as a Christian. I attempted to explain this to him in the backyard of the parliament building. It is my duty as an Armenian to defend the church. Spreading falsehoods about the church and its figures is an act void of morality. He accused me of the same, so I punched him once [you telling on yourself, bud, get a fucking lawyer]. He fell to the ground. He got up and started screaming at me but I didn't fall for his provocations. He yelled and said "but I didn't touch you". I told him "you touched my church", that's the same as touching me. //
He has been jailed for 2 months pending a trial.
full, source,

Edmon Marutyan has released a statement in support of opposition church figures and delimitation protesters


update on "ծակվավ" story

The opposition activist who was seen poking a van's tire in Tavush is charged with a crime, and so is a 17-year-old who gave him the knife. Context in April 27 news.

the construction of Park of Life is underway in Yerevan: VIDEO

Dedicated to soldiers, it will be located in Yerevan's Botanical Garden. There will be a pond, newly renovated cascade stairs, alleys, and a parking lot for 180 cars.

what share of the IT workforce is Armenian?

Last year there were 34,000 registered IT workers, a +62% YoY.
44 percentage points of the 62% increase was caused by the influx of foreigners, mostly Russians.
Share of foreigners in the IT workforce:
2022: 4%
2023: 27%
The number of Russian IT workers in Armenia:
2023 Jun: 8,600 (peak)
2023 Dec: 8,300
The gross output of the IT sector:
2022: ֏585B
2023: ֏837B ($2.1B)

the reptiles are among us

The Nature Ministry (which apparently still exists) responded to concerns raised by residents about an increasingly frequent encounter with lizards.
The ministry says there are 27 types in Armenia and almost half of them are in the Red Book so try not to kill them, they are benign, and they help protect crops by feeding on harmful invertebrates.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:13 Various-Skill-5313 I quit a six years long campaign d&d 3.5 right before the final boss fight cause I couldn't endure my frustation anymore.

I'm sorry if I make mistakes, English isn't my first language and I need a place to vent cause I'm going crazy.
This campaign was based around the danmachi anime setting, and for those of you that don't know, in danmachi normally you'd get a special perk depending on your performance in the dungeon. Like if you're someone that ran away alot of times from monster, you'd eventually develop a skill named "Coward" and it increases your movement speed when well, you run away from encounters. But here things worked differently, you'd get a skill every third level and it's rarity and ability depending on a d100. Of course the rarer the skill, the stronger it was. They were all created by the DM with no real bias whatsover, there wasn't a chart we could read to get an understanding of what we could get and so for at least us players it was all random. There was even a chance for us to get no skills at all in a roll.
Add a DM who thinks that npcs should have the same importance than players and this system was doomed to fail from the start.
I played a bard that had a very simple and humble background: She was the daughter of a librarian of a small village and her reading all the stories there got her inspired and longing to be a legendary hero like the people in her books.
At first everything was going pretty well, the dm was very good at roleplay and it felt like I was actually talking to someone... but then the first combat with npcs as our allies came along.
They all had special skills which synergized pretty well with them and with the fact they all had actual class level and build depth, they were pretty strong, stronger than us in fact.
And that was the start, after that the number of allies and even enemies with these unique skills only became more common, killing the entire rarity importance of these skills.
That's not to say any of us didn't get lucky with the skills we rolled, but it was nothing compared to npcs. In fact, by the time I reached level 17 I only had one useful and powerful skill which was to decide to naturally crit with a 20 in any d20 (Apart from saving throws), but all the rest I had were like completely useless: - I could create a mundane, very small and crude item from nothing once per day as a fast action. - My hands were +1, which is completely useless for a bard - I could make a clone of myself, but the drawbacks were so bad I couldn't actually use it. I had to half my total hp, we both shared the same resources and I had to use a standard action to use it. Considering my hit dice was a d6 and even a d4 sometimes, I didn't have alot of hp and one simple AoE spell could've easily killed me.
Moving on, in the first half of this campaign I felt like a secondary character. Remember earlier where I said that you could only get skills every 3 levels? Well, you could actually get them through advancing the plot of the campaign, which ALL of my party members got but not me. They all got super cool and unique abilities, like consider this our party was: A wizard, a paladin and a hexblade.
The paladin got to share his god power, and he had an unique bond with him and a unique sword. He was his avatar, his champion. The hexblade was the prince of all of the Xenos (which is a race of intelligent monsters that live in the dungeon) and could resurrect dead people as Xenos, had cool shadow powers and could make himself ethereal. The wizard got blessed by entities from beyond this world, and could predict the future by reading the stars, he also could have access to knowledge checks only he could do, homebrew op spells and we discovered that his family were actually the protectors of the material plane of all of this DM campaigns. He could also create a safe bubble between planes which gave us time to heal ourselves in peace during battles.
Where I the only thing that I got from my background was... an npc from my hometown, which later became my husband. Yeah the npc was strong and all, but... everyone got an actual ability which THEIR character gets to use and shape the story, where I got the aid of an npc which wasn't like a dragon or some powerful entity, no no, just your ordinary rogue with a unique skill whereas I wanted to feel unique, I wanted to feel powerful like the others. But nonetheless this never happened, it only got worse, so much in fact that my bard got nicknamed "Living to hit bonus" by the other players.
I of course I talked to the dm about it, how I felt frustrated that npcs were stronger and felt more important to me, the issue about the skill system that he invented and the fact that I didn't get any kind of special skills, but nothing could get through his head.
The only thing that really changed I guess was the number of future npcs with unique skills but it didn't really make a difference.
I endured all of it cause I had fun roleplaying, even though the fights sucked ass, they were all super lethal, like we could die from a simple random encounter and our dm didn't give us magic items which in 3.5 are super important.
At the end of the first half of the campaign, in one of the major arcs of the story, my bard made a speech before the fight with the BBEG so good that my dm rewarded me and my allies with a giant morale bonus to hit and damage, like it was a +10 and my bardic inspiration at the time gave only a +4 which is already pretty huge in 3.5.
But just right before the start of the fight, this non-magical buff got dispelled (????) by the BBEG and I felt bad, like really, really bad. For the first time in this campaign I felt rewarded by my efforts and it lasted NOTHING. Later the dm explained that thanks to my buff, the BBEG dispell couldn't remove our other buffs but that doesn't mean shit to me, like what the fuck, why can't you just let me have this.
And so that was the end of the first half, we saved an important town from the BBEG at the time and everyone got an happy epilogue... but my bard wasn't renowed at all for being an outstanding adventurer, no in her epilogue he dm explained that she became a famous musician instead. I felt frustated but I knew that wasn't the end of the story cause the dm had a second season planned and he assured me that he had BIG plans for my character.
Fast forward a couple months and this second season starts with new characters but we'll skip this and we'll fast forward again by 2 years irl.
The only thing of importance was that our old party was sealed in time in the deepest part of the dungeon. Eventually the new party saved the old one and we got to play both of them sometimes.
I discover that my character got pregnant (Which is something I told my dm I didn't want with my husband) and that the fetus is under an enchantment that protects it from harm, so I could fight normally as I always did. I of course didn't like this at all, forced pregnancy is disgusting but the way the DM made me discover it created an emotional scene which all the other players liked and so I thought to myself that maybe it was all part of the BIG plans that my dm had. So I endured this too, and I lied to him that I liked his idea at the end of the session, even though he said "I was worried that you wouldn't have liked it, I was prepared to try and convince you.". But it felt bad to turn him down at the time, I didn't want to ruin his plans nor ruin the scene he created.
For the rest of the second half of the campaign, everyone eventually got an upgraded version of their past unique skill where I didn't get shit even this time and I was really worried that it was it, that the pregnancy was the BIG plan after all.
The wizard even got to turn all of the world back in time to save us from a tpk.
Throughout the campaign the dm always hyped us with bites of lore about the Black One-eyed Dragon which is the only living dragon in this setting and the strongest opponent that we could ever encounter.
Eventually we were down to the last sessions and I finally discovered the meaning behind my pregnancy. Apparently, my character is blessed or something by the Overgod of this setting and the child I'm carrying is super important. This blessing made it so that we succesfully skipped a unbalanced boss fight in which the boss aknowledged me as the "Chosen one" and let us go to meet the Black One-eyed Dragon which for plot reasons we have to defeat or we doom the world, so this was our real FINAL fight and we only had one chance.
The DM gives a long intro before rolling for initiative to the boss fight and right at the end tells us to roll a reflex saving throw to defend ourselves agaisnt the Black Dragon breath attack. My character doesn't pass the DC and I get 40d6 worth of damage in my face, which quickly drops me to 30 hp. Then the DM asks if anyone is below half their hp after this attack and I have to roll for a fortituted saving throw. I roll a natural one and the dm asks me to roll a 1d6, 1 meaning istant death by decapitation, 2-5 I lose a random limb, 6 Nothing happens.
I also roll a 1 and I die, not even DURING the fight but right at the intro, we didn't even roll initiative, it just happened.
I got so frustrated and angry about the fact I lost the chance to fight the final BBEG, the true villain of this six years long campaign that got hyped since the start of it, that I just left the discord call and told them to continue without me cause I'm not gonna watch it anyway.
In the end the blessing that I had from the Overgod didn't mean shit during this fight where I thought I was SUPER important, but no I just died in a patethic way, not even a cool description of it, I just died.
They even won this fight without me, I wasn't needed at all.
The DM didn't even try to bullshit some deus ex machina, just to make me fight it for at least a 1 round, like I really wouldn't have minded dying during the fight for at least 1 round cause I at least got the chance to do something, to have a lasting impact to the fight but no, nothing at all.
Off-role the party told me they could use a limited wish mid-fight to try and resurrect me, but that is such a bad, bad action to do, it's a waste of an action in a fight where this fucking Dragon can oneshot people, cause what the fuck do I do after I get resurrected? In 3.5 a caster that is resurrected has a 50% chance to lose any given spell and I get back into the fight with 17 hp and a negative level, so not only I would have probrably died again but there was a big chance that I couldn't do shit, cause what the fuck does a caster without his spell-slot??? So I just told them to not do that, cause I wanted them to win and not waste an op spell on me.
At the end of the fight, the party tried to resurrect me and I just told them no. No I didn't want to continue, I didn't want to know the purpose of what this pregnancy was, what the fuck was my blessing, I didn't want to do nothing at all anymore with this fucking shitty campaign nor how it ends and so that's where I just quit.
I talked to the dm afterwards, told them AGAIN all my complaints, of all the things I didn't like, how I felt like a secondary character, how I felt that every fucking npcs were stronger and just overall better than me.
And he explained to me that the BIG plans after all was just... a secret ending. Some of you would think that it means alot right? I mean, it's a fucking secret ending that ONLY thanks to me we get to have. But what the fuck do I do with a epilogue? If I wanted to read a book, I wouldn't have played this campaign. Everyone got to shape the story DURING the campaign the way they wanted thanks to their op abilities, while I only got to watch. I wanted to feel powerful, I wanted my character to feel like the thing she always wanted to be: A legendary hero. But instead all I got was... the footstool of the party, the "Living to hit bonus" and a fucking forced pregnancy.
Sorry if this whole story is confusing, but it's hard for me to write a recap, I just feel so many things right now. I'm mostly just disappointed, I had so much faith in my dm, in my campaign. I felt like my character was an actual living being and right now I just feel so bad that I wasted 6 years on this.
submitted by Various-Skill-5313 to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:09 PsychologyNerd17 Just feel done.

A really big traumaversary comes up soon. I'm honestly feeling done with life. I can't seem to lok forward to anything as someone who has been through human trafficking and pretty much every abuse in the book... but still being disabled, not having any real privilege minus basic needs and my partner. I cannot seem to get out of this fucking slump. I want out, but my brain keeps trying to dig itself further. Therapists in my area for years have said my case is too complex to handle, and I live with an abusive family figure.
I just want out of this hole one way or another. Nothing is getting better. So much shit I see hurts me. So many people get to have good lives while barely trying. I can't do what they do. Social security keeps delaying me because they likely know that I'm the trafficking victim who they accepted so many claims for the aliases handlers made in the past. They suddenly forced me to reevaluate with a really old doctor who kept interrupting me when they figured out I wasn't living with my "mother" who aided in the trafficking, and had accepted me 3 times before solely for autism, but will not with more diagnoses.
I see no hope but want to keep trying. I just don't know how. Psych wards are dangerous...
submitted by PsychologyNerd17 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:02 Internal-Laugh-7108 Always have a contact for your pet

Having a pet emergency contact is like having an extra safety net for your furry friend. Here's why it's great to have one:
Overall, having a pet emergency contact is like having a guardian angel for your furry companion, ensuring their well-being and safety even in the most unexpected situations.
submitted by Internal-Laugh-7108 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:54 RHX_Thain Real Faction Diplomacy -- DLC Idea?


The purpose of the addon is to provide real Faction Motivations and Relationships, treating Faction Leader Pawns as the trend setter for trade and behavior, engaging in territorial disputes and waging war, signing treaties, and engaging in negotiations with each other and the player.
Guiding philosophies:
Why do we want this?
So here are the core Leadership concepts:
Leader Traits and Skills define that faction's trade policy, behavior, etc. Leadership Traits are now a synthesis of existing traits, such as Sanguine or Bloodlust, and skills. Sanguine results in a peaceful faction, Bloodlust results in a hostile faction. Intellect gives the faction better tech skills and items to trade, Shooting and Melee gives them more soldiers and weapons of these types, and Social gives them a higher chance of rolling high during negotiations, etc.
There is a Global Leader, and Local Leader. The Local Leaders, just like the above, give that town its own political tone, and smaller variations in the overall trade items and skills available. So if the Global Leader has low Shooting, high Medicine, high Intellect, all the towns in the faction have a lot of advanced medicine, medical beds, body parts, and antibiotics, but very few if no guns to trade. But if a Local Leader has high shooting, suddenly there are a lot more guns. Vice Versa. The economy of trade follows this rule too. Especially around food and joy/luxuries.
Bloodlust pawns dislike Sanguine pawns. Lazy pawns dislike Industrious pawns. This web sets up a paradigm of conflicts, where Factions with leaders who are a lot alike will band together against those they have less in common. Not always -- Proximity, Time At Peace, Time At War, and Threat vs Defense, would play a role too -- but at its core, the Aggressive Psychopaths run a more totalitarian show with slaves and war-hawk policies, vs the doves who tend to find slavery abhorrent and only attack if provoked or offended.
Greedy pawns, no matter if they are hawk or dove, will tend to try to hoard wealth and capture points of interest regardless of policies, even against the interests otherwise stated.
Since we can't be aware of DLC features like Ideology, we have to ignore those differences. Maybe a content aware patch at the end could be implemented, but it has to be optional.
So the scenario above, where a Sanguine Global Leader has high intellect and medicine, but low shooting, and the Local Leader is Greedy, has Bloodlust, high shooting, etc -- this is a conflict. Internally, this causes a rebellion to occur, where the Global Leader will want to quell this rebellion, deposing the bloodlust pawn and installing a preferred leader. That spawns a "rebellion" mark on that town, and their army is sent to put it down. The Rebellion may grow if the rebels are able to win. the player may be asked via quest to help put down the rebellion.
Here are the features that would need to exist to support this, based on the Leaders above:
The biggest break in our philosophy to do no re-scope of existing vanilla features is to redistribute the Resources of the RimWorld across the globe. I know, that's a big break! RimWorld is ultimately a 1 Map Game. Everything you need to start, survive, and build the ship to end the game, is all on your 1 map. But if every map you visit is \packed to the gills\** with components and silver and gold and steel... why move? Why have a globe?
So we'd be taking away 95% of all resources from the one map. Instead, like Marble, Granite, Limestone -- we segregate that into the Mountains and Hills as Rich Steel Deposits, or Impacted Components. Fertile soil in flat valleys in temperate zones.
You'll have to form caravans and camping parties to extract he goods, yes. Your one starting location will be King of at least One Exploitable Resource, which you must defend from outside interests, but can also leverage as trade and treaty agreements early on.
Same as above but it's plants and animals. Suddenly, all you need to survive isn't grown on one map. Deserts have all the psychoid (psychoid must flow) and forests have all the heal root. They only grow in their desired regions, and die elsewhere outside of advance hydroponics. The factions who trade for these resources do so now at a premium, and are a reason to go to war to capture their own outposts.
There's now a "global claims" layer on the world map around every town belonging to a Faction. They are claiming that territory as theirs economically, politically, and militarily. If your military crosses those lines they get anxious and call you to ask why. If you don't withdraw they assume hostility. If you have a big military near their borders they may get upset too.
Same is true if you set up camp in their economic claims zones and start mining or harvesting. They will demand you pay tribute / taxes, or abandon the claim to them, or face consequences in lowering relationships. You, as a player, may also gain a border drawing utility, and try to expand your borders by building outposts and amassing guns and armor to pawns you send to serve in your armies. If your borders touch, the owners will call you to negotiate a withdrawal, or sign an alliance, or go to war over border disputes.
Every town gets a pool of military and civilian caravan budgets. They spawn little ions that, just like the player, roam the globe, trading and attacking targets. This is a tough memory issue, and always on, ticking CPU. Lots of caching needed here and good clean code. Big risk there.
Currently, the biggest issue RimWorld has with more than one colony, is that it loads *everything* into memory. We can't change that. But what we can do is get clever. We still close those maps forever, and sending them to an icon on the world map, cached at the state it was saved.
The map's available pawns still live there and can be called to return to the player's main home map at any time, or send new pawns to speed up production. Any facility built there, is still there, and on a timer will produce the items made by the pawns assigned to it at the time they were saved into that now permanently closed map.
That new world map site is still allied to the player, and unless attacked, or suffering toxic fallout, will supply the same crafted items, crops harvested, resources mined (until exhausted,) and still need food and clothing, etc. You may need to defend it. If they are starving the map site is lost for good, loaded only as random ruins and pawn corpses if you visit that tile.
Set one pawn as the leader of your town. I won't get into the styles of government, Ideology already kinda did that. So here we hand waive and sacrifice a Grid of Political Alignments the player may subscribe to. Simpler is better, we just base it on the pawn leader's traits. Players role playing a Raider get Bloodlust raider pawns. Those more chill elect Industrious and Sanguine pawns. That pawn informs your new satellite colony's abilities.
Everyone's favorite. Every town has a local defense pool, of how many soldiers they have vs how many civilians. Soldiers get a minimum amount of shooting and melee, set by their Local leader plus Global Leader policies. Higher Leader Intellect, higher tech guns. Higher shooting & melee -- you get the picture. The size of the town sets the size of their local defenses. LDFs patrol the area around their towns visible on the world map, and go to nearby camps to rest and resupply, before patrolling again. A ring of camps are set up for this purpose.
Players need armies too -- but lets NEVER see them as fully realized pawns. They are just recruits from local areas, nameless, faceless, and roaming the countryside in the armies on the globe as a number. No micromanagement. Just casualties vs recruits and veterans.
The less shown of the invisible hand of this market the better.
Every town gets summed up and donates some fraction of their available soldiers to the main army. This results in a bunch of military parties, which roam the global map of their territory and launch raids against enemies. The big cities have big armies in and out of them. These are your 1000 point raids, very visible on the map. At low tech they clear forests of trees and animals as they march. High tech and they may just drop pod onto your map. GMFs are scary, and also set up a zone of interest around themselves. Their leader pawn also gives them special traits, just as towns enjoy.
When you have your army meet another army, it isn't on your home map anymore. Instead it's on a tile where your army world caravan meets theirs. You clash, and winner takes all. You spawn these armies on opposite sides of this map. If you are defending, you have a limited time to build defenses. Then the other army spawns in. If you're attacking, they have procgen defenses set up when you get there. If you are both running with no time to defend, you spawn in simultaneously and meet in the middle.
Those who retreat spawn into a retreating army that disappears into the nearest town or camp to fill its soldier count. Same for yours if defeated.
Basically a Caravan Raid of epic proportions, with a timer to set up for the defending player.
Allied armies may clash with enemies, and you may offer to join them. These battles are just clashes on the world map between two circles rolling dice in a formula of tech levels and number of soldiers of what skills and health/morale conditions. Once your army reaches to hot stop, you may offer to join, name a price (if your ally is losing, big money, eh?) or join for a positive relationship boost. These in progress battles will have some percent of progress to kill pawns and litter the battlefield with dead. But you get one side of the map from your approach angle on the world map (yay, normal positions!) and you spawn in some of your forces to command.
You may now, when you see the tide has tipped, right click a hostile pawn with one of yours selected and order them to surrender. Social skill and Weapon+Armor+Skills play a role vs their own. If you've killed some percent of their forces, a non-bloodlust, non-psychopath, will probably surrender if more than 50% of their forces are gone, but not fleeing, and/or they are outgunned and outnumbered. Whole towns may surrender this way, and begin paying tribute/taxes to you.
To manage all this, you'll need a UI that tells you what your towns are locally producing and globally have in stock. You may send pawns in these "forever caravans" that manage their own food and needs, increasing their Defense potential. Clicking on a town tells you the Defense rating and number of Soldiers vs Civilians it has there. Also what it imports (needs, higher trade value) and what it has (surplus is better prices.) Trading between towns send caravans which you can raid, disrupting the economy, and starting international incidents.
These groups also roam the world map marauding or fleeing conflicts. You may take in refugees, repel bandits, and assist traders.
Lets face it, RimWorld is Hording Simulator 9000. You gather all these pawns, but the game only planned for like 12 at most. It loves stacks of 2,000,000 alpaca meat, but it chugs memory and CPU. No more! Send all that junk to your outposts!
You can call it back any time, but it is out of sight and out of mind (and out of RAM) where you don't have to think if Sally is going to mood break or Tom and Dick need a new bed together as lovers who both have malaria. Send them to the camps to toil, take a mood hit if it had bad conditions when you saved it to its forever state, and come home if they get home sick and want a short vacation before going back.
You can have 300 pawn colonies -- I've seen it -- at 3fps. Now instead of micromanaging those 300, send them all to outposts in the hundreds. Your main maps is back to the respectable ~23fps as usual with 12 pawns. :p
Some people really love building megacities. But RimWorld is played on 1 map to end that game and build a ship -- game over, you flew way forever. But there are a lot of players who like the come up, and want build a town over and over again, roughing it. The setup is fun! It's when you have a super killbox that's invulnerable and infinite silver production, that it gets boring and we restart.
Now, you can enjoy the start of the game again, building your outposts and towns & cities, while just saving them to this world map to continue on as part of your faction. No, you can't load it again, the game doesn't support that. But it was saved as a picture at the time you left it, and you can still use it to fill your main Faction's resources in the abstract.
Caravans are borderline broken in RimWorld. To fix this, we need to introduce Shipping Crates.
These are portable containers that go into a pack animal (or other thing a mod adds, I won't say it) and you pawns just put all the supplies into that crate. The animals don't stop eating, the pawns go about sleeping and eating, until that crate is full. Then once they are rested and relaxed and fed, off they go all at once, no idling, no going insane, no bullshit.
We'd also need to give this Crate the ability to open a UI that says how many days of food, meds, etc it has for the caravan. But Caravans can now scavenge and find supplies as they go, no play micromanagement needed.
Alliances need food, meds, and manpower. An attack on one is an attack on all. Defense Quests call the player for aid, and you may send forces to aid them, or risk your alliance. This is a quest like any other, but with much bigger timelines to get ready, and we need a smart proximity to adjust those times to call for aid to be sure the player can reach it in time. They may also call targets for the player to attack, which you are obliged to do as part of the alliance. Saying no may jeopardize your alliance too.
Core essential features, boiled down:
I think it's probably one of the most requested features as a DLC, and I know there is no chance we ever see it since Ludeon isn't in the business of accepting requests off the internet. They do in fact have lots of great ideas that are HUGE, but they tend, like anomaly and biotech, to be focused on the existing core loop of that 1 Map Policy, instead of daring to go off map for long and really exercise that multi-map & giant planet feature.
BUT -- I have time to kill between post op on a minor head surgery and getting back to work.
SOS2 is nearing its return to the Workshop, too, after 2 years offline being worked on by the community of maintainers and contributors, so I'm thinking about this stuff again. And while I know Kent and I don't have anther big RimWorld mod in us -- there's someone out there who would appreciate these thoughts, I'm sure.
It's also just good practice, designing documents for ideas that will never happen, and getting feedack on them.
While you work on a big project for 5+ years, your idealization and distillation skills, let alone pitch skills, can degrade. The grind of sacrificing your BIG IDEAS to the gods of "okay we have to actually do this now" can deteriorate one's optimism. You cut cut cut until the design document is nice and lean. Like a good cut of mutton. Doable, but still delicious.
So this helps me keep those skills sharp when I need them next.
submitted by RHX_Thain to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:57 jfijoa38 Bank of Hope; Hope Scholarship

Deadline: May 17th, 2024 @ 5pm EST
Amount: $2,500
Description: Bank of Hope takes great pride in supporting education in the communities where we operate and have distributed millions in scholarships to date through the Hope Scholarship Foundation.
Scholarship Details
Eligibility Criteria
You can do this!!
submitted by jfijoa38 to dailyscholarships [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:56 Magos_Trismegistos Planning on big, long-running Traveller campaing

Hello Travellers
I am planning to run a big and long Traveller campaign. I have a stable, regular group so my players will not be an issue. At this moment I am running Horror on the Orient Express for CoC and I expect I will finish around OctobeNovember so have a lot of time for prep and reading.
I do not have any experience with Traveller. At this moment I have only Core Rulebook (Update 2022) and Third Imperium sourcebook.
Before I start my campaign, I will want to run some short adventure to get myself and my group familiar with the rules and setting of Charted Space. So I would happily accept some recommendations, both official and DriveThru ones will be fine.
As for campaign, I have been thinking about Pirates of Drinax as the description makes it seem really fascinating and it seems to be well received. Have any of you guys run it? What are your thoughts? Anything in particular I should pay attention to?
I intend to go for maximum experience so I plan to get some more books, specifically Traveller Companion, Central Supply Catalogue, Vehicle Handook and High Guard as well as Drinaxian Companion and Aliens of Charted Space V1. Would you recommend anything else (with keeping Pirates in mind?) Is there anything interesting and useful in Journals of Travellers' Aid Society?
submitted by Magos_Trismegistos to traveller [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:22 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 05/02/2024

Date: 05/02/2024

Reading time: 6 minutes, 1341 words

🪖 Military

Armenian Ministry of Interior warns of more demining work in Tavush

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia is carrying out demining on Armenian-Azerbaijani border. The Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carries out an enhanced service on the ground to prevent the entry of civilians into demining zones and to ensure their safety.

Macron reaffirms he doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron reaffirmed he did not rule out sending troops to Ukraine. He said the issue would "legitimately" arise if Russia broke through Ukrainian front lines and Kyiv made such a request.

Papikyan discussed cooperation in the field of defense with the US ambassador

Defense Minister Suren Papikyan received US Ambassador to Armenia Christina Quinn on May 2. The current level of cooperation was highly appreciated by both sides. The American side expressed its readiness to continue supporting the defense reforms implemented in Armenia.
CivilNet, Armenia and U.S. extend cooperation agreement on countering proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Armenia, US extend Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of Counterproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

USC Libraries celebrate major new book collection on Armenian Genocide

The Vahakn Dadrian Armenian Genocide Book Collection will serve students, faculty and others researching the campaign of mass murder and deportation the Ottoman Empire waged against its Armenian subjects during World War I. The collection was donated to the USC Libraries by the Ararat-Eskijian Museum and Research Center.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Torture, mutilation cases reported amid Azerbaijan's September aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh-Armenian Ombudsperson

During Azerbaijani aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh in September 2023, there were cases of torture, mutilation of bodies, and targeting of civilian objects. Human Rights Defender Anahit Manasyan visited registration centers in Syunik and Vayk. For the first time, such a report was referenced in observations presented by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights.

Border delimitation agreement with Azerbaijan sparks protests in Armenia – Explained

Armenia launches process to define section of its border with Azerbaijan for first time. Move has sparked ongoing protests across the country. Armenia is expected to hand over to Azerbaijan four abandoned villages along the border. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been working to determine the exact boundary on the ground.
CivilNet, False claim during the prime minister's interview. Russia welcomed the border demarcation process

Pashinyan: Border guard troops of the National Security Service will carry out service in the demarcated areas of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border

In the demarcated areas of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, the Ministry of Defense will not carry out border protection services. This was announced by RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in an interview with Public TV.

Iran FM, envoy to Lebanon discuss Tehran-Beirut ties

Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and Iran’s Ambassador to Lebanon Mojtaba Amani met in Tehran on Thursday. The ambassador briefed the top diplomat on the latest situation of Tehran-Beirut relations. The minister emphasized the need for further work to promote ties with Beirut.

Armenian Foreign Minister, Ukrainian counterpart hold telephone conversation

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan had a telephone conversation with Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba. The two discussed issues related to the agenda of bilateral relations and political dialogue. The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Ukraine also addressed regional issues.
Armenpress, The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Ukraine discussed regional issues, Foreign Ministers of Armenia, Ukraine discuss regional issues

Sixty-Six U.S. Representatives Urge Congressional Appropriators to Allocate $200 Million for Artsakh Genocide Victims

Sixty-six U.S. Representatives call for $200 million in aid for Artsakh refugees and sanctions against Azerbaijani war criminals. The ANCA-backed bi-partisan letter was led by Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
Armenpress, ARF: 66 US congressmen propose to allocate $250 mln. to help Artsakh people and support Armenia, Sixty-Six U.S. Representatives urge Congressional Appropriators to allocate $200 million for Artsakh refugees

Armenia should ensure its security based on legitimacy - PM

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says Armenia should rely on itself for security and all other matters. Armenia should ensure its security on the basis of legitimacy, he said. Armenia has repeatedly stated that it should not rely on other countries to fulfill its obligations.

Government will allocate more than 2 billion drams for holding EBRD annual meeting in Yerevan

Armenian government initially allocated 2.2 billion drams for annual meeting of EBRD in Yerevan. At Thursday's session it was decided to release additional 179 million drams. Annual meeting will bring together a large number of foreign guests, professionals, major businessmen, high-ranking officials.

Armenia to join EAEU agreement on unified system of determination of origin of goods

Armenia will join the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) agreement on a unified system of determining the origin of goods. The relevant decision was made at the session of the Government on Thursday. The document will be sent to the parliament for final approval.

USCIRF recommends listing Azerbaijan among “countries of particular concern”

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) recommends the US Government to designate Azerbaijan as a “country of particular concern,” or CPC. The report notes that in 2023 the Azerbaijani government continued to pose a threat to religious sites in and around the region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Turkey halts trade with Israel, Israel's FM accuses Erdogan of violations

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz criticizes Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for obstructing Israel's exports and imports. Katz: "Erdogan is breaking agreements by blocking ports for Israeli imports and exports" Turkey decided to suspend all trade relations with Israel.

A Police Guard is being created in Armenia. executive approved the project

A purely police service will be created with new weapons and trained personnel in accordance with international standards. The Police Guard will have territorial divisions of direct subordination in at least three marzes of the RA (Lori, Shirak, Syunik, which, if necessary, will also serve adjacent marzes. The commander of the police forces will be appointed by the minister of internal affairs.
ArkaAm, Armenia to establish Police Guard

🧪 Science & Technology

The police have closed the Kirantsi road, demining is underway

Residents of Kiran were released, but the police did not allow the residents to enter the village. 31 citizens were taken to the Tavush police department. on the basis of geodetic measurements by expert groups of Armenia and Azerbaijan for the purpose of reproduction.
CivilNet, Situation is tense in the Tavush village of Kirants, police detained more than 30 people

FLYONE ARMENIA started operating flights on the route Yerevan-Nice-Yerevan

From 2 May 2023 FLYONE ARMENIA started operating flights on the route Yerevan-Nice-Yerevan. Flights will be operated two times a week: every Thursday and Sunday.

New EUR 12.3 mln project to overcome energy challenges in villages launched in Armenia

A new project worth 12.3 million euros to overcome energy challenges in rural communities has been launched in Armenia. It aims to enable rural communities in Tavush, Shirak, Gegharkunik and Syunik marzes to utilize the potential of renewable energy and energy efficiency for sustainable climate change.

⚽ Sport

Eurovision 2024: Armenia's Ladaniva holds second rehearsal

Armenia’s Ladaniva held the second rehearsal at Malmö Arena today. The grand final of Eurovision 2024 will take place in the MalMö Arena on Saturday 11 May.
Armenpress, Eurovision 2024: Armenia’s Ladaniva holds second rehearsal in Malmö

Futsal Champions League finals: Armenia star Henrikh Mkhitaryan previews Yerevan showpiece

Henrikh Mkhitaryan tells the players to seize the moment at the 2024 Futsal Champions League finals in Yerevan. Armenia’s all-time record scorer is encouraging the four finalists to make the most of the occasion at the tournament in his hometown.

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:20 healthymindbodysoul1 PotentStream Reviews : Does This Prostate Supplement Works?

Introduction to PotentStream: A Natural Solution for Prostate Health

Prostate health is crucial for the overall well-being of men, particularly as they age. PotentStream emerges as a significant player in the natural supplements market, promising to support prostate health using a blend of herbal ingredients. This article provides a thorough analysis of PotentStream, detailing its formulation, benefits, and how it stands out in the crowded market of prostate health supplements.

What is PotentStream?

PotentStream is a dietary supplement formulated to enhance prostate health and overall male wellness. It is a liquid solution, designed for easy daily intake, ensuring that the body absorbs its nutrients efficiently. This supplement is particularly noted for its use of natural ingredients, which are chosen for their proven benefits in supporting prostate health and male hormonal balance.

Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

These ingredients are blended in a sterile, GMP-certified facility, ensuring the highest quality and safety standards are met.

How Does PotentStream Work?

PotentStream operates by targeting the typical issues that arise with prostate health, such as difficulty in urination and hormonal imbalances that occur with age. The ingredients in PotentStream work synergistically to remove toxins that contribute to urinary tract issues, support hormonal balance, and enhance overall energy levels and mood.

Systematic Benefits of PotentStream

Is PotentStream Safe?

PotentStream is formulated with natural, non-GMO ingredients free from harmful chemicals and stimulants, making it a safe option for adult men. It is manufactured in an FDA-approved facility, which underscores its compliance with strict quality standards.

Usage Recommendations

For optimal results, the manufacturer recommends taking 2 droppers (approximately 2 ml) of PotentStream daily. This can be administered directly or mixed with a beverage of choice.

Availability and Purchasing Options

PotentStream is available exclusively through its official website, ensuring that customers receive the genuine product. It is offered in various packages, providing flexibility and value based on the user's needs:
All options come with free shipping, and the product includes a 60-day money-back guarantee, reflecting the company’s confidence in its formula.

Special Bonuses

Purchasers of multi-bottle packages receive additional bonuses, which include:

Conclusion: Why Choose PotentStream?

PotentStream stands out for its commitment to natural, effective ingredients that support prostate health and male wellness. With positive user reviews and a transparent manufacturing process, it offers a promising natural alternative for those seeking to maintain their health without relying on synthetic drugs. The assurance of a money-back guarantee and positive testimonials add to its credibility, making PotentStream a recommended choice for men looking for reliable prostate support.
submitted by healthymindbodysoul1 to u/healthymindbodysoul1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:00 AutoModerator The New Agora: Daily WWYD and light discussion thread

Welcome to the New Agora, a place for you and others to have casual conversations, seek advice and first aid, and hang out together outside of regular posts.
If you have not already, please the READ BEFORE POSTING top-pinned post.
The rules in the New Agora are simple:
  1. Above all, keep in mind that our nature is "civilized and affectionate and trustworthy."
  2. If you are seeking advice based on users' personal views as people interested in Stoicism, you may leave one top-level comment about your question per day.
  3. If you are offering advice, you may offer your own opinions as someone interested in Stoic theory and/or practice--but avoid labeling personal opinions, idiosyncratic experiences, and even thoughtful conjecture as Stoic.
  4. If you are promoting something that you have created, such as an article or book you wrote, you may do so only one time per day, but do not post your own YouTube videos.
While this thread is new, the above rules may change in response to things that we notice or that are brought to our attention.
As always, you are encouraged to report activity that you believe should not belong here. Similarly, you are welcome to pose questions, voice concerns, and offer other feedback to us either publicly in threads or privately by messaging the mods.
Wish you well in the New Agora.
submitted by AutoModerator to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:00 Abredte Denison Worth It?

I’m currently on the waitlist for Denison and have received a preliminary financial aid package after a call with an admissions director today.
I would have to pay ~$17k for tuition, housing, and food. My estimated cost of attendance which includes books, transportation, and miscellaneous items, would be $21k after grants have been applied. My EFC is ~3900.
I’m not sure what I want to major in, but I applied for computer science. However, I’m thinking about switching to finance economics and doing pre-law. I’m comparing Denison vs. the A&M Engineering Academy which would be significantly cheaper (for my first year, the cost would probably be $5k at most since I’m living at home). I love what I’ve read and seen so far about Denison, but I’m not sure if I can justify the cost to my parents. Obviously, I’m going to find a job while schooling so hopefully that would alleviate the burden a bit. Any thoughts or help on deciding?
submitted by Abredte to Denison [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:56 Adventurous_Arm8281 Tawila Island hurghada resort

Tawila Island hurghada resort
Tawila Island Resort is located on the northern islands of Hurghada, known as Tawila island. This 5-star resort project sets a new benchmark for hospitality in this region, providing 120 keys with a mix of beach bungalows and above-water bungalows nestled into the shallow ocean waters. The Tawila resort offers a variety of guest entertainment options with all-day dining, signature restaurants, adult and children pools, a kid’s club, gym & spa, its own private beach, a pool bar, retail and event spaces, to ensure its guests have no wishes unanswered during their stay.
Tawila Island hurghada resort
The extensive resort area ensures privacy and generously landscaped outdoor areas for relaxing evening walks and the unique design of the bungalows and guest entertainment buildings provide for an unforgettable beach holiday experience.. Book Now
Tawila Island hurghada resort
The speciality restaurant offers indoor as well as outdoor seating on the spacious, partially shaded sundeck. Here, guests can enjoy leisurely brunches or dine under the stars with beautiful surroundings and impressive ocean vistas. The extensive swimming pool area is the social hub of the resort with a number of different guest zones nearby. Here, guests can relax on the sunbeds, enjoy a refreshment at the poolside bar, cool down in the pool or take a dip in the ocean located next to the pool area with direct access to the private beach. The landscaped garden space surrounding the pool invites for evening walks after dinner, stunning sunset walks and social gatherings.
Tawila Island hurghada resort
Tawila Island hurghada resort
The seaside bungalows are connected through a bridge from the shore. These pods come with their private Jacuzzis on the ocean-facing sundeck and elegantly furnished bedrooms, allowing for maximum privacy without being disconnected from the rest of the resort. The pods have been designed to provide a perfect cocoon to relax and enjoy the stunning. The interior provides for ample space and luxury amenities, such as a private master ensuite fitted with his and hers sinks and a stand alone bath tub, a cosy lounge area and the king size bed facing the sundeck and ocean.
submitted by Adventurous_Arm8281 to hurghadatravelguide [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:53 Oradainer Only a Myth - Part 18

First / Previous / Next
Riven grimaced as another torpedo exploded far too close to the tiny vessel, she was aiding what was left of the Alandran crew through the retreat from the Oort Cloud. Three chaff torpedoes left, after that, they would be defenseless. “Shields down to twenty five percent Captain. I don’t think we’re going to make it to the planetary defenses.”
Captain Jan’Inar gritted her teeth and tapped on the arm controls of her command chair, “Engineering, tell me we have the ripple drive back up?” There was no response from her request.
“Captain, the chief engineer is dead, and the ship is so riddled with holes and fires I doubt communications are reaching engineering.” Riven said with a sigh. Then was forced to launch two chaff missiles towards the four enemy missiles that were bearing down on the Rivendell with monstrous acceleration.
The torpedoes attempted to corkscrew around their interceptor, but their dim AI’s were no match for Riven, who detonated the bomb pumped masers through the defractors with millimeter precision over three kilometers away, reducing them to slag. “We have one chaff torpedo left Captain, no ripple drive, half the crew is out of the fight.”
She watched as Captain Jan’Inar looked down through the floor monitors, the hulk of the Isengard was three hundred kilometers in the Z axis. “Riven, get us to the Isengard, use whatever maneuvering is necessary.”
Riven shrugged internally, she didn’t see how getting to the wreck would help, they were still ahead of the last two Trinar scout vessels, but hiding amongst the wreckage wouldn’t help. “Aye Captain, making for the wreck.”
A giant explosion appeared in one of the starboard monitors, one of the ones that wasn’t flickering off and on that is. “What the hell was that?” Jan’Inar asked Riven.
It took her a mil to process the incoming data, half her external sensors were either gone or malfunctioning. “That was the Trinar cruiser’s reactor exploding from nearly five light minutes away, the Missive managed to take her out, but she’s heavily damaged.”
Looking in the forward view screen the wreckage that was once Isengard was coming up fast, “Captain, we will arrive at the wreckage in twelve seconds, what do you want to do?”
The Captain sat back in her chair and answered, “Take us under the wreckage and put it between us our pursuers. Force them to go around the wreckage, and when they do, use the last chaff torpedo to hit one of the four fusion reactors of the Isengard.”
Riven smiled, that was Alex level deviousness. Also, quite a problem, three ships on different vectors, one near stationary wreck, and then the torpedo itself, which isn’t designed for precision, more like a shotgun blast. She cranked her frame-rate to maximum and her ship VR faded to just raw windows. Even at her maximum processing speed the calculations took agonizing milliseconds.
“Firing chaff torpedo three now!” The heavily damaged ship shuddered a bit as the last torpedo roared from its launch tube. It took nearly three seconds to reach the wreckage and detonate, an eternity to Riven. She watched as the bomb pumped masers sliced through the containment bottle, releasing the hellish energy and pressure at the heart of a star.
The explosion turned the wreckage into atoms, then lanced out in a sphere engulfing both Trinar ships in white hot plasma, obliterating them in the maelstrom. Then the shockwave from the explosion lashed out into space in every direction at the speed of light. The Rivendell was struck from behind, the ship staggered, her torch drives melted, and the lights went out.
Kara ended the simulation, both Alandran ships returned to normal operating duty. She opened up a channel to both Captains, letting Izzy and Riven broadcast her report to the crews. “First the good news, the enemy fleet was destroyed and the Missive and Rivendell survived to fight another day. Now the bad news, the Isengard was lost with all hands, which could have been avoided if you both stuck together and allowed your point defenses to overlap. All this means we’re going to be running another simulation tomorrow.”
She could hear both crews groan at the announcement before she continued, “I will be providing Riven and Izzy with the battlefield data, I expect you all to spend the next few hours going over where you could do better.”
Then Alex’s face appeared on all monitors in both ships, “We beat them this time, but I won’t be satisfied until we beat them every time. Go over the after action reports, come up with some new ideas, and get some rest before we tackle this again tomorrow. Also, I want to congratulate the crew of the Rivendell for lateral thinking.” Then the monitors all reverted back to their normal duty.
Alex looked over to Kara, “They’re getting better.”
Kara nibbled at a chip, “They’re not getting better fast enough. We know what we’re dealing with when it comes to the Howron ships, but the Trinar as you’ve taken to calling them are still a complete mystery. They may be even more dangerous than we’ve extrapolated them to be.”
Alex rubbed the back of his neck, “And they may be far weaker than we think, look, we can only do the best we can. We can’t really fault the Isengard crew, they’re even greener than the Rivendell.”
Kara nodded walking around the buffet table, “I’m really worried Alex, we have three ships at the moment, two of them with new crews and new AI’s. The forth will be online in a week, and I need to start focusing on producing and training a new AI.”
Alex held her lightly around the waist, “Getting the forth ship and it’s AI up is more important than these simulations, I’ll deal with them, you do what you do best?”
“Play Mother to everyone?” She asked?
Alex grinned down to her, “Well someone has to be the adult around here, and it ain’t gonna be me.”
She looked up to him, “They listen to you more than you know.”
“Poor kids.” He said as he leaned down to kiss her.
Kara spun away from his embrace and went back to the holo-tank, “Speaking of adults, it looks like we finally received an error free scan of Kel’Taraan’s mind.”
Alex came up beside her to look into the holo, it showed the docking area where the ships repair crew would normally be housed during refits. In the common area sat the Stasis pods with Kel’Taraan and Mon’Kelron, the former of which had received the medical nanobots that would repair her internal damage while she stayed in stasis, they were nearly done repairing the damage.
He turned to Kara, “Have we finished constructing the matrix yet?”
Kara shook her head, “Four failed attempts, today will be attempt number five, I’ve slowed down the print head on the auto factory to it’s lowest rate, in a few hours it will be done, then I have to put it through pass/fail checks and cross my fingers.”
Alex sighed, “Yeah, they told me about the hardest thing for an auto factory to make was the print heads for another auto factory, something biological, or a replicant matrix. Makes sense that we’d have difficulty now, as we build in space, not a sterile lab environment.”
Kara swiped at the holo, showing a video of the construction process of the matrix. “If this one doesn’t work I may have to build a lab around an auto factory and provide the gravity and sterile environment, these things take forever to construct.”
Alex studied the table for a snack, “Oh, you think we may have more matrix’s to build in the future?”
Kara looked over to Alex a little exasperated, “Once the genie is out of the bottle, I expect we may find we need to make quite a few of these.”
He rubbed his chin in thought, “We’ve asked Kel’Taraan to keep the knowledge of replication secret, I’m pretty sure she’ll do so.”
She looked back at him shaking her head, “You know as well as I do that something like this won’t stay secret forever.”
Alex nodded and sighed as he looked down, “Yeah, you’re right. Something will slip, intentionally or unintentionally. Best plan for it in the future.”
“And that brings up the next question, what do we do with Mon’Kelron?” Kara asked.
Alex looked at Kara a bit confused, “We let the medical nannites finish working on her and we keep her on ice until we can drop her back off on the planet.”
Kara shook her head, “No, that will stir up even more suspension in the Alandrans, who already think we are mysterious. She needs to be let out for observation or something before we put her back into stasis.”
“Well, you’re busy getting the new AI up and running and getting the matrix built, I’m busy with the simulations, Riven and Izzy are running ships and working with crews, that leaves Monty. Where is she anyways?”
“Personal project, she’s been working on a particle accelerator model that will be easier to build around the first planet, using material from the first planet.” Kara answered.
Alex frowned, “How would that work? We need an accelerator large enough to circle the star to make the exotic materials we need.”
Kara grinned, knowingly, “Remember that this universe is more energetic than our original universe? Monty figures that she can get by with one that encircles the first planet at twenty thousand kilometers and with about fifty loops around the accelerator we can get the necessary velocities to create the required materials.”
“Okay, so a smaller accelerator, we figured what, a century out to get one built around the star, how long will this take?” He asked.
Kara shrugged, “We had to make an estimated guess, but since the supply line would be vastly shortened by harvesting the planet with mining drones we figure two to three years before it would be operational, assuming we move one quarter of all mining drones to the first planet.”
Alex nodded, “Much more feasible. However, you haven’t mentioned probable yield.”
Kara sighed, “Yeah, less than a tenth what a proper accelerator would produce, but if we use most of the production for manufacturing nannites and substitute other materials for armor or hull we could still build some of the heavy cruisers you have the prints for.”
Alex looked down to the table and found some boneless buffalo wings, snatching the small bowl and cradling it he commented. “Well, three and a half years to build the first heavy cruiser isn’t too bad. Granted we have to build a full sized shipyard in that time frame as well. We aren’t going to churn one out in the scaled down models you two came up with.”
Kara nodded, “Already on the production schedule as well.”
Taking a big bite out of the buffalo wing, Alex sent Monty a message. “Would you be so kind as to join us at the buffet table?”
Monty faded in beside Kara, “What’s up with the big guy using all formal messaging?” She asked.
Alex swallowed, “What? I can be elegant and shit too you know.”
Monty rolled her eyes, “There’s the Alex I know. I’m assuming you need me to do something boring?”
Kara answered before Alex could make another quip. “We need you to baby sit Mon’Kelron for a bit. She needs to think that she is inside the ship so she doesn’t think anything strange is going on, particularly with Kel’Taraan.”
Monty tapped her chin, “Um, the hanger bay where they are being stored is separate from the rest of the ship. Only our two androids are located there in pods, how do I explain that she can’t go beyond that point?”
Alex spoke up while Kara was trying to come up with an answer, “Simple, you tell her she is in quarantine on board our vessel, let her know you have been decontaminated but it’s a long process and I’m too busy to go through it right now.”
Monty nodded, than smiled, “Can I wear a cute nurses outfit?”
Alex shook his head, “Fine, just sell her on the story and keep her occupied while she is under ‘observation’, then get her back into the stasis pod.”
Monty did a salute that was fairly close to an insult and faded out.
Kel’Taraan awoke suddenly, there was no slowly drifting into consciousness, it was as if she had been startled awake. Looking around she saw only darkness, where was she? Was she dead? Were the humans unsuccessful in turning her into a replicant? Then she saw light, just two glowing blue eyes at first, then the silhouette of a petite woman brown hair down to her shoulders.
Then the rest of her faded into view, she wore a uniform similar to what all Humans wore, more practical than formal. Then she spoke, “Hello Kel’Taraan, I am Kara, it is nice to finally meet you.”
“It is nice to finally meet the legendary Kara. This must mean the process worked, what will happen to my old body?” She asked
Kara brought up what looked like a cylindrical hologram and was touching icons, the world around her faded in to what appeared to be a comfortable house. “It was destroyed before you were activated, otherwise you would not be the closest continuer, but a mere copy of yourself.”
Kel’Taraan was a little taken aback, “Closest continuer? Why destroy my old body?” She wasn’t sure why she should care if her old body was gone, but for some reason she did.
Kara finished fiddling with her hologram and it faded away, now they were sitting in a quite nice cottage, complete with a fireplace and bookshelves full of leather bound books. “Short answer, the No-Hiding theorem states that like matter or energy, information can neither be created nor destroyed, simply moved or transmuted. The information that made up ‘you’ cannot exist at the same time that your replicant was activated or you would be two different people with the same memories.”
Kel’Taraan nodded, “So to ensure it would really be ‘me’ who awoke, the original vessel had to be destroyed to ensure only one copy of the information was available?”
Kara nodded, “Correct, although it is much more complex than that, and still under some debate, that is the reigning theory of closest continuer.”
“So what do I do now?” Kel’Taraan asked.
Kara smiled, “Now we start training you on how to be a replicant. I have given you a private virtual reality environment, it should be close to the little cottage in the picture frames in your room.”
Kel’Taraan looked around and found that it was very similar. This was the cottage that she and her Emmet had looked at purchasing so long ago. She reached down and rubbed the ornate leather chair she was standing behind. It was only at this moment did she notice she was not hunched over, her back did not hurt, and she needed no cane.
Looking down at her hands they were without wrinkle or age spot, the skin was soft and taunt. She looked around and found a mirror by the front door, and in it she barely recognized the face, it was her, nearly four centuries ago.
“How?” She asked as she turned back around to Kara.
Kara summoned some keldaran hot tea and two small cups on the coffee table before sitting in the other leather bound chair by the fireplace. “Our spy devices in the palace found pictures of you when you were young, we extrapolated a three dimensional form for you to inhabit here.”
Kel’Taraan nodded as she walked back to the empty leather armchair, she noticed her hair was blonde once more, no longer silver. Sitting down she looked at the beverage choice, “Fair warning, that stuff tastes like battery acid, I have no idea how the Empress drinks it, could I try your coffee once more? It has been so long!”
Kara grinned, and waved away the Alandran style crockery and replaced it with a coffee pot and two coffee mugs, along with cream and sugar. Pouring a cup for Kel’Taraan and offering cream and sugar, which she accepted and raised it to her face to inhaled the aroma. “This brings back memories.” She stated, tearing up a bit.
After taking a sip of the Human brew she sat it back down on the coffee table. “I suppose since I am in the company of Humans once more you find our naming schemes a bit aggravating?”
Kara shrugged, “It doesn’t bother me, although Alex wishes he could shorten your names from time to time.”
Kel’Taraan nodded, “The first Human crew called me Kelly, I think I would like to go by that again.”
“Kelly it is then, I’m sure Alex will be pleased.” Kara stated while taking her own sip from her coffee.
They both sat there for a moment, just enjoying the silence and the beverage, before Kara spoke up. “I want you to get comfortable here in your cottage, if you want I can help you change your VR environment at any time. You probably don’t realize it yet but you and I are operating at millisecond resolution at the moment.”
Waving her hand a small menu appeared before Kelly, showing her how the frame-jacking system worked. Kara continued, “I’ve given you access to this menu, and more will follow in the next day, which can be as short or as long as you choose.”
Kelly thought for a moment, “So at our default frame-rate, a single millisecond lasts..” (11.57 days) A slider appeared above the frame-jack menu.
Kara nodded, “We all experience time differently than biological creatures, we can experience lifetimes in days, or we can stretch a single day into milliseconds.”
Kelly nodded, “Seems like I have a lot to learn.”
Kara put down her coffee cup, “That you do, and for that reason you have this library, inside these volumes are the culmination of Human knowledge and culture.”
Surprised, she raised an eyebrow, “Doesn’t seem like a lot of books compared to the Imperial library on Alandra.”
Pulling the first tome off the top shelf she handed it to Kelly, “Open this.”
Taking the amazingly immaculate leather bound tome she opened it and her mind was awash in chaos. Words, symbols, numbers, letters, ideas, constructs, abstractions and so much more flooded her very essence. Then it was gone, replaced only by a floating bar above the now closed book. It stated, “IMPRINTING INFORMATION 2%”.
Looking up at a Kara she whispered, “What just happened?”
Kara sat back down and crossed her long legs, “You just downloaded the contents of that tome, several yottabytes of data, now your matrix has to make sense of it, hence the imprinting information bar. I will leave you now to consume the contents of this library, after that you should have the basics of everything you need to know about Humans and our technology.”
And with that Kara faded out of Kelly’s VR space. She looked down at her book, 6% complete, this was going to take a while… or was it? She smiled and reached for her frame-jack slider.
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2024.05.02 20:38 No-Society-237 Advice after going through LSAT/Applications Process

submitted by No-Society-237 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:53 yunogasaai Financial Aid

I am looking at my financial aid offer and they want me to take out a loan on estimated costs for things like books, transportation, and off-campus housing. Is there any way to essentially opt out of taking a loan for these things other than just tuition?! I am planning to have a job and am okay with paying these things out of pocket.
Has anyone had any experience in getting these removed? Thanks !
submitted by yunogasaai to CSULB [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:22 Setto_Powah The Courier VS The Sole Survivor

My favorite Fallout is easily New Vegas. and I'm sorry to admit this to the rest of my Vegas boys. But Sole Survivor quite literally stomps the other two 3D protags without much effort.
Lets break it down now y'all. lets be real. This fight is between the Courier and the Sole Survivor. The Lone Wanderer just really cannot stack up that well against the other two.
The Courier is a Wasteland hardened mail man, that can hold a grudge. There are some tidbits here and there about what the Courier was like before he got shot in the head. He had a pivotal role in The Divide but other then that there is not much else to note. What really holds him back is his level cap, and the lack of really decent legendary modifiers for weaponry. This doesn't make him a slouch though. After the Big MT DLC, you gain several cybernetic enhancements such as a metal spine and a encased skull. These upgrades can make you unable to break bones among other things. It is possible to gain 100 in all of your stats in New Vegas, HOWEVER it will come at the cost of some of your SPECIAL stats.
The Sole Survivor comes into the Wastelands minutes(His perceived time) after the end of the Great War, watching his wife get murdered and watching as his son gets kidnapped. Whether you play as the female or male, there is a smidge revealed of their pasts. Nora's backstory doesn't really help her in this fight, so this is why I focus on Nate. Nate is a combat veteran serving with the 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry Regiment. He was boots on the ground in the Sino-American War, The precursor to the Battle of Anchorage, and not only did he serve and see combat, he was regarded as a war hero. (Hopefully this can bring some light onto why I don't even consider the LW in this conversation). In-Game the SS has no level cap and has better gear and weapon augmentations. Realistically, most people finish their end of main story playthrough around level 50-70, some more dedicated players could even finish under this. However, the SS can reach level 300. Why is this important as compared to the fraction the Courier can achieve? The stat difference between NV's Level 50(IF you have all the DLC's) vs F4's 300(NO DLC, NO MODS) is CRAZY. Without perks, the HP difference alone is MASSIVE. The Courier will finish at around 600-700, While the SS will finish at around 2500-3000. With perks, both protags can get more HP, but nothing the Courier can achieve will ever reach the HP count the SS has. Honestly the HP diff is just scratching the surface. The level of gear only solidifies the unkillability of the SS. You can equip power armor and a form of ballistic weave sub armor and can sit at an easy 1500 Defense and still have 600+ in energy resistance and 600+ Radiation resistance. The SS has this insane Durability alongside EVERY perk in the game at max level. The SS also has just more accessibility to legendary weaponry. Yes some legendary weapons are complete shit, but on the other side of the coin, some legendary weapons are completely game breaking and can 1 shot just about anything.
Gameplay wise and lore wise the SS just sorta stomps. The Courier has cybernetic enhancements that aid him in battle and give him an immense edge against those around him, but the first boss we encounter in F4, Kellogg, is also a cybernetic badass from the NCR, with arguably better cybernetic enhancements. Yes, the Courier survived being shot in the head, but lets not act like he got shot in the head and sat in a shallow grave for not days, not hours, and honestly not even minutes. Benny shot him, Benny left very soon after, and within that SMALL timeframe Victor comes and takes you to Doc Mitchell, bless his soul. YES this is a momentous feat, but I don't think its REALLY that much of anything to change the outcome of this brawl. The Courier has more Wasteland experience, sure this is true. But if we boil down his wasteland experience PREPLAYER. He is a mailman that helped establish a trade route that founded up The Divide. YES the Courier probably saw his shares of scuffles during this time, but Nate has actual formal military training and has seen combat, and not only saw combat he excelled. He fought in the bloodiest war the US had seen at that point possibly and most likely utilized Power Armor and laser weaponry. He came out of Vault 111 with some pretty good precognition on how to survive in adverse conditions and fight in such conditions. As compared to the Courier as we know him, Nate has actual weapons handling and a comfortability with Power Armor. B-But Nate is a soft prewar vault dweller and the Courier is chad wastelander!!!!111!. If we go by like 97% of Fallout 4 playthroughs, Nate watches helplessly as his kid and wife are stripped from him, and within an hour if not SOONER he is fighting Raiders in Concord without as much as a second thought. If we want to get reeeaaally meta, the other 3% of Sole Survivors are booking it to Diamond City, killing anything on the way, and speed running the whole of Fallout 4. I don't believe Nate's freshness to the Wasteland really means much when its shown he's a man of focus, commitment, sheer will. I once saw him kill 3 Ancient Super mutant Behemoths with nothing but a Swattah and his tighty whities. Nate isn't the Boogeyman, That would be the Institute, he's the one you send to kill the boogeyman.
IF we include outside interference like Oh one has the NCR or one has the Institute the argument just becomes convoluted. Courier has nukes? So does SS(Far Harbor), Courier can teleport(Big MT) so can the SS(Arguably better). The Courier could possibly have some support from the NCR, but I don't see them breaking their backs and lending him their whole military. And even if they did, chances are the Institute would just sabotage it anyways. Not to mention, The NCR would have to transport a large mass of forces mostly on foot to the battleground whether it be the Commonwealth or some middle point between the SS and the Courier. The logistical nightmare of that alone would be absolutely horrendous. The NCR would be traveling mostly(Yes the NCR has Vertibirds but ill get into this soon) on foot, would have to fight off whatever Super mutants, Ghouls, etc along the way and then fight a front war against the SS's forces. The SS's forces, The Institute or the BOS can travel either by airship, vertibird, or literal teleportation. YES the NCR outnumbers anything the SS can throw, BUT how do you expect to transport tens of thousands of troops across a wasteland and expect a fighting force to still be supplied at the end of their journey when they have to FIGHT to the fight. Every single day, the NCR will use up ammo fighting off whatever the Wasteland throws at them, every day they will face casualties to the battle site. The NCR has a very small cache of Vertibirds but there is definitely not enough to transport even a percentage of their forces, they couldn't even shell out a Vertibird for the battle of Hoover Dam. Funnily enough the only Vertibird even used in combat during the Hoover Dam was THE ENCLAVES??? The morale cost alone would be detrimental to any victory the Courier could hope to achieve. This is all ignoring the fact the NCR is pretty weak now according to the show. Meanwhile it appears the Prydwen is still operational and running at max capacity. Realistically the East Coast BOS could defeat the NCR in their current state.
NOW CAVEAT, The ensuing dual between the Sole Survivor and the Courier would definitely be a hard fought victory, in no way shape or form am I saying the Courier is a slouch. And in a sort of multi-run simulation I'd bet the Courier would win a few. But I do see the Sole Survivor winning the majority of the time. And after every victory the Sole Survivor would most likely come out with some injuries ranging from boo boos, serious, and possibly even grievous.
I hope this breakdown explains this match up.
FYI I have 1578 hours on NV, and 641 on F4. AND LIKE I SAID BEFORE FALLOUT NV is my favorite Fallout BY FAR. But it doesn't mean I'm going to glaze the Courier for memes sake.
Although, I am open for discussion. But I fail to see anyway The Courier succeeds unless you glaze him due to meme hood.
submitted by Setto_Powah to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:21 Shadowphoenix2020 so i have been thinking about an omega series

so i have watched the finale like 2 or three times already(great job to the crew by the way for the series in general) i think they left it open for a omega series and here is what i have in mind. spoilers for the series as well as other star wars books and movies.
so it would start out on tabu omega is still living a peaceful life while the batch still teach her how to survive( fitness training, marksmanship, tactics etc.) when the pirate(i forgot her name sorry) comes and tells everyone about the rebel victory at yavin 4 but that also the rebels had to run after the destruction of the death star this is what spurs omega to leave tabu.
cut to the scene we saw at the end of the finale and then cut to hunter finding crosshair and wreck(no i dont think they are dead) wrecker is angry at hunter for letting her leave but crosshair understands that omega need to follow her own path, hunter tells them to dust off their armor they might need it.
omega goes to pantora to seek help from emery and echo in finding the rebellion(discovers the senate has been disbanded and the senator has been taking into custody. she heads to a community the senator set up for clones and their families because by this time i figured clones had kids (i remember they can have kids from the republic commando series of books) she finds the community in ruins from the local governor but is able to find emery and echo and their kid or kids(yes i think eventually emery and echo get together. dont know why there was something in that last episode that made me think it was possible). Echo leads them to a contact inside the rebeliion.
Echos kids(lets call him or her sonar) Sonar and Omega head to the planet(i would want it to be a planet mentioned before maybe corellia tyferra or another planet from legends but not really mentioned in the new canon). They meet the contact, he puts them up for the night and then ships them off to a training site for training and evaluation. There Sonar and Omega are evaluated and because of their training they can become pathfinders(Republic special forces). The first season would end with them being on hoth just before the empire arrives and shown the attack on hoth from their perspective.
Season 2 would see Sonar and echo escape from hoth barely and begin hiding with the rebellion forces, they would also take on missions during this time from missions in xwings to ground operations, they would also get a squad.i also think it is during this season we would get the first hints of omega having force abilities something small to start out. it would be here or there but would open the question about her having abilities. i also think her squad would include one of the children she saved(i would prefer jax( the green skinned boy.)
Season three would see her squad(lets call them shadow squad) would begin helping get the plans to the second death star to the rebellion but also aid in the search for han solo. i also think this season would see the introduction of a counter team within ISB(Imperial Security Branch) called the hand or something like that. This season would also see Omega come to terms with the fact she is force sensitive and begin looking for information about the jedi(maybe introduce the hidden path from the jedi order games here) i also think the season would end with some connection to the batch(maybe the empire attacking tabu again or the batch having to save omega.
i have other stuff for additional seasons but that is really what i got in my head for a possible omega series, what do you all think?
submitted by Shadowphoenix2020 to BadBatchstarwars [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:03 JasonBetter10 How to Nurture Little Minds

How to Nurture Little Minds
Are you searching for a nursery school in Gurgaon? In the early years, children are brimming with curiosity, soaking up the world like sponges, eager to explore and absorb. It's a critical phase where their brains are wired for learning, making it paramount for caregivers and educators to create an enriching environment. This involves not just imparting knowledge but also fostering a love for discovery. We stimulate their imagination and problem-solving skills by offering diverse stimuli through play-based learning, storytelling, and engaging activities. A nurturing environment encourages children to ask questions, fostering their innate curiosity and critical thinking.
Moreover, establishing open communication channels between parents, teachers, and children foster trust and enhances their learning experience. Preparing then emotionally and academically ensures a smoother shift as they approach the transition to primary school. Ultimately, our role is to cultivate a safe, stimulating, and supportive, and supportive space where their potential blossoms, laying the foundation for passion for exploration and learning.
A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the best Nursery School
Selecting the best nursery school in Gurgaon forms the bedrock of a child’s educational expedition, influencing their cognitive, emotional, and social growth. This pivotal choice involves considering factors like location, curriculum, and the competence of educators. A conducive environment sparks curiosity and encourages holistic development through play-based learning and engaging activities. Effective communication between parents and the school fosters a collaborative approach, enriching the child’s learning experience. Preparing for the transition to primary school during these formative years sets the stage for a seamless progression. Choosing the best school in Gurgaon for nursery is pivotal in creating a nurturing space where a child’s potential flourishes and setting the tone for a successful educational journey ahead.
1. Create an Enriched Environment
  • Exploration Zones: Creating dedicated spaces like a cozy reading corner fosters a love for books and sparks imaginative thinking. Meanwhile, a messy art table encourages free expression and experimentation with colors and textures, nurturing creativity. These designated areas serve as dynamic hubs, igniting curiosity and promoting exploration among young minds.
  • Nature’s Influence: Outdoor play immerses children in nature, fostering a deep connection with the world around them. Engaging in nature-based activities heightens their senses, nurturing an appreciation for the environment and encouraging curiosity. This direct interaction with nature stimulates their interest and sparks a lifelong love for the natural world.
  • Stimulating Materials: Various materials cultivate a fertile ground for problem-solving and creative thinking. These diverse toys and tools catalyze experimentation, fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration. Children develop crucial skills through imaginative play while exploring different possibilities and solutions.
2. Encourage Play-based Learning
  • Purposeful Play: Play is a powerful tool for holistic development, nurturing children’s social bonds and communication skills. Engaging in playful activities facilitates language development as they interact and express themselves. Additionally, it supports refining motor skills, aiding in physical coordination and agility. Prioritizing play in early learning lays the groundwork for well-rounded development across various domains crucial for a child’s growth.
  • Role-playing: Role-playing scenarios offer a dynamic platform for children to explore social dynamics, fostering empathy and understanding. Playing pretend enables them to step into different roles, promoting communication and negotiation skills. Through these scenarios, children learn to navigate social interactions, express emotions, and understand perspectives, contributing to their social and emotional development.
  • Imagination Exploration: Encouraging children to create imaginative worlds cultivates a realm where creativity thrives and innovation blossoms. This exploration sparks inventive thinking, allowing them to dream, experiment, and push boundaries. Engaging in imaginative play nurtures problem-solving skills and encourages thinking outside conventional frameworks, fostering a sense of limitless possibilities.
3. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotion Recognition: Creating a safe environment where children can identify and express emotions fosters emotional intelligence. Encouraging open dialogue about feelings cultivates self-awareness and empathy. Children learn to manage and communicate emotions effectively by acknowledging and understanding them. This practice forms a foundation for healthy emotional expression and interpersonal relationships.
  • Conflict Resolution: Guiding children in conflict resolution cultivates empathy and communication skills. Teaching them constructive ways to navigate disagreements fosters a sense of understanding and compromise. Children learn to listen and respect diverse perspectives by offering tools to address conflicts peacefully and find mutually beneficial solutions. This skill set lays the foundation for healthy relationships and effective problem-solving throughout their lives.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Introducing mindfulness exercises fosters self-awareness and emotional regulation in children. Simple practices like deep breathing or mindful awareness of their surroundings help them understand and manage their emotions. These exercises encourage focus, relaxation, and the ability to respond thoughtfully to various situations. Children develop valuable tools for handling stress and fostering emotional well-being by incorporating mindfulness into their routines.
4. Foster a Love for Learning
  • Storytelling and Reading: Storytelling and reading sessions captivate children’s imaginations, fostering a deep appreciation for literature. Children explore diverse worlds, characters, and ideas through these activities, igniting their creativity. Engaging in storytelling nurtures language skills, expands vocabulary, and encourages a love for storytelling itself. Additionally, these sessions create bonding opportunities and instill a lifelong passion for learning through the magic of stories.
  • Hands-on Experiences: Hands-on learning experiences immerse children in active exploration, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts through direct engagement. These experiences encourage curiosity and problem-solving as children experiment and discover through tactile activities. By actively participating, they absorb knowledge more effectively, connecting theory with practical application. This approach nurtures a sense of curiosity and instills a passion for learning by making education an interactive and dynamic experience.
  • Curiosity Cultivation: Encouraging questions creates an environment where curiosity thrives, fostering a genuine thirst for knowledge. It empowers children to seek understanding and explore diverse perspectives, nurturing critical thinking. By validating their inquiries, we validate their curiosity, cultivating a mindset that values learning and discovery. This approach fuels their intellectual growth and encourages them to be active participants in their own education, sparking a lifelong passion for learning.
5. Collaborate with Parents and Caregivers
  • Open Communication: Open communication with parents builds a collaborative partnership in a child’s education. Sharing insights and updates fosters transparency and trust, ensuring alignment between home and school. This exchange allows for a holistic understanding of the child’s growth, enabling tailored support and reinforcement of learning strategies. Effective communication channels create a supportive network that enhances the child’s overall development and well-being.
  • Parental Involvement: Encouraging parental involvement fosters a seamless integration of learning between home and school. Active participation creates a cohesive support system, reinforcing concepts learned in educational settings. This involvement lets parents understand their child’s progress firsthand, strengthening the learning experience. Collaborative engagement empowers parents to extend learning beyond the classroom, enhancing the child’s educational journey and overall development.
  • Shared Values: Establishing shared values and consistent approaches between home and educational environments creates a unified support system for a child’s development. This alignment fosters a sense of stability, reinforcing learning and behavioural expectations. When values and approaches are consistent, children experience coherence, aiding their understanding and adherence to expectations. This collaborative effort ensures a harmonious and holistic approach to nurturing a child’s growth across different facets of life.
When looking out for a nursery school in Gurgaon, you should understand that nurturing young minds involves more than teaching—crafting an ecosystem that fuels curiosity and growth. It requires a collective effort from caregivers, educators, and the environment to create a space where children feel secure to explore, experiment, and express themselves. This nurturing environment at top nursery schools in Gurgaon is fertile ground for their emotional, social, and cognitive development. Encouraging creativity and curiosity unlocks their innate potential, allowing them to blossom into confident learners. Building resilience, empathy, and adaptability becomes as crucial as academic skills, fostering well-rounded individuals prepared for life’s challenges. Creating an environment that encourages diversity and individuality lays the foundation for a future where these little minds become catalysts for positive change in the world.
submitted by JasonBetter10 to u/JasonBetter10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:59 Southern-Ad-9105_4 Remnants of the battle between the "son of god" and his adversary – in various myths from around the globe.

The story of Perseus killing Acrisius accidentally during a game is the same as that of Athena who kills Pallas (daughter of Triton) accidentally during a game.
The fact that Athena corresponds to Perseus is apparent in the fact that the Gorgon was claimed to have been killed by her in some versions of the story. This is because Perseus refers yet again to the same figure of the "son of god" (due to be killed since his evil uncle Acrisius had received a prophecy in which he would be dethroned by a male heir so he tried to drown Perseus and abandoned him on the banks of a sea). And the "son of god" was also claimed to have been born a hermaphrodite so most of the times he was worshipped as male but sometimes also as female (which is where the version of Athena killing the Gorgon comes from). When Athena is depicted alongside Perseus escorting him or while aiding him in the battle – this refers of course to a different Perseus who was helped by the same Athena i.e. the male Athena – which then became herself equivalent with a version of Perseus that killed the Gorgon. As stated in previous posts there were various doublets or even triplets throughout mythology (and as explained also by Cicero in his "De Natura Deorum" – when he claims that there was more than one Jupiter, more than one Minerva, more than one Apollo etc. and he extends the same concept also to the heroes of Greek mythology; claiming that "Heracles" for example was a title attributed to multiple figures; not just one. The same thing being valid for the other heroes of Greek mythology as well who also have at least one or two other versions of themselves which are different and distinct individuals from the main one; but they were all called with the same name since "Heracles", "Perseus", "Achilles" are not personal names but they’re epithets/titles; and thus because they were all called by the same epithets/titles they were thus believed to be one and the same individual when in fact they weren’t. This way there was also more than one "Perseus"; and one of these Perseuses corresponds to the figure of the "son of god" who killed the monstrous devil/Gorgon and was then credited with the victory still – also when he came to be worshipped as female in the form of Athena/Minerva).
The Indo-European version of this myth alternates between a projectile weapon being the cause of the death of the enemy or a rock-like object. In the Perseus story Perseus throws an Olympic disc accidentally hitting Acrisius and killing him. The discus being a substitute for a rock-like object that’s flat and smooth on its surface.
The same story is told for the Irish god Lugh who killed the evil Balor of the Evil Eye with a sling-shot throwing a rock at him which killed him; but alternatively the Irish god Lugh is said to have thrown a spear instead – that killed Balor. This is where the alternative version where Athena throws a spear to kill Pallas comes from.
The same concept is told in the Book of Revelation where "the Beast" is claimed to have a wound in the center of its forehead – the wound being the one that the "son of god" i.e. Jesus had previously inflicted on the Serpent by hitting him with the so-called "sling shot" of Indo-European mythology (and as we’ve seen it’s either a sling shot or a throw of a spear according to the version). The Indo-European god who kills with a sling also refers to King David and Goliath naturally.
Now, the reason why they’re both regarded as female this time in the Greek myth (Athena and Pallas who are sparring together) is because both the "son of god" and the one called "Lucifer" (referring to the evil Lucifer who was first worshipped as the Antichrist since Satan and Lucifer were originally two distinct entities and Satan was the one whom mythology traditionally refers to as The Serpent; and he held power and control over Lucifer and the so-called "demons" – but later Lucifer came to hold control over the Serpent instead; making the Serpent his beast of burden essentially so Lucifer became the new Satan replacing the older one) they are both claimed to have been born as hermaphrodites. So because of this they’re addressed as both male and female in other cultures which worship equivalents of them. (The same in Egypt with Horus who displays very feminine hips as a child: and with Set who is sexually ambiguous by nature – or also with Thor and Loki in the Norse myth where Thor was dressed with female clothes by the goddess Freyja and he’s indistinguishable from Freyja while wearing feminine clothes to the point that they fooled a giant with this trick; while Loki gives birth by himself – or also with Attis and Agdistis in the Phrygian cult).
This is what it means in theology when it’s stated that one of the names of Christ is "Sophia" (i.e. the male Sophia; because there was a female Sophia as well who was considered the Bride of Christ instead). But at the same time it’s also spelled out quite literally i.e. – that Sophia who’s a female principle – became incarnated into Christ. So according to Gnostic views when Sophia incarnated she incarnated as Christ. Now all of this symbolic speaking means nothing more than the fact that Jesus inherited feminine traits as well as masculine ones at his birth; and this refers back to what’s been stated in other posts as well – that the figure of the "son of god" was born a hermaphrodite because of an outside intervention that was done on the fetus – which made him develop female genitals as well as male ones. When talking about the Wisdom of God or the Holy Spirit or even the Word of God and generally speaking; someone who acts on behalf of God executing his will and represents wisdom/knowledge – this female principle is said to be incarnated by Christ despite being a female principle. Thus as one can see – through metaphors what pagan mythology claims for the "son of god" (i.e. that he was born a hermaphrodite) – Christianity itself also claims as well; though everything is camouflaged with metaphors and spiritual words instead in the Christian version (and also in all cultures derived from Christianity; like Gnosticism etc.).
Although there was also another Sophia as mentioned – who is either represented as the "Theotokos" (Mother of God) or as the Bride of Christ herself – and in that case this is the "other" Sophia who’s instead female in gender. So there are two Sophias – Christ and the Magdalene or Christ and Mary the Mother of Jesus (who’s sometimes substituted for the Magdalene interchangeably).
The fact that Christ is the feminine Sophia himself once again confirms how he corresponds to the figure of the male Minerva (Minerva being "knowledge") that sits at the right hand of the Throne of Power (the Throne of God – "Zeus" in the case of Minerva) and also to the pagan figure of "Vohu Manah" (the Indo-European god of intellect) who sits at the right hand of Ahura Mazda (the supreme Persian god). The name "Minerva" was derived from the one of Vohu Manah who’s in turn equivalent with the Moon-god "Mēn" from which the name (Menerva) came from and who’s equivalent with Christ himself. (The moon-god Mēn was equated with the Phrygian Attis and with all subsequent figures mentioned in the other posts). The name "Men" – "Mene" – "Manah" etc. only belonged to the male-god and that’s precisely where the name "Minerva" came from.
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