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Non-Binary Talk

2016.04.07 00:58 gcsnorth Non-Binary Talk

Welcome! This subreddit is a 'general forum' where non-binary people can come together to socialize casually and discuss any topic. Politics are prohibited. Talking about politics is discouraged and should be directed to /genderqueer instead.

2020.06.01 01:53 the-70s-kid SlappedHam

Welcome to the subreddit for the YouTube channel Slapped Ham, where you can upload your paranormal/unexplainable footage. While content submitted to this subreddit may be featured in upcoming episodes of Slapped Ham, the usage of such content is not guaranteed.

2020.01.11 19:41 ORoxo literaciafinanceira

A forma como gerimos o nosso dinheiro e como com ele nos relacionamos é um tema central nas vidas de todos nós. Como tal, julgo que é essencial que saibamos como o fazer (bem). No entanto, ninguém nasce ensinado. Por isso, criei esta sub para dar a minha contribuição para o desenvolvimento da literacia financeira em Portugal. Conto com a vossa ajuda para atingir este objectivo! Vamos educar-nos juntos?!

2024.05.19 08:54 HeelsClimber Recently moved to Arch and looking for assistance

Hi to everyone, typically i do not play games on anything, but consoles, but i got tired of how expensive it is to play on consoles long term. At least where i live it is become over the years by multitudes more expensive. And as im getting older i have less enjoyment to play inside, but i dont mind to play an hour or two outside.
That said heres what i bought for work and a bit of gaming :
.o+` ----------------------- `ooo/ OS: Arch Linux x86_64 `+oooo: Host: Katana 17 B12VEK REV:1.0 `+oooooo: Kernel: 6.9.1-arch1-1 -+oooooo+: Uptime: 1 hour, 11 mins `/:-:++ooooo+: Packages: 949 (pacman), 23 (flatpak) `/++++/+++ ++: Shell: fish 3.7.1 `/++++++++++++: Resolution: 1920x1080 `/+++oooooooooo/` DE: Plasma 6.0.4 ./ooossso++osssso+` WM: kwin .oossssso-````/ossssss+` Theme: Breeze-Dark [GTK2], Breeze [GTK3] -osssssso. :ssssssso. Icons: breeze-dark [GTK2/3] :osssssss/ osssso+++. Terminal: konsole /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- CPU: 12th Gen Intel i5-12450H (12) @ 4.400GHz `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 Max-Q / Mobile `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso: GPU: Intel Alder Lake-P GT1 [UHD Graphics] `++:. `-/+/ Memory: 6470MiB / 15697MiB
I tried other distos like ubuntu, mint and such as stock without changing anything, but it wasnt good experience, the issues i faced on xfce and few others is the greeter, i couldnt use touch pad, but only buttons under touchpad, im guessing there 2-3 of em. There were some other little thing that been annoying and i couldnt live w em, changing the desktop envirement and greeter on different distros been quite an experience, so i decided to land on Arch to see what is all noise about, it is about what i was expecting and feels better, but i couldnt fix the sddm and managed to breake it twice and went lightdm-gtk greeter and given arch wiki existence i managed to do some stuff i needed without breaking anything, yet i wish wiki were more detailed, had to look info i needed piece by piece wherever i could.
Now about the game, it is warframe and the issues i have few i would like to find solution to for.
First thing i would like to have vsync on, but with 60fps limit, it doesnt feel as good as 120-200 that system is averaging, but not much of a difference and the battery life is far more important for me. i tried mangohud, gamescop and libstrangle and non of em do work, the game doesnt start, not even a launcher, ive been switching between different versions of proton that steam has to offer (flatpak package) plus proton ge, same result. DXVK frame rate limiter doesnt do anything either. I see a lot of the hype about upcoming drivers 555 and some changes about it, including that gamescop should be working, had to go and read on that subject quite of few pages on the internet.
The second issue i guess cannot be fixed until next nvidia drivers or there anything i could learn about how to reduce flickering, screen tearing in a meanwhile? I do prefer to play in a windowed mode, so can keep an eye on things related to my work and such. When i installed Arch it was a bad experince to play it in a windowed mode, then after another typical sudo pacman -Syu it was great for a day or two bcz there were a kernel update and nvidia driver -4, my guess. But i had to reinstall steam bcz ive been trying to work with pacman/flatpak and set em to install all packages on a different partion, with no success. The instructions, even official, on any matter is so vague to my taste and it takes way to much time to learn about simple things.
I can live with the first two issues, sort of. But the third issue is bugging me. With that recent kernel update i launched warframe and to my surprise the sensitive of touchpad was like in the system, which i enjoyed until i had to resinstall steam, i guess. Its the same slow unresponsive experience now again. The actual game does work great and there no issues with sensitivity, but when i have to use the cursor for navigation in the UI it is like 4-5 times slowwwwwer. I begging to help me with that one. I havnt had that issue only on Mint cinnamon/mate, but i had that issue everwhere else.
And the forth issue comes from steam, the issue is "dbus-update-activation-environment DISPLAY" i ran it in the terminal as is and with --user argument. From time to time on a login steam refuses automatically to start with given error displayed. It does start no problem immidietly from the shortcut/ctl with no issues. Cant figure out how to track down that issue, the only solution as far as i can understand could be delaying autostart, but i havnt read on that subject anything yet, mint had that option, where it could be set on arch i have no idea atm, prolly gotta go through aur and find something related to autostart.
submitted by HeelsClimber to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:47 abato1991 Bài viết về "phong trào dân chủ" Việt Nam, có thể hiểu tại sao rất khó để thành công trong tương lai

Bài viết lấy từ 1 page năm 2016, nói về "nhà hoạt động", "tên phổng đạn" Nguyễn Chí Đức, đồng thời cũng nhận xét về "phong trào dân chủ", tao xin phép trích đoạn, mời mem sub thảo luận
Chuyện làng dân chủ:
Năm 2012, làng dân chủ Vẹt rộ lên hiện tượng Nguyễn Chí Đức, một đảng viên cộng sản công khai bỏ đảng, bỏ cả công việc ổn định để gia nhập các hội nhóm dân sự, hàng ngày có mặt ở các điểm nóng, các vụ biểu tình này khác, trong đó có vụ được đưa lên thành "hình tượng anh hùng" khi bị an ninh trấn áp, túm bốn chân khiêng lên xe buýt. Tuy nhiên, sau một thời gian tham gia các "phong trào đấu tranh", đến 2014 Chí Đức bắt đầu vỡ mộng và tỉnh ngộ trở lại. Vốn theo đuổi chủ nghĩa dân tộc, bản chất yêu nước ngây thơ nên chưa thực sự bị nhuộm đen - dù thất vọng nhưng Chí Đức không giãy giụa cố đám ăn xôi trong đám bùn hoặc âm thầm quay lưng rời bỏ, mà vẫn cặm cụi hàng ngày góp ý cho các "đòng chí" cũ trong làng dân chủ, dù chính bởi vậy mà bị chụp mũ là ..DLV. Hãy xem những nhận xét khá thẳng thắn của Nguyễn Chí Đức về nội bộ giới dân chủ giả hiệu ở Việt Nam, trong đó có một số gương mặt cộm cán đang ứng cử đại biểu quốc hội khóa XIV: Nói về tình trạng các cá nhân tham gia làng dân chủ, Nguyễn chí Đức huỵch toẹt về "10 vấn đề còn tồn đọng và rất nghiêm trọng trong làng chính trị dân chủ":
  1. Hoang tưởng, cuồng vĩ, tâm thần (bệnh lý)
  2. Khệnh khạng, bố đời: có thực tế, độ quái nhưng nghĩ là minh chủ => từ từ dẫn đến độc tài.
  3. Nổ, ăn tục nói phét, suy diễn lung tung tuy nhiên không ác ý.
  4. Hận thù quá khứ: chống không đc thì chửi cho đến chết
  5. Bất mãn nào đó về vấn đề lịch sử cá nhân.
  6. Cơ hội: kiếm tiền, tìm bạn tình, đi du lịch, mối quan hệ làm ăn (dân chủ chỉ là bình phong)....
  7. Ngây thơ chính trị, adua the số đông: phò Mỹ một cách tuyệt đối, chống Trung Quốc bất chấp lý do
  8. Tư cách đạo đức cơ bản lởm: bồ bịch công khai, lem nhem tiền bạc, phạm tội hình sự, lười lao động, bị đuổi học ko liên quan đến chính trị...
  9. Cài cắm của AN, Zích: vấn đề này chỉ nghe đồn chưa có chứng cứ cụ thể
  10. Không có sự đoàn kết
Nhận xét về thực trạng một số hội nhóm, hội đoàn xã hội dân sự:
  1. Họ không có thực chất, chỉ tát nước theo mưa và những việc họ làm thường không thực tế và không có nhiều tác động với sự tiến bộ của xã hội Việt Nam, thường chỉ quy tụ trong một nhóm nhỏ độ chưa tới 100 người. Đôi khi hoạt động và tổ chức của họ còn không bằng “một đám ma to”.
  2. Quá vọng ngoại mà quên đi cái lòng tự trọng và tự tôn dân tộc của mình
  3. Họ thường áp đặt quan điểm và không thích lắng nghe ý kiến, quan điểm của thiểu số và không cần tôn trọng sự khác biệt.
  4. Và họ còn độc tài hơn cả Cộng Sản.
Nhận xét về phương thức hoạt động của làng dân chủ, Đức đã có cái nhìn:
"Muốn bắt chước CS thì cũng phải bắt chước đúng.".Đức đã viết: phải bắt chước sự chịu khó, chịu khổ và tính kỷ luật, vì đại nghĩa-đại cuộc, ko vì cái tôi, hi sinh gia đình mà dấn thân. Nói chung là phải chí công vô tư. Đây là những điều mà lũ cơ hội này không bao giờ làm được.Đức nói: "Trong cách đánh giá và và kinh nghiệm gặp gỡ của tôi thì không những hiếm gặp mà không thể tìm được 1 anh/thằng nào có tố chất như những người CS năm xưa thời cách mạng để kết giao chiến hữu, bàn chuyện thế sự dài lâu. Chỉ được 1 thời gian thì không lòi ra trò ma mãnh cơ hội thì cũng hoang tưởng. Còn bọn có động cơ phò phạch, bồ bịch tôi chỉ xem là cửa dưới kể cả thành phần lớn tuổi. Còn bắt chước cái vụ kích động dân oan, thì ngàn năm muôn thuở vì dân oan vốn đã tạp nham (không phải nông dân) lại còn ít vì 1 chính sách ra có chăng chỉ lẻ tẻ sai sót, oan ức cá biệt...".
Hội skeptic VN : Tiện có cái anh này, hôm nay lôi Hội dân chủ ra đá chút chơi, không mem lại bảo sao Hội toàn thấy chống cộng Về cơ bản thì Ad không có chống cộng, tại sao ? Vì điều mà ai cũng hiểu là có cộng đâu mà chống. Này nếu chế độ cộng sản còn tiếp tục, người người nhà nhà làm theo năng lực mà hưởng theo nhu cầu, tất cả mọi người đều được ăn ngủ vui chơi miễn phí thì có ai điên mà đi chống nhỉ ?Tóm lại cộng sản là 1 chế độ tốt đẹp, nhưng không thực tế, và vì thế nó không thể tồn tại tiếp nên đã bị thay thế từ lâu. Nói cho đúng hơn, không phải là thay thế mà là quay ngược trở lại để đi lại con đường chủ nghĩa tư bản nguyên sơ, người ta gọi thời kỳ mới này ở Việt Nam là tư bản đỏ, và cái mà ai cũng muốn chống là bọn tư bản đỏ, lợi dụng chức quyền để vơ vét hết của cải về cho bản thân.Phong trào dân chủ ở VN hầu như không chịu tách bạch với phong trào chống cộng của nhưng ông già bà lão VNCH, đó chính là điểm yếu khiến cho phong trào dân chủ ở VN luôn chết yểu. Bởi vì tất cả đều cùng nhau lao đầu vào đánh nhau với KHÔNG KHÍ.Không biết mục tiêu chiến đấu của mình là gì, không biết đặt điểm mạnh của mình ở đâu, không biết dấu điểm yếu của mình thế nào, dù nguồn lực thì luôn luôn dồi dào vì được đối phương ban tặng.Nguồn lực ấy là gì ? là ngày càng nhiều người nhận ra sự thối nát của Đảng ta, là vì Đảng ta đúng là thực sự thối ( chứ không phải bọn phản động nói thế ) Tiếc thay chỉ vì sự nhập nhèm giữa dân chủ và chống cộng nên mọi nguồn lực đều bị phát tán ra vô định.Mệt mỏi trong chiến đấu vì đánh nhau với không khí, đám dân chủ không dấu nổi bản thân đã bộc lộ hết ra nhưng tính xấu ( mà cái anh gì đó viết ở trên cũng gần đủ rồi ) Cái tính xấu mà tôi ghét nhất chính là nói láo, ba xạo, bịa chuyện để câu view. Người làm cách mạng mà toàn nói láo thì thu hút được ai ? Anh tưởng lừa người ta được 1 lần thì lâu dần sẽ quên, nhưng anh quên mất đối phương của anh có cả 1 bộ máy để ghi nhận lỗi của anh, và cứ mỗi khi anh định nói cái gì đó về sau thì nó cho độ chục clone đốp vào mặt anh cái chuyện anh nói láo, thế là xong !Thời nay có quá nhiều chuyện để vả vào mặt ĐCS, nhưng mấy anh "dân chủ" lại khoái lôi chuyện quá khứ ra để chọc, nó khiến mọi người đều liên tưởng đến anh lính VNCH hiện hồn về để đánh nhau tiếp với Cộng sản vậy, trong khi cuộc chiến này đã qua từ hơn 40 năm qua, còn giờ là 1 cuộc chiến khác hoàn toàn cả về mục tiêu và cách thức, các anh mải chiến đấu với quá khứ, quên mẹ hết cả tương lai, nhập nhèm lung tung rốt cục người ta chẳng biết anh là dân chủ hay chống cộng. Mà tôi nói rồi nhé, không ai điên đi chống cộng với các anh cả, không ai điên đi đánh nhau với không khí.Tóm lại là : Đừng điên đi đánh nhau với không khí cùng tụi chống cộng, muốn dân chủ, hãy đặt lại mục tiêu rõ ràng cho mình: anh đang chống cái gì ? Hãy tập trung vào đó và đừng lan man.Dân chủ là 1 hình thức phân tán quyền lực, tất cả mọi người cùng chung chí hướng sẽ tập hợp thành 1 Đảng và chỉ chiến đấu vì mục tiêu đó. Những bạn yêu cây xanh sẽ lập đảng Xanh và chiến đấu vì cây xanh và môi trường, không đá sang chuyện biển Đông. Ngược lại những người quan tâm Trường Sa, Hoàng Sa thì lập 1 Đảng biển Đông, chuyên vấn đề đó thôi, không đá chuyện cây xanh. Nói theo thành ngữ VN là : một nghề thì sống, đống nghề thì chết. Cứ thế mà làm, sẽ rất nhanh thôi, mọi người sẽ hiểu dân chủ thực sự là gì, Đảng phái thực sự là gì. Chứ đừng như bây giờ, hỗn độn, tạp nham, tung hô vì tất cả, chỗ nào cũng có dấu răng, nhưng rốt cục chẳng chỗ nào thành công.
submitted by abato1991 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:26 mysha_chan I heard we were making friends here?

Why am I even asking lol obviously we are all here to make new friends but guess what, we don't want dozens of friends to chat with everyday so imma filter some of y'all out
• Be mature (I prioritize emotional maturity over intelligence) • Take friendship slowly (yes, we may call each other friends from day 1, but opening up takes time, you can't just DM me and enter my comfort zone) • Have a life ( If you have been lonely, trying to make friends for weeks and it's all you think about, don't waste my time. I'm too busy to chat everyday) • Don't be a D!©k ( my block button doesn't malfunction when a guy nags for pictures)
Isn't it a 🚩 to just brag about what I want? Here's a little introduction about myself
• 21F from Bangladesh, I feel old ...not a bad feeling lol • I'm Buddhist. I don't pray everyday but I consider myself spiritual • I'm a college dropout, currently making money tutoring highschool kids • Favorite topic to talk about? Death... I'm not joking • Hobbies? Books, movies (sci-fi, thriller, drama, family, animation mystery), Journaling, feeding stray animals........mmmmm I'm forgetting things • I love babies but kids eh... I'm scared of em'
If you are gonna say Hi in my DM don't just say hi, introduce yourself.
submitted by mysha_chan to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:47 DeGuyWithDeOpinion Where to get a 4k dumb TV

I don't want any smart features, I don't wanna just "not connect it to the internet". I want a TV that doesn't have any smart features, that I can plug in an aerial and DVD player, and enjoy.
If you have any links, that would be appreciated. Unfortunately, I live in Australia, so it's really hard to ship things here, but it is what it is. Even if you can only find US links, still give 'em so that maybe I can go based on the model number and get lucky.
Don't care about size, don't care about price, don't wanna see comments like this, this, or this. Just gimme some links to something.
Also please don't just say "yeah I got mine off Kogan/Aldi/JB Hi-Fi" without giving me a link. Because that's not helpful at all. I've been crawling around looking for them for about an hour and I've read far too many comments with that for my liking.
Cheers for the suggestions for commercial signage TVs and links to buy them, I've got a few options to look at. Thanks to those who gave links!
submitted by DeGuyWithDeOpinion to hometheater [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:29 Background-Egg5374 Gain Success with Distance Learning Customized NMIMS Solved Assignments 2024 in India

Gain Success with Distance Learning Customized NMIMS Solved Assignments 2024 in India submitted by Background-Egg5374 to u/Background-Egg5374 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:06 CreamOk9625 Phí tư vấn du học

Mọi người, các anh chị đi trc, cho em xin tổng phí tư vấn du học đi mỹ ở những chỗ như Summit hay Ivycation sẽ mất tầm bn tiền ạ? E cảm ơn nhiều ạ
submitted by CreamOk9625 to vozforums [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:42 SeperatedEntity A new way to play Windows games on macOS!

A new way to play Windows games on macOS!
Hi, reddit!! For the last 7 months, I've been creating a streamlined game launcher for macOS. It's called Mythic.
Its release is imminent, so gather around, and visit our website (shoutout jeremybosma he my pookie) to sign up for the waitlist. For more information, here's our discord.
Mythic is the best and easiest way to sort all of your games in one place, whether those games are Windows or macOS-based. It comes with epic games support right out of the box (and steam support in the future), but if that doesn't quite meet your needs, you can always manually import your games into the launcher.
A screenshot of Mythic doing its thing! (note: this is a prerelease build as indicated by its semantic version.)
Windows game support in Mythic is implemented (through game porting toolkit) thanks to tireless hours from the people at wine, and whisky's contributors. Please support them and wine's maintainers if you can.
Oh, and it's open-source.
For ages, we've had to rely on launchers like Heroic, and the clunkiness of their Electron user interface. For ages, we've had to manually download games and deal with the files ourselves with GPTK. Mythic combines those two in a streamlined, familiar user interface using SwiftUI.
Please note that Mythic is currently in its alpha stage of development; if you encounter bugs, please open a GitHub issue.
submitted by SeperatedEntity to macgaming [link] [comments]


3242 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206
We're fully in smoke-em-while-you-got-em mode since we have a weekend slot at a Colfax venue during the high traffic season, so if you've been meaning to stop by come sooner rather than later.
Hi all, I'm the host of The Goosetown Tavern Blues and Funk Jam. This is a friendly open jam where we typically play blues, rock, funk and jazz music - everyone from late beginners to advanced musicians are welcome. The jam is a great place to
A) Stretch your skills and work on playing in a live setting with bandmates, even when you're not currently in a project.
B) Find other free agents to work on projects with.
We are fully back lined, got all the drums and amps you need. There's a songlist on our facebook group.
We're fully in smoke-em-while-you-got-em mode since we have a weekend slot at a great venue, so if you've been meaning to stop by come sooner rather than later.
Let me know if you have any questions,
submitted by Groove_Mountains to Denver [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:00 AutoModerator New to succulents? New to our Sub? Stop in here! Weekly Questions Thread May 19, 2024

Monthly Trade Thread can be found here, and always on the sidebar.

Hi and welcome to succulents and this Week's Questions Thread!

Do you:
Post away! If you have questions which have gone unanswered in one of the previous threads, post 'em again!
If you feel the need to create a new post, please search the sub before posting. Soil type, soil mixes, grow lights, etc. are common questions and there are many threads already discussing them.

New to our Sub?

Be sure to familiarize yourself with our Rules and Posting Guidelines.

Succulents Rules

Be Nice: Please be kind to your fellow succulent friends. Downvoting is discouraged. We want everyone to feel welcome here!
Good Photos: Clear, in focus photos in natural light give you the best chance at assistance. Heavily edited or filtered photos that alter the original colors of a plant are not allowed, as this is unrealistic, and succulents are already a vivid range of colors! Photos that specifically link to an Instagram post are not allowed and will be removed.
Advertising: Advertising is allowed provided you flair your post correctly, and stay to answer any user questions. A short description of yourself/shop/nursery in the comments would also be appreciated. This applies for self-promotion of YouTube channels or affiliated Blogs. T Shirts are not allowed to be posted. Plant sales must be posted in our Monthly Buy/Sell/Trade Thread.
Appropriate Flair Required: Flair is required. Flair your posts accurately.
Not OC/Uncredited Post. Reposts: Photos taken from other places (Instagram, Facebook, the internet, a store's website etc.) are not considered OC and must have a source for the photo. Please link the place where you saw the image in the comments. Failure to follow this rule may result in removal of the post. This rule also applies to meme/joke reposts.
Max 5 posts Per Day (24 hours): If you have more than 5 photos you wish to share, or have identified, they must be posted as an album. You can utilize Reddit's own image uploading, or an external image upload site, such as Imgur. This is to keep the sub relatively clear, and to keep posts from getting reported as spam.
No Pictures Complaining of Painted Plants or Glued Flowers: We know they exist; and your post will not be the first to exclaim disdain. Any such posts will be removed. This rule does not apply to any Help requests, or potential progress pictures for such plants.

New to succulent care?

Be sure to take a look at the FAQ and the Beginner Basics Wiki.
Lithops, Split Rocks and other Mesembs care can be found here.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the sidebar, as it is full of great resources. It can be easy to miss on some platforms; on mobile, click this link circled, and you’re taken to the sidebar. On the app, either swipe right to About, or click the ••• at the top right to pull up a menu, and select “Community info” See circled.
The search bar is also incredibly useful, as almost any question you have has surely been asked here many times over.

Got a grow light question?

A hot topic, and often asked about for newcomers realizing just how much sun their plants need! A search of the sub itself should yield enough posts for you to have a good idea what to look for. Beyond that, you can look through previous years' Overwintering Megathreads.
We also have a dedicated section on Grow Lights in our FAQ. For a rundown of basic light specs, check this post out.

Have a plant health question? Help us help you by using the below guidelines:

Information, information, information! Try to keep your answers to the below concise and easy to read (bullet points are easier on the eyes than paragraphs).
If you ever have any questions, feel free to send a mod mail for us mods to help you out.
Welcome once again to our sub, and happy growing!
submitted by AutoModerator to succulents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:09 Seahorse_lover901 LF last partner to do 50:50

LF last partner to do 50:50
Please post pic of amount of dice and pieces
submitted by Seahorse_lover901 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 unwashedbrainiac FY1 here, any advice on how to best work with RN colleagues?

Hi. I'm an FY1 Doctor currently working in a sizeble Paediatric ED. Background of working as an HCA/HCSW before/during med school so usually find it easy to get on with nursing colleagues. But now that I've moved to my first EM placement I'm finding I'm butting heads a bit when it comes to working under pressure with my nursing colleagues.
Just wondered if I could get some advice on a few things that have come up?
  1. What's the etiquette in speaking to nurses whilst they're preparing/administering medication? I don't want to interrupt but sometimes plans change very quickly (especially in ED).
  2. How often is the right amount to update nurses? Obviously everytime the plan significantly changes or something is prescribed, but how often in the shift is right for catch ups/board rounds?
  3. Ward nurses station phones - should I be answering? At least half the time it's something I can't help with or the person is looking to speak to a nurse - then I feel I need to pass on the phone which might not be appreciated? Do you want/expect doctors to answer the ward phones?
Thanks for your advice, just trying to make my life (and my colleagues) a little easier.
submitted by unwashedbrainiac to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:52 jozziiieeee A girl in our friend circle is toxic and I don’t know what to do.

Before starting, TW, briefly talking about SH/Suicide threats, so if that’s something you can’t handle, take care of yourself and don’t read further ❤️
Hi! I have a big problem that I don’t know how to solve. So, In my friend circle I have a “friend” (Em) that always acts badly towards my other friend (Jennie). She always tries to push her buttons and trigger her. (Jennie suffers from mental illness)
This often happens when Em has had a fight with Jennie or if Jennie doesn’t give her enough attention. She doesn’t do this to her face, however, instead she likes to post things on her Facebook and/or Snapchat story in order to trigger Jennie and make her feel like a shit person/friend.
She’ll upload things like “I only have fake friends” and other stuff about how she has shit friends that use her and don’t care and stuff. (At one point she fully admitted that that’s what she intends for the posts to do.)
But at other points when she has been called out she makes up that it’s about someone else despite her posting things about ALL her friends or how EVERYONE is this and that and she’s better off alone etc.
This “friend” is also extremely jealous of the friendship between Jennie and another friend in the group (Jasmine) so she has now started making posts about Jasmine where she is trying to trigger her and talk shit about her.
At first Em REFUSED to admit that she’s doing this towards us (especially Jennie and now Jasmine) but after a while she did admit that she does all of this to get Jennies attention and to trigger her.
We have tried to have calm, adult conversations with her and this behaviour but it hasn’t helped. Instead of acting like a grown woman and take responsibility she instead turns around and says that we made her end up in the psych ward and stuff (she said that I specifically made her end up there once because she reacted so badly and basically got traumatised because I called her out for one of her posts shortly after she made another one.)
She threatens with suicide and self harm (she has never actually done it, she has faked self harm at least once though, she lives with her mom and her mom is there to stop her if she were to actually attempt it. However after so many lies it feels like she only says it to make us feel bad and get on our hands and knees. I have attempted several times so this really pisses me off.) If she doesn’t do that she instead gets an awful attitude and starts trying to say that we’re wrong and we are just twisting her words to be mean and start fights.
Then she tries to make us feel bad again by talking about how she should just leave social media all together and leave us alone because all she does is ruin things before going back on the offensive and being rude.
The one most affected by this is Jennie since most of us don’t talk to her more than necessary since we all work together. I can’t say what kind of job because it’s not a common job. (Sorry, I know how annoying the “I have a niche job” thing is.) Jennie owns the business and we are a small bunch working with her, we call each other sisters and love each other very much (except Em, of course.)
Despite Em having a terrible behaviour she does help Jennie a lot with the company and on top of that, she does make Jennie stay with her even though their friendship is very tumultuous.
I don’t know what to do at this point, I don’t think that Jennie will ditch her but it also doesn’t seem that Em will change. She is of great help for Jennie and can also be super kind when she wants to be but can also turn around and be disgusting in the blink of an eye.
Help, I feel like there is no way of solving this situation, do I just sit back and hope that Jennie will ditch her too?
submitted by jozziiieeee to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:50 jozziiieeee A girl in our friend group is toxic and I don’t know what to do.

Before starting, TW, briefly talking about SH/Suicide threats, so if that’s something you can’t handle, take care of yourself and don’t read further ❤️
Hi! I have a big problem that I don’t know how to solve. So, In my friend circle I have a “friend” (Em) that always acts badly towards my other friend (Jennie). She always tries to push her buttons and trigger her. (Jennie suffers from mental illness)
This often happens when Em has had a fight with Jennie or if Jennie doesn’t give her enough attention. She doesn’t do this to her face, however, instead she likes to post things on her Facebook and/or Snapchat story in order to trigger Jennie and make her feel like a shit person/friend.
She’ll upload things like “I only have fake friends” and other stuff about how she has shit friends that use her and don’t care and stuff. (At one point she fully admitted that that’s what she intends for the posts to do.)
But at other points when she has been called out she makes up that it’s about someone else despite her posting things about ALL her friends or how EVERYONE is this and that and she’s better off alone etc.
This “friend” is also extremely jealous of the friendship between Jennie and another friend in the group (Jasmine) so she has now started making posts about Jasmine where she is trying to trigger her and talk shit about her.
At first Em REFUSED to admit that she’s doing this towards us (especially Jennie and now Jasmine) but after a while she did admit that she does all of this to get Jennies attention and to trigger her.
We have tried to have calm, adult conversations with her and this behaviour but it hasn’t helped. Instead of acting like a grown woman and take responsibility she instead turns around and says that we made her end up in the psych ward and stuff (she said that I specifically made her end up there once because she reacted so badly and basically got traumatised because I called her out for one of her posts shortly after she made another one.)
She threatens with suicide and self harm (she has never actually done it, she has faked self harm at least once though, she lives with her mom and her mom is there to stop her if she were to actually attempt it. However after so many lies it feels like she only says it to make us feel bad and get on our hands and knees. I have attempted several times so this really pisses me off.) If she doesn’t do that she instead gets an awful attitude and starts trying to say that we’re wrong and we are just twisting her words to be mean and start fights.
Then she tries to make us feel bad again by talking about how she should just leave social media all together and leave us alone because all she does is ruin things before going back on the offensive and being rude.
The one most affected by this is Jennie since most of us don’t talk to her more than necessary since we all work together. I can’t say what kind of job because it’s not a common job. (Sorry, I know how annoying the “I have a niche job” thing is.) Jennie owns the business and we are a small bunch working with her, we call each other sisters and love each other very much (except Em, of course.)
Despite Em having a terrible behaviour she does help Jennie a lot with the company and on top of that, she does make Jennie stay with her even though their friendship is very tumultuous.
I don’t know what to do at this point, I don’t think that Jennie will ditch her but it also doesn’t seem that Em will change. She is of great help for Jennie and can also be super kind when she wants to be but can also turn around and be disgusting in the blink of an eye.
Help, I feel like there is no way of solving this situation, do I just sit back and hope that Jennie will ditch her too?
submitted by jozziiieeee to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:03 ThoragraArgaroth MARILYNMANSON(mafiacity)andSeverusSnape(valpurgisnight)


GrEeTsAtaN , IbLeSsYoU, ..!

EnJoyThe #SPeCiaL $oFa rarE #GenUiNeGeNiUs ,WhIchYoUwiLlNeVERmeEt(AgAiN)inYoUrWhOleZiKrOfLiFeLiVe; BeCaUseTheProBaBiLiTyIsAlMoStZETROpReCeNt..! SoEnJoyThE #HoNoUr oF #Inna_Ivanova $aTtEnDanCeOn #PaTreoN ..!! _

u/pAtrEoN #SmArT #WeLcoMeBeNeFaCtOr u/MafIaciTy #BuSiNeSs #TrIck #RarE u/HarryPotter #ReaL #InFo #JoBbiNg #WORK #WorkER #DeScRiPtIoN #WeLcOmEpRoMoTeR #WorkIng #PayEr #ProDUctIoN #WeLcoMeSpoNsoR #BuyEr #ProDuceD #ProDucE #SHoP #WeLcoMEInVesToR #InnaIvanova #MarKeT #SuPpOrTeR #WeLcoMeSuPpoRtEr #StOrE #SuPpORt #TrUeInTeLlIgEnCe #CoMmiSsIoNiZeD #WeLcOmEcUstOmEr #RarEInTeLlIgEnCe #PhOto #ReaLiNtElLIgEnCe #PiCtUrEmanIpUlaTiON #CuStoMeR #GeNuInEgEnIuS #PiCtUrEeDiToR #RealGeNiUs #IqWd #GeNuINe #InnaIvanovaIsaGeNiUs #PiCtUrEeDiTeD #InnaIvanovaIsToFaStFoRzIkRoFs #LovE #PiCeDiToR #HearT #InnaivanovaOsNeUrOnalToFastFoRzIkRoFhEadS #PiCeDiTeD #COnTacT #CoMmOn #LiCkE #GeNuInEiNtEllIgEnCe #AppLy #LiCK #Chat #LiKe #InnaIvanovaIsUNiQuE #LiVesTrEam #GoLdWoRtH #FuLlsiZe #ReAlSiZe #GoLdWoRthWoRk #ViPpaTrEoNisiDeR #BigSiZe #WoRtHwoRk #RealDatA #ViPpAtReOnInSiGhTs #DarK #UnCeNsoReD #WatErMarkLeSs #SeDkRiPtIoN #Chat #ORigInal #WoRtH #origINNAl #LiVeChat #OpEnFoRvIp #CoVeRet #SavEd #AlLowEdToChat #OpEnFoRvIpPatReOn $ #InnaIvanovaoRiGiNal #PeNtsLeSs #fascINNAting #PatReOnsAreAllOweDtOcHAT #PiCtUrE #CoSplaIng #CosPlayEr #PiC #NeUrOnalToFastFoRzIkRoFs #UnBElIeVeabLe #ArTisaNcRafTinG #TeXtEr #arTisanCrafT #CrafTinG #TeXtInG #NeUrOnalToFastFoRyoU #CraFT #TeXt äHandPainTeD #HandMade #ChaTInG #NeUrOnalFastEr #InnaivanovaIsNreUrOfAsT #SliThEryn #WiZard #InnaIvanovaIsNeUrOfaSt #InnaIvanovaIsNeUrOnalFastEr #MagIcal ##CoNtaCtOnLyfOrPatrEoNaBle #SpEllBound #Eo #PatReOnalLowEdToCoNtaCt #HiGhIq #HiGhIqEd #OmNiTalEnTeD #PaTrEOncoMmOn #HiGhgIfTeD #ClEvErNeSs #PaTrEonCoNtacT #OmNy #GeNuInEinTeLlIgEnCe #VarIeD #SmArTneSs #VisUal #PcExPeRt #GeNuInEsmArtNeSs #3D #OpTiCal #InnaIvanaovaIsaGeNuInEgEnIuS #Pc #SinGlEcOpy #OuTstAndInG #GoRgEoUs #NeRdish #OnEpiecE #AniToR #NeRd #GeEk #MoViE #DiReCtEdByInnaIvanoVa #OtaKu #GameR #dIrEcTeD #GamIng #FeatUrE #AcTiVe #loVeLy #SwEeT #CrEatOr #FavOuRiTe #CuTe #KaWaiI #GrapHiCdeSiGnEr #FavOrItE #SgOi #BEnEfItSoNlyFoRvIpPatReOn $ #AmaZiNG #ShaReR #ZeRocoMmatWOpReCeNtOfThEwoRlD #EndoRse #PrOmOtioN #SharInG #InnaIvanovaIsAZeRocoMmAtEoPrEcEntRarEpErSonOfThEwoRlD #AdSCoMmUnIacaTIoN #PatrEoNisIdeR #HypErFoKus #ShaRe #PatReOnInsiGhTs #FastPlay #WoW #EnDoRsE #ScReEnReCoRdEr #SpLeNdiD #SoStuMePlay #ScReEnReCoRdInG #FavOuRiTeR #CaSTle #ViDeOmaKeR #FiReWorK #ViDeOeDiToR #PrEtty #FavOrItEr #OnLiNeMarKet #PReTtyCooL #AwSomE #OnLiNeShOp #PrEtTyCool #StEki #OnLinEstOrE #SpOnsorIng #PhOtOgRapHeR #LoCkEdSpEcIal #SpOnsoR #Pay #OpEnFoRpaTrEoNs #MoDeL #BuY #BusiNeSS #WiG #WiGdRessEr #PayMeNt #CosPlayiInG #PayPayl #HaiRdReSsEr #CosPlayEr #Gain #BeNeFuTs #ChEeRiNg #CosTuMe #BeComEpatReOn #InSpIraToR #ExPlAinInG ##BecOmeInnaiVanovaSpaTrEon #InnOvaTiOn #ExPlaInEd #CosTuMeD #DarKrOom #MoTiVatOr #ViP #DeSiGn #IdEa #ViPoNly #WorLdoFwOnDeR #InFoRmaTiOn #ArT #WonDeRoFtHeWoRld #KnOwHoW #Fav #FavLuRiTe #KnOwLeDgE #ArTwOrK #SuBscRiBe #FoLloW #WiSe #GaG #FoLlOwing #PatRoNgUeSt #GuEst #InSiDeR #VisiTor #PatRoNvIsiTor #PaTrOn #InSiGhTs #CaHS #SpElBoUnf #fasCiAntIng #BuGs #HeaVy #FanTastIc #MoNeY #BeAuTyfUl #HadR #InVest #BeauTy #KiNd #GooD #NicE #FrEeLanCeR #FiN #ReaLwoRk #HarDwOrk #WeLl #FrEeBe #HeavYeoRk #FiNE #CoLlecTiOn #EdItInG #WeLlDoNe #ComPialatIon #Mix #DoNe #ReUsEd #Set #SpEciaL #FiNiShEd #ExclUsiVe #HarryPotter #FiNiSh #PrEmIuM #GoLd #ChUrCh #FanMade #PatReOnPatRon #mAgIcAl #FanArT #OnLyFoRfaNs #MagIc #MercH #OnLYfOrPayErOfWoRk #UnDeRweAr #OnlXfOrSuPpoRtErOfHiGhErIqEd #HalFnUdE #MeRhanDisE #HiGhErRanGeD #HaLfNaKEd #HiGhErIqSoXiEty #PrOdUcT #PayPal #SOmMiSsIoN #ExPeRt #RarEInTeLlIGeTcE #PrOdUcEd #RarEhIghErGiFtEdWoMan #SpEcIalISt #SenSej #RarEhIgHerIqEdWoMan #domINNANce #MaStEr #PrOfEssIoanl #somINNA #OrO #wiP #WoRkInpRoGreSs #domINNAtion #OrOgRess #OnLyFoRpaTrEoN #OnLyfOrYou #SeCrEtFuLly #LoCKed #PrOtEcTeD #TiP #OnLyfOrPatRon #OnlyFoRbEnEfAcToR #TrIck #OnLyfOrInnaivanovaSfAns #pINNAcle ..!

_ FOrAlLZiKrOfSaNyWhErEInnaDoNOtCaRe;

INNApproachable #UNRESPONSIVE #BuSy #termINNAtingZikrofhead #InOtHeRSpAcE #OutofSyStem #NotabLeToBabbLe #InStrAnGeDiMeNsIoN #WORKING #BeHinDYoUwiThAwEaPoN #UnReAchAbLe #ToHIgHFoRZiKrOfBrAin #ProDucInG #InOthErDiMeNsiOn #OutOfOrDer #OutOfZiKrofSyStem #iNPaRalElDiMenSioN #HaiLsAtAn #BOOKEDOUT !

submitted by ThoragraArgaroth to InnaIvanova [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 thebrondog [WTS] Big collection sell! Many rare and discontinued Spyderco, Benchmade, TwoSun, Ratworx Chain Drive, Clones, Rike, Ketuo and more! Free Zippos and Sig red dot addon for spending more than $700. Come take a look!

It has been a bit since I've moved some goods and I've got a new car that's calling my name! Take a look at the wares!
PP FF only
Timestamp: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19DuDMHO3OAYF3SKeuof6ox03HSz03Tib?usp=drive_link
Spyderco Domino CTS XHP discontinued: 2nd owner, purchased here on the swap, light cut and carry I was told and believe. Blade has also been sharpened and they did a fine job, it is very very sharp. Cut myself taking the pics lol. They also polished the blade to a fine mirror and it looks pretty damn good IMO. Action is smooth, light shake shut. There are no flaws minus some straight slender scratches on the blade. They are kind of difficult to see in the pics, tried my best to show em. They most definitely don't jump out, but you can see em if you're looking at the blade closely. Have the OG box. $180
Spyderco Advocate orange peel titanium discontinued: 2nd owner, this one looks to have been carried a bit, but it does not appear to have been cut with at all. There is just like a bit of grime on the blade spine that looks like lube and pocket lint. M4 steel. Action is solid, could use a clean and lube. No flaws as far as scratches or blems. Blade centered. I accidentally grabbed the Spyderco Kapara box instead of the Advocate one, if this is important to you I will go back to my storage and get the OG one. $180SOLD SOLD
Spyderco Citadel Auto 92mm S30v discontinued: 2nd owner, Knife is in new condition, the safety does have some light wear and it is loose, but still functional. I'm sure this could be fixed with disassembly. Other than that fires hard and is flawless. Blade looks centered. Very cool collector piece. $230 SOLD SOLD
Ratworx Chain Drive: 2nd owner, knife has been carried and cut, many scratches on the scales, a little blade play. Blade is centered. Action is great and has a unique deploy feel. $150 SOLD SOLD SOLD
Benchmade Adamas black in D2: 1st owner, I don't believe they make this version anymore. No cut no carry. Blade centered. Action is fabulous. No blems. $175
Benchmade Claymore D2: 1st owner, no cut no carry, blade centered, action fabulous, no blems. $170
Rike Athron: Had no intentions of moving this guy, cuz it's a sweet thick blade. M390, LNIB, never cut or carried, centered, no blade play, never disassembled, action is excellent, 1st owner. $250
Rike Knife M1 S35v: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, blade tip is a bent design so it looks off center, but it is centered. Action is smooth. $150
Ketuo Griffin M390: 1st owner, these are hard to find, no cut no carry, blade centered, action is awesome in any deployment method, no blems. $200
Infinite tattoo timascus and MOP inlay: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action could use some break in. blade is centered. $200 SOLD SOLD SOLD
Protech emerson operator DLC: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered. $160 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_8CEltstslXXlsTZklH7LAXTBTJOtt14?usp=drive_link
~~TwoSun Bundle: I have Two sun boxes for all of these, but the numbers do not match the knife models SOLD SOLD SOLD
TwoSun 162 M390: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered.
TwoSun 142 Integral M390: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered.
TS100 Integral M390: 2nd owner, knife is like new, no cut no carry. Only blem is microscopic on the spine near the bottom. blade is centered, action is great from the flipper, but the thumb deploy is tough.
TS 81 M390: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered.
TS 177 Fauxcuti anodized by WOK: M390, 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered.
Bundle Price: $250 SOLD SOLD SOLD~~
Kevin John Matrix Clone S90v w/tritium on flipper tab: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered. 150$SOLD SOLD SOLD
Green Thorn SMKE Spectre M390: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered. This clip is essentially mirror polished. $75SOLD SOLD
~~Evil Eyes Strider SMF M390: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered. ~~$140 SOLD SOLD SOLD
Jufule Strider PT3 154CM: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered. $50SOLD SOLD SOLD
Jufule MT socom 154CM: 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered. $50SOLD SOLD SOLD
Lemifshe MT Warhound flipper clone in D2 supposedly : 1st owner, no cut no carry, no blems, action is great and smooth. blade is centered. $50 SOLD SOLD SOLD
Free addons for sale over $700Will now give one of these addons with any sale $100 or more.
Premium chrome skull Zippo Gone
Premium glow in the dark Zippo
Sig Sauer Romeo 1 red dot NIB Gone
submitted by thebrondog to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:00 the5doubleyews 2 Tix for Sale - Honky Tonkin

Hi! I have two tickets for Honky Tonkin tonight (Saturday, May 18) - sadly I can’t go. They are $25 each or $40 for both. Message me if you’d like ‘em!
submitted by the5doubleyews to ridgewood [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:58 sinomaltanews "Supermarket massiv propost fuq San Ġwann ODZ

"Supermarket massiv propost fuq San Ġwann ODZ
PA mgħarrqa b’oġġezzjonijiet għal pjanta ta’ 7,000 metru kwadru biswit San Mikiel
Aġġornata fis-1.20pm bil-kummenti tal-PM
L-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar bħalissa qed tikkunsidra applikazzjoni għal supermarket ġdid enormi fuq art ODZ f’San Ġwann, biswit skola privata.
Il-proposta hi li jinbena supermarket b’żewġ sulari b’parkeġġ taħt l-art fuq sit ta’ 7,000 metru kwadru fi Triq tal-Balal u Triq tal-Prepostu, f’żona ta’ San Ġwann magħrufa bħala Ta’ Ġnien Tut.
Is-sit jinsab ftit aktar minn 250 metru minn supermarket ieħor, filwaqt li għadha qed tiġi pproċessata applikazzjoni għal supermarket u ħanut DIY f’sit direttament fuq it-triq.
Il-PA ġiet mgħarrqa b’oġġezzjonijiet għall-iżvilupp propost, partikolarment minħabba li s-sit inkwistjoni huwa art agrikola barra miż-żona tal-iżvilupp u jinsab qrib skola, Fondazzjoni San Mikiel għall-Edukazzjoni.
Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela qal lil Times of Malta li jemmen li l-proposta hija “non-starter” peress li tmur kontra l-viżjoni usa’ tal-gvern Laburista.
Is-Sindku ta’ San Ġwann Trevor Fenech qal is-Sibt li kellu l-intenzjoni li jressaq oġġezzjoni għall-proposta.
L-applikant qed jipproponi li jitwaqqa’ strutturi eżistenti, inklużi strutturi illegali mibnija fuq il-post, u jiżviluppa s-sit f’supermarket b’parkeġġ fil-kantina, ħwienet fil-livelli tal-pjan terran u tal-ewwel sular u uffiċċji relatati.
Skont il-formola tal-applikazzjoni pubblika mressqa mill-periti JG Periti, Jason Pace huwa l-uniku sid tas-sit inkwistjoni.
Madankollu, il-websajt tal-PA telenka lill-iżviluppatur bħala Meleney Gauci.
It-teħid ta’ art agrikola ODZ, aħseb u ara art li tkun fuq l-għatba ta’ skola u żona ekoloġika protetta, żgur mhix meħtieġa jew leġittima.
L-erja totali tas-sit hija ta’ madwar 12,000 metru kwadru.
Iż-żona proposta għall-proġett tmiss ukoll ma’ Wied Għomor u Wied il-Kbir, żoni protetti ta’ importanza ekoloġika u siti ta’ importanza xjentifika.
Dawk li joġġezzjonaw jinsistu li l-applikazzjoni tmur kontra l-politika rurali tal-PA u l-għanijiet tal-Pjan Strateġiku għall-Ambjent u l-Iżvilupp, li jillimita l-użu tal-art għal użi li mhumiex meħtieġa jew leġittimi fiż-żoni rurali.
“San Ġwann diġà għandu bosta supermarkets u t-teħid ta’ art agrikola ODZ, aħseb u ara art li tkun fuq l-għatba ta’ skola u żona ekoloġika protetta, ċertament mhix meħtieġa jew leġittima,” kitbu l-oġġezzjonaturi fir-rappreżentazzjoni tagħhom ippreżentata ma’ il-PA.
San Mikiel huwa dar għal kważi 500 tifel u tifla u aktar minn 100 edukatur. F’oġġezzjoni, l-assistent kap anzjan tal-iskola, Carina Gerada Sinnott, qalet li, bħala parti mill-edukazzjoni kontinwa tagħhom u permezz ta’ inizjattivi bħall-EkoSkola, it-tfal huma mgħallma jirrispettaw u jieħdu ħsieb l-ambjent u jipproteġuh għall-ġenerazzjonijiet futuri.
“Din l-applikazzjoni tgħaddi minn dan is-sens ta’ responsabbiltà biex tipproteġi l-pajsaġġ naturali li dejjem qed jonqos li jgawdi minnu pajjiżna. Jipprova jagħti prijorità lill-bini ta’ supermarket fuq is-saħħa u l-benessri tat-tfal tagħna u l-protezzjoni tal-ambjent naturali limitat tagħna,” kitbet.
Oġġezzjonanti nnutaw li hemm applikazzjoni pendenti għall-iżvilupp ta’ supermarket u ħanut DIY f’sit direttament faċċata tas-sit, b’parkeġġ taħt l-art.
Din l-applikazzjoni tressqet minn Joe Cassar f’isem JDG Holdings Ltd.
L-Awtorità tal-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi kienet oġġezzjonat għal dan l-iżvilupp propost, li, qalet, qajjem tħassib ambjentali sinifikanti u kien meqjus oġġezzjonabbli mil-lat ambjentali.
“L-ERA hija mħassba wkoll dwar it-tixrid, il-proliferazzjoni u l-intensifikazzjoni ulterjuri ta’ interventi ta’ tip urban f’żona ODZ u l-formalizzazzjoni ulterjuri tas-sit, peress li dan jista’ jservi inopportunament bħala predispożizzjoni għal proposti oħra simili fi ħdan iż-żona kif ukoll fuq fuq skala nazzjonali,” qal.
Pace huwa involut ukoll f’żewġ offerti oħra biex jinbnew supermarkets fuq art ODZ. Wieħed jinsab fuq 5,500 metru kwadru ta’ art ‘il barra mill-bypass ta’ Birkirkara u ieħor fi Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja u l-bypass tal-Imrieħel.
Sindku: PM jappoġġjani fi proġett oppost
Is-Sindku ta’ San Ġwann Trevor Fenech qal is-Sibt li se jkun qed iressaq oġġezzjoni għall-proġett.
“Din l-applikazzjoni qatt ma kellha tiġi ppreżentata,” qal hekk kif wiegħed li jopponi l-proġett.
Fenech qal li kien tkellem mal-Prim Ministru Robert Abela dwar il-proġett, u qal li huwa ottimist peress li Abela ""kien ċar dwaru u l-Partit Laburista jappoġġaw il-kawża tagħna.""
Abela kkonferma dan, u qal lil Times of Malta li ma jridx li l-proġett imur ‘il quddiem u li l-Partit Laburista se jkun qed jappoġġja lill-kunsill biex joġġezzjona għalih.

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Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
"SanĠwann ODZ 擬建大型超市
巴勒斯坦權力機構對聖邁克爾教堂旁 7,000 平方米的計劃提出了強烈反對
下午 1.20 更新了 PM 的評論
規劃當局目前正在考慮申請在 San Ġwann ODZ 土地上新建一家大型超市,毗鄰一所私立學校。
該提案是在 Triq tal-Balal 和 Triq tal-Prepostu 的一塊 7,000 平方米的場地上建造一座帶有地下停車場的兩層超市,該場地位於 San Ġwann 的 Ta’Ġnien Tut 地區。
San Ġwann 市長 Trevor Fenech 週六表示,他打算對該提案提出反對。
根據建築師 JG Periti 提交的公開申請表,傑森佩斯 (Jason Pace) 是該場地的唯一所有者。
然而,PA 網站將開發商列為 Meleney Gauci。
該計畫擬議的區域也毗鄰 Wied Għomor 和 Wied il-Kbir,這兩個保護區具有重要的生態意義和重要的科學意義。
反對者在向他們提交的陳述中寫道:「SanĠwann 已經擁有眾多超市,佔用農業 ODZ 土地,更不用說學校門口和生態保護區的土地,肯定是沒有必要或合法的。」公共廣播電台。
聖邁克爾是近 500 名兒童和 100 多名教育工作者的家。學校高級助理校長卡琳娜·杰拉達·辛諾特(Carina Gerada Sinnott) 表示反對,她表示,作為持續教育的一部分,透過EkoSkola 等舉措,孩子們被教導要尊重和愛護環境,並為子孫後代保護環境。
反對者指出,有一項正在申請中,要求在該地點正對面的地點開發一家超市和一家 DIY 商店,並設有地下停車場。
該申請由 Joe Cassar 代表 JDG Holdings Ltd 提交。
「ERA 也擔心 ODZ 區域內城市類型乾預措施的進一步蔓延、擴散和強化以及該地點的進一步正規化,因為這可能不合時宜地成為該地區內以及全國範圍內,」它說。
佩斯還參與了另外兩項在 ODZ 土地上建造超市的投標。其中一處位於 Birkirkara 繞道旁,佔地 5,500 平方米,另一處位於 Triq Il-Kummerċ、Triq Is-Snajja 和 Mrieħel 繞道上。
San Ġwann 市長 Trevor Fenech 週六表示,他將對該項目提出反對意見。

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"Massive supermarket proposed on San Ġwann ODZ
PA inundated with objections to 7,000 square metre plans next to St Michael's
Updated 1.20pm with PM's comments
The Planning Authority is currently considering an application for a massive new supermarket on ODZ land in San Ġwann, adjacent to a private school.
The proposal is to build a two-storey supermarket with underground parking on a 7,000- square-metre site on Triq tal-Balal and Triq tal-Prepostu, in an area of San Ġwann known as Ta’ Ġnien Tut.
The site is just over 250 metres from another supermarket, while an application for a supermarket and a DIY store on a site directly across the road is still being processed.
The PA has been inundated with objections to the proposed development, particularly because the site in question is agricultural land outside the development zone and is close to a school, St Michael Foundation for Education.
Prime Minister Robert Abela told Times of Malta that he believes the proposal is a ""non-starter"" as it goes against the Labour government's broader vision.
San Ġwann Mayor Trevor Fenech said on Saturday that he intended to file an objection to the proposal.
The applicant is proposing to demolish existing structures, including illegal structures built on site, and develop the site in a supermarket with basement parking, stores at the ground and first floor levels and related offices.
According to the public application form submitted by architects JG Periti, Jason Pace is the sole owner of the site in question.
However, the PA website lists the developer as being Meleney Gauci.
The take-up of agricultural ODZ land, let alone land that is on the doorstep of a school and a protected ecological area, is certainly not necessary or legitimate
The total area of the site is around 12,000 square metres.
The area proposed for the project also abuts Wied Għomor and Wied il-Kbir, protected areas of ecological importance and sites of scientific importance.
Objectors insist that the application runs contrary to the PA’s rural policy and objectives of the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development, which limits land take-up for uses which are not necessary or legitimate in rural areas.
“San Ġwann already has numerous supermarkets and the take-up of agricultural ODZ land, let alone land that is on the doorstep of a school and a protected ecological area, is certainly not necessary or legitimate,” the objectors wrote in their representation filed with the PA.
St Michael is home to almost 500 children and over 100 educators. In an objection, the school’s senior assistant head, Carina Gerada Sinnott, said that, as part of their ongoing education and through initiatives like EkoSkola, the children are taught to respect and care for the environment and to protect it for future generations.
“This application runs roughshod over this sense of responsibility to protect the increasingly diminishing natural landscape that our country enjoys. It attempts to prioritise the construction of a supermarket over the health and well-being of our children and the protection of our limited natural environment,” she wrote.
Objectors noted that there is a pending application for the development of a supermarket and a DIY store on a site directly opposite the site, with underground parking.
This application was filed by Joe Cassar on behalf of JDG Holdings Ltd.
The Environment and Resources Authority had objected to this proposed development, which, it said, raised significant environmental concerns and was considered objectionable from an environmental point of view.
“The ERA is also concerned about the further sprawl, proliferation and intensification of urban type interventions within an area ODZ and the further formalisation of the site, since this may inopportunely serve as a predisposition for other similar proposals within the area as well as on a national scale,” it said.
Pace is also involved in another two bids to build supermarkets on ODZ land. One is on 5,500 square metres of land off the Birkirkara bypass and another on Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja and the Mrieħel bypass.
Mayor: PM backs me in opposing project
San Ġwann Mayor Trevor Fenech said on Saturday that he would be filing an objection to the project.
""This application should never have been filed,"" he said as he pledged to oppose the project.
Fenech said he had spoken to Prime Minister Robert Abela about the project, and said he was optimistic as Abela ""was clear about him and the Labour Party backing our cause.""
Abela confirmed that, telling Times of Malta that he did not want the project to go ahead and that the Labour Party would be backing the council in objecting to it.

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"सैन इवान ओडीज़ेड पर विशाल सुपरमार्केट प्रस्तावित
पीए में सेंट माइकल के बगल में 7,000 वर्ग मीटर की योजना पर आपत्तियों की बाढ़ आ गई
पीएम की टिप्पणियों के साथ दोपहर 1.20 बजे अपडेट किया गया
योजना प्राधिकरण वर्तमान में एक निजी स्कूल के निकट, सैन इवान में ओडीजेड भूमि पर एक विशाल नए सुपरमार्केट के लिए एक आवेदन पर विचार कर रहा है।
यह प्रस्ताव सैन इवान के ता' इनियन टुट नामक क्षेत्र में त्रिक ताल-बलाल और त्रिक ताल-प्रीपोस्टु पर 7,000 वर्ग मीटर की साइट पर भूमिगत पार्किंग के साथ दो मंजिला सुपरमार्केट बनाने का है।
यह साइट दूसरे सुपरमार्केट से केवल 250 मीटर की दूरी पर है, जबकि सड़क के ठीक सामने एक साइट पर एक सुपरमार्केट और एक DIY स्टोर के लिए आवेदन अभी भी संसाधित किया जा रहा है।
पीए में प्रस्तावित विकास पर आपत्तियों की बाढ़ आ गई है, खासकर इसलिए क्योंकि विचाराधीन स्थल विकास क्षेत्र के बाहर कृषि भूमि है और एक स्कूल, सेंट माइकल फाउंडेशन फॉर एजुकेशन के करीब है।
प्रधान मंत्री रॉबर्ट अबेला ने टाइम्स ऑफ माल्टा को बताया कि उनका मानना ​​है कि यह प्रस्ताव ""नॉन-स्टार्टर"" है क्योंकि यह लेबर सरकार के व्यापक दृष्टिकोण के खिलाफ है।
सैन इवान के मेयर ट्रेवर फेनेच ने शनिवार को कहा कि उनका इरादा प्रस्ताव पर आपत्ति दर्ज कराने का है।
आवेदक साइट पर बनी अवैध संरचनाओं सहित मौजूदा संरचनाओं को ध्वस्त करने और बेसमेंट पार्किंग, भूतल और पहली मंजिल के स्तर पर स्टोर और संबंधित कार्यालयों के साथ एक सुपरमार्केट में साइट विकसित करने का प्रस्ताव कर रहा है।
आर्किटेक्ट जेजी पेरिटी द्वारा प्रस्तुत सार्वजनिक आवेदन पत्र के अनुसार, जेसन पेस विचाराधीन साइट का एकमात्र मालिक है।
हालाँकि, पीए वेबसाइट डेवलपर को मेलेनी गौसी के रूप में सूचीबद्ध करती है।
कृषि ओडीजेड भूमि का अधिग्रहण, स्कूल और संरक्षित पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्र के दरवाजे पर मौजूद भूमि को छोड़ दें, निश्चित रूप से आवश्यक या वैध नहीं है
साइट का कुल क्षेत्रफल लगभग 12,000 वर्ग मीटर है।
परियोजना के लिए प्रस्तावित क्षेत्र विद गोमोर और विद इल-कबीर, पारिस्थितिक महत्व के संरक्षित क्षेत्रों और वैज्ञानिक महत्व के स्थलों से भी सटा हुआ है।
आपत्तिकर्ता इस बात पर जोर देते हैं कि आवेदन पीए की ग्रामीण नीति और पर्यावरण और विकास के लिए रणनीतिक योजना के उद्देश्यों के विपरीत चलता है, जो ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में उन उपयोगों के लिए भूमि अधिग्रहण को सीमित करता है जो आवश्यक या वैध नहीं हैं।
आपत्तिकर्ताओं ने अपने अभ्यावेदन में लिखा, ""सैन इवान में पहले से ही कई सुपरमार्केट हैं और कृषि ओडीजेड भूमि का अधिग्रहण, एक स्कूल और एक संरक्षित पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्र के दरवाजे पर मौजूद भूमि को छोड़ दें, निश्चित रूप से आवश्यक या वैध नहीं है।"" पा।
सेंट माइकल लगभग 500 बच्चों और 100 से अधिक शिक्षकों का घर है। एक आपत्ति में, स्कूल की वरिष्ठ सहायक प्रमुख, कैरिना गेराडा सिनोट ने कहा कि, उनकी चल रही शिक्षा के हिस्से के रूप में और एकोस्कोला जैसी पहल के माध्यम से, बच्चों को पर्यावरण का सम्मान और देखभाल करना और भविष्य की पीढ़ियों के लिए इसकी रक्षा करना सिखाया जाता है।
“यह एप्लिकेशन हमारे देश में तेजी से घटते प्राकृतिक परिदृश्य की रक्षा करने की ज़िम्मेदारी की इस भावना का खंडन करता है। यह हमारे बच्चों के स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण और हमारे सीमित प्राकृतिक पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा पर एक सुपरमार्केट के निर्माण को प्राथमिकता देने का प्रयास करता है, ”उसने लिखा।
आपत्तिकर्ताओं ने कहा कि भूमिगत पार्किंग के साथ साइट के ठीक सामने एक साइट पर एक सुपरमार्केट और एक DIY स्टोर के विकास के लिए एक आवेदन लंबित है।
यह आवेदन जेडीजी होल्डिंग्स लिमिटेड की ओर से जो कैसर द्वारा दायर किया गया था।
पर्यावरण और संसाधन प्राधिकरण ने इस प्रस्तावित विकास पर आपत्ति जताई थी, जिसमें कहा गया था कि इसने महत्वपूर्ण पर्यावरणीय चिंताओं को उठाया था और इसे पर्यावरण के दृष्टिकोण से आपत्तिजनक माना गया था।
""ईआरए एक क्षेत्र ओडीजेड के भीतर शहरी प्रकार के हस्तक्षेपों के आगे फैलाव, प्रसार और गहनता और साइट के आगे औपचारिकीकरण के बारे में भी चिंतित है, क्योंकि यह क्षेत्र के साथ-साथ अन्य समान प्रस्तावों के लिए अनुचित रूप से एक पूर्वाग्रह के रूप में काम कर सकता है। राष्ट्रीय स्तर, “यह कहा।
पेस ओडीजेड भूमि पर सुपरमार्केट बनाने के लिए अन्य दो बोलियों में भी शामिल है। एक बिरकिर्करा बाईपास के पास 5,500 वर्ग मीटर भूमि पर है और दूसरा ट्रिक इल-कुम्मेर, ट्रिक इस-स्नज्जा और मिरीसेल बाईपास पर है।
मेयर: प्रोजेक्ट के विरोध में पीएम ने मेरा समर्थन किया
सैन इवान के मेयर ट्रेवर फेनेच ने शनिवार को कहा कि वह इस परियोजना पर आपत्ति दर्ज कराएंगे।
उन्होंने परियोजना का विरोध करने की प्रतिज्ञा करते हुए कहा, ""यह आवेदन कभी भी दायर नहीं किया जाना चाहिए था।""
फेनेच ने कहा कि उन्होंने परियोजना के बारे में प्रधान मंत्री रॉबर्ट अबेला से बात की थी, और कहा कि वह आशावादी थे क्योंकि अबेला ""उनके और लेबर पार्टी के हमारे मुद्दे का समर्थन करने के बारे में स्पष्ट थे।""
अबेला ने टाइम्स ऑफ माल्टा को बताते हुए इसकी पुष्टि की कि वह नहीं चाहते थे कि परियोजना आगे बढ़े और लेबर पार्टी इस पर आपत्ति जताने में परिषद का समर्थन करेगी।

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अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"Proponen un gran supermercado en San Ġwann ODZ
Autoridad Palestina inundada de objeciones a los planes de 7.000 metros cuadrados junto a St Michael's
Actualizado a las 13.20 con los comentarios del PM.
Actualmente, la Autoridad de Planificación está considerando una solicitud para un nuevo supermercado enorme en un terreno de ODZ en San Ġwann, al lado de una escuela privada.
La propuesta consiste en construir un supermercado de dos plantas con aparcamiento subterráneo en un terreno de 7.000 metros cuadrados en Triq tal-Balal y Triq tal-Prepostu, en una zona de San Ġwann conocida como Ta’ Ġnien Tut.
El solar se encuentra a poco más de 250 metros de otro supermercado, mientras que todavía se está tramitando una solicitud para un supermercado y una tienda de bricolaje en un solar justo enfrente.
La Autoridad Palestina se ha visto inundada de objeciones al desarrollo propuesto, particularmente porque el sitio en cuestión es un terreno agrícola fuera de la zona de desarrollo y está cerca de una escuela, la Fundación para la Educación St Michael.
El primer ministro Robert Abela dijo al Times of Malta que cree que la propuesta ""no tiene sentido"", ya que va en contra de la visión más amplia del gobierno laborista.
El alcalde de San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, dijo el sábado que tenía intención de presentar una objeción a la propuesta.
El solicitante propone demoler las estructuras existentes, incluidas las estructuras ilegales construidas en el lugar, y desarrollar el sitio en un supermercado con estacionamiento en el sótano, tiendas en los niveles de la planta baja y del primer piso y oficinas relacionadas.
Según el formulario de solicitud pública presentado por los arquitectos JG Periti, Jason Pace es el único propietario del sitio en cuestión.
Sin embargo, el sitio web de PA enumera al desarrollador como Meleney Gauci.
La ocupación de tierras agrícolas de ODZ, y mucho menos de tierras que se encuentran a las puertas de una escuela y de un área ecológica protegida, ciertamente no es necesaria ni legítima.
La superficie total del sitio es de unos 12.000 metros cuadrados.
El área propuesta para el proyecto también linda con Wied Għomor y Wied il-Kbir, áreas protegidas de importancia ecológica y sitios de importancia científica.
Los objetores insisten en que la aplicación va en contra de la política rural de la AP y los objetivos del Plan Estratégico para el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo, que limita la ocupación de tierras para usos que no son necesarios o legítimos en las zonas rurales.
""San Ġwann ya cuenta con numerosos supermercados y la ocupación de tierras agrícolas de ODZ, y mucho menos de tierras que se encuentran a las puertas de una escuela y de un área ecológica protegida, no es ciertamente necesaria ni legítima"", escribieron los objetores en su reclamación presentada ante el PA.
St Michael es el hogar de casi 500 niños y más de 100 educadores. En una objeción, la subdirectora principal de la escuela, Carina Gerada Sinnott, dijo que, como parte de su educación continua y a través de iniciativas como EkoSkola, a los niños se les enseña a respetar y cuidar el medio ambiente y a protegerlo para las generaciones futuras.
“Esta solicitud pasa por alto este sentido de responsabilidad de proteger el paisaje natural cada vez más disminuido del que disfruta nuestro país. Intenta priorizar la construcción de un supermercado por encima de la salud y el bienestar de nuestros niños y la protección de nuestro limitado entorno natural”, escribió.
Los objetores señalaron que hay una solicitud pendiente para el desarrollo de un supermercado y una tienda de bricolaje en un terreno justo enfrente del sitio, con estacionamiento subterráneo.
Esta solicitud fue presentada por Joe Cassar en nombre de JDG Holdings Ltd.
La Autoridad de Medio Ambiente y Recursos se había opuesto a esta propuesta de desarrollo, que, según dijo, planteaba importantes preocupaciones ambientales y se consideraba objetable desde un punto de vista ambiental.
“La ERA también está preocupada por la mayor expansión, proliferación e intensificación de las intervenciones de tipo urbano dentro de un área ODZ y la mayor formalización del sitio, ya que esto puede servir inoportunamente como una predisposición para otras propuestas similares dentro del área, así como a nivel mundial. escala nacional”, afirmó.
Pace también participa en otras dos ofertas para construir supermercados en terrenos de ODZ. Uno está en un terreno de 5.500 metros cuadrados frente a la circunvalación de Birkirkara y otro en Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja y la circunvalación de Mrieħel.
Alcalde: PM me respalda en proyecto opuesto
El alcalde de San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, dijo el sábado que presentaría una objeción al proyecto.
""Esta solicitud nunca debería haberse presentado"", dijo mientras se comprometía a oponerse al proyecto.
Fenech dijo que había hablado con el primer ministro Robert Abela sobre el proyecto y dijo que era optimista porque Abela ""fue claro acerca de que él y el Partido Laborista respaldarían nuestra causa"".
Abela lo confirmó y le dijo al Times of Malta que no quería que el proyecto siguiera adelante y que el Partido Laborista respaldaría al consejo para oponerse al mismo.

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"Un immense supermarché proposé sur San Ġwann ODZ
L'AP inondée d'objections aux projets de 7 000 mètres carrés à côté de St Michael's
Mis à jour à 13h20 avec les commentaires du PM
L'autorité de planification examine actuellement une demande pour un nouveau supermarché de grande envergure sur le terrain de l'ODZ à San Ġwann, à côté d'une école privée.
Le projet consiste à construire un supermarché à deux étages avec un parking souterrain sur un terrain de 7 000 mètres carrés à Triq tal-Balal et Triq tal-Prepostu, dans une zone de San Ġwann connue sous le nom de Ta' Ġnien Tut.
Le terrain se trouve à un peu plus de 250 mètres d'un autre supermarché, tandis qu'une demande d'ouverture d'un supermarché et d'un magasin de bricolage sur un terrain situé juste en face est toujours en cours de traitement.
L'AP a été inondée d'objections au projet de développement proposé, notamment parce que le site en question est un terrain agricole en dehors de la zone de développement et est proche d'une école, la St Michael Foundation for Education.
Le Premier ministre Robert Abela a déclaré au Times of Malta qu'il estime que la proposition est « un échec » car elle va à l'encontre de la vision plus large du gouvernement travailliste.
Le maire de San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, a déclaré samedi qu'il avait l'intention de déposer une objection à la proposition.
Le demandeur propose de démolir les structures existantes, y compris les structures illégales construites sur place, et d'aménager le site en un supermarché avec un parking en sous-sol, des magasins au rez-de-chaussée et au premier étage et des bureaux connexes.
Selon le formulaire de candidature publique soumis par les architectes JG Periti, Jason Pace est l'unique propriétaire du site en question.
Cependant, le site Web de l'AP indique que le développeur est Meleney Gauci.
L’appropriation des terres agricoles de l’ODZ, sans parler des terres situées aux portes d’une école et d’une zone écologique protégée, n’est certainement ni nécessaire ni légitime.
La superficie totale du site est d'environ 12 000 mètres carrés.
La zone proposée pour le projet jouxte également Wied Għomor et Wied il-Kbir, des zones protégées d'importance écologique et des sites d'importance scientifique.
Les opposants insistent sur le fait que la demande va à l’encontre de la politique rurale de l’Autorité palestinienne et des objectifs du Plan stratégique pour l’environnement et le développement, qui limite l’occupation des terres à des usages qui ne sont pas nécessaires ou légitimes dans les zones rurales.
""San Ġwann compte déjà de nombreux supermarchés et l'appropriation des terres agricoles de l'ODZ, sans parler des terres situées aux portes d'une école et d'une zone écologique protégée, n'est certainement ni nécessaire ni légitime"", ont écrit les opposants dans leur réclamation déposée auprès de l'AP.
St Michael abrite près de 500 enfants et plus de 100 éducateurs. Dans une objection, la directrice adjointe principale de l'école, Carina Gerada Sinnott, a déclaré que, dans le cadre de leur éducation continue et grâce à des initiatives comme EkoSkola, les enfants apprennent à respecter et à prendre soin de l'environnement et à le protéger pour les générations futures.
« Cette candidature bafoue ce sens des responsabilités dans la protection du paysage naturel de plus en plus menacé dont bénéficie notre pays. Il tente de donner la priorité à la construction d’un supermarché plutôt qu’à la santé et au bien-être de nos enfants et à la protection de notre environnement naturel limité », a-t-elle écrit.
Les opposants notent qu'une demande est en cours pour l'aménagement d'un supermarché et d'un magasin de bricolage sur un terrain situé juste en face du site, avec un parking souterrain.
Cette demande a été déposée par Joe Cassar au nom de JDG Holdings Ltd.
L'Autorité de l'environnement et des ressources s'était opposée à ce projet de développement, qui, selon elle, soulevait d'importantes préoccupations environnementales et était considéré comme répréhensible d'un point de vue environnemental.
« L'ERA est également préoccupée par la poursuite de l'étalement, la prolifération et l'intensification des interventions de type urbain au sein d'une zone ODZ et par la poursuite de la formalisation du site, car cela pourrait inopportunement servir de prédisposition à d'autres propositions similaires dans la zone ainsi que sur un à l’échelle nationale », a-t-il déclaré.
Pace est également impliqué dans deux autres appels d'offres pour construire des supermarchés sur les terrains de l'ODZ. L'un se trouve sur un terrain de 5 500 mètres carrés au large du contournement de Birkirkara et un autre sur Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja et le contournement de Mrieħel.
Maire: le PM me soutient dans mon opposition au projet
Le maire de San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, a déclaré samedi qu'il déposerait une objection au projet.
""Cette demande n'aurait jamais dû être déposée"", a-t-il déclaré en s'engageant à s'opposer au projet.
Fenech a déclaré qu'il avait parlé du projet au Premier ministre Robert Abela et s'est dit optimiste car Abela ""a été clair sur le fait que lui et le Parti travailliste soutenaient notre cause"".
Abela a confirmé cela, déclarant au Times of Malta qu'il ne voulait pas que le projet se poursuive et que le Parti travailliste soutiendrait le conseil en s'y opposant.

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"Riesiger Supermarkt im San Ġwann ODZ geplant
PA wird mit Einwänden gegen 7.000-Quadratmeter-Pläne neben St. Michael's überschwemmt
Aktualisiert um 13:20 Uhr mit Kommentaren der PM
Die Planungsbehörde prüft derzeit einen Antrag für einen riesigen neuen Supermarkt auf dem ODZ-Gelände in San Ġwann, angrenzend an eine Privatschule.
Der Vorschlag sieht den Bau eines zweistöckigen Supermarkts mit Tiefgarage auf einem 7.000 Quadratmeter großen Grundstück in Triq tal-Balal und Triq tal-Prepostu in einem als Ta’ Ġnien Tut bekannten Viertel von San Ġwann vor.
Das Grundstück liegt etwas mehr als 250 Meter von einem weiteren Supermarkt entfernt, während ein Antrag für einen Supermarkt und einen Baumarkt auf einem Grundstück direkt gegenüber noch in Bearbeitung ist.
Die PA wurde mit Einwänden gegen die geplante Entwicklung überschwemmt, insbesondere weil es sich bei dem betreffenden Gelände um landwirtschaftliche Flächen außerhalb der Entwicklungszone handelt und in der Nähe einer Schule, der St Michael Foundation for Education, liegt.
Premierminister Robert Abela erklärte gegenüber der Times of Malta, dass er den Vorschlag für einen „Nichtstarter“ halte, da er der umfassenderen Vision der Labour-Regierung zuwiderlaufe.
Der Bürgermeister von San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, sagte am Samstag, dass er beabsichtige, Einspruch gegen den Vorschlag einzulegen.
Der Antragsteller schlägt vor, bestehende Gebäude, einschließlich illegaler Gebäude, die auf dem Gelände errichtet wurden, abzureißen und das Gelände in einen Supermarkt mit Tiefgaragenparkplätzen, Geschäften im Erdgeschoss und im ersten Stock sowie zugehörigen Büros umzuwandeln.
Laut dem von den Architekten JG Periti eingereichten öffentlichen Bewerbungsformular ist Jason Pace der alleinige Eigentümer des betreffenden Grundstücks.
Auf der PA-Website wird der Entwickler jedoch als Meleney Gauci aufgeführt.
Die Inanspruchnahme landwirtschaftlicher ODZ-Flächen, ganz zu schweigen von Flächen, die vor der Haustür einer Schule und eines Naturschutzgebiets liegen, ist sicherlich nicht notwendig oder legitim
Die Gesamtfläche des Geländes beträgt rund 12.000 Quadratmeter.
Das für das Projekt vorgeschlagene Gebiet grenzt auch an Wied Għomor und Wied il-Kbir, Schutzgebiete von ökologischer Bedeutung und Stätten von wissenschaftlicher Bedeutung.
Die Einwände bestehen darauf, dass der Antrag im Widerspruch zur ländlichen Politik der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde und den Zielen des Strategischen Plans für Umwelt und Entwicklung steht, der die Landnutzung für Nutzungen begrenzt, die in ländlichen Gebieten nicht notwendig oder legitim sind.
„In San Ġwann gibt es bereits zahlreiche Supermärkte und die Inanspruchnahme landwirtschaftlicher ODZ-Flächen, ganz zu schweigen von Flächen, die vor der Haustür einer Schule und eines geschützten ökologischen Gebiets liegen, ist sicherlich nicht notwendig oder legitim“, schrieben die Einspruchsführer in ihrer bei eingereichten Stellungnahme die PA.
St. Michael ist die Heimat von fast 500 Kindern und über 100 Erziehern. In einem Einspruch sagte die Oberassistentin der Schule, Carina Gerada Sinnott, dass den Kindern im Rahmen ihrer laufenden Ausbildung und durch Initiativen wie EkoSkola beigebracht werde, die Umwelt zu respektieren und zu pflegen und sie für künftige Generationen zu schützen.
„Dieser Antrag missachtet dieses Verantwortungsbewusstsein für den Schutz der immer kleiner werdenden Naturlandschaft unseres Landes. Sie versucht, dem Bau eines Supermarkts Vorrang vor der Gesundheit und dem Wohlergehen unserer Kinder und dem Schutz unserer begrenzten natürlichen Umwelt einzuräumen“, schrieb sie.
Die Einspruchsgegner wiesen darauf hin, dass ein Antrag für die Errichtung eines Supermarkts und eines Baumarkts auf einem Grundstück direkt gegenüber dem Grundstück mit Tiefgarage anhängig sei.
Dieser Antrag wurde von Joe Cassar im Namen von JDG Holdings Ltd. eingereicht.
Die Umwelt- und Ressourcenbehörde hatte gegen diese vorgeschlagene Entwicklung Einspruch erhoben, die ihrer Meinung nach erhebliche Umweltbedenken aufwirft und aus Umweltgesichtspunkten als anstößig angesehen wird.
„Die ERA ist auch besorgt über die weitere Ausbreitung, Verbreitung und Intensivierung städtebaulicher Interventionen innerhalb eines ODZ-Gebiets und die weitere Formalisierung des Standorts, da dies ungünstigerweise als Prädisposition für andere ähnliche Vorschläge innerhalb des Gebiets sowie auf einer anderen Seite dienen könnte.“ nationaler Ebene“, hieß es.
Pace ist außerdem an zwei weiteren Ausschreibungen für den Bau von Supermärkten auf dem ODZ-Gelände beteiligt. Eine davon befindet sich auf einem 5.500 Quadratmeter großen Grundstück an der Umgehungsstraße von Birkirkara und eine weitere an der Umgehungsstraße Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja und Mrieħel.
Bürgermeister: Premierminister unterstützt mich bei meinem Ablehnungsprojekt
Der Bürgermeister von San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, sagte am Samstag, dass er Einspruch gegen das Projekt einlegen werde.
„Dieser Antrag hätte niemals eingereicht werden dürfen“, sagte er und versprach, sich dem Projekt zu widersetzen.
Fenech sagte, er habe mit Premierminister Robert Abela über das Projekt gesprochen und sagte, er sei optimistisch, da Abela „klar zum Ausdruck brachte, dass er und die Labour Party unsere Sache unterstützen“.
Abela bestätigte dies und teilte der Times of Malta mit, dass er nicht wolle, dass das Projekt umgesetzt werde und dass die Labour Party den Rat bei seinem Einspruch unterstützen werde.

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2024.05.18 21:56 sinomaltanews "L-MUT tgħid li l-pretensjonijiet tal-ministru dwar żieda proposta ta’ €10,000 fis-salarju tal-għalliema mhumiex minni

"L-MUT tgħid li l-pretensjonijiet tal-ministru dwar żieda proposta ta’ €10,000 fis-salarju tal-għalliema mhumiex minni
Meta wieġeb għall-istqarrija tal-MUT il-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni Clifton Grima saħaq li l-proposti tal-gvern jinkludu salarju inizjali ta’ €36,000, u hedded li jippubblika l-ftehim kollu propost.
Il-Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) ċaħdet pubblikament it-talbiet li għamel il-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni Clifton Grima dwar żidiet fil-pagi tal-għalliema.
Nhar is-Sibt, l-MUT kienet qed tirreaġixxi għal artiklu ta’ ONE News, fejn Grima ħeġġeġ lill-unjin biex tinforma lill-membri tagħha bil-proposti finanzjarji tal-gvern, hekk kif stqarr li l-pakkett finanzjarju jinkludi salarju inizjali ta’ €36,000 għall-għalliema, li jirrappreżenta żieda ta’ €10,000. .
L-affermazzjonijiet tal-Ministru ta’ €10,000 żieda u salarju inizjali ta’ €36,000 għal għalliema ġodda mhumiex riflessi fil-proposti finanzjarji tal-gvern lill-MUT, qalet il-union. L-MUT ppubblikat siltiet mill-aħħar proposta tal-gvern fuq il-websajt tagħhom, li ma juru l-ebda evidenza ta’ dawn iż-żidiet allegati.
Minflok, id-dokumenti jiżvelaw żidiet proposti fit-tagħbija tat-tagħlim, telf ta’ parità bejn gradi ekwivalenti bħalissa, u arretrati tas-salarji għall-2024 eskluż l-2023.
L-MUT akkużat lill-gvern li qed jipprova jsalva wiċċ billi jiskredita lill-unjin aktar milli jaħdem lejn soluzzjoni għall-ftehim settorjali. L-union enfasizzat ir-rieda tagħha li tkompli tiġġieled għar-rikonoxximent u t-trattament ġust tal-edukaturi, peress li kkonkludiet li l-membri tagħha, ""m'għandhomx ikunu intimidati.""
Nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-MUT ħarġet ultimatum lill-gvern dwar il-ftehim settorjali li għad irid jintlaħaq qbil dwaru, hekk kif l-unjin iddikjarat ukoll tilwima kummerċjali mal-gvern.
Il-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni jwieġeb għat-talbiet tal-MUT
Meta wieġeb għall-istqarrija tal-MUT nhar is-Sibt, il-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni Clifton Grima saħaq li l-proposti tal-gvern jinkludu salarju inizjali ta’ €36,000. “U din hija żieda waħda biss għal kategorija waħda ta’ edukaturi,” qal Grima. Huwa nnota li l-proposti jinkludu aktar żidiet li ma jeħtieġux xogħol jew kwalifiki addizzjonali.
Grima tenna l-appell tiegħu biex l-MUT tinforma bis-sħiħ lill-membri tagħha, u żied li l-unjin m’hi qed tagħmel l-ebda referenza għall-aħħar żewġ laqgħat bejn il-gvern u l-union.
Grima hedded li jippubblika l-ftehim kollu propost jekk l-MUT ""tkompli taqsam informazzjoni selettiva li tpinġi stampa falza.""

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Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
針對 MUT 的聲明,教育部長 Clifton Grima 堅稱政府的提案確實包括 36,000 歐元的起薪,並威脅要公佈整個擬議交易
馬耳他教師工會(MUT)公開駁斥了教育部長克利夫頓·格里馬(Clifton Grima)關於教師加薪的說法。
週六,MUT 對 ONE News 的一篇文章做出了回應,其中 Grima 鼓勵工會向其成員通報政府的財務提案,他表示財務方案包括教師起薪 36,000 歐元,這意味著增加了 10,000 歐元。
工會表示,部長關於新教師加薪 10,000 歐元和起薪 36,000 歐元的主張並未反映在政府向 MUT 提出的財務提案中。 MUT 在其網站上發布了政府最新提案的摘錄,其中沒有顯示這些聲稱的增長的證據。
相反,這些文件顯示了擬議的教學負擔增加、當前同等年級之間的不平等,以及 2024 年(不包括 2023 年)的工資拖欠。
MUT 指責政府試圖透過抹黑工會來挽回面子,而不是努力解決部門協議。該聯盟強調其決心繼續爭取教育工作者的認可和公平待遇,並得出結論,其成員「不應被嚇倒」。
週五,MUT 就尚未達成協議的部門協議向政府發出了最後通牒,因為工會也宣布與政府之間存在貿易爭端。
教育部長回應 MUT 的說法
教育部長克利夫頓·格里馬 (Clifton Grima) 在回應 MUT 週六的聲明時堅稱,政府的提案確實包括 36,000 歐元的起薪。 「這只是一類教育工作者的加薪,」格里馬說。他指出,這些提議包括更多的加薪,但不需要額外的工作量或資格。
格里馬再次呼籲 MUT 充分告知其成員,並補充說工會沒有提及政府和工會之間的最近兩次會議。
Grima 威脅稱,如果 MUT“繼續選擇性地分享描繪虛假圖景的信息”,他將宣布整個擬議交易。

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"MUT says minister's claims of proposed €10,000 rise in teacher's salary is not true
Responding to the MUT's statement education minister Clifton Grima insisted that government's proposals does include a €36,000 starting salary, and threatened to publish the entire proposed deal
The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) has publicly refuted claims made by education minister Clifton Grima regarding salary increases for teachers.
On Saturday, the MUT was reacting to a ONE News article, where Grima encouraged the union to inform its members of government's financial proposals, as he stated that the financial package includes a starting salary of €36,000 for teachers, which represents a €10,000 increase.
The minister's assertions of €10,000 raises and a starting salary of €36,000 for new teachers are not reflected in the government's financial proposals to the MUT, the union said. The MUT published extracts from the government's latest proposal on their website, which show no evidence of these claimed increases.
Instead, the documents reveal proposed increases in teaching load, a loss of parity between currently equivalent grades, and salary arrears for 2024 excluding 2023.
The MUT accused the government of trying to save face by discrediting the union rather than working towards a solution for the sectoral agreement. The union emphasised its resolve to continue fighting for the recognition and fair treatment of educators, as it concluded that its members, ""shall not be intimidated.""
On Friday, the MUT issued an ultimatum to the government regarding the sectoral agreement which is yet to be agreed upon, as the union also declared a trade dispute with the government.
Education minister responds to MUT claims
Responding to the MUT's statement on Saturday, education minister Clifton Grima insisted that government's proposals does include a €36,000 starting salary. ""And this is only one raise for one category of educators,"" Grima said. He noted that the proposals include more raises which don't require additional work load or qualifications.
Grima reiterated his call for the MUT to fully inform its members, adding that the union is making no reference to the last two meetings between government and the union.
Grima threatened to publish the entire proposed deal should the MUT ""continue to share selective information that paints a false picture.""

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"एमयूटी का कहना है कि शिक्षक के वेतन में €10,000 की प्रस्तावित वृद्धि के मंत्री के दावे सही नहीं हैं
एमयूटी के बयान पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए शिक्षा मंत्री क्लिफ्टन ग्रिमा ने जोर देकर कहा कि सरकार के प्रस्तावों में €36,000 का शुरुआती वेतन शामिल है, और पूरे प्रस्तावित सौदे को प्रकाशित करने की धमकी दी
माल्टा यूनियन ऑफ टीचर्स (एमयूटी) ने शिक्षकों के वेतन वृद्धि के संबंध में शिक्षा मंत्री क्लिफ्टन ग्रिमा द्वारा किए गए दावों का सार्वजनिक रूप से खंडन किया है।
शनिवार को, एमयूटी एक समाचार लेख पर प्रतिक्रिया दे रहा था, जहां ग्रिमा ने संघ को अपने सदस्यों को सरकार के वित्तीय प्रस्तावों के बारे में सूचित करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया, क्योंकि उन्होंने कहा था कि वित्तीय पैकेज में शिक्षकों के लिए €36,000 का शुरुआती वेतन शामिल है, जो €10,000 की वृद्धि दर्शाता है .
संघ ने कहा कि मंत्री के €10,000 की बढ़ोतरी और नए शिक्षकों के लिए €36,000 के शुरुआती वेतन के दावे एमयूटी के लिए सरकार के वित्तीय प्रस्तावों में परिलक्षित नहीं होते हैं। एमयूटी ने अपनी वेबसाइट पर सरकार के नवीनतम प्रस्ताव के उद्धरण प्रकाशित किए, जो इन दावा की गई वृद्धि का कोई सबूत नहीं दिखाते हैं।
इसके बजाय, दस्तावेज़ शिक्षण भार में प्रस्तावित वृद्धि, वर्तमान समकक्ष ग्रेड के बीच समानता की हानि और 2023 को छोड़कर 2024 के लिए वेतन बकाया का खुलासा करते हैं।
एमयूटी ने सरकार पर क्षेत्रीय समझौते के समाधान की दिशा में काम करने के बजाय संघ को बदनाम करके चेहरा बचाने की कोशिश करने का आरोप लगाया। संघ ने शिक्षकों की मान्यता और उचित व्यवहार के लिए लड़ाई जारी रखने के अपने संकल्प पर जोर दिया, क्योंकि उसने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि उसके सदस्यों को ""डराया नहीं जाएगा।""
शुक्रवार को, एमयूटी ने क्षेत्रीय समझौते के संबंध में सरकार को एक अल्टीमेटम जारी किया, जिस पर अभी तक सहमति नहीं बनी है, क्योंकि संघ ने सरकार के साथ व्यापार विवाद की भी घोषणा की है।
शिक्षा मंत्री ने एमयूटी के दावों का जवाब दिया
शनिवार को एमयूटी के बयान पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए, शिक्षा मंत्री क्लिफ्टन ग्रिमा ने जोर देकर कहा कि सरकार के प्रस्तावों में €36,000 का शुरुआती वेतन शामिल है। ग्रिमा ने कहा, ""और यह शिक्षकों की एक श्रेणी के लिए केवल एक वेतन वृद्धि है।"" उन्होंने कहा कि प्रस्तावों में अधिक वेतन वृद्धि शामिल है जिसके लिए अतिरिक्त कार्य भार या योग्यता की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
ग्रिमा ने एमयूटी से अपने सदस्यों को पूरी तरह से सूचित करने के अपने आह्वान को दोहराया, और कहा कि संघ सरकार और संघ के बीच पिछली दो बैठकों का कोई संदर्भ नहीं दे रहा है।
ग्रिमा ने धमकी दी कि अगर एमयूटी ""झूठी तस्वीर पेश करने वाली चयनात्मक जानकारी साझा करना जारी रखता है तो वह पूरे प्रस्तावित सौदे को प्रकाशित कर देगा।""

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अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"MUT dice que las afirmaciones del Ministro sobre la propuesta de aumentar el salario de los docentes en 10.000 euros no son ciertas
En respuesta a la declaración del MUT, el ministro de Educación, Clifton Grima, insistió en que las propuestas del gobierno incluyen un salario inicial de 36.000 euros y amenazó con publicar todo el acuerdo propuesto.
El Sindicato de Profesores de Malta (MUT) ha refutado públicamente las afirmaciones del Ministro de Educación, Clifton Grima, sobre los aumentos salariales de los docentes.
El sábado, el MUT reaccionó a un artículo de ONE News, donde Grima animaba al sindicato a informar a sus miembros sobre las propuestas financieras del gobierno, afirmando que el paquete financiero incluye un salario inicial de 36.000 euros para los docentes, lo que representa un aumento de 10.000 euros. .
Las afirmaciones del ministro de aumentos de 10.000 euros y un salario inicial de 36.000 euros para los nuevos docentes no se reflejan en las propuestas financieras del gobierno al MUT, afirmó el sindicato. El MUT publicó extractos de la última propuesta del gobierno en su sitio web, que no muestran evidencia de estos supuestos aumentos.
En cambio, los documentos revelan aumentos propuestos en la carga docente, una pérdida de paridad entre las calificaciones actualmente equivalentes y atrasos salariales para 2024 excluyendo 2023.
El MUT acusó al gobierno de intentar salvar las apariencias desacreditando al sindicato en lugar de trabajar por una solución para el acuerdo sectorial. El sindicato destacó su determinación de seguir luchando por el reconocimiento y el trato justo de los educadores, y concluyó que sus afiliados ""no deben ser intimidados"".
El viernes, el MUT lanzó un ultimátum al gobierno sobre el acuerdo sectorial que aún no se ha acordado, ya que el sindicato también declaró un conflicto comercial con el gobierno.
Ministro de Educación responde a reclamos del MUT
En respuesta a la declaración del MUT del sábado, el ministro de Educación, Clifton Grima, insistió en que las propuestas del gobierno incluyen un salario inicial de 36.000 euros. ""Y este es sólo un aumento para una categoría de educadores"", dijo Grima. Señaló que las propuestas incluyen más aumentos que no requieren carga de trabajo ni calificaciones adicionales.
Grima reiteró su llamado al MUT para que informe plenamente a sus afiliados y agregó que el sindicato no hace referencia a las dos últimas reuniones entre el gobierno y el sindicato.
Grima amenazó con publicar todo el acuerdo propuesto si el MUT ""continúa compartiendo información selectiva que pinta una imagen falsa"".

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"Le MUT déclare que les affirmations du ministre concernant une proposition d'augmentation de 10 000 € du salaire des enseignants ne sont pas vraies
En réponse à la déclaration du MUT, le ministre de l'Éducation, Clifton Grima, a insisté sur le fait que les propositions du gouvernement prévoyaient un salaire de départ de 36 000 € et a menacé de publier l'intégralité de l'accord proposé.
Le Syndicat des enseignants de Malte (MUT) a publiquement réfuté les affirmations du ministre de l'Éducation, Clifton Grima, concernant les augmentations de salaire des enseignants.
Samedi, le MUT réagissait à un article de ONE News, dans lequel Grima encourageait le syndicat à informer ses membres des propositions financières du gouvernement, affirmant que le paquet financier comprend un salaire de départ de 36 000 € pour les enseignants, ce qui représente une augmentation de 10 000 €. .
Les affirmations du ministre concernant une augmentation de 10 000 euros et un salaire de départ de 36 000 euros pour les nouveaux enseignants ne se reflètent pas dans les propositions financières du gouvernement au MUT, a indiqué le syndicat. Le MUT a publié sur son site Internet des extraits de la dernière proposition du gouvernement, qui ne montrent aucune preuve de ces prétendues augmentations.
Au lieu de cela, les documents révèlent des propositions d'augmentation de la charge d'enseignement, une perte de parité entre les grades actuellement équivalents et des arriérés de salaire pour 2024 à l'exclusion de 2023.
Le MUT a accusé le gouvernement d'essayer de sauver la face en discréditant le syndicat plutôt qu'en travaillant à une solution pour l'accord sectoriel. Le syndicat a souligné sa détermination à continuer de lutter pour la reconnaissance et le traitement équitable des éducateurs, concluant que ses membres « ne doivent pas se laisser intimider ».
Vendredi, le MUT a lancé un ultimatum au gouvernement concernant l'accord sectoriel qui n'a pas encore été conclu, le syndicat ayant également déclaré un conflit commercial avec le gouvernement.
Le ministre de l'Éducation répond aux affirmations du MUT
En réponse à la déclaration du MUT samedi, le ministre de l'Éducation, Clifton Grima, a insisté sur le fait que les propositions du gouvernement incluent effectivement un salaire de départ de 36 000 €. ""Et ce n'est qu'une augmentation pour une catégorie d'éducateurs"", a déclaré Grima. Il a noté que les propositions incluent davantage d'augmentations qui ne nécessitent pas de charge de travail ou de qualifications supplémentaires.
Grima a réitéré son appel au MUT pour qu'il informe pleinement ses membres, ajoutant que le syndicat ne fait aucune référence aux deux dernières réunions entre le gouvernement et le syndicat.
Grima a menacé de publier l'intégralité de l'accord proposé si le MUT ""continuait à partager des informations sélectives qui donnent une fausse image"".

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"Laut MUT sind die Behauptungen des Ministers über die vorgeschlagene Erhöhung des Lehrergehalts um 10.000 Euro nicht wahr
In seiner Antwort auf die MUT-Erklärung bestand Bildungsminister Clifton Grima darauf, dass die Vorschläge der Regierung tatsächlich ein Einstiegsgehalt von 36.000 Euro vorsähen, und drohte mit der Veröffentlichung des gesamten vorgeschlagenen Deals
Die Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) hat Behauptungen des Bildungsministers Clifton Grima bezüglich Gehaltserhöhungen für Lehrer öffentlich zurückgewiesen.
Am Samstag reagierte die MUT auf einen Artikel von ONE News, in dem Grima die Gewerkschaft ermutigte, ihre Mitglieder über die Finanzvorschläge der Regierung zu informieren, indem er erklärte, dass das Finanzpaket ein Einstiegsgehalt von 36.000 Euro für Lehrer beinhaltet, was einer Erhöhung um 10.000 Euro entspricht .
Die Behauptungen des Ministers, Gehaltserhöhungen um 10.000 Euro und ein Einstiegsgehalt von 36.000 Euro für neue Lehrer seien nicht in den Finanzvorschlägen der Regierung für die MUT enthalten, sagte die Gewerkschaft. Die MUT veröffentlichte auf ihrer Website Auszüge aus dem neuesten Vorschlag der Regierung, die keine Beweise für diese behaupteten Erhöhungen enthalten.
Stattdessen offenbaren die Dokumente vorgeschlagene Erhöhungen des Lehrpensums, einen Verlust der Parität zwischen derzeit gleichwertigen Noten und Gehaltsrückstände für 2024 mit Ausnahme von 2023.
Die MUT warf der Regierung vor, sie versuche ihr Gesicht zu wahren, indem sie die Gewerkschaft diskreditiere, anstatt auf eine Lösung für die Branchenvereinbarung hinzuarbeiten. Die Gewerkschaft betonte ihre Entschlossenheit, weiterhin für die Anerkennung und faire Behandlung von Pädagogen zu kämpfen, und kam zu dem Schluss, dass ihre Mitglieder „sich nicht einschüchtern lassen dürfen“.
Am Freitag stellte die MUT der Regierung ein Ultimatum bezüglich der Branchenvereinbarung, auf die noch keine Einigung erzielt wurde, da die Gewerkschaft auch einen Handelsstreit mit der Regierung erklärte.
Bildungsminister antwortet auf MUT-Behauptungen
In seiner Antwort auf die MUT-Erklärung vom Samstag bestand Bildungsminister Clifton Grima darauf, dass die Vorschläge der Regierung tatsächlich ein Einstiegsgehalt von 36.000 Euro vorsähen. „Und das ist nur eine Gehaltserhöhung für eine Kategorie von Pädagogen“, sagte Grima. Er wies darauf hin, dass die Vorschläge mehr Gehaltserhöhungen vorsähen, die keine zusätzliche Arbeitsbelastung oder Qualifikationen erfordern.
Grima wiederholte seine Forderung an die MUT, ihre Mitglieder umfassend zu informieren, und fügte hinzu, dass die Gewerkschaft sich nicht auf die letzten beiden Treffen zwischen Regierung und Gewerkschaft beziehe.
Grima drohte damit, den gesamten geplanten Deal zu veröffentlichen, sollte die MUT „weiterhin selektive Informationen weitergeben, die ein falsches Bild zeichnen“.

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Partner), Ihre zentrale Anlaufstelle für erschwingliche Artikel, perfekt für Heimdekoration, Elektronik, Heimtierbedarf, Sport und Spielzeug. - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:52 tonemaz5 TributeRP Whitelisted Community Quality roleplay Quasar SmartphonePro w/ Facetime & more! LSPD/EMS open interviews! 70+ a Night & Looking for more EU players EVERYONE is welcome! Gangs Actively Recruiting but Offering free Gang Packages for new Groups! Come join for a forever home 🙂

TributeRP Whitelisted Community Quality roleplay Quasar SmartphonePro w/ Facetime & more! LSPD/EMS open interviews! 70+ a Night & Looking for more EU players EVERYONE is welcome! Gangs Actively Recruiting but Offering free Gang Packages for new Groups! Come join for a forever home 🙂
Hi! We at TributeRP would like to offer you the chance to come try out our server! TributeRP is a serious server, but we also don’t take ourselves too seriously, and we focus heavily on quality RolePlay, with plenty of silliness and goofiness abound! We have a lot of different types of Player-Owned jobs hiring, and Custom Developed Scripts for the many of the activities found in our city. It’s a well curated and toxicity free community full of respectful and close-nit players and it has a lot of potential to grow! Come join us!
Gang Package: Fly in with a group of 5+ people and provide good roleplay, and the server will provide you with a gang package, all for free, as a reward for bringing quality roleplay to our server.. The package will come with: An MLO/Safehouse, gang car for all founding members, Gang drug OR gun, 5 pieces of gang clothes, Turf on Map, Sprays + other Criminal Activities.
https://discord.gg/tributerp connect.tributerp.com
Recent Updates:
● More Realistic Player Faces: replaced vanilla face textures plus +46 new face shapes and textures!
● Sewer System
● Working Trains
● New Clothing Stores
● Clicklovers
● NoPixel Server-side Visual Assets
TributeRP Activities Overview:
● Trucking and Air Deliveries
● Car Boosting D to S+
● Vin Scratching
● City Lore with plenty of depth, interconnected with current activities.
● Immersive Gang experience w/ many activities, like Custom Weapons Transports, 10+ Heists, Etc
● Custom Drug Production and Distribution Activities
● Dynamic and Static Black Markets
● Illegal Item and Weapons Crafting
● Organ harvesting/selling Civilian
● DOJ - Lawyers and District attorneys.
● Housing/Real Estate
● Player Owned Businesses Hiring: Limey’s, Cat Cafe, Korean Noodle Shop, Burgershot, cookies, white widow, towing
● Local Jobs Hiring: Trucker, Fisherman, Garbageman, Recycling, etc, 25+ civilian jobs
● Custom Businesses available
● Unique EMS Features
● PD Evidence Sweeping, Blood samples, Bullet casings etc Unique Assets:
● Custom Cars (Non-Branded)
● Custom Clothes(Non-Branded)
● Custom Weapons
● Weed Script with 1000+ Custom strains available for production + selling reputation
● Casino + Prize Wheel spin + Hotel
● Race club/street racing scene
● LSPD Abilities: Taser, Handcuffs, Pistol, SMG, AR, 10+ Cop Cars, Exosuit, Tire Grappler, GSR, MDT, etc, all with appropriate SOPs.
● An Active DOJ!
● Scheduled server events!
Pretty much anything you can think of, we most likely have it, or we can try our best to make it! We are always open to suggestions to make this place a better environment for everyone 🙂
submitted by tonemaz5 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:40 mpn000 Mais de 25 marcas são reprovadas em teste de pureza de creatina

Para a galera do brasil que costuma usar creatina
Marcas que impediram judicialmente a divulgação do resultado dos testes:: Segundo a Abenutri, as empresas SUPLEY (fabricante das marcas Probiotica e Max Titanium), INTLAB (das marcas AGE, MonsterFeed, Intlab e Cellucor) e BRG (Integralmédica e Darkness) tiveram seus produtos testados, porém entraram com medidas jurídicas para não divulgação dos resultados.
Marcas de creatina com 0% de creatina : Healthy labs creatina gourmet; Ravenna sports creatina micronized; Impure nutrition creatina; Nft Nutrition creatina 100% pura; Sun food creatine pure; Dymatrix nutrition creatina monohidrate; Iron tech sports nutrition creatina monohidratada; Red bolic creatine monster maca palatinose zma; Airomax creatine; Dark dragon crea delite.
Marcas com variação superior a 20%: Ftw creatina ultra – 20,17%; Body Action creatine double force – 23%; Vitamax Nutrition creatine booster – 23,6%%. Adaptogen hd cret – 24,3%; Absolut Nutrition creatina Flavor – 32,3%; Muscle full creatina – 32,7%; Absolut Nutrition creatina 100% pure – 37,1%; Pro Healthy creatine micronized – 43,3%; Body action web creatine dual power – 46,2%; Healthy time creatina powder – 53%; Body Nutry creatina – 54,5%; R74 Pro healthy creatine – 55,7%; Nitro max max creatina – 59%; Body Nutry suplementos – 86,7%; Natures Now Researches creatine energy now atp – 96,8%.
Produtos aprovados(variação inferior a 20%), em ordem crescente: Master way suplementos creatina com 0% de variação, logo, apresentou 100% de pureza; Elemento puro creadop creapure – 0,30%; Euro nutry creatine powder 100% – 1,20%; Dark lab Acreatine – 1,90%; Adaptogen creatine – 2,10%; Pura vida creatina premium – 2,10%; Equaliv creatina creapure pr – 2,99%; Soldiers nutrition creatina – 3,10%; Atlhetica nutrition 100% creatine flavour – 3,67%; Growth sup monohidratada creatine – 3,70%; Bruthal sports creatina – 3,90%; Iridium labs atlas creatina – 4,30%; Nutrata creatin up – 4,30%; Hero creatina – 9,40%; Black skull creator – 4,35%; Black skull creatine – 4,45%; Espartanos creatina 100% pure – 4,60%; Nutrex research creatine drive – 4,90%; New millen creatine atp – 5,20%; Leader nutrition hi-creatina micronized – 5,30%; Under labz creatine under cret – 5,40%; Adaptogen creatine super – 6%; Wise health creatine monohydrate – 7,70%; Smart fit supps creatina – 8,40%; Strongest supplements – 8,40% Top way creatina – 9,30%; Black skull creatine turbo – 10%; Shark pro energy creatina – 10,33%; Ast sports micronized creatine – 10,70%; Underlabz-nitra fuze creatine fuze – 10,90%; New millen creatina atp – 11%; Universal creatine – 11,70%; Fisio nutri strong creatine pure – 12,20%; Synthe size creatina powder – 12,50%; Evolution nut creatine one pure – 13,40%; Nutrata creatina 100% – 13,50%; Profit lab creatine monohydrate – 13,60%; Vitafor creatine – 13,80%; Evorox nutrition evo creatine – 15,10%; Muke creatina shot diário – 17,87%; Canibal inc. creatina plus – 18,60%.
submitted by mpn000 to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:37 mpn000 Teste reprova mais de 20 marcas de creatina, algumas continham 0% da substância

Marcas que impediram judicialmente a divulgação do resultado dos testes:: Segundo a Abenutri, as empresas SUPLEY (fabricante das marcas Probiotica e Max Titanium), INTLAB (das marcas AGE, MonsterFeed, Intlab e Cellucor) e BRG (Integralmédica e Darkness) tiveram seus produtos testados, porém entraram com medidas jurídicas para não divulgação dos resultados.
Marcas de creatina com 0% de creatina : Healthy labs creatina gourmet; Ravenna sports creatina micronized; Impure nutrition creatina; Nft Nutrition creatina 100% pura; Sun food creatine pure; Dymatrix nutrition creatina monohidrate; Iron tech sports nutrition creatina monohidratada; Red bolic creatine monster maca palatinose zma; Airomax creatine; Dark dragon crea delite.
Marcas com variação superior a 20%: Ftw creatina ultra – 20,17%; Body Action creatine double force – 23%; Vitamax Nutrition creatine booster – 23,6%%. Adaptogen hd cret – 24,3%; Absolut Nutrition creatina Flavor – 32,3%; Muscle full creatina – 32,7%; Absolut Nutrition creatina 100% pure – 37,1%; Pro Healthy creatine micronized – 43,3%; Body action web creatine dual power – 46,2%; Healthy time creatina powder – 53%; Body Nutry creatina – 54,5%; R74 Pro healthy creatine – 55,7%; Nitro max max creatina – 59%; Body Nutry suplementos – 86,7%; Natures Now Researches creatine energy now atp – 96,8%.
Produtos aprovados(variação inferior a 20%), em ordem crescente: Master way suplementos creatina com 0% de variação, logo, apresentou 100% de pureza; Elemento puro creadop creapure – 0,30%; Euro nutry creatine powder 100% – 1,20%; Dark lab Acreatine – 1,90%; Adaptogen creatine – 2,10%; Pura vida creatina premium – 2,10%; Equaliv creatina creapure pr – 2,99%; Soldiers nutrition creatina – 3,10%; Atlhetica nutrition 100% creatine flavour – 3,67%; Growth sup monohidratada creatine – 3,70%; Bruthal sports creatina – 3,90%; Iridium labs atlas creatina – 4,30%; Nutrata creatin up – 4,30%; Hero creatina – 9,40%; Black skull creator – 4,35%; Black skull creatine – 4,45%; Espartanos creatina 100% pure – 4,60%; Nutrex research creatine drive – 4,90%; New millen creatine atp – 5,20%; Leader nutrition hi-creatina micronized – 5,30%; Under labz creatine under cret – 5,40%; Adaptogen creatine super – 6%; Wise health creatine monohydrate – 7,70%; Smart fit supps creatina – 8,40%; Strongest supplements – 8,40% Top way creatina – 9,30%; Black skull creatine turbo – 10%; Shark pro energy creatina – 10,33%; Ast sports micronized creatine – 10,70%; Underlabz-nitra fuze creatine fuze – 10,90%; New millen creatina atp – 11%; Universal creatine – 11,70%; Fisio nutri strong creatine pure – 12,20%; Synthe size creatina powder – 12,50%; Evolution nut creatine one pure – 13,40%; Nutrata creatina 100% – 13,50%; Profit lab creatine monohydrate – 13,60%; Vitafor creatine – 13,80%; Evorox nutrition evo creatine – 15,10%; Muke creatina shot diário – 17,87%; Canibal inc. creatina plus – 18,60%.
submitted by mpn000 to Maromba [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:37 sinomaltanews "Elvas: Malta Ġdida tiċċelebra fil-Festival taż-Żgħażagħ u Akkademiku

"Elvas: Malta Ġdida tiċċelebra fil-Festival taż-Żgħażagħ u Akkademiku
L-edizzjoni tal-2024 tal-Festival Akkademiku u taż-Żgħażagħ Elvas twiegħed iljieli ta’ divertiment kbir sat-18 ta’ Mejju.
Hemm tlett iljieli ta’ mużika tajba u gost. Il-Ħamis, 16, Alentuna u t-tonn mistiedna, Miguel Azevedo, Dj Brat u Dj Diazz, telgħu fuq il-palk fil-Coliseu. Illum il-Ġimgħa, 17, il-palk kien ta’ Bunny Wonders, Deejay Telio, Dj Zanova u Dj Cuba u Quintas Percussion. L-aħħar jum tal-avveniment, is-Sibt, 18 ta’ Mejju, jibda b’Budafe, Bárbara Bandeiras, Danni Gato u jintemm il-lejl ma’ John Bandeiras.
Photoreport fl-edizzjoni stampata

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat), id-destinazzjoni tiegħek one-stop għal oġġetti affordabbli, perfetta għal dekorazzjoni tad-dar, elettroniċi, provvisti għall-annimali domestiċi, sports u selezzjonijiet tal-ġugarelli. - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
2024 年埃爾瓦斯青年學術節承諾在 5 月 18 日之前為您帶來精彩的娛樂之夜。
三個晚上都有美妙的音樂和樂趣。 16 日星期四,阿倫圖納 (Alentuna) 和特邀金槍魚米格爾·阿澤維多 (Miguel Azevedo)、Dj Brat 和 Dj Diazz 登上了 Coliseu 的舞台。 17 號星期五,這個舞台屬於 Bunny Wonders、Deejay Telio、Dj Zanova 和 Dj Cuba 以及 Quintas Percussion。活動的最後一天,即 5 月 18 日星期六,由布達菲、芭芭拉·班戴拉斯、丹尼·加托開始,到約翰·班戴拉斯當晚結束。

今天的亞馬遜優惠(聯盟會員),您購買實惠商品的一站式目的地,非常適合家居裝飾、電子產品、寵物用品、運動和玩具選擇。 - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
"Elvas: New Malta celebrating at the Youth and Academic Festival
The 2024 edition of the Elvas Youth and Academic Festival promises nights of great entertainment until May 18th.
There are three nights of good music and fun. On Thursday, the 16th, Alentuna and guest tunas, Miguel Azevedo, Dj Brat and Dj Diazz, took to the stage at the Coliseu. This Friday, the 17th, the stage belonged to Bunny Wonders, Deejay Telio, Dj Zanova and Dj Cuba and Quintas Percussion. The last day of the event, Saturday, May 18th, starts with Budafe, Bárbara Bandeiras, Danni Gato and ends the night with John Bandeiras.
Photoreport in the printed edition

Today's Amazon Deals (Affiliate), Your one-stop destination for affordable items, perfect for home decor, electronic, pet supplies, sports and toy selections. - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal [health, tax, profession] advice. We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this blog. This blog is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this blog may not be those of the host or the management.
"एल्वास: न्यू माल्टा युवा और शैक्षणिक महोत्सव में जश्न मना रहा है
एल्वास यूथ एंड एकेडमिक फेस्टिवल का 2024 संस्करण 18 मई तक शानदार मनोरंजन की रातों का वादा करता है।
अच्छे संगीत और मनोरंजन की तीन रातें हैं। गुरुवार, 16 तारीख को, एलेंटुना और अतिथि ट्यूना, मिगुएल अज़ेवेदो, डीजे ब्रैट और डीजे डियाज़, कोलिसेउ में मंच पर आए। इस शुक्रवार, 17वें, मंच बन्नी वंडर्स, डीजे टेलियो, डीजे ज़ानोवा और डीजे क्यूबा और क्विंटास पर्कशन का था। कार्यक्रम का अंतिम दिन, शनिवार, 18 मई, बुडाफे, बारबरा बांदीरास, डैनी गाटो के साथ शुरू होता है और रात जॉन बांदीरास के साथ समाप्त होता है।
मुद्रित संस्करण में फोटोरिपोर्ट

आज की अमेज़ॅन डील (संबद्ध), किफायती वस्तुओं के लिए आपका वन-स्टॉप गंतव्य, घर की सजावट, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक, पालतू जानवरों की आपूर्ति, खेल और खिलौनों के चयन के लिए बिल्कुल सही। - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"Elvas: Nueva Malta celebrando en el Festival Académico y Juvenil
La edición 2024 del Festival Académico y Juvenil de Elvas promete noches de gran entretenimiento hasta el 18 de mayo.
Son tres noches de buena música y diversión. El jueves 16, Alentuna y los túnidos invitados, Miguel Azevedo, Dj Brat y Dj Diazz, subieron al escenario del Coliseu. Este viernes 17 el escenario perteneció a Bunny Wonders, Deejay Telio, Dj Zanova y Dj Cuba y Quintas Percussion. El último día del evento, el sábado 18 de mayo, comienza con Budafe, Bárbara Bandeiras, Danni Gato y finaliza la noche con John Bandeiras.
Fotorreportaje en la edición impresa.

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado), su destino único para artículos asequibles, perfectos para decoración del hogar, electrónica, artículos para mascotas, deportes y selecciones de juguetes. - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Elvas : Nouvelle Malte en fête au Festival de la Jeunesse et de l'Académique
L'édition 2024 du Festival Jeunesse et Académique d'Elvas promet des soirées de grand divertissement jusqu'au 18 mai.
Il y a trois nuits de bonne musique et de plaisir. Le jeudi 16, Alentuna et les invités Miguel Azevedo, Dj Brat et Dj Diazz sont montés sur la scène du Coliseu. Ce vendredi 17, la scène appartenait à Bunny Wonders, Deejay Telio, Dj Zanova et Dj Cuba et Quintas Percussion. Le dernier jour de l'événement, le samedi 18 mai, commence avec Budafe, Bárbara Bandeiras, Danni Gato et termine la soirée avec John Bandeiras.
Reportage photo dans l'édition imprimée

Offres Amazon d'aujourd'hui (affilié), votre destination unique pour des articles abordables, parfaits pour la décoration intérieure, l'électronique, les fournitures pour animaux de compagnie, les sports et les jouets. - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Avis de non-responsabilité : ce site est à titre informatif uniquement et ne doit pas être considéré comme un conseil juridique [santé, fiscal, professionnel]. Nous ne sommes pas responsables des pertes, dommages ou responsabilités pouvant découler de l'utilisation de ce blog. Ce blog n'est pas destiné à remplacer un avis médical professionnel. Les opinions exprimées dans ce blog ne peuvent pas être celles de l'hôte ou de la direction.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]
