How to hack into someones youtube account

>Run 9_year_old.exe

2016.05.18 20:39 O5-8 >Run 9_year_old.exe

This is were you put those kids that can ddos you because you logged into the hacked code on javascript youtube c++ servers.

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2024.05.19 09:52 ireallylikeoctopi I think I’m finally done. WP unblocked AP who tried to SA me.

I’ve made posts on here before about how unstable AP is. They have constantly caused issues and have tried reaching out anytime they get the chance even when blocked. They will create fake numbers and social media accounts to stalk us and get their friends to do so. They originally messaged me claiming they had “no idea my WP was with someone else”, only to find out that was a lie and they essentially have begun stalking me now too.
My WP claimed AP SA’d them later on. When AP reached out to me and wanted to meet up to show me “proof” of my WP cheating, they touched me inappropriately multiple times despite me asking over and over for them to stop and even then tried to full on have sex with me. This resulted in me getting out of there as soon as I could, which was extremely hard to do with how they were behaving.
My WP knows this and they also know I have a lot of trauma from being SA’d in the past, so this really hit home for me and my mental health hasn’t been very well over it. Instead of being supportive, they have actually just continued to accuse me over and over of “probably lying about it because I most likely slept with AP and am hiding the truth”. They constantly tell me they have “no reason to believe me” and that “maybe I shouldn’t have gone to AP’s house in the first place”.
This hurts on such a deep level I can’t even describe it to you. I have not been sure if I’ve wanted to re-enter into R with my WP for awhile now. They keep insisting on trying for R, but there’s just been so much damage. The reason I’m writing this post though, is because I found out tonight they unblocked AP again and have been talking to them. This started last Sunday when they told me that “AP tried calling them, but they didn’t answer and AP is blocked anyway, but their phone lets them see when blocked numbers call them”.
This didn’t make any sense to me, because while I know their phone does in fact show in the call log if a blocked number has tried to call, it wouldn’t ring/go through, and they gave away that the phone did ring by saying they “didn’t answer it”. So obviously AP was not blocked, but I knew prying wasn’t going to make them be honest with me about it. I tried move on from this best I could, until a few days ago they decided to tell me what actually happened. They told me they never blocked AP because they “forgot”, and that AP actually texted them and they had a full blown conversation, but that they told AP they didn’t want them in their life whatsoever.
They told me AP then tried to call, but WP didn’t answer and blocked them. As if that wasn’t enough, tonight I find out that they unblocked AP and talked to them again. When I asked why they unblocked them at all, they said “to see if AP would listen”. So I asked what they said to them since it sounds like they messaged AP first. They swore up and down AP messaged first, which makes no sense because then why would you unblock them to “see if they would listen”? Listen to what? They claimed they wanted to “see if AP would listen and not message them, since my WP told them to not reach out again the last time they spoke to AP”.
I tried asking more details, to which none of the answers made any sense and they were half-assed. They told me it sounds like AP is “keeping tabs on them which was unsettling”, but they didn’t further elaborate and honestly that adds up because AP has stalked both of us for close to a year. They said they blocked AP again. I lost it. I told them they obviously unblocked them because they want this person around, want to talk to them or at the very least enjoy the attention they’re getting from them.
WP got mad and said that wasn’t the case, but I told them there’s no other reasoning for them to unblock them. If they genuinely didn’t want AP around and were as unsettled by AP’s actions as they’ve claimed to be, they wouldn’t be unblocking them just to “see if they would listen and not reach out like they said they would”. Why would you even want to know if this person reached out at all? This makes zero sense and nobody who genuinely didn’t want to speak to someone would do this.
What hurts me the most though, is they are actively keeping a person around who they know tried to SA me. They know this person makes me feel uncomfortable and severely stressed out. They know this person has posed a physical danger to me and apparently SA’d them too, so why are they keeping them around? Why do they want to be engaging with someone like that?
I told them I don’t want them in my life anymore. I told them to do whatever they want, but to keep me out of it and to not contact me again. I told them if I ever am contacted again by AP or their friends or if I see them around here, I will be calling police. They haven’t responded and to be honest, I’m just a mess. I was debating R and now I don’t think that’s an option whatsoever anymore. How could anyone do this to someone they claim to love?
submitted by ireallylikeoctopi to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:47 jakwen I don’t know how to make friends or how to get a girlfriend

I was originally going to post this is dating_advice but I kept going on into my problems so I think I need some different kind of help (i copy pasted the text I was writing there here, but also kept typing on it.) Halfway through I start talking a lot about my family so that’s not as relevant. Also this is an alt account because I wanted to be anonymous while posting this. I tried formatting it by different issues I guess. I formatted it after writing and i’m on phone (i’m trying to follow the community rules. Lemme know if this is acceptable or not):
(Intro and main topic) ———————————— • As of last year i’m a freshman in college just finishing up the second semester and I haven’t even made a single friend in college. Well I have met and talked to some people but the connection isn’t all too deep. It’s like we would call each other friends because we see each other “sometimes” but it’s not like we hang out for the sake of hanging out if that makes sense. So this entire year of college I haven’t made a single friend. This problem of not being able to approach people extends to my inability to find a girlfriend. I’ve never been in a relationship like that so i’m not even sure I would make a good boyfriend. But I know i’m longing for deeper connections with new friends or a girlfriend. I’ve never tried approaching someone or asking someone to go on a date. Except one time in high school where I thought I had feelings for someone but I’m still unsure I even did. I texted them asking them on a movie date but they said no. It was upsetting a little bit and made things awkward because I was unsure how to talk to them after that but I also wasn’t that worried about it later.
(Why approaching people is hard) ———————————— • Sometimes I think about approaching someone but then I think that there’s no point. The interaction won’t go anywhere besides a couple little back and forths and then we’ll never talk again. Or lots of times never see each other again. Why should I say anything. I end up overthinking like this until the chance is gone. I tend to keep to myself a lot.
(Personal issues I guess) ———————————— • I think I have social anxiety. I don’t like places with a lot of people so it makes approaching even harder because if I say something stupid other people will hear. Since middle school i’ve been conscious of my volume thinking other people might listen in on my conversations with others. It’s easier to talk to people one on one. It made it hard to be myself to the point I didn’t know how to be myself. I acted like other people. Adopting their mannerisms because I thought it would help me fit in. One time I got called out on it and I felt.. despair I guess. They didn’t directly say why I acted like that but they did point out that I acted like someone else specifically they said “you’re not (person’s name)”. I try not to act like others. I feel like I’m a boring person to others because I can be very quiet. I try and balance this by speaking confidently on the rare times I use my voice.
(Why I don’t think I can get a girlfriend or be a good boyfriend) ———————————— • Back tracking to the relationship thing. I also don’t know if i’m even worthy of having a girlfriend. As i’m writing this i’m trying to find the words to defend that sentence because I know everyone is worthy of love and I know that what I wrote is wrong but all I have is the reasons I feel like this. I’m already 18 and I don’t feel like i’ve matured enough to deserve a girlfriend. I’ve never had a job, I don’t have my license, and it’s embarrassing to admit but I live with my grandparents because they live 10 min away from campus. Maybe if I was really good looking or something none of that stuff would matter but i’m just average. Not fat, not muscular, just skinny and kind of short but I am pretty athletic actually but I have asthma (my body is a system of checks and balances). I’m taller than my dad who’s kind of my role-model so that gives me a confidence boost.
(Why i’m grateful for my family/not as relevant) ———————————— • I don’t see my dad a lot (only in the summers) but he’s an amazing father and I want to be just like him when have children someday. I can’t help crying right now. I’m very thankful to all of my caring family. Even if I can’t make friends I know every single one of them will always be there for me. I know not everyone is as lucky with the family they are born into and I cherish the connections I have with them. I’ve been told many times by them that they’d accept me for who I am no matter what. Just recently I had some awful news that was difficult to tell my mother but she didn’t get angry like I thought. She just said calmly that she’s glad I told her and then she comforted me about it. I’m so glad my dad taught me the importance of honesty and owning up to my mistakes quickly. I’m sorry if this is off topic but I just suddenly feel like I need to give them thanks. I will always be connected to my brothers and sisters as we grow older. When I lived with my mom over the school years I always had a best friend but when we drifted more and more apart I felt more alone. I couldn’t make that connection with anyone else again. We’re still friends but I can’t honestly call him my best friend. We were friends in elementary and middle school is when we drifted apart. Still close then but not as close as I thought especially because now we went to the same school(in elementary we didn’t). So i’m very grateful for being able to understand the experience of being an only child when I lived with my mother and the experience of having siblings when I was with my dad. It makes me grateful for my siblings because i know i’ll never be alone in the world. Not truly. My mom eventually gave me sisters when I was 12 and I love them to death.
submitted by jakwen to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:38 CraftTheStuff15 How do I find gun showcases on YT without feeling like I'm getting put on a list? Viewing only for fun.

I'm very interested with how guns work. Not for anything like using them, just bored watching youtube kinda stuff. But idk if I'm going to search how guns work on yt and suddenly seem suspicious to youtube account managers or smthn. I've seen yt shorts that showcase random guns and test fire them in the middle of nowhere, but they don't go into enough detail that I want them to, my best bet is Nerf toy reviews. Is there some channel on YT that just goes into detail of how certain gun types work in a fun way? Just to be extremely clear I have no want or need to use a weapon, I just like seeing how they work.
submitted by CraftTheStuff15 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:36 Wooden-Protection-33 i feel so used by my ex bf after he broke up with me and got in contact with his ex

in january i (f18) got into a relationship with my now ex (m17) and the first month was really good untill we started having sex a week before valentines day and right after valentines day happened he just completely switched up also throughout our entire three month relationship id ask questions about him and his ex because they just broke up right before we started dating (i had just gotten out of a relationship as well) but he promised me he was over her because they were off and on all the time and he was tired of that and i believed him she also lived in a whole different state because he just moved here so i really trusted him and i would also ask questions about her because once literally displayed in his closet i noticed letters that his ex had given him and i found pictures of them that he hid poorly and id notice stuff of hers around his room like gifts and whatever every-time id ask about it he would get so mad and so defensive and be like “well you and your ex this and that” and then two months into the relationship he just out of the blue one day said “if i ever get in a bad place mentally ill need to take a break from the relationship” obviously i was confused so we bickered about it and i tried ignoring it but after valentines day and leading up to that conversation he had been acting different and it only got way worse almost exactly a month later a week after prom he texts me “im in a bad place mentally” and “sometimes i feel like im not ready for a relationship” and he refused to admit that was him breaking up with me so the next day i had to do it and say the words for him literally a few days later he starts following his ex on social media and she never followed him back so he stopped following her for a second but now its been a month since we’ve broken up and now they’re following each other on both of their little secret accounts and he blocked me on everything and i know i shouldn’t be paying attention but it’s difficult to not stalk because his ex lives in a different state so thats my only source which i know isnt really reliable but im just so hurt because he told me be was completely over his ex when we started dating and i really “loved” him (whatever love means for an 18 year old) i gave a lot of me to him he was my first real experience with stuff and he also told me i was the one to take his virginity (even though he had a whole box full of condoms prepared??? like on our third date he was like “i have condoms in my room” (i should have known)) but him and and his ex we’re together for like three years sooo and he also said so many other things that i know now were lies and now i just know i was the rebound untill either of them were available again and i just feel so used because after valentines day we were having sex at least once a day every single day and before we got intimate i told him i wanted to wait a little but he kept pressuring me so i finally gave in and i got really attached like i’ve never had a connection like that with someone else before he saw me when i was most vulnerable and now i just feel so used and dirty i should have known what his true intentions were especially because the second we started having sex he changed and our relationship just went to shit but it hurts even more because what we did meant a lot to me but i know it meant nothing to him especially since i don’t think i was his first time even though he was mine i just dont know what im supposed to do i know i have to move on and whatever i know ill meet more people and whatever and im so young and dumb and this is all a learning experience but im so hurt how do i live with this feeling for now it hurts so much i feel so used he meant so much to me and i was just a body until his ex came back to him.
submitted by Wooden-Protection-33 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:24 kmoposts Need some advice for a beginner - Moving to China for work.

I recently accepted a job offer in China and have begun lurking on this subreddit. I was naïve to think that all I needed was Astrill. After diving deeper into this whole new world of abbreviations and keywords, everything has been overwhelming. I’m a complete beginner with basic knowledge of VPNs. Essentially, I’ve only ever used NordVPN six years ago to torrent before I started sharing streaming services.
I have done my best to understand everything by watching videos and reading posts. I have the basics of what I want, but I need some advice. Here are my needs for a VPN in China:
  1. I predominantly use OneDrive for my personal life. I have a Microsoft family account where I upload photos and videos and play around with Premiere Pro when I have free time.
  2. I will use Google Drive for my work life. Although I will have VPN access at my workplace in China, I’d like to access western websites so I can work from home as well. Since many western websites are blocked, I would hate to be restricted to working only at work. I’m more productive at home on my dual-screen PC compared to a 15-inch Lenovo laptop.
  3. I've begun to use ChatGPT a lot these days for everything from general inquiries to language learning. Unfortunately, this is blocked in China.
  4. I like using Spotify, and it sucks that it’s blocked. I just want to come home, turn on my PC, and decompress with a playlist running in the background.
  5. Connecting with my family through Signal and WhatsApp
  6. I use YouTube to upload private vlogs for my family. If VPN speeds are slow or disconnect, I’m afraid I won’t be able to update them with new vlogs. I’ve read that some VPNs work in China but are slow, and some require changing servers every 15-45 minutes.
Here are some questions:
  1. It seems like the general consensus is to use Xray with VLESS (I’m not sure if I’m using these terms correctly). As an absolute beginner, is it better to host my own VPS server and use Putty, or is it better to buy Xray servers to use with the Xray client?
  2. If it’s better to buy Xray servers, can someone DM me a reliable website to buy a personal Xray server?
  3. If I decide to build my own VPN using VPS -> SSH -> Xray, can someone provide a link, comment, or DM me regarding the basic maintenance process for keeping my VPN up to date? I’ve read that personal VPNs can sometimes get blocked. With a generic VPN service, you typically just change the server, but I assume it’s different with a personal VPN. If my VPS gets blocked, does that mean I’d have to buy a new one?
  4. I plan to use three devices for the VPN server (My PC, My phone, My wife's phone - she just uses social media - insta, facebook, youtube, tiktok). Will it start getting complicated the more devices used on one VPN? If so, I'm willing to just use PC only, but let me know.
To anyone who has gotten this far, Thank you so much for reading through it all. I really appreciate your time considering I'm just a basic nobody on the internet who has little networking skills. Any advice or direction will be a huge help.
submitted by kmoposts to dumbclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:20 zlaxy On this day 116 years ago, Nikolay Pilchikov, a scientist-physicist, developer of radio-controlled devices, died in Kharkov from a shot in the heart

On this day 116 years ago, Nikolay Pilchikov, a scientist-physicist, developer of radio-controlled devices, died in Kharkov from a shot in the heart
On this day 116 years ago in Kharkov Nikolay Dmitrievich Pilchikov – scientist-physicist, inventor in the field of radio engineering, author of works on optics, terrestrial magnetism, electrical and radio engineering, radioactivity, X-rays, electrochemistry, geophysics, meteorology – was shot in the heart.
At about seven o’clock in the morning of 6 May 1908, a shot rang out in a ward of an expensive Kharkov hospital. Breaking open the door locked from the inside, the doctors saw its only patient – it seemed that his life had been cut short in his sleep. The man was lying in his bunk, as if he hadn’t woken up yet. And if not for the bloodstain on his chest, no one would have realised the tragedy. A revolver lay on the tea-table beside the bed. It was from this revolver that the bullet that had pierced the scientist’s heart had been fired. Could a man who was undergoing medical treatment have carefully placed the gun beside his tea glass and folded his arms across his chest after shooting himself at point-blank range? Nevertheless, the “cadaver book” records ruled the death a suicide.
For some reason forensic experts did not do dactyloscopy – the investigation was not puzzled by fingerprints on the black “bulldog”, which became the murder weapon. And the authoritative professor Nikolai Bokarius, whose name now bears the local Institute of Forensic Medicine, even described Pilchikova’s case in a textbook for lawyers and doctors as an example of temporary purposeful capacity of suicides with fatal gunshot wounds in the heart area. At that, the luminary recommended to take into account not only anatomical features of the injury, but also the functional state of the central nervous system. The picture was completed by the conclusion of pathologists, who found in the killed after the autopsy of the corpse modifications in the structure of the brain.
A purely “police” justification for not considering the murder version was the fact that the incident took place in a locked room on the first floor (as if this could be an obstacle to unauthorised entry).
And a week after the scientist’s death, on 13 May 1908, the head of the police department received a report from the head of the Kharkov security service about the unreliability of the “extreme leftist” Professor Pilchikov, who was known for his active participation in “criminal agitation activities of engineering students”. This was confirmed by a search of the scientist’s house, during which propaganda literature from the period of the first Russian revolution of 1905 was found.
What was Professor Pilchikov doing before he was “worked out” by the police? The scientific fate of Nikolai Dmitrievich was as unusual as his death was mysterious and the fate of outstanding discoveries inexplicable.
The scientist, whose life was cut short at the age of 51, was not only a physicist, but also a lyricist: he was no less talented in composing poetry, painting pictures and playing the violin. But he considered his life’s work to be his scientific career, which was unusually successful.
The son of a public and cultural figure, who was a friend of Taras Shevchenko, was born on 9 May 1857 in Poltava, and already during his studies in gymnasium showed remarkable abilities in exact sciences. Entering the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkiv University, he experimented in new at that time experiments in the field of sound recording, while still a student invented an electric phonograph.
After graduation, the graduate was left to work at the Department of Physics. His first scientific monograph was devoted to optical analysis. Later the scientist made a number of discoveries on the topics of scattered light polarisation and atmospheric ionisation, atmospheric electricity and geomagnetism, radioactivity and X-rays. Pilchikov was awarded the Silver Medal from the Russian Geographical Society for a series of studies of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, during which iron ore deposits near Prokhorovka were predicted.
After defending his thesis at the University of St. Petersburg, the master of physics was appointed privat-docent of the Kharkov University, and two years later he went to practice at a magnetic observatory in Paris, where he discovered flaws in the design of the seismograph and offered his mentors a way to correct them.
Soon the young professor of Kharkov University becomes famous outside Russia, becoming a regular at international scientific conferences and a member of the Toulouse Academy of Sciences.
Nikolay Pilchikov returned to Kharkov as a university professor, where he created a meteorological station that still exists today. To study the upper atmosphere, the professor developed a stratostat and then a high-altitude spacesuit to equip the pilot. The atmospheric optics researcher created his own seismograph and designed equipment to determine magnetic pressure.
Having moved for some time to Odessa (to work at the Imperial Novorossiysk University), in 1894 the scientist invented an original lamp for the study of X-rays, called “Pilchikov’s focus tube”. The optical and galvanic version of the study of electrolysis developed by him made it possible to obtain images on metal plates – so the inventor became the author of electrophotography or photogalvanography.
And on 25 March 1898, Nikolai Pilchikov demonstrated for the first time a device working with radio waves of a certain length and rejecting interference. During his experiments in Odessa he lit a lighthouse with the help of radio waves and moved a railway semaphore, blew up a yacht and made a cannon fire.
The scientist characterised his contribution to radio physics as follows: while Popov and Marconi were looking for a way to transmit a signal over the greatest possible distance, he was solving the problem of cutting off wireless power transmission from extraneous electrical waves. Thus appeared the first device with a protector – a security filter, allowing only the waves addressed to it to reach the mechanism and protecting the equipment from atmospheric and radio interference. The scientist not only designed and manufactured different types of the first protectors, but also tested them in practice.
With the help of his revolutionary device, Professor Pilchikov made it possible to create radio-controlled mine boats that could sink enemy ships without a crew and fire on enemy targets. In proposing the idea to the Russian military, the inventor characterised it as a way of detonating objects at a considerable distance without cables or other visible communication.
Applying for financial assistance from the military department, Pilchikov planned to spend 15,000 roubles on laboratory equipment, manufacture of devices and their testing with the support of the Sevastopol naval forces. For his part, the scientist undertook to keep the know-how in strict secrecy and not to publish any information about the development in scientific literature. As a result, this circumstance may have contributed to the fact that the scientist’s works disappeared and he himself may have been eliminated.
Military engineers discussed the professor’s petition for research funds with reference to foreign experience. Specialists compared Pilchikov’s achievements with the developments of foreign scientists experimenting with wireless telegraph, to whom the authorities did not refuse anything. For example, Preece was authorised for experiments by the postal department of England, Marconi obtained in 1897 large sums of money from the naval department of Italy, and the Berlin scientist Slaby received aeronautical parks, watercraft and troops of the Potsdam garrison from the Emperor of Germany. Pilchikov, on the other hand, had a much more extensive programme and was naturally expected to produce the most ambitious results.
On his return to Kharkov in 1902, the professor continued his research in the best-equipped physical laboratory of those times, the local University of Technology. He was also allocated a ship “Dnestr” and funds for marine experiments. On the ship in 1903 the scientist equipped a receiving radio station, and on the Chersonese lighthouse – transmitting.
Alas, neither the scheme of those protectors, nor the content of the experiments, nor their further fate are known today. In the archives we found only information about a letter of gratitude to Professor Pilchikov from the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. It was dated the beginning of September 1904. It is clear that in the midst of the war with Japan secret military developments could be of interest to both belligerents. Moreover, other external enemies were also interested in preventing Russia’s military advantage.
Professor Pilchikov’s research competed with American experiments in the Maritime Ministry under Tesla, who was also working on the task of wireless control of a minelayer from the shore. This is a case in science when “an idea is in the air” and the same discovery is independently made by scientists at different ends of the world.
It is believed that the first radio-controlled telemechanical system in the world was developed by Nikola Tesla – he patented and presented an unprecedented ship model in the summer of 1898, but came to the discovery the day before, in spring. And “Russian Tesla” Nikolai Pilchikov tested a similar invention in March of the same year, which was reported in a note in the “Odessa Review”, which for some reason remained unnoticed by the scientific community.
The “two Nicholas” had a lot in common, despite the fact that they lived and created on different continents. Scientists were almost the same age. Both had no family – neither wives nor close relatives. Both were undividedly attracted to physical science – the mysteries of radioactivity, X-rays and lightning. But to Pilchikov did not appear one day George Westinghouse with a million dollars for four dozen patents. And an understanding friend, as Tesla had in the person of Katharine Johnson, next to Nikolay Dmitrievich was not there either…
Being left without further state support, Pilchikov could not complete the work on his wireless protector. In 1905 he left to observe the solar eclipse in Algeria, from where he returned with failing health. Ill-health was aggravated by an acute feeling of loneliness.
1908 was a fateful year in the fate of the scientist. It was the best time of the year, the beginning of May, a time of intoxication with life and romantic dreams. But for Pilchikov, the “delight of nature” had no inspiring meaning: five days before his own birthday, he went to a psychoneurological clinic. And it happened under very mysterious circumstances.
According to police reports, the owner of a private hospital and a well-known doctor I. Y. Platonov received a call from an unknown man on 3 May with a request to hospitalise Nikolai Dmitrievich Pilchikov. It was asked to prepare a separate room where the patient would be alone.
When the professor appeared in the clinic, the doctors saw nothing critical in his condition. He was elegantly dressed, and in his hands held a suitcase with papers. Two days later, a shot rang out in the ward, and the papers were gone. Not a single piece of his war work was found among his household belongings. The blueprints of inventions of world importance, which the scientist had not even had time to patent, disappeared.
Wasn’t the murder then the final fat point in the planned operation? And didn’t the inventor-physicist take with him to the ward what the special services hunting for his military developments were tracking down?
Perhaps it was in the hospital that Nikolai Pilchikov, who had a premonition of trouble, tried to hide from his threatening pursuers? Or maybe they put him there so that it would be easier to realise what they had planned? And who were these mysterious killers?..
We will probably never get answers to these questions. But it is known how the brilliant ideas of the tragically departed scientist were put into practice.
In 1913, the first radio-controlled aeroplane took to the skies. Four years later, a German boat controlled from a plane blew up the quay in the English harbour of Newport. In the same year, 1917, a German ship was damaged by a British minelayer guided from a radio-controlled aeroplane. In 1925 the first mine without wires appeared. And in 1943 the Soviet troops destroyed the Nazi headquarters with General von Braun in Kharkov occupied by the enemy by controlled explosion from Voronezh.
Radio warfare has long been supplemented by radio defence, where the first role is played by devices like Pilchikov’s protectors. Thanks to radio defence, in 1944 the British were invulnerable to German fighters in the Libyan desert. Radio locks of increased complexity are used in satellite navigation and launching systems for space and military rockets. And all responsible radio electronic equipment is protected from interference by modern devices working on the principle of Professor Pilchikov’s protector – the “Russian Tesla”, who became a hindrance to someone himself…
Source: Vyacheslav Kapreljants
submitted by zlaxy to ThisDayInHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:20 fancymeals Opinion Trading

Hello, this is obviously a secondary account since i want to stay anonymous. Seeking some advice.
I’m 24 M, failed to clear any competitive exams after 12th hence took drops which resulted in even more time wastage and failures. Finally parents told me to just join any private college and get some graduation degree which i did.
During my college years a friend told me about opinion trading apps like TradeX, Probo where you can trade on events like youtube, finance, cricket, news, etc. Gotten intrigued i tried it out where initially i went into losses as usual trying out every category.
But its been 1.5 years now wherein I’m doing this opinion trading on regular basis wherein I trade mostly on cricket events and have been doing fairly decently by god’s grace.
I’ve been earning around 8 to 12 lakhs per month consistently with my last 1 year doing around 90L which i feel great and proud of.
But it has greatly hampered my social circle especially with my friends wherein i always face humiliation whenever i go to meetups where they have labelled me as “berozagar sattebaaz” and “society’s loser who after not able to achieve anything went into gambling”.
All my friends are doing good and have jobs in decent companies with around 8-9 lpa salaries. Idk how to make them understand that i’m not doing gambling and what i do also require certain analysis and decision making like its not like i make bets on illlegal sites wherein if my teams wins i earn or if its loses i lose. Its like a live market where you enter and exit according to a match situation like a financial market. I know its nowhere near to stock market trading but still to earn i had do that some decent analysis, instinct and ofc some luck.
Moreover, I’m also paying fixed 30% taxes on all my earnings but my friends don’t understand and have mislabelled me all over their social circles and made me a laughing stock. I’ve never said a single bad thing about their work or job and was only appreciative since they were able to secure such good jobs and get good degrees from better colleges than me wherein I couldn’t do much academically.
This is taking quite a toll on me and idk if i should quit this opinion trading all together and just focus on getting a job like a normal person even though i really enjoy my time as a opinion trader and doing great as well in terms of earning profits.
If you have read till now, first of all thank you for giving your time. Secondly i would like some advice or your insights like how should i counter this situation. Any insights would be really helpful. Thank you in advance.
PS- if this is not the sub for this post please redirect me to the right sub i only posted here since its related to trading.
Edit- I’m not endorsing anything neither am i scamming anyone through this post just seeking some genuine help and advice. I’ve shared proofs to multiple ppl in my dms who don’t believe me. Please don’t humiliate me any further as a scammer…
submitted by fancymeals to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:12 Feeling_Glass_2445 Hacked Account that changed the login credentials and basically made me locked out of my account.

I have a facebook account that I didn't use often, I only access it a few times a year. Someone has gotten hold of my account and used it regularly, that prompted facebook to recognize the device used as a device I normally would use. Then the hacker changed the login credentials, removed my number from it basically locking me out of my account. How do I recover this account as the user may have used the account for his/her own agenda with my name in it. Or if it is not possible, then what steps can I take to delete the account. I basically have no access in it. I'm not aware that my account was hacked because 2 factor authentication is disabled. I only discovered I was hacked today, the last time I use the account was last November 2023.
TLDR: A hacker locked me out of my own account, changed the login credentials. What can I do to recover it, if not atleast what can I do to delete this.
submitted by Feeling_Glass_2445 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:09 SuspiciousSquash9151 Extreme tech illiteracy, no willingness to learn, and having the personality of an ass isn't going to make you popular here.

I work out of a branch with too much everything (the downtown site of a city with a lot of homeless, mental health, and drug abuse issues) a summary is here:
A new regular however has been the source of the topic recently.
an older man who is probably around 80 has been in at least twice a week for the last month, he's actually kind of hard to write out due to most of the interactions I know are short, frustrating, and mostly nonsense, but my first experience with him dose a decent job:
He comes to my basement-level reference area where I mostly am alone, requesting tech assistance and the use of a public computer, immediately there are some pretty interesting quirks some age-related like blatantly ignoring instructions, typing o's instead of #0, seemingly forgetting very common applications, swiping at the screen like it's an iPad and the other issue:
He's trying to get information from his bank account, the library has a strict policy that I agree with that once we are on the main page of the bank's website we do not go any further with them, I have nothing to do with login going through the site whatever is needed because it's a huge liability and none of our business.
He has no idea how online banking works and I think doesn't understand online accounts at all (despite having an email and Facebook that's been shown in later interactions) and thinks if you type name and card number into separate boxes it will magically give you all banking information including air miles what he wanted again I should not know this he announced to me and anyone in the room, so good forbid someone with malicious intent help him in a public branch well know to have issues.
another patron comes for my assistance and she's kind of intense as well, this is now already burning me out between the two, and when he's up here again hovering at the front nose practically pressed to the glass the only thing separating us in an obvious attempt to get the most attention and quickly (like I'm dealing with a toddler that doesn't want to wait until you finish a phone call) I am shorter than before stating there are other patron's I need to serve as well he is not first in line now, the response is very childish and rudder muttering under his breath for while I'm still working with her that her question isn't important and not worth the time., she's more patient after that defending your right to service will do that for some.
the same bs continues and we get nowhere because he literally can't get anywhere without another pretty much taking the mouse and doing it, to the shock of no one hes been scammed badly before, and get this won't call the bank to get information because they ask too Meany questions for personal information and cannot understand they are the one place that should.
I am over it and get my coworker so I dont scream, he's the one who runs Makerspace and is very techy and tries in vain to explain sometimes a different person with a slightly different way helps it dose not worse. I have had 2 tech issues experiences I've called someone else to handle or lose it on a patron the first took nearly 50 minutes this guy took 15.
hes has since been in several times and is worse in a way something is wrong mainly suspected dementia due to age and not making a lot of sense won't acknowledge people's suggestions and common interactions include "Why won't you help me" *what do you need* "the government is _________, school is _____ nonsensical mutter, social security ___________ nonsensical mutter, the 1960s are _______ nonsensical mutter"
until 4 days ago we did not even know he was bilingual until a page of paper to the glass (upstairs thankfully with 2 staff and more witnesses) and started demanding things in French had been band for the weekend for tone, building a case for a longer ban that has to be approved.
submitted by SuspiciousSquash9151 to Libraries [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:08 GhoulGriin Best Card Display Cases

Best Card Display Cases
Are you acollector of precious cards or simply looking for a stylish way to keep your favorite collection on display? Look no further! Welcome to our comprehensive guide on card display cases. Join us as we explore a range of stylish and secure options to help you showcase your collection with pride. So sit back, relax, and dive into the world of card display cases with us.
In this article, we'll be covering everything from traditional plastic cases to elegant wooden options. We'll discuss the features that matter most in a card display case, and how to choose the perfect one for your needs. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, our guide will provide you with the knowledge and inspiration you need to elevate your collection game. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

The Top 18 Best Card Display Cases

  1. Premium Waterproof Card Display Case - Showcase and protect your card collection with Pennzoni's elegant waterproof display case, providing ample space, crystal-clear acrylic framing, and strong construction for easy access and secure storage.
  2. Secure Graded Trading Card Storage Case - The Card Titan Slab Safe 3 Row offers secure, lockable, and versatile storage for up to 108 PSA graded standard card slabs, specifically designed for serious card collectors to protect and organize their prized collection.
  3. High-capacity Trading Card Standing Case 3 Card Black - The Grade Displays Trading Card Standing Display securely holds and protects your valuable cards while allowing for easy viewing, making it perfect for collectors looking to showcase their collection.
  4. Modern Leather Card Display Case for Baseball Football and Trading Cards - The Fanousy Baseball Card Display Case is a PU Leather-wrapped, wall-mounted card display case that securely showcases up to 8 graded or ungraded sports cards or trading cards, boasting 98% UV protection and anti-theft locks.
  5. 36-Grade Sports Card Display Case with Black Mat Background and Lockable Door - Introducing the Lockable 36 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Hockey Cards, the perfect solution for showcasing your valuable collection with elegance and protection.
  6. Temgee 36 PCS Trading Card Protector Case - The Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case is a perfect solution for collectors to elegantly showcase their valuable graded baseball, basketball, football, and hockey cards while protecting them from dust and damage, with no assembly required.
  7. Secure Lockable Trading Card Display Case - DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football Baseball Basketball Hockey Comic Trading Cards - Durable, No Assembly Required, Horizontal Black Finish
  8. Classic Black 16" x 20" Resin Card Storage Frame - Discover the perfect card display case for your collection with this sleek, 20-card capacity, 16x20-inch, black resin frame – perfect for showing off your favorite trading cards while keeping them protected.
  9. Custom 35 PSA Graded Card Acrylic Frame - Showcase your sports card collection with elegance in this locked acrylic frame that securely holds up to 35 graded cards, including baseball, basketball, hockey, Pokemon, Yugioh!, and Nascar, elevating your treasures as a stunning centerpiece.
  10. Elegant Cardholder Display Case for Graded and Ungraded Cards - Transform your sports card collection into a stunning centerpiece with this elegant, handcrafted hardwood display case, offering secure storage for up to 36 ungraded cards and equipped with UV protection and acrylic door for utmost protection.
  11. Durable and Clear Card Display Case Set (5-Pack) - Preserve and showcase your valuable collectible cards with the 5-piece Display Card Case, constructed of sturdy acrylic, providing easy access, secure closure, and unobstructed card visibility for added protection and admiration.
  12. Large Gold Geometric Terrarium Card Box - Experience timeless elegance and classic beauty with the Yimorence V Gold Wedding Glass Card Box, a handmade, vintage-inspired card display case that securely holds up to 100 regular cards for your wedding, party, or home decor.
  13. Classic Black Wall-Mounted Trading Card Display Case - Discover the perfect display case for your valuable sports, toy, or comic trading cards, featuring a secure lockable acrylic door, UV protection, and practical design elements for seamless protection and easy access.
  14. 36-Pc Multi-Sport Card Graded Display Case - Discover the premium Temgee 36 Baseball Card Display Case, designed to secure, protect, and elegantly exhibit your sports graded cards with its lockable acrylic door and UV protection.
  15. Secure Card Storage Box with Lock - Preza's Premium Sports Card Storage Box: 108 PSA/78 BGS card capacity, secure lock with 2 spare keys, and 3 foam inserts for secure fit. Fits all graded cards (PSA, BGS, SGC, GMA) and top loaders. Perfect for collectors and travel.
  16. Stylish Wall-Mounted 35-Graded Card Display Case for Sports Cards - Temgee 35 Graded Sports Card Display Case - Durable Wall Cabinet for Baseball, Basketball, Football and Comic Cards, with UV Protection and Lockable Design
  17. Modern 25-Deck Card Display Frame for Collectors - Discover the elegant and sturdy Displaygifts Playing Card Frame, designed to safely hold and display up to 25 decks of your favorite playing cards with its sleek acrylic material and high-quality brass hardware.
  18. Graded Card Case with 98% UV Protection - Experience unparalleled clarity and protection for your prized collection with the Flybold Sports Card Display Case, perfect for up to 36 graded cards and boasting a shatterproof acrylic glass panel, 98% UV protection, and gold-plated anti-theft locks.
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🔗Premium Waterproof Card Display Case
As an avid card collector, discovering the Pennzoni display card deck display case was a game-changer for me. Before using this case, I can't tell you how many times I've knocked over stacks of playing cards or struggled to see them all at once. But ever since I started using this case, my card collection has never looked better.
The thing that really won me over about this case is its spacious interior. It comfortably holds up to 65-70 decks of cards, and unlike some other cases I've tried, it can handle taller and thicker decks with no problem. Plus, the crystal-clear acrylic door lets me admire my cards without ever touching them - no more smudging or smearing!
However, it's not all perfect with this case. The paint smell was quite strong when I first got it, which was a bit of a turnoff initially. But, after airing it out for a few days, the smell dissipated significantly and my cards are now safely tucked away.
Overall, the Pennzoni display card deck display case is a must-have for any serious collector. It not only provides a sleek and elegant way to display your cards but also offers ample space to keep them organized and protected.

🔗Secure Graded Trading Card Storage Case
As an avid baseball card collector, I was thrilled to get my hands on the Card Titan Slab Safe. I've been using it to store and protect my valuable PSA graded trading cards, and it has been a game changer. The precise row size of 3.34 inches x 8.25 inches x 4.5 inches deep, which fits up to 36 standard card PSA slabs, has allowed me to keep my collection well-organized and secure.
The quality of the Slab Safe is top-notch, with its aluminum frame, diamond ABS panels, and laser cut foam interior making it more robust than traditional cardboard storage boxes. This extra durability is perfect for safeguarding my prized PSA, BGS, SGC, HGA, and CSG graded trading cards.
In terms of capacity, the Slab Safe does not disappoint, holding up to 108 standard card PSA slabs. However, storage capacity may vary based on the graded card brand and slab thickness, so do keep that in mind.
Security is a top priority for collectors like me, and the Slab Safe delivers in that aspect, featuring two combination locks to ensure only authorized individuals can access my collection. Plus, its rubber feet on the bottom and hinge side prevent sliding and scratching on glass countertops.
If you're a serious collector looking for the best way to store and organize your graded cards, I highly recommend giving the Card Titan Slab Safe a try. It has everything you need - space, protection, and versatility.

🔗High-capacity Trading Card Standing Case 3 Card Black
As an avid trading card collector, I've tried numerous display options to keep my cards safe and showcase them beautifully. The Grade Displays 3 Card Black is hands down my favorite. This sturdy little stand has a triple layer system that securely holds my cards and the clear acrylic design lets me admire them from every angle. Plus, the hidden metal screw caps give it a seamless and polished look on my wall.
One thing I particularly appreciated is how this stand can effortlessly protect my valuable cards. It has a strong build and the transparent acrylic prevents dust and scratches from damaging them. Additionally, the stand's free-standing design means I can quickly move it around or adjust it to fit any space in my room.
However, there's one downside - the size. It's a bit too small to fit some oversized trading cards. But overall, the Grade Displays 3 Card Black is a fantastic product that every card collector should own. It strikes the perfect balance between functionality and style, making my favorite cards look like pieces of art on my wall.

🔗Modern Leather Card Display Case for Baseball Football and Trading Cards
As a fan of sports and someone who loves collecting baseball cards, I have been using the Fanousy PU Sports Card Display Case for quite some time now. This elegant case is not only a safe haven for my cards but also adds a touch of classic aesthetics to my room's décor.
The first thing that caught my attention is the use of PU leather which is a refreshing change from the regular plastic display cases. It makes handling much easier and gives my cards a velvety touch that's quite comforting.
Another aspect I appreciate about this case is its ability to hold both graded and ungraded cards, making it versatile. The capacity to fit eight cards at once is generous, saving me from constantly swapping out the displayed cards.
One feature that stands out is the 98% UV protection, keeping my valuable cards safe from any potential damage caused by sunlight. Plus, the anti-theft lock ensures peace of mind knowing my favorite cards are securely displayed.
However, there's a bit of a downside - the case does require assembly, which might be a little bit time-consuming for some. But once you get past that hurdle, it's smooth sailing!
In conclusion, the Fanousy Baseball Card Display Case has not only enhanced my collection but also added a unique charm to my room. While assembly can be a small setback, its overall performance and sturdy design make it a worthwhile investment for any serious sports card collector.

🔗36-Grade Sports Card Display Case with Black Mat Background and Lockable Door

I recently got my hands on this marvelous Lockable 36 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football Baseball Basketball Hockey Cards CC02-BL. I must say, it's been an absolute game-changer in the way I've been organizing and displaying my precious sports card collection. The sheer size of it, measuring 30.5 inches in width, 24.25 inches in height, and just 2 inches in depth, is just what I needed.
The mahogany color and the smooth edges of this hardwood display case bring an air of sophistication to my game room where it proudly hangs. I also appreciate the bevelled shelves that prevent my cards from sliding, providing a secure and snug fit. And let's not forget about the brass hinges, door latches, and wall brackets that make it wall mountable, a feature I didn't realize I needed until I had it.
One of the things that really caught my eye is the super fine fabric mattified black background. It truly elevates the look of my cards, making them stand out in a stunning contrast. Plus, the acrylic door cover has been a life-saver in keeping dust and potential damage at bay.
However, one con I've encountered is that it doesn't come with a lock for added security, which I wish it did especially considering the valuable contents it holds. Overall, this display case has been a fantastic addition to my sports card collection and has made preserving and showcasing my cards a whole lot easier and more secure.

🔗Temgee 36 PCS Trading Card Protector Case
As a baseball card enthusiast, I've always struggled with finding a proper way to keep my collection safe and visible. That's when the Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case came to my rescue. It's a large, wall-mounted case that comfortably holds 36 graded cards in a neat and organized manner.
Its black matte finish gives it a sophisticated appearance, making my home office look like a dedicated sports card room. The outer dimensions of the case are impressive at 30.5" x 24.3" x 2.1", providing ample space to display my most treasured cards. The inner dimensions are thoughtfully designed to fit the standard graded sports card sizes perfectly.
The use of wooden frames and acrylic view glasses adds both durability and visibility to the case. I don't have to worry about my cards getting damaged or accumulating dust, as the brass hinges, door latches, and wall brackets keep everything secure and the acrylic door cover protects my collection.
However, one downside I noticed is the weight. At 12.8 LBS, it's quite heavy, which might make it difficult for some people to mount on the wall. But overall, the Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case has made my card-collecting hobby even more enjoyable, providing a safe and elegant space to showcase my favorite sports cards.

🔗Secure Lockable Trading Card Display Case
As an avid collector of sports and trading cards, I've always struggled to find a safe and appealing way to display my precious treasures. That's when I stumbled upon the DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case. This sleek, black-finished frame is not your average display case. It boasts a solid wood structure that speaks volumes about its durability and sturdiness, making it a perfect companion for my valuable cards.
What really caught my eye about this display case is the UV protection offered by its super clear acrylic door. This is a game-changer for me as it ensures my cards remain safe from any potential damage caused by sunlight. The door opens upwards with top hinges, preventing the case from toppling over while I'm admiring my collection.
One of the best features I've come to love about this case is the lip on each shelf. It keeps my cards firmly in place, avoiding any unwanted sliding that could lead to scratches or damage. Plus, it's incredibly easy to set up - no fuss, no tools, just unpack and start displaying your cards!
Another standout aspect is its size. The 37-inch width is perfect for showcasing a variety of cards with different dimensions. It's important to note, though, that only cards no taller than 5.5 inches will fit, so make sure to measure up your cards before making a purchase.
All in all, the DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case is a brilliant addition to any collector's arsenal, offering both style and protection. Its unique features make it stand out from the crowd, and I can't recommend it enough for anyone seeking a safe and elegant way to showcase their beloved trading and sports cards.

🔗Classic Black 16" x 20" Resin Card Storage Frame
As a huge sports card collector, I was excited to discover the MCS Collector Cards Display Frame. This is perfect for showcasing my favorite players and safeguarding them from dust and damage. Its black resin construction gives it a sophisticated appearance that complements any room décor.
Filling the frame was an absolute breeze thanks to its easy-to-fill design. Plus, once all 20 slots were filled, it comfortably hung on my wall without any extra tools or effort. The size at 16x20 inches allows me to create an impressive display that truly stands out.
One minor drawback is the lack of customization options for the background of the frame. But overall, this display frame has helped elevate my collection and made it even more enjoyable to share with fellow collectors. If you're looking for a reliable and stylish way to showcase your cards, look no further than the MCS Collector Cards Display Frame.

🔗Custom 35 PSA Graded Card Acrylic Frame
I recently purchased the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case to spruce up my growing sports card collection. This display case has been an absolute game-changer for me, and it's evident that it was crafted with precision.
The meticulous hardwood construction elevates any display space, and its elegant color options make it easy to customize according to your personal style. Its primary function, however, shines brightest - this case comfortably secures up to 35 graded cards, ensuring that your valuable collection stays safe and sound.
I was particularly impressed by the crystal-clear acrylic door and UV protection, which not only provide a visually stunning presentation but also protect my valuable cards from fading. To top it off, the lockable feature ensures that my collection is secure at all times.
Despite these fantastic features, one aspect felt slightly underwhelming. The extra hardware for horizontal setup wasn't readily available; however, customer service promptly resolved this issue. Overall, the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case has made a significant impact on my sports card collection, transforming it into a beautiful, secure focal point.

🔗Elegant Cardholder Display Case for Graded and Ungraded Cards
As a baseball card collector, I've been on the lookout for the perfect display case to showcase my prized possessions. Enter the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case, a handcrafted hardwood beauty that truly makes my cards shine. With 36 graded spots for various types of cards – from Pokemon to NASCAR to basketball – this case has room for all my favorites.
What I particularly love about this case is its meticulous polish and elegant black color, which easily complements any decor. The crystal-clear acrylic door safeguards my cards from fading and damage, so I can rest assured knowing that my collection will always look its best. Plus, with the option to add extra hardware for a horizontal setup, it's versatile enough to suit my changing needs.
However, one small drawback is the weight of this case. At 16 pounds, it might be a bit cumbersome to move around easily. But overall, the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case not only elevates the look of my cards but also provides a safe space to protect and admire my collection.

🔗Durable and Clear Card Display Case Set (5-Pack)
As an avid fan of collecting sports cards, I've been searching for the perfect case to display and protect my prized possessions. Enter the Display Card Cases from The Container Store. I was curious about these cases, given their simple yet effective design. Upon receiving them, I was excited to see how they would perform.
The first thing I noticed upon holding the cases was their rigidity and sturdiness. Made of high-quality acrylic, these cases provide a sense of security for my valued cards. The snap-open feature is incredibly convenient for quick access, yet the cases close securely to keep my cards in pristine condition.
However, there was a minor hitch in my experience. One of the five cases in my package didn't fit together as tightly as the others, and it opened a bit too easily. It was a small issue, but it did concern me about the quality control. Fortunately, the other four cases in the pack snapped perfectly, providing the protection and ease of use I was looking for.
In conclusion, the Display Card Cases from The Container Store are mostly effective in their purpose. They offer the necessary durability and convenience for card collectors. The only area of improvement would be to ensure consistent quality across all cases in a package. But overall, these cases deliver and make a worthy investment for any card collector.

🔗Large Gold Geometric Terrarium Card Box
Oh, let me tell you about this lovely gold terrarium card box that I've been using to store my congratulatory cards and money envelopes. I received it as a wedding gift and it's become an essential piece of home decor. Made of handcrafted brass, this sturdy piece has a vintage and eye-catching appearance that's sure to add charm to any room. The reinforced glass also ensures that it's safe and doesn't break easily, which I truly appreciate.
One of my favorite features is the swing lid, making it perfect for centerpieces or flower arrangements. Its sleek gold geometric shape adds a contemporary twist while still feeling timelessly elegant. Plus, it's large enough to hold up to 100 pcs of regular 4x6 cards, ensuring there's plenty of space for all your well-wishers' notes.
Overall, I am absolutely in love with this gold terrarium card box. While it may be a little heavy due to its glass and brass construction, the added security of knowing your precious memories are safely stored inside more than compensates. This statement piece is not only practical but also beautifully crafted, making it a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of style to their home or office.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to collecting cards, displaying them is just as important as acquiring them. Card display cases not only protect your cards from environmental damage and wear, but also showcase your collection in a professional manner. In this buyer's guide, we will explore the important features, considerations, and general advice for choosing the right card display case for your needs. Firstly, consider the material of the display case. Cases made from high-quality materials, such as acrylic or polycarbonate, offer better protection and durability than those made from cheaper materials like PVC. Ensure that the case you choose is UV-resistant, especially if you plan to expose your collection to natural light sources. Secondly, pay attention to the size and design of the display case. Make sure it suits your collection's size and style, as well as the available space in your display area. Cases with adjustable compartments are ideal for accommodating various card sizes and formats. Also, consider transparent or opaque options based on your personal preferences and privacy requirements. Thirdly, take into account the mounting options offered by different cases. Some cases may come with built-in stands or wall mounts, while others may require additional hardware or DIY solutions. Choose a case that provides versatile and secure mounting options to suit your display requirements and ensure your cards remain in place without causing any damage. Lastly, consider the overall quality and brand reputation. Opting for well-known and reputable brands can guarantee better performance, longevity, and customer support. Read reviews or seek recommendations from fellow collectors to make sure you're getting a high-quality, reliable display case for your valuable cards. In conclusion, choosing the right card display case involves considering factors like material quality, size and design, mounting options, and brand reputation. By prioritizing these aspects, you can showcase your collection with pride and protect your valuable cards for years to come.


What are card display cases?

Card display cases are protective containers specifically designed to showcase and preserve collectible cards like trading cards, sports cards, or collectible game cards. They are usually made of acrylic, plastic, or other sturdy materials, and come in various sizes and styles.

Why should I use a card display case?

A card display case offers several benefits: it protects your valuable cards from dust, moisture, and physical damage; it allows you to safely showcase your cards for appreciation or sale; and it helps maintain the quality and worth of your collection over time.

What types of card display cases are available?

There are several types of card display cases to suit different needs and preferences. Some common styles include:
  • Single-card cases: designed to hold individual cards, typically in a vertical orientation
  • Multi-card cases: can accommodate multiple cards in a single case, ranging from two to as many as ten or more
  • Binders and sleeves: these are cases with removable sleeves that are ideal for storing and displaying a larger number of cards in a compact space

How do I choose the right card display case?

When selecting a card display case, consider the following factors:
  1. Size: make sure the case can comfortably accommodate your specific type of card (e. g. , standard-sized trading cards, sports cards, or larger gaming cards)
  2. Material: opt for high-quality materials that offer durability, transparency, and UV protection to prevent fading or discoloration of your cards
  3. Style: choose a case that complements your collection's theme or aesthetic, and meets your personal preferences regarding visibility, ease of access, or display options

Are there any special considerations for storing rare or valuable cards?

Absolutely! For rare or valuable cards, it's crucial to invest in high-quality, acid-free materials to prevent damage over time. Additionally, consider adding extra protection like UV-blocking sleeves or storing cases in a temperature-controlled environment to maintain optimal conditions for your collection.

How do I properly insert cards into a display case?

To insert cards into a display case, follow these steps:
  1. Ensure your cards are free of debris and in good condition
  2. Place the card in the case, aligning it with the edge to ensure a snug fit
  3. Apply gentle, even pressure to the back of the card, pushing it firmly but carefully into the case until it clicks in place
  4. Close the case securely and check that the card is firmly seated within the case without any wiggle room

What is the proper way to clean and maintain card display cases?

Clean and maintain your card display cases by following these guidelines:
  1. Keep your cases away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures
  2. Dust the exterior surfaces of your cases with a soft, lint-free cloth
  3. For persistent dirt or grime, use a mild solution of water and dish soap, then gently clean the area with a damp cloth
  4. Dry your cases thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth to prevent moisture buildup or streaks

How can I secure and lock my card display cases?

Many card display cases come with built-in security features, such as key locks or screw-down latches. To secure your cases, follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the appropriate tools (e. g. , a screwdriver) to tighten or lock the case securely. For added protection, consider storing your display cases in a locked cabinet or display case, or invest in a security system for your collection area.

Can I use display cases for other collectibles besides cards?

Yes, card display cases can be adapted for various collectibles, such as coins, buttons, or stamps. However, make sure the case dimensions and material quality are suitable for the particular type of collectible you plan to display, and always store and handle your collectibles with care to avoid damage.
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2024.05.19 09:05 Alteredchaos 📢 Sunday News - with a focus on carers this week

Ministers apologise and return £7,000 in benefits to woman, 93, with dementia
Government ministers have formally apologised and repaid £7,000 to a 93-year-old woman whom they held responsible for running up benefits overpayment debts even though they were told she had dementia and was unable to manage her affairs.
The case, which the minister for disability, Mims Davies, admitted was “disturbing”, was brought to light by the Guardian as part of its investigation into carer's allowance overpayments.
The agreement to write off the debt of the 93-year-old, whom the Guardian has chosen not to name, comes as ministers have promised to try new ways of sharing information with carers to try to prevent them building up months and years of overpayments.
Read the full article on

DWP confirmed that it is developing an ‘enhanced notification strategy’ to alert carer’s allowance claimants to possible overpayments
Notifications designed to encourage claimants to report changes in income and so reduce the risk of being overpaid.
As part of its policy paper, Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System: Going Further, that was published earlier this week, the Department says (at paragraph 78) -
'In carer’s allowance we are progressing an enhanced notification strategy as part of our existing commitment to improve customer engagement, building on our existing communications with customers. As part of this notification strategy we are considering all forms of targeted contact to find the most effective and efficient solution, such as exploring the use of targeted text messages or emails to alert claimants and encourage them to contact the Department when the DWP is made aware of a potential overpayment.'
The Department added -
'The new strategy will help claimants understand when they may have received an earnings-related overpayment or are at risk of doing so, and will encourage claimants to contact the DWP to meet their obligation to inform the Department of changes in their income and other relevant circumstances. This will reduce the risk of those customers being overpaid.'
Note: having expressed concern that the DWP had 'done nothing' to stop carers building up huge overpayments of benefit despite knowing what people are earning, Work and Pensions Committee Chair Stephen Timms called on the National Audit Office to investigate problems with the carer's allowance system and, in particular, its failure to prevent or rectify overpayments.
Stephen Timms has also written to Secretary for State for Work and Pensions Mel Stride highlighting concerns about the DWP's lack of progress with overpayments since the previous committee's report in 2019. Mr Timms' letter repeats the committee's recommendation that the DWP increase the rate of carer's allowance and goes on to call for the DWP to review both the amount and the cliff-edge nature of the earnings limit and for the removal of the 21-hour study rule.
For more information, see Policy paper: Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System: Going Further from

Carers UK has welcomed the DWP's plans, noting this is the 'minimum' they've been calling for to tackle carers' overpayments. However, Director of Policy and Public Affairs Emily Holzhausen also highlights that implementing the strategy is 'urgent', asks that the whole issue be moved out of being branded benefits fraud, and that carer's allowance be reviewed as it should be 'modernised to reflect the realities of caring'.

DWP-commissioned research highlights how the carer’s allowance earnings threshold influences decisions about how many hours carers work
Report also makes clear that the Department was made aware three years ago that there was room to improve claimant understanding and possibly reduce mistakes leading to overpayments by improving its communications.
The research, Experiences of claiming and receiving carer’s allowance, explores how and why people claim carer's allowance; their caring roles; experiences of combining paid work and care; and how well claimants understand the rules associated with the benefit. While carried out in 2020/2021, the research has been published today against a backdrop of calls for the wholescale reform of carer's allowance as a result of evidence that claimants who have earned above the carer's allowance earnings limit have been left with large overpayments and, in some cases, prosecuted for fraud.
While the research found that many claimants in employment felt there was a practical limit to the hours they could work, with many saying it was only feasible to be working part-time due to their caring responsibilities, it also found that -
Published on the same day that the Work and Pensions Select Committee said that there has been insufficient progress in addressing the problems with carer's allowance that it highlighted five years ago, the research makes clear that the Department has been aware of the issues for some time. For example, it highlights confusion relating to the complexity of the earnings calculation, including how deductions such as childcare expenses and pension contributions are taken account of, and whether wages can be averaged if you earn more in a particular week.
In addition, with the Chair of the Select Committee Stephen Timms having said recently that the DWP has done nothing to stop carers building up huge overpayments despite knowing what people are earning, and the Committee having called on the National Audit Office to investigate the problems with the system, the research found that -
As a result, the research says -
'... there is room to improve claimant understanding and possibly reduce mistakes leading to overpayments by improving communications around eligibility criteria. Since claimants did not engage with the detail of their benefit regularly, possibly only considering it once a year when they received their annual letter, more frequent communications may improve clarity of knowledge around carer’s allowance.'
Other key findings include that -
For more information, see Experiences of claiming and receiving carer’s allowance from

Almost 135,000 people currently have an outstanding carer's allowance debt, with more than £250 million owed in total, according to figures supplied by DWP Minister Paul Maynard
DWP Minister also confirms that women represent 68 per cent of those with an outstanding debt.
Responding to a written question in Parliament from Work and Pensions Committee Chair Stephen Timms, Mr Maynard said -
'As of 14 May 2024, the volume of people who have an outstanding carers allowance debt is 134,800 with a total value of £251 million. This figure represents the total stock and as such the total monetary amount may have been accrued over multiple years. Those who have an outstanding carers allowance debt may no longer be in receipt of the benefit.'
Mr Maynard added that -
'Women make up the majority of carer’s allowance claims, and this is reflected in the proportion of those with an outstanding carer’s allowance debt. As of 14 May 2024, there were 42,800 (32 per cent) males, 91,900 (68 per cent) females and 100 (less than 1 per cent) not identified, with an outstanding carer's allowance debt.'
The Minister also confirmed that, as of November 2023, there were more than 991,000 people in receipt of carer's allowance, consisting of around 271,000 (27 per cent) males and 720,000 (73 per cent) females.
Mr Maynard's written answer is available from

Total value of benefit overpayments in 2023/2024 increased to almost £10 billion, representing 3.7 per cent of benefit expenditure for the year
New DWP figures also show that official error underpayments remained at around £1 billion, and that people could have claimed more than £3 billion more 'if they had provided accurate information about their circumstances'.
In Fraud and error in the benefit system: financial year 2023 to 2024 estimates, the DWP calculates how much money it overpaid or underpaid as a percentage of total benefit expenditure for the year (£266.2bn) - for benefits including universal credit, housing benefit, personal independence payment, employment and support allowance and pension credit - and how many claims were paid an incorrect amount.
Note: the statistics no longer include estimates of claimant error underpayments as these are now published separately, as confirmed in recent DWP guidance.
In relation to incorrect payment rates across all benefits for the financial year ending (FYE) 2024, the figures show that the total rate of benefit expenditure overpaid was 3.7 per cent (£9.7bn), compared with 3.6 per cent (£8.3bn) in 2022/2023. In addition, the total rate of benefit expenditure underpaid was 0.4 per cent (£1.1bn), compared with 0.5 per cent (£1.2bn) in FYE 2023.
Looking in more detail at the figures for individual benefits, the statistics include data showing that -
In addition to the fraud and error statistics, the DWP has also issued Unfulfilled eligibility in the benefit system: Financial Year Ending (FYE) 2024, in line with its decision to remove claimant underpayments from its main fraud and error estimates. The new statistics set out the percentage of benefit expenditure that could have been paid to people with unfulfilled eligibility 'if they had provided the correct information', and show key findings that include -
The DWP highlighted that -
'PIP has the second highest unfulfilled eligibility rate [4 per cent] of all benefits and fairly high expenditure [£21.6bn], so due to this combination, PIP accounts for around one-quarter of total unfulfilled eligibility in FYE 2024. DLA has the highest unfulfilled eligibility rate [11.1 per cent] but relatively low expenditure [£6.8m], so even though its rate is higher than PIP, it accounts for a similar amount of total unfulfilled eligibility in FYE 2024. Universal credit has a lower unfulfilled eligibility rate than DLA and PIP [1.4 per cent] but its high expenditure means that it also accounts for a similar amount of total unfulfilled eligibility in FYE 2024.'
For more information, see Fraud and error in the benefit system: financial year 2023 to 2024 estimates and Unfulfilled eligibility in the benefit system: financial year 2023 to 2024 estimates from

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride has set out the DWP's plans to scale up its 'fight against fraudsters'
New measures include using machine learning to detect and prevent fraudulent claims, as well as introducing a new Bill to enable benefit fraud to be treated like tax fraud.
Issuing a written statement in the House of Commons on 13th May, Mr Stride said -
'In the continued fight against fraud, today the Government will publish a new paper setting out the progress we have made in tackling fraud and error in the welfare system - Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System: Going Further. The paper sets out the progress we have made in delivering the commitments in the Government's 2022 command paper Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System and it demonstrates where we are going further to protect taxpayers’ money from fraudsters.'
Highlighting that the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, currently before Parliament, will enable the Department to work with third parties such as banks to identify claims that signal potential fraud and error, Mr Stride says that the new measures being introduced include -
Note: the Department confirms that final decisions on accepting or stopping a claim will, however, continue to be made by a member of DWP staff.
For more information, see DWP updates Fraud Plan from
In response to the above article the Disability News Service reported that the government's fraud policy paper ignores coroner’s concerns over review of disabled woman’s universal credit claim. Read the DNS article on

Less than half of legacy benefit claimants who were sent a migration notice between July 2022 and March 2024 have made a claim for universal credit, according to new figures from the DWP
However, new DWP statistics also show that 60 per cent of households that claimed universal credit have been awarded transitional protection.
In Completing the move to Universal Credit: statistics related to the move of households claiming Tax Credits and DWP benefits to Universal Credit: data to end of March 2024, the DWP sets out figures for the period since July 2022, noting that -
'In the period covered by this bulletin, the vast majority of migration notices have been sent to tax credit households whose likelihood of claiming universal credit and receiving transitional protection may be different from DWP legacy benefit claimants, the majority of whom had not yet been sent a migration notice in the period covered in this bulletin.'
The statistics include that -
Move to Universal Credit statistics, July 2022 to March 2024 is available from
Note: the DWP has also published Universal Credit statistics, 29 April 2013 to 11 April 2024­ which show that there were 6.7 million people on universal credit in April 2024 (300,000 more than the 6.4 million in January 2024) and that half of households on universal credit that received a payment in February 2024 included children.

Department for Communities also confirms that claimants in receipt of other legacy benefits will be issued with migration notices 'in the coming months'
The Department for Communities (DfC) has confirmed that the 'Move to UC' rollout in Northern Ireland has expanded this week to include people receiving tax credits along with housing benefit.
Announcing the expansion of the process, Deputy Secretary of Work and Health at the DfC Paddy Rooney said -
'We continue to take a measured and carefully managed approach to migrating legacy benefit recipients to universal credit. We have already successfully completed issuing migration notices to tax credit only recipients and we will continue to take every step possible to ensure that everyone receives the help and support they need during this next phase of Move to UC.'
The Department also confirmed that once it has issued migration notices to all those receiving tax credits with housing benefit, the following groups will be contacted in this order -
In relation to the bringing forward of managed migration for ESA and ESA/housing benefit claimants in Great Britain, announced by the Prime Minister on 19 April 2024, the DfC says that it is working to assess the impact of this on the region. It also confirms that it will align with the DWP's aim to complete the migration of legacy benefit claimants to universal credit by March 2025.
For more information, see Tax credit with housing benefit recipients next to 'Move to UC' and Rollout of Universal Credit for Tax Credit and Legacy Benefit customers - screening from

57,000 adverse universal credit sanction decisions were made in January 2024, according to new DWP statistics
DWP statistics also highlight that around 95 per cent of decisions are as a result of failure to attend or participate in a mandatory interview.
In Benefit sanctions statistics to February 2024, the DWP reports on both the rate and duration of sanctions for universal credit claimants who are in conditionality regimes where they be applied.
Key findings include that -
In addition, while the total number of claimants in conditionality regimes where sanctions can be applied has remained largely stable since May 2022 (currently at 1.95 million), the total number of adverse sanction decisions stood at 57,000 in January 2024, the highest since March 2022.
The DWP notes that -
'Comparisons with universal credit prior to February 2024 ... should not be made. This is because the data sources, methodology and rules of the benefits differ from those used for universal credit currently.'
However, it adds that, following the reinstated duration measures and rate methodology improvements, the data is now determined stable and fit for purpose and, as of May 2024, it is published under the 'Official Statistics' label as opposed to 'in development'.
For more information, see Benefit sanctions statistics to February 2024 from

DWP has admitted missing multiple opportunities to record the 'vulnerability' of a disabled woman whose death was later linked by a coroner to failings at the heart of its UC system
The Disability News Service reported on the case of Nazerine (known as Naz) Anderson, from Melton Mowbray, who died of an overdose in June last year, after receiving a UC review notice.
According to a prevention of future deaths (PFD) report sent to the department by coroner Fiona Butler, the DWP missed six opportunities to record Anderson’s “vulnerability” on its IT system while it was reviewing her universal credit claim, and had failed to act on the mental distress she showed in phone calls about her claim. It also repeatedly failed to act on requests to direct its telephone calls and letters to her daughter.
The DWP admits multiple universal credit failures before disabled woman’s death article is available on

Number of emergency food parcels distributed across the UK by the Trussell Trust has increased by 90 per cent over the past five years
Food charity reports that it distributed more than three million parcels last year, with more than a million of them going to children.
In Emergency food parcel distribution in the UK: April 2023 - March 2024, the Trust says that it distributed 3,121,404 food parcels, the most parcels that it has ever distributed in a financial year, representing a four per cent increase on last year's record-breaking numbers for 2022/2023 and a 94 per cent increase since 2018/2019.
The charity also highlights that the number of parcels provided to children has continued to rise, exceeding 1.1 million in 2023/2024, and that food bank support is provided disproportionately to children, compared to the proportion of children in the UK population. In addition, it notes that pension age households are increasingly likely to need to use a food bank, with food bank support for these households having more than quadrupled between 2018/2019 and 2023/2024 (an increase of 345 per cent), compared to an 81 per cent rise amongst households without someone of pension age.
Also sharing statistics on the reason for referral for an emergency food parcel - which include health, benefit issues, work hour changes, insecure housing, changes in personal circumstances, immigration status and domestic abuse, as well as income and debt levels - the Trussell Trust says -
'Across all households the most common reason for referral was due to issues with income and debt levels. The vital role of the social security system in driving these trends is clear from the fact that the majority (78 per cent) of people referred to food banks were reported to solely have income from the social security system, with a further 8 per cent having earned income as well as income from social security.'
Trussell Trust Chief Executive Emma Revie said -
'It’s 2024 and we’re facing historically high levels of food bank need. As a society, we cannot allow this to continue. We must not let food banks become the new norm ... A supportive social security system is the bedrock on which we end hunger for good. Building on this, we need much more effective employment and financial support for parents, carers and disabled people, and action to ensure everyone can have the security we all need to access opportunities and have hope for the future, through more secure and flexible jobs and investment in social housing. Food banks are not the answer. They will be there to support people as long as they are needed, but our political leaders must take bold action to build a future where everyone has enough money to afford the life’s essentials. The time to act is now.'
For more information, see End of Year Stats from

Employment Minister Jo Churchill has provided a House of Lords Select Committee with an undertaking that the administrative earnings threshold (AET) in universal credit will not be increased again without a 'sound evidence base'
However, Minister's evidence to Lords Committee fails to address its dissatisfaction with DWP's explanation for not publishing robust evidence to support previous increases in the threshold.
Further to the Lords Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee's report on new regulations that implemented a further increase in the AET from 13 May 2024 - that criticised the ‘inexplicable’ lack of data evaluating previous increases in the threshold in September 2022 and January 2023 - the Committee held a one-off evidence session yesterday to question the Minister and DWP officials.
Introducing the session, Committee Chair Lord Hunt acknowledged that the DWP had agreed to share its informal findings supporting its AET policy. However Lord Hunt added that -
'... similar, no doubt to the material that the Social Security Advisory Committee saw but correctly declined, if information is not available to the House and the public, then we feel unable to consider it either.'
The Committee then questioned the Minister about the Department's failure to publish evidence providing an assessment of the impact of increasing the AET either before or after implementing the change.
In response, Ms Churchill highlighted that the Department did publish a randomised controlled trial evaluation in 2018 providing the highest level of evidence on the impacts of increased in-work conditionality that Ministers have had sight of. When challenged that this evidence is somewhat outdated and 'a bit threadbare' - as it has been relied on for three increases in the AET - Ms Churchill indicated that Ministers also had early sight of unpublished research (a Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) study) that compares the experiences of claimants who are just below and just above the AET.
When pressed on the expected publication dates for this and further evidence, Mr Churchill said -
'I have asked for [the RDD study] to be available as soon as it can be, and the date I was given was spring 2024 ... I would like it out the door as soon as possible, so you have more data ... RDD is the next piece, the next building block and then, the longitudinal study will come through in 2025.'
Concluding the session with a final question, Lord Hunt, speaking on behalf of the whole Committee, said -
'... we're looking for an undertaking from you, not to further expand the cohort until the Department can publish robust evidence of its effects. Are you able to give us that undertaking?
Ms Churchill responded -
'So are you alluding to us holding 15 hours or with this latest laying at 18? Because I could certainly say to you, I think with all confidence that at 18, we want to understand the iterations and make sure that we've got a sound evidence base from there.'
NB - the increase in the AET in January 2023 was based, for individuals, on the equivalent of them working 15 hours per week at the National Living Wage, and this week's increase to the equivalent of them working 18 hours per week.
Despite welcoming the Minister's reply, Lord Hunt went on to say -
'... we accept your undertaking, except we are still as dissatisfied as we were because you haven't provided, in the view of the Committee, sufficient explanation yet. We are awaiting this robust evidence, which I think that we now expect in June 2024.'
The evidence session Regulations to increase the Administrative Earnings Threshold (Legislative scrutiny) is available from

Work and Pensions Select Committee has called on the government to bring forward proposals to compensate women born in the 1950s who suffered as a result of the DWP's communication failures when their pension age was increased, and asks that it does so in the current parliamentary session
Committee chair highlights lengthy delay and urgency for affected women and calls on government to act on Parliamentary Ombudsman recommendations before summer recess.
Writing to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Mel Stride, Committee Chair Stephen Timms requests government support for 'urgent action' following the Parliamentary Ombudsman's final report in March 2024 which recommended a remedy based on level 4 of its severity of injustice scale, putting awards at between £1,000 and £2,950.
Mr Timms says that the Committee does not seek to question the Ombudsman's proposal for compensation at level 4, but instead has focused on what a remedy may look like -
'The evidence we received indicated support for a rules-based system. This would be a system where payments would be adjusted within a range (based on the PHSO’s severity of injustice scale) to reflect the extent of change in the individual’s State Pension age and the notice of the change which the individual received. This would mean that the less notice you had of the change and the bigger the change in your SPA, the higher the payment you would receive. While not perfect, the advantages of such a system are that it would be: quick to administer; applying known data to a formula to determine the amount due; and relatively inexpensive (compared to a more bespoke system).'
The Committee's recommendation also includes some flexibility for individuals to make the case for further compensation in the event that they have experienced direct financial loss, for example where a woman whose divorce settlement was less than it would have been because it was based on the expectation that she would receive her state pension at 60.
Mr Timms also asks the government to consider -
'... the need for urgent action, given that the Ombudsman started to look at this issue in 2018 and that every 13 minutes a woman born in the 1950s dies ... Implementing a remedy will need parliamentary time, financial resources, and the data and technical systems only available to your department. It cannot happen without government support. We would ask you to bring forward proposals for a remedy by the summer recess.'
Mr Timms' letter to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions is available from

submitted by Alteredchaos to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:04 Charmed264 My first time getting scammed

I posted my resume on Craigslist trying to get some sort of work from home job.
A woman emailed me: “I am currently looking for a business personal assistant just for you to know the position is an home based job, I live in Toronto Ontario but currently out of the Country for roadshows, that's why I need someone reliable to help me with my tight schedule. Do you have a Laptop/PC you can be working on?”
I said yes, and asked about the schedule and pay. She replied and said: “Ok good. So we operate a custom home building company, android developer and into buying and selling of antiques and artifacts. I'm an extremely busy person just online here looking for a personal assistant who will be willing to reduce me from a multi-task I go through all day online. Your duties just entails sending and receiving emails from my clients, taking orders and making enquires, I’d instruct you on how to go through with them as time goes on.You'd be working for 3-4hrs daily; 10am-1pm or 4pm-7pm and the hours can be flexible. So about the pay, the payment is dependent it could be a direct deposit or a Cheque and the pay is $580 weekly. Which bank do you operate with?”
I then told her what bank I use and that my schedule is wide open. She then said: “Ok good, so you'd be having an online interview via text just Q&A processing. It would be performed on a telegram platform. I believe you have a telegram messenger app?”
Looking back that was a red flag but I was desperate.
She then said let’s chat on WhatsApp (which I didn’t have but I downloaded it to chat with her). Also a red flag🤦‍♀️
I emailed about five “clients” about various things that were consistent with the work she said she does. They discussed certain items, dates, payments, prices etc.
Well the job was a scam. She asked I get 2 $100 gift cards as a thank you for her clients. I emailed a bunch of her clients, she had a website and all this info to corroborate her story. So I stupidly believed her. She sent me two cheques each for $100 for the gift cards. I deposited them, went out and got the gift cards and sent pictures of them to each of her clients. Anyways everything seemed normal, then she asked I get another gift card for a different client I emailed with, again with a cheque. I finally said no and asked she send the money by e-transfer or direct deposit. She said she couldn’t for whatever reason. She said the cheques were good and they’ll go through. After I expressed fear that they wouldn’t.
Because they were Apple gift cards and they have codes you just scan. I checked and both of the cards are drained. I called my bank and they said because I deposited the cheques there’s nothing they can do. And when the cheques inevitably bounce/come up as fraud a hold will be put on my account and I’ll need to pay the $200. Money I don’t have. It seemed genuine at the time, I feel so stupid and disappointed in humanity honestly. 
I was already scraping change together just to buy food and I’m many months behind on rent; now it’s been made so much worse. Ultimately I’m just tired of all of this. I’m only 20 years old, yet I fell for it because of my desperation for money. My desperation made me blind to the obvious red flags.
My friends and family comforted me and said I’m not stupid, it was just an elaborate scam. I don’t really believe them, I mean looking back it was so obvious!! But they made me feel like a dumb kid and that’s something I already deal with in my day to day (why is a long story). I figured at least at this job I’d have people take me seriously. But instead I was made a fool.
Sorry for the novel!
submitted by Charmed264 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:51 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carabiner Knife

Best Carabiner Knife
Welcome to our Carabiner Knife roundup! Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a survivalist, or simply someone who appreciates a well-crafted tool, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at some of the top carabiner knives on the market. From versatile multi-tools to sleek, lightweight designs, we've curated a selection of products that are perfect for any adventure. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the best carabiner knives out there!

The Top 13 Best Carabiner Knife

  1. Essential Outdoor Gerber Armbar Scout Pocket Clip Knife - Stay prepared for any outdoor adventure with the versatile and dependable Gerber Armbar Scout Pocket Clip.
  2. Ultimate Emergency Slim Pocket Knife - Prepare for the unexpected with the compact CRKT ExiTool, featuring a fast-action seat belt cutter and a sturdy tungsten carbide window breaker for emergency situations, all in one slim pocket knife.
  3. Gerber Pledge Knife: High-Quality Emergency Cutting Tool - Experience ultimate safety and convenience with the Gerber 30-000590 Crisis Hook Knife, a 4.5-star rated, life-saving tool designed for first responders with a durable 420HC stainless steel blade and textured grip handle.
  4. Al Mar Stinger Keychain Knife for Self-Defense - The Al Mar K1001BKG Stinger Keyring Knife offers a high-quality, ultralight, and concealable solution for everyday tasks such as opening letters and boxes, as well as providing self-defense with its sharp D2 blade and durable TPR grip.
  5. 8-in-1 Multi-Functional Carabiner Knife for Outdoor Activities - The HMMS Stainless Climbing Carabiner is an innovative 8-in-1 multi-functional tool with a durable locking carabiner hook, compact design, and versatility, perfect for everyday use and outdoor activities.
  6. Multi-Purpose Carabiner Knife Tool - Embark on your next adventure with ease using the Brouk & Co Multi-function Carabiner Tool - the ultimate, compact, stylish, and versatile companion for all your needs!
  7. Durable Multi-Purpose Carabiner Knife for Everyday Survival and Outdoor Adventures - The Sheffield Wilco 4-in-1 Carabiner Multi-Tool: your go-to solution for outdoor adventures and survival emergencies with its lightweight, versatile design and 420 stainless steel attachments.
  8. Versatile Carabiner Knife with Stainless Steel Blades - The Dakine Hook Knife provides efficient and accessible cutting with its convenient pocket attachment, featuring two high-quality stainless steel blades and a durable anodized aluminum handle.
  9. Carabiner Knife Multi-Tool with Locking Blade and Glass Breaker - Experience true versatility with the Dark Energy Carabiner Pro 5-in-1 Multi Tool - an all-metal, quick-snap blade, and reliable emergency essential on your next adventure.
  10. Rugged Slim Cut Multi-Tool with Easy-Access Blade - Compact, durable, and versatile, the Gerber Armbar Slim Cut Multi-Tool is the perfect everyday carry for all your cutting needs.
  11. 8-in-1 Carabiner Multitool with Stainless Steel Blade and EDC Features - The Carabiner Keychain Multitool promises a versatile 8-in-1 survival and emergency tool, equipped with a stainless steel blade, a hanging carabiner, and various screwdriver and bottle opener functionalities, offering convenience for EDC use.
  12. Polymorph Carabiner Multifunction Knife with Titanium Finish - The Civivi Polymorph Carabiner Multitool combines a spring-loaded carabiner, a bottle opener, a hex bit driver, and a scalpel blade, all housed in a durable anodised titanium body, making it a versatile and portable tool for everyday use.
  13. Portable 8-in-1 Multi-Tool with Key Ring - The Cabela's 8-in-1 Pocket Tool is a versatile and convenient multi-tool featuring a durable anodized aluminum handle and 420 stainless steel blades, perfect for everyday use and outdoor adventures.
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🔗Essential Outdoor Gerber Armbar Scout Pocket Clip Knife
As an outdoor enthusiast, I've been on the lookout for a reliable and compact tool to carry on my adventures. I chose the Gerber Armbar Scout multi-tool for its promise of versatility and compactness.
I was pleasantly surprised by the tool's sleek design, which conveniently fit into the pocket of my backpack. One of the first features I noticed was the stainless steel construction, giving the tool a sturdy feel while keeping it lightweight.
One of my favorite aspects of the Gerber Armbar Scout was its ability to open various packages with minimal effort. The can/package opener was a lifesaver during a camping trip when I needed a quick snack. The 2 1/2'' plain edge blade proved to be sturdy, allowing me to make precise cuts with ease.
However, I did encounter some difficulties with the locking mechanism of the blade, which required a certain level of force to engage. While this wasn't a dealbreaker, it did cause a little bit of frustration during use.
In conclusion, the Gerber Armbar Scout multi-tool serves its purpose as an essential companion for outdoor enthusiasts. Its small size and versatility were impressive, but I did encounter minor annoyances with the locking mechanism. Overall, I would recommend this tool to anyone looking for a compact and reliable multi-tool to take on their next adventure.

🔗Ultimate Emergency Slim Pocket Knife
As an emergency situation arises, every moment counts. That's when the CRKT Exitool comes in handy, offering a fast and reliable solution for cutting seat belts and breaking windows.
The slim profile makes it easy to conceal, while the textured grip ensures a firm hold. In my own experience, the Exitool has been a lifesaver, with the glass-reinforced handle providing durability and the safety cone tip cover protecting the window breaker while stowed.
The only downside? . The compactness might make it a bit challenging for those with larger hands to use. Overall, the Exitool is a reliable and versatile emergency tool that helps you stay prepared for any unexpected situation.

🔗Gerber Pledge Knife: High-Quality Emergency Cutting Tool
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Gerber Crisis Hook Knife, and I must say, it's a lifesaver in emergency situations. This sleek and durable tool is designed specifically for quickly and safely cutting through seat belts, clothes, and even heavy straps or cords. Its lightweight design and smooth operation make it a game-changer when time is of the essence.
One of the most notable features of this knife is its integrated oxygen tank wrench, which adds extra versatility and functionality in life-saving situations. The glass breaker pommel included in the package also comes in handy when encountering obstacles that may hinder your ability to assist someone in need.
While the Crisis Hook Knife has several impressive features, it's not without its drawbacks. The friction lock sheath can be tricky to attach to certain surfaces, and the clip may not be as convenient as advertised. Additionally, the knife's handle, while comfortable and easy to grip, could benefit from a more secure attachment to a tactical belt.
In conclusion, the Gerber Crisis Hook Knife is an invaluable tool for first responders and anyone who needs to quickly and safely cut through various materials in emergency situations. Its lightweight design, versatility, and straightforward operation make it a must-have in your arsenal. Just be prepared to address some minor issues, such as the friction lock sheath and the clip's functionality.

🔗Al Mar Stinger Keychain Knife for Self-Defense
I recently tried out the Al Mar K1001BKG Stinger Keyring Knife in Green. The first thing that caught my attention was the compactness of the knife. With it being such a small size, it's incredibly easy to discreetly attach it to my keychain while still remaining convenient to access whenever it's needed.
The TPR overmolded grip proves to be an excellent feature, providing a non-slip hold, even while my hands are sweaty or in wet conditions. The dual-injected PP sheath adds an extra layer of protection, making it suitable for everyday use without worrying about damaging the blade.
The blade itself has an impressively sharp edge, allowing me to open letters and boxes with ease, yet also offers a sturdy protection for instances of self-defense. Being an advocate for quality tools, I found the Stinger to deliver that expected performance from the reputed AL MAR brand.
However, I noticed that for harder tasks, the blade feels somewhat delicate. One would have to handle it carefully or opt for a more robust knife for such situations, potentially compromising the ultralight key ring knife design. Despite this, overall this knife performs well, and its convenient size and efficient design make it a must-have for those who value versatility and efficiency in a concealed blade on their keychain.

🔗8-in-1 Multi-Functional Carabiner Knife for Outdoor Activities
Using an HMMS Stainless Climbing Carabiner in my daily life has been quite an experience. This multi-functional tool has proven to be extremely versatile, from its use as a knife to its handy LED light.
The knife is sharp and easy to flip out, making it an essential part of my survival gear. The LED light is a lifesaver when the power goes out, and the Phillips and regular screwdriver heads are a great addition for those quick fixes on the go. The glass breaker is also convenient, though I haven't had to use it yet.
One thing that stood out is the carabiner's simple and lightweight design, making it the perfect keychain or hanging tool for my camping trips and other outdoor adventures. Despite its compact size, the carabiner is surprisingly strong and easy to use, with the locking mechanism providing a secure fit. Overall, the HMMS Stainless Climbing Carabiner is an excellent addition to any survival kit, and I highly recommend giving it a try.

🔗Multi-Purpose Carabiner Knife Tool
I recently had the pleasure of trying out Brouk & Co's Multi-function Carabiner Tool, and let me tell you, it's the ultimate handyman's companion! . This tiny titan is super portable, fitting perfectly in my backpack for those unexpected situations on the go.
With an impressive array of features, I found myself reaching for this bad boy more times than I ever thought possible. Its sturdy design has held up beautifully through various camping trips and household projects.
While its size is convenient, it's not always the easiest to maneuver with larger hands, but overall, this carabiner tool offers exceptional utility and convenience. Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast or just someone in need of a versatile tool for daily life, the Brouk & Co Multi-function Carabiner Tool is the perfect fit.

🔗Durable Multi-Purpose Carabiner Knife for Everyday Survival and Outdoor Adventures
As someone who loves being prepared for any situation, I was thrilled to try out the Sheffield Wilco 4-in-1 Carabiner Multi-Tool. The anodized black aluminum carabiner is both lightweight and versatile, making it perfect for everyday carry. The convenience of foldable flat-head and Phillips screwdrivers, along with a sturdy 3-inch serrated blade, ensures that I can tackle tough jobs with ease.
While I appreciate the strength provided by the 420 stainless steel attachments, I did notice that the carabiner isn't suitable for weight support, and it is best to use it more for its attachments. However, considering the multiple functionalities it offers, this small drawback seems like a fair trade. Overall, the Sheffield Wilco 4-in-1 Carabiner Multi-Tool is a reliable and efficient tool that has become an essential part of my daily life.

🔗Versatile Carabiner Knife with Stainless Steel Blades
As a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, I recently got my hands on the Dakine Hook Knife and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations! This hook knife is designed for easy accessibility and it certainly lives up to its promise. It can be attached to your harness at any point for a quick and convenient deployment, making it a must-have tool for those seeking adventure and the great outdoors.
One of the main features that stood out to me was its dual stainless steel cutting blades that effortlessly sliced through even the toughest cut lines. The anodized aluminum handle not only adds a sleek touch, but it also provides a comfortable grip that makes it a breeze to use. Additionally, the included sheath for easy harness attachment is an added bonus, guaranteeing the safe carrying of this versatile tool.
While I was impressed by the performance and convenience of the Dakine Hook Knife, I did notice a downside: oxidation. After just six months of use, the aluminum handle started to display signs of oxidation. Of course, this won't affect the functionality, but it does make me wonder whether a more durable material like titanium or carbon fiber might be a better long-term choice.
Despite this minor issue, the Dakine Hook Knife has become a trusted companion on my various outdoor excursions. Its user-friendly design and powerful functionality have really made a difference in my adventures, whether I'm camping or trekking. For anyone in need of an easy-to-carry hook knife that gets the job done, I would highly recommend giving the Dakine Hook Knife a try.

🔗Carabiner Knife Multi-Tool with Locking Blade and Glass Breaker
I recently got my hands on the Dark Energy Carabiner Pro 5-in-1 Multi Tool, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my outdoor adventures. With its all-metal design, it's sturdy enough to hold up to some serious wear and tear. The quick-snap blade is both smart and safe, and it feels really nice in your hands.
I love having the convenience of two screwdrivers, a bottle opener, a knife, and even a window breaker all in one little package. Plus, the integrated carabiner makes it effortless to attach to my backpack or belt. Overall, the Dark Energy Carabiner Pro has been my go-to tool for every camping and hiking excursion.
Highly recommend! .

🔗Rugged Slim Cut Multi-Tool with Easy-Access Blade
When I received the Armbar Slim Cut Multi-Tool, I was excited to try out its features. Its sturdy design caught my attention, and the burnt orange color added a pop to its sleek appearance. This is a multi-tool designed for the adventurous, and it didn't disappoint.
Let's talk about the scissors, one of the prominent features of this tool. It worked effortlessly for cutting various materials, from fabric to paper. The plain edge blade was also impressive, easily piercing through tough materials. Despite its size, it's surprisingly powerful and perfect for cutting tasks on the go.
The tool's design, with large tool tabs and access points, was user-friendly. It allowed me to switch between the scissors and the blade without any fumbling. The bottle opener was a convenient addition, adding versatility to the tool.
However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. The scissor's spring mechanism felt a bit flimsy, and I had to be careful while using it to avoid any accidents. Also, the blade's deployment could be smoother for a more natural and comfortable use.
Overall, the Armbar Slim Cut Multi-Tool is a robust and versatile everyday carry tool. It's perfect for those who need a reliable, lightweight, and multifunctional item for various tasks. Despite a few drawbacks, I'm confident that this will be a valuable addition to many people's toolboxes.

🔗8-in-1 Carabiner Multitool with Stainless Steel Blade and EDC Features
The Carabiner Keychain Multitool is an 8-in-1 lifesaver that's perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Its sleek design makes it easy to carry around, and its durability ensures it will withstand even the toughest conditions. The sharp stainless steel blade is perfect for a variety of tasks, while the aluminum hand holder provides a sturdy grip. The multi-functional design includes a hanging carabiner, Phillips screwdriver, slotted screwdriver, bottle opener, and more, making it a versatile addition to any EDC (Everyday Carry) setup.
Despite its robust build, the Carabiner Keychain Multitool is surprisingly lightweight, making it a great choice for everyday carry. However, it's essential to remind others to exercise caution while using the sharp blade. Overall, this compact, versatile tool is a must-have for anyone seeking survival gear or everyday convenience.

🔗Polymorph Carabiner Multifunction Knife with Titanium Finish
The Civivi Polymorph carabiner multitool has become a handy companion in my outdoor adventures. The anodized titanium body is quite durable and serves as a perfect casing for its versatile features. The carabiner clip is a fantastic addition, allowing me to attach the tool to my backpack or gear, keeping it close at hand when needed.
One of the most useful aspects is the 9Cr18MoV scalpel blade, which makes this multitool an excellent option for opening bottles or cutting through some rope. However, the hex bit driver lacked enough leverage for me to fully appreciate it during my camping trips.
The choice between the plain titanium and bronzed titanium finish adds a personal touch to the overall design, making it a stylish and practical accessory for any outdoor enthusiast. While the Civivi Polymorph has its pros and cons, I find it a valuable addition to my outdoor gear lineup.

🔗Portable 8-in-1 Multi-Tool with Key Ring
The Cabela's Silver Pocket Tool was an unexpected pocket companion in my daily life. It was a great multitasker that never failed to provide convenience on-the-go, and its anodized aluminum handle always gave me a sense of sturdy stability. I found myself using it more than I expected, especially the knife, file, and flat-head screwdriver.
While the larger tools were great to have, the smaller ones sometimes felt a little lacking. The screwdriver and corkscrew had considerable wiggle room, which made me hesitant to use them on heavy-duty tasks. But in all honesty, for a tool of this versatility and portability, it wasn't too surprising to come across these slight disadvantages.
The Cabela's Silver Pocket Tool, in all its multi-tasking glory, did become a handy accessory to keep in my bag or backpack. I never regretted having it by my side during unexpected camping trips or when I needed to open a stubborn lid. But it's a device that's best suited for those who appreciate its versatility over precision.
Honestly, it's great to have such a multi-tasker with you, but it's not without its drawbacks. It's a case of compromises, as it seems. With the Cabela's Silver Pocket Tool, you're sacrificing a bit of precision for that all-important portability factor. Is it worth it? That depends on your own priorities. But for those who need a tool that can do a little bit of everything in a pinch, this is indeed the handy gadget you've been hunting for.
So, all in all, the Cabela's 8-In-1 Pocket Tool might just be a perfect fit for your next adventure. But remember, it's not without its imperfections. It all comes down to balancing your needs and understanding its limitations.

Buyer's Guide

A carabiner knife is a versatile tool designed for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists. This type of knife combines the functionality of a carabiner and a knife, making it an essential addition to anyone's gear arsenal. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the best carabiner knife for your needs.

Important Features

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a carabiner knife is its construction. Look for one made from high-quality materials such as stainless steel or titanium, which are durable and resistant to corrosion.


The design of the carabiner knife plays a crucial role in its functionality. A well-designed knife should be lightweight yet sturdy. It should have a secure and comfortable grip, and the blade should be easy to deploy and securely lock into place. Consider the size of the carabiner, as well, to ensure it can accommodate your needs.

Blade Type

Carabiner knives typically come with a variety of blade types, such as a hunting or skinning blade, a utility or general-purpose blade, or a multipurpose blade. Choose the type that best suits your intended usage of the knife.


Other features to consider include a lanyard attachment for easy storage and portability. Some carabiner knives also come with additional tools, such as bottle openers or screwdrivers, which can come in handy during outdoor adventures.


Choose a carabiner knife that is easy to clean and maintain. Stainless steel and titanium are great choices due to their resistance to rust and corrosion. Regular maintenance helps ensure the knife stays in good condition for longer usage.



Determine the specific usage of the carabiner knife, and choose one that is designed to meet those needs. Consider the blade type, size, and features, and choose a knife that suits your intended purpose.

Consider your budget when purchasing a carabiner knife. High-quality knives made from durable materials tend to be more expensive. Determine what you can afford, but also consider the potential long-term savings by choosing a high-quality knife that will last for years.

Customer Reviews

Before making a purchase, read customer reviews to gain insight into the performance and reliability of a carabiner knife. Look for feedback on factors such as blade sharpness, construction quality, and ease of use.

General Advice

Test it Out

Before going on an outdoor trip, test your new carabiner knife to ensure it is functioning properly and is comfortable to use. This will give you peace of mind and confidence in your tool's performance.

Store it Properly

Properly storing your carabiner knife is important to ensure its longevity. Keep it in a clean and dry environment, and securely attached to your gear to prevent it from getting dirty or damaged.

Practice Maintenance

To maintain your carabiner knife in good working condition, practice regular maintenance, such as cleaning and oiling the blade. This not only helps maintain the knife's functionality but also prolongs its lifespan.
A carabiner knife is a versatile and essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists. By considering essential features, taking into account your personal usage and budget, and reading customer reviews, you can choose the best carabiner knife for your needs. Remember to test it out, store it properly, and practice regular maintenance to keep it in great condition for years to come.


What is a Carabiner Knife?

A Carabiner Knife is a versatile tool that combines a carabiner and a knife in a single device. It is designed for outdoor enthusiasts who need a reliable and convenient way to carry a knife and a carabiner while engaging in activities such as hiking, camping, and rock climbing.

What are the benefits of using a Carabiner Knife?

  • Convenient storage: The carabiner design allows you to easily clip the knife to your backpack, belt, or other gear, keeping it accessible at all times.
  • Compact design: Carabiner knives are often lightweight and compact, making them easy to pack and carry on outdoor adventures.
  • Versatile functionality: They serve as both a knife and a carabiner, reducing the number of items you need to carry, and saving space in your gear.

How do I clean and maintain a Carabiner Knife?

Cleaning and maintaining your Carabiner Knife is essential to ensure its longevity and performance. After every use, wash the blade and handle with warm soapy water. Dry the knife thoroughly before storing. To prevent rust, periodically apply a thin layer of oil or wax to the blade.

Is there a difference between Carabiner Knives made of stainless steel and those made of other materials?

Yes, there are differences between Carabiner Knives made of stainless steel and those made of other materials. Stainless steel blades tend to be more durable and resistant to corrosion, which makes them ideal for use in humid and wet environments. However, stainless steel knives may be heavier than those made of other materials like titanium or aluminum.

What are some popular Carabiner Knife models on the market?

Some popular Carabiner Knife models include the Spyderco Carabiner Knife, the Morakniv Garv Knife, and the Benchmade Bugout Knife. These knives are known for their durability, functionality, and ease of use.
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2024.05.19 08:48 PlsHlpMyFriend Those Days with the Monsters - 67

After the Khumans had settled down somewhat, Alex let out a rather shaky breath. "I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that."
"What were you expecting?" Kirell didn't understand, and it bothered him, but he was suddenly also extremely curious. It should be safe to learn more about this, right?
"Well... something more along the lines of swearing."
"Um... Karyces, Alex, did you get browner?" Kirell asked tentatively, which apparently set off the Khumans again.
"Woah there, spaceman." Sleepy didn't seem thrilled to hear him say that one; Kirell felt a guilty flush of purple around the edges of his frills. He didn't know Sleepy knew what it meant. "That's a strong word around the little one, huh?"
"Oh." He looked down at Nryxə guiltily, but she didn't seem to have noticed. At least he hoped she hadn't noticed. She was staring at the glassteel wall with her seven eyes wide open. Kirell didn't need his shiny new translator to know that her expression was curiosity. She probably didn't notice.
"You'll have to tell me what it means later. I mean it, Sleepy." Alex took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and closed her eyes. "I mean, I guess I got browner, but it's not.... Well. It's a scar."
Kirell's frills flashed open with a little pop, the whole width stained a deep red. "A scar? The whole thing?"
"Yep." Come to think of it, Alex's voice was a little lower than he remembered, a little raspier. "I– Captain, could you? It's sore."
"Sure. Poke me if I say something bad." The Captain cleared his throat as Alex sat down, crossing her legs under her, on the floor. "So, you know we burned a lot of atmosphere on Kzrkn, right?"
"Yes." Of course Kirell remembered that; he'd been scared out of his wits at the time. It seemed so silly now, to be afraid of something on the ground while he was safe in orbit.
"Well, the gate they took you through... yeah, atmospheres started mixing up, and then they closed it on Hook's electric prosthetic and–" The Captain broke off as Alex grabbed his leg; the deep red from Kirell's frills grew even darker. She was shaking a little. "Sorry Hook. Anyway, Squishy, I bet you saw it from your end too, but Hook was real close. Doc fixed what was mission-critical and did a bunch of patching, but it's still rough, and she's.... I bet she'll be mad for telling you, but she's still pretty spooked. Most folks'd already be shipped home with a Heart for this kinda thing, but damn if Hook hasn't made us proud. Well, prouder."
"What's that got to do with being browner? Did you not fix the scars?"
"Not mission-critical." Sleepy broke in on the conversation. "Don't get us wrong, Spaceman, he wanted to, but Hook said to focus on gettin' ya back."
"I think her exact words were 'Being pretty can wait.' Gotta love Hook, huh Squishy?"
Kirell felt his eyes itching, as if he wanted to cry again. "I'm sorry, Alex. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't ha–"
Alex slammed her synthetic hand into the floor with a bang; Nryxə jumped in Kirell's arms. Alex was shaking again, but this time she didn't look scared at all. She looked angry, and her eyes were a bit wet. That felt wrong, somehow, and conflicting, but Kirell could remember being scared and happy at the same time while wandering with Nryxə; it was probably similar.
"Shut it kid. Don't say that; don't you dare say that. I went after you 'cause I wanted to get to you. Don't ever say differently." Alex's voice seemed to squeak and thin out at the end of the last syllable; she pressed her lips together, looking frustrated.
"Easy there Hook. You've talked a lot more'n usual today. It's OK." The Captain reached down and patted Alex's artificial hand awkwardly. "You're doing good."
Alex swatted his hand away. Kirell's hearts abruptly thumped in his chest; he'd never seen that kind of expression on a Khuman face before. It was some mixture of ones he'd seen before; some kind of anger, sadness, coupled with a strange sick look he didn't recognize.
"Cap, ya aren't helping. If ya don't shut up I'd say it's about three seconds 'till ya get socked."
"Shi... crap. Sorry Hook. Didn't mean to– Uh, think I'll stop talking." Kirell didn't know what this situation had to do with closed tubes of fabric, or why the Captain had glanced at him and fixed his language, but he was too tired and confused to question it.
"Wait. So, Alex got burned, and Doc put her back together?" Kirell felt his own voice squeaking, not because he was injured but because the magnitude of Alex's injuries seemed to be stealing some of his air, along with much of the space in his stomach and most of his knees' strength.
"Burn care and puttin' someone back together aren't the same thing. Doc does both, but not the same way. Some parts, sure; it's why her vocal cords are weak right now. It's like a surgery; gotta be gentle with it."
Kirell's translator helpfully reminded him that Khumans were in the habit of cutting themselves open to deal with internal problems. He hadn't wanted to remember that.
"Anyway, Hook had to get most of her lungs and voice box rebuilt, so she's not got much voice to use right now. Still gettin' stronger. Her lungs are doin' great, but the voice is takin' a bit longer. It usually does."
Kirell's frills stained a deep blue. "Alex.... I wish you hadn't. I wish you weren't hurt."
Alex looked sideways awkwardly; she didn't look angry any more, which Kirell hoped was an improvement.
"I think what Hook wants to say is that she couldn't not come for you. And I'd agree with that."
Kirell didn't think that was right, but he couldn't figure out how to say so. Surely Hook had a choice, right? He wasn't somehow making a Khuman– a Khuman, of all things– do anything they weren't already going to do. Surely not. The idea of a Khuman being controlled by anything but their own wild Khuman-ness was laughable. Or, he acknowledged at the sight of the glassteel walls, by another Khuman.
"So you're in here because....?"
"Well, essentially we, uh... we were doing it again, huh Hook? We were just running in again like there was nothing there to stop us. Guess that's what we do." The Captain grimaced, one hand brushing the back of his head. "Right up until Sleepy showed up and said 'Hey stop that' with a bit more'n words."
A loud amusement sound made both Kirell and Nryxə jump; Sleepy was apparently very amused by this rephrasing of his actions. The Captain bared his teeth, too, with a look on his face that the translator told Kirell was [embarrassed] and [slightly regretful].
"Well, ya saw him now, and ya see that he's picked up someone of his own."
"Does that make you a granddad, Sleepy?"
Sleepy shrugged, looking at Nryxə, who looked back with seven wide eyes. "Dunno. I guess it depends on what the spaceman wants, right? And what'd be best for the kid. Whaddya think, Spaceman?"
"I, um... I don't know if I know what's best for Nryxə, but I don't want her to be upset. Can we talk about this later?"
The Khumans froze for a moment before the Captain whistled long and low. "Right. Not exactly good practice, is it? Talking custody with a kid in the room. Sorry 'bout that, Squishy."
"Hey, speaking of which." Sleepy reached out and gave Kirell a gentle, very reassuring head pat. Oh, he'd missed those. "I'm not sure he should be 'Squishy.' He didn't like it before, and now... don't ya think?"
"Yeah, agreed, it doesn't fit any more. Blue? No, don't like that one. Zim?"
"Absolutely not, Cap. Nor Dent, nor Ford Prefect. Gonna cut you off at the pass on that one."
Alex made a strange noise in her throat; with more patience than Kirell remembered them having, the Captain and Sleepy waited for her to be able to speak. When she did, it was a single word.
Collected Chapters
Chapters voiced by A Good Bean
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No music for this chapter, surprisingly.
submitted by PlsHlpMyFriend to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:45 bonelesstick Is it possible I'm autistic?

I think I may be neurodivergent, I think it's very likely I have dyscalculia, and I think I may be autistic as well.
I've always had a difficult time making friends, and all of my childhood friends are neurodivergent. I do not have a hard time keeping friends, but I do not know how to start conversations with other people. I'm not very good at keeping conversations with neurotypical people going, and the only thing I've learned to do is ask questions, because if I'm asking questions, the other person is talking, which means I'm not, and that's good. I'm not uncomfortable with eye contact, but I do not know how much or how little I should be giving in a conversation, so I tend to stare at people's eyes when they are talking. I do not feel lonely easily, and enjoy being by myself a lot of the time, which may just be introvert behavior. Sometimes, people call me weird though I do not understand what I am doing wrong to be called that. I do not take offense to it. I also get called quiet, even though I enjoy being around people, and I'm not shy, I don't get that either. I listen to people all the time, especially when my friends infodump. I enjoy talking about my interests, though I have realized that many people are not actually listening to me, so I have stopped doing that as much. It hurts my feelings more to know I wasn't being listened to than to not talk about what I wanted to talk about.
I have a difficult time navigating familiar places. My school's layout is still confusing for me, even though I've been going there for nearly 2 years. Driving is an absolute nightmare for me, and I need a GPS to drive otherwise I will get lost. I get my lefts and rights easily confused, and I get confused with my feet a lot. Dancing is really hard for me because I can never figure out what I'm doing. PE was always unpleasant for me because I hate doing group exercise and I never understood the rules of any game. I would always watch people to figure out what was going on.
Some textures and smells bother me a lot. Lavender has been an overwhelming smell for me my entire life, it gives me a headache. Most fruit's texture upset me. I hate the feeling of biting into a strawberry, and I hate how berries pop in your mouth. I also really hate food with any kind of skin to them. Berries are absolutely awful because of this, beans are also really unpleasant, and so are hotdogs. I've always been a picky eater, and was even underweight until I was about 12 because I hated most foods. Thankfully, I've gotten a lot better about it.
I find most places are too loud, and I get overwhelmed very easily. When I get very overwhelmed, I want to leave the room or cry, but I usually just sit there and plug my ears. I think I need to get ound cancelling headphones. I think the sound level in public is fine most of the time, but when I'm already stressed out, it gets much worse. Also, whenever I'm stressed, I hate the way the water touches me when I shower.
I constantly fidget, and I usually wrap my fingers around my hoodie strings, and I have twisted them to the point where they have broken and I have hurt my wrist. I continue to do this even though it has caused me pain. I have also been rolling up paper into little balls for nearly 3 years now. I fill up glass bottles full of these paper balls, and have filled over 100 glass bottles up. I love rolling up paper, and I do not enjoy ripping up the paper very much. I also own 13 3D printed sensory toys, they are all animals and I take at least 1 with me everywhere I go. I like rubbing my thumb on them a lot. Also, I love background noise and listen to music for that reason, but it needs to be quiet enough that it doesn't bother me.
I get very attached to certain topics, such as Rain World lore or Don Hertzfeldt's work. When I find something I get attached to, I try to consume all the content that I possibly can, multiple times. I have probably seen the second episode of World of Tomorrow 100 times, maybe more. Most of the YouTube content I consume are videos I've already seen. I've rewatched Markiplier's Inside playthrough many times.
Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope you have a better than mediocre day/night.
submitted by bonelesstick to neurodiversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:35 Heroman3003 Taking Care of Broken Birds [Part 3]

More misery bird? More misery bird. Really miserymaxxing with these fics I have going, but hey, this one is not that miserable actually! Krekos is back and ready to be dense and downcast, but maybe not quite miserable? Read and see!
Big thank you to NoP community for being great and supportive of my endeavors!
Also, obviously, big thanks to SpacePaladin15 for creating this universe and allowing fanfiction well to flow free!
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Memory transcription subject: Krekos, Krakotl Refugee
Date [standardized human time]: May 6th, 2137
I stare at the foul creature before me. Normally staring at something directly head on like that would be too predatory for me to do, but after nearly dying of bread yesterday, I didn’t feel patient enough to be gentle. The creature stared right back, though in a much more natural, prey-like way, tilting its head slightly as it looked back at me with one eye and let out a long bwok.
“Are you doing this now? Really?”, I ask, knowing full well it cannot respond.
Well, it can, if another bwok it made is any indication. Of course, translators aren’t yet advanced enough to translate non-sapient speech, but the intention behind sound is intuitively clear. It’s telling me to back off. Well, I tried the diplomatic approach at least.
Raising my wing I begin sliding the bird out of its nest, careful to keep any delicate joints out of its reach. It started clucking in upset indignation, struggling back and even trying to peck at me, but after realizing that I will not relent, it hopped out of the box and rushed out of the cattle house, revealing a single dead egg in the nesting box.
With relief, I finally pick up the last egg and head back to leave them at the house. Turns out that while Reginald didn’t forget to both lock them up yesterday and let them out today, he did neglect feeding them both times, as well as collecting the harvest. So when I was driven back here in early morning, the first thing I did was making sure they were taken care of. I can’t say the horrid birds looked in any way hungry, but the moment I poured the feeding grain for them, they attacked it with more viciousness than I’d expect of an actual predator. And yet only thirteen were present at the feeding, as the one that’s usually the target of flock’s ire remained in the cattle house yet again, Reginald leaving it to it, being unaware of its undesirable habit of trying to hatch dead eggs.
With eggs delivered, I flew my way to my usual spot atop the cattle house and could finally relax. The loner beast first made its way to feast on the scraps of the grain that other birds already all have had their fill of, so I wasn’t too concerned. Instead I tried to reflect on the morning I had so far.
Waking up at the hospital did make me momentarily panic before I remembered the precluding events. Not that I could properly panic, feeling the most starved I’ve been my whole life, and too weak to try flying out of the window. Thankfully, the breakfast they provided was actually well made with krakotl needs in mind, algae soup alongside a few slices of bread, this time without any horrid human ideas like putting eggs in there. Eggs! Turns out they put eggs in some kinds of bread! That’s how I got sick! Eggs! The thought of what I consumed even now made me queasy, and it definitely made breakfast a much less appetizing affair than it would have been without that knowledge, but back then the hunger won over the disgust.
Lena did keep her promise and came to pick me up extra early. Her being a staff member at the hospital gave her some extra privilege, I assume, hence why I was released without any forms needing to be filled out personally. She did have important business today too, which probably explained the earlyness and urgency of her driving me back to her house.
That did not mean I escaped her ire, however. While I couldn’t pinpoint anything to identify the man, as Bob was apparently a common name, that offered me bread, we did come to understanding that he was likely either unaware of the nutritional contents of it, or of extent to which the Cure-induced allergy would be affecting a krakotl. Yet, Lena seemed much angrier at me for failing to take any precautions. Turns out that was the purpose of medicinal injectors, epipens as humans call them, that were provided to me. I was supposed to have them on me in case I accidentally ingested contaminated food. Nobody told me that, I was just handed them back when I first received the necessities at the refugee camp and I had no clue what they were for. Then she also berated me for eating random food from strangers and ignoring bad flavors. Turns out that brioche bread isn’t actually bitter at all, and that was my body reacting to an allergen in it. Reaction that I unwisely elected to ignore, to further ire of my host. By the end, several new rules of my stay here were made, including not eating things I don’t know and always having at least one epipen on me. Thankfully, these rules would be ones I’d start following even without them being established, so I won’t have to concern myself with being kicked out over accidentally breaking them.
As if following the rules will be enough to make them like you.
Trying to distract myself from thoughts of yesterday’s incident, I focused my attention on the flock. All birds accounted for, so at least I knew that my absence did not result in the predator coming to snatch one of them. I do not wish to insult my hosts, but Reginald is far from most attentive people in matters unrelated to his job, and I am not sure the birds were watched at all while I was out. Speaking of, my scannings of surrounding treelines revealed no sign of the predator today. Perhaps it departed to hunt elsewhere, or maybe it ventured too close to a more populated area and exterminators dealt with it.
Actually, did human exterminators work similar to Federation ones? I knew for a fact they had them, although they seemed like a market of private organizations if advertisements are anything to judge by. Still, what methods do they use? I know humans oppose fire, and do not believe in predatory taint, but surely they have measures to protect themselves? They are, by self-admission, far from the best natural predator, and I doubt Earth’s non-sapient predators would just leave humans be. Maybe I should call one of those human exterminator agencies and call them in to deal with that predator? I haven’t told Lena or Reginald about it, as I didn’t want to bother them, but it could pose a serious threat to the cattle, but maybe that’s the way I could resolve it without involving them?
I have not done nearly as much research into human culture and lifestyle as I should have, considering that I’ve lived on Earth for over half a year now, but the sheer width of the topic always overwhelmed me the moment I opened internet search app to the point where I just closed it right away.
And you expect to start studying again with that attitude? You’ll flunk out even from this primitive predator education course.
Extra loud call from the flock made me refocus my attention on them, but it was nothing. Just the loner getting pecked extra hard and lashing out against assailants, causing a small aimless stampede as all the birds ran around in circles, puffing up at one another. The assailants now looked a lot more like victims. I could understand those birds more than I could humans at least. The loner bird is clearly an odd one out. It’s the only one repeatedly trying to hatch unfertilized eggs it lays, and it seems to always avoid the rest of the flock. Humans may deny the existence of Predator Disease, but they can’t deny that prey and predator both can and will sometimes behave in unnatural ways that may threaten the herd's safety. Or pack’s, in case of humans. Birds must know on instinctual level that the loner’s behavior is unnatural and are attempting to combat the Predator Disease on instinctual level. And since that is natural, I still will not interfere in this, unless the loner bird actually becomes a threat to others or will start getting too injured. The first time I attempted to pick one of the birds up was the only time for a good reason, as I have learned their viciousness all too well.
The sudden loud ring startled me enough that I nearly tumbled off the roof. Who would be coming over now? Lena and Reginald have left together and shouldn’t be back until afternoon, and they’d never use the bell. That means someone must be here for them. But wouldn’t they warn anyone to not come over? Especially with their plans for today.
With nobody to answer these questions, I had no choice but to go and discover the answer myself, flying up and over the house, towards the entrance gate. The moment I passed the house roof, I already saw a familiar silhouette. It was the human child from a few days ago.
Thankfully, Lena’s insistence on me carrying an epipen at all times meant I also carried my satchel at all times too, so I didn’t have to go grabbing my holopad, and took it out. But before I could even launch the translator TTS app to type out a greeting, the child was already hopping in place with excitement.
“Mr. Krekos! Hi! I came over to visit!”, she exclaimed, showing off her teeth in an unnerving expression of human joy. I simply tried to avoid that and focused on the pad, typing out my response.
“Hello, Rosie. Why are you here?”
The question was genuine, as the child was not carrying any more of that honey substance from last time.
“I just came over to visit you! Is that okay? Are Mr. and Ms. Vince okay with it?”
Visit... me? Why? While I was confused, I did instinctively type out a reply.
“They did tell me visitors are allowed as long as there’s no trouble when I first moved in.”
And before I could type a followup message asking her why she’s here, she already let out a joyous roar and ran past me.
“Can I see the chickens?”, she asked, and not waiting for an answer, rushed past the house and towards the cattle yard.
“Wait! You’ll scare them!”, I yell after her, but of course without a translator she can’t understand me as she runs like she already knows where to go.
And indeed she has, quickly rushing up to the open field where the birds were grazing. Thankfully she didn’t start chasing them, instead just approaching the flock from a distance and swaying in place, watching them with what I assume was some sort of predatory excitement at the sight of prey. Maybe that’s where the contained hunting instinct of human children showed themselves? In chasing small birds? I was still more subdued, considering she stopped shy of causing a small stampede, but still.
“Grandpa used to take me with him! He helped watch this farm until Mr. and Ms. Vince moved in. I like chickens! I think they’re cute.”, the child told me innocently as she kept swaying and watching as the beasts grazed upon insects of the pasture.
That revelation was... interesting. I suppose it makes sense that between the original owner of this land dying in the bombings and Lena and Reginald moving in, it would be unattended. With nobody to feed and watch over those things, they would be long dead for sure. And it was Rosie’s grandfather... Speaking of. I typed out my words.
“Does your grandfather know you’re here?”
She seemed to get a weird look as she stopped her excited swaying, fiddling with her hands instead. Looks like I asked the correct question.
“...he knows I am out visiting neighbors.”
That did not answer my question. I squinted at the human child, and she dipped her head as she continued.
“...he doesn’t know I’m here specifically. Or that an alien even lives here...”, she explained, her tone suddenly more sullen.
I couldn’t help but squint at that, and it appears that my expression was readable enough that even a human could see the suspicion, as she continued.
“I’m sorry... But if I told grandpa, he’d tell me I’m forbidden from talking to you, like he forbade me from talking to hedgehog people in town... But I want to talk to you! You’re nice and you’re a space bird!”
The child was actually working around the rules established by her guardian to come see me. I don’t know if I should be glad or concerned. Clearly, the man is anti-alien in his opinions, and I’d rather that kind of man not know about how close he lives to one. At the same time, I’d rather not encourage a child for lying to their guardian in order to meet a stranger they know they aren’t allowed to interact with... So I just took the middle path with my next message.
“I see. What did you want to talk to me about then?”, TTS speaks for me.
Her stiffened body language disappears, replaced again with earlier excitement.
“I wanna know more about space! And aliens! It’s all so cool but grandpa says it’s all dangerous because mom and dad died. But it’s not! The hedgehog people were nice, and you’re nice too!”
I wasn’t sure about that logic, but my self-preservation told me I shouldn’t try convincing her to go confessing. Instead I focused more on her chosen topic.
“I am not sure I am the best person to ask about space. I am not a scientist or traveler.”
“But you’re from there! You know way more than me. I don’t even know what you are called. And there’s gotta be cool things out in space!”
I let out a sigh. I suppose it’s childlike curiosity at its finest. So unfamiliar with mundane that it is a wonder. I remember being like that about becoming a doctor.
And then you let your teacher die.
I quickly tapped on the pad.
“Okay, I can answer questions, but I may not know everything.”
The noise that came out of the girl was like a squeal of a panicked dossur as she started hopping and spinning in place.
“Yes! Yes! Thank you, Mr. Krekos!” Sudden movement did cause me to recoil a bit, which in turn caused her to cease her happy flailing and adjust her little dress. “I dunno where to start though... Hm... What are you?”
...for all my trepidation about not knowing answers, I should have anticipated that the questions she asks will be rather age-appropriate and on the same level as we learn in our first school classes. At least I won’t disappoint her then.
“I am from a species called ‘krakotl’. We’re avians, as is obvious. Our home is...” dead, gone, reduced to glass and ash by our own hubris “...was Nishtal. A beautiful planet...”
Thankfully she did not question my hesitant pause. Instead she just nodded along.
“What about the hedgehog people? I already know venlil, but they’re the only ones I know name of.”
Hedgehog people in town she mentioned earlier. The only species I could think of that could be seen there would be the gojid. I have no clue what hedgehogs are, but probably some creature with visible similarity to them.
“They are called ‘gojid’, and they’re from gojid Cradle. Both of our species are... well, used to be known for our might and protecting other species of Federation.”
I am not sure if that’s something to brag about, considering... everything. But I didn’t want this child to get brought down with depressing regrets of our species. Let her know something nicer instead. She clearly lost a lot, but there’s still joy left in her. I wouldn’t want to be the one to ruin that.
“Cool! What about other people? I wanna know more!”
And so I went on, telling her about various species, although I mostly focused on ones in this new human-led union, only mentioning kolshians and farsul beyond that. It’s weird explaining to a child what a tilfish or a harchen looks like, but thankfully my holopad isn’t just a method of communicating with implant-less children. With access to interstellar web, I could easily pull up pictures of various alien species to show to her, even if she struggled to believe that some of them were even sapient purely based off of looks. With how varied species in Federation are, and how some of us admittedly aren’t too far physiologically from our more primal ancestors.
Among other topics, she asked me to tell her interesting things, which I didn’t know much of. I told her about Venlil Prime’s tidally locked status, a rarity among habitable planets, much less homeworlds for species. I told her about the unique architecture of Mileau, designed to accommodate both species of regular size and dossur themselves. I told her about Colia medical academies, some of the most beautiful medical facilities in the galaxy.
I wish I was more well-travelled, but I just wasn’t. My whole life, I never left Nishtal until the extermination fleet took me despite my protests. That may have been what saved my life...
Not that I, of all people, deserved it...
“Hey! Stop that!”
I flinched as I heard the child yell, but quickly realized that it wasn’t directed at me. Instead, Rosie was rushing down towards the chicken flock, breaking up the fight in which the loner was being pecked by a few larger chickens. As the human child approached, the birds stopped their infighting and scattered in different directions, crowing in loud panic and discontent. On instinct, I found myself rushing towards the child, forgetting about translation entirely.
“What are you doing?! Don’t touch them!”
I didn’t want her to hurt the cattle accidentally, and I didn’t want her to get hurt by the angry birds in return. But, it seems like the moment the birds scattered, she was satisfied with her actions and turned back to me, wearing another one of her happy smiles.
“Sorry, Mr. Krekos, I just saw chickens being mean. Bad chickens.” She explained.
I was baffled. Why would she interfere like that? When I tried that back when I was just starting, that got me pecked! But with her, the birds just scattered. What if they pecked her?
I took the pad out again and started typing quickly.
“That was dangerous. Why did you do that? What if they attacked you? Why are you even interfering in their natural dynamics?”, questions flowed out of my pad with an artificial human voice.
The girl simply giggled.
“They’re chickens! They aren’t dangerous. They don’t peck that painful and I’ve been scratched worse before. And I have to stop it because bullying is wrong.”
Then she actually noticed that the one that was being attacked wandered close. She casually approached it from behind, the blind spot and just reached down and grabbed it, picking the bird up. I was ready to rush to help the bird when...
“Mwah! There, all better.”
She did a human ‘kiss’ on the back of the cattle bird’s neck before releasing it, the surprise of it causing it to rush off. I knew what kisses were, I’ve seen enough of them between Lena and Reginald, but I believed they were gestures of intimate affection, not... what was even that?
It seems Rosie noticed my confusion as she explained.
“You gotta kiss it so it heals better! That’s what mom taught me.” The child displayed that smile of hers shamelessly. With how much I was being exposed to it, it almost wasn’t unnerving anymore. Still, it was interesting to learn that kisses are seen as something that helps wounds. I guess some species do have saliva with mild antiseptic properties, wouldn’t be too out there to assume humans are the same. And if that’s the case, maybe that’s how the kissing tradition started? Exchange of protective fluid between lovers?
“I see. I did not know that.” I responded before letting my puffed feathers relax. Okay, this whole ‘watching a human child’ thing is turning out to somehow be even more stressful than I expected at first.
“Wait, Mr. Krekos, what time is it?” She suddenly asked, looking up at the sky.
“It’s nearly twelve.” I respond, holopad having a convenient clock for local time.
“Oh no! I need to be home soon! Was nice seeing you Mr. Krekos gotta go bye!”
Before I had even a chance at typing out an answer or my own goodbye, the child sprinted away and back towards the entrance. I had to take flight just to keep up, and even then she just turned around, waved her arm at me and then kept sprinting down the road after leaving the gate. I simply offered a small wave of a wing back before locking the gate again. I suppose it is hard to keep track of time without a device or clock nearby...
Well, at least I had the usual peace and quiet now. And learned a bit more about the creatures I was in charge of. I should really try to deal with my aversion to looking things up on the human internet...
Just as I was about to head back out towards the yard, I heard a loud car horn, a familiar one, getting my attention. Lena’s car. There they were, signaling me, probably having spotted me at the gate from afar. Deciding to make use of my presence here, and hoping to avoid needing to explain that I had a surprise visitor earlier, I went ahead and opened the large gate, allowing the car to enter.
Once it was parked in the usual space, the doors opened and three people came out. Lena and Reginald were both looking a bit disheveled, but their faces carried these smiles that seemed wider than ever before. And third person... Was a stranger. A human I knew of, but never actually met. As he exited the car, a large bag in one hand, he just stared at me, standing in the front yard...
“...okay, I expected many things when I was told you guys housed a refugee, but not this.”
Oh no. Oh no, he was not one of the ones that was willing to overlook an invader that partook in bombing of his planet being allowed to walk free, of course, Lena and Reginald were the weird ones like that, doesn’t mean their son won’t be... I felt the panic rising as I realized I’d need to return to the camp. Why was I upset about that? This was supposed to just have been a way to make money, but now I have a free education program. Do I need to stay? No, but... Why?! Why do I not want to leave?
“Ken, you said it’s going to be alright no matter what it is, right? Wanted us to keep it a surprise to meet a new friend?” Lena’s voice. She should have told him, that’d give me time to prepare why didn’t they give me time why.
“No, no problems, just, really surprised, that’s all... uh... hey, buddy, you okay? You’re really... trembly.”
He was approaching me, and instinct took over as I recoiled, before stuttering out my answer.
“I-I’m fine...”
...thankfully translators don’t translate voice cracks. I hope, at least...
“Hey, relax... I have no problem with you being a krakotl, I just didn’t think...” He looks over at Lena and Reginald. “Calm down... I can wear my visor if you want?”
Right. Those things humans use to hide their scary faces from us.
“I... I’m good...”
Why would it last? It almost felt good after all.
There was some emotion I struggled to read on the young human’s face, as he sighed and shook his head.
“I screwed this up, I’m sorry. Let... Let me try again.” He straightened out, and adjusted his clothing, before slowly approaching me and giving me a small smile, no teeth showing. “Hello. My name is Kenneth Vince and I'm son of Lena and Reginald Vince. I was told you’re a refugee they took in to help out. It’s nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
That... snapped me out of it. Right... He was... not upset at my existence. He was just very surprised that Lena and Reginald weren’t. That’s a reasonable thing to be surprised about, considering I was surprised about it to this day. I tried to compose myself as I responded.
“My name is Krekos. I live here as... hired help with the cattle. It’s... nice to meet you?”
The smile on Kenneth’s face widens, though he still refrains from showing his teeth. Instead, he extends a hand towards me. A handshake is a human gesture that I found far from comfortable, but I didn’t want to give him a reason to change his mind on acceptability of my existence, so I took it with a wingclaw. He gently took it and held for a few seconds before letting go and sighing again, turning to his parents.
“You know, I always thought you guys would be empty nesters, but I never thought it’d be that literal.”
That got all three of them laughing, as I just tilted my head in confusion. I was fairly sure there were no empty nests in the house until after I adjusted the attic room for my own accommodations. Still, I took the laughter as a sign that the tense moment had fully passed and let my ruffled feathers slowly rest.
“Let’s head inside. Krekos, we’re having dinner, you’re welcome to join us.” Reginald said, picking up Kenneth’s bag. I tilted my head a little and he followed up with elaboration. “We will be having meat... But there’s still going to be stuff you can eat too. It’s a celebration, so I prepared a bit of everything.”
“Dad, you shouldn’t have!” Kenneth responded with embarrassment.
“None of that! Our son returned from the war, alive and a hero, and we can have a celebration. Krekos, I know you’re still... uncertain about meat so you don’t—”
“I’ll join.”
Wait, who said that? And why did they say that in my voice?
Wait, that was me. Why did I say that?
“That’s great to hear! I’ve got some nice steamed broccoli and some vegetarian fried rice as sides that you’ll enjoy!” Reginald smiled at me and I felt myself shrinking into my feathers. That the humans didn’t notice at least, proceeding into the house instead.
Well, looks like I signed my warrant. At least my bag and my epipen were on me in case something at the table triggers the allergy again. Would be rather unfortunate to have it happen two days in a row.
And that’s how, in just ten or so minutes, I found myself sitting at the dining perch, while humans took seats in chairs, all consuming chunks of roasted flesh and somehow managing to also stuff pieces of equally roasted plants in, and converse with one another. You wouldn’t be able to tell on first look, but despite their mouths being relatively small, especially for a predator, it seems they compensate for it by having those be near bottomless in both hunger and small talk.
I am not sure how I managed to shift my focus away from them consuming animal matter in front of me, however vat grown it might have been, and onto their conversation instead, but I succeeded. I suppose that was just part of me going native around predators. Soon, I’ll be the one feasting along with them before I know it, and snacking on those epipens to not die of it.
Like you could ever be on the same level as humans.
“So, Fahl? That’s where you were sent after the Battle of Earth?” Lena asked.
“Yeah. From what I heard, we got a light posting compared to guys at Sillis or Mileau. The most I had to deal with was some exterminator insurgents.”
That’s right. Since harchen participated in the Extermination Fleet, they were one of those who were occupied by humans during the war. It makes sense that there was at least some ground resistance.
“Honestly, the worst thing out there was the heat. Not the flamethrower kind, the climate. The place was so damn dry and hot. At least exterminators you could subdue or evade. Not so much with the scorching sun!”
I couldn’t resist a small chuckle at the idea of a predator being more afraid of hot weather than flamethrowers as I slowly pecked at the vegetables on my plate. Thankfully it was set far enough aside from any meat dishes that no contamination should occur, but I was still examining pieces before putting them in my mouth just in case.
Seems like reacting was a mistake though, as that brought Kenneth’s attention onto me. He finished chewing latest piece of flesh and pointed a fork at me.
“So, Krekos... Where are you from? Cradle was my guess, but I do know there were refugees from other places like Sillis too.”
That’s a weird question. Isn’t it kind of to be expected for a krakotl to be from our actual homeworld?”
“I’m from Nishtal.”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” Kenneth chuckled, tossing a piece of broccoli into his mouth and swallowing before continuing, “I meant, where did you live? I kind of assumed you were born there, but it’s not like Nishtal had a chance to send refugees out, and if they did, this is the last place they’d be.”
Oh... I caught concerned looks of Lena and Reginald, looking between me and Kenneth from both sides. Not only did they not make him aware that I was a krakotl, they also neglected to mention just how I came by my refugee status... Which was just a legal workaround to grant me asylum without unnecessary complications or establishing undesirable precedent. Legally, I may be a refugee, but practically... I am a defector. Lena and Reginald know that, I told them my story before. And while they were weirdly accepting, Kenneth... Fought extermination fleet here on Earth. Personally.
Still, I wasn’t about to lie. It took a few moments and gathering mental strength to steel myself, and averting my eyes, focusing on the plate of warm vegetables in front of me rather than the human’s anticipating stare before I answered.
“I did live on Nishtal. I... I came with the extermination fleet.” I responded, doing my best to avoid looking at him. I did not want to witness his reaction, for some reason the thought of seeing it weighed heavy on my mind.
The response was simple, and had no followup. There was no more clinking of cutlery against plates, or chewing. The only thing hanging in the air of the kitchen was silence, weighing down on me. It dragged on and on... until it just got so unbearable I couldn’t take it.
“I-I’m full... Thank you for the meal.” I quickly said, hopping off the perch and stepping out of the kitchen, quickly making my way to the yard and taking flight.
Fresh air of the outside and rush of it as I flew up and gained speed... I missed that. I knew it’s not safe to just fly over other people’s territory, so I corrected my course into doing large sweeping circles over the cattle yard and simply let my wings carry me.
Flying away from any danger is the only thing I’m good for anyway. The only thing I ever do.
I closed my eyes. With them closed and not focusing on my angle it feels like I’m actually flying away from all the troubles. Away from humans who barely tolerate my existence, away from gojid who see me as worse than a predator, away from Earth and all its incorrigible customs, away from horrid cattle, away from constant memories...
Flying feels nice. It may be a bit harder than it was home, but it’s still possible. I heard that on Venlil Prime or Mileau it’s much harder. But here? Just an extra flap of wings for every few paces and you’re just fine, free to soar the skies...
Alone. With no one to ever share it with me again.
Slowly I let my eyes open back to the bleak reality. Greenery of surrounding pastures and woods, bright blue skies and farmhouses dotted about here and there greeted me. I lowered my gaze down, focusing on what’s below. There they were, fourteen brown and black dots spread around the enclosed portion of the farm territory. I am not sure how much time I’ve spent flying in circles and trying to forget things but my wings were feeling a tad sore. Then as I just began slow descent, in same circular motion, I noticed that one of the birds, a familiar one, was being chased by several others. Recounting the morning, I tried putting the knowledge to action, and shifted direction of descent, swooping down. To my surprise, that actually worked, as the moment I got close to the ground, the cattle birds all got much louder and scattered in all directions, including the loner. Who, at least this time, got off unharmed. I suppose such pathetic flightless creatures would fear a flying one much more than they would when I just run up to them...
Swooping at them from the sky like a predator to intimidate them into behaving... Like an arxur warden.
With the fight preemptively broken up, I flutter up to the roof of the cattle house, to my usual position and rested my wings. I didn’t see any movement from the direction of the house, so I suppose the family is still busy unpacking. Since Kenneth joined the military just before the Battle of Earth, and Lena and Reginald only moved here after their actual house in city of New York got destroyed, it’d be the first time the human is seeing what is basically his new home. There was a room set aside for him since before I even moved in, and while there is also a guest room... That one did not have a large enough window to fit through, which did not feel comfortable. So when I asked for a space with a bigger window they only had an attic to offer. They seemed uncomfortable letting me live in a tiny room with slanted roof, but I found such space more comforting than I would have a large room with a window not large enough to fit even one fully spread wing through.
I wonder if Kenneth will need as much renovation as I did? The house is built for humans, but he never lived there before. Will he need to buy a more comfortable bed? Getting a proper nesting setup in place of a bed took a bit of effort, but I figured something out. Human sheets were comfortable enough for such, and sitting perches were thankfully not that hard to get thanks to help from the refugee administration. Maybe that’s the things that Lena went to buy yesterday? Kenneth’s preferred room decor?
I looked up to the sky to see the sun beginning to dim. I am not sure if it was me flying that long, or me losing track of time in my thoughts again, but the sun was beginning to set. I began my usual chores, putting out an evening meal and water for the beasts, and while they feasted, ate some myself. I was a bit hungry, having not properly finished lunch and about to skip dinner, but after the earlier conversation, I’d really rather avoid giving them the opportunity to talk to me.
After the birds had their fill, and by that I mean they emptied the tray as they always do, I let out the call, and they started funneling into the cattle house. The lonely straggler being first to go and hop into its nesting box. I bet tomorrow I will have trouble with getting her out of there again...
I took the moment to gather some eggs the birds left over course of the day, and once that was over and all of them were accounted for, I closed it up. When I flew down over to the house, there wasn’t anyone by the back door thankfully, so I just left eggs there, returned the basket, and returned to my room through the window.
Well, at least I didn’t get nearly killed today... That’s nice I guess?
I was about to check my holopad when there was a knock on the door. I approached and opened it to see... Kenneth. Standing in the doorway.
“Uh, hi, Krekos. I just, uh... Wanted to apologize again. I really wish mom and dad told me everything ahead of time... I just want you to know, I have no problems with you whatsoever, yeah? It’s just. Surprising, I guess, to hear all that. I didn’t think there were any defectors from the fleet at all... Just. Uh, please don’t worry about me?” He offered me a small smile, showing his canines before quickly correcting himself and doing a closed-lip one. “I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories or make you feel unwelcome.”
I had to take a moment to contemplate his words. Was Lena and Reginald’s weirdness hereditary? He almost reminded me of how Reginald talked to me early on, with constant stumbling over the words, as well as constant reassurances that he is fine with me being here. Couple that with failing to avoid predatory mannerisms like eye contact and smiles like Lena tends to and you get this human. But most importantly and least understandably, there was the general fact of him and them just... welcoming me. I couldn’t understand why. I should be one sorry to them.
“N-No, it’s fine... I’m sorry for... intruding on you and your family.”
“No, no, dude, you’re fine! I mean, hell, I was considering entering one of those exchange programs before the bombings happened, and even after, well, I did my best at Fahl to be the perfect friendly soldier just there to make sure no more bombs drop on my home and not kill or conquer anyone. And then mom told me your story, and I can’t believe it... Just... If you have any issues, feel free to tell me. I’m not one of those racist pricks that are too pussy to even call themselves HF anymore because they know they’ll get their teeth knocked. I get that there aren't good or bad species, just people. And you seem like a decent guy if mom and dad’s judgment is to be trusted.” His smile widened, though it was clear from tension on his face that he had to take conscious effort to keep teeth hidden. “So, what I said earlier stands. Friends, right?”
He extends hand forward, for a second time today. I wasn’t sure if I knew this human long enough to call him a friend... Any human really. But it also seems like human definition of ‘friends’ is anyone they’re cordial and peaceful with. Which is weird. You’d think translators would properly use ‘acquaintance’ for that.
Still... We will be living in the same house now. I can’t just say no, and... I can’t come up with a reason to say no. Even him being a predator and a human is not something I could really say I object to, considering how... mundane that became to me over my time here.
So, with naught on my mind but acceptance of the situation, I extended my wing and grasped his hand with my claw. This time he actually gripped it tightly and moved it up and down, as I saw other humans do occasionally.
“Yeah... I guess that’d be for the best.” I responded, shrugging off the hesitation. Fresh start for a third time, I guess?
The human grinned, forgetting to hide his teeth entirely, but I was ready for it somehow and avoided outwardly reacting.
“Cool! Anyway, I’ll try to get some shuteye early, I couldn’t sleep on the overnight flight home. See ya!”
And with that he left. Well... That meeting went well I suppose?
I returned to my nest and picked up my holopad, returning to what I was doing. And there it was, something I awaited every day. A notification that I was messaged on mailing app. Opening the letter revealed the schedule for the study program. Which... only had one day marked on it. And a note that the rest of it will be figured out ‘as we go from there’. So it’s not a schedule, it’s just a mark for the day of the first meeting.
While a bit underwhelming, it was still exciting. It would be an all-alien class so I wouldn’t have to deal with humans’ incomprehensibility nearly as much, and it would allow me to finally return to pursuing what I actually dreamt of. Even if I wasn’t entirely sure that was precisely what I wanted after everything that happened, it was at least something for me to move towards.
...just two days until start. I wonder if there’s some required reading to prepare?
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2024.05.19 08:34 annoyedindividual1 The two sides of Palestinian messaging

Lately I've been shocked by the difference between Palestinian messaging and how it is understood in the west. In their original 1988 charter, Hamas clearly lays out their goal of annihilating Israel and Jews through Jihad (Islamic Holy War).
'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)
'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)
'The day the enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In the face of the Jews' usurpation, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.' (Article 15)
The magnitude of this anti-Jew and anti-Israel ideology is such that it is a core part of Palestinian youth education and media. There are many examples, but here are just a few. The first two would be humorous if they weren't so diabolical.
Hamas Mickey Mouse
Gazan Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony
Jews are barbaric apes
This propaganda has real-world effects. Dozens of Palestinian children are used as suicide bombers. To me, this might take the cake for some of the most ugly and perverse actions I've ever seen. I'd encourage people to read through this page if any.
Hamas's actions are in line with their stated aims. On October 7, Hamas and Gazan civilians can be seen celebrating over dead Israeli bodies. One video shows Gazans cheering, dancing, and spitting on dead naked Israeli woman, reflecting the fact that systemic rape on Oct 7 occurred. Over 70% of Palestinians support the actions on Oct 7. Hamas has promised to repeat Oct 7 again and again.
We also see this ideology reflected in the Palestinian Authority's "Pay for Slay", a fund that pays West Bank Palestinians a stipend for committing terrorism against Israel.
The point of sharing these things is not to demonize Palestinians or make any type of justification. The point is that in the west, we mistranslate this conflict into a framework that we comprehend and sympathize with. For most westerners, it's difficult to commiserate with religious fundamentalists and accept that they might want different things than we do (such as using billions of dollars in aid for terrorism instead of infrastructure). SJP would have you believe that Hamas wants to "decolonize" Palestine and Oct 7 was "resistance". Israel is the "white" oppressor, and Palestine is the oppressed--a framework we are all too familiar with. We assume that Hamas wants coexistence, when their words and actions have shown the opposite.
The "From the river to the sea" chant was created in the 60s and has historically been used by Hamas among other groups as a call to destroy Israel. A variation of the phrase in Arabic is "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab". Yet in the west we associate the phrase with Palestinian "liberation", a concept that we can relate to. Consider the absurdity of someone waving a swastika and claiming that it's a Buddhist good fortune symbol. But this is essentially happening at colleges across the US, along with intifada chants. Israel's conduct in the war, modern settlements, and the failures of the Israeli government are different topics--I just wanted to elucidate how westerners downplay religious and ideological factors, despite Hamas themselves displaying their intent to destroy Israel and Jews.
submitted by annoyedindividual1 to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:20 aratamabashi REVIEW: Using Got2b? Then you really Got2b reading this review on Ebin Wonder Lace Bond.... ok I'll show myself out...

REVIEW: Using Got2b? Then you really Got2b reading this review on Ebin Wonder Lace Bond.... ok I'll show myself out...
nothing like a good pun right?!
anyway. hi guys (and gals). there's been quite a few posts of late about got2b - not least of which by me (unsurprisingly - you'd think i work for them lol). some people have raised a couple of points about how we're using it:
  • the ingredients (some might be tOxiC!)
  • technically 'misusing' the product which might result in harm (there is a warning on the cans about it - likely just there to cover their asses. interestingly, no such warning is on the cans in australia.)
so off to youtube i went in search of the real deal. as usual, american black women are the ones to check out; they know all the products and know all the hacks. that's where i cam across this product from Ebin.
given that it's a product specifically made for attaching wigs/systems/whatever you want to call them directly to the scalp, i figured i would give it a crack. today is the first time i tried it after the can arrived a couple of days ago.

EBIN NEW YORK - Wonder Lace Bond Wig Adhesive Spray - Extra Mega Hold180ml

Product link
my thoughts before trying the product were that, given that the purpose is to secure wigs, it should theoretically do a better job of it than got2b.
they have a decent range (original, active, supreme, and sensitive), and i am trying original (yellow can).
see their range here
1. Starting with a clean and dry surface, spray Wonder Lace Bond Adhesive Spray 2-4 inches away from hair onto the hairline or desired area. 2. Allow to air dry until tacky or use a blow dryer on cool setting; repeat the process for 2-3 times to ensure a secure hold. 3. Once tacky, apply the lace as you would and tie down. Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes. 
so, more or less the same as how i use got2b already, with a couple of deviations.
got2b is deffo cheaper than this stuff. just going by the ebin website rrp of USD11.99 (AUD17.49). it'll be cheaper for you seppos, but once it gets here and you add on the australia tax, i paid AUD25 plus delivery. why? the aforementioned oz tax plus that this is an extremely niche product for us. we are a tiny market, and of that market, we have a tiny population of people of african descent who appear to be the target audience (all the imagery on the ebin website feature black women).
so, not cheap given i can get got2b on special for AUD8.50.
Ebin price per 100ml - AUD13.90
Got2b price per 100ml - AUD2.83 (on special) or AUD5.90 (regular price)
of course, this doesn't allow for the longevity of the product - i.e. how many applications will i get out of 1 can. cannot know that right now, and i dont really have a way of predicting it. so while it's more expensive than got2b per 100ml, that alone doesnt mean it WILL be more expensive, as who knows, maybe the can will last me twice as long as got2b. let's see.
sorry, no video this time around, but if i made one it would be almost identical to my original got2b one.
so, it says to spray from between 5 to 10cm from the surface. i went with closer rather than further as i didnt know what the spray pattern would be like. turns out its a bit narrower than the radius of got2b. anyway, the product is more viscous than got2b, and it felt like there was 'more' on my scalp than when i spray with got2b. it was pretty easy to work with and smear it round my scalp. it is slightly less runny than got2b because of the thick consistency.
erring on the side of caution, i decided to hit it with the hair drier on cool as they suggest (i usually do it on hot with got2b) and i can say, i'm glad i did it on cool. i hit it for less than 5 seconds, and then stopped to check, and it was already SUPER tacky and good to go. it was a different kind of tackiness than got2b - dunno how to explain it (no-one can be told what the matrix is...).
now it was time to put on my piece. i should note that they advertise this for lace - a lot of women's wigs work quite differently to our systems, because in many cases women still have all their hair (these wigs are for aesthetics, not necessarily hair loss). so they have lace front but the rest of the wig, which is full cap, attaches differently. sometimes with clips, sometimes with pressure or friction.
anyway, i put it on, and it gripped better than got2b did, but what i mean is that initial grip when i line up the hairline and push it down. i applied it to the rest of my scalp. it felt more stuck on than got2b.
now, in the instructions, it says to press down on it for 10-15 minutes. this might be needed for lace, but definitely not for my full poly unit. i should note that my next system (sitting there, waiting patiently to also be reviewed) is poly with lace front. so when i start using that one, i will be able to tell if that 10-15 advice is actually needed or not.
BUT, i just did my usual thing, chucked it on my head, pressed down momentarily, and immediately started my styling routine. it was 100% ready to go with no movement whatsoever.
i had had it on only for an hour when i decided i should go to the gym, because i like to live on the edge. so i made sure i put my hat in my gym bag - just in case!
i did a mild to moderate workout, and there is no sign of it budging.
now its later in the afternoon and im writing this. just giving the hair a gentle tug, it feels about the same as got2b in terms of hold. on days where i dont go to the gym i expect it would be grippier.
not ready to take it off the for the day yet (will update this review once i do), but i feel as though the removal will be no different than got2b - i'm just interested to see the difference in the scalp and what residue is leftover, if any.
remember how i said that the tackiness was somehow different to got2b? i reckon doing a second (or even third) layer would make the adhesion much better than multiple layers of got2b. i think i will give that a try next.
so would i recommend it? i mean, probably, but it does cost more than got2b. i might revisit this review after ive gone thru the entire can just in case i learn anything else about it, but right now it just seems like a slightly better product for the purpose we have, but at a higher price.
as far as the ingredients go, i'll let someone else read into that and see if they seem better, worse, or basically same same but different compared to got2b.
So will i keep using it? maybe. this is just my initial impression after one day. if there is nothing else that jumps out after ive used the can up, then i will probably stick with (ahahaha had to get another pun in there) got2b, as i dont think i can really justify the price difference. however, if it turns out that somehow the can stretches further, or someone can definitely prove that this product is not bad or not as bad as the body than got2b, then maybe that'd be enough to get it over the line for me.
Pros Cons
feels grippier than got2b more expensive than got2b
multiple layers probably more effective than multiple layers of got2b way more expensive than got2b
potentially less not-good ingredients than got2b - but needs to be looked at
worked quicker than got2b (ie. got tacky sooner)
has 4 product lines, so you can find one that suits you
product is actually being use for intended purpose
submitted by aratamabashi to HairSystem [link] [comments]

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submitted by btc100k to IMSuccessConnection [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:16 AdamLuyan 2 Revelation

2 Revelation
2 Revelation:2.0 Preface;2.1 Peach Flower Catastrophe 1;2.2 Vision Test before Revelation;2.3 Peach Flower Catastrophe 2;2.4 Explanation of Peach Flower Catastrophe;2.5 Peach Flower Catastrophe 3;2.6 Troupe Leader Liu;2.7 Peach Flower Catastrophe 4;2.8 Revelation;2.9 Dad and Troupe Leader Liu
One day in September 1972, Fenglong Cui (Uncle Dragon) from the back street of our house came to our home as a guest. I was happy to hear that he worked at Fushun, near to Shenyang. Mom angrily explained to him: "Last year, Baiyang (my father) led home a fortune-teller, who said our Luyan is a monk fate, so Baiyang engaged him to that man’s daughter. Their family is in Shenyang, so Luyan was happy to hear that you live close to them."
Uncle Dragon said, "Ah! It is so, but I see that Luyan, and I are destined to be together!" Saying this, he walked into me, took off his hat, and pointing to his head, said to me: "Look! You resemble me! I'm bald, you're bald, and my name is Big Baldy!" He turned to mom and said, "From now on, we'll call him Second Baldy!"
Mom yelled, "His father's nickname is Third Baldy! Doesn't that mess up the generation! If you like, you can call him Second Baldy yourself. Big Brother-in-Law! Who do you think Luyan looks like? Like me or like his father?"
Uncle Dragon: "Hmm! This I must take a good look at! I think he looks like big belly Maitreya (see illustration 2.0-1)!"
Mom said in surprise, "You see him as a monk too!"
Uncle Dragon busily explained, "I don't know how to tell fortunes! I'm just talking about his rich, chubby look and posture!"
I asked, "Mom! What thing is a Buddha?"
Mom replied, "Buddha is not a thing! Oops! Look at my mouth! I'd better let your Uncle Dragon explain it to you!"
Uncle Dragon said, "Let me think of something to say. Buddha was born from a lotus flower."
I asked, "What's a lotus flower?"
Mom said, "He's never seen a lotus flower. Here, Mom will draw one for you!"
I looked at it and said, "It's a peach flower!"
Uncle Dragon said, "Peach flower is fine."
Mom shouted, "How can peach flower work! Other people's Buddhas are born from lotus flowers, but my son's Buddha grows on a peach tree."
Uncle Dragon argued, "He grew up and smoothed himself over; besides, there is indeed a saying that peach flowers can also give birth to Buddhas."
Mom pondered for a while and said, "It seems that there are sayings about peach blossom Buddhas, peach wood wedges and peach wood swords. Let's not talk about monks. Luyan! Your Uncle Dragon was a soldier and knows a lot! Let him tell you a story!"
I said, “Uncle Dragon, tell me a story!”
Uncle Dragon said, “Good! Then I'll tell you a story, ‘Peach Flower Catastrophe’. (Annotation, the story is about a Peach Flower Buddha.)
2.1 Peach Flower Catastrophe 1
Constant Fair is an orphan since childhood in Publican Liu’s pharmacy as a long laborer. He was not smart since he was a child, score of school was not that good, and always made mistakes when he grew up and learned how to do business. However, Publican Liu not only took good care of him in every aspect, but also always tolerated and harbored him, and did not hold him accountable for his faults. Constant Fair had never met Publican Liu since he was a child; he also often wanted to see him to salute and thank him in person, but it was always out of place, and was disrupted by some strange and unexpected arrangements.
Constant Fair knows, Publican Liu is eccentric, often go out to travel, leisure time in the study of ancient books, do not like to see people. In addition, Constant Fair also knows that he is not good health, there is a kind of what, no one can say the strange disease.
One day, Publican Liu commissioned a matchmaker to propose marriage to Constant Fair, to betroth his daughter, Peach Flower Girl, to him. He heard that Peach Flower Girl is intelligent, beautiful, and her medical skills are even more brilliant, to her matchmaking are more than to kick through the threshold, is not marriage. The matchmakers showed him articles written by Peach Flower Girl, told him what she had done, and created opportunities for him to meet her, so have a chance to see her in person. Constant Fair saw that Peach Flower Girl was beautiful; the articles she wrote were clearly organized, with wonderful words; the affairs she had done were all skillfully arranged. Constant Fair thought he was not worthy of her, so he refused. As a result, he heard later that the Peach Flower Girl was also unwilling and called him stupid.
Some days later, again, Publican Liu asked the matchmaker to marry Peach Flower Girl to Constant Fair and tried to persuade him. Constant Fair finally said, "As long as Peach Flower Girl is willing, I am willing." As a result, Constant Fair heard that Peach Flower Girl was not willing again.
After some time, Publican Liu asked the matchmaker to marry Constant Fair and Peach Flower Girl again, saying that, this time, Peach Flower Girl had already agreed. Constant Fair heard that Publican Liu and the matchmakers had been trying to persuade Peach Flower Girl to marry him, and that the father and daughter had quarrelled over the matter often recently. He thought to himself, "This is that Peach Flower Girl let me to delay for a few days so as to let her father have a rest and a few days of fun, and then it is me to reject it. Constant Fair then said to the matchmaker, “I'll think about it then”. After a few days, he told the matchmaker: “No.”
In this way, Publican Liu and the matchmakers used many ways to set up the marriage between Peach Flower Girl and Constant Fair, which was a long time coming, but just not possible. Time passed, Peach Flower Girl and Constant Fair both passed the age of normal marriage.
(2)Death with Eyes Open
In one middle night, a matchmaker who had become friends with Constant Fair came running to tell him, “I don't know what's wrong! Old Publican Liu is acting like crazy! He said he would ‘die with eyes open’, until he sees you and Peach Flower Girl get married, and enter honeymoon house. He also secretly let people in the preparation of a small inner courtyard, to you and the Peach Flower Girl locked inside; not married to not let you two out. I thought, ‘What's going on here! I had to tell you!’ I also found out that they know that you and I are friends and have sent someone to watch me, so I found a chance to sneak out. With that said, I must return, in case of that I am discovered.”
Constant Fair was shocked when he heard this and thought, “This can't be done! Then I ruin Peach Flower Girl for life! No! I must Leave!” That night, he escaped from Publican Liu's pharmacy. He didn't go back to his hometown because he was afraid that Publican Liu would send someone to catch him.
Constant Fair lived a life of anonymity, wandering around. Of course, he also needed to make a living, and later he worked as a shopkeeper in a pharmacy. For the first few years, the business did quite well, and the business grew. Later, he realized that someone was working against him in business and went to resign with the proprietor. The proprietor said, "Now, our business is so big that we can fight with them! I trust you, and I don't blame you if you lose money." Constant Fair said, “I don't want to fight with them. To tell you the truth, I suspect those opponents are related to one of my former benefactors”. The proprietor understood the matter well and said: “In that case! I cannot force you.”
Constant Fair left the pharmacy and wandered to another place, where he found another job in a pharmacy. Something similar happened to the last job. He found out that there were against him in business, and still thought that those people were related to the former boss Publican Liu, so he voluntarily gave up the job again.
In this way, Constant Fair changed job after job, always feeling that someone was struggling with him and unwilling to fight back against his opponents, but his bad reputation spread, and he couldn't find a job. So, he went back home.
On his way to his old village, Constant Fair met a messenger. The messenger asked him, "Do you know Constant Fair from Fair Family Village?" He replied, “I am!” The messenger said, “The people in your home asked me to tell you that your father passed away.” Constant Fair thought to himself, “I have been an orphan since I was a child, and replied, “You are mistaken! I'm not the person you're looking for!” The messenger verified, “XXX County, YYY town, Fair Family Village, the name is Constant Fair!” Constant Fair replied immediately, “Yes! It is me!” The messenger added, “The news that the people in your hometown asked me to convey to you is that your father has passed away. I'm just a messenger, and the rest, I don't know!”
At this, Constant Fair felt uncomfortable in his heart and sensed that something was wrong. When he arrived home, he inquired if there was anyone else in the village also name Constant Fair. He found out, in his county, only has one Fair Family Village, and in the past 40 years, only his name is Constant Fair in the Village. For several days in a row, he felt a tightness in his chest.
(3)Peach Flower Fortune
On this day, Constant Fair went to the marketplace for a walk. From a distance, he saw a group of people surrounding a fortune-teller. Constant Fair never believed in ghosts, gods, fortune-telling, and the like. But somehow! That day he stood at the back of the queue and wanted to listen.
The fortune-teller saw Constant Fair immediately and said, “The one at the end of the line is in a hurry! Let him come first! Those in front wait a while.”
Constant Fair said, "I'm not in a hurry, I can wait."
The fortune-teller said, "Come over here if you're told to!"
Constant Fair walked up to the fortune-teller, and before he could say anything, the fortune-teller said, “Congratulation! You've got Peach Flower Fortune (Note 1)!”
Note 1, what is peach flower fortune? Equivalent to the Western world's "The Chosen One" (i.e., the Golden Boy, Adam), except that the peach flower fortune is expressed in terms of the woman's (Eve, Jade Girl) beauty, talent, rich, and power to express this concept. How did the fortune teller see it? The Chinese fortune-teller profession and the Chinese juristic teacher profession use the same set of books. The Golden Boy and Jade Girl (Figure 2.1-3; see 10.9 Godly Trinity) is the basic model in that book, and the Peach Flower Catastrophe is one of the main cases in that book.
Constant Fair replied, “I don't know! I can still have Peach Flower Fortune!”
The fortune teller asked, "In the past, when you worked for someone, was there a proprietor who treated you very well, but you never saw him?"
Constant Fair replied, "Yes!"
The fortune-teller said, “He is dead, and with eyes glaringly open!”
Constant Fair heard, feel the head "buzz" a moment, the sky spinning, earth gravity vanishing, organs are moving. When he calmed down, felt his chest clogged, as if pressing a stone, heard the crowd talking about really God's calculations, a look to know! No wonder that he was said to be in a hurry!
Constant Fair turned around and started to walk home. The fortune-teller said: “Wait, I haven't finished yet! I think you really don't know! When Peach Flower Fortune comes, no one can stop it, there's no other way. You can only obey the wish of that old proprietor of yours and go to his house quickly. Even if you must spend all your money to pay for the betrothal gift, you still must gain their favor, wed their daughter, and enter honeymoon house, before you can be relieved of this Peach Flower Catastrophe.”
Constant Fair reached into his pocket and realized he had no money with him, so he said, "I'll go back to get the money and return it to you."
The fortune-teller said, “No need, I don't want your money.”
Constant Fair felt strange and asked why he didn't want his money. The fortune-teller said, “To tell the truth! Judging from your face, you won't live more than a hundred days. It's unlucky to spend dead people's money!"
Constant Fair said, "Thank you very much! I will definitely repay you when I have the chance in the future."
The fortune-teller added, "Wait! On the way, you must drink more water; drinking water will renew your life. Also, you must keep walking; if you fall, you may never get up again!"
Thanking again, Constant Fair went home, packed his bags, and went on his way that night.
A few days later, Constant Fair felt his chest getting more and more clogged, his stomach gurgling, and problems with his stomach and intestinal motility; sores began to grow on his skin. Whenever he arrived at a place, he first looked for a well, drank his fill, then filled two jugs of water to carry with him, ate something and immediately rushed on. In this way Constant Fair traveled day and night, rushing to Liu's medicine farm.
↪️ Return to Catalog of Layan’s Memoirs
submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:13 Important_Pirate7506 Had to get this off my chest

(TW for SA/Rape(?) + brief sexual talk)
Hello, I’m posting this on a burner account, and this is kind of going to be a really long and depressing post I guess, I’m not going to disclose my name or age (Entire family uses Reddit just playing it safe) but this has been bothering me for a really long time and I just wanna get it off my chest, idk if I’m looking for comfort or advice, I just need to get this out somewhere. (Sorry for any grammatical mistakes or typos made, just ignore those, I don’t have the guts to proofread this.)
I’m FTM, I’ve been masculine ever since I was a kid, to the point where in my elementary classes I was friends with mostly boys and would have girls ask me out. My family basically just figured I was a lesbian or something. I wasn’t allowed to have closed doors with girls over or be alone with them unsupervised, but on my 10th birthday, I had one of my girl friends spending the night. At the time, me and my parents slept in the same room, so they figured it would be fine that she slept in the room with us (my parents were on different beds.) Before we went to sleep, my friend told me that she massages her siblings a lot so if I wake up and she is massaging me its just her like sleepmassaging me or something idk, I just said “Okay.” And went to sleep. I woke up early in the morning, she had one hand up my shirt and another in my pants. She did not know that I had woken up, but I began to slowly try and wriggle away from her hands, and eventually when I think she got nervous that I was waking up she pulled them out and away. I sent her home as soon as possible after acting normal with her all morning. I did not know what was happening, (I was too young at the time and did not realize until a few years later) but I was scared nonetheless. I still have not told my family about this.
On my 11th birthday, I had a different girl friend over. The same thing happened with her, except I was awake and it was about 1 or 2 PM, the door to my room was open, but nobody was inside the house at the time (except for my father but he was out back in the laundry room.) She touched me inappropriately, and then insisted that she strangle me because she had a ‘kink for that’ in her words, I refused, but she slammed me against the wall my bed is propped against and began to choke me, it hurt incredibly bad, and when she quit she tried to convince me to do it back to her, and I put my hand on her throat, but didn’t end up squeezing, I just told her I wouldn’t and put my hand back down. After that, I excused myself from the room to go cry in the bathroom for a few minutes, before composing myself and going outside to my mother who was on the porch. I remember all of this vividly. I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, and then said “Mom, can we please send ___ home early? She’s touching me in places I dont like.” My mom said no, and then told me to “Get over it like you always do.” She sent me back to my room. I have not yet told my family what happened in the room.
Present day, I still present as male (My mother knows this now, but we haven’t had an in depth talk about it and my father does not know.) and I think I might be gay, but I want a girlfriend very badly. I feel no attraction to women, but I want to be able to hold hands in public. I want to go on cute dates and kiss in public. I want to feel like a man. At the same time, I only feel passionate about men, I want a boyfriend so badly it hurts, I want to be loved in that way, but I don’t want to live as a trans man. I just want to be a man. I know that is a terrible thing to think. Its not about me seeing trans men as less of a man, its about how other people would perceive me if they found out I was biologically female. They would treat me differently, I know because this has happened before multiple times. I feel so terrible. I know I cannot get into a serious relationship without disclosing this kind of stuff to my partner, I keep trying to justify it to myself, “I plan on getting all of the procedures done, it will be fine then, right?” And stuff along those lines. It isn’t below me to lie about being biologically male, all my friends think I am, and I wont lie about being a better or more moral person than I am, it is just the fear of getting caught that stops me. I’m young, but I frequently think about my sex life. I will never be able to have sex with someone else because I will never be able to tell someone I’m not actually biologically male, even if I get procedures done so that I have a penis (Which I fully intend to do before even dabbling in sex life,) that wont make me a biological male.
Some part of me deep down wants to be friends with those two girls again. They both knew I was a biological female, and they are both straight. I feel like a man. And the worst part is that I would let them do it again if it meant they would see me as a man. I just want to live as a man, I wish I were born a male and I wish I could have a boyfriend and I wish I could be affectionate with him in public. Everytime I think about this, I start sobbing. I have never confided or cried infront of anyone else about this, but it is eating at me. My pillow is stained from my tears and honestly it looks kind of like a shit stain. This is not fair. I feel like my life has been stolen from me. I will never be able to date or have sex. I dont know where to go or what to do.
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2024.05.19 08:11 Sweet-Count2557 Things To Do In Tangier Morocco in 2024

Things To Do In Tangier Morocco in 2024
Things To Do In Tangier Morocco in 2024
We're here to tell you about the amazing Things To Do In Tangier Morocco.
From exploring its bustling medina and shopping at the Souk el Khemis to taking a day trip to the Caves of Hercules and touring the American Legation Museum, there is something for everyone!
Whether you're looking for culture and history or a relaxing beach day, Tangier has it all.
You'll never be bored as there are so many unique activities to keep you busy during your stay.
So put on your walking shoes, grab a map, and let's explore what this city has to offer!
Exploring the Medina of Tangier
A trip to Tangier wouldn't be complete without exploring its historic medina, a vibrant hub of culture and activity teeming with captivating sights.
Strolling through the narrow, winding streets is a must-do; as you make your way, take in the colorful shopfronts selling everything from spices to souvenirs.
Sample some of the street food vendors hawking their traditional Moroccan dishes or pick up some freshly squeezed orange juice for an energizing snack.
Once you've filled up on delicious food and drinks, explore the bustling marketplaces full of lively locals trading goods and services.
Afterwards, get ready for a night out!
The medina's nightlife scene is renowned throughout Morocco; discover hidden bars tucked away in secret alleyways or join in on the dancing at one of the local clubs.
As you make your way through the medina late at night, keep an eye out for any special events that might be happening – you never know what kind of incredible experiences await!
No matter how long you visit Tangier, spending time in its fascinating medina is sure to leave lasting memories – it's truly an experience like no other.
From sampling street food to immersing yourself in its bustling nightlife scene, there are plenty of ways to fill your days and nights here.
Don't forget to capture some photos along the way – they'll be treasured reminders when reminiscing about this amazing destination later on!
Visiting the Kasbah Museum
Visiting the Kasbah Museum provides a unique opportunity to explore Morocco's rich cultural history, like learning about Mohamed Abou Ali Ben Abdallah - the founder of Tangier. As we wander through the museum, admiring its architecture, we get a glimpse of how Tangier was before and learn more about its beginnings.
We can also taste some local cuisine in nearby restaurants or cafes after exploring the museum which is an interesting way to further appreciate Moroccan culture.
The Kasbah Museum is filled with artifacts such as pottery, jewelry from different eras, clothing and traditional musical instruments from all over Morocco. Visitors can admire intricate designs on clothing pieces that were made centuries ago or be fascinated by traditional dishes and hear stories about how they are prepared.
The museum also offers audio tours that provide us with even more information about these ancient relics.
We leave feeling inspired and enriched by our experience at the Kasbah Museum; it has been truly eye-opening for us to learn more about Morocco's cultural heritage in this way.
There is something special here that must be experienced firsthand – a connection between past and present that cannot be found anywhere else in Tangier!
Enjoying the Beach at Cap Spartel
Taking in the breathtaking views of Cap Spartel's beach is sure to take your breath away! Located at the northernmost point of Africa, this beach offers a truly unique experience.
Here are just some of the things you can enjoy while visiting:
Admiring sunsets: Whether you're relaxing on the shore or taking a peaceful stroll along the beach, be sure to take some time to admire the stunning colors of Morocco's setting sun.
Tasting seafood: With its proximity to both Tangier and Spain, Cap Spartel offers an unbeatable selection of freshly-caught seafood that will tantalize your taste buds.
Taking a dip in the ocean: Enjoy swimming and snorkeling among crystal clear waters for an unforgettable experience during your visit.
Shopping for souvenirs: Explore local markets and shops along Cap Spartel's shoreline for unique items to bring home as mementos of your trip.
Exploring nearby attractions: The lighthouse at Cape Spartel is one of many historical sites within easy reach from this beautiful beach.
No matter what type of activities you prefer while on vacation, there's something special waiting for you at Cap Spartel Beach. From admiring awe-inspiring sunsets to tasting delicious seafood dishes or simply enjoying some restful relaxation by the sea, make sure not to miss out on all this amazing destination has to offer!
Taking a Day Trip to the Caves of Hercules
Located just 10km from the beach at Cap Spartel, the Caves of Hercules offer a captivating glimpse into ancient history - with over 6 million visitors each year!
The caves have been used for religious ceremonies and were once believed to be the entrance to an underground world. They are also known for their spectacular views overlooking Tangier Bay.
When visiting the Caves of Hercules, we highly recommend taking a boat tour around them. This is a great way to get close up views of their impressive cliffs and rocky landscape while learning how they have shaped Morocco's culture and history.
On these tours, you can even spot some wildlife such as dolphins and sea lions! You'll also pass by restaurants where you can stop to enjoy some delicious local cuisine.
Visiting the Caves of Hercules is a must-do when in Tangier Morocco – it's an experience that will stay with you forever. Whether it's on one of the many boat tours or simply admiring them from afar, this historical site will surely leave you awe-struck.
So, grab your camera and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!
Shopping at the Souk el Khemis
Experience a unique shopping adventure at Souk el Khemis and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of this traditional marketplace!
Located in Tangier, Morocco, Souk el Khemis is the perfect place to experience the hustle and bustle of local markets.
Here you can find everything from spices, clothing, jewelry, and handmade crafts to Morrocan-style furniture.
Bargaining is an essential part of the shopping experience here - just make sure you're respectful and keep your cool when negotiating prices with shopkeepers.
It's important to remember that cultural differences should be taken into account when bargaining tips too; never bargain too aggressively or try to take advantage of someone.
Take some time to wander around this bustling market and soak up all its colors and sounds - it's a great way to get a feel for life in Tangier.
Sample some street food as you explore the different stalls or exchange conversation with friendly locals as you browse through their wares.
The market itself has been operating since at least 1904 so there's plenty of history here too which makes it even more interesting!
Whether you're looking for souvenirs from your trip or something special for yourself, Souk el Khemis will have what you need.
A visit to Souk el Khemis is essential for any traveler looking to get an authentic taste of Moroccan culture.
Spend some time discovering all the goods on offer here; no matter what items catch your eye at this lively open-air bazaar, it's sure to be a memorable experience!
Touring the American Legation Museum
Discover the fascinating story of American-Moroccan relations at the American Legation Museum, and journey through time as you explore its incredible artifacts!
Located in the heart of Tangier's old medina, this museum is housed in an imposing 19th century building that was originally built to be a diplomatic mission. Admire its grand architecture as you step into a unique part of Morocco's history.
The museum does an excellent job of highlighting the important role that the United States has played in Moroccan culture over the past two centuries. Explore two floors of exhibits featuring photographs, documents, and objects related to this relationship between Morocco and America.
Get a better understanding about how modern-day Tangier is connected to its past by learning about events such as Muhammad V’s visit to Washington D.C., the US Navy’s presence in Tangier during World War II, and more.
Get even closer to local life by tasting some delicious Moroccan cuisine nearby or visiting some traditional shops! The American Legation Museum offers a truly unique experience for visitors seeking insight into Morocco’s long-standing relationship with America.
It provides an opportunity to gain knowledge about events that have shaped both countries' histories while admiring beautiful architecture and tasting local cuisine! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity while visiting Tangier - it's sure to be one you won't forget!
Exploring the Ruins of Volubilis
Immerse yourself in history and explore the ruins of Volubilis like a time traveler, with its ancient stones standing as silent sentinels of the past.
Located near Meknes in north-central Morocco, this archaeological site offers an unparalleled opportunity to experience culture and discover history.
Wander around and your gaze will be drawn to impressive structures such as the basilica, triumphal arch, and forum, all covered with intricate mosaics depicting scenes from Greek mythology. Though many of these have been damaged over the centuries by earthquakes or looters, they still provide a fascinating insight into life during Roman times.
In addition to the grandeur of its ruins, Volubilis holds some other secrets too; it's home to several unique species of plants that aren't found anywhere else in North Africa.
As you wander through the olive groves and palm trees, keep an eye out for lilies called 'thousand flowers', a type of wild iris which blooms between April and May each year. The sight is truly magnificent!
Volubilis may not be as large or well-preserved as some other historical sites in Morocco, but it certainly deserves a visit for those interested in discovering more about this nation's past.
From its glorious monuments to its flora and fauna – there's something here for everyone who loves learning about ancient cultures!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it safe to travel to Tangier?
We've all heard the warnings about traveling to Morocco, but is it really safe to explore Tangier solo?
The truth is, if you take a few simple precautions and use your common sense, you'll find that Tangier is an incredibly safe city with tons of nightlife options.
From traditional Moroccan entertainment like belly dancing and live music performances to bustling night markets offering delicious street food and unique souvenirs, there's something for everyone.
You can even enjoy a romantic dinner cruise along the waterfront!
In short, Tangier may be steeped in culture and history, but it's also one of the safest cities in Morocco - perfect for exploring on your own.
What are the best restaurants in Tangier?
Exploring the cuisine of Tangier is an exciting way to experience the city! There are plenty of great restaurants in this Moroccan city. From local flavors to classic dishes, some of our favorites include:
Restaurant Dar Naji for its delicious tagines
Le Petit Poucet for its traditional couscous
La Porte Bleue for its fresh seafood
Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a full-blown feast, these eateries will provide an unforgettable culinary experience.
Is there public transportation available in Tangier?
We're exploring the options for public transportation in Tangier, and it's like taking a journey through time.
From sightseeing tours to traditional taxis, there's something for everyone looking to get around this city. Whether you're looking for an efficient way of getting from place to place or simply want to take in some of the sights, public transportation in Tangier offers plenty of choices.
The city's bus system is extensive, with routes that span across the city and beyond. Taxis are also available, offering traditional methods of transport which provide an authentic experience as you explore the city.
For those who don't mind walking or cycling, there are plenty of pathways throughout the area perfect for sightseeing tours - allowing you to really make the most of your trip!
Are there any cultural events or festivals held in Tangier?
When visiting Tangier, there are plenty of cultural events and festivals to experience!
From sightseeing tours to harbor cruises, you can immerse yourself in the beauty and energy of this vibrant city.
Notable events include the International Festival of Mediterranean Music which celebrates local musical culture and welcomes international talent, as well as the Marathon des Alpes Maritimes which takes place between Tangier and Asilah.
Additionally, during Ramadan there's a special night market where locals gather for shopping, food stalls, music performances and more.
No matter when you visit Tangier, you'll find something exciting to experience!
What is the best time of year to visit Tangier?
We're always looking for the perfect time to explore Tangier's rich culture and stunning beaches.
From January to April, temperatures range from mild to warm, providing the ideal opportunity for visiting medinas and exploring the city's vibrant atmosphere. The days are bright and sunny, while evenings are filled with starry nights perfect for stargazing.
In addition, summer months bring plenty of sunshine during the day and cooler evenings that make sightseeing a pleasure.
No matter what time of year you choose to visit Tangier, you'll be sure to have an unforgettable experience!
We've certainly had an unforgettable time exploring Tangier. From the Kasbah Museum to the Souk el Khemis, there's so much to see and do here.
Even though we didn't get to explore everything this trip, we still feel like we got a good taste of what the city has to offer.
We were surprised by how much history was lurking around every corner - it truly is an ironic juxtaposition of ancient ruins and modern life.
All in all, spending time in Tangier has been a fantastic experience that we won't soon forget!
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