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How to flip samples with Slicex in FL Studio

2024.05.19 03:13 whatupsilon How to flip samples with Slicex in FL Studio

How to flip samples with Slicex in FL Studio
Just wanted to share some of my favorite tips on using Slicex in FL Studio.
It works best with instrumentals you want to flip or drum loops. You can also chop vocals and map it to the keyboard like in this video.
  • For instrumentals, I'd normally use large grid auto slicing
  • For drum loops, you can try dull or medium auto slicing and adjust as needed
Here are some settings to note (with screenshots)
  • If you use a controller like a 4x4 MPC pad, you probably want to use the preset "Sustaining" in the top right of the bar. This will play the entire slice, regardless of when you release the note / pad. Do this first, because changing it later will reset the plugin! You can change it later only by using the envelope controls, but this takes a LOT longer.
  • Some controllers have a button for "Full Level" if you want to keep the volume the same. If your controller doesn't have that, you'll probably want to turn off "Link velocity to volume" under the triangle at the top. It is turned on by default.
  • You then need to make your slices, either automatically by right-clicking the slice button, or manually by hitting "M" on your keyboard
  • Zoom in or move around by using the mouse wheel and ctrl+click. After you're done slicing, you can highlight and delete slices with the arrow keys and delete key.
  • You will now want to convert markers to regions (so they have an end point), and this is hidden in the script menu
  • You probably also want to declick out all regions now, so that they don't have any pops or clicks (aka phase clicks). Depending on the sample, you may want to declick in as well.
  • There is also click-free editing in the bottom right corner, which will attempt to eliminate clicks automatically, but it can mess up the timing on occasion
  • Most midi controllers like MPC pads will need to be mapped manually. To do this, select the first marker or region, and then in the menu, click "Assign trigger notes to all..." Then press each pad one at a time until you have gone through the entire sample. For a controller with 16 pads (4 rows by 4 columns), this means you have a max of 16 slices. If there are extra slices, you can hit ESC or click away to get out of there, and delete the extras if needed
  • You probably also want your slices to cut each other off, that way they don't play at the same time. Do this in the same slice menu by selecting "Set all cut groups to..." and put a 1. Zero is the default (does not cut).
  • Lastly the default mode is to "Auto-dump" the slices into the piano roll. You can turn off auto dump and also clear the piano roll, or just create a new pattern.
Then you can just play around and experiment. You can make cool stutter effects by using the piano roll and chop tool (ctrl + U = auto, or alt + U for controls), or clicking into a smaller grid, and also resample by recording into Edison.
Hope this helps, and don't forget to have fun :)
submitted by whatupsilon to u/whatupsilon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:23 Buzziday Auto Technician – Henley Enterprises Inc.

Auto Technician – Henley Enterprises Inc. submitted by Buzziday to TheDailyUnfold [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:21 Chonk_Lord98 Chonk_Lord48's C5S2 Comprehensive Tier List

To whom it may concern,
Shalom. Introductions aside, just know that I am a hardcore gamer who has pristine observation skills. I wanted to take it upon myself to give a comprehensive Tier List of the entirety of Chapter 5, Season 2 weapons.
This is not a spreadsheet, no specific mathematical mumbo jumbo needed.
In other words, take my word for it and debate me if you disagree with my tier list for this season.
Additionally, mythic boss weapons are excluded because I judge the weapon classes they belong to holistically. Although mythic weapons do more damage than legendary variants, they are restricted from being customized to preference, thus making the legendary variant of each mythic far superior.
Lastly, there are two honorable mention tiers and this is far from the typical tier list.
Chonk_Lord48's Observations:
Atrocity - Waterbending
S Tier - Thunder Burst SMG, Gatekeeper Shotgun, Ranger Pistol, Cluster Clingers
A Tier - Nemesis AR, Huntress DMR, Hand Cannon, Chain of Hades
B Tier - Warforged AR, Drum Gun, Earthbending
C Tier - Hammer Pump Shotgun, Tactical AR, Airbending, Reaper Sniper Rifle
D Tier - Thunderbolt of Zeus, Firebending
F Tier - Frenzy Auto Shotgun, Chewie's Bowcaster, Darth Vader's Lightsaber
Absurdity - Harbinger SMG, E-11
Reasoning Section
Atrocity - Waterbending is an all encompassing infinite range (it travels past render range) infinite ammo, instant reload super power that will drop any enemy of most skill ranges in exactly two shots. This two shot kill problem is especially a factor when your enemy is using an untraceable form of Zen or Aimbot. Gamers who rely on this atrocious thing to kill or get wins are either inept at the game OR fighting water with water. Thought I would NEVER hear that phrase... Yet it is LITERAL. This weapon should have started and ended with the Avatar: The Last Airbender mini event. This is the second worst decision Epic has ever made, right next to... Well, that's a banned name isn't it... that pleb pleaser from Season X. Waterbending is so broken that it just removes the enjoyment from the game entirely. Even though it is labeled as a mythic rarity item it is far more common than bandages and perhaps more common than most common rarity weapons. Horrendous, absolutely horrendous decision.
S Tier - The Thunder Burst SMG is a phenomenal skill-based weapon that requires precision accuracy to observe the sheer powerhouse of a weapon it is. It has one of the lowest Time To Kill (TTK) in the game due to It's powerful damage output, accuracy, and headshot multiplier (1.76x). It can be used for mid-range combat as well with a modest damage reduction.
The Gatekeeper Shotgun is by far the BEST shotgun ever released in Fortnite History, surpassing the Charge Shotgun class except its Mythic variant. This shotgun excels in point blank range and the TTK is less than two seconds. It has a great spread which provides the opportunity for some guaranteed hits when firing from the hip. When it is aimed down, the spread becomes more precise. Most shotguns do this, yet the Gatekeeper stands out because the choke is not pinpoint accurate (like other failures of a shotgun) and its crosshair fits so nicely around an enemy's head.
The Ranger Pistol has a fast TTK and is damn near the perfection of the Thunder Burst SMG. The two are so similar in damage output, firerate, reload time and range that honestly a player can use either and perform well. When compared to the Warforged AR, it is more accurate, has a higher headshot multiplier, and reloads much faster.
Cluster Clingers were literally the only throwable explosives that did enough damage required to kill. A lethal weapon in the hands of a skilled player. This specific item will forever hold its place as the 'only' explosive throwable item. Be honest, the rest were just gimmicks that were terrible and practically useless. This was the ONLY grenade that actually put enemies back to the lobby. Why it was removed is beyond nonsensical. Anyone who could dare complain about the first (only) grenade that did grenading is... I will say it, part of the Little Timmy community (plebs) that Epic LOVES to humor (I remember Season X well).
Each of these weapons are truly a masterpiece in their class and stand out as among the greatest weapons to ever touch the surface of the game. They do not require attachments to be good. These weapons can be deadly in the hands of players from all skill ranges. From common to legendary or mythic these weapons take the cake as this season's best.
A Tier - The Huntress DMR is the BEST DMR to date. All other DMRs pale in comparison to this one (Looking at you Cobra) because it actually hits targets when you aim and shoot directly at them. This would have been S-Tier but since it requires a specific set of attachments each game to be superior, it cannot be placed there. This weapon shoots the farthest and has little to no bullet drop whatsoever. It is superior to the once great Reaper Sniper rifle and takes the cake as the best long-range choice this season.
Note: Perhaps with the fresh new ballistics system, the Cobra DMR can make a return and actually function properly instead of being exclusive to function on PC.
The Hand Cannon is a re-imagining of one of Chapter 1's best weapons. It is superior to other slow firing, semi-automatic weapons due to its damage output and buffed headshot multiplier. This weapon is exclusive for highly accurate and skilled players which is precisely why it remains in A Tier. It is not universally great (S-Tier), yet it still rewards those with precise aim. The fun with this weapon is that it doubles as a close range defender or a sniper rifle depending on attachment preference. When modded to be a long-range weapon it should be noted that it has less bullet drop than the Reaper Sniper Rifle. The other optimization is the classic one which can be done with an optic attached or not. When used in this classic form, it outclasses the Hammer Pump Shotgun entirely. It does more headshot damage and less body shot damage, sure, but at least significant damage is guaranteed since spread is not a factor.
The Nemesis AR is a powerhouse of a weapon as well which is surprisingly accurate for its high damage output and adequate headshot multiplier. It has a fast TTK and requires little investment to be superior to other weapons in its class.
The Chain of Hades is not an an atrocity. It is very much required to counter and punish enemies who think they are tough guys fleeing from a fight using shockwaves or the wings of Icarus, or even a motorbike. It is fun to use, when it works. This item is prevented from being S-Tier due to the FACT it does not work properly. This weapon has a sweeping animation and must be paired with area of effect damage. The center of the crosshair is NOT the only area of damage. This can be tested and proven by opening a door, aiming in the middle of the doorway, and swinging. You will notice the it does indeed deal damage to the left and right of the crosshair. Sadly, and unsurprisingly, this AOE melee weapon seems to exclusively function properly on PC. When used on PC, this chain causes a stagger that prevents a weapon from firing in a minute instances. That is, each hit when swung, causes an interruption of a weapon firing. This feature is nonexistent on consoles and seems intentional. As for the chain pull, that attack causes stagger universally, which is good.
B Tier - The Warforged AR is decent at best. Even with a legendary properly modded variant, it pales in comparison to the Nemesis AR, which requires little investment to no investment. This weapon had much potential but Epic clealry refuses to allow an S-Tier assault rifle to exist again.
The Drum Gun is yet another re-imagining of one of the greatest weapons to enter the META first debuted in Chapter 1. This version, regardless of attachments, fails to be what it once was. It is about as accurate as the Warforged and also lacks recoil control even with the attachments meant to reduce it.
Earthbending was a failed opportunity for Epic to allow players to have fun with the game. I would have preferred summoning armor on my character (like Toph does in the show) paired with the ability to bull charge into an enemy which would deal an atrocious amount of damage to be equally unfair as Waterbending. Maybe 150 damage or simply an instant KO. Heck if I care you cannot shoot the armor off quick enough to cancel the attack. As for Earthbebding as it was made, the cover provided was stronger than metal, and more reliable than porta bunkers. Long before the time it would take to break the cover, the ability to form another wall is primed and ready. Hurling large, fine cut rock slabs at enemies should have caused a KO in two hits to counter that atrocity not worth my breath anymore.
C Tier - The Hammer Pump Shotgun is just a joke but can still be deadly when paired with an appropriate backup weapon. This weapon could be A-Tier at best when paired with a Thunder Burst SMG or F-Tier at worst when used alone. By that logic, it averages to the middle of the tier list. Oh I miss the days when it just took one skilled shot to send them back to the lobby with the original Pump Shotgun re-imagined in Chapter 1 Season 5. This was arguably the most balanced period in Fortnite's history especially for both SMGs and ARs.
The Tactical AR is yet another re-imagining of one of the greatest weapons. This too pales in comparison to it's predecessor. Even with all necessary attachments on it, it is not the same as before. Period. It does not do enough damage and high a slow TTK. It pales in comparison to both the Thunder Burst SMG and other assault rifles. It fails to be both SMG and AR when it is meant to be a combination of both.
The Reaper Sniper has once graced players inventories as the BEST sniper rifle in Fortnite's history. Once an S-Tier weapon, this powerful sniper rifle has fallen from that status due to Epic's tendency to humor plebeians in the community. It has caused this weapon to become absolutey useless for what it was made for. It does not make any sense at all for this weapon's bullets to have bullet drop before 20m. The projectory of the bullet is flaccid, like to an ED extent. Absolutely an ABSURD choice for long range encounters, period. However, this weapon can surpass even the Hand Cannon as a replacement for a shot gun, slap the proper attachments on play pretend that it is the KSG-12 or a slug round shotgun, then you got yourself an S-Tier shotgun that drops players in ONE shot.
Airbending is not a weapon per se, however it can be used as one to cause a death due to gravity or to prevent vehicles from traveling. It was amazing. I miss it. It was the best movement option that was ever released in the game.
D Tier - Thunderbolt of Zeus had potential to be amazing. It was pathetic compared to cluster clingers and its splash damage seems to be so random that it is unreliable. It is supposed to hit for 40, 40, then 140. Yet my final hit is hitting for 80. I do not understand. Prep time alone makes this weapon a death wish.
Firebending also lack a passive ability and Epic has failed to make this combat-based bending effective. Unless you are staying perfectly still, you will jump around like a maniac and miss all projectiles. Period. Upon release, it dealt barely any damage and Epic did not bother buffing the damage until near the event's conclusion. I should, according to the same broken logic, be able to bend lightning with extreme precision to deal 300+ damage, thus instantly knocking out anyone.
F Tier - The Frenzy Auto Shotgun was once an atrocity and at first got respectfully nerfed. Then Epic nerfed it again to be effective exclusively at less than point-blank range. Any further than 10 meters then you are surely dealing between 10-20 damage IF you are lucky.
The Bowcaster is a failure of what could have been a fun limited time weapon to use. Firstly it animates an AoE per shot regardless of charge and does NOT do splash damage when shot. When charged fully it deals decent damage but then the splash damage is negligible. I am a first hand witness to this bs weapon having splash damage be effective exclusively on PC. I was damaged from about a tile and a half away from the point of impact when at the Dumpen Haussen reboot van. I find it unnerving that some weapons have no polish on console. The Bowcaster when shot semiautomatic is not only supposed to have splash damage but it also fails to deal damage in general. This weapon suffers the Cobra DMR curse where if you aim directly at an enemy and HIT them, it does no damage or just goes right through them or it is just rubber bullets or blanks. As for the bowcaster, it is as if the laser goes directly through the enemy causing no damage whatsoever. This does not happen on PC. To my knowledge, Epic intentionally caters to this SMALL percentage of the community.
Darth Vader's lightsaber is just bad compared to the chain. The chain is in an entirely different class. The lightsaber lacks damage output and is trash at blocking waterbending. The guard is easily broken. Without a pool of lightsabers to choose from that have powers per color. The other powers would have been perfect counters to the chain of hades. Push em off or pull them down or towards. Amazing, is what it would have been.
Absurdity Tier - The E-11 is canonically accurate, how ironic. Nuff said. No wonder the Storm Troopers could never hit their shots.
The Harbinger SMG was supposed to fix Epic's failure last season, the Hyper SMG. Both are absurdities and should NEVER be picked up in any circumstance. You would fair better throwing grass at your enemies. The Harbinger SMG is outclassed in DPS by EVERY other light ammo weapon option, EVER, not just this season. It is BEYOND a failure which is why it takes its rightful place here. It is to NEVER be relied on. You will surely die faster by any other weapon in the game. Even at legendary rarity optimized for hipfire or ADS the gun is inaccurate regardless of the player using it. Both the E-11 and the Harbinger SMG are universally repulsive and fail to be a weapon (by definition) in the hands of any player.
These are my expert observations on what is, can be, and is not effective in the current META. Please feel free to debate these claims, if you can.
Thanks and God bless you all,
submitted by Chonk_Lord98 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:40 chrissant47 Body shop recommendations

Hey everyone, I'm looking for recommendations for a body shop place. I went to diamond auto body already and am looking for other places to get quotes from.
submitted by chrissant47 to Reno [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:38 ZBound275 Did anyone wait 4+ months before increasing to 5mg?

I've stayed on 2.5mg since starting in January and have had fantastic steady progress, averaging between 1-2 pounds a week. However, in the past few weeks I've definitely stalled. I think that the effects of the medication are giving out earlier, and the food noise has returned a bit.
I've been avoiding 5mg because 2.5mg was already working great, and I didn't want to increase too soon and encounter some of the more intense side-effects that others have posted about.
I also feel like if I really buckle down I could possibly stay on 2.5mg and start progressing again, but I really miss how it used be more like auto-pilot.
If anyone stayed on 2.5mg for multiple months before titrating up, what was your experience with 5mg at that point? Was it an easy transition because your body had so much time to acclimate, or did you still have a bunch of side effects to deal with?
I also keep hearing about the shortage and how it's started impacting 5mg, so maybe it would be better to stick to 2.5mg and at least have something rather than have to start dealing with delays and missed weeks?
submitted by ZBound275 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:20 VFM_Systems Can not get Eddy to save probe offset, get Failed calibration

The current issue is with my Eddy USB. No matter what I try, it fails the z offset calibration saying:
Failed calibration - frequency not increasing each step
This only happens after I try to run the save_config option.
##################################################################### # Include Control ##################################################################### #[include led_macros.cfg] #[include toolboard.cfg] #[include adxl.cfg] [include Homing.cfg] [include mainsail.cfg] #[include Euclid.cfg] [exclude_object] [gcode_arcs] resolution: 0.1 [include macros.cfg] #[include led_progress.cfg] [include nevermore.cfg] # This file contains all settings for KAMP, and must be included in printer.cfg with: [include KAMP_Settings.cfg] ### The following [includes] can be uncommented from within KAMP_Settings.cfg. ### # This file enables the use of adaptive meshing. #[include ./KAMP/Adaptive_Meshing.cfg] # This file enables the use of adaptive line purging. [include ./KAMP/Line_Purge.cfg] # This file enables the use of the adaptive Voron logo purge. #[include ./KAMP/Voron_Purge.cfg] # This file enables the use of KAMP's Smart Park feature. [include ./KAMP/Smart_Park.cfg] ##################################################################### # Stepper Control ##################################################################### [stepper_x] step_pin: PC14 dir_pin: PC13 enable_pin: !PC15 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_x:virtual_endstop # PA13 for X-max; endstop have'!' is NO position_endstop: -4 position_max: 325 position_min: -5 homing_speed: 20 homing_retract_dist: 0 [stepper_y] step_pin: PB5 dir_pin: !PB4 enable_pin: !PB6 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_y:virtual_endstop # PC5 for Y-max; endstop have'!' is NO position_endstop: 0 position_max: 330 homing_speed: 20 homing_retract_dist: 0 [stepper_z] step_pin: PE5 dir_pin: PE4 enable_pin: !PC15 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 8 endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop # PB12 for Z-max; endstop have'!' is NO position_max: 400 position_min: -10 homing_speed: 5 [stepper_z1] step_pin: PE1 dir_pin: PE0 enable_pin: !PE2 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 8 [extruder] step_pin: PD6 dir_pin: !PD5 enable_pin: !PD7 microsteps: 16 microsteps: 16 full_steps_per_rotation: 400 gear_ratio: 3:1 rotation_distance: 26.370 nozzle_diameter: 0.400 filament_diameter: 1.750 pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.025 pressure_advance: 0.0425 heater_pin: PB1 sensor_type: PT1000 sensor_pin: PC1 #control: pid #pid_Kp: 22 #pid_Ki: 1.08 #pid_Kd: 114 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 350 max_extrude_cross_section: 15 max_extrude_only_distance: 200 ##################################################################### # Feature Control ##################################################################### [skew_correction] [exclude_object] [input_shaper] #shaper_type_x = ei #shaper_freq_x = 67.2 #shaper_type_y = 2hump_ei #shaper_freq_y = 64.2 [bed_screws] screw1: 5, 5 screw2: 165, 5 screw3: 325, 5 screw4: 5, 325 screw5: 165, 325 screw6: 325, 325 [screws_tilt_adjust] screw1: 10, 10 screw1_name: front left screw screw2: 320, 10 screw2_name: front right screw screw3: 320, 225 screw3_name: rear right screw screw4: 10, 225 screw4_name: rear left screw horizontal_move_z: 12 speed: 350. screw_thread: CW-M3 [bed_mesh] speed: 250 probe_count: 5, 5 horizontal_move_z: 12 algorithm: bicubic mesh_min : 20, 10 mesh_max : 310, 285 fade_start: 1 fade_end: 10 mesh_pps: 2,3 bicubic_tension: 0.2 move_check_distance: 3 split_delta_z: 0.025 [z_tilt] z_positions: -50,165 380,165 # A list of X, Y coordinates (one per line; subsequent lines # indented) describing the location of each bed "pivot point". The # "pivot point" is the point where the bed attaches to the given Z # stepper. It is described using nozzle coordinates (the X, Y position # of the nozzle if it could move directly above the point). The # first entry corresponds to stepper_z, the second to stepper_z1, # the third to stepper_z2, etc. This parameter must be provided. points: 20,165 310,165 # A list of X, Y coordinates (one per line; subsequent lines # indented) that should be probed during a Z_TILT_ADJUST command. # Specify coordinates of the nozzle and be sure the probe is above # the bed at the given nozzle coordinates. This parameter must be # provided. speed: 350 # The speed (in mm/s) of non-probing moves during the calibration. # The default is 50. horizontal_move_z: 12 # The height (in mm) that the head should be commanded to move to # just prior to starting a probe operation. The default is 5. retries: 5 # Number of times to retry if the probed points aren't within # tolerance. retry_tolerance: 0.02 # If retries are enabled then retry if largest and smallest probed # points differ more than retry_tolerance. Note the smallest unit of # change here would be a single step. However if you are probing # more points than steppers then you will likely have a fixed # minimum value for the range of probed points which you can learn # by observing command output. [force_move] enable_force_move: True #[safe_z_home] #home_xy_position: 165, 90 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed #speed: 250 #z_hop: 10 # Move up 10mm #z_hop_speed: 5 ##################################################################### # Thermistors ##################################################################### [thermistor Trianglelab-NTC100K-B3950] temperature1: 25 resistance1: 103180 temperature2: 150 resistance2: 1366.2 temperature3: 250 resistance3: 168.6 [heater_bed] heater_pin: PB10 sensor_type: Trianglelab-NTC100K-B3950 sensor_pin: PC0 control: pid pid_Kp: 54.027 pid_Ki: 0.770 pid_Kd: 948.182 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 110 max_power: 0.75 [temperature_sensor chamber] sensor_type: Generic 3950 sensor_pin: PC2 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 100 gcode_id: C ##################################################################### # Fan Control ##################################################################### #fan for printed model FAN0 [fan] pin: !PA0 max_power: 1 # adjust below 1 if you would like the max speed to be slower off_below: 0.3 # minimum speed where the fan starts spinning - on octopus pro this is correct - will be lower maybe 0 on mellow Super 8 because of different GPIO pullup and protection resistors cycle_time: .0005 #fan for control board FAN2 [controller_fan MCU_Cooling] pin: PA2 max_power: 0.5 #Hotend fan [heater_fan Hotend_Fan] pin: PA1 heater: extruder [fan_generic Nevermore] pin: PB0 ##################################################################### # Machine ##################################################################### [axis_twist_compensation] speed: 250 # The speed (in mm/s) of non-probing moves during the calibration. # The default is 50. horizontal_move_z: 12 # The height (in mm) that the head should be commanded to move to # just prior to starting a probe operation. The default is 5. calibrate_start_x: 20 # Defines the minimum X coordinate of the calibration # This should be the X coordinate that positions the nozzle at the starting # calibration position. This parameter must be provided. calibrate_end_x: 310 # Defines the maximum X coordinate of the calibration # This should be the X coordinate that positions the nozzle at the ending # calibration position. This parameter must be provided. calibrate_y: 165 # Defines the Y coordinate of the calibration # This should be the Y coordinate that positions the nozzle during the # calibration process. This parameter must be provided and is recommended to # be near the center of the bed [printer] kinematics: corexy max_velocity: 800 max_accel: 25000 max_z_velocity: 10 max_z_accel: 30 square_corner_velocity: 20 # [mcu lights] # serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f103xe_35FFDA05304E553137682443-if00 [mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f407xx_290031000E5031334C363220-if00 [pause_resume] [display_status] [virtual_sdcard] path: /home/pi/printer_data/gcodes on_error_gcode: CANCEL_PRINT [servo DockServo] pin: PA15 maximum_servo_angle: 180 minimum_pulse_width: 0.00025 maximum_pulse_width: 0.0024 ##################################################################### # BTT Eddy ##################################################################### [mcu eddy] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_4550357129120F28-if00 [temperature_sensor btt_eddy_mcu] sensor_type: temperature_mcu sensor_mcu: eddy min_temp: 10 max_temp: 100 [probe_eddy_current btt_eddy] sensor_type: ldc1612 z_offset: 1.0 #i2c_address: i2c_mcu: eddy i2c_bus: i2c0f x_offset: -33 # Set according to the actual offset relative to the nozzle y_offset: -20 # Set according to the actual offset relative to the nozzle data_rate: 500 [temperature_probe btt_eddy] sensor_type: Generic 3950 sensor_pin: eddy:gpio26 horizontal_move_z: 2 [bed_mesh] horizontal_move_z: 2 speed: 300 mesh_min: 43, 30 mesh_max: 290, 300 probe_count: 9, 9 algorithm: bicubic #[safe_z_home] #home_xy_position: 197, 185 #z_hop: 10 #z_hop_speed: 15 #speed: 200 ##################################################################### # LED Control ##################################################################### # [neopixel HotendLight] # pin: lights:PA8 # chain_count: 6 # color_order: GRB # initial_RED: 1 # initial_GREEN: 0 # initial_BLUE: 1 [neopixel OverheadLight] pin: PA8 chain_count: 23 color_order: GRB initial_red: 1 initial_green: 1 initial_blue: 1 ######################################## # TMC UART configuration ######################################## [tmc2209 stepper_x] uart_pin: PE6 run_current: 1.2 hold_current: 0.5 stealthchop_threshold: 1 diag_pin: ^PA14 driver_SGTHRS: 50 interpolate: true [tmc2209 stepper_y] uart_pin: PB3 run_current: 1.2 hold_current: 0.5 stealthchop_threshold: 1 diag_pin: ^PB12 driver_SGTHRS: 50 interpolate: true [tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin: PE3 run_current: 0.5 hold_current: 0.5 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [tmc2209 stepper_z1] uart_pin: PB7 run_current: 0.5 hold_current: 0.5 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [tmc2209 extruder] uart_pin: PD4 run_current: 0.5 hold_current: 0.5 sense_resistor: 0.110 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 ######################################## # Display ######################################## [display] lcd_type: uc1701 cs_pin: EXP1_3 a0_pin: EXP1_4 rst_pin: EXP1_5 contrast: 63 encoder_pins: ^EXP2_5, ^EXP2_3 click_pin: ^!EXP1_2 ## Some micro-controller boards may require an spi bus to be specified: #spi_bus: spi ## Alternatively, some micro-controller boards may work with software spi: spi_software_miso_pin: EXP2_1 spi_software_mosi_pin: EXP2_6 spi_software_sclk_pin: EXP2_2 [neopixel Screen] pin: EXP1_6 chain_count: 3 color_order: RGB initial_RED: 1.0 initial_GREEN: 0 initial_BLUE: 0 ######################################## # EXP1 / EXP2 (display) pins ######################################## [board_pins] aliases: # EXP1 header EXP1_1=PB2, EXP1_3=PE11, EXP1_5=PD9, EXP1_7=PE15, EXP1_9=, EXP1_2=PE10, EXP1_4=PD10, EXP1_6=PD8, EXP1_8=PE7, EXP1_10=<5V>, # EXP2 header EXP2_1=PA6, EXP2_3=PE9, EXP2_5=PE8, EXP2_7=PB11, EXP2_9=, EXP2_2=PA5, EXP2_4=PA4, EXP2_6=PA7, EXP2_8=, EXP2_10=<3.3v> # Pins EXP2_1, EXP2_6, EXP2_2 are also MISO, MOSI, SCK of bus "ssp1" # See the MKS Lcd Config path file for definitions of common LCD displays. ######################################## # Auto tune ######################################## #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG -------------------- #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated. #*# #*# [input_shaper] #*# shaper_type_x = mzv #*# shaper_freq_x = 120 #*# shaper_type_y = mzv #*# shaper_freq_y = 60 #*# #*# [bed_mesh default] #*# version = 1 #*# points = #*# -0.087500, -0.085000, -0.055000, -0.051250, -0.098750 #*# -0.091250, -0.068750, -0.032500, -0.045000, -0.080000 #*# -0.096250, -0.077500, -0.038750, -0.073750, -0.098750 #*# -0.110000, -0.097500, -0.065000, -0.106250, -0.180000 #*# tension = 0.2 #*# min_x = 56.21 #*# algo = lagrange #*# y_count = 4 #*# mesh_y_pps = 3 #*# min_y = 68.12 #*# x_count = 5 #*# max_y = 263.01 #*# mesh_x_pps = 2 #*# max_x = 276.1 #*# #*# [extruder] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 25.341 #*# pid_ki = 2.521 #*# pid_kd = 63.669 #*# #*# [skew_correction CaliFlower] #*# xy_skew = 0.011027909611065182 #*# xz_skew = 0.0 #*# yz_skew = 0.0 #*# #*# [probe_eddy_current btt_eddy] #*# reg_drive_current = 16 
submitted by VFM_Systems to BIGTREETECH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:07 RichKatz Autos and Auto Parts

We recently did something like human body parts - this is somewhat similar Choose .. oh 4 to 6 or so songs that are about auto parts and autos. Happy Motoring!
(The car shown above is a Lamborghini, one of several 'tiger' decorated ones I've seen. There is also a car named the tiger - a Sunbeam Alpine Tiger (haven't seen a decorated one though) but I have seen Porshe's with tiger striping).
submitted by RichKatz to Musicthemetime [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:00 Only_Honeydew_6763 WHO LOVES YOU? Honeydew does!! Event solution inside!?

WHO LOVES YOU? Honeydew does!! Event solution inside!?
So there it is ..event perfection?
Finished it earlier, am 8-0 with it. Annihilates PPT deck's, straight embarrasses any normal deck, works ubber well versus any attack deck... The one deck that was just a big card buffing deck...allllmost got me (and round 7 finished, I waaaaass NOT feeling it..), and with 2 points on my side starting the ninth won it - Keelhauling for the supreme save....
Only think kicking my butt...8 games played - mind body first on seven of them. There's odds, and there's odds..waiting for that to go the other way BIG time I didn't get it, I got it on the second...that's cards awesome! But if everything, it's the one I want to replace the most. Don't wait to late with this one...come 6 th round points are on your side, and will not go negative again you don't want this cycling in after this point if you can't play it by (for me, the the 2nd), the end of the third, don't.
James Armstead, A. Crock, M. Goat, Cosmic Back are all auto plays the second you see them. Yer card buffers Heim, Auto, dwarf play them with priority also..
WHO loves you to share pure domination with you?
That's right, Honeydew
submitted by Only_Honeydew_6763 to cuecardgameAvid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:47 lokikg Trade Bait - Looking to consolidate so preference to trade lots for singles.

Trade Bait - Looking to consolidate so preference to trade lots for singles.
Looking for key rookies and autos (Elly, Witt Jr, Carroll, etc). As a Jays fan, Arjun Nimmala 1st autos will especially get my interest.
These is just a sampling of cards available. It you're looking for specific players/teams/sports, let me know, I may be able to find something.
submitted by lokikg to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:41 funlol3 Car insurance rates surge again, keeping inflation elevated - Fox Business

Fox Business has an interesting article today on the issue plaguing us all - car insurance rate increases.
Consumer prices rose by 0.3% in April, and while many factors like rent and groceries contributed to this, auto insurance saw one of the most significant increases. Auto insurance premiums jumped by 1.8% in April alone, leading to a total annual increase of 22.6%—the fastest yearly rate ever recorded.
Compared to the beginning of 2021, motor vehicle insurance is now over 50% more expensive. The average rate for full auto insurance surged to $2,019 in 2023, a 24% increase from 2022, and a nearly 29% increase from the previous year. Even basic state-required policies climbed to $1,154 per year.
Several factors have driven this spike:
  1. Rising Vehicle Costs: New and used car prices soared after the COVID-19 pandemic due to supply chain disruptions and high demand, making vehicles more expensive to replace and repair.
  2. Repair Costs: The cost of vehicle parts and repairs has increased significantly, compounded by a shortage of mechanics. The number of automotive technicians is projected to continue decreasing in the coming years.
  3. Insurance Losses: Car insurance companies are trying to recover from steep losses incurred in 2021, a year marked by a sharp rise in fatal car accidents.
Experts suggest that the problem could get worse before it gets better. As auto insurance costs continue to rise, it's crucial for buyers to run the numbers on insurance rates before purchasing a car to avoid any surprises.
This increase in premiums adds to the already severe financial pressures on U.S. households, especially those with lower incomes. If you have any tips on finding more affordable insurance or want to share your experiences, let's discuss in the comments!
Link to the full article: Fox Business News
submitted by funlol3 to InsurancePanda [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:38 380_McGee Helldivers 2 sample caps and stratagems

Hello Helldivers! I sent this as an email to Arrowhead and I got an auto-response saying "we are swamped, post to Discord" but it was too long to be posted there, so I'll put it here. Maybe my manifesto is interesting, maybe it's not, I'm curious what others think.
Currently I'm level 89 and I've been capped on samples since ~70 because there's nothing to buy. I hate nothing more in a game when I reach the end of a talent tree, etc. We need a system to absorb samples that also structures goals for grinders and farmers.
My suggestion is to allow a ship upgrade for backpack + support weapon combos as a single stratagem choice. This system would need to be limited to very high levels (75+ or so) to reward players who have the in-game experience to justify the power of a 5th stratagem reward. The goal is to reward players for community gameplay, not to boost 20s who just read about some hot new meta build.
My proposal has these rules: 1. Players must reach the level requirement and purchase all other ship upgrades. 2. Players have to buy a new ship upgrade to unlock the combo grid. This should be ridiculously expensive, like 250/100/50 samples and 25000 requisition. If this seems unrealistic, you haven't gained 15 levels while gaining zero samples. 3. The combo grid is an X-Y grid with all the single-sided hellpod stratagems: six backpacks on one axis vs. ten special weapons on the other. Weapons that arrive with an ammo backpack and EAT are excluded. No two-weapon or two-backpack combinations are allowed 4. Each spot on the grid is expensive enough such that no one seriously considers trying to get them all, but 1-2 is very rapid and 8-10+ is the kind of thing dedicated grinders appreciate. Each combo on the grid costs the same as the ship upgrade: 25000 requisition and 250/100/50 samples. After players get a combo or 2 that they've dreamed of, then the grid exists as a way to spur players to innovate new builds.
This is a high-level reward that grants advanced players slightly more firepower. The very even system in place is great because actual gameplay skill counts more than level-based mathematics, but it's also reasonable to think players at 75+ can pack a slightly bigger punch with a free backpack. But it's not a permanent free have to plan out your build and commit to your role on the team. I'm curious what people think, fire away for Freedom!
submitted by 380_McGee to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:29 Wonderful-Sir250 My game keeps randomly crashing and the crash report pop up isn't telling me which mod is responsible for the crash. I suspect its war and ai tweaks and/or Europe map project but I can't let go of either of those mods. Can you help me find what mod is causing the crashing or find a compromise.

My game keeps randomly crashing and the crash report pop up isn't telling me which mod is responsible for the crash. I suspect its war and ai tweaks and/or Europe map project but I can't let go of either of those mods. Can you help me find what mod is causing the crashing or find a compromise. submitted by Wonderful-Sir250 to Bannerlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:24 Buzziday Entry Level Auto Technician – Team Member – Henley Enterprises Inc.

Entry Level Auto Technician – Team Member – Henley Enterprises Inc. submitted by Buzziday to TheDailyUnfold [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:12 Apprehensive_Eye_119 🚀 Just rendered my first triangle using WebGPU! 🌟 Leveraged the power of TypeScript, Webpack, and Yarn to make it happen. The future of web graphics is here, and it's looking amazing! 💻✨ #WebGPU #TypeScript #WebDev #GraphicsProgramming #Webpack #Yarn #Coding #TechInnovation

🚀 Just rendered my first triangle using WebGPU! 🌟 Leveraged the power of TypeScript, Webpack, and Yarn to make it happen. The future of web graphics is here, and it's looking amazing! 💻✨ #WebGPU #TypeScript #WebDev #GraphicsProgramming #Webpack #Yarn #Coding #TechInnovation submitted by Apprehensive_Eye_119 to u/Apprehensive_Eye_119 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:47 InfamousDucky Can't increase my weights

Can't increase weights for my lifts
Hello. I'm fairly new to fitness. I've been going consistently 4x a week since Oct 2023 so roughly 7 months. My goal was to get a more asthetic phisque as I've always been "skinny fat"
I've been tracking my weights for the past 7 months and here are my main lifts and weight(s):
Body weight: 6'2" 235 -> 218 Calories: 1700-1900 * i wanted to cut slowly as I've had a bad habit in the past of bouncing up and down in weight due to essentially starving myself then binge eatting * honestly dont track my macros but its primarily protien and fat based, I try to cut out sugars and carbs
How do I increase my weight in these lifts. I've tried deloading and also lowering more my weights and doing more reps but it seems like i always get to these weights and I get stuck. I think my beat educated guess is I'm not eatting enough - I have an odd fear of gaining weight and I just really want to reach my physique goals.
Do you guys have any advice regarding this. Thank you all in adcmvanced, willing to answer more questions.
Was posted to fitness but was auto removed. Maybe not the right place to ask.
submitted by InfamousDucky to bodybuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:37 Suitable-Matter-6151 I was hit by an ambulance today and they admitted fault. What to expect?

Hello, today I was driving and was hit by an ambulance. I was on a two way street, two lanes on each side. I was in the right lane and about to cross an intersection. The right line was straight and right turn only, while the left lane was left turn only. There was an ambulance sitting in the left turn lane with no signal or emergency lights on. I drove past it on the right, going straight across the intersection, when suddenly the ambulance starts turning right on the intersection from the left turn lane, directly into my car. Again, he did not have his emergency lights on or a turn signal on at all.
Really weird too because it wasn’t like he just pulled up to that lane, he was sitting there already as I came up to the intersection. In a joking sense, it was really like he waited for my car to be right next to him before he turned into me. Obviously that wasn’t the case, but that’s pretty much what happened.
Police came, got a report. The driver said sorry to me and that was his fault, and that he didn’t realize he didn’t have his lights on. My car was side-swiped and it looks ugly but functional and no airbags went off. It’s a two year old car I bought new. Damage will be costly as two panels, the rear driver door and one wheel will just need to be replaced. I have a good auto body shop I trust that does excellent work.
The insurance from the ambulance is listed as “VA Assoc of Counties Group Self Insured”. I guess I’ll be dealing with the county? They’re not open now so I can’t talk to them.
Will this be worse than dealing with a private insurance company?
Will my car be completely repaired to pre-accident condition?
Will I be able to use my shop that I prefer? (they charge normal area market price, I used them once before for a different accident a while ago, but I pretty much only trust my car with them)
And I did already report the accident to my insurance, which is not a great company (not geico but similar) but my coverage is good.
submitted by Suitable-Matter-6151 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:23 Buzziday Auto Technician – No Experience Needed – Henley Enterprises Inc.

Auto Technician – No Experience Needed – Henley Enterprises Inc. submitted by Buzziday to TheDailyUnfold [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:09 Shinhosuck1973 Implementing CSS on HTML Email

Implementing CSS on HTML Email
I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but does anybody know the correct way to implement CSS on HTML email? Some CSS works, but not all. Example, I do not think this block of snippets are working. Way too much space between h1 and h3 tag. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
::before, ::after, * { padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; box-sizing: border-box !important; } .container { width: 95%; margin: 0 auto; display: grid !important; align-content: start !important; gap: 1rem; color: black; }


{{ full_name }}

Thank you for subscribing to our new letter.

Visit Pawpal
submitted by Shinhosuck1973 to css [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:55 Bananao_a_parmesana Game freezes for a while and comes back when i enter in combat or use VATS for the first time in a room. Actually i think it's when the enemy's body explode idk.

Well this one is quite strange, every time I enter combat or use VATS on someone for the first time in a different room, the game freezes for about 2 seconds and then returns to normal. But it could also be when I blow up someone's body, because sometimes the game freezes when I shoot someone's corpse and it explodes.
I don't know what to do anymore, so I'm here to ask for help, please.
mods list: FalloutNV.esm Simple Open Strip.esm New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esm Strip Lighting Overhaul.esp Vanilla UI Plus.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp GeneralLightingOverhaul.esp Strip Lights Region Fix.esp Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.esp PowderIsTheNewBlack.esp WeAreLegion.esp BrotherhoodReforged.esp Little More Lamplight.esp AfterglowNeonIllumination.esp Heat Haze.esp JustDynamicCrosshair.esp JustHitIndicator.esp JustHoldBreath.esp JustHitMarker.esp JustVanillaSprint.esp JustVisualObjectives.esp LaserRifleReplacer.esp Mojave Nights.esp UniqueBooks.esp Windows of the Mojave v1.2.1.esp YellowGoodbye.esp JustWeaponHweel.esp 
submitted by Bananao_a_parmesana to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 westwardway Side Swiped

Side Swiped
Uninsured motorist fucked my car up. Estimate on Tuesday to see if it’s fixable. If it is fixable I will have to pay a 1k deductible through my own insurance to the auto body shop of my choice before I can pick my car up.
submitted by westwardway to WRX [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:42 Bananao_a_parmesana [FNV] Game freezes for a while and comes back when i enter in combat or use VATS for the first time in a room. Actually i think it's when the enemy's body explode idk.

Well this one is quite strange, every time I enter combat or use VATS on someone for the first time in a different room, the game freezes for about 2 seconds and then returns to normal. But it could also be when I blow up someone's body, because sometimes the game freezes when I shoot someone's corpse and it explodes.
I don't know what to do anymore, so I'm here to ask for help, please.
mods list: FalloutNV.esm Simple Open Strip.esm New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esm Strip Lighting Overhaul.esp Vanilla UI Plus.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp GeneralLightingOverhaul.esp Strip Lights Region Fix.esp Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.esp PowderIsTheNewBlack.esp WeAreLegion.esp BrotherhoodReforged.esp Little More Lamplight.esp AfterglowNeonIllumination.esp Heat Haze.esp JustDynamicCrosshair.esp JustHitIndicator.esp JustHoldBreath.esp JustHitMarker.esp JustVanillaSprint.esp JustVisualObjectives.esp LaserRifleReplacer.esp Mojave Nights.esp UniqueBooks.esp Windows of the Mojave v1.2.1.esp YellowGoodbye.esp JustWeaponHweel.esp 
submitted by Bananao_a_parmesana to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:25 adamussoTLK Gta VC 100%

Gta VC 100%
Proud of this, only remaining this is the platinum, i only have Take the Cannoli left (which I left to the end haha 😓)
submitted by adamussoTLK to GTATrilogy [link] [comments]