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I want to touch Shinri's.... um..

2024.05.18 14:11 Zealousideal_Type884 I want to touch Shinri's.... um..

I want to touch Shinri's.... um.. submitted by Zealousideal_Type884 to Holostars [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:43 Other_Survey_6079 In-Depth Analysis: PotentStream Prostate Health Supplement

This comprehensive review explores PotentStream, a liquid supplement designed to enhance prostate health. Available exclusively online for $69 per bottle, this supplement utilizes a combination of natural ingredients to effectively address prostate health issues, primarily focusing on the toxic mineral buildup from hard water.

Crafted in the USA with Premium Standards

PotentStream is produced in the United States, using 100% natural ingredients in facilities that are both FDA-registered and GMP-certified. This ensures that the product meets high standards of quality and safety.

Key Ingredients of PotentStream

The supplement contains a potent mix of natural ingredients like wakame leaf extract, saw palmetto, and kelp powder—each known for their beneficial effects on prostate health. These ingredients are specifically chosen to enhance their combined health benefits effectively.

Risk-Free Purchase with a Money-Back Guarantee

Every bottle of PotentStream comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, allowing customers to try the product with minimal risk.

Benefits of PotentStream

Supports Normal Prostate Size

PotentStream aims to maintain a healthy prostate size, which is crucial for proper urinary function.

Improves Urinary Health and Flow

In addition to promoting prostate health, PotentStream is also designed to enhance urinary flow, which is a significant concern for many men facing prostate issues.

Targets Harmful Toxic Buildup

The primary goal of PotentStream is to address and mitigate the toxic buildup that contributes to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Comprised of Scientifically Supported Natural Ingredients

The formula includes ingredients chosen for their natural health benefits and backed by scientific research, ensuring their efficacy and safety.

How PotentStream Works

PotentStream employs a unique blend of natural components, including various types of seaweed, to cleanse the body of harmful minerals and metals from water associated with prostate health problems.
Get PotentStream from the Official Website for Guaranteed Freshness!

The Scientific Basis for PotentStream

The formula is developed with insights from research indicating that prostate enlargement may be linked to environmental pollutants like heavy metals found in water.

Insights into PotentStream Ingredients

Neem Oil

Prominent in the PotentStream formula, neem oil is renowned for its health properties, including its ability to reduce the risk of prostate issues.


Extracted from seaweed in the supplement, iodine is crucial for maintaining hormone balance and overall male health.

Saw Palmetto Oil

This ingredient is essential for prostate health, widely recognized for its effectiveness in treating urinary and prostate issues.

Seaweed Extracts

Including nori yaki, wakame, and kelp, these extracts are rich in iodine and have been associated with reduced prostate health problems in areas with high seaweed consumption.
Order PotentStream Now for Proactive Prostate Health Management!

Recommended Usage

It is advised to take one full dropper of PotentStream every morning, which can be administered directly or mixed with a beverage for easier consumption.

Expected Results

Many users of PotentStream have reported improvements in urinary health, stronger flow, better bladder emptying, and overall improved prostate function.

Cost-Effective Pricing and Offers

PotentStream is offered at competitive prices, especially when purchased in bulk. These packages often include free shipping and additional bonus eBooks.
Secure a Special Discount on PotentStream Here!


PotentStream provides a robust and safe approach to managing prostate and urinary health issues, using carefully selected natural ingredients supported by a comprehensive guarantee, making it an excellent choice for enhancing prostate health.

Exclusive Availability of PotentStream Through the “OFFICIAL WEBSITE”

For those considering natural options for prostate health, PotentStream offers a well-supported and effective solution, backed by scientific research and positive reviews from users.

Additional Resources

For more insights and user experiences, watch the detailed video review of PotentStream on YouTube, offering more detailed information to help you make an informed decision.
Watch the Full Video Review of PotentStream Here!
submitted by Other_Survey_6079 to u/Other_Survey_6079 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:51 ExoCakes Need help with Yaki plot

I did as the post and the top comment has said of this post but I'm not getting any mission on talking to the Yaki boss after I tell Delilah that the Yaki aren't a threat after I blew up their amplifier (with 100 mines and pause + boost trick). Do I need to be hostile with the Yaki first before I get the mission to talk to the boss? or I did this out of order and was supposed to tell Delilah they aren't a threat first and then destroy the Amplifier. Or I need to wait for some time first to get the mission.
edit: or do I need to do haktivah revolution first to get Dal Busta?
submitted by ExoCakes to X4Foundations [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 11:59 InsaneDwayne23 Mandato do Rui Costa

Agora que o mandato do Rui Costa está no último ano, tomei a liberdade de voltar atrás e ver o seu programa eleitoral e ver o que foi feito ou não.
Logo à cabeça está a casa do sócio no Estádio da Luz. Alguém me sabe dizer onde é que isso se situa?
Reforçar a transparência e a proximidade para com os socios da gestão do clube. É o que se vê.
Reforçar as condições de conforto no estádio. Isto para mim é cagativo, mas a minha cadeira é a mesma de há 10 anos atrás quando tive redpass. Não cumpriu.
Ter um Benfica focado numa liderança desportiva sustentável. E neste ponto está, a retenção dos jovens da formação, e o aproximar da comunicação dos adeptos. Está a vista de todos a proximidade que eles têm tido de nós quando nem um autocarro podemos receber, e a pressa com que querem vender o Neves e o Toni.
Prometeu lutar por 10 títulos anuais nas nossas modalidades e o reforço do posicionamento de liderança nas 5 modalidades de pavilhão e lutar por títulos europeus.
No que toca a vida democrática do clube,
Tem no programa o reforço dos mecanismos de rigor e transparência do modo como o clube é gerido.
Reforço da participação e interação física ou digital dos sócios do clube.
Manter uma grande proximidade aos associados, quer tenham visões convergentes ou divergentes da direcção do clube. Este é para rir, que o digam o Alberto Miguens e o Sérgio Engrácia.
Respeitar o fair play financeiro ( veremos ate quando)
A integração de ex atletas na construção se equipas ganhadoras. Neste ponto não vou comentar, não conheço as equipas técnicas do clube. Mas visto aos resultados, não estão a ser ganhadoras.
O 9o ponto fala nas infraestruturas.
Fala na casa do sócio, que não existe. E que da jeito.
Valorização do ambiente geral de visionamento dos jogos.
Modificar os ecrãs.
Modificar os painéis publicitários.
Trocar as luzes para leds.
O 10 e último ponto fala no reforço da posição do Benfica como o maior clube português no futebol e nas modalidades.
A isto tudo ele ainda prmoeteu divulgar os resultados da auditoria às contas que levaram o Vieira a ser preso, e a revisão estatutária.
Portanto, olhando para as propostas dele e como tem corrido a vida do Benfica de 2021 até 2024, sendo que há eleições em 2025, que ilações podemos tirar daqui?
O Rui prometeu muito, e mesmo não tendo votado nele, acho que o voto de confiança foi geral em 2021. Infelizmente as únicas coisas que o rui cumpriu praticamente foi meter ecrãs e leds.
No resto falhou. Especialmente no que toca à vida democrática do clube.
Se não acreditarem em mim, têm aqui o programa eleitoral dele.
submitted by InsaneDwayne23 to benfica [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:59 HalfFace23 Qual a melhor opção bancária para conta conjunta?

Boas, malta. Juntei-me com a mulher há uns meses. Chegou o momento em que necessitamos de uma conta conjunta para realizarmos os pagamentos das despesas de casa ao invés de ser um a suportar ou de estar mal gerido. O objetivo será ambos depositarem/transferirem para a dita conta e os débitos diretos e compras por cartão serem subtraidas daí. Eu utilizo o Montepio, por comodidade, e ela usa o Millennium por influência dos pais. Ambos estamos dispostos a mudar, se vantajoso. Aconselham a abertura da conta conjunta em entidades bancárias "tradicionais" (Montepio, CGD, Millennium, etc) ou utilizar os bancos "online" (revolute e afins)?
submitted by HalfFace23 to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 23:38 bobux-man Permacultura e Florestas de Alimentos.

Permacultura e Florestas de Alimentos.
Este post traduzirá três vídeos do YouTube sobre permacultura e florestas alimentares (food forests). Eu deixarei links para os vídeos originais.

What is Permaculture? - Oregon State University Ecampus

A permacultura, cunhada pelo cofundador Bill Mollison, é uma combinação das palavras “Permanente” e “Agricultura”. A permacultura é um sistema de design eticamente baseado para a habitação humana que está em harmonia com o mundo natural. Como disse Mollison: “É a integração harmoniosa da paisagem e das pessoas, fornecendo alimentos, energia, abrigo e outras necessidades materiais e imateriais de forma sustentável”.
É claro que não se pode ter uma agricultura de permacultura sem uma cultura que a apoie e, portanto, a Permacultura também é “Cultura Permanente”.
Vamos falar sobre a palavra “Permanente” por um minuto. Permanente significa algo estável e duradouro. Quando algo é permanente, pode continuar indefinidamente sem alteração. Portanto, quando falamos de alimentos, água, energia e abrigo, estamos a falar de sistemas e estruturas concebidos para durar e não se degradar. A Agricultura Permanente é sustentável; tem a capacidade de sustentar indefinidamente. E para que os sistemas de alimentação, água, energia e abrigo possam ser sustentáveis, então também precisam de criar mais energia do que a necessária para produzir, para se regenerarem. E esse é o tipo de projetos e estruturas que criamos com a Permacultura, aqueles que são regenerativos de solos, água limpa, alimentos saudáveis, materiais de construção e biodiversidade natural.

How We Can Make Solarpunk A Reality - Andrewism

  • Nota; esta tradução é apenas um trecho do vídeo, sobre florestas de alimentos.
[...] Parte do nosso objectivo é o desenvolvimento radical da autonomia alimentar comunitária através de bens comuns florestais alimentares.
Uma floresta alimentar, ou jardim florestal, é uma plantação diversificada de plantas comestíveis que tenta imitar os ecossistemas e padrões encontrados na natureza. Eles pretendem ser tridimensionais, com a vida se estendendo para cima, para baixo e para fora em todas as direções. As florestas alimentares estão enraizadas nos princípios da permacultura. Our Changing Climate já tem um excelente vídeo sobre permacultura que você pode conferir, e provavelmente deveria assistir meu vídeo sobre permablitzing também, mas, para simplificar, a permacultura é uma filosofia de design que integra terra, recursos, pessoas e meio ambiente por meio de sinergias mutuamente benéficas, imitando os sistemas diversos, harmoniosos, estáveis, resilientes, sem desperdício e de circuito fechado vistos na natureza.
A permacultura procura trabalhar com, e não contra, a natureza.
A propósito, as florestas alimentares não são novidade. Nos trópicos, da Índia à Indonésia, às Américas e à África, tais práticas eram o padrão e têm funcionado há milhares de anos.
A exuberante Amazônia, frequentemente chamada de pulmão da Terra, tem sido cuidadosamente cultivada pelos povos indígenas há milênios.
  • Nota do tradutor; como demonstrado neste vídeo, no Pará.
Os caçadores-coletores sabiam quais áreas produziam quais alimentos e medicamentos desejáveis, e isso informava seus movimentos e ações, incentivando o desenvolvimento e a reprodução de certas floras. Com apenas um pouco de esforço, eles se sustentaram por gerações.
Num caso, uma floresta alimentar em Marrocos persiste há 2.000 anos, fornecendo tamareiras, bananas, azeitonas, figos, romãs, goiabas, citrinos e amoras à comunidade.
Geoff Lawton, o proeminente consultor de permacultura que escreveu sobre este lugar, também encontrou uma floresta alimentar de 300 anos no Vietnã, que tinha sido cultivada pela mesma família durante 28 gerações.
No entanto, quando os colonizadores chegaram a terra firme durante a era primária da conquista colonial, acharam que as áreas selvagens deveriam ser exploradas, em vez de sistemas geridos para cuidar e deixar como legado para as gerações futuras.
Então, como é uma floresta alimentar? Bem, não é um terreno com fileiras de árvores, ou fileiras de árvores e algumas plantas embaixo, ou fileiras de árvores com fileiras de outras plantas alternando entre elas. (leve risada) Esses são apenas tipos de pomares.
Uma floresta alimentar é um ecossistema vivo de múltiplas camadas, praticamente autossustentável, que permite que a natureza faça o trabalho. O modelo de floresta alimentar mais popular copia cuidadosamente uma floresta natural bem-sucedida e consiste em sete camadas: árvores altas, árvores baixas, arbustos, ervas, coberturas do solo, vinhas e tubérculos.
Antes mesmo de começar a colocar as camadas, você precisa se reunir com sua comunidade, grupo catalisador, clube de jardinagem ou qualquer outra coisa para escolher um local e criar um plano.
De acordo com startafoodforest.com, uma vez totalmente estabelecido, o que leva cerca de cinco anos (mais ou menos), pode ser necessário apenas 1/30 de um acre, ou cerca de 1.450 pés quadrados (mais ou menos 135 metros quadrados) de floresta alimentar, para sustentar uma pessoa durante um ano.
Veja se você pode compartilhar terrenos com vizinhos caso não tenha espaço suficiente.
Você planta as árvores altas, ou overstory primeiro, mantendo seu tamanho adulto em mente enquanto as espaça. As árvores altas constroem o solo e proporcionam alguma sombra, ao mesmo tempo que deixam a luz passar para as outras plantas da floresta. Podem ser árvores frutíferas, nogueiras ou, com algumas podas, apenas fontes de madeira.
  • Nota do tradutor; bambu é uma fonte interessante de "madeira", por seu crescimento rápido.
Depois que as árvores altas tiverem algum tempo para se estabelecer, você pode plantar o sub-bosque ou árvores baixas. Essas podem ser as versões anãs das árvores altas, ou você pode introduzir inteiramente novas frutas e nozes.
Se você não tiver muito espaço para um jardim florestal completo de sete camadas, o sub-bosque pode funcionar como a camada mais alta da floresta, se você preferir.
Em seguida, plante a camada arbustiva, que pode ser uma das camadas mais populosas da floresta alimentar. Alguns arbustos adoram a luz solar, enquanto outros adoram sombra, por isso você pode encontrá-los por todo o jardim. Quer sejam avelãs, bambus, rosas ou mirtilos, é aqui que as preferências podem realmente brilhar. Cabe à comunidade determinar o que todos vocês estão tentando incorporar, seja comida, artesanato, plantas ornamentais, pássaros, insetos, plantas nativas, exóticas ou apenas biodiversidade bruta.
Depois que as camadas de árvores altas, sub-bosque e arbustos estiverem estabelecidas, você poderá passar para a camada de ervas. As ervas são geralmente definidas como qualquer vegetação não lenhosa, sejam flores, vegetais ou plantas culinárias como o tomilho. As ervas gostam de sol na maioria dos casos, então plante-as onde houver espaço e sol para crescer.
Algumas ervas são superespalhadoras, como a hortelã, então considere mantê-las em canteiros elevados ou vasos. Enquanto isso, outras ervas, como a cannabis, podem crescer diretamente.
Eu recomendo selecionar auto-semeadoras e perenes, mas se houver algumas plantas anuais que você deseja incluir, tudo bem também.
Porém, coloque as ervas em vasos e dê-lhes algum tempo para se acumularem adequadamente antes de colocá-las no solo.
Em seguida, você planta a cobertura do solo. Eles fornecem ainda mais alimento e habitat, aconchegados entre arbustos e ervas. Esses abraçadores de solo incluem folhas verdes como alface e doces como morangos. Eles protegem sua floresta alimentar de ervas daninhas invasoras, não lhes dando espaço para criar raízes.
E por falar em enraizar, você também pode trazer as duas últimas camadas da floresta alimentar: a camada de raiz e a camada de videira.
Um sobe e o outro desce para o chão. Para a camada de raiz, opte por culturas com raízes superficiais, como batata-doce, alho e cebola. Se você não colher todos, o apodrecimento das raízes acrescenta um pouco de húmus saudável ao solo.
Para as vinhas, como abóbora, pepino e uvas, claro que você pode adicionar treliças e cercas para orientar seu crescimento, mas fazê-las subir nas árvores e espalhar-se pelo chão da floresta é mais legítimo, na minha opinião.
Porém, tenha cuidado ao adicionar muitos, você não quer que eles estrangulem suas plantas.
E, tipo, é isso. Não se esqueça dos caminhos, é claro. E quero dizer, talvez você possa acrescentar algumas galinhas? Mas não é um requisito.
Os benefícios das florestas alimentares, uma vez estabelecidas, são inúmeros.
  1. sequestram carbono;
  2. esfriam levemente o clima;
  3. fornecem habitat para a vida selvagem;
  4. desenvolvem resiliência através da biodiversidade;
  5. enriquecem o solo;
  6. proporcionam beleza e tranquilidade;
  7. proporcionam grandes rendimentos;
  8. atraiam insetos e polinizadores benéficos;
  9. e produzem sua própria cobertura morta, composto e fertilizante.
Tudo isso com muito pouca manutenção e zero herbicidas e pesticidas prejudiciais, capina, rotação de culturas, corte ou escavação excessiva.
Seja paciente, observe o seu ambiente e trabalhe bem com a sua comunidade para fazer as cidades, os subúrbios e o campo florescerem.
[Fim do trecho]

A Quick Guide to Permablitzing - Andrewism

Estamos no processo de colapso climático.
As florestas estão sendo arrasadas, os incêndios estão aumentando, as inundações estão destruindo casas, as espécies estão morrendo, os furacões estão piorando e os lucros continuam a encher os bolsos daqueles que estão acima de nós.
Já sabemos quem é responsável.
Este vídeo procura fornecer apenas uma resposta à questão do que podemos fazer em relação à nossa crise das crises. É um empreendimento enorme, mas devemos trabalhar juntos para proteger a nós mesmos, às nossas famílias e às nossas comunidades. Não podemos confiar que os nossos governos cuidem de nós e não podemos confiar que as empresas mudem os seus hábitos. Devemos nos unir e construir uma sociedade melhor na casca do velho. A tática que estou prestes a delinear é apenas uma parte da nossa estratégia para preparar as nossas comunidades para o próximo capítulo da humanidade. Vamos conversar sobre Permablitzing.
O que é Permablitz?
"Permablitz" é uma contração de "permacultura" e "blitz".
Permacultura é um sistema de design baseado na vida sustentável, e blitz é a palavra alemã para relâmpago, que é basicamente o que é permablitzing. Um permablitz é uma aplicação rápida, focada e organizada de energia, por uma comunidade, para transformar um espaço em um dia para implementar um sistema de permacultura.
Pelo que sei, o movimento permablitzing começou na Austrália, embora tenha se expandido para a Nova Zelândia, Canadá, Uganda, Hong Kong, Turquia, Itália, Portugal, Marrocos e Havai.
Através da permacultura e, por extensão, do permablitzing, você pode aprender sobre:
  • horticultura,
  • pecuária,
  • topografia,
  • pensamento sistêmico,
  • apicultura,
  • compostagem,
  • reciclagem,
  • carpintaria,
  • encanamento,
  • operação de máquinas pesadas,
  • mecânica,
  • silvicultura,
  • preservação de alimentos,
  • culinária,
  • manejo de espécies invasoras,
  • melhoramento e reprodução de plantas,
  • facilitação da diversidade genética,
  • mitigação e adaptação às perturbações climáticas,
  • gestão de resíduos e água,
  • e desenvolvimento de energia alternativa.
E isso não é tudo!
Você também pode aprender sobre:
  1. Biologia, o estudo dos organismos vivos;
  2. ecologia, o estudo das relações entre ambientes e organismos;
  3. geologia, o estudo dos processos da Terra;
  4. geografia, o estudo da interação humana com as propriedades da Terra;
  5. pedologia, o estudo do solo;
  6. hidrologia, o estudo dos sistemas hídricos;
  7. micologia, o estudo dos fungos;
  8. fitoterapia, o estudo da medicina vegetal;
  9. vermicultura, cultivo de minhocas;
  10. aquicultura, cultivo de espécies de água doce e salgada;
  11. hidroponia, cultivo de plantas sem solo;
  12. e aquaponia, o cultivo de plantas hidropônicas dentro de um sistema de aquicultura.
Você também pode adquirir muito conhecimento estudando as práticas indígenas da sua região.
E isso sem mencionar a experiência que você ganhará na organização, construção de movimentos, facilitação de grupos, consultoria, redação, ensino, gestão de conflitos, desenvolvimento de economia alternativa, defesa da justiça social e tratamento de questões jurídicas.
Os permablitzes são um grande espaço para radicalizar e ser radicalizado, para educar e ser educado. Você pode aprender sobre permacultura e jardinagem, construir redes comunitárias, conhecer pessoas apaixonadas, compartilhar boa comida, fazer exercícios e se divertir muito.
Os permablitzes geralmente são planejados ou assistidos (no sentido de "assistência") por alguém com certificado em design de permacultura, que você pode obter online. Na verdade, esta playlist da Oregon State University (Universidade Estadual de Oregon) contém todas as informações de que você precisa para começar.
Os permablitzers geralmente estabelecem refúgios de jardins comestíveis e sustentáveis em quintais, mas o permablitzing também pode ser usado para construir jardins abertos e gratuitos para toda a comunidade. Fique atento a quaisquer terrenos vazios em sua vizinhança e torne-os benéficos para todos.
Os permablitzes funcionam com base na ajuda mútua. Quando você contribui para o quintal de outras pessoas, outros contribuirão para o seu quintal. Os suprimentos também vêm dessa "rede/network".
Cada membro pode voluntariamente oferecer algo, seja sementes, solo, madeira, composto, jornal, mudas, galinhas ou experiência. Todos são bem-vindos, independentemente do nível de conhecimento ou habilidade física, e se você nunca fez jardinagem ou organização antes, um permablitz é um ótimo lugar para começar.
Mas como você começa a fazer permablitzing?
Como fazer Permablitz?
Bem, primeiro você precisa se conectar com pessoas. Se não houver um grupo de permablitzing em sua comunidade, crie um. Ou se encontre com um grupo ambientalista existente e trabalhe com eles para estabelecer a autonomia alimentar da comunidade. Você pode trabalhar com qualquer quantidade de pessoas, mas quanto mais melhor. Tente envolver o máximo de pessoas possível.
Escolha um local de partida, seja um quintal ou um terreno vazio, e marque um dia para o permablitz. Obtenha o consenso de todos, delegue quem está trazendo o quê e quem está fazendo o quê e acorde bem cedo para começar.
Há todo tipo de trabalho a ser feito:
  • movimentação de solo, estrume e composto;
  • cobertura morta;
  • plantar árvores e mudas;
  • instalação de coletores de chuva;
  • poda e capina;
  • trabalhos de construção, como canteiros elevados, caixas de compostagem, galinheiros ou hotéis para insetos;
  • e cavar sistemas de irrigação.
Ao longo do dia, podem ocorrer skillshares (compartilhamento de habilidades) e mini-workshops, tanto formais como informais. As skillshares podem ensinar coisas como plantar sementes; podar árvores frutíferas; configurar sistemas de compostagem; usar ferramentas; criar plantadores ou canteiros elevados; etc, e mini-workshops podem explicar os elementos do design da permacultura (como os benefícios dos canteiros elevados), sistemas de jardinagem sem escavação, tipos de plantas comestíveis, como funciona a compostagem e muitas outras coisas.
E, claro, o anfitrião ou um grupo de voluntários deve contribuir para fornecer almoço para todos.
Lembre-se, o objetivo é completar um jardim de permacultura totalmente sustentável até o final do dia, mas não tente morder mais do que consegue mastigar. Seja realista com seus objetivos, considerando a quantidade de voluntários com quem você terá que trabalhar.
Esperançosamente, à noite, todos poderão dar um passo para trás e admirar a transformação.
Permablitz concluído.
Para obter mais informações, confira permablitz.net, e também a playlist que mencionei anteriormente. Boa sorte.
O permablitz por si só não será suficiente, mas é um começo. Um mundo melhor é possível e você pode ajudar a criá-lo. Paz.

Alguns vídeos adicionais

How 8000 Food Forests Grew Africa's Great Green Wall
Is this the future of farming?
Eu não irei traduzir estes últimos vídeos, pois são mais de um, relativamente longos, e nem tenho certeza se são 100% confiáveis. Vou dar uma breve resumida.
Uma empresa, Planet Wild, que não sei se é legítima, em parceria com uma outra organização, Trees for the Future, ensinaram fazendeiros de Senegal, na África, como criar florestas de alimentos. Isto, supostamente, ajudou a reduzir a fome nestas famílias, e com a nova fonte de renda, eles agora conseguiam mandar suas crianças para a escola. E, como sabemos, a educação é uma forte ferramenta para a mobilidade social.
Eu não sei dizer se isso tudo é completa bullshit (mentira), porque no fim do dia essas ainda são corporações, mas eu acho sim que poderia ser interessante fazer coisas parecidas em regiões mais pobres do nosso país, como o Nordeste e Norte.
How We Created a Thriving Permaculture Food Forest on .03 Acres
Também não irei traduzir, só estou mostrando como um exemplo de que você não precisa de tanto espaço assim. De acordo ao Google, .03 acres parecem ser 121 metros quadrados. Se você se organizar em um grupo, que logo terá um orçamento ainda maior, tenho certeza de que terrenos ainda maiores possam ser obtidos.
Amazing 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest - An Invitation for Wildness
Não irei traduzir, pois já tem legendas em português. Compartilhando por ser um exemplo do que uma floresta de alimentos parece quando tem 23 anos de idade.


Chegamos ao fim deste post.
Existem alguns outros vídeos sobre o assunto (permacultura, floresta de alimentos) no YouTube brasileiro. Recomendo darem uma pesquisada.
submitted by bobux-man to SolarpunkBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:46 TwZPwnZ Há com cada um....

Há com cada um.... submitted by TwZPwnZ to merdasdoolx [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 13:47 Medium_Small_ManJR Descer e estabilizar o clube OU ficar na Segunda Liga e arriscar lutar pela manutenção novamente?

Com a (muito) possível descida à porta, tenho aqui andando a pensar...
Será que é assim tão mau descer de divisão? Óbvio que esta época foi horrível e a maioria dos jogos foram um suplicio de assistir. Era bom o Belenenses ter uma estrutura suficientemente boa para o futebol profissional, mas acho que este ano provou que não estamos preparados.
A novela das subidas seguidas foi histórica, mas a verdade é que o Belenenses não estava preparado para esta subida à Segunda Divisão. Fomos vitimas do nosso próprio sucesso e durante 5-6 anos vivemos uma realidade alternativa em que nada correu mal.
Agora levámos com um balde de água fria em cima!
O Belenenses é um clube de primeira, com adeptos, história e estádio de primeira, mas com uma estrutura bem mais abaixo.
Reparem como o Leiria e o Torreense, que têm estruturas e projetos bem compostos, se adaptaram ao futebol profissional depois de chegarem da Liga 3. E reparem quem andou na rua da amargura este ano...
O LANK, um projeto inacabado e mal gerido, desceu.
O Belenenses, um projeto feito à pressa, está prestes a descer.
O Feirense a cada ano que passa está pior.
O Leixões é o que se sabe já há muitos anos e lá se safou (vamos ver como será pela secretaria...)
A Oliveirense já é típico andar nestes patamares da competição.
Tendo isto em conta, sinceramente não sei se era assim tão mau descer, estabilizar a equipa na Liga 3 e subir com um projeto capaz de se manter no futebol profissional.
Mesmo ficando na Segunda Liga este ano (não acredito que vá acontecer), acho que para o ano os problemas vão ser os mesmos e estaremos a adiar o inevitável.
View Poll
submitted by Medium_Small_ManJR to belenenses [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:19 FooolishFelllow [S] Fool's Pokemon Survivor Season 3: Your Favorites!

This season was intense to say the least. I cannot wait for yall to see this mess of a season. This time around we are going to Dewford Town in Hoenn for an epic Island based Survivor Season. Who will win? Who will be the unexpected fan favorite? Who will be good enough to return for season 6? Do the returnees even stand a chance?
Also, just to clarify something. Tommy has been replaced with Valerie from season 1 for gender balancing. Also, the first boot won't be a co-host this season.
Ep1: You never know what's there until you check (Lilac)
All 12 newbies are brought out and separated into four gender specific tribes. Two male and two female. Then Bubble, Valerie, Sean, and Libra are brought and they stand with their respective tribes. The castaways all cheer in excitement as they head to the first reward challenge. The Wili, Lasa, and Vuku tribe win immunity in that order as Yaki fail to finish on time. Flicker takes the leadership position and nominates Lilac as the weakest to go to exile. Over on exile Lilac is pissed at her tribe and searches relentlessly for the idol while having fun in nature. While flipping over a rock to look for cool bugs she finds the idol. She returns to her tribe for the immunity challenge and they lose horrifically. At the Vuku camp Exu teases Bubble for not being able to win survivor which leads to an argument. Afterwards Sandy and Exu make fun of Bubble behind his back some more. On the Wili tribe Leafy asks everyone else why they had to get the weakest returning player which leads to an argument between her and Libra. Lastly at the Yaki Flicker expresses to Valerie how she loved her season 1 and how she is exited to work with her. Lilac starts working on the shelter to prove her worth to the tribe and injures herself. At tribal council Vivi doesn't like how close Flicker is with Valerie so her and Lilac vote Flicker. This results in a tie where Lilac plays her idol. Flicker holds back tears as Ivy-Luxe snuffs her torch.
Ep2: It's like going to a funeral in a hot pink suit (Libra)
The tribes arrive and realize they are being condensed into two tribes. Bubble and Lilac are selected as tribe captains and begin the schoolyard pick. After all this Blake isn't selected and goes to exile. The new Lasa tribe wins reward. Over on exile Blake doesn't really care to look for the idol so he kinda chills. With the food from the reward Lasa wins immunity. At the Lasa camp Valerie is upset with Lilac who just brushes her off. Libra also realizes the returning players will be targeted so she makes a little alliance with Jennifer and Matt. Faus spends the whole afternoon napping after giving his all in the challenge. At the new Wili camp Sandy and Aqua bond strongly over both being dragon types. Leafy also goes to Vivi and they talk about their families and how Leafy wishes her parents were still around like Vivi's. This comes off more as a bonding moment than a sour moment. Exu and Sandy who were on the same starting tribe link up and make an alliance with Leafy and Laurel. Bubble pushes the vote towards Vivi but Exu and Sandy don't care and vote him off. Ivy-Luxe can't hold it and and she laughs in Bubble's face. She even jokingly asks why production even brought him back in the first place.
Ep3: Oh the Irony (Libra)
Valerie sees that Bubble is gone and almost dies laughing. Also, Blake joins the Wili tribe and they win reward. They all agree to send Lilac to exile. Then the Wili tribe dominate the immunity challenge. At the Lasa camp Valerie and Faus make a connection and they form a little duo. Over on the Wili tribe Aqua and Leafy get into a public argument . In the meantime Blake and Sandy joked around. Exu watches Aqua and Leafy arguing and sides with Aqua. After this he leaves his alliance with Leafy and forms a new one with Aqua and Sandy. Vivi rests for the afternoon while her family makes sure nobody is throwing out her name. Tribal council gets chaotic with Valerie and Sean trying to say Matt flunked in the challenge while Libra is saying they should target the threats. This ends in a close 4-3 vote with Valerie going right after her enemy in Bubble went. Ivy-Luxe chuckles at the irony at she snuffs Valerie's torch.
Ep4: The Dragons in Shining Armor (Sandy)
The Wili tribe continue their streak and win reward. This time they send Jennifer to exile. On exile Jennifer searches extremely hard to find nothing. Afterwards they clutch immunity. Back at the Lasa camp Jennifer's distaste for Matt grows and she leaves her alliance only to form another one with Libra and Lilac. At the Wili tribe Sandy and Laurel dump Leafy to make a dragon alliance with Aqua and Blake who sorta counts. Tribal is bland as Sean goes unanimously. Ivy-Luxe begins to worry for Libra but she still chuckles at Sean going after a very invisible run on this season.
Ep5: I'm an Explorer by Nature (Sandy)
The Lasa tribe finally win reward and they reluctantly send the challenge beast in Sandy to exile. Though while on exile Sandy stumbles across the idol while exploring this new island. At immunity the Lasa tribe continue on their high and win. Faus is very upset about the nature of the game but Lilac comforts. While the two walk back to camp Lilac falls an dislocates her vine. But she's fine. With the Wili tribe spirits at an all time low Leafy tries to entertain them with a cool stunt. This is especially sad because everyone besides her and Vivi know Leafy is going home. At the vote exactly this happens and even Ivy-Luxe is a little sad.
Ep6: One easy way to ruin your game (Libra)
The Wili tribe go back to winning though and they win immunity. After this they falsely believe Jennifer is the target so they send her to exile. At the Lasa camp Matt goes around telling everyone that now is their chance to vote out Libra. This leads too a fight between two which results in a breakup of their fragile alliance. At the Wili tribe Blake makes a little pre-merge feast for his tribe. Tribal is unexciting as Matt is voted over Faus in a not so close vote. Ivy-luxe announces that merge is next which excites the tribe.
Ep7: Scrambling Eggs (Exu)
It's finally merge time and the contestants are all exited to play harder than they did before. In the challenge it comes down to a face off between Sandy and Exu which Exu surprisingly wins. Blake starts scrambling to build bonds which he does with Vivi and Libra but he miserably fail at with Exu. Jennifer starts feeling like she is being controlled by Libra so she leaves that alliance. Libra, Faus, and Lilac know they don't have the numbers so they make a new alliance with Vivi. Sandy leads the dragon alliance to believe the target is Lilac while he tells his core alliance that it is Faus. With Libra getting Vivi on her side though and the confusion of the former Wili tribe the majority of the votes are on Sandy. But, Sandy plays his idol sending Faus home in blindside. Ivy-luxe feels bad for Faus but she can't wait to see how this mess plays out.
Ep8: Get your sh*t together (Aqua)
The final 9 are split into three groups of three for reward and Aqua, Exu, and Vivi win. Aqua pushes sends Laurel to exile while Vivi sends Lilac. Neither find the idol though. At immunity Exu throws it and Sandy wins easily. Jennifer realizes she kinda screwed up her own game so she talks too Libra and the two bond. Aqua being in both of Sandy's alliances helps him get his stuff together and they get everyone in those alliances to just pile on Lilac. Lilac sadly goes home here, but she made it way further than I thought she would. Ivy-luxe is a little upset that there is less chaos and that Lilac is going.
Ep9: Just two Book Worms (Laurel)
With the season a little over done I want to look at the dynamics and alliances. Everyone seems to be getting along on this even though Sandy (Aqua in reality) and Libra have a sort of friendly rivalry. The dragons all have mutual unbreakable relationships which is interesting. Sandy and Exu also have a mutual unbreakable relationship. The only other alliance is the alliance of Vivi and Libra which is a fun one but they aren't doing too well. Back too the season. Aqua, Exu, Sandy, and Libra all win reward together and they send Blake to exile. Blake again chills and doesn't really care for finding the idol. Libra understands she needs anything she can get so she clutches immunity. Laurel and Libra both bond over a shared love of books before tribal council. The vote is pretty unexciting with Jennifer going. At least it wasn't Vivi I guess. Ivy-Luxe rolls her eyes and snuffs Jennifer's torch not before glaring harshly at Sandy.
Ep10: Really? He cares about respect NOW? (Exu)
Sandy wins reward and pisses Aqua off when he chooses to take Blake and Exu. Sandy then chuckles and sends Libra to exile. On exile Libra searches non-stop for the idol and even leaves nothing unchecked but she can't find it. The immunity challenge is a close one between Libra and Sandy with Sandy barely winning in the end. Aqua and Blake both make fun of Sandy behind his back. Meanwhile Sandy goes to talk to Libra and he congratulates her on making this far. He even says he won't vote her. After what happened last episode Laurel joins Libra's alliance. Aqua and Exu push hard for Sandy to vote Libra but he says he respects her too much. This makes the vote a tie where Sandy crumbles and votes Libra to say his ally in Exu. Libra leaves and glares hard at a Sandy along with Ivy-luxe.
Ep11: My Hatred burns bright (Blake)
Everyone is split up into groups again for the reward challenge and Laurel, Exu, and Sandy win. Sandy then wins the second reward which is a car. He then sends Vivi to exile without her family because she is clearly on the bottom. On exile Vivi travels across the island, searching far and wide, but she comes up short. At the challenge Sandy completely wrecks it and wins again. Vivi tries her best to get the rest of her tribe to like her. Exu has a meltdown because he realizes his job is getting harder. After all this Laurel works hard at camp and rests for the rest of the day. Blake and Exu have disliked each other all season and Blake sees an opportunity to get Exu out. Blake goes to Vivi and Laurel to propose an Exu blindside. Sandy's core alliance are all dead set on a Vivi vote but they are shocked when it's a tie. On the revote Blake's hatred shines through and he persists with his vote despite him and Laurel having a 2/3 chance of one of them going. But, when rocks are drawn it is Aqua who is sent packing. Ivy-Luxe tries to hold in her excitement as she snuffs Aqua's torch but she let's out a few chuckles.
Ep12: Shoulda listened to the guy with the Power (Blake)
Sandy starts the episode by winning reward and bringing Blake along to win him back. He sends Vivi to exile knowing she can't find the idol. At exile that exacts thing happens. Blake wants the power though so he convinces Sandy to throw the challenge so he can win. At camp Vivi and Laurel push hard for a Sandy blindside but Blake doesn't care and he wants to vote out Exu. Tribal results in a tie between Sandy and Vivi where Blake votes out Vivi. Ivy-luxe is upset again as she snuffs Vivi's torch.
Ep13: The Angel and the Devil on my Shoulder (Sandy)
This time around Blake wins reward and he shares it with Sandy. The two losing players in Laurel and Exu go to exile. At exile Laurel finds the idol and he makes sure to tell Exu. Sandy obviously wins immunity. Exu and Laurel both bond over their experience at exile. Blake up to this point has built up quite the resume so he has a huge target. Tribal council is intense as Sandy considers who to vote for. Ultimately he sides with Exu and sends a hurt Blake to the jury bench.
Finale: Why do I always make the Decisions (Sandy)
Sandy wins reward and then wins immunity easily. Now he has time to think. He understands the jury doesn't like him and that he has a slim chance of winning. He also knows Laurel built bonds with a lot of the jury but Exu is probably a bigger threat. Tribal is bland as Sandy goes to vote. When he returns Ivy-Luxe reads the one vote for Laurel. Now the final two face the jury.
Speeches and Jury Voting
Sandy goes first and explains the powerful game he played. He explains his alliances, bonds, decisions, and his immunity wins. Next Exu goes and explains how he controlled from behind the scenes. How despite having the most votes of the season he still made it the end. The jury take this in and they go to vote. Libra says she is voting for the person who played an honest and all around good game, Blake says despite his feelings he is voting for the more powerful player, Aqua says she is voting for a close ally, and Laurel says he is voting for the person who didn't have to rely on challenge strength.
Winner: Exu
Runner-Up: Sandy
Fan-Favorite: Vivi
My Favorites: Libra, Vivi, Laurel, Blake, Sandy, Lilac (That's only a few)
Potential All-Stars (Excluding returning players): Everyone besides Jennifer who made the merge
Potential Second-Chance:>! Flicker!<
This season was really a lot of fun with some great characters. Exu is a fun winner and Sandy was a good villain for the whole season. Probably the best line-up of characters yet. I can't believe I almost ruined it with the returning players. Libra was somehow better the second time. Aqua and Faus' boots were sad. Exu, Sandy, Blake, Aqua, Vivi, and Laurel are all locks for a returning players season in my eyes. Lilac could totally come back too.
Every season there have been players who were in complete control while there were those we had like no control at all ever. So this inspired the theme for season 6 to be Powerful Vs. Powerless players. Please let me know what you think of the season!
submitted by FooolishFelllow to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 17:33 Vyylela Estávamos nós em Julho 2023…

submitted by Vyylela to SportingCP [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:28 lexxnox AAPI Heritage Month Food Guide

AAPI Heritage Month Food Guide
Most are at DCA but they have new items over at The Tropical Hideaway at Disneyland and Tangaroa Terrace Tropical Bar & Grill at Disneyland Hotel
submitted by lexxnox to Disneyland [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:06 JulietDoNeymar Análise balanço 2023 - Flamengo

Bom gente após analisar o balanço do São Paulo chegou a hora de analisar um dos clubes mais bem geridos do país e PUTA QUE PARIU que inveja.
Alguns pontos interessantes
O Flamengo conseguiu um lucro operacional sem incluir negociação de atletas de 278 milhões (10% menor que em 2022), se incluirmos as transferências o lucro operacional chega na casa dos 349 milhões (43% maior que em 2022). No final das contas, o clube conseguiu fechar 2023 com um lucro líquido recorde de R$ 319 milhões.
Não tenho nenhuma crítica a se fazer, acredito que o Flamengo deveria aproveitar esse momento para fazer investimentos de grande porte (estádio) para se consolidar como maior potência das Américas. Caso o clube acredite que precisa fazer um maior investimento no futebol eles tem o poderia financeiro para trazer não só jogadores em final de carreira, mas no seu auge da forma física, para vocês terem uma noção a UEFA recomendou que os salários dos atletas não ultrapassem 70% do faturamento da equipe, os salários dos jogadores do Flamengo equivalem a 31% do faturamento há muito espaço para investimento ainda.
submitted by JulietDoNeymar to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 13:02 Pale_Assignment4076 Go easy on me😅😅

Go easy on me😅😅 submitted by Pale_Assignment4076 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:41 hmaxtry The Prostate Protocol Reviews — Does Prostadine Work? The Prostate Protocol Reddit Reviews The Prostate Protocol PDF Download Today!

The Prostate Protocol Reviews — Does Prostadine Work? The Prostate Protocol Reddit Reviews The Prostate Protocol PDF Download Today!
Prostadine Reddit Reviews
Affiliate Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. I appreciate your support.

What Customers Say About Its Benefits
Discover how Prostadine revolutionizes prostate supplements!
This groundbreaking blend of natural ingredients ensures peak performance and protection for your prostate. Whether you want to enhance flow or maintain optimal function, Prostadine delivers results without the usual side effects.
Dive into our review to see how switching to Prostadine could transform your daily routine and improve your life.
Each ingredient in Prostadine is dedicated to one goal: safeguarding prostate health and preventing issues.
Stick around till the end of this review, and we bet you’ll be eager to grab Prostadine for your prostate health and overall well-being.

>> Explore the official site and read customer reviews here.

Prostadine: Exactly What is it?

Prostadine is an amazing natural supplement for your body.
It helps your prostate stay healthy and keeps your peeing regular. Unlike other supplements, it won’t give you any bad side effects.
It’s great for guys of any age and helps your prostate work like it should. You can trust it to keep you healthy as you get older because it’s made from natural stuff.
Plus, it’s been tested in studies and proven to help your prostate and urinary system stay in tip-top shape.
So, if you want to feel better in the long run, Prostadine is the way to go!

How Does Prostadine Work?

Once you give Prostadine a shot, you’ll be amazed. We were doubtful at first, but wow, what a difference! It’s like a newfound friend. After just a few weeks, everything down there felt stronger and smoother.
What’s great is there are no strange pills to swallow — Prostadine goes down easy, just like water. Trust us, it’s not just talk; try it out for yourself. When you start taking Prostadine daily, you’ll see how it helps with your prostate and urinary health.

Benefits of Prostadine Prostate Supplement

According to its official website, when you start taking Prostdine regularly, it brings very good changes to your overall body.
The supplement comes with a variety of ingredients that not only help you maintain good prostate health but also keep everything healthy down there.
Here are some of the benefits of consuming Prostadine:
  • Supports prostate health and function.
  • Reduces the risk of prostate problems.
  • Helps maintain urinary tract health.
  • It may improve urinary flow and frequency.
  • Contains natural ingredients for prostate support.
  • It may reduce inflammation in the prostate.
  • Supports overall male reproductive health.
  • It may enhance sexual wellness.
  • Provides antioxidant protection.
  • May contribute to long-term prostate well-being.

Download The Prostate Protocol PDF Free Today!

Prostadine Natural Ingredients:

Ever wonder why Prostadine works so well?
It’s all about the powerful ingredients carefully chosen for their amazing health benefits.
Let’s break it down:
Pomegranate Extract: Packed with antioxidants, pomegranate helps soothe prostate inflammation and can even lower PSA levels in men with prostate issues. It’s like a superhero for your prostate!
Saw Palmetto: These berries have been supporting prostate health for ages. They contain special plant sterols that help keep DHT levels in check, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy size and flow down there.
Wakame Extract: This seaweed is a mineral-rich powerhouse that fights inflammation, lowers cholesterol and even boosts antibacterial action in your urinary tract. Plus, it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals for overall health.
Neem: Neem is like a shield for your prostate, protecting it from harmful impurities and oxidative stress. It’s also great for easing inflammation and swelling.
Nori Yaki Extract: Packed with vitamins and isoflavones, this algae extract supports healthy cells, soothes irritation, and promote good blood flow where it matters most.
Shilajit: This mineral helps with cell regeneration and tissue repair in your prostate and urinary system. It’s been used for centuries as a natural remedy for prostate issues.
Kelp Powder: Just one serving of kelp powder gives you all the iodine you need for a healthy prostate and reproductive system. It also boosts circulation for peak performance.
Bladderwrack Powder: Another sea extract rich in minerals, bladderwrack keeps your prostate tissues strong and hormones balanced.
Iodine: Essential for overall body function, iodine is especially important for a healthy prostate. Prostadine ensures you get the right amount for optimal absorption.
With these incredible ingredients, Prostadine is your ultimate ally for prostate health. Say hello to a happier, healthier you!

How Can We Use It?

Simply drop the supplement into your mouth or mix it with your favorite drink to make it work better and last longer.
Take two doses every day for a month to see the best results. Stick to a routine to make sure the product starts working quickly.
Make every day count for improving your health. With the help of a trained expert, you can try a treatment that’s both safe and effective.

Prostadine Price & Detail!

If you want to get Prostadine’s new product, go straight to their official website. There, you can pick from different buying options based on what you want to spend and what you need.
Check out the prices below:

  • The cost of the Prostate Protocol is only $49

Is There Any Refund Policy?

You’ve got a safety net for your cash for two months, guaranteed.
If you find the product isn’t doing what you hoped or doesn’t stick around for long-term benefits, just send it back within 60 days for a full refund.
This policy covers everything sold on our site.
Check out our official website for more info on the topic.

From Where To Buy It?

You can only get it from the company’s official website.
Prostadine has created an amazing new prostate remedy, changing the game for natural urinary wellness.
Get ready to feel better and more comfortable, all thanks to this one solution.
Go to Prostadine’s website now to get this advanced medicine. Don’t wait, order now by clicking the link below!

Conclusion on Prostadine Reviews

Taking care of your prostate is super important, no matter how old you are. Ever heard of Prostadine?
It’s like a natural helper for common prostate issues like BPH and trouble peeing.
Prostadine’s got special stuff inside that’s been checked out by science to make sure it works. It’s all about keeping your prostate happy and fixing those annoying symptoms.
But hey, everyone’s different, right? So, what works for one person might not work the same for someone else. Prostadine isn’t a replacement for seeing a doctor, though. If you’re worried about your prostate, it’s smart to chat with a healthcare pro who can give you personalized advice.
Don’t let prostate problems mess with your life. Think about adding Prostadine to your daily routine. It’s a step towards keeping your prostate healthy.
Feeling ready to take control of your prostate health? Check out the official website to find out more about Prostadine and start your journey to a happier prostate.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program..

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submitted by hmaxtry to TrySoftReviews [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 07:30 grampus1975 Japanese Regional Food to Try

Japan has a ton of different dishes you can try when you visit. Here are 3 from each prefecture.
Kaisendon – a seafood rice bowl featuring fresh sashimi.
Soup Curry – a spicier, soupier version of Japanese curry, loaded with vegetables and chicken.
Jingisukan (Genghis Khan) – a grilled mutton dish named after the Mongolian leader.
Senbei Jiru – soup made with fish broth and rice crackers.
Ichigoni – a seafood stew made with sea urchin and abalone.
Tsugaru Nabe – a hot pot dish featuring local vegetables and meats.
Wanko Soba consists of small portions of soba noodles made of buckwheat flour served repeatedly, with the challenge being to eat as many bowls as possible.
Jaja Men – udon noodles topped with a miso-based meat sauce.
Reimen – a cold noodle dish influenced by Korean cuisine.
Zunda Mochi – mochi balls coated with a sweet paste made from edamame.
Gyutan – grilled beef tongue, typically served with rice and soup.
Hoya (Sea Pineapple) – a sea creature eaten raw or cooked, known for its unique texture.
Kiritanpo Nabe – hot pot with mashed rice sticks, chicken, and vegetables.
Hinai Jidori – a type of high-quality chicken often used in sukiyaki and other dishes.
Baba Hera Ice Cream – traditional ice cream served using a unique spatula.
Imoni is a taro and meat soup popular as a communal meal.
Cherry Rice – rice cooked with fresh cherries, typically enjoyed in the cherry season.
Yamagata Soba – buckwheat noodles are a speciality in the region.
Kitakata Ramen – known for its thick, flat noodles and soy sauce-based broth.
Mamador – a local version of blanched peaches, often served as a dessert.
Kozuyu – a traditional soup made with vegetables and mochi balls.
Natto – fermented soybeans, often eaten as a breakfast dish.
Anko Nabe – anglerfish hot pot, which is a local delicacy.
Melon – Ibaraki is famous for its particularly sweet melons.
Gyoza – Japanese-style dumplings, especially famous in Utsunomiya.
Kanpyo Udon – udon noodles served with dried gourd strips.
Tochigi Lemon Milk – a sweet beverage made from local lemons and milk.
Shimonita Leek – dishes featuring the famously sweet and thick leeks of Shimonita.
Tonkatsu – breaded and deep-fried pork cutlet, served with cabbage and rice.
Mizusawa Udon is one of Japan’s three famous udons, and it is known for its chewy texture.
Unagi (Eel) – grilled eel, commonly served over rice.
Sayama Tea – a locally produced green tea known for its rich flavour.
Higashichichibu Village Persimmon Leaves Sushi – sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves.
Nama Shirasu Don – a bowl of rice topped with raw young sardines.
Peanuts – Chiba is known for producing most of Japan’s peanuts.
Funabashi Yakitori is a local style of yakitori that consists of skewered chicken.
Monjayaki – a type of runny pancake cooked on a hot grill.
Edomae Sushi – traditional Tokyo-style sushi, emphasising freshly caught seafood.
Tempura – battered and deep-fried seafood and vegetables.
Sanma Men – noodles with Pacific saury, a local speciality.
Shumai – steamed dumplings, particularly famous in Yokohama.
Odawara Kamaboko – steamed fish cake, often enjoyed as a snack.
Koshihikari Rice – widely regarded as Japan’s finest rice.
Sasa Dango – rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, typically filled with red bean paste.
Noppe – a hearty vegetable stew.
Masu Sushi – trout sushi, made by curing the fish and pressing it on vinegared rice.
Hotaru Ika – firefly squid, often served as sashimi or cooked in various ways.
Toyama Black Ramen – black soy sauce-based ramen known for its rich flavour.
Kanazawa Curry – a unique, thicker curry roux served with a breaded pork cutlet.
Jibuni is a stew made with duck and vegetables, a Kanazawa speciality.
Hoshi Gaki – dried persimmons, often consumed as a sweet treat.
Echizen Crab – a prized winter delicacy, often served steamed or in hot pots.
Soba – buckwheat noodles commonly enjoyed in various regional styles.
Oroshi Soba – soba noodles served with grated daikon radish.
Hoto – thick noodles cooked in a miso-based soup with vegetables.
Yamanashi Peach – peaches from Yamanashi are famous for their sweetness and size.
Grapes – the region is known for its high-quality grapes, including the Koshu variety.
Shinshu Soba – Nagano’s version of buckwheat noodles.
Basashi – horse meat sashimi, a delicacy in the region.
Nozawana Pickles – pickled greens unique to Nagano.
Hida Beef – high-quality beef from cattle raised in the Hida region.
Keichan – chicken marinated in miso and grilled, typically served with cabbage.
Ayugui – grilled sweetfish, a local favourite during the fishing season.
Unagi – eel, particularly famous in Hamamatsu.
Shizuoka Oden – a unique version of the Japanese hot pot dish featuring a dark, rich broth.
Wasabi is grown mainly in the Izu Peninsula and used fresh.
Hitsumabushi – Nagoya-style grilled eel served over rice.
Miso Katsu – pork cutlet with a thick miso sauce.
Tebasaki – spicy glazed chicken wings, a Nagoya favourite.
Ise Lobster – a luxury seafood often served grilled or raw.
Matsusaka Beef – famous beef is known for its marbling and flavour.
Akafuku Mochi – red bean paste covered with a soft, pounded rice cake.
Funazushi – fermented crucian carp sushi, a rare delicacy with a strong flavour.
Biwa Trout – dishes made from trout found in Lake Biwa.
Omi Beef – high-grade beef from Shiga, rivaling Kobe and Matsusaka beef.
Kaiseki Ryori is a traditional multi-course meal that showcases seasonal and local ingredients.
Yuba – tofu skin, often enjoyed in various dishes or as a sashimi.
Matcha – green tea powder used in drinks and sweets, central to Kyoto’s tea culture.
Takoyaki – octopus balls, a popular street food.
Okonomiyaki is a savoury pancake that contains a variety of ingredients.
Kushikatsu – skewered and breaded meats and vegetables, deep-fried and served with sauce.
Kobe Beef – world-renowned for its flavour, tenderness, and fatty, well-marbled texture.
Akashiyaki is a softer, lighter version of takoyaki dipped in dashi before eating.
Nada Sake – sake from one of Japan’s most famous brewing areas.Kobe beef
Kakinoha Sushi – sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves.
Nara Pickles – various vegetables are pickled in a unique Nara style using sake lees.
Narazuke – vegetables pickled in sake lees, offering a distinctively sharp flavour.
Koyasan Shojin Ryori is a vegetarian cuisine developed by Buddhist monks.
Umeboshi – pickled and dried ume fruits, often intensely sour and salty.
Mikan – sweet citrus fruits, especially tangerines, are a speciality of Wakayama.
Tottori Crab – snow crab and Matsuba crab are local specialities, often enjoyed in season.
Pears – Tottori is known for its juicy and sweet pears.
Gyukotsu Ramen – ramen made with beef bone broth, unique to the region.
Izumo Soba – buckwheat noodles served in a unique style, often with a dipping sauce.
Shijimi Clams – harvested from Lake Shinji, used in soups and broths.
Taimeshi – sea bream rice, where the fish is cooked together with the rice.
Demikatsu Don – breaded pork cutlet served over rice with a demi-glace sauce.
Barazushi – a type of scattered sushi featuring local seafood and vegetables.
Okayama Peach – renowned for its sweetness and juicy texture.
Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki is a layered pancake made with ingredients like noodles, cabbage, pork, and seafood, all cooked together.
Oysters – Hiroshima is Japan’s largest producer of oysters, served raw, grilled, or fried.
Momiji Manju – maple leaf-shaped cakes filled with red bean paste.
Fugu – pufferfish, famously prepared in Shimonoseki, a city known for its expertise in safely preparing the dish.
Kawara Soba – green tea soba noodles served on a heated roof tile, often accompanied by meat and eggs.
Blowfish Sashimi – thinly sliced and artfully arranged, a delicacy despite its potential danger.
Sudachi is a citrus fruit flavouring various dishes, from noodles to fish.
Awa Odori Chicken – chicken marinated in local Tokushima sake, soy sauce, and sudachi, then grilled.
Naruto Kintoki – sweet potatoes with a distinctively rich flavour, often used in desserts.
Sanuki Udon – famously chewy and thick udon noodles, typically served in a simple broth.
Olive Beef – beef from cattle raised on olives, giving it a unique flavour profile.
Iriko Dashi – broth made from dried sardines, which is foundational in local cuisine.
Tai Meshi – sea bream served over rice, often cooked together to infuse the rice with flavour.
Jakoten – fried fish cake, a popular local snack.
Mikan Juice – Ehime is famous for its citrus, and the juice is a popular local beverage.
Katsuo no Tataki – seared bonito, typically lightly grilled on the outside and raw inside.
Sawachi Cuisine – a style of serving where various dishes are presented together on a large platter.
Yuzu is a citrus fruit in Kochi used to flavour dishes from savouries to sweets.
Hakata Ramen is rich pork bone broth ramen known for its creamy texture.
Mentaiko – spiced cod roe, often served with rice or used as a topping for various dishes.
Tonkotsu Ramen is another pork bone broth ramen style characterised by its hearty flavour.
Saga Beef – high-quality beef is known for its tender texture and rich marbling.
Arita Yaki Donburi – dishes served in Arita porcelain feature locally sourced ingredients.
Squid Sashimi – the fresh squid, often served in its simplest form to highlight its flavour.
Champon – a noodle dish with a variety of seafood and vegetables in a rich broth.
Castella – a type of sponge cake brought by Portuguese traders.
Sara Udon – crispy noodles topped with a thick, stir-fried mixture of vegetables and seafood.
Kumamoto Ramen is characterised by garlic and oily broth, often topped with fried garlic chips.
Basashi – horse meat sashimi, a local favourite.
Karashi Renkon – lotus root stuffed with mustard and miso, then deep-fried.
Toriten – chicken tempura is often enjoyed as a local comfort food.
Kabosu is a citrus fruit similar to lime that is used to flavour many local dishes.
Jigoku Mushi – cooking using natural steam vents from hot springs, a technique unique to Beppu.
Chicken Nanban – fried chicken marinated in a sweet and sour sauce, typically served with tartar sauce.
Miyazaki Mango – highly prized for its sweetness and creamy texture.
Higo Don – a rice bowl topped with Miyazaki beef and local vegetables.
Kurobuta – black Berkshire pork, known for its juicy flavour and tender texture.
Satsuma-age – fried fish cakes, a popular local snack.
Shirokuma – a sweet shaved ice dessert topped with fruits and sweetened condensed milk.
Goya Champuru – a stir-fry dish made with bitter melon, tofu, and other ingredients.
Okinawa Soba – wheat noodles in a pork-based broth, topped with slow-cooked pork belly.
Taco Rice – a unique Okinawan dish combining taco fillings with rice instead of taco shells.
submitted by grampus1975 to JapanInsider [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:53 flaviojos3 Conquiste a segurança financeira com as estratégias de investimento certas para você

Conquiste a segurança financeira com as estratégias de investimento certas para você
O mundo dos investimentos, muitas vezes, é visto como um labirinto complexo e intimidante, acessível apenas a experts em finanças. Mas a verdade é que, com as ferramentas e estratégias certas, qualquer pessoa pode se tornar um investidor bem-sucedido e alcançar seus objetivos financeiros. Neste guia, você terá acesso aos segredos do mercado e aprenderá a construir um portfólio sólido e diversificado que te levará à conquista da riqueza e da segurança financeira.
Dominando as classes de ativos
Antes de se aventurar no mundo dos investimentos, é fundamental entender as diferentes classes de ativos disponíveis e suas características:
Ações: representam a propriedade parcial de uma empresa, te dando direito a seus lucros e dividendos. São investimentos de alto risco, mas com potencial para altos retornos no longo prazo.
Renda fixa: oferecem retornos predefinidos e menor risco, ideais para investimentos mais conservadores. Títulos do governo, Tesouro Direto e CDBs são exemplos dessa classe.
Fundos de investimento: permitem investir em diversos ativos de diferentes classes através de um único fundo, gerido por profissionais experientes.
Imóveis físicos: proporcionam renda passiva através do aluguel e valorização do imóvel a longo prazo. Exigem investimento inicial alto e baixa liquidez.
Commodities: representam produtos básicos como ouro, petróleo e grãos, servindo como proteção contra a inflação. São investimentos voláteis e com risco elevado.
Construindo seu portfólio ideal
A chave para o sucesso nos investimentos está na construção de um portfólio diversificado, adequado ao seu perfil de investidor, objetivos financeiros e horizonte de investimento:
Perfil de investidor: avalie sua tolerância ao risco, objetivos financeiros e horizonte de investimento para escolher os ativos mais adequados para você.
Diversificação: distribua seus investimentos entre diferentes classes de ativos, reduzindo o risco geral do seu portfólio.
Alocação de ativos: defina a porcentagem de cada classe de ativos em seu portfólio, considerando seu perfil de investidor e objetivos.
Rebalanceamento: reequilibre seu portfólio periodicamente para manter a alocação de ativos desejada.
Estratégias de investimento para todos os perfis
Existem diversas estratégias de investimento que se adaptam a diferentes perfis de investidores:
Buy and Hold: consiste em comprar e manter ativos por longo prazo, buscando valorização a longo prazo. Ideal para investidores com perfil conservador.
Value investing: busca investir em ativos subvalorizados pelo mercado com potencial de crescimento futuro. Exige pesquisa e análise aprofundadas.
Growth Investing: foca em investir em empresas com alto potencial de crescimento, mesmo que apresentem maior risco. Ideal para investidores com perfil arrojado.
Dividend Investing: busca investir em empresas que pagam dividendos consistentes aos seus acionistas, proporcionando renda passiva.
Invista com inteligência: pesquise, analise e compreenda os riscos antes de tomar qualquer decisão de investimento.
Comece com pouco: invista quantias que você pode se dar ao luxo de perder, mesmo que sejam pequenas.
Tenha disciplina: seja consistente em seus investimentos e evite tomar decisões impulsivas.
Ao dominar as estratégias de investimento e construir um portfólio diversificado, você estará no caminho certo para alcançar seus objetivos financeiros e conquistar a segurança e a tranquilidade que tanto deseja. Comece hoje mesmo a investir e desvende os segredos do mercado que te levarão à realização dos seus sonhos!
submitted by flaviojos3 to u/flaviojos3 [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 01:48 Gleipnyr Denuncia por nepotismo... anonima

Trabalho em órgão público e no setor vizinho tem um nepotismo brabo, tudo gerido pela chefe do local, a minha ideia é denunciar anonimamente, mas tenho receio que respingue em mim alguma coisa.

Fico encafifada com isso.
submitted by Gleipnyr to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 19:53 HovercraftLaw Eu não sei vocês, mas to desgastado e com zero paciência

Eu não sei vocês, mas to desgastado e com zero paciência submitted by HovercraftLaw to antiantitrampo [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 15:38 findtheswimmingpool Race Report - First Marathon (BOSTON). Smashed expectations.

Race Information


Goal Description Completed?
90% probability goal Finish Yes
50% probability goal Sub 4:30 Yes
10% probability goal Sub 4:15 Yes
1% probability goal Sub 4:00 Yes
0.1% probability goal Sub 3:55 YES WHAT THE FUCK


Mile Time
1 9:25
2 9:06
3 9:09
4 8:46
5 9:00
6 8:49
7 8:41
8 8:48
9 8:33
10 8:34
11 8:37
12 8:17
13 8:23
14 8:14
15 8:15
16 7:52
17 8:48
18 8:49
19 8:43
20 9:04
21 9:25
22 8:53
23 9:29
24 9:27
25 9:25
26 9:31
26.2 ?


I live in NYC (31M). I was big into cycling last summer but when temperatures got too cold, I switched to running. I had already been running 1-2 times per week but very short distances (3-5 mi) with no real plan. In the fall, I decided to run a marathon given I had 4-5 months to prepare. I got into the Boston Marathon by running for a charity. I had never run a race before. I get lots of running injuries anytime I try to increase volume so my biggest worry was staying injury-free. I dedicated lots of time to strengthening, stretching, mobility, and plyometrics to make sure my legs could handle training.
I followed Hal Higdon's 3-day a week plan with some modifications -- most notably, cut from three 20 mile long runs to just one. Overall the Higdon plan is 5 workouts per week (3x running, 2x cross). I also kept my normal lifting schedule (bodybuilding-focused) of 4x/week so it was a lot of work on my body but I tried to make it work. About halfway into the plan I got shin splints. I saw a PT who helped me change my foot strike. It fixed my shin splints but ended up causing runner's knee. I was able to solve that with strength and plyometrics.
Running through the NYC winter sucked, especially since I run first thing in the morning when temps are coldest, but I didn't skip any workouts. Discipline > motivation.
My easy pace is around 10:30-11min/mile so was shooting for a 4:30hr goal time.


Got into Boston on Saturday -- an easy train ride up from NYC. Ate lots of carbs (Chicken Yaki Udon, Pad Thai, Spaghetti, Bagels).
Morning of the race was my biggest concern. I usually run fasted without caffeine at 6am, but since the start time is 11:15am I knew I would have to have both food and caffeine to make it through the day. For breakfast, I had coffee with a bagel with peanut butter and banana with some electrolytes. I also ate a Clif Bar about an hour before the race.
The buses dropped me off in Athlete's Village at 10:25am. I thought I would have lots of time to warm up and get changed but they called my wave at 10:40am, just 15 mins later. All I had time to do was go to the bathroom and change my shoes and do some light active mobility. I felt rushed and wasn't mentally prepared. It was a 0.7 mile walk to the start line where I was really nervous as it was my first RACE not even just first marathon. I had no idea what to expect. My heart was racing while standing in the corall with 5 mins to go.


My gameplan was to break up the race into three chunks. Miles 1-10: run easy and treat it as an extended warmup. Miles 11 - 21: use my fitness I developed in training to pick up the pace slightly and make it through Newton Hills. Miles 21+: give it all I have left with my heart.
In reality, this all went out the window.
Here are the challenges I faced immediately out of the gate:
The first challenge was the heat. It was 70 degrees and sunny. I had done all my training under 40 degrees so I was not used to this at all. Out of the gate, I felt dizzy and was worried I would develop more serious heat exhaustion.
The second challenge was food. I was nauseous from the start since my stomach wasn’t used to all this food before running.
The third challenge was how crowded it was. I was in the last wave so lots of slower runners so the entire first 2-3 miles was just weaving around and through people and trying to find some open space to run in a straight line. I wasted so much energy.
The fourth challenge was water. I usually run with a running vest and sip pretty often, a few times every mile. I wasn’t used to only having a tiny cup of water once every mile. My mouth was dry and I was dying for more water.
By mile 5, I was already gassed. I realized I had gone out way too fast and there was no way I could hold this pace for the race so I would need to slow down. I was planning on running 10 min/mile for the first 10 miles but I looked at my watch and my average pace was already like 9 min/mile. This is really fast to me and I was freaking out what to do. I knew I had to slow down.
Miles 5 - 10: I felt less nauseous and better with the heat. I actually felt good but had trouble slowing down with all the energy from the crowds. There weren’t really any hills here and so I was cruising along at ~8:45min/mi pace. It was still hard but I was just trying to get to mile 10 where I had planned to put in my headphones and listen to music to give myself a boost.
Miles 10-13: I put in headphones and turned on some music. I’m starting to struggle but told myself I just need to get to halfway. ~8:30min/mi pace. This is basically threshold for me. I usually do my interval runs at this pace.
Miles 13-16: Just holding steady awaiting the Newton Hills. Somehow going even faster I don’t even know how. ~8:15min/mi pace.
Miles 16-21: Dear lord what the fuck.. The hills are way bigger than I imagined. I’m do my training in Central Park in NYC so figured they would be similar to that but I was wrong, they seemed much longer. My legs start cramping. My inner thigh, quads, and calves are spasming. I knew that if I stop or walk, my race is going to be over. I don’t think I’d be able to get my legs working again so I just run through all the pain. I’m downing salt pills and taking an extra gel here to make sure I am getting enough fuel. I start taking Gatordade and Water at the aid stations. It feels like I’m going at 15 min/mi pace but somehow my watch is telling me ~9 min/mi.
Miles 21-25: It somehow gets even worse. I only have ~5 miles left but I know there is no way my legs will hold on for another ~45 mins. It will only take 1 really bad cramp to just completely derail me and force me to walk. I’m downing gels and salt pills. I’m gritting my teeth. My legs feel detached from my body. Every time my foot slams the pavement I feel my muscles spasm. Everything is tight. I’m weaving through a sea of people walking and limping like I’m in a zombie movie. I wouldn’t wish this feeling on my worst enemy. I tell myself that this is what I asked for and these 5 miles are what the last 6 months have been about. Holding on for dear life at 9:30 min/mi.
Mile 26: With only 1 mile to go, I felt much better. I knew it was only going to be ~10 mins more of pain and the crowds were getting so loud. Once I could see the finish line it was way easier.
I look at my watch and somehow see my finish time starts with a “3”. I’m blown away. Every race predictor and calculator I used online told me to shoot for a 4:30. I even made a reddit post a few weeks ago asking my goal pace and was told a 4:20-4:30 is where I should be targeting. I smashed that by like 30 minutes.
This was the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. I gave it everything I had and couldn't have gone a second faster. I left it all out there and was ready to die on the course in that last 10k. This was a 4 hour battle of dehydration, nausea, cramping, heat, weaving through crowds, downhills, and uphills.


The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. I felt like crying honestly. I waddled through with the other finishers to get some water, pick up my medal, and find my gf. We grabbed some Shake Shack and hop on the Amtrak back to NYC.
submitted by findtheswimmingpool to running [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 08:31 thisbondisaaarated Fundos de Pensões - Para onde transferir

Tenho uma pequena quantidade de dinheiro num fundo de pensões do BPI Pensões e Vida que quero retirar do banco e terminar a minha relação com o BPI (desculpa mas és tu, não sou eu).
Desde a aquisição do Caixabank o site está em baixo muitas vezes, este ano houve erros relacionados com o IRS, nunca respondem a emails em tempo útil, enfim, estou absolutamente farto deles.
Sabendo que este dinheiro está preso neste formato até me reformar, que fundos de pensões recomendam no mercado português? A posição que tenho não será reforçada já que tenho um portefólio gerido por mim.
A alocação deve ser o mais alta possível em acções.

submitted by thisbondisaaarated to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 08:14 Thestoryteller987 The Peanut Gallery: April 14, 2024

Welcome to the Peanut Gallery! Today we're turning back to Ukraine.
Please remember that I know nothing.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is falsely equating the April 13 large-scale Iranian strikes targeting Israel with the April 1 Israeli strike targeting Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) officials in Damascus, amplifying Iran’s “justification” for the April 13 strikes.
The Russian MFA issued a statement on April 14 in response to the April 13 Iranian strikes amplifying Iran's claim that Iran conducted the April 13 strikes as an act of “self-defense” in response to claimed Israeli airstrikes on Iranian targets, including the April 1 strike targeting IRGC officials in Damascus.
Please be advised that there are several information operations floating around right now, one of which Yaki_Kaki correctly called me on I've seen a few of the narratives ISW mentioned floating around on Reddit myself. Big events like this always get the bots riled up, so just be on your guard.
The Iran-Israel situation is obviously still in flux, and thankfully cooler heads are prevailing. Biden informed Netanyahu in no uncertain terms that America’s protection will vanish the moment he steps beyond his borders. If Israel marches into Lebanon, then it marches alone. And you know what? Biden is doing his job by deescalating the situation. Well done, dude. When this nightmare is over, I hope we give him & Blinken the Nobel Peace Prize. Those two deserve it.
Now I’m not saying we’re out of the woods, but unlike yesterday we can actually see daylight.
Israel’s success in defending against large-scale Iranian missile and drone strikes from Iranian territory on April 13 underscores the vulnerabilities that Ukrainian geography and the continued degradation of Ukraine’s air defense umbrella pose for Ukrainian efforts to defend against regular Russian missile and drone strikes.
Yeah, it also goes to show that apparently we could have done this all along? What the fuck, man? Why didn’t we at least knock down that missile flying over Polish air space the other week?
In one breath I praise Biden for his patience and clearheaded management of the Israel-Iran conflict, then in the very next passage we see the consequences of said patience. By refusing to take decisive, direct action, we leave Ukraine to pick up the tab for our fears. Women and children die because of America’s failure to act.
Hopefully tomorrow that changes. Hopefully tomorrow Mike Johnson brings the damn funding package to the floor. Because the longer we let this catastrophe continue? The bigger these brushfires will get.
Russian milbloggers largely responded to the April 13 Iranian strikes against Israel by suggesting that the increased threat of military escalation in the Middle East will likely draw Western, specifically US, attention and aid away from Ukraine.
Fat chance, chief.
I can’t speak for Europe, but here in America when we fuck up we tend to over correct. We’re fucking up now on the Ukraine-Israel aid bill in the House of Representatives, but give us enough incentive and we’ll pass that thing and then some. The milbloggers should be concerned an expanding conflict will mean more weapons, not less.
The exhaustion of US-provided air defenses resulting from delays in the resumption of US military assistance to Ukraine combined with improvements in Russian strike tactics have led to increasing effectiveness of the Russian strike campaign in Ukraine.
Of course Russia’s hitting more targets lately—Ukraine lacks the tools they require to defend their skies. And advantages are cumulative. While the focus is obviously on the strikes against Ukrainian cities, the real threat comes from the near constant glide bomb attacks against Ukrainian frontline positions. In many ways they substitute for Russia’s declining tube-artillery advantage. The glide bombs aren’t accurate, but they’ll hit where you tell them to, and when defenses are fixed, that’s a big deal.
More Patriot batteries to Ukraine would obviously solve this issue, obviously. Thankfully Germany appears to be stepping up.
”Germany will immediately transfer another Patriot air defense system to Ukraine to protect it from Russian air attacks. It will be transferred in addition to the air defense systems already delivered and planned for delivery,” the German Defense Ministry said.
As in immediately. Not six months from now, not between the hours of ‘eventually’ and ‘maybe later’, nor when the black cat dances on a harvest moon while Mercury is in retrograde. Today. Or tomorrow. They need to stick it on a plane first.
Am I crazy in hoping Ukraine stick this thing on the front line? I want to see jets falling again! I understand that Ukrainian infrastructure must be protected...but exploding planes! Sukhois make such pretty fireballs.
I am flawed because I am human. And because I am human, I want to do better.
Yesterday I wrote a passage mistaking Aires and Ares, one being the zodiac the other being the Greek god of war. I’m not really a big fan of astrology, to be honest. At least when it comes to prophecy. To me it’s the same as staring at goat entrails. I sort of heard the phonetic similarity and assumed the connection. Turns out there ain’t any.
Ukrainian officials continue to warn that Russian forces are systematically and increasingly using chemical weapons and other likely-banned chemical substances in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Support Forces Command stated on April 5 that Ukrainian forces have recorded 371 cases of Russian forces using munitions containing chemical substances during the last month and 1,412 cases of Russian forces using chemical weapons between February 2023 and March 2024.
Please give Ukraine what they need to bring this war to an end.
‘Q’ for the Community:
  • What do you think? Will an expanded conflict between Israel and Iran negatively or positively affect NATO’s support for the Ukrainians?
submitted by Thestoryteller987 to TheNuttySpectacle [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 14:21 Recent_Ad3472 Olha o saitama ali no canto

Olha o saitama ali no canto submitted by Recent_Ad3472 to HUEstation [link] [comments]
