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A place to discuss your network setup

2016.06.11 19:13 Robbbbbbbbb A place to discuss your network setup

/NetworkDiagrams is a place to show off your network diagrams to avoid an influx of posts in other networking-related subreddits.

2024.05.29 14:36 Darkhonour CX4712 Visio / Equiv Front Image

Just purchased subject case for my NAS and am looking for either a Visio stencil of the case or a good front-on image of the case (pref with the Blue front) that I can use on my Visio plans. The images on the Sliger site are all off-front corner views.
submitted by Darkhonour to sliger [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:42 Repulsive_Dig8691 Connecting hardware

New Visio user here. I was wondering if there is such a way to add connectors in between rack diagrams with the given stencils that Microsoft provides. These points shown on the switches do not seem to snap in with connectors. Any reccomendations or solutions?
submitted by Repulsive_Dig8691 to Visio [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 22:26 irishguy42 Diagrams and Scaling

I have a question regarding scaling and whatnot for drawings. My company just recently allowed me to explore using Visio instead of CorelDraw for doing schematics/floorplans/rack elevations/etc (we are a smart home A/V and network integration company).
With Corel, I'm used to just opening up a PDF sent to me and I'm on my way to editing and dropping in symbols, and I can't do that in Visio, so I'm cropping the PDFs and exporting the drawing portions of the prints as DWG files and inserting them into Visio (is there a better way to import PDFs? I did the SVG route and it doesn't work as well as DWG).
Sometimes this means I need to scale down the image to fit my paper (I'm using 24x36, when the drawing was on a 30x42 and I now have to scale it down to fit on the page. Is there a good way to calculate the scale of the new drawing? Is it good practice to just leave my Visio drawing at 1in:1in and then calculate the new scaled CAD drawing?
Example: I have a 24x36 paper and drop a floorplan from a 30x42 paper into it, and it's bigger than the 24x36 page. The scale from the floorplan I was given was 1/4" = 1'-0", and I ended up scaling the DWG to 1.25in = 1in. Is there a good way to easily calculate what the new scale for the DWG is? What I have done in the meantime is opened up the original floorplans in Corel, set the scale, and then measured a length. I then find that length in Visio, measure it (drawing is 1in=1in) and then use an online calculator to find the scale factor and then I write that as the scale in my Visio drawing (in this case, it was 1:60, so 1" = 5'-0"). Is there a better way to do this?
Also, when making my own stencils, is there a way in the shapesheet to set it up so that no matter what scale I set the drawing to in Visio, the shape will be the same paper size? As in, I have a stencil that is, for example, 1"x1" on the actual paper when I print it out (24x36). If I change the scale from 1:1 to 1/4"=1' to whatever else, can I set my stencils to not scale along with the drawing scale?
Sorry for the wall of text. I am looking up some guides, and would be happy with any resources you folks enjoy.
  1. Best way to import PDFs? Using DWG insert now, tried SVG and didn't like it
  2. How to prevent my stencils from scaling with drawing and keeping actual page size regardless of drawing scale?
  3. Best way to calculate new scale if I insert a scaled drawing and need to size it down to fit my page size?
  4. Best learning resources?
submitted by irishguy42 to Visio [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 04:35 bhdicaire 3,400 stencils to visually represent your IT infrastructure

I've shared a public GitHub repository. It contains over 3,400 Microsoft Visio templates I've collected and used. Remember, your library doesn't have to be unique. Everyone aims for consistency.
Liking the repository supports my work. Sharing is caring.
submitted by bhdicaire to Visio [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 13:09 Itseasytraining Why you should create your own stencil in Microsoft Visio

Why you should create your own stencil in Microsoft Visio submitted by Itseasytraining to u/Itseasytraining [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 13:09 Itseasytraining Why you should create your own stencil in Microsoft Visio

Why you should create your own stencil in Microsoft Visio submitted by Itseasytraining to EasyVisio [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 14:10 PHRDito Can I install Visio 2016 on a Windows 11 running from Parallels Desktop on a MBP M2 ?

Hello there,
I have access to Visio online and in the new Teams with my Office365 account, but I can't import any stencils, making the app pretty useless for my needs.
I have a licence for Visio 2016, can this version be installed on a Windows 11 ARM running on Parallels Desktop ?
I couldn't find the information while searching, and guessed it was faster to ask here for your knowledge, and maybe help.
For basic uses with classic stencils (Microsoft, Cisco, Dell, Aruba, etc) what's better when working on a Macbook today, asking for an upgrade on the Visio online, or for a 2021 licence (if the 2016 isn't usable on latest Win11 ARM/Parallels) ?
Thanks !
submitted by PHRDito to Visio [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 22:44 dirtboof Visio help

Visio help
What stencil or tool in Visio are you using to drawing wires for inputs and outputs. Specifically how do you get the wires to “jump” over the other wires.
submitted by dirtboof to BuildingAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 16:24 NetSecNW Low Level Design Diagram Standards

Having been a network designer for quite some time now I have come across different ways of creating network designs. My preferred approach is to use generic icons (Firewall, Routers, Switch etc....) in Visio, this allows me to create diagrams at speed without worrying if I have the correct visio stencil. What are peoples thoughts around using Vendor specific icons when creating diagrams? Does it limit you in any way? Does it look more professional? Just interested in what peoples thoughts are?
submitted by NetSecNW to networking [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 00:45 Key_Education_958 Is Visio the best tool for server diagrams?

Hi there, looking to create diagrams of different servers (mostly Dell) in different configurations- i.e. a PowerEdge R740 with a certain riser config and certain PCI cards. I bought Vision "assuming" that I would simply find the proper Dell stencils in VisoCafe and then drag and drop the appropriate cards onto the appropriate slot. Boy, was I wrong! First off, the dell server collections on visiocafe are really incomplete. Is there a better source? Can't find any on Dell support....
Is there a better tool to do this? Just cut and past image files and stack them in powerpoint? Or is Visio in fact the best tool for this?
submitted by Key_Education_958 to Visio [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 05:51 silent_circle Visio stencils

Anyone know where I can get zscaler stencils or templates for Visio?
submitted by silent_circle to Zscaler [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 21:02 CableApe Generic FTTH Visio Stencils

Does anyone have a good stencil pack for FTTH? Just looking for a generic splitter, ONT, and OLT.
submitted by CableApe to FiberOptics [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 10:23 Tr0uble-Mak3Rr Palo Alto visio stencils and shapes to use in Azure drawings

Can someone please tell me if there are any Palo Alto stencils and shapes boor Visio I can use to create Azure drawings?
submitted by Tr0uble-Mak3Rr to paloaltonetworks [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 20:33 Ninja_Jiraiya Saved stencils loses arrows's fill color

I'm new to visio, I've created some stencils (fluid mechanic) that has some arrows, those arrows's tip are black but when I saved as stencils and drag then to the board to use it, they are shown as white and to make things worst, is not possible to edit it's color, since when I select black as color, it deselect it and return to white (seems a bug to be).
Do you have something similar to this situation? Is it a configuration problem or a bug? Let me know if I'm missing something here.
Thank you !
submitted by Ninja_Jiraiya to Visio [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 02:18 Great-Quality5297 Engineer Drawings

What does everyone use for shop drawings? We currently use Visio and I feel as if there’s not any stencils out there or I am just not looking in the right places.
Is there a library you guys use for yours or is it just a built up over time from the ones you’ve made?
I’m mainly asking because I don’t like pasting screenshots on submittals and want consistency for the field team.
submitted by Great-Quality5297 to BuildingAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 23:21 Dry-Elderberry2791 Visio Stencils

Hey all, I'm trying to be good and document some of my systems. I'd like to use some visio stencils to make it happen. Does anyone have some JCI specific ones that they're willing to share?
submitted by Dry-Elderberry2791 to BuildingAutomation [link] [comments]

2023.12.06 11:01 Jolly_Arm6758 Convert visio stencils to png for netbox/glpi/others ?

Hi there,
Maybe a silly question, but probably worth asking. I'm using several software in my homelab to map my homelab/network/virtualization, and in some (eg : netbox) I can desing my own racks and put my equipment in them.
I saw that I can add pictures of front and back of every equipment, to make it clearer for people who don't know that.
It's kind of a pain to find every equipment front and back in png file format, so I found this website ( that offers free visio stencils. The only issue is that the website only offers visio stencils (vss file format).
Do you know a method to convert those stencils to png without having to open every file one by one in Visio and export all of the shapes in png format ?
Thanks for your answers
submitted by Jolly_Arm6758 to homelab [link] [comments]

2023.12.05 22:54 jaceg_lmi Visio Stencils for AD Diagram

Just tried to use Microsoft's ADTD program to help draw our AD structure, but it was doing some weird crap. Anyone that can happen to point me in the general direction of some decent AD stencils for Visio? I would have thought they'd be built into the program. Go figure there's none. Visio 2019 Standard is the version. Thanks in advance!
submitted by jaceg_lmi to activedirectory [link] [comments]

2023.11.06 09:45 Rooneybuk Diagrams

What’s is everyone using for diagrams, I’ve been using a mix of and Visio, who has the best templates and stencils
submitted by Rooneybuk to aws [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 18:41 johnnybiggles Looking for original Visio network shapes or symbols

Anyone have a link to the older 2010/2013 Visio stencil/shape set(s) for networking and peripherals? I'm not crazy about the new shapes.
submitted by johnnybiggles to networking [link] [comments]

2023.08.31 14:35 MFKDGAF Azure Diagram Drawings

I am wondering what everyone uses to create Azure diagrams of their landing zones.
The ones I am aware of are: Lucid Charts Microsoft Visio (not sure of the required version/level)
I currently have Microsoft Visio 2019 Professional but it lacks a lot of Azure stencils.
I’ve actually had to find Azure stencils from 3rd parties but even these are still missing some Azure objects.
Maybe I need a newer and/or higher version of Visio?
If you are using Microsoft Visio with 3rd party stencils, would you drop a link to them.
submitted by MFKDGAF to AZURE [link] [comments]

2023.08.22 00:35 Kevinswfl Has anyone created Visio or othe CAD drawings for Zima Boards

I'm laying out a network drawing in Visio using Zima boards and looking to see if anyone has created any Stencils or another CAD format (STL would be awesome). All i really need is the side with the ethernet ports. I can create them, but thought i would ask to see if anything is out there first.
submitted by Kevinswfl to ZimaBoard [link] [comments]