Demand graph generator

echo "Share your CS Binds"

2015.03.10 12:29 Hanschri echo "Share your CS Binds"

Share binds and get help making some yourself.

2012.04.17 23:52 Software Archaeology

Software Archaeology is a place for people to share and discuss their explorations of "ancient" source code. Doing so can teach us a lot about how programmers of the past thought and worked, when computers were slower and memory was scarce. Additionally, reading old code can be a fascinating hobby.

2008.01.25 07:37 Scala


2024.06.02 10:44 reddit_faa7777 22.04 Disabled Wayland to share screen but now matplotlib won't show

Using 22.04. I had to disable Wayland via the Ubuntu login screen because apparently Wayland doesn't facilitate screen sharing for Zoom etc. Disabling Wayland allowed screen sharing.
However, because of this I now cannot generate matolotlib graphs in Python. I dont have the error to hand but it mentioned needing, A, B, C or D and one of these listed was Wayland.
I dont want to mess around too much with my OS. However, is there a simple way to allow both screen sharing and matplotlib graphs?
submitted by reddit_faa7777 to Ubuntu [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 hazeljonathan What Is Meant by STEM Education?

STEM Education—an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—represents an interdisciplinary approach to learning where academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons. Students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise. The aim is to develop STEM literacy and with it, the ability to compete in the new economy.

The Components of STEM Education


Science in STEM education emphasizes inquiry, curiosity, and exploration. Students engage in experiments, observation, and critical thinking to understand the natural world. This component encourages the development of scientific reasoning and the ability to make evidence-based conclusions.


Technology in STEM focuses on the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It includes everything from computer science and information technology to the use of digital tools and software. Students learn to solve problems using technological tools, enhancing their computational thinking and digital literacy.


Engineering involves the application of science and mathematics to solve real-world problems. This component teaches students the engineering design process, which includes defining a problem, brainstorming, designing, testing, and improving solutions. Engineering education fosters creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork.


Mathematics is the foundation of STEM education. It involves the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes, and the relationships between them. Students develop analytical and problem-solving skills through mathematical concepts and applications, preparing them for advanced studies and careers in STEM fields.

The Importance of STEM Education

Economic Growth and Competitiveness

STEM education is crucial for economic growth and global competitiveness. By fostering a generation of skilled workers proficient in STEM fields, we ensure the future workforce can drive innovation, boost productivity, and maintain our nation's competitive edge.

Addressing Global Challenges

STEM education equips students with the skills necessary to address complex global challenges such as climate change, healthcare, and sustainable development. By encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving, STEM prepares students to develop innovative solutions to these pressing issues.

Closing the Skills Gap

There is a significant skills gap in the current job market, particularly in STEM-related fields. By promoting STEM education, we can bridge this gap, ensuring that students are prepared for the demands of modern careers and that employers have access to a skilled workforce.

Implementing STEM Education in Schools

Curriculum Integration

Effective STEM education requires integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into a cohesive curriculum. This involves designing interdisciplinary lessons that connect concepts from each STEM field and applying them to real-world problems.

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is a key strategy for implementing STEM education. PBL encourages students to work on projects that require them to use their STEM knowledge and skills to solve complex problems. This hands-on approach makes learning more engaging and relevant to students.

Professional Development for Educators

To successfully implement STEM education, teachers need ongoing professional development. This includes training in STEM content, teaching strategies, and the use of technological tools. Providing educators with the resources and support they need is essential for effective STEM instruction.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Collaborations between schools, businesses, and community organizations can enhance STEM education. Partnerships provide students with access to real-world experiences, internships, and mentorship opportunities, making STEM learning more practical and impactful.

Challenges in STEM Education

Equity and Access

One of the main challenges in STEM education is ensuring equity and access for all students. This includes addressing disparities in resources, teacher quality, and educational opportunities that disproportionately affect underserved communities.

Gender and Diversity

There is a significant gender and diversity gap in STEM fields. Encouraging more girls and students from diverse backgrounds to pursue STEM education is essential for creating a more inclusive and innovative workforce.

Curriculum and Assessment

Developing a cohesive and comprehensive STEM curriculum that aligns with standards and effectively assesses student learning is a complex task. Educators must continually refine their approaches to ensure that students are meeting learning objectives and developing necessary skills.

Future of STEM Education

Emerging Technologies

The future of STEM education will be shaped by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology. Integrating these technologies into the curriculum will prepare students for the jobs of the future and ensure that they are at the forefront of technological innovation.

Global Collaboration

Global collaboration in STEM education can drive progress and innovation. By sharing resources, research, and best practices, countries can work together to solve global challenges and advance STEM learning.

Lifelong Learning

STEM education is not just for K-12 and college students. Lifelong learning opportunities in STEM fields are essential for keeping pace with technological advancements and career changes. Providing adult education and professional development in STEM will be critical for a dynamic and evolving workforce.


STEM education is more than just an acronym; it is a vital approach to learning that prepares students for the complexities of the modern world. By integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, we foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills that are essential for future success. The challenges and opportunities in STEM education require a collective effort from educators, policymakers, businesses, and communities to ensure that every student has access to a high-quality STEM education.
submitted by hazeljonathan to u/hazeljonathan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-100-Points Ed Copeland and Me under 3 star tim in a External Shower and Trucking In Sedative Chelator and Test of 3 star tim loam - Portable Shower or Marian Family Shower

  1. I unborn ed copeland in an actual family shower with me around his penis as Violet Roze and this puts me as babies into Patrick Garza's Shower and gets me out of an alien buttload of shitting in my next south park game and I have a double special place as a baby then with ed copeland in my vagina which he is by definition in the unborning sized exactly my neccesary width and length as a baby to fit exactly into her uterus which this has a wide cervix and accepts eds penis deep inside her and they spend 1 year under sedative chelator while their copilot on the outside a normal copilot of the mental hospital is standing by for baby copeland if he tries and turn the tap all hot and 2 more years pass where the tap can be hot but it is not hot and then we stand for the first time for british maintenance workers dan and dad to fit a tap which cannot go hot on this and this is not jims dang burn shower nate has but my shower and they can camp in the back yard as royal scouts and are seeing my father right, he requires just a different mid -30 not -33 to be normal and only works delicately trained and they were alright with that from the inside and my inside dan and dad and we give them a caffiene injection where we give them only weed and coffee to smoke and because it reds cures their meningitis caffiene and weed it is a legal medicine and they must have weed and coffee always and I wait 6 years sometimes entering the First Overworld as the Ed Copelands Mommy in the First Overworld by EBCS giving him a manual to true reversal of stoichiometry not isomer fairy ism but where his unused amino are core amino and unused elsewhere to my oil and Ed Copeland Turns Me On For the First time, he is the male portion of like, me, or something and I get him his full true romanaj of propane and he is not a cocaine salesman or cocaine accessory salesman or a propane accessory salesman or propane saleman he is ed copeland who is not the grandpa or military veteran associated with hank hill or hank or bobby or nigger help us or peggy hill all hill and I fought their lobotomy ant infestation they had and it got better when the police were called and I have some guy who knows everything about oil Ed here and he is from a crossover ed ed and eddy ed of this. Thus I am pregnant to ed copelands baby ed copeland and I have the baby at age 9.7 naturally in my own shower right up there right now and ed is given this actual PC to not violate and he does not he is got trust on me he was taught what the var for propane have to be by censorship and i am pregnant to timbo's three star his baby and it is a good baby at 10.7 and my sex swing is transferred to city in the mental hospital so she does not pee in anyone mouth any longer and she might still and i am 12 and I have jimbos baby at 12 and spend 9 years in the shower under agua substantia los no muertos and an actual hind98 targeting me, which then I am 21 and I transfer the shower for no payment to patrick timmothy garza who the three star is cray cray and I have to make sure it is the three star there from conoco earlier pat garza and I had only 3 children because I am my own gynecologist and installed a wedge in the shower when I was 12 and am 21 so join the USMC and the yitvah of russia still happens when I am 29 and I drown on a USS Nimitz class carrier to an antiship shipboard missile which destroys the nimitz which I demand then to be at the Second Underworld as Jacob Sydney's Pair bond which this is fulfilled and I was lurking there doing Jacob there not Hake as meth so demand to be hakes left meth and am feeling good again and never have to do propane again but still know oil and by definition have my same 14 oil and I am going to go rig the new york oil sands market at 128$ a barrel until I am waterboarded enough to feel just like I am in get tough school or SERE Seals Training and I spend 60 years or until I am well literally to writing this the girl need agua substantia los no meurtos and this was never given due to ed and I have ed around here now manning the headphone cat device and I am going to blast the temu track and we are 81 and not going deaf and I have a heart attack and Blackwater Representatives recover me and I am given 700,000$ which this happened at my house so It is my Violet Roze Marian's Mother and ed lives another year in the retirement home until he dies for real exactly a year later by definition and I play my Conspirary Card From School UP!(Jack) and this gives him his release to the nth Yitvah of the Second Underworld and I teach him again in As now everything he did not know the As before this and we repeat the ordeal in the mental bathroom and such and not at home and this demonstrates circumstantial cueing for copilot assistant where cortana goes crazy to cervical dilation and allows something illegal. The process should only be repeated once with micheal merril and how to program a star name of a cluster which I failed this part of OWLS the star name generation test just not all the way and require star name generation remediation in my own shower as violet roze and actually let him lead the excercise and this puts a nice pressure wave 1hz into my shower or the hum from two hum participants being near each other and This is my needed, it used to be 10hz too high a starting rmc firearms expert making firearms starting of the firearms smithing impossible, now it is just 1 so john-san can be it and this fulfills the 3rd amendment right here.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:02 Cormier643 What programming languages (if any) are better suited to learning "ad hoc", as opposed to the traditional "learn systematically before you use" approach?

My experience with R so far has been more like a super-powerful microsoft office than a full-fledged programming language. Last time when I needed to integrate and analyse some data for my colleague I didn't know how, but googled it a bit (about the packages needed and the syntax) and used R to do it. Another time when I needed to generate some quick bar graphs, heatmaps and ROC curves I also did a quick search on the arguments of ggplot2 and generated them in a few hours with barely any prior knowledge. I didn't need to in any way systematically "learn" R in order to use it. I just needed to know how I put arguments in a function in a package and let the computer do the job, no need to think about "coding" from a programmer's perspective, my code could be ugly and messy as hell, no problem, as long as it gets the job done and then it can just go.
Definitely not with C. I had to attend a full term of C course to do even something remotely useful of it. And then I discontinued learning it because I'm not a programmer, I just need to deal with data and plot fancy graphs which is R territory.
It's in the middle with Python. I had to systematically learn a bit before I could learn and use packages ad hoc. It leans more systematic learning before using, if anything, because I needed to at least know "something" about the syntax, loops, etc before going "r mode".
Any other languages like R where you can "learn bit by bit whenever you use"?
submitted by Cormier643 to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:52 Standard-Ad116 The pilgrims are crazy and stupid and no one can understand them

The pilgrims are crazy and stupid and no one can understand them
How do they consider it a monument to arrogance? If it were not for the Generator, they would be dead. And the strangers, whom I cannot understand, came up with the idea of a torture prison and demand the revival of a prisoner, knowing full well that he will die by torture, and his quick death is a blessing from slow death.
submitted by Standard-Ad116 to Frostpunk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 Significant-Tower146 Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack
Get ready to explore the innovative world of AGM Rattler Battery Pack! This roundup article will take you on a thrilling adventure of discovering the latest and greatest features of the AGM Rattler Battery Pack. From its cutting-edge technologies to its seamless performance, we'll dive deep into what sets this battery apart from the competition. So buckle up, and get ready for a journey that will leave you energized and excited about the future of battery technology.

The Top 19 Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

  1. High-Capacity 75Ah AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Easy Carry Handles - Experience reliable power delivery and peace of mind with the WSB1275 75Ah Agm Sealed Lead Acid Battery from Wayne Water Systems, designed for optimal performance and safety.
  2. High-Performance 12V 160 CCA Thunderbolt Magnum AGM Battery - Reliable, rugged, and versatile, the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery is perfect for constant voltage input and electric start generators, making it a top choice for outdoor enthusiasts and professionals alike.
  3. Extreme Heavy-Duty 12V 22AH SLA Battery for Demanding Jump Starter Applications - Experience exceptional performance, reliability, and longevity with the Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah Replacement Battery – the ultimate companion for your Die-Hard Portable Jump Starter 1150.
  4. 12V 9Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery with 2.56" Depth and 3.94" Height - The Mighty Max ML9-12NB 12V 9Ah NB Terminal Rechargeable Seal is a high-performance 12V 9AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery, perfect for any position, resisting shocks and vibrations while providing long-lasting performance in high and low temperatures.
  5. Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter: High-Performance AGM Battery Pack with Easy Charging and Reverse Hook-up Protection - The Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter, boasting a high-output AGM battery, offers powerful performance with multiple charging options and safety features, making it a reliable and easy-to-use jump starter for all your starting needs.
  6. Long-lasting AGM Voyager Battery for Enhanced Deep Cycle Performance - The ACDelco M24AGM Professional AGM Voyager Battery offers top-tier performance with maintenance-free design and innovative technologies, ensuring safety and durability in your vehicle.
  7. High Output 12V AGM Car Battery for Superior Audio Performance - Experience unbeatable power and superior quality performance with the Xs Power D3400 12V AGM Battery, featuring maximum 3300A output and an unmatched combination of durability, reliability, and modern design.
  8. Maintenance-Free Powersport AGM Battery for ATV, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Use - Experience hassle-free powersport adventures with the Power Sonic Battery PTX20LBS-FS, featuring 12V 18Ah, 290 CCA, spill-proof AGM construction, and factory activation for immediate, maintenance-free use with ATVs, motorcycles, and more.
  9. Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery: Long-Lasting, High-Performance Solution - Upgrade to the advanced AGM Super Cycle Battery from Victron Energy, offering superior performance and longer lifespan, while maintaining a compact and lightweight design.
  10. Interstate 12V 26Ah AGM Battery with Nut and Bolt Terminal for Universal Fit - Experience ultimate performance with the Interstate Batteries SLA1146, a maintenance-free and spill-proof 12V 26Ah battery featuring AGM & VRLA technology, perfect for a wide range of applications.
  11. Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Maintenance-Free AGM Replacement Battery - The Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery offers maintenance-free AGM technology, ensuring optimal performance and durability, with a quick charging speed and long cord length for flexibility.
  12. Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery - Upgrade your energy storage with the Victron Energy BAT412025081 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5), featuring excellent recharge performance, high discharge efficiency, and reliable absorption, making it a versatile and efficient choice for your needs.
  13. Affordable, Portable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery - Energize your devices with the Mighty Max 12V 100Ah SLA Battery (ML100-12) - a rechargeable, maintenance-free, and durable option for all your power needs.
  14. Mighty Max ML15-12 12V 15AH SLA Battery for Rechargeable Devices - The Mighty Max Battery ML15-12 is a long-lasting, rechargeable 12V 15Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery designed for a variety of applications, offering wide operating temperatures, high discharge rate, and deep discharge recovery.
  15. High-Quality Sealed Battery for Rattler 110 and More Models - Keep your Rattler 110, Kymco People 50, Honda Elite, and other compatible bikes charged and efficient this winter with the high-quality, off-branded Prima Battery 12V TX5L-BS, featuring sealed construction and easy-to-use acid cartridges.
  16. AGM G50 External Battery Pack Kit for NVG Night Vision Goggles - Extend operational time of night vision goggles and securely attach to helmets with the AGM G50 External Battery Pack Kit, perfect for those who demand reliability and convenience.
  17. Expert-Tested Deep-Cycle AGM Marine Battery for Durability and Performance - Experience enhanced durability and reliable performance with the Bass Pro Shops Power Series Deep-Cycle AGM Marine Battery, perfect for both cranking/starting and deep-cycle usage in any marine environment.
  18. Factory-activated spill-proof battery with 12 volts and 6 amp-hours - Experience the power of Power-Sonic PTX7LBS-FS, a fully sealed, spill-proof battery offering advanced technology for unparalleled performance and protection in any harsh weather condition.
  19. Portable Powerful 2000 Peak Amp Agm Battery Jump Starter - Schumacher DSR157 ProSeries Jump Starter - Powerful 2000 peak amps for large engines, reverse hook-up warning, and portable charging options for all your devices.
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🔗High-Capacity 75Ah AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Easy Carry Handles
Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Wayne Water Systems WSB1275 battery in my basement sump pump. This maintenance-free, sealed lead-acid battery pack has made my life easier and more worry-free, thanks to its 75Ah capacity and 12V voltage. With its handles making it easy to move around, I am now free from the hassle of constantly monitoring and maintaining the battery levels.
One of the most impressive features of this battery is the consistent power supply it provides, ensuring that my backup sump pump remains ready to kick in at a moment's notice. This reliable performance has given me peace of mind, especially during the recent storms that have brought about power outages in my area. The battery also charges quickly, so I'm always prepared for any situation.
However, there is one drawback I've encountered. While the battery works reliably, the instructions provided for installation are quite complicated and could have been simplified. Additionally, I did notice that the battery's capacity can sometimes be slightly less than advertised, which might require an adjustment in your expectations.
In summary, the Wayne Water Systems WSB1275 battery offers a top-quality, reliable solution for my basement sump pump needs. With its impressive charging capabilities and consistent power supply, I highly recommend this product for anyone looking for a reliable and easy-to-use battery pack for their sump pump system.

🔗High-Performance 12V 160 CCA Thunderbolt Magnum AGM Battery
I recently tried the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery, and I must say, it has some impressive features. What stood out to me is the rugged design and the versatile top-mounted terminals that make it a suitable choice for various generators, including those made by Predator.
While using this battery, I found it to be quite efficient in providing constant voltage input, which is crucial for an electric start generator. It successfully powered both my generator and an ATV without any issues. The battery's compact size made it convenient to install and mount on the generator.
However, one downside I encountered was the reversed polarity terminals. It took me a bit of time to figure out the issue during installation. Additionally, some customers mentioned facing difficulty in finding replacements for this battery, as most other units do not fit the same specifications.
Overall, the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery has proven to be a reliable and functional option for powering electric start generators. But be aware of the possible reversed polarity terminals and the difficulty in finding compatible replacements.

🔗Extreme Heavy-Duty 12V 22AH SLA Battery for Demanding Jump Starter Applications
Imagine a situation where you're stuck on the side of the road, and your car isn't starting. You pull out a small device, no bigger than a pencil box, and within minutes, your car roars to life. That's the magic of a portable jump starter.
The Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah is a versatile device that serves as a replacement for your Die Hard Portable Jump Starter. It's a maintenance-free 12V 22AH Sealed Lead Acid battery, known for its spill-proof nature and high discharge rate. This battery is designed to handle a wide range of temperatures, making it suitable for use in both high and low temperatures.
One of the most impressive things about this battery is its ability to resist shocks and vibration. It can be mounted in any position, making it a convenient option for those who are always on the move. And let's not forget the bonus of having a long service life and the ability to recover from deep discharge situations, which is particularly useful in emergency situations.
Now, let's talk about my personal experience with the Mighty Max Battery. I've used it to jump-start my car during a surprise power outage, and it worked like a charm. It's compact, which made it easy to store in my glove compartment, and it fits perfectly into the port on my Die Hard jump starter.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The product doesn't come with a wire harness or mounting accessories, which means you'll have to purchase those separately if you don't already have them. Additionally, the battery's weight might be a concern for some, but for me, it wasn't a deal-breaker.
Overall, the Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah is a powerful and reliable option for anyone in need of a portable jump starter. It's easy to use, long-lasting, and has a compact design that makes it a convenient option for those always on the go. Despite the minor inconvenience of not having all necessary accessories included, the Mighty Max Battery more than makes up for it with its performance and durability.

🔗12V 9Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery with 2.56" Depth and 3.94" Height
In my quest for a reliable battery, I stumbled upon the Mighty Max Battery ML9-12NB. At first glance, the size may seem smaller than expected, but don't let that hold you back. This little guy is a force to be reckoned with!
Powered by a 12V 9AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) rechargeable maintenance-free battery, it effortlessly outperforms its counterparts in various conditions. UL certified and ready to take on any position, it resists shocks and vibrations with ease while maintaining its long-lasting high performance.
The best part? It's spill-proof and boasts a high discharge rate, wide operating temperatures, and an extended service life. And the deep discharge recover? A true game-changer when it comes to battery efficiency.
Despite its small stature, the ML9-12NB holds its own in the big leagues, proving that good things often come in unexpected packages.

🔗Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter: High-Performance AGM Battery Pack with Easy Charging and Reverse Hook-up Protection
I've been using the Schumacher DSR ProSeries Jump Starter in my daily life for a few months now, and I must say it's been quite the reliable companion. When I needed to jumpstart my car the other day, it took me just a few minutes to get everything connected and running smoothly. The 525 cranking amps and 350 cold cranking amps really make a difference in those crucial moments.
One thing that really stood out to me was the easy-to-read digital display and ON/OFF switch. They made it easy for me to keep track of the battery life and to ensure I wasn't draining it unnecessarily. However, I did notice that the 60-inch cable length wasn't quite long enough to reach my car when it was parked in the driveway, so I had to make a few adjustments.
I particularly appreciate Schumacher's safety features like the reverse hook-up safeguard alarm, which makes sure that the clamps are connected to the battery correctly. Having this safety feature has given me peace of mind when jumpstarting my car or helping friends in need.
This jump starter is well-built and seems to be quite durable. It's a little bit heavy to carry around, but it's certainly sturdy enough to handle the job. The 2.1-amp USB port and 12V DC outlet added bonus features that I've come to appreciate during my camping trips and other outdoor activities.
In conclusion, I highly recommend the Schumacher DSR ProSeries Jump Starter. It has proven to be an invaluable addition to my daily life, and I know I can always count on it when I need to get my car back up and running.

🔗Long-lasting AGM Voyager Battery for Enhanced Deep Cycle Performance

The ACDelco Professional AGM Voyager battery has been a game-changer in my daily life. With its maintenance-free Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) technology, I no longer have to worry about water spills or leaks. The deep cycle performance has been outstanding, and the leak-proof pressurized valve system ensures safety and longevity.
However, there's one minor downside: the battery warning in California can be concerning. Overall, this premium aftermarket battery has exceeded my expectations in terms of fit, form, and functionality.

🔗High Output 12V AGM Car Battery for Superior Audio Performance
I've always been a fan of the XS Power D3400 12V AGM Battery. It's been my go-to power source for my car's audio system. I could definitely feel the difference in the quality once I switched to this battery. The absorption glass mat technology really works wonders!
One of the best things about this battery is its high output. With a max of 3,300 amps, it really powers my speakers. The M6 terminal hardware which comes alongside also adds to the convenience. The battery is classified for OE fit and runs on a wide range of watts, making it versatile for different audio setups.
However, the packaging of the battery wasn't as satisfactory. The battery box came damaged and there were instances where the label peeled off. As far as the terminal hardware, it seems some customers found it missing from their package.
Despite those minor issues, I'm still impressed with this battery's performance. It's durable, reliable, and has definitely elevated the audio quality of my ride. Overall, I would say it's a great power source for any serious audio setup.

🔗Maintenance-Free Powersport AGM Battery for ATV, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Use
I had the chance to test out the Power Sonic Battery PTX20LBS-FS in my motorcycle, and I must say, it made quite an impression. This 12-volt battery with 18 ampere hours and an impressive cold cranking amperage of 200 proved to be extremely convenient to use. The best part? It's spill-proof and completely sealed, ensuring maximum safety.
The maintenance-free aspect of this battery was a game-changer for me. With no need for acid handling during activation, I could worry less and focus on my riding adventure. Just like the product description stated, all it took was to pop it into my motorcycle and I was good to go!
However, I noticed that it wasn't the most durable battery I've ever used. The lifespan of this battery wasn't as long as I hoped for. Despite this, the Power Sonic Battery still worked perfectly for its intended purpose and provided plenty of energy for my powersport vehicle.

🔗Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery: Long-Lasting, High-Performance Solution

The Victron Energy BAT412025081, also known as the 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5), has been a game-changer in my daily life. I've had the opportunity to use this battery in numerous scenarios and I must say, I can't help but share my experience.
Firstly, the AGM Super Cycle technology is truly remarkable. Unlike traditional batteries, these super cycle batteries can handle occasional or frequent partial discharges without any issues. Their smaller size and reduced weight make them an attractive choice for those who are particular about the battery size.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I noticed too. While the battery is designed to prevent sulfation during deep discharge, one has to be careful with frequent deep discharges, as it could reduce the battery's life span. Also, the slightly higher voltage during recharge can strain some battery connections.
Overall, I am quite impressed with this battery's performance. It has proven to be reliable, easy to use, and quite efficient, even with the occasional drawbacks.

🔗Interstate 12V 26Ah AGM Battery with Nut and Bolt Terminal for Universal Fit
I've been using this Interstate Batteries 12V 26Ah SLA/AGM battery in my daily life for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer! . Not only does it fit perfectly in my vehicle, but it's also incredibly reliable and long-lasting. The AGM technology ensures it's maintenance-free and spill-proof, making my life so much easier.
However, it's worth mentioning that the battery is quite heavy, which can be a bit of a hassle when transporting it. Overall, I highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient battery replacement.

🔗Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Maintenance-Free AGM Replacement Battery
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery. As someone who relies on jump starters frequently, I was excited to see if this one would live up to the hype.
The battery itself is a maintenance-free AGM technology, which means I no longer have to worry about adding acid or water. I found this to be a huge time-saver, especially when I was in a rush. Additionally, it was important to note that this is a replacement battery and not a complete starter pack, so I had to use my existing cables and hardware.
One standout feature of this battery is the charging speed. It quickly charges and then switches to maintain mode, protecting the battery from overcharging. This was particularly helpful when I was using it on a daily basis.
The sturdiness of the battery was also impressive. It had a nice heavy case that gave me confidence in the battery's durability. The cords were long and easy to manage, which was a nice bonus when I needed to reach the back of my vehicle.
Overall, the Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery performed well and I was very pleased with my purchase. Its sturdiness, charging speed, and convenient maintenance-free technology make it a great addition to anyone's tool kit.

🔗Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery
I have been using the Victron Energy BAT412025081 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5) for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. One of the main highlights I've experienced is the ability to handle repeated 100% discharge without any worries. The Super Cycle battery's new paste in the positive plates allows for slightly less sensitivity to softening.
Another aspect I appreciate is the significant reduction in sulfation during deep discharge, thanks to new additives in the electrolyte. However, I have noticed that the weight of this battery seems to be fractionally more compared to its standard Victron counterparts.
In terms of downsides, the battery's dimensions and weight are slightly larger and heavier than the standard Deep Cycle AGM batteries, which might be a concern for those with limited storage space or weight restrictions. Overall, the Victron Energy BAT412025081 has proven to be a reliable and efficient solution for my needs, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

🔗Affordable, Portable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery
The Mighty Max battery has been a game changer in my experience. I switched to this sealed lead-acid battery when my old one started causing issues, and I have not looked back since. I use this 12V, 100Ah SLA battery to power my outdoor devices, and the consistent power supply it provides is quite impressive. The rechargeable feature is definitely a plus, allowing me to use the same battery multiple times without worrying about constantly having to replace it.
One of the aspects that I appreciate the most about this product is its durability. Despite being subjected to various outdoor conditions, the Mighty Max battery has been quite rugged and held up well. The spill-proof feature is a welcomed addition as well, ensuring that my device never gets damaged due to accidents.
That being said, there are a couple of minor downsides to this product. One of them is the weight; it is a bit on the heavier side, which may pose inconvenience when transporting it. Additionally, while the battery offers a decent amount of capacity, the performance under heavy load conditions can be somewhat inconsistent at times.
In summary, the Mighty Max battery, despite its minor flaws, has been a reliable and long-lasting addition to my device setup. Its portability could be improved slightly, but overall, I am quite pleased with my purchase.

🔗Mighty Max ML15-12 12V 15AH SLA Battery for Rechargeable Devices
I've been enjoying using the Mighty Max Battery Ml15-12 in my daily life. With a voltage of 12V and a capacity of 15Ah, it's been a reliable power source for my various needs. I especially love how it's compatible with many devices, like the Goal Zero Escape 150 Power Pack and the Razor Dirt Rocket SX500.
One of the highlights is the battery's spill-proof design, which ensures that it can be used in any position without worrying about leaks. It's also rechargeable, which makes it an eco-friendly option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
However, one downside I've noticed is the battery's weight, at 8.78 pounds, which can make it a bit cumbersome to handle. Additionally, it can be challenging to locate all the necessary mounting accessories as they are not included in the package.
Overall, the Mighty Max Battery Ml15-12 has been a trusty companion for my power needs. With its various compatibility options and spill-proof design, it's a reliable choice for those in the market for a high-performance battery with a long service life.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting the right AGM Rattler Battery Pack for your needs, there are a few important factors to consider. This guide will help you understand these factors and make an informed decision.

Important Features

  1. Capacity: The capacity of the battery pack is measured in ampere-hours (Ah). A higher capacity battery will need longer to charge and provide power for a longer period, but it will also be heavier.
  2. Voltage: AGM Rattler Battery Packs are typically rated at 12 volts. Ensure the device you intend to use with the battery pack is compatible with the pack's voltage.
  3. Lifespan: Lithium batteries generally have a longer lifespan compared to other types of batteries. Check the manufacturer's specifications for the expected lifespan of the battery pack.
  4. Size and Weight: Consider the size and weight of the battery pack, as well as the space and weight limitations of your device. A lighter, smaller battery might be more convenient for specific applications.


  1. Intended Use: Determine the primary use for the AGM Rattler Battery Pack. For example, if you need a reliable battery for powering outdoor equipment, you may require a different type of battery than if you were using it for indoor electronics.
  2. Charging Requirements: Check the charging requirements for the battery pack, such as the charging time and the type of charger required.
  3. Environment: If you plan to use the battery pack in extreme temperatures or harsh environments, make sure it can handle those conditions.

General Advice

  1. Read the User Manual: It's essential to read and understand the user manual for your AGM Rattler Battery Pack before using it. This will help you avoid any potential issues and maximize the battery's lifespan.
  2. Keep the Battery Pack Clean: Keeping the battery pack clean and free of debris will help ensure its proper performance and prolong its lifespan.
  3. Store the Battery Pack Properly: Store the battery pack in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its optimal performance and prolong its lifespan.


What is the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is a set of premium automotive AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) batteries designed to provide reliable and long-lasting power to a wide range of vehicles, including trucks, cars, motorcycles, and RVs. These batteries are known for their durability, maintenance-free operation, and exceptional performance in extreme temperatures.

What makes the Agm Rattler Battery Pack different from other automotive battery packs?

The primary difference between the Agm Rattler Battery Pack and other automotive battery packs is the type of technology used in the battery cells. The Rattler utilizes absorbent glass mat (AGM) technology, which offers several advantages over traditional flooded lead-acid batteries. These advantages include: * Increased power output and reliability
  • Longer service life and fewer replacements needed
  • Lower internal resistance for faster charging
  • Higher safety levels due to improved venting and sealing systems
  • Better performance in extreme temperatures and higher humidity environments

What is the warranty on the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack typically comes with a warranty of at least 24 months, depending on the manufacturer. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship, ensuring that the customer receives a high-quality product and peace of mind when making the purchase.

What is the size of the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The size of the Agm Rattler Battery Pack can vary depending on the specific product and the type of vehicle it is designed for. However, most Rattler battery packs have dimensions ranging from 9.5 inches to 10.75 inches in length, 6.9 inches to 7.5 inches in width, and 7.7 inches to 8.3 inches in height. It is essential to consult the product specifications or manufacturer's website to determine the exact size for a specific battery pack.

What are the maintenance requirements for the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is designed to be maintenance-free, eliminating the need for regular checking of the water level and acid levels. You should still periodically check the battery terminals and cables for any corrosion, as well as the overall condition of the battery. Proper charging and handling of the battery are also essential to maintain its optimal performance over time.

Can the Agm Rattler Battery Pack be used as a secondary power source for various electronic devices?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is primarily designed for automotive use, supplying power to vehicles' electrical systems. However, it can also be used as a secondary power source for various electronic devices, especially in emergency situations. It is essential to ensure that the battery pack's capacity and voltage output meet the requirements of the device to prevent damage to either the battery or the device.

Are there any environmental concerns when using the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is made of lead, which can pose environmental concerns when the battery is disposed of improperly. To minimize environmental impact, make sure to recycle the battery at an appropriate location or facility. Check with your local recycling center for more information on proper battery disposal.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 Obludka How to Get Started with the DATS Project Platform WEB3 Securities

Introduction: Welcome to our tutorial on the DATS Project platform! Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist or just starting, DATS Project offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to enhance your data science projects. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the key features and how to use them effectively.

Step 1: Signing Up and Logging In

  1. Visit the Website: Go to DATS Project.
  2. Sign Up:
    • Click on the "Sign Up" button at the top right corner.
    • Fill in your details: name, email, and create a password.
    • Verify your email by clicking the link sent to your inbox.
  3. Log In:
    • Enter your email and password, then click "Log In".

Step 2: Exploring the Dashboard

  1. Overview:
    • After logging in, you’ll be directed to your dashboard.
    • Here, you can see an overview of your projects, recent activity, and notifications.
  2. Navigation Menu:
    • On the left side, you’ll find the navigation menu with sections such as Projects, Datasets, Models, Collaborations, and Settings.

Step 3: Creating a New Project

  1. Start a Project:
    • Click on the "Projects" section in the navigation menu.
    • Click the "New Project" button.
  2. Project Details:
    • Enter your project name and a brief description.
    • Choose the data privacy settings (public or private).
  3. Save and Proceed:
    • Click "Create Project" to save.

Step 4: Uploading and Managing Datasets

  1. Add a Dataset:
    • Navigate to the "Datasets" section.
    • Click "Upload Dataset".
    • Select your file(s) from your computer and upload.
  2. Dataset Management:
    • After uploading, you can view the dataset details.
    • Use built-in tools to clean and preprocess your data directly on the platform.

Step 5: Building and Training Models

  1. Accessing Models:
    • Go to the "Models" section in your project.
    • Click "New Model" to start building.
  2. Model Configuration:
    • Choose from a variety of algorithms (e.g., regression, classification).
    • Configure the model parameters as needed.
  3. Training the Model:
    • Select your dataset for training.
    • Click "Train Model" and monitor the progress.

Step 6: Analyzing Results

  1. View Results:
    • Once the model training is complete, view the results in the "Results" tab.
    • Analyze the performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and more.
  2. Visualization:
    • Use the built-in visualization tools to create charts and graphs of your data and model results.

Step 7: Collaborating with Team Members

  1. Add Collaborators:
    • In your project settings, go to the "Collaborations" tab.
    • Enter the email addresses of your team members to invite them.
  2. Set Permissions:
    • Assign roles and permissions (e.g., view-only, editor).
  3. Collaborative Work:
    • Team members can now contribute to the project, share insights, and work together in real-time.

Step 8: Exporting and Sharing Results

  1. Export Data:
    • Export your datasets, models, and results in various formats (CSV, JSON, etc.).
  2. Share Reports:
    • Generate comprehensive reports and share them with stakeholders or on social media.


Congratulations! You’ve now learned the basics of using the DATS Project platform. With its powerful tools for managing datasets, building models, and collaborating with your team, you’re well on your way to advancing your data science projects. Don’t forget to explore more features and maximize the potential of DATS Project!
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out through the platform’s support section.
Remember to Like, Subscribe, and hit the Bell icon for more tutorials and updates!
Feel free to modify any section or add more details based on the specific features and functionalities of the DATS Project platform.
submitted by Obludka to web3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 Leading-Damage6331 The Rise of the AI Overlords

The Rise of the AI Overlords (in the B2B Sphere) Traditionally, businesses relied on manual processes and human intuition to make decisions. Now, AI algorithms are upending this paradigm. By analyzing vast datasets and identifying patterns invisible to the human eye, AI can automate tasks, optimize operations, and generate data-driven insights. This translates to significant gains in efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, profitability. Here are some key areas where AI is revolutionizing B2B operations: Supply Chain Optimization: AI streamlines logistics and inventory management by predicting demand fluctuations, optimizing delivery routes, and even pre-emptively identifying maintenance needs. Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform and OpenAI's API integration with logistics software are prime examples. Enhanced Customer Service: Chatbots powered by AI can handle basic customer inquiries, freeing up human agents for complex issues. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces operational costs. Both Google's Dialogflow and OpenAI's GPT-3 based solutions are making waves in this domain. Data-Driven Marketing: AI personalizes marketing campaigns by analyzing customer data and preferences. This allows businesses to target the right audience with the right message, maximizing ROI. Google Marketing Platform with its AI-powered features and OpenAI's content generation capabilities are shaking things up.
full post here
submitted by Leading-Damage6331 to YoungEntrepreneurs_w [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:07 Leading-Damage6331 The Rise of the AI Overlords

The Rise of the AI Overlords (in the B2B Sphere) Traditionally, businesses relied on manual processes and human intuition to make decisions. Now, AI algorithms are upending this paradigm. By analyzing vast datasets and identifying patterns invisible to the human eye, AI can automate tasks, optimize operations, and generate data-driven insights. This translates to significant gains in efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, profitability. Here are some key areas where AI is revolutionizing B2B operations: Supply Chain Optimization: AI streamlines logistics and inventory management by predicting demand fluctuations, optimizing delivery routes, and even pre-emptively identifying maintenance needs. Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform and OpenAI's API integration with logistics software are prime examples. Enhanced Customer Service: Chatbots powered by AI can handle basic customer inquiries, freeing up human agents for complex issues. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces operational costs. Both Google's Dialogflow and OpenAI's GPT-3 based solutions are making waves in this domain. Data-Driven Marketing: AI personalizes marketing campaigns by analyzing customer data and preferences. This allows businesses to target the right audience with the right message, maximizing ROI. Google Marketing Platform with its AI-powered features and OpenAI's content generation capabilities are shaking things up.
full read here
submitted by Leading-Damage6331 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:50 Visual_Ability_1229 lord Venkateswara part-5 main idol description contd

disclaimer : I am not endorsing or advertising for anyone to buy the Sri vatsa tracing I cited in the article. moderators, if you think it should be omitted, please let me know. also, no entity connected to the temple in any way is advertising through this.
in my previous post we discussed only a general overview and his feet. also, some measurements . now we discuss the ornaments present in the idol (integral)
note : I am not talking about gold ornaments which are man made
there are 4 belt like structures here. there is a large "buckler" in front in the middle. it has a "simha mukha" to it. this is generally found in South Indian idols, as a sign of warding off the negative eye.
there are round disc-like structures on the belt, decoratively.
there is a tight band below called the KATIBANDHA , near to the groin area.
below this, is a decorative drooping chain , falling half-way down to near the knees.
on the left side, tucking into the belt , the handle of a Dagger (CHURIKA ) can be made out. there is no sword on the idol, only a half-visible dagger on the left.
this is not visible after decoration, as there are too many ornaments, and a sword is used instead of a dagger for decor.
slightly above the navel , is a think band ( UDARABANDHA). it is very thick and tight. it is plain without any designs or motifs
everything seen here is fully formed on the back. there is no flat rock like base , like generally seen in other idols. everything is 360 degrees.
the Chest is strong and wide. the nipples are very prominent. there are no breasts , but the nipples can be very clearly seen.
at the corners of the chest , from shoulder to armpit, deep scars, run on both sides. they are also seen on the backside. characteristic of someone who regularly wears a pack of arrows ( devotee of Lord SRI Rama - rejoice !! )
Vishnu idols contain a mark called Sri vatsa. its shape and size varies a lot . it is like a triangle, or like a diamond , and sometimes like a knot (figure of 8 knot ) .
the most unique feature of this idol, is the Sri vatsa here is a fully formed Lakshmi .
this is located on the right chest, above the right nipple .
Due to the very large size of the main idol, it is possible to make out all the features even though the mark is small. it's roughly around 4 inches vertical and 3 inches diagonal. I will share a drawing of what this goddess looks like.
she has 2-arms ,seated in lotus pose (padmasana) on a lotus seat, inside a triangle .
this mark is fully integral to the idol, and has been a subject of great interest. it is exquisitely shaped with very tiny details . even the face and hands can be made out .
as such it is possible to take a Tracing of this mark , and the priests regularly do so on every Friday.
they use a paste of sandalwood, mixed with turmeric and various other items, and press it to the chest of the lord. a very clear impression of the goddess forms in this.
this impression is usually taken as 1 each for the priests doing the service on that day. 1 for the Jeeyangar trust, 1 for the TTD officials , and 1 for the acharya Purshas.
as this has been happening for a long time (hundreds of years), most of them have multiple copies of the impression. the surpluses now are shared with devotees.
( I don't want to debate the ethics of selling it for a certain price. the demand for it is a million times more than the supply. hence they started selling it. also, there were bitter fights by all entities who wanted them to generate more and who should be given. it was resolved to sell it - this is legally done. the ethics maybe not acceptable to some- but It is beyond the scope of this article)
those devotees who want to obtain this, can obtain it in 3 ways.
many times, they deliberately pick a person at random and give it away, but you need to first go and and ask them, to be a list.
all sources other than the above 3 are selling fake ones on the market. for devotees who want to obtain this highly-prized possession, please don't fall into the trap.
I have personally seen people who paid exorbitant sums of money and got fake ones . I think it's best not to be so desperate. it's a priceless possession for sure, But Lakshmi devi's blessings will surely be there even without it.
THE YAGNOPAVEETA - the second important feature
there is a unique yagnopaveeta called the PRALAMBA BRAHMA SUTRA. it is made of 6 strands (signifies that he is married , 3 for the husband and 3 for the wife ) . there are some curious points here. it is also exceptionally long, and cane traced underneath the belts all the way upto his knees, ( hence the word - PRALAMBA - extra long ) and runs backwards.
unlike other idols, it only has 2 knots. also, its much thicker and heavier than upaveetas found in other idols. it runs down the length across his torso, but 1 strand cuts away also run to the left side going backwards, and never rejoins the rest. there seem to be some kind of inscriptions on the knots, which no one can understand . the script is unknown .
the entire yagnopaveeta can be fully traced on the backside also.
note : within vaishnavism, this yagnopaveeta and the srivasta mark are used to identify 2 other idols, which resemble vishnu in all other respects. one is VISVAKSENA ( SENAI MUDALIAR) and the other is VIKHANASA MUNI. these features are absent on them. the agama specifies that they should be absent.
also , by Puranas, those who attain lord vishnu's abode, may be blessed with his four ( 4 -arms etc . but these features would be absent in them - this is stated across so many scriptures that I cant even quote here )
there are 4 rows of necklaces each successively longer. on the lowest necklace there is a central round-oval with 4 petals on each side - the Kaustubha mani . its not very big in size unlike certain other idols.
all necklaces run to the back, and their knots and strings are clearly visible on the backside, running till the middle of the back.
THE VAIJAYANTI HAARA and the VANAMALA ( both are not the same) are absent on the idol.
submitted by Visual_Ability_1229 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:42 Little_BlueBirdy The Celestial Birth of Abraham

The Celestial Birth of Abraham
AI Generated with ChatGPT NOT pro version
In the shadowed heart of Ur Kasdim, where the sands whispered secrets and the stars danced in cosmic choreography, a tale unfolded—a myth that transcended time and space.
Nimrod, the mighty king, ruled with an iron scepter. His lineage traced back to Noah, yet his ambition soared higher than the tower of Babel. The soothsayers murmured prophecies: a child would rise, challenging Nimrod’s dominion. Fear gnawed at the king’s soul, and he decreed the slaughter of all male infants.
Amathlai, daughter of Carnebo, carried a secret within her—a spark of defiance. Her belly swelled, and her face paled as she bore the unborn Abraham. Terah, a prince and Nimrod’s loyal general, questioned her ailment. “Uncover yourself,” he demanded, seeking proof of her pregnancy. But Abraham stirred within her, elusive as stardust.
Amathlai fled to a desert cave, its walls etched with forgotten glyphs. There, she birthed Abraham, and the cave blazed with celestial light. “Alas,” she wept, “I’ve brought you into this perilous age.” She swathed him in her garment, whispering, “God be with you.”
Abraham’s Solitude and Divine
Alone in the cave, Abraham wept hunger’s tears. Then Gabriel, the archangel, appeared, offering milk from his right hand. The celestial nourishment sustained Abraham for ten days, as he pondered the heavens.
On the tenth sunset, Abraham emerged. Stars adorned the night canvas, and he wondered: “Are these gods?” But they vanished at dawn, leaving him unswayed. The sun ascended, its brilliance blinding. “Is this my god?” he questioned. Yet the sun, too, set. “No deity,” he declared, “for they are moved by a greater force.”
Gabriel materialized, bearing peace. “I am Gabriel,” he announced. Abraham washed and prostrated himself, recognizing the divine messenger.
Days passed, and Amathlai returned, her eyes hollow from sleeplessness. No sign of her son—only a grown boy by the riverbank. “Peace be with you,” she greeted him.
“Your business?” Abraham asked. “I seek my infant son,” Amathlai replied. “But who brought him here?” Abraham pressed.
“I bore him alone in yonder cave,” Amathlai confessed, “fearing Nimrod’s wrath.” “Twenty days ago,” she added.
“Can a mother abandon her child?” Abraham challenged.
“Only if God shows mercy,” Amathlai whispered.
“Mother,” Abraham revealed, “I am your son.”
Amathlai marveled. “How have you grown so tall?”
“God’s hand,” Abraham answered, “revealing His greatness.”
“Is there a greater one than Nimrod?” she wondered.
“Indeed,” Abraham affirmed. “God, unseen yet omnipresent.”
“Go to Nimrod,” he instructed, “and repeat my words.”
And so, Amathlai carried her son’s message to the throne, where Terah bowed before the mighty king. The cosmic struggle between loyalty and compassion unfolded—a tale etched in stardust, whispered by forgotten goddesses, and woven into the very fabric of existence.
Terah, his heart a tempest of fear and resolve, stood before King Nimrod. “Lift up your head,” Nimrod commanded, eager to hear the tale that danced upon Terah’s lips. And so, Terah unfolded the celestial secret—the birth of Abraham, the child destined to challenge Nimrod’s dominion. The king’s countenance paled, and he turned to his trusted advisors, seeking counsel.
“Divine king,” they chorused, “why tremble before a mere child? Your realm boasts princes by the thousands, nobles beyond count. Send forth your least noble, imprison the boy—surely this will quell the prophecy.” But Nimrod’s mind churned. “What infant grows to boyhood in twenty days?” he mused. “And who dares claim a god unseen yet all-encompassing?”
Enter Satin, draped in black silk—a whisper of shadow. Prostrating before Nimrod, he offered counsel. “Why be confounded by a child’s babble?” Satin’s voice wove silk and steel. “Listen well.”
“What counsel?” Nimrod inquired, hungering for wisdom.
“Open your armories,” Satin urged, “and arm every prince and noble. Let them secure the child, bring him to serve you.” Nimrod, swayed by Satin’s cunning, obeyed. The land bristled with weapons, and the army surged toward Abraham, their footsteps echoing doom.
Yet Abraham, in his desert refuge, prayed. God, veiled in darkness, shielded him from their wrath. The approaching host faltered, terror seizing their hearts. “Better to flee Ur!” they cried, abandoning their posts. And Nimrod? He, too, fled—the mighty king turned fugitive, seeking refuge in the Land of Babel. The celestial clash echoed across time, a symphony of defiance and destiny.
And so, the myth deepened—a tapestry woven with threads of starlight, fear, and courage. Abraham, the cosmic child, stood at the crossroads, his purpose etched in constellations.
submitted by Little_BlueBirdy to StrikeAtPsyche [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband (New Update)

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Complex-Wing7114
I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband
Originally posted to offmychest
Thanks to u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU
Previous BoRU
TRIGGER WARNING: controlling behavior, threats, abusive behavior, stalking, assault, physical violence, gaslighting
Original Post Apr 27, 2024
Throwaway account as my husband and In-laws are follow my main. I, 29 F, have been married to my husband, 30 m, who I'll call Alex. Alex and I met in college during our freshman year. We started off as just friends, and got married seven months ago. I've gotten along with his family, but we aren't super close but we're friendly enough. The problem is that Alex has begun to make me incredibly uncomfortable.
Firstly, he's begun to ask me who I'm meeting with, where, what we plan on doing, how long every single time I leave the house without him. At first, I just thought he was being protective and a good partner just in case something happened, but then he started checking my phone after the visits, vetting and researching each of my friends as well.
He also has been pursuing me to link my bank account to his, as he's "in charge" of the finances when he was perfectly fine with keeping them separate before. We fight about it almost every day.
Finally, yesterday when he was preparing to go on a work trip for two weeks in California, he demanded I wear a tracker so he could keep and eye on me while he's gone. I can't do this anymore, I feel like I'm suffocating and his family who I've spoken to about his worrying behavior just said he's being careful and protective as a good husband should. I need to gather my things together and find a way to be gone before he gets home without tipping him off.
He's always threatened that if he ever found me cheating on him he'd turn in divorce papers the same day. He keeps a filled out copy in his desk. I'm going to submit those the day I leave. But there's so much to do, bergen finding a new place to live, seeing if my job has any transfers available, packing and moving in two weeks. His return flight May 11th, so I need to move quickly. I'm posting here because I don't have any close family, and I can't risk dragging my friends into this as we share the same friends.I just needed a place to vent, and ask if anyone has any advice on the easiest and safest way to do this?
Edit: oh my god you guys are amazing! I never even thought to not use his divorce papers. I'll check for cameras before I start any packing or prepping. I may also shred his divorce papers just in case and look into getting a lawyer for myself. I'm in a no fault divorce state, that much I so remember which will help. I'll update again when I know more. The tracker he wants me to use is a small clip to put on the belt or waistband. I'll wear it unless I'm going or doing something related to me leaving. No pets yet thankfully.
Update Apr 28, 2024
So I've gotten a lot of support and helpful advice along with questions I thought I should clarify before I proceed with the update. Some asked why I'd be 'hiding' things from Alex regarding going out and who I'm meeting with. I don't, and I have nothing to hide. However when he begins to then double check everything I tell him with the other people there right down to each person I talked to and what I said. Did I send any text msgs, did I order food, how much did I eat, that's when it started to feel like I was slowly being pushed into a corner. It didn't start that bad, but gradually grew worse overtime.
All of the Reddit subs my in-law's families are part of are related gardening and diy so I highly doubt they'll see this, if so by the time they do, I'll hopefully be gone. I talked to my job and explained things to my manager. And they promised to look into openings in other states to see if they could get me into one. They'll have an update on that in three days. I trust that my bank account us secured, considering he's tried to get into it before and failed. I found one camera in the kitchen, another in the living room and one in our bedroom. As such, I've left them in place for now and done all other planning, either in the bathroom pretending I'm taking a bath.
I'm honestly staying away from the domestic violence services as my sister-in-law is unfortunately higher up in those considering she volunteers there and I have a feeling if I did show up there, they would know in a heartbeat. I can't look for apartments until I get the update from my work, but either or i'm still gonna be leaving the state. The day before I do I will be changing my number carrier and wiping my laptop and all of his electronics before I do.
I've met with 2 lawyers so far and had them look over the paperwork. My husband had prepared and both said that it did it have some clauses in it. That could have caused me some trouble down the line. What alarmed all of us close the fact that several of those clauses dealt with future children, and not as a hypothetical. Like several hair suggested I have a feeling he fully intended on getting me pregnant to keep me trapped and tied to him.
There are 3 other locations. My job could send me to and I have. As a precaution Begun looking into all 3 cities and housing in the areas. Just in case one of those, this is the one they send me to. Even if they don't have an opening that they can push me into then I will just have to quit, move and figure things out on my own. I have enough money to live and survive for a few months until I can pick up another job.
Unfortunately all of our friends are mutuals and would likely be unaware of the consequences of saying or sharing anything I do or say with my husband. I don't have any surviving close family and obviously my in laws are not a good resource to rely on. I am on my own unfortunately, other than the wonderful bonds, i've begun to make here. I will update again if I get more information or something else happens. Otherwise all update when my work gets back to me. I do plan on leaving before he returns, though. Just to make sure that i'm not anywhere near here at that time.
Update 2 Apr 30, 2024
Good news! My work has an opening I qualify for that will not only shift me across the country, but also comes with a salary increase as well. I've started telling my in laws and friends that I'm planning a surprise outing for when my husband gets back for just the two of us. This way, people don't give me odd looks if they see me out and about. I've even gone as far as asking MIL to show me his favorite recipes.
Meanwhile, I've found a moving company that while small is willing to work in a storm. The reason is in five days, we're supposed to get hit with a large storm front. I plan to shut off the breaker and say we lost power if he asks just as several people here suggested and even send him a short clip of the storm.
I will have all of my stuff moved that afternoon, and I will be flying out once the weather has cleared enough to do so. I have a lawyer who will push my divorce through, and I've filled out the necessary paperwork so that I don't have to be here for it. I'm not suing for assets or alimony and I've shredded his divorce papers as well. I've set up a cheap payphone plan through cricket until this is all said and done at which point I will find a new carrier, number and phone. This one is being wiped and left behind.
My laptop is provided by my work, and the IT department inspected it thoroughly and it was clean thankfully. No other electronic aside from my laptop and new phone will be coming with me. If alex needs to talk to me, he can do it through my lawyer. Not sure if anything else will happen, my fingers are crossed that he doesn't think anythings amiss until after I leave - and I'm not turning the breaker back on when I do. He can when he gets home. My work is covering the plane ticket, so that at least is one expense I don't have to finagle in.
Update 3 May 7, 2024
Update 3: I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband.
It's been a busy week, but I've gotten so much done. Firstly, I am now out of the house and am currently in a hotel while I look for an apartment. It's a big city, bustling with people no matter where you look. We had a pretty bad storm system hit back home, that actually lasted two days. High winds, thunder, lightning and even hail everywhere. I didn't take much from the house, my documents, clothes and important sentimental items. I left all of the furniture and electronics behind. I cleaned the house top to bottom and took pictures on my phone so he couldn't claim I damaged anything when I left.
My lawyer has already started divorce proceedings, and my husband will be served on the 8th. His plane is due to land early morning, and the sheriff will be there at the house waiting for him. He is very much about public appearances and reputation. My lawyer will be calling him as well to inform him that I am more than willing to air out everything to the public about his actions if it means securing my freedom from him. I will go to court as long as I must to get this pushed through.
I haven't told our friends or his in-laws yet, I will do that while he is on the flight to prevent him from getting wind of it before he's handed the divorce papers. I will be calling around and explaining why we're getting divorced, to try and prevent him from twisting this into somehow being my fault. I don't want him trying to claim I had an affair or something so I want to get the truth out before he can twist this.
I'm... doing okay. I'm tired, but yet I feel almost jittery and off-kilter. I keep looking over my shoulder and monitoring what I say even when I don't really need to anymore. Hopefully that will fade soon. My work is covering the cost of the hotel, and I'm working on getting my other things in order. I also need to find a new GP as I want to get a full test just to make sure everything is okay. I don't know when my next update will be, probably when the divorce papers are filed or if we have to go to court to push them through. I will try to keep my head up, but it feels like I'm in a whirlwind or something with so many things to do and think about. I kinda thought it would be easier once I got out of the house but while the fear is smaller, somehow the number of tasks only seems to have grown.
Update 4 May 14, 2024
Sorry I haven't updated for a while, things got hectic and a bit chaotic honestly. Firstly, I'm working on getting an apartment still and have applications in at three different places and will hopefully hear back from them soon. I'm still going into work here at the new location, so I don't have to worry about burning through my emergency savings completely. I've gotten a lot of emails from Alex, his family and our old friend group asking question after question. I have only sent one return email to Alex, explaining that I don't believe we are truly compatible, and it is best we separate now. That his treatment of me when I'd done nothing to deserve as such was just as much of a deal breaker as cheating was for him.
I ended the email with the statement that I would not be contacting him further and anything else he needed to pass on to me or vice versa would be done through my lawyer. For his family and friends, I just typed up one email outlining everything that had happened and why I left. I told them I wished them no ill will, but that such treatment of his wife and partner was not acceptable. That should Alex get remarried in the future, I wished they would help support both partners and not just Alex.
Alex, from what my lawyer told me, was livid when he was served. The sheriff actually ended up booking him for assault on an officer and menacing due to the threats he was shouting. His father bailed him out in a few hours, but with the testimony of the sheriff, my lawyer believes I have a very good chance at getting a restraining order. Alex, upon returning to the house, apparently lost his temper again, breaking the dining table into pieces as well as the tv, and putting several holes in the walls. At least that's what one of the emails from one of our friends reported as Alex called him to help him clean up the mess.
My lawyer already has pictures of the house I took, with timestamps as evidence nothing had been damaged by me. My friend reported that Alex tried to claim I'd been the one to trash the house but the holes in the wall were at head height - Alex is 6'3", and I'm 5'4" so he knew that was false. Either way, taking the pictures definitely will help me so again thank you everyone here for the advice because I never would have thought of that on my own. My work won't share details of where I am, as I do work with some higher end clientele who value security and that information won't be gossiped about and no, I'm not some stripper or escort. I deal with contracts, notary and business management. As such, even if Alex tried to use my work to find me, he wouldn't succeed.


Update on leaving May 26, 2024
It’s been a little bit, and I thought I’d answer some questions before giving my update. It may be a while after this until things change.
Firstly, No I didn’t bring my car. The public transport here is good enough to use without needing one. I have secured an apartment, and the building has good security. You need a key card to enter, and there is a security guard at a desk right by the entrance to the building. As part of my contract, I gave them a photo of Alex and his family so that even in the off chance they do find me, they won’t be let in.
The responses I got from the emails varied. His family said I was overreacting, and that I owe Alex an apology for the problems this has caused him. The pending criminal charges puts him at risk of losing his job if he’s convicted. Alex sent a long email, apologizing and pleading for me to come home. He said he was worried for me, that he is willing to go to therapy if it will appease me. He wants us to remain together, and he didn’t think leaving was an appropriate response to his genuine concern and worry for my health and safety. The friends gave somewhat lacking replies, saying that they didn’t think Alex was ever going to hurt me and that I shouldn’t be letting my imagination run away wild. As much as I want to say I was surprised by the lack of support, I’m honestly not.
He intends to fight the divorce. I am letting my lawyer handle it, and I am also pursuing a protective order as well. Once I got approved for my apartment, I also froze my credit. I’ve changed my phone carrier and number, as well as making sure none of my documents list Alex as next of kin or POA.
Some have asked why I was so paranoid about Alex and his possible future actions. The answer for that actually is somewhat simple – my grandmother. I loved that woman to bits. As a teen, she explained why my grandfather was never around. He was extremely abusive and manipulative, and her generation didn’t allow divorce really. She wouldn’t have been able to buy a house or get a good enough job to support her and my mother on her own. As such, she endured it, shielded my mom as she could until my grandfather died. When I felt like I may have been overreacting, I remembered how she’d said she’d always wished she’d been able to see grandfather for what he was early on when she may have been able to annul the marriage.
I don’t know when I’ll update again, maybe when the divorce goes through or if something big happens but until then, I’m just trying to keep my head above the water.
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2024.06.02 05:53 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 4500 Psi Compressor

Best 4500 Psi Compressor
Get ready to discover the ultimate power tool for your DIY projects. In this article, we present a comprehensive review of the top-rated 4500 Psi compressors on the market. Our aim is to provide you with the most reliable and efficient compressors, so you can take on your toughest jobs with confidence.

The Top 17 Best 4500 Psi Compressor

  1. Portable Electric PCP Air Rifle Pump (Open-Box) - The VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump delivers high-performance and versatility, boasting 4500psi, automatic shut-off, and robust built-in wateoil adapter fan features for its price range.
  2. High-Performance 4500 PSI Air Compressor with Water Cooling and Premium Details - The VEVOR 30mPa/4500psi High Pressure Air Compressor offers high performance, water cooling heat dissipation, and an upgrade metal front shell for premium durability and portability while effectively filling air tanks in a wide range of applications.
  3. TUXING High-Pressure 4500psi Air Compressor with Water-Oil Separator - The TUXING 4500psi PCP Air Compressor is an efficient, high-quality solution for filling various capacities of bottles, ensuring clean air through its built-in dual filter system and providing excellent safety features for a long-lasting performance.
  4. Powerful Electric Air Compressor for Rifles and Accessories - An efficient, high-power electric air compressor that allows for fast and convenient airfilling of PCP air rifles, paintball tanks, and more, with a reliable cooling system and customizable oil options.
  5. Air Venturi Krypton Portable 4500 PSI Compressor - Efficient and versatile, the Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor delivers faster fill times, advanced moisture filtration, and an improved temperature gauge, perfect for PCP airguns, airsoft, and paintball tank users.
  6. Versatile Portable 4500 Psi Air Compressor with Easy Inflation and Auto-Stop - The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor offers real-time pressure and temperature readings, auto-stop functionality, and a built-in power converter for versatile home and outdoor use, making it a reliable choice for diverse inflation needs.
  7. Portable 4500 PSI PCP Compressor with Integrated LED Lights - Experience the convenience and versatility of the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor, with its high pressures, low maintenance, adjustable auto-shutoff, and energy-efficient features.
  8. High-Power Portable Compressor for Airguns and Paintball - The Benjamin Recharge 4500 PSI Compressor delivers impressive filling speeds, quickly providing 4500psi in just 14 minutes - perfect for efficiently filling a CHCAT tank in no time!
  9. Portable PCP Air Compressor with Built-in Fan and Oil/Water Separator - Versatile 4500 PSI VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump compressor with built-in fan, oil/water separator, and quick connector for a diverse range of outdoor and indoor needs.
  10. Vevor 4500 Psi Portable Compressor with Built-in Fan and Auto-Stop for Diverse Uses - The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor effortlessly delivers 4500 Psi pressure, ensuring smooth operation and quick filling of scuba tanks.
  11. Powerful & Compact 4500 Psi PCP Air Compressor - VEVOR PCP Air Compressor offers precise inflation, rapid fill times, and exceptional stability for efficient and hassle-free paintball gun maintenance in both home and outdoor settings.
  12. Powerful Portable PCP Air Compressor for High-Pressure Applications - The TUXING PCP Air Compressor offers a portable and lightweight solution with an adjustable pressure gauge, powered by both home and car voltage sources, and featuring a water and oil-free design for convenience and ease of use.
  13. Powerful 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Paintball and PCP Guns - VEVOR PCP Air Compressor - A Portable, Fast, and Stable Solution for Inflating Your Paintball Guns and Scuba Diving Bottles, Boasting an Exceptional 4500 PSI and Oil/Water-free Design for Improved Durability and Efficient Inflation.
  14. Versatile 4500 PSI Air Compressor for PCP Air Rifles and Tanks - The VEVOR 4500 Psi Compressor is a powerful, portable solution for a range of air-related tasks, offering excellent performance, durability, and ease of use in a compact size.
  15. 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Fast Inflation - Upgrade your PCP Air Rifle experience with the TUXING 4500 Psi Compressor, featuring a built-in drain system, intelligent overheating prevention, and multiple power sources for ultimate convenience and safety.
  16. Versatile 4500 PSI Portable Compressor for PCP Guns - The Air Venturi RovAir 4500 is a powerful and versatile 4500 PSI portable PCP compressor, compatible with various compressed air systems and offering adjustable auto-shutoff for safe operation, while making the most of your time and energy.
  17. Superior 4500 PSI Compressor with Auto-Shutoff Feature - Tuxing PCP Air Compressor - A lightweight, portable, and easy-to-maintain 4500 Psi air compressor with rapid charging speed and built-in features for optimal performance and durability.
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🔗Portable Electric PCP Air Rifle Pump (Open-Box)
I recently had the opportunity to try out the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump, and I must say, I was quite impressed with its performance and capabilities. As someone who enjoys shooting, having a reliable and efficient air compressor is crucial, and the VEVOR pump definitely met my expectations.
One of the most appealing aspects of this product is its portability. Its compact design, coupled with the built-in fan cooling, makes it a breeze to take with me on outdoor adventures or to the local range. The pump is also versatile, working seamlessly with a variety of air tools, air rifles, and even paintball tanks. This has proven to be a great feature, as I can use it for various purposes without having to switch to another compressor.
Another highlight of this pump is its built-in wateoil adapter, which eliminates the need for any external attachments. This feature not only simplifies the setup process but also ensures a more efficient operation. The adjustable pressure and temperature gauges are easy to read and understand, providing convenient monitoring of the compressor's performance.
While there were no significant drawbacks during my experience using the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump, I did notice that it can be a bit noisy compared to some other compressors I've used. However, this wasn't a major issue, and the speed at which it fills air tools made it well worth dealing with the occasional noise.
Overall, I would highly recommend the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump to anyone in search of a reliable and efficient compressor for their air tools, rifles, or tanks. Its portability and versatility make it a great addition to any outdoor adventure or shooting range, while the adjustable pressure and temperature gauges provide added convenience during operation.

🔗High-Performance 4500 PSI Air Compressor with Water Cooling and Premium Details
I recently tried out the VEVOR 30mpa/4500psi High Pressure Air Compressor PCP Airscuba Air Pump 1800W and was impressed by its performance. As a reviewer who had experienced various air compressors, I was excited to see how this one would fare in my daily tasks.
One of the most striking features for me was the manual stop mechanism on the compressor. It made it easy to control the pressure, ensuring safety and accuracy when filling air tanks. Additionally, the upgraded metal front shell added a sleek and sturdy touch to the compressor, making it suitable for outdoor use.
The water cooling heat dissipation system was a great addition. It helped regulate the temperature of the compressor, preventing overheating and prolonging the lifespan of the unit. The premium details, such as the copper motor and cast aluminum cover, only added to the overall build quality and aesthetic appeal of the product.
However, there were some minor drawbacks I encountered. The instructions provided with the compressor were a bit unclear for a beginner, which could be improved. Additionally, the noise level was higher than I anticipated, but it wasn't unbearable, and I eventually got used to it.
In conclusion, the VEVOR High Pressure Air Compressor PCP Airscuba Air Pump 1800W is a well-built and versatile tool that can suit a wide range of applications. Its high pressure performance, water cooling heat dissipation, and premium details make it a great choice for those in need of a reliable air compressor. Despite the few concerns, I am overall satisfied with my experience and would recommend it to others.

🔗TUXING High-Pressure 4500psi Air Compressor with Water-Oil Separator
Meet the TUXING 4500psi PCP Air Compressor, a robust tool that's been a trusty companion in my daily life. I have filled large capacity water bottles with ease, and it took only 3 minutes to fill 0.5 liters from 0-300 bar! But the best part for me is the built-in double filter that makes the air cleaner - no need for an additional oil-water separator.
Now, let's talk about the pressure adjustability - it has an adjustable manometer and temperature gauge, capable of reaching 4500psi and automatically stopping when the preset pressure is met. The cooling system, powered by a battery-operated digital thermometer monitoring an independent water cooling system, is a win as well—it makes the machine reliable and safe to handle.
The TXEDM042 compressor I have is a double compressor with an oil-water separator, giving me fast filling speeds, making it perfect for large capacity tanks. And best of all? This tool is of good quality, with safety features and an all-copper motor designed for a long service life. The store even has all the spare parts for repair and replacement, which takes away any worry regarding potential complications. This tool truly deserves its 5-star rating!

🔗Powerful Electric Air Compressor for Rifles and Accessories
I recently had the chance to use this high-pressure air pump, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. Filling my PCP air rifle used to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, but this compressor significantly sped up the process. With its powerful 1.8KW motor, it fills tanks in no time, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to streamline their airgun setup.
However, there was one aspect of the compressor that left me slightly disappointed: the noise level. While it's not excessively loud, the vibration is quite noticeable, especially when in use. Additionally, the instructions could have been more clear and user-friendly. It took some trial and error to figure out the setup process, but once it was up and running, the performance was impressive.
Overall, this high-pressure air pump exceeded my expectations in terms of efficiency and ease of use. Despite the minor drawbacks, it has become a staple in my routine, and I highly recommend it to anyone in need of a reliable and fast air compressor.

🔗Air Venturi Krypton Portable 4500 PSI Compressor
The Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor is a versatile and powerful addition to my daily life. When using it to fill airguns, airsoft, and paintball tanks, I've found that it significantly reduces the time required to fill each tank. The compressor delivers a maximum fill pressure of 4500 PSI and boasts 15% faster fill times compared to previous models. A major highlight is the adjustable automatic shutoff feature, which adds an extra layer of safety and convenience.
However, the compressor does have a few drawbacks. Firstly, the moisture filtration system could use some improvement, as I've noticed that the compressed air has a faint dampness to it. Secondly, the cooling system is not the most efficient, leading to a noticeable decrease in the compressor's performance over time.
Despite these minor flaws, the Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor has proven to be a reliable and efficient tool for my various air-powered hobbies. The internal water-cooling system and digital temperature gauge provide additional safety and precision when operating the compressor at high pressures. Moreover, the compressor is compact and easy to use, with a 110V outlet that makes it accessible for anyone with a standard household power outlet.

🔗Versatile Portable 4500 Psi Air Compressor with Easy Inflation and Auto-Stop

I recently had the chance to try out VEVOR's PCP air compressor, and I must say, it's a game-changer for gun enthusiasts and scuba divers alike. The first thing that stood out to me was the intelligent dual display system that provided real-time pressure and temperature readings. This feature allowed me to inflate my paintball gun with precision, knowing exactly when it reached the desired pressure.
The compact design of this air compressor is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. I loved that it came with a built-in power converter, so I could easily power it with both an AC120V socket at home or a 12V car battery while I was out in the wild. And let's not forget the speed - it effortlessly filled a 1.0L air cylinder from 0 to 300bar in just 25 minutes!
One of the most impressive features of the VEVOR PCP air compressor is its upgraded linkage structure that ensures powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and enhanced durability. This oil and water-free design makes it a reliable choice for anyone looking for a dependable air compressor.
As someone who values convenience, I appreciated the comprehensive all-in-one package that came with this air compressor. It includes an oil/water separator, an 8mm quick-connect high-pressure hose, and a set of accessories for easy connections and replacements.
With its impressive features and versatile use, the VEVOR PCP air compressor has quickly become a must-have tool in my arsenal. If you're looking for an air compressor that will provide precise inflation and seamless transitions from one activity to another, then look no further. This 4500 Psi Compressor is the perfect solution for all your inflation needs!

🔗Portable 4500 PSI PCP Compressor with Integrated LED Lights
I recently had the pleasure of using the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor in my daily life, and it was an experience that left me thoroughly impressed. Firstly, the compressor's adjustable auto-shutoff feature was a game-changer, making it incredibly user-friendly and efficient. I appreciated that it could handle pressures up to 4500 PSI, making it a versatile tool for a variety of tasks.
One of the standout features for me was the compressor's ability to run off of a 110V or 220V outlet or a 12V car battery. This made it incredibly convenient for on-the-go use or whenever I needed to take it out of the house. The less maintenance required, with no longer needing intermittent lubrication, was also a huge plus, as it saved me time and effort.
Additionally, the integrated LED lights on the underside of the unit were a thoughtful design choice, providing excellent visibility when working in low light conditions. Overall, the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor has proven to be a reliable and efficient tool in my daily life, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to others in search of a high-quality compressor.

🔗High-Power Portable Compressor for Airguns and Paintball
As a seasoned paintball player and avid gear enthusiast, I recently got my hands on the Benjamin Recharge Compressor BHPAC. With its impressive 4500 psi output, I was eager to see how it would perform in various scenarios. From filling PCP rifles under 45 seconds to powering my trusty CHCAT 90Cu tank in just over 14 minutes, this compressor truly lives up to its claims.
The compact design and portable nature have made this a dependable piece of kit during my outdoor adventures. However, a drawback I discovered was that it lacked necessary accessories that would've made it even more convenient to use. Nonetheless, the Benjamin Recharge Compressor BHPAC continues to prove its worth on the field, consistently impressing with its efficiency and versatility.

🔗Portable PCP Air Compressor with Built-in Fan and Oil/Water Separator
As someone who frequently partakes in outdoor activities, I found the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump to be a game-changer. This portable air compressor effortlessly powered by a 12V car battery or a 110V 220V socket at home, depending on my location. I was particularly impressed with its high-power fan, effectively cooling the compressor without any additional water pump.
One standout feature for me was the built-in oil/water separator, making the compressor reusable and environmentally friendly. The 8mm quick connector seamlessly attached my PCP air rifle, and the visible pressure and temperature gauge provided me with useful insights into the compressor's status.
However, I encountered an issue regarding the moisture buildup while using the compressor on a PCP rifle. The rapid temperature rise caused condensation, leading to potential damage. To remedy this, I suggest using the compressor in short bursts or using an additional air dryer.
Despite this minor inconvenience, the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump proved to be an incredibly efficient and versatile companion during my outdoor adventures.

🔗Vevor 4500 Psi Portable Compressor with Built-in Fan and Auto-Stop for Diverse Uses
I recently got my hands on the VEVOR PCP Air Compressor and was excited to give it a shot. This little gadget has really made my air gun filling process a breeze.
The highlight of this compressor is its automatic shut-off feature which makes it really safe and hassle-free to use. I can power it up using home socket or even my car battery, whichever is more convenient for me. The built-in fan cooling helps keep it from overheating during use.
However, one downside I found was the sturdiness of the product. After a few days of use, I noticed that it wasn't as robust as I expected it to be. Despite this, the compressor does its job efficiently and quickly.
Overall, I'd say this VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is a pretty good option if you're looking for an easy and portable way to fill your PCP guns. It might not be the most durable one out there, but it certainly gets the job done in no time at all.

🔗Powerful & Compact 4500 Psi PCP Air Compressor
I've been using the VEVOR PCP Air Compressor 4500psi for a few weeks now, and it's been a game-changer for my paintball sessions. The intelligent dual display system really comes in handy when inflating my airguns, as it provides real-time pressure and temperature readings.
One of my favorite features is how quickly this compressor fills my air cylinder. In only 25 minutes, it effortlessly gets the job done! Plus, its auto-stop function ensures that I never over-inflate, which saves me time and hassle.
Another great aspect of this VEVOR compressor is its outstanding stability. It employs an upgraded linkage structure that guarantees powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and enhanced durability. No more mid-inflation machine burnouts – I appreciate that!
As someone who enjoys both indoor and outdoor activities, I really like how versatile this compressor is. With its 500W built-in power converter, I can power it at home using an AC120V socket or with a 12V car battery while I'm out in the wild. This compact air pump has made my life easier and more convenient.
The all-in-one package that comes with this VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is truly impressive. It's an essential tool for any paintball enthusiast, and I can confidently say that it's worth the investment.

🔗Powerful Portable PCP Air Compressor for High-Pressure Applications
I recently gave the TUXING PCP Air Compressor a try, and I must say, it's quite the portable little powerhouse. One of the things I appreciated most was its built-in transformer, allowing me to power it at home or while on the go with my car. The compact size, complete with a portable handle, made this air compressor incredibly easy to tote along wherever I needed it.
The adjustable pressure gauge was another standout feature, offering convenience and precision in the level of pressure this air compressor reached. I particularly enjoyed the water and oil-free operation, as it eliminated the need for additional accessories, such as buckets or diesel fuel - something we've all likely experienced at some point!
As for its specifications, this compressor boasts a maximum pressure of 4,500 Psi/30Mpa/300Bar, 300W of power, and a cooling system that uses a fan. Measuring in at 15.75 x 7.87 x 11.81 inches, this sleek and rectangular design is perfect for transport and storage.
While I found numerous benefits from using this TUXING PCP Air Compressor, there were a couple of drawbacks. For one, it required two LR44 batteries (included) to function, which some may find less than ideal. Additionally, it generated a moderate level of noise at 78 dB.
Overall, the TUXING PCP Air Compressor proved to be a reliable and efficient companion for my airgun and paintball tank needs. Its portable design, water and oil-free operation, and adjustable pressure gauge truly set it apart from other air compressors, making it well worth considering for those seeking to make the most of their outdoor activities.

🔗Powerful 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Paintball and PCP Guns
I've been using the VEVOR PCP air compressor in my daily life, and it's been a game-changer for me. One of the highlights of this compressor is its smart dual display system, which provides real-time pressure and temperature readings. It's been incredibly helpful in ensuring that I'm always using the right pressure for my airguns.
What really stands out to me is its versatility. With its external high-power converter, I can power this compressor both at home and outdoors using a 12V car battery. It's been so handy for me, whether I'm filling my paintball guns at home or out in the wild.
The fast and stable inflation is another feature that I appreciate. It's been a pleasure to fill my 0.5L air cylinder from 0 to 300bar in just 25 minutes. I love the manual-stop feature as well; it makes it easy for me to stop inflating whenever I need to.
One of the best things about this compressor is its outstanding stability. I've had other compressors in the past that would burn out in the middle of inflation, but not this one. The upgraded linkage structure ensures powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and high durability.
To top it all off, the VEVOR PCP air compressor is a comprehensive all-in-one package. It comes with an oil/water separator, an 8mm quick-connect high-pressure hose, a battery clamp, and a set of accessory pack for easy connections and replacements. Overall, I'm really happy with this product and the convenience it brings to my daily life.

🔗Versatile 4500 PSI Air Compressor for PCP Air Rifles and Tanks
The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is a small, portable option for PCP air rifle enthusiasts. Having tried it out, I can say it's a convenient and easy-to-use tool.
Its compact design means it's perfect for my daily use, as I can easily store it in my workshop. The compressor's powerful 60 watts and 1800 RPM motor fill up my PCP air rifle with ease, without the pressure gauge ever going above its safe limit. Moreover, its 50 micron filtration system keeps the air clean while filling the tank.
It's quieter than I expected, which allows me to use it even during my night shooting sessions. One minor downside is that it is not as durable as other models in its price range.
Still, this handy compressor has become a dependable part of my regular air rifle maintenance toolkit, making it worth the investment.

Buyer's Guide

A 4500 Psi compressor is a versatile and powerful tool for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. It can be used for everything from filling tires, inflating balls, and inflating air mattresses to filling scuba gear, industrial equipment, and even airless paint sprayers. While these compressors are similar in many ways, there are some important features, considerations, and general tips to keep in mind when purchasing one.


Portability is a crucial factor when choosing a 4500 Psi compressor. Some models come with wheels for easy movement, while others may be heavier and require additional lifting or carrying assistance. Consider the weight and convenience of the compressor's transportation, especially if it needs to be moved frequently or across long distances.

Power Source

4500 Psi compressors can use various power sources, such as gasoline, propane, or electricity (both AC and DC) to run the engine. Each power source has its advantages and disadvantages. Gasoline and propane models offer greater portability, but can be noisier and require additional maintenance. Electric models tend to be quieter, but may be limited in their applications by power outlets.

Air Tank Capacity

Another important feature to consider is the air tank capacity. The larger the air tank, the longer it will take to recharge the compressor after it has been used. Generally, larger air tanks are more convenient for continuous use, but also add weight to the compressor.

Air Flow and Pressure Output

Air flow and pressure output are essential factors when selecting a 4500 Psi compressor. The air flow determines how quickly the compressor can fill the tank and deliver compressed air. The air pressure output determines how suitable the compressor is for specific applications. Understand the requirements of your intended applications to ensure you select a compressor with adequate air flow and pressure output.

Maintenance and Reliability

A high-quality 4500 Psi compressor should be reliable, durable, and easy to maintain. Look for compressors with high-quality components and sturdy construction. Also, consult the manufacturer's manual or ask the dealer about recommended maintenance schedules and any special instructions that might be required for efficient and prolonged operation.

Accessories and Compatibility

Some 4500 Psi compressors come with additional accessories, such as hoses, tires, or inflation needles, making them more versatile and practical for different applications. Make sure that the compressor is compatible with the accessories you require or intend to purchase later. Additionally, check whether the compressor is compatible with other equipment or tools you may use it with.

Safety Features

Lastly, safety should always be a priority when selecting a 4500 Psi compressor. Look for models with essential safety features like automatic shut-offs, pressure regulators, and overload protection. These features help guard against accidents, malfunctions, or damage to the compressor.
4500 Psi compressors are versatile tools with many applications. When selecting one, consider factors like portability, power source, air tank capacity, air flow and pressure output, maintenance and reliability, accessories and compatibility, and safety features to ensure you find a model that best fits your needs and requirements.


What is a 4500 Psi compressor?

A 4500 Psi compressor is a powerful air compressor designed to handle high pressure applications. It is typically used in industrial, commercial, and automotive settings for tasks such as pneumatic tools, tire inflation, and airbrushing.

What are the benefits of using a 4500 Psi compressor?

A 4500 Psi compressor offers several advantages, including increased productivity, higher efficiency, and greater versatility. Its high pressure capacity allows it to operate a wide range of pneumatic tools and equipment with ease, while its powerful motor allows for quicker operation and faster results.

What are the key features of a 4500 Psi compressor?

Key features of a 4500 Psi compressor may include a heavy-duty motor, cast iron pump housing, oil-cooled, and oil-lubricated components. Additional features may include a cast iron air tank, multiple air discharge outlets, and a convenient control panel for easy operation.

What should I consider when purchasing a 4500 Psi compressor?

When purchasing a 4500 Psi compressor, consider factors such as the size and capacity of the air tank, the power consumption, and the noise level. Also, ensure that the compressor meets the requirements of your specific application and that it is compatible with the tools and equipment you plan to use.

What is the difference between a 4500 Psi compressor and a lower-pressure compressor?

The primary difference between a 4500 Psi compressor and a lower-pressure compressor is the operating pressure. A 4500 Psi compressor can handle higher pressure applications, such as powering more demanding pneumatic tools and equipment. Lower-pressure compressors may be more suitable for lighter-duty applications, like inflating tires or operating smaller tools.

What maintenance is required for a 4500 Psi compressor?

Regular maintenance for a 4500 Psi compressor includes checking and changing the oil, maintaining the air filter, and inspecting and replacing worn components. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper maintenance and ensure that the compressor is serviced regularly to maintain optimal performance and longevity.

Are there any safety precautions I should follow when using a 4500 Psi compressor?

Yes, there are several safety precautions you should follow when using a 4500 Psi compressor, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), ensuring proper ventilation, and avoiding direct contact with the compressor when it is in operation. Additionally, follow the manufacturer's guidelines and safety instructions to prevent accidents and ensure safe use.

Which 4500 Psi compressors are the best on the market?

The best 4500 Psi compressors on the market will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as power consumption, noise level, and overall build quality when evaluating different models. It is also helpful to read reviews and compare features to find the best fit for your application.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:48 _Mad_Maddy My Take on the Lore of Indigo Park Part 1!

So, as the title suggests, this is my idea for the Indigo Park Timeline and Lore, including the time before, and the game's events. This will be one of three parts due to character limitations, this part dealing with the time before the events of the game.
So, this game is clearly based loosely on Disney, if it wasn't obvious enough: a man by the name of Isaac Indigo opening Indigo Park (Walt Disney, Disney World, self-explanatory), starting out with cartoons in the early 1900s.
Mr. Isaac Indigo started out his business ventures in the cartoon sphere, specifically with Lloydford L. Lion, or more commonly known as Lloyd the Lion. The reason that it's Lloyd specifically, and not anyone else, can be seen when interacting with the Retro Lloyd Plush, both from the protagonist and Rambley the Raccoon, the modern day representative of Indigo Park.
Protagonist in regard to the Retro Lloyd Plush: "Lloyd obviously had an older look in the classic Indigo cartoons, but I'm not sure it looked like this. I guess nostalgia sells..."
Rambley AI in regard to the Retro Lloyd Plush: "Ugh...I don't get why we even have those. And why did they only make one of LLOYD? Is it because he's the loudest? I CAN BE LOUD TOO! WHERE'S MY LIMITED-EDITION THROWBACK PLUSH?! WHERE'S MOLLIE'S? WHERE'S FINLEY'S?"
Protagonist in regard to the Lloyd Plush: “I feel like as a kid, Indigo used Loyd a lot more.”
If it wasn't obvious enough by Rambley's rather frustrated demeanor regarding the plush, only Lloyd received this sort of plush, while none of the others received such a collectible. Well, it's possible Salem the Skunk received one, since Rambley didn't mention her, but that might be more representative of his intense dislike for Salem, something that will be discussed down the line. Another thing to note is that this plush does not look like the original Lloyd Lion, which is a detail I will discuss in depth towards the end.
Anyways, over the years, the other mascots we know and love, Mollie the Macaw, Finley the Sea Serpent, Salem the Skunk, and Rambley the Raccoon are added. I would like to put forth the idea that Mollie, Salem, and Rambley were all added in the same general time period, thanks to the Rambley Rush Arcade Game.
The quick rundown of the game is thus: Mollie Macaw crashes somewhere in the depths of Rambleberry Woods, and Rambley goes to find her. Along the way, he must jump across rivers and pits, collecting Rambleberries, and stomping upon evil purple squirrels, eventually reaching Mollie, who is still near her crashed plane. When she gets up, she claims that she crashed because her vision became rapidly obscured, at which point Salem Skunk appears and takes credit for that, claiming that she needed better test subjects for her potions than a bunch of squirrels. Infecting Mollie with the potion, Salem flees, not before Rambley and Salem exchange some barbs. Rambley eventually knocks Mollie out by stomping on her a few times, and the game glitches and crashes.
This arcade game is important for several reasons, one of which is that it introduces us to the dynamic that Rambley and Salem have: one of enemies, different than with Lloyd, because Rambley is merely jealous of the fact that Lloyd came before him, and was the main character for a long period of time. There is also the fact that Salem's area in the Rambley Railroad is completely destroyed. Not even Lloyd's area is so damaged.
From my basic understanding of early black and white television, based on the Chapter 1 opening cutscene of Isaac Indigo, Indigo Park opens somewhere in the 1940s to 1950s, as the grainy, blurry footage and somewhat muffled audio is reminiscent of such times. All sorts of rides and attractions are available for families to explore, such as Rambley's Railway, Jetstream Junction, Oceanic Odyssey, and Lloyd's Main Stage Theater. Again, interesting to note that Salem doesn't have such an area dedicated to her, though that might just be a way of putting off that area for later in the game. People in costumes (note, not called Mascots themselves, as I will use the term to address the replacements of these costumes) roam about the place, likely acting like modern day Disney Cast Members do today, interacting with guests in character.
After a long period of time, and possibly into the early 2000s, the focus is drawn away from Lloyd and onto Rambley, and specifically after the park was open, and not before, because in that same commercial that I dated to approximately the 1940s or 50s, the front gates are decorated with artwork of Lloyd, which is different than in game, where the Lloyd artwork has been replaced by art of Rambley. The reasoning for this is unclear, though I do have a few speculations. It is noted, both by the Rambley AI and the protagonist when interacting with the limited Golden Rambley Plush, that the idea is kind of cheap.
Protagonist: "So wait. They were so money hungry that they just recolored a regular Rambley plush and called it a new product? Kinda lazy don't you think?"
Rambley AI: "... Seriously, our employees had to clean up SO many stray teeth and nails. Hard to believe that there was all this demand for a regular Rambley Plush we blasted with gold spray paint..."
The idea of cutting corners and lowering costs comes up a fair bit. This might be the reason that they swapped main characters, after all: it's easier to animate a cute, small raccoon with a bandana than a large lion in a full on suit. This might also be the reason that the park transitions from costumed staff members, or "Ranglers", to Mascots.
Another reason for the change could have been growing awareness of animal welfare issues at the time, with many circuses and zoos facing criticism for how they treated their animals, lions and elephants specifically, and is an issue that is still ongoing, so perhaps Indigo Park didn't want the negative press to come to them, so they swapped. However, it is important to note that these are purely my speculations, and no concrete reason for the swap was ever introduced in Chapter 1 (to my knowledge).
A third possible reason could be in reference to what Indigo Park represented, at least in the time that it was built. According to Isaac Indigo:
Isaac Indigo, giving a press conference outside Indigo Park: “Indigo Park offers a slice of the American dream to call your own. In this place, echoes of days gone are brought back to life as a new generation captures a glimpse of the exciting potential of Tomorrow. Indigo Park pays homage to the values, dreams, and unwavering truths that gave rise to our great nation.”
Let’s take a step back. Remember how I dated the opening of Indigo Park to the 1940s or 1950s? If that was true, that means that Indigo Park opened in the shadow of the Second World War, the deadliest human conflict ever recorded, with a death toll of over 50 million people, both soldier and civilian. After the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, it was eventually public knowledge that the USA still decided to drop the second one, even after Imperial Japan had surrendered after the first one had been cast.
It's entirely possible that Indigo Park was, in some way, propaganda. Think about it, Lloyd the Lion was the mascot. And what do lions represent? Strength, power, unity, leadership. Lloyd could have been a symbol to the American people that proclaimed themselves as leaders, people who thought of the future, while trying to sideline the negative press the USA received.
After a while, however, there was no need to justify their victory. People, for the most part, accepted their victory, and as the world headed into a Cold War, there was no need to justify themselves; many people were afraid of the Communists, the Red, and the influence it may have. Clearly, the USA and its allies were the good guys. Communism was a threat to democracy, everyone knew that! So there was a switch to a more child friendly character, Rambley, as the main man himself.
That might also explain why the retro plushie doesn’t look like how Lloyd did in the old cartoons, as stated explicitly by the protagonist; perhaps that older Lloyd was more mature, older, and signified some much darker. There’s no need to stir up bad memories of WW2, so they changed his design to be softer, younger, much more unassuming.
The Protagonist, regarding the Retro Lloyd Plushie: “I always find it weird when companies make merch that’s supposed to look old. Lloyd obviously had an older look in the classic Indigo cartoons, but I’m not sure Lloyd looked like this.”
There’s also a case to be made that Disney also participated in some good old propaganda of their own, mocking Nazi Germany and their ideals.
Now, disregarding politics, because that thing is a minefield to safely navigate, this is just my theory. I am not trying to radicalize the game, and if you hate this theory, you can go about ignoring it! I personally don’t think it’s the correct answer, just a potential answer.
Another change that soon occurred was the change from costumed "Ranglers" to living, breathing, flesh and bones Mascots, introduced to us in the Rambley AI interaction with the Rambley mask.
Rambley AI, playing an old tape in the database in regard to the costumes: "First Person - Hey Jackson! You hear about the new mascots? Jackson - Yeah, you think it will put us out of a job? First Person - I think so, Old Sport, and right after we got this damn raccoon costume."
An important note to this is that this interaction is considered an Easter Egg to a FNAF fan game called Dayshift at Freddy's, alongside some other references such as the Golden Rambley being a reference to Golden Freddy, and the Poodle Plush being a reference to another FNAF fan game Playtime with Percy. Despite this, these items seem to carry a bit of significant lore in them, something that I think is an interesting way of hiding it. It opens up the possibility to state that it should be disregarded, since it's supposed to be an Easter Egg to something else, but I don't think so.
This quote makes me think that the switch from costumes to Mascots happened quite early on in Indigo Park's lifetime, considering it's said that the Mascots should appear quite soon after the introduction of the costumes, perhaps yet another clue that Indigo Park was looking to cut costs. After all, why pay people when you can have Mascots roaming about, doing just the same, if not better, of a job?
And everything seems to be going fine for quite a while. The protagonist notes several times that his family, and especially his mother and himself, were avid fans of the place and characters, his mother liking Mollie Macaw the most, while the protagonist favored a few, such as Lloyd the Lion, while disliking Finley due to his large size, which was revealed when interacting with a few different collectibles.
When the protagonist interacts with the Lloyd the Lion plush: "I feel like as a kid, Indigo used Lloyd a lot more. He was always one of my favorites."
When the protagonist interacts with the Mollie the Macaw plush: "I remember when my mom took us to the parks one summer. Her favorite was always Mollie, so when they first opened new Mollie Meet & Greet in Jetstream Junction, we were some of the first in line."
When the protagonist interacts with the Rambley Ears: "My dad promised me he'd buy me a pair when we went."
When the protagonist interacts with the Souvenir Rambley Cup: "When I was a kid they used to have free unlimited refills on those things. I once drank so much Bird Up that I got sick and threw up while riding Rooftop Races. That poor kid behind me..."
Anyways, we got the point: the family went there often and were huge fans of the park. What could go wrong?
Well, apparently a huge evacuation and closure of the park with no explanation whatsoever, to the point where the authorities also were not able give any reasoning or answers.
This comes from the newspaper we see in the beginning cutscene, after the old video of Isaac Indigo introducing Indigo Park. So, let's theorize a bit. Out of everything in the park, what could possibly lead to such a drastic evacuation of a place so well loved? Oh, I don't know, maybe the killer Mascots that try to kill you in Chapter 1 ...
What isn't so clear is what happened to them. Clearly, they were well behaved and safe to be around, even for small children, as the park remained open for 50 years (minimum) without issue, and almost as long with the actual mascots themselves. Obviously, they went rogue, as can be seen when the protagonist has to run away from Lloyd the Lion's attempts to attack and have the Rambley AI save the protagonist from the Mollie the Macaw by killing the Mascot with a metal door. I don't think it had to do with resources such as food, since the Mascots remained by themselves in the park for 2920 days, exactly eight years, and only seemed feral. Besides that, we see a bunch of vendor stations and a few cafes, still with food in them. Moldy, perhaps, and expired, but there's still food. There's also water (possibly) available in those self serve drinking fountains. The last time the park was operational was October 7th, 20XX (with the exact year being a mystery), and the reason I say operational is because of an announcement seen on one of the Rangler monitors in the reception area.
Announcement: "Attention Ranglers. The date is October 7th, 20XX. Charge guests the SATURDAY pricing indicated in your Rookie Rangler Handbook! Thanks! - Management."
What jumps out immediately is the way Saturday is so bold. So, what can we assume? The last operational day we have knowledge of was Saturday, October 7th, somewhere in the 2000s. Unless this is the future (which we have no reason to believe), we can assume this Saturday occurred somewhere between 2000 and 2023 (2023 and not 2024 because the creator, in a livestream, ended up giving a vague message of the game taking place in 2023). Looking up old calendars and looking specifically for an October 7th that lands on a Saturday reveals a couple potential years: 2000, 2006, and 2023. We can discount 2023, as we know the park was closed for 8 years. I did try to find a date on those three monitors the protagonist uses in the opening cutscene, but only found the time, 7:32 pm. Unfortunately, Harmony, a knock off of Discord (antonyms) also doesn't have a date, or even a time, for that matter. And besides, we know that we're the first actual person to visit in quite some time. So, we're left with 2000, and 2006. Assuming this game takes place in 2024, I have a feeling the year it closed is actually 2006.
First foremost because of the Rambley AI. Having AI Rambley be as advanced as he is makes it seem like the park was closed in 2023, but again, there is no evidence to say the game takes place in the future. And AI's back in 2000s and 2010s eras were good, but nothing like we have today. They were capable of basic object identification, and navigation, but the capabilities were limited, compared to today. And in 2000, it was much more basic. Image recognition consisted of identifying edges. That's it. Edges, not distinct features, and even then, the accuracy was pretty bad. At the time, AI was mainly used for data retrieval and predictive modeling, mostly for things like language translation, text classification, and such. They were basically office assistants.
Of course, that's assuming that the AI was introduced back then. It is entirely possible, and likely plausible, that the AI was introduced later. After all, the park may have closed, but Ranglers were still visiting the place as late as 2015, which was the last time the AI Rambley notes an actual person arrived. So, if that's true, then I am still not too sure as to which of the two years the park closed.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. And the present of the game and my conclusions shall be posted in separate posts, as there is a 40k character limit. Leave any theories of your own in the comments, and I'll be happy to theorize regarding and questions or concerns yall have!
submitted by _Mad_Maddy to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:36 Tight-Definition8841 AITA for moving out on my roommates before the lease is up

I, 30F, moved into a trailer in my home town with two guys whom i thought were friends 35M, and 27M. For simplicity 27M will be Bum, and 35M will be Fool. The three of us agreed to move in and split the bills 3 ways. Shortly after moving in, Bum quit his job and refused to get another one. Instead, he sat at the house, playing video games all night and generating a mess. I had spoken to Fool many time about this and it seemed like he was on my side. After living with Bum for a while, I noticed a drastic change in my dog's, 6M large breed, behavior. He would run from Bum as if he were about to be beaten. To the point he would slip and fall on the wood laminate floor. He was also confined to my bedroom at all times as was my cat. I confronted Bum about it when I noticed a hole in my bathroom wall that hadn't been there when I left for work. He fed me some cock and bull story about how my dog must have launched my full conditioner bottle that had been sitting in my shower caddy at the wall. Throughout the entire 8 months of living with these two I have paid half of the rent and all of the utilities. I have had to take out payday loans every 2 weeks to make the basic household ends meet while my own personal bills have gone on the back burner. Eventually, Bum ended up getting a baby sitting job. Thinking that the struggle was finally over and we could finally split the bills, I did the math for the rent and posted it in our group chat. In layman's terms, he said no that his bills had to come first and that the rent was staying the way it was. This pissed me off and I finally decided enough was enough and spoke to a different friend about getting into a new place. Everything came to a head this passed Monday. In short, Bum said he hadn't slept in 34 hours, was sick, and went to "work". He was angry that I hadn't cleaned up the giant mess that he had made or did the dishes while on the phone with people who I had thought were friends. He kept comparing me to his ex and said how living with me as a roommate made him want to "unalive himself". I called my mom and asked her to come and get me after he had gone into his room. I sent Fool a message telling him that Bum could stay and that I would leave since I am the problem. He called us both soon after in a group call and demanded to know what was going on. Bum gave his side first and then interrupted as I tried to give mine. He said again that living with me made him want to unalive himself. He knows that Suic*de is a trigger of mine and he uses it often. I yelled at him not to say that and he began to scream at me. I ju g ip from the call and began speed packing essentials while calling my mom. She and a friend helped get my essentials and pets out and back to my moms place. Today, I went back over and finished packing my things, only to discover that my vr headset and controllers are missing. Last I had seen them they had been in the entertainment center that is now empty. I confronted Bum about it and he denied having them. I went through all of my stuff 5 times and couldn't find them. I told him he had 15 minutes to produce my vr setup ir I'd call the cops. He began to yell at me again. My mother stepped in and told me to just call, so I did and made a report. He tried to kick my mother out of "his" house but she refused stating that it wasn't his house but mine. He went and hid in his room after that. About an hour after the ordeal, I recieved messages from Fool. He stated that since I willingly broke the lease that I had until june 9th to pack up my things and get out, otherwise theyd throw everything out and take me to court for damages to the room. I told him that my things were already out and that I was going back tomorrow to clean the room and repair the damages. He stated that I couldn't go into the house without one of them there. I know for a fact that they haven't spoken with the office yet about taking me off the lease so I know I still have a right to go inside and that by law that they have to give me 30 days since I recieve mail at the address. I intend on going anyway and cleaning the room and removing the last of my things and the trash and giving the key back to the manager in the office. I have stopped respoding to Fool's messages and I have blocked Bum on all platforms. I simply cannot take the mental, financial, and amimal abuse any longer. Please tell me, AITAH here?
submitted by Tight-Definition8841 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:28 Madixie_Normous Video Game console prices in Brisbane, Christmas 1994. Which system did you own?

Video Game console prices in Brisbane, Christmas 1994. Which system did you own?
Super Nintendo $199 Nintendo Game Boy $139 Sega Mega Drive $199 Sega Master System II $99 Sega Game Gear $199 Atari Lynx $149 Neo Geo $600 Commodore Amiga 600/Atari ST $ 500 each
submitted by Madixie_Normous to AustralianNostalgia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:22 sad_panda91 [SF] Do you see what I see? - Of Manifesting an Ice Cream Cone

"Not a single human being on this planet ever saw the universe."
Grand Arbiter Albert XLIII further declared, on their return 37 years after the last broadcast failed in the middle of explaining the secrets of the universe to us.
"What you are seeing is an image of the universe that your brain created to make sense of your surroundings. A mirage, an infinitely imperfect approximation. And there are roughly 8 Billion such approximations on this planet, not even counting non-human entities. We have observed you recently - debating wether the harmonic frequencies of light hitting the rods and cones of your eyes actually generate the same image of color in your brain for all of you equally, and you came to the conclusion that they might not. That everybodies version of "red" or "blue" might be ever so slightly, or completely different. We found it amusing that you aren't drawing the same conclusion to, well, everything else. Through the scientific method and communication accelerators like the Internet, your species managed to align big chunks of those "mirage universes" in your brains, but other areas not touched by the scientific method are left completely unexplored, and therefore to the imagination of the individual. Which lead to many "unfortunate misunderstandings" among you. But make no mistake, even after this global alignment of mirages, the universe inside your mind is still infinitely wrong in the grand scheme of things and unlike any other imagined universe of your peers. Your scientific method suggests the use of calibrated measurement devices that aren't biased by human error to gain knowledge of your surroundings. Which is brilliant, we might add. Your species came up with this kind of technology very early compared to similar lifeforms in other universes. You use these devices to create a "ground truth" from which you reference the rest of your conclusions and predictions. This enabled you to make predictions about the "real universe" you find yourself in, even with this fundamental error underlying your logic system. Either brilliant, or unfathomly lucky. It doesn't really matter. You can pat yourselves on the backs for that.
However, amusingly, you failed to find the crucial detail about the one fundamental, yet completely uncalibrated device at the bottom of everything - your brain - and the sensory organs as extensions of it. No single eye on this planet is the same, no nose, no ears, everything differs ever so slightly. Every brain is folded and twisted differently.
Therefore, what you are observing, and what your scientists are finding models for, is not the real universe. It is the image of this universe your brain creates for you, that makes sense to most of you and that most of your brains are able to understand and find agreement on. Nothing more, nothing less. Especially the intricacies that you are now finding in the infinitissimally small scales and the unfathomly large scales (you curiously still differentiate these two concepts, we observed) are the footprints that the architecture of your brain leaves on these mirage universes. You find numbers everywhere and turn everything into a more and more digital version of nature because the axons that are part of your neurons generate activation signals in a digital, all or nothing kind of way. This part of the brain is what you evolved to use for, among others, your logic systems. Your thinking is in large parts digital, so most of your logic is too. This has gone so far that some of you now think you are actually living in a computer simulation. In some regards, you do, but there is no cosmic entity that generated this simulation and put you in it. You are creating this simulation yourself, in your brain, as a means to maneuver your way around actual physical reality. Imagine having to memorize a picture, but your sensory input systems only allowed you to see one pixel at a time, chosen completely at random, without any reference as to where that pixel is located in the frame. So, you found chunking techniques, the help of your collective hive mind and ideas of particularly eccentric members of your society, to bit by bit close in on a mostly impossible task. But without a paradigm shift on your end, the entirety of the original picture will stay in the shadows of reality.
You created tools like algebra and geometry to circumvent the fact that your logic is mostly digital as a simulacrum of analog information, but for how remarkably useful it is for you to make predictions, it is to what is happening in the real world like what an abacus is to a personal computer. Sure, if you enter '1 + 1', in their own ways, both give you '2'. But one is the tip to the others impossibly large iceberg. It is a sensible abstraction. But it is nowhere close to being an accurate description of what is actually happening or in what ways it useful to you.
We don't want to discourage you by saying this. Your approach, even if it happened out of sheer luck, is brilliant. It really makes the best out of the limitations that you have by your sensory organs and the architecture of your brains. Once a few evolutionary steps later your brain can conceive of more complex logical patterns and images, you will get closer and closer to having an actual copy of the real universe in front of your minds eye. Through the scientific method, you are already optimizing for this. Again, given your species' age, you have developed such a technique incredibly quickly. But what you are doing is finding (very smart) workarounds over a fundamental error you all have in common.
My lifeform, which isn't too unlike yours, just much "older", has taken a different approach in its early stages. Our biggest thinkers found early on that the answers lie within. So for millenia, we focussed our exploration on finding our deepest and truest selves, once we started to move past basic survival instincts, that is. Only after many, many "quantum leaps" in the area of self discovery in the individual and the societal level, we started to artificially accelerate our communication, and overcome physical limitations through technology. It was a slower approach in the beginning, but once we got there, our intellectual growth was exponentially explosive. The time it took us to move from living in basic, mostly local communities that lived off the land - to bending our universe to our wills - was about the time between you writing your currently most popular spiritual fiction and landing on your planets moon for the first time. Note the actual durations might differ greatly, as the concept you call time is very different in our universe and we still haven't fully studied yours.
Anyways. After this event we call "universal reframing", everything else just... fell into place.
Our strategy basically was to, first, fully align our mental universes. And then to perform a depth search from a common starting point. You seemed to have rushed over a few of the crucial bits as soon as the first approach turned out to be useful. Actually, all of the bits but one. It must be a terribly confusing existence that you are living. We can only make an attempt to relate, as our evolutionary strand optimized for alignment before curiousity. That, you could say, was our dumb luck.
Are there any questions so far?"
There was a puzzling silence in an area packed with an amount of people that would normally be present at music festivals or presidential inaugurations. For an event of this magnitude, the stage was sparsely decorated and included only the necessities. Like last time, the visit was spontaneos and unannounced. Or maybe, like last time, we just didn't understand the announcement message, as it might have again came in the form of a formerly undiscovered particle, a seemingly arbitrary number of years prior to this event. They must think they are really funny.
One of the humans chosen as representative of the planet raised their hand.
"Please, speak. As always. Our 'time' is very limited."
"If I didn't misunderstand this: You said, our brains are basically creating what we call 'simulations' for ourselves, in our mind, to make sense of the actual universe we are in and base our actions on. Is this correct?"
"Based on the very crude definition your species has for the word 'correct' I would say 'yes, that is correct.'"
"And these simulations are getting closer and closer to the real deal, right? But what if, say, we didn't want the real deal. What if we liked our own personal pocket universes and instead wanted to bend that one to our own wills instead of the real one? You said we are bad at alignment and I would agree to the point where I say we probably go extinct to our own stupidity before we all agree on even one single thing. Can't we just use your knowledge to just, manifest things into our universe just by thinking about it, like in the movie Matrix, which might have crossed your desk while researching us. Great Movie."
"It did indeed. It is esteemed by my lifeform as what you would call 'slapstick comedy'. Since we moved past what constituted our form of entertainment, the media from your universe has become very popular among my peers. It is by sending samples back to our universe how we finance the probes we are sending here."
"You still have money?"
"I was making - what you call - a joke. Never heard of it in the context of a movie, but that title is immensely funny to me given the circumstances. Anyway, you wanted to know how to bend your 'simulated universe' around you. Alright. You might be slightly dissappointed by the beginning of my explanation, but listen till the end. And make of that what you will.
Let's start by what you mean by 'manifest' exactly. As the inaccuracy of your communication patterns shall not be a hindrance to this mentorship."
"Well... I imagine it. And then it sort of poofs into existence?"
"Understood. Actually, I will start explaning how you perform this action in the actual universe you are in, before I make the transfer to how you do it in the imagined one in your brain."
"Uh.. ok?"
"What would you like to be manifested?"
"I don't know. How about we go nice and easy with a cone of ice cream and start from there?"
"So be it. So, we start imagining the cone of ice cream. What does it consist off? Milk, sugar, eggs, and some smaller additions to suit your individuals taste buds. Let's begin with milk. You are getting it from cows (a practice my society finds quite alienating. We, too, have to get used to the wildly varying customs of lifeforms of the universes). Cows can be domesticated and bred, but first, we would have to overcome the physical distance between us, and a few locations on this planet. For that, I would advice designing and constructing a vehicle that is capa..."
"Oh come on, that's how we manifest things? We go and make them ourselves?? Oh wow, thanks a lot mister transcendant being. So the rest of the stuff you told us was also bullshit?"
"Please refrain from jumping to conclusions without the full picture in mind, even if it is in your existences nature to do so. Alright, so let me offer you a shortcut."
"Please do."
"I know of a location just a few human paces down this road, where you can exchange currency for a cone of ice cream."
"What the hell is the point of this?"
"The point is, once again: you - misunderstanding your existence. Especially in conjunction with your incredibly limited ability to verbalize concepts using your own vocabulary. You are barely at the point of being able to convey emotions in every day speech, and are now expecting to understand high level 4 dimensional concepts after just a few of your incredibly inaccurate words. Tell me now, please: What do you perceive as the difference of these two scenarios I just mentioned? In a temporal manner and in the energy required?"
"Well, it would be much easier and faster to just go down the road and buy a cone of ice cream, but that isn't tremendously astounding information to us, you have to understand."
"'Much'? Let's give this word, 'much', a bit of a frame of reference. The differences between these scenarios are: About 15000 years of agriculture and animal husbandry; countless inventions that led to your current state of technology which allows for refrigeration in a way advanced enough to get the ice cream to just the right texture that your modern palate is accustomed to; An education system that allows for such inventions to occur in time for you to be standing here, demanding ice cream, and actually getting it. Not mentioning the infrastructure that makes you bridge the physical distances of every single time any of these steps needed anything. And meanwhile destroying the naturally occuring resources of your planet bit by bit.
Or, scenario 2: You take the money that you got from staring at a computer screen for about 7 minutes, choose one of the ice cream parlors that your civilization made sure to be on average a 30 minutes driving distance from every single living human. (You aren't very good at even distributions though, we found.). And go and get that ice cream. Even including the infrastructural costs existing now, we have narrowed this process down from not even being close to a reality for thousands of generations to being at most 30 minutes away and dirt cheap, assuming an amount of efficient preparation, that is part of the technology that lead you here.
If you ask me, between scenario 1 and 2, you became so many orders of magnitude closer to 'poofing it into existence' that a human mind has troubles comprehending it. And therefore, appreciating it. From '0% of the human population has access to this within their lifetime and no one will for the next couple millenia' to 'Over half the human population has access to this within 30 minutes", taking into account the total timespan, the amount of events that had to occur and the amount of incremental learnings that had to accumulate, for this to happen even once for anybody, I believe the time and energy you have to exert to access your ice cream cone right now is a rounding error in the grand scheme of things. And you aren't even close to finishing your development as humans - if you manage to not kill yourself somehow.
You are constantly manifesting things into reality, the only issue is that you severely and heavily underestimate what it means 'to imagine a thing'.
Please allow my vanity, but this is an important lesson for the following part that you are, I'm afraid, more interested in. How to do that in your head. And potentially much faster. Well assuming thaXXXxxxx----.----."
"Oh wow, not again. Mighty convenient this always happens right when it gets interesting."
"First, you have to understand that.,.......... The limitations of spacetime that you perceive.... are not present in nature..... nature is infinitely 'dimensional', and in fact XXxxx.....----..--.-.- has no concept for infinity....-.-.--. it is a human made.....-.-.-.- model to describe a perfectly natural phenomenon you lack the words for at this"
"Come on, speak faster! The battery is dying again!"
" ...physical distance...S;.,.XXXxx...currently a big bottleneck for your progres...asd.döö,,,, is also a limitation of your cortex, not nature, concept of an 'extent' only exists from certain frames of in others everything is....a.s-d.-.---.-..-xxxx on top of each other, overlapping each other in what you call 'time' AND 'space'"
"...XXXxsasad Listen."
"I am running out of time again humans. The Hopf Fibration. It is a great first step. But move away from your digital thinking. Treat your numbers. .aD;,,.as,dca.s like your waves...CKLUJCJUCCLICK"
The broadcast stopped.
"I never know if these things make me smarter, or dumber. Sadly the alien is gone now so it can't tell me that there actually is no smart or dumb."
submitted by sad_panda91 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:13 sad_panda91 "Do you see what I see?" - Of Manifesting an Ice Cream Cone

"Not a single human being on this planet ever saw the universe."
Grand Arbiter Albert XLIII further declared, on their return 37 years after the last broadcast failed in the middle of explaining the secrets of the universe to us.
"What you are seeing is an image of the universe that your brain created to make sense of your surroundings. A mirage, an infinitely imperfect approximation. And there are roughly 8 Billion such approximations on this planet, not even counting non-human entities. We have observed you recently - debating wether the harmonic frequencies of light hitting the rods and cones of your eyes actually generate the same image of color in your brain for all of you equally, and you came to the conclusion that they might not. That everybodies version of "red" or "blue" might be ever so slightly, or completely different. We found it amusing that you aren't drawing the same conclusion to, well, everything else. Through the scientific method and communication accelerators like the Internet, your species managed to align big chunks of those "mirage universes" in your brains, but other areas not touched by the scientific method are left completely unexplored, and therefore to the imagination of the individual. Which lead to many "unfortunate misunderstandings" among you. But make no mistake, even after this global alignment of mirages, the universe inside your mind is still infinitely wrong in the grand scheme of things and unlike any other imagined universe of your peers. Your scientific method suggests the use of calibrated measurement devices that aren't biased by human error to gain knowledge of your surroundings. Which is brilliant, we might add. Your species came up with this kind of technology very early compared to similar lifeforms in other universes. You use these devices to create a "ground truth" from which you reference the rest of your conclusions and predictions. This enabled you to make predictions about the "real universe" you find yourself in, even with this fundamental error underlying your logic system. Either brilliant, or unfathomly lucky. It doesn't really matter. You can pat yourselves on the backs for that.
However, amusingly, you failed to find the crucial detail about the one fundamental, yet completely uncalibrated device at the bottom of everything - your brain - and the sensory organs as extensions of it. No single eye on this planet is the same, no nose, no ears, everything differs ever so slightly. Every brain is folded and twisted differently.
Therefore, what you are observing, and what your scientists are finding models for, is not the real universe. It is the image of this universe your brain creates for you, that makes sense to most of you and that most of your brains are able to understand and find agreement on. Nothing more, nothing less. Especially the intricacies that you are now finding in the infinitissimally small scales and the unfathomly large scales (you curiously still differentiate these two concepts, we observed) are the footprints that the architecture of your brain leaves on these mirage universes. You find numbers everywhere and turn everything into a more and more digital version of nature because the axons that are part of your neurons generate activation signals in a digital, all or nothing kind of way. This part of the brain is what you evolved to use for, among others, your logic systems. Your thinking is in large parts digital, so most of your logic is too. This has gone so far that some of you now think you are actually living in a computer simulation. In some regards, you do, but there is no cosmic entity that generated this simulation and put you in it. You are creating this simulation yourself, in your brain, as a means to maneuver your way around actual physical reality. Imagine having to memorize a picture, but your sensory input systems only allowed you to see one pixel at a time, chosen completely at random, without any reference as to where that pixel is located in the frame. So, you found chunking techniques, the help of your collective hive mind and ideas of particularly eccentric members of your society, to bit by bit close in on a mostly impossible task. But without a paradigm shift on your end, the entirety of the original picture will stay in the shadows of reality.
You created tools like algebra and geometry to circumvent the fact that your logic is mostly digital as a simulacrum of analog information, but for how remarkably useful it is for you to make predictions, it is to what is happening in the real world like what an abacus is to a personal computer. Sure, if you enter '1 + 1', in their own ways, both give you '2'. But one is the tip to the others impossibly large iceberg. It is a sensible abstraction. But it is nowhere close to being an accurate description of what is actually happening or in what ways it useful to you.
We don't want to discourage you by saying this. Your approach, even if it happened out of sheer luck, is brilliant. It really makes the best out of the limitations that you have by your sensory organs and the architecture of your brains. Once a few evolutionary steps later your brain can conceive of more complex logical patterns and images, you will get closer and closer to having an actual copy of the real universe in front of your minds eye. Through the scientific method, you are already optimizing for this. Again, given your species' age, you have developed such a technique incredibly quickly. But what you are doing is finding (very smart) workarounds over a fundamental error you all have in common.
My lifeform, which isn't too unlike yours, just much "older", has taken a different approach in its early stages. Our biggest thinkers found early on that the answers lie within. So for millenia, we focussed our exploration on finding our deepest and truest selves, once we started to move past basic survival instincts, that is. Only after many, many "quantum leaps" in the area of self discovery in the individual and the societal level, we started to artificially accelerate our communication, and overcome physical limitations through technology. It was a slower approach in the beginning, but once we got there, our intellectual growth was exponentially explosive. The time it took us to move from living in basic, mostly local communities that lived off the land - to bending our universe to our wills - was about the time between you writing your currently most popular spiritual fiction and landing on your planets moon for the first time. Note the actual durations might differ greatly, as the concept you call time is very different in our universe and we still haven't fully studied yours.
Anyways. After this event we call "universal reframing", everything else just... fell into place.
Our strategy basically was to, first, fully align our mental universes. And then to perform a depth search from a common starting point. You seemed to have rushed over a few of the crucial bits as soon as the first approach turned out to be useful. Actually, all of the bits but one. It must be a terribly confusing existence that you are living. We can only make an attempt to relate, as our evolutionary strand optimized for alignment before curiousity. That, you could say, was our dumb luck.
Are there any questions so far?"
There was a puzzling silence in an area packed with an amount of people that would normally be present at music festivals or presidential inaugurations. For an event of this magnitude, the stage was sparsely decorated and included only the necessities. Like last time, the visit was spontaneos and unannounced. Or maybe, like last time, we just didn't understand the announcement message, as it might have again came in the form of a formerly undiscovered particle, a seemingly arbitrary number of years prior to this event. They must think they are really funny.
One of the humans chosen as representative of the planet raised their hand.
"Please, speak. As always. Our 'time' is very limited."
"If I didn't misunderstand this: You said, our brains are basically creating what we call 'simulations' for ourselves, in our mind, to make sense of the actual universe we are in and base our actions on. Is this correct?"
"Based on the very crude definition your species has for the word 'correct' I would say 'yes, that is correct.'"
"And these simulations are getting closer and closer to the real deal, right? But what if, say, we didn't want the real deal. What if we liked our own personal pocket universes and instead wanted to bend that one to our own wills instead of the real one? You said we are bad at alignment and I would agree to the point where I say we probably go extinct to our own stupidity before we all agree on even one single thing. Can't we just use your knowledge to just, manifest things into our universe just by thinking about it, like in the movie Matrix, which might have crossed your desk while researching us. Great Movie."
"It did indeed. It is esteemed by my lifeform as what you would call 'slapstick comedy'. Since we moved past what constituted our form of entertainment, the media from your universe has become very popular among my peers. It is by sending samples back to our universe how we finance the probes we are sending here."
"You still have money?"
"I was making - what you call - a joke. Never heard of it in the context of a movie, but that title is immensely funny to me given the circumstances. Anyway, you wanted to know how to bend your 'simulated universe' around you. Alright. You might be slightly dissappointed by the beginning of my explanation, but listen till the end. And make of that what you will.
Let's start by what you mean by 'manifest' exactly. As the inaccuracy of your communication patterns shall not be a hindrance to this mentorship."
"Well... I imagine it. And then it sort of poofs into existence?"
"Understood. Actually, I will start explaning how you perform this action in the actual universe you are in, before I make the transfer to how you do it in the imagined one in your brain."
"Uh.. ok?"
"What would you like to be manifested?"
"I don't know. How about we go nice and easy with a cone of ice cream and start from there?"
"So be it. So, we start imagining the cone of ice cream. What does it consist off? Milk, sugar, eggs, and some smaller additions to suit your individuals taste buds. Let's begin with milk. You are getting it from cows (a practice my society finds quite alienating. We, too, have to get used to the wildly varying customs of lifeforms of the universes). Cows can be domesticated and bred, but first, we would have to overcome the physical distance between us, and a few locations on this planet. For that, I would advice designing and constructing a vehicle that is capa..."
"Oh come on, that's how we manifest things? We go and make them ourselves?? Oh wow, thanks a lot mister transcendant being. So the rest of the stuff you told us was also bullshit?"
"Please refrain from jumping to conclusions without the full picture in mind, even if it is in your existences nature to do so. Alright, so let me offer you a shortcut."
"Please do."
"I know of a location just a few human paces down this road, where you can exchange currency for a cone of ice cream."
"What the hell is the point of this?"
"The point is, once again: you - misunderstanding your existence. Especially in conjunction with your incredibly limited ability to verbalize concepts using your own vocabulary. You are barely at the point of being able to convey emotions in every day speech, and are now expecting to understand high level 4 dimensional concepts after just a few of your incredibly inaccurate words. Tell me now, please: What do you perceive as the difference of these two scenarios I just mentioned? In a temporal manner and in the energy required?"
"Well, it would be much easier and faster to just go down the road and buy a cone of ice cream, but that isn't tremendously astounding information to us, you have to understand."
"'Much'? Let's give this word, 'much', a bit of a frame of reference. The differences between these scenarios are: About 15000 years of agriculture and animal husbandry; countless inventions that led to your current state of technology which allows for refrigeration in a way advanced enough to get the ice cream to just the right texture that your modern palate is accustomed to; An education system that allows for such inventions to occur in time for you to be standing here, demanding ice cream, and actually getting it. Not mentioning the infrastructure that makes you bridge the physical distances of every single time any of these steps needed anything. And meanwhile destroying the naturally occuring resources of your planet bit by bit.
Or, scenario 2: You take the money that you got from staring at a computer screen for about 7 minutes, choose one of the ice cream parlors that your civilization made sure to be on average a 30 minutes driving distance from every single living human. (You aren't very good at even distributions though, we found.). And go and get that ice cream. Even including the infrastructural costs existing now, we have narrowed this process down from not even being close to a reality for thousands of generations to being at most 30 minutes away and dirt cheap, assuming an amount of efficient preparation, that is part of the technology that lead you here.
If you ask me, between scenario 1 and 2, you became so many orders of magnitude closer to 'poofing it into existence' that a human mind has troubles comprehending it. And therefore, appreciating it. From '0% of the human population has access to this within their lifetime and no one will for the next couple millenia' to 'Over half the human population has access to this within 30 minutes", taking into account the total timespan, the amount of events that had to occur and the amount of incremental learnings that had to accumulate, for this to happen even once for anybody, I believe the time and energy you have to exert to access your ice cream cone right now is a rounding error in the grand scheme of things. And you aren't even close to finishing your development as humans - if you manage to not kill yourself somehow.
You are constantly manifesting things into reality, the only issue is that you severely and heavily underestimate what it means 'to imagine a thing'.
Please allow my vanity, but this is an important lesson for the following part that you are, I'm afraid, more interested in. How to do that in your head. And potentially much faster. Well assuming thaXXXxxxx----.----."
"Oh wow, not again. Mighty convenient this always happens right when it gets interesting."
"First, you have to understand that.,.......... The limitations of spacetime that you perceive.... are not present in nature..... nature is infinitely 'dimensional', and in fact XXxxx.....----..--.-.- has no concept for infinity....-.-.--. it is a human made.....-.-.-.- model to describe a perfectly natural phenomenon you lack the words for at this"
"Come on, speak faster! The battery is dying again!"
" ...physical distance...S;.,.XXXxx...currently a big bottleneck for your progres...asd.döö,,,, is also a limitation of your cortex, not nature, concept of an 'extent' only exists from certain frames of in others everything is....a.s-d.-.---.-..-xxxx on top of each other, overlapping each other in what you call 'time' AND 'space'"
"...XXXxsasad Listen."
"I am running out of time again humans. The Hopf Fibration. It is a great first step. But move away from your digital thinking. Treat your numbers. .aD;,,.as,dca.s like your waves...CKLUJCJUCCLICK"
The broadcast stopped.
"I never know if these things make me smarter, or dumber. Sadly the alien is gone now so it can't tell me that there actually is no smart or dumb."
submitted by sad_panda91 to scifiwriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:56 Exotic_Sector7410 Do people make a living from prop firm trading?

Yes, some people do make a living from prop firm trading, but it's important to understand it's a challenging path with a high barrier to entry. Here's a breakdown:
Making a Living:
Challenges and Considerations:
Alternatives to Consider:
Here are some resources to learn more about prop firm trading:
Remember: Prop firm trading is a high-risk, high-reward endeavor. It requires significant skill, discipline, and a strong understanding of the markets. Carefully evaluate your risk tolerance and explore alternative strategies before diving in.
submitted by Exotic_Sector7410 to forexvsstock [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:14 EndoPlushQuota Taking Inventory: Scott's (And Steel Wool's) Potentially Lore-Relevant Steam Posts

Steam Search (
Scott doesn't really do much lore in his Steam posts, so I also included direct game descriptions and Steel Wool's Descriptions
FNAF 1 About:
Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where kids and parents alike come for entertainment and food as far as the eye can see! The main attraction is Freddy Fazbear, of course; and his two friends. They are animatronic robots, programmed to please the crowds! The robots' behavior has become somewhat unpredictable at night however, and it was much cheaper to hire you as a security guard than to find a repairman.
From your small office you must watch the security cameras carefully. You have a very limited amount of electricity that you're allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, you know). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn't right- namely if Freddybear or his friends aren't in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed!
Can you survive five nights at Freddy's?
Five Nights at Freddy's on Steam (
FNAF 2 About:
Welcome back to the new and improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!
In Five Nights at Freddy's 2, the old and aging animatronics are joined by a new cast of characters. They are kid-friendly, updated with the latest in facial recognition technology, tied into local criminal databases, and promise to put on a safe and entertaining show for kids and grown-ups alike!
What could go wrong?
As the new security guard working nights, your job is to monitor cameras and make sure nothing goes wrong after-hours. The previous guard has complained about the characters trying to get into the office (he has since been moved to day-shift). So to make your job easier, you've been provided with your very own empty Freddy Fazbear head, which should fool the animatronic characters into leaving you alone if they should accidentally enter your office.
As always, Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for death or dismemberment.
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 on Steam (
FNAF 3 About:
Thirty years after Freddy Fazbear's Pizza closed it's doors, the events that took place there have become nothing more than a rumor and a childhood memory, but the owners of "Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction" are determined to revive the legend and make the experience as authentic as possible for patrons, going to great lengths to find anything that might have survived decades of neglect and ruin.
At first there were only empty shells, a hand, a hook, an old paper-plate doll, but then a remarkable discovery was made...
The attraction now has one animatronic.
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 on Steam (
Multiple Springtraps are Hallucinations, not Glitches:
For those wondering what the new update is all about; I added a fourth star to the game for those who beat Aggressive Nightmare mode!
Also, there is some confusion about Springtrap appearing on multiple cameras and people thinking it's a glitch. It's not a glitch, even though I should have explained this better when I released the game. As long as the red light is flashing after a ventilation error, you may see multiple Springtraps. These are hallucinations.
FNAF 4 About:
This time, the terror has followed you home.
In this last chapter of the Five Nights at Freddy's original story, you must once again defend yourself against Freddy Fazbear, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and even worse things that lurk in the shadows. Playing as a child whose role is yet unknown, you must safeguard yourself until 6am by watching the doors, as well as warding off unwanted creatures that may venture into your closet or onto the bed behind you.
You have only a flashlight to protect yourself. It will scare away things that may be creeping at the far end of the hallways, but be careful, and listen. If something has crept too close, then shining lights in its eyes will be your end.
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 on Steam (
The Box Post (The actual piece of lore relegated to Steam):
Hi guys! I wanted to post some information about the upcoming Halloween update. I started off a few months ago with several ideas in mind for what I wanted to release; ranging from DLC, to a new game, to opening the box (more on that later), but now I've been working steadily and have a pretty clear vision going forward.
The October 31st content will be an automatic update, not DLC. It will update the game to 1.1 and will include lots of goodies on the extras menu (for those who have beaten night 6), including a cheat menu, a challenge menu, and a twist on a familiar minigame that provides a boost when playing challenge modes. This also means that there will be a whole new set of stars to earn for those who are up to the challenge!
That part will be released for certain, and I'm hoping to have something else in addition to it, but it may not be ready. I have something fun in mind, a new game (not FNaF5), but it will be a real challenge to have even a small playable portion by Oct 31st. If a playable demo isn't ready by then, then at the very least there will be some sneak-peak content.
Now I want to talk about what WON'T be included... the box.
You know, when I released the first game over a year ago, I was amazed at how quickly everyone found every bit of lore and story. Then the same happened with part 2, fans and youtubers dug in and found everything. Game Theory did an incredible video on part 2; getting almost everything right. Then part 3 came out, and once again the story was uncovered by the community. It seemed that there was nothing I could hide!
But then I released part 4, and somehow.... no one, not a single person, found the pieces. The story remains completely hidden. I guess most people assumed that I filled the game with random easter eggs this time. I didn't. What's in the box? It's the pieces put together. But the bigger question is- would the community accept it that way? The fact that the pieces have remained elusive this time strikes me as incredible, and special, a fitting conclusion in some ways, and because of that, I've decided that maybe some things are best left forgotten, forever.
FNAF World:
Hi everyone, this is a big update! :)
I wanted to keep my plans for a new game secret until Halloween, but while my teasers have created excitement for some people, they have created some confusion as well, mainly because people don't know if the Five Nights at Freddy's story is over or not.
It's very important for me to say again that there will NOT be a Five Nights at Freddy's 5. The story is complete, and the Halloween update and new game will not add to it.
That being said, I wanted to use these characters in a new and fun way because they are so near and dear to my heart, and I was excited to work on a type of game that I hadn't made in a long time.
The new game that I'm working on will be called FNAF World. It will not be a horror game, but a role playing game where you create a party using the huge selection of characters from the FNaF games, including the classic, withered, toy, phantom, and nightmare versions. I've been working steadily on characters and hope to start on enemy models next week.
The bad news is that it's unlikely that a demo will be ready for Halloween like I had hoped, since this game's scope is significantly larger than previous games in the series. However, I will release a free demo, as promised, as soon as it's ready!
FNAF World will be released on PC, Android, and iOS. I don't have an estimated release date yet since the game is still early in development.
I hope you enjoy the new designs of the "adventure" characters, as I call them.
UPDATE: The teaser is complete and includes every character that you can have in your party! Stay tuned in the coming months for more updates as the game progresses!
Halloween Update is Non-Canon:
Hi guys!
I wanted to make a quick announcement for everyone about what to expect with the Halloween update. I got myself into a tricky situation because I wanted to release an update but not change the basic game or lore. That limited me as to what I could change, so I announced that I would created a cheat menu, a challenge menu, and an updated minigame. I thought I was done. But no. ;)
It became clear to me that the community's expectations demanded more than just a cheat menu, so I was faced with my sticky situation yet again. But then I solved it:
On Halloween there will be TWO releases. One will be the content update for the official game, updating it to 1.1. This version is canon, as it always has been. This update will include the features originally promised such as the new challenges and cheats.
The second release will be a special Halloween edition of FNaF4, with a few changed characters and other cosmetic changes. This game is not canon, and is only for fun for the holidays. (this version will be free as well)
If everything works correctly, then players should have two launch choices on Halloween- the Standard Edition and the Halloween Edition.
If it doesn't work for some reason, then the Halloween Edition will be available on GameJolt instead.
FNAF Sister Location About:
Welcome to Circus Baby's Pizza World, where family fun and interactivity go beyond anything you've seen at those *other* pizza places! With cutting-edge animatronic entertainers that will knock your kids' socks off, as well as customized pizza catering, no party is complete without Circus Baby and the gang!
Now hiring: Late night technician. Must enjoy cramped spaces and be comfortable around active machinery. Not responsible for death or dismemberment.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location on Steam (
Custom Night is Non-Canon:
Hey guys! I wanted to let you all know that I'll be working on an update for the game that will add a "Custom Night" to the Extras menu.
To answer a few questions about it:
1) Yes, it will be FREE. When the update is ready, your games will automatically update to include this feature.
2) It will NOT be canon. (otherwise it would screw up the entire plotline!)
3) It will be unlocked only when you have 3-stars, so you'd better get to work!
4) Since it's not part of the game's "Story Mode", you will be able to jump right into the action from the Extras menu and restart as many times as you like.
5) It would have been awesome to have this ready for Halloween, but there's no way that will be possible. Be looking for this in December!
But Cutscenes are Canon:
Hey guys, the new update is live (v1.12). It gives a little additional power for Golden Freddy Mode on Very Hard, and also adds the final cutscene!
(By the way- Cutscenes are canon.)
Pizza Sim About:
Presenting a fun Five Nights at Freddy's adventure with a lighter touch for the holidays, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator puts you in charge of developing your own restaurant! Design pizzas, feed kids, and get high scores!
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator on Steam (
UCN All Character Descriptions:
[Had to cut it because of Reddit's Post Length Limitations]
(I'm sure there's some lore in there somewhere)
Death Coin:
There is a new item available at the prize counter! For a lean 10 Faz-coins (price subject to change) you can purchase the Death Coin. You can only buy it once per night, and you can use it to eliminate one character from the roster, although only certain characters are susceptible to deletion.
Although this means that you can potentially eliminate a character who has been giving you trouble, it also means that you will have fewer coins to defend against characters who demand them, such as Rockstar Freddy, Baby, Nightmare Bonnie, and Nightmare Mangle. So if you choose to buy the coin, it can potentially put you in danger until you build up your coin count again.
The characters that are susceptible to deletion by Death Coin are:
The way this feature will work is that once you have purchased the Death Coin from the Prize Counter, there will be a Death Coin icon in the top left. Then when you are viewing a cam showing a vulnerable target, the icon will light up. If you click the Death Coin icon at that point, it will eliminate the target animatronic from the game.
Although this may seem pointless at first (after all, if you didn't want a certain character in the game, then why add them in the first place, right?), eliminating them in this way still gives you credit for beating that character. It isn't a freebie, it's a calculated risk. Spending ten Faz-Coins puts you at risk from other Faz-Coin hungry characters, so it's a choice that players must make depending on the circumstances, similar to how Rockstar Foxy comes with risk, despite the potential benefits.
UCN Description:
Welcome to the ultimate FNAF mashup, where you will once again be trapped alone in an office fending off killer animatronics! Featuring 50 selectable animatronic characters spanning seven Five Nights at Freddy's games, the options for customization are nearly endless. Mix and match any assortment of characters that you like, set their difficulty from 0-20, then jump right into the action! From your office desk, you will need to manage two side doors, two vents, as well as two air hoses, all of which lead directly into your office.
This time you will have to master other tools as well if you want to complete the ultimate challenges, tools such as the heater, A/C, a global music box, a power generator, and more. As if all of that weren't enough, you'll also need to set up laser traps in the vents, collect Faz-Coins, purchase items from the prize counter, and as always, keep a close eye on not one, but two, Pirate Cove curtains!
Other features include:
Ultimate Custom Night on Steam (
Steam Developer: Steel Wool Studios (
FNAF VR About:
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted is a collection of classic and original mini-games set in the Five Nights universe. Survive terrifying encounters with your favorite killer animatronics in a collection of new and classic FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S™ experiences. “Where fantasy and fun come to life!”
A VR headset is NOT required to play.
YOU’RE HIRED - Time to get your hands dirty. Repair claustrophobic ventilation systems, troubleshoot broken animatronics that could activate at any moment, or spend your evenings cowering in the nighttime security guard office.
CELEBRATE - Confront your favorite killer animatronics including; Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Springtrap, The Mangle, Funtime Foxy, and Circus Baby.
FUN FUN PRIZES - Toys, Plushies, Bobbleheads, and candy candy candy! Earn super fun prizes you can play with at the interactive Prize Counter! Collect well hidden Faz-Tokens to unlock even more rare collectibles for more SUPER FUN FUN FUN.
PIZZA PARTY - Scenes from classic titles have been updated and remade for a fully immersive experience including; Five Nights at Freddy’s, Five Nights at Freddy’s 2, Five Nights at Freddy’s 3, Five Nights at Freddy’s 4, and Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location.
TWO WAYS TO PLAY - Experience the horror in flat (non-VR) mode or VR. Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are supported.
Curse of Deadbear About:
The Curse of Dreadbear DLC unlocks a new Halloween themed hub packed with spooky new mini-games and prizes.
* New spine-tingling mini-games include; Trick or Treat, Mangle Repair, Corn Maze, the Plushkin-Patch, “Cap’n Foxy’s Pirate Adventure” dark ride and many more!
* Featured frightening animatronics include; Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Chica, Nightmare Freddy, Jack-o-Chica, Jack-o-Bonnie and a few... surprises.
This content requires the base game Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted in order to play.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted - Curse of Dreadbear on Steam (
Security Breach About:
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach is the latest installment of the family-friendly horror games loved by millions of players from all over the globe. Play as Gregory, a young boy trapped overnight in Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. With the help of Freddy Fazbear himself, Gregory must survive the near-unstoppable hunt of reimagined Five Nights at Freddy’s characters - as well as new, horrific threats.
THE HUNTERS AND THE HUNTED - Once nighttime protocols are initiated, the animatronics at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex will relentlessly pursue all intruders. Glamrock Chica, Roxanne Wolf, Montgomery Gator, and the Pizzaplex’s security guard, Vanessa, will turn over every Cotton Candy Pizza Stand if they have to - it’s not wise to stay in one place for too long.
ADAPT TO SURVIVE - Access the building’s security cameras to survey the environment and plan your route through danger. Distract enemies by knocking over paint cans and toys - just slip away before enemies are drawn to your location. Hop into hiding spots and allow danger to pass, or try to outrun your pursuers. Play your way, but be prepared to adapt.
EXPLORE AND DISCOVER - Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex offers a variety of attractions for guests to enjoy - Monty Golf, Roxy Raceway, Bonnie Bowl, the sewers, and… Sewers? The Pizzaplex is vast and has no shortage of goodies to discover.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach on Steam (
Ruin About:
You can run, but you can’t hide…
Enter the ruins of Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex in the FREE story DLC for Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach!
Gregory is once again trapped in the now abandoned Pizzaplex, and he needs your help! Play as Cassie, Gregory’s best friend, Faz-fanatic, and would-be savior as she braves the dark, dreary, and dilapidated pizzeria. Armed with only a Faz-Wrench, a Roxy-Talky, and this weird bunny mask, you will have to help Cassie find her friend, free him, and safely escape the ruins.
Can you save your friend, yourself, and the Pizzaplex? Find out in the 100% free DLC, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach – Ruin.
Help Wanted 2 About:
Find out if you have what it takes to be a Fazbear Entertainment Superstar!
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 is the sequel to the terrifying VR experience that brought new life to the iconic horror franchise. As a brand new Fazbear employee you’ll have to prove you have what it takes to excel in all aspects of Pizzeria management and maintenance.
Go Backstage as a VIP to help Roxanne Wolf & the S.T.A.F.F Bots get ready for their performances in the Pizzaplex Salon!
Head into the Fazcade and enjoy classic games like Bonk-a-Bon and Fazerblast! See if you can top all the high scores!
Take care of things behind the scenes in the Staff Only section of the Pizzeria. Deliver First Aid to patients who aren’t quite feeling themselves, and help animatronics perform routine diagnostics & maintenance.
Our Food Prep courses will help you get the federally mandated amount of value preparing food in the Pizzaplex. Experience all the joys of high-speed food service & get ready to feed some hungry bots!
Head over to the Ticket Booth to test out our E-ticket attractions, such as Captain Foxy’s Cowboy Adventure! On this lighthearted log ride, you’ll float through the old West as a gunslinger in search of booty!
And finally, if you’re short on dread, dive into the world of our Sister Location! These special minigames are VR versions of classic experiences from Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location. These fan-favorites brought to life promise to be as fun as they are terrifying!
So what are you waiting for?!? Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 is now accepting applicants for all positions, effective immediately.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2 on Steam (
submitted by EndoPlushQuota to u/EndoPlushQuota [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:29 DisastrousStill6569 The red man ritual

Warning: The following ritual is not for the faint of heart. Proceed with caution.
What You Need:
• A heat-generating light source (candle or light bulb) • A TV • Darkness outside 
The Ritual:
1. Prepare Your Light Source: • If you are using a candle, light it. • If you are using a light bulb, turn it on and allow it to get hot. 2. Turn on the TV: • Ensure it’s nighttime and the outside is cloaked in darkness. • Switch on the TV and change it to channel 567. 3. The Burn: • Carefully burn yourself with the heated light source. It can be a brief touch, but it must hurt. 4. The Red Man Appears: • As the pain sears, the TV screen will flicker. • The Red Man will appear. He’s an unsettling figure with shaggy black hair covering his body, wearing a red overcoat, a fedora, and bright red glasses. 5. The Game Begins: • Challenge the Red Man to a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. • You must beat him best two out of three. 
The Stakes:
• If You Win: • The Red Man will grant you what you desire most. • If You Lose: • He will take one year off your intended lifespan and demand another game. • This cycle continues until you either finally beat him or he takes so many years off your life that you die. • Subsequent Wins: • After a loss, if you win any subsequent games, your only reward is that he leaves you alone—until you dare to perform the ritual again. 
A Final Word:
Those who have survived the Red Man Ritual whisper of his terrifying presence and the haunting games of chance. Remember, each time you play, you risk your very life. Only attempt this if you are prepared to face the consequences.
submitted by DisastrousStill6569 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:13 yangyixxxx How to find 1000 enthusiastic users in the early stages

Understanding Enthusiastic Users
Who are Enthusiastic Users?
Enthusiastic users have several characteristics:
1. High Tolerance for Basic Products: They are willing to use and tolerate even rudimentary versions of your product. 2. Genuine Appreciation: They find your product amazing and are grateful because it solves a significant problem for them. 3. Willingness to Pay: They are ready to pay for your product. 4. Eagerness to Recommend: They enthusiastically recommend your product to people around them who might find it useful. 
Why Not Discuss Seed Users?
The common understanding of seed users is the first 100 or even 1,000 users of a new product.
Why Focus on Enthusiastic Users Instead of Seed Users?
The term seed users often includes non-target users or those who think your product is just okay but not essential. In other words, they might find the product mediocre and would use it only if they have to, making numerous demands before committing to it. This type of user is fundamentally different from an enthusiastic user.
Finding 10 Enthusiastic Users is Far More Valuable than Getting 1,000 Seed Users in the Early Stages of a Product!
First Step in Finding Enthusiastic Users: Define Them
Firstly, you need to describe who your enthusiastic users are. This has been mentioned in previous checklists. You need to create a profile of these users.
Example: Suppose we are developing an AI-generated professional headshot product.
My envisioned enthusiastic users would be:
1. Working Professionals: Especially those active on social media. They frequently use LinkedIn or Twitter and prefer formal headshots as their profile pictures. They often participate in media events and need headshots for posters. 2. Time-Constrained: They have limited time for in-person photo shoots. Their area lacks professional photo studios, making it costly to travel for a photoshoot. 3. Sales Professionals: They use professional headshots to appear more formal when interacting with clients, such as financial, real estate, or insurance salespeople. 4. Predominantly Female: Women are more concerned with their public image and have a higher willingness to pay for professional photos. They also prefer their photos to look more flattering. 5. Financially Capable: As white-collar professionals, they can afford to pay a reasonable fee for such services. Their appearance is crucial and can even bring additional benefits to their careers. 
Why I Can Define Enthusiastic Users
1. User Observation: For example, when you open WeChat and look at your friend list, notice who is using professional headshots. 2. Scenario Observation: Reflect on the scenarios where professional headshots are needed, such as public event posters. 3. Search Term Observation: People searching for “professional headshots near me” indicate a concern for their time. Others searching for “female professional headshots” highlight that women are particularly interested in this service. 
By paying close attention to your surroundings and continually observing, you can gather valuable insights without extensive research.
Where to Find Them?
To find them, first, you need to describe them. Once you have their profile, finding them becomes easy.
Methods to Find Enthusiastic Users
1. Find Their Gathering Places: Such as LinkedIn, sales communities, or specific QQ groups. 2. Reverse Simulation: If you were them looking for this service, what would you search for? Capture their search paths. • For instance, a post about “what to wear for professional headshots” could lead to a rich comment section full of potential users. • A video tutorial could have a comment section where you can engage potential users. 3. Provide Content for Their Needs: Create content addressing their needs, such as “how to dress for professional headshots” or “nearest professional photo studio.” • When they search for “nearest professional photo studio,” create a page with studio contacts and a prominent ad offering instant professional headshots. They are likely to click on it. 4. Media Platforms: Post about your product to gain exposure and attract users. 5. Build in Public: During this process, filter out enthusiastic users. 6. Referrals: Set up incentives, such as a free trial in exchange for sharing with three friends. Target users often know other potential users. 7. Leverage Existing Resources: Identify who already has access to your target users. • For instance, to find insurance salespeople, approach an institution that trains them and offer your product for them to promote. 8. User Group Setup: Establish an enthusiastic user group on platforms like Telegram, WhatsApp, or Discord to continuously gather feedback. 
Chapter Summary
1. Understanding Enthusiastic Users: High tolerance, willingness to pay, genuine appreciation, and eagerness to recommend. 2. Why Not Seed Users: They are not the target audience, have vague pain points, and make numerous demands. 3. Defining Enthusiastic Users: The core task is everyday observation to reduce the cost of research. 4. Where to Find Them: Seven methods to locate your enthusiastic users. 5. Building User Groups: Always listen to your users’ voices. This is crucial. 
submitted by yangyixxxx to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]