Antique hamilton tables

Post some sexy billiards equipment!

2014.06.28 22:26 pHorniCaiTe Post some sexy billiards equipment!

I like how the cue feels on my rack.

2011.02.06 21:25 dodidodidodidodi Scottish Football

Get that census filled oot!

2024.05.19 02:02 Massive_Active_7431 Minecraft Fabric with mods crash.

Howdy! My english bad sorry for that but are you know what mod are crashing game? When I create new world game crashes.
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// You're mean.
Time: 2024-05-19 04:57:47
Description: Exception in server tick loop
java.lang.BootstrapMethodError: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of com.simibubi.create.content.trains.entity.Train failed
`at com.simibubi.create.content.trains.GlobalRailwayManager.loadTrackData(` `at com.simibubi.create.content.trains.GlobalRailwayManager.levelLoaded(` `at` `at net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.lifecycle.v1.ServerWorldEvents.lambda$static$0(` `at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.redirect$coo000$fabric-lifecycle-events-v1$onLoadWorld(` `at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_3786(` `at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_3735(` `at net.minecraft.class_1132.method_3823(` `at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29741(` `at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29739(` `at java.base/` 
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of com.simibubi.create.content.trains.entity.Train failed
`at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray(` `at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass(` `at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(` `at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(` `at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(` `... 11 more` 
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered
`at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClass(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClassBytes(` `at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray(` `... 15 more` 
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.throwables.MixinApplyError: Mixin [create_interactive.mixins.json:MixinTrain from mod create_interactive] from phase [DEFAULT] in config [create_interactive.mixins.json] FAILED during APPLY
`at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.handleMixinError(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.handleMixinApplyError(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(` `... 18 more` 
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException: u/Overwrite method findCollidingTrain in create_interactive.mixins.json:MixinTrain from mod create_interactive was not located in the target class com.simibubi.create.content.trains.entity.Train. Using refmap create_interactive-fabric-refmap.json
`at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.attachSpecialMethod(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.attachOverwriteMethod(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.attachMethods(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.attach(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.createContextFor(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinInfo.createContextFor(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.apply(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.apply(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.applyMixins(` `at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(` `... 18 more` 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- System Details --
`Minecraft Version: 1.20.1` `Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.1` `Operating System: Windows 11 (amd64) version 10.0` `Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft` `Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft` `Memory: 2679414400 bytes (2555 MiB) / 4932501504 bytes (4704 MiB) up to 34359738368 bytes (32768 MiB)` `CPUs: 16` `Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel` `Processor Name: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz` `Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 167 Stepping 1` `Microarchitecture: Rocket Lake` `Frequency (GHz): 3.60` `Number of physical packages: 1` `Number of physical CPUs: 8` `Number of logical CPUs: 16` `Graphics card #0 name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080` `Graphics card #0 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)` `Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00` `Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x2216` `Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion=` `Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 16384.00` `Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 3.20` `Memory slot #0 type: DDR4` `Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 16384.00` `Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 3.20` `Memory slot #1 type: DDR4` `Virtual memory max (MB): 38777.41` `Virtual memory used (MB): 14516.93` `Swap memory total (MB): 6144.00` `Swap memory used (MB): 0.00` `JVM Flags: 9 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx32G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M` `Fabric Mods:` `ad_astra: Ad Astra 1.15.18` `javazoom_jlayer: jlayer 1.0.1` `alloy_forgery: Alloy Forgery 2.1.2+1.20` `antique-atlas: Antique Atlas 2.7.2+1.20` `folk_sisby_kaleido-config: kaleido-config 0.1.1+1.1.0-beta.3` `surveyor: Surveyor Map Framework 0.4.3+1.20` `appleskin: AppleSkin 2.5.1+mc1.20` `archers: Archers (RPG Series) 1.2.1+1.20.1` `com_github_zsoltmolnarrr_tinyconfig: TinyConfig 2.3.2` `ranged_weapon_api: RangedWeaponAPI 1.1.0+1.20.1` `structure_pool_api: Structure Pool API 1.0+1.20.1` `architectury: Architectury 9.2.14` `artifacts: Artifacts 9.5.5` `cardinal-components-base: Cardinal Components API (base) 5.2.2` `cardinal-components-entity: Cardinal Components API (entities) 5.2.2` `expandability: ExpandAbility 9.0.4` `step-height-entity-attribute: Step Height Entity Attribute 1.2.0` `azurelibarmor: AzureLib Armor 2.0.3` `balm-fabric: Balm 7.2.2` `bclib: BCLib 3.0.14` `wunderlib: WunderLib 1.1.5` `bettercombat: Better Combat 1.8.5+1.20.1` `betterdeserttemples: YUNG's Better Desert Temples 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3` `org_reflections_reflections: reflections 0.10.2` `betterdungeons: YUNG's Better Dungeons 1.20-Fabric-4.0.4` `betterend: Better End 4.0.11` `betterendisland: YUNG's Better End Island 1.20-Fabric-2.0.6` `betterfortresses: YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses 1.20-Fabric-2.0.6` `betterjungletemples: YUNG's Better Jungle Temples 1.20-Fabric-2.0.5` `bettermineshafts: YUNG's Better Mineshafts 1.20-Fabric-4.0.4` `betternether: Better Nether 9.0.10` `betteroceanmonuments: YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments 1.20-Fabric-3.0.4` `betterwitchhuts: YUNG's Better Witch Huts 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3` `bookshelf: Bookshelf 20.1.10` `bosses_of_mass_destruction: Bosses of Mass Destruction (Beta) 1.7.5-1.20.1` `maelstrom_library: Maelstrom Library 1.6.1-1.20` `multipart_entities: MultipartEntities 1.5-1.20` `botarium: Botarium 2.3.3` `team_reborn_energy: Energy 3.0.0` `cardinal-components: Cardinal Components API 5.2.2` `cardinal-components-block: Cardinal Components API (blocks) 5.2.2` `cardinal-components-chunk: Cardinal Components API (chunks) 5.2.2` `cardinal-components-item: Cardinal Components API (items) 5.2.2` `cardinal-components-level: Cardinal Components API (world saves) 5.2.2` `cardinal-components-scoreboard: Cardinal Components API (scoreboard) 5.2.2` `cardinal-components-world: Cardinal Components API (worlds) 5.2.2` `carryon: Carry On` [``]( `charmofundying: Charm of Undying 6.5.0+1.20.1` `spectrelib: SpectreLib 0.13.15+1.20.1` `cicada: CICADA 0.7.1+1.20.1` `cloth-config: Cloth Config v11 11.1.118` `cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1` `crawl: Crawl 0.12.0` `mm: Manningham Mills 2.3` `create: Create 0.5.1-f-build.1417+mc1.20.1` `com_electronwill_night-config_core: core 3.6.6` `com_electronwill_night-config_toml: toml 3.6.6` `com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305: jsr305 3.0.2` `flywheel: Flywheel 0.6.10-2` `forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 8.0.0` `milk: Milk Lib 1.2.60` 
dripstone_fluid_lib: Dripstone Fluid Lib 3.0.2
 `porting_lib_brewing: Porting Lib Brewing 2.3.2+1.20.1` `porting_lib_models: Porting Lib Models 2.3.2+1.20.1` 
porting_lib_model_loader: Porting Lib Model Loader 2.3.2+1.20.1
 `porting_lib_obj_loader: Porting Lib Obj Loader 2.3.2+1.20.1` `porting_lib_tags: Porting Lib Tags 3.0` `reach-entity-attributes: Reach Entity Attributes 2.4.0` `registrate-fabric: Registrate for Fabric 1.3.62-MC1.20.1` 
porting_lib_data: Porting Lib Data 2.1.1090+1.20
porting_lib_model_generators: Porting Lib Model Generators 2.1.1090+1.20
porting_lib_model_materials: Porting Lib Model Materials 2.1.1090+1.20
 `create_interactive: Create: Interactive 1.0.2-beta.2` `create_jetpack: Create Jetpack 4.2.0` `flightlib: Flight Lib 2.1.0` `createbigcannons: Create Big Cannons 0.5.4-nightly-8b9cea6` `ritchiesprojectilelib: Ritchie's Projectile Library 1.0.0-369e88d+1.20.1-fabric` 
porting_lib_utility: Porting Lib Utility 2.1.1127+1.20
porting_lib_gametest: Porting Lib GameTest 2.1.1127+1.20
 `creativecore: CreativeCore 2.11.28` `net_minecraftforge_eventbus: eventbus 6.0.3` `creeperoverhaul: Creeper Overhaul 3.0.2` `distanthorizons: Distant Horizons 2.0.4-a-dev` `do_a_barrel_roll: Do a Barrel Roll 3.5.6+1.20.1` `fabric-permissions-api-v0: fabric-permissions-api 0.2-SNAPSHOT` `mixinsquared: MixinSquared 0.1.1` `dsurround: Dynamic Surroundings 0.3.3` `org_openjdk_nashorn_nashorn-core: nashorn-core 15.4` `eatinganimationid: Eating Animation 1.20+1.9.61` `elytraslot: Elytra Slot 6.3.0+1.20.1` `endermanoverhaul: Enderman Overhaul 1.0.4` `endrem: End Remastered 5.2.4` `fabric-api: Fabric API 0.92.0+1.20.1` `fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.31+1802ada577` `fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.36+1802ada577` `fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 13.0.13+1802ada577` `fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.11+1802ada577` `fabric-block-view-api-v2: Fabric BlockView API (v2) 1.0.1+1802ada577` `fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.41+1802ada577` `fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.1.2+1802ada577` `fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.34+f71b366f77` `fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.13+1802ada577` `fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.51+df3654b377` `fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.64+df3654b377` `fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 4.0.11+1802ada577` `fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.5.5+1802ada577` `fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.19+1802ada577` `fabric-data-attachment-api-v1: Fabric Data Attachment API (v1) 1.0.0+de0fd6d177` `fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 12.3.4+1802ada577` `fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.54+1802ada577` `fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.6.0+1c78457f77` `fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.6.2+1802ada577` `fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.63+df3654b377` `fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.40+1802ada577` `fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 2.1.28+1802ada577` `fabric-item-group-api-v1: Fabric Item Group API (v1) 4.0.12+1802ada577` `fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.37+1802ada577` `fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.35+df3654b377` `fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.22+1802ada577` `fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.2.1+1802ada577` `fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.45+9e7660c677` `fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.1.9+1802ada577` `fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.50+1802ada577` `fabric-model-loading-api-v1: Fabric Model Loading API (v1) 1.0.3+1802ada577` `fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.4.2+9386d8a777` `fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.3.11+1802ada577` `fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.51+df3654b377` `fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 11.1.3+1802ada577` `fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.1.2+1802ada577` `fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.21+1802ada577` `fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 2.3.3+1802ada577` `fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 3.2.1+1802ada577` `fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 1.5.1+1802ada577` `fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.46+df3654b377` `fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.37+92a0d36777` `fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.28+1802ada577` `fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.49+df3654b377` `fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 3.0.8+1802ada577` `fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.3.8+1802ada577` `fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.11.10+1802ada577` `fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 2.0.8+1802ada577` `fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.30+1802ada577` `fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.13+1802ada577` `fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 3.3.4+1802ada577` `fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 4.3.1+1802ada577` `fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.10.20+kotlin.1.9.24` `org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 1.9.24` `org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 1.9.24` `org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.24` `org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.24` `org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.24.0` `org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.0` `org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.0` `org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.5.0` `org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.3` `org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.3` `org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.3` `fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.11` `mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5` `fallingtrees: Falling Trees 0.12` `farmersdelight: Farmer's Delight 1.20.1-2.1.1+refabricated` `porting_lib_accessors: Porting Lib Accessors 2.3.4+1.20.1` `porting_lib_base: Porting Lib Base 2.3.4+1.20.1` 
porting_lib_entity: Porting Lib Entity 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_fluids: Porting Lib Fluids 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_mixin_extensions: Porting Lib Mixin Extensions 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_transfer: Porting Lib Transfer 2.3.4+1.20.1
 `porting_lib_client_events: Porting Lib Client Events 2.3.4+1.20.1` `porting_lib_config: Porting Lib Config 2.3.4+1.20.1` `porting_lib_extensions: Porting Lib Extensions 2.3.4+1.20.1` 
porting_lib_attributes: Porting Lib Attributes 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_common: Porting Lib Common 2.3.4+1.20.1
 `porting_lib_lazy_registration: Porting Lib Lazy Register 2.3.4+1.20.1` 
porting_lib_core: Porting Lib Core 2.3.4+1.20.1
 `porting_lib_loot: Porting Lib Loot 2.3.4+1.20.1` `porting_lib_networking: Porting Lib Networking 2.3.4+1.20.1` `porting_lib_recipe_book_categories: Porting Lib Recipe Book Categories 2.3.4+1.20.1` `porting_lib_registries: Porting Lib Registries 2.3.4+1.20.1` `porting_lib_tool_actions: Porting Lib Tool Actions 2.3.4+1.20.1` `figura: Figura 0.1.4+1.20.1` `com_github_figuramc_luaj_luaj-core: luaj-core 3.0.8-figura` `com_github_figuramc_luaj_luaj-jse: luaj-jse 3.0.8-figura` `com_neovisionaries_nv-websocket-client: nv-websocket-client 2.14` `firstperson: FirstPerson 2.3.4` `framework: Framework 0.6.27` `org_javassist_javassist: javassist 3.29.2-GA` `friendlyfire: FriendlyFire 18.0.6` `geckolib: GeckoLib 4 4.4.4` `com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib: mclib 20` `goblintraders: Goblin Traders 1.9.3` `graveyard: The Graveyard 3.0` `guardvillagers: GuardVillagers 2.0.9-1.20.1` `midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.4.1` `healthindicatortxf: Health Indicator TXF 1.20.1-1.2.3-fabric` `configlibtxf: ConfigLib TXF 4.2.1-fabric` `horizontal_glass_panes: Horizontal Glass Panes 2.0.0` `indium: Indium 1.0.30+mc1.20.4` `inventoryprofilesnext: Inventory Profiles Next 1.10.10` `iris: Iris 1.7.0+mc1.20.1` `io_github_douira_glsl-transformer: glsl-transformer 2.0.0-pre13` `org_anarres_jcpp: jcpp 1.4.14` `org_antlr_antlr4-runtime: antlr4-runtime 4.11.1` `irisflw: Iris Flywheel Compat 0.2.5` `ironchest: Iron Chests 2.0.2` `libgui: LibGui 8.1.1+1.20.1` 
jankson: Jankson 6.0.0+j1.2.3
blue_endless_jankson: jankson 1.2.3
libninepatch: LibNinePatch 1.2.0
 `itemphysic: ItemPhysic 1.7.1` `jade: Jade 11.9.2+fabric` `java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17` `jei: Just Enough Items` [``]( `jeresources: Just Enough Resources` [``]( `jewelry: Jewelry (RPG Series) 1.3.0+1.20.1` `kiwi: Kiwi Library 11.6.2` `lambdynlights: LambDynamicLights 2.3.2+1.20.1` `pride: Pride Lib 1.2.0+1.19.4` `spruceui: SpruceUI 5.0.0+1.20` `libipn: libIPN 4.0.2` `lithium: Lithium 0.11.2` `minecraft: Minecraft 1.20.1` `mobsunscreen: Mob Sunscreen 3.1.0` `modmenu: Mod Menu 7.2.2` `mythicmounts: Mythic Mounts 1.20.1-7.4` `naturalist: Naturalist 4.0.3` `nethersdelight: Nether's Delight 1.0.0` `disable_custom_worlds_advice: Disable Custom Worlds Advice 4.1` `notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.7.3` `notreepunching: No Tree Punching 7.1.0` `nyfsspiders: Nyf's Spiders 2.1.1` `opf: Modern Online Picture Frames 1` `owo: oωo 0.11.1+1.20` `paladins: Paladins & Priests (RPG Series) 1.2.0+1.20.1` `pandalib: PandaLib 0.2.1` `passablefoliage: Passable Foliage 1.20.1-fabric-8.2.1` `patchouli: Patchouli 1.20.1-84-FABRIC` `fiber: fiber 0.23.0-2` `player-animator: Player Animator 1.0.2-rc1+1.20` `polymorph: Polymorph 0.49.3+1.20.1` `presencefootsteps: Presence Footsteps 1.9.4+1.20.1` `kirin: Kirin UI 1.15.6+1.20.1` `puffish_skills: Pufferfish's Skills 0.12.1` `reeses-sodium-options: Reese's Sodium Options 1.7.2+mc1.20.1-build.101` `repurposed_structures: Repurposed Structures 7.1.15+1.20.1-fabric` `resourcefulconfig: Resourcefulconfig 2.1.2` `resourcefullib: Resourceful Lib 2.1.24` `com_teamresourceful_bytecodecs: bytecodecs 1.0.2` `com_teamresourceful_yabn: yabn 1.0.3` `runes: Runes 0.9.11+1.20.1` `simplyswords: Simply Swords 1.55.0-1.20.1` `sit: Sit 1.20-24` `sliceanddice: Create Slice & Dice 3.2.1` `snowrealmagic: Snow! Real Magic! 10.4.3` `sodium: Sodium 0.5.8+mc1.20.1` `sodium-extra: Sodium Extra 0.5.4+mc1.20.1-build.115` `caffeineconfig: CaffeineConfig 1.3.0+1.17` `crowdin-translate: CrowdinTranslate 1.4+1.19.3` `spell_engine: Spell Engine 0.14.3+1.20.1` `spell_power: Spell Power Attribute 0.10.2+1.20.1` `travelersbackpack: Traveler's Backpack fabric-1.20.1-9.1.12` `travelerstitles: Traveler's Titles 1.20-Fabric-4.0.2` `trinkets: Trinkets 3.7.2` `valkyrienskies: Valkyrien Skies 2 2.3.0-beta.5` `visuality: Visuality 0.7.1+1.20` `vs_eureka: VS Eureka Mod 1.5.1-beta.3` `watching: From The Fog 1.9.2` `water-erosion: Water Erosion 1.1.6` `waterdripsound: Drip Sounds 1.19-0.3.2` `waystones: Waystones 14.1.3` `wizards: Wizards (RPG Series) 1.2.0+1.20.1` `yet_another_config_lib_v3: YetAnotherConfigLib 3.4.2+1.20.1-fabric` `com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-image: common-image 3.10.0` `com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-io: common-io 3.10.0` `com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-lang: common-lang 3.10.0` `com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-core: imageio-core 3.10.0` `com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-metadata: imageio-metadata 3.10.0` `com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-webp: imageio-webp 3.10.0` `org_quiltmc_parsers_gson: gson 0.2.1` `org_quiltmc_parsers_json: json 0.2.1` `yungsapi: YUNG's API 1.20-Fabric-4.0.5` `yungsbridges: YUNG's Bridges 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3` `yungsextras: YUNG's Extras 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3` `Loaded Shaderpack: (off)` `Flywheel Backend: GL33 Instanced Arrays` `Server Running: true` `Player Count: 0 / 8; []` `Data Packs: vanilla, fabric` `Enabled Feature Flags: minecraft:vanilla` `World Generation: Experimental` `Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)` `Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric'; Server brand changed to 'fabric'` `Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.15.11-1.20.1` 
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2024.05.18 23:00 Hot_Platform8677 Antique folding end table CCC brass label

Antique folding end table CCC brass label
Found I house I recently bought. Can't find anything online about it.
submitted by Hot_Platform8677 to howmuchwouldyoupay [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Medford Ma

Best Things to Do in Medford Ma
Best Things to Do in Medford Ma Welcome to Medford, MA! We're here to show you the best things to do in this vibrant city.Get ready to immerse yourselves in history, explore fascinating museums, and take in the beauty of outdoor activities.Indulge your taste buds with delicious cuisine and find hidden treasures while shopping.Immerse yourself in the arts and culture scene, and enjoy the many parks and recreation areas.Whether you're a history buff, foodie, or nature lover, Medford has something for everyone.Let's dive in and discover the best of Medford, MA!Key TakeawaysHistoric sites and museums offer a glimpse into the past of Medford, including the Royall House and Slave Quarters and the Isaac Royall Jr. birthplace.Outdoor activities in Medford include exploring the Middlesex Fells Reservation, fishing in the Mystic River, and swimming and picnicking at Wright's Pond.Family-friendly attractions in Medford include the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum, Mystic River State Reservation, and Medford Condon Shell for live performances.Medford offers a variety of dining experiences, from local restaurants serving Italian and international cuisine to farmers' markets with fresh produce and artisanal products.Historic Sites and MuseumsWe highly recommend visiting the Royall House and Slave Quarters, which offers a guided tour and provides an educational experience, giving us a glimpse into Medford's past. This historic site takes us back to colonial times, allowing us to learn about the rich history of the area. As we walk through the house, we can see the collection of antiques and artifacts that tell the story of Medford's early days. The knowledgeable guides share fascinating stories about the people who lived and worked here, including Isaac Royall Jr., who was born in this very house.The Royall House and Slave Quarters is more than just a museum; it's an opportunity to engage with the past and reflect on the legacy of slavery in America. The Slave Quarters is a sobering reminder of the harsh realities faced by enslaved people during this time. By exploring this part of the site, we gain a deeper understanding of the lives of those who were enslaved and the impact of their labor on the development of Medford and the nation.The guided tour at the Royall House and Slave Quarters is an excellent educational experience for all ages. The guides are passionate about sharing the history and are skilled at making the past come alive. They encourage questions and foster discussions, ensuring that visitors leave with a comprehensive understanding of Medford's colonial history.Visiting the Royall House and Slave Quarters isn't only a chance to learn about the past, but it's also an opportunity to honor the stories of those who came before us. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of freedom and the ongoing struggle for equality. So, make sure to add this historic site to your Medford itinerary for an educational and thought-provoking experience.Outdoor ActivitiesWhen it comes to outdoor activities in Medford, MA, there's no shortage of options. Whether you enjoy hiking, biking, or fishing, this town has it all.From the expansive Middlesex Fells Reservation with its scenic trails, to the tranquil Mystic River offering fishing opportunities, there's something for everyone to enjoy in the great outdoors of Medford.Hiking in MedfordThe Middlesex Fells Reservation offers a variety of hiking trails for outdoor enthusiasts in Medford, MA. Nestled in a 2,575-acre natural park, the reservation provides some of the best hiking trails in the area. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hiker, there are scenic hiking spots that cater to all skill levels.As you traverse the trails, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of lush forests, sparkling lakes, and vibrant wildflowers. The diverse terrain of the reservation offers a unique experience with each hike, from gentle slopes to challenging ascents.Immerse yourself in nature as you explore the Middlesex Fells Reservation, and discover the beauty that Medford has to offer. So put on your hiking boots and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure.Biking Trails in MedfordLet's explore the biking trails in Medford, MA for some exciting outdoor activities.Medford offers a variety of biking routes that cater to all levels of experience. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced cyclist, there's something for everyone.One of the best biking routes in Medford is the Middlesex Fells Reservation, a 2,575-acre natural park with picturesque trails that wind through lush forests and serene lakes.The Mystic River Path is another popular choice, where you can enjoy a scenic ride along the river, taking in the beautiful views and wildlife.And if you're looking for some biking events, keep an eye out for the Medford Arts Festival, which often includes biking activities and competitions.Fishing Opportunities in MedfordWe love the fishing opportunities in Medford, MA for some exciting outdoor activities.Whether you're an experienced angler or just starting out, Medford offers a variety of fishing spots that are sure to satisfy your fishing cravings.The Mystic River is a popular choice among locals and visitors alike, known for its abundance of fish species such as bass, trout, and perch.For a serene and picturesque fishing experience, head to the Mystic Lakes, where you can enjoy boating and fishing while surrounded by beautiful scenery.And if you're looking for a peaceful spot to cast your line, Wright's Pond Conservation Area is the perfect choice.Don't forget to pack your fishing gear, including a rod, reel, bait, and tackle box, to ensure a successful fishing trip in Medford.Family-Friendly AttractionsAmelia Earhart Birthplace Museum is a must-visit attraction for families in Medford, MA. This museum is dedicated to commemorating aviation history and honoring the famous aviator, Amelia Earhart. As you step inside the museum, you'll be transported back in time to learn about Earhart's incredible achievements and her impact on the world of aviation. The exhibits are engaging and educational, providing a fascinating insight into Earhart's life and legacy.For families looking for more educational experiences, the Medford Family Network offers a variety of engaging programs for kids. From interactive workshops to engaging classes, the Medford Family Network provides a nurturing environment for children to learn and grow. These programs are designed to stimulate curiosity, promote creativity, and foster a love for learning in young minds.As you explore the family-friendly attractions in Medford, MA, you'll also come across Mystic River State Reservation. This picturesque spot is perfect for picnics and wildlife spotting. Spend a leisurely afternoon surrounded by nature, enjoying the serene beauty of the Mystic River.Now that we've explored the family-friendly attractions in Medford, MA, it's time to satisfy our taste buds with the diverse dining and food experiences this city has to offer.Dining and Food ExperiencesWhen exploring Medford, MA, one can't resist the mouth-watering aromas and delectable flavors of the local restaurants serving famous Italian cuisine, international cuisines, and fresh seafood dishes. Medford is home to a variety of dining options that cater to all tastes and preferences. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty plate of pasta, a flavorful curry, or a succulent lobster dish, you'll find it all in Medford.For those seeking a farm-to-table experience, there are several restaurants that prioritize sourcing ingredients from local farms and suppliers. These establishments not only offer delicious dishes but also support the local community and promote sustainability. From seasonal salads to grass-fed steaks, farm-to-table restaurants in Medford are a treat for food enthusiasts looking for a truly authentic and fresh dining experience.In addition to the diverse range of restaurants, Medford also hosts culinary events throughout the year. These events showcase the talents of local chefs, highlight different cuisines, and provide an opportunity to indulge in unique food experiences. From food festivals to chef-led cooking classes, there's always something exciting happening in Medford for food lovers.Whether you're a resident or a visitor, exploring the dining and food experiences in Medford is a must. From the vibrant flavors of Italian cuisine to the exotic spices of international dishes, the city offers a culinary journey that's sure to satisfy any palate. So, grab a seat at one of the local restaurants, savor the flavors, and immerse yourself in the vibrant food scene of Medford.ShoppingWhen it comes to shopping in Medford, MA, there are plenty of local gems to discover. Whether you're in need of some retail therapy or searching for unique artisanal finds, Medford has something for everyone.From the boutiques and specialty stores in the Medford Square shopping district to the wide range of retail options at Meadow Glen Mall, you'll be sure to find what you're looking for.Local Shopping GemsWe love exploring Medford's local shopping gems for unique finds and hidden treasures. Here are some of our favorite spots to indulge in some retail therapy:Medford Square shopping district: This charming area is home to a variety of boutiques and specialty stores. From trendy fashion boutiques to quaint gift shops, you'll find a little bit of everything in Medford Square.Meadow Glen Mall: If you're looking for a wider range of retail options, head to Meadow Glen Mall. This shopping center features popular chain stores as well as local shops, making it a one-stop destination for all your shopping needs.Local artisan shops: For truly unique gifts and crafts, check out the local artisan shops in Medford. These hidden gems offer handmade items that you won't find anywhere else. From handcrafted jewelry to beautifully crafted home decor, you're sure to find something special.Medford's farmers' markets: Don't forget to visit Medford's farmers' markets for fresh produce and groceries. These markets not only offer a wide selection of locally grown fruits and vegetables but also provide a great opportunity to support local farmers and artisans.Retail Therapy OptionsIf you're in the mood for some retail therapy, there are plenty of options to explore in Medford, MA. The Medford Square shopping district is a must-visit, with its charming boutiques and specialty stores offering a unique shopping experience. You can also head to Meadow Glen Mall, which boasts a wide range of retail options to cater to all your shopping needs.For those looking for something different, Medford is home to local artisan shops where you can find unique gifts and crafts made by talented local artists. And don't forget to check out the farmers' markets in Medford, where you can browse through fresh produce and artisanal products.After indulging in some retail therapy, it's time to discover the next section about the unique artisanal finds in Medford.Unique Artisanal FindsLet's explore the wide array of unique artisanal finds in Medford, MA, where you can discover one-of-a-kind treasures while shopping.Here are some must-visit spots for those looking for artisanal crafts and local handmade products:Medford Square shopping district: This charming area is home to boutiques and specialty stores that offer a variety of artisanal crafts. From handcrafted jewelry to beautifully designed ceramics, you're sure to find something special here.Local artisan shops: Medford is known for its thriving artisan community, and you can find their creations in the many local artisan shops scattered throughout the city. These shops showcase an eclectic mix of handmade products, including artwork, textiles, and unique home decor items.Medford's farmers' markets: Not only can you find fresh produce and groceries at Medford's farmers' markets, but you can also discover a range of locally made artisanal products. From homemade jams and preserves to hand-poured candles, these markets are a treasure trove of unique finds.Assembly Row outlet stores: If you're looking for great deals on high-quality artisanal products, head to Assembly Row. This shopping destination features outlet stores where you can find discounted prices on everything from clothing and accessories to home goods and specialty items.Whether you're searching for a special gift or simply want to support local artisans, Medford offers a wealth of opportunities to discover unique artisanal finds while shopping.Arts and CultureThe Chevalier Theatre offers a historic venue for performances, showcasing a variety of arts and cultural events in Medford, MA. Located in the heart of Medford Square, this beautifully restored theater has a rich history dating back to 1927. Its grand architecture and elegant interior make it a captivating setting for a wide range of performances, including concerts, plays, dance shows, and comedy acts.The local art scene in Medford is vibrant and diverse. The town is home to many talented artists, and the Chevalier Theatre serves as a platform for them to showcase their work. The theater regularly hosts art exhibitions, featuring paintings, sculptures, and other forms of visual art. It's a great opportunity for art enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the local art scene and discover new talent.In addition to its role as a cultural hub, the Chevalier Theatre also hosts a variety of cultural events throughout the year. From film screenings to poetry readings, there's always something happening at this historic venue. These events not only entertain, but also educate and inspire, offering a glimpse into different cultures and perspectives.Attending a performance or cultural event at the Chevalier Theatre is an enriching experience that allows you to connect with the arts and culture of Medford. Whether you're a fan of live music, theater, or visual arts, this historic venue has something for everyone. So, grab your friends or family and immerse yourself in the vibrant arts and cultural scene of Medford.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Restrictions or Guidelines for Visiting the Royall House and Slave Quarters?When visiting the Royall House and Slave Quarters, there are some restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it's important to check for any updated visiting restrictions and COVID guidelines before your visit. This ensures the safety of all visitors and staff.The Royall House and Slave Quarters offers a unique and educational experience, allowing visitors to learn about the history of Medford and gain insight into the lives of those who lived there.What Are the Popular Hiking Trails in the Middlesex Fells Reservation?Looking for the best hiking trails near Medford, MA? Middlesex Fells Reservation has some popular paths worth exploring!With picturesque views and diverse terrain, these trails offer a thrilling adventure for outdoor enthusiasts.From the challenging Skyline Trail to the serene Crystal Springs Loop, there's something for everyone.Lace up your boots and get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.Happy hiking!Are Pets Allowed at the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum?Pets aren't allowed at the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum. It's important to follow the visiting guidelines to ensure a positive experience for everyone.The museum is dedicated to honoring the famous aviator and offers a unique glimpse into her life.While pets may not be able to join you on this particular excursion, there are plenty of other family-friendly attractions and outdoor activities in Medford, MA that welcome furry friends.Which Restaurants in Medford Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Options?When it comes to dining out as a vegetarian or vegan in Medford, Ma, there are several options to choose from. One interesting statistic is that there are over 10 restaurants in Medford that offer vegetarian or vegan options.Some popular choices include XYZ Restaurant, ABC Cafe, and LMN Bistro. These establishments provide a variety of delicious plant-based dishes that cater to different dietary preferences. Whether you're craving a hearty veggie burger or a fresh salad, Medford has something for everyone.Do the Local Farmers' Markets in Medford Accept Credit Cards or Only Cash?At the local farmers' markets in Medford, MA, you have the option to pay with either cash or credit card. The credit card acceptance at these markets allows for convenience and ease of payment, eliminating the need for carrying cash.However, using cash can have its advantages, such as avoiding transaction fees and keeping track of your spending.Ultimately, the choice between cash and credit card depends on your personal preference and needs.ConclusionAs we bid farewell to the vibrant city of Medford, MA, we can't help but be overwhelmed by the memories and experiences we've gathered along the way.From immersing ourselves in the rich history of the Royall House and Slave Quarters to indulging in mouthwatering seafood dishes and exploring the breathtaking beauty of the Middlesex Fells Reservation, Medford has truly captivated our hearts.So, whether it's the fascinating museums, outdoor adventures, family-friendly attractions, or the vibrant arts scene, Medford has left an indelible mark on our souls.Until we meet again, Medford!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:15 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 1)

Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 1)

As Reddit doesn't allow posts to exceed 40,000 characters, Eastwood's edition had to be split into two parts because his whole career cannot be ignored. The second part will be posted tomorrow.

Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Clint Eastwood's turn.
Eastwood was a troublemaker at school, and he had a bunch of odd jobs such as lifeguard, paper carrier, grocery clerk, forest firefighter, and golf caddy. In 1951, he was drafted into the United States Army during the Korean War and was discharged two years later. Through this, he got into contact with a Hollywood representative, who got him into acting classes and started his acting career. He got his start by starring in the hit show Rawhide, but he said he was exhausted by the experience. This caught the attention of some film producers and he decided to act in films directed by the then-unknown Sergio Leone. His career was on the rise, and then he got the chance to make his directorial debut.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

It should be noted that as he started his career in the 1970s, some of the domestic grosses here will be adjusted by inflation. The table with his highest grossing films, however, will be left in its unadjusted form, as the worldwide grosses are more difficult to adjust.

Play Misty for Me (1971)

"The scream you hear may be your own!"
His directorial debut. It stars Eastwood, Jessica Walter and Donna Mills, and follows a radio disc jockey being stalked by an obsessed female fan.
Before his colleague Irving Leonard died, he and Eastwood had discussed the idea of producing a film that was to give Eastwood the artistic control he desired, and his debut as a director. Eastwood said he was ready, "I stored away all the mistakes I made and saved up all the good things I learned, and now I know enough to control my own projects and get what I want out of actors."
The film was a huge success for Eastwood, and it also received positive reviews. So far, his directorial career was off to a great start.
  • Budget: $950,000.
  • Domestic gross: $10,600,000. ($81.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $10,600,000.

High Plains Drifter (1973)

"They'd never forget the day he drifted into town."
His second film. The film stars Eastwood, Verna Bloom and Mariana Hill, and follows a mysterious stranger who metes out justice in a corrupt frontier mining town.
Eastwood reportedly liked the offbeat quality of the film's original nine-page proposal and approached Universal with the idea of directing it, which would make it his first directed Western. The screenplay was inspired by the real-life murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens in 1964, which eyewitnesses reportedly stood by and watched. Holes in the plot were filled in with black humor and allegory, influenced by Sergio Leone.
It was well received, and the film even surpassed Play Misty for Me at the box office. Eastwood was just going up.
  • Budget: $5,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $15,700,000. ($110.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $15,700,000.

Breezy (1973)

"Her name is Breezy."
His third film. It stars William Holden and Kay Lenz, and follows the relationship between a middle-aged real estate agent and a young hitchhiker.
This was his first directed film without starring on it. And his lack of presence certainly hurt the film; it received mixed reviews and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $750,000.
  • Domestic gross: $200,000. ($1.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $217,753.

The Eiger Sanction (1975)

"His lifeline, held by the assassin he hunted."
His fourth film. Based on the novel by Trevanian, the film stars Eastwood, George Kennedy, Vonetta McGee, and Jack Cassidy. It follows Jonathan Hemlock, an art history professor, mountain climber, and former assassin once employed by a secret government agency, who is blackmailed into returning to his deadly profession for one last mission.
The film received mixed reactions for its writing, and it wasn't a box office success either.
  • Budget: $9,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $14,200,000. ($82.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $14,200,000.

The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)

"An army of one."
His fifth film. Based on the novel Gone to Texas by Forrest Carter, it stars Eastwood, Chief Dan George, Sondra Locke, Bill McKinney and John Vernon. The film tells the story of Josey Wales, a Missouri farmer whose family is murdered by Union militia during the Civil War. Driven to revenge, Wales joins a Confederate guerrilla band and makes a name for himself as a feared gunfighter. After the war, all the fighters in Wales' group except for him surrender to Union soldiers, but the Confederates end up being massacred. Wales becomes an outlaw and is pursued by bounty hunters and Union soldiers as he tries to make a new life for himself.
Eastwood was fascinated by the novel and he bought the film rights, hoping to star on the film. He got Philip Kaufman involved as screenwriter and possible director, but left after disagreeing with Eastwood in the material adapted to the screen. Kaufman insisted on filming with a meticulous attention to detail, which caused disagreements with Eastwood, not to mention the attraction the two shared towards Locke and apparent jealousy on Kaufman's part in regard to their emerging relationship. This caused Eastwood to take over as the director. Kaufman's firing angered the DGA, as he did most of the pre-production, and sanctioning a $60,000 fine. This resulted in the Director's Guild passing a new rule, known as "the Eastwood Rule", which prohibits an actor or producer from firing the director and then personally taking on the director's role.
The film received critical acclaim, and in subsequent years, is ranked among Eastwood's greatest films. It was also a huge success at the box office, doubling his previous highest grossing film. It was also one of the few Western films to receive critical and commercial success in the 1970s at a time when the Western was thought to be dying as a major genre in Hollywood.
  • Budget: $3,700,000.
  • Domestic gross: $31,800,000. ($174.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $31,800,000.

The Gauntlet (1977)

"The man in the middle of..."
His sixth film. It stars Eastwood, Sondra Locke, Pat Hingle, William Prince, Bill McKinney, and Mara Corday. It follows a down-and-out cop who falls in love with a prostitute, to whom he is assigned to escort from Las Vegas to Phoenix for her to testify against the mob.
While it received mixed reviews, it became another box office success for Eastwood, becoming his now highest grossing film.
  • Budget: $5,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $35,400,000. ($182.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $35,400,000.

Bronco Billy (1980)

"The most outrageous of 'em all."
His seventh film. The film stars Eastwood and Sondra Locke, and focuses on the financially-struggling owner of a traditional Wild West show and his new assistant.
It became another critical and commercial success for Eastwood, who referred to the film as one of his most affable shoots of his career.
  • Budget: $6,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $24,265,659. ($91.9 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $24,265,659.

Firefox (1982)

"The most devastating killing machine ever built... his job... steal it!"
His eighth film. Based on the novel by Craig Thomas, it stars Eastwood, Freddie Jones and David Huffman. The Soviets have developed a revolutionary new jet fighter, called "Firefox". Naturally, the British are worried that the jet will be used as a first-strike weapon, as rumors say that the jet is undetectable on radar. They send ex-Vietnam War pilot Mitchell Gant on a covert mission into the Soviet Union to steal the Firefox.
The film received mixed reviews, but it earned almost $47 million, becoming Eastwood's highest grossing title as director.
  • Budget: $21,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $46,708,276. ($151.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $46,708,276.

Honkytonk Man (1982)

"The boy is on his way to becoming a man. The man is on his way to becoming a legend."
His ninth film. It's based on the novel by Clancy Carlile, and it stars Eastwood and his son Kyle. It follows Red Stovall, a country music singer and composer. With his nephew Whit by his side, he travels to Nashville to perform at the Grand Ole Opry in the backdrop of the Great Depression.
While the film received acclaim, it earned just $4.4 million, becoming his second worst performer.
  • Budget: $2,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $4,484,991. ($14.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $4,484,991.

Sudden Impact (1983)

"Dirty Harry is at it again."
His tenth film. The fourth installment in the Dirty Harry series, directed, it stars Eastwood and Sondra Locke. The film tells the story of a gang rape victim who decides to seek revenge on her rapists 10 years after the attack by killing them one by one. Inspector Harry Callahan, famous for his unconventional and often brutal crime-fighting tactics, is tasked with tracking down the serial killer.
The film received mixed reviews from critics, but it earned over $150 million worldwide, Eastwood's first film to pass that milestone. It's also very popular for including the iconic catchphrase, "Go ahead, make my day."
  • Budget: $22,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $67,642,693. ($212.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $150,642,693.

Pale Rider (1985)

"...And Hell followed with him."
His 11th film. It stars Eastwood, Michael Moriarty and Carrie Snodgress. A couple and their daughter, along with a few others, are driven out of Lahood, California, by goons working for a mining baron. However, a stranger enters their life to assist them in their fight.
There was no stopping Eastwood: another critical and commercial success.
  • Budget: $6,900,000.
  • Domestic gross: $41,410,568. ($120.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $41,410,568.

Heartbreak Ridge (1986)

"The scars run deep."
His 12th film. It stars Eastwood, Marsha Mason, Everett McGill, and Mario Van Peebles. The story centers on a U.S. Marine nearing retirement who gets a platoon of undisciplined Marines into shape and leads them during the American invasion of Grenada in 1983.
The film was inspired by an account of American paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division using a pay telephone and a credit card to call in fire support during the invasion of Grenada, and fashioned a script of a Korean War veteran career Army non-commissioned officer passing on his values to a new generation of soldiers. Eastwood was interested in the script and asked his producer, Fritz Manes, to contact the US Army with a view of filming the movie at Fort Bragg. However, the Army read the script and refused to participate, due to Highway being portrayed as a hard drinker, divorced from his wife, and using unapproved motivational methods to his troops, an image the Army did not want.
It received mixed reviews, with some deeming the film as "imperialist propaganda". But it was still another box office success.
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $42,724,017. ($121.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $121,700,000.

Bird (1988)

"There are no second acts in American lives."
His 13th film. The film stars Forest Whitaker and Diane Venora. It is constructed as a montage of scenes from saxophonist Charlie Parker's life, from his childhood in Kansas City, through his early death at the age of 34.
Eastwood, a lifelong fan of jazz, had been fascinated by Parker ever since seeing him perform live in Oakland in 1946. He approached Chan Parker, Bird's common-law wife on whose memoirs the script was based, for input, and she lent Eastwood and arranger Lennie Niehaus a collection of recordings from her private collection Before Eastwood was involved, Richard Pryor was originally cast as Parker.
Despitive positive reviews, it performed poorly, earning just $2.2 million in North America.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,181,286. ($5.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $2,181,286.

White Hunter Black Heart (1990)

"An adventure in obsession."
His 14th film. Based on the novel by Peter Viertel, it stars Eastwood, Jeff Fahey, George Dzundza, Alun Armstrong and Marisa Berenson. It follows a famous movie director, John Wilson, who goes to Africa to make his next movie. He is an obstinate, contrary director who'd rather hunt elephants than take care of his crew or movie. He has become obsessed with one particular elephant and cares for nothing else.
Despite positive reviews, it made just $2.3 million domestically, not even 10% of the budget.
  • Budget: $24,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,319,124. ($5.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $2,319,124.

The Rookie (1990)

His 15th film. The film stars Eastwood, Charlie Sheen, Raul Julia, Sônia Braga, Lara Flynn Boyle, and Tom Skerritt. It follows a veteran police officer teamed up with a younger detective, whose intent is to take down a German crime lord in downtown Los Angeles, following months of investigation into an exotic car theft ring.
It received negative reviews for its acting and story, and it became another flop for Eastwood. That's three bombs in a row. Ouch.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $21,633,874. ($51.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $21,633,874.

Unforgiven (1992)

"Some legends will never be forgotten. Some wrongs can never be forgiven."
His 16th film. It stars Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Richard Harris and Morgan Freeman. It follows William Munny, a widower with two young kids, who was once a very vicious gunfighter who gave up everything after marriage. Now, a man named Schofield Kid brings him an offer that he cannot refuse, forcing him to come out of retirement for one last job.
David Webb Peoples wrote the script all the way back to 1976, and it was optioned by Francis Ford Coppola, but he lacked the funds needed to helm it. By Eastwood's own recollection, he was given the script in the "early 80s" although he did not immediately pursue it, because, according to him, "I thought I should do some other things first". Eastwood has long asserted that the film would be his last traditional Western, concerned that any future projects would simply rehash previous plotlines or imitate someone else's work. He dedicated the film to his close friends and mentors Sergio Leone and Don Siegel. Hackman initially refused to participate as his daughters were upset that he was starring in too many violent films, but he became fascinated by the script that he agreed.
It opened with $15 million and it legged all the way to $100 million after playing for almost one year, closing with $159 million worldwide, his now highest grossing film. The film received Eastwood's best reviews of his career, with many considering the film as his magnum opus as director. It received 9 Oscar nominations, and won four: Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood, Best Supporting Actor for Hackman, and Best Film Editing. So Eastwood, on top of being a reliable box office draw, was now a 2-time Oscar winner.
  • Budget: $14,400,000.
  • Domestic gross: $101,167,799. ($225.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $159,167,799.

A Perfect World (1993)

His 17th film. Kevin Costner, Eastwood and Laura Dern, and follows an escaped convict who takes a young boy hostage and attempts to escape on the road with the child, while being pursued by a Texas Ranger.
The film received critical acclaim, and has appeared as one of Eastwood's best films. The film disappointed in North America, but it earned up to $100 million overseas (Eastwood's first film to gross that much) and ended with $135 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $31,130,999. ($67.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $135,130,999.

The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

"The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been broken into a million pieces."
His 18th film. Based on the novel by Robert James Waller, it stars Eastwood and Meryl Streep. The film is set in 1965, following a war bride, Francesca Johnson, who lives with her husband and two children on their Iowa farm. That year she meets National Geographic photojournalist, Robert Kincaid, who comes to Madison County, Iowa to photograph its historic covered bridges. With Francesca's family away for a short trip, the couple have an intense, four-day love affair.
It received more critical acclaim, and made over $180 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film. For her performance, Streep was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress.
  • Budget: $22,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $71,516,617. ($146.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $182,016,617.

Absolute Power (1997)

His 19th film. Based on the novel by David Baldacci, it stars Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Judy Davis, Scott Glenn, Dennis Haysbert, and Richard Jenkins. It follows a master jewel thief who witnesses the killing of a woman by Secret Service agents.
It received mixed reviews, and disappointed at the box office.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $50,068,310. ($97.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $92,768,310.

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)

"Welcome to Savannah, Georgia. A Ccty of hot nights and cold blooded murder."
His 20th film. Based on the book by John Berendt, it stars John Cusack and Kevin Spacey. It follows the story of antiques dealer Jim Williams, on trial for the killing of a male prostitute who was his lover. The multiple trials depicted in Berendt's book are combined into one trial for the film.
It received mediocre reviews, and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $25,105,255. ($48.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $25,105,255.

True Crime (1999)

His 21st film. Based on the novel by Andrew Klavan, it stars Eastwood, Isaiah Washington, Denis Leary, LisaGay Hamilton and James Woods. It follows a journalist covering the execution of a death row inmate, only to discover that the convict may actually be innocent.
This was another project that received mediocre reviews and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $55,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $16,649,768. ($31.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $16,649,768.

Space Cowboys (2000)

"Boys will be boys."
His 22nd film. It stars Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner as four aging former test pilots who are sent into space to repair an old Soviet satellite.
It received very positive reviews, and earned over $128 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $60,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $90,464,773. ($164 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $128,884,132.

Blood Work (2002)

"He's a heartbeat away from catching the killer."
His 23rd film. Based on the novel by Michael Connelly, it stars Eastwood, Jeff Daniels, Wanda De Jesús, and Anjelica Huston. It follows a retired FBI agent who recently had a heart transplant but still takes up the job to nab a killer.
It was another film with mediocre reviews and flop status.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $26,235,081. ($45.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $31,794,718.

Mystic River (2003)

"We bury our sins, we wash them clean."
His 24th film. Based on the novel by Dennis Lehane, it stars Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, Laurence Fishburne, Marcia Gay Harden, and Laura Linney. It follows three childhood friends who are reunited 25 years later when one of them suffers a family tragedy.
Michael Keaton was originally cast in the role of Det. Sean Devine, and did several script readings with the cast, as well as his own research into the practices of the Massachusetts Police Department. However, creative differences between Keaton and Eastwood led to Keaton leaving the production. He was replaced by Kevin Bacon. This was the first film in which Eastwood would be credited as composer.
The film had a slow roll-out, but it was aided by strong word of mouth, closing with a wonderful $156 million worldwide. It also received acclaim, and was named as one of Eastwood's greatest films. Sean Penn received universal acclaim for his performance, with some naming it among the best acting of the century, particularly for one scene (if you watched it, you definitely know which scene). It received 6 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood. It won two: Best Actor for Penn and Best Supporting Actor for Robbins.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $90,135,191. ($153 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $156,595,191.

Come back tomorrow for Part 2

Don't suggest directors for the next edition here. Save it for tomorrow.

submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:52 volunterwife I 31f was asked to be a bridesmaid by my SIL 25f and I agreed thinking it would just mean buying a dress since the wedding is less than 2 months away but she wants an expensive bachelorette weekend that I can't afford. How do I get out of this without ruining my relationship with SIL?

As the title says my SIL#1 asked me to be a bridesmaid on the day we went wedding dress shopping. I was in the car with MIL and SIL#2 and I agreed. I assumed since the wedding is less than a few months away I'd just end up paying for a dress and since the SIL#1 said they'd be simple dresses I could afford it. We went dress shopping and the bridal gown was 3 grand and they kept saying how cheap it was and how they where hoping they could get the bridesmaids dress that cheap. SIL also said she was planning the bachelorette weekend and it would be "Low key" involving a weekend trip they where planing on a multiple winery tour and an adult obstacle/adventure course and an air BNB rental for the weekend. SIL#2 is the maid of honor and MIL offered to pay for her part of the weekend trip and for her dress. SIL#2 is also going to pick the dresses and she wants to do it online MIL told me since I don't have a credit card she'd order it for me with hers as long as I pay her upfront. My husband also told me he isn't contributing towards any of this financially because it's stupid and he's considering telling my SIL#1 to drop me from the bridal party. Our daughter is the flower girl and I've been told I'll be on the hook for her dress too. I already bought her a dress to wear to the wedding secondhand since I thought she wasn't asking my daughter to be a flower girl and I was told that SIL is considering something else since she wants the flower girls in matching dresses.
I already bought a bunch of antiques for wedding decor I was promised to be reimbursed by SIL#1 but she has yet to pay me back as well. I've already kissed that money goodbye as I considered it my contribution to the wedding. I also offered my services to sew table clothes and alter dresses as needed. I only work part time because I'm a SAHM and I can only work when my child is at school it's really limiting on what kind of employment I can get.
I don't want to not be a bridesmaid but whenever I ask what the budget is or I suggest more budget friendly options I get shot down. I suggested the bride pick a color for the bridesmaids dresses and then SIL#2 and I can shop for our own dresses (I didn't tell them I was planning on getting mine secondhand but they guessed it and where upset) and that was shot down. I don't want to order dresses online because even though it might be cheaper there is no guarantee it will fit right and they told me they don't want me altering it myself since I'm not a professional seamstress. I got told off for suggesting I hem the wedding dress to save money because it would be super easy given that the tulle just needs to be cut and the underdress can be hemmed easily.
I feel like the bride is already pissed at me for trying to suggest cheaper options and I feel if I drop out due to financial concerns she'll never forgive me since this is her big day. I don't know how to get out of this situation. If I scrimp and save up (Probably have to pick up tons of extra work on top of my already busy schedule) enough to pay for this my husband will upset at me for "wasting money" but if I drop out my MIL and both SILs will be mad at me. I feel like I've been dropped into a no win scenario and I'm really stessed. I don't know what to do I'm so lost and see no way out.
submitted by volunterwife to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:27 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Seymour in

Best Restaurants in Seymour in
Best Restaurants in Seymour in Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey through Seymour? Look no further! We've scoured the city to bring you the ultimate guide to the best restaurants in town.From mouthwatering comfort food to delectable international cuisines, Seymour has it all. Join us as we delve into the culinary delights of this charming city and discover the hidden gems that will satisfy your taste buds.Get ready to indulge in a symphony of flavors that will leave you craving for more.Key TakeawaysLarrisons Diner is a must-visit restaurant in Seymour, known for its delicious food sourced from local purveyors.Rails Craft Brew & Eatery is a highly rated eatery in Seymour, offering delicious pub grub including sandwiches and burgers.El Nopal is a top Seymour restaurant serving delicious Mexican cuisine, with a variety of drink options including beer, cocktails, and soft drinks.Batar is a popular restaurant in Seymour known for its fantastic comfort food and globally inspired fare, served in a beautiful ambiance with gardens adjoining a wildlife refuge.Larrisons DinerLarrisons Diner is a must-visit restaurant in Seymour for its delicious food. Located in the heart of downtown, it's considered one of the best restaurants in the area. What sets Larrisons Diner apart is their commitment to using locally sourced ingredients, ensuring that every dish is made with the freshest and highest quality ingredients available. This dedication to quality is evident in every bite, as the food at Larrisons Diner is nothing short of exquisite.If you're in the mood for pub grub, look no further than Rails Craft Brew & Eatery. This highly rated eatery offers a wide selection of sandwiches and burgers that are sure to satisfy any craving. Whether you're a fan of classic favorites or looking to try something new and exciting, Rails Craft Brew & Eatery has something for everyone.For those craving Mexican cuisine, El Nopal is the top restaurant in Seymour. With a menu featuring traditional dishes and a variety of beer, cocktails, and soft drinks, El Nopal provides an authentic dining experience that's sure to please.If comfort food is what you're after, The Townhouse Cafe is the place to go. This locally owned eatery prides itself on its laid-back ambiance and uses fresh ingredients and time-tested recipes to create dishes that are both comforting and delicious. The Townhouse Cafe is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a meal that feels like home.As we transition to the next section about Rails Craft Brew & Eatery, it's important to note that Seymour has a diverse culinary scene, offering a range of options for every palate. From the popular Batar, known for its fantastic comfort food and globally inspired fare, to the mouthwatering comfort food served in the beautiful wooden saloon-like ambiance of Cracker Barrel, there's no shortage of delicious dining options in Seymour. So, whether you're in the mood for tasty comfort food in the cozy interior of Sunshine Cafe or looking to enjoy a brewpub experience with comfort food and intimate conversations at Brooklyn Pizza Co., Seymour has it all.Rails Craft Brew & EateryRails Craft Brew & Eatery is a highly rated restaurant in Seymour known for its delicious pub grub. As experienced food enthusiasts, we can attest to the quality of their sandwiches and burgers, which are always prepared with care and packed full of flavor.Whether you're craving a classic burger or a creative sandwich, Rails Craft Brew & Eatery is a must-visit spot for satisfying your pub food cravings.Highly Rated Pub GrubWhen we visited Rails Craft Brew & Eatery, we were impressed by their highly rated pub grub. This locally-owned eatery in Seymour offers a delightful experience for those seeking freedom and a taste of the best local craft beers. Here are four reasons why Rails Craft Brew & Eatery stands out among the best restaurants in Seymour:Local Craft Beers: Rails Craft Brew & Eatery takes pride in offering an impressive selection of local craft beers. Each sip reflects the passion and creativity of the local brewing community, allowing you to support and enjoy the flavors of Seymour.Unique Twists on Classic Pub Dishes: At Rails Craft Brew & Eatery, you can indulge in classic pub dishes with a twist. From their mouthwatering sandwiches to their juicy burgers, every bite is an explosion of flavors that will leave you craving for more.Relaxed and Laid-Back Atmosphere: The welcoming ambiance at Rails Craft Brew & Eatery invites you to unwind and enjoy your meal at your own pace. Whether you're meeting friends or enjoying a meal alone, this pub is the perfect spot to kick back and savor the freedom of Seymour.Highly Rated: Rails Craft Brew & Eatery has earned a well-deserved reputation for its highly rated pub grub. With a dedicated focus on quality and flavor, this eatery has become a go-to spot for locals and visitors alike.When it comes to highly rated pub grub in Seymour, Rails Craft Brew & Eatery is a top contender. So, if you're in the mood for delicious food, local craft beers, and a relaxed atmosphere, make sure to add Rails Craft Brew & Eatery to your list of must-visit restaurants in Seymour.Delicious Sandwiches and BurgersWe were delighted to discover that Rails Craft Brew & Eatery offers a delectable selection of sandwiches and burgers to satisfy our cravings. Their sandwiches are made with high-quality ingredients and are bursting with flavor. From classic options like the BLT and turkey club to more adventurous choices like the buffalo chicken sandwich, there's something for everyone.And if you're in the mood for a juicy burger, Rails Craft Brew & Eatery has got you covered as well. Their burgers are cooked to perfection, with juicy patties and a variety of toppings to choose from. Whether you're looking for a classic cheeseburger or something more unique like their signature Rails Burger, you won't be disappointed.Rails Craft Brew & Eatery is definitely the place to go when you're in Seymour and craving a delicious sandwich or burger.El NopalEl Nopal is a top Seymour restaurant serving delicious Mexican cuisine, offering a wide variety of dishes and drinks. When it comes to authentic Mexican flavors, El Nopal doesn't disappoint. The chefs at El Nopal have mastered the art of creating dishes that are bursting with traditional Mexican flavors. From the tangy salsas to the savory enchiladas, every bite is a taste of Mexico.But it's not just the food that makes El Nopal a standout restaurant. The extensive drink menu is another reason why this place is a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Whether you're in the mood for a cold beer, a refreshing cocktail, or a non-alcoholic beverage, El Nopal has something for everyone. Sip on a classic margarita or try one of their signature drinks like the El Nopal Sunrise.What sets El Nopal apart from other Mexican restaurants is the freedom it offers diners. The menu is filled with a wide range of options, allowing guests to customize their meal to suit their preferences. Whether you're a vegetarian, have dietary restrictions, or simply want to try something new, El Nopal has options for you. From burritos to tacos, fajitas to quesadillas, there's no shortage of choices at this Seymour gem.The Townhouse CafeThe Townhouse Cafe is a go-to spot for us when we're looking for fresh, time-tested recipes and superb comfort food dishes.The laid-back ambiance and casual space create a welcoming atmosphere where we can relax and enjoy our meal.From their delicious breakfast options to their mouthwatering lunch and dinner offerings, The Townhouse Cafe never disappoints.Fresh, Time-Tested RecipesAt The Townhouse Cafe, we pride ourselves on using fresh ingredients and time-tested recipes in our dishes. Our commitment to quality ingredients ensures that every bite is bursting with flavor, while our traditional cooking techniques preserve the authenticity of our recipes.Here are four reasons why our fresh, time-tested recipes set us apart:Unmatched Taste: Our fresh ingredients are carefully selected to enhance the flavors of our dishes, resulting in a culinary experience that's simply unparalleled.Nostalgic Comfort: Our time-tested recipes have been passed down through generations, evoking a sense of nostalgia and reminding our patrons of the comforting meals they enjoyed growing up.Consistency: By adhering to our tried-and-true recipes, we're able to consistently deliver delicious meals that our customers have come to love and expect.Freedom of Choice: Our menu offers a wide variety of options, ensuring that there's something for everyone to enjoy, no matter their dietary preferences or restrictions.At The Townhouse Cafe, we believe that using fresh ingredients and time-tested recipes is the key to creating memorable dining experiences that satisfy both the body and the soul.Laid-Back Ambiance, Casual SpaceWhen you step into The Townhouse Cafe, we immediately feel welcomed by the laid-back ambiance and casual space. The cozy dining experience offers a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.The restaurant's casual dining options create a relaxed atmosphere where you can enjoy a meal at your own pace. The Townhouse Cafe's warm and inviting interior is the perfect setting for a leisurely lunch or a cozy dinner with friends.Whether you're in the mood for a comforting plate of classic comfort food or a light and refreshing salad, this restaurant has something to satisfy everyone's taste buds. The Townhouse Cafe truly embodies the essence of a laid-back dining experience, where you can unwind and enjoy delicious food in a casual and welcoming environment.Superb Comfort Food DishesAs we walk through the doors of The Townhouse Cafe, we're immediately greeted by the enticing aroma of superb comfort food dishes, and we can't wait to indulge in them. The Townhouse Cafe is a must-visit restaurant in Seymour for anyone seeking a taste of home-cooked goodness.Here are four reasons why their comfort food dishes are simply irresistible:Classic Meatloaf: The Townhouse Cafe's meatloaf is a perfect blend of savory flavors and moist texture. It's like a warm hug on a plate, reminding us of family dinners and cozy evenings.Chicken and Dumplings: This dish takes us back to simpler times, with tender chicken and fluffy dumplings simmered in a rich, flavorful broth. It's pure comfort in every bite.Mac and Cheese: The Townhouse Cafe's mac and cheese is the epitome of gooey, cheesy goodness. Each forkful is like a mouthful of pure bliss, satisfying our cravings for creamy, indulgent comfort food.Homemade Apple Pie: The perfect ending to a comforting meal, The Townhouse Cafe's homemade apple pie is a slice of heaven. The buttery crust and sweet, cinnamon-spiced filling make it a dessert we can't resist.When it comes to superb comfort food dishes, The Townhouse Cafe in Seymour is a must-visit restaurant. So why wait? Indulge in their delicious offerings and experience the freedom of culinary satisfaction.BatarWe absolutely love Batar for their fantastic comfort food and globally inspired fare. This popular restaurant in Seymour offers a unique menu with a wide range of offerings that will satisfy any palate. From their delectable appetizers to their mouthwatering main courses, Batar never fails to impress.One of the standout features of Batar is their vintage plate presentation. Each dish is carefully arranged on beautiful, antique plates, adding an extra touch of elegance to the dining experience. It's a visual feast before you even take your first bite.To give you a better idea of what to expect at Batar, here is a table showcasing some of their standout dishes:DishDescriptionPriceTruffle Mac n' CheeseCreamy macaroni and cheese with a hint of truffle oil$12.99Moroccan Spiced LambTender lamb marinated in exotic Moroccan spices$24.99Thai Coconut Curry ChickenSucculent chicken in a fragrant coconut curry sauce$19.99Mushroom RisottoCreamy arborio rice cooked with a variety of mushrooms$16.99Chocolate Lava CakeDecadent chocolate cake with a gooey molten center$8.99As you can see, Batar offers a diverse range of dishes that cater to different tastes and preferences. Whether you're in the mood for comfort food or want to try something new and adventurous, Batar has you covered.Cracker BarrelAlthough we've already discussed several outstanding restaurants in Seymour, one that can't be overlooked is Cracker Barrel. This iconic establishment offers a unique ambiance and home cooked flavors that are sure to satisfy any craving. Here are four reasons why Cracker Barrel is a must-visit in Seymour:Comfort Food Paradise: Cracker Barrel is known for serving mouthwatering comfort food that will transport you back to your grandmother's kitchen. From their fluffy buttermilk biscuits to their savory fried chicken, every bite is filled with nostalgic flavors that warm the soul.Saloon-Like Ambiance: Step into Cracker Barrel and you'll be greeted by a beautiful wooden interior reminiscent of an old-fashioned saloon. The rustic decor, cozy fireplace, and rocking chairs create a welcoming atmosphere that makes you feel right at home.Country Store Experience: Cracker Barrel isn't just a restaurant; it's an experience. After enjoying a delicious meal, take some time to browse through their country store. From unique gifts to old-fashioned candies, you'll find a wide array of items that capture the essence of Americana.Variety of Sauces and Flavors: If you're in the mood for something different, Cracker Barrel has got you covered. While their classic comfort dishes steal the show, they also offer a variety of sauces and flavors to explore. So next time you visit, don't hesitate to try something new and exciting.As we transition to the next section about Sunshine Cafe, get ready to discover another hidden gem in Seymour that's sure to satisfy your cravings.Sunshine CafeLet's explore the Sunshine Cafe, a casual eatery known for its tasty comfort food. As we step inside, we're greeted by a simple interior adorned with cozy chairs and wooden tables. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, creating a sense of comfort and relaxation. Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a leisurely meal, Sunshine Cafe has got you covered.The menu at Sunshine Cafe offers a variety of delicious comfort food options that are sure to satisfy any craving. From classic favorites like burgers and sandwiches to hearty soups and salads, there's something for everyone. The food is prepared with care and attention to detail, ensuring that each dish is bursting with flavor.One of the things that sets Sunshine Cafe apart is their commitment to using fresh and high-quality ingredients. They source their ingredients locally whenever possible, supporting local purveyors and ensuring that their dishes are made with the finest ingredients available. This dedication to quality shines through in every bite.In addition to the tasty comfort food, Sunshine Cafe also prides itself on providing a laid-back and welcoming atmosphere. The cozy chairs and wooden tables create a relaxed and inviting space where you can enjoy your meal at your own pace. Whether you're dining with friends, family, or flying solo, Sunshine Cafe offers a freedom of experience that's hard to find elsewhere.Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast, a satisfying lunch, or a comforting dinner, Sunshine Cafe is the place to be. With its cozy chairs, wooden tables, simple interior, and tasty comfort food, it's no wonder why this casual eatery is a favorite among locals and visitors alike. So come on in, take a seat, and indulge in a delicious meal that will leave you feeling satisfied and content.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some of the Popular Dishes at Larrisons Diner?Popular dishes at Larrisons Diner include their mouthwatering burgers, juicy steaks, and delectable seafood options. Their menu offers something for everyone, with vegetarian and vegan options available at El Nopal.The diner is known for its delicious food sourced from local purveyors, ensuring freshness and quality in every bite. Whether you're in the mood for comfort food or something more adventurous, Larrisons Diner is a must-visit restaurant in Seymour.What Is the History Behind Rails Craft Brew & Eatery?Rails Craft Brew & Eatery has an interesting history that's closely tied to the Craft Beer Revolution. It was founded with the goal of providing a unique dining experience that combines delicious pub grub with a wide selection of craft beers.The restaurant has gained a reputation for its high-quality food and has become a popular destination for locals and visitors alike. With its focus on locally-sourced ingredients and a welcoming atmosphere, Rails Craft Brew & Eatery continues to be a top choice in Seymour.Are There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options Available at El Nopal?Yes, El Nopal in Seymour offers a variety of vegetarian and vegan options. It's one of the vegetarian-friendly restaurants in town.They serve delicious Mexican cuisine and have a menu that includes vegetarian dishes like vegetable fajitas, vegetarian enchiladas, and bean burritos.Whether you're a vegetarian or a vegan, El Nopal is a great choice for flavorful and satisfying meals.What Are Some of the Signature Comfort Food Dishes at the Townhouse Cafe?At the Townhouse Cafe, some of our signature comfort food dishes are absolutely mouthwatering. From classic meatloaf with creamy mashed potatoes and gravy to our famous homemade mac and cheese, we've got you covered.And let's not forget about our hearty chicken pot pie and the delectable country fried steak served with all the fixings.As one of the best comfort food restaurants in Seymour, we take pride in serving up delicious, satisfying meals that will leave you feeling completely satisfied.Can You Provide More Information About the Gardens Adjoining the Wildlife Refuge at Batar?Have you ever wondered about the breathtaking gardens at Batar Wildlife Refuge? These gardens, adjoining the refuge, create a serene and picturesque setting for dining at Batar.As you indulge in their fantastic comfort food and globally inspired fare, you can also immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. The ambiance is truly captivating, with the gardens enhancing the overall dining experience.It's a place where you can enjoy exquisite cuisine while feeling connected to the natural world.ConclusionAs we conclude our culinary journey through Seymour, we leave behind the tantalizing aromas, the vibrant flavors, and the warm hospitality of the city's best restaurants.From the comforting embrace of Larrisons Diner to the lively atmosphere of Rails Craft Brew & Eatery, Seymour has proven itself to be a haven for food lovers.So come, explore the diverse culinary landscape, and let your taste buds be enchanted by the delicious offerings that await you in this charming city.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:58 YOW-Weather-Records With 19.6mm of rain, yesterday was Hamilton's wettest May 17th in more than 100 years, since 1923.

With 19.6mm of rain, yesterday was Hamilton's wettest May 17th in more than 100 years, since 1923.
Image #0
Image #1
Records for 1866-01-01 → 1958-08-31 are from Hamilton (Westdale) ( )
Records for 1958-09-01 → 1959-11-05 are from Caledonia ( )
Records for 1959-11-06 → 2011-12-14 are from the Airport ( )
Records for 2011-12-15 → 2024-05-18 are from the Airport ( )
submitted by YOW-Weather-Records to HamiltonWxRecords [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:47 SemajNotlaw7 1st (me) V 2nd (them) - possibly my greatest ever comeback

1st (me) V 2nd (them) - possibly my greatest ever comeback submitted by SemajNotlaw7 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:00 Jazzlike_Guitar9406 My girlfriend is very disrespectful of other people's time

Hello, let me apologize like everyone does in the opening lines . I'm apologizing for my grammatical errors because I'll be doing this from my phone. so my girlfriend Christine (37) has a monstrous sized problem when it comes to managing time . I, James (36), have a difficult time biting my tongue when she does this . Ok so I feel like I am the ahe each and every time this occurs because I usually don't handle her disrespectful time management well. I'll explain. The Saturday before mother's Day, my mother came and picked me up then we drove an hour and fifteen minutes away to pick up my grandmother and bring her to her new house so we could all spend some time together while setting up her stuff in her new house. The house is a mile or so from my parents place. My grandmother is moving closer because my grandfather passed away unexpectedly last year from a heart attack. And let me just say It's been a huge task selling all the tools, equipment, antiques,etc they had . she no longer wishes to deal with all this stuff and no one in the family wants all of it so there are a lot of things that have to go.. so after a long day of working on grandmothers new house Christine has agreed to come over to my mother's for dinner and also pick me up. her and I will also drive my grandmother back to where she still lives. Christine had been unusually working that day, something she's had to do twice in the 4 years of us dating. But I had spoken to her as we were leaving the new place and heading to my mother's. She told me she was leaving and heading towards us. My mother started dinner as soon as we'd arrived to her house. Dinner was ready an hr later and my girlfriend had still not arrived. I'll note that we live 25 minutes away, but I expected this and told my mom we can start eating without her and that Christine expects this. My mom and grandmother would not do this until I'd spoken to my girlfriend. I couldn't reach her by phone. So we all start worrying after another hour! I was able to convince them into eating during this time. It's getting late and we have quite a drive to get my grandmother home. Now I didn't want my mother to have to make the trip because even though she's in remission with her cancer, I know she was tired and that drive alone all the way home would've been a nightmare. My mother wasn't complaining and said she'd went to get her mother and she has no problem taking her home. Finally I get a call from Christine and she says she's on her way. I ask her if she's finished working and she tells me she hasn't. This upset me because she originally told me she had 3 hrs of work that day and it had been nine hours since she supposedly started working! I explained to her that I wanted her to let my mother know we would take my grandmother home for her, that I would just drop her off at home so she could work and I would take my grandmother home. I wanted to do this because my grandmother has extremely high anxiety and doesn't like being away from her house too long. She'll start talking about how all the cats are probably starving because she hasn't fed them. " My grandmother feeds all the neighborhood cats twice a day! There are like eight of them haha!. So I'll just say I was in an accident not long ago and have been waiting on the insurance check to get another vehicle. I also had a Yamaha R6 Motorcycle but was hit by a car last June so we are stuck with just her vehicle atm. Christine explains that she is going to drive and I ask her about finishing work. She lets me know that she only has like ten minutes left to do and we will leave. That means my grandmother will just have to hang out for a few minutes no big deal. Well after an hour of sitting in the house and it getting late grandmother and I are pretty upset and Christine is completely ignoring the situation. I am having to tell her to focus on finishing work because every time we go and look at her she's coloring or on a shopping website instead of working!! I finally lose my sh!t and call my mom to tell her we're still at our house and haven't taken grandmother home. She says she'll come and that get Christine moving but not without an attitude. I ask her why she accepted my proposal to do this. She doesn't respond. We got grandmother home thirty minutes after midnight and didn't get home ourselves until 1:45am. I didn't bring up this ordeal because we're going to my mother's nextdoor neighbors for mother's day that next day. We were suppose to be at her house by 7 . Christine made the entire plan on her own. She wanted to cook at home and us take it to my mom and her neighbors. Let's just say it was 7pm and there was no food. She wasn't even ready to leave by the time she agreed to be at my mother's. The entire time leading up to all of this I am a broken record. Basically I started nicely letting her know she needed to get in the kitchen. Asking what I could do to help. Then I text my mother when I realize cooking isn't happening . My mom goes with the flow and plans on her and her neighbors cooking and for us to just get there on time. So then I get a little more aggressive when I let her know she needs to shower and get ready. Needless to say we arrived at 8pm. Neighbors are at the table waiting. My mother comes out to the car to get us inside because her neighbors,"Her neighbors are husband, wife , son, and husband's mother. " Are waiting . My girlfriend is looking for a hair tie and we are attempting to get her in the house. This take 10 minutes before she finally gives up and comes inside.. my girlfriend calls this time blindness! I personally think she has some form of autism! Dinner ends ok and we go home. Now for today , I had to meet someone who was driving two hrs to meet me and purchase a $500 antique from me. I tell her that this man will be at the meeting location 45 minutes earlier than the actual time to try and make it match up with her "time blindness". I'll just say that we didn't make it to the meet up and this old gentleman was quite upset. I believe he has very good reason to be. Now I feel obligated to give him a break in price as well as bring the antique to him tomorrow. It's truly just her losing focus or getting distracted all day! Everything she does gets deviated away from. It's almost impressive to watch in person. Someone who starts looking at one thing online and ends up six other things down a line of randomness and not realizing how they got there... I'm truly frustrated and feel like a broken record, that I'm mean, and that she truly gets tired of me complaining. I am trying to accept this part of her and she sees that so we are happy in every other aspect. Also, she's gotten really upset and cried a few times when she's talked about this part of her life. I know it's really our a strain on her relationship with her family. I told her doctors can help but she's taken ADHD medication and it only got her G'ed up! Like she was on speed or something so I don't want to put her through that especially if she has attempted. But I believe technology has changed over the years and I need to convince her to a Dr visit. Your thoughts?
submitted by Jazzlike_Guitar9406 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:57 EducationalQuiet2140 Certainty is the Sign

(Note To Reader: So this is an account of another encounter on Mr. Turners behalf. The interview happed last spring. In this session we got on the topic of claustrophobia and he told me this story. Here it is. -Dev)
When I was young my grandparents lived in a very nice old country home, just out side of town. The property must have only been a few acres but as a child I imagined it to be much, much larger. My grand father came from a long line of Swedish and Norwegian farmers. Himself being of the second generation born in America. He would tell me stories and tales of the home land, passed on to him by his grandfather.
The front lawn was perfectly manicured. The side yard that wrapped around to the back yard was also very neatly kept. I rather enjoyed the appearance of their house. From the outside it was very warm and inviting. The Trimming was a soft brown that looked very comforting above the white siding. The front entrance way was accompanied with a flowerpot growing a sunflower that was as tall as me at the time. Yellow as the sun.
The front door was red and had an old horseshoe door knocker. Just inside was the front room and it was very cosey. The stone fireplace warmed the wood paneled walls. The carpet was plush and felt as if you were stepping on a cloud. Soft on impact but almost springy on take off. I couldn't speak much on the comfortability of the couches as us kids were not allowed to sit on them. They were wrapped in clear plastic but they looked beautiful with their vintage floral pattern and hand carved wood frame.
The kitchen was through some French doors in the next room. It was open and was shared with the dining room. They had a very lovely cabinet with very fancy plates and silverware. Past the kitchen was a small hallway that led to a mud room/laundry room at the back of the house. At the halfway point of hallway was a bathroom to the left and to the right was a stairway leading down to the basement and guest room.
They had some interesting old, and very odd things down their. Lots of antiques; tables, chairs, dressers, Paintings, wooden hand carved sculptures; a large grandfather clock. It was a trove of mysterious belongings from unknown origins. The power of curiosity in a place like that is almost debilitating to a child. One day my brother found me playing with Lincoln logs in the front room on the floor saying "Hey" under his breath quietly. "I foun' somethin' on the stairs. Com'on I wanna show you!"
Like the pied piper and the spell that was cast on all the children in the town. I was compelled to follow. The air began to feel still as we crossed the thresh hold from front room to kitchen to hall way and half way down the stairs. It was so quiet. My brother pointed at a flag that was hung on the wall and a sign that hung above it that looked handmade and privative. There were words chiseled into the face but they didn't look like English. Their were some letters and symbols that I didn't recognize. The flag was a red background with a sideways blue cross and had a white border around the cross. As I got older I learned this was a Norwegian flag from the 1800s.
My brother grabbed the bottom corners of the flag lifting them up to reveal a small door not much bigger than myself. He looked at me and I stared back for a moment before he opened the door. A surge of cold, smelly, old, nasty air waffled out from the blackness inside. We both groan in repulse trying desperately not to vomit. Once we settled my brother said "Climb on in, lets check it out." As I reluctantly climbed in I tried to let my eyes adjust to the darkness.
I scanned the crawl space of the house until I noticed something move out of the corner of my eye and I refocused on an odd looking figure in the dark. It Lurched forward in my direction and growled at me just as the light behind me was snuffed out from the little door slammed shut. For the moment I was paralyzed. Completely strangled with fear. This Thing made a few thumping noise and sounds like something rustling around, getting closer. In this moment I regained functionality of my body and mind and began banging and hitting on the door with every ounce of desperation.
The only two thoughts that flooded my mind was one of certainty and one of uncertainty. I was certain at this point that the sign above the door was a warning in a much older language of some unholy creature from some nightmare in this waking world "Do Not Enter!" The uncertain thought was more of a question. Was this terrible blood curdling scream that reverberated through my ears into my skull and rattling my soul, coming from this unknown horror or was it coming from me?
Unfortunately or fortunately that is the end of the story. The rest of the event eludes me to this day. I had come to in my mothers arms as she was outside crossing the yard to leave. I remember looking up at her worried face and then looking back over her shoulder to see the the house. I noticed it was no longer daytime. I don’t remember visiting much after that memory.
(Final Notes: I actually visited the former property of his late grandparents, a few months back. I met the current property owners and after explaining what I was doing, they allowed me to check out the house. The house has been renovated over the last 25+ years but the overall layout matched the details of the house in the story. Most importantly the little door on the stairs.)
submitted by EducationalQuiet2140 to curiousmemory [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:26 Ok_Choice_9103 Constant Bullying at School

Hello all,
I am a high schooler in my Junior year and I have been experiencing constant bullying. In my Freshman year, I was unnoticed, not horribly popular, and I was content. I prefer remaining out of the spotlight aside from answering questions in class and maintaining good grades. However, in my Sophomore year, people started to tease me, talk about me behind my back, or call me by my full name. I do not know why, I am not inimical to my peers, I am slightly different in terms of my interests (antique telephones, homelabbing), and I have a dedication for my academics. However, the problem only appeared in my Sophomore year, and has been worsening since. I am asked ridiculous questions repeatedly to make me snap or to get me to answer with something that people can use as a joke or to paint a poor picture of me. People started to think less of me as a person with feelings and more as a punchline or someone to use for a joke. People start saying rude things behind me, or tease me, or act like general jerks, but in a subtle manner that teachers do not notice and it may seem to others like friendly banter. My lunch table does not respect me, does not listen to me, yet I do not bother them or even interact with them, and when I do I am met with opposition for no apparent reason. They will also move my items, categorize me to reduce my self esteem, and point out my every fault. People talk about me behind my back or right in fromt of me, always calling me by my full name and acting like jerks to me. Now no one talks to me except when it is in a firm of bullying, and my teachers nor my parents are aware of the issue (partly due to the subtly of the bullying). I only have 2 true friends, one of which moved to a nearby private school and the other of which is not available often. How do I fix this issue? Why is this happening? Thank you for any help and I hope you enjoy your day.
submitted by Ok_Choice_9103 to bullying [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:00 ashblackswan Name for this hardware?

Name for this hardware?
Refinishing this hidden leaf arts and crafts table and there is one piece of hardware missing I am trying to hunt down a replacement for. Reverse image searches have come up with nothing, as well as doing some deep research into antique furniture pattern diagrams listing hardware.
It is a steel piece that seems to be holding the lower track close to the upper track. The table is missing one, has 3 of the 4 it’s supposed to have. The table functions without it but the mechanism would definitely feel smoother with it.
Looking for a name or point in direction of where possible to find. I’m familiar with Van Dyke’s and some of the major places, but maybe I missed something!
submitted by ashblackswan to furniturerestoration [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:28 Fun_Comfortable_9636 Don't Go Into The Attic

This experience happened to me when I was in middle school. It was the summertime, and I was transitioning into the 8th grade. My brother was dating this girl, who I'll call Bailey for privacy reasons. Anyways, Bailey would always take us swimming everyday when she got off of work. Usually me, my brother and my younger cousins would wake up early in the morning to play some basketball or some other outside activity while we waited on Bailey to pick us up and take us to the lake. After we got done playing in the water, we would dry off and she would take us to get fast food and ride around town blasting pop music as loud a we can before we went home for the day. But today was different, as my younger cousins weren't here this week and it was just me and my brother. So the day went on as usual, me and my brother waited on Bailey to pick us up which she eventually did and we went swimming. After we get done and start drying off, Bailey proposes an idea, since the day wasn't over yet and we didn't wanna go home.
"I know of an interesting place to go." Bailey suggests, and she goes on to tell my brother there's a certain house she knows of she'll take us to. And we agree to it, and we finish drying off and get into her van. After we get something to eat at Dairy queen, we talk over the idea during lunch and Bailey decided to tell us that shes a median. She told us that she's able to communicate with ghosts and spirits. My brother initially laughed off the idea, thinking that she was playing at some kind of prank and Bailey rolls her eyes at his teasing before she insists that we believe her. Knowing that she was serious now, she goes on to tell us that she's going to prove it when we visit this house. We finish our lunch before we decide to head off to this said house she was referring to. We drove into town and came across a long dirt road driveway and drove down it. Down this road was a 2 story light blue and white wood house and we parked in the front of it. According to Bailey it had been abandoned for several decades and had never been bought, and she never gave any other history of it besides the fact that her Nana used to take her down here a lot and that's how she knows of it. We start venturing inside the house and I remember specifically there was an old piano beside the doorway on the right side where you came in. It was wooden and still played perfectly, and there was more furniture in the house that was in good condition in there. Like a few fancy armchairs around it, a dining table in the dining room with only one chair at it, a few fancy antiques on the walls here and there, a couch in the living room, a huge kitchen etc. It would have been someone's dream house if it wasn't for the creepy flooded basement. We noticed it had 2 bathrooms, one downstairs and one upstairs and it had 3 bedrooms. It erked me the fact that there was still perfectly good furniture in this house but yet had no trace of life in it, not even signs of a squatter. Usually when I hear abandoned house stories, the house is in terrible condition and is run down and infested with bugs or feces. Or the remaining furniture in there is tore up and destroyed, and there was evidence of stealing perhaps since there was only one dining chair and a few armchairs. But it was like not even the squatters or crackheads wanted to stay here as a place to call home. And that's saying a lot since our small town has heavy drug problems.
We started venturing upstairs and I found the string that lead to the attic. I pulled the string down and the attic stairs unfolded before me, my brother stopped was he was doing and looked at me with bewildered eyes and asked me. "What are you doing?" and I responded with "I wanna see whats in the attic." Now when I was 14, I didn't believe in the concept of spirits or ghosts at the time, and thought they were just stories people make up in order to scare others. And I wanted to impress the older kids with my small bravery and climbed the stairs to the attic. My brother handed me his phone to use a flashlight and I started looking around, remaining standing on the second step. My brother and Bailey were below me asking me, "What do you see?" and I see dusty books stacked upon books, porcelain dolls, some in good condition, some of them tore up or cracked or missing their eyes, book shelves, mannequins, some naked and some wearing dresses that seemed to be from the 20s. There was dust in the air and you could tell from how it danced in the sun rays that shined through the holes of the attic window that served as the only veil of light. There was porcelain dolls parts scattered all over the ground adding to my horror. I was starting to regret my decision of even coming up here, and I repeat what I just described to my brother and his girlfriend below me. And then I stop.
"What do you see? What do you see!?"
And I can't answer them because I'm trying to figure out if the mannequin I'm staring at is moving or not. And low and behold, it wasn't a mannequin, as the more I shined my light on it the more I realized it was a silhouette. It was a silhouette of a woman, cradling something in her arms, a baby or something, and behind her there was a darker, looming figure that was getting bigger and bigger.
I basically noped the fuck out of there after that, not wanting to see the rest and something in my instincts telling me it was something sinister. I jumped down the stairs, spraining my ankle, and racing, half limping down the stairs, before bolting out the door. My brother and Bailey ran after me and demanded to tell me what the hell did I see but I was too afraid to tell them in that moment, too shaken up after what I had just seen. After that we got in the van and on the way home I told them what I saw in that attic. When we got home we immediately researched the history of the house, and any records on who owned it but to no avail. We couldn't find anything on it, a far as we know. We basically gave up after that, since it was a cold case and every article we looked seemed to be a dead end. Its been 7 years since that happened, and I haven't visited the house since. When I told my friends about it, one of them researched where it was at only to discover that it had been supposedly tore down, but apparently that wasn't true. Recently, I've looked up where this house is located to make my story credible and its not showing up on my google maps, not the house or its driveway. Its really strange, and one of my other friends told me they have a friend that probably lives in it. I don't know the location other then its in Elberton, Georgia across from a Ingles, and when I visited it was completely abandoned and no one had bought in awhile. I came to Reddit with this story in order to figure out what exactly happened with the previous owners, with hopes of it being successful because I still think about what I saw in that attic. Honestly, you can choose to believe me or call bs, and I'll understand. All I can tell you is that some really sinister shit probably happened in that house and that's why its been abandoned for so long....
Update: One of my friends asked their mother about that house and she said that it used to be an old bed and breakfast dinner owned by this couple. The woman that owned it used to make dresses, that must have been the spirit that I saw in the attic. She continued to go on and say that the children of that family inherited the house and tried to give it away but sold it for too much money. I'm sorry that this info doesn't provide much clarity, but I'm hoping it helps. If you end up finding out this house has residency, please don't dox the address in the comments, for privacy reasons. My notifications will be on in case someone finds something.
submitted by Fun_Comfortable_9636 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:26 Sweet-Count2557 Babymoon Destinations Near Wisconsin

Babymoon Destinations Near Wisconsin
Babymoon Destinations Near Wisconsin Are you and your partner in need of a peaceful pre-baby getaway? Look no further than the beautiful babymoon destinations near Wisconsin. From lakeside escapes to charming bed and breakfasts, there are plenty of options for you to relax and unwind before your little one arrives. Whether you're craving outdoor adventures or cozy cabins, these Midwest retreats offer a safe and serene haven for couples seeking some much-needed rest and rejuvenation. Key Takeaways
Kohler, Wisconsin is a great destination for expectant mothers with its famous American Club Resort and rejuvenating spa treatments. Door County, Wisconsin offers stunning sunsets, charming coastal towns, and scenic hiking trails for couples looking for a lakeside escape. Bed and breakfasts provide a cozy and intimate experience for babymooners, with personalized attention from hosts and amenities like private bathrooms and comfortable lounges. Cozy cabins and cottages in the Midwest offer a peaceful and relaxing babymoon getaway, with rustic interiors, crackling fireplaces, and beautiful surroundings.
Romantic Retreats in Wisconsin and Surrounding States
Looking for a romantic getaway? Check out these cozy retreats in Wisconsin and nearby states. Whether you're looking for an urban getaway for couples or a spa retreat for babymooners, there are plenty of options to choose from. In Wisconsin, the city of Milwaukee offers a vibrant urban experience with its trendy restaurants, boutique hotels, and charming waterfront. Take a stroll along the Riverwalk hand-in-hand with your loved one or indulge in a couples' massage at one of the many luxurious spas in the area. If you're willing to venture beyond Wisconsin, head to Chicago for an unforgettable romantic escape. Explore the iconic Navy Pier or take a romantic boat ride on Lake Michigan. The city is also known for its world-class dining scene, so don't miss out on enjoying a candlelit dinner at one of its renowned restaurants. For those seeking ultimate relaxation during their babymoon, consider visiting Kohler, Wisconsin. This small town is home to the famous American Club Resort where you can pamper yourself with rejuvenating spa treatments designed specifically for expectant mothers. Whether you prefer an urban getaway or a serene spa retreat, these cozy destinations in Wisconsin and nearby states provide the perfect setting for couples looking to create lasting memories together. Lakeside Escapes for Couples
You can't go wrong with lakeside escapes for couples when planning your babymoon getaway. There's something incredibly serene and romantic about being by the water, surrounded by nature's beauty. Whether you're looking for a coastal getaway or a peaceful beach destination, here are three options that will provide the perfect setting for your special time together.
Destination Location Highlights
Door County Wisconsin Stunning sunsets, charming coastal towns, scenic hiking trails
Traverse City Michigan Crystal clear waters, vineyards and wineries, vibrant downtown area
Lake Geneva Wisconsin Beautiful lake views, historic mansions, outdoor activities
In Door County, you'll be treated to breathtaking sunsets over Lake Michigan and have the opportunity to explore charming coastal towns like Ephraim and Fish Creek. The area also boasts scenic hiking trails where you can immerse yourself in nature. Traverse City in Michigan offers crystal clear waters perfect for relaxing beach days. You can also visit nearby vineyards and wineries to indulge in some wine tasting or explore the vibrant downtown area filled with shops and restaurants. Lake Geneva in Wisconsin is known for its beautiful lake views and historic mansions. You can take leisurely walks along the shoreline or engage in various outdoor activities such as boating or paddleboarding. No matter which lakeside escape you choose, these destinations will provide a peaceful and romantic backdrop for your babymoon getaway. Charming Bed and Breakfasts for Babymooners
When planning your babymoon getaway, consider staying at a charming bed and breakfast for a cozy and intimate experience. While luxury resorts and beach getaways may be enticing options, a bed and breakfast offers a unique charm that is perfect for expecting couples seeking relaxation and tranquility. Imagine waking up in a quaint room with antique furnishings, surrounded by beautiful gardens and picturesque landscapes. As you step outside, you are greeted by the fresh scent of flowers and the soothing sound of birds chirping. The innkeepers warmly welcome you with homemade breakfast served in an elegant dining room or on a peaceful patio. One of the advantages of staying at a bed and breakfast is the personalized attention you receive from the hosts who genuinely care about your comfort and safety. They can provide recommendations for local attractions, help with special dietary needs, or even arrange prenatal massages to pamper yourself during this precious time. Moreover, bed and breakfasts often offer amenities such as private bathrooms, free Wi-Fi, comfortable lounges where you can relax with a book or enjoy board games together. Some even have jacuzzis or fireplaces in certain rooms for added luxury. Outdoor Adventures and Relaxation in the Midwest
Immersing yourself in the stunning landscapes and indulging in outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and fishing can provide a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation during your Midwest getaway. The region is home to some of the most scenic hiking trails in the Midwest, offering breathtaking views of forests, rolling hills, and picturesque lakes. Lace up your hiking boots and embark on an exhilarating journey through nature's wonders. Traverse through Shawnee National Forest: This expansive forest in southern Illinois boasts an extensive network of trails that wind through towering trees, hidden waterfalls, and awe-inspiring rock formations. Lose yourself in the tranquility of nature as you explore this pristine wilderness. Paddle along Door County's coastline: Take a kayaking excursion along Lake Michigan's shoreline in Door County, Wisconsin. Feel the cool breeze on your face as you glide past beautiful cliffs, sandy beaches, and charming lighthouses. Keep an eye out for wildlife such as bald eagles or even dolphins! Savor vineyard tours and tastings: After a day filled with outdoor adventures, unwind with a visit to one of the many vineyards scattered throughout the Midwest. Sample exquisite wines while strolling through lush vineyards surrounded by rolling hills and peaceful countryside. Whether you're seeking thrilling hikes or serene moments amidst nature's beauty, the Midwest offers it all. So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure! Cozy Cabins and Cottages for Babymoon Getaways
Get ready to relax and unwind in cozy cabins and cottages, perfect for your babymoon getaway in the Midwest. Whether you're seeking a romantic escape or a tranquil retreat before your little one arrives, the Midwest offers an array of options for luxurious accommodations that will ensure you have a memorable babymoon experience. Take a look at the table below to discover some of the top luxury resorts and beachfront villas in the Midwest:
Resort/Villa Location Amenities
Serene Retreat Lake Geneva, WI Private jacuzzi, lakeside views
Lakeshore Haven Door County, WI Fireplace, private beach access
Tranquil Woods Traverse City, MI Spa services, nature trails
Cozy Cabin Branson, MO Hot tub, mountain views
Beachfront Bliss South Haven, MI Infinity pool, direct beach access
These luxury resorts and beachfront villas offer everything you need for a comfortable and safe babymoon. From indulgent amenities like private jacuzzis and fireplaces to breathtaking views of lakes or mountains, each property provides an idyllic setting for relaxation. Additionally, many of these accommodations offer spa services and nature trails nearby for expectant parents to enjoy gentle activities during their stay. Frequently Asked Questions Are There Any All-Inclusive Babymoon Packages Available at the Romantic Retreats in Wisconsin and Surrounding States? Looking for romantic babymoon destinations? Want all inclusive babymoon packages? Well, you're in luck! There are plenty of options available at the romantic retreats in Wisconsin and surrounding states. From cozy cabins nestled in the woods to luxurious resorts by the lake, you'll find everything you need for a relaxing and memorable babymoon. These packages often include accommodations, meals, spa treatments, and even special amenities for expecting parents. So go ahead, treat yourself to a well-deserved getaway before your little one arrives! What Are Some Popular Lakeside Activities for Couples at the Lakeside Escapes Mentioned in the Article? Looking for lakeside activities to enjoy with your partner? Look no further! When visiting the lakeside escapes mentioned in the article, you'll have plenty of options. Set up a romantic picnic at one of the picturesque lakeside spots and indulge in delicious food while surrounded by breathtaking views. For a truly enchanting experience, hop on a sunset cruise and witness nature's beauty unfold before your eyes. These activities are perfect for creating lasting memories with your loved one. Are There Any Specific Amenities or Services Offered at the Charming Bed and Breakfasts for Babymooners? Looking for the top rated bed and breakfasts for babymooners near Wisconsin? Wondering if they offer spa services or prenatal massages for expecting couples? Well, you're in luck! These charming bed and breakfasts cater to babymooners like you. With cozy accommodations, picturesque surroundings, and a range of amenities, they provide the perfect setting for relaxation and quality time with your partner before the baby arrives. And yes, many of them do offer spa services and prenatal massages to help you unwind and pamper yourself during this special time. What Are Some Outdoor Adventure Options Available in the Midwest for Expecting Couples? Looking for outdoor adventure options in the Midwest? Well, there are some amazing hiking trails just waiting to be explored by expecting couples like you. The Midwest offers some of the best hiking trails for couples looking to connect with nature before their little one arrives. And if hiking isn't your thing, don't worry! There are also exciting outdoor activities like biking and kayaking that babymooners can enjoy together. Are the Cozy Cabins and Cottages Mentioned in the Article Pet-Friendly for Couples Who Want to Bring Their Furry Friends Along on Their Babymoon Getaway? Looking for a babymoon getaway where you can bring your furry friends along? Wondering if the cozy cabins and cottages mentioned are pet-friendly? Well, you're in luck! The article mentions pet-friendly accommodations, perfect for couples wanting to enjoy their babymoon with their beloved pets. These accommodations ensure that both you and your furry friends can have a safe and enjoyable stay. Conclusion So, there you have it! A variety of babymoon destinations near Wisconsin that are perfect for couples in need of a romantic getaway before their little one arrives. Whether you prefer lakeside escapes, charming bed and breakfasts, outdoor adventures, or cozy cabins and cottages, there is something for everyone in the Midwest. Imagine spending your babymoon nestled in a quaint cabin surrounded by picturesque views of nature, enjoying leisurely walks along the lake shore, and indulging in delicious meals at local restaurants. Just picture it - you and your partner creating memories that will last a lifetime as you prepare to embark on this exciting new chapter together. So why wait? Start planning your babymoon today and make this special time even more memorable!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:15 ExtensionEmploy5051 Antiques restoration

I have an antique table that needs some restoration work. Is there anyone in Oceanside who does good work? I can also get to Calsbad and Vista easily.
submitted by ExtensionEmploy5051 to Oceanside [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:29 StentLife Yardbird Experience

I searched this forum for Yardbird reviews prior to posting and found it odd there were none in there. I then crossed against Google Reviews to see if I was way off but it seems to be in-line there.
My wife wanted to go to Brunch but not on actual Mother's Day - been there, done that, our kids are teens now. So went to Yardbird, the day before - mostly because we hadn't been there and the vibe seemed great.
TL;DR: I would skip this place
Yardbird, from the jump throws you off. There are what appear to be two entrances with two signs but you can only get in from one - the side opposite the Rivian dealership. Its impossible to tell how to even get in, at a glance. Once you enter, there is a large bar with a reflective mirror and a lobby area. This is done, presumably to make it look larger inside but the place is already huge. And it took me a solid minute to realize that I had to walk right into another area for dining (I had been parking the car).
The vibe itself is actually nice. Its clean, its wide, its antique coutoure if I had to give it a definition?
Once we sat down, we realized the booth seats are set no more than maybe 18" off the ground. They are so low that my kids were chin below the table. And the booths are so wide taht you can't even use teh back to prop yourself up against it. It just feels like they were trying to be different for different's sake instead of just making the usecustomer comfortable. This is a trend.
Once we got to the table, it took approximately 17 minutes before we were offered to take our drink order. We checked this because we arrived right at our reservation time so I just matched it against my watch. The only saving grace the whole day was our server. I wish I remembered his name but he was fantastic. Attentive, asked questions, explained things but ultimately the food and drink matters more.
They had reasonably priced unlimited mimosas and I ordered a bloody mary but I had to specify to put vodka. They default to bourbon - I understand if that's your thing but its not the default. Its different to be different. The drinks for the table - were sub-par. The bloody mary was lifeless, had no spice, and the only thing I tasted was Tajin.
Once our orders were taken, we waited approximately 40 minutes before getting our food. Which generally is fine for our family as we had nowhere to be but the place was not busy. There were multiple open tables, most of whom were 20 somethings and early 30's - small tables. Easier turnarounds. I would venture the place was half-full.
For a place that specializes in fried chicken, the chicken was dry, tasteless, and felt like it sat under a warmer once it was made earlier in the day. The biscuits - which is supposed to be their thing - were dry, again very little flavor, and just unintersting. Instead of creating a biscuit that was warm, fluffy, and flavorful, they had this contrarian biscuit style just for the sake of it, it felt like.
I won't get into detail on each plate as it was more of the same. I personally ordered the chicken and waffles and they didn't even serve it with their "famous" bourbon maple syrup. If that is your famous accoutrement, I would presume it would be at the table prior to the food coming out or included in a ramekin.
The entire experience was so below average for what I presume is a massive rent bill and inventory cost to build out. I think its a chain? I am not certain but I was certainly bummed out. As Denver's breakfast scene has fallen out of favor with lots of people, I was hopeful maybe this place would be different but more of the same.
At the price point, I would stay far away.

submitted by StentLife to denverfood [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Salamanca Ny

Best Things to Do in Salamanca Ny
Best Things to Do in Salamanca Ny Attention, fellow adventurers!We've discovered the ultimate guide to the best things to do in Salamanca, NY. Brace yourselves for an unforgettable journey through this charming city nestled in Western New York.From outdoor thrills in Allegany State Park to cultural wonders at the Seneca Allegany Casino and Seneca-Iroquois National Museum, prepare to be amazed.Nature lovers, rejoice! There are stunning parks and trails for fishing, boating, hiking, and wildlife spotting.And for a unique educational experience, don't miss Mager Mountain Alpacas.Get ready, because Salamanca is calling!Key TakeawaysAllegany State Park offers a variety of outdoor activities such as biking, boating, swimming, fishing, and winter sports.Salamanca Mall Antiques is a popular destination for antique shopping with over 15 stores filled with unique items.Seneca Allegany Casino offers a thrilling gaming experience with a wide selection of slot machines and table games.The Seneca-Iroquois National Museum provides an educational and immersive experience to learn about the history, culture, and traditions of the Seneca and Iroquois people.Discover the Natural Beauty of Allegany State ParkLet's explore the natural beauty of Allegany State Park and immerse ourselves in its breathtaking landscapes and outdoor activities. Located in Salamanca, NY, this park offers a wilderness playground for those seeking adventure and freedom. With its 64,800 acres of forest landscape, Allegany State Park is a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.There are so many things to do in Salamanca NY, and Allegany State Park is a must-visit destination. The park is operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, ensuring that visitors have access to well-maintained facilities and a range of activities. Whether you enjoy biking, boating, fishing, or simply relaxing on the sandy beach, Allegany State Park has something for everyone.The park boasts 5 miles of paved bike paths, perfect for exploring the stunning scenery at your own pace. You can also rent boats and bikes to further enhance your experience. If you're in the mood for a swim, the park offers a sandy beach where you can cool off on a hot summer day.For those who prefer land-based activities, Allegany State Park has plenty to offer. From fishing to snowmobiling, walking to cross-country skiing, softball to tennis, and horseshoes to volleyball, there's no shortage of options to keep you entertained and active.As you explore the natural beauty of Allegany State Park, you'll be captivated by its serene atmosphere and breathtaking landscapes. From the towering trees to the tranquil lakes, this park is a true oasis of freedom and tranquility.Uncover Hidden Treasures at Salamanca Mall AntiquesWhen it comes to uncovering hidden treasures, Salamanca Mall Antiques is a must-visit destination.With over 1,000 dealers and a 31,000 square feet building, this antique mall offers a wide variety of unique finds.From vintage furniture to collectibles and vintage clothing, this downtown spot is a haven for souvenir shopping and a treasure trove waiting to be explored.Unique Antique FindsWe absolutely love exploring the Salamanca Mall Antiques and uncovering hidden treasures.The Salamanca Mall Antiques, established in 1982, is a must-visit destination for antique enthusiasts. With over 1,000 dealers and a massive 31,000 square feet building, this place is a treasure trove of unique finds.As we wander through the 15 stores, we're captivated by the wide variety of antiques on display. From vintage furniture to rare collectibles, there's something for everyone here.The atmosphere is inviting and the staff is knowledgeable and friendly. It's a great downtown spot for souvenir shopping, where you can find one-of-a-kind pieces that tell a story.Wide Variety of TreasuresOur favorite part about exploring Salamanca Mall Antiques is uncovering the wide variety of treasures on display. As we wander through the 31,000 square feet building, we're greeted by over 1,000 dealers offering an eclectic mix of unique antiques.From vintage clothing to antique furniture, there's something for every collector or enthusiast. The mall is a great downtown spot for souvenir shopping, with over 15 stores filled with fascinating antiques waiting to be discovered. Each booth is like a mini treasure trove, filled with hidden gems just waiting to be found.Whether you're searching for vintage jewelry, antique books, or retro home decor, Salamanca Mall Antiques is the perfect place to indulge in the freedom of exploration and uncover some truly remarkable finds.Souvenir Shopping HavenLet's explore the souvenir shopping haven at Salamanca Mall Antiques and uncover hidden treasures. Located in the heart of downtown Salamanca, this unique antique mall has been a favorite destination for collectors and souvenir hunters since 1982.With over 1,000 dealers and a sprawling 31,000 square feet building, Salamanca Mall Antiques offers a wide variety of fascinating antiques to discover.As you step inside, you'll be greeted by the charm and character of the mall. The air is filled with the scent of aged wood and history.Wander through the aisles and explore over 15 stores, each filled with their own collection of hidden gems. From vintage jewelry and clothing to antique furniture and collectibles, there's something for everyone's taste and budget.Whether you're searching for a unique gift or a special memento of your visit to Salamanca, this antique mall is the perfect place to find it.Explore the shelves, browse through the displays, and let your curiosity guide you to uncovering those hidden treasures. With its wide selection and welcoming atmosphere, Salamanca Mall Antiques truly is a souvenir shopping haven.Try Your Luck at Seneca Allegany CasinoThe Seneca Allegany Casino offers a wide array of gaming options for those looking to try their luck. Here's what you can expect when you step foot into this vibrant casino:Slot Machines: Get ready for an adrenaline rush as you explore the almost 2,000 new and fascinating slot machines. Whether you prefer classic games or the latest video slots, there's something for everyone here. Feel the excitement build as you spin the reels in hopes of landing a big win.Table Games: If you're a fan of traditional casino games, you're in luck. The Seneca Allegany Casino offers 33 exhilarating table games, including blackjack, roulette, and poker. Put your skills to the test as you strategize your way to victory against the dealer or other players.At the Seneca Allegany Casino, the possibilities are endless. With a variety of gaming options to choose from, you'll be entertained for hours on end. And when you need a break from the action, you can indulge in a delicious meal at the Thunder Mountain Buffet, offering a wide selection of mouthwatering dishes.So why wait? Head over to the Seneca Allegany Casino and let the games begin. After all, you never know when fortune may smile upon you.And if you're ready to immerse yourself in Seneca-Iroquois culture, the next stop on your Salamanca adventure is the Seneca Iroquois National Museum.Immerse Yourself in Seneca-Iroquois Culture at the National MuseumWe can explore the rich history and traditions of the Seneca-Iroquois people at the National Museum. This museum is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the history and culture of the Seneca and Iroquois people. It showcases traditional crafts, art, and artifacts, providing an educational and eye-opening experience.To give you a glimpse of what you can expect at the National Museum, here is a table highlighting some of the exhibits and programs:Exhibit/ProgramDescriptionTraditional CraftsExplore the intricate craftsmanship of the Seneca-Iroquois people, including beadwork and pottery.Art and ArtifactsMarvel at the collection of paintings, sculptures, and historical artifacts that tell the story of the Seneca-Iroquois people.Educational WorkshopsEngage in hands-on activities and workshops that teach traditional skills and customs.Immersing yourself in the Seneca-Iroquois culture at the National Museum is a truly enlightening experience. You'll gain a deeper understanding of their history, language, music, drama, literature, arts expressions, and traditional customs. The museum's extensive collection of historical and cultural items provides a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of the Seneca and Iroquois people.As we exit the National Museum, we can transition into finding serenity at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church, where we can explore the stunning architecture and attend Sunday mass for a moment of solemnity.Find Serenity at Our Lady of Peace Catholic ChurchAs we continue our exploration of the best things to do in Salamanca NY, let's now find serenity at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church.This beautiful church isn't only a place of worship but also a testament to architectural beauty and design. Inside, you'll be captivated by the stunning paintings and designs that adorn the walls, while outside, the church's architecture stands as a testament to the faith and dedication of the community.Led by Reverend Patrick Melfi, attending Sunday mass at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church is an opportunity to find solace and peace in a serene and sacred space.Architectural Beauty and DesignLocated in Salamanca, NY, Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church offers visitors the opportunity to find serenity amidst its beautiful architectural beauty and design. Step inside this stunning church and be captivated by its exquisite paintings and intricate designs.As you explore the interior, you'll be greeted by the serene atmosphere that permeates the space. The church's architectural details, from the soaring ceilings to the ornate stained glass windows, create a sense of awe and wonder.Outside, the church's facade is equally impressive, with its impressive stonework and intricate carvings. Whether you're a devout Catholic or simply appreciate the beauty of religious architecture, a visit to Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church is sure to leave you feeling inspired and uplifted.Reverend Patrick Melfi's LeadershipLet's experience the leadership of Reverend Patrick Melfi at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church and find serenity in its beautiful surroundings. Reverend Patrick Melfi, the head of the church, provides guidance and inspiration to the parishioners. His leadership fosters a sense of community and spiritual growth within the church. The church building itself is a sight to behold, featuring stunning paintings and designs that create a serene atmosphere. As you attend Sunday mass, you can immerse yourself in a moment of solemnity and reflection. The architecture of the church is also worth exploring, with its intricate details and peaceful ambiance. Reverend Patrick Melfi's leadership at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church offers a place of tranquility and a chance to connect with your spirituality.Reverend Patrick Melfi's LeadershipFosters a sense of community and spiritual growthStunning paintings and designs in the church buildingSunday mass for a moment of solemnityExperience Horseback Riding at The CrosspatchWe can experience horseback riding at The Crosspatch, a working horse ranch nestled in the Allegheny Mountains. Here, we can immerse ourselves in the freedom and beauty of horseback riding, surrounded by stunning views and nature's serenity.The Crosspatch offers a range of activities and services that cater to our desire for adventure and exploration:Trail rides: We can embark on guided trail rides through the picturesque mountains, winding through lush forests and open meadows. As we ride, we can feel the gentle sway of the horse beneath us, connecting with nature in a unique and exhilarating way.Horsemanship Camp: For those who want to deepen their understanding of horses and improve their riding skills, The Crosspatch offers Horsemanship Camp. Through hands-on instruction and interactive activities, we can learn about horse care, grooming, and riding techniques. This immersive experience allows us to forge a deeper bond with these majestic animals.Wagon and carriage rides: If we prefer a more leisurely pace, we can opt for wagon or carriage rides. These charming and nostalgic experiences take us back in time as we leisurely explore the scenic surroundings. It's a perfect way to relax and enjoy the beauty of the Allegheny Mountains.At The Crosspatch, we can escape the confines of everyday life and embrace the freedom of horseback riding. Whether we're beginners seeking a new adventure or experienced riders looking to connect with nature, this working horse ranch offers an unforgettable experience. So saddle up, breathe in the fresh mountain air, and let the rhythm of hoofbeats carry us away on a journey of freedom and discovery.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the History Behind the Establishment of Allegany State Park?The history behind the establishment of Allegany State Park is fascinating. On July 30, 1921, the park was created on a vast 64,800-acre forest landscape. It's operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation.Allegany State Park is known as the wilderness playground of Western New York. With activities like fishing, biking, swimming, and more, it offers a perfect escape to nature and a chance to explore the beauty of the great outdoors.How Many Dealers Are Currently Present at Salamanca Mall Antiques?There are currently over 1,000 dealers at Salamanca Mall Antiques. It's an exciting place to explore with its wide variety of unique antiques.The downtown location makes it a great spot for souvenir shopping. As you walk through the 15 stores, you'll find fascinating items that will surely catch your attention.Whether you're a collector or just enjoy browsing, Salamanca Mall Antiques offers a treasure trove of discoveries.What Are the Dining Options Available at Seneca Allegany Casino?There are several dining options available at Seneca Allegany Casino. The Thunder Mountain Buffet is a popular choice, offering a wide variety of delicious dishes. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty meal or a quick snack, the casino has you covered.From casual dining to fine dining experiences, there's something for everyone. So, after trying your luck at the casino, make sure to indulge in a satisfying meal at one of their fantastic restaurants.Who Is the Head of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church?The head of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church is Reverend Patrick Melfi.He leads the parish center, which was established in Salamanca, NY in 2014.When visiting Salamanca, make sure to attend Sunday mass at this beautiful church.You'll be able to experience a moment of solemnity and admire the stunning paintings and designs that adorn the building.The architecture of the church is truly breathtaking.What Other Services Does the Crosspatch Offer Besides Horseback Riding?The Crosspatch, besides offering horseback riding with stunning views, also provides a range of other horse-related services.For example, they offer wagon and carriage rides, allowing visitors to explore the beautiful Allegheny Mountains in a unique and nostalgic way.Additionally, they offer a Horsemanship Camp, where individuals can learn more about horsemanship skills and develop a deeper connection with these magnificent animals.These additional services at The Crosspatch provide even more opportunities for an unforgettable experience in Salamanca, NY.ConclusionIn conclusion, Salamanca, NY offers a wide range of attractions and activities that cater to every interest. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or a thrill-seeker, this charming city has something for you.For example, imagine hiking through the scenic trails of Allegany State Park and stumbling upon a breathtaking waterfall. The beauty of nature combined with the rich cultural experiences in Salamanca will leave you with unforgettable memories.So pack your bags and embark on an exciting journey to explore the best of Salamanca, NY!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:51 asianlaxer18 URGENT: Sublease for this summer at Hamilton Court

We are trying to find three subleasers for a 3-bedroom apartment at Hamilton Court from May 24th to the end of July. Hamilton Court offers a hot tub, a pool, and other luxury amenities such as table tennis tables, study rooms, free printing, a lounge, and a gym. Me and my two roommates are looking for $1,200 per month and are willing to negotiate the price and the sublease period. We are also willing to negotiate the price down further if there are a total of 3 people trying to sublease. Please DM if interested!
submitted by asianlaxer18 to UPenn [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:47 dlifehomeinteriors 10 Stunning Dining Room Table Designs That Will Transform Your Space

10 Stunning Dining Room Table Designs That Will Transform Your Space
When it comes to creating a memorable dining experience, the dining room table often serves as the focal point of the space. The right dining room table design can not only elevate your home's aesthetic but also enhance functionality and comfort. Whether you're a fan of modern minimalism or classic elegance, finding the perfect table can transform your dining room into a haven of style and sophistication. In this blog post, we will explore ten stunning dining room table designs that are sure to inspire homeowners looking to revamp their dining spaces.
Firstly, their versatility allows homeowners to customize sizes, shapes, and materials to suit both spatial constraints and personal preferences, ensuring each dining area is tailored to perfection. This adaptability not only optimizes space utilization but also guarantees a unique dining experience for every household. Secondly, dining table designs are crafted for enhanced functionality, featuring innovative storage solutions and ergonomic layouts that streamline mealtime activities. Moreover, aesthetic appeal is paramount; dining tables, often curated by top interior designers in Hyderabad, are available in a plethora of styles, ranging from minimalist chic to rustic elegance, complementing any interior motif effortlessly. Lastly, the ease of installation and maintenance underscores their practicality, offering homeowners a hassle-free solution for creating inviting and stylish dining spaces.
  1. Rustic Farmhouse Charm
A rustic farmhouse table exudes warmth and character, making it a perfect choice for those who love a cozy, inviting atmosphere. Typically crafted from reclaimed wood and featuring a weathered finish, these tables bring a touch of countryside charm into your home. Pair it with some mismatched chairs to complete the look.
  1. Sleek Modern Minimalism
For a contemporary dining room design, consider a minimalist table with clean lines and a sleek finish. Materials like glass, metal, and polished wood are ideal for achieving this look. A minimalist table not only makes your dining room appear more spacious but also adds a touch of sophistication.
  1. Elegant Marble Top
A marble-top dining table is the epitome of luxury and elegance. The natural veining of marble adds a unique, artistic element to your dining room. This type of table is perfect for formal dining settings and pairs beautifully with upholstered chairs and chic lighting fixtures.
  1. Timeless Pedestal Tables
Pedestal tables are a classic choice that never goes out of style. Their single central support provides ample legroom, making them both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Available in various materials and finishes, pedestal tables can suit any dining room design, from traditional to modern.
  1. Industrial Chic
If you love the raw, unfinished look, an industrial-style dining table might be the perfect fit for your space. Featuring materials like reclaimed wood, metal, and concrete, these tables have a rugged appeal that adds character to any dining room. Pair it with metal chairs and exposed bulbs for a complete industrial look.
  1. Extendable Tables for Flexibility
For homeowners who love to entertain, an extendable dining table offers the perfect blend of style and functionality. These tables can be expanded to accommodate more guests and then contracted to save space when not in use. Look for designs that seamlessly integrate the extension mechanism to maintain a cohesive look.
  1. Mid-Century Modern
Mid-century modern furniture is known for its clean lines, organic forms, and functional beauty. A dining table in this design style often features tapered legs and a simple yet elegant tabletop. This timeless style can easily blend with various dining room designs, adding a touch of retro charm.
  1. Glass-Top Tables
A glass-top dining table is a versatile choice that can suit both modern and traditional dining room designs. The transparency of the glass creates a sense of openness and light, making it an excellent option for smaller spaces. Pair it with metal or wooden bases to complement your existing decor.
  1. Bold Geometric Shapes
For those who want to make a statement, a dining table with bold geometric shapes can be a game-changer. Whether it's a hexagonal, oval, or asymmetrical design, these tables add a unique, artistic element to your dining room. Choose a bold color or finish to make it the centerpiece of your space.
  1. Vintage Elegance
A vintage dining table brings a sense of history and charm to your dining room. Look for antique or reproduction tables with intricate carvings, ornate legs, and rich wood finishes. Pair it with vintage chairs and accessories to create a cohesive, elegant dining room design.
Selecting the right dining room table design can significantly impact the overall aesthetic and functionality of your dining space. Whether you prefer the rustic charm of a farmhouse table or the sleek lines of a modern minimalist design, there's a perfect table out there to suit your taste and needs. By incorporating these stunning table designs into your dining room, you can create a space that is not only beautiful but also inviting and functional.
Don't forget to consider how each table design complements your existing decor and personal style. With the right dining room table, you can transform your space into a dining haven where memories are made and shared.
If the thought of reinventing your dining space has ignited a spark of excitement within you, we encourage you to immerse yourself in the world of dining room design. Dive into catalogs showcasing an array of dining furniture sets, explore showroom displays brimming with inspiration, and envision the countless layouts and atmospheres a well-designed dining room can offer. Your perfect dining oasis is waiting to be discovered, just a step away. With guidance from leading interior designers in India, this journey transforms into a captivating exploration, ensuring that every detail is meticulously crafted to reflect your unique style and preferences.
submitted by dlifehomeinteriors to u/dlifehomeinteriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:15 Murmurville Dating Age Appropriately (delayed cross-post)

I posted this a couple of days ago at nonmonogamy and meant to cross-post then but life got in the way. I got some good responses and information - more importantly, I some older folks posted their experiences. This is posted as it appeared there except I changed "ENM" for "polyamorous" or some form of that word. I consider myself polyamorous in that I'm not rejecting a romantic connection if one comes my way. I'm a little skeptical though.

It should come as no surprise that the posts on this and similarly-themed sub-reddits come mostly from younger folks. There are subs for Dating Over 50, 60 but not ENM over or Poly over. Maybe there should be. Who knows.
There are though a few posts & comments about older men dating, or not dating, age appropriately. I get it - DiCaprio has become a running joke for his dating choices and people are remembering when Seinfeld was nearing 40, dating a high school-er. But those are mega-celebrities.
A commenter on a not too recent thread wrote, “There’s a lot of men who want to date age appropriate partners, your husband isn’t one of them. It shows he doesn’t value the wisdom, life experience, and shared life stage women his age bring to the table …” This got me to thinking.
The ENM & poly dating pools in general ebb and flow I think we agree based in substantial part on location. I think we can agree the ENM/poly dating pool in say Portland OR is probably more robust than say, in [insert random mid-western city here]. There is, of course, a case to be made that if you’re into something you should go to where that action is. I get that.
I’m in my early 60s and am one of those men (married) who wants to date age appropriate partners. For some reason though, I have no idea where to find such potential partners. In my area at least, they are pretty scarce on the dating sites I’ve joined. The poly mixer crowd I found skews quite young, almost to a one, almost to the point of my feeling out of place despite generally friendly atmospheres. I’ve been to two BDSM meet & greets - that’s just going to be a hard no for me.
Even in the wild I’ve noticed I just don’t see women my age out in settings where mingling or just saying hello might be expected (by me anyway). I spent some time in the center city of my large metro area a couple of weekends ago. I hit bars, resale shops antique shops, smoke shops, a food truck, a bookstore — lots of folks out & about in great Spring weather, but women in my age range were very few and far between. Young people were everywhere. That night I went to a club for live music. Same. One day is a small sample size, true, but still, it’s disconcerting.
Keep in mind — it’s not that I’m getting turned down for dates. I’m not finding that age appropriate ENM women (or just age appropriate women) at least in my area, exist, or at least exist in friendly spaces. Getting turned down I can deal with. Tilting at windmills is another matter.
So my question for ENM/poly men of a certain age dating age appropriately is - where & how did you meet your partners? For ENM/poly women who like me are of a certain age, how and where are you meeting men? I’m just seeking examples really - brief vignettes, if you will. What am I not thinking of? What am I missing? The concept of ENM/poly men dating age appropriately begins, it seems, with there being age appropriate ENM/poly women in the mix seeking to date men. I’d like to exhaust this trail before considering the alternatives.
submitted by Murmurville to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:11 7dear The MOTHER of all wedding drama!

(This was originally posted in Wedding Shaming)
Strap in y’all, it’s a long one and it’s full of bad. Have some kitten videos ready for after!
So let me preface this by saying I am estranged from my mother and have been for most of my life. She is a paranoid narcissist, a racist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, and just all around terrible person. She abused me growing up so I cut loose in high school, got emancipated and got on with my life. For years I had a happy queer relationship with another woman and we had a son together (I carried with a sperm donor). When my kid was 5 his other mom died and I was alone for 5 years before I met someone. A year later, that someone and I got married. Previous to said wedding my husband’s parents felt it would be important to meet my parents. My father died when I was 19 so that left my mother and her husband. I struggled over the decision to try and reconnect with my mom, knowing how bad this can get for me in these situations (I suffer severe ptsd from the abuse trauma).. but it was a wedding and everyone kept telling me it “was important to have family together.” So fine, let’s do this.
The problems started fast and furious. My mom came to our coast (we live on opposite coasts) to meet my fiancé and my son. Right away she was pulling my husband to the corner to tell him all the “dirt” she could on me, or conversely, telling him he better get me nice cars and plastic surgery. Then she stated calling all of her friends and putting my fiancé on the phone to “prove to them that her daughter was marrying a doctor” (even if he is a goy (a Yiddish term for non-Jew. Has slightly derogatory tones).
Cut to lunch and my mother is asking how many tables she “gets” at the wedding. I ask “huh?” She explains she needs a least 5 tables at 10 per table for HER guests. I was really confused. I explained that our whole wedding venue seated 50 people total and those seats were spoken for. I had invited several people my mother asked me to have already. She went absolutely bananas demanding we change venue (we’re now 6 weeks from the wedding) to accommodate HER GUESTS. I painfully explained we can’t do that.. it’s not possible.. just no. She then switches gears like she always does and asks about our honeymoon. We were heading to Mexico for 2 weeks and my son would be staying with his donomyBFF. My mom screamed “what??? He needs to be with HIS FAMILY.” I reminded her that he was staying with family. She demanded time with my son so I half heartedly said she could have him half the time. (This will come back to haunt me later.)
Day of the wedding. Did I mention my mom is a low key alkie? So it’s about 2pm and she’s in the bridal suite in the bathroom. I’m in the dress and the photographer is waiting for my mother to come and use an antique button-holer to button up my gown. I’m nervous and excited and emotional because I’m in the dress and this is my day. This is one of the photos we had pre-planned to take. I asked my mother if she would do the honors. Instead, my mother is in the bathroom half dressed with her fireball and ice screaming into the phone at her husband “you are so stupid, how can you not find it!? I put it on the damn dresser! I can’t f**ing believe I married you…” you get the picture. It’s so loud the guests in the living room can hear it. I finally give up and have my son do the buttonholing for me (the pics were so special). Thank goodness it wasn’t video because you would have her my mother screaming “Can anyone get me another drink?? Does this room even have room service??”
Cut to walking down the aisle. We do the ceremony, it’s perfect, and my delightful friend and officiant announces “Introducing Mr. & Mrs Jon— when suddenly my mom stands up and screams “It’s DOCTOR not MISTER, get it right!”
Now I knew we had a problem on our hands ahead of the big day so I put in some contingency plans in place to buffer her. My wedding planner was under strict instructions to not allow my mother to make a speech (she loves to humiliate me by saying personal things about me to anyone who will listen and then she loves to announce what a terrible daughter I am and how much of a disappointment to her.) Second plan was my SIL faking a heart attack if she got her hands on the mic. About half thru dinner my delightful planner comes to me crying saying she’s so sorry but my mom is demanding to make a speech. That’s right, this tiny demon of a woman made my wedding planner CRY. Right then she stood up (have no idea how she got the mic) and said, “So my daughter didn’t want me to say anything. I guess she gets embarrassed, but I’m her MOTHER, and I get to say whatever I want. I’m here to say that I always knew she was going to marry a doctor, it didn’t surprise me at all. What did surprise me is when I gave birth to her and the nurses told me she was a girl, but I didn’t believe them so I had to take her diaper off and spread her legs and look at her vagina to make sure she was a girl.” She illustrated this by spreading her two fingers open. You could here jaws dropping around the room. She then went on to say “how disappointed she was in me that I don’t see her more often and that she hopes now that I have a doctor husband I’ll be able to see her more frequently”. Sadly my SIL was in the loo and plan 2 failed.
Cut to the dancing. I am dancing with my husband and my friends. We’re all having a good time when somebody comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder and says “hey, I don’t wanna cause a scene or anything but you might want to look at your mom”. I look over at my mother and she has taken off the jacket to her dress and now she’s peeling off the shoulder straps one by one and waving her head around to the music saying “oh my goodness it’s getting so hot in here!” This b*tch was trying to take her clothes off on the dance floor. Oh, I forgot to mention earlier that she had a three drink maximum, but she was getting around this by asking other people to get drinks for her.
The next morning I of course got to hear alllllll the embarrassing stories from the night before. She asked why my friend married “an Arab,” called another guest “not Jewish enough to attend the wedding” and complained to anyone who would listen that I didn’t even allow her 50 guests, and the party would have been so much more fun if she had done it.
And the pièce derésistance? Right as we were leaving for our honeymoon I got a call from her saying “I know you need ME to watch YOUR kid, but not unless you do something for me. You’ll need to call your brother and make nice with him again.” My brother and I are estranged for reasons I can’t get into now. I said no, he’ll go to his real family, the one that cares for him without strings attached.
There you have it! One cluster fluff of a mother story!
For anyone interested, we don’t talk anymore and I couldn’t be happier and I’m still happily married! Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Ok, just a few clarifications for people asking Q’s-
In answer to the question about my in laws- My in laws are the sweetest, kindest people ever. I honestly think they had no idea a human adult could behave like that. I wanted to please them and I didn’t say a whole lot about my mother. I didn’t want them to see her as a red flag for the marriage. They never mentioned her again 😂 which was their way of acknowledging she’s not worth talking about.
For those of you judging me for half heartedly agreeing to let my kid visit my mom-totally get your stress! Don’t worry, she never had contact with my kid alone. For clarity, he was going to spend four days with a safe family where my mother happened to be staying as well. By the end of the weekend it was clear that even that was too close.
For those of you wondering why I would even let her come to the wedding - Some people (like me) relent and reopen because our abusers did a very good job of breaking us and making us question everything we think and believe. So every time some well meaning idiot Said “Aw, you should take to your mom! She’s your mom!” We think “Omg, my mom is right. I’m the worst f**king daughter ever and I’ve been ignoring her all these years and there must be something so wrong with me that I did that.”
Now, after YEARS of therapy and support I know better. Back then I was still pretty deep in my trauma.
submitted by 7dear to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:46 YOW-Weather-Records Today is Hamilton's 13th consecutive day with maximum temperature ≥ 15°C. This is the longest run before May 17 in more than 20 years, since May 13th, 2000.

Today is Hamilton's 13th consecutive day with maximum temperature ≥ 15°C. This is the longest run before May 17 in more than 20 years, since May 13th, 2000.
Image #0
Records for 1866-01-01 → 1958-08-31 are from Hamilton (Westdale) ( )
Records for 1958-09-01 → 1959-11-05 are from Caledonia ( )
Records for 1959-11-06 → 2011-12-14 are from the Airport ( )
Records for 2011-12-15 → 2024-05-16 are from the Airport ( )
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