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2008.03.27 06:37 Texas

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2011.11.18 20:19 DFWPhotoguy News and Discussion about Politics in the Lone Star State

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2024.05.19 05:18 cpcgrvv ACCIDENTE CON PIPA DE SACMEX EL DÍA 17 DE MAYO DEL 2024

submitted by cpcgrvv to u/cpcgrvv [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:07 Might_be_deleted I was scrolling through YouTube and found this ad showcasing the engine bay of a modified Evo IX with the BEST parts! Beautiful!

I was scrolling through YouTube and found this ad showcasing the engine bay of a modified Evo IX with the BEST parts! Beautiful! submitted by Might_be_deleted to MitsubishiEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:04 jeremiahthedamned Map of Drug Cartels in Mexico 2024

Map of Drug Cartels in Mexico 2024 submitted by jeremiahthedamned to collapze [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:40 Cosmic_TentaclePorn I’m 4..

submitted by Cosmic_TentaclePorn to bitlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:39 Rich_LiGuo_Go Will Americans today choose this unique birthday card as a gift?

Will Americans today choose this unique birthday card as a gift?
It's a kind of birthday decorations on Amazon like "Back in 1994" and with some special events from that year. I have a friend born in 1994 and I want to buy this for him, but i do not know if he will like it. As an American, would you like it if you receive it as a birthday card?
submitted by Rich_LiGuo_Go to AskAmericans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:39 JimCripe Trump FREAKS OUT at Speech as FLIES SWARM HIM

MeidasTouch host Adam Mockler reports on Donald Trump’s NRA speech in Dallas, Texas where he got attacked by flies and could barely get through his odd and unhinged speech.
submitted by JimCripe to Democrat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:35 JimCripe Trump FREAKS OUT at Speech as FLIES SWARM HIM

MeidasTouch host Adam Mockler reports on Donald Trump’s NRA speech in Dallas, Texas where he got attacked by flies and could barely get through his odd and unhinged speech.
submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:21 sugustiel can anyone recommend me some westerns?

i love westerns! as someone born and raised in texas, cowboy culture has surrounded me my whole life. so i’m looking for more westerns to read! i’ve read The Sisters Brothers, True Grit, The Shootist, El Paso, Outlawed. i’m looking for anything from classics like True Grit to something more modern and spooky like King’s The Gunslinger. in a more specific sense i’m looking for lgbt+ or m/m cowboys but i’ll take anything
submitted by sugustiel to BookRecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:49 Peacock-Shah-III The Committee for the Preservation of the Republic Convention of 1952 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

The Committee for the Preservation of the Republic Convention of 1952 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections
“We must all hang together or we shall all hang separately.”
Thus quipped Benjamin Franklin as the American colonies joined against the tyranny of George III, the phrase hangs heavy in the imaginations of today’s political opposition. Laden with fears of violence, Chairman Osro Cobb of the Progressive-Federalist National Committee announced the cancellation of the party’s presidential primaries and the formal acquiescence of the party to the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic’s call for a joint presidential nominating convention with the American Liberty League. Yet, with the organization’s President Thomas Schall, once seen as the nearly prohibitive favorite for the nomination, dying in an unforeseen car accident and populist contender Eduardo Chibas taking his own life on live radio, the attempt to unite the opposition must find a candidate able to carry both banners in the face of Philip La Follette’s campaign for a third term.
Clare Boothe Luce speaking against the President's support for a moderate socialist government in Indonesia.
Leading Candidates:
The following candidates are seen as frontrunners for the nomination.
Clare Boothe Luce: 49 year old Clare Boothe Luce of Connecticut rose to prominence as Henry Luce’s scandal-ridden yet massively popular First Lady, whose charisma would lead to a popular joke that every Luce voter wished they had voted for Clare despite widely known allegations of mutual marital infidelity. Marrying Henry after divorcing her first husband and entering high society as the author of an all-female play, Luce would become First Lady at the young age of 38 and soon emerge as a face of the American home front amidst the Third Pacific War. Describing the nation as having become a “dictatorial bumbledom,” Luce has echoed the anti-New State ethos of the party and is seen as the candidate of establishment conservatives. Criticizing the very slogan of President La Follette, she has argued that the United States cannot “win the peace” as it has not truly won the war until the defeat of international communism. Clare has supported the Zionist project in Alaska, a unified military command to replace the Department of Peace, and the creation of a defense pact among American allies in the Pacific as the centerpiece of an aggressively interventionist foreign policy declaring “if we are no longer willing to fight for it, our Christian democracy is finished." Yet, Luce has also opposed the creation of a stronger international United Nations to replace the powerless Parliament of Nations.
Driven to Catholicism in 1946 following the death of her daughter, even as her ex-president husband gallivanted about with a girlfriend a thousand miles from his wife’s baptism, Luce has emerged as a changed woman, reportedly abandoning her affairs and entering a career in electoral politics with her 1946 election to the Senate. Though Aaron Burr Houston maintained a private devotion to the Church of Rome, Clare has taken her faith with a zeal heretofore unseen in American politics, using the Senate as a pulpit to preach against “materialism” and a spiritual decline as the root of both communism and fascism, slyly suggesting that the rise of the Pentecostal, Immannuelite, and Mormon faiths has come hand-in-hand with the nation’s fascist surge as she has publicly wished that “the whole world would be Catholic.” Despite defenses from Presbyterian former President Luce, Clare’s faith has weakened her amongst convention delegates fearing the alienation of firmly Protestant voters. Yet her charm, wealth, and ability to attract millions in funding from backers such as Henry Ford II while winning key endorsements such as that of Richard Nixon has catapulted her to the front of the field.
A candid photo of the nation's leading Texan with a fried chicken dinner. Had you asked an observer in 1940 whether Pappy O'Daniel might one day be President the answer would almost certainly be yes, yet many wonder whether the dynamic country singer has waited past his turn.
W. Lee O’Daniel: 62 year old Senator W. Lee O’Daniel, better known as Pappy, rose to prominence in his late 20s as an architect of domestic policy during Aaron Burr Houston’s third term, being largely credited with the introduction of an old age pension system funded by a consumption tax. After making his way to the fore of Texas politics on his own through the integration of musical numbers and a widely popular radio show with his political antics, O’Daniel would turn from an upset gubernatorial defeat in the 1938 midterms to organizing Aaron Burr Houston’s campaign for a fourth term in the White House as the nation’s last hope against Charles Lindbergh. Accused by critics of puppeteering a dementia ridden 86 year old out of his own lust for power, O’Daniel would serve as Secretary of the Treasury for a year before being unceremoniously removed from the cabinet by Henry Luce for his critique of the American attack on Pearl Harbor and opposition to the draft, leaving him in political isolation as the Texan distinguished himself by demanding the execution of striking laborers as crucial to the war effort over his radio show.
A steadfast isolationist, O’Daniel’s foreign policy views have made him a favorite among Liberty League libertarians. Depicting himself as nearly as conservative as Luce on domestic issues with an isolationist foreign policy able to appeal to the Midwest, O’Daniel has emphasized ties to the legendary ABH and anti-alcohol views he claims can over the rural South. O’Daniel has also sought to use Luce’s Catholicism into an issue, seeking the support of Ben Gitlow through their shared membership in the Evangelical Christian Right. Yet, O’Daniel has been seen as the least committed among the candidates to the Committee’s pro-democracy ideals, while others question his fitness for office based on his eccentric manners as a cabinet Secretary and Senator, with Eleanor B. Roosevelt’s 1936 running mate Dan Moody remarking that “Pappy is as lost at the Treasury as I would be in a circus trapeze.
Lucius D. Clay as an Administrator during the post-war occupation of Korea.
Lucius D. Clay: A distant relative of former President Henry Clay, 54 year old General of the Army turned banker Lucius D. Clay of Georgia has been the subject of a draft movement seeking to secure a candidate with the allure of a war hero after an attack on right wing generals such as Harold George, “some of whom are my own classmates,” accusing them of leading the party astray with the nomination of the ultra-conservative Benjamin Gitlow. Clay has portrayed himself as the candidate of order, supporting, as the others do, the prosecution of Blackshirts and the freeing of prosecuted opposition politicians. However, Clay, a former administrator of Lindbergh-era public works programs, is the only candidate to stop short of supporting the abolition of the New State, with backers instead focusing on the renowned administrative talent that led Douglas MacArthur to quip that Clay “could run General Motors or General Bradley’s army.” Despite his reticence to campaign at the convention, Clay’s moderation, vague platform, connections, and war hero status have won over a significant segment of delegates.
John Sampson Cooper on the cover of Henry Luce's Time magazine.
John Sampson Cooper: Named for martyred Admiral William T. Sampson not long after the First Pacific War dramatically ended with the Second Battle of Hawai’i, 50 year old Kentucky Senator John Sampson Cooper has led an underdog campaign of moderate liberals led by young activists Mark Hatfield and Chuck Mathias and Tannenbaum territorial delegate Jacob Javits. Returning home from Yale to find his father on his deathbed and his beloved Pulaski County burned to the ground amidst the Revolution, Cooper would be elected to county leadership at age 24, famously responding to a legal requirement that he evict the impoverished by personally paying their debts, earning the moniker “the poor man’s judge” as he emerged as a major figure in post-Revolutionary reconciliation in Kentucky. Returning home once more from service as a military attache in the Third Pacific War, Cooper would oust incumbent Farmer-Laborite Jerry Spencer in a 1944 upset, delaying taking his seat to serve as a legal advisor to hundreds of thousands of displaced Indonesians before emerging as a Senate leader in bringing the United States closer to India and other nations newly liberated from colonialism.
While eschewing the isolationism of O’Daniel, Cooper has demonstrated a far more relaxed stand on foreign policy than Luce, opposing aggressive anti-communism abroad while depicting the United States as a great mediator of peace in situations such as the violence in Palestine or partition of India. The reported favorite of Fulgencio Batista despite Cooper’s criticism of Batista as insufficiently committed to democracy, the Kentuckian has managed to maintain a widespread popularity with labor that has led many to speculate that Cooper would be the only candidate able to win the endorsement of organized labor and an imprisoned John L. Lewis. Lacking the celebrity draw of Senator Luce, Cooper has countered with a far more detailed platform, calling for the opening of American borders to the world’s refugees, massively increased federal aid to education, and, in stances that have left him anathema to many party conservatives, support for universal health insurance, coal subsidies, and public housing. A self admitted “truly terrible public speaker," Cooper’s political independence has won him the support of Will Rogers Jr. and made him a favorite of the modern liberal wing of the Liberty League.
Luis A. Ferre's El Dia newspaper, later renamed El Nuevo Dia.
Other Candidates:
The following are seen as major contenders for the nomination, but lag behind the frontrunner candidates.
Luis A. Ferre: Among the most grim results of the 1948 elections emerged from the Caribbean, where states once considered the most loyally anti-Farmer-Labor in America crossed the aisle for the first time in history. With strategists seeing the path to the presidency running through the island states, many among the electorally minded have flocked to 48 year old Puerto Rico Senator Luis A. Ferre, publisher of the nation’s largest Spanish language newspaper, El Nuevo Dia. A classically trained pianist who has focused his senatorial career on securing funding for the arts, Ferre has referred to the United States as the “moral summit of the world,” while aligning himself in the middle on economic policy, calling for “addressing the inequalities of society” by selling off public land at a low price and supporting federal public housing with an emphasis on rural revitalization, in addition to a call for a 4% Christmas bonus on the grounds of the Jesus Amendment.
James A. Rhodes: "Every time I take a position on an issue, I lose two percent of the people. If I do that 50 times, I have everybody mad at me," the quip encapsulates the philosophy of 43 year old Ohio Governor James A. “Jim” Rhodes and his backers. Emerging as the favorite of many convention delegates who have argued that the best path forward for a united campaign is a steadfast focus on bread and butter issues, Rhodes has remarked that “there are only three issues in this campaign: jobs, jobs, and jobs,” and has argued that to win the power necessary to destroy the New State and its legacies, any anti-La Follette campaign must focus on people’s lives and the economy, not vague notions of democracy and American ideals. Born in the hills of Appalachia, Rhodes would be forced out of college after failing every class, only to work his way into the Mayoralty of Columbus, before unexpectedly catapulting himself to the Ohio Governorship before the age of 40, where he has governed with a moderate conservatism focused on local issues such as water rights and a program to "put a college education within 25 miles of every boy and girl” that has been praised as a national model.
The King of Country.
Write-In Candidates:
The following candidates can win the nomination, but are either presently supporting other candidates and thus only subject to draft movements rather than an active campaign or lack adequate first ballot support.
Roy Acuff: 49 year old Roy Acuff of Tennessee was christened “The King of Country Music” for smash hits such as Wabash Cannonball, leading fellow musician Hank Williams to quip “book him and you don’t worry about crowds…for drawing power in the South, it’s Roy Acuff, then God.” Yet, after a rumor that Governor Buford Elington had labeled his music “disgraceful,” Acuff would embrace the label “king of the Hillbillies” in the 1948 election cycle to trade his acoustic throne for the Governor’s chair. Declaring that “any business must be put on a business plan, and so must a state government,” Acuff has cut the budget while requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in government buildings, increasing state pensions, instituting a free school textbook program, cooperating with the La Follette Administration on the hydroelectric Tennessee Valley Authority, and has controversially called for additional restrictions on firearm ownership. Widely considered a possible frontrunner for his celebrity status if a primary were to have been held, Acuff has supported O’Daniel at the convention, yet has evasively refused to disavow a draft movement arising from his pro-union sympathies that many suspect could bring Fulgencio Batista into the fold alongside John L. Lewis, Jimmy Hoffa, and the opposition Farmer-Laborites.
Joseph H. Jackson: A Mississippi farm boy who taught himself reading and mathematics, 52 year old Joseph H. Jackson, President of the largest predominantly black church in America, the American Baptist Convention, has emerged as the favorite of former Gitlow ally Billy J. Hargis for his right-wing populist views and claim to be able to win millions of black voters back from President La Follette. Calling to “save the nation, in order to save the individual citizen, and the race," Jackson has focused his attacks on La Follette for violating “civil order,” and extended this critique to opposition protests. Making the radical proposal to not merely denationalize the General Trades Union, but to destroy it entirely, Jackson has called for the severing of diplomatic recognition to all communist nations and international intervention to spread “the liberating power of our federal constitution and the supreme law of the land, the American ideals of freedom and democracy.” However, Jackson has fallen from major candidate status after an investigation by the Labor Department into allegedly abusing unpaid labor at a daycare and using church donations to buy himself a mansion and a sports car.
America's chief penny pincher speaks.
Henry S. Breckinridge: The only member of the Liberty League at the fore of presidential consideration, 66 year old New York Congressman Henry Skillman Breckinridge ran alongside Al Capone in 1936 in the campaign that doomed the Commonwealth alliance, but has reinvented his career since by working to ally Federalist and Liberty League causes against La Follette and serving as the organization’s House leader. Advocating a heavily internationalist vision in line somewhere between that of Cooper and Luce, Breckinridge’s commitment to small government classical liberalism and a strict construction of the constitution has made him the favorite of Liberty League loyalists and some party conservatives. However, it is considered unlikely for a Liberty League member to win outright due to Progressive-Federalists comprising a majority of convention delegates.
Eleanor Butler Roosevelt: 63 year old former President Eleanor Butler Roosevelt was promoted for the nomination for months by her former counsel turned the “voice of impeachment,” Richard Nixon, who has noted that her re-election would have stopped the rise of fascism in its tracks. However, content with retirement, the writing of her memoirs, and the promotion of Nixon’s career, Roosevelt has categorically refused to seek the presidency. Nonetheless, she is expected to receive votes on the convention’s opening ballot from admirers.
Benjamin Muse: 54 year old former Virginia Governor Benjamin Muse won an upset victory in 1945 to be elected Governor against the campaigning of President La Follette. An establishment Federalist and charismatic writer, Muse received significant support as a candidate but has declined to contest the convention and worked to promote the nomination of Clare Boothe Luce after a meeting with Henry Luce.
H.R. Gross: 53 year old Iowa Governor and 1948 Progressive vice presidential nominee Harold Royce Gross has gained renown for his steadfast economic conservatism, vetoing every proposed state budget increase throughout his tenure and calling for a complete end to foreign aid in addition to the dismantling of the New State; avoiding moral arguments, Gross has opposed atomic bombings and war on the grounds that both are too financially costly. A hero of the party right, Gross has declined to seek the presidency himself, citing his refusal to attend fundraising parties rather than watch Iowa football games, and is expected to support Pappy O’Daniel or Jim Rhodes on the convention floor.
46 year old Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa has been elected interim Chairman of the Convention.
View Poll
submitted by Peacock-Shah-III to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:04 Initial-Zucchini1010 Records Medicos

Buen dia, hace meses tuve un accidente el cual fue bastante grave y estuve hospitalizado unos cuantos meses, la cosa es que ahora debo presentar mis constancias medicas y todo eso, documentos que me fueron arrebetados por asaltarme y robarme la mochila. La pregunta es, si voy al Hospital Escuela, tendran ellos copia de estos record o estoy completamente jodido?
submitted by Initial-Zucchini1010 to Honduras [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:40 stanley0444 Dallas installation shops

Anyone recommend or know a place in Texas (Dallas or cities near by) that install performance parts? I don’t have tools or the workspace to install myself or I would. TIA
submitted by stanley0444 to q50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:40 SimplyNacho Gender reveal kit

Gender reveal kit
My gf wants to do a gender reveal like the picture but I’m having trouble finding one in the El Paso Texas area or that can ship there, can anyone help me
submitted by SimplyNacho to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:25 Nervous_Stress9779 Just gonna leave this here

Just gonna leave this here
In case the carrot continues to drop wages yknow.
submitted by Nervous_Stress9779 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:14 MLS_Reddit_Bot Match Thread: FC Dallas @ Houston Dynamo FC

Home Houston Dynamo FC 1
Away FC Dallas 1
Status Full Time
Venue Shell Energy Stadium
City Houston, Texas
Date Saturday May 18, 2024
Time 07:30 PM CDT
♻️ Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Houston Dynamo FC Pos FC Dallas Pos
Steve Clark, #12 G Maarten Paes, #30 G
Micael, #31 CD-L Nkosi Tafari, #17 CD
Erik Sviatchenko, #28 CD-R Samuel Junqua, #29 CD-L
Daniel Steres, #5 LB Sebastien Ibeagha, #25 CD-R
Griffin Dorsey, #25 RB Patrickson Delgado, #6 CM-L
Amine Bassi, #8 AM Nolan Norris, #32 CM-R
Artur, #6 LM Marco Farfan, #4 LM
Héctor Herrera, #16 RM Ema Twumasi, #22 RM
Sebastian Kowalczyk, #27 F Petar Musa, #9 F
Ibrahim Aliyu, #18 AM-L Jesús Ferreira, #10 CF-L
Adalberto Carrasquilla, #20 AM-R Bernard Kamungo, #77 CF-R
Brad Smith, #3 SUB Omar González, #3 SUB
Gabriel Segal, #17 SUB Logan Farrington, #23 SUB
Jan Gregus, #21 SUB Sebastian Lletget, #8 SUB
Ethan Bartlow, #4 SUB Jimmy Maurer, #1 SUB
Brooklyn Raines, #35 SUB Herbert Endeley, #27 SUB
Tate Schmitt, #22 SUB Dante Sealy, #11 SUB
Latif Blessing, #15 SUB Eugene Ansah, #31 SUB
Andrew Tarbell, #13 SUB Tsiki Ntsabeleng, #16 SUB
McKinze Gaines, #14 SUB Carl-Fred Sainte, #12 SUB
Match events via ESPN
  • First Half begins.
  • 45'+6' ⚽ Goal! Houston Dynamo FC 1, FC Dallas 0. Amine Bassi (Houston Dynamo FC) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Daniel Steres.
  • 45'+8' Halftime
  • 45' Second Half begins Houston Dynamo FC 1, FC Dallas 0.
  • 53' 🔄 Substitution, FC Dallas. Herbert Endeley replaces Ema Twumasi.
  • 54' 🟨 Sebastian Kowalczyk (Houston Dynamo FC) is shown the yellow card.
  • 57' 🟨 Nolan Norris (FC Dallas) is shown the yellow card.
  • 65' 🔄 Substitution, FC Dallas. Tsiki Ntsabeleng replaces Nolan Norris.
  • 65' 🔄 Substitution, FC Dallas. Carl Sainté replaces Patrickson Delgado.
  • 68' 🔄 Substitution, Houston Dynamo FC. Latif Blessing replaces Sebastian Kowalczyk.
  • 69' ⚽ Goal! Houston Dynamo FC 1, FC Dallas 1. Petar Musa (FC Dallas) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Bernard Kamungo.
  • 73' 🔄 Substitution, Houston Dynamo FC. Andrew Tarbell replaces Steve Clark because of an injury.
  • 81' 🔄 Substitution, FC Dallas. Logan Farrington replaces Jesús Ferreira.
  • 81' 🔄 Substitution, FC Dallas. Sebastian Lletget replaces Petar Musa.
  • 83' 🔄 Substitution, Houston Dynamo FC. McKinze Gaines replaces Héctor Herrera.
  • 83' 🔄 Substitution, Houston Dynamo FC. Tate Schmitt replaces Daniel Steres.
  • 86' 🔄 Substitution, FC Dallas. Eugene Ansah replaces Bernard Kamungo.
  • 90' 🔄 Substitution, Houston Dynamo FC. Gabriel Segal replaces McKinze Gaines because of an injury.
  • 90'+3' 🟨 Gabriel Segal (Houston Dynamo FC) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
This thread is managed by a bot running on AWS Lambda. All data is sourced from ESPN APIs. The project can be found on GitHub at mrundle/mls-reddit-bot. This post was last updated at 2024-05-18 21:44:10 CDT.
submitted by MLS_Reddit_Bot to MLS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:02 yorocky89A WTF! Trump just pulled a Mitch McConnell! He is not well!

WTF! Trump just pulled a Mitch McConnell! He is not well! submitted by yorocky89A to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:49 TrumpTweetBot1 https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112464678209306343

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112464678209306343 submitted by TrumpTweetBot1 to trumptweets2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:45 TrumpTweetBot1 https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112464677982510553

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112464677982510553 submitted by TrumpTweetBot1 to trumptweets2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:44 ke6rji Trump gets mercilessly booed before he even arrives

Donald Trump receiving a chorus of boos upon his tardy arrival to his NRA speech in Dallas, Texas
submitted by ke6rji to AntiTrumpAlliance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:34 JimCripe Trump Gets MERCILESSLY BOOED Before He Even ARRIVES

MeidasTouch host Adam Mockler reports on Donald Trump receiving a chorus of boos upon his tardy arrival to his NRA speech in Dallas, Texas.
submitted by JimCripe to Democrat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:31 JimCripe Trump Gets MERCILESSLY BOOED Before He Even ARRIVES

MeidasTouch host Adam Mockler reports on Donald Trump receiving a chorus of boos upon his tardy arrival to his NRA speech in Dallas, Texas.
submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:26 Amber_Luv2021 Husband never knows why im upset 🙄

Husband never knows why im upset 🙄
Context of today and last night
Hubby lays down 3yr old to nap at 4pm (his naps are between 1:30&2 normally, 4 way too late)
I say no cause i know LO will be up all night (foreshadowing)
Hubby lays down at 4:30 and says “its fine ill be up with him tonight”
Fine, whatever.
LO actually falls asleep at 6:30pm then gets up EVERY HOUR THROUGH THE NIGHT then gets up for the day at 4 am, ive been up all night at this point(of course now im pissed cause his schedule is wrecked)
Btw hubby never woke up
Im like okay fine ill just sleep when he get up, figuring he’ll be up any minute.
LO is out where he is on the couch, turning on all the lights, yelling, playing with toys, yelling “daddy! Daddy!”, jumping on hubs face….not a move.
At this point me and LO have been out there for an hr (LO is playing with some pebbles at the counter-important later)
Finally hubby wakes up on his own once I’ve finally got the kid calm down on my own, im exhausted and even more pissed at this point.
Im 21wks pregnant btw and put LO to bed and get up with him everyday.
Hubby tries to come in and I don’t even wanna bother with him, he sees LO is with me and just leaves to play the computer.
I put LO out in his room with his tablet because he’s jumping on me and getting rowdy (hubby has the [audio video] baby monitor) he knows LO is in his room.
I go back in and fall asleep assuming he will get LO since he’s up with the monitor and i told him i haven’t slept.
LO gets up and comes back in bed with me (quietly like a sneaky toddler) while im asleep then decides hes gunna put some more random rocks he found under the bed, in his mouth (he collects rocks)
Hubby comes in (im still asleep) and he sees LO putting some in his mouth and he starts yelling at me and LO waking me out of a dead sleep.
He starts yelling at LO and spanks him then comes back in at starts yelling at me about watching LO and why he has rocks etc (he lets LO bring rocks in when he finds them)
He had the monitor and can see and hear the doors open and close but he was too busy on the game to know/care that the baby came in my room. Hypocrite.
He starts slamming shit around and keeps yelling at me about it while dramatically and ineffectively ‘sweeping’ the mess just to seem more annoyed and prove a point. They are rocks, they don’t need sweeping.
Btw all he has to do is tell LO to spit it out and put it in the garbage, LO is pretty good with listening when not YELLED at. he didn’t need to scream at him and hit him.
I take the broom and yell at him to GTFO. He gets all baffled and is having a ‘what did i do wrong moment’ i kick him out and lock the door.
I throw all the rocks away and go check on LO. At this point its 7:30am and Ive kinda slept 4 hrs through the night.
I fall asleep for like 15 mins then get up. I come out to see hubby sent LO back to bed while he was wide awake, didn’t give him breakfast, try to play with him, even took the tablet away from him, and send him right to befd(he had already slept for almost 10 hrs between wakes for drinks, pull ups, and random energy burst because of the schedule being off and he was wired )
I get pissed yet again and take LO back to my room and try to stay up and play with him because obviously the computer is more important. Ill play with and take care of our child and stay up all day and night if i have to just so our child doesn’t feel punished and neglected.
He comes in all pissed that is took the baby and hes like “what are you doing i was putting him back to bed” and im like “you are NOT putting him back to bed at 8am! He went to bed at 6:30 pm-LATER that YOU did, you obviously don’t wanna play with him so ill stay up and play with him”
He got pissed and went back to his computer. LO decided he wanted to watch tablet in his room so i let him.
Hubby on computer and i decide since im up now because im worried that hubby is just gunna ignore LO if i fall back to sleep so i decided ’well if i have to stay up im gunna go shopping’
I go to the store thats walking distance from us.

Fast forward to 3:30pm, hubby says ‘you can go nap, i got him’ so i go lay down, fall asleep for 15 mins then i have LO in jumping on me waling me up.
Whatever, fine ill just get him to cuddle.
I did he was nice and calm and i was able to close my eyes for a few more minutes, then hubby comes storming in, starts getting both the baby and our dog(texas heeler, XL chunky dog) riled up then decided while they are going nuts and jumping on me that hes gunna come try to cuddle by me and ‘pretend’ to sleep (he will immediately fall asleep if he closes his eyes)
I get pissed and get up and storm out knowing if i stay he will fall asleep and ill be stuck with both of the psychotic children.
He get up and goes “What the hell is your problem now?!!”
Im in the kitchen trying to make myself food because i haven’t been able to eat much of anything all day between nausea and not wanting to be around him all day.
He goes “what are you really pissed because i am taking your car for a few hours?!” (His parents need to borrow him for moving his sis)
I give up on food and just go back to the room, accidentally, not aggressively, shutting the door with LO behind me.
Im sad cause now LO thinks im mad at him so i sneak out and steal him, leaving the jeys on the counter hoping hubby will just leave and leave me alone until i calm down. Nope hes still bugging me, i ignore him (he knows talking to me when im mad is useless and he should do it after he comes back.
He is finally gone and im hanging with LO making food and writing this. Im so tired and in so much physical pain im dreading him coming back later.
Ps: IK i could have done things better but the issue was so simple and hes so stupid to MAKE THE PROBLEM WORSE. I just thought the one day of the year that i could sleep-in in the morning because hubby was already up in the morning for once in his life.
submitted by Amber_Luv2021 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:23 ECUALUM2003 🔥WOW! 5-2 MLB ON FIRE! DAY 2/Saturday $$ Results

Really good Sat in MLB despite the Mets collapse, up 9-5 and blew it in the 9th with 2 outs. Cashed #2 Top play with Yankees and a few others including yet another Umpire Over. 9-0 this week on those overs.
Who's tailing today and cashed? Let me know.
Thank you in advance to those who say thanks and tip when they hit.
MLB=5-2 (Cash #2/2-1 Top plays)
MLB=13-8 Sat (Cash#1/7 Top) Thurs/(Cash #1)/12-10 Wed (6-5 top)/11-10 Tues (Cash #1)/9-8 Mon/11-12 Sun (Cash #!)/11-11 Sat (Cash top 2)/12-11 Fri (7-4 Top)/4-7 Thurs/11-10 Wed/11-9 Tues (Cash Top 5)/12-5 Mon (7-1 Top)/10-12 Sun/13-8 Sat (7-3 Top)/5-14 Fri/5-4 Thurs/13-8 Wed (Cash top 6 straight/12-10 Tues (Cash #1)/8-8 Mon (6-3 Top)/7-12 Sun (6-4 Top)/13-9 Sat (6-4 Top)/9-9 Fri (5-4 Top)/7-5 Thurs/14-6 Wed (9-2 TOP)/15-8 Sun (9-3 Top plays)/
502-427 YTD/ (268-199 Top plays)
*All plays are standard bets unless adorned with a star. Those adorned with a star are TOP Plays.*Top plays are listed in order of strength.
*All plays are standard bets unless adorned with a star. Those adorned with a star are TOP Plays.*Top plays are listed in order of strength.
⭐️Queens of NY Mess-123 (NYMets)-L (Blew a 9-5 lead in the 9th! F the MUTTS)
⭐️NY Pinstripers-1.5-135 (Yankees, d'oh)-W
⭐️Chiberia Cubs-1-138-Push-Cubs win.
⭐️Murderopolis Twinks-111
⭐️Puritan City Red Sux-108
⭐️Arizona Snakes-139
⭐️Tampons Manta Rays+120 (Tampa Bay Rays)-W
⭐️Mutt City Asstros-140 (Houston)
⭐️Sunflower Royals-1-128 (kansas City)
⭐️Phillies/Nats Over 7-120
⭐️Anaheim Lost Angels/Texas Lone Rangers OVER 8-120
⭐️Bump City A's/Kansas City Royals Over 9-115
Killadelphia Fightin Phillies-1-120
San Dog Chaplains+112 (Padres)
LA Doyers-1.5+100
Smaltimore Orioles-103
Fog City Gigantes-1-128 (San Fran)-W
Texas Strangers-130
NY Mutts/Slorida Fish Over 7-130-W
Rockies/Gigantes Over 7-130-W
Detroit/Arizona Over 7.5-110
Tampa/Toronto Over 7-110 (See writeup)-W
Boston/St Louis Over 8-130 (See Writeup)
Shittsburgh Pirates/Chiraq baby bears Over 8-120-L
NBA=2-0 Fri/0-3 Thurs/2-3 Wed/3-1 Tues (2-0 top plays)/1-3 Mon (1-1 Top)/2-2 Sun/2-3 Sat/1-4 Fri (1-1 Top)/1-2 Thurs/1-1 Wed/3-1 Tues (2-0 Top)/2-2mon (2-0 Top)/2-0 Sun/1-1 Sat(Cash #1 top)/3-0 Fri/3-1 Thurs/2-2 Wed/1-4 Tues/3-3 Mon (Cash #1)/5-3 Sun (4-1 Top)/5-2 Sat (3-0 Top)/4-2 Fri/5-0 Thurs/2-3 Wed/2-4 Tues/3-5 Mon/2-4 Sun/3-3 Sat (Cash top 2)/6-3 Wed/10-5 Tues (4-2 Top)/7-7 Sun (Cash top 2)/5-2 Sat (3-0 Top)/7-2 Mon (5-0 Top)/7-4 Sun (Cash 3/4 Top))/6-3 Sun (Cash 2 top)/6-5 Sat (Cash 3/4 Top)/7-3 Tues (Cash 3/4 Top)/9-4 Wed (Cash 3/4 Top)/7-3 Thurs (Cash 3/4 top)/10-2 Wed/6-2 Mon/7-1 mon/5-2 Wed (Cash 2/3 top plays)/4-1 Mon (cash 3/4 top plays)/795-710 YTD
Dallas.-1.5-115 (First Half)
NHL=2-1 Fri (2-0 Top)/2-2 (Cash #1)/0-1 Wed/1-3 Tues (1-1 Top)/0-3-1 Mon/0-2-1 Sun/1-2 Sat/2-1 Fri/1-2 Thurs (Cash #1)/2-1 Wed/1-2 Tues/0-1 Mon/2-1 Sun/1-0 Sat/0-3 Fri/0-1 Thurs/2-1 Wed/2-4 Tues/2-1 Mon/4-2 Sun (2-1 Top)/1-4 Sat (Cash #1)/3-3 Fri (2-1 Top)/4-1 Sun (Cash top 2)/3-0 Sat/4-3 Thurs/5-1 Sun/4-2 Friday (2-1 Top)/6-1 Fri/6-3 Thurs (3-1 Top)/4-2 Wed (2/3 Top)/5-3 Tues (Cash #1)/6-0 SUN/8-4 Sat/2-0 Fri/5-1 Sun (Cash 2/2 Top)/7-4 Sat (Cash 3 Top)/7-4 Thurs (Cash 3/4 Top plays)/4-1 Wed (3-0 Top)/6-3 Tues (Cash top 2 plays)/7-2 Sat/4-0 Fri/7-5 Sat/4-2 Friday/6-0 Sun/6-5 Sat/3-1 Fri/3-1 Wed/4-2 Tues/2-1 Sun/11-0 Sat/668-645 YTD
⭐️Deadmonton Oil Cans-120 (3-way-in-Regulation) Stabmonton/Van City Over 6-115
My picks/analysis/answering questions is and will remain free- but if you’ve been crushing the books with me, would you consider a tip for my time and effort? (and keep wife off back ha!)
As always Tips are NEVER expected but GREATLY appreciated to the newborn diaper fund/medical bills for wife.
Venmo=@ECU03 (LAST 4 DIGITS IF IT ASKS=5029)
submitted by ECUALUM2003 to u/ECUALUM2003 [link] [comments]
