Coupon ideas for boyfriend

A place for Sonos users

2012.06.22 10:34 BigWesternMan A place for Sonos users

A place for all Sonos users to hang out and discuss hardware, software, installation, ideas, and troubleshooting.

2016.11.28 15:39 gatorengineer2013 Gift Ideas For Him - Husband, Son, Boyfriend, Fiancee, Significant Others

Whether you are looking for gifts for your new boyfriend or husband of 30 years, let's exchange ideas to help a fellow redditor out.

2012.06.07 02:54 starbuckscout Formula Feeders

This is a subreddit for Moms, Dads, and any caregiver who is using or has used formula in any way to feed their kiddos. This is a judgment-free zone created as a safe space for people to discuss all things formula.

2024.05.19 00:52 Flashy-Long2916 Gift ideas

Hi, this might not be a normal post for this subReddit but my boyfriend is going to give his CA Final exam in a few months and I really want to gift him something that might be useful to him. He is really smart and I really want to gift him anything that can be used by him and actually helps him with his exams and exam prep Any ideas or suggestions would be amazing!
submitted by Flashy-Long2916 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 Careful_Advisor_6335 How do you help someone who refuses help? Do I just let them get hurt?

I’ve never really written a reddit story before so I apologize in advance, I do wanna add that if you find pedophilia or anything like that especially triggering for you please don’t read this.
For context, me (16F) and my boyfriend (16M) are a long distance couple. There’s this girl at his school who I’ll nickname Jenny (16F) for privacy reasons but I only know of Jenny since my boyfriend will occasionally tell me any drama or situations happening at his school. The first instance he mentioned to me (that was relevant to this situation in specific) was that he had to tell Jenny to block a 21 year old man on her snapchat since he was being extremely gross and saying NSFW things to her, knowing she was 16. I personally have been groomed twice in my life and I try my best to educate and help other people from having to go through that same situation. Later he had told me that she had again been talking to a 20 year old man and when he tried to talk to her about potentially being groomed, she sort of brushed him off and asked how he knew so much (which he told her it was because of me). I believe after school she was still texting him about that adult man and he tried to warn her about being groomed again but she said, “i thought it’s not grooming if you like it/if you love him” or something along those lines. I will say I reacted poorly and got extremely mad at this comment, so I told my boyfriend to make a group-chat with me and her to try and knock some sense into her. Initially I was extremely aggressive to her which I apologized for but she essentially gave me excuse after excuse saying things like: “but i like older men, i’m mature for my age, he said he loves me” and things of that nature. I tried my best to educate her and convince her that she will be able to find love, but you won’t find that in a pedophile. She eventually thanked me and we moved on. Later, she told my boyfriend she was planning to go to a concert with a 21 year old she met off of snapchat through his story. He tried to warn her about not going, asking her if she thought it was okay and what about the risks since this man was a stranger. She said she was grown and she can make her own decisions. My boyfriend said that we wouldn’t say anything (since it felt helpless to us) and she just said okay. I don’t know if she ended up going. After this she would text that group-chat just to vent about other personal things (not involving pedophiles) and would beg me for help, so I ended up telling her I did not want to be involved anymore since she only really talked to me to vent and we weren’t necessarily friends so it made me uncomfortable. She said okay and I haven’t personally spoken to her since but my boyfriend did update me that she is talking to the original pedophile that he made her block earlier in this story. So I have no clue what to do. Any ideas would be helpful! But to add I don’t know if telling her parents is an option since I don’t know them.
submitted by Careful_Advisor_6335 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:32 Ready_Commission_173 SO wants full custody of SD

SD called this morning to ask SO to pick her up. He had already told her he couldn’t because we had to buy baby stuff since my BK is being released from the NICU this week and we need things and she doesn’t like to go to the stores and it just complicates our plans. She called because her mother left last night, came to change and left in the morning to be with her boyfriend and her family that she lives with had plans to go out (which is their right as she isn’t their responsibility). SO calls HCBM and she doesn’t answer, to confront her for leaving the child alone and she just says she’ll fix it. SO than made it known that he wants to fight for custody since SD likes to be with us better. I than told him that I wasn’t too fond of the idea, that I don’t like the idea of raising someone else’s child (especially someone who cries after hearing No since she’s not used to it, and I intend to have a strict parental role with my own child so it’ll be difficult for her to adjust and I plan to go back to school so I don’t want to have to spend energy on her). My SO seemed disappointed but supportive of my decision. Here is where I may need advice. I don’t know if I should just let her eventually live with us, and what boundaries I should have. Or if I should stick with my original feelings of having her live with us. She’s a nice kid and says she wants to be my friend and I’m the one who has no interest in being so. I have ppd and in the process of getting help so I don’t know if it’s a me problem right now since we did initially get along. I think I associate all our problems with her since a lot of our problems stem from her and her mom. I feel bad but personally id rather her not be with us at all. My partner is great and gives me affection and makes me a priority but I just don’t like how clingy she is of him and there are certain behaviors I wouldn’t want my baby getting from her. My thoughts are everywhere and I just don’t know how to organize them. Any help for anything above would be appreciated.
submitted by Ready_Commission_173 to Stepmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:32 PerfectJury2192 Duolingo English test waivers

Hey yall:) im having troubles in my admission process because i need to take an English proficiency test in order to apply for collages, however the costs of these tests are very high specially for someone who lives in a third world country like me where the dollar price is extremely high. So if anyone could give me any idea how to get a waiver for the test or coupons to reduce the price i will be very thankful :))
submitted by PerfectJury2192 to CollegeAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:09 realityisahoax I just found out I was the other woman and had to cut off my best friend

My Ex boyfriend and I dated for a little under a year three years ago, we broke up due to distance, but remained very close friends since then. We wouldn't go a day without speaking to each other, we would play games online for hours, we would lean on each other when we needed it--I considered him one of my closest friends, he was one of very few people who I let know me that deeply. But it turned out I didn't really know him at all.
For the past year or so, we've had a friend's with benefits relationship. He was the one to initiate this, but I was a willing participant. I always saw it as an added bonus to our relationship, but not necessarily something I needed from him.
A few months ago I started to get a weird feeling that he was hiding something from me. I tried to ignore it, it was just a feeling. But then I accidentally found out he had been lying to me for months about another girl he had been seeing. She was under the impression that they were exclusively dating while he was still hooking up with me. She had no idea I existed. This revealed an absolute mountain of lies he had told me to keep it hidden.
I called him and told him what I knew, about all of the lies I had caught him in, and asked him why--why did he do this? He didn't have an answer. He didn't have an answer for anything, all he could say is that he was sorry. I told him that I was sorry too and hung up. I had never heard him cry before until then.
I sent the girl a short DM about the overlap in our relationships. She blocked me immediately. He blocked me too on every platform the next day, even though I had already removed him from all my accounts. This hurt me more than it should have because he's never blocked anyone like that before.
I feel so lost and so empty. There was so many parts of my life that he had touched and almost everywhere I look, there's an empty space where he would normally be. It's almost like he died. It all makes me feel utterly sick.
I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that he is the type of man to do something like this. I thought he was better than that. Now I can't stop wondering about what else he's lied about, was any of our relationship real?
I hate that I let him lie to me like that for so long even when I felt like something was off. I hate that this girl is probably going to end up the feeling same way someday when he does the same thing to her--I wish I could have helped her somehow. I hate that when his friends ask why I'm never around anymore he'll probably tell them I'm crazy and awful. But what I hate the most is that there is still a part of me who isn't angry at him, a part of me that remembers how I could hear him crying and feels sorry for him because I know this is hurting him too, a part of me that still cares about him no matter how devastated the rest of me is. I wish I could cut that part out of me and rid myself completely of any love for him.
Time heals a lot of things, but for the first time in my life, I don't think it will ever fully erase this.
submitted by realityisahoax to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:03 cinnamaxx [routine help]

hello! looking for some routine help for my bf. i have a hunch but not really a full clue how to tackle going about getting him a skincare routine since his skin is much different than mine.
important things to note: my bf has psoriasis, so that’s something to prioritize considering with certain products. he has medication for it but that’s the most he does with his skin. i’m also looking for affordable products or specific ingredients to look out for as we’re on a tight budget 😅. pricier options are still welcomed but having cheaper dupes until we can get up there is preferable.
my boyfriend’s skin is very problematic. i feel like it could possibly be combo but it’s always been super duper dry, and very sensitive. i want to say that it might only be that way purely because he hasn’t properly cared for it before. with the psoriasis he gets breakouts along with hyperpigmentation left behind from the pimples. i remember a while back he flared up/purged to salicylic acid so im not sure if i should have him use actives yet.
any ideas?
submitted by cinnamaxx to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:02 No-Abalone-6205 AITA For telling my mother off?

Hi first time posting here and sorry for my grammar, English is not my first language. I just need some perspective on this matter. So I (22M) live alone with my brother (14M). Our mother(42F) is working abroad with her boyfriend what means she is not at home with us. For some background. My Mother divorsed my father two years ago. He was an alcoholic who neglected me and my brother and thought that if he brings money home then he is releved from any parental responsibility. They lived separately for over 10 years and HATED EACH OTHER with passion, before they divorsed. My mom is no saint either. She loses her temper very fast what makes her say very cruel things. I was the scapegoat in the family because my i can't back off a fight eather, so when my mother attacked me verbaly i always clap back and that's what she wanted to have someone to screem at and blame for everything. My brother is very timid and the complete opposite of me. Oh and what i forgot to mention my mother is a compleat controll freak. There are many things she did (like hitting us when we were little because we did something wrong) but then she would be sweet as honey tu us for the next two weeks and then the cycle repeats. I know that some of you will tell that she is a bad mom but that's how she was raised and she doesn't know better. but in the last 6 or 7 years she tried to be better and it shows, So to the topic. When my mother divorsed my father and getting alimony for my brother (he fought for the lowes he could get) money was tight. My mother worked as a menager and I as a student couldn't get a full time job so i worked in some firms part time and did tutoring whenever I could. We had money to pay the bills and everything but when the month was over we had little savings (we live in a home in a village so there is always something to repair and sometimes it is tough). I wanted to pause my studies and go working but my mother was oposed of that. We fought about it too. So we came to a agreement that I will be living with my brother in our country and my mother will go work abroad. The first couple of weeks were fine but then the controll mode in my mother swithed on. She wanted to know when we get up, when we go to sleep, what we eat, what we are doing etc. And i don't mean like one or two times a day. She wanted to start a call with her on camera and the her everywhere. She was mad because we didn't replay to her messages because we were both in school. And it started to be very pushy, So the accident was yesterday when my brother, me and two of my fiends went out to eat in a restaurant (i didn't want to leave my brother behind and my friends like my brother so there was no problem). So we went out and when my mother found out she started to bombard us with questions like where, with who and other. That was perfectly fine. We answered everything and wanted to enjoy our night. But then She wanted to have pictures of the restaurant, the food - everything. I called her out on the group chat with me, her and my brother that we want to enjoy the food and we will talk to her when we get home. And i thought thats tsht. But then she started to write messages to my brother privetly, with the same questions over and over again. And my brother as a timid person answered. But then we went on a glowing fountain show and i to my brother that he should put his phone in my backpack when we go near water just to be save. The show was over we went bac to my car. Driving back home my brother takes his phone from my backpack and there is like 8 missed calls from our mother. (Quick note I have mostly my phone on silent and everyone who knows me knows that). He picks up the next call from her and then it starts. The screaming "WHERE ARE YOU? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? WHY ARE YOU NOT PICKING UP YOUR PHONE? WHY ARE YOU STILL UP? WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER (me)? WHY ISN'T HE PICKING UP HIS PHONE" threats and other things like that. My brother tried to say something but she was cutting him off every time. He was about to cry so I said that he shoul give me on speaker (I was driving). When he did that i said that we will contact her when we will be back and we are on the way home so clearly we ar still not back home. She started to screm something about dangers with driving at night but i screamed back that the only thing distracting me from the road is she right now and she should hang up right now. After that she did hang up. And the next day she was like nothing ever happened. Or so i thought because when we came back from some garden work we get a message that She won't bother us because apparently she's bothering us because she's worried and we don't give a damn about it. And other crap like that. My brother starts crying and tries to phone her and she rejects his call, so he starts to apologise to her via text. I on the other hand locked my self in another room so my brother wouldn't hear me and tear my mother a new one via a voice message that if she wants to be angry at someone that better be angry at me because now brother is crying now because her, he is in distress because of that (She loves to use that kind of manipulation). That if she thougt I'm so irresponsible that i took my brother for a nice trip on a WEEKEND and we came back home at 23:30 again on a WEEKEND where he could sleep how much he wants then thats her problem. She answered that she wants just to make shure he and i are save. And thats what was when i lost it because a month prior she didn't had a problem to arrange for him a bus among strangers and for him to travel 15 hours through 3 countries to her place and leaving him alone in a apartment in a forign country for 9 hours and if she really thinks that guilttripping my brother is a good idea then there is something wrong with her. There were many other things said in that text. She didn't replay to it but wrote to my brother like nothing happens. So Am I wrong to tell my mother off?
submitted by No-Abalone-6205 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:51 Whatistherenext AITAH for not wanting to be friends with my alcoholic weird bsf anymore?

AITAH My bestfriend (Rose/ F/21/) and I (Luna/ F/22) have been bestfriends for about 7-8 years now. But I’m thinking about ending it. But I’m not sure how to do it. I love her, but ever since we were younger she has been incredibly cold and aloof. Mentioning to me that she likes to mess with peoples emotions and use there “weaknesses against them”i thought it was weird but kinda through she wasn’t serious and was just edgy. I learned to love her through time, although she had mentioned on pervious occasions she was only using me til she gets out of high school. She flirted with my boyfriends a lot growing up, and put me down in front of guys all through my life. Making fun of my periods, and saying I copy her makeup and fashion. (I do not she is grungey emo and I am very much that coquette (?) style) as I grew up I became very active within my community. I go to college to get my drs in history/ art history, am very involved in political movements, and am in general just very apart of current events. She is not, she likes to game(over watch) with her online friends and is the opposite of me politically. She’s made fun of me for going to school saying college is for idiots. She also has a serious drinking and weed problem which makes me worried about her health. We think it’s a sort of therapy for her bpd but she won’t get it checked out. Although we have made it work for some time I feel trapped within the friendship and don’t know what to. We had a huge blow up recently because I got in a fight with a girl who use to pick on her. It was a political argument but besides that it was personal because she use to bully rose. I had sent my text I send to the girl to rose, but deleted the girls text as I had deleted her message on inta before replying as I believed I didn’t wanna reply then changed my mind when I became more heated and thought over it rose took sides with the girl and told me I was being “fucking dramatic” and When I called her out for being a bad friend she essentially told me she hated what I was growing up to be, and she doesn’t need me because she had better friends. I told her I’d side with her over everything (which I did as I let her and her boyfriend stay in my one bedroom apartment rent free for months as they took over my entire house and made me pay for all there groceries and I did all there cleaning.) . She then mentioned my bf cheating on me and called me stupid for even arguing with her as I am delusional for saying with a shitty guy. (My bf has been in therapy, and done a lot of healing. It was 3 years ago and we worked passed that) he has always been very kind to her and even got her a apartment and helped her get into college which she got kicked out of within a month. I then told her I’m disappointed with her as I thought she was a better person and began to ignore her. Then she turned around and texted me 3 days later saying “i’ll be more mindful about the shit i say around you and think before i just speak whatever pops into my head, okay?” This is right after ignored her because she confessed she had feelings for me…I have no idea why she said it. But I think she was drunk.I don’t feel better…I know I am very outspoken. But I’m not sure I wanna be friends with someone like this anymore. Im so tired to ask her to be a normal best friend nd end to me. Is this normal? Am I the douche or asking too much?
submitted by Whatistherenext to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:48 AcceptableSet3916 "Jealous wedding guest ruins the money shot": An Essay About The Woman In The Photo

First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you that showed so much love to my first post ever in Reddit!
Since my girl Millie got too much hate for wearing white and ruining the best photo of the wedding, I decided to write her sad story and share it with all of you. It's a LONG tale, full of ups and mostly downs (TLDR at the end of the post). Sooo, grab some cookies and popcorn while I spill the tea ;)
******WARNING******** The story features what I believe to be unsettling content (pregnancy loss) for some. It's hidden as spoiler, so please don't click it if it's a sensitive issue for you. <3
Our story starts with poor young adult who shall not be named (because I don't remember her name). God (me) had big plans and challenges for her, as she started with 0 simoleons in an off the grid island, with hopes of her becoming a millionaire. She moved in the big island without money, a place to sleep, a toilet, nothing. The challenge goes like this: raise money from beachcombing, buy a towel to sleep on, buy a bush to pee in, snorkel, plant and build a life from zero. And, under no circumstances communicate with another sim.
This challenge was too difficult. The loneliness and hardships, the struggle to just survive and find food, led this young girl to her death by drowning in the middle of the ocean. It was too soon, so God decided to try this challenge again, giving the new sim a head start.
That leads us to the protagonist of the story, Millie Carson.
Millie Carson is a young adult who moved in the same island, like a castaway. All she found on that island was a towel, some planted trees, a toilet bush and a grave.
The ghost from the grave came often to haunt and tease her and finally became her enemy.
At first, young Millie tried to stay away from other sims but, since they kept coming and visiting, God decided that it was ok for her to have some friends.
Millie's neighbors were Miki and Ali, a happy couple with two babies. They kept visiting and bringing food to their poor young neighbor, since she was struggling so much. Millie grew close with Ali, who came swimming to her island sometimes.
Meanwhile, Millie learned some skills that earned her some money and food. She became really good at fitness, gardening and fishing. Little by little, she earned enough money to buy diving supplies and took up some diving photography and treasure hunting. All those helped her build a tiny wood home which finally had a toilet and a shower and even a fridge. Life was getting better for Millie, until she started having feelings for her married neighbor...
Millie was attracted to Ali: his long blond hair, his green eyes and dark skin. To her surprise, Ali was interested in her as well. She tried to fight it but it was over her own power to resist. They made sweet woohoo and became a couple, while he was still married with two kids.
Love makes you do stupid things and that's what happened to Millie. She fell in love with a married man and, surprise surprise, she got pregnant with his kid.
While on her 1st trimester, she visited her neighbolover's home to tell him the news. His wife, Miki, opened the door and the sight was unbelievable: She was pregnant as well, on her 3rd trimester. Millie chatted with Miki as nothing was wrong and even socialized with her kids for a bit. But it was now time for Ali to learn the truth. Millie pulled him aside and told him everything.
To her surprise, Ali was content with being a parent to their child. Millie felt his support and fell even harder for him, causing her to do the unthinkable: Woohoo with him all over his tiny house while his wife and two kids were inside! They woohood EVERYWHERE: The small single bed, the kitchen sink, the counters, standing... They almost got caught by Miki, but hopefully she was so pregnant that it took her an eternity to reach the woohoo spot.
Millie started thinking about their future. Tormented by her jealousy, she asked Ali about Miki. Miki's super pregnant belly was an indicator that Ali still loves and woohoos with his wife, two-timing both women. To her dismay, Ali confessed his love about Miki, but he was willing to keep his relationship with Millie. But that wasn't enough for Millie...
Without hesitation, Millie served Ali an ultimatum: It's her or Miki. No love triangles, no hiding. Her kid needed a father and she needed support as a poor young woman. All those pregnancy hormones made her unreasonable - she came between a happy couple and now she felt that her lover's wife stole him from her, even though they were already together! The irony!
Millie couldn't get over her feelings, so she invited Miki over and told her EVERYTHING. That she was pregnant. That the father was poor Miki's husband. Miki got even yelled at for sleeping with her own husband. Millie was out of control.
Like a tsunami, a force that couldn't be stopped, Millie called over Ali and told him to break it off with his wife. It was now or never. Ali did as told and suddenly Miki broke down crying, hating life and those two who ruined it.
Eventually, Miki left and the.. happy couple were finally alone. Millie asked Ali to move in and he gladly accepted. He even proposed and they stayed engaged until after their baby girl, Angelique, was born.
Meanwhile, even though Miki was hating them, she still came over with extra food like a good neighbor. But her relations with the couple never improved much.
The happy couple decided to get married. Millie wore a pretty but simple boho white dress, hair down and golden jewelry. But her joyful smile was the prettiest jewel she could wear. It was a lovely, quiet wedding on the seashore, during sunset.
Soon after, Millie got pregnant again but wasn't ready or happy for it. Unfortunately, there were some complications with the pregnancy and baby Donovan was born dead. They buried him under a lemon tree and cried for many seasons about him.
Ali started helping Millie with gardening, fishing and diving. But his dream was to finally earn his degree in Communications. He still had 3 classes to pass and then he could enter the PR world. He soon earned his degree with a low to medium score and was ready to start working. There was a huge problem, though...
The island was off the grid and he could not apply for the job, not use the very much needed internet. A decision had to be made: Should they live on this island forever, living off the land, or they should move somewhere else and follow Millie's dream to become millionaires?
The choice was easy. The couple moved to Finchwick, in a big cottage house with a big garden, front and back. They brought with them the plants they had gardened with so much love and also bought some chickens. Life was good for a while, baby Angelique was growing but woohoo life was... fine.
Ali found a job in PR and had to work all day, even from home. He had to polish his charisma and writing skills and meet new people. So, that made Millie a stay at home mom, a gardener, a housekeeper. But there was no time for her lifestyle needs: outdoor living and working out. She became frustrated and was always in a bad and uncomfortable mood. She had gained a lot of weight from her pregnancy, she hardly recognized herself in the mirror...All this bad mood made her cranky. Everytime Ali tried to woohoo with her, she had no drive. So, their love life went down the drain...
Meanwhile, Ali was doing great at work, earning at least 2000 simoleons per day. He had met many people, and one of them became a really good friend of his. His name was Gabriel and he was thin, with black short hair, dark skin and modern makeup.
Ali was tormented by his feelings when he hang out with Gabriel. He couldn't understand how a man can be attracted to another guy like that. He was open to the idea, but had never acted upon it. It wasn't the looks - Gabriel was pretty basic. But there was something about the both of them that made him feel... amazing. The attention he got from Gabriel, the friendship.. It was like they knew each other from another lifetime.
Every time Gabriel came over, Ali got excited. He was interested in his words and inner world, not only his appearance. One night, he couldn't take it anymore. While they were talking the backyard table, Ali started flirting with Gabriel. Things got heated fast and they shared the most beautiful first kiss. That was exactly what he always wanted to feel, but was missing from his other relationships. He proposed to have woohoo in the home office, while Millie and Angelique were sleeping unaware upstairs...
They woohood hard and many times. It was a total WoohooFest. Morning came and Ali, having not slept at all, got ready to go to work. He didn't forget to kiss his wife goodbye, but he spent the entire day thinking about Gabriel. By night, he had decided to ask Gabriel to become his boyfriend.
Millie on the other side, was getting better. She bought a walking machine and she often went swimming in the river. Her woohoo drive was coming back strong and that meant more time with her beloved husband. They started woohooing more often, but Ali was also missing Gabriel...
God suddenly had an idea! Ali should ask Millie to have expanded woohoo with someone else, and that someone else couldn't be other than (yes, you guessed it) Gabriel. Ali went on and asked his wife and God told her that yes, it would be fun! So, unaware of God and her husband's plans, she happily accepted to engage in multiple sim woohoo...
Ali was so excited! He couldn't believe his ears! He immediately called over Gabriel and explained the situation. Gabriel accepted as well and it was time for Gabriel to meet with Millie. Millie tried to get to know him but for some reason he was distant. She tried to flirt with him but he didn't reciprocate. Millie got embarrassed and locked herself in her room for some time, to recollect herself. It shouldn't be so hard, right?
At the same time, Ali made his move on Gabriel and they woohood. Gabriel was more than excited to get together with Ali. So, why not Millie?
After Millie got over her embarrassment, she came out the room. Ali proposed having multiple woohoo and they did it. Everyone had a pleasant time.
After that, they got together two more times. But, the last time, at Gabriel's house, was the final blow.
Millie kept trying to flirt alone with Gabriel, not getting the message but, DUDE. He was NOT into her. It was heartbreaking. She tried so hard for her husband, her self esteem and again, she was turned down. A second choice. She didn't deserve it. And then, she though about it. The flirt between Ali and Gabriel. How they would have woohoo, the three of them, but Gabriel was rejecting her. It was time for answers...
Millie first told Ali to end the expanded woohoo agreement. It was too much for her. He wasn't happy about it, but he agreed. And then, she asked the million dollar question: "What's going on between you two?". Ali tried to hide it, told her they were only friends. But God was starting to feel bad about poor Millie, so had her ask again: "WHAT'S GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO?"
The answer was like a knife, going through her heart. Ali loved Gabriel and that's all she needed to know. Their woohoo life was non existent before and now had found someone who made him feel better, more... alive! That's all Millie needed to know. She went over to Gabriel and try to make a last, desperate woohoo pass at him. Once more, he rejected her. It was all so clear. She was the third wheel.
Her ego and her heart were stomped on the ground, like a cockroach. A beautiful, kind, hard working sim shouldn't go through all that. She headed back home, to the privacy of her bedroom and cried her eyeballs out. Ali didn't come home that night and went straight to work.
The next day, Millie invited Gabriel over. Oooh no, she wouldn't let him have Ali so easily. She would humiliate him first. He came over and she started yelling at him. Her face was red and hot, she was fueled by rage. She ending up giving him the beating of his life. When Ali came home from work, both his lovers were black and blue from fighting.
Baby Angelique started crying. She had woken up. Millie rushed upstairs to help her toddler with her needs, but Ali and Gabriel stayed downstairs. Ali tried to comfort Gabriel, asking him to stay. He didn't care about his marriage anymore. God led them to the hall upstairs, outside the bedrooms. They started woohooing again, right there, like animals!
Poor Millie, as she opened her daughter's bedroom's door, she caught her cheater husband in the act! THE AUDACITY!!! And if it that wasn't enough, when she went over to slap him, he acted like she wasn't there and went to woohoo in the shower with his boyfriend - AGAIN! WTH!!!
At this point, Millie knew it was time to give Ali the boot and kick him the hell out of their home, and so she did. After Ali's lover left, the married couple had a long, heated conversation that only had one outcome - Ali had to move out immediately.
So, he left and rented a one-bedroom apartment in the city. He also decided to ask Gabriel to live with him, and Gabriel happily accepted. A new chapter started for Ali but unresolved things were left in the middle with his wife that needed to be dealt with.
While all these took place, Millie had gotten close with celebrity Rahul Chopra. They became good friends and she was invited to his wedding. It was a one of a kind event because Rahul had a shotgun wedding with his wife when they were teenagers due to unwanted pregnancy. After many kids later, Rahul's eldest daughter, with the villainous valentine aspiration (long story) decided to break her eternally faithful parents up for fun. So they did break up, but they were so made for each other, like puzzle pieces, that it was impossible to not end up together again.
Rahul fell back in love with his wife and they decided to do it right this time. They planned the perfect wedding event in San Myshuno's park, during sunset. The whole family was there and their 2nd child, Philip (YA) would take the professional pictures of the wedding.
The ceremony started, everyone (almost) was seated and the photographer (and me) were preoccupied with taking the happy couples pictures. As the ceremony ended, the couple was ready to share their first kiss as husband and wife. The air was filled with confetti that floated playfully around them, the fireworks were set off behing them and the sun was showering them with the warmest rays. It was a one time opportunity to get the perfect picture. Philip got ready to press click. And then, she appeared.
Millie, clearly bothered and heartbroken by other people's love, made a run for the exit and ruined Philip's perfect photograph. The angry look on her face would forever haunt Philip's mind. Why would that woman ruin this happy moment and why the hell would she wear white at someone's wedding? I mean, you wouldn't mistake her for the bride, who wore an expensive wedding gown, but still... Something was wrong with this girl and Philip had to find out...
After the wedding, Millie went back home. The days passed and the divorce was not finalized. She asked her kid who she wanted to stay with, but without reply. She called Ali over, but he texted back he didn't want to come over. Millie had her -now child- daughter call over her dad. This time, Ali responded positively and soon after he arrived. Millie took him straight to the lawyers to see who will get custody of Angelique.
This time, God had no plans, God left it all to luck. So, unfortunately, Ali won custody of Angelique, who immediately went to live with him. Now, Millie was alone. Only her and her money and her baby son's grave in the front yard. Now she was angry, NOW HE WOULD PAY.
Millie grabbed Ali and went once again to the lawyers. It was now time to split the estate. At least 100k simoleons in the bank, plus whatever the house is worth. Millie wants to get everything, but once again, God won't interfere. She comes back home, head down, beaten - she lost 80k.
She turns to her new friend, Philip. He is basic, but he's a good guy. He lives alone in an apartment in San Myshuno, studies Fine Arts in university, comes from a good family. He also has a girlfriend that lives across the hall from him, but Millie doesn't know. And God tells her to come onto him. Now Philip has two girlfriends and God must interfere.
God and luck are playing games with Millie's life.
As I'm writing her story, there's only one thing I feel: Sad.
This girl started out with hopes and dreams. So I think that we should forgive her for attending a friend's wedding wearing white. Some God forgot to change her formal outfit and it was all she had to wear. She's going through a lot!
Her story ends for now, but if you guys like it I might write more about her life's adventures.
Also, what should she do with Philip? Let me know in the comments!
If you read this whole essay / story , you are amazing! And thanks! Hope you liked it! :)
TLDR: YA woman starts with 0 money in off the grid island. Wants to earn a million. Gets pregnant by married neighbor with kids. Marries him and they buy new home. They get pregnant second time, lose the baby.He gets a good job, meets new people, gets new guy friend, has woohoo with that friend. The 3 of them have expanded woohoo. Woman breaks it off. Woman confronts husband about loving other man, he confesses he loves him. Woman kicks him out and he lives alone in flat. The other guy moves in with him. Woman heartbroken, goes to friends wedding wearing white, is angry at happy couple's love, ruins the married couple kiss photo. Photo becomes famous on Reddit. Woman loses custody of only child. Woman loses 80k simoleons after splitting estate. Woman becomes girlfriend of the photographer from the friend's wedding. Photographer already has another girlfriend.
*****EDIT*********** I can't believe I forgot to write this, but Millie also drowned in the ocean while being fatigued from diving for treasures. I decided to not save and give her a second chance. Her life is dramatic, UUUUUUGH!!!!
submitted by AcceptableSet3916 to thesims4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:43 grumpybunny024 Desperate for advice

I've been invited to my first ever wedding. Dress code is cocktail/formal and I really have no idea what that means. Wedding is at a golf course in late August at 4pm. I am 5'9 and very curvy (plus size).
I have been looking at every site I can imagine, but am finding nothing I am in love with. Ideally I would love to find a dress that I could wear flats or a very short heel with, as my boyfriend is the same height as me, and is self conscious of his height when I'm in a heel that makes me taller than him (this does not bother me at all, but it's his family and want to support him as best I can)
Where can I look for a plus size dress that would meet the dress code, and would be appropriate for a summer outdoor wedding?
Thank you in advance for your help!!
submitted by grumpybunny024 to Weddingattireapproval [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:37 smallgrace Modding a Kobo Speedometer

Hi guys! I've been keeping track of how much battery drain i get per hour read on pen and paper, but after installing nickelmenu and customizing my kobo more, I was wondering if it would be possible to create a speedometer of sorts using activity data on the kobo. I also see people ask questions about how long battery life is supposed to last, but two weeks can be radically different amounts of time depending on how often someone reads per day.
Here's my idea:
Use DBus/NickelMenu/idk to pull both the current battery percentage and current hours read from the activity tab, and then just do Change in Hours Read/Change in Battery to see how many hours you get on average with each 1% of battery (or it could be Battery/Hours if you wanted to see how much battery it took for you to read an hour).
It could average out over a set time for long term trends and could also be manually reset/reset every time it is plugged in to charge. Then maybe you could use NickelMenu to add it to the menu?
Do you guys think this would be useful/would you use it?
And for anyone more technically minded than me, do you think this is possible/any tips for how to implement? I think my boyfriend and I are going to make it our pet project, and I'll def make it accessible if we can end up doing it.
submitted by smallgrace to kobo [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:27 Affectionate-Bus-432 BFs car got repossessed just days before our planned road trip- What should we do? [27M, 26F]

My boyfriend and I have been planning a roadtrip to Canada for a few months now. We’re set to spend 5 days there and leave this Thursday for the long weekend. I’ve been saving up a bit of money so I decided to book and pay for our hotels in Quebec City and Montreal. I normally try to book hotels with free cancellation when traveling because you just never know- but this time I wanted us to be in a comfortable place that was within walking distance of places we wanted to see or visit so, I caved and booked them. Thursday morning my boyfriend gives me a call around 4am, which is when he normally goes into work (we don’t live together yet btw, but we’ve been together almost 4 years now) he’s in a panic saying that he thinks somebody stole his car! Of course, this woke me up instantly and I was in total disbelief but as he’s talking he goes on to mention that he missed 1 or two monthly payments and maybe they took his car… I thought 1-2 months behind was too little for the bank to repossess your car and he says oh well maybe it was more like 3-4 months behind and he kept stressing and worrying about where he was going to get the money to pay. He was a bit shaken up so I didn’t want to question him about any savings, tried to help him calm down and advised him to just wait, call his lender as soon as they opened & let me know what they said he could do to get his car back. At first Santander demanded that he pay the full 21k loan for his car outright if he wanted it back, then they decided to work with him and asked him to pay $3,500 to get the car back. His monthly payment is something around $600 so that would mean he probably owed somewhere around 4/5 months. Since he didn’t have the money, I gave it to him & I’m not expecting that money back. I’m now worried about the fact that we’ve never actually had a conversation about our finances and we were planning on moving together this year. He always seemed to be doing fine- sometimes he needed a little help to get by and I’d send him $100 to keep him afloat through the week until payday but, this is a bigger problem than what 100 little dollars can fix. I’m starting to wonder where his money is going and I don’t know how to approach that conversation. Especially because he makes more than I do and we both have around the same bills, from what I know. I also now have to reconsider this trip, I’m very excited about it since we’ve been planning for a while now but I’m worried about having to spend all of my savings over there.. Any advice on how I can talk to my boyfriend about all this without making him feel uncomfortable :/ and what should I do about Canada? The hotels are paid for so I’d be losing about $1000 if I don’t go, but can I afford a trip for two with around $2000? I’d have to factor in gas, activities and food, and we love food :( any thoughts/ideas would help greatly! I just don’t know what to do.
submitted by Affectionate-Bus-432 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:20 starie_eclipwze [F4M] infected love

hey guys, no idea no, it’s been a while but I have a new idea and I would love to try it out with you but before we get into that, I have some rules very easy. No problem should be easy to follow, but let’s get into it.
1: dont ghost if you have a problem we can talk abt it! :)
2: no active representation of sa or sh in your replies you will be blocked
3:give me something to work with in your replies
4: please be at least semi lit bc that’s what i am and it’s really hard to work with someone who’s not
5: understand that i do have a life outside of this app
6: know that some parts of the rp will be less detailed as others bc of what’s going on
7: if you don’t plan on responding it’s fine just tell me do i’m not waiting and can find someone new
8: don’t ask me if i use discord i will not answer because i stopped using it due to personal reasons
9: don’t just say hi when texting me give me something interesting to read :)
that’s should be it and as you have all been waiting for let’s get onto the lore or background or this rp!
in 2030 the world was plunged into darkness by an infection known as the T-virus, the unknown origin of this disease lost scientists leaving them unable to understand it.
sometimes I still think about how it used to be. The sky was so blue so clear the air smelled of fresh flowers dirt and gasoline from the passing cars. Children running and jumping around in the grass and flower beds. The occasional butterfly you’d see on a good day you know?. The people walking on the streets on they’re phones; talking to they’re kids maybe going to a nice restaurant with they’re boyfriend or girlfriends. Or maybe the one Business man running to a meeting he’s late for. The honking of the cars on the street because people are impatient as always. always in a hurry to get somewhere.
but it was as quick as a drop of rain when the world was taken by the walkers, and the cities were taken back by nature and the government fell and we were forced to fight and learn to live in the new world that is now only ours.
let’s see where this goes! i’m open to script changes or building of a script together see you then! 18 to 30 please i’m 23!
submitted by starie_eclipwze to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:18 starie_eclipwze [F4M] infected love

hey guys, no idea no, it’s been a while but I have a new idea and I would love to try it out with you but before we get into that, I have some rules very easy. No problem should be easy to follow, but let’s get into it.
1: dont ghost if you have a problem we can talk abt it! :)
2: no active representation of sa or sh in your replies you will be blocked
3:give me something to work with in your replies
4: please be at least semi lit bc that’s what i am and it’s really hard to work with someone who’s not
5: understand that i do have a life outside of this app
6: know that some parts of the rp will be less detailed as others bc of what’s going on
7: if you don’t plan on responding it’s fine just tell me do i’m not waiting and can find someone new
8: don’t ask me if i use discord i will not answer because i stopped using it due to personal reasons
9: don’t just say hi when texting me give me something interesting to read :)
that’s should be it and as you have all been waiting for let’s get onto the lore or background or this rp!
in 2030 the world was plunged into darkness by an infection known as the T-virus, the unknown origin of this disease lost scientists leaving them unable to understand it.
sometimes I still think about how it used to be. The sky was so blue so clear the air smelled of fresh flowers dirt and gasoline from the passing cars. Children running and jumping around in the grass and flower beds. The occasional butterfly you’d see on a good day you know?. The people walking on the streets on they’re phones; talking to they’re kids maybe going to a nice restaurant with they’re boyfriend or girlfriends. Or maybe the one Business man running to a meeting he’s late for. The honking of the cars on the street because people are impatient as always. always in a hurry to get somewhere.
but it was as quick as a drop of rain when the world was taken by the walkers, and the cities were taken back by nature and the government fell and we were forced to fight and learn to live in the new world that is now only ours.
let’s see where this goes! i’m open to script changes or building of a script together see you then!
submitted by starie_eclipwze to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:18 starie_eclipwze [F4M] infected love

hey guys, no idea no, it’s been a while but I have a new idea and I would love to try it out with you but before we get into that, I have some rules very easy. No problem should be easy to follow, but let’s get into it.
1: dont ghost if you have a problem we can talk abt it! :)
2: no active representation of sa or sh in your replies you will be blocked
3:give me something to work with in your replies
4: please be at least semi lit bc that’s what i am and it’s really hard to work with someone who’s not
5: understand that i do have a life outside of this app
6: know that some parts of the rp will be less detailed as others bc of what’s going on
7: if you don’t plan on responding it’s fine just tell me do i’m not waiting and can find someone new
8: don’t ask me if i use discord i will not answer because i stopped using it due to personal reasons
9: don’t just say hi when texting me give me something interesting to read :)
that’s should be it and as you have all been waiting for let’s get onto the lore or background or this rp!
in 2030 the world was plunged into darkness by an infection known as the T-virus, the unknown origin of this disease lost scientists leaving them unable to understand it.
sometimes I still think about how it used to be. The sky was so blue so clear the air smelled of fresh flowers dirt and gasoline from the passing cars. Children running and jumping around in the grass and flower beds. The occasional butterfly you’d see on a good day you know?. The people walking on the streets on they’re phones; talking to they’re kids maybe going to a nice restaurant with they’re boyfriend or girlfriends. Or maybe the one Business man running to a meeting he’s late for. The honking of the cars on the street because people are impatient as always. always in a hurry to get somewhere.
but it was as quick as a drop of rain when the world was taken by the walkers, and the cities were taken back by nature and the government fell and we were forced to fight and learn to live in the new world that is now only ours.
let’s see where this goes! i’m open to script changes or building of a script together see you then!
submitted by starie_eclipwze to RPpartners_search [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:17 starie_eclipwze [F4M] infected love

hey guys, no idea no, it’s been a while but I have a new idea and I would love to try it out with you but before we get into that, I have some rules very easy. No problem should be easy to follow, but let’s get into it.
1: dont ghost if you have a problem we can talk abt it! :)
2: no active representation of sa or sh in your replies you will be blocked
3:give me something to work with in your replies
4: please be at least semi lit bc that’s what i am and it’s really hard to work with someone who’s not
5: understand that i do have a life outside of this app
6: know that some parts of the rp will be less detailed as others bc of what’s going on
7: if you don’t plan on responding it’s fine just tell me do i’m not waiting and can find someone new
8: don’t ask me if i use discord i will not answer because i stopped using it due to personal reasons
9: don’t just say hi when texting me give me something interesting to read :)
that’s should be it and as you have all been waiting for let’s get onto the lore or background or this rp!
in 2030 the world was plunged into darkness by an infection known as the T-virus, the unknown origin of this disease lost scientists leaving them unable to understand it.
sometimes I still think about how it used to be. The sky was so blue so clear the air smelled of fresh flowers dirt and gasoline from the passing cars. Children running and jumping around in the grass and flower beds. The occasional butterfly you’d see on a good day you know?. The people walking on the streets on they’re phones; talking to they’re kids maybe going to a nice restaurant with they’re boyfriend or girlfriends. Or maybe the one Business man running to a meeting he’s late for. The honking of the cars on the street because people are impatient as always. always in a hurry to get somewhere.
but it was as quick as a drop of rain when the world was taken by the walkers, and the cities were taken back by nature and the government fell and we were forced to fight and learn to live in the new world that is now only ours.
let’s see where this goes! i’m open to script changes or building of a script together see you then!
submitted by starie_eclipwze to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 Brave-Gazelle4167 Help finding a book

Hi! So I'm trying to find a book that I read in highschool, that was 6 years ago so hopefully that'll give a good idea how old the book is hopefully. But this book from what I can remember, is this girl was kidnapped from her home, and they faked her death, so basically her old life was gone. She was trained to be like a secret agent or something, but they injected her with a serum where she has the urge to protect this guy in college, and he has a photographic memory. At the end of the book the organization she works for wants to kill this person because of something (I think he like made something or saw something I don't remember) and she vowed to protect him, and basically her and her boyfriend went rouge. If you could help me figure out what the book is called that would be wonderful!!! Thanks in advance!! It was a Young adults book I believe, I remember reading it in a book club in highschool
submitted by Brave-Gazelle4167 to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:04 pseudohistone For those who have cut ties with their husband/boyfriend due to an overdependent MIL, what happened afterwards?

I (23F) am in the best relationship I’ve had thus far. My boyfriend (24M) is everything I want — a gentleman, strong, and a big family man. Literally the only issue I have with him is his relationship with his mother.
His parents are not financially stable by any means. They have been past due on bills multiple times, and my boyfriend has had to step in to help them out multiple times. We have plans to move in together and his parents are also in the process of finding a cheaper place to live. I’m worried about how dependent his mom is. The odds of her asking him to help out with rent once they (his parents) find their own place is high, and I’m not willing to cover his half of our bills if he can’t get his priorities right.
For those who have been in a similar situation and decided to end the relationship due to an overdependent mother, what happened after the relationship ended? Did you decide to move forward with your man and was it a bad idea? How did you come to the decision to end the relationship? I would like to hear about your experience so I can feel more comforted.
I know a lot of people will say to just end it and save myself the trouble. I don’t want to lose this relationship, but I am also not willing to fuck myself over financially for anyone.
Edit: I wasn’t too clear on his relationship with his mom. He is a borderline mama’s boy; he talks about her all the time even if the conversation has nothing to do with her, holds values of what a mother is/should do that are based on her, and seeks her opinion on everything. It’s clear that he loves her very much, which isn’t a bad thing of course!! I just know that if it came down to helping her with rent or going on a date with me, he’d choose her.
submitted by pseudohistone to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:54 Bananacandy05 One of my best friends drunkingly admitted that my crush is out of my out of my league

I have two best friends and I have a crush on one of them. I honestly don't even care if she doesn't want to be with me because I don't think she is bi and we each have boyfriends anyways (my bf knows I like her and doesn't care).
Best friend #1 knows I have a crush on best friend #2 and while I was hanging out with best friend #1 she was really drunk she was saying how "beautiful" and "top tear" best friend #2 is. I mistakenly asked if she thought I was also "top tear" as well, and she nonchalantly told me no, that best friend #2 is on a higher level. She didn't mean to hurt me, she just thought she was answering my question and that I wanted an honest answer. This was on my birthday too. I felt like she just stabbed me in the stomach. TBH I much prefer she stabbed me in the stomach. I asked two of my friends at my birthday party if they agreed and although I knew they would be nice and say that I was "top tear" too no matter what they thought. They started off with "oh, that girl! she was supppperrr cute, but yes you are cute too". Which just confirms what best friend #1 said to me.
To make matters worse, my own fucking boyfriend wants to sleep with her too. In the past, once he found out I like her he hinted at trying to get a threesome with her. I cannot handle the idea of my boyfriend getting hard for another girl especially a girl who more "top tear" than me.
Also, our entire friendship because I see guys check her out at the club a lot more than I see guys check me out.
This is sole crushing. Like this is an objectively hurtful thing for my friend to say, but I fucking hate myself so much and compare myself so terribly to people. So I basically feel like best friend #1 just told me I am better off dead and that I need to kill myself I want to die so badly.
I had a similar situation like this happen in the past with a different girl and feelings of attraction and envy getting mixed up with each other and now every time I hear her name I feel overwhelming thoughts of needing to die. I had to block her on everything and cut her out of my life like the toxic piece of garbage I am. Now I have no choice but to do this with best friend #2 because if I ever see her again I will kill myself.
I also don't have a therapist right now because I am on a waitlist and the DBT program people I can't get ahold of. I don't have a single skill to lessen the emotional agony I am in right now. And I know how god damn dramatic I am with this and it is humiliating.
submitted by Bananacandy05 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:45 Vomit999 I'm 24 and I never had a girlfriend

Today, I don't feel like living. I am 24 years old already and I'm wondering if I'm built to be loved. I actually have no idea how people meet. There's only one girl on my job with my age but she has a boyfriend. Regardless of her, I asked many girls out but some of them just don't want to be in relationship right now, and some (most of them, like 90%) have already met someone. My psychologist is telling me that my woman is waiting for me somewhere, but I' slowly stopping to believe it. I was so jealous when she told me that during school another girl fell in love with her, and here I am never been kissed or never held someones hand. What the hell is wrong with me?
submitted by Vomit999 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:38 Beautiful-Hotel-5752 Linessa 28

My boobs have been killing me in the morning for quite some time now and I have no idea what to do to make it stop. I’ve had this side effect before bc I’ve been on this birth control for a month or 2 on separate occasions and stopped shortly after. This time I actually wanted to commit to taking it since I’m dating someone new and have more reason to take it. But the pain was NEVER like this, it was like the normal “my boobs are growing pain/tenderness”,this pain is real bad when I roll over to get out of bed or move around too much. TMI but My boyfriend can’t even touch em without me practically whining. What can I do to help with the tenderness/pain?
submitted by Beautiful-Hotel-5752 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:26 Pleasant_Letter_4525 I need advice !

My boyfriend and I just broke up. We had plans on moving to Texas together. He decided to move earlier than planned because he didn’t have a job and he wanted to secure this job opportunity He had so that he can get things in order for us by the time that I get there. He decided to move to Texas with his father and his girlfriend, because they had convinced him that they can help him find a job find places to live, and all of these things in Texas so that he’d be able to be set up for the things by the time I got there. One thing regarding his father and girlfriend is that they have a extremely dysfunctional/toxic telationship. They’re always constantly fighting arguing, making up breaking up, and the girlfriend always involves him in the relationship as into what’s going on with their drama, he knew this prior to moving there, but he still decided to move anyway. Before he left me and him had a conversation that he was going to be moving and I said that I think that’ll be a good idea due to him not already working for six months that it’ll probably be good to take the opportunity and see where it takes him. Obviously we are in a relationship and we are doing long-distance but I planned on moving there within a year. I feel like I made that quite clear, so for him, he feels like with my OK of him moving there he decided to move not within the end of the month I as planned, but the week of us having that conversation and it was so abrupt. It kind of threw me off and ever since he got to Texas and he’s been living with the Dad and his girlfriend it’s been complete drama. He would call me every day telling me how there Dad‘s friend lives in the house the lady has a daughter that lives in the house and it’s just very chaotic and he can’t sleep and everything. Everything They basically told him was a lie, and he has to do everything for himself, so he’s at a point where he feels like he needs to get out of the situation and he needs to get out fast so he’s been looking around at places and looking for somewhere to move mind you he just started his job about three weeks ago and he wants to start looking for places which doesn’t really make sense to me so I told him I think you should wait a little bit to move when it makes more sense you know financially so that you wouldn’t be living paycheck to paycheck because that’s not very wise and he’s like oh why do I keep saying he’s doing this alone pretty much when I plan on coming there too and I told him yes I do plan on coming there and maybe a year or so or later just like within a couple of months. He feels like that’s not what I told him when me and him talked and he doesn’t wanna do a long distance relationship and he feels like I’m going back on my word and you know basically that he thought I was moving there and we were gonna be doing all of this together yada yada and I understand what he saying but I feel like I shouldn’t move somewhere when you already decided to move first and if you decided to move first that you should make sure it’s comfortable situation for me to walk into not bringing me into something unstable, and then expecting it to turn around once I get there. I also expressed to him, how I feel, considering I was in a relationship prior that I was living with someone and engaged that I didn’t want to put myself in a situation where I would be having to move back with my parents or just moving back to Florida and he pretty much made it seem as if you know, he was disregarding what I was saying about my feelings, and that I was comparing him to my ex in someway, which I don’t understand how, but he decided that he didn’t care about my feelings and his mom got involved in our relationship, and started insulting me and saying that oh I should be helping him pay rent on the apartment until I get there and if I did nt plan on doing so then why are we even together? I already expressed to him if I am living there that is completely different because I’m obligated to pay rent, like why would I move somewhere and be paying for a place I’m not physically staying in. I don’t understand why to him and his mom that makes sense but to me it does not. Essentially it’s becoming a lot for me emotionally stressing and I just need some advice.
submitted by Pleasant_Letter_4525 to heartbreak [link] [comments]