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2013.03.18 09:12 lehmongeloh A Place for Card Kindness

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2020.06.22 18:47 Applied Buddhism

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2024.05.19 08:21 idlechat [2024 Read-Along] Week 20, The Silmarillion - Quenta Silmarillion - Of Maeglin (Chapter 16)

[Eöl] shunned the Noldor, holding them to blame for the return to Morgoth, to trouble the quiet of Beleriand; but for the Dwarves he had more liking than any other of the Elvenfolk of old.
Welcome one and all again to the 2024 Read-Along and Discussion of The Silmarillion here on tolkienfans. For Week 20 (May 12-May 18), we will be exploring The Quenta Silmarillion (The History of the Silmarils) chapter 16, "Of Maeglin."

Aredhel, the daughter of Fingolfin, resided awhile in Nevrast with her brother Turgon, but later went with her people to dwell in the hidden city of Gondolin. However, she soon wearied of her hidden life in Gondolin and was permitted to set out purportedly to visit with Fingon in Hithlum with three lords of the household of Turgon. Upon reaching the Ford of Brithiach, she commanded her companions to instead turn south in the hope of passing through Doriath to eventually find the Sons of Fëanor, "her friends of old".
Upon arriving at the borders of Doriath, they were refused entry by King Thingol. And so Aredhel and her companions instead sought the dangerous route between the haunted valley of Ered Gorgoroth and the northern edge of Doriath. This passed through the land of Nan Dungortheb, where Aredhel was separated from her companions. They searched but could not find her, and barely escaping death themselves returned to Gondolin to share their tale, and there was great sorrow at the assumed fate of Aredhel.
But Aredhel, having lost her companions, continued on and eventually arrived in Himlad, where she was welcomed by the people of Celegorm and waited for his return. There for a while she was satisfied, but as the year lengthened, she took to riding further afield, seeking new and unknown paths and fields. By chance, she crossed into the forest of Nan Elmoth, where dwelt Eöl, who was named the Dark Elf. In earlier days, he was of the kin of Thingol, but he had left Doriath and fled to the shadows of Nan Elmoth. He loved not the Noldor, but learned from the Dwarves much skill of metalwork, and was often a guest to the halls of Nogrod and Belegost. He espied Aredhel from afar and desired her, and ensnared her in enchantments so she could not find the way out, but instead came deeper into Nan Elmoth. Being weary, she finally came to the halls of Eöl, and he welcomed her, and took her for his wife, and it was a long time before any of her kin heard rumour of her again.
Though at Eöl's command she was required to shun sunlight, it is not said that she was completely unwilling to their union, and in the darkness of Nan Elmoth was born their son, who, in her heart, she named Lómion, which means "Child of the Twilight" in Quenya. But Eöl gave him no name until he was twelve years old, at which time he named him Maeglin, that is "Sharp Glance".
As Maeglin grew to full maturity, he resembled, in face and form, one of the Noldor. But speaking few words, except in matters important to him, he resembled his father in mood and spirit. Often he went with Eöl to the cities of the Dwarves, and learned much from them, especially the craft of finding ores and metals in the mountains. Yet he loved his mother more and would often listen to her tales regarding the Noldor, and the valour of the House of Fingolfin, while Eöl was abroad.
In speaking of her kin to Maeglin, Aredhel desired to see them again, and these tales stirred also in Maeglin the desire to see the Noldor. But upon revealing his inner wishes to Eöl, his father became infuriated, and threatened to bind his son if he would associate with the Noldor. Maeglin became cold and silent, and no longer went abroad with Eöl, and Eöl mistrusted him. One midsummer, Eöl went away to a feast in Nogrod. During this time, the desire grew hot in the heart of Maeglin to leave Nan Elmoth and look upon his mother's people and to seek the city of Gondolin. Seeing this, Aredhel was glad and they departed, telling Eöl's servants they sought the sons of Fëanor.
However, Eöl returned earlier than anticipated and found his wife and son two days gone. He set out immediately in wrathful pursuit. On entering Himlad, Eöl was ambushed by the riders of Curufin, and was taken to their lord. Curufin mockingly asked Eöl what urgent matter brought him to his land, and Eöl told him that he wanted to join his wife and son on their visit to him. Upon learning from Curufin that they turned westward, travelling along the northern fence of Doriath, Eöl asked leave to discover their purpose. Curufin instead coldly bid him go back to Nan Elmoth.
Thus Eöl rode off in haste, full of shame and anger. He perceived that Aredhel and Maeglin were heading towards Gondolin and rode after them. As the two arrived at the Outer Gate of Gondolin, they were received joyfully and passed inside the Hidden Kingdom, where Turgon listened with wonder to the story of his sister, and gave Maeglin the highest honour in his realm. Eöl watched them from afar and followed them to the city, but was taken in by the Guard, and was brought before Turgon after claiming to be husband and father to Aredhel and Maeglin. Aredhel confirmed this and Turgon welcomed Eöl as his kinsman, giving him leave to stay in Gondolin. But Eöl insulted the King, and bid Maeglin to "leave the House of the slayers of his kin, or be accursed". Maeglin did not answer.
Turgon then set a choice before Eöl and Maeglin of either abiding in Gondolin, or dying in Gondolin. Eöl stood a long time in silence, before he abruptly took a spear from under his cloak and threw it at Maeglin, crying "the second choice I take, and for my son also! You shall not hold what is mine!" But Aredhel came between the spear and Maeglin, and was struck. Eöl was restrained, set in bonds and led away. However the tip of the spear was poisoned, and Aredhel died in the night. Eöl was brought before Turgon and no mercy was shown to him; he was led to the Caragdûr, a precipice upon the northern side of the city, to be cast down. Maeglin stood by in silence, and Eöl cried out "so you forsake your father and his kin, ill-gotten son! Here shall you fail of all your hopes and here may you yet die the same death as I". And he was cast over the cliff-edge. Thus ended Eöl, Dark Elf, of the shadows of Nan Elmoth.
Maeglin grew great in stature in Gondolin, and was high in the favour of Turgon. He rose to be mighty amongst the Princes of the Noldor, and was the greatest other than Turgon in the realm of Gondolin. And yet not all things went as he would have liked, though he did not reveal his heart. For from his first days in Gondolin, he loved Idril Celebrindal, his first cousin, and desired her, but without hope. For the Eldar did not wed with kin so close, and further, Idril loved him not at all. Maeglin's love turned to darkness, and he sought more to have his will in all matters, no matter the cost to him, if it might grant him more power.
And so it came to be that in Gondolin, at the height of all its bliss, majesty, and beauty, a dark seed of evil was sown in the heart of Maeglin.[1]
Of Maeglin at The Lord of the Rings Wiki: This chapter introduces Maeglin, and his father Eöl, and tells the history of Maeglin's life from his birth to his becoming a citizen of Gondolin. Also in this chapter is the death of Eöl.
Chapter discussion at Entmoot TolkienTrail.
Chapter discussion at The Barrow-Downs.
Questions for the week:
  1. Eöl is described as grim -- "his eyes could see deep into shadows and dark places." Does this just mean his eyes have adjusted to life in the dark, or is there also a hint of his being able to see beyond what is there, in a "foresight" or "farsighted" kind of way?
  2. Maeglin and Eöl argue because Eöl won't let him see his mother's kin which causes a major rift between the two. Why did Eöl object?
  3. What is significant of Maeglin's given name of Lomion, i.e. "Child of the Twilight" by his mother, Aredhel, but at age 12, Eöl named him Maeglin, i.e. "Sharp Glance".
  4. Why did Eöl have more liking for the Dwarves "than any other of the Elvenfolk of old."?
For drafts and history of this chapter see The War of the Jewels, "Part Three: The Wanderings of Húrin and other Writings not forming part of The Quenta Silmarillion", Chapter III, "Maeglin)", pp. 316-339.
For further history and analysis of this chapter, see Arda Reconstructed (by Douglas Charles Kane), p. 155.
Be sure to have your copy of The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad on hand as you go through this chapter.
Some Tolkien-related hangouts on YouTube (relevant to this week):
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide at Tea With Tolkien.
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide by askmiddlearth on Tumblr.
Quettaparma Quenyallo (QQ) - The most extensive list of Quenya words available on the internet, by Helge Fauskanger, 1999-2013.
Tolkien Collector's Guide - Guide to Tolkien's Letters
A (Hopefully) Light Guide to the Silmarillion — Or What I Wish I’d Known Before Reading It by u/Ok_Bullfrog_8491/
The Definitive Family Tree of the Tolkien Legendarium by u/PotterGandalf117
Wikipedia - The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Announcement and Index: (Take 2) 2024 The Silmarillion and The Fall of Gondolin Read-Along
submitted by idlechat to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:31 Crazy_Bird_1 Is Billie Eilish the most overrated singer of all time?

MEGAN: There is no hope when Billie Elish is the voice of gen Z.
CHRIS: I like her songs. She is gifted.
MEGAN: Just Name three song that she has sung.
CHRIS: Bad guys, no times to die from James bond soundtrack, and there is this song that I watched on MTV her dancing with her girlfriends… it’s on the tip of my tongue I think it’s titled Happier than ever.
MEGAN: That’s a totally different song. The song that you are talking about is lost cause… from the album Happier than ever.
CHRIS: At least, I got the album right.
MEGAN: Okay. Give me the first two line of the lyrics from Bad guys or no times to die.
CHRIS: I am not good at lyrics. But she is talented. She has a soulful voice.
MEGAN: Her songs are depressing. I can’t listen to it while I am cooking or driving to work. I will shoot myself in the head. She is the most overrated singer in the history of music. You know, I want to play songs that make me want to sing along, dance and fall in love… not throw up. She is the voice of our generation. It tells you a lot about the direction we are going. Generation Z in America don’t know what the fuck is going on in this world. They complain too much. They are faking it like Billie Eilish.
CHRIS: I think they are lost. They just want a voice to express their pain, confusion, frustration, and sadness. That’s all.
MEGAN: I know that. But when you listen to music, you want to hear something that resonates with your soul and brings joy to your heart. For example, if you listen to Diana Rose and the Supremes’ Baby love, or come see about me and Where did our love go, you will realize that music is dead with Billie Elish whispering that she’s not happy and talking about how her boyfriend is a loser. You know, you wonder what’s happening to music nowadays. Why is so bad? Billie Eilish and Labrinth singing Never Felt So Alone. It’s a setback for Labrinth from Jealous to Never so Alone. He was our hope. We all counted on him to save music. But he has begun to whisper like Billie Eilish. Everybody is following her footstep. Music Critics are falsely saying that Billie Elish is a trailblazer. She is changing music single handedly. So far, she has received 7 Grammy awards. She is only 21. Diana Rose has never won a grammy in her life. There seems to be something fishy going on. You are not supposed to sing in your head. It’s not real music. It’s MTV. You know, they said that video killed a radio star. But video killed music all together. Thanks to MTV. We get asses, boobs, and whispers instead of real music.
CHRIS: I like MTV. I grew up watching it. It changed how we see music forever. You know, music is not music without a music video. Nobody is going to listen to it if you didn’t put out an amazing music video like Thriller by Michael Jackson. I can’t even imagine what Thriller would have sounded like on a radio. It’s the greatest music video ever made. Every time I watch it, it’s new to me.
MEGAN: I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Thriller deserve special praise. It’s one of its kind. However, music died after the introduction of MTV. At least, they don’t make it like how they used to make it in 60s’.
CHRIS: That’s the golden age of music. It can never be replicated again. But who knows? Billie Eilish might change it if she gets her act together.
MEGAN: I can listen to Vision of love, honey, and fantasy by Mariah Carey or I will always love you and I have nothing by Whitney Houston or Rolling in the deep by Adele a million times over and over. But I can’t listen to Happier than ever more than 1 time. Maybe Ocean eyes and When the party is over. They are okay. But the rest is garbage. She is nowhere near to legendry female singers like Aretha Franklin, Celine Dion, and Sinead O'Connor. You know, when you listen to Natural woman by Aretha Franklin or Celine Dion’s It's All Coming Back to Me Now or Because you loved me or nothing Compared to you by Sinead O'Connor, you get goosebumps. You are witnessing a soul exiting the human anatomy disguised in soundwave. It breezes through your skin, kiss your soul, and intertwine with your DNA before it rewrites the rhythm of your heart with a beautiful melody. You couldn’t help but cry, smile, sing, and fall in love with life whether it is wonderful or a bitch.
CHRIS: You have to give her credit the benefit of the doubt. At least, she writes her own lyrics. I mean, No disrespect to Diana Rose and Supremes, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Adele, Aretha Franklin, Celine Dion, and Sinead O'Connor. God bless her soul - Sinead O'Connor. She was an Angel disguised in fire. Her voice is from another world. When I listen to nothing compare to you, I get goosebumps, too. I have always been blown away by her voice. Don’t even get me started with Whitney Houston. She is an angel. When you listen to “I will always love you,” you know that God loves music more than he loves us. She was flawless. It should be illegal to sing like that. And Maria Carey will shatter the glass in your soul, cut your heart to millions of pieces, kiss it, and heals it without a scar. Your heart can’t help but grow wings, burst out of your chest and fly away. She is phenomenal. Celine Dian is in a different league, so was Aretha Franklin. Nobody can question their gifts. But Billie Eilish has brought hope to a lot of people
MEGAN: I feel like that you are playing the devil advocate for the sake of argument. What hope are you talking about? You haven’t even listened to a song that she sang. You watched her playing with her girlfriend in underwear. All of a sudden, you want to defend her. If you are going to defend her. Defend her from your heart. I know you can’t do it because you hate her songs, too.
CHRIS: That’s not it. Just give her a break. She has a beautiful voice. She just doesn’t want to disappoint her fans. Imagine if she sings I will always love you or vision of love. Her fans will accuse her of selling out.
MEGAN: Fuck her fans. They are fake anyway. They don’t know anything about music. She should not let them hold her back. They just want to see her wearing oversize baggies like a boy, who drops out of high school and who breaks his skating boards, and whisper like a wounded cat that got a fight with a Rottweiler and talk about fake pain, bad relationship, and girls standing up to abusive boyfriends. Even country music has more sense of humor than her.
CHRIS: I like country music.
MEGAN: Don’t get me started with country music. I don’t even know why it’s still alive. It should have died with Western movies long time ago. You know, I would rather listen to Disco and 90s’ electronic dance music than country music.
CHRIS: What’s wrong with 90s’ electronic dance music? DJs still play them at club.
MEGAN: That’s true. But you don’t want to get caught playing that shit in your car. People will look at you weird.
CHRIS: I still listen to What’s love by Hardaway and couldn’t help dancing.
MEGAN: I hear you. Life is not fair. You have songs that makes you want to dance. Before you know it, it goes out of fashion. You have country music talking about how hard they work and their wife living them for their brothers and how they just want to drink whiskey and forget about them.
CHRIS: Country music is not bad. They know how to tell stories. It’s definitely better than electronic dance music when it comes to lyrics.
MEGAN: Okay. name three countries songs and artists.
CHRIS: Dolly Parton.
MEGAN: Dolly Parton doesn’t count. She wrote I will always love you. You would not have known her if she had it written that.
CHRIS: Fair enough. I get the point. What about Garth Brooks?
MEGAN: Okay 1.
CHRIS: Carrie Underwood and Morgan Wallen.
MEGAN: Okay, name three songs.
CHRIS: Friends in low places, by Garth Brook. Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood. And Island in Stream by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.
MEGAN: That’s not bad. I didn’t know that you were a country music fan.
CHRIS: To be honest, I am not a fan of country music. I don’t listen to country. I only know very few songs here and there and Shania Twain. But it doesn’t mean that it’s not good just because it’s not your cup of tea. In fact, country music is becoming popular. They are bringing original materials.
MEGAN: How do you know that they are bringing original materials if you have never listened to country music.
CHRIS: I just assumed that they must have brought original materials. It’s because they are dominating the chart… like Morgan Wallen. His songs are no 1.
MEGAN: What song is that?
CHRIS: I don’t know. But most of his songs are in Billboard top 10. He is bigger than Justin Bieber.
MEGAN: I used to have crush on Justin Bieber. I still listen to his song… except Peaches. I don’t know what was he thinking when sings I get my weed from California. Who care if he got it from Jamaica? The lyrics is terrible. That’s why sometimes, I hate pop songs. They talk nonsense and get away with it.
CHRIS: What kind of music do you like?
MEGAN: I like all kinds of music… except country. Pop is on the top.
CHRIS: What about Billie Eilish? You don’t like her.
MEGAN: Sometimes, I like her. She does have a unique voice. Other times, I can’t stand her when she whispers and talk nonsense. She would have been an amazing jazz singer if she just opens her mouth and sings like a regular person.
CHRIS: You don’t want Billie Eilish to limit herself with only Jazz. Let her try everything: Pop, R&B, rock, blues, jazz, indie what have you. She has a hypnotic, alluring, and haunting voice and she knows how to control the tone of her voice. But if she must limit herself, she should choose classic rock. It soothes her like ice cream melting in her mouth.
MEGAN: What kind of music do you listen to?
CHRIS: I listen all kinds of music. You know, Sexual healing by Marvin Gaye, let’s get together by Al Green, against all the odds by Phil Collins, In your eyes by Peter Gabriel, Kiss from a rose by Seal, and Earn it by Weeknd to name a few.
MEGAN: You have a beautiful taste. Sensual, seductive and erotic and romantic. But what’s your favorite lines in music.
CHRIS: It’s either the way you look tonight by Frank Sinatra. Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight.
Or My girl by Temptations.
I've got so much honey
The bees envy me
I've got a sweeter song
Than the birds in the trees
Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way
My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout my girl.

MEGAN: You are romantic.
CHRIS: What about you? What’s your favorite lines in music?
MEGAN: Halo by Beyonce.
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night.
You’re the only one that I want.
Think I’m addicted to your light.
submitted by Crazy_Bird_1 to rock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:04 grammy110703 Touche’ Kylea. Well played. But don’t get too comfortable. You may have won this fight but we WILL win the battle!!!!

Touche’ Kylea. Well played. But don’t get too comfortable. You may have won this fight but we WILL win the battle!!!!
YOU and all of us know that the dog you’ve got is not the dog you’ve gone on and on about!!! The breeder did the right thing and after receiving numerous emails they REFUSED to sell you this dog. . You’ve had to scramble to save face. This has brought us so much JOY 💖💖
Now it’s YOUR TURN to grow up and do the right thing! Take care of the dog! That includes daily walks, exercise, playtime, vet visits including teeth cleaning and vaccinations, daily grooming and every 6 weeks appointments for professional grooming ,flea, tea and heart worm meds. Did you prepare for any of this??? The dog is a living breathing animal! Not a PROP for you to be like Drue or a money maker for your page. You can’t just be done with her when this manic high is over or you can’t stay off Reddit.
Something else, the puppy is like a new baby which you would know nothing about! You have to protect them from parvo and other deadly diseases that they are susceptible to getting at this early age. Do your homework. Keep her safe!!!!
You might tell your minions she’s not a cavapoo like you told them she was! They will figure out she’s a “doodle”. It’s only a matter of time until “they find” out the real truth.
And lastly, we will be watching every move you make!!! The least little infraction on your part of not taking care of the dog, Oliver or Alice will be reported. Better stay on your toes and on top of your game.
submitted by grammy110703 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:48 AcceptableSet3916 "Jealous wedding guest ruins the money shot": An Essay About The Woman In The Photo

First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you that showed so much love to my first post ever in Reddit!
Since my girl Millie got too much hate for wearing white and ruining the best photo of the wedding, I decided to write her sad story and share it with all of you. It's a LONG tale, full of ups and mostly downs (TLDR at the end of the post). Sooo, grab some cookies and popcorn while I spill the tea ;)
******WARNING******** The story features what I believe to be unsettling content (pregnancy loss) for some. It's hidden as spoiler, so please don't click it if it's a sensitive issue for you. <3
Our story starts with poor young adult who shall not be named (because I don't remember her name). God (me) had big plans and challenges for her, as she started with 0 simoleons in an off the grid island, with hopes of her becoming a millionaire. She moved in the big island without money, a place to sleep, a toilet, nothing. The challenge goes like this: raise money from beachcombing, buy a towel to sleep on, buy a bush to pee in, snorkel, plant and build a life from zero. And, under no circumstances communicate with another sim.
This challenge was too difficult. The loneliness and hardships, the struggle to just survive and find food, led this young girl to her death by drowning in the middle of the ocean. It was too soon, so God decided to try this challenge again, giving the new sim a head start.
That leads us to the protagonist of the story, Millie Carson.
Millie Carson is a young adult who moved in the same island, like a castaway. All she found on that island was a towel, some planted trees, a toilet bush and a grave.
The ghost from the grave came often to haunt and tease her and finally became her enemy.
At first, young Millie tried to stay away from other sims but, since they kept coming and visiting, God decided that it was ok for her to have some friends.
Millie's neighbors were Miki and Ali, a happy couple with two babies. They kept visiting and bringing food to their poor young neighbor, since she was struggling so much. Millie grew close with Ali, who came swimming to her island sometimes.
Meanwhile, Millie learned some skills that earned her some money and food. She became really good at fitness, gardening and fishing. Little by little, she earned enough money to buy diving supplies and took up some diving photography and treasure hunting. All those helped her build a tiny wood home which finally had a toilet and a shower and even a fridge. Life was getting better for Millie, until she started having feelings for her married neighbor...
Millie was attracted to Ali: his long blond hair, his green eyes and dark skin. To her surprise, Ali was interested in her as well. She tried to fight it but it was over her own power to resist. They made sweet woohoo and became a couple, while he was still married with two kids.
Love makes you do stupid things and that's what happened to Millie. She fell in love with a married man and, surprise surprise, she got pregnant with his kid.
While on her 1st trimester, she visited her neighbolover's home to tell him the news. His wife, Miki, opened the door and the sight was unbelievable: She was pregnant as well, on her 3rd trimester. Millie chatted with Miki as nothing was wrong and even socialized with her kids for a bit. But it was now time for Ali to learn the truth. Millie pulled him aside and told him everything.
To her surprise, Ali was content with being a parent to their child. Millie felt his support and fell even harder for him, causing her to do the unthinkable: Woohoo with him all over his tiny house while his wife and two kids were inside! They woohood EVERYWHERE: The small single bed, the kitchen sink, the counters, standing... They almost got caught by Miki, but hopefully she was so pregnant that it took her an eternity to reach the woohoo spot.
Millie started thinking about their future. Tormented by her jealousy, she asked Ali about Miki. Miki's super pregnant belly was an indicator that Ali still loves and woohoos with his wife, two-timing both women. To her dismay, Ali confessed his love about Miki, but he was willing to keep his relationship with Millie. But that wasn't enough for Millie...
Without hesitation, Millie served Ali an ultimatum: It's her or Miki. No love triangles, no hiding. Her kid needed a father and she needed support as a poor young woman. All those pregnancy hormones made her unreasonable - she came between a happy couple and now she felt that her lover's wife stole him from her, even though they were already together! The irony!
Millie couldn't get over her feelings, so she invited Miki over and told her EVERYTHING. That she was pregnant. That the father was poor Miki's husband. Miki got even yelled at for sleeping with her own husband. Millie was out of control.
Like a tsunami, a force that couldn't be stopped, Millie called over Ali and told him to break it off with his wife. It was now or never. Ali did as told and suddenly Miki broke down crying, hating life and those two who ruined it.
Eventually, Miki left and the.. happy couple were finally alone. Millie asked Ali to move in and he gladly accepted. He even proposed and they stayed engaged until after their baby girl, Angelique, was born.
Meanwhile, even though Miki was hating them, she still came over with extra food like a good neighbor. But her relations with the couple never improved much.
The happy couple decided to get married. Millie wore a pretty but simple boho white dress, hair down and golden jewelry. But her joyful smile was the prettiest jewel she could wear. It was a lovely, quiet wedding on the seashore, during sunset.
Soon after, Millie got pregnant again but wasn't ready or happy for it. Unfortunately, there were some complications with the pregnancy and baby Donovan was born dead. They buried him under a lemon tree and cried for many seasons about him.
Ali started helping Millie with gardening, fishing and diving. But his dream was to finally earn his degree in Communications. He still had 3 classes to pass and then he could enter the PR world. He soon earned his degree with a low to medium score and was ready to start working. There was a huge problem, though...
The island was off the grid and he could not apply for the job, not use the very much needed internet. A decision had to be made: Should they live on this island forever, living off the land, or they should move somewhere else and follow Millie's dream to become millionaires?
The choice was easy. The couple moved to Finchwick, in a big cottage house with a big garden, front and back. They brought with them the plants they had gardened with so much love and also bought some chickens. Life was good for a while, baby Angelique was growing but woohoo life was... fine.
Ali found a job in PR and had to work all day, even from home. He had to polish his charisma and writing skills and meet new people. So, that made Millie a stay at home mom, a gardener, a housekeeper. But there was no time for her lifestyle needs: outdoor living and working out. She became frustrated and was always in a bad and uncomfortable mood. She had gained a lot of weight from her pregnancy, she hardly recognized herself in the mirror...All this bad mood made her cranky. Everytime Ali tried to woohoo with her, she had no drive. So, their love life went down the drain...
Meanwhile, Ali was doing great at work, earning at least 2000 simoleons per day. He had met many people, and one of them became a really good friend of his. His name was Gabriel and he was thin, with black short hair, dark skin and modern makeup.
Ali was tormented by his feelings when he hang out with Gabriel. He couldn't understand how a man can be attracted to another guy like that. He was open to the idea, but had never acted upon it. It wasn't the looks - Gabriel was pretty basic. But there was something about the both of them that made him feel... amazing. The attention he got from Gabriel, the friendship.. It was like they knew each other from another lifetime.
Every time Gabriel came over, Ali got excited. He was interested in his words and inner world, not only his appearance. One night, he couldn't take it anymore. While they were talking the backyard table, Ali started flirting with Gabriel. Things got heated fast and they shared the most beautiful first kiss. That was exactly what he always wanted to feel, but was missing from his other relationships. He proposed to have woohoo in the home office, while Millie and Angelique were sleeping unaware upstairs...
They woohood hard and many times. It was a total WoohooFest. Morning came and Ali, having not slept at all, got ready to go to work. He didn't forget to kiss his wife goodbye, but he spent the entire day thinking about Gabriel. By night, he had decided to ask Gabriel to become his boyfriend.
Millie on the other side, was getting better. She bought a walking machine and she often went swimming in the river. Her woohoo drive was coming back strong and that meant more time with her beloved husband. They started woohooing more often, but Ali was also missing Gabriel...
God suddenly had an idea! Ali should ask Millie to have expanded woohoo with someone else, and that someone else couldn't be other than (yes, you guessed it) Gabriel. Ali went on and asked his wife and God told her that yes, it would be fun! So, unaware of God and her husband's plans, she happily accepted to engage in multiple sim woohoo...
Ali was so excited! He couldn't believe his ears! He immediately called over Gabriel and explained the situation. Gabriel accepted as well and it was time for Gabriel to meet with Millie. Millie tried to get to know him but for some reason he was distant. She tried to flirt with him but he didn't reciprocate. Millie got embarrassed and locked herself in her room for some time, to recollect herself. It shouldn't be so hard, right?
At the same time, Ali made his move on Gabriel and they woohood. Gabriel was more than excited to get together with Ali. So, why not Millie?
After Millie got over her embarrassment, she came out the room. Ali proposed having multiple woohoo and they did it. Everyone had a pleasant time.
After that, they got together two more times. But, the last time, at Gabriel's house, was the final blow.
Millie kept trying to flirt alone with Gabriel, not getting the message but, DUDE. He was NOT into her. It was heartbreaking. She tried so hard for her husband, her self esteem and again, she was turned down. A second choice. She didn't deserve it. And then, she though about it. The flirt between Ali and Gabriel. How they would have woohoo, the three of them, but Gabriel was rejecting her. It was time for answers...
Millie first told Ali to end the expanded woohoo agreement. It was too much for her. He wasn't happy about it, but he agreed. And then, she asked the million dollar question: "What's going on between you two?". Ali tried to hide it, told her they were only friends. But God was starting to feel bad about poor Millie, so had her ask again: "WHAT'S GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO?"
The answer was like a knife, going through her heart. Ali loved Gabriel and that's all she needed to know. Their woohoo life was non existent before and now had found someone who made him feel better, more... alive! That's all Millie needed to know. She went over to Gabriel and try to make a last, desperate woohoo pass at him. Once more, he rejected her. It was all so clear. She was the third wheel.
Her ego and her heart were stomped on the ground, like a cockroach. A beautiful, kind, hard working sim shouldn't go through all that. She headed back home, to the privacy of her bedroom and cried her eyeballs out. Ali didn't come home that night and went straight to work.
The next day, Millie invited Gabriel over. Oooh no, she wouldn't let him have Ali so easily. She would humiliate him first. He came over and she started yelling at him. Her face was red and hot, she was fueled by rage. She ending up giving him the beating of his life. When Ali came home from work, both his lovers were black and blue from fighting.
Baby Angelique started crying. She had woken up. Millie rushed upstairs to help her toddler with her needs, but Ali and Gabriel stayed downstairs. Ali tried to comfort Gabriel, asking him to stay. He didn't care about his marriage anymore. God led them to the hall upstairs, outside the bedrooms. They started woohooing again, right there, like animals!
Poor Millie, as she opened her daughter's bedroom's door, she caught her cheater husband in the act! THE AUDACITY!!! And if it that wasn't enough, when she went over to slap him, he acted like she wasn't there and went to woohoo in the shower with his boyfriend - AGAIN! WTH!!!
At this point, Millie knew it was time to give Ali the boot and kick him the hell out of their home, and so she did. After Ali's lover left, the married couple had a long, heated conversation that only had one outcome - Ali had to move out immediately.
So, he left and rented a one-bedroom apartment in the city. He also decided to ask Gabriel to live with him, and Gabriel happily accepted. A new chapter started for Ali but unresolved things were left in the middle with his wife that needed to be dealt with.
While all these took place, Millie had gotten close with celebrity Rahul Chopra. They became good friends and she was invited to his wedding. It was a one of a kind event because Rahul had a shotgun wedding with his wife when they were teenagers due to unwanted pregnancy. After many kids later, Rahul's eldest daughter, with the villainous valentine aspiration (long story) decided to break her eternally faithful parents up for fun. So they did break up, but they were so made for each other, like puzzle pieces, that it was impossible to not end up together again.
Rahul fell back in love with his wife and they decided to do it right this time. They planned the perfect wedding event in San Myshuno's park, during sunset. The whole family was there and their 2nd child, Philip (YA) would take the professional pictures of the wedding.
The ceremony started, everyone (almost) was seated and the photographer (and me) were preoccupied with taking the happy couples pictures. As the ceremony ended, the couple was ready to share their first kiss as husband and wife. The air was filled with confetti that floated playfully around them, the fireworks were set off behing them and the sun was showering them with the warmest rays. It was a one time opportunity to get the perfect picture. Philip got ready to press click. And then, she appeared.
Millie, clearly bothered and heartbroken by other people's love, made a run for the exit and ruined Philip's perfect photograph. The angry look on her face would forever haunt Philip's mind. Why would that woman ruin this happy moment and why the hell would she wear white at someone's wedding? I mean, you wouldn't mistake her for the bride, who wore an expensive wedding gown, but still... Something was wrong with this girl and Philip had to find out...
After the wedding, Millie went back home. The days passed and the divorce was not finalized. She asked her kid who she wanted to stay with, but without reply. She called Ali over, but he texted back he didn't want to come over. Millie had her -now child- daughter call over her dad. This time, Ali responded positively and soon after he arrived. Millie took him straight to the lawyers to see who will get custody of Angelique.
This time, God had no plans, God left it all to luck. So, unfortunately, Ali won custody of Angelique, who immediately went to live with him. Now, Millie was alone. Only her and her money and her baby son's grave in the front yard. Now she was angry, NOW HE WOULD PAY.
Millie grabbed Ali and went once again to the lawyers. It was now time to split the estate. At least 100k simoleons in the bank, plus whatever the house is worth. Millie wants to get everything, but once again, God won't interfere. She comes back home, head down, beaten - she lost 80k.
She turns to her new friend, Philip. He is basic, but he's a good guy. He lives alone in an apartment in San Myshuno, studies Fine Arts in university, comes from a good family. He also has a girlfriend that lives across the hall from him, but Millie doesn't know. And God tells her to come onto him. Now Philip has two girlfriends and God must interfere.
God and luck are playing games with Millie's life.
As I'm writing her story, there's only one thing I feel: Sad.
This girl started out with hopes and dreams. So I think that we should forgive her for attending a friend's wedding wearing white. Some God forgot to change her formal outfit and it was all she had to wear. She's going through a lot!
Her story ends for now, but if you guys like it I might write more about her life's adventures.
Also, what should she do with Philip? Let me know in the comments!
If you read this whole essay / story , you are amazing! And thanks! Hope you liked it! :)
TLDR: YA woman starts with 0 money in off the grid island. Wants to earn a million. Gets pregnant by married neighbor with kids. Marries him and they buy new home. They get pregnant second time, lose the baby.He gets a good job, meets new people, gets new guy friend, has woohoo with that friend. The 3 of them have expanded woohoo. Woman breaks it off. Woman confronts husband about loving other man, he confesses he loves him. Woman kicks him out and he lives alone in flat. The other guy moves in with him. Woman heartbroken, goes to friends wedding wearing white, is angry at happy couple's love, ruins the married couple kiss photo. Photo becomes famous on Reddit. Woman loses custody of only child. Woman loses 80k simoleons after splitting estate. Woman becomes girlfriend of the photographer from the friend's wedding. Photographer already has another girlfriend.
*****EDIT*********** I can't believe I forgot to write this, but Millie also drowned in the ocean while being fatigued from diving for treasures. I decided to not save and give her a second chance. Her life is dramatic, UUUUUUGH!!!!
submitted by AcceptableSet3916 to thesims4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:09 akki019 25 [F4R] UK/Anywhere - Socially awkward and looking for friends!

Hello! I hope you're having a good day!
Over the last 5 or so years I have accidentally socially isolated myself, and have recently been missing what it feels like to have close friendships. I have a wonderful partner of 9 years so I'm not looking for anything romantic, but I am lacking friends who aren't just colleagues - I'm really searching for people on the same wavelength! 💖
I would describe myself as a simple person, who is laid back and finds joy in the little things. I like to take life slowly, work on my hobbies, and spend time with my loved ones. I love to cook and bake, forage and garden, draw and do pottery, swim in the sea, and read books in the sunshine (when we're lucky enough to get it here!). I love animals, and follow a vegan lifestyle - just mentioning in case that's not your cup of tea!
Send me a message if I sound like someone you'd click with, and tell me about something that you love to do!
Thanks! PJ
submitted by akki019 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:50 Ok-Letterhead-4856 Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Foods and Supplements for Wellness

Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Foods and Supplements for Wellness

Welcome to the ultimate hub for all things (Our YouTube Channel: Wellness, Healthy Habits, and Wellbeing)! On this channel, you can expect to find a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and insights to help you live a vibrant and fulfilling life. From practical advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle to strategies for improving your mental health, we cover it all. Our mission is to empower you to take control of your wellbeing and cultivate a sense of balance and joy in your life. By subscribing to our channel, you are not just gaining access to valuable information, but also joining a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to living best lives. So, join us on this journey to wellness, and let's navigate the path to a happier and healthier you together!
Incorporating these useful products into your daily Wellness, Healthy Habits, and Wellbeing routine can enhance your overall experience, improve your physical and mental well-being, and deepen your connection to mindfulness and movement. Try out these products and watch as your practice evolves to new levels of harmony and balance.
  1. Elderberry Gummies: Elderberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that can help the immune system. Elderberry gummies are a tasty and convenient way to incorporate this powerful ingredient into your daily routine. Studies have shown that elderberry can reduce the duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms.
  2. Vitamin C Supplements: Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system as helps boost the production of white blood cells that fight infections. Taking a daily vitamin C supplement can help support overall wellness and reduce the risk of getting sick.
3. Zinc Lozenges: Zinc is known to play a crucial role in immune function and can help reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms when taken at the first sign of illness. Zinc lozenges are a convenient way to get this important nutrient into your system quickly.
4. Probiotics: A healthy gut is essential for a strong immune system, and probiotics help support the balance of good bacteria in the digestive tract. Taking a daily probiotic supplement can help strengthen immunity and improve overall health.
  1. Turmeric Supplements: Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help boost immunity and reduce inflammation in the body. Taking a turmeric supplement can help support overall wellness and fight off infections.
  2. Echinacea Tea: Echinacea is a popular herb known for its immune-boosting properties. Echinacea tea can help support the immune system and reduce the severity of cold symptoms. Drinking a cup of echinacea tea daily can help keep your immune system strong.
  3. Garlic Supplements: Garlic is known for its immune-boosting and antimicrobial properties. Taking a garlic supplement can help support immune function and reduce the risk of getting sick. Garlic supplements are a convenient way to incorporate this powerful ingredient into your daily routine.
  4. Astragalus Root Powder: Astragalus is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to boost immunity and increase energy levels. Adding astragalus root powder to your daily routine can help support overall wellness and protect against infections.
  5. Vitamin D3 Supplements: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune function and can help reduce the risk of infections. Taking a daily vitamin D3 supplement can help support overall health and strengthen the immune system, especially during the winter months when sunlight exposure is limited. str
  6. Mushroom Complex Supplement: Certain mushrooms, such as reishi, shiitake, and maitake, contain immune-boosting properties that can help support overall wellness. Taking a mushroom complex supplement can help strengthen the immune system and improve immune function.
Prioritizing immune system health is crucial for overall wellness, and these natural products can help support a strong immune system to protect against infections and promote optimal health. Consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine to ensure they are safe and effective for your individual needs.
submitted by Ok-Letterhead-4856 to HealthyHabbits [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:20 Low_Kitchen9321 Where i can listen Guillotne and what the fuck is this
submitted by Low_Kitchen9321 to PostMalone [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:12 Sweet-Count2557 Kid Themed Hotels Near Me

Kid Themed Hotels Near Me
Kid Themed Hotels Near Me Are you ready to embark on a thrilling family adventure? Well, look no further! We've got the inside scoop on the best kid-themed hotels near you.As avid travelers and parents ourselves, we understand the importance of finding accommodations that cater to the whole family's needs. That's why we've compiled a list of the most unique and immersive hotel rooms that will delight both kids and adults alike.Get ready for an unforgettable vacation that will create lasting memories for years to come!Key TakeawaysAdventure Suites in North Conway, New Hampshire offers adventure-themed hotel rooms with unique themes such as The Jungle, Haunted Castle, and the Treehouse. The Treehouse room features a giant tree trunk, picnic table, and a mini three-way doorway.Knotts Berry Farm Hotel in Buena Park, California offers a Snoopy-themed hotel room called the Camp Snoopy Room. The room includes Snoopy plush dolls and guests can enjoy a bedtime tuck-in from Snoopy himself.Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic offers the Pineapple Villa, a SpongeBob-themed villa that can sleep up to six guests. The villa features an infinity pool and SpongeBob-inspired furnishings.The Lair Suite at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya in Playa del Carmen, Mexico is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed suite that can accommodate up to five guests. The suite features an infinity pool that runs the length of the suite and guests can enjoy a pizza party in the suite.Adventure-themed HotelsLet's explore the adventure-themed hotels available now, offering unique and thrilling experiences for guests. These hotels are perfect for families seeking a one-of-a-kind vacation.Adventure Suites in North Conway, New Hampshire, for example, offers rooms with fascinating themes like The Jungle, Haunted Castle, and the Treehouse. The Treehouse room stands out with its giant tree trunk, picnic table, and mini three-way doorway, providing an immersive experience for guests.For families who love Snoopy, the Camp Snoopy Room at Knotts Berry Farm Hotel in Buena Park, California, is a must-visit. This room features Snoopy plush dolls and even offers a bedtime tuck-in from Snoopy himself, creating special memories for the little ones.Meanwhile, the Pineapple Villa at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, is a SpongeBob lover's dream come true. With its SpongeBob-inspired furnishings and infinity pool, this villa can accommodate up to six guests and offers an all-inclusive resort experience with family-friendly amenities.Another exciting option is The Lair Suite at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed suite can accommodate up to five guests and features an infinity pool that runs the length of the suite. Guests can even enjoy a pizza party in the suite, adding to the fun and adventure.These adventure-themed hotels provide unique features that go beyond the typical hotel experience. Families can immerse themselves in their favorite characters and themes, creating unforgettable memories. Whether it's exploring a jungle-themed room or having a pizza party with the Ninja Turtles, these hotels offer a level of excitement that traditional hotels simply can't match.Snoopy-themed HotelsWe can stay at the Camp Snoopy Room at Knotts Berry Farm Hotel in Buena Park, California, and enjoy a bedtime tuck-in from Snoopy himself. This Snoopy-themed hotel room is a nostalgic getaway for Peanuts fans, and it offers a unique and charming experience.Here is a review of the Camp Snoopy Room at Knotts Berry Farm Hotel:The room is adorned with Snoopy plush dolls, creating a whimsical atmosphere that will transport you back to your childhood.The attention to detail in the room is impressive, with Snoopy-themed decor and artwork that adds to the charm.The bed is comfortable and inviting, perfect for a good night's sleep after a day of exploring the park.The tuck-in from Snoopy himself is a special touch that will make you feel like a kid again. Imagine having your favorite character wish you sweet dreams!The hotel amenities are also top-notch, with a pool, fitness center, and on-site dining options available.Overall, the Camp Snoopy Room at Knotts Berry Farm Hotel is a delightful choice for Peanuts fans looking for a unique and memorable hotel experience. So pack your bags, embrace your inner child, and get ready to make some wonderful memories at this Snoopy-themed hotel.SpongeBob-themed HotelsWe can't wait to dive into the underwater world of the Pineapple Villa at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, with its infinity pool and SpongeBob-inspired furnishings. This unique SpongeBob-themed hotel offers a one-of-a-kind experience for fans of the beloved cartoon character.One of the standout features of the Pineapple Villa is its infinity pool. Imagine swimming in a pool that seems to stretch into the horizon, surrounded by the vibrant colors and tropical atmosphere of SpongeBob's Bikini Bottom. It's a truly immersive experience that will make you feel like you're part of SpongeBob's underwater world.In addition to the infinity pool, the Pineapple Villa is filled with SpongeBob-inspired furnishings. From the pineapple-shaped bed to the colorful artwork on the walls, every detail has been carefully designed to bring the cartoon to life. It's a dream come true for SpongeBob fans of all ages.When it comes to the best locations for SpongeBob-themed hotels, Punta Cana is definitely at the top of the list. With its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and tropical climate, it's the perfect setting for an underwater adventure. Plus, Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana offers a range of family-friendly amenities, making it an ideal destination for a fun-filled vacation.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed HotelsWe were thrilled to discover that there are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed hotels available for fans of the beloved cartoon characters. These hotels offer a unique and immersive experience that allows guests to dive into the world of the Ninja Turtles.Here are two exciting aspects of these themed hotels that are sure to evoke emotion in the audience:Pizza party fun: Exploring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed suiteThe Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed suite, known as The Lair Suite, is located at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.This suite can accommodate up to five guests and features an infinity pool that runs the length of the suite.One of the highlights of staying in this suite is the opportunity to enjoy a pizza party right in the comfort of your own turtle-themed suite.Guests can indulge in their favorite pizza toppings while immersing themselves in the world of the Ninja Turtles.Immersive jungle experience: Discovering adventure themed hotelsAdventure-themed hotels provide an immersive experience for guests who love adventure and exploration.One such hotel is Adventure Suites in North Conway, New Hampshire, which offers unique themed rooms.Popular themes include The Jungle, Haunted Castle, and the Treehouse.The Treehouse room, in particular, features a giant tree trunk, a picnic table, and a mini three-way doorway, creating an authentic jungle experience.These Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed hotels and adventure-themed hotels offer an exciting and unforgettable experience for fans of the Ninja Turtles and adventure enthusiasts alike.Eloise-themed HotelsAt Eloise-themed hotels, guests can immerse themselves in the world of the beloved children's book character and enjoy a whimsical stay filled with pink and white decor, Eloise books, dolls, and dress-up clothing. These hotels offer a unique experience for both children and adults, allowing them to step into the enchanting world of Eloise.One of the highlights of staying at an Eloise-themed hotel is the Eloise tea party. Guests can indulge in a delightful afternoon tea experience, complete with finger sandwiches, scones, and of course, tea. The tea party is a perfect opportunity for children to feel like Eloise herself, as they sip tea and enjoy delicious treats in a fancy and elegant setting.In addition to the tea party, Eloise-themed hotels also offer various dress-up activities. Children can have a blast playing dress-up and pretending to be Eloise, donning pink tutus, feather boas, and tiaras. These activities allow children to fully immerse themselves in the world of Eloise and let their imaginations run wild.Overall, Eloise-themed hotels provide a magical and whimsical experience for guests of all ages. Whether it's enjoying a delightful tea party or participating in fun dress-up activities, these hotels offer a chance to create lasting memories in the enchanting world of Eloise.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre the Adventure-Themed Hotel Rooms Suitable for Children of All Ages?Adventure-themed hotel rooms are suitable for children of all ages. There are no height restrictions for children in these rooms.Additionally, some adventure-themed hotels offer special discounts and packages for families with multiple children, making it a great option for families who want to experience a unique and exciting stay.These rooms provide a fun and immersive environment for kids to explore and enjoy.Do the Snoopy-Themed Hotel Rooms Offer Any Special Activities or Events for Kids?The Snoopy-themed hotel rooms offer a variety of special activities and events for kids. Children can enjoy a bedtime tuck-in from Snoopy himself, which adds an extra touch of magic to their stay. Additionally, the rooms include Snoopy plush dolls, providing a fun and cuddly companion for young guests. These special activities and amenities make staying in the Snoopy-themed hotel rooms a truly memorable and enjoyable experience for children of all ages.As for the adventure-themed hotel rooms, they offer numerous benefits for children. The rooms provide the opportunity to immerse themselves in unique and exciting themes like The Jungle, Haunted Castle, and the Treehouse. Each room is designed with attention to detail, featuring elements like a giant tree trunk, picnic table, and a mini three-way doorway in the Treehouse room. These immersive environments allow children to unleash their imagination and have a truly immersive and adventurous experience during their stay.The adventure-themed hotel rooms are suitable for children of all ages as they provide a safe and exciting environment for them to play and explore.Can Guests at the Spongebob-Themed Villa Access the Infinity Pool at Any Time?Yes, guests at the SpongeBob-themed villa can access the infinity pool at any time. It's a fantastic amenity that adds to the overall experience.However, it's important to note that the pool may also be accessible to adults staying at the villa.In addition to the infinity pool, the villa includes SpongeBob-inspired furnishings, a spacious layout, and can accommodate up to six guests.It's a perfect choice for families looking for a fun and memorable vacation.Is There a Minimum or Maximum Age Requirement for Staying in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Themed Suite?There is no specific minimum or maximum age requirement for staying in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed suite at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya. This means that guests of all ages can enjoy the turtle-themed fun and accommodations.Whether you're a kid or a kid at heart, you can immerse yourself in the world of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and have an unforgettable experience at this Playa del Carmen resort.Are the Eloise-Themed Suites Available for Booking Year-Round, or Only During Certain Seasons?The availability of Eloise-themed suites can vary depending on the hotel. It's best to check with The Plaza New York in New York, New York for specific information.These suites are a delightful choice for families looking for a kid-friendly hotel experience. Along with the charming pink and white decor, guests can enjoy Eloise books, dolls, dress-up clothing, and even a special tea for two at The Palm Court. Plus, guests receive a $100 gift card to the Eloise at the Plaza store.ConclusionAs we conclude our exploration of kid-themed hotels near you, we hope that our article has ignited your imagination and sparked a sense of adventure.Picture your little ones stepping into a world of wonder and excitement, surrounded by their favorite characters and themes.From thrilling adventure-themed suites to charming Eloise-inspired rooms, these hotels offer immersive experiences that will create cherished memories for your family.So, pack your bags and embark on a vacation filled with joy, laughter, and endless fun!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:26 HansJSolomente How to test a pan's readiness for slidey eggs

Like it or not, 2 coats of seasoning on a new store-bought pan is not enough for a pan to reliably cook eggs. The world isn't fair sometimes, I'm sorry.
Most days of the week I cook 2 eggs in a CI pan with about 1 TB olive oil. They slide out the same as they have slid out for years. Last egg I had stick was during the Obama administration.
There is a simple test to know if your pan is ready for slidey eggs or not:
  1. Wash your pan gently with hot water and soap, removing all the oil from the cooking side. Then dry it off.
  2. The cooking surface should look flat black. Now add some water to the pan and swirl it around, pour it out, then hold the pan up and look at it.
  3. Anywhere on your pan that's wet - as in glossy wet - is where the egg will stick. You want to see only flat black and dry cooking surface. No water beading at all. We call that "hydrophobic" - water repellent.
Not all layers of CI seasoning are the same, and it does take time to build up a fully hydrophobic layer of seasoning that resists water, and thus protein from the egg from finding anywhere to grab hold.
Now make some tea and let's talk about fixing this. And wipe that pan down with oil before you put it away.
If your pan isn't 85% hydrophobic, it's on the DL. Don't cook eggs in it yet - don't force it to do what it can't do yet. Don't fight your pan about this, because you'll lose. Again. Just accept the world is as it is, and do the work to improve your situation.
Methods to "just cook with it" that get you to slidey eggs faster:
The point is to get the pan hot and keep it hot while coating the inner surface with oil, while also making food to reward yourself for your patience.
Things that don't change how your pan works:
Digital thermometers. I get slidey eggs over a campfire or when I don't preheat enough because I haven't had coffee yet. So getting some perfect temperature, whatever that is, isn't the problem. Some of y'all are stressing about this and buying stuff you don't need like preppers in the tacticool aisle at Wal-Mart getting ready for a solar EMP.
Fat. The oil or fat you cook with doesn't matter. Cook in the oil you want to taste on your eggs. Don't make people change who you are when you're at home and no one else is looking.
Music. Listen to whatever music you want do when you cook. Or a podcast. You do you. Though cooking with some joy and love in your heart does actually make the food taste better, even if it doesn't affect if your eggs stick or not.
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this 🍳
submitted by HansJSolomente to castiron [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:02 words_wirds_wurds 10 Days

Going to bed tonight. No drinks for 9 days. A couple of urges that were tough, but I got by on unsweet tea w/ lemon and the promises I made to my wife.
When I wake up in the morning, 10 days will be the longest I have gone without in at least 15 years. I'm gonna talk to my kids about it tomorrow.
I've noticed two things so far. 1) The sleep. I had forgotten what deep restorative sleep was like. Goddam it is amazing. 2) I am finding joy in my fitness, hobbies and work in ways that I haven't in a minute. It is like my enjoyment of them was hiding behind enjoying and overindulging in beer.
I'm excited to rediscover more of what my life is like. IWNDWYT!
submitted by words_wirds_wurds to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:53 TariqRashadTM An Annoyingly Long But Hopefully Useful Post Pulled From My Messy Manic Mind...Just 4 U

These are annoying thoughts, But I guess I have to think them sometimes. Do people even like me? Does it even matter When I am in love with me? I know I'm not perfect But even my flaws Look like genius sometimes When we really boil it down. Or maybe this is just the narcissist in me.
Why would I even care When I know who I am And trust in my essence? My condolences truly For the lost ones Who live each day For the approval of others.
I mean, sure. It's fun seeing the clicks. Engagements are like a dopamine rush. But you're worth so much more empty likes. But... Then again, don't let me shame you. We all like what we like. You're welcome to that And you are loved either way.
But don't you think it would be so much better If you knew at your core That love was yours to hold? Don't you think you could sleep better at night If you enjoyed that person in the mirror? And sure, maybe this is triggering for some, I can't really say much about that. I mean, I guess I could. But that isn't my business.
I'm just here in this moment To remind you that you can have a great life. You can genuinely love yourself Flaws and all. You can choose to be yourself in life And get the most out of it, too.
So many of us are taught That the best way to be Is a composed version of who we are. But guess what! You don't need that. You deserve to be loved as you are, Imperfections and everything else.
Either read these words and believe it, Or walk away with slight annoyance. I have no control over the way you absorb my light. But one thing I hope it does Is inspire you to shine your own. And there really is no right or wrong.
I mean, I won't advocate for actively harming others, But at our core We are meant to be lovers. And there's no 1 way to be with that concept. I know, this isn't really a poem But it might look like it's meant to be On the surface. But I never cared about surface-level. I mean, sure I *care* about it, But it's not my favorite cup of tea. I prefer the messy, manic, and unimaginably wild.
Maybe that's cause I have it in me somewhere, Maybe I'm more than proud now To embrace this chaos. Cause believe it or not, The parts we deny Are the ones that tend to fly And cause the most damage. So, if you really want control, Learn to let it go. Just be who you are. Some people won't love it, But most likely, Those are the ones misaligned with you. Accept it. Embrace it. Embrace yourself. least try to. And sure, it probably will hurt at certain points. But I'm telling you Once you push through the pain And learn how to manage it The outcome is so much better than whatever else you've known.
But then again, This might not be for everyone, And I have to humbly accept that. I have no idea if I would even read all the way through Something so heavy like this whatever-you-wanna-call-it. Yeah, I can be a mess. But you gotta love it. I mean, *eye* have to love it. That's the first step to receiving love from anyone worth loving.
And I don't know. Maybe this is my self-critic coming out, But I know I'm young in the physical. I know I have a lot to learn. Socrates did some of the most important philosophical work, In my humble opinion. And one weird thing I've found Is that when you genuinely enjoy the journey It makes it easier to learn And easier to get what you want (Debatable whether or not this is the purpose; ask your local guru) (Maybe even ask me via email if you found this chaotic post inspirational)
Another thing I've learned, Which is so hard to conceptualize for some of us, But there are people that exist Simmering in so much self-hatred and bitterness That even a whiff of you and I Openly loving ourselves Is enough to make them want to break something or lash out.
Wild. I know. My condolences for those growing souls. I can only imagine the pain you feel on a daily basis. And so sorry (but not enough obvi cause I still posted) to you If I trigger your darkness. One thing I can guarantee Is that if you allow that to sit And instead of running, you ask genuine questions, You will find yourself in a much better mood than before. Ideally.
We all have different experiences, And who the fuck am I To tell you what would work for you? The beautiful audacity, Right? Ugh. Sometimes I do hate myself. Lately at least, I've been gently battling some aggressive inner thoughts. And sure, maybe I blamed it on not doing my affirmations as much. Maybe I blamed it on jealous haterade energy. It doesn't matter. I experienced it and I had to deal with it.
However you deal with your demons is up to you. And I can only wish that you start to see the importance Of being gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Cause it is an unfortunate truth of this earth realm But the only person you can truly depend on in every moment Is yourself. Even if other people intervene and help, You still need to accept that help. I mean, you could be strapped down and forced guidance. But how often do people learn from forced "help"? I don't know the answer to that; I doubt anyone's ever done a poll on this particular question. But it doesn't matter. Nothing really matters. Except... Whatever we choose to matter, obviously. And then, of course This beautiful present moment is what matters.
And wow. If you're still reading at this point, A part of my ego does want to thank you immensely, Cause it feels good to know my works aren't being created in vain. Or maybe you're reading this And you think I'm insane. I would be lying if I said I didn't care a tiny bit. But I don't care enough to make too much of a difference. Cause this was a piece of prose Straight from the subconscious dome.
Maybe I'll do these more often. Maybe I'll lose interest in the concept cause a lack of likes And you'll only see this on Patreon (shameless self promo was added to the original) Whatever. It doesn't really matter, Cause you're here with me (technically) in this moment, And that's such a magical thing.
I know, This post was a rollercoaster, And I would be lying if I told you I wasn't impressed with my chaotic mind. Cause I am. A part of my ego hates that I don't get thousands of engagements yet. But we all know it'll happen eventually (Though my soul knows that this isn't the end goal and I'm thankful to not focus on such frivolous endeavors anymore) Whenever the time is right. Whenever the energy is ultimately in alignment.
Or if, Cause life is a big "what if" sometimes. And we have to accept it. I mean, we don't really *need* to do anything we don't want to, But it helps to embrace the possibilities. To lean into the terrifying notion That maybe we are working in vain. AHHHHHH no god (That's me internally screaming for comedic effect) Maybe our efforts are silly and going to be unnoticed forever.
But then you recognize that the internet is vast And there's no way That nobody is affected by a long-ass chaotic post such as this. It's a possibility, But for my ego's sake, I have to believe otherwise. I have to believe that there's someone out there Reading these words and gaining something from them.
Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just manic And expressing whatever filtered thoughts sound slightly poetic. Maybe I'm not even real. Maybe you're not real. But wait, let's not go that deep Cause I lost my most recent book on the matter (True Happiness: The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi) And it actually was a slight disappointment. I had planned so lovingly To read and annotate that bich. But alas, Hater ass jealous energy made me leave it where it shouldn't have been.
Anyways. Let's not go that deep, Cause I know I'm way too real Even when I'm putting on a show To ever doubt my existence. But sure, Big philosophy says That nothing is real The universe is infinite But at the same time just you and I Dancing in a simulation together (there's a Lorde lyric that says this beautifully fr) Or however we want to think about it.
But let's be careful. I don't want you to think about it too deeply; You just might break the system And we'll have to start all over again. But then maybe next time You'll be a dolphin, Or a cat. I recently joked about being a cat. I would hope sincerely that I could learn how to communicate as a kitty, though. Cause I do imagine that the language barrier can be frustrating.
Hell! The language barrier between myself and "other" humans can be a pain. Anyways. I think I've made this a little longer than it needed to be, So let me thank you for being with me And you get an energetic cookie (maybe an internet 1, too? Idk how those work fr) For sharing your attention energy with me. You are very much appreciated And I hope you have a nice rest of your day/night. But obviously only if you want to.
You can choose to have a terrible experience, Believe it or not (a lot of people don't want to believe it unfortunately). And I hope you choose the ultimate timeline for your soul's growth. Unless, this ain't what your soul desires. Maybe you're just meant to have a good time. Maybe you're meant to fuck up other peoples' day So they can learn how to transmute and ignore undesirable energy. I don't know. My mind is just doing the best job right now And I hope you are treating your beautifully twisted mind With care, love, and respect. I mean, please don't treat your mind with a hammer (intrusive thoughts are intrusive and not to be trusted 99% of the time). Please Sincerely Take care of yourself today. Or tonight.
It doesn't matter what timezone you're in. Just enjoy the moment And check out the link that I provided however many paragraphs ago, Cause a boy's gotta eat And not going viral is such a meanie at this point. I have been creating content far too long to go unnoticed still. So, if you give a damn about what I've typed in long post Or you claim to care about me as a person, Share this silly post And bring whatever feeling you felt to another person.
Or don't. Continue scrolling by and get 8 years bad luck if you choose (maybe I'm kidding hehe). The weirdly beautiful thing (also terrifying at times) about life is that we each make our own choices every moment. You got to choose between what you ate this morning, Or if you even consumed anything. Sure, there are those in terrible life circumstances who couldn't even eat breakfast. We pray for them They are in our (or my own, you selfish bastard (jk)) thoughts.
Anyways. I said I would close this out And I find myself still typing. This is how manic I am lately. I should have taken a nap earlier when I wanted. But then this masterpiece of a mess wouldn't exist. And that would be boring, Right?
Okay. Truly. Sincerely. I'm done.
Have a great rest of your day/night. Peace & Joy (if you want it) Tariq Rashad G
submitted by TariqRashadTM to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:52 TariqRashadTM An Annoyingly Long But Hopefully Useful Post Pulled From My Messy Manic Mind...Just 4 U <33

These are annoying thoughts, But I guess I have to think them sometimes. Do people even like me? Does it even matter When I am in love with me? I know I'm not perfect But even my flaws Look like genius sometimes When we really boil it down. Or maybe this is just the narcissist in me.
Why would I even care When I know who I am And trust in my essence? My condolences truly For the lost ones Who live each day For the approval of others.
I mean, sure. It's fun seeing the clicks. Engagements are like a dopamine rush. But you're worth so much more than empty likes. But... Then again, don't let me shame you. We all like what we like. You're welcome to that And you are loved either way.
But don't you think it would be so much better If you knew at your core That love was yours to hold? Don't you think you could sleep better at night If you enjoyed that person in the mirror? And sure, maybe this is triggering for some, I can't really say much about that. I mean, I guess I could. But that isn't my business.
I'm just here in this moment To remind you that you can have a great life. You can genuinely love yourself Flaws and all. You can choose to be yourself in life And get the most out of it, too.
So many of us are taught That the best way to be Is a composed version of who we are. But guess what. You don't need that. You deserve to be loved as you are, Imperfections and everything else.
Either read these words and believe it, Or walk away with slight annoyance. I have no control over the way you absorb my light. But one thing I hope it does Is inspire you to shine your own. And there really is no right or wrong.
I mean, I won't advocate for actively harming others, But at our core We are meant to be lovers. And there's no 1 way to be with that concept.
I know, this isn't really a poem But it might look like it's meant to be On the surface. But I never cared about surface-level. I mean, sure I *care* about it, But it's not my favorite cup of tea. I prefer the messy, manic, and unimaginably wild.
Maybe that's cause I have it in me somewhere, Maybe I'm more than proud now To embrace this chaos. Cause believe it or not, The parts we deny Are the ones that tend to fly And cause the most damage. So, if you really want control, Learn to let it go. Just be who you are. Some people won't love it, But most likely, Those are the ones misaligned with you. Accept it. Embrace it. Embrace yourself. least try to. And sure, it probably will hurt at certain points. But I'm telling you Once you push through the pain And learn how to manage it The outcome is so much better than whatever else you've known.
But then again, This might not be for everyone, And I have to humbly accept that. I have no idea if I would even read all the way through Something so heavy like this whatever-you-wanna-call-it. Yeah, I can be a mess. But you gotta love it. I mean, *eye* have to love it. That's the first step to receiving love from anyone worth loving.
And I don't know. Maybe this is my self-critic coming out, But I know I'm young in the physical. I know I have a lot to learn. Socrates did some of the most important philosophical work, In my humble opinion. And one weird thing I've found Is that when you genuinely enjoy the journey It makes it easier to learn And easier to get what you want (Debatable whether or not this is the purpose; ask your local guru) (Maybe even ask me via email if you found this chaotic post inspirational)
Another thing I've learned, Which is so hard to conceptualize for some of us, But there are people that exist Simmering in so much self-hatred and bitterness That even a whiff of you and I Openly loving ourselves Is enough to make them want to break something or lash out.
Wild. I know. My condolences for those growing souls. I can only imagine the pain you feel on a daily basis. And so sorry (but not enough obvi cause I still posted) to you If I trigger your darkness. One thing I can guarantee Is that if you allow that to sit And instead of running, you ask genuine questions, You will find yourself in a much better mood than before. Ideally.
We all have different experiences, And who the fuck am I To tell you what would work for you? The beautiful audacity, Right? Ugh. Sometimes I do hate myself. Lately at least, I've been gently battling some aggressive inner thoughts. And sure, maybe I blamed it on not doing my affirmations as much. Maybe I blamed it on jealous haterade energy. It doesn't matter. I experienced it and I had to deal with it.
However you deal with your demons is up to you. And I can only wish that you start to see the importance Of being gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Cause it is an unfortunate truth of this earth realm But the only person you can truly depend on in every moment Is yourself. Even if other people intervene and help, You still need to accept that help. I mean, you could be strapped down and forced guidance. But how often do people learn from forced "help"? I don't know the answer to that; I doubt anyone's ever done a poll on this particular question. But it doesn't matter. Nothing really matters. Except... Whatever we choose to matter, obviously. And then, of course This beautiful present moment is what matters.
And wow. If you're still reading at this point, A part of my ego does want to thank you immensely, Cause it feels good to know my works aren't being created in vain. Or maybe you're reading this And you think I'm insane. I would be lying if I said I didn't care a tiny bit. But I don't care enough to make too much of a difference. Cause this was a piece of prose Straight from the subconscious dome.
Maybe I'll do these more often. Maybe I'll lose interest in the concept cause a lack of likes And you'll only see this on Patreon (shameless self promo was added to the original) Whatever. It doesn't really matter, Cause you're here with me (technically) in this moment, And that's such a magical thing.
I know, This post was a rollercoaster, And I would be lying if I told you I wasn't impressed with my chaotic mind. Cause I am. A part of my ego hates that I don't get thousands of engagements yet. But we all know it'll happen eventually (Though my soul knows that this isn't the end goal and I'm thankful to not focus on such frivolous endeavors anymore) Whenever the time is right. Whenever the energy is ultimately in alignment.
Or if, Cause life is a big "what if" sometimes. And we have to accept it. I mean, we don't really *need* to do anything we don't want to, But it helps to embrace the possibilities. To lean into the terrifying notion That maybe we are working in vain. AHHHHHH no god (That's me internally screaming for comedic effect) Maybe our efforts are silly and going to be unnoticed forever.
But then you recognize that the internet is vast And there's no way That nobody is affected by a long-ass chaotic post such as this. It's a possibility, But for my ego's sake, I have to believe otherwise. I have to believe that there's someone out there Reading these words and gaining something from them.
Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just manic And expressing whatever filtered thoughts sound slightly poetic. Maybe I'm not even real. Maybe you're not real. But wait, let's not go that deep Cause I lost my most recent book on the matter (True Happiness: The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi) And it actually was a slight disappointment. I had planned so lovingly To read and annotate that bich. But alas, Hater ass jealous energy made me leave it where it shouldn't have been.
Anyways. Let's not go that deep, Cause I know I'm way too real Even when I'm putting on a show To ever doubt my existence. But sure, Big philosophy says That nothing is real The universe is infinite But at the same time just you and I Dancing in a simulation together (there's a Lorde lyric that says this beautifully fr) Or however we want to think about it.
But let's be careful. I don't want you to think about it too deeply; You just might break the system And we'll have to start all over again. But then maybe next time You'll be a dolphin, Or a cat. I recently joked about being a cat. I would hope sincerely that I could learn how to communicate as a kitty, though. Cause I do imagine that the language barrier can be frustrating.
Hell. The language barrier between myself and "other" humans can be a pain. Anyways. I think I've made this a little longer than it needed to be, So let me thank you for being with me And you get an energetic cookie (maybe an internet 1, too? Idk how those work fr) For sharing your attention energy with me. You are very much appreciated And I hope you have a nice rest of your day/night. But obviously only if you want to.
You can choose to have a terrible experience, Believe it or not (a lot of people don't want to believe it unfortunately). And I hope you choose the ultimate timeline for your soul's growth. Unless, this ain't what your soul desires. Maybe you're just meant to have a good time. Maybe you're meant to fuck up other peoples' day So they can learn how to transmute and ignore undesirable energy. I don't know. My mind is just doing the best job right now And I hope you are treating your beautifully twisted mind With care, love, and respect. I mean, please don't treat your mind with a hammer (intrusive thoughts are intrusive and not to be trusted 99% of the time). Please Sincerely Take care of yourself today. Or tonight.
It doesn't matter what timezone you're in. Just enjoy the moment And check out the link that I provided however many paragraphs ago, Cause a boy's gotta eat And not going viral is such a meanie at this point. I have been creating content far too long to go unnoticed still. So, if you give a damn about what I've typed in long post Or you claim to care about me as a person, Share this silly post And bring whatever feeling you felt to another person.
Or don't. Continue scrolling by and get 8 years bad luck if you choose (maybe I'm kidding hehe). The weirdly beautiful thing (also terrifying at times) about life is that we each make our own choices every moment. You got to choose between what you ate this morning, Or if you even consumed anything. Sure, there are those in terrible life circumstances who couldn't even eat breakfast. We pray for them They are in our (or my own, you selfish bastard (jk)) thoughts.
Anyways. I said I would close this out And I find myself still typing. This is how manic I am lately. I should have taken a nap earlier when I wanted. But then this masterpiece of a mess wouldn't exist. And that would be boring, Right?
Okay. Truly. Sincerely. I'm done.
Have a great rest of your day/night. Peace & Joy (if you want it) Tariq Rashad G
submitted by TariqRashadTM to starseeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:01 AncientSoulBlessing I like it here. I wanna talk to people who like it here.

If you ask me, we are here for joy. If you disagree, no problem, please keep scrolling. This thread is for others and your tribe awaits elsewhere.
Before the grumbling begins: You gotta do the work, no question. Shadow must be healed. Personal growth is essential. Emotional development, conscious evolution, the training wheels of mental health must one day be removed in order to wobbly make ones way self empowerment. I get that journey. But lending a hand to self-empowerment is fraught with interference in the empowerment process. And I am officially done with the codependency of all that. Others are better suited to be that guiding light.
Before the other grumbling begins: Joy has nothing to do with a problem-free utopia. Enjoyment, fun, laughter, play - whistling while you work, spoons full of joy help the drudgery go down, celebrating small wins along the way, gratitude while cleaning up the garden, and yes even children singing songs in concentration camps back when the humans of the world degraded into nearly destroying themselves. No hiding from the yuck. Simply rising above the levels of consciousness that make the yuck harder to do something about.
So ..... joy people ... sorry for all the caveats. Just needed to take a moment to help others move along to other conversations.
What causes you moments of awe, wonder, inner peace, divine love, small enjoyments through the day?
What fills you up?
What rights your ship in rough waters?
What sustains you in smooth sailing?
It was a tiny thing, but my hands on a warm mug during a desk job was pure delight. Tea and warm water were a part of my day. Refilling/rewarming the mug helped me get out of chair and move my legs.
I used to live near a really great seawall. Walking the seawall at high tide and other related things - I could shift on a dime out of all the energy that wasn't even mine.
I love watching clouds. I used to love the stars at night but I've seen too many JWST images and I know what I'm missing with the naked eye. How the Universe Works is a show that sets in me in awe very easily. Though just now I am thinking it will be fun to find a patch of sky JWST has imaged and combine the two loves and see if I can re-ignite my star gazing.
I could ramble on forever, but this is about you and us and sharing and trading ideas and ... joyasis'ing. (joy oasis? what's the mashup? funasis? oasfulness? oayful? awasis? ???)
submitted by AncientSoulBlessing to starseeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:45 EmperorYogg LordYam reviews Dark Horse Part 2

Continuing on. Once again I’ll be doing this by arc.
Arc 1: Return to Cimmeria: This arc covers Conan’s first trip back to Cimmeria since he left. Along the way he runs into Caollan, one of his first loves (she appeared once in born on the battlefield). She was given to a rival tribe as part of a peace offering after her lover Breccan killed the Chief’s son. Thing is she’s also pregnant with Breccan’s child and still wants to be with him.
Intercut with the main story are flashbacks to the adventures of Conan’s grandfather Conn; the art is not my cup of tea but the actual story is great and one of the flashbacks (the story of the wolf boy) ties in with the main plot.
Ultimately they make it back but things end tragically; Breccan is a cowardly little shit and murders Caollan, after which a furious Conan immediately kills him. Realizing his place is in the world Conan goes outwards once more.
Review: This is a good mixture of both character development and action; the high points are Conn’s backstory, which helps to flesh him out and show where Conan got the idea to travel. Caollan’s fate is utterly heartbreaking and just shows that treachery is not unique to the civilized lands.
Arc 2: Black Colossus: This arc covers…well Black Colossus, but also the prelude. Conan joins the mercenary company of Lord Amalric the Duke of Lions. Conan quickly adapts and actually manages to make friends with many of the mercs. One guy however, Aratus, is a toad and needlessly antagonizes Conan after the Cimmerian accidentally wounds him (he gives Conan a broken sword, causing him to loose a sparring match). The fact that Strabonus can’t pay them causes them to head south, leading into Black Colossus.
For the most part it’s a pretty faithful adaptation but it also works in parts of the plot; Sergius makes his first appearance here, and Aratus jumps ship to escape Conan. Another change is that Thugra Khotan’s lust is what undoes him rather then his magic failing; he has the chance to go around the pass but his determination to claim Yasmela causes him to make a fatal blunder.
Thoth also observes from afar.
Standalones: There were two standalone issues; the first is pretty standard stuff but has the first sign of Conan and Yasmela’s relationship fraying. The second one however is MUCH more interesting. Its hour of the dragon…..from the point of view of Akivasha. The Prince from series 1 is given a bust of Akivasha and this somehow allows her to communicate across time and space; contrary to what one might think it doesn’t sugarcoat her. She’s still evil and makes no attempt illusions about what she is. At the same time she’s come to realize that her eternal youth and beauty were meaningless because she didn’t have companionship. She even gives the Prince a warning about Thoth Amon.
Arc 3: Free Companions/Kozaki: This arc is told in media res, with Conan fighting for survival in the swamp after Ilbars. The first three issues show how Conan left Yasmela’s service; despite the physical attraction they’re too different to make it work and when her old sweetheart Prince Julion comes for aid it rekindles the romance. Moreover, when Conan devises a plan to free Khossus she and Julion disregard him.
Conan and three companions (Afreet of Hyrkania, Galan of Aquilonia and Cashius of Zingara) ride to Koth’s capital. We learn that Conan has been in contact with Princess Ereshka, who sends Ineri to help. She gives him a cryptic warning that he will face a trial by fire that will either break him or make him stronger. They save Khossus but the later is injured, and when they return Yasmela is pissed off. Conan is stripped of command but spared further punishment at Khossus’s orders. Amalric is killed by an infection he got at Shamla, but leaves Conan the army, begging him to not let it descend into a band of rapists. Ultimately Khossus’s rescue causes Strabonus to sue for peace and Conan parts with Yasmela amicably.
After this they go Hyrkania and Turan; they pillage but Conan honors his promise and keeps the Army from descending into savagery. Unfortunately they anger Sergius by bringing attention and Conan refusing to compromise. This leads to Sergius making an alliance with Amurath and causing their doom.
Now as all this is going on we encounter ghostly figures of Amalric and Afreet; it’s left unclear whether they’re real or just hallucinations; when Amurath chases Olivia into the Swamp we get proof that it’s the former when Afreet gives Conan a bow and arrow, which he uses to wreck vengeance on the soldiers before giving Amurath a brutal death.
Review: Another solid arc; the call backs to the last season were great and the trio of companions were likable characters who made me care even if you knew they were going to be wormfood. Amurath is a suitably vile and repulsive antagonist to the point his death is satisfying as hell. Conan himself is also top form here; he does his best to honor his promise to Amalric and the guilt of failing that is clearly eating at him as he struggles to survive.
Arc 4: Iron Shadows
Last but certainly not least. This arc is shorter but no less good. It’s told from Olivia’s pov, which is a change. Ultimately it’s a good one and we tie up all the loose ends nicely (Aratus and Sergius both die) and the creepy atmosphere is kept intact.
Series Review: it’s certainly more focused than its predecessor, and having the same writer allows continuity to be maintained. Tomas Giorello’s art is fantastic as well but really it’s the character that makes it work. Good and bad everyone is memorable, allowing sorrow when likable characters die and joy when evil characters die.
Definitely give it a look
submitted by EmperorYogg to u/EmperorYogg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:25 Born_Radio3272 The day got away from me

For context, I have anxiety, ADD, & have been dealing w/ a health issue (which I’m leaving undisclosed) for the past 2 1/2 months, so naturally, my health anxiety has been through the roof.
I woke up & got ready for my day as usual w/ no distractions, but then my anxiety took over. The weather has been AWFUL all week where I live so of course that helped set the mood. I’m also on summer break & had the day off from work while my parents & siblings were at either work or school, so I was home alone all day. From 8-9:45am I was either pacing the house unable to control my breathing, or sitting & staring at the wall crying my eyes out. I picked myself back up & made breakfast while I watched TV.
By this point it’s quarter to 11 & I planned to finish a season for a show, but my nonexistent attention span got the best of me & I doom scrolled on my phone for almost an hour. I end up getting to my show but later pause it so I can work out. By this point it’s 1pm. Halfway through my workout I take a breather, but a quick thought ends up distracting me & I then pace around my room for 15 minutes in a tearful frenzy for no reason. Again. I regain composure, finish my workout, & shower. It’s now 2:30.
I go downstairs to make a late lunch where I was going to use the oven. I smelled burning from the oven & in a complete panic over possibly setting off the smoke detector, I shut the oven off, open all of the windows & doors, & have a full blown panic attack.
I called my Mom completely defeated. Nobody was home & I felt so isolated. It was so cloudy & gloomy outside that all of the rooms were dim, even w/ all of the lights on. In the blink of an eye the whole day got away from me & I felt so useless as if I haven’t done anything all day, even though I really tried to be proactive. The setting & mood for both my house & the outdoors felt like a blank void where time didn’t matter. It was as if I was stuck in limbo for the entirety of the day. I felt so pathetic having a breakdown over the phone w/ my Mom even though I’m almost 20. She consoled me & gave me a very gentle pep talk, which fortunately assured me.
I ate my lunch & drank some tea while I threw on a show I enjoy. I reminded myself that it’s not too late to turn my day around. By 3:15 I left the house for the first time all day, went thrift shopping, & grabbed some boba. I’m now home & it’s 5pm. I’ve just been lounging on my bed for the last hour or so. My hair is a frizzy mess from the weather, I’m dressed in grey sweats, I’m broken out all over my face bc I’m due for my time of the month soon, & my eyes are red & puffy from crying all day.
I’m gonna dress cute later & head out w/ my family to see my sibling perform in a school concert. I’m gonna finish that season of my show, & get ready for work tomorrow. I had a very off day, but everyone will have them sometimes. The day went too fast for my mind to handle, but at least it didn’t drag. The weather here should clear up by Sunday or Monday. I need to learn to let go of bad days & not let my obsession w/ structured routines get the best of me. Every day is going to look different, & it’s certainly not good to be busy every day of the week to the point of being overworked.
I can’t guarantee myself that tomorrow will be better, but there is always tomorrow. My health issue will eventually go away. I’ll be happy again. I have family & friends to reach out to if I’m having a hard time. My life is filled w/ blessings. My mind is always drawn to the brightest side of life. Happiness & joy are meant to fill every part of me. I’m healthy. I’m loved. Bad feelings are only temporary. I’m safe. I’ve done this before so I can do it again. I’m capable. I take things one step at a time. I inhale peace & exhale worry. I choose to feel good.
Tomorrow’s a new day.
submitted by Born_Radio3272 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:02 punkbish Tips and a very honest analysis of why I failed the bar two times before passing the third time.

Tips and a very honest analysis of why I failed the bar two times before passing the third time.
It took me three attempts to pass the bar exam and here is what I did differently that seemed to help.

July 2022

The first time I coasted through Barbri videos while planning my wedding, then I was shocked to receive a 257 (insert eyeroll at overly confident and naive past self). I only did 700 Multiple Choice and I didn't understand some concepts, but I hoped I could skirt through like some of my peers. What killed me though was my anxiety. I didn't sleep for two days before the exam and I had two panic attacks during the writing day so I left two essays only half finished and one of my MPT's sucked. Also, because I was so tired, I missed HUGE issues. What I'm saying is that, in hindsight, I absolutely deserved that 257. I hadn't done enough hard work and I hadn't worked on the parts of myself that were self-destructive (procrastination, multi-tasking, anxious-avoidant habits).

Feb 2023

The second time I was so embarrassed and depressed about failing the first time, I self-sabotaged again. I had to work full time so I had to start studying immediately and aggressively, but I didn't take rest days or do anything to take care of my mental health. Instead, I drank too much and watched a lot of Sisterwives while building a massive color-coated outline. The outline was great, but I didn't ACTIVELY study enough. I did about 900 multiple-choice questions and reviewed the Barbri videos on the topics I didn't understand. Some of the lecturers would go on tangents that were not helpful, which made me panic about wasted time, then angrily pour myself a tequila soda. so stupid. (Sidenote: this was also my first Alaska Winter and I was unprepared for the Alaska version of seasonal depression)
Again, I couldn't sleep the nights before the exam because I didn't think I was ready, even though I had done about 10 practice MPTS, 50 practice Essays, and built an impressive collection of study guides, outlines, and flashcards. I did not have a panic attack during the exam this time, but I did make a rookie mistake and waste a bunch of time formatting an MPT answer (self-sabotaging unintentionally?) I received a 255. I drank, cried, puked, ate dumplings, moped around, took a week off work, then picked myself up and got my shit together.

July 2023

Now I was really in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about that stat that suggests the more times you take the bar the less likely you are to pass. I started to think I was an idiot that my law school had bamboozled me into giving them federal loan money even though they knew I was too stupid to pass. I started to do a lot of introspection here. I knew the material after the second attempt, but I couldn't get the points. I had blown off friends, family, my husband, my life for over a year and I was struggling to stay positive with the looming debt and continued failures.
I started going to therapy in March. I read The Mountain is You and Fck The Bar. I listened to podcasts about the science of learning and memory retention. I saw more sunshine. I drank much less. In May, I built a realistic but aggressive study schedule that coordinated with my work schedule. My boss agreed to give me a month off before the bar exam. I had weekly meetings with the Bar Instructor from my University. I started the first month with ten multiple-choice questions per day and 1-2 Essays. I kept a log of the questions that I got wrong and WHY I got them wrong. I was anxious, but things were going well and I was determined.
But then, shit really hit the fan. One of my best friends died out of fucking nowhere. I took a week off to fly home for his funeral, which I ended up organizing because his family was barely keeping it together. I came back to work and told my boss I couldn't do it but he pushed me to keep going. Thank the lord.
I got it together. I focused on staying positive, which somehow I was only able to do with an odd grief-stricken nihilism. This is a test. This is just a stupid test and we could die at any moment. It finally clicked for me: I still am valuable if I can't pass this exam and I can't waste my time being alive beating myself up for my failures. Maybe some of you already learned this in your childhood, but I didn't learn it until this summer.
I bought the John Grossman videos and adaptibar. I drilled multiple-choice questions, totaling 1,300. I reviewed my progress tracking document with all the questions I missed each night. I didn't drink during the week. (I'll share the schedule if it's of interest) I had two accountability buddies who asked me what I learned each day. I went to bed early, ate well, went running - I took care of myself because if you spiral, the money-hungry study programs and examiners win. The day before the exam, I stopped studying at two pm, though I was told not to study at all. I drank tea, played video games, and embarrassingly I had a little weepy grief moment at my professor's kitchen counter where I was staying. He told me that most applicants should do about 2k multiple choice questions, which I had not done so I felt bad about my chances. But I went to bed saying, "This is just a fucking test and it doesn't define me. I could die any moment and I don't deserve to punish myself. Whatever happens will happen." I had no panic attacks. I finished all of my essays. I was a grizzled veteran in a room full of first-time takers.
And I passed: 272. I cried and jumped for joy, which terrified my dog.
So here's the point: It's just a test. You've taken so many tests to get here. You can pass this one. I promise. Build a good study schedule, get the John Grossman videos, be honest with yourself about why you haven't passed so far, drill multiple choice, make a running document of the questions that you miss and review it each night, get lots of sleep, go to therapy to make sure your mental health isn't the reason you're not passing, and most importantly, remember that you could die at any moment so don't make yourself suffer. If you need to take time off to fix something emotional or internal, there is no shame in that, but knowledge builds and success here requires vigilant wellness and consistent practice.
You can do this. I promise.
submitted by punkbish to barexam [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:24 LuckyPuppyArcade Claw Machine Arcade Las Vegas

Claw Machine Arcade Las Vegas

Claw Machine Arcade Las Vegas

A Unique Claw Machine Arcade Experience In Las Vegas

🎮 Get Ready for Unforgettable Fun: Discover Why the Lucky Puppy Claw Machine Arcade is Your Must-Visit Destination in Summerlin, Las Vegas! 🎉

Lucky Puppy Claw Machine Arcade Las Vegas
Are you on the hunt for a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience that will leave you grinning from ear to ear? Look no further than the Lucky Puppy Claw Machine Arcade, your ultimate destination for non-stop fun, excitement, and a taste of the vibrant Japanese gaming culture right here in Summerlin, Las Vegas!
🕹️ A World of Endless Thrills: Step into a world where the atmosphere is electric, the prizes are irresistible, and the thrill of winning is contagious. At the Lucky Puppy Claw Machine Arcade, we’ve taken the classic claw machine game you know and love and turned it into an extraordinary adventure that will keep you coming back for more.
🧸 Diverse Selection of Claw Machines and Prizes: Brace yourself for an impressive array of claw machines, each loaded with adorable kawaii plush toys and trendy collectibles. With something for everyone, you will surely find the perfect prize to make your day.
🎉 Winning Is Just the Beginning: While winning is undeniably exhilarating, the journey itself is what makes each visit memorable. Sharpen your skills, develop strategies, and experience the rush of anticipation as you aim for that perfect grab.
🤣 A Friendly Atmosphere: Whether you’re on a solo mission, on a date, or hanging out with friends and family, the Lucky Puppy Claw Machine Arcade is a welcoming space that encourages laughter, friendly competition, and unforgettable memories.
🍦 Concessions and Comfort: Take a break from the excitement and refuel with a Boba Tea, Soft Serve Yogurt, or even Breakfast from one of our neighboring establishments.
🥳 Celebrate At Lucky Puppy: Looking for the perfect venue to celebrate a special occasion? Look no further than the Lucky Puppy Claw Machine Arcade! Whether you’re planning a kids birthday party, a corporate event, or a gathering with friends, our arcade offers an electrifying atmosphere and a plethora of entertainment options that will ensure your party is a hit!
😎 Become a VIP and save BIG: Get ready to level up with Lucky Puppy’s Very Important Puppy (see what we did there 😉) Membership Program! If you’re a claw machine arcade addict like we are, get HUGE savings by signing up.
🎉 Join the Fun Today! 🎉
Are you ready to embark on an adventure that promises laughter, excitement, and a touch of Japanese gaming magic? Gather your crew, round up your tokens, and head over to the Lucky Puppy Claw Arcade, where the fun never stops and the prizes are waiting to be won.
Don’t miss out on the experience that’s capturing the hearts of locals and tourists alike. The Lucky Puppy Claw Machine Arcade is your ticket to an unforgettable day filled with joy, camaraderie, and the thrill of clawing your way to victory.
submitted by LuckyPuppyArcade to u/LuckyPuppyArcade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:24 Objective-Ad-4208 Drag Race Random Rerun 2.0: AS2 EP1 Results/Lip-Sync

The Results of the "All Star Variety Show" Talent Show Challenge are in!
As the werkroom lights flicker on, ten fierce All-Stars strut in, each eyeing the coveted spot in the Hall of Fame next to All Stars 1 winner Kylie Sonique Love. Get ready for a season packed with glamour, drama, and legendary lip-syncs. The race to the top has never been fiercer!
The first to enter the werkroom is Plasma! With a confident strut and a twinkle in her eye, she sashays in, exuding the charisma that screams "Broadway." She spills the tea in the confessional, expressing her sheer delight at being back in the Drag Race spotlight. Having tasted the bittersweet sting of elimination just shy of the season 5 finale, and having two wins under her belt, including triumphs in singing and acting challenges, Plasma is ready to reclaim her time and showcase the full spectrum of her theatrical prowess in this All Stars showdown. She's poised to snatch every moment and let her theatrical brilliance shine brighter than ever before!
As the next queen struts into the werkroom, Plasma's face lights up with pure joy—it's Priyanka! With a squeal of excitement, Plasma rushes over, their sisterhood from season 5 reignited in an instant. They embrace in a tight hug, exchanging playful banter as Plasma teases, "You better not send me home again, bitch!" In the confessional, Priyanka, reveals that she's never felt more ready for Drag Race than in this moment. After her season 5 journey, she's toured the world and grown immensely, feeling like she's finally hit her stride. With a mischievous grin, she declares her intention to snatch the crown right from under Plasma's nose, punctuating her declaration with a hearty laugh. Priyanka is ready to slay the competition and claim her moment in the spotlight.
As Plasma and Priyanka share laughs and catch up, the werkroom is hit with another dose of glamour as Bosco makes her entrance! The queens are instantly gagged by her stunning outfit, which accentuates her flawless figure in all the right ways. Making a beeline for Plasma and Priyanka, Bosco showers them with hugs, kisses, and compliments, praising their fierce looks. In a heart-to-heart with her fellow queens, Bosco reveals that she was offered a spot on All Stars 1 but didn't feel quite ready at the time. Now, however, she's back and more prepared than ever to snatch the crown. In a confessional, Plasma opens up about feeling a mix of excitement and intimidation in Bosco's presence. As a trailblazer from Season 1, Bosco is a true legend in the drag world, and her arrival adds an extra layer of excitement and competition to the mix.
As the werkroom continues to buzz with excitement, in walks Marcia Marcia Marcia, sending Priyanka and Plasma into disbelief. It's another queen from season 5, and the reunion is nothing short of epic. The trio embraces in a group hug, their smiles stretching from ear to ear as they revel in the joy of seeing each other again. Bosco joins the lovefest, adding her warmth to the mix as she greets Marcia with a tight hug. In a confessional, Marcia Marcia Marcia opens up about her near-miss with the crown last time around, admitting with a hint of sarcasm that seeing Priyanka and Plasma back in the competition feels like déjà vu after beating them before. Meanwhile, Priyanka playfully ribs Marcia about her makeup skills, teasing her about the "barely even there" makeup from season 5.
In a whirlwind of sequins and sass, Kahanna Montrese sashays into the werkroom, catching the other queens off guard with her swift return from season 7. The room buzzes with curiosity and intrigue as Kahanna shares her determination to prove herself after feeling robbed of her chance in her previous season. The other queens nod in admiration, applauding her unwavering resolve and fierce determination. In a confessional, Priyanka reflects on Kahanna's shocking elimination during season 7, recalling how she won a challenge only to face an early exit.
With an aura of determination radiating from every sequin, Cara Melle struts into the werkroom, her gaze fixed on the other queens with a steely resolve that could cut through diamonds. In a confessional, she reveals her satisfaction at being the lone representative from season 2 in this All Stars lineup, after her sisters Regina, Denali, and Kimmy failed to snatch the crown in All Stars 1. Cara envisions herself as the rightful queen to claim a spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame. As Cara's intense energy fills the room, Kahanna Montrese can't help but feel a twinge of surprise and uncertainty. Is Cara's confidence a facade, she wonders, a mask concealing her true intentions? Kahanna can't shake the feeling that there's more to this queen than meets the eye.
Danny Beard struts into the werkroom, greeted with beaming smiles from Bosco and Cara Melle, who are thrilled to see a queen from the earlier seasons joining their ranks. In a confessional, Danny shares her aspirations, expressing her desire to claim a spot beside her season 3 sister Kylie in the Drag Race Hall of Fame. With a fierce determination to remind the world of her slayage during season 3, Danny is here to snatch hearts and slay challenges. As the other queens welcome Danny with open arms, Marcia Marcia Marcia can't contain her excitement, channeling her inner fangirl as she declares Danny one of her idols.
With a signature "bam" that reverberates through the werkroom, Alexis Mateo makes her grand entrance, instantly setting the tone for the room with her iconic catchphrase. The other queens can't help but join in, screaming "bam" in unison as they welcome her with open arms. Curious about Alexis's journey and representing Puerto Rico, Priyanka dives in with questions, eager to learn more about the legendary queen's drag legacy. Proudly representing her Puerto Rican roots, Alexis exudes confidence as she vows to remind Mama Ru and the world why the island's drag scene reigns supreme. In a playful confessional moment, Alexis admits she's relieved not to spot Mistress in the room, jokingly citing the potential for drama. Among the sea of familiar faces, Alexis is particularly intrigued by Kahanna's presence, given their Vegas connections. With a knowing smirk, she anticipates the surprises her old friend might have up her sleeve this time around
As Tia Kofi struts into the werkroom, the other queens are left gagging at her undeniable glow-up. With her confidence radiating like a beacon, Tia's transformation from her season 6 days leaves jaws on the floor. Not one to shy away from a bit of playful banter, the queens don't hold back from teasing Tia about her questionable runway looks from her previous season. Alexis, ever the straight-shooter, even quips about hoping Tia brought a stylist along for the ride this time around. In a confessional, Tia holds nothing back, acknowledging her humble beginnings as a "baby queen" during season 6. But she's quick to point out that her journey across the globe has been a crash course in fashion education, and she's more than ready to show off her newfound sense of style on the All Stars stage.
As the final queen makes her grand entrance, the werkroom falls into stunned silence, with Plasma declaring her the "robbed queen of the century": Marina Summers. Marina, embodying grace and poise, reveals in a confessional the overwhelming support she received after narrowly missing out on the crown in season 7. However, she takes a moment to address her fans, urging them to cease any harassment directed towards Nymphia, the season 7 winner. With love and respect for her fellow queen, Marina emphasizes that Nymphia deserved her victory and sets her sights firmly on claiming the crown for herself in this All Stars season. With a warmth that fills the room, Marina approaches the other queens, embracing each one in turn. Danny, always quick with a witty remark, jokes about who might try to steal Marina's crown this time around, eliciting laughter from the group. Amidst the camaraderie and laughter, Marina's presence adds an extra layer of excitement and anticipation to the competition, as the queens gear up for what promises to be an unforgettable All Stars journey.
RuPaul enters the werkroom and the queens participate in the first mini-challenge of the season.
Mini Challenge "Reading is Fundamental" Winner: Danny Beard
The Queens prepare for the talent show each plotting their path to snatch the spotlight
TOP2: Marcia Marcia Marcia 🌟 (1x win) / Marina Summers🌟 (1x win)
HIGH: Alexis Mateo / Cara Melle
SAFE: Bosco / Kahanna Montrese / Priyanka
LOW: Plasma
BTM2: Danny Beard (1x btm) / Tia Kofi (1x btm)
The Top Two Queens Marcia Marcia Marcia and Marina Summers will Lip-Sync for their Legacy to "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift. This is your chance to impress me, take the win, and earn the power to give one of the Bottom Queens the Chop. Good Luck and Don't Fuck It Up!
Spreadsheet/Track Record
submitted by Objective-Ad-4208 to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:31 Ihruoan [WTS] 2 x SpyMyto, Elementum, Clones (Green Thorn Inkosi, Jufule Praetorian)

SpyMyto x 2
Pics for Everything Else
Hey, all, got a few knives for sale. As is convention, YOLO is king.
BNIB Spyderco SpyMyto x 2 (#432~~ & #424)~~


SV: $255 shipped
My buddy and I ordered them together from KnifeJoy. We both do not enjoy them, at all. Definitely well-made, but not our cup of tea. I got ~~#432 (Top) and #424 (Bottom) for sale. They've been flicked open between 5 to 7 times and promptly put back into their pouches. No cutting, carrying, nor sharpening. The only issue I can find between the two of them is the tension on #424's pocket clip seeming less than ideal (Tried to show in pictures; have not pocketed, so would not know if it has any real bearing on retention). Unsure if a bit of tightening on the clip torx bit would solve the problem, but I'm not risking it and will leave it to the future owner to mess with. Comes with the pouches, pamphlet, sticker, and attached hang tag.~~
LNIB (Disassembled; cleaned) Green Thorn Inkosi Insingo Clone (Unmarked variant, VG-10)
SV: $65 shipped SOLD
Got this guy from the ol' Ali Ex. Quality clone, down to the spine crowning and action. It was covered in grease upon arrival, so I quickly disassembled, lubed, and reassembled. Has not seen any cutting/carrying/sharpening, save for the disassembly and a bit of flicking. Juxtaposed with a legit Inkosi, the only tell, save for the difference in markings, being the weight feeling slightly off. Definitely the most impressive clone I've held thus far. Comes with the greasy baggie and Green Thorn nylon pouch.
Lightly used/carried Civivi Elementum in Ultem/Blackwashed D2 "Piss Edition"
SV: $50 shipped
Carried in side pockets a handful of times. Cut a few sheets of paper and packets of Liquid IV I couldn't manage to tear open with my calloused thumbs. Has not been sharpened. No tangible signs of wear. Comes with pouch, box, stickers, baggie, everything.
BNIB Jufule Praetorian in D2 with steel construction
SV: $30 shipped
This heavy guy is also off of the Ali Ex. A fun, bulky novelty. Has not seen cutting, carry, or sharpening. Wiped down the grease upon unboxing. Comes with original Jufule box and greasy baggie.
For trading purposes, I'm only interested in Spyderco Southards in a decent condition. Thanks!
submitted by Ihruoan to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:45 ECOWAYHOUSEWARE Which is better, owala or stanley?

Which is better, owala or stanley?
When it comes to choosing the right water bottle, the decision between a Stanley tumbler and an Owala water bottle can be a tough one. Both offer unique features and benefits that cater to different preferences and needs.
In a thoughtful consideration of the two, it’s important to weigh the key factors that matter most to you. The Stanley tumbler is renowned for its impressive temperature-retaining capabilities, keeping beverages hot or cold for hours on end. Its durable construction and sleek design also make it a popular choice for those with an active lifestyle.
On the other hand, the Owala water bottle boasts a user-friendly design with a wide mouth opening for easy cleaning and filling. Its innovative features, such as the flip-top lid and the built-in straw, provide added convenience for daily hydration. Additionally, the Owala’s lightweight and compact size make it a practical option for on-the-go use.
Ultimately, the decision between a Stanley tumbler and an Owala water bottle comes down to your personal preferences, needs, and the specific features that are most important to you. Take the time to carefully consider your priorities and choose the option that will best suit your lifestyle and hydration requirements.

Stanley Tumbler: The Classic Insulated Companion

The Stanley Classic Vacuum Insulated Tumbler has long been a trusted companion for those seeking to keep their beverages at the perfect temperature, whether it’s a steaming hot coffee on a chilly morning or a refreshing iced tea on a sweltering summer day. This iconic tumbler has stood the test of time, becoming a staple in the lives of those who value quality, durability, and functionality.
Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, the Stanley tumbler boasts superior insulation capabilities, ensuring that your drink maintains its desired temperature for hours on end. The vacuum-sealed design not only preserves the temperature but also prevents any unwanted flavors or odors from seeping in, allowing you to enjoy your beverage exactly as intended.
What sets the Stanley tumbler apart is its timeless design, which seamlessly blends form and function. The sleek, minimalist aesthetic complements a wide range of personal styles, making it a versatile choice for both casual and professional settings. Whether you’re commuting to work, embarking on a hike, or simply enjoying a quiet moment at home, the Stanley tumbler is there to provide a reliable and convenient way to savor your favorite drinks.
Beyond its practical applications, the Stanley tumbler also holds a special place in the hearts of many, serving as a symbol of enduring quality and a reminder of the simple pleasures in life. Its durability and long-lasting performance make it an investment worth considering, as it can accompany you on countless adventures and become a trusted companion for years to come.

Owala Water Bottle: The New Challenger on the Block

The Owala water bottle has emerged as a new challenger in the crowded hydration market, offering a unique set of features that set it apart from the competition. With a thoughtful design and a focus on functionality, this bottle is worth considering for those seeking a reliable and versatile water companion.
One of the standout features of the Owala bottle is its innovative FreeSip technology, which allows for easy, one-handed drinking without the need to unscrew a lid. This can be particularly useful for active individuals or those on the go, who value the convenience of quick hydration.
In addition to its user-friendly drinking mechanism, the Owala bottle boasts a durable construction and a sleek, modern aesthetic. The bottle’s double-wall insulation helps to maintain the temperature of your beverage, whether you’re sipping on icy water or a hot cup of tea.
As with any product, the Owala bottle has its pros and cons that potential buyers should consider. While the FreeSip feature and insulation capabilities are impressive, some users have noted that the bottle can be challenging to clean due to its intricate design. Additionally, the price point may be a consideration for those on a tighter budget.
Overall, the Owala water bottle presents a thoughtful and innovative approach to hydration, making it a worthy contender in the crowded water bottle market. For those seeking a reliable, functional, and stylish water companion, the Owala bottle is certainly worth a closer look.

Head-to-Head: Comparing the Key Features of Stanley and Owala, which is better?

When it comes to finding the perfect water bottle, the choice between Stanley and Owala can be a tough one. Both brands are known for their high-quality, durable products, but how do they stack up in terms of key features? Let’s take a thoughtful look at the comparison.

  1. Insulation Performance: Both Stanley and Owala pride themselves on exceptional insulation, keeping drinks hot or cold for hours on end. However, in-depth testing has shown that Owala bottles tend to have a slight edge when it comes to temperature retention.
  2. Leak-Proof Design: Preventing spills is a critical consideration, and here the two brands are closely matched. Stanley tumbler 40oz is not leak-proof, Owala water bottle offers reliable, leak-proof lids that provide peace of mind during transport.
  3. Durability: Stanley has long been revered for its virtually indestructible construction, built to withstand the rigors of the outdoors. Owala bottles, while not quite as rugged, are still impressively durable for everyday use.
  4. Ease of Use: Where Owala may pull ahead is in the user-friendly design of their bottles. The wide mouth and simple one-handed operation make them a joy to drink from, even on the go.
Ultimately, the “better” choice between Stanley and Owala comes down to your personal preferences and priorities. Both offer excellent quality, but the slight advantages in insulation, leak-proofing, and ease of use may give Owala the edge for many consumers.

What we do: Ecoway help you to develop high-end water bottle tumbler to compete with Stanley and Owala

Developing and manufacturing high-end water bottle tumblers to compete with established brands like Stanley and Owala requires a thoughtful approach. As a water bottle manufacturer, it’s essential to understand the market demands, quality expectations, and the unique features that set your product apart.
Ecoway, a leading OEM manufacturer of steel bottles, has the expertise to guide you through this process. They work closely with clients to develop customized water bottle tumblers that not only meet but exceed industry standards. From material selection to design optimization, Ecoway’s team of engineers and designers ensure that your product can stand out in the competitive landscape.
By partnering with a top steel tumbler supplier in China like Ecoway, you can leverage their extensive manufacturing capabilities and quality control measures to deliver a high-end water bottle tumbler that can rival the best in the market. This collaborative approach allows you to focus on your brand’s unique selling points while Ecoway handles the technical aspects of production.
submitted by ECOWAYHOUSEWARE to u/ECOWAYHOUSEWARE [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:57 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 5/17 - Sun 5/19

** BOTH FRI 5/17 AND SAT 5/18 *\*
Motorcycle Safety Foundation Ride Day New Mexico Motorcycle Safety Program, 3401 Pan American Fwy Take Your First Ride: Ride a motorcycle in 30 min or less for free. MOTO Intro provides the motorcycle, helmet, gloves, and coaching. Free Riding Skills Test: Take the challenge of an advanced MSF course! SKILL Check participants, bring your motorcycle and gear! Please wear over-the-ankle footwear, long pants and long sleeves
Niños and Teeños: Flamenco para todos Carlisle Gymnasium (Elizabeth Waters Center for Dance), UNM, 301 Yale Blvd. NE National Institute of Flamenco presents Niños y Teeños Flamencos in FUTUROS FLAMENCOS. Come see the high-energy flamenco of the National Institute of Flamenco's Student Companies. Don't miss this special showcase by talented youth in our community! (tickets)
** Fri 5/17 *\*
Fri 4:30 PM Bike to Wherever Day Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE Learn about exciting bike routes in Albuquerque and grab some cool giveaways to kickstart your cycling adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, there’s something for EVERYONE at our pop-up table! We'll have Canteen will be volunteering at a table from 6:30-9am and then again at 4:30-6:30am. Receive $1 off your beer if you arrive on your bike
Fri 5 PM Pistachio Cream Ale Release Tractor Brewing, ALL locations We're bringing back this seasonal favorite for American Craft Beer Week! Inspired by pistachios produced right here in New Mexico this brew is as smooth as silk and as tasty and a fresh roasted pistachio. This is a very limited one off for us, so come and get you a pint or growler while supplies last
Fri 5 – 7 PM May Babies Birthday Celebration Rio Bravo Brewing, 1912 2nd St. NW Starting at 5pm, the first 25 people with May birthdays to show Ryan proof of their birthday month will score a $5 Rio Bravo Brewing Gift Card...oh, and Beers are on special for birthday kids for just $5! But you spend your gift card however you want! Thanks to Cake Fetish...we'll have cupcakes for the May Birthday Kids (while supplies last) We'll have prizes JUST for the May Babies! We'll also have drawings for all you non-birthday folks too If you want to get their before us...All drinks are $1 Off for May Birthdays the whole day!
Fri 5:45 – 7:15 PM 22 Veterans Suicide Awareness WOD BFit505, 11500 Menaul Blvd. NE Each month, Team Bravo & Bfit505 team up to bring awareness to veteran suicide. Before our events, we will take a moment and talk about the issue. Then we will begin with our 22 reps WOD followed by a 2.2 mile ruck/walk/run. Afterwards, we will be going out to eat for social time with friends and family. This event is for all levels
Fri 6 PM Sandia Social - May Hangout Dawn Patrol Coffee Shop, 3619 Copper Ave NE We will be hanging out around the patio and inside starting at 6pm! Bring your friends and come hang out!
Fri 6 PM Pink Therapy, A Latin Dance Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Sobremesa, 3421 Coors Blvd. NW On The One and Pachanga Productions' "Salsa Therapy" night has made its mark in the Latin Dance community, now we are using the symbolism of "Therapy" under "Pink Therapy" but this time it is to fundraise in partnership with the Pink Warrior House Foundation in order to provide outreach and increase resources for those warriors battling against breast cancer. On The One and Pachanga productions will be involved in community outreach and utilizing our resources to help those in need. Cover charge is a SUGGESTED $20 donation (ALL PROCEEDS GO TO Pink Warrior House Foundation). Cocktail hour from 6-7 PM (purchases go to PWH on selected drinks). Dance lesson from 7-8 PM. Open dance floor 8-12 AM. Be aware of Media/News coverage. We need everyone's assistance with this, PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE, those warriors battling breast cancer need our help. Let's do our part. We are asking for the entire Latin dance community to come out and support. This will be one of many fundraisers that we do for organizations like PWH. Lets use our dance skills to help those in need!
Fri 6 – 8 PM May Flowers Stampin' Bingo (in person) Hip Stitch, 2320 Wisconsin St. NE Cost is $35 for 6 rounds of bingo, prizes, and make n' takes! Message for more info or to register
Fri 6 – 8:30 PM Los Domingueros Live El Vado, 2500 Central Ave SW Prepare for an unforgettable fusion of Latin dance beats and rock energy as Friday Night Live at El Vado proudly presents New Mexico's premier menudo-based band, Los Domingueros! Few bands can match the infectious joy and vibrant rhythms that they bring to the stage. A multi-talented group of musicians, they take listeners on a musical journey like no other. From the pulsating rhythms of salsa, bachata, and cumbia to the high-energy vibes of ska and reggae, sprinkled with a dash of punk and thrash, their eclectic repertoire promises an exhilarating experience for all. As always, treat your taste buds to a delightful selection of culinary delights from our diverse food pods. From savory stir-fries to tantalizing Latin flavors and heavenly desserts, there's something to satisfy every craving. And don't overlook the opportunity to quench your thirst with a crisp craft beer from Ponderosa Brewing Company, conveniently available at the El Vado Tap Room
Fri 6 – 10 PM Fork Cancer Gala FUSION ABQ, 700-708 1st St. NW The American Cancer Society is hosting Albuquerque's second #ForkCancerAbq fundraising event. VIP 6pm - 7pm. Gala 7pm - 10pm. Dress Code: Gala Attire. #ForkCancerNM is a foodie's dream, with local restaurants and bars bringing out their best to truly showcase the Taste of Albuquerque while raising money for the American Cancer Society's life-saving mission in New Mexico supporting Access to Care like patient transportation, patient lodging and 24/7 support. Along with life saving research and grants. With great opportunities to raise money, we will also have live entertainment! (tickets)
Fri 6:30 – 10 PM Community Movie Night South Valley Multipurpose Center, 2008 Larrazolo Rd. SW Feature of the night: In The Heights. Bring your dinner, blankets and chairs. Please no glass containers
Fri 7 PM Movie In The Park ABQ Food Park, 6901-B San Antonio Dr. NE ABQ Food Park is bringing back Movies In The Park, starting off the summer with a screening of The Sandlot. Arrive early to get your face painted by Local Locas Facepainting before settling in with your blankets, chairs, and appetite for a delightful evening at the park with loved ones. Indulge in delicious fare from our food trucks while enjoying this timeless film under the stars. Please do not bring outside food as we have a variety of food options at the park. Please support our local food vendors. Entry is free! Reserve your tickets
Fri 7 – 10 PM Emerald Ball Holiday Dance Studio, 5200 Eubank Blvd. NE, Ste D Celebrate the enchanting month of May by donning your finest emerald attire. Bring in the vibrant spring season by joining us in elegant semi-formal wear of rich verdant colors and dance the night away! A Foxtrot lesson will begin the evening at 7pm followed by open dancing. Call 505-508-4020 for more information. $30 non-members
Fri 8 PM – 2 AM Sucia EDC Gogo Takeover Sidewinders Bar and Grill, 4200 Central Ave SE Sucia Productions is bringing the Electric Sky to Sidewinders! No need to have EDC FOMO because Papa Sucia is ready to bring the party to you! Come join your Sucia Family for a Night of PLUR! Featuring the Sucia Gogos on multiple boxes and individual dances available in the Cabaret Room! Hosted by Papa Sucia and Sucia Gogo Madam Sativa Rico-Stratton. DJ Unzipped will be bringing the you the best EDM set for you to dance the night away!
Fri 9 PM – 1:30 AM Callaita Fridays Salt Yard West, 3700 Ellison Rd. NW DJ Soiree will be spinning under the stars in the Salt Yard, promising a night of electrifying Latin music. This 21+ event guarantees an atmosphere where you can fully embrace the rhythm without inhibition. Whether you're a die-hard fan of Reggaeton or simply seeking a night of unparalleled fun, "Callaita Fridays" is the place to be
Fri 10:30 PM – 12:15 AM FACELESS AFTER DARK - new meta horror starring Jenna Kanell of "Terrifier"! The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE All Seats $8. Check out the trailer. Dir. Raymond Wood - 2023 - 82m. Following her breakout success as the star of a killer clown horror flick, Bowie (Jenna Kanell, TERRIFIER) now finds herself struggling to capitalize on its success. But when she is suddenly held hostage by an unhinged fan posing as that same killer clown, horror becomes her reality as she fights to survive the night and escape before he completes his sinister plan to recreate the film's fatal plot (tickets)
** Sat 5/18 *\*
Sat 8 – 10 AM Planting Corn Seeds Lynn Garden, 176 Manierre Rd., Corrales We will be planting corn seeds; a new crop for Seed2Need this year!
Sat 8 – 10 AM Run for Mercy 5K Sagebrush Community Church, 6440 Coors Blvd. NW Join our team to run with us to support Mercy Multiplied, which exists to provide opportunities for all to experience God's unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power. Mercy offers free-of-charge Residential and Outpatient Counseling Programs, as well as Outreach Services that include workshops and trainings, our Keys to Freedom discipleship study, and Keys to Freedom Retreat (register)
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, 810 Copper Ave NW Every Saturday from 8 am - NOON! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-April to early-November. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 8 AM – 2 PM Rio Rancho's Biggest Yard Sale Cabezon Park and Community Center, 2307 Cabezon Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho FREE Admission! Clean out your garage, spare bedroom, attic and shed. Come join us to sell all of those items that were collecting dust, find a treasure that you didn’t know you needed, and enjoy a day in the park! Vendor space $35 for a 15’ x 15’ space (Tables and chairs are not provided) Must register online, NO Drop-Ins Accepted. Please call the Cabezon Community Center at 505-892-4499 for more info
Sat 9 AM Send Haley to Spain Sand Volleyball Tournament Charlie’s Sandbox, 4335 Paseo del Norte NE All proceeds go to Haley and her trip to Spain in July! $20/per player. All Skill levels! Prizes for 1st & 2nd place. 4-6 players Coed with 1 female on team. Check in @ 8:30am. More info: Jillian (505) 322-7228, Haley (505) 331-4788, Charlie (505) 239-2461
Sat 9 AM Invisible Heroes Run Believers Center of Albuquerque, 320 Waterfall Dr. SE Join Runfit and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for the inaugural Invisible Heroes 5K Run/Walk. It is a community event being held to recognize the vital role that medical imaging professionals and radiation therapists play on the health care team and to introduce the public to these vital health care professionals. You are invited to run and walk to celebrate the important work done by invisible heroes. At packet pick-up, you will have an opportunity to tour the ASRT Museum and Archives. Age group, overall, and team awards, including a great t-shirt and finisher medals for all participants (register)
Sat 9 AM - 4 PM 16th Annual CTC Vintage Tractor & Car Show Corrales Recreation Center, 500 Jones Rd., Corrales Join us for a fun day in the Corrales Park. There will be music, food, hot rods, tractor, stationary engines and more. Proceeds Raised will benefit Corrales 4H and Historical Society. Free admission. $10 for show participants
Sat 10 AM – 12 PM Foraging for Fun(ds) Los Poblanos Open Space, 1800 Tierra Viva Pl. NW Join Rev. Ryan Tate on a foraging excursion! Rev. Tate, of the African American spiritual tradition and an IPL board member, wants to bring their loving knowledge of NM edibles and herbs to you. Discover the food right under your nose and how easy it is to enjoy! We’ll meet to explore and harvest native and edible plants. Enter the Open Space area from west bound Montano Boulevard. After foraging, we’ll gather to taste our harvest and other locally sourced treats. Sign up today to participate - space is limited. This is a fundraiser for our work for climate justice: Please give generously (Suggested minimum donation $10)
Sat 10 AM – 3 PM Homebrewer's Happy Hour Southwest Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria Blvd. NE Homebrewer's Happy Hour is the perfect chance for all homebrewers, wine makers, distillers, or anyone interested in learning, to connect with others, share a drink, and learn about a new subject each month! $1 off beers from 10am to 3pm. Presentation on monthly subject at 1pm with open forum to discuss after. Food truck on site for lunch! May 18th - Barley
Sat 10:30 – 11:30 AM Animal Tales with the ABQ BioPark Ernie Pyle Library, 900 Girard Blvd. SE Dive into the captivating world of animals with "Animal Tales" presented by the ABQ BioPark! Join us for a delightful reading session featuring an animal-themed book. Experience the magic as the BioPark brings along real animals and biofacts that connect to the story, giving kids an exciting opportunity to meet these creatures up close! Don't miss this engaging and educational adventure for young animal enthusiasts!
Sat 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM FolkMADS Third Saturday Family Dance Albuquerque Square Dance Center, 4915 Hawkins St. NE Dancing, song, and live music for kids of all ages. No experience needed to have fun! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children dance free, Adults $10
Sat 11 AM – 1 PM Annual Summer Kick-Off Event! Matheson Park Elementary, 10809 Lexington Ave NE Join us as we kick off the summer with fun, a food truck, face painting, dunk tank, and more! Bring your family and your pets for a Blessing of the Pets. There is no cost to attend and all are welcome!
Sat 11 AM – 3 PM Wine + Art Afternoons Gruet Winery, 8400 Pan American East Fwy NE Prism Arts presents a new public art and social series with a special one-day multi-artist event. Join us inside the Gruet Winery with a selection of fine art, prints, paintings, jewelry, and ceramics from local artists Vanessa Alvarado, Eric Romero, Margarita Paz-Pedro, & Aaron Richardson. Enjoy unique art, amazing fine, food, and a social environment with the artists and the public. *All art purchases receive a complimentary bottle of Gruet Wine*
Sat 11 AM – 3 PM Bernalillo Family Fun Festival! Calvary Church, 4001 Osuna Rd. NE Get connected to community and enjoy a Fun Family Day!
Sat 11:30 AM – 4 PM Imaginary Friends Fest Flix Brewhouse, 3200 La Orilla Rd. NW Let your imagination run wild! Join us in the lobby to celebrate the opening of IF! Enjoy photo ops, freebies, an in-theater giveaway, and activities for the whole family. All ages are welcome!
Sat 12 PM BBQ n' Crawl Supper Rock Park, 598 Monte Alto Pl. NE Mini Crawlers 505 and Duke City RC are throwing a BBQ and crawl sesh! All rigs welcome! Please mark going if you are, so we can get enough food!
Sat 12 PM May Brew Tour - Farewell Tour Rio Bravo Brewing, 1912 2nd St. NW This is the last NM Brew Ha-Ha Beer tour for the season. The 24-25 season will start in June 2025 so stay tuned for the season lineup release. Rio Bravo Brewing, Ponderosa Brewing, Bow & Arrow Brewing, Juno Brewery. At Rio Bravo, a DD will be selected, then we’ll head to the other breweries in the order listed. T-shirts, if ordered will be delivered. For safety, a breathalyzer is available, a DD will be established and a liability waiver will be signed by all participants. Safety is of utmost importance. We want everyone to enjoy their tour and arrive home safely
Sat 12 PM Drag Bingo & Brunch! All Ages Welcome! Sidewinders Bar and Grill, 4200 Central Ave SE Join us for a Drag Queen Bingo and Brunch benefitting The Albuquerque Roadrunner Tournament 2024 (coming up in September). Hosted by Priscilla Bouvier. Doors 12pm. Show 1pm. Bingo, Prizes, Giveaways, Raffles, Cocktails, Mocktails and Fun!
Sat 12 PM Empire's 9th Anniversary - FREE PLAY ALL DAY Empire Board Game Library, 3503 Central Ave NE It's Empire's 9th Anniversary celebration and you're invited! We've been here 9 years and it's all thanks to the support we get from you, so to show our appreciation, this Saturday's celebration is our gift to you: Come in and play for free all day! Every game is on sale all weekend! We're holding raffles over the course of the day to give away some great games! So come on down and let us thank you!
Sat 12 – 3 PM STOODIS!: An AIDS/LifeCycle Fundraising Event Soo Bak Seoul Bowl, 111 Hermosa Dr. SE Help Vanessa Bowen cross the finish line – the fundraising finish line, that is! Vanessa is on a mission to raise $3,500 to participate in the 2024 AIDS/LifeCycle, a 545-mile charity bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles from June 2nd to 8th, 2024. Join this special fundraising event and send-off party for an afternoon of entertainment, vendors, bike tune-ups, raffle, and food and drink specials. Come prepared to support our local vendors and find out how you can win our selected giveaways. AIDS/LifeCycle benefits, and is jointly produced by, San Francisco AIDS Foundation (Tax ID # 94-2927405) and Los Angeles LGBT Center (Tax ID # 95-3567895), each of which is a nonprofit, public benefit corporation recognized as tax exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). Donations to AIDS/LifeCycle are deductible for income tax purposes, to the extent permitted by law. Vanessa Bowen (They/Them) is a Diné (Navajo) product designer and cyclist. Their work gravitates toward the intersection of design and social equity. Bowen is a former Outride Ambassador, current Chamois Butt’r and Kuat Racks Ambassador, founder of Get Native Kids on Bikes, and a supporter of AIDS/LifeCycle. If not creating in their studio in Albuquerque, they are training for a cycling event or community building for a just, equitable future (more info)
Sat 12 – 5 PM Day Camp - A Festival for Families Tin Can Alley, 6013 Signal Ave NE Day Camp is where adventure meets education, creativity, and community in a fair-like environment where a variety of youth development organizations are excited to share their programs. In partnership with Warehouse 505, and featuring organizations such as Explora, there will be workshops ands expos for kids to discover new passions across music, art, science, and more. Supporting Youth Security & Education, all dedicated funds raised will be going to New Mexico non-profit organizations
Sat 12 – 5 PM Monthly Pinball Tournament Sister, 407 Central Ave NW All skill levels and players welcome! 21+ Sign up starts at 12 pm; tournament play starts at 1 p.m. Entry fee is $5 + coin drop
Sat 1 – 5 PM United in Beer Collaboration Festival Ex Novo Brewing, 4895 Corrales Rd., Corrales United in Beer is a New Mexico statewide collaborative beer festival that benefits the Somos Unidos Foundation with 26 participating breweries, which were randomly partnered through a live draft and then together selected the beer style they would collaborate on. All beers will be showcased at the festival. Tickets are limited. Portions of ticket sales will donated to Somos Unidos Foundation, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to creating positive outcomes for New Mexicans through art, sport, community, and unity. This will be a 21+ Event. Food trucks will be on site. Included with ticket purchase is: Festival access, 8 drink tokens, and a United In Beer glass! We recommend bringing: Sunscreen, your friends, and good vibes
Sat 1 – 10 PM Boots In The Park Presents Thomas Rhett, Chris Young & Friends! Balloon Fiesta Park, 5000 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy Dust off your boots and get ready to holler, because Boots In The Park is making it's way to Albuquerque, y'all! Join us for a rootin', tootin', two-steppin' good time with none other than Thomas Rhett, Chris Young, Chris Janson, Kameron Marlowe, Dylan Schneider, Leaving Austin and beats by Luwiss Lux. We're talking about an evening filled to the brim with live tunes, finger-lickin' craft food, and the smoothest cocktails. We'll be kicking up dust with some good ol' line dancing and a whole heap more, as Balloon Fiesta Park is transformed into Albuquerque's best country music party! Past folks to grace the Boots In The Park stage are Carrie Underwood, Blake Shelton, Tim McGraw, Cody Johnson, Jon Pardi and a bunch of other country legends. But this day is gonna be one for the record books, a show that will leave y'all talking for years to come (tickets)
Sat 2 PM Annual Castro Concerto Competition Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 4407 Menaul Blvd. NE Join us to hear talented high school juniors compete for the privilege of performing with the Youth Symphony during the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program's 2024-2025 concert season! This event is free and open to the public. We also plan to stream this event live on Facebook for anyone not able to attend in person
Sat 2 PM "Greatest Moments" - a fundraising concert for Opera On Tap New Mexico Central United Methodist Church, 201 University Blvd. NE Join us for an afternoon of music to help raise money for Opera on Tap - New Mexico! Featuring some faculty and students of University of New Mexico, along with other local professionals, we have put a program together highlighting some of the show-stopping, beautiful moments of opera and musical theater! Suggested donation $10
Sat 2 – 7 PM Rawking: An Afternoon Metal + Art + Comedy Extravaganza Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Featured performers include Light Thief, Destroy to Recreate, Guvtika, Abandoned Saviors. outdoors on the patio with Four Bands, Comedians, Artists, Vendors. Produced by Metal World Radio. 21+. $10 at the door or presales online
Sat 3 – 8 PM Albuquerque Roller Derby presents: Sandia Slammers vs. Bosque Bruisers! Expo New Mexico - Manuel Lujan Jr Exhibit Complex, 300 San Pedro Dr. NE Albuquerque Roller Derby has gotten SO big we’ve split into two teams! Sandia Slammers & Bosque Bruisers! Get your tickets for our first Home Game of the 2024 season
Sat 3:45 – 5:45 PM AND 7 - 9 PM The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW Experience the Twilight saga's epic romance and thrilling fantasy BREAKING DAWN - PART 1 on the big screen! Bella and Edward, plus those they love, must deal with the chain of consequences brought on by a marriage, honeymoon, and the tumultuous birth of a child, which brings about unforeseen and shocking developments for Jacob Black (tickets)
Sat 4 – 8 PM Drink Local Downtown ABQ - May Step into the heart of Albuquerque with our thrilling, free monthly bar crawl event! Immerse yourself in the local charm as we celebrate community, culture, and creativity right in the heart of ABQ. In partnership with ABQCore Neighborhood Association, a locally organized and hosted event, we're bringing you a bar crawl experience like no other. This isn't just a crawl; it's a vibrant celebration of local businesses, a showcase of community talent, and a monthly escape into the unique flavors that make ABQ special
Sat 4 – 9 PM Summer Market ABQ Food Park, 6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Dive into the magic of summer evenings at ABQ Food Park with our captivating Summer Market! Join us for a delightful evening, where you can browse an enchanting array of offerings from local artisans and support our vibrant community businesses. Discover unique treasures crafted with love and passion by talented artisans, from handcrafted jewelry to exquisite home decor. Every purchase you make supports local creators and contributes to the thriving arts scene in our city
Sat 5 – 8 PM National Astronomy Day! Rainbow Park Observatory, 301 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho The Rio Rancho Astronomical Society will host National Astronomy Day at Rainbow Park Observatory. There will be food for a donation, family activities and safe solar viewing. Dr. Tony Hull will appeal at 7 pm about his work on the James Webb Space Telescope. He will also have some info on light pollution
Sat 5 – 11 PM Beer & Jazz on the Hill Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE We're bringing you a full night of brews and Jazz with the very talented Rona & Meli opening things up at 5pm and our house Jazz band Basilaris Trio closing things down at 8!
Sat 6 PM Bear Affair 4: Spanish Tapas Beer Pairing Dinner Boxing Bear Brewing, 8420 Firestone Ln. NE Join us on our patio for an ALMOST summer night paired with a variety of our seasonal beers, chef-crafted Spanish tapas, and flamenco. Featuring chef Christopher Midyette And the artist dance group Spanish Broom. Tickets are $65 per person and include a welcome beer, three course tapas style meal with beer pairings and entertainment for the evening
Sat 6 PM One Year Anniversary Celebration Urbanmama505 Kombucha, 1014 Central Ave SW, Ste A Celebrating one year of love, abundance, and sharing wellness. Right after Open Mic 4-6pm, we will be graced with a jazz concert by Davis Nelson-Hooker, an amazing local musician. Elixirs and small plates for purchase
Sat 6 – 9 PM Gone Country Saturdays with DJ Soiree Ponderosa Brewing, 1761 Bellamah Ave NW It's Gone Country Saturdays featuring the amazing DJ Soiree! Start your evening with free dance lessons at 5 pm, followed by family-friendly entertainment
Sat 7:30 – 9 PM Saturday Night Stand-Up Bosque Brewing Co - Nob Hill, 106 Girard Blvd. SE Live from ABQ, it’s… Saturday Night Stand-Up Hosted by Nax Davis! Every third Saturday of the month! Seating at 7:30 - Comedy at 8. Featured line-up of local comics includes: MEG FINN, BRYAN LAMBE, SARINA OCHOA, MARY BYRD, ROBERT EYSTER
Sat 8 PM – 1:15 AM Apparition Goth Night Historic El Rey Theater, 622 Central Ave SW A hauntingly dark, classic goth night featuring the Apparition team: DJ Ren, DJ Batboy, DJ Moonside. Doors at 8. $10 all night. 21+ Tickets at the door. Expect goth, darkwave, death rock, synthpop, dark post punk, ebm, dark dance, industrial, witch house, horror punk and more
Sat 8:30 PM – 1 AM SABOR Latin Night - SATURDAYS Bama's 1865, 6007 Osuna Rd. NE May 11th - SPECIAL GUEST DJ ITALIA! DJ Gabriel Goza & DJ Pedro will be serving you the saucy Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, Merengue y Mas! Ample Parking, Safe Environment, Beautiful Venue, Good Food, Good Music, Good Vibes. 21+ / $10 cover
Sat 9 PM – 1 AM Cumbia + Rock en Espanol Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Grupo Super Verza with Ave. 69 and Lot Beat and DJ Tony. Baila! 21+, $15 at the door or online
** Sun 5/19 *\*
Sun 9 – 11 AM Elevated Roller Derby May Training Scrimmage Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista Dr. SE Officials' huddle 9:00AM. Captains' meeting at 9:20AM. First whistle 9:30AM. This is simply a black/white scrimmage. It will be used as an educational opportunity. NSO paperwork will be used as appropriate. You are encouraged to stretch your skills. Hospitality: This is a low/no production scrimmage, bring beverages and snacks for your own use. Bathrooms: The community center may not be open during the scrimmage. (That's the trade-off for a free space). You can stop at the nearby Starbucks before the event. Expectations: Skaters and Skating and Non-skating Officials are expected to follow all WFTDA Risk Management Guidelines. The venue is a designated alcohol, drug, and smoke-free space by the city of Albuquerque (sign up)
Sun 10 AM – 2 PM The Great Burque Bake On Rail Yards Market, 777 1st St. SW Get ready to whisk it all at the "Great Burque Bake-on," a special fundraiser for the non-profit Rail Yards Market: One dozen of Albuquerque's most talented bakers will dough head-to-head in a crusty competition for the ultimate bakery glory! Bakers brawl... You vote for the winners! This sugar-dusted showdown promises a blend of flour-fueled drama and buttery bravado, making it the yeast you can do to support your local confectionery champions. As these culinary wizards knead their way to the top, we guarantee you'll find their efforts both batter and sweeter than anything you've tasted before. Join us for a day of laughter, pastry, and a chance to see who rises as the crème de la crème of Burque's baking scene! 1) ORDER > Claim your Bake-on Box & exclusive market swag by ordering online May 10-16th, 2024. 2) LEARN > Follow our social media to learn about each contestant & their offering. 3) PICKUP > Grab your box of baked goodies & swag at the info booth Sunday May 19th. 4) ENJOY > Eat all the delectable goodies, savor the flavor, and read about all the contestants 5) VOTE >> Submit your votes online to choose the winners! (tickets) The Farmers' Market event is going down simultaneously with 175+ local vendors to explore, and is still FREE to enter and welcome to all. This funky fundraiser is going down during the FREE Rail Yards Farmers' Market. So you can peruse 150+ small businesses and enjoy the historic architecture while you enjoy your Great Burque Bake-on Box of goodies! All proceeds will benefit the Rail Yards Market. The Rail Yards market of Albuquerque is a certified 501(c)3 non-profit focused on building a resilient, sustainable, local economy where the surrounding historic communities thrive, all can participate, and everyone is enriched and inspired. Through food, art, education, and music, we invite the community together in an inclusive and festive atmosphere
Sun 11:30 AM The Addams Family Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE THE HISTORIC LOBO THEATER is excited to bring The Addams Family to the big screen! Showing Starts at 11:30 am Tickets are ONLY $10 for General Admission $25 Brunch and a Movie Ticket $21 Brunch Only ticket
Sun 12:30 PM Annual Spring Tea Asbury UMC, 10000 Candelaria Rd. NE All are welcome to attend our Annual Spring Tea! This year's theme is "The Tapestries of Our Lives." Life can be like a tapestry; our quilt, with events, feelings, accomplishments, and even disappointments "stitched" in. Join us, for tea, while Cindy Kurey, AQS-certified quilted textiles appraiser, shares how quilting and her faith have helped her navigate life. She will also show her collection of antique, vintage, and modern quilts! There is no cost to attend, though RSVPs are required. Please call the church office 505-299-0643 or message us on Facebook to RSVP
Sun 1 PM Ruck Club May Callout - Rain Ruck North Domingo Baca Park, 8301 Wyoming Blvd. NE Since we are in Albuquerque, we will get creative to find water. No weight requirement; use your regular training weight. We will be rucking at least 5 miles. Hosted by F3 Albuquerque, which plants free, peer-led workout groups for men, but this event isn't just for men! Everybody is welcomed and encouraged to participate in this GORUCK monthly callout. Bring water, electrolytes, sunscreen. Expect to get wet, and dress accordingly
Sun 2 - 4 PM Film Screening: "Between the Stone and the Flower" JCC of Greater Albuquerque, 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE The film follows the journey of Genie of Milgrom and her decades long quest for her Jewish lineage inspired the film. She was born in Havana, Cuba and raised in Miami as a full Catholic. She was always burdened with a deep-rooted feeling of not belonging in her Spanish Catholic environment. Genie becomes more and more convinced that her family was Jewish in the Iberian Peninsula centuries before. Intro and Q&A with Filmmaker, Genie Milgrom (register for free)
Sun 2 – 3:30 PM Cuidando los Niños Fundraiser Cookie Class Sweet Pea Bakery, 2500 Central Ave SW Join us for a fun night out while making an impact in our community! Light House Studio and Sweet Pea Bakery are teaming up to host a cookie decorating class to benefit Cuidando los Ninos. This will be a full 1.5 hour class where local cookie artist Katie Sacoman walks you through decorating three floral themed sugar cookies. Each participant also receives a personalized cookie with their name on it. 50% of each ticket sold goes to benefit Cuidando los Ninos, a local organization working to break the cycle of homelessness for children and families by providing high-quality early childhood education, case management, supportive housing, and parent education. *This class will be good for participants age 10 and up. Please keep in mind it is an hour and a half long guided class. You know your child best!*
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:57 Apprehensive_Desk307 Single White Female

Single White Female
Have you seen that movie? 🍿 Single White Female. CS gives off those vibes.
What is going on? Really tho.
A. She thinks she is JL and is going to be the next face of PVT B. She was in love with JL and can’t let it go C. She’s having a mental crisis D. It’s honestly, just grief, and there is nothing odd about her behavior since the passing E. She’s scared of what the future holds
Do you think she can maintain this level of odd behavior for much longer?
Does anyone know, if there are people trying to help her, or are they all yes people?
Not attacking, just genuinely concerned. She isn’t my cup of tea, but that’s ok. I feel like I am watching a train, going full speed into a wall. (Ok, that was a little dramatic, but I mean it.) Something is going to break!
That happiness and “joy” that she is exhibiting for everyone, is hiding something.
submitted by Apprehensive_Desk307 to jessieleeward [link] [comments]