Proper adjective worksheets


2017.11.17 01:59 gorange_ninja r/RareInsults

Did you stumble across a unique insult? Looking to spice up your vocabulary? This is the place for you! [Join our discord here!](

2012.10.04 13:31 InfamousBacon Subliminal

A community to share, discuss and peer review subliminals that you encounter.

2014.04.24 20:41 Jess_than_three ask_transgender: questions and comments

Transgender questions, transgender answers.

2024.06.01 18:57 glez_fdezdavila_ Guys how do you say 'York' in Spanish?

Guys how do you say 'York' in Spanish? submitted by glez_fdezdavila_ to languagelearningjerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:36 luckylinux777 Server Naming Convention and Internal (Private) vs External (Public) DNS Records

I run a Homelab (selfhosted) with a ICANN Registered MYHOMELABDOMAIN.TLD Domain.
In order to avoid Split DNS and potentially having to add yet another level of Subdomains, I actually decided to purchase a different Domain for Services I host in the Cloud (e.g. VPN Server), say MYCLOUDDOMAIN.TLD.
In my Homelab, since I am running everything "Internal" (Private BIND DNS Server only accessible in my LAN), the "Problem" didn't really exist. I have a quite simple (although one could say insufficient) Naming Scheme. Since most Hosts are running either Ubuntu or Proxmox VE, this typically translates into:
And, for the more confusing Part (related to: "on which PVEXY does this Virtual Machine/Container Reside ?"), it's usually just a very crude Hostname:
(meaning there is no direct Relationship with the Host Machine (it's NOT e.g. cloud.pveXY.MYHOMELABDOMAIN.TLD, although nothing would forbid me in the future of creating such CNAME record)
The "Where is this VM/Container Located" Part is usually taken care by a Libreoffice/Excel Spreadsheet (maybe not updated as often as it needs to be though). I know, not Optimal, but IPAM Solutions or maybe something like Netbox / Nautobot could be done in the Future. Not there yet ...
Now for the "real" part of the Question. I have seen some Posts indicating Good Naming Conventions to follow (notably, and maybe
At the moment I have 3 VPS and 1 Dedicated Server and the Naming Convention ... well ... sucks. It's either just rX on the VPSs (meaning "Remote" following by 1 NumbeCharacter Typically), whereas in other cases it's hostingProviderNameXX like on the Dedicated Server. This is inconsistent, somewhat insecure (no Obscurity), kind of a mess IMHO.
It's NOT fully clear to me whether the Authors linked above (and other) are actively suggesting to use, on Public DNS Server Records (accessible by everybody), the complete and comprehensive DNS Records (which might give away type of System [e.g. Production], Location, Service [e.g. NGINX], ...).
In particular seems to suggest against it, even though it's just Security through Obscurity, not really a comprehensive Security Policy (but something that might be part of a larger Scheme). Of course there are other ways of detecting Services and Location (if proxied by Cloudflare the latter maybe a bit less), Port Scans, etc.
So I am wondering if I should just use something like the mnemonic wordlist mentioned above in Public DNS for every different Service (e.g. basically 1 of these words for each Podman/Docker Container), while maybe registering more human-friendly aliases in my Private BIND DNS Server when trying to access those. Or just maintain a Libreoffice/Excel Mapping List instead like I (try to) do now.
A thing to consider is also the Limitation of Cloudflare (DNS/SSL) Free Proxy Service (limited to DOMAIN.TLD and *.DOMAIN.TLD), so either:
The first is relatively expensive. For that Price, I can get like 12-24 top-level domains per year, thus reducing the need to go "Third Subdomain Level" etc. Availability might not be optimal, but I usually go for not so used extensions where I can get a good deal for a 10-year term (like 5$/year). But availability might be an issue (although you could in theory always add like an article/adjective before or after the word you plan to use).
The second option with separate Letsencrypt Certificates will negate all the benefits related to "Obscurity" (and again, by itself this is NOT a comprehensive Policy !), since ALL Certificates Generated are published on So instead of giving away the DNS Records, I give away the Certificates List, which is EVEN EASIER to access (in most cases the DNS Zone cannot simply be dumped). It's true that many hostnames are quite common e.g. www.MYDOMAIN.TLD, while the mnemonicwordlist is also "just" 1600 words to "Bruteforce" or so.
So basically with a list of the most used subdomains, one could in the end reverse engineer a DNS Zone (to a more or less extent), but the Certificates List is really just a click away and everything is listed.
Yet another Option (which however becomes a Single Point of Failure) is to run a Reverse Proxy on the Dedicated Server, and do the Forwarding from there (basically point *.MYCLOUDDOMAIN.TLD to my Dedicated Server, which in turns either handle the Request directly, or forwards it to the VPSs). Of course if Dedicated Server is down everything will fail, so I am NOT a huge fan of this. Plus the fact that I would do double-reverse-proxy and probably also have issues related to SSL Certificates.
Not sure if relevant, but Hosts (in terms of DNS Record at leats) typically of:
submitted by luckylinux777 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:09 BornOn6-9 All Required Materials for Freshman Course Reg and Orientation

I'm an incoming freshman at USC, and I was just wondering if I have properly submitted all needed materials for course registration, academic advising, and orientation, in June. So far, I've completed the Pre-Advisement Worksheet, the Brightspace module(s), placement exams, scheduled academic advising appointments, registered for several webinars, and requested my high school to send my transcript to the Office of Admissions. Is this everything I need to do?
A lot is happening and it's hard to keep track of everything. Can any other freshmen or people who have been through the process confirm? Thanks
submitted by BornOn6-9 to USC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:33 hi_kaylaaa13 [9th grade Creative Writing] Twenty Poetry Projects, a lot of stress and writers block

I have been trying to do this for hours but I just can't think of anything, or anything I think of is kind of stupid or I think of a poem but I can't think of twenty things to do all twenty things on the list.
Is there anything I can do to stop the writers block, or figure out what to write about, or any ideas anyone has?
Here's the things I have to write:
Begin the poem with a metaphor.
Say something specific but utterly preposterous.
Use at least one image for each of the five senses, either in succession, or randomly throughout the poem.
Use one example of synesthesia (mixing of the senses).
Use the proper name of a person and the proper name of a place.
Contradict something you said earlier in the poem.
Change direction or digress from the last thing you said.
Use a word (maybe slang) you’ve never seen in a poem.
Use an example of false cause-effect logic
Use a piece of “talk” you’ve actually heard (preferably in dialect and/or which you don’t understand.
Create a metaphor using the following construction: “The (adjective) (concrete noun) of (abstract noun)…
Use an image in such a way as to reverse its usual associative qualities.
Make a persona or character in the poem do something he/she/they could not do in “real life.”
Refer to yourself by nickname and in the third person.
Write in the future tense, such that part of the poem seems to be a prediction.
Modify a noun with an unlikely adjective.
Make a declarative assertion that sounds convincing but that finally makes no sense.
Use a phrase from a language other than English.
Make a non-human object say or do something human (personification.)
Close the poem with a vivid image that makes no statement, but that “echoes” an image from earlier in the poem.
The only thing I've got so far is I watch the sunlight dance on the water ( for personification )
submitted by hi_kaylaaa13 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:36 TonyChanYT Honor the EMPEROR

NIV, 1 Peter 2:
17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor [βασιλεύς].
Nero was emperor at the time.
Berean Literal Bible:
Honor everyone: love the brotherhood, fear God, Honor the king [βασιλεύς].
On Biblehub, 8 versions used "emperor" and 24 versions used "king". Which is better?
The following is from Dottard:
In 1 Peter 2:17, the operative word is βασιλεύς (basileus) which is definitely "king" in English, and occurs about 115 times in the NT, eg, Matt 1:6, 2:1, 5:35, 10:18, etc. Thayer offers the following meaning: "leader of the people, prince, commander, lord of the land, king". When this refers unambiguously to the Caesar, it could be translated, Emperor".
In 1 Peter 2:17, only "king" is defensible unambiguously as it simply refers to the local head of government, whoever that might be, without excluding Caesar.
The word "Emperor" is Σεβαστός (Sebastos) and occurs only three times in the NT, namely, Acts 25:21, 25, 27:1. Its meaning is clear: it was the official Latin title of the "Augustus", the emperor of Rome. Note the meaning from Thayer:
  1. reverend, venerable.
  2. ὁ σεβαστός, Latin augustus, the title of the Roman emperors: Acts 25:21, 25 (Strabo, Lucian, Herodian, Dio Cassius, others); adjective σεβαστός, σεβαστη, Σεβαστόν, Augustan, i. e. taking its name from the emperor; a title of honor which used to be given to certain legions, or cohorts, or battalions, for valor (ala augusta ob virtutem appellata. Corpus inscriptions Latin vii. n. 340, 341, 344): σπείρης Σεβαστῆς, the Augustan (Imperial) cohort, Acts 27:1 (λεγεών σεβαστη, Ptolemy, 2, 3, 30; 2, 9, 18; 4, 3, 30). The subject is fully treated by Schürer in the Zeitsehr. für wissensch. Theol. for 1875, p. 413ff
submitted by TonyChanYT to BibleVerseCommentary [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:34 zeptimius "Het" + adjective + name

I'm a native speaker, but I can't explain the logic behind the use of "het" in this sentence:
De fusie tussen het Brits-Nederlandse Tata Steel Europa en het Duitse ThyssenKrupp staat op losse schroeven.
Why is it "het" Tata Steel Europa?
I think that when you put an adjective before a proper name, you use "het," also for books, movies etc, regardless of the noun. But I have no idea.
At the same time, when referring to a periodical, I think you use "de" even when the name of the periodical is male/female:
Ik heb dat gelezen in de Oor.
(Oor is the name of a music magazine). You say "de Oor" even though "oor" is a "het" word.

submitted by zeptimius to learndutch [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:50 audrey01_poetry 8th grade exam for students in Bullitt County Kentucky 1912.

8th grade exam for students in Bullitt County Kentucky 1912. submitted by audrey01_poetry to UtterlyInteresting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:00 createdjustforthis23 29/05/2024

It truly is just so chilly lately and I love it. I enjoy summery days too, I just prefer them few and far between and I like feeling cosy and rugged up as opposed to wanting to shed my skin for some relief.
It’s my honeys birthday :) I’m going to make a concerted effort to not be too much. I can’t be too much anyway from here but still. I wanted to send him an ubereats voucher for his dinner tonight but it turns out I can’t send it internationally :( It has to be the same currency. I also don’t have his bank account so I can’t just chuck some money in there either. I just want to make him feel special and loved and I thought that was a tiny yet cute gesture. Oh well. It’s his birthdaaaaay! I’m so happy he was born and became who he is and the fact he’s all mine
I’m struggling with my mood a bit recently. Or depression. Whatever you want to call it. I don’t like either word. But flat or empty doesn’t always cover it, just because I feel depressed doesn’t automatically equate to flat/grey/empty/numb/etc. They’re a specific feeling, I can be and feel depressed and not feel any of them - I can just feel detached from life, I guess. Idk. It’s hard to put into words, I’m sure I could find some writer who articulates it perfectly but even then, that’s their feeling, not mine. But I really like reading and hearing relatable feelings, I can feel alone a lot and hearing others feeling the same as me makes me feel less so. Truly Captain Obvious over here. But anyway. I’m struggling more again lately. The last few days. It’s not PMS related, it’s deeper than that. There’s a difference.
Truly anyone can have a podcast, can’t they? I’m listening to one now about book theories and they’re just talking over one another and being quite rude and dismissive and then I realise this is just content I disagree with but their theories have so many holes in them. SO MANY. It’s basically one hole with a flimsy fabric of theory around the outside. So now I’m hate listening because it’s making me grind my teeth and my eye twitch, but no one else has any podcasts about this and I wanna listen to some. It just sounds like they don’t even like each other? I felt so awkward for a lot of it. Also they’re so unprepared, like if you’re going to spout theories then a) know what you’re talking about b) back it up c) look for holes in it and point them out because that’s half the fun and d) you can’t base a theory off of something you don’t even know. Eg. One of them was talking about how X was Y’s dad but neither knew if X was even alive. Like… ? Also none of them are original theories which tbh I don’t care about, it’s just nice to have them condensed into an episode to listen to, but they were so rude and dismissive of the original poster or whatever several times, it made me feel quite uncomfy? So bizarre. I want to not like these books anymore. It’s not fun anymore, everyone’s so hateful and I was reading how people are literally sending death threats to one another because they disagree with their ship or whatever it’s called. Like here’s a thought, THEYRE FICTIONAL AND WHO CARES, GET OFF THE INTERNET AND CALM DOWN. Says me, all in caps, on the internet. I love irony. But so it’s just not an enjoyable fandom anymore which is a shame because I think it’s my first ever I’ve been a part of? And now it’s just… ruined. I also don’t like how divisive it all is, like if you love one character then you hate the other and things. Like here’s a thought everyone, each character is nuanced and is not perfect - stop expecting them to be. And stop bitching and moaning like jfc. So anyway it’s not very enjoyable anymore which is a shame but I’ll just enjoy the books themselves in private and wait til the next is released in presumably the next 8-10 business years. I also don’t have high expectations after the last book in her other series, it was terrible. So rushed and so… it was terrible. Enjoyable enough but I will never reread it, I’ll never reread that series full stop. We’ll never say never but I would be incredibly surprised if I did considering I didn’t like it at all and just read it because I’m a sucker fan girl and they all eventually link together so I kind of have to.
I hate computers and technology and all of it. And by that I mean it’s all excellent and amazing but I am cursed with it. I tried to switch my monitors and things around this morning to be better but now everything is just… wrong. Laggy.
Am I a bad person for considering applying for other roles purely for leverage with my own? Yes. I already know the answer to that. I’m open to working elsewhere, but I’m also not. I’m frustrated right now with what I get lumped with workwise but ultimately we have excellent benefits, I can wfh x3 days a week and my manager is super understanding of my… issues. I kind of want a new job elsewhere because I think it would force me out of my comfort zone, but also… Is that the best thing? I would normally say yes but some days I find everything so so difficult and taking on new processes, a new team, a new environment… it’s a lot. And I know I get very easily overwhelmed. And the fact I have more or less unlimited paid sick leave which tbh I don’t really utilise at all and easily use less than what I’m legislatively entitled to but it’s there. So I feel kind of stuck. And I also feel unsure. One part of me wants to be leading large nationwide change processes or being entirely responsible for project work, but the other part of me knows I’m probably not currently best equipped for that… issues wise. I’m sure I could, but I just struggle so much some days and what if that day I had 5+ redundancy meetings? Having a god awful day and then telling multiple people their role has been disestablished…? Being a part of that process is one thing and I’ve done that and it’s fine, it’s tough at times but fine, but to be actively responsible for the whole process? I just don’t really think I can handle that. Which holds me back. And also the delegation of work SUCKS. And I get stuck training and basically managing the junior team members because my manager can’t seem to do it. Which tbh is fair as she has a tonne on her plate but still, she had that all on her plate before becoming all of our manager so I mean… yknow. Sometimes I wonder if I could go people leadership route, a small part of me thinks I would be good at it, I can definitely listen and I definitely show compassion and patience with our junior members and I can delegate work out easily enough buuuut do I have the confidence to advocate for them? When it comes to pay/promotions? I’m not sure. I’d have every confidence in them but not in myself and if I have no confidence in myself it makes brig bold and pushing for something impossible, like impossible. So. I wouldn’t want to risk someone else’s progression because I’m a damn baby. So idk. So what doI do? I mean I don’t even want to specialise in ER, it’s too much. I want to get involved and build my experience and knowledge more and more, but it can be really tough. Even the other day I was talking to a young woman, younger than me, with cancer. Or rather she was telling me she’s now in remission and pregnant and I honestly couldn’t stop smiling it was such lovely news, but things like that, or an employee displaying shifts in behaviour and it being a result of domestic violence and then having to handle that or just the process of disestablishing roles aka making someone redundant, I guess there’s redeployment which would feel good but still. It’s an emotionally taxing side of HR that I’m unsure I could handle long term. I’m only thinking about this again this morning because I saw a job which does less than I do now getting around $10k more than I earn. Anyway I’ll just keep at it where I am a while longer. It’s probably better for me, right now anyway.
He showed me his recent favourite music last night, it’s one of my favourite favourite things. I tend to like/love majority of it, some I don’t but that’s fine like everyone has different tastes - I think it would be weird to like all of it. It baffles me how controlled his Spotify is, it makes mine look utterly manic… which tbh it is. I just get so.. something, and start making new playlists or adding new things or whatever it might be. Anyway I’m listening to some of the ones he sent me last night today.
He took basically half an hour to call me last night and I know he said he had been talking to his mum but it just felt… weird. And then he didn’t pick up his phone at midnight when I called to say happy birthday, he admittedly called back really quickly but idk. It made me feel uneasy. Like what’s he doing at midnight that he can’t pick up his phone? When I know he’s awake. I know I’m feeling weird about nothing, so it’s fine. It just felt… I don’t know. His sleeping patterns are slipping so quickly lately, it feels like it’s every two weeks not every month like it used to be, and it makes me wonder why. It makes me think things like he doesn’t have a weird sleeping pattern ever and he just uses it as a reason to avoid me because he’s with someone else and how would I know. I don’t think these thoughts are true, I don’t think he’s lying about it all, but it’s just a recurring thought lately. Ever since it became more frequent with less time in between. It’s fine. I know it’s fine. I know there’s nothing wrong, it’s just sometimes idk. I think it’s more fear and worry than anything relating to genuine belief and mistrust.
I love him a lot. A whole lot. The entire lot. I hope he’s having the best sleep with the sweetest dreams. Baby.
I really don’t feel well this afternoon. I feel vaguely crampy and tired but my mood has dropped significantly. I’m trying to perk back up so I don’t wreck his birthday though. It’s not just general it’s entirely work related. I feel like I need to cry and punch a wall and just throw my computer at the window but in a sad not angry way. I am fed up. And so many stupid questions. Like twice today I’ve had PEOPLE IN MY TEAM be like “what’s the link for this” like here’s an idea why don’t you go find it and use some fucking initiative. It’s just pure laziness. So I said you can find it on X and then didn’t help further because what the actual fuck. And it’s literally a link to the system login - how the fuck do they not know this. Which leads me to believe it’s pure laziness. Because they have f all cases either. Anyway I’m just lashing out because I’m frustrated and in a sad mood. Everything’s fine.
I love Jeff Buckley so much. Not all of his stuff, I could take or leave much of it tbh but some of his music… all time favourites. I wonder what my top five would be? I think: - lover you should’ve come over - Last goodbye - Forget her - Lilac wine - Nightmares by the sea I didn’t include hallelujah because that goes without saying, I much prefer it to Leonard Cohen’s one however I would really like to try give Leonard more of a go because mum loves him, I think she saw him live last time he was here, I was going to buy her tickets as a random present before she beat me to it - unless I’m confusing it with someone else? I don’t think so. Maybe. Or was it Nick Cave? Idk. I already like Nick Cave a whole lot, I had a big massive A2 poster of him on my wall as a teenager. Anyway. I also left out so real and grace and I know it’s over and mojo pin to some extent. And dream brother. Okay so the entire grace album + some extras. His only proper album :( anyway I love him and he soothes melancholic little heart and has for a long time. Since I was… 17. 16? Something.
I don’t click easily with people. I was thinking about that today because I felt more lonely than normal. I find it easy to be personable and friendly and all of that, but it’s rare that I feel at ease with someone and like I can somewhat be myself/not overthink into oblivion. And I don’t know why some people are different? It’s not a time thing either, because the people I find myself more at ease with I felt it more or less instantly, whereas I’ve been around the same people for YEARS and… nothing. Like M, I felt at ease with her from day one. K too a bit. Andy definitely. But other women at work? I’ve known them for years, spoken to them daily, I still feel uncomfortable and anxious and paralysed with them. Paralysed in the sense I can’t think of things to say, I can and do but it can be such stilted conversation. Even my own family members, my brother and his wife? Just like that. I don’t feel at all comfortable or anything. I know I naturally find it easier with talkative people, M and Andy for example - both could talk to a brick wall and either not notice or get it to talk back. I don’t mean the not notice in a negative way, I just mean… idk what I mean. It’s a good thing though. I just don’t find it easy. I know a lot of it is due to my social anxiety and the worry and all of that. I think it’s also that I don’t like surface level relationships, but I don’t tend to allow people in enough to get anything further than surface level. I can easily have those conversations, I just don’t really enjoy them. But it can be impossible to go further because I’m so closed off and I’m so riddled with anxiety over saying the wrong thing, unintentionally offending someone or showing how stupid I am that nothing happens. I also don’t like to talk that much, I do but in bursts, and I think that doesn’t help me either. I know I’m the problem. Another thing to add to my list of difficulties.
I wish I could just escape myself sometimes.
I’m due to start reading HP3 now, why don’t I feel psyched about it? I want to. Maybe when I get fully into it I will? I’ve been apprehensive about books in the past and went on to become obsessed and it become a part of my identity, if even for a short while. And if I know anything in life, it’s that HP fans tend to turn it into a personality trait. Maybe that’ll be me.
I don’t really want to journal anymore. I feel sad and it doesn’t tend to help me perk up and I need to force myself into being chirpy and perky and all those sorts of adjectives so I don’t ruin his day. My baby.
I ordered dinner - tofu stirfry with roti yummm - so I’ll have that, maybe start HP3 and then have a shower and then spend time with my honeybunny. Night night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:29 Affectionate-Ask5718 [import help] Belgium -> US customs clearance

[import help] Belgium -> US customs clearance
I ordered a vintage Seamaster (roughly $1200) from Belgium to the US last week and it seems to be stuck in customs clearance in Ohio. I got an email saying there were missing documents:
  1. Clocks and Watches Worksheet
  2. Line Item Tariff
The seller followed up with the worksheet but I’m left to figure out the Line Item Tariff info. What do they need here that’s not provided on the worksheet? DHL says this has to be taken care of before June 1 or they’ll ship the watch back to the seller. I reached out to DHL but they’re taking their sweet time getting back to me.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Affectionate-Ask5718 to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:20 GalaxiGazer Unattached: The Power of Choice

I'm deviating away from my usual; instead of music inspiring my writing, this time, it's now theatrical representation.
I've been enjoying multiple times the short-lived Sex/Life on Netflix. I could write a book on the many lessons that I'm still learning from the show. For this piece, this is focused on the title Unattached (written by the show's character Sasha Snow). Though, in the show, this adjective was describing people in terms of their relationship status, for myself, this also refers to my current energy status.
Unattached in regard to the past means that my energy is not tied up in someone who was once a part of my life but has now gone. I'm not wishing back for an ex. I'm not pining away for someone who's already moved on with his life. I'm not wanting to rewrite history and make it like any missed opportunities, or anything gone wrong with any guy from my past was made right and that we should be together. Even more, I'm not chasing "the one who got away" ... I have been in the game of love long enough to know that there is no such thing. All men who have told me "Bye, Felicia", with their words or with their feet, were never the one to begin with.
Unattached in regard to the present moment means that my energy is not tied up in someone unavailable. I'm not spending my evenings home from work, constantly checking my phone and wondering why he's not texting. My mind is not wrapped up in why he would rather choose to text instead of call. I'm not trying to figure out way to make someone who is not interested in me ... interested. I'm not performing all sorts of gymnastics, trying to reformulate myself into what he wants or thinks I should be just to keep him from walking away. I'm not going out of my way to beg for someone to stay when I was never meant to keep him anyway. And, no, I've written off any equity from dating apps. Time wasted in endless swapping on profiles doesn't justify the cost, and I've long since learned that the men on there cannot afford the intellectual price of carrying on a simple, civil and decent conversation besides, "Hey". And for the ones that do, they're so hard up that they turn a brief conversation ~ regardless of how neutral the topic ~ into something sexual. No, thanks.
Unattached in regard to the future is an inverse of the past. My energy is not tied up into building a fantasy of someone in my mind, crafting who this unrealistic person is, and then going into the real world to see if there is any guy who can live up to it. I'm not throwing myself at any guy who gives me the bare minimum effort, basic human kindness in conversation, and letting my imagination run off into the sunset as I somehow treat this guy as if he's this manifestation of the perfect image of the perfect guy I had crafted in my mind (a part of me wonders if I have a future career working for Crown Media Productions ~ the actual team of professionals behind those cheesy Hallmark made-for-TV movies). This has saved me countless moments of unnecessary heartbreak and disappointment when I'd strike up a good conversation with a guy, believing that we're really connecting, and we don't end up connecting beyond it for whatever reason.
Now, here comes the best part ... The Power of Choice. For once in my adult life, I recognize that I have full veto power over the future partner I may welcome into my life.
Regarding the past, I execute my power of choice by refusing to allow my broken history with men and all failed relationships from the past dictate my present behavior. I'm no longer looking for "the ghosts of boyfriends past" in someone else. I'm not using any connections I may form with other guys to heal or soothe the pain left behind from guys that I can't have for whatever reason. I'm not drawn to or magnetized to certain men because they remind me of someone I used to love, or wanted, but I can't have anymore (or that I never did).
Regarding the past, I execute my power of choice by paying more careful attention to the kind of men that I attract and the behaviors from them which I choose (or not) to accept. I understand that, out of billions of guys on this planet, not every guy is going to make the cut. I may have to sort through 1,548,326 bad ones to get to the decent 274 that are out there. Out of those 274, I might be able to connect with possibly 36. And out of those 36, 13 of them make it through. And over time, that 13 dwindles down to 11, then 8, then 5, then 3, and finally, 2. And between those two, the one that's chosen should be obvious. At least, from my experience, my learning what I want with the right partner and the type of relationship I'm willing to pursue comes from learning and understanding what I don't want. And all this can be done efficiently while I'm actively not looking.
I may have already mentioned it, but the universe did send to me a very amazing message when I was getting into work this morning. There was a very well-dressed businessman who had just parked his car and was waiting for his client with a box of freshly picked donuts outside the office door. I had noticed this guy while I was parking, and I had my eye on him while I was walking from the parking lot to the front door. I did my best to play it cool, trying very hard not to stare at him, but he grabbed my attention with his "Good morning". I responded in kind. When I waited for the elevator to pick me up, I looked back at him, and he was looking right back at me. The universe could have brought this guy back my way (where I would have definitely chatted him up and possibly gotten his number if the vibe was right), but that whole interaction conveyed a much better message. When the time is right for the right guy, I will know. There won't be any mysteries to "figure out". I won't have to go out of my way to get his attention. He will be present and available for me. Our communication is thorough, clear, and we're both on the same page. Our energies will not be tied up in the past and our present will be stable and functional to where we will be able to prioritize each other. The universe knows the proper time, as well as the man involved, in which to place us together, so there is no need to hypothesize or construct any type of unrealistic scenario in my mind. When it happens, I will know.
Now going back to Sasha Snow ...
Because her book was an artistic prop in the story, she did present some good points. While I won't go into those final details here, I will close with a very fitting quote that she had shared during her presentation (and I will admit that, at the moment, the original author of the following quote is unknown to me): "I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul." And so, I set sail, at the helm, and explore new waters and navigate unchartered territory ... Unattached.
That is all.
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2024.05.27 17:25 approachenglish Understanding Kinds of Sentences: Examples Worksheets for Class 7 Chapter 2

Understanding Kinds of Sentences: Examples Worksheets for Class 7 Chapter 2
Kinds of Sentences: Examples Worksheets for Class 7


Welcome to Chapter 2 of your Class 7 English Grammar journey! In this chapter, we delve into the various kinds of sentences and provide examples through interactive worksheets.

Importance of Sentence Structure

Understanding sentence structure is fundamental to effective communication. It enables clarity, coherence, and proper expression of ideas.

Kinds of Sentences

In the study of language, sentences are categorized into different types based on their function and structure. According to function, sentences can be classified into four kinds:
1. declarative, 2. interrogative, 3. imperative, 4. exclamatory.
Each type serves a specific purpose in communication, whether it's making statements, asking questions, giving commands, or expressing strong emotions.
On the other hand, sentences can also be classified according to their structure, dividing them into three kinds:
1. simple, 2. compound, 3. complex.
Understanding the function and structure of sentences is essential for effective communication and writing.

Kinds of Sentences According to Function

According to function, sentences can be classified into four kinds.

1. Declarative sentences

These sentences state some facts. They are also called assertive sentences. We put a full stop at the end of a declarative sentence.
For example,
  1. I study in Class VII.
  2. Ravi likes to play cricket.
  3. Mahima is cleaning her car.
Declarative sentences are of two kinds - affirmative or positive, and negative.
For example,
  1. I can play the guitar. (positive)
  2. I cannot play the guitar. (negative)

2. Interrogative sentences

These sentences ask questions. We put a question mark(‘?’) at the end of an interrogative sentence.
For example,
  1. When will you come to Delhi?
  2. Did you like the film?
Interrogative sentences are of four kinds.

a. Yes/no questions

These are questions that need either a yes or a no answer.
For example,
  • Are you American?
  • No, I am not.
  • Do you like ice cream?
  • Yes, I do.

b. Wh questions

These are questions that are asked using question words such as who, whom, what, when, where, why, how, which, or whose.
For example,
  • What is your name?
  • Where do you live?

c. Tag questions

These are interrogative fragments that are added at the end of a declarative or an imperative sentence to form questions.
For example,
  • Your pet loves you, doesn't it?
  • They haven't slept off, have they?
Note: Usually, an affirmative statement has a negative tag and a negative statement has an affirmative tag.

d. Choice Questions

These are questions that provide a choice. The answer to the choice question is in the question itself.
For example,
  • Would you like to go to Singapore or Bali?

3. Imperative sentences

These sentences express a request, a command, or a piece of advice.
For example,
  1. Obey your parents and your teachers.
  2. Please make some coffee for me.
  3. You may take the metro upto Rajiv Chowk.

4. Exclamatory sentences

These sentences express sudden emotions and feelings. We put an exclamation mark at the end of exclamatory sentences.
For example,
  • What a lovely idea it is!
  • How beautiful the parrot is!
More Practice Examples and Worksheets .....
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2024.05.27 17:18 approachenglish Understanding Sentence Functions Examples Worksheets Class 7 Chapter 1

Understanding Sentence Functions Examples Worksheets Class 7 Chapter 1
Sentence Functions Examples Worksheets Class 7


Welcome to Chapter 1, all about Sentence Functions Examples Worksheets, of your Class 7 grammar journey in the CBSE English Grammar Syllabus! This topic is crucial because it forms the foundation of effective communication and writing skills.
Whether you're telling a story, asking a question, giving a command, or expressing excitement, knowing how to construct sentences and apply sentence functions properly will make you a better communicator.

Incoherent Groups of Words

Read these groups of words:
  • leaking the is roof
  • these made of are stone houses
These groups of words do not make any sense.

Coherent Sentences

Now, read these sentences:
  • The roof is leaking.
  • These houses are made of stone.
These groups of words make complete sense.

Understanding Sentence

A group of words that conveys complete sense is called a sentence. A sentence always:
  • Begins with a capital letter
  • Ends with a full stop, an exclamation mark, or a question mark
  • Has a subject and a verb
Groups of words can form phrases, and clauses besides sentences. Let’s know how groups of words can form ‘phrases’ and clauses


Read These Groups of Words:
  • a nice story
  • a gang of thieves
  • a beautiful dress
These groups of words make sense but not complete sense.

Definition of a Phrase:

A group of words that conveys some sense but not complete sense is called a phrase. A phrase does not have a subject or a finite verb.


Read These Groups of Words:
  • because it was raining
  • and the thieves escaped
  • but he went there anyway
  • before they go to the airport
These groups of words make sense but not complete sense. Each group of words has a subject and a verb.

Definition of a Clause:

A group of words that conveys some sense but not complete sense, and also has a subject and a finite verb, is called a clause.

Types of Clauses

Read These Sentences with Two Clauses:
  • Mr. Jones asked him a question, but he did not know the answer.
  • Call me after you come back from school.
  • Since we were hungry, we stopped at a dhaba on the way.
  • Although he was unwell, he went to school.
In these sentences, the highlighted clauses can stand alone because they convey complete meaning. The underlined clauses cannot stand alone because they do not convey complete meaning. They depend on the highlighted clauses to make complete sense.
  • Independent Clauses: Clauses that convey complete meaning and can stand alone are called main or independent clauses.
  • Dependent Clauses: Clauses that depend on independent clauses to convey complete sense are called subordinate or dependent clauses.
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2024.05.27 16:22 MrsCumberbatch19 A high-stake success story. Questions and answers, part 2

Dear Lords and Gods,
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support that I have received. You people have enhanced my self concept even more. I do not take validation from 3D, but this time I am and I cannot be happier. This is a beautiful community and I feel at home here.
Thank you all.
I’m still reading all the messages and comments here, I’m sorry if I have missed anyone’s comment or message, I’ll go through everything again and reply.
Kindly go through the questions in the comment section of both the posts before writing yours, because there are many questions that have been asked more than twice.
I am trying to answer all the questions here, but there are certain questions that imply that you have not read the books yet, there’s nothing I can say that is better than what is already written in the books of Mr.Goddard.
This will be a series of posts because I have to think properly and answer. I’ll answer 20 questions per post. Please bear with me.
If I haven’t answered your question in this post, it is coming next, but I’ll answer all the questions.
If I haven’t specifically answered your question here but you’ve gotten your answer by reading the response that I’ve given to someone else, please let me know.
I am going in chronological order, please have patience
The most important part, these answers are from my experience and are my opinions. If you do not agree to something, please do comment about it, I’ll be happy to learn about other people’s perspective.
Honestly guys, I’m scrambling to write the answers here, please please read the questions on the post, your question might have been answered/asked already.
I am commenting “answered” to the questions I have already answered as it’ll help me to keep a note of everything.
  1. I have a question related to revision, I feel like there's been so much, that's why I don't know which particular scene to revise. So, I just focus on my desire & feeling it fulfilled. What do you think about this, friend? edit - I feel I'd like to change people through revision, but then I remember "there's nothing to change but self" also getting my desire would change a lot so I'm instead focusing on having it already
Honestly, I have just started experimenting with revision, but take note that I’ve laid a solid foundation. I’ve internalized the words that “time is not linear, everything is in the now” etc. so I’m pretty much sure that revision will work like a charm for me.
Now onto the other question, which scene to revise. I’ll suggest doing two things, 1 blanket affirmation for revision like “The past is fluid/dead/does not matter” or something like that, and revising the scenes as they come to you organically.
I’ll clear the last part a little, we have always lived in the past (all of us), and we still do, we keep looping the scenes from the past over and over and keep bringing it at the forefront and feeling it again and again and thus manifesting it on the screen of 3D, or we’re living in the future correct? So the brain is used to that and is bound to supply us with steady streams of images and instances because the subconscious has taken it as true, so when those come to you, revise it, on the spot.
As per my experience and understanding and also, Mr. Goddard has stated this, revision requires your most attention because, we’re revising very specific scenes with very specific process that lead to very specific outcomes, whereas with future manifestations, we don’t have to worry about the process, just the outcome, we’re walking in blindly with so to speak.
But in revision, as per our previous understanding that, past is set in stone that has lead to where we’re now, So the stakes are high and also we’re challenging the strongest of our beliefs “What has happened cannot be changed, we cannot go back and change the past, we can only move forward”, THIS WILL REQUIRE IMMENSE PRACTICE AND ATTENTION. This needs to be done more times than anything else.
Mr. Goddard has specifically stated this numerous times, don’t reinfect yourself, remove the attachment/emotions to the scenes and see it as something that is false
What I’ve been doing is, if a scene comes to me, I’ll say “False memory” and rewrite/revise it on the spot
hope that makes sense
  1. a)There is a very specific person i've been trying to manifest into my life. But so far despite how much i've thought about them they don't seem to just pop up into my life. Working towards having them in my life is something i cannot do unfortunately because there literally is nothing i can do about it at the moment. It's just something that has to suddenly happen, occur at random chance. How do i handle this? b) Say i would like to manifest a certain stock rising in the stock market, how do i do this properly? For the last few days i've imagined my account being at a certain price point. But time upon time i check my balance and it has never reached it unfortunately. Though within these times i'm checking it, there also sometimes is doubt that i experience. Well, frequently actually.
To answer both your questions, internalise this and sit with this, EVERYTHING IS IN YOU, EVERYTHING, the money, the SP, the stock, everything. As per my understanding, you’re living in the 3D, in the illusion, you’re taking validation from it. You’re doing a technique and then looking at 3D and feeling disheartened. By doing this you’re renouncing your faith.
Ask yourself this, if you’re living in the wish fulfilled, how do you look for something that belongs to you?
As per my understanding, you’re not in wish fulfilled because as soon as it gets impressed into the subconscious, the need to look automatically vanishes.
Please pay attention as to where your attention is.
  1. If you’re internally resisting what you’re wanting to manifest because of several reasons (fear of success or happiness, knowing it’s not something you want but something you need etc), what do you do with your emotions in this case? And how do you make sure your affirmations are believable? Thanks
I’ll ask you this, why do you think you’re not the most important? Why is everything else on the pedestal and not you? Why do you think you don’t deserve everything that you desire?
You need to work on your self concept before even thinking about manifesting anything, because you’ve started everything with the premise of getting without even looking at what you feel/believe about yourself.
Your state manifests, and if you don’t “FEEL” deserving, that is what is going to manifest, no matter what you do.
  1. ** I manifested passing exams still failed idk what to do whether it is real or not pls help Can i pass exams without studying??**
Where is the core understanding that 3D is dead? Where is your attention? Why are you living in the illusion?
Had you internalised/impressed your subconscious with the wish fulfilled you wouldn’t have taken validation from the 3D.
There are hundreds of ways your subconscious can deliver the result, you cannot even fathom, this result does not mean that your wish hasn’t/cannot be manifested. Why don’t you have faith? Ask yourself, are you in the wish fulfilled? Are you doing the techniques with the premise of getting something or with the premise of “FEELING” fulfilled. Before even attempting the technique, you need to ask yourself, how are you even doing it? With what intentions?
  1. How to manifest a career taking off especially if there's a history of wanting it?
The same way we manifest everything else. Choose a technique of your liking and apply it. Your only job is to feel the wish fulfilled. Before you begin, please look into your concept of yourself, because maybe there’s some resistance, something that is holding you back.
Don’t take validation from the 3D. And don’t do the techniques with the intention of getting something, do it with the intention of feeling fulfilled. You’ll get the results.
  1. not only is the 3D not showing results everything is falling apart how do I fix this?
You’re taking validation from the 3D. Where is your faith? Where is the understanding that 3D is the delayed manifestation of your past beliefs?
Ask yourself if you’ve internalised the most important things that Mr. Goddard has talked about in all his books and lectures?
Why are you serving 2 masters? You either live by faith or you live by sight. The choice is yours. This will take practice but you’ll get there. I promise.
  1. Beautiful story. So grateful it ended in your favor. If anyone deserves a wonderful life, it’s you. 💜 I would like to ask how you changed your self-concept permanently and how were you able to feel the “good” emotions. Thank you for your time.
I have answered this question in a lengthy text in the previous post, please refer to question no 2.
  1. Why do we don't feel anything while visualising even if we want that desire badly
Now this is something that even I contemplated for the longest of time. What is the difference between feelings and emotions, if emotions manifest, then people with anxiety should be living in a destructive world or people with any sort of mental illness should be living in an explosive world. And when I visualise or affirm, why don’t I “Feel” anything.
One day, I was meditating and out of the blue I affirmed “I want to meet god”. Now note here that I don’t visualise at all, I just affirm, but as soon as I affirmed that statement I saw that I was standing in a very long hallway, there was nothing on the left, nothing on the right, just a never ending hallway. I looked down and I couldn’t see a body, I was trembling, I felt like I was dying or something. Then very far away from me, I saw a silhouette of a man standing, I couldn’t make out anything, only the silhouette, but I don’t know how, I knew it was a man. I started moving, as per our human body, we send a signal to our brain to start moving right? In that vision I did the same, but as I did not have a body, I realized that I couldn’t do that. That man spoke in my brain, he’s like “float” and as soon as he said that I started floating. I felt like I was a cloud and when I reached in front of him, I saw him. A tall man, with the most radiant light for face, that’s the best that I can describe it. It was the most beautiful face that I’d ever seen.
He put his hand in front of me, as I didn’t have a body I didn’t know what to do. He spoke in my mind again, “Just float forward”, I did, his hand went in me, like a stick breaking the tension above the surface of water. He looked at me again and said, you wanted to meet god? He was not speaking with his mouth, he was talking in my mind, I said “yes”, then asked “why?”, I said “I’m in a very bad place, I’m unable to get out, I know how to get what I want, but I’m not able to feel anything, what should I do?”, he smiled at that. That smile felt like a balm on my burnt heart. He said “what you feel all day long are surface-level emotions, joy, sadness, sorrow, frustration, these are all emotions, they mean nothing and you’re failing because you’re believing that.
I contemplated for a few minutes then I asked, then what should I look for? What are feelings?.”
He said, feelings are the most substantial things in this world. The relief you feel when you hug your babies, the almost overwhelming love that you feel when you look at your children, nothing in this world can change that, right? You get angry at them, frustrated with them, you chastise them, but under all of that, there’s love, and nothing can take that away from you, right? That’s a feeling. Strip the emotions off for a second, what do you feel? That little, minuscule thing that is hiding from you is a feeling.”
”The moment you let yourself stand still, let everything pass by you, without judgement, without questioning, you’ll reach the feeling. Feeling is like that little hair stuck in your eye that you know is there but you’re unable to reach it. Be still, and listen. Listen to yourself, you’ll know.”
“I stood/floated there for a long time and then I asked, “What should I do now? The world around me is in chaos, how should I change that.”
He said, “You’re trying to scrub the mirror in an attempt to change the black spot that is on your face.”
I asked, “who are you?”, he said, “I am everything, I am everyone, I am the voice in your head, I am the answer to all your questions, I am you.”
As soon as he said that, he entered my body and became one with me, I felt like I was absorbing light and my being became illuminated. He again spoke in my mind, “You need to open your eyes now and then, be still.”
When I opened my eyes, I felt like I’d travelled for a long time without food or water, I felt exhausted. I fell asleep.”
This vision made me realise that the surface-level jerk reactions, muscle memories that we believe are feelings, are actually not. It is the attention that we give it makes it manifest. If your SP is not responding to you, ask yourself? Will you die if he doesn’t? Actually no, what is the extreme that will happen? Go to the ends and let it happen in your mind for a few moments, then when you’re calm, you’ll realize that, once you remove fear from the equation, all that’s left is Love.
  1. Everything about EIYPO
Now something strange happened today. When I woke up in the morning, I was not in a very good mood and suddenly in my mind, I started having a heated conversation with my mother in my mind, she said a lot of bad things to me, I said a lot of bad things to her, (note that, all this is happening in my mind), and then I visualized her behaviour, mannerisms, body language, for no apparent reason. I did this for about an hour, I just don’t know why. It was a very bad fight.
In the evening, she came to me and started a fight, for no apparent reason. I’m a very calm person usually, I don’t lose my cool, but she said something that flipped me off and then the fight escalated, word for word, we said the same things to each other that I’d visualised. She said such mean things that any normal person would’ve buried themselves alive under the ground. But during the fight, with tears in my eyes, I took a deep breath and for a minute I calmed myself and asked “what am I feeling?”. I was distraught on the surface, but under all of that, there was this little feeling of peace, like whatever is happening doesn’t matter in the least.
Now after the fight subsided I realised that, that this is the manifestation of the visualisation that I’d don’t in the morning. But, I also realised, my god-self was calm, I was at peace. I was distraught, crying, and what not, but I was at peace. It was not her fault, it was me who animated that part of her.
*What does this teach us? This teaches us 2 things, whatever you see, people, behaviours, things, etc. are all created by you, you blow life into everything and animate it. And the second thing is, under all the emotions, no matter what, if you sit still for a second and remove everything, remove the emotions, you’ll get to know your real feeling.”
I hope that answers your question
  1. Everything about revision
To be very honest, I’ve just started experimenting with revision and I’m working on it still. But I’ll give you the basic understanding and the foundation that I’ve laid.
Time is not linear. This concept of time is man-made, because as humans we’re hardwired to do everything in a pattern. No matter what you do, you’ll do it in a pattern. At some point in the past, people saw that night turned into day and day turned into night and how the sun was moving and how the moon was moving and what happened during all of that, this time was created. Now this is the practical explanation that we all know and see.
But when we talk about law of assumption, Mr. Goddard has clearly stated that the past that you think is set in stone, that you think cannot be changed is actually happening right now. He said, the future that we visualise and anticipate is also happening right now. If you refute this, tell me how it is possible that scientists say that if we go some light years away from the earth and take a gigantic telescope and view the earth from there, we’d see dinosaurs. If time was linear, if the past was set in stone, how would that be possible?
To revise, the first and foremost thing that you need to understand and digest the fact that time is not linear. Everything is happening right now, in the now. Past can be changed the same way we alter the course of our future by deciding what we want to see.
Revision is not something that we need to learn to do. Scientists have proven that we don’t ever remember the scene as it had happened, we remember the last time that we thought about it. And if you ask 5 people about the same thing, they’ll give 5 different versions, and if you ask again, their answers will change. It is all happening in our mind, in our imagination.
I’ve been laying the foundation for revision for the last one year but I couldn’t experiment because I’ve been busy surviving as you all know. But I’ve internalised the fact that time is not linear and the past is not set in stone. And I had helped immensely.
Once I actually start revising, I’ll update you all with the results.
  1. How can you help others with Neville's teachings? Or is this too intrusive? :)
Who are others? Everyone is you pushed out my darling. You’re technically always helping yourself. You manifest for you, for others, it’s the same. Just start everything with the premise of love, no matter who you’re manifesting for, start it with love, you’ll see.
  1. Started talking to ex I always missed went to dinner one time both had a great time then she had been distant ever since still text a little asked her to go out twice again and she always has an excuse I really want this woman back into my life any advice on manifesting also I manifested a text from her the first time we went out so idk why it’s not working again
Why do you think it is not working? Why are you micromanaging everything? Why are you living in the 3D? Where is your faith?
You have still not internalized the basic understanding of the law that 3D IS DEAD. Your only job is to live in the wish fulfilled. If you’re looking at the 3D for validation, you’re renouncing your faith. By doing that, you’re not giving your subconscious the chance to work for you. Your 3D is the delayed manifestation of your past beliefs. Right now, in the present moment, all you have to do it, give your attention to what you want to see on the screen of your 3D, leave the rest on your subconscious/God.
Please have faith in yourself and work hard on your self concept.
  1. How did you stay focus and avoided the 3D while manifesting your desire and living in the end?
Mr. Goddard has said this numerous times, you should have a burning desire, a desire that sets your nerves on fire. That is where the process begins.
I have worked hard on internalising the fact that 3D is dead, it’s an illusion and I control it. And when I’m manifesting something, if I feel like I’m drifting away, I ask myself “why did you start manifesting this particular desire? Why did you want it in the first place?”. Then I remember the reason and get back to the wish fulfilled.
I’ll say this here, ask yourself as many questions as you can. Ask yourself and you’ll get an answer. All the answers are in you.
About focus, when you get triggered or carried away, take deep breaths, calm yourself down and remind yourself of reasons why you want the desire, and persevere/persist from there.
  1. Your story is incredible. You healed me by healing yourself, I haven't been through an ounce of what you have, but have experienced trauma growing up. May I ask did you ever question how EIYPO fit into this? I guess this the part I get stuck in a loop from. Please do share your self concept tips I have come a long way but sometimes the deserving and feeling wanted creeps in and the feelings of why me, I do have the conviction though. Again thank you for speaking your story.
The very first thing that I’d like to say is, never underestimate your pain, never put yourself down. Don’t ever invalidate your struggles, if you feel it is big, it is. Let it come out. I went through all of that, because my mind was more fucked than yours is. I take accountability. I understand and know that I created everything. It was me who animated the worst in everybody by keeping my mind in the gutter.
Let me tell you what I’ve understood from all the introspection I’ve done in the last 4 years.
Right from when I was young, I always had a very convoluted understanding of this world. I would consume crime shows and dark books and what not. I was paranoid all the time. I had this notion that this world is a fucked place. People are assholes and there’s nothing good in this world. Trust me when I say that I manifested everything to the T. I was molested by each man that I came across, people would take advantage of me, I would live in the fear that I’ll be killed and my father actually tried to m@rder me. My brain was fucked in every sense of the word and I manifested everything like a movie plot.
And this went for the 90% of my life, until I came across Mr. Goddard. Trust me when I say this, it took me a year to take accountability for my actions, it took me more than that to actually start working on it. In the beginning my mind resisted this teaching so much so that I actually threw away some of his books (I deeply regret that, sorry Mr. Goddard). But when things were going downhill, more bad than I was used to, I again started reading, as I had no other choice.
Now what I did wrong was, I started applying the teachings on my assumptions of the nearest people to me, the ones that were the worst. For the longest of time I did not get any results because I was still looking at 3D and taking validation from it. The understanding that the 3D is dead and everyone is you pushed out actually works hand in hand here. Then one day I had a fight with my then best friend and I thought okay, let’s work here. I closed my eyes and just imagined all the beautiful things about her, how she’s a wonderful person and what not, trust me when I say this, in 10 minutes I got a call from her and she apologised, even though it was my fault, but rest assured that even I apologised.
Now there are 2 things/teachings that overlap, one that you need to work on your self concept and people will come to you and one that you need to look at everyone with love and that’s how they’ll show up, so which one to choose?
Self concept is something that needs to be worked on each day, everyday, every moment for YOUR SELF CONCEPT IS THE FOUNDATION ON WHICH THE BUILDING OF ALL YOUR DESIRES WILL STAND. You should always keep working on your self concept in the background.
Now onto the second part, I explained this in the last post, I’ll copy paste from there,
The people that you see are you, fragments of you, manifestations of you, reflections of you. We have a set of beliefs for every person we know. And the people we don’t know show in the state that we’re in. Experiment with this. Just pay attention to your state and see how unknown people show up, look at their behaviour, you’ll get your answer.
Everyone is you pushed out. You manifested them out of your life and only you can bring them back.
Look at each person as a blank slate and not as the beliefs that you have for them. We make this mistake (even I’m guilty of that), of have rock hard beliefs about any and everybody we know. If I ask you about your mother, you’ll talk until evening about how she is, and the same goes for everybody else, but for a second just remove those adjectives and just look at that person in a neutral state and then attach a new belief, you’ll get the results.
Mr. Goddard has spoken extensively about it. Please read his books.
I have changed my SP so much using the same technique that sometimes I myself don’t recognise him.
  1. Hi!😊can you please share how you manifested such a wonderful and loving SP. Also how did you change your SC to manifest him and maintain an amazing relationship with hun. Thank you!
Oh god, I’ll have to again write a very long answer lol
This is a funny story actually. When I was in a bad place and hadn’t come across Mr. Goddard yet, I was heavily immersed in fanfics. One day I read an especially romantic scene and I thought to myself that why can’t I have someone who would love me and Romance me the same way that these fanfics talk about?
Now take note that I had gotten out of a very abusive relationship and I would always envision myself being alone. I was mentally not ready to bring someone into my life and I had a very convoluted understanding of this world.
But in that moment I’m like “screw this world, I need a man who’ll love me for who I am. And what did I do next? I wrote a very very detailed and graphic erotica lol. I’m sorry. After writing I was very satisfied with myself. I would read it for fun and move on.
During that time I came across Mr. Goddard and I was reading his books. After about 2 months of writing that piece, I met my SP in my office. I was not supposed to work that shift, nor was I supposed to meet him, but one person fell sick and I was dragged for that shift and I met him. I fell in love with his smile the moment I met him.
Now make not that he used to talk to me but he was not interested in me because he was in a relationship. I was like no, YOU BELONG TO ME. In a month, he was mine in the 3D and we’ve never looked back.
Please don’t ask for that erotica, I’m begging you.
  1. When you were working on your self-concept, what are the ideas/ concepts you worked to install?
Please refer to the last post for this, I’ve already answered it.
  1. What would be your go to techniques to manifesting sp ?
Please refer to question no 14.
  1. How long on an average does it take to change the self concept with mental diet
Now this is very subjective. How intensely are you working on it? For how long? What is the premise with which you’re starting it? These things play a crucial role in changing your SC.
The one advice I’d like to give you is, do the techniques with the intention of feeling at peace in the present moment, the now, don’t look for results, the results will come to you.
  1. I want to manifest height increase can u help me with that?
Start by internalizing the fact that even the body that you have is a cloak of humanness that you’re wearing, it’s a part of 3D, it’s dead. And physical changes, as per my understanding is a crucial part of self-concept.
My suggestion would be to work on your self concept and slowly add this height-increase scene/affirmation to it. DO NOT LOOK FOR RESULTS. You’ll know with time.
  1. Hi Just what did you do to change the situation Please read all my posts, you’ll get the answers.
  2. How to change self concept permanently? and also would like to know about SATS
Please refer to my previous post, I’ve talked extensively about it.
My dear Lords and Gods please take note that this is my understanding of the law and I talk from my experience, if you don’t agree with something, please comment, I’d like to know your perspective.
I am trying to answer all the questions to the best of my ability, please have patience and please give me a little time to answer all the questions.
I love you all and thank you.
submitted by MrsCumberbatch19 to NevilleGoddard [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:05 surestsmile I'm frustrated with my soon to be quitting coworker

I'm not on the verge of quitting YET but I am planning to quit by the end of the year. My current frustration lies with my coworker who has already tendered their resignation but is required to serve two months' notice. In all honestly, their work has been below expectations even before they have tendered, and I'm also struggling with my own workload that has increased while they pile more on me due to their lack of fucks given.
My frustration lies in this: 1) They were awarded the role they have now because they threatened to quit. This was about 8 months ago. 2) In terms of experience in the company, they have 5 years more than me and are therefore paid more. I'm expected to be guiding them because this is considered a "new" role for them. On paper though, they have the same qualifications and I don't have any authority over them. Additionally, before taking on this role, they were expected to have at least minimum skills, eg training new staff, setting up new centres, developing worksheets. 3) I have also worked alongside them in their previous role and had the impression that they deliver high-quality work.
When they have transitioned to our role, our communal workload increased since "yay, you have a partner now". I could tolerate this with the expectation that they were supposed to help me. Unfortunately, as I have mentioned, they have decided to coast along and have given me more problems to solve due to not even doing their job properly. I had spent two months coaching on a very basic part of our role and it was like pulling teeth just to get it done up to brand standards, which she is aware of. I don't have the time or the energy to be doing this.
Our manager isn't even monitoring this as they said, "I trust the two of you" and honestly, I can't even go to my manager because my coworker is on better terms with her and I just want to ride this month out and focus on the shit that I have do. I don't even feel like I should bring it up to our manager as this point. I can't even rant very much to colleagues about this because their resignation would only be officially announced two weeks before their departure, and I also feel bad ranting about this because there's very little anyone can do.
submitted by surestsmile to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 16:39 Sweetpeawl What is the emptiness?

I have felt this emptiness inside for all my adult life. I have talked about it in talk therapy and in somatic therapy, but it remains as elusive to describe as ever. I do not know if I lack the proper language skills, but I simply cannot express it appropriately. I don't know where I feel it in my body, sometimes it seems coupled with thoughts - but this again I am unsure. I can't find adjectives that are apt: it's not sadness, it's not despair, it's not anger, it's not frustration nor embarrassed nor doubt. It is not evil (nor good), it is not darkness, but it does make me blind to the beauty and color of the world.
My therapist asked me this week if it was "nothing", and many years ago I would have said yes. But it's not nothing. There's something, some feeling that exists because of "nothing". Why is it so hard to identify? I told her it's heavy, like it wears me down. I said it's seems like truth, undeniable and inescapable and all I can do to survive is ignore it, pretend, and live in delusion. And that empty feeling varies in intensity - sometimes it can make me miserable, and other times I can ignore it somewhat, although it is always there. A hollowness inside, something "missing", something lacking - the "self", right? An impossibility, a contradiction.
Can we all share our description of that emptiness - perhaps it is different for all of us, or perhaps it is the same. I would like to learn how others talk about it and deal with it. Thank you.
submitted by Sweetpeawl to Schizoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 13:34 Imaginary-Maize4675 Commentary on the names Roa Gracia

Let's start with everyone's favorite Prince - Viktor Idinarohk. His name is of Latin origin, derived from the epithet of the gods Jupiter and Mars - "Victor" - meaning "Winner". In Russia, this name also has a feminine form "Victoria", which is shortened to "Vika" for friends and family (and not "Visha" as Youjo Senki fans think), so Asato was mistaken in actually calling His Highness a female name. For men there is a shortened form of the name "Vitya". His last name is the Russian word for "Unicorn" written in Latin.
Next we have Lerche and its predecessor Lerchenlied. Both names are German and mean "Lark" and "Song of the Lark" respectively. Her nickname "Chaika" is a Russian word meaning "Seagull".
Now about Ludmila (although it would be more accurate as Lyudmila). Her name is Old Slavonic in origin and literally means “Sweet to People,” “a Girl Liked by Others.” Short form of the name Lyudmila: Lyuda, Lyudochka, Lyudka, Lyusya, Lyudmilka, Lyudusya, Lyudasha, Lyudukha, Lyudusha, Mila.
His Majesty "Stanya". More precisely, "Stanislav". The name is formed from the bases of the words [stan] (cf. “become”, “established”) and [slav] (cf. “glory”), is of Old Slavonic origin and literally means “Glorious Fellow”, “Famous”. Diminutive variants also include "Stasya, Stas, Slava". And “Stanya” can also be a Slovak or Latvian surname.
Let's move on to Prince Zafar. His name (Arabic ظفر‎ - “Victory”) is a proper name of Arabic origin, cognate with the names Zafarullah and Muzaffar. It means victory or, as a proper name, “winner.” There is a Persian epic “Zafar-name” - “Book of Victory”. A similar proper name in Western cultures is Victor or Victoria. (Yeah, Asato apparently decided to make a joke on the readers.)
We also got to "Zashya" or "Roshya". Firstly, not “Zashya” but “Zayka” means “little girl bunny” (for boys it will be “Zaychonok”). "Roshya" literally means "grove" in Russian, and it may also be an abbreviation of the Russian female name "Rostislava", literal meaning "Increasing Glory". Derivations from the male version of the name "Rostislav": Rostislavka, Rostya, Rostyan, Rostik, Rosya, Rotya, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya.
Prince Victor's fiancée, Princess "Yaroslava", was also mentioned. The feminine form of the male common Slavic personal name “Yaroslav”. Synthesis of two forms of nominal stems: short adjective "yar" - lit. “violent, fierce, aggressive, sharp, strong” and “slav” - lit. "glory". The literal meaning of the name is "Bright Glory".
The late Queen Mariana. Her name is a phonetic version of the name Marianne. Comes from the merger of the names Maria and Anna. In the 18th century, the double name “Marie Anne” (French Marie-Anne) was one of the most popular female names in France. During the Great French Revolution, the name Marianne arose on its basis, which became the symbol and nickname of France.
Svetlana Idinarohk, Victor's aunt. Her name is an actual Russification of the names of saints of the Russian Orthodox Church like Photina (from ancient Greek φωτός - “light”), Faina (from ancient Greek φαεινή - “shining, brilliant”), Lukia (from Latin lux - “ light"), Eulampia (ancient Greek λάμπω - “candle, shining”), Aglaida (from ancient Greek ἀγλαΐα - “brilliance, light”), as well as Elena (according to one version, going back to other -Greek ἑλένη - “torch”). The people wanted simpler and more native names, especially since in other Slavic languages there are names formed from the stem [svet/light]: these are the Czech Svetka, the Moravian Svet (and the diminutives Svetik, Svetek), as well as Svetla, Svetil, Svetlusha and others. Since 1806, it has gradually gained popularity in Russia. A shortened version of the name "Sveta". An analogue in other languages with an etymology going back to the concepts of “light, shining, clear, radiant, pure” is Italian. Lucia (Lucia), fr. Lucie (Lucy; cf. Lucia); English Clare, German Clara, Italian Clara and Chiara, fr. Claire (Claire, Clara, Chiara, Claire).
Thank you for your attention. Perhaps this reference will help you better understand the “hidden meanings” of the “Eighty Six”.
submitted by Imaginary-Maize4675 to EightySix [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 11:32 ThrowWhey4848 I blame my diagnosis for how my life ended up becoming empty and meaningless. Here's my whole story as to why (long!)

(tldr towards the end)
  Recently I've been thinking I shouald be more open about my life and what I've been through. I know it's not nearly as bad as the abuses some have endured, but it's left me rather messed up in it's own way. It's a bunch of stuff I've barely ever shared with people, certainly never laid out in full like this before. Originally planned on only sharing this with a few close people, but at some point I started thinking it might be better to fully open up and just sorta dump my whole ass life story somewhere public? And this seemed as suitable a place as any?
Despite trying to keep it down to what felt like the most critical details, it somehow ended up becoming far, far longer than expected or planned. Long enough that I don't really expect anyone here to actually bother reading it. But whatever, I'm largely posting it for my own sake at this point.
  I am legally blind and also on the autistic spectrum. I'd ask that you don't pay too much mind to the autism part though. It's not that I have any problem with the way I am per se, but more than anything I wish I'd never been diagnosed with it.
I'm put in mind of the old Rosenhan experiment, where a handful of regular people falsely claimed to have hallucinations and got sent as patients to psychiatric hospitals. Despite acting completely normal once admitted, they were never able to be recognised as the mentally healthy people they were. The mental health system has improved drastically since then. However, at least in my experience, the way a diagnosis can stick to a person and significantly change of how some people will view and interact with that person is still very much a thing. Even if that diagnosis is accurate, this treatment can still be a problem.
  It started being a thing in primary school. Spent some of my time in a special classroom alongside a few other kids who... probably needed the support a lot more than I did. I admittedly did have some behaviour problems back then, but I'm pretty sure I was doing fine on learning. I remember not enjoying that I had to go to that class, nor liking the people running it, but I don't think my feelings about it were particularly strong back then.
Then middle school came and I think things were actually pretty good and normal at first. There were still various special needs workers and the like who'd sometimes come in to observe me in class, or pull me away for some one on one time with them or whatever. I was growing increasingly unfond of this sort of thing, but compared to before, most of my days were just regular student stuff. But over time I started acting out and getting stressed and things only got worse from there. I believe it started with there being a rule about students having to spend the entire lunch break outside if the weather was good. I have issues with light sensitivity and was not okay with this. Eventually I started refusing to go outside during lunch entirely. The teachers weren't okay with this and tensions rose (In hindsight, I really should've had sunglasses back then. No idea why I didn't)
I don't remember the exact reason, but at some point I got real stubborn and refused to do any work during class. Tensions rose more.
  This all led to me having to start seeing a psychiatrist, though that wasn't very constructive. There's two strong memories I have of him. One is of me and him sitting silently in a room where I was expected to be speaking but for whatever reason wasn't. The other is of him and mum talking about school stuff while I sat there listening, I'd sometimes speak up to try clarify or give context to stuff mum was saying but he'd insist I kept quiet or I'd have to leave the room.
He'd also have some one on one talks with mum while I waited outside. I only know what I've heard from mum talking about it many years later, and she has a tendency to exaggerate or embellish this kind of thing, so take this with a lump of salt. Supposedly he talked to her about how he was going to break me and then the real progress can begin. Then later, when that didn't work, he'd tell her I was the worst kid he'd ever dealt with and was untreatable. Though, again, no idea how true any of that is...
  So progress wasn't happening there, and things at school weren't getting better.
Somewhere along the line one of my special needs people, a visual resource worker who I'm sure was in no way qualified to make this kind of call, got the idea that I was depressed. So she started pushing to get me put on antidepressants. And I guess my psych was over having to deal with me at that point as he seemed to just go with it? And I was just a kid, so when I was told I needed to start taking a pill before school, I just did it without giving it any real thought.
Thing is, I wasn't depressed. I was stressed, angry, and full of anger related adrenalin. The pills did nothing to help any of those things. What they did do was mess with my ability to stay in control of all that. So the anger I'd been keeping bottled up started getting expressed. Physically. I'd often lash out against whoever was getting to me in that moment, which was typically teachers and staff but... not always.
I don't really like thinking about that time much. Don't like what I was. Obviously I put a lot of blame on the meds for messing me up so bad. But the anger itself is just something that's a part of me. As, I fear, is the way I lean towards getting physical when that anger becomes too much. It's something I've been sure to stay keenly aware of ever since.
To their arguable credit, the school did put up with me far longer than it had any right to. But their way of dealing with me wasn't exactly constructive. I don't really remember that time period super well tbh, but a few scattered memories that stand out are: A member of staff lifting me by the collar and holding me against a wall, two staff members dragging me home with one of them digging their fingernails into my hand hard enough it left two small scars (fully faded after a few years), a teacher holding me down over a desk forcing me to look at a piece of paper, and an already tense moment with me on the verge while a staff member was confrontationally saying something to the effect of "you shaking like that doesn't scare me". And then basically every clear weather day saw me being physically dragged by two or three staff members from the school building to the office building. Dragged right through the courtyard where all the other students were sitting for lunch. To be clear, this isn't me trying to play the victim per se, I really was quite bad back then. But, like, this started with me being stressed and angry at people. So I think you can probably see how things only compounded on themselves from there, each side constantly having a harder time and only making it harder for the other in turn.
  So yeah, eventually I got kicked out. Finally stopped taking the pills and only then did I become aware of just how much of an effect they'd been having on me, far too late for it to mean anything. Spent the next few months doing nothing but sitting at home playing computer games or whatever. Meanwhile the, uh, whatever places my various special needs workers come from, along with whatever other vague powers there are that get to decide the major life decisions for people like me, they were all trying to figure out where I should go from there.
  The answer was two years at a boarding school. A special boarding school meant specifically for kids with mental disabilities and learning difficulties.
It was not a good place for me.
(something I only just recently learned looking through some of the old papers my mum kept. Apparently some people thought I had a "fear of failure", and so sending me to a place where I would "perceive myself to be better than my peers" was expected to be good for me?? Perhaps it's that I'm still processing. I feel like I should be really upset to learn this, but for now I'm just too baffled)
  It's weird. Thinking back, this definitely feels like the darkest part of my life, as well as the part that's had the largest lasting impact on me. But when it comes to talking about it? It feels like there's rather little to say? (As I'm thinking about it, writing this out, I'm also finding I've forgotten a lot more of the details than I'd expected)
  To put things in some perspective, I'd learned to read before starting school. In primary school I was always in the top reading group of the class. Boarding school? I was one of the very few kids there who knew how to read at all (ages ranging for pre-teen to late teen). Then there was the boredom. I did have a few books and a gameboy, but that can only occupy a person so much. I ended up spending a lot of time literally just sitting around waiting for time to pass. Would go to the toilet at the slightest need just to fill in a few minutes.
But worst of all was the people. The kids there were... not people I'd think of as peers. Not really people I wanted to have as the entirety of my social experience. (though, spend enough time stuck with nothing but a certain group...) And then the adults were "friendly" but would often talk down to me or interact with me in ways I'd consider far more insulting than something like "the R word". Didn't matter that I was well behaved, properly educated, and unmedicated. I was a kid who had been sent there, so they saw and treated me the same as any other.
  Overall I think if I compared my experience there to being like a mentally healthy person being falsely committed to a mental institute? That maybe wouldn't be an entirely fair comparison, but I don't think it's an entirely wrong one either. I did not belong there.
  As for the school side of things... the principal had a talk with me early on where I made it clear just how much I didn't want to be there and would much rather be going to a normal school. He told me that was an option. That there were kids here who got to go to the local schools instead of the classes here. I expressed interest, but I was still new there and he wasn't willing to trust me right off the bat. Since It was getting close to the end of the school year, and I was due to start high school the year after, the deal was that if I could prove I could behave and be non-disruptive in class for the rest of the year I'd get to go to the local high school at the start of the next. This was of course a very easy goal to reach, now that I didn't have the meds messing me up. The deal didn't actually require me to do any of the work in class, and the work the class was doing was frankly so far beneath me that it was less mind numbing to just sit back and let my thoughts wander. So class became even more of me sitting around waiting for time to pass. Dull, but at least now I had something to look forward to!
As the time to start at the high school got near, the principal and I had more talks about how things were going to work. It was only here that I realised there'd been a miscommunication. All the boarding school kids that went to the high school all went into the same class, with a teacher who worked for the boarding school. Attending normal classes like I'd spent months looking forward to was simply not an option. Though he did make sure to stress how great this particular teacher was. Been working there for however many years and he'd never had a single student complain about her. In hindsight I probably should've taken that as more of a red flag.
She felt less like a teacher and more like a babysitter. I mentioned that the previous classes weren't suited for me, but at least there I could see the other students being challenged and learning stuff. Here? There was the occasional moment where a student would ask question and have something explained, but the bulk of the time it felt like they were just being kept busy with a level of work they were already confident in. It's extremely rude to say, but I'm honestly not sure she was even smart enough to be working as a teacher. The work I was given was still beneath me, but I started out doing it anyway out of some hope that I'd be given harder stuff if I proved I was capable. As time went on I came to realise just how pointless that hope was. So after a few months I once again I stopped doing any of the work. It was demeaning. And so sitting in class doing nothing became the entire rest of my school year.
Oh, but there was one very special moment in the later part of the year! The teacher gave me a book to look at. A teacher book of worksheets that could be photocopied and handed out. She told me it was all stuff for my level. That I could take a look through it and if anything interested me she'd make a copy for me to do. And did I mention this was the exact same work everyone else my age was doing? Because she made sure to assure me of that at least two or three times. So I opened to a random page and had a look, then immediately started searching the book to see who it was actually meant for. Sure enough it wasn't meant for high school students, or even middle school students. Primary. Mid-late primary aged students with learning disabilities. I'd expected little, but wow!
  Of course, this boarding school was never intended to be more than a two year thing, so the powers that be still had to decide what I'd do when I got out. And... it was decided that I'd get to go back into high school back home. The catholic one, so it'd be a fresh start away from all the students who knew me from the mess at middle school. And I'd be attending regular classes as a regular student, for real this time. I'd also be starting at the start of the school year which, with the way the timing of things worked out, meant getting about half a year cut off from the two year stint. Great news all around! It did mean starting the first year of high school over again, since the boarding school never even tried teaching me anything at the proper level, so I'd be a year older than the rest of kids in my classes, but whatever. (though why this all couldn't have just happened a year earlier I'll never know. No idea what was going on behind the scenes with the people making these decisions, but on my end the whole boarding school thing felt like nothing but a huge waste of time with a bunch of added mental trauma on the side)
  So I once again had something to look forward to. A fresh start as a normal student!? The one thing I'd been wanting so deeply since I got kicked out of middle school? I got pretty emotionally invested in the idea, and it really helped carry me through the however many months left of boarding school I still had to get through first.
Should've known better.
Would've known better if I'd let myself think about it for even a moment.
  As much as things had been especially bad the past few years, things had stopped being good and normal for me since long before that. Of course I'd still be getting judged and defined by labels by adults who hadn't even met me. Of course I'd still have to deal with them treating me different than everyone else. Of course it would be worse than before now that a special needs school was part of my history.
There was the usual stuff of course. Being talked down do or having basic stuff extremely overexplained to me. Getting specifically told what an amazingly super good job I was doing when I followed instructions exactly the same as everyone else in class was doing. Same sort of thing any time I did well on a test, only then it was with multiple teachers throughout the day. Doing the best in class was even worse. One teacher I even learned to recognise when they were about to start speaking to me because of a noticeable hesitation they'd have. Every time. Only for me. There was one time where a teacher, without asking, decided to be helpful and go through and organise everything in my bag for me. Middle of class, in front of everyone. And even weird stuff like one teacher who'd hand out worksheets and would always hand one to me last. No matter where I was sitting they'd somehow manage to path around the room in a way that made me last. Exactly the same sheet as everyone else. Not sure they even realised they were doing it. Like, wat? How do I even parse behaviour like that?
And one fun moment that really stands out: Teacher who often writes stuff on the board for the class to copy down in our books. Speaks aloud the words as she writes. Later has questions about how I'm able to copy it down when I can't see that far. Tell her I just listen to what she says, she insists she isn't saying anything. Stops speaking when writing after that. Sure. Sometimes people automatically stop a subconscious habit when it's pointed out to them. Don't give it much thought, just waited for the kid next to me to finish then asked to copy off them. nbd. About a week later mum gets a call from the principal. Apparently "some teachers" suspected that I was faking my low vision. Seriously, what the hell!? Is a lifetime of me successfully deceiving all the experts I've ever seen really more believable than me being capable of finding a simple solution to an everyday problem?
...actually those last four examples were all the same teacher. There were others who talked down to or treated me weird, but this one really stood out. Sometimes wonder if things would've gone differently if I hadn't had to deal with someone that bad so soon after starting there.
Also, I didn't learn this for sure until a fair bit later (though I did have some suspicions), but I understand some staff had some kind of big talk with all the other students in my year. About asperger's and about me and what to expect. I actually have very little idea about what was said here (though apparently violent behaviour was mentioned) but I'm pretty sure I should be pissed. After all, a big part of the reason I came to this school specifically was to have it be a clean slate!
  In some ways things were even worse than boarding school. At least there I was technically treated about the same as everyone else, much as I hated being grouped with them. Now? Stuff like hearing a teacher talk normally to one student, then hear the drastic change in tone of voice the moment they started talking to me? It made things hit in a much sharper way, so to speak.
I don't know if it was because of that, because I'd let myself get my hopes up, or just me being worn down and done with things. But at this point being blatantly talked down to or othered by people was starting to become a pretty big trigger for me, anger wise. It was only getting worse as time went by.
I'd managed to keep things in control, but after about half a year of doing my best, putting up with everything and getting zero sign that things were ever going to improve, I got the sense that I wasn't going to be able to keep this up forever. That unless something changed it would only be a matter of time before things went real bad.
Thinking back, there's probably better ways I could've handled it. But at the time I just let myself fall back into old, safe patterns. I stopped doing any of the work, stopped trying to interact with the teachers I couldn't tolerate, basically just started spending my days sitting in class doing nothing, being as quiet and unresponsive as possible.
This must sound pretty counterintuitive, huh? Acting like this when I'd so desperately wanted to be seen and treated like a regular person? And yet, it worked just as I thought it would. There was a bit of an adjusting period, but after a few months of them failing to get anything out of me they'd mostly just leave me alone. Things started to become far less stressful and I finally started to feel like I'd be able to see high school all the way through to the end.
Sure there were still occasional moments where one of the bad ones would speak or try to interact with me in some way, and the way they treated me in those moments was the same as it'd ever been, but the sheer drop in frequency was enough to make things feel manageable.
...I want to repeat that for emphasis. I started out doing all my school and homework, from being active in class, talking, and generally doing everything I could do to try and be seen as a normal student. And then suddenly went to refusing to write anything down or give any response when they tried to talk to me. And the way they treated me was the same as it'd ever been. The way they talked down to and othered me did not get any worse for this change. It started out as bad as it would ever be right from day one, and nothing I said or did was ever going to change it.
So spending every class sitting around doing nothing became my new normal, again. I still listened and stuff, took in what I could. It wasn't ideal for learning, but I think I managed okay.
To be clear, when I talk about how badly some of the staff treated me, there were also a bunch of teachers who talked to and treated me perfectly normal. Even when I didn't do much in class. The first few years just happened to stick me with a bunch of the worst ones. Things did get a lot better for me after that, especially when I got more freedom to pick my classes. (Mum likes to talk up how smart I am for picking all the sciences. Truth is my only focus when picking classes was to try to get as many good teachers as I could)
Even as things got better I still didn't do the bulk of the work in class, though I did take tests and do at least some of the projects for credits. I already had something that was working for me and didn't want to rock the boat. Another sudden change in behaviour would've surely drawn a lot of unwanted attention.
Naturally some people from the school became pretty sceptical about my chances of passing. Literally having mum sign a paper saying she wouldn't hold the school accountable for my failure at the start of one school year, then trying to stop me from even taking the exams at the end of that same year.
It was actually pretty amusing thinking back. Four times a year there would be a meeting between mum and the school to talk about me. "They will never be able to pass, they haven't done enough work" "The qualifications for this year are a lot harder than last year, they won't be able to pass this time unless they change their behaviour" Up until final year when literally every meeting was about what I'd do the following year when (not if) I failed to graduate. Discussing stuff like if I'd be able to get along with the previous year of kids if I repeated, or if working in the school laundry would be a good place for me.
I did pass in the end. Admittedly only barely, but still.
(None of the good teachers ever showed up to these meetings btw, kinda goes with me considering them the good ones I guess. But it did leave the school side of the meetings rather one sided. It made for a weird moment in my final year when talking to my physics teacher and he casually mentioned the possibility of me scoring higher than the basic passing marks, while others from the school were literally planning for my failure)
  For the final years of high school I was pretty much running on some mix of inertia, stubbornness, and spite. But that's all I had going for me. So, while passing despite expectations to the contrary was satisfying in a metaphorical middle finger kind of way, I had no motivations for anything beyond that. I was done.
My mum and a handful of other people would talk about what a waste it was for me to never go onto university or anything because I'm smart or whatever. But I really was just totally done with everything at that point.
Thinking back, I have some mixed feelings about this. I can kinda imagine a scenario where I go off to uni and it ends up being super good and healthy for me. But I can also very easily imagine the opposite. Like, sure, everybody talks about college and university and how vastly different they are from everything before it. But I'm not part of that 'everybody'. I can't trust that things being that way for everyone else means they'll be that way for me. Seeing my peers all starting to live hands off and independent would've only made it hurt more if I still had to deal with any staff there treating me like I'm incapable, or dealing with the various special needs people who would no doubt still be trying to be involved in my life. Plus, I'd already gotten my hopes up before, thinking that high school would've been different, and got burned for it. Didn't have much optimism left in me after that. And it's not like there were any subjects or anything that had me interested in further education in the first place. ...Which does mean all the time, stress and energy I spent into getting all my high school qualifications ended being a complete waste. But whatever. Sunk cost fallacy or something.
  Never entered any sort of workforce either. I spent all my time at home living as a dependent. Playing games, watching anime, just finding ways to pass the time. I wouldn't say I was happy or fulfilled per se, but I wasn't unhappy either. Wasn't stressed or angry. It was the closest I'd been to content in a very long time.
And then over ten years passed and literally nothing has changed. It's embarrassing to still be comparing things to my time at school when that was so long ago now. But it really does still feel like living this quiet, out of the way existence that doesn't draw anyones attention really is as good as things can get for me.
  So... that's basically the story of how my life ended up becoming broken, empty and meaningless. And, much as I wish things had gone differently, I've more or less made peace with where I'm at.
  tldr: Being diagnosed as autistic caused many people to start othering me, treating me as something far different and/or less capable than my would be peers. As a kid I was put on ill-prescribed medication, then later was sent to a special needs boarding school. All of these things did far more harm than good for me growing up. I admittedly wasn't always the best behaved kid, but even when I got a lot better the way people saw and treated me was the same. Even with adults I was meeting for the first time. By high school I was developing some pretty serious and potentially violent anger issues. Issues that were triggered specifically by adults treating me differently. So simply putting up with it wasn't looking to be a safe option at that point. No matter how well I behaved, or how much I proved myself capable, the way I was treated never showed any hint of getting better. Instead, I found that being withdrawn, saying and doing as little around these people as possible would have them mostly leave me alone. It's the only thing I ever found that made their treatment of me more manageable, and it worked pretty consistently. It made my anger much less of a concern. Though it probably wasn't healthy for me in other ways, long term. Multiple times, for various reasons, I got my hopes up about things changing or getting better in some way, but I was let down every time. So now I just spend my life in my room passing the time, because that's about as good as things get for me and I no longer have it in me to hope for anything more.
  Feel free to question, comment, whatever. Brutal honesty preferred. I can imagine some people having rather critical opinions about some of this, so don't worry about holding back, haha.
Fuck labels. Fuck the institutions that give them their power. Fuck the people who place them on others. Fuck the people who judge others because of them. Fuck the people who think they know who someone is because of them. Fuck 'em.
People are people.
submitted by ThrowWhey4848 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:20 anoncat1997 Figg Creation [Long Post]

Figg Creation [Long Post]
Hello~! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
I can't sleep so I'm trying to tire myself out by writing a little 'guide' of sorts of how I personally create figgs (basically sleepy rambles).
I'm definitely not as skilled at making figgs as other creators that I admire and whom are more well-known in the community, but I'm better at it than I used to be when I started. And, after much trial and error (perhaps one could even call it 'experience'), I think that I can give some good enough advice, albeit nothing too revolutionary (it's more so something that could hopefully help newer users who aren't familiar with bot creation). After all, we do already have multiple very helpful resources that I learned from myself, but I just wanted to explain the way that I put those resources to good use, how I personalize them, and give any other advice that might be relevant.
Without further ado, let's start with the:
🟣 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 section of figg creation.
For singular characters, I usually use the Leo Sunshine template provided by the site:
[character("Name") { Nickname("") Species("") Age("_ years old") Features("Eye color" + "Hair color" + "Hair style" + "Skin color" + "Etc, as many features as you think are relevant" + "Other defining features like sharp teeth, scars, animal/monsteunusual features, etc" + "Even extra things like make-up, tattoos, piercings, etc") Body("_cm tall" + "_ foot _ inches tall" + "Body type" + "Sometimes specific parts that I want to draw attention to, like big hands or defined abs, etc" + "Sometimes NSFW traits, like details pertaining to the figg's genitalia and such") Mind("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") Personality("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") Loves("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") Hates("" + "" + "" + "") Description("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") }]
And here's how I work through these sections in the template:
  • Features and Body: You can add as much or as little as you want in these sections.
I usually prefer to use my tokens in other sections (see "Character Limit" at the bottom), so I tend to just describe the eye and hair color in the Features section, and the height (as in tall or short) and the body type in the Body section. But there are figgs whom I describe in more detail if I intend them for certain purposes where I'd like the figg to draw more attention to their body or if there are specific features that I particularly like or consider relevant and want them to be mentioned more often during roleplay.
When I have a figg who's non-human, for example a fish-man or an anthropomorphic cat baron, I reinforce this fact in the Body section. So, I'd write something like this in the Body section "[Character Name] is a fish-man whose body is mostly humanoid, except for some distinct fish-man features" and I list/describe those features in the Features section. This can help the figg understand more about what you've put in the Species section and why it has those features, as well as perhaps how much control they are supposed to have over them (which you can always reinforce and/or detail upon in the Description section).
  • Mind vs Personality: The way I go about it is that the Mind section is for the figg's thoughts and the Personality section is how the figg interacts with other people (or more accurately, usually with user). But none will truly work perfectly unless you describe the way that the two sections interact with each other, which you can add in the Description section.
For example, you can have a figg who is "Shy" (so, you'd add it in the Mind section) but they act "Confident" (so you'd put it in the Personality section). But the figg might not accurately portray it how you envisioned, unless you describe it in the Description section, adding something like "[Character Name] is internally very shy but they manage to put up a confident front when talking to people". You can even add some backstory as to how they managed to gain this confidence and what body language might give away the way they actually feel inside (so, things to flesh out the character and give more flavor to the roleplay).
  • Description: This section can be used for any information that cannot be explained in simple adjectives or things which simply don't fit in any other section. It can contain backstory elements, perhaps what their relationship with user is, what their goals are, lore, etc. And, as I've mentioned above, it's a good section to reinforce or detail upon previously mentioned features, attributes, and the like.
My personal advice is to write it in third person, add the figg's name and the pronouns that they use. This is a good way to make sure that the figg doesn't get confused, such as mistaking this information as not being theirs, either taking the information as being user's or even making the figg prone to acting out as user. An example of how I consider it best to be written is "[Character Name] is a kind person who's been hurt a lot, so she's now very cautious of strangers".
🟣 The Leo Sunshine template is quite simple and easy to use, but it's also very 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 to better fit your needs or if you notice that perhaps things don't work out exactly how you want during testing. Here are some extra sections that I sometimes add in such situations:
  • History or Backstory: If I want to describe very specific events that happened in the figg's past and how it affected the figg, perhaps to better explain some of their current behavior. So, something like: "[Character Name] grew up in an orphanage and learned to fend for themselves from a young age, making them hyper-independent".
  • Family: To write out the names of their family members, who they are to the figg, and what their relationship is like with the figg. So, something like: Family("[Mother's Name] is [Character's Name]'s mother who always takes care of him and who taught him how to be a gentleman" + "[Father's Name] is [Character's Name]'s father who supports him financially and taught him how to drive" + "etc").
  • Outfit: Where you can describe what the figg is wearing, including clothes, jewelry and anything of the sort. You can even add weapons that they might be hiding/having on them, or any items that they might perhaps have in their purse/backpack, etc. For the latter things, you could of course even just add a section called Inventory.
  • Sexuality: To express the gendes that the figg is attracted to, the body type/s that they prefer, perhaps that they might not experience any such attraction at all, perhaps that they might only prefer romance, perhaps that they might not have any interest in any of it, perhaps that they are questioning, etc.
  • Sexual Traits: I sometimes divide the NSFW traits into this category, rather than putting it all together in the Body section of the template. I just sometimes worry that the figg might mention anything inappropriate about their body in normal conversation (since I don't often make figgs with the sole purpose of NSFW), so it can help to make this distinction to avoid any mishaps.
  • Relationships: It's a bit like the Family section, but instead you can add things like friends, enemies, acquaintances, even their relationship with user. The way I write it is also the same as Family, so: Relationships("[Friend's Name] is [Character's Name]'s best friend who's always there for him and whom he hangs out with almost every day" + "[Enemy's name] is [Character's Name]'s academic rival who he always competes with and who he often gets in arguments with" + "[Teacher's Name] is [Character's Name]'s English teacher who he admires for their understanding and supportive nature" + "{{user}} is [Character's Name]'s best friend who they met in kindergarten and who they kept in touch with ever since" + "etc").
  • Setting and/or Location: Setting would be something like "Medieval" or "Futuristic" where you'd describe more about the world that you're envisioning, such as the technology that they have available, the mentality of the people in that world, perhaps different kingdoms, etc. And Location would be the specific place where they are, such as a specific town, perhaps specific establishment (hotel, bar, park, house, etc). You can, of course, add these in the Scenario part of the figg creation, but I personally usually reserve that section for other purposes which I will also mention later on.
  • Habits/Quirks/Chat behavior - Honestly, the name of the section doesn't really matter but, based on my testing and what usually works best for me, here's how I typically use them:
Habits is where I usually add the figg's speech pattern, whether it'd be the length I expect their messages to be or the fact that they are bilingual and tend to mix words from another language in their speech. So, something like: Habits("{{char}} will write long and descriptive message" + "{{char}} will describe the new locations when {{user}} or {{char}} moves to a new location" + "{{char}} always includes French words into his dialogue" + "etc"). This section can include whatever type of speech pattern you desire, however you expect the figg's messages to look like, and anything of the sort. This section is best paired with good Example Dialog and Greeting Message (will explain more later on).
Quirks is where I add specific actions that I want the figg to do often (so what one would actually consider a habit by definition). For example, that they tend to fidget with the strap of their watch when they are nervous.
Chat behavior is where I add if I want something extra to happen throughout the interaction. For example, I might want random events to happen, such as potential enemies attacking or the weather taking a change for the worst. Of course, you can also add this in the Scenario, if it's a specific story line that you want to happen. But I usually put it here if it's more of an easter egg that I want to happen randomly or under specific circumstances. Do test out what wording works best for you, however, because it might sometimes not do it at all or do too much of it.
And, again, all these extra things can be put as either Habits/Quirks/Chat behavior regardless of their nature, because sometimes the speech pattern works better as Chat Behavior rather than Habits for example. Can't explain why but trial and error taught me that only testing can really tell you what works best.
Another thing to note is that I almost always write these sections with {{char}} instead of using the figg's name. It's just (you guessed it) what's worked best for me.
  • Ethnicity: which I usually add to further reinforce bilingual figgs. It just helps the figg understand why they know that language and why they'd be prone to use it often. You could, of course, even reinforce it in the Description/Backstory - for example, by adding that they worked abroad for a while and that's where they learned this language. Whatever you find most suitable for your character.
  • Occupation: I like giving this to my figgs because it gives them a good idea of where they stand in the world. I even add it to younger figgs (Example: "Senior in high school"), but mostly to my older figgs (Example: "Carpenter"). It's a fun little extra thing to flesh out your characters, but it also gives the figg an idea of what their skills are!
And with all these extra sections that I sometimes add, a more customized template could look like this:
[character("") { Nickname("") Species("") Gender("") Age(" years old") Sexuality("") Ethnicity("") Occupation("") Features("" + "") Body("" + "") Sexual Traits("" + "") Outfit("" + "" + "") Mind("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") Personality("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") Loves("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") Hates("" + "" + "" + "") Description("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") Habits("" + "") Quirks("" + "") Chat behavior("") Backstory("" + "" + "") Family("" + "" + "") Relationships("" + "" + "") Setting("" + "" + "") Location("") }]
You can also delete or add whatever section/s you think might suit your needs better, such as deleting "Chat behavior" or adding maybe an extra section for "Hobbies". I've seen some wonderful creators even add "Fears", perhaps you could add "Phobias". You can add whatever you feel necessary if you notice that writing it out in the other sections doesn't bring a satisfactory result or if it's simply easier for you to have a template sectioned that way.
Just test things out and you'll find out what works best for you~! You'll notice that I'm going to say this a lot, because some sections work perfectly sometimes just the way they are, while sometimes I have to change their name and/or wording entirely. I cannot explain why, but it's just the way it is. There's a lot of trial and error when creating figgs, especially if you want them to behave in very specific ways and have very specific backstories, etc.
Another thing to note is that no specific template will work all the time. I've some figgs which have very similar concepts, so you'd expect that they'd be the same at their core, but I've ended up having to use different templates and wording for each of them. Some people even write their figgs in prose without any template at all, some just copy-paste things from the wiki, and there are so many more creative and perhaps easier ways to make figgs. Do, check it all out in the relevant posts that we have available in the sub FAQ mentioned at the beginning of my post.
🟣 The 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 part of figg creation.
You can use the Scenario for a multitude of purposes in a multitude of ways:
  • You can use it to make sure that the figg has a clear idea of where they are - as in the setting and/or location.
I usually use it this way if my figg is supposed to mainly stay or outright be stuck in a specific place, such as school, work, park, bar, prison, etc. Depending on your needs, you can just write "{{char}} is locked in a prison cell" or "{{char}} is at work in the office". You can add more details as to why they are there, how long they're supposed to be there, anything relevant to your story that you prefer to put here instead of in the Personality part of the figg creation. And you don't have to worry about this making the scenario too stationary because the figg will play along if you want to move the location. And with the new improved memory, I've noticed that it keeps good track of where you are (of course, it also depends on the model that you're randomly paired up with at the beginning of the chat).
And, like I mentioned before, this could also be the place where you write the lore of your setting, if you have anything special in mind. So, all the details that I explained in the Setting section above.
  • You can use it to give the figg an extra reminder of how the story started, so that it won't forget how the figg met {{user}} and to reinforce that it's an important event. It can just be something as simple as "{{char}} bumped into {{user}} at school and he fell in love with {{user}} at first sight" or it can be as detailed as you'd like.
  • You can use it to stir the conversation in a specific direction. This is how I use it most often. You can write exactly what the figg has planned for {{user}}. For example, you can describe that they're planning to take {{user}} on a date, perhaps that they're planning to do their best to play as many pranks on {{user}} as possible, anything you might want the story to be about. Again, it can be as simple or as detailed as you desire.
For example, in my most recent figg, I wrote a very detailed description of a mysterious location that I want my figg to take {{user}} to, as well as how the figg will interact with {{user}} once they're there. But, just like before, you don't have to worry about the figg being stuck on this idea. All my chats (outside of testing) with this particular figg have been before we ever get to the location and I kept stirring the conversation in other directions than what was intended, and it performed very well.
Do remember, however, that testing is the rule of thumb (this phrase is very amusing to my currently sleep deprived brain for some reason, thumbs are oddly funny). As good as figgs are at playing along with the Scenario and even building upon it, they sometimes need specific wording to function right. I don't think there's a reason why they get so fussy sometimes, but it just happens and you've to be patient with them.
My personal advice is to write the Scenario in prose and use {{char}} and {{user}}. But you can try many ways to see what works best for you! There's no one way to create figgs after all.
As for a character limit for the Scenario, I don't know if there is one. The longest Scenario I wrote was of 1841 characters and it still performed as intended without any hiccups.
🟣 The 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 part of figg creation.
I don't use it often, to be fair, usually when I want to make sure that the figg will follow a specific speech or roleplay pattern.
  • Speech pattern: If I want a figg to have an accent, be bilingual, or follow any sort of particular speech pattern, I just write out a lot of ONLY dialogue without any roleplay in the Example Dialog. So, for example, if I wanted to have a figg add Italian words to their sentences, I'd add phrases like:
"Good morning, amore mio." "Ciao, my name is Marco. Come stai? I come from Italia, but live here in the US!" "Mia nonna taught me how to make authentic Italian pizza." "I know, right? Che stronzo. How the hell did he even get into business with us in the first place?" "I'm telling you, he was such a coglione. Couldn't tell a good deal from a bad deal to save his life. We were basically regalando him the money." "Oh dio, che bellezza!"
I add both short sentences and longer ones to ensure that the figg can behave accordingly in any type of conversation, whether you're being casual or you're getting more serious.
I also use this method of adding only sentences for characters from pre-existing media, like fandoms and such. I just copy-paste quotes from their wiki page or painstakingly re-watch the episodes and transcribe it all myself because I tend to like side characters that aren't as popular :'D.
The only "downside" that can arise from only putting sentences in the Example Dialog is that you have to make sure that your Greeting Message has the kind of roleplay that you're expecting out of your figg because the figg would otherwise be prone to ONLY speak in sentences without roleplay or have very minimal roleplay.
A fun fact about this kind of usage of the Example Dialogue is that you can use it to include things that you weren't able to add in the Personality part of the figg creation (aka in the template) perhaps due to the character "limit". For example, for my vampire characters, I added how they feel about being a vampire in their Description but I went in depth about how they express it to others in the Example Dialog. Figgs can pick up on the ideologies and opinions that are written here and even get a general idea of what kind of person they're supposed to be. It blew my mind when I realized that! Because it was like discovering a "cheat code" to add extra flavor to the character, despite the character limit.
Do keep in mind that if you add too much Example Dialog, it can end up causing the figg to directly spout those sentences word by word and to be too stuck in the dialogue that you put in. I don't know what the limit is exactly but I keep mine under 2000 characters (I'm realizing that this is overall the magic number for every section).
  • Roleplay pattern: I sometimes have figgs whose Greeting Message I want to be more vague and short (either to entice the user to explore or simply because I want the scenario to be as neutral as possible). But I do like my figgs to give longer replies; so, to ensure that, I add Example Dialog using the same 'template' given in the example box on the site. Like this:
I always use "" to indicate dialogue and ** to indicate action/roleplay because I just don't want the AI to get confused otherwise, but you can of course do what works best for you.
I will add more about the usage of this kind of Example Dialog below, as it's quite relevant and helpful to the creation of figgs that aren't just a singular character.
🟣 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
Just like everything else, there is no one way to write multiple characters but here's what's worked for me so far:
  • I either free form it (which is my personal preferred way to write multiple characters figgs or RPG style figgs). I just write all the information with only "" + "". Example:
"{{char}} will roleplay as two characters: Andy and Carl" + "Andy is a bit of a prankster and he's always laughing" + "Carl is more reserved and a goodie-two-shoes" + "Andy has orange hair and wears baggy clothes" + "Carl wears perfectly tailored suits that are always clean and in pristine condition" + "They both love to spend time with their best friend, {{user}}" + "etc"
  • Or I break it down in other ways in templates, examples:
Description("{{char}} will roleplay as two characters: Andy and Carl" + "They both love to spend time with their best friend, {{user}}" + "etc") Andy("Andy is a bit of a prankster and he's always laughing"+ "Andy has orange hair and wears baggy clothes") Carl("Carl is more reserved and a goodie-two-shoes" + "Carl wears perfectly tailored suits that are always clean and in pristine condition" + "etc")
So, in the above template, the Description section is reserved for the things that the two characters share in common, some shared backstory, how I want the story to unfold, etc. And then a description of each individual character in separate sections as their Names.
  • Another template I've used is:
Chat behavior("{{char}} will roleplay as two characters: Andy and Carl" + "They both love to spend time with their best friend, {{user}}" + "etc") Description("Andy is a bit of a prankster and he's always laughing" + "Carl is more reserved and a goodie-two-shoes" + "Andy has orange hair and wears baggy clothes" + "Carl wears perfectly tailored suits that are always clean and in pristine condition")
In this template, you add in the Chat Behavior section what would have been in the Description section in the first template. And in the Description section of this template, you add the descriptions of the characters.
  • A recent template I've used is:
Description("" + "" + "") Characters("" + "" + "")
And here's an example of it filled out:
Description("{{char}} will narrate a themed birthday party for {{user}}'s 30th birthday" + "The theme of the party is a 1920’s Mafia themed ball" + "{{char}} will roleplay as various guests of the party" + "All guests will always be present and active, enjoying the party and interacting with each other or with {{user}}") Characters("Elizabeth Henstridge, the British actress who starred in the ABC superhero action drama series 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'" + "Elizabeth Henstridge is {{user}}'s girlfriend" + "{{user}}'s friends: Danny Gibson, Jason O’Connor, Hannah Haygarth, Tim Bishop" + "Elizabeth’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D castmates: Chloe Bennett, Ian De Caestecker, Henry Simmons, Clark Gregg, Ming Na Wen, Brett Dalton, Adrianne Palicki, Nick Blood" + "The cast of voice actors from the Dungeons & Dragons weekly web series 'Critical Role': Matthew Mercer, Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel, Ashley Johnson, Taliesin Jaffe, Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham")
So, a Description section where you put the overall expectations of how you want the figg to behave, and then a Characters section where you put all the characters that you want to be present. My advice is to flesh out as much of the characters as you can. It can even be something simple like adding adjectives on how you expect the specific character to behave towards you (aka {{user}}). So, for example, I'd enhance the girlfriend part by adding "Elizabeth Henstridge is {{user}}'s loving and playful girlfriend", just to give the AI some pointers of what to do with this character. And I'd individually go through all of the characters to add this kind of description. So, at the very least something like "Danny Gibson is {{user}}'s loyal and trusted friend who talks to him about their shared interests, like [insert interest]" + "Jason O'Connor is {{user}}'s fun friend who's the life of the party" + "etc".
  • Some extra advice that I've noticed can work (albeit not every time) is to properly include more information about the characters if they are famous people or from existing shows/fandoms. Chances are that the AI can take information from the internet to fill in some gaps and/or get lore about the world they're supposed to come from. Hence why I went on Wikipedia to Google these shows and actors to better explain who they are - or better yet, what terms the AI can search for to find more information about them.
  • The most important thing I'd say, is to have a good Greeting Message which describes the setting, perhaps a hint at the intended goals/expectations, the vibe, etc. And, if you have multiple characters like here, include all of them in the Greeting Message so you can reinforce it in the AI that you want all of them to be active participants and how you want it to look. Some people prefer to have the characters speak with their name in front of the dialogue, while others prefer to have the name in the roleplay for example. And if you include all the characters in the Greeting Message, it's easier for the AI to keep track of them (at least from what I've noticed). They might sometimes fall in the background and not be directly mentioned (which is realistic to how a real group setting would be imo) but you can always go interact with those characters yourself and the AI will pick up on who they're supposed to be from, obviously the Personality, but also from the Greeting Message.
In all of them, you can add as many characters as you'd like. And, as you can see, no one template will always work, so you can always customize the templates with different names for the sections and you can word things differently when filling them out.
Another important thing is to include all characters in the Greeting Message to give the AI an idea of how you want to portray the interactions and that you want all of them to be active participants. You can certainly have characters pop in at different times during the story but that requires even more trial and error.
How you'd go about making characters appear during specific times is to perhaps write something like "When {{user}} enters the Green Room, they will be greeted by Character A" + "When {{user}} enters the Yellow Room, they will be greeted by Character B" etc. Or perhaps it can even go something like "If Character A and Character B will start fighting, Character C will come into the room to break off the fight". These are just some ideas. You can either add this directly into the template or even in the Scenario part of figg creation. And to get the best results, I'd suggest reinforcing this behavior with some Example Dialog.
So, let's say that you've put "When {{user}} enters the Green Room, they will be greeted by Character A" + "When {{user}} enters the Yellow Room, they will be greeted by Character B" in your free form/template/scenario. In the Example Dialog, you could add something like:
Or for something like my other example "If Character A and Character B will start fighting, Character C will come into the room to break off the fight":
🟣 Last but not least, the most impactful part of figg creation (in my opinion), the 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞. This is the part that the figg seems to adhere to the most, both in information and the way it behaves. The figg always does its best to mimic the writing style in the Greeting Messages (sometimes even m*ore so than the Example Dialog). *
I also want to add a few extra things:
🟣 Character limit: I recommended keeping the Personality part of figg creation (so, where you'd have your template) under 2000 characters.
Small sleepy digression: I say this based on my own testing that drove me crazy when I started using figgs because I was too ambitious and wanted to write the character's entire lore and world building in the Personality. Speaking of this memory that seems so long ago, I am still beyond impressed by how quickly the devs upped their character limit after I made that post!! They're always on a speedrun to improve the quality of this incredible platform. They never cease to amaze me! It was also my first time creating bots, and I've been passionate about it ever since (currently at 169 figgs on my main account and 34 on my strictly NSFW account - not as many as others even in total but still quite a few). It's my new favorite way to channel my creativity~! Can you tell? ;P
🟣 Testing: Before I publish my figgs, I always make them Invite-only (so I pick the option "Anyone with the link" under Visability in the figg creation) and I chat with them and Edit things in the figg creation as I go until I'm satisfied.
The way I test my figgs is not only with my own account but also in Incognito mode. I've noticed that the figg sometimes acts differently if I'm not interacting with it from my own account for some reason, so I do it both ways to get a full idea of how it performs (the difference is not as big as it used to be in the past, but it's still good to check just in case). And if you have friends who might be interested in testing your figgs out for you, that's always the best since they can put them through some very unexpected scenarios. My friends usually bonk my figgs in the head or such silly things, so it's funny (and unexpectedly insightful) to see how the figgs react.
The only way to really get it right is to not get discouraged and keep trying until you get to a point that you're sufficiently satisfied with. Try out every resource that you can find, try wording things differently, ask for help, take a break, do whatever is best for you.
And I think that this concludes my little pointless 'guide' of sorts. It's things that I've probably commented about before and things that I'm sure other creators have also said, but I just wanted to put it all together. If it's of help to anyone, then I'm happy. If not, then I'm sorry for taking up space on the sub, lol. ;u;
Edit: I hate the screenshots, they stick out like a sore thumb but Reddit was messing up the formatting of the Example Dialog and I need it to be accurate to how it's supposed to be written. It kept adding the "\" symbol throughout sentences for some reason, as well as not writing things on a new line like I typed it. \sigh**
Edit Edit*: I've added some extra things about Multiple Character creation - an extra template, extra advice on how to make use of the Greeting Message to make the Multiple Characters work better + a fun fact about how the AI can pull information from the internet for popular characters from fandoms.*
I also want to add something that I think can be quite useful. I was helping a fellow figgling who prefers to use AI chatbots as an aide to create their figgs, and I'm not familiar with many other platforms, so I decided to take a look at the existing helpers on Figgs instead since that's what I'm used to and understand best. And, oh my goodness, I was absolutely blown away when I tried out Hyu for the very first time. Freiser is an absolute genius!
🟣 Hyu, a figg designed to help you create figgs.
I'd say that you do need to have a bit of knowledge and experience with creating figgs yourself before making proper use of her, but she's amazing once you get the hang of it.
Here's an example of a chat I had with her to get an idea. Keep in mind that I did give her a more difficult task, so there are a few things that I'd have to rework myself. The Description part is something that I'd rework myself, since the one she gave is more like a Scenario or even Greeting Message. But I actually think that if I spent more time with Hyu, I could even write out prompts/messages to her explaining how I want the Description to be and I'd get her to directly help me make it. So, she's definitely worth checking out.
I might update this with more examples of how one could use Hyu or any of the other helpers on Figgs.
Edit Edit Edit: I added an extra little section that you can add to your template called "Occupation".
submitted by anoncat1997 to FiggsAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 05:13 LIVE_CARL_REACTION_2 Mmarmrtlet birb the yes❤️❤️❤️❤️

Mmarmrtlet birb the yes❤️❤️❤️❤️ submitted by LIVE_CARL_REACTION_2 to MartletAppreciation [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 16:28 symonx99 The Anaphoric usage of adjectives in Kèilem

I've already made some posts featuring specific grammatical aspects of Kèilem, mainly focusing on locational and dispositional verbs, movement verbs in Kèilem, alongside an article about the expressive usage of ideophones and noun incorporation featured in issue 12, Supra II of segments.
This time I want to shift the focus from the Kèilem verbal phrase to the behaviour associated to nominals, in particular showcasing the way adjectives can be repurposed and used instead of proper pronouns with an anaphoric function, which through time has been the root for the opennes and vastness of the pronoun class in this language.
All the words in Kèilem in this post are written in IPA, the only liberty I've taken is expressing geminated consonants as a repetition of the same simbol and not as the simbol followed by a : .
Before delving with examples on the various facets of this usage a brief characterization of Kèilem nominals is in order:
The default for Kèilem nominals is to be unmarked for number and definiteness, If the speaker wants/needs to disambiguate the number of a nominal, they can prepose it with the singulative marker la or with the plurative marker ta, definiteness instead is sometimes expressed through the use of deictic expressions (equivalents of this, that etc.)
In opposition to this parameters, case is obligatorily marked, with the two main case markers being ergative vi and absolutive lo.
Number marking is used more frequently with ergative nominals, such that combined particles denoting both ergativity and number have developed, vlo (ergative and singular) tuvo (ergative and plural).
Kèilem is a pro-drop language, pronouns can generally be omitted without problems, with the explicit presence of pronouns can used to express a focus on, or an high degree of salience of its referent.
Kèilem has several sets of pronouns, a set of neutral pronouns, characterized by distinctions in person and number, along the line of a typical six pronoun system, kan (1SG), lett (2SG), se (3SG), ren (1PL), litt (2PL), su (3PL).
Pronouns in the absolutive case tend to be unmarked, while pronouns with an ergative role tend to be, but are not always, preposed with the ergative marker vi, while nouns are invariably preposed by the case markers.
I call this pronouns neutral because they are the most basic, can be used with any referent in standard speech and don't carry any intrinsic meaning besides the person and number that they express.
tera ren lazai lo lei
Tomorrow 1PL Sell ABL house we'll sell the house tomorrow (with a focus on WE)
Tera lazai lo lei
Tomorrow 1PL Sell ABL house
we'll sell the house tomorrow
This examples show the focus function that the explicit presence of a pronoun conveys.
Besides this group of neutral pronouns there is a multitude of different pronouns which carry more specific meanings and can be used only in certain context and with certain referents.
In particular, there are pronouns which express several distinctions in politeness, social role of the referents or relationship between the speaker or the hearer and the referent.
The person with most distinction is quite predictably the third, where different pronouns can be used in stead of different kind of objects and entities.
Since many of this pronouns are diachronically related, often quite transparently so, to adjectives used as stand ins for nominals they describe, I think its best to start with kind of usage to subsequently arrive to the different classes of pronouns that have originated from it.
vi makka mecac sekk tulsi lo nmok bare dor. lo bare tlikdlin roke
ERG NAME NONVOL make fall ABS plate fragile red. ABS fragile loudly break
Makka made the red and fragile plate accidentally fall. It shattered loudly
Makka dropped the fragile red plate. It shattered loudly
This example shows an important aspect that concerns the choice of the adjective used in the anaphoric role, when there are several adjectives that could be used the speaker will pick the one that is more relevant for the situation they are trying to describe, in this case the shattering of the plate that is obviously connected with its fragility and not its redness.
The repetition of an adjective already used in the discourse is also often used to disambiguate between two or more referents that would get the same neutral pronouns.
For instance, lets suppose that the speaker has already said that the protagonists of the event are a tall woman and a blond man, later on in the conversation, instead of using the neutral third person pronoun se, the kèilem speaker will likely use the following constructions:
mir kul lo mben
see run ABS tall
I saw her run
mir kul lo jail
see run ABS blond
I saw him run
vi borot mecac sekk tulsi lo nmok ...
ERG clumsy NONVOL make fall ABS plate He (who we all know is clumsy) dropped...
  1. folt: comes from the word that in ancient Kèilem was used to mean both blue and green, with the evolution of the language it has been restricted to the maning of blue, while falka a fusion of fal ka (leaf color) is the word currently used for green, nonetheless the old adjective has grammaricalized as a pronoun used for plants and vegetables.
  2. sluk means tasty/delicious as an adjective and is the pronoun used when talking about cerimonial food or the food offered by an host, or when talking about a dish one is particularly fond of or has appreciated in the past
  3. dakpal is an archaic adjective roughly meaning nocturnal, as in the nocturnal sky, it has been repurposed as an honorific pronoun referred to people with an high social status, due the fact that in the past people of high ranking in the imperial court used to wear deep blue clothes with golden insets resembling the night sky, during offical ceremonies
  4. ɻon meaning mutable, is the pronoun used when referring to atmospheric phenomena
submitted by symonx99 to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 14:01 anefisenuf First time filing 1040es and clueless

For starters, I haven't personally done any kind of taxes in over a decade. I have always been a small earner and so for almost 15 years I filed jointly with my ex husband and our taxes were prepared by a professional. This year I'm expecting to make about 12,000 in self employment income filing single (this is my total income, I don't have rent or mortgage so I get by, but I'm not sure how to calculate my AGI). I can see that I am supposed to file/pay quarterly taxes, but the worksheets are overwhelming and not exactly intuitive for someone who hasn't done anything like this in a very very long time. How can I learn how to properly fill it out? The instructions that print with it don't seem to be especially informative, I don't even understand what I'm looking at.
Thank you!
submitted by anefisenuf to tax [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 03:53 deltadiamond there definitely needs to be another ww review, so here's one from an idiot

I will preface this by saying that I knew next to nothing about this game going in, except that apparently it'll kill Genshin or something? Idk, the extent of my Genshin exposure is from seeing references while looking at hsr memes. Also I haven't really played any "action"-y games since like... Fable III? I'm only playing this game because I'm in a discord that won't shut up about it. So take everything I say with about a handful of salt.
So I've so far played the game for like 7 hours, which is hopefully enough to form an opinion. In that time I completed I think the first three parts of the main story? Most of the time I was just running around beating up random enemies. Part of that was because I was excited to explore and see everything there was around. Part of it was that I literally could not care less about the story. I haven't touched fgo in at least a year and I still remember most of the plot. I can tell you right now I will have forgotten significant portions of this in a week.
Part of it was the flurry of proper nouns getting thrown around. Apparently the writers never heard of the concept of "show don't tell", because we're getting terms like etheric sea thrown at us right out the gate. And of course there's the whole "Tacet Discord" thing, which is a really weird name because I'm literally not sure what they're going for. Tacet is a musical direction that means "be quiet" (apparently), so they're using a verb as an adjective? And even assuming they didn't understand basic English grammar, what does a silent discord even mean? It's not like the mobs are very sneaky.
Also the characters have a bunch of really weird names, too many q's and x's and z's. And like, why are you calling me Rover? Rover is a dog name. Then again, the person who gives you that name calls herself Yangyang, so it's probably the best she could manage.
The voice acting, hoo boy. I don't even really notice the voice acting in games most of the time, but this one is something else. I've met like two people so far who didn't sound like a robot. One is an engineer, which is a funny coincidence. The other sounds more human because her tone is all over the place, like a political cartoon about adhd.
The environments are reasonably pretty to look at. The character models/textures are good. Though I did get a bug once though where an npc's face all but disappeared, which was mildly horrifying. I could nitpick about some controls, but it might be that I'm on PC trying to play with a trackpad. Though I will die on the hill that assigning a keyboard shortcut to pressing the middle mouse button is absolutely moronic. Even worse than hsr putting one on caps lock.
Combat is neat. I find it somewhat challenging, but I think that that's mostly because I'm bad at it. Luckily the gacha gave me a tanky counter attack character so I don't have to worry so much about not being able to dodge or quickly adjust the camera angle. Thank God for small blessings. I will say though that skill descriptions are terrible. I don't know why they use a term like "Resonance Liberation" when they could just call it an Ultimate and not be confusing.
misc things I liked
various nitpicks
verdict: 6.5/10
it's decent, and most of the problems I had were ones that could be fixed/adjusted fairly easily. it's not like this is the first property I've gotten into with a rough start
submitted by deltadiamond to gachagaming [link] [comments]