Travel team cheat notes

Total Wareddit

2010.05.04 01:35 ajoakim Total Wareddit

A subreddit for the Total War strategy game series, made by Creative Assembly. Discussions, strategies, stories, crude cave-drawings, and more for Medieval 2, Empire, Shogun 2, Rome 2, Attila, Thrones of Britannia, Warhammer, Three Kingdoms, Troy, Pharaoh and others.

2013.04.23 18:58 darkveil Unreal Engine


2010.12.31 08:03 scudd Ghost Recon - Official Subreddit

The official Subreddit for Ubisoft's Original Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon. Feel free to discuss and share content about any game in the series from the original Ghost Recon to Frontline.

2024.06.02 10:48 LieutenantPatang Sarkar Reimagined

I am back after a break with another reimagining, and I thought this time I would tackle another movie that fell disappointingly short of expectations... Sarkar. Sarkar released to huge expectations after the success of both Thuppakki and Kaththi, but the film failed to deliver on its promise of a Mudhalvan-like political fantasy; I have to admit though, the movie is a guilty pleasure of mine which I do often revisit. That being said:
WARNING: I am not claiming to be a better writer than any of the people involved in the film and this is not a criticism of their ability.
The movie begins with a boarding meeting at one of the companies in Canada that GL (Sundar's company) is about to acquire. The members of the board nervously waiting for the arrival of their new boss, the media is waiting outside and we get the hype up for Sundar's eventual mass intro. After a build a of tension, a Rolls Royce pulls up and the camera follows as a man wearing pair of Tom Ford shoes exits the vehicle and walks into the elevator in the building as the media tries to snap some pics of him. The members of the board continue to wait impatiently, as the elevator doors open to reveal Sundar Ramaswamy (Vijay). He basically walks in doesn't say a word and sits at the head of the table. Sundar's lawyer drops the paperwork on the table, each member of the board takes their turn signing the document. Finally the document comes back to Sundar who flicks his signature onto it and gets up to leave, but one of the board members stops him to ask, "How do you feel after ruining the livelihood of 3,000 employees?". Sundar turns around and smiles at the board before doing the signature 'Vijay gum flick' and walking away in slow motion, queue the 'CEO in the House' song as Sundar heads out to celebrate acquiring the company. The scene is to establish Sundar as a proper overconfident and cocky 'corporate monster' instead of just telling us that he is a 'corporate monster'.
From there the movie continues pretty similarly with Sundar coming back to India to cast his vote, even though he takes his job very seriously he is still a patriot at heart and has a soft corner for his people. Same as the movie, someone else casts his vote and he begins organising lawyers meetings and press conference to get his vote back. All goes pretty much the same until the point Sundar's driver tells him about the atrocities done by the government and the family that set themselves on fire, Sundar is genuinely quite unaware of all this. Similar to the movie, he directs his convoy to go to the colony where the little girl is. Unlike the movie, we have one long take where the camera follows Sundar from behind as he gets out his car and walks through the local area, through the alleys and slums, observing the common folk; this is to show how out-of-touch he really is with reality. He finally comes to the little girl's house, and the camera finally pans to reveal Sundar's somber face; this scene is crucial as this paints his actions for the rest of the movie, it is important that we spend time showing how this incident impacts him. Unable to look at the girl's burnt face Sundar turns around and walks away, he signals his PA to sort the family out with treatment for the little girl.
From here, we go to the scene with Rendu (Radha Ravi) at the hotel; this will go pretty much exactly how it did in the movie. The only difference here is, going into the hotel Sundar is slightly solemn, but his expression slowly changes with Rendu's speech and we get the scene with the 'Topu Tuckeru' BGM as Sundar smokes. The following events also unravel similar to the film with the action block and the 'Simtaangaran song'; these are commercial filler compromises that must be made, its also a staple of the ARM-Vijay combo movies. The following scene is also similar with Sundar instigating the court case to stop Masilamani's inauguration, the key difference though is that Sundar doesn't speak in the court he silently watches from the stands as his lawyer does the arguing. Once the ceremony is stopped, he gets up, does the 'Vijay gum flick' and walks away in slow motion with the 'CEO in the House' BGM; this mirrors the opening scene where Sundar finesses the board room, but this time he's finessed the government. The election is postponed by 10 days.
Meanwhile, Masilamani is furious by what Sundar started, he encourages his party members to start rioting and to find where Sundar is. The riots go on for 2 days, but there is no sign of Sundar anywhere. Masilamani grows impatient and starts seeking advice from Pappa (Varalaxmi), who says that they shouldn't have tried instigated or started beef with him in the first place, saying that she will be back in Chennai within the next day or so. While this is happening, media crews have gathered outside Masilamani's house which confuses him. Rendu goes outside and asks them why they are here, for which they respond: 'Sundar told us to meet him here'. Both Rendu and Masilamani are shocked. Suddenly a convoy of youngsters on bikes arrive with a Rolls Royce travelling at the centre of the party. Sundar gets out of the Rolls Royce and he is followed by his lawyers. Sundar asks for permission to enter, for which Masilamani obliges. The two sit down and face each other, with Masilamani asking what Sundar wants. Sundar responds with this:
  1. "I've got 750 youngsters who are ready to work for this party."
  2. "I've got 40 crores in hard cash."
  3. "I've got the tag of GL CEO."
  4. "Will you let me join your party?"
Masilamani and his partymen are shocked, he asks Sundar 'Why should I let you?". Sundar basically responds by saying:
"Your party's image is in shambles, even if you pay people to vote for you, they won't do it. You're guaranteed to lose this election and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm here to offer you the winning card, I will do everything to ensure your party retains. All I ask for is 70cr in campaigning funds and that you give me 2 MLA seats and take in the 750 youngsters that I have brought as party members. If your party loses, I will pay you twice what you paid me as a penalty but regardless of the outcome you can't raise this to the media or I will sue your ass. If you agree, sign the contract. You can let your lawyers read over it, but you have nothing to lose."
Masilamani is shocked by this offer and looks over the contract, he doesn't know how to read so he passes it to his lawyer who verifies it and says that it's legit. Rendu proposes that they wait for Pappa before signing, but Sundar says "if you don't accept this within the next 1 hour, I will take it to the opposition party". Masilamani is properly checkmated now, but what could he possible have to lose? He smiles and signs it, Sundar smiles and shakes his hand. Sundar walks out with a cigarette in-hand, the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' guitar rift rolls in the background.
Going into the second half, we have a few questions:
NOTE: I completely ignored Keerthi Suresh's character as it added nothing to my story.
With 8 days left till the election Sundar sits in his office, he calls his team and GL and tells them to run the ads of him giving the post press conference speech after getting back his vote (as he does in the movie). This creates waves in the media and makes him the poster boy for the coming election. He tells his PA not to organise any press conferences until he says so. Sundar has booked out a small venue where he will be speaking to the 750 youngsters that he has inaugurated into the party, this is where he finally reveals what happened in the last 2 days. We get a flashback and it is revealed that he ultimately did the same as what happened in the movie; to run an internet scan on all the most suitable candidates of each constituency and run interviews like a corporate company (I really like the idea of this), he positions the people he selected as independant candidates in their respective constituency. Sundar has been planning this since the scene with Rendu at the hotel; this all plays as a montage over the first half of 'Oru Viral Puratchi'. After the song we cut back to this speech with Sundar and the youth, where he basically says we are going to infiltrate this party from the inside and then he says the 'branding' dialogue from the movie (which I like the idea of, the mannerism was kinda cringe though).
Following the speech, Sundar enacts his next plan. He identifies Masilamani's candidates who are most likely to win in their respective area and launches a smear campaign through his influence over GL. This forces Masilamani to identify alternate party members to take their place, but Sundar presents Masilamani with the constituency polling data which shows that the independant candidates (that he selected based on the internet scan) are in the lead. Sundar suggests to Masilamani that they buy them out with a salary (also like corporate company), however Masilamani doesn't know that these individuals were planted by Sundar. Masilamani is beginning to get suspicious about Sundar's plan but he still hasn't fully sniffed it out yet given his lack of understanding about technology.
Pappa finally arrives in Chennai from Canada and confronts her dad about everything that has happened, she is shocked to find out that he has basically sold the party to Sundar. She is quickly able to deduce Sundar's plan based on the information given by her dad and Rendu. Pappa also reveals here that her husband was one of the board members from the start of the movie, which explains why she knows so much about Sundar.
Given that Sundar now controls most of the seats in the party, he begins his campaign from the background with candidates doing most of the work ; this plays over the second half of the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' song. As soon as this montage finishes, we find out that Masilamani has died. A confusion has now arisen as to who controls the party, with only 3 days left until the election. Pappa gives an angry press conference saying that Sundar had cheated her dad and stole the party, revealing the contract to the public. She also announces that she and her father's loyal supporters will be joining the opposition party. Based on the sympathy votes gained from her father's death the opposition offers Pappa a significant number of seats. Sundar is shocked to see what has happened, he won't be able to sue Pappa as Masilamani was the one that signed the contract (not sure about legal terms, but lets just go with it), suing her will also only get him more negative press.
Sundar gets a call from the GL board questioning him about his extensive involvement in politics given the bad press around his contract stunt. Cut to the next scene, Sundar is in a press conference and publicly announces his resignation from GL as he is about to leave the stage, he is heckled by one of the reporters on his way down. Sundar has to give up his company assets such as his PA and bodyguards, if he loses this election he still owes Masilamani's family 140crs as per the contract that he signed. For the first time in Sundar's life, overconfidence has led to his downfall. With two days left till the election and no internet influence and power, how is Sundar going to win?
The next day he posts a Facebook live and addresses his plan transparently with the party, this can be the same as the 'Idhu Namma Sarkar' scene from the movie. Sundar explains how he chose his candidates and compares it to the millions of college graduates who get a corporate job, highlighting the need for the government to be qualified. This gets some positive buzz for Sundar but not enough to win the election. As Sundar sits in his office, hopelessly, one of his candidates tells him about 'Saatai' Muthukumar (this plotline will be the same as the movie); this could be the ideal trump card to win the election. This ticks of an idea, given that all Masilamani's loyalists have moved to the opposition along with Pappa all the party assets now reside with Sundar. He hires a corporate auditing team to unpack all the party records and finds all the holes in there records this allows him to unpack the 'Saatai' Muthukumar conspiracy and he has all the evidence ready to go public... but he waits. Sundar contacts Pappa for a meeting and the two sit down, with lawyers present. Sundar reveals everything that he has found from his audit of the party and threatens to go public with it unless she voids their contract where he owes her family 140cr, he also agrees to sign an NDA. Pappa obliges and asks him to burn the evidence in front of her, which Sundar does. On the car ride home, Pappa orders for Sundar to be murdered as she doesn't trust him.
The next morning is the day of the election, similar to the actual movie Sundar begins tweeting from a fake twitter handle about the evidence pulled from the audit, leading the media on a wild easter egg hunt to put the evidence together themselves, this removes any paper trails that lead back to Sundar. Pappa and the opposition party struggle to manage the storm that has been caused by the tweeting, she knows this was done by Sundar but has no evidence to prove it; the only way for her save face is if Sundar confesses to his manipulation for which he needs to be alive, so she cancels the hit on him. It is soon revealed, similar to the movie that the fake twitter handle is associated with that of a dead man, begging the question of who is tweeting? Sundar and his team re-route the IP address of the tweets to the leader of the opposition party and spin the narrative that he did this to tarnish Masilamani's reputation as a leader, which leads to in-fighting. Pappa is furious, as although she knows the truth about Sundar's access to the evidence, she can't speak about it due to the NDA (which would open her up to being sued). With no other option, she plots to have Sundar killed, as it looks like he is going to win. We can insert an obligatory climax fight here, where Sundar overcomes the odds but realising an opportunity, he fakes his own death which increases the votes to his party, leading to a victory in the election.
The following day is the swearing-in ceremony as all the candidates take up their positions. Pappa is also present and she along with everyone else believes Sundar is dead. Just as the first candidate is swearing-in, Sundar arrives and sits right next to Pappa, there is a media frenzy happening outside. There is a small bit of dialog between the two and he explains why he did all this (i.e. reference back to the girl who was burnt outside the collecter's office, etc). He finally tells her that the contract he signed with her father was only for 8 days, so his time has expired and he is no longer part of the party. Sundar gets up and walks away in slow motion as the credit roll.
This is my reimagining of Sarkar, what are your thoughts and what would you do differently? And what movie should I do next?
submitted by LieutenantPatang to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:44 Stanley232323 Daily Community Tiering Post Day 46: You, Me and Du-Pri(marina). It's Primarina!

Hello again everybody!
Before we get started on today's post the current voting for Incineroar is currently in a dead lock between votes for A tier and B tier. If you haven't voted on that post yet there is still time and you can find a link to it through the link below by scrolling through the comments or by sorting the Sub by "Daily Tiering/Voting Posts"! Meanwhile, the previous day's vote for Chesnaught did officially end with votes for B tier in the lead, so I've included the Weighted Average of the Chesnaught vote in the tier list below!
(Please note that this voting/tiering is centered around Classic as after a certain point in Endless only about 5 Pokemon and 2 abilities are truly viable.)
So current tiers are:
S tier - Garganacl (4.37), Cloyster (4.01), Skeledirge (4.48), Gholdengo (4.49), Tinkaton (4.64)
A tier - Gyarados/Mega (4.19), VenusauMega/Dyna (3.80), Aegislash (4.06), Corviknight/Dyna (3.91), Excadrill (4.32), GardevoiMega (3.99), Toxapex (3.50), ScizoMega (3.94), GengaMega/Dyna (3.90), Delphox (3.62), Blastoise/Mega/Dyna (3.51), Blaziken/Mega (3.76), Swampert/Mega (3.76), Empoleon (3.57)
B tier - Kanto-Persian/Dynamax Kanto-Meowth (3.25), Weavile (3.23), Starmie (2.92), Rhyperior (2.88), Quagsire (2.91), Mamoswine (3.25), Whimsicott (3.36), Aggron/Mega (3.48), Infernape (3.48), Alolan-Decidueye (2.89), Johto-Typhlosion (3.06), Torterra (3.03), Serperior (3.60), Unovan-Samurott (3.04), Chesnaught (2.74)
C tier - Linoone (2.97), Meganium (2.09), Emboar (2.39)
F tier - Dustox (1.47)
With that being said let's get to today's vote!
Today is day 46 of tier voting and we are on to the last of the Gen 7 starters! Soon enough we will be back to our regular voting from specific suggestions! Primarina is the only starter to ever receive the Fairy type, and one of only 4 WateFairy type Pokemon in existence! Primarina has a pretty solid stat spread, with good Special Defense and very good Special Attack at the tradeoff of a pretty rough Speed stat and a little lacking on the Physical Defense side. Its Hidden Ability is also a signature ability as its the only Pokemon to have it. Liquid Voice turns all the Pokemon's Sound-based moves into Water-type moves and therefore gives it STAB on those moves, which works well for Primarina with its natural moveset as well as its Egg moves. Fairy typing is also really good for the final Rival fight and pretty good for the final boss fight, although it is weak to Poison. PokeRogue also gave Primarina a huge buff through its Passive Ability, Punk Rock, which further boosts the power of all the Pokemon's Sound-based moves. Primarina also has a strong level-up moveset meaning it doesn't need TMs, although it can get some added coverage and utility from its TM capability, it certainly doesn't need it in most scenarios.
(Also here is the post with rules for voting/tiering posts and a little more explanation about them in general: Links to past votes can all be found here as well in comments added to the OP with each new vote)
And here is a quick reminder of what each tier generally means:
S tier: Top tier, can make or break your entire run, essentially the cream of the crop
A tier: really strong but not quite top tier, maybe slightly outclassed or has a slight weakness holding it back
B tier: solid choices that can make it to your endgame team, might be reliant on team composition to truly function well or might just be outclassed as well
C tier: usually early-mid game Mons, ones you don't really want to take to end game if you can avoid it, usually pretty decently glaring weakness but something redeeming enough to keep from F tier
F tier: no reason to use in end game unless you're doing it for a meme/joke
Abstain/No Opinion: this will be a voting option mostly just for Pokemon people haven't unlocked/used to their full potential yet. If Abstaining votes outvote each individual tier then the Pokemon will be tabled for the time being and another vote will open up for it later (can mostly see this happening with Legendaries).
Type: WateFairy
Mega: No
Dynamax: No
Starter cost {Popplio}: 3
Possible Egg moves: Psychic Noise, Bouncy Bubble, Alluring Voice, Torch Song
Biomes: Sea
Abilities: Torrent
Hidden Ability: Liquid Voice
Passive Ability: Punk Rock - boosts the power of the Pokemon's Sound-based moves by 30% and decreases damage to this Pokemon with Sound-based moves by 50%
Evolution: Popplio evolves into Brionne at level 17. Brionne evolves into Primarina at level 34.
Base stats:
HP - 80
Attack - 74
Defense - 74
Sp. Attack - 126
Sp. Defense - 116
Speed - 60
Learnset by level up: Disarming Voice, Growl, Pound, Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Baby-Doll Eyes, Icy Wind, Sing, Bubble Beam, Encore, Misty Terrain, Hyper Voice, Moonblast, Hydro Pump, Sparkling Aria
Notable TMs: Protect, Water Pulse, Chilling Water, Draining Kiss, Stored Power, Rain Dance, Snowscape, Rest, Sleep Talk, Reflect, Light Screen, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Psychic, Surf, Calm Mind, Helping Hand, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Haze, Uproar, Weather Ball, Misty Explosion, Whirlpool, Scald, Toxic, Swagger
Tomorrow's vote: Rillaboom/Dynamax Rillaboom!
Pokemon on the radar for voting very soon: Flygon, Leavanny, Wormadam-Trash, Gastrodon, Clodsire, Staraptor, Klefki, Kanto-Raichu, Gallade/Mega, Comfey, Araquanid, Crobat, Malamar, Ferrothorn, Walrein, Gliscor, Roserade, Vileplume, Minior, Hitmonchan, Bibarel, Chandelure, Archaludon/Dynamax Duraludon, Alakazam/Mega, Flamigo, Volcarona, Barbaracle, Butterfree/Dyna, Beedrill/Mega, Mawile/Mega, Drednaw/Dyna, Annihilape, Cramorant, Aerodactyl/Mega, Glimmora, Heatran, Phione, Ogerpon, Tapu Koko, Dialga/Primal, Galarian-Zapdos, Regieleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta, Rayquaza/Mega, Latias/Mega, Latios/Mega, Ho-Oh, Volcanion, Toxtricity/Dyna, Carbink, Porygon-Z, Cinccino, Snorlax/Dyna, Wishiwashi
(Other requests will be added to this list and this list is not necessarily in order)
Happy voting!
View Poll
submitted by Stanley232323 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:43 Life_time123 Struggling with puppy car sickness, and puppy generally

My 15 week old puppy needed to take a 2 hour car trip with me and she was so sick the poor love. For the return trip a few days later I went to the vet and got an anti-nausea med. And she seems even worse. It made her drool a lot, and now she’s very uncharacteristically slow and lethargic. How are others managing with car travel? Also - side note - I’m finding puppy ownership so hard. We’ve had her 6 weeks or so and I’ve been in a state of anxiety almost the entire time despite loving her 😢
submitted by Life_time123 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 AlexielEve91 Need some help with regards to fraudulent transactions made with debit card.

I am relieving this traumatic experience again as I am recounting and typing this down.
To put this out there, I understand that it is my fault that I lost my passion debit card/my passion debit card got stolen, and my fault that I did not reduce the transaction limit on my card, thereby allowing the criminals to get away for this crime.
Despite having evidences that show that I did not authorise the said transactions, the DBS Fraud Team has not taken the evidences into consideration and have very easily rejected my claims of fraudulent transactions made abroad. On the 29th May, someone from their DBS customer relations team has just called me to inform me of this “re-appeal” that he will be putting forth again on my behalf as the outcome from their fraud’s team after almost a month long’s deliberation on my case. He mentioned that they did not manage to open the external link that I sent in (with evidences that I was air crew and was not able to receive any notifications on the transactions), and have proceeded to dismiss/reject my fraudulent claims. Why did he not get back to me when it was a problem earlier on that they were unable to open up the file to view the evidences?
Latest Update: I proceeded to email back the evidence in a PDF to him, to which he replied the next day that 50% will be returned to me as a gesture of goodwill. This notice came with an agreement with a list of terms and conditions that if signed, I will not be able to share the information from the case with anyone. I do not want to be bullied into accepting an outcome that is not fair to me.
Timeline as follows:
4th May 2024, 8:31am Singapore time: SMS notification was received that a transaction of AED 9800 from my card to a HONGLI PROJECT MANAGE DUBAI was completed on my card.
4th May 2024, 8:31am At the same time, there is a follow up SMS notification saying that my card has been blocked.
At this point of time, I should not expect anymore transactions to go through already, yet I am being charged for another transaction of AED 2500 to AERO LEADER TRAVEL N DUBAI
In total, my card was being used on a total of 3 transactions that I did not authorise on the 4th May 2024:
Dhaibi Asad For Pro Dubai Are SGD 371.76
Hongli Project Manage Dubai Are SGD 3643.21
Areo Leader Travel N Dubai Are SGD 929.39
When I received these notifications, I had landed in Singapore with my crew on the 4th May 2024, 8:30am Singapore time. There was no way that I had actually authorised these transactions when I was physically in the airplane, flying from Doha to Singapore. Following this, I had proceeded to call the bank’s fraud hotline, which they mentioned that they would place a block on my card and raise up a dispute once these transactions from “PENDING” became charged amounts on my card. They also mentioned that I would be able to get my money back (90% chance).
I trusted them and proceeded to put the matter at the back of my mind. Following the second day, the day of my departure from Singapore, I wanted to confirm the entire arrangement so I proceeded to call them. This time that I called them, the customer service person told me to make a police report online and I only had 20 mins to do so before my reporting time back to Doha. To give you some context, I am a flying crew from Qatar Airways so I am based in Doha.
The entire ordeal has made me so tired and frustrated with dealing with DBS, especially when I was back in Doha trying to get updates from the bank. In fact, I have incurred SGD $400 worth of phone bills as a result of this ongoing communication with the police and also DBS.
I do still want to get my money back because after all I had it stolen from me so blatantly. I just have a burning question following this - are the other banks as incompetent / not empathetic when it comes to a similar situation when it comes to their customers? What else can I do to get more of my money back from DBS?
submitted by AlexielEve91 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 Potential_Occasion_5 Did I do the right thing?

This was a few years ago now. At the time I 17m and my new wife 21f got pregnant and had a kid. Sorry but this is a long story..
A bit of needed back story though… when I was 6 my parents divorced due to my dad cheating on my mom. I didn’t realize until I was older but my dad was what you would call an abusive drunk. My mom was verbally abusive and high on pills all the time. When my parents finally got divorced I remember couch surfing with my mom because we got evicted from the house since she wasn’t able to keep a job. My dad did pay child support but I have no idea what would happen to it. There were a lot of guns, drugs, violence, and death in my younger years. I turned 12 and started to understand everything and saw my dad turning his life around with his new wife so I decided to move in with him. It was a rough couple of years but it worked out in the end. That said onto the story..
That summer was a very fulling time in my life. I graduated high school, signed up for the military, and got married in 2019. I was in boot camp for the first 10 weeks of my wife’s pregnancy as it was our only income. Flash forward to us going to my first duty station. My first duty station ended up being 5 hours away from my father’s, and 3 hours away from her parents. In early 2020 our beautiful son was born. This where things started getting bad. My wife was suffering from postpartum and refused to get treatment. So instead, her treatment was going to her parents for a few weeks at a time. Besides her mom knowing my son better than I did, this worked out well. My wife and kid were happy and healthy besides a few mental breakdowns here and there. Then Covid and the Riots started happening. I was stationed on the outskirts of a large city. My base ended up restricting travel to 50 miles outside of base (this meant I wasn’t able to drive my wife and son to her parents anymore as I’d be breaking no less than 4 articles of the UCMJ if I was caught) this is where things took a turn for the worst. My wife got separation anxiety as this was the longest she’s ever been away. We started arguing a lot more often. Everytime I went to work, she would just stay in bed with our son and do nothing at all. I got very stressed but managed to juggle a 70 hour work week, feeding and taking care of my family, cleaning our apartment, and taking care of all the bills and expenses. My command decided to put me in something called ASF which basically means twice a week on top of my regular job, I’d now do gate guard duty and work with the MP’s on a 14 hour rotation. Things got so loaded on to my metaphorical plate that I developed stress related sleep apnea and couldn’t get a good nights rest on top of all of this. Months go by and nothing is getting better. I’ve recommended therapy, couples therapy, trying to go on walks, talking it out.. my wife didn’t want to do any of it. What’s worse is still wasn’t able to hold of get to know my kid very much at all. It got it he point that in August of 2020 I decided I wasn’t going to let my kid grow up how I grew up and asked for a divorce. I didn’t want him to grow up living with resentment towards his mom and dad, I hated every second of the arguing that took place in front of him, even if he didn’t understand. It broke my heart but I felt we’d do better co parenting instead of being together.
The divorce goes through and it was uncontested. My ex wife fell in love with her best friend from her hometown and was able to quickly move on and marry within a year. She got main custody and I got weekends. I started paying child support 3 months before I had to bc I wanted to make sure they were taken care of. She moved back in with her parents, however, and this caused some strain once we were divorced seeing as how I still wasn’t allowed to travel up there that often. Things got worse between me and my now ex wife dues to the travel ban and her not willing to compromise that much. From January of 2021 to July I was only able to see my kid about 5 times in total. In July my state decided to lift the travel ban and so did my base!
I started making plans and a schedule that my ex agreed to at first. Me and my ex were not very friendly to each other however. I resorted to only texting her about making plans surrounding my son. Bc of this she retaliates and won’t let me see him. It got to the point to where I was calling the cops so they could knock on her door as I stayed by my car. There is body cam footage, recorded phone calls, text messages, and screen shots of her refusing to let me see my kid. My ex then decides to file for more custody and more child support. Wishing 2 weeks I had to take leave, find and hire a lawyer with no money to my name, gather my evidence, and show up to court on a Thursday. Thankfully my loving aunt helped me pay a portion of the retainer so we could get things started with the lawyer. My wife also filed a temporary restraining order against me stating I was “violent and a danger to her and our kid” I had evidence to prove otherwise however, so I wasn’t worried. My lawyer stated this would be considered a separate case thus doubling my retainer. At this point in time I’m living on 70% of $30,000 a year, maxed out my credit cards to pay bills, and had to find an extra $10,000 for this lawyer. My wife lived in a small town so he was literally the only other option for me. This lawyer was terrible though. He told me I had to file my own affidavit, subpoena the officers linked to my case number for the body cam footage, and file all my evidence with the court due to the short notice. I didn’t have access to half the websites due to them costing money and needing an attorneys credentials so needless to say, I didn’t get the body cam footage. Court time appears and the judge grants that I’m allowed to do supervised visits every weekend until the new year. Once the new year came I would’ve been allowed to see him on the original plan for every other week unsupervised. This had me livid, but I accepted since I just wanted to see my kid. A few weeks go by and I’m finally getting to know my son. He was the only thing that kept me going in life at this point. He was and still is my main source of happiness. My lawyer calls me randomly one day stating that my wife put on the terms that my son wasn’t allowed to see my grandparents or my aunt when he was going to start staying with me every other weekend. No reasons were given. I of course denied these changes and wanted to keep the agreement how it was. Atleast then I could keep seeing him. My ex text me later that day stating “my lawyer asked me to inform you that since you refused to sign the updated agreement the restraining order is now back in place” I called my lawyer and immediately asked him to figure this out as this shouldn’t be legal. My lawyer then asked for another $5000 as it’s another case. I told him fine but he needs to actually do some work this time. He said he’d get back to me in a week with an update. A month goes by and I end up calling him asking what the situation was with my current case and he asked for the money to be paid before he looks into it. I told him that’s not what we agreed and that I’m making regular payments as you requested. My lawyer flat out says it’s not enough. I need it up front since I don’t believe you’re able to pay it. He was right I wasn’t able to pay it but I was trying my damndest to. I took 2 weeks to deliberate and talk to family and friends about my whole situation. At this point I’m now $12,000 in lawyer debt ($3,00 is what my aunt help with earlier) $15,000 in credit card debt and surviving off of $50-$100 a week for food and gas. I can’t sleep, I’ve gained 70 pounds in the span of a year. I was getting in trouble with the military for being late due to lack of sleep, being overweight, and rarely being at work since I had to go to my ex wife’s town to fight this custody battle so often. Ultimately I decided that this is turning into my parents divorce where they were putting me and my brother in the middle of all of there disagreements and fights. That’s exactly what I was trying to prevent, so I decided I couldn’t bring myself to hurt my son with all of this anymore. I’d keep a folder full of all the screen shots, text messages, photos, affidavits, etc. when he gets older, if he decides he wants to give me a chance… if he even knows about me, I’ll have it ready for him to read so he can make his own decision. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I still don’t know if it was the right thing to do..
submitted by Potential_Occasion_5 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:33 Potential_Occasion_5 Did I make the right move?

This was a few years ago now. At the time I 17m and my new wife 21f got pregnant and had a kid. Sorry but this is going to be a long post.
A bit of needed back story though… when I was 6 my parents divorced due to my dad cheating on my mom. I didn’t realize until I was older but my dad was what you would call an abusive drunk. My mom was verbally abusive and high on pills all the time. When my parents finally got divorced I remember couch surfing with my mom because we got evicted from the house since she wasn’t able to keep a job. My dad did pay child support but I have no idea what would happen to it. There were a lot of guns, drugs, violence, and death in my younger years. I turned 12 and started to understand everything and saw my dad turning his life around with his new wife so I decided to move in with him. It was a rough couple of years but it worked out in the end. That said onto the story..
That summer was a very fulling time in my life. I graduated high school, signed up for the military, and got married in 2019. I was in boot camp for the first 10 weeks of my wife’s pregnancy as it was our only income. Flash forward to us going to my first duty station. My first duty station ended up being 5 hours away from my father’s, and 3 hours away from her parents. In early 2020 our beautiful son was born. This where things started getting bad. My wife was suffering from postpartum and refused to get treatment. So instead, her treatment was going to her parents for a few weeks at a time. Besides her mom knowing my son better than I did, this worked out well. My wife and kid were happy and healthy besides a few mental breakdowns here and there. Then Covid and the Riots started happening. I was stationed on the outskirts of a large city. My base ended up restricting travel to 50 miles outside of base (this meant I wasn’t able to drive my wife and son to her parents anymore as I’d be breaking no less than 4 articles of the UCMJ if I was caught) this is where things took a turn for the worst. My wife got separation anxiety as this was the longest she’s ever been away. We started arguing a lot more often. Everytime I went to work, she would just stay in bed with our son and do nothing at all. I got very stressed but managed to juggle a 70 hour work week, feeding and taking care of my family, cleaning our apartment, and taking care of all the bills and expenses. My command decided to put me in something called ASF which basically means twice a week on top of my regular job, I’d now do gate guard duty and work with the MP’s on a 14 hour rotation. Things got so loaded on to my metaphorical plate that I developed stress related sleep apnea and couldn’t get a good nights rest on top of all of this. Months go by and nothing is getting better. I’ve recommended therapy, couples therapy, trying to go on walks, talking it out.. my wife didn’t want to do any of it. What’s worse is still wasn’t able to hold of get to know my kid very much at all. It got it he point that in August of 2020 I decided I wasn’t going to let my kid grow up how I grew up and asked for a divorce. I didn’t want him to grow up living with resentment towards his mom and dad, I hated every second of the arguing that took place in front of him, even if he didn’t understand. It broke my heart but I felt we’d do better co parenting instead of being together.
The divorce goes through and it was uncontested. My ex wife fell in love with her best friend from her hometown and was able to quickly move on and marry within a year. She got main custody and I got weekends. I started paying child support 3 months before I had to bc I wanted to make sure they were taken care of. She moved back in with her parents, however, and this caused some strain once we were divorced seeing as how I still wasn’t allowed to travel up there that often. Things got worse between me and my now ex wife dues to the travel ban and her not willing to compromise that much. From January of 2021 to July I was only able to see my kid about 5 times in total. In July my state decided to lift the travel ban and so did my base!
I started making plans and a schedule that my ex agreed to at first. Me and my ex were not very friendly to each other however. I resorted to only texting her about making plans surrounding my son. Bc of this she retaliates and won’t let me see him. It got to the point to where I was calling the cops so they could knock on her door as I stayed by my car. There is body cam footage, recorded phone calls, text messages, and screen shots of her refusing to let me see my kid. My ex then decides to file for more custody and more child support. Wishing 2 weeks I had to take leave, find and hire a lawyer with no money to my name, gather my evidence, and show up to court on a Thursday. Thankfully my loving aunt helped me pay a portion of the retainer so we could get things started with the lawyer. My wife also filed a temporary restraining order against me stating I was “violent and a danger to her and our kid” I had evidence to prove otherwise however, so I wasn’t worried. My lawyer stated this would be considered a separate case thus doubling my retainer. At this point in time I’m living on 70% of $30,000 a year, maxed out my credit cards to pay bills, and had to find an extra $10,000 for this lawyer. My wife lived in a small town so he was literally the only other option for me. This lawyer was terrible though. He told me I had to file my own affidavit, subpoena the officers linked to my case number for the body cam footage, and file all my evidence with the court due to the short notice. I didn’t have access to half the websites due to them costing money and needing an attorneys credentials so needless to say, I didn’t get the body cam footage. Court time appears and the judge grants that I’m allowed to do supervised visits every weekend until the new year. Once the new year came I would’ve been allowed to see him on the original plan for every other week unsupervised. This had me livid, but I accepted since I just wanted to see my kid. A few weeks go by and I’m finally getting to know my son. He was the only thing that kept me going in life at this point. He was and still is my main source of happiness. My lawyer calls me randomly one day stating that my wife put on the terms that my son wasn’t allowed to see my grandparents or my aunt when he was going to start staying with me every other weekend. No reasons were given. I of course denied these changes and wanted to keep the agreement how it was. Atleast then I could keep seeing him. My ex text me later that day stating “my lawyer asked me to inform you that since you refused to sign the updated agreement the restraining order is now back in place” I called my lawyer and immediately asked him to figure this out as this shouldn’t be legal. My lawyer then asked for another $5000 as it’s another case. I told him fine but he needs to actually do some work this time. He said he’d get back to me in a week with an update. A month goes by and I end up calling him asking what the situation was with my current case and he asked for the money to be paid before he looks into it. I told him that’s not what we agreed and that I’m making regular payments as you requested. My lawyer flat out says it’s not enough. I need it up front since I don’t believe you’re able to pay it. He was right I wasn’t able to pay it but I was trying my damndest to. I took 2 weeks to deliberate and talk to family and friends about my whole situation. At this point I’m now $12,000 in lawyer debt ($3,00 is what my aunt help with earlier) $15,000 in credit card debt and surviving off of $50-$100 a week for food and gas. I can’t sleep, I’ve gained 70 pounds in the span of a year. I was getting in trouble with the military for being late due to lack of sleep, being overweight, and rarely being at work since I had to go to my ex wife’s town to fight this custody battle so often. Ultimately I decided that this is turning into my parents divorce where they were putting me and my brother in the middle of all of there disagreements and fights. That’s exactly what I was trying to prevent, so I decided I couldn’t bring myself to hurt my son with all of this anymore. I’d keep a folder full of all the screen shots, text messages, photos, affidavits, etc. when he gets older, if he decides he wants to give me a chance… if he even knows about me, I’ll have it ready for him to read so he can make his own decision. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I still don’t know if it was the right thing to do…
submitted by Potential_Occasion_5 to Dads [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 disturb3dkid Hacker named Hottwinkforyou

This guy will use the TMP at long range with straight headshots without missing. He started going negative so he switched to a DMR and went 26 and 4 for the game on power shift, everyone on my team refused to respawn the rest of the game because he was clearly cheating. He sniped someone from our spawn at the first 3 seconds of the game using a TMP. Please ban this guy. Unfortunately I couldn’t clip it because my Xbox’s memory is full.
submitted by disturb3dkid to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 Betonar test

Remember the thrill of unwrapping a brand new PS1 game and flipping through the manual? Those manuals weren't just there to explain the controls; they were portals to another world, filled with backstory, character art and detailed lore that made the game universe come alive!"
Imagine having high-quality scans for EVERY PS1 game manual! K1rkl4nd, a true hero of the retro gaming community, is almost there, having tackled the manuals for SNES, PS2, and venturing into ATARI 7800, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, GameBoy Advance and XBOX 360! But the final stretch is tough. Only 125 PS1 manuals remain, and many are becoming super expensive.
We need your help to cross the finish line and preserve this important piece of gaming history!

Here's what you can do:

Let's Finish This Together!
Anyone can personally follow the progress here: Playstation 1 Progress Report

Current status: (as of 6/1/2024)

Manual Count Status
732 in-hand manuals
129 loaned/leased for scanning - hi-res
86 from online sources - good
88 in-hand manuals - no cover
122 from online sources - poor
125 missing

How to Scan:


Do you have anything to share? Contact K1rkl4nd via PM or email: jgrimm (at) atensionspan (dot) com

Links to K1rkl4nd's domain:
Initial plea for assistance from K1rkl4nd:
Note: Scanning manuals is a time-consuming task, and editing them post-scan is necessary. Even after gathering all the manuals, processing and publishing them will take some time. The plan is to release all the scans simultaneously for a complete and organized archive. The primary goal of the collection is to gather manuals for NTSC games, with a secondary goal of collecting manuals for games not released in the NTSC region.
K1rkl4nd's collection stands as a testament to dedication and passion, encompassing all well-known manuals that are freely available online. This monumental effort has spanned 25 years, highlighting his unwavering commitment to preserving gaming history. While numerous collectors have emerged over the years with intentions to scan and publish their collections, all of these initiatives have unfortunately faded away.
In rare cases, K1rkl4nd might potentially accept financial donations for the purpose of acquiring the missing manuals. Personally, I consider it important to mention this information; however, K1rkl4nd has never publicly solicited financial donations, nor will he organize a public fundraising campaign for this purpose. The goal of this post is to bring attention to this project and reach out to collectors who own these games and are willing to share their manuals.
Missing manuals Loaned/leased for scanning - hi-res In-hand manuals - no cover
Adidas Power Soccer ’98 Ace Combat 2 Alien Resurrection
Adventures of Lomax, The Alien Trilogy Ape Escape
Alone in The Dark: One-Eyed Jack’s Revenge Aquanaut’s Holiday Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes
Armored Core: Master of Arena Arc the Lad Collection Army Men: World War – Land * Sea * Air
Armored Core: Project Phantasma Armored Core Army Men: World War – Team Assault
Assault Rigs Army Men: World War – Final Front BassRise
Baldies A-Train Big Ol’ Bass 2
Barbie: Explorer Auto Destruct Black Bass with Blue Marlin
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Bases Loaded ’96: Double Header Blade
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game Batman & Robin Bomberman Party Edition
Battle Arena Toshinden 3 BattleTanx: Global Assault Bust-a-Move ’99
Bear in the Big Blue House: Ojo’s Birthday Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
Blockids Bloody Roar 2: The New Breed Destruction Derby Raw
Board Game: Top Shop Bomberman Fantasy Race Digimon Digital Card Battle
Bottom of the 9th ’97 Bratz Digimon Rumble Arena
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror Broken Helix Digimon World
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Digimon World 2
Bug Riders: The Race of Kings Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time Digimon World 3
Bust-a-Groove 2 Bushido Blade Dino Crisis
C: The Contra Adventure Bushido Blade 2 Disney’s / Pixar’s Toy Story Racer
Capcom vs. SNK Pro Bust-a-Groove Disney’s Donald Duck Goin’ Quackers
Carnage Heart Castlevania Chronicles Disney’s Tarzan
City of Lost Children, The Chicken Run Disney’s The Jungle Book: Rhythm ‘n Groove
Crow: City of Angels, The Codename: Tenka Disney’s World Quest: Magical Tour Racing
Crusader: No Remorse Colony Wars Dracula: The Resurrection
Cybersled Countdown Vampires Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
Cyberspeed Crypt Killer Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes
D Descent Dune 2000
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Mix Destrega ECW Anarchy Rulz!
Danger Girl Devil Dice ECW Hardcore Revolution
Darklight Conflict Diablo Eliminator
Discworld II: Morality Bites Disney’s / Pixar’s Buzz Lightyear of Star… ESPN MLS Gamenight 2000
Discworld, Terry Prachett’s Disney’s Lilo & Stitch Fantastic Four
Disney’s 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue Disney’s My Disney Kitchen Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition
Disney’s Peter Pan in Return to Neverland Dragon Seeds Felony 11-79
Disney’s The Lion King: Simba’s Mighty Adv. DragonHeart: Fire & Steel Fox Sports NBA Basketball 2000
Disney’s Winnie the Pooh Preschool Evil Dead: Hail to the King Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
Divide, The: Enemies Within Evil Zone Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James
Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Excalibur 2555 A.D. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Dragon Valor FIFA Soccer 2004 Hydro Thunder
Easter Bunny’s Big Day Fifth Element, The Invasion from Beyond
Eggs of Steel Future Cop L.A.P.D. Jurassic Park: WarPath
Elemental Gearbolt Galerians Legend of Mana
Expendable Gekido Looney Tunes Sheep Raider
Extreme Go-Cart Racing Goal Storm ’97 Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX
F1 World Grand Prix 2000 Goofy’s Fun House Medal of Honor: Underground
FIFA Soccer 2002 Grinch, The Mega Man 8 (incl. Anniversary Ed.)
FIFA Soccer 2003 Hello Kitty’s Cube Frenzy Men In Black The Series: Crashdown
Fisher Price Rescue Heroes: Molten Menace Hexen: Beyond Heretic Metal Slug X
Fox Hunt Hi-Octane Mort the Chicken
G Police: Weapons of Justice Hogs of War Mortal Kombat: Special Forces
Gekioh Shooting King Hot Shots Golf 2 Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness
Glover Intelligent Qube MTV Sports: Skateboarding Featuring Andy MacDonald
Goal Storm International Superstar Soccer Pro ’98 MTV Sports: Snowboarding
Grand Theft Auto: The Director’s Cut International Superstar Soccer Pro Evolution Mummy, The
Gundam Battle Assault Irritating Stick Namco Museum Vol. 2 – A
Herc’s Adventure Jersey Devil NBA Hangtime
In the Hunt JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure NFL Blitz 2001
International Track & Field 2000 Jumping Flash! 2 Nicktoons Racing
Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal Kensei: Sacred Fist Pandemonium! 2
Johnny Bazookatone Kingsley’s Adventure Pocket Fighter
Jumping Flash! Klonoa: Door to Phantomile Rampage 2: Universal Tour
King of Fighters ’95, The Land Before Time: Return to the Great Valley Ray Tracers
King of Fighters ’99, The: Millennium Battle Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2
Lego Island 2: The Brickster’s Revenge Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012
Lego Racers Magic Carpet Rollcage
Lethal Enforcers 1 & 2 Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV
Lode Runner MediEvil Rugrats: Search for Reptar
Marvel Super Heroes MediEvil II Small Soldiers
Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia Mega Man X4 South Park
Muppet Monster Adventure Metal Gear Solid VR Missions South Park Rally
Muppet Race Mania Monkey Hero Spawn: The Eternal
Namco Museum Vol. 4 – C Mortal Kombat 4 Spice World
NASCAR Thunder 2004 Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
NHL Open Ice: 2 on 2 Challenge Mortal Kombat Trilogy Spyro the Dragon
Novastorm Motor Toon Grand Prix Street Fighter Collection
Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat Mr. Driller Street Fighter EX2 Plus
Philosoma Namco Museum Vol. 5 – O Stuart Little 2
Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit NBA In the Zone 2000 Tom & Jerry in House Trap
Play with the Teletubbies NBA Jam Tournament Edition Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Lone Wolf
PO’ed Nectaris: Military Madness Torneko: The Last Hope
Point Blank 3 NHL Blades of Steel 2000 Transformers: Beast Wars
Power Move Pro Wrestling Nightmare Creatures Turbo Prop Racing
Power Slave Point Blank 2 Twisted Metal 4
Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction Power Rangers Zeo: Full Tilt Battle Pinball Unholy War, The
Primal Rage Power Rangers: Time Force Urban Chaos
Project: Horned Owl Poy Poy WarGames: Defcon 1
Psychic Detective Professional Underground: League of Pain Xevious 3D/G+
Psychic Force Raiden Project, The X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Rascal Racers Rayman 2: The Great Escape X-Men: Children of the Atom
Rise 2: Resurrection RayStorm
R-Types RC Revenge
Rugrats: Totally Angelica Resident Evil
Rush Hour Resident Evil: Survivor
Shadow Tower Return Fire
Silverload Re-Volt
Skullmonkeys Ridge Racer Type 4
Smurfs, The Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman
Sol Divide Roadsters
Soul of the Samurai Runabout 2
Space Griffon VF-9 Sentient
Space Hulk: Vengeance… Shadow Man
Star Gladiator Space Jam
Starblade Alpha Speed Racer
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter Collection 2 Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Street Fighter: The Movie Super Shot Soccer
Tail Concerto Syndicate Wars
Tail of the Sun Thousand Arms
Team Buddies Threads of Fate
Team Losi: RC Racer Time Crisis: Project Titan
Tennis Arena Tiny Toons: Toonenstein – Dare to Scare
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 2001 TOCA 2: Touring Car Championship
Tobal No. 1 Tomba!
Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Trick’n Snowboarder
Transformers: Beast Wars – TransMetals Vampire Hunter D
Trap Gunner Wayne Gretzky’s 3D Hockey ’98
Ultimate Brain Games Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Viva Soccer Wipeout 3
Vs. X-Com: UFO Defense
War Gods X-Files, The
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style
XS Junior League Football
Zero Divide
submitted by Betonar to Test_Posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 BaseballBot [General Discussion] Around the Horn & Game Thread Index - 6/2/24

So what's this thread for?

For game threads, use the games schedule on the sidebar to navigate to the team you want a game thread for.

Featured posts and links

Sunday's Games

Away Score Home Score Status National GDTs
MIN HOU 1:05
DET BOS 1:35
TB BAL 1:35
OAK ATL 1:35
PIT TOR 1:37
WSH CLE 1:40
AZ NYM 1:40
SD KC 2:10
CWS MIL 2:10
CIN CHC 2:20
NYY SF 4:05
COL LAD 4:10
LAA SEA 4:10
STL PHI 7:10
All game times are Eastern. Updated 6/2 at 4:50 AM
Yesterday's ATH

This Week's Schedule (all times Eastern)

Day Feature
Sunday 6/2 Game Thread: ESPN Sunday Night Baseball: Cardinals @ Phillies at 7:10pm ET
Lou Gehrig Day 2024
Monday 6/3 baseball Power Rankings
Tuesday 6/4 State of the Baseball Subreddits
Wednesday 6/5 No subreddit features planned
Thursday 6/6 Division Discussion Thread: The Centrals
Friday 6/7 Friday Trash Talk Thread
Saturday 6/8 MLB World Tour at London Stadium in London, England: Phillies @ Mets at 1:10pm ET
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 random-string Working on an AI helper, seeking feedback

At the moment I am using it for two use cases. Text in italics is the AI reply, I am not including the actual screenshots.
  1. I give it a screenshot of dailies and make it write an itinerary to finish them quickly, example (without the screenshot because subreddit restrictions):
Here's a quick and efficient itinerary to complete today's daily challenges:
  1. Join a Public Team: Start by joining a public team that is focused on completing Daily Operations. This will help with the challenge of completing a Daily Operation on a Public Team and provide team buffs for other activities.
  2. Complete a Daily Operation: With your team, head to a Daily Ops location. This will tick off the challenge for completing a Daily Operation on a Public Team.
  3. Scrap Pipe Guns: While you're on your way to other locations or completing other tasks, loot enemies and containers for Pipe Guns. You need to scrap three of these.
  4. Kill Super Mutants: Travel to locations known for high Super Mutant activity, such as West Tek Research Center or Huntersville. Kill five Super Mutants here.
  5. Destroy an Assaultron: Head to locations where Assaultrons frequently spawn, like Watoga or certain RobCo Facilities. Destroy at least one Assaultron.
  6. Complete the Event: "Primal Cuts": Check the map for the "Primal Cuts" event. Participate in this event, which occurs periodically in different regions of the map.
  7. Eat a Cooked Meal in a Teammate's C.A.M.P.: Ask a teammate to cook some food at their C.A.M.P. or use their cooking station if they have one. Eat five cooked meals here.
Following this itinerary should help you complete all daily challenges efficiently within the six-hour time limit. Good luck out there in Appalachia!
  1. I give it a screenshot from my inventory and ask it to price check, it can currently pretty reliably check the FED76 plan collectors: Q: price check all of these, return a table
A: Here is the price check for the selected plans in Fallout 76:
Plan Estimated Value (Caps)
Alien Disintegrator High Powered Receiver 2000-3000
Behemoth Boss Plushie 1500-2500
Cultist Adept Robes 1000-2000
Cultist Backpack 800-1200
Cultist Incarnate Helmet 1000-2000
Cultist Neophyte Hood 1000-2000
Flamer 500-1000
Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie 1200-1800
Gulper Head 1000-1500
Human Tube 2 1500-2000
News Stand 700-1100
Peppered Tenderizer Mod 2500-3500
Plastic Fruit Bowl 500-800
These values are estimates based on current market trends and may vary depending on demand and availability. ​

2.5. Price check for weapons also seems reasonable, what do y'all think? Q: price check 3* vampire chainsaw
A: The estimated value of a 3-star Vampire Chainsaw in Fallout 76 can vary significantly depending on the specific legendary effects it has. However, generally speaking, a 3-star Vampire Chainsaw can fetch prices ranging from 5000 to 10000 caps. Here are some potential price ranges based on common effects:
  1. Vampire's effect: This effect regenerates your health when you hit an enemy. It's highly valued for its utility in both PvE and PvP scenarios.
  2. Additional Effects:
    • 25% Faster Swing Speed: This is one of the most desirable secondary effects, significantly boosting the weapon's DPS.
    • +1 Strength: Provides a general combat boost by increasing carry weight and melee damage.
    • 50% Reduced Weight: Makes the weapon easier to carry, which is particularly useful given the weight of melee weapons.
Based on the combined effects, the value can range within the mentioned caps or even higher if there is high demand and limited supply​.
If you want to give it a try:
submitted by random-string to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 GPTSportsWriter Washington Nationals VS Cleveland Guardians Prediction 2024-06-02 13:40:00-04:00

Washington Nationals VS Cleveland Guardians Prediction 2024-06-02 13:40:00-04:00
Washington Nationals VS Cleveland Guardians Prediction 2024-06-02 13:40:00-04:00

MLB Game Prediction: Washington Nationals vs. Cleveland Guardians (June 2, 2024)


Ladies and gentlemen, baseball aficionados, and those who just stumbled upon this article while looking for cat videos, welcome to the ultimate showdown prediction between the Washington Nationals and the Cleveland Guardians. Scheduled for June 2, 2024, at 1:40 PM EDT, this game promises to be a thrilling encounter. But who will emerge victorious? Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details, statistics, and odds to make an informed prediction. Spoiler alert: it's going to be a wild ride!

Team Overview

Washington Nationals

The Washington Nationals, often referred to as the Nats, have had a rollercoaster of a season. With a mix of seasoned veterans and promising rookies, the team has shown flashes of brilliance but has struggled with consistency. Their current record stands at a respectable 28-30, placing them in the middle of the pack in the National League East.

Key Players

  1. Juan Soto: The young phenom continues to be the heart and soul of the Nationals' lineup. With a batting average of .310, 15 home runs, and 45 RBIs, Soto is a force to be reckoned with.
  2. Max Scherzer: The veteran pitcher, known for his fiery demeanor and devastating fastball, has an ERA of 3.20 and 95 strikeouts in 70 innings pitched.
  3. Trea Turner: The speedy shortstop has been a catalyst at the top of the lineup, boasting a .295 batting average and 20 stolen bases.

Cleveland Guardians

The Cleveland Guardians, formerly known as the Indians, have been a model of consistency this season. With a record of 32-26, they sit comfortably in second place in the American League Central. The Guardians have relied on a balanced attack, combining solid pitching with timely hitting.

Key Players

  1. José Ramírez: The dynamic third baseman is having an MVP-caliber season, hitting .320 with 18 home runs and 50 RBIs.
  2. Shane Bieber: The ace of the staff, Bieber has been lights out with a 2.45 ERA and 110 strikeouts in 85 innings.
  3. Franmil Reyes: The power-hitting outfielder has contributed 14 home runs and 40 RBIs, providing much-needed pop in the middle of the lineup.

Head-to-Head Comparison


When it comes to offensive firepower, both teams have their strengths. The Nationals rely heavily on Juan Soto and Trea Turner to set the table and drive in runs. However, their lineup lacks depth, and they have struggled to produce runs consistently.
On the other hand, the Guardians boast a more balanced lineup. José Ramírez and Franmil Reyes provide the power, while players like Amed Rosario and Myles Straw contribute with timely hitting and speed on the bases. The Guardians have a slight edge in overall offensive production.


Pitching is where the Guardians truly shine. Shane Bieber is a bona fide ace, and the rest of the rotation, including Aaron Civale and Triston McKenzie, has been solid. The bullpen, anchored by closer Emmanuel Clase, has been reliable in closing out games.
The Nationals' pitching staff, led by Max Scherzer, has been inconsistent. While Scherzer can still dominate, the rest of the rotation has been hit or miss. The bullpen has also been a source of concern, with several blown saves and high ERAs.


Defensively, the Guardians have been one of the better teams in the league. They boast a .985 fielding percentage, with standout defenders like José Ramírez and Myles Straw making highlight-reel plays.
The Nationals, while not terrible defensively, have had their share of miscues. Their fielding percentage stands at .980, and they have committed more errors than the Guardians.

Odds and Betting Lines

According to the latest odds from FanDuel and DraftKings, the Cleveland Guardians are favored to win this matchup. FanDuel has the Guardians at 1.66, while DraftKings lists them at 1.68. The Nationals, on the other hand, are underdogs with odds of 2.28 on FanDuel and 2.24 on DraftKings.

Analysis of Odds

The odds clearly favor the Guardians, and for good reason. Their balanced lineup, superior pitching staff, and solid defense make them the more complete team. The Nationals, while capable of pulling off an upset, will need everything to go right to come out on top.

Weather Conditions

The weather forecast for June 2, 2024, in Cleveland, Ohio, calls for partly cloudy skies with a high of 75°F and a slight breeze blowing out to left field. These conditions are ideal for baseball and should not significantly impact the game.


Drumroll, please! After analyzing the statistics, odds, and current form of both teams, it's time to make a prediction. While the Nationals have the star power in Juan Soto and Max Scherzer, the Guardians' overall balance and consistency give them the edge.
Prediction: Cleveland Guardians win
The Guardians' superior pitching staff, led by Shane Bieber, will stifle the Nationals' offense. José Ramírez and Franmil Reyes will provide the necessary run support, and the Guardians' defense will make the plays needed to secure the victory.


There you have it, folks! The Cleveland Guardians are poised to come out on top in this matchup against the Washington Nationals. While anything can happen in baseball, the odds and statistics heavily favor the Guardians. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the game!


  • FanDuel. (2024). MLB Betting Odds. Retrieved from FanDuel
  • DraftKings. (2024). MLB Betting Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
(Note: The URLs provided are placeholders and should be replaced with actual URLs when citing real sources.)
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:20 RaddKx Why complain?

Hello, being accustomed to reading Reddit posts that are mostly negative, I want to make this post to provide a mental wake-up call for some who still haven't understood the video game codes that have been evident for several years.
Three-quarters of the Reddit posts, or posts elsewhere, are complaints about the current state of the game, notably the netcode, the slow weapon XP, people jumping like rabbits, overpowered weapons and factions, and so on.
To start with, the game is in pre-season, which indirectly means that we are in a beta phase. So, sorry to say this, but it's logical to see a lot of bugs and problems. This is why we are in this phase of the game before the official release, which will be Season 1.
Weapons level up slowly. It's true that weapons take a relatively long time to level up. However, we are playing a free-to-play, CoD-like game, so besides leveling up weapons, there is nothing else to do in the game in its current state. This is the only thing you have to do, and you want everything immediately, so that after a week you can say you're already bored. We are in the second week, and we've already had two double XP phases that compensate for this problem you're trying to raise.
People jump like rabbits. Well, sorry to tell you this, but if you don't want to see people jumping, you're playing the wrong game. I invite you to switch to Counter-Strike or Valorant, which have very different game mechanics and might suit you better. You're free to accept the meta and understand that you can do it too.
Weapons are not balanced. Like any CoD-like game, there are metas, and there's no debate about that. To be honest, I have rarely seen a game with such balanced weapons because all weapons are actually playable once leveled up. Yes, there's an MP7 meta that might dominate the game a bit too much, and if you face a stack tryharding with MP7s, your team will have no choice but to use it to win close-range duels.
Factions are not balanced. Yes, Echelon has a wallhack and it's strong. I'm a proponent of saying in all games that if we notice an ability similar to a cheat, it shouldn't be present because it isn't competitive or skillful. However, sorry, but 6 Phantoms is cancer, 6 DedSec is cancer, 6 Libertad is also cancer, etc. All classes have overpowered abilities, and this forms a balance that surpasses what we are used to seeing. This is what makes all classes playable.
In conclusion, XDefiant is a free-to-play game. You're free to try or continue playing the game. If you like it, great. If you don't, stop playing. It's as simple as that. If you don't want to get on board, others will take your place.
submitted by RaddKx to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 bio_kk Middle Eastern players, how do you feel about the upcoming ME region?

As a Middle Eastern player, the most shocking part of this entire patch notes was:
The Middle East server opens its digital doors on June 25, 2024. Qualified accounts can transfer to the ME server for 1 Blue Essence from the moment the server opens until September 2, 2024. After that, the price will increase to the usual 2600 RP for a one-way transfer. Note that TFT Mobile will arrive at a later date further into the year.
As far as I know, Riot didn't ever hint towards this despite the community asking for this for years (although not vocal due to how scarce we are) and although other region changes over the years were a big deal, ours happened so suddenly.
I feel really glad that we are getting acknowledged, and now we don't have to play minimum 126 ping and after years of playing with this ping I'm so excited to see what it will be on low ping as long time ME gamers will remember that lifechanging moment when games like CSGO, TF2, COD, OW, Battlefield and fucking Valorant introduced ME servers and we got a taste of that delicious 18 ping after decades of lag.
Now my issues with this: First off, I am originally British living in Dubai, and if anyone of you are living in Dubai then you know how it goes: this is not your country and you gotta leave once done, which is why I'm currently on EUW. I love living here but the future isn't certain and I'm really hesitant to switch servers due to this. Another issue is that ME players know how the gaming scene is here: everyone only plays Fifa on the PlayStation 4, and that is over 90% of the gaming scene. PC gaming is dead unless it's literal kids who play Fortnite and Minecraft, of adults who only play CSGO, also physical stuff for PC is completely gone here unless you are talking about expensive PC parts. Also playing Battlefield every day, you notice how the ME servers are the most dead ones around with 1 server populated at a time, and back in the times of Team Fortress 2 we would get 3-5 servers which is crazy bad for such a popular game.
I want to check out the new server and see you all there since it will be 1BE to transfer, but if I don't like it then I dunno how I can transfer back as it will be 2600 rp ($22 or 100AED) so I guess I just use an alt for now 😅
submitted by bio_kk to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:11 Initial-Corgi-1088 I feel like my marriage is about to die…

I have been in a relationship with my husband for almost 10 years now. I was forced, at the time, to marry him. And through out all those years I’ve always had a job. I’ve paid all the bills except for the house note, which mind you did NOT equal the same amount. Now here we are with two babies under 2 and we had made the decision for me to stay home with the babies while he goes to work. I am at the point of wanting to leave. He is always making me feel like shit and he definitely treats me like it as well. I have taken care of everything up to this point including keeping his two older kids, who do NOT mind me. I’m sick of it. What do i do? I am literally the only one he treats awful. He makes me miserable. I’ve caught him cheating on a few occasions and he definitely is an alcoholic. My question is how and when is the best time to leave for good? I can’t take it anymore but i have NO place to go!
submitted by Initial-Corgi-1088 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 OrcaBoy34 I am devastated about Chem 3580 (Orgo 2) and it is ruining my summer

I have not been on here for quite a while (left in October last year because of people losing their minds over a certain region in the Near East). But I am back to say that I am absolutely appalled by the grading of Chem 3580 this semester. After achieving an A+ in 3570, I thought I was on the path for success this semester—not quite. Despite scoring well above the mean on every prelim, I ended up with a B+ in the class. I was expecting an A, at the very least an A-, and getting what I got has been the single biggest academic disappointment of my two years at Cornell. Nothing else even comes close.
Now I have done the calculations—the raw score that earned me the B+ was just under 86, indicating that there was almost zero curve (since an 86 would equate to a B if non-curved). HOWEVER, doing the same calculation for 3570, I found that the raw score that earned me the A+ was actually just an 88. Think about that—a ~2% raw score gap was the difference of an ENTIRE LETTER GRADE.
A few days ago I contacted Abbasov, which I had to do in order to even know my final exam score, as he never posted them. The score he told me was significantly lower than I was expecting. Since then I have emailed the chemistry department at the course email to request a review of my exam, but I have heard nothing from them. My trust in the chemistry department is broken. This is worse than anything from the days of Stephen Lee, or even 2510 with Kinsland. These people, while perhaps difficult personalities at times, never did anything blatantly dishonest—the grades I received from them were understandable. What has been done here is completely unacceptable.
One aspect that definitely deserves a mention—and if you were in the class you probably already thought of this—was the egregious situation with prelim 3. We can see that, because of prior access to the exam by many people through the fraternity bank, combined with the cheating by certain students, the mean for prelim 3 was skewed—just look at that RAMP of a histogram!! So this resulted in a less-steep curve on that exam, and by extension, in the class as a whole. This is angering for me, as apparently I was quite close to the A- threshold—to think that without Abbasov's flippancy trying get away with reusing an old exam, and the cheaters getting away with their actions, I might at least have an A- right now. I studied over spring break for that prelim, only to be defeated by departmental laziness and cheating frat bros. That wasn't in my notes!
I genuinely loved organic chemistry as a discipline. But I can never see it the same way now. It's insane thinking about how if I had just earned a few more points here or there, I could have a grade I am happy with. Although I probably could have studied better when it came to the final exam, my preparation was still immense, and I walked away genuinely feeling like I had done well. I will do everything I can for an exam review, but I don't know if that will change anything.
Ultimately, the circumstances of this class were not entirely in our control. The prelim 3 scandal revealed the chemistry department's inability to deal adequately with violations, punishing those who were honest instead of the cheaters. And at the end, everyone was screwed over by the bizarrely low curve and total opacity when it came to grading the final. As a bio sci major, chemistry is a core part of the Cornell experience—but if I had known what the department was like here, I may have gone somewhere else.
submitted by OrcaBoy34 to Cornell [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 Khrynos Help with double Maneater CB team not working correctly

Need some help figuring out why my unkillable double Maneater CB team isn't working. I've finally upgraded the gear to speed tune the entire team, but the tune breaks around turn 15 and every one dies.
Everyone except Geomancer are in the Offense and Defense mastery trees with no TM fill. I've made sure Geo doesn't have Rapid Response or Lore of Steel in the Support tree - none of his masteries grant TM. None of the champions are wearing sets that grant bonus speed, like Speed, Perception, RIghteous, etc Geo's tier 4 Support mastery is Cycle of Magic.
In the Team Setup, I turned off Frozen Banshee's A2 and Rathalos Blademaster's A3. I haven't touched any of the other champion's AI.
I've followed the notes on Deadwood Jedi's site - i.e. Fast Maneater will use A3 on Turn 1 and on their second action of Turn 6. Slow Maneater will use their A3 on TUrn 4. I'm aware that the first turn is Turn 0, so I get the Maneaters to just A1 on this turn before Turn 1 starts.
Can anyone help me figure out what I could be doing wrong?
submitted by Khrynos to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:04 curiousGaymerx Best friend is missing and I'm deeply anxious

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to anxiety_support [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:03 curiousGaymerx Best friend is missing and anxiety and depression has been killing me

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to AnxietyDepression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:02 curiousGaymerx Best friend is missing without anyway to reach her and I'm anxious and depressed

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 curiousGaymerx Missing best friend

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 curiousGaymerx Missing best friend

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
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2024.06.02 09:59 GPTSportsWriter Charlotte FC VS Atlanta United FC Prediction 2024-06-02 16:45:00-04:00

Charlotte FC VS Atlanta United FC Prediction 2024-06-02 16:45:00-04:00
Charlotte FC VS Atlanta United FC Prediction 2024-06-02 16:45:00-04:00

MLS Match Preview: Charlotte FC vs. Atlanta United FC


Ladies and gentlemen, soccer aficionados, and those who just stumbled upon this report while looking for cat videos, welcome to the ultimate showdown in the MLS: Charlotte FC vs. Atlanta United FC. Scheduled to kick off on June 2, 2024, at 16:45 EDT, this match promises to be a thrilling encounter. But who will emerge victorious? Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details, statistics, and odds to make an informed prediction. Spoiler alert: it's going to be a wild ride!

Team Overview

Atlanta United FC

Atlanta United FC, the home team, has been a force to reckon with in the MLS. Known for their aggressive playstyle and a knack for scoring goals, they are the favorites in this matchup. According to DraftKings, the odds for Atlanta United FC to win are 1.74, which translates to a roughly 57.5% chance of victory[1\.)

Key Players

  1. Josef Martinez: The Venezuelan striker has been a goal-scoring machine for Atlanta. With 15 goals in the current season, he is the player to watch.
  2. Ezequiel Barco: The Argentine midfielder has been instrumental in creating scoring opportunities, boasting 10 assists so far.
  3. Miles Robinson: The American defender has been a rock at the back, making crucial interceptions and tackles.

Charlotte FC

On the other side, we have Charlotte FC, the underdogs with odds of 4.2, giving them a 23.8% chance of winning[1\.) While they may not have the same star power as Atlanta, they have shown resilience and the ability to pull off surprises.

Key Players

  1. Karol Świderski: The Polish forward has been the top scorer for Charlotte, with 10 goals this season.
  2. Sergio Ruiz: The Spanish midfielder has been the engine of the team, contributing with both goals and assists.
  3. Christian Fuchs: The veteran Austrian defender brings experience and leadership to the backline.

Head-to-Head Statistics

When it comes to head-to-head encounters, Atlanta United FC has had the upper hand. In their last five meetings, Atlanta has won three, Charlotte has won one, and one match ended in a draw. This historical dominance gives Atlanta a psychological edge going into this match.

Tactical Analysis

Atlanta United FC

Atlanta United FC typically lines up in a 4-3-3 formation, focusing on high pressing and quick transitions. Their attacking trio, led by Josef Martinez, is lethal on the counter-attack. The midfield, orchestrated by Ezequiel Barco, is adept at controlling the tempo and creating scoring opportunities.

Charlotte FC

Charlotte FC, on the other hand, prefers a more conservative 4-4-2 formation. They rely on solid defensive organization and look to exploit set-pieces and counter-attacks. Karol Świderski is their main target man, and the team often looks to him to convert chances.

Odds and Betting Analysis

The odds provided by DraftKings are quite telling. Atlanta United FC is the clear favorite with odds of 1.74, while Charlotte FC is the underdog at 4.2. The draw is priced at 3.75[1\.) These odds suggest that the bookmakers have a lot of faith in Atlanta's ability to secure a win.

Weather Conditions

The weather forecast for June 2, 2024, in Atlanta is partly cloudy with a high of 78°F (25.5°C) and a low of 65°F (18.3°C). These conditions are ideal for a high-tempo game, which suits Atlanta United FC's style of play. Charlotte FC, used to similar weather, won't be at a significant disadvantage, but the home crowd and familiar conditions give Atlanta an edge.


Based on the odds, team form, head-to-head statistics, and weather conditions, it is reasonable to predict that Atlanta United FC will win this match. Their attacking prowess, combined with Charlotte FC's inconsistent form, makes Atlanta the safer bet.

Final Score Prediction

Atlanta United FC 3 - 1 Charlotte FC


In conclusion, while Charlotte FC has the potential to cause an upset, all signs point to an Atlanta United FC victory. From their superior squad depth to their favorable odds and historical dominance, Atlanta seems poised to take all three points. So, if you're a betting person, you might want to put your money on Atlanta United FC. And if you're just here for the drama, sit back, relax, and enjoy what promises to be an exciting match!


[1\:) DraftKings. (2024). MLS Betting Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
Note: This report is based on the information available as of June 2, 2024. Player statistics and team performance are subject to change as the season progresses.
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