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Magic: The Redditing

2008.10.03 17:04 Magic: The Redditing

A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. Join us discussing news, tournaments, gameplay, deckbuilding, strategy, lore, fan art, and more.

2018.05.09 08:12 Kanojo Okarishimasu - Rent-A-Girlfriend - KanoKari

Kanojo Okarishimasu - Rent-A-Girlfriend - KanoKari. The largest subreddit to discuss the popular manga 'Kanojo, Okarishimasu' (Rent-A-Girlfriend), written by Miyajima Reiji.

2010.04.21 20:33 Monotonousblob Home for fans of the 27-time World Champion New York Yankees

Subreddit for the New York Yankees

2024.05.18 21:47 yujishiki (MUST READ) F.A.Q /WIP

submitted by yujishiki to WindBreakerManga [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:43 _Delta3_ 4070 Ti Hot Spot reaches 100+ Celsius only when watching 1 Youtube video

I was watching several Youtube video earlier with no problem; selected one specific video and heard my GPU fans spin to their max RPM. Video is playing on 1440p60 at 2x speed on the newest version of Firefox on Windows 11; GPU drivers were updated 1-2 months ago. My GPU normally stays around 37-38 with the hot spot at 48-49. Whenever I press play my GPU's hot spot temperature reaches 100 degrees; I never let the temperature get above 100 by pausing the video. Playing the video on 1x speed only raises the hot spot to ~75 degrees.
No other video I tested impacted the temperature except the one listed above. CPU temperature does not change, nor do CPU fans or case fans, just the GPU fans. No issues with GPU temperatures or fan speed when playing games either.
I purchased this card before ASUS's RMA issues and GamersNexus's recent video; I am concerned that there is an issue with the card, though I can only seem to replicate the issue with this one video I did build the system myself and have had no other issues. GPU has slight memory overclock, though in prior testing only decreased power draw and temperature slightly, did not impact performance in daily use or games. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Full system is listed below. Temperatures tracked with HWiNFO.
Windows 11 Home (10.0.22631 Build 22631)
MSI Z790P-Wifi
32Gb DDR5-6000 (Corsair)
TUF 4070Ti OC (Driver Version: 551.86 Release Date: 03/19/2024)
submitted by _Delta3_ to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:39 Bishoppess Daily Practice for Norwegian-What the heck?

So I've been poking along in the Norwegian course, lost my streak over vacation, came back, and found a 'we synced your progress to the course update' alert. Fine and good.
BUT! I'm in unit two. Barely learning who has the money and what we're doing this weekend. Why the heck are my daily review practices all about the UN, conspiracy theories, and cease fires!!?? I know none of these words. and none of them match the progress (lack thereof) I've made so far. My Japanese course isn't doing this. Anyone have a clue?
Edit: This is happening in the mobile app. When I tested the Practice Hub on the website, it gave me a normal unit review.
submitted by Bishoppess to duolingo [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:39 trshmanx Can't update 4090 AERO OC 24G bios to latest

First I updated my bios to F11 trough gigabyte control center few days ago. Today I was curios to check out the support site ( and I see there is a newer F2 version (Mar 05, 2024). When I download the N4090AO.F2.exe and try to install it, it says "The bios version doesn't match". I also checked the version via GPUz just to be sure and it says "GV-N4090AERO OC-24GD/F11/0F2B". I guess it has something todo with this:
F1, it can only be updated with VBIOS versions F2-F9. F10, it can only be updated with VBIOS versions F11-F19. F20, it can only be updated with VBIOS versions F21-F29.
But how can same GPU, same exact model have F11 and F1 and own updates?
Generally I don't care much, but after updating to F11, the fans seem to be more aggressive. GPU is or 30c, but it still blows with 1000 RPM. Curve in control center looks fine.
submitted by trshmanx to gigabyte [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:39 TheAngryRussoGerman [desperate help] Vanishing instant offers, vanishing blocks, app screen going white and crashing, and support unable to help or even see me

So I've been doing flex for exactly a week now. I've scheduled 5 amazon blocks and 2 of the blocks simply vanished. They weren't on my schedule or calendar and I therefore missed them. They were my first 2 and I had no clue where to go or what to do. I place 14 calls to support over 3 days and I could not authenticate via the app and had to call via phone. They could always see my count, but said nothing about my account showed up and to call back immediately and try again. It was always the same result. Both blocks have been counted against me. I send appeals to the support email and they said they'd removed them and started a new email chain to address the numerous app issues I'm having. Unfortunately, that new chain has gone dead as I now get a default email back saying my email address isn't registered to a flex account which is most certainly is and I know support can see it as they saw the 2 missed blocks. Unfortunately again, both blocks still show in my app as being missed and counting against me.
I live close to a Whole Foods as well and have been taking those instant offers when possible. I get about 5-7 per day, but I'm usually only able to accept one or two because the rest will either load to a white screeen in the app or it takes me straight to the instant offer map with the availability toggle. There's no way to get back to the offers whatsoever that I can find. If the app doesn't load the right screen from clicking the notification, they're permanently gone. I have checked every single one within 5 seconds of getting the notification, quite literally, so I know they aren't expiring. I tried emailing support about this as well, but after 2 or 3 emails of discussing the issue and my account, I started getting the same default email address isn't linked to an account replies.
When I'm on my amazon warehouse routes, I'll finish up all the deliveries I've been given, but there's always left over packages. I can guarantee that I did not miss a single package or a single delivery location. I tried to ask support, but as you probably guessed, my account is blank. Does anyone know why there's always leftover packages? Is that normal?
Finally, I didn't get the Seattle legal doc emails and all the "welcome" app notifications on the Updates page until Tuesday, 2 days after starting. Since then, I've received the same set of 3-4 notifications int he Updates page and in my email every few hours. It's irritating as hell. It's an endless stream of notifications on my phone and clogging up my email. Support can do nothing, of course. The only time support was able to see my account, they insisted everything was perfect in my account and did a refresh ticket just to be sure. No benefit whatsoever.
I have no clue what to do about any of this. I can't call support. I can't email support. I can't even contact customers when on routes and their notes request me to call cause the app won't do it. I can't use the chat. I CAN'T DO JACK SHIT. I can't work if I can't contact driver support. I would be extremely grateful for any help y'all can provide.
I'm using the Flex app downloaded straight from Amazon's Flex site. I use my Asus ROG Phone 7 running Android 14. I also put the app on my Pixel 7 Pro running Android 13. Same issues on both (no, only one is signed in at a time and I even delete it from whichever phone I'm not using). I've only got the one email address and only got the one phone number. I've uninstalled/reinstalled and cleared cache/storage numerous times.
submitted by TheAngryRussoGerman to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:35 sinomaltanews "Il-kandidati tal-MEP Laburisti jċapċpu diskussjoni dwar l-isfidi ambjentali

"Il-kandidati tal-MEP Laburisti jċapċpu diskussjoni dwar l-isfidi ambjentali
Il-kandidat tal-PN Peter Agius lamenta n-nuqqas ta’ rappreżentant tal-PL, u enfasizza li Thomas Bajada, l-intenzjonat membru tal-panel Laburista, ma tfaċċax, u ħalla l-mistoqsijiet tiegħu jitwieġbu mill-kandidati l-oħra.
F'diskussjoni reċenti dwar l-isfidi ambjentali u l-elezzjonijiet tal-MPE li ġejjin, il-kandidati tal-Partit Laburista kienu notevolment assenti.
Fl-attività, organizzata minn Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Għawdix, u Malta-Arch, ħadu sehem il-kandidat għall-MEP tal-PN Peter Agius, il-kandidat indipendenti Arnold Cassola, u l-kandidata tal-ADPD Sandra Gauci. Madankollu, l-ebda rappreżentant mill-PL ma attenda għad-dibattitu.
Id-diskussjoni kopriet kwistjonijiet ambjentali bħall-impatti tal-kostruzzjoni, is-salvagwardja tal-wirt nazzjonali, u t-titjib tal-kwalità tal-ilma u tal-arja.
Il-parteċipanti għamlu mistoqsijiet lill-kandidati tal-MPE li attendew, li qasmu l-fehmiet tagħhom u pproponew soluzzjonijiet biex jindirizzaw l-isfidi ambjentali ta’ Malta permezz tar-rwoli potenzjali tagħhom fil-Parlament Ewropew.
Il-kandidat tal-PN Peter Agius lamenta n-nuqqas ta’ rappreżentant Laburista, u enfasizza li Thomas Bajada, l-intenzjonat membru tal-panel Laburista, ma tfaċċax, u ħalla l-mistoqsijiet tiegħu jitwieġbu mill-kandidati l-oħra.
Fi stqarrija fuq Facebook, Agius ikkritika n-nuqqas tal-Partit Laburista, u ssuġġerixxi li dan jindika nuqqas ta’ tħassib għall-kwistjonijiet ambjentali ta’ Malta. Irrimarka l-problemi ambjentali bħala evidenza tal-istat ħażin tal-ambjent, li jemmen li l-Partit Laburista u l-kandidati tiegħu qed jittraskuraw
Ffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Dan l-artiklu huwa parti minn sensiela ta' kontenut imsejħa Ewropea. Din hija inizjattiva ta’ diversi kmamar tal-aħbarijiet parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Parlament Ewropew biex il-ħidma tal-PE tqarreb lejn iċ-ċittadini ta’ Malta u żżommhom infurmati dwar kwistjonijiet li jolqtu l-ħajja tagħhom ta’ kuljum. Dan l-artiklu jirrifletti biss il-fehma tal-awtur. L-azzjoni kienet kofinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea fil-qafas tal-programm ta' għotjiet tal-Parlament Ewropew fil-qasam tal-komunikazzjoni. Il-Parlament Ewropew ma kienx involut fit-tħejjija tiegħu u mhu, fl-ebda każ, responsabbli jew marbut bl-informazzjoni jew l-opinjonijiet espressi fil-kuntest ta’ din l-azzjoni. Skont il-liġi applikabbli, l-awturi, in-nies intervistati, il-pubblikaturi jew ix-xandara tal-programmi huma biss responsabbli. Il-Parlament Ewropew lanqas ma jista' jinżamm responsabbli għal ħsara diretta jew indiretta li tista' tirriżulta mill-implimentazzjoni tal-azzjoni.

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat), id-destinazzjoni tiegħek one-stop għal oġġetti affordabbli, perfetta għal dekorazzjoni tad-dar, elettroniċi, provvisti għall-annimali domestiċi, sports u selezzjonijiet tal-ġugarelli. -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
該活動由 Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar、Għawdix 和 Malta-Arch 組織,出席者包括國民黨歐洲議會候選人彼得·阿吉烏斯、獨立候選人阿諾德·卡索拉和 ADPD 候選人桑德拉·高奇。然而,人民黨並沒有代表參加辯論。
國盟候選人彼得·阿吉烏斯 (Peter Agius) 對工黨代表的缺席表示遺憾,並強調預期的工黨小組成員托馬斯·巴哈達 (Thomas Bajada) 沒有出現,讓其他候選人回答他的問題。
Ewropej 由歐盟資助
本文是名為 Ewropej 的內容系列的一部分。這是一項由歐洲議會部分資助的多新聞編輯室倡議,旨在讓歐洲議會的工作更貼近馬耳他公民,讓他們了解影響其日常生活的事務。本文僅反映作者觀點。該行動由歐盟在歐洲議會通訊領域撥款計畫的框架內共同資助。歐洲議會沒有參與其準備工作,並且在任何情況下都不對該行動中表達的訊息或意見負責或受其約束。根據適用法律,作者、受訪者、出版商或節目廣播公司承擔全部責任。歐洲議會也不對實施該行動可能造成的直接或間接損害負責。

今天的亞馬遜優惠(聯盟會員),您購買實惠商品的一站式目的地,非常適合家居裝飾、電子產品、寵物用品、運動和玩具選擇。 -
"Labour MEP candidates snub discussion on environmental challenges
PN candidate Peter Agius lamented the absence of a PL representative, highlighting that Thomas Bajada, the intended Labour panelist, did not show up, leaving his questions to be answered by the other candidates
In a recent discussion on environmental challenges and the upcoming MEP elections, Labour Party candidates were notably absent.
The event, organised by Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Għawdix, and Malta-Arch, featured PN MEP candidate Peter Agius, independent candidate Arnold Cassola, and ADPD candidate Sandra Gauci. However, no representatives from the PL attended the debate.
The discussion covered environmental issues such as construction impacts, safeguarding national heritage, and improving water and air quality.
Participants posed questions to the attending MEP candidates, who shared their views and proposed solutions for addressing Malta's environmental challenges through their potential roles in the European Parliament.
PN candidate Peter Agius lamented the absence of a Labour representative, highlighting that Thomas Bajada, the intended Labour panelist, did not show up, leaving his questions to be answered by the other candidates.
In a statement on Facebook, Agius criticised the Labour Party’s absence, suggesting it indicates a lack of concern for Malta's environmental issues. He pointed to environmental problems as evidence of the dire state of the environment, which he believes the Labour Party and its candidates are neglecting
Ewropej Funded by the European Union
This article is part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part-funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. This article reflects only the author’s view. The action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament's grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action.

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"लेबर एमईपी उम्मीदवारों ने पर्यावरणीय चुनौतियों पर चर्चा को नकार दिया
पीएन उम्मीदवार पीटर एगियस ने पीएल प्रतिनिधि की अनुपस्थिति पर अफसोस जताया, इस बात पर प्रकाश डाला कि इच्छित लेबर पैनलिस्ट थॉमस बजादा नहीं आए, जिससे उनके सवालों का जवाब अन्य उम्मीदवारों को देना पड़ा।
पर्यावरणीय चुनौतियों और आगामी एमईपी चुनावों पर हाल की चर्चा में, लेबर पार्टी के उम्मीदवार विशेष रूप से अनुपस्थित थे।
फ़्लिमकिएन गॅल अंबजेंट एजर, ग्वाडिक्स और माल्टा-आर्क द्वारा आयोजित इस कार्यक्रम में पीएन एमईपी उम्मीदवार पीटर एगियस, स्वतंत्र उम्मीदवार अर्नोल्ड कैसोला और एडीपीडी उम्मीदवार सैंड्रा गौसी शामिल थे। हालाँकि, पीएल का कोई भी प्रतिनिधि बहस में शामिल नहीं हुआ।
चर्चा में निर्माण प्रभाव, राष्ट्रीय विरासत की सुरक्षा और पानी और वायु की गुणवत्ता में सुधार जैसे पर्यावरणीय मुद्दे शामिल थे।
प्रतिभागियों ने उपस्थित एमईपी उम्मीदवारों से प्रश्न पूछे, जिन्होंने यूरोपीय संसद में अपनी संभावित भूमिकाओं के माध्यम से माल्टा की पर्यावरणीय चुनौतियों के समाधान के लिए अपने विचार साझा किए और समाधान प्रस्तावित किए।
पीएन उम्मीदवार पीटर एगियस ने लेबर प्रतिनिधि की अनुपस्थिति पर अफसोस जताया, इस बात पर प्रकाश डाला कि इच्छित लेबर पैनलिस्ट थॉमस बजादा नहीं आए, जिससे उनके सवालों का जवाब अन्य उम्मीदवारों को देना पड़ा।
फेसबुक पर एक बयान में, एगियस ने लेबर पार्टी की अनुपस्थिति की आलोचना की, यह सुझाव दिया कि यह माल्टा के पर्यावरणीय मुद्दों के प्रति चिंता की कमी को दर्शाता है। उन्होंने पर्यावरण की गंभीर स्थिति के प्रमाण के रूप में पर्यावरणीय समस्याओं की ओर इशारा किया, उनका मानना ​​है कि लेबर पार्टी और उसके उम्मीदवार उपेक्षा कर रहे हैं
यूरोपियन यूनियन द्वारा वित्तपोषित इव्रोपेज़
यह लेख इव्रोपेज़ नामक सामग्री श्रृंखला का हिस्सा है। यह ईपी के काम को माल्टा के नागरिकों के करीब लाने और उन्हें उनके दैनिक जीवन को प्रभावित करने वाले मामलों के बारे में सूचित रखने के लिए यूरोपीय संसद द्वारा आंशिक रूप से वित्त पोषित एक बहु-न्यूज़रूम पहल है। यह लेख केवल लेखक के दृष्टिकोण को दर्शाता है। संचार के क्षेत्र में यूरोपीय संसद के अनुदान कार्यक्रम के ढांचे में कार्रवाई को यूरोपीय संघ द्वारा सह-वित्तपोषित किया गया था। यूरोपीय संसद इसकी तैयारी में शामिल नहीं थी और किसी भी मामले में, इस कार्रवाई के संदर्भ में व्यक्त की गई जानकारी या राय के लिए जिम्मेदार या बाध्य नहीं है। लागू कानून के अनुसार, लेखक, साक्षात्कार लेने वाले लोग, प्रकाशक या कार्यक्रम प्रसारक पूरी तरह जिम्मेदार हैं। यूरोपीय संसद को कार्रवाई के कार्यान्वयन के परिणामस्वरूप होने वाली प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष क्षति के लिए भी उत्तरदायी नहीं ठहराया जा सकता है।

आज की अमेज़ॅन डील (संबद्ध), किफायती वस्तुओं के लिए आपका वन-स्टॉप गंतव्य, घर की सजावट, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक, पालतू जानवरों की आपूर्ति, खेल और खिलौनों के चयन के लिए बिल्कुल सही। -
अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"Los candidatos laboristas al Parlamento Europeo rechazan el debate sobre los desafíos medioambientales
El candidato del PN, Peter Agius, lamentó la ausencia de un representante del PL y destacó que Thomas Bajada, el panelista laborista previsto, no se presentó, dejando que sus preguntas fueran respondidas por los demás candidatos.
En un debate reciente sobre los desafíos medioambientales y las próximas elecciones al Parlamento Europeo, los candidatos del Partido Laborista estuvieron notablemente ausentes.
El evento, organizado por Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Għawdix y Malta-Arch, contó con la participación del candidato al eurodiputado del PN, Peter Agius, el candidato independiente Arnold Cassola y la candidata del ADPD, Sandra Gauci. Sin embargo, ningún representante del PL asistió al debate.
La discusión cubrió cuestiones ambientales como los impactos de la construcción, la salvaguardia del patrimonio nacional y la mejora de la calidad del agua y el aire.
Los participantes formularon preguntas a los candidatos a eurodiputados asistentes, quienes compartieron sus puntos de vista y propusieron soluciones para abordar los desafíos ambientales de Malta a través de sus posibles roles en el Parlamento Europeo.
El candidato del PN, Peter Agius, lamentó la ausencia de un representante laborista y destacó que Thomas Bajada, el panelista laborista previsto, no se presentó, dejando que los demás candidatos respondieran sus preguntas.
En una declaración en Facebook, Agius criticó la ausencia del Partido Laborista, sugiriendo que indica una falta de preocupación por los problemas medioambientales de Malta. Señaló los problemas ambientales como evidencia del terrible estado del medio ambiente, que cree que el Partido Laborista y sus candidatos están descuidando.
Ewropej financiado por la Unión Europea
Este artículo es parte de una serie de contenidos llamada Ewropej. Se trata de una iniciativa de varias salas de redacción parcialmente financiada por el Parlamento Europeo para acercar el trabajo del PE a los ciudadanos de Malta y mantenerlos informados sobre asuntos que afectan su vida diaria. Este artículo refleja únicamente la opinión del autor. La acción fue cofinanciada por la Unión Europea en el marco del programa de subvenciones del Parlamento Europeo en el ámbito de la comunicación. El Parlamento Europeo no participó en su preparación y, en ningún caso, es responsable ni está vinculado por la información u opiniones expresadas en el contexto de esta acción. De acuerdo con la legislación aplicable, los autores, personas entrevistadas, editores o locutores de programas son los únicos responsables. El Parlamento Europeo tampoco puede ser considerado responsable de los daños directos o indirectos que puedan derivarse de la ejecución de la acción.

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado), su destino único para artículos asequibles, perfectos para decoración del hogar, electrónica, artículos para mascotas, deportes y selecciones de juguetes. -
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Les candidats travaillistes au Parlement européen snobent le débat sur les défis environnementaux
Le candidat du PN Peter Agius a déploré l'absence d'un représentant du PL, soulignant que Thomas Bajada, le panéliste travailliste prévu, ne s'est pas présenté, laissant les autres candidats répondre à ses questions.
Lors d'un récent débat sur les défis environnementaux et les prochaines élections européennes, les candidats du Parti travailliste étaient remarquablement absents.
L'événement, organisé par Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Għawdix et Malta-Arch, a réuni le candidat eurodéputé PN Peter Agius, le candidat indépendant Arnold Cassola et la candidate ADPD Sandra Gauci. Cependant, aucun représentant du PL n'a assisté au débat.
La discussion a porté sur des questions environnementales telles que les impacts de la construction, la sauvegarde du patrimoine national et l'amélioration de la qualité de l'eau et de l'air.
Les participants ont posé des questions aux candidats députés européens présents, qui ont partagé leurs points de vue et proposé des solutions pour relever les défis environnementaux de Malte à travers leurs rôles potentiels au Parlement européen.
Le candidat du PN, Peter Agius, a déploré l'absence d'un représentant travailliste, soulignant que Thomas Bajada, le panéliste travailliste prévu, ne s'est pas présenté, laissant les autres candidats répondre à ses questions.
Dans une déclaration sur Facebook, Agius a critiqué l'absence du Parti travailliste, suggérant que cela indique un manque de préoccupation pour les problèmes environnementaux de Malte. Il a souligné les problèmes environnementaux comme une preuve de l'état désastreux de l'environnement, que le parti travailliste et ses candidats négligent, selon lui.
Ewropej Financé par l'Union européenne
Cet article fait partie d'une série de contenus intitulée Ewropej. Il s'agit d'une initiative multi-rédaction financée en partie par le Parlement européen pour rapprocher le travail du PE des citoyens maltais et les tenir informés des questions qui affectent leur vie quotidienne. Cet article reflète uniquement le point de vue de l’auteur. L'action a été cofinancée par l'Union européenne dans le cadre du programme de subventions du Parlement européen dans le domaine de la communication. Le Parlement européen n'a pas été impliqué dans sa préparation et n'est en aucun cas responsable ou lié par les informations ou opinions exprimées dans le cadre de cette action. Conformément à la loi applicable, les auteurs, les personnes interrogées, les éditeurs ou les diffuseurs de programmes sont seuls responsables. Le Parlement européen ne peut également être tenu responsable des dommages directs ou indirects pouvant résulter de la mise en œuvre de l'action.

Offres Amazon d'aujourd'hui (affilié), votre destination unique pour des articles abordables, parfaits pour la décoration intérieure, l'électronique, les fournitures pour animaux de compagnie, les sports et les jouets. -
Avis de non-responsabilité : ce site est à titre informatif uniquement et ne doit pas être considéré comme un conseil juridique [santé, fiscal, professionnel]. Nous ne sommes pas responsables des pertes, dommages ou responsabilités pouvant découler de l'utilisation de ce blog. Ce blog n'est pas destiné à remplacer un avis médical professionnel. Les opinions exprimées dans ce blog ne peuvent pas être celles de l'hôte ou de la direction.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:33 MeatJordan [L]No one is willing to sit down to listen to my Blender modelling situation

Okay, it all started 6 years when I first stumbled upon this: then one of the Zero Hour episodes).
Notice in that MMD video there's High School Of The Dead and Terminator references/Easter eggs? That's what inspired me to start this mission making a Blender animation with this type of Easter egg(s). Vocaloid and anime characters - particularly my personal favourite cartoon and anime characters in place of the originals. This is all that was needed to set my dream of a parody video or Easter egg hunt involving my favorite fictional animated characters combined with existing media into motion.
But due to some power-happy mods/admins of certain websites who had no idea of this special mission of mine - as I was hiding it until it's complete (no spoilers), they had to act above and beyond and discipline me by either removing my posts regarding this question (E.G., "Where can I download this sound effect(s)?") or out-of-the-blue (perma)-banning me for "breaking the (site) rules"/"piracy efforts"!
Plus, it took me a whopping 8 years (as no keyword I used (at the time) yielded what I was expecting/requested for) just to determine/figure out it was Hollywood Edge, Hanna Barbera, Sound Ideas, etc., etc. that I had to refer to for the "common sound effects" we hear all the time in TV shows, movies, video games, and cartoons. This is a new realm of sound effects to me and now that I finally found it, I need a breather. But these mods/admins gave me anything but that.
Even the MMD community has rules to follow regarding downloading models others have "created" - those that were literally ripped from a video game. So to still respect the MMD model usage rules/be a law-biding citizen, I resorted to Blender as after watching a 3D remaster of Cars Community Service, I realized Blender is basically the entire package.
If you don't understand English, here's the simple version: I need help to streamline my 3D modelling process to obtain 3D models of things I’ll need for my Blender animation - with whatever strategy I can improvise. I need any readily available and already made 3D models for my Blender animation. I’m currently 28 years of age; I got this far in my life, but I’m not sure how much further I can go. But this is one case where I won’t accept “Too bad, so sad” that easily.
Whether it’s requesting for the thing for this game via the game dev team’s email by emailing them what you request for in the game and once they do make it for the game and upload it to their client and I update my copy of the game via patching, I then decompile the game from my end and presto. I obtain that game’s new model.
It’s faster to rip them from a game as they’re already made for that game.
Sadly, I have yet to find a high graphic Columbine High School in it’s original floor plan as a 3D model via any game. So I have to fall back to Plan B and make it via Blender. But that (learning to use Blender) takes time and I’m not that skilled at using Blender yet. So I have to seek help from someone who’s already an expert and fluent with using Blender or any other 3D modelling software to make it for me to streamline that process.
But some people have died earlier than anticipated like Terry Fox when he died of cancer at 22 and Wowaka when he died of heart failure at 31. So I’m not taking any chances and need to streamline the modelling process with any measure or strategy I can think up before I meet a similar early fate like they did.
Is that the way you want to go? To leave your fan base hanging in suspense for the rest of their lives while you head for your eternal place in the who-knows-where's? Every millisecond counts. - Especially for those who have a terminal illness and are literally living on borrowed time. Some of us must and will complete our goals no matter what obstacles we encountewhat gets in our way in any way possible. You really never know when your time is up. Age has no relation to when is the day you die; it could happen on any day and we need to get our goal done with whatever strategy we can whip up/improvise. I'm still bummed Wowaka missed out on the Project VOLTAGE collaboration with Miku.
Wouldn't you feel bummed if your family member or friend or relative died too soon if you were this close to letting them see something you made? So via the game dev's email and requests forum, I request for the said model, but make sure it's somehow related to the game's gameplay or storyline.
This is the strategy: get a game dev company to make the models for me, but via for the video game. That way, once it's released to the public, I work my magic from there and decompile the game for the said 3D model. Thanks to Payday 2 and it's Bundle Modder and Diesel Tool programs, it dramatically cuts down the amount of time I need to remodel the stuff I need for my Blender movie from scratch.
Plus, I can't just think about myself, I gotta think about others too. So I thought "What if everyone would enjoy my weapons and stuff in the said video game?" But since I don't work for the game dev company, I might as well write to them my request list of things to implement into the game via their email. Now that I submitted my ideas for their games, all I have to do is wait til they make it now while I finish up some unfinished personal matters on my end.
Columbine High School is going to play an important role in my Class of 1999 (starring Bradley Gregg) parody movie. But so many people are reluctant to help me due to this school building.
And also, you can’t imagine the heartache I endured while trying to seek assistance in searching for sound effects. They treated me like I’m some felon trying to “pirate” sound effects. So after 3 months of wasted time on my sound effects search quest, the least I can do right now is make up for that wasted time.
Finally, this is the whole reason Alvin Earthworm discontinued Super Mario Bros Z: "Us: HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT EPISODE ALREADY!", his project was merely intended to be a hobby. So to avoid comments like that, I'm going to finish my animations FIRST, then upload them later. So you can see what happens at the end before you pass away early.
So yes, is there anything wrong with thinking/planning ahead of YOURSELF as well as thinking about others before you do the same (stupid) thing they did? I even did my due diligence and stumbled upon things like this: Run Hide Fight (Isabel May). They clearly did their planning, due diligence, and studies before publishing this movie. So therefore, as long as I follow the same procedure, I should be able to publish my Blender vocaloid parody video while offending as little to no people in the process. I'm going to make a Class of 1999 (Bradley Gregg) parody video that involves several of the Zero Hour episodes mixed together as Easter eggs along with my favorite characters and things taking place of the original characters and props - while in the process, making a few changes to the story line.
submitted by MeatJordan to KindVoice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:31 MeatJordan No one is willing to sit down to listen to my Blender modelling situation

Okay, it all started 6 years when I first stumbled upon this: then one of the Zero Hour episodes).
Notice in that MMD video there's High School Of The Dead and Terminator references/Easter eggs? That's what inspired me to start this mission making a Blender animation with this type of Easter egg(s). Vocaloid and anime characters - particularly my personal favourite cartoon and anime characters in place of the originals. This is all that was needed to set my dream of a parody video or Easter egg hunt involving my favorite fictional animated characters combined with existing media into motion.
But due to some power-happy mods/admins of certain websites who had no idea of this special mission of mine - as I was hiding it until it's complete (no spoilers), they had to act above and beyond and discipline me by either removing my posts regarding this question (E.G., "Where can I download this sound effect(s)?") or out-of-the-blue (perma)-banning me for "breaking the (site) rules"/"piracy efforts"!
Plus, it took me a whopping 8 years (as no keyword I used (at the time) yielded what I was expecting/requested for) just to determine/figure out it was Hollywood Edge, Hanna Barbera, Sound Ideas, etc., etc. that I had to refer to for the "common sound effects" we hear all the time in TV shows, movies, video games, and cartoons. This is a new realm of sound effects to me and now that I finally found it, I need a breather. But these mods/admins gave me anything but that.
Even the MMD community has rules to follow regarding downloading models others have "created" - those that were literally ripped from a video game. So to still respect the MMD model usage rules/be a law-biding citizen, I resorted to Blender as after watching a 3D remaster of Cars Community Service, I realized Blender is basically the entire package.
If you don't understand English, here's the simple version: I need help to streamline my 3D modelling process to obtain 3D models of things I’ll need for my Blender animation - with whatever strategy I can improvise. I need any readily available and already made 3D models for my Blender animation. I’m currently 28 years of age; I got this far in my life, but I’m not sure how much further I can go. But this is one case where I won’t accept “Too bad, so sad” that easily.
Whether it’s requesting for the thing for this game via the game dev team’s email by emailing them what you request for in the game and once they do make it for the game and upload it to their client and I update my copy of the game via patching, I then decompile the game from my end and presto. I obtain that game’s new model.
It’s faster to rip them from a game as they’re already made for that game.
Sadly, I have yet to find a high graphic Columbine High School in it’s original floor plan as a 3D model via any game. So I have to fall back to Plan B and make it via Blender. But that (learning to use Blender) takes time and I’m not that skilled at using Blender yet. So I have to seek help from someone who’s already an expert and fluent with using Blender or any other 3D modelling software to make it for me to streamline that process.
But some people have died earlier than anticipated like Terry Fox when he died of cancer at 22 and Wowaka when he died of heart failure at 31. So I’m not taking any chances and need to streamline the modelling process with any measure or strategy I can think up before I meet a similar early fate like they did.
Is that the way you want to go? To leave your fan base hanging in suspense for the rest of their lives while you head for your eternal place in the who-knows-where's? Every millisecond counts. - Especially for those who have a terminal illness and are literally living on borrowed time. Some of us must and will complete our goals no matter what obstacles we encountewhat gets in our way in any way possible. You really never know when your time is up. Age has no relation to when is the day you die; it could happen on any day and we need to get our goal done with whatever strategy we can whip up/improvise. I'm still bummed Wowaka missed out on the Project VOLTAGE collaboration with Miku.
Wouldn't you feel bummed if your family member or friend or relative died too soon if you were this close to letting them see something you made? So via the game dev's email and requests forum, I request for the said model, but make sure it's somehow related to the game's gameplay or storyline.
This is the strategy: get a game dev company to make the models for me, but via for the video game. That way, once it's released to the public, I work my magic from there and decompile the game for the said 3D model. Thanks to Payday 2 and it's Bundle Modder and Diesel Tool programs, it dramatically cuts down the amount of time I need to remodel the stuff I need for my Blender movie from scratch.
Plus, I can't just think about myself, I gotta think about others too. So I thought "What if everyone would enjoy my weapons and stuff in the said video game?" But since I don't work for the game dev company, I might as well write to them my request list of things to implement into the game via their email. Now that I submitted my ideas for their games, all I have to do is wait til they make it now while I finish up some unfinished personal matters on my end.
Columbine High School is going to play an important role in my Class of 1999 (starring Bradley Gregg) parody movie. But so many people are reluctant to help me due to this school building.
And also, you can’t imagine the heartache I endured while trying to seek assistance in searching for sound effects. They treated me like I’m some felon trying to “pirate” sound effects. So after 3 months of wasted time on my sound effects search quest, the least I can do right now is make up for that wasted time.
Finally, this is the whole reason Alvin Earthworm discontinued Super Mario Bros Z: "Us: HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT EPISODE ALREADY!", his project was merely intended to be a hobby. So to avoid comments like that, I'm going to finish my animations FIRST, then upload them later. So you can see what happens at the end before you pass away early.
So yes, is there anything wrong with thinking/planning ahead of YOURSELF as well as thinking about others before you do the same (stupid) thing they did? I even did my due diligence and stumbled upon things like this: Run Hide Fight (Isabel May). They clearly did their planning, due diligence, and studies before publishing this movie. So therefore, as long as I follow the same procedure, I should be able to publish my Blender vocaloid parody video while offending as little to no people in the process. I'm going to make a Class of 1999 (Bradley Gregg) parody video that involves several of the Zero Hour episodes mixed together as Easter eggs along with my favorite characters and things taking place of the original characters and props - while in the process, making a few changes to the story line.
submitted by MeatJordan to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:29 MeatJordan No one is willing to sit down to listen to my Blender modelling situation

Okay, it all started 6 years when I first stumbled upon this: then one of the Zero Hour episodes).
Notice in that MMD video there's High School Of The Dead and Terminator references/Easter eggs? That's what inspired me to start this mission making a Blender animation with this type of Easter egg(s). Vocaloid and anime characters - particularly my personal favourite cartoon and anime characters in place of the originals. This is all that was needed to set my dream of a parody video or Easter egg hunt involving my favorite fictional animated characters combined with existing media into motion.
But due to some power-happy mods/admins of certain websites who had no idea of this special mission of mine - as I was hiding it until it's complete (no spoilers), they had to act above and beyond and discipline me by either removing my posts regarding this question (E.G., "Where can I download this sound effect(s)?") or out-of-the-blue (perma)-banning me for "breaking the (site) rules"/"piracy efforts"!
Plus, it took me a whopping 8 years (as no keyword I used (at the time) yielded what I was expecting/requested for) just to determine/figure out it was Hollywood Edge, Hanna Barbera, Sound Ideas, etc., etc. that I had to refer to for the "common sound effects" we hear all the time in TV shows, movies, video games, and cartoons. This is a new realm of sound effects to me and now that I finally found it, I need a breather. But these mods/admins gave me anything but that.
Even the MMD community has rules to follow regarding downloading models others have "created" - those that were literally ripped from a video game. So to still respect the MMD model usage rules/be a law-biding citizen, I resorted to Blender as after watching a 3D remaster of Cars Community Service, I realized Blender is basically the entire package.
If you don't understand English, here's the simple version: I need help to streamline my 3D modelling process to obtain 3D models of things I’ll need for my Blender animation - with whatever strategy I can improvise. I need any readily available and already made 3D models for my Blender animation. I’m currently 28 years of age; I got this far in my life, but I’m not sure how much further I can go. But this is one case where I won’t accept “Too bad, so sad” that easily.
Whether it’s requesting for the thing for this game via the game dev team’s email by emailing them what you request for in the game and once they do make it for the game and upload it to their client and I update my copy of the game via patching, I then decompile the game from my end and presto. I obtain that game’s new model.
It’s faster to rip them from a game as they’re already made for that game.
Sadly, I have yet to find a high graphic Columbine High School in it’s original floor plan as a 3D model via any game. So I have to fall back to Plan B and make it via Blender. But that (learning to use Blender) takes time and I’m not that skilled at using Blender yet. So I have to seek help from someone who’s already an expert and fluent with using Blender or any other 3D modelling software to make it for me to streamline that process.
But some people have died earlier than anticipated like Terry Fox when he died of cancer at 22 and Wowaka when he died of heart failure at 31. So I’m not taking any chances and need to streamline the modelling process with any measure or strategy I can think up before I meet a similar early fate like they did.
Is that the way you want to go? To leave your fan base hanging in suspense for the rest of their lives while you head for your eternal place in the who-knows-where's? Every millisecond counts. - Especially for those who have a terminal illness and are literally living on borrowed time. Some of us must and will complete our goals no matter what obstacles we encountewhat gets in our way in any way possible. You really never know when your time is up. Age has no relation to when is the day you die; it could happen on any day and we need to get our goal done with whatever strategy we can whip up/improvise. I'm still bummed Wowaka missed out on the Project VOLTAGE collaboration with Miku.
Wouldn't you feel bummed if your family member or friend or relative died too soon if you were this close to letting them see something you made? So via the game dev's email and requests forum, I request for the said model, but make sure it's somehow related to the game's gameplay or storyline.
This is the strategy: get a game dev company to make the models for me, but via for the video game. That way, once it's released to the public, I work my magic from there and decompile the game for the said 3D model. Thanks to Payday 2 and it's Bundle Modder and Diesel Tool programs, it dramatically cuts down the amount of time I need to remodel the stuff I need for my Blender movie from scratch.
Plus, I can't just think about myself, I gotta think about others too. So I thought "What if everyone would enjoy my weapons and stuff in the said video game?" But since I don't work for the game dev company, I might as well write to them my request list of things to implement into the game via their email. Now that I submitted my ideas for their games, all I have to do is wait til they make it now while I finish up some unfinished personal matters on my end.
Columbine High School is going to play an important role in my Class of 1999 (starring Bradley Gregg) parody movie. But so many people are reluctant to help me due to this school building.
And also, you can’t imagine the heartache I endured while trying to seek assistance in searching for sound effects. They treated me like I’m some felon trying to “pirate” sound effects. So after 3 months of wasted time on my sound effects search quest, the least I can do right now is make up for that wasted time.
Finally, this is the whole reason Alvin Earthworm discontinued Super Mario Bros Z: "Us: HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT EPISODE ALREADY!", his project was merely intended to be a hobby. So to avoid comments like that, I'm going to finish my animations FIRST, then upload them later. So you can see what happens at the end before you pass away early.
So yes, is there anything wrong with thinking/planning ahead of YOURSELF as well as thinking about others before you do the same (stupid) thing they did? I even did my due diligence and stumbled upon things like this: Run Hide Fight (Isabel May). They clearly did their planning, due diligence, and studies before publishing this movie. So therefore, as long as I follow the same procedure, I should be able to publish my Blender vocaloid parody video while offending as little to no people in the process. I'm going to make a Class of 1999 (Bradley Gregg) parody video that involves several of the Zero Hour episodes mixed together as Easter eggs along with my favorite characters and things taking place of the original characters and props - while in the process, making a few changes to the story line.
submitted by MeatJordan to whatsbotheringyou [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:23 Plastic_Contact4279 Strange Facebook Payment Method

Hi!! I do not own Facebook and my mom usually sells things for me, it doesn’t happen often, but I had a Nintendo switch lite to sell. She very kindly posted some photos on the product and put it on the site. A few hours later we had some interest from a guy saying it was the perfect price, and if he can come and collect it later on that day.
He asked if it was ok to bank transfer me the money, I asked if it was ok to do cash as it’s more secure, to which he said no, as he had been robbed before. We then agreed, thinking nothing of it. I sent him my name, sort code and account number, as is always needed for a bank transfer, I waited a few moments until he then asked for my email, which I thought was a bit peculiar, but now I am seeing why this was necessary for his potential scam.
He supposedly sent £75, which was the price of the item I was selling, however he supposedly sent it via Wise, which is an international money sending website, in the email it stated that £75 was pending, however as the person was sending money from a business account, they would have to send another £200 to upgrade my account…. Strange
A few minutes later, after talking to him on messenger, another email comes through saying that he has sent another £200, brining the total to £275 which will be sent to my account after I refund him £200 from my account, sorry if that made no sense, it didn’t to me at the time either.
So by this time I have had 2 emails stating that I had £275 into my account, and that I personally needed to send this man £200 to bring the total to £75, the price of the original item. However I had no confirmation from my bank that any transactions were going through/needed to be paid. I had never used, or even heard of wise before so I was very confused. After a while we read into the email more and it stated that if we didn’t do anything then he would get his money back and also my account would be sent to the NCA (national crime agency) and be blocked.
After saying we weren’t selling the item to him anymore as I had no proof of any form of money sent to me apart from 2 emails from a gmail account (we thought it was weird that a massive company had a gmail account) we blocked him and I later got an email from wise, stating that the NCA had already got my id and were blocking my accounts, informing my employer (I am self employed) and i would be prosecuted. Is this a blatant scam? I feel silly even asking tbh. The thing I am really worried about is the address we gave, I don’t want to believe that anything would come from it
there is a website in the uk called money saving expert that has had a case like this before, I have blocked all emails from him and will be changing my bank card to not have the same sort code or account numbe, stay safe people
submitted by Plastic_Contact4279 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:23 PineappleAndCoconut Brand advice - Bells of Steel vs Perform Better aka First Place?

I’m starting to swap out all my cast iron Ader bells for competition style. I like that the bells all have the same handle size regardless of weight. My old gym had a rack of Perform Better all in diff colors per weight ,which is nice instead of all same color, but it seems they have changed the look of the bells on their site now. Probably not a big deal. I really liked training with them.
It looks like the most popular suggest brand Kettlebell Kings has been out of stock forever now so I’m looking at either Bells of Steel or PF/FP bells. Unless there’s another brand (I did look at Rogue’s Ader comp bells but those seem to be all sold out too).
I also looked in the main post here for suggestions but it was last updated 2021 and decided to ask since it seems things have changed.
Also, would it matter if I mixed and matched brands? Or better to stick with one brand for size and shape uniformity? Thanks so much!
submitted by PineappleAndCoconut to kettlebell [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:22 Radio_Time1900 Universitaly

I pre-enrolled for the Polytechnic University of Turin a month ago through Universitaly. I need to pass the TIL test in order to be admitted to this university. Unfortunately, when I was registering on the site, I was registered for an exam date that I knew I wouldn't be able to make. I have now registered for a new exam date, however, the date of my exam has not been updated on the website and it still shows the previous date. To participate in the exam, I need a study visa, which also requires the pre-enrollment application which includes the new exam date. I have contacted the university to request an update to the date, but they have not taken any action yet and I am concerned that I may not be able to obtain a visa in time.
My question is, can I reapply on the site using a different email address but with the same personal data and ID from Polito University?
submitted by Radio_Time1900 to Universitaly [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:16 Tany_Hil [19/M] Looking for someone to talk about daily life updates

Hii there, I am a 19 year old engineering student, I am seeking someone who I can text or call daily and just talk about daily life.
My hobbies are playing single games, read and write stuff and playing football
If you want someone to talk daily hmu
submitted by Tany_Hil to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:14 viper648723 How to figure out what the enhanced specials are on matchbook?

The matchbook enhanced specials are excellent …but always a pain to find which book to place the back bet with.
Any idea how to do this except for looking at every bookie you have? Any one posting daily updates about this?
submitted by viper648723 to MatchedBettingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:14 AnyOffice8162 Mojang needs a mobile app for Minecraft suggestions.

Ever since...I think it was roughly 2014? Mojang is no longer allowed to directly take ideas from this subreddit. They are allowed to be inspired by it, but I think some issues happened between Swedish and American law. I'm not sure.
Mojang needs a dedicated mobile app/website to suggesting, that is NOT the current feedback site.
Quite frankly I'm 90% sure the current site hasn't been checked since Phantoms were added, and it's super glitchy, and hard to navigate. It looks like it was made 10 years ago. (which, iirc, it was)
Basically my point is that Mojang needs to update their community interaction model. They need a cleaner website, and better filter bots. A new mobile app/website from what I understand, is not difficult to make. I mean heck, I could go to Wix and have them help me build a website, despite me knowing *nothing* about coding aside from the fact that 10 = 2 in Binary code.
Alas, this is the conclusion of this suggestion. I'm just frustrated that Mojang doesn't seem to be on this subreddit very often, and some high-quality posts may never be seen.
submitted by AnyOffice8162 to minecraftsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:12 AgentZeroFox Robotmon - How to Autosend with an Android

Robotmon - How to Autosend with an Android

Most of the information I will be using is taken from the official robotmon developer’s website. You can use your browser’s translator to help translate the site.
Robotmon uses a script service to help match a player's touch commands on an android device. Robotmon's developer site has a list that includes all android and tablets that can use the Robotmon scripts.
For this service to work, you need a device that can open the Disney Line Tsum Tsum Application. Android OS 5.1.1 and below can no longer use the application. Android OS 12 through 14 have a security update that can make it difficult for robotmon to be able to run its scripts properly.
Androids 7 through 11 appear to be the best options when working with Robotmon. I personally use Samsung Galaxy A20 which had Android OS 11 as its final update in 2023.
This was my primary phone in 2018. I have now repurposed it to play mobile games on a rooted device. It is unnecessary to root your Android, because of a managing tool called simple service manager.
Rooting your device is beneficial because of robotmon launcher (root) which is available for the Android devices that can use it. This would allow for you to start robotmon without the use of a computer. I sadly could not get it to work on my android and have opted to use simple service manager through pc connection.
I will be going into greater detail on the different options in the guide.
How to install Robotmon:
Download Applications:
  1. On your android device start by finding robotmon in your play store.
  2. (Optional) If you are on a rooted device you can attempt to use Robotmon Launcher (root):
  3. At this point you can also find the Disney Line tsum tsum application:
  4. This is all you need from the play store.
  5. Now to fix the settings on your android.
Android Settings:
  1. Make sure you have developers options unlocked on your android device.
  2. Settings: About the device > Software information > Find Build Number > Click 7 times > Developer mode enabled appears
  3. To unlock developer options start by opening your settings on your device. Usually seen as a gear.
  4. Go to the about device/phone option.
  5. Then find software information.
  6. From here, you will see the build number. Press build number several times until developer options have been unlocked.
  7. Settings>Developer Options>Enable Usb Debugging
    1. Going back to the settings menu, you will now see developer options on the bottom. Turn on usb debugging to be able to allow simple service manager to alter your android device.
    2. You can turn off auto update from the developer options.
  8. Settings>Privacy>Permissions manager>Storage> Enable Robotmon and Launcher
    1. While you are still in your settings, allow permissions to be given to Robotmon and Launcher (root). Go to the privacy option, and find permissions. Storage will be an option. Here you will find robotmon and launcher (root), both must be allowed to have all permissions.
  9. Alternative route: Settings>Accessibility>Installed Services/Applications>Enable Robotmon.
    1. Another route is to go through the accessibility option in your settings. Allow robotmon to have special access. This will allow robotmon to be able to cast itself onto other applications and record. Robotmon does have a record feature that it uses to take screenshots of a players within your mailbox for heart tracking. I will go over that in another post.
  10. Lastly: Settings>Apps>Restricted>Disable Robotmon and Launcher (root)
  11. You can lastly go to the app option within your settings and select restricted. Make sure Robotmon and the launcher remain unrestricted and unchecked.
  12. The next steps will now include a personal computer that you will need access to every time your android auto-sending device turns off or restarts.
Computer downloads:
  1. On your computer find the drivers for the android device you are using.
  2. The drivers installation should be given on your android brand’s official site.
  3. Next you will need to download the simple service manager from GitHub. From my understanding this program has support for Linux, Mac and Microsoft Windows. If using windows, you only have the download: simple-manager-v1-5-2-windows-32.exe
  4. Once you have downloaded and installed the drivers and simple service manager; you are ready to connect your android device to your pc via usb cord.
  5. Your phone will ask permission for your pc to have access to android files. You must allow all access. You might get an option to transfer files to which you can click cancel.
  6. You can have the robotmon application already open on your android. Service off in red should appear at the top of the screen.
  7. This next step can be confusing without visual representation, you can follow Robotmon's developer site to see the images I am referring to.
  8. With your device connected to your computer, you can now open the simple service manager. The simple service manager will open your default browser. You can press update in the middle of the screen to update the equipment list.
  9. You should be able to scroll down to see your device has been detected. You will now only have to press start. The simple service manager will open a window that will communicate with your device.
    1. If you are watching your android with the Robotmon application open. You will then see the service go from red off to a green on.
    2. Success!…hopefully
Robotmon Application:
  1. Robotmon>Script Store>Disney Tsum Tsum (com.r2studios.Tsumbeta ver65)>Download.
    1. In the Robotmon app, get the Tsum Tsum script from the script store. I’m using the one named “Disney Tsum Tsum Update v65”. Old v52 is outdated, but will function. Version 65 has been patched to have many quality of life settings including opening select boxes and capsules.
  2. Go back to the download tab in Robotmon. Tap Disney tsum tsum to the Robotmon script manager to appear in the top left corner of your screen
  3. You can now tap the Robotmon face.
    1. You have the option to press play/pause
    2. To turn on the script reader
    3. To configure your settings
    4. And to close the service
  4. I like to have the script reader enabled which is placed to the right of the play button.
    1. This allows us to see when an error occurs and what type of error it can be.
  5. Next configure your settings by pressing on the gear
  6. I will have a link to imgur with my recommended settings.
  7. Once you are done picking the Robotmon settings. You can close the settings menu by tapping the gear again. Close the Robotmon app and now open the Disney Line Tsum Tsum Application.
  8. If you are on a rooted device a pop up will appear.
    1. You must PERMIT for the Disney line application to be able to see the other files on your device. The application will not allow you to play without permitting.
  9. Log into through your line account or any preferred method.
  10. Then start the game.
  11. With Robotmon on the top right corner you can press the play button and see it work.
  12. If at this point an error occurs and nothing happens, I will have a list of common troubleshoot methods listed.
I am open to suggestions for future edits. Please comment below if you have found an error or have questions. I am open to receiving direct messages.
Special Thanks goes to these Line Friends:
Coinbot CoinFarmer
Toyboxhunter, whose line group brought me closer to these individuals.
…and most importantly my wife Julia. Without her, I would not be playing this game and apart of this amazing communityGo to TsumTsum
submitted by AgentZeroFox to TsumTsum [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:12 plopgun Model downloading

Am I missing something, or is the process for downloading a mdel really just fucking awful. Every time I want to download any model I have to
  1. click the download button for the model.
  2. Click on the cover image
  3. right click and save the cover image
  4. close the cover image
  5. highlight and copy the trigger words
  6. create a text file
  7. paste the trigger words in the text file and save
  8. rename the text file to the same name as the model
  9. rename the image to the same name as the mdel
  10. and fucking finally install the 3 files to the correct directory
am I doing this wrong? Is there a much simpler way. I've tried civit AI helper and it kinda works, but fails on most models and requires that I cut and paste the web address of every model. I had a grease-monkey script that did it in a single click, but a site update broke it. This is a fucking terrible user experience. Mdels should be downloaded as packages containing all necessary data.
submitted by plopgun to civitai [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:08 turbobureaucrat So Real List. Day Planning as Lists Combination

Post already yesterday on SoList.Blog
To those who don’t look much, all lists appear the same. It’s a group of some items and some special symbols to mark each. Others, who work with checklists regularly, might see that there are some differences, but not that many. But when you start digging, it’s easy to notice that you can’t still share this relaxed look. You can’t even give the universal checklist to write any other checklist because they and their circumstances are too different.
Investigating lists and checklists variations looks like an adventurous topic. They usually don’t lie on the ground below the trees, and to find more about them, you need to ask people. This blog post is the result of the first such asking and a consequent discussion. I hope that there will be more “So Real List” in the future.
On Reddit recently, I asked a question in the productivity community about how people use checklists. In response, one of the Reddit users gracefully shared with me the approach to do the day planning. The approach is based on using lists combined with the functionalities of the Scrivener application. This blog is more about lists than applications, so I will focus on their mechanics. We’ll go through the steps of this approach, and you’ll see its beauty. I, the author of the blog, don’t know a lot about the life of the one who responded to me, so the contents of the day will be completely imaginary. However, I hope to keep the essence of the day planning process.
Early in the morning, when the first bold golden and orange rays of sun touch the ground, the Scrivener application is opened. It’s an application for writers built around the texts and their structure. One of these texts contains the triple-sided heart of the planning system: list of routines, list of projects, and action list.
List of routines contains regular actions: daily, weekly, monthly ones. They are split into work and personal. Something like the following list.
List of routines:
Something is quite straightforward, like “Replace the towels”. This is called a task. Something is more complex, like “Spray flowers”. There are 3 nested subtasks for it. The name for complex task in this system is task package.
List of projects is about the goals that don’t repeat regularly but are still important.
List of projects:
Now it’s time to think of this very day with the actions list. The process is to overview two other lists and combine from its tasks or task packages the list for today. There are no subtasks, as the action list should be clear and concise. For the details of the task packages, please refer to either the routines list or the projects list.
Let’s imagine that today is… some arbitrary day. We seek the relevant items in the list of routines. Then we investigate the list of projects. Priorities are visible, and here is the action list for today:
Action list:
You know, this is as beautiful as mathematical operations on sets. The only difference is that the real productivity system contains not 10 routines and 2 projects, but much more.
Thank you for reading! If you have a story about using lists or checklists to make your life, work or business better, please write. It would be great to uncover more mysteries of these two.
Subscribe to directly, the post was already there yesterday. You’ll then first receive beautiful emails with the new publications.
submitted by turbobureaucrat to SoList [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:04 windkirby Animal Crossing Pocket Camp v5.6.0b Update

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp v5.6.0b Update
Howdy, messy roommates. If you felt a bit tickled-pink-to-death by April’s roseate flurry of events, this year’s May just may have the cure with a foray into the airborne, outdoorsy, and adventurous. Thanks as always to Miranda, Bassieeee, and Ray for help datamining. We’ve got our airships, our kites, and our handheld birds, so let’s get our flight gear in check and take off our Zipper constumes (please I’m begging you guys)!
Twitter preview image for May 2024 in Pocket Camp

  • Version Codes
    • v5.6.0 was 61b5c, v5.6.0b is 45822.
    • This is a client-side update that should not require downloading a new version of the app.
  • May Seasonal Event – Village-Green Lazy Day
    • It’s with great embarrassment that Pete regretfully admits why there was no Valentine’s Day this year… Some troublemaking slingshotter hit clean through his mailbag, scattering all this year’s love letters in the snow! With Wilbur and Orville taking over, Pete is taking a little spring break sabbatical from all the stress… These breezy days are perfect for daydreaming about his longtime love, Phyllis. “Do you know what she said to me the other day? ‘What are you looking at?! Wipe that dopey look off your mug!’ Oh, my heart… Her billed lips are so beautiful when they speak such harsh words!” But while Pete relaxes, there’s still work to be done! This May, we’ll be participating in Harvey’s Colorful Picnic gardening event, the Kite Flying Fishing Tourney, and the Hide-and-Seek Scavenger Hunt to collect 30 wildflower bouquets from each for a total of 90 wildflower bouquets available from events this month. The more bouquets you gather, the more outdoorsy prizes you’ll receive through the planner including handheld foxtail and wildflowers, grassy napping spots, and the grand prize, the wildflower rest spot! We’ll need to forage deep in the woods to gather all the love letters scattered months ago… and hopefully even Pete’s treasured missives to his beloved would-be missus! (Not that she would ever agree…) May’s amazing, not-so-lazy days begin with Harvey’s Colorful Picnic a little early on April 30th GMT!
  • May Terrain – Village Green
    • May’s new terrain set ushers a civic springtime atmosphere into your campsite with a verdant park square replete with striking fountains, blue flowerbeds, weirdly cubic trees, and a rustic clocktower standing watch. What’s more, this terrain’s middle ground will be given to all players—a little awkward without the foreground to complete the water path, but you can get a little creative and hide the rift with other water features or large-scale decorations. The background includes a homey albeit bustling, old-fashioned town and a blimp roving the airways while the sky adds fresh greenish, teal, and gold hues to your vista you might not often see. Your visitors might not exactly be green with envy considering everyone’s getting this terrain, but they can still park their rears to enjoy your campsite’s outdoor amenities when this terrain set of middle ground, foreground, background, and sky becomes available April 30th GMT.
Tip screen for the village green terrain; auto-designer images using the village green terrain and items from May's main three events; event preview image for Harvey's Colorful Picnic gardening event
  • May Gardening Event – Harvey’s Colorful Picnic
    • Harvey’s not sure why his beloved Harriet never responded to his thoughtful love letter a couple months ago… But he’s totally not gonna let it get him down! With the breezy, clear weather, it’s the perfect time for this free-spirited nomadic dog to have a picnic with his favorite pals… and put his aspiring photography skills to good use to document the event with a panoply of pics to post on social media. Harriet is bound to see it and know for sure that he’s not pining for her day and night! But for the picnic to work, we’ll need to plant daisy seeds to attract sandwichbees… The prospect of eating these creatures is a bit disturbing to stomach, but just think of them as lively kebabs! More importantly, sticking enough of bite-sized buzzers will earn fixings for a festive picnic including flag garlands, take-out drinks and sandwiches, and shaded picnic blankets! Completing this event in full will also yield 30 wildflower bouquets as part of May’s Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to replant and exchange bugs with friends often! With outdoor hors-d’oeuvres and sportive knickknacks, it’s the almost-perfect respite between RV outings… Now if he could only get them to call him “Harv” like she used to… Stuff down your doggone feelings with a refreshmental health break when the groovy gardening begins April 30th GMT.
  • Rudy’s Airship Cookie
    • Maybe it’s a resemblance to a certain reindeer, but Rudy’s always taken as much pride in delivering goodies as he does in his favorite pastime of taking to the skies with inflatable aircraft… He’s not especially careful aboard these dirigibles or hot-air balloons… but if he finds himself freefalling from these feline-friendly floats (and it’s happened many times before), he always manages to land on his feet. So when he spied a love letter addressed to Harriet lost in the brush on one of his airborne outings, Rudy saw it as his civic duty to trustily tend to its safe delivery… And to make sure his noble act of inspiration inspires as many as it should, he’s taken the opportunity to hire a bountiful brigade of blimps and balloons to celebrate the letter’s airborne journey, no expenses spared! For no other particular reason, it’s a raucous, helium-fueled festival starring an airship helmed by Boomer (who has no time for such foolishness but takes his piloting task with utter seriousness), and animals have come from miles around to watch the airshow as Rudy suddenly realizes how hard it is to make out Harriet’s address from the frankly indecipherable scribbles on the envelope. And what is “Harv”? Is that even a word? With refreshments from the balloon-fest food cart, viewers watch the proceedings through their handheld opera glasses as Rudy makes his grand pronouncements over the intercom of his 5-star balloon-fest airship. “Thanks everybody for all your support in completing our big mission. We were gonna hand-deliver this letter originally, but we figure there’s a pretty good chance this ‘Harriet’ is in the crowd somewhere, so we’ve made the decision to helpfully read it out loud for her own convenience, and also to, uh, save fuel and the environment. Ahem: ‘TO MY DEAR SWEET HATTIE. YOUR PRECIOUS PINK FUR IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN THE FRESHEST MORNING PEONY. BUT THIS AIN’T NO PUPPY LOVE. YOU’VE TRIMMED THE UNTAMED HAIR OF MY HEART INTO A PERFECTLY COIFFED COAT THAT KEEPS IT WARM, AND NO OTHER GAL WILL ’DO! SORRY, I NEED TO WRAP THIS UP—THIS ANNOYING BIRD ON MY HEAD KEEPS TUGGING AT MY HEADBAND. FUREVER YOURS, HARV. PS: THIS LETTER IS FOR HARRIET’S EYES ONLY.’ Wow, well, that definitely wasn’t worth this big party... Uh, let’s go find some more lost mail to rescue, Boomer—mush, mush! Launch into the catmosphere to jubilantly help out animals in need with a spy-high view of all their business when this read-nosy cookie launches May 1st GMT!
  • Airy Picnic Outfit Collection
    • You can carry your merry little derrière a little airier with this crisp attire featuring the colors of blooming spring flowers, comfortable blue skies and ponds, and even your favorite manilla folder. And even if you live in a pollution-ravaged landfill, you can still see the striking, verdant greenery of spring through the keen lenses of the green picnic sunglasses! Make sure life’s a picnic with this cookout-ready clothing collection served hot off the grill May 5th GMT.
  • Blue-Sky Wall & Floor Collection
    • This expansive wall and floor collection might come in handy if you want to transform your cabin or RV into a well-kept city park or attempt an interior design that takes place entirely midair! We’ve had a couple sky and cloud wallpapers before but none before that featured a swarm of balloons like in that disturbing number from the Brave Little Toaster Mars movie. The vintage-style illustrations of the plentiful-picnic wall will also harken back to simpler days of rustled-up breakfasts on rustic vacations at the family cabin or on the open road. Look for these vagrant and free-floating designs when they release May 10th GMT.
  • Grasshopper Goals
    • You have much work to do, young grasshopper. But it’ll probably be pretty easy. This misleadingly named rerun of an April 2022 goals event will see the return of Animal Crossing mainstay and Pocket Camp common insect long locust to Sunburst Isle, where you can find it hopping about the tropical grass—make sure not to step on one! They only sell for 10 Bells, so you might find them to be more of a nuisance than an asset after you finish catching enough for your standard Leaf Tickets and Rudy's airship cookie. But they’re sure to hop along when this goals event concludes after May 11th – 14th GMT.
  • May Fishing Tourney - Kite Flying
    • For May’s fishing tourney, we’ll be gliding over to Saltwater Shores to catch an ironically grim assortment of monochrome fish from tourneys past. String enough of these sable sea fish together to unfurl prizes you can let sail into the wild blue yonder like colorful stacked kites and a birdy parachute toy—perfect for May’s spring breezes. Handheld pinwheel toys and even colorful wind socks make appearances as well, likely as loving references to the Gamecube days where wind socks could be spotted in May and players could carry pinwheels around as rare handheld decor. Completing this event in full will yield 30 wildflower bouquets as part of May’s monthlong Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to set up your rod, reel and string every 3-hour rotation you can. You might get a few bites… or a few kites to catch a gale of a tale! Turn your attention upward and decorate your campsite skies with this colorful assortment of draft-ready aircraft… And while we don’t have any stormy or windy terrain still (tragedy of tragedies), you can still pair this with items from last June’s Drizzly Daydream Scavenger Hunt with its windblown grass and trees to complete the picture of a windswept, fun day. And if there’s any animals bothering you, tell ’em to go fly a kite when this winding race to the skies kicks off May 12th GMT, ending May 18th GMT.
  • Special Visitor Furniture – Pete's Petite Post Office
    • With collected letters fluttering back in, it’s not too late for Pete to roll up his sleeves and start sorting the retrieved mail in his simple post-and-beam treehouse… as long as Twiggy’s pet birds quit harassing him. With this special visitor furniture, you can install Pete’s rustic postbox in your cabin or at your campsite and listen to him regale you with lofty thoughts on the lost arts of mail and romance… You can even do some matchmaking by combining it with Pelly’s postal counter to see if Pete will be too busy mooning over Phyllis to notice the admiration of her sister down below… Clear up a mess of messages with mailman whose treetop cubby is as well-billed as its drama when this pillary, pelicanny post goes on sale May 15th GMT!
  • Twiggy's Chirpy Cookie
    • With the muddy trail of Curly gone cold, Detective Beardo has had to return to field the mountain of requests on his desk for his P.I. services, but one lonesome plea stood out from a Java sparrow by thname of Peck… “You’ve gotta help me, crunch. I finally achieved my dream of a solitary bird sanctuary all of my own. Then the next thing I know, I’m getting kicked out by Lyle with a whole series of lawsuits, and this birdbrain named Twiggy moves in! I don’t like the way she’s looking at me, Beardo! She keeps calling me her super-cute pet and won’t let me leave—she says it’s too dangerous for a bird like me. Is anybody home in that hollow noggin of hers, crunch? These wings of steel can beat up anybody! Holy moly, and the racket around here! She moved in with eighteen flocks of the loudest birds alive. I’m lucky if I get two winks of sleep! Peck’s Peaceful Paradise is a thing of the past—now it’s Twiggy’s Tweedledeelightful Chirpatorium, and she says she’s opening a new branch of Flora’s bird and breakfast retreat! When I tell her how hard I’ve worked these muscles to get here, she says that’s ‘just the way things are’ and the ‘fortune cookie powers that be’ have this stuff all hammered out! I’m not afraid to say it, Detective—I really need your help! I’m starting to think there’s something a little sexist here about who gets to have what fortune cookies, but I don’t wanna ruffle any feathers.” With a sparrow in harrowing straits, and never one to turn away from fowl play, Beardo and his trusty sidekick Merengue book the first flight out to Twiggy’s brand-new bird haven… only to find that Peck is nowhere to be seen! They check every nook in the bird-haven birdhouse, try to interview bird-lovers lounging on the redundantly named bird-haven birdy sofa… but with all the colorful bird-calling and caterwauling going on around them, they can scarcely hear any potential leads! They meet with Twiggy at the 5-star bird-haven tree, but it leads to more chicanery than answers… “ISN’T THIS PLACE THE TOTAL BEST? IT WAS SUCH A SNOOZEFEST BEFORE I GOT HERE, AND NOW IT’S, LIKE, A CHIRPY CHOIR CACOPHONY DELIVERED STRAIGHT IN MY EARDRUMS! WHAT’S THAT? WHERE? PECK? UH—I GUESS ON THE CHEEK, BUT ARE YOU SERIOUS? I JUST MET YOU! TALK ABOUT CHEAPERS CREEPERS! OH, YOU MEAN THAT HIGHTAILED HOTTIE WHO WAS HERE A COUPLE MONTHS AGO? I HAVE, LIKE, NO CLUE WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, BUT I CALLED DIBS, SO IF YOU SEE HIM, HANDS OFF!” There’s no trace of Peck to be seen, but just then, that’s when Beardo and Merengue spot it—a handheld java sparrow perching on Twiggy’s forewing! This seems a dark coincidence… Did Peck make a brave avian escape, or did this burly boy-chick meet a perilous fate as a pet?! Beardo and Merengue keep watch on every bird and bird-watcher in this pet-filled paradise, but mum’s the bird among the patrons and no one’s making a peep… Just a cuckoo commotion that they can’t help consider would drown out a Java sparrow’s cry for help… Try to reach the bottom of a cheep trick of bye-bye birdie when this birdcagey cookie makes some noise May 17th GMT!​
Tip screens for Twiggy's chirpy cookie, the Bright Bird Outfit Collection, and the Birdy Wall & Floor Collection
  • Bright Bird Outfit Collection
    • May’s second clothing collection works as a companion to Twiggy’s fortune cookie. It’s bright, it’s birdiful, and it’s very LOUD with bird-emblem tunics and long cardigans in, ahem, very strong colors that will certainly make a statement flapping in your viewer’s face. We reached out to Robin for her thoughts on this collection’s bird bags… “So undignified. I can’t imagine people would be too pleased if I started wearing plastic people bouncing around my derriere, carrying my loose change, hm?” Being a crazy cat lady is so 8 months ago… Become a crazy bird lady (or a crazy bird lord!) when this collection flits in on May 18th GMT.​
  • Birdy Wall & Floor Collection
    • This set of ravin’-avian designs will set the heart aflutter of anyone who has birds on the brain… (for anyone else… they’re not bad). You can capture the visages of birds forever in the bird-photo wall or cavalierly set them free with the bird-window wall. If you enjoyed last June’s lily pond wall but feel like it was just a little too beautiful, the park-pond wall here will do you nicely. Get a little cocky with these bold patterns for your cabin or camper when this flock of refurbishments alights May 18th GMT.
  • Threadfin Trevally Goals
    • This oddly timed rerun of a November 2021 goals event will see the return of the threadfin trevally to Saltwater Shores in the form of tiny-size shadows (size 1 of 6). They sell for 400 Bells each at base price and are uncommon-tier when gifted to animal campers, so not a bad catch, but if your interest in this wispy fellow is dangling by a thread, or a fin, you can still nab some Leaf Tickets and an Rudy’s airship cookie for your trouble during this limited-time event from May 19th through 22nd GMT.
  • May Scavenger Hunt – Hide-and-Seek
    • For May’s scavenger hunt, we’ll be searching the very best hiding places around the various recreation spots to spy hide-and-seek gyroidites. And watch out for their extra foliage as camouflage… even their bushes might be hiding behind bushes! Ferret out enough of these stealthy sneaks to earn prizes for a recess-ridden recreational park, crammed with nooks where animals can hide for classic games of hide and seek… some of them more effective than others. (I’m looking at you, Al.) Judging by the Happy Homeroom classes, the most likely Leaf Ticket items are the hide-and-seek slide and jungle gym, and then either the hide-and-seek lightpost, pipes, or drinking fountain—just some speculation, though. Completing this event in full will yield the final 30 wildflower bouquets to complete May’s monthlong Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to keep the hunt on even past sundown (and check out the quarry and your campsite animals too!) to finish off the month in sneaky style! This outdoor décor makes for a calmingly mellow ode to nostalgic days from childhood (and from Animal Crossing: City Folk and New Leaf!) that will make finding your campers for your daily chats more ~~frustrating~~ I mean fun than ever! Hunt for gyroidite and animals when this oxenfree-for-all begins May 20th GMT (ending the 30th GMT)!
  • Curlos and Pals
    • While there isn’t technically much datamined here, this update did add an animal batch under the name of “Curlos and Pals” to the date of May 25th GMT. It seems this will be after the next update as map assets haven’t actually been added yet for this batch, but we do know that “Gwen and Pals’ Island” will be joining Curlos’s island, likely as part of this batch. With only 8 animals left— Benjamin, Biff, Curlos, Gwen, Sydney, Velma, Freckles and Mott—it seems likely this means they will be finished releasing all the animals at the end of this month, but as of now, this is unconfirmed.
  • Happy Homeroom
    • This update included the typical 3 classes each for Harvey’s Colorful Picnic gardening event, Rudy’s airship cookie, the Kite Flying Fishing Tourney, Twiggy’s chirpy cookie, and the Hide-and-Seek Scavenger Hunt, as well as 8 classes each for new normal Courses 53 and 54.

And that’s all of May’s merriments! Our fellow dataminer Koopavocelot has also spotted a noteworthy notice that may be coming this month but no info yet on its contents… Hopefully it’s not some sort of end-of-times apocalyptic alert with the last of the villagers likely coming out this month. Er… right? As for June, we’ll probably get the Twitter preview in only a week’s time. June is often themed around seasonal rain or weddings as they’re what the month is known for in Japan, and given that we just had a windy-themed event this month, I’d expect more of the latter matrimania for next month’s events. But who knows? We might get some of both in a dewy bridal shower! (Or maybe something completely different.) I’ll aim to have that datamine posted for you fine folks when the update drops ASAP. Until then, thanks for reading, and remember, even if a bird is super-hunkalicious, that doesn’t make it okay to keep him as a pet!
submitted by windkirby to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:00 fintech07 Writing & Optimizing Blog Post For #1 On Google Using GPT-40

Writing & Optimizing Blog Post For #1 On Google Using GPT-40
Optimizing a blog post for Google using GPT-4 involves several steps to ensure that your content is not only well-written but also SEO-friendly. Here is a detailed guide:
Step 1: Research and Planning
  1. Keyword Research:
Tools:Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest. Identify Primary and Secondary Keywords: Focus on a primary keyword and several related secondary keywords. Search Intent: Understand what users are looking for when they search these keywords.
  1. Competitor Analysis: Analyze Top Results: Look at the top-ranking articles for your target keywords. Identify Gaps: Find areas where existing content could be improved or where there’s a lack of information.
Step 2: Writing the Content
  1. Create an Outline: Introduction: Briefly introduce the topic and state the purpose of the post. Main Body: Break down the content into subheadings (H2, H3) based on key points or questions. Conclusion: Summarize the key points and include a call to action (CTA).
  2. Use GPT-4 for Content Creation: Initial Draft: Use GPT-4 to generate an initial draft by providing clear instructions and context for each section. Refine Content: Edit and refine the text generated by GPT-4 to ensure it is accurate, engaging, and aligned with your brand voice. SEO Integration: Naturally integrate primary and secondary keywords throughout the content, especially in headings, subheadings, and the first paragraph.
  3. Writing Style and Readability: Simple Language: Use clear and concise language. Active Voice: Prefer active voice over passive voice. Short Paragraphs: Keep paragraphs short and to the point for better readability. Multimedia: Include images, infographics, and videos to enhance the content.
    Step 3: On-Page SEO Optimization
  4. Title Tag and Meta Description:
  5. Title Tag: Create a compelling title with the primary keyword at the beginning.
  6. Meta Description: Write a concise meta description that includes the primary keyword and entices clicks.
  7. Headings:
    • Use H1 for Title: Ensure your primary keyword is in the H1 tag.
    • Subheadings: Use H2, H3, etc., for subheadings with relevant keywords.
  8. URL Structure:
    • Clean URLs: Create a short and descriptive URL that includes the primary keyword.
    • Avoid Special Characters: Stick to alphanumeric characters and hyphens.
  9. Internal and External Links:
    • Internal Links: Link to other relevant articles on your site.
    • External Links: Link to authoritative sources to back up your claims.
  10. Image Optimization:
    • File Names: Use descriptive file names with keywords.
    • Alt Text: Write descriptive alt text for images including keywords.
  11. Content Length:
    • Depth of Content: Ensure your content is comprehensive, usually over 1,500 words for in-depth coverage.
Step 4: Technical SEO
  1. Mobile Optimization:
    • Responsive Design: Ensure your site is mobile-friendly.
    • Page Speed: Optimize images and use caching to improve load times.
  2. Schema Markup:
    • Rich Snippets: Use schema markup to enhance search results with rich snippets.
  3. Secure Website:
    • HTTPS: Ensure your site is secure with an SSL certificate.
Step 5: Post-Publication
  1. Promotion:
    • Social Media: Share your post across social media platforms.
    • Email Marketing: Notify your subscribers about the new post.
    • Backlink Outreach: Reach out to relevant sites for backlink opportunities.
  2. Monitoring and Updating:
    • Analytics: Use Google Analytics to track performance.
    • Regular Updates: Update the content periodically to keep it fresh and relevant.
By following these steps, you can create and optimize a blog post for Google using GPT-4, ensuring it ranks well in search results and engages your audience effectively.
submitted by fintech07 to AIToolsTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:00 AutoModerator TREATMENT Community Thread - Sat May 18 PM

Our community threads are the heart of our subreddit and operate much like a specialized support group – we share our experiences and strive to collectively support one another on the topic at hand.
Please use this space for sharing and discussing any type of treatment, trying to conceive, or family building measures. This includes, but is not limited to:
Essentially, if you mention treatment, TTC, or family building measures – it goes in this thread.

A few notes:
Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:59 LohTeckYong Having issues with pop-up windows and ads. Advice needed.

About two days ago, I started experiencing problems with pop-ups on streaming sites. Prior to that, I haven't had any issues while browsing those sites.
It might have something to do with the Windows 10 updates I was prompted to install a couple of days ago. But even after I uninstalled the latest updates, the pop-ups remained.
Here, I will describe in detail the issues I'm having.
1) Firstly, pop-up ads are suddenly appearing on sites where pop-up ads haven't appeared before. And I checked my Adblock Plus. It's still up.
2) Previously, I could just click on the videos hosted on those sites without issues. But now, when I click on the play icon, another tab would pop up on my browser. In the end, a new tab would pop up several times before I could get the video to play. Sometimes a window would appear and vanish before I could click it close. Does that mean my PC has been infected by malwares?
3) Sometimes just clicking anywhere on the page will cause a tab to pop up magically.
Context: I am running Windows 10, using Chrome to browse and have Adblock Plus on.
Is there anything I can do to remedy the issue with pop-ups?
submitted by LohTeckYong to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]