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2024.02.29 23:11 novocortex free_slots

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Everything regarding getting an appointment for a Covid-19-Vaccination in Berlin 💉😊

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2024.05.19 06:13 TylerRouse Stickers for sale!! All Stickers Available!!! Do pm me for more info. For every 2x5* will get a free 5* of ur choice!! Also doing carrying service for partner event for $10/slot (free random 5*)

Stickers for sale!! All Stickers Available!!! Do pm me for more info. For every 2x5* will get a free 5* of ur choice!! Also doing carrying service for partner event for $10/slot (free random 5*) submitted by TylerRouse to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:08 SkrapV now I just have to wait

now I just have to wait
at least it is free
submitted by SkrapV to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:37 Total_Gur4367 Anybody played this?

If anybody has done the video poker offer I need help. I can’t for the life of me figure out what place 5 bets means. I’ve played almost every game and placed sporting bets but it’s still not pending. What are the 5 bets for?
submitted by Total_Gur4367 to SwagBucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:19 chelsiepop17 Hugewin: A fun and exciting way to pass the time.

Hugewin is a cutting-edge online gaming platform that offers a wide range of games and sports betting options, as well as a commitment to responsible gaming. The platform's proprietary software is designed to provide a seamless and secure gaming experience, with features such as instant payouts, real-time data analysis, and advanced security measures. Additionally, Hugewin is dedicated to promoting responsible gaming practices and raising awareness about the issues surrounding problem gaming.
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Finally, Hugewin is committed to providing a positive gaming experience for all players. The platform offers a range of games and sports betting options, as well as a range of support services to help players manage their gaming habits and stay safe while gambling. With Hugewin, players can indulge in the world of crypto gaming and gaming with confidence, knowing that they are protected and supported every step of the way.
In conclusion, Hugewin is a cutting-edge online gaming platform that offers a wide range of games and sports betting options, as well as a commitment to responsible gaming. The platform's innovative technology, commitment to responsible gaming, and dedication to promoting responsible gambling practices make it an ideal destination for anyone looking to indulge in the world of crypto gaming.
submitted by chelsiepop17 to CryptoMarsShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:43 maximumderp [WTS] Saturday Night Spring Fling: HM3X, SBA3, SureFire M73 RAS, G$ rail Panels, Fudd PMag, odds and ends!

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/dEb5rAe
Photos/serial: https://imgur.com/a/or2OFc4
I made the very financially irresponsible decision to build an M16A1 clone, so my stuff needs to go so I can buy your stuff to replace it! prices are shipped unless stated otherwise.
📸 Holosun HM3X, CNR from here. low salt, no box/mount. $140
💹 brand new FDE MOE carbine/grip w/MIAD battery holder,$45
💹 SBA3 w/3D printed "storage" brace split fix thing. definitely works great as a "brace" $70 SOLD
🛤️ SureFire M73 RAS w/ladder panels, mid salt. clone correct for a USAF M4A1 or LEO/SWAT build. $120
,🛤️ G$ Mlok rail panels, new. 6 black, 6 DDC $30 for all 12
small Odds and Ends:
-FDE Mlok sling QDs, $12 or $8 add on -AT3 .83" pic riser, $12 or $8 add on -Boomer Fudd laser engraved 30 round gen 2 PMag, $16 or $12 add on. Fudd on both sides.
free add ons or throw me $5 for shipping: -G43/48/43x backplate with Misriah armory logo engraved on it -PSA (I believe?) carbine length drop in clamshells -4x 3CR Rubber 5 slot pic rail covers
if you want something, please comment and then PM me. bundles>dibs>chats. I accept PayPal and Venmo. DO NOT ACCEPT ANY CHAT OR PMS FROM MODMAIL, ENSURE IT IS U/MAXIMUMDERP.
submitted by maximumderp to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:13 Aegonblackfyre22 Can someone tell me the benefit of breaking into someone else’s collectron?

Or is it just to try to tick people off? I had someone come to my base while I was afk nearby and break into my collectron just to take the little bit of scrap I had in there. When I came back to my computer, I saw him and thought he was just checking out my vendor so I waved at him. He quickly ran away and then I went to grab my stuff from my collectron, it was empty and unlocked… He even looted my butterfly sanctuary which is open to anyone cause I’m good on waste acid.
What pissed me off even more was that I have tons of cheap/practically free meds in my vendor and coffee on the table in my base, as well as a few of the buff items like the slot machine and bowling ball machine. I’m literally inviting people in to take stuff and get buffed, yet this guy ignores all that just to steal stuff only for the satisfaction of “griefing” another player. Anyway, rant over, if you find a log cabin base near Flatwoods with the “Let It Roll” sign out front feel free to come in and have some coffee!
submitted by Aegonblackfyre22 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:57 NeatSweet7958 Stickers for sale‼️message me if you're interested‼️

Stickers for sale‼️message me if you're interested‼️ submitted by NeatSweet7958 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:57 CrystalPieces [Artisan] Celldroid - Crystal Pieces Artisan Keycap 🔥

The perfect warrior has arrived 🔥
✨ Join our Discord and follow our Instagram for updates and more events
This is a raffle sale, winners will be randomly chosen via RNG. Multiple entries will be eliminated!
*💥 PayPal invoices will be sent out once the form closes and there are 24 hours to pay after receiving the invoice. If you failed to do so, it will be re-raffled and you might not be able to join our next raffle *😥
💥 Flipping slots or invoices will be indefinitely banned from our team's raffle sales
submitted by CrystalPieces to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:46 a_HerculePoirot_fan SPM 2023 Results Megathread (Check pinned comment for a list of 50 Nyets who have volunteered to answer any career enquiries regarding different fields/areas)

This thread is for all SPM related discussions, may it be results, universities, courses etc. The intention is to help school leavers talk about the SPM in one central spot on the subreddit.
For both public school and private SPM candidates, you can check your results online at myresultspm.moe.gov.my or retrieve via SMS by sending SPM < space> IC number Examination number (Angka giliran) to 15888. Example: SPM 000527031234 WY189A123
Mental health resources
Links to relevant post-SPM posts
For young Nyets who are interested in TVET (Pendidikan Teknikal Dan Latihan Vokasional):
Education Fair Dates
Free courses to explore new/existing interest:
Volunteering/internship after SPM:
  • Kechara Soup Kitchen [Link]
  • SPCA Selangor Link
  • MNS (Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia) [Link]
  • WWF Malaysia Link
  • MyKasih Link
  • Free Tree SocietyLink
  • AIESEX Link
General Scholarship info links
Fully Sponsored Overseas Scholarships
The moderation team will be removing any SPM-related posts - please share your advice threads, rants, and memes on , on the Daily Discussion Thread, or in this post.
submitted by a_HerculePoirot_fan to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:36 HushedShadow Some passives I'd love to see:

Insulated: fire resistance
Extra firepower: replaces backpack slot with a extra support weapon slot
Bandolier: extra spare mags for primary and secondary
Juggernaut: flinches less when damaged
Juiced: sprint faster
Loaded out: extra primary, replaces extra slot for either backpack or support weapon depending on what you equip first
Those are just some ideas off the top of my head, feel free to share more
submitted by HushedShadow to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:34 Vivid_Fish_3421 Come play with us at "The Grimoire" discord server.

Come play with us at "The Grimoire" community discord server (aka The Grim).
I'd like to welcome you to come play with us at "The Grimoire" community discord server. To join our discord server and learn more go to https://join.thegrim.gg
We specialize in teaching new players and making everyone feel welcome. We promote a healthy fun gaming experience. We have engaged moderators and official Storytellers and run multiple regularly scheduled official FREE games on our server every week. These are always run by one of our vetted official Storytellers. We also have lots of impromptu non-official games run by members of our community.
Here is our current schedule for our official games:
SUNDAY: Sunday is our Beginner focused night. We typically run two separate game lobbies on the official app (https://botc.app) and these are always free. One of these lobbies will always be Trouble Brewing and the other lobby will always be a "Base 3" script. No custom scripts on Sundays. These games run at 10 pm EST / 7 pm PST US.
MONDAY: This is our LIVE STREAM night. Come watch Evil Steve Storytell live on stream with The Grimoire's stream team at 10 pm EST / 7 pm PST. This is our only night where you have to be invited to play. However, anyone can watch us live on stream (or watch the videos later once uploaded). To check out the stream on YouTube go to https://watch.thegrim.gg
To watch live on TwitchTV go to https://live.thegrim.gg
WEDNESDAY: Open Game Night. This is our busiest night. We almost always have two full game lobbies running. Each game will be run by one of our official STs. One game lobby will have a Base 3 script playing. The other lobby will be a Custom Script. Again these are free games on the official app environment. These games also run at 10 pm EST / 7 pm PST US.
THURSDAY: Europe friendly night. This is our newest official game slot and is focused on a Euro friendly time slot. Our number of EU members has been rapidly growing. Please join one of our official STs (usually Amber) as they lead very fun games at a favorable time slot. Non-European players also welcome. These games start at 7pm BST (British Standard Time) which is 2pm EST US / 11 am PST US.
Join us to watch on stream live each month on the night TPI officially announces the new character release. Our live stream starts immediately after TPI's release stream finishes. Usually this is the 3rd Thursday of the month, but on occasion it is the 4th Thursday. The chaos gets started at 9 pm EST US / 6 pm PST US. Again you can watch us live on YouTube at https://watch.thegrim.gg or on TwitchTV at https://live.thegrim.gg
Our next bonus new character release stream with Ben Burns is scheduled for this Thursday May 23, 2024.
We are also rapidly approaching our 1000th member and plan to have a 1000th member celebration in mid-late June 2024. We will soon be announcing our 1000th member celebration Script Contest as well (including prizes for the top 3 finishers). So if you join us, keep an eye out for more information on those upcoming events.
-Community Outreach Liason / The Grimoire
submitted by Vivid_Fish_3421 to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:21 BrandonWhoever Probably one of the funniest combos I’ve seen happen

Probably one of the funniest combos I’ve seen happen
Opponent and I both played Doc Ock. Somehow, my Doc defeated the laws of physics and didn’t pull the Shang in his hand. His Doc then pulled, in correct order, the Shang in MY hand AS WELL AS Absorbing Man, which then pulled his Shang onto the now-free slot from where his Doc Ock was, destroying mine in the process.
submitted by BrandonWhoever to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]


3242 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206
We're fully in smoke-em-while-you-got-em mode since we have a weekend slot at a Colfax venue during the high traffic season, so if you've been meaning to stop by come sooner rather than later.
Hi all, I'm the host of The Goosetown Tavern Blues and Funk Jam. This is a friendly open jam where we typically play blues, rock, funk and jazz music - everyone from late beginners to advanced musicians are welcome. The jam is a great place to
A) Stretch your skills and work on playing in a live setting with bandmates, even when you're not currently in a project.
B) Find other free agents to work on projects with.
We are fully back lined, got all the drums and amps you need. There's a songlist on our facebook group.
We're fully in smoke-em-while-you-got-em mode since we have a weekend slot at a great venue, so if you've been meaning to stop by come sooner rather than later.
Let me know if you have any questions,
submitted by Groove_Mountains to Denver [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:21 Chonk_Lord98 Chonk_Lord48's C5S2 Comprehensive Tier List

To whom it may concern,
Shalom. Introductions aside, just know that I am a hardcore gamer who has pristine observation skills. I wanted to take it upon myself to give a comprehensive Tier List of the entirety of Chapter 5, Season 2 weapons.
This is not a spreadsheet, no specific mathematical mumbo jumbo needed.
In other words, take my word for it and debate me if you disagree with my tier list for this season.
Additionally, mythic boss weapons are excluded because I judge the weapon classes they belong to holistically. Although mythic weapons do more damage than legendary variants, they are restricted from being customized to preference, thus making the legendary variant of each mythic far superior.
Lastly, there are two honorable mention tiers and this is far from the typical tier list.
Chonk_Lord48's Observations:
Atrocity - Waterbending
S Tier - Thunder Burst SMG, Gatekeeper Shotgun, Ranger Pistol, Cluster Clingers
A Tier - Nemesis AR, Huntress DMR, Hand Cannon, Chain of Hades
B Tier - Warforged AR, Drum Gun, Earthbending
C Tier - Hammer Pump Shotgun, Tactical AR, Airbending, Reaper Sniper Rifle
D Tier - Thunderbolt of Zeus, Firebending
F Tier - Frenzy Auto Shotgun, Chewie's Bowcaster, Darth Vader's Lightsaber
Absurdity - Harbinger SMG, E-11
Reasoning Section
Atrocity - Waterbending is an all encompassing infinite range (it travels past render range) infinite ammo, instant reload super power that will drop any enemy of most skill ranges in exactly two shots. This two shot kill problem is especially a factor when your enemy is using an untraceable form of Zen or Aimbot. Gamers who rely on this atrocious thing to kill or get wins are either inept at the game OR fighting water with water. Thought I would NEVER hear that phrase... Yet it is LITERAL. This weapon should have started and ended with the Avatar: The Last Airbender mini event. This is the second worst decision Epic has ever made, right next to... Well, that's a banned name isn't it... that pleb pleaser from Season X. Waterbending is so broken that it just removes the enjoyment from the game entirely. Even though it is labeled as a mythic rarity item it is far more common than bandages and perhaps more common than most common rarity weapons. Horrendous, absolutely horrendous decision.
S Tier - The Thunder Burst SMG is a phenomenal skill-based weapon that requires precision accuracy to observe the sheer powerhouse of a weapon it is. It has one of the lowest Time To Kill (TTK) in the game due to It's powerful damage output, accuracy, and headshot multiplier (1.76x). It can be used for mid-range combat as well with a modest damage reduction.
The Gatekeeper Shotgun is by far the BEST shotgun ever released in Fortnite History, surpassing the Charge Shotgun class except its Mythic variant. This shotgun excels in point blank range and the TTK is less than two seconds. It has a great spread which provides the opportunity for some guaranteed hits when firing from the hip. When it is aimed down, the spread becomes more precise. Most shotguns do this, yet the Gatekeeper stands out because the choke is not pinpoint accurate (like other failures of a shotgun) and its crosshair fits so nicely around an enemy's head.
The Ranger Pistol has a fast TTK and is damn near the perfection of the Thunder Burst SMG. The two are so similar in damage output, firerate, reload time and range that honestly a player can use either and perform well. When compared to the Warforged AR, it is more accurate, has a higher headshot multiplier, and reloads much faster.
Cluster Clingers were literally the only throwable explosives that did enough damage required to kill. A lethal weapon in the hands of a skilled player. This specific item will forever hold its place as the 'only' explosive throwable item. Be honest, the rest were just gimmicks that were terrible and practically useless. This was the ONLY grenade that actually put enemies back to the lobby. Why it was removed is beyond nonsensical. Anyone who could dare complain about the first (only) grenade that did grenading is... I will say it, part of the Little Timmy community (plebs) that Epic LOVES to humor (I remember Season X well).
Each of these weapons are truly a masterpiece in their class and stand out as among the greatest weapons to ever touch the surface of the game. They do not require attachments to be good. These weapons can be deadly in the hands of players from all skill ranges. From common to legendary or mythic these weapons take the cake as this season's best.
A Tier - The Huntress DMR is the BEST DMR to date. All other DMRs pale in comparison to this one (Looking at you Cobra) because it actually hits targets when you aim and shoot directly at them. This would have been S-Tier but since it requires a specific set of attachments each game to be superior, it cannot be placed there. This weapon shoots the farthest and has little to no bullet drop whatsoever. It is superior to the once great Reaper Sniper rifle and takes the cake as the best long-range choice this season.
Note: Perhaps with the fresh new ballistics system, the Cobra DMR can make a return and actually function properly instead of being exclusive to function on PC.
The Hand Cannon is a re-imagining of one of Chapter 1's best weapons. It is superior to other slow firing, semi-automatic weapons due to its damage output and buffed headshot multiplier. This weapon is exclusive for highly accurate and skilled players which is precisely why it remains in A Tier. It is not universally great (S-Tier), yet it still rewards those with precise aim. The fun with this weapon is that it doubles as a close range defender or a sniper rifle depending on attachment preference. When modded to be a long-range weapon it should be noted that it has less bullet drop than the Reaper Sniper Rifle. The other optimization is the classic one which can be done with an optic attached or not. When used in this classic form, it outclasses the Hammer Pump Shotgun entirely. It does more headshot damage and less body shot damage, sure, but at least significant damage is guaranteed since spread is not a factor.
The Nemesis AR is a powerhouse of a weapon as well which is surprisingly accurate for its high damage output and adequate headshot multiplier. It has a fast TTK and requires little investment to be superior to other weapons in its class.
The Chain of Hades is not an an atrocity. It is very much required to counter and punish enemies who think they are tough guys fleeing from a fight using shockwaves or the wings of Icarus, or even a motorbike. It is fun to use, when it works. This item is prevented from being S-Tier due to the FACT it does not work properly. This weapon has a sweeping animation and must be paired with area of effect damage. The center of the crosshair is NOT the only area of damage. This can be tested and proven by opening a door, aiming in the middle of the doorway, and swinging. You will notice the it does indeed deal damage to the left and right of the crosshair. Sadly, and unsurprisingly, this AOE melee weapon seems to exclusively function properly on PC. When used on PC, this chain causes a stagger that prevents a weapon from firing in a minute instances. That is, each hit when swung, causes an interruption of a weapon firing. This feature is nonexistent on consoles and seems intentional. As for the chain pull, that attack causes stagger universally, which is good.
B Tier - The Warforged AR is decent at best. Even with a legendary properly modded variant, it pales in comparison to the Nemesis AR, which requires little investment to no investment. This weapon had much potential but Epic clealry refuses to allow an S-Tier assault rifle to exist again.
The Drum Gun is yet another re-imagining of one of the greatest weapons to enter the META first debuted in Chapter 1. This version, regardless of attachments, fails to be what it once was. It is about as accurate as the Warforged and also lacks recoil control even with the attachments meant to reduce it.
Earthbending was a failed opportunity for Epic to allow players to have fun with the game. I would have preferred summoning armor on my character (like Toph does in the show) paired with the ability to bull charge into an enemy which would deal an atrocious amount of damage to be equally unfair as Waterbending. Maybe 150 damage or simply an instant KO. Heck if I care you cannot shoot the armor off quick enough to cancel the attack. As for Earthbebding as it was made, the cover provided was stronger than metal, and more reliable than porta bunkers. Long before the time it would take to break the cover, the ability to form another wall is primed and ready. Hurling large, fine cut rock slabs at enemies should have caused a KO in two hits to counter that atrocity not worth my breath anymore.
C Tier - The Hammer Pump Shotgun is just a joke but can still be deadly when paired with an appropriate backup weapon. This weapon could be A-Tier at best when paired with a Thunder Burst SMG or F-Tier at worst when used alone. By that logic, it averages to the middle of the tier list. Oh I miss the days when it just took one skilled shot to send them back to the lobby with the original Pump Shotgun re-imagined in Chapter 1 Season 5. This was arguably the most balanced period in Fortnite's history especially for both SMGs and ARs.
The Tactical AR is yet another re-imagining of one of the greatest weapons. This too pales in comparison to it's predecessor. Even with all necessary attachments on it, it is not the same as before. Period. It does not do enough damage and high a slow TTK. It pales in comparison to both the Thunder Burst SMG and other assault rifles. It fails to be both SMG and AR when it is meant to be a combination of both.
The Reaper Sniper has once graced players inventories as the BEST sniper rifle in Fortnite's history. Once an S-Tier weapon, this powerful sniper rifle has fallen from that status due to Epic's tendency to humor plebeians in the community. It has caused this weapon to become absolutey useless for what it was made for. It does not make any sense at all for this weapon's bullets to have bullet drop before 20m. The projectory of the bullet is flaccid, like to an ED extent. Absolutely an ABSURD choice for long range encounters, period. However, this weapon can surpass even the Hand Cannon as a replacement for a shot gun, slap the proper attachments on play pretend that it is the KSG-12 or a slug round shotgun, then you got yourself an S-Tier shotgun that drops players in ONE shot.
Airbending is not a weapon per se, however it can be used as one to cause a death due to gravity or to prevent vehicles from traveling. It was amazing. I miss it. It was the best movement option that was ever released in the game.
D Tier - Thunderbolt of Zeus had potential to be amazing. It was pathetic compared to cluster clingers and its splash damage seems to be so random that it is unreliable. It is supposed to hit for 40, 40, then 140. Yet my final hit is hitting for 80. I do not understand. Prep time alone makes this weapon a death wish.
Firebending also lack a passive ability and Epic has failed to make this combat-based bending effective. Unless you are staying perfectly still, you will jump around like a maniac and miss all projectiles. Period. Upon release, it dealt barely any damage and Epic did not bother buffing the damage until near the event's conclusion. I should, according to the same broken logic, be able to bend lightning with extreme precision to deal 300+ damage, thus instantly knocking out anyone.
F Tier - The Frenzy Auto Shotgun was once an atrocity and at first got respectfully nerfed. Then Epic nerfed it again to be effective exclusively at less than point-blank range. Any further than 10 meters then you are surely dealing between 10-20 damage IF you are lucky.
The Bowcaster is a failure of what could have been a fun limited time weapon to use. Firstly it animates an AoE per shot regardless of charge and does NOT do splash damage when shot. When charged fully it deals decent damage but then the splash damage is negligible. I am a first hand witness to this bs weapon having splash damage be effective exclusively on PC. I was damaged from about a tile and a half away from the point of impact when at the Dumpen Haussen reboot van. I find it unnerving that some weapons have no polish on console. The Bowcaster when shot semiautomatic is not only supposed to have splash damage but it also fails to deal damage in general. This weapon suffers the Cobra DMR curse where if you aim directly at an enemy and HIT them, it does no damage or just goes right through them or it is just rubber bullets or blanks. As for the bowcaster, it is as if the laser goes directly through the enemy causing no damage whatsoever. This does not happen on PC. To my knowledge, Epic intentionally caters to this SMALL percentage of the community.
Darth Vader's lightsaber is just bad compared to the chain. The chain is in an entirely different class. The lightsaber lacks damage output and is trash at blocking waterbending. The guard is easily broken. Without a pool of lightsabers to choose from that have powers per color. The other powers would have been perfect counters to the chain of hades. Push em off or pull them down or towards. Amazing, is what it would have been.
Absurdity Tier - The E-11 is canonically accurate, how ironic. Nuff said. No wonder the Storm Troopers could never hit their shots.
The Harbinger SMG was supposed to fix Epic's failure last season, the Hyper SMG. Both are absurdities and should NEVER be picked up in any circumstance. You would fair better throwing grass at your enemies. The Harbinger SMG is outclassed in DPS by EVERY other light ammo weapon option, EVER, not just this season. It is BEYOND a failure which is why it takes its rightful place here. It is to NEVER be relied on. You will surely die faster by any other weapon in the game. Even at legendary rarity optimized for hipfire or ADS the gun is inaccurate regardless of the player using it. Both the E-11 and the Harbinger SMG are universally repulsive and fail to be a weapon (by definition) in the hands of any player.
These are my expert observations on what is, can be, and is not effective in the current META. Please feel free to debate these claims, if you can.
Thanks and God bless you all,
submitted by Chonk_Lord98 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:04 blacktip102 Bow swapping isn't dead, here's how to do it in 2024

Bow swapping isn't dead, here's how to do it in 2024


Your bow of choice, I recommend one with archers tempo, because you'll need some bow kills to fuel ammo for the swapping.
  • I prefer my Whistlers Whim, it's the best dueling bow in the kinetic slot. My roll is (polymer string, fiberglass arrow shaft, moving target, archers tempo, draw time MW, adept accuracy mod). Whistlers is easily farmable from trials engrams.
  • Raconteur is a precision frame bow in the kinetic slot. It is an alternative option, but significantly worse at dueling. A 576 draw time roll with archers will do alright if you prefer precision frame bows.
Aggressive frame glaives are required to quickly kill a guardian with only one shot beyond shotgun range. And glaives are incredibly ammo efficient. They get two shots per ammo drop and also have a melee that feels more sticky at a distance then a base melee.
One precision frame bow bodyshot or lightweight bow headshot with one aggressive frame glaive shot will kill.
  • I prefer the Albedo Wing from the dawning event because of it is the only aggressive frame glaive with high impact reserves. This allows a cleanup shot from a lightweight bow bodyshot. (Tempered truss rod, swap mag, keep away high impact reserves and a handiling MW with quick access sling is the 5/5)
  • Judgment of kelgotath is also very good, but doesn't have access to high impact reserves. This glaive would just force me to land a crit to make the swap work. Its craftable and has some fantastic rolls for swapping. (Tempered truss rod, swap mag, shot swap, impulse amplifier, ambush, and a handiling MW with quick access sling is the 5/5)


The clip above shows a great example of what a trials round can look like when playing well with this build, however it does require some bow kills or assists to keep the swap build swapping. Glaives are a speacial ammo weapon and that ammo is limited. You need to do more then just bow swapping to keep this build running smoothly.
  • Below is a link to the full VoD from my Twitch gameplay if your interested in how I play. There are two back to back flawless in the gameplay.
(I'll edit the link in and replace this text, im on mobile, so it's hard lol)
Any questions? Feel free to ask in the comments below or shoot me a DM. Im happy to help.
submitted by blacktip102 to CrucibleGuidebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:49 Dcajunpimp New customer sale problem.

So there’s currently a sale where the first 3 months of all the plans are only $15 a month. 5gb, 15gb, 20gb, unlimited all for $15 for the first 3 months, $45 total.
So I took the 7 day free trial sim put it in my second sim slot and everything worked great, and ordered what I thought was the 15gb plan. Got a new sim, ported over, and it’s only 5gb.
No problem, I figured aid check with the chat bot, went to a tech, and apparently according to them the only way for me to switch to the 15gb sale price is to port back to another carrier, get a refund, then sign up for the 15gb for $15 a month 3 month sale and port back to mint.
Can they not just bump the plan on their end? It’s my first day, and it’s the same sale price.
And to add, my old plan with ATT Prepaid was only 16gb, and I wanted to make sure 15gb on Mint would be fine. I’ve got Wi-Fi at home, work, friends homes, even my home internet gives me Wi-Fi at most local businesses. So no real need to test the unlimited , when I really want to make sure 15gb would be enough when paying for a year
submitted by Dcajunpimp to mintmobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:48 Mafoo343 Starcraft LAN Party at Way Library 6/12/24 6:00pm-8:30pm

Way Library is hosting another one of its Starcraft LAN parties in the Technology Lab on 6/12/24 from 6:00pm-8:30pm. Registration for the event has just opened up and as of the time of this writing, still has ten slots left. If you're interested you can sign up via the link below or at the registration desk.
This time around, the library has upgraded to newer computers. Game formats will include both co-op and PVP. Just as an FYI though, the head of the event said the library's earbuds aren't the best, so if you want to keep your game audio to yourself, you may want to bring your own headphones.
The head of the event plans to continue having LAN parties for this and other games in the future. For example, all of the computers also have the original Unreal Tournament installed on them. If there is any game the community is interested in playing at a LAN party in the future, you may want to consider bringing it up to Travis McAfee as he is open to future suggestions. If there is sufficient demand, it could help open up some cool new events.
This event is still a few weeks out, so if you know anyone that would be interested in attending, feel free to spread the word. I look forward to seeing you all there :)
submitted by Mafoo343 to toledo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:36 Juanox78 [WTS] [WTT] 👍👍"📍Mercadillo Store📍"👍👍 ▶️ WTT - CCU'ed Eclipse with LTI (me) vs CCU'ed F7A Mk II with LTI ▶️ WTS Upgrades 👉 Prowler to Hull C $25 Starfarer Gemini to Hull C $45 💎 Prowler to 600i Explorer $18 Vanguard Harbinger to MOLE $15 ▶️ many more upgrades & ships inside

[WTS] [WTT] 👍👍
May 18/19 2024
WTT - CCU'ed Eclipse with LTI (me) vs CCU'ed F7A Mk II with LTI:
👍👍 👋 Welcome citizens, come and take a look at the items I have to offer and feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions before buying.
About me:
RSI: Juannox - Discord: Juannox
  • I'm a backer since Jan-2015, I'm an active user in the comunity, my goal is to bring all items to you at best possible prices from me, all funds will be used to support the proyect again,
  • More than 3000 real trades in this subreddit without any problem.
Safe place to trade:
- I don't use second hand credits and I don't purshase accounts, all the items I sell are directly from my own account using my own funds, so there is no risk on my side.
🌎🌍🌏 I'am accepting US$ and EU€ from anywhere in the world using paypal or Cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, BUSDT etc.
my local time is GMT -5
  • Listed prices includes paypal fees.
  • Verified paypal users only
  • Confirmed RSI account only, (check HERE on how to)
  • Items over $35 only to buyers with some reddit history (crypto has no limits)
  • Check instructions on "how to buy" at the end of this post.


  • If you don't find a ship in the list, feel free to ask me.- All the ships listed here are built with my own funds without using second-hand credits, so there's no risk here.
SHIP Insurance - Attributes Price Availability
SABRE CCU'ed - LTI $155 ✔️ YES
A1 SPIRIT CCU'ed - LTI $180 ✔️ YES
SAN TOK YAI CCU'ed - LTI $195 ✔️ YES
ARES ION CCU'ed - LTI $215 ✔️ YES
400i CCU'ed - LTI $215 ✔️ YES
CORSAIR BIS 2953 CCU'ed - LTI $220 ✔️ YES
MERCURY BIS 2952 CCU'ed - LTI $225 ✔️ YES
ECLIPSE CCU'ed - LTI $240 ✔️ YES
GALAXY CCU'ed - LTI $270 ✔️ YES
GENESIS CCU'ed - LTI $285 ✔️ YES
C2 HERCULES CCU'ed - LTI $285 ✔️ YES
600i EXPLORER BIS 2953 CCU'ed - LTI $320 ✔️ YES
HULL C CCU'ed - LTI $325 ✔️ YES
M2 HERCULES CCU'ed - LTI $335 ✔️ YES
HULL D CCU'ed - LTI $340 ✔️ YES
CARRACK CCU'ed - LTI $345 ✔️ YES
ORION CCU'ed - LTI $350 ✔️ YES
PERSEUS CCU'ed - LTI $370 ✔️ YES
ODYSEY CCU'ed - LTI $380 ✔️ YES
POLARIS CCU'ed - LTI $395 ✔️ YES

⬇️🤑 Saving Cost WARBOND/Pre-Price UPGRADES 🤑⬇️

FROM 📌 TO 👇 Insurance Price
Defender ➡️ Corsair 120 $15
Railen ➡️ Corsair 120 $15
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Defender - $12
Prowler ➡️ Hull C - $25
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Hull C - $45
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Hurricane - $15
Prowler ➡️ 600i Explorer - $18
Liberator ➡️ Merchantman - $38
Perseus ➡️ Polaris 120 $56
Reclaimer ➡️ Prowler 120 $25
Prospector ➡️ Sabre 120 $12
A1 Spirit ➡️ San'tok.yāi 120 $20
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Valkyrie - $25

⬇️☀️ Standard UPGRADES ☀️⬇️

FROM 📌 TO 👇 Price Availability
Aurora MR ➡️ MPUV C $9 ✔️ YES
Mustang Alpha ➡️ MPUV C $9 ✔️ YES
Aurora MR ➡️ P-72 Archimedes $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
HoverQuad ➡️ P-72 Archimedes $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora MR ➡️ Ranger CV $9 ✔️ YES
HoverQuad ➡️ Ranger CV $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora MR ➡️ Ranger RC $9 ✔️ YES
HoverQuad ➡️ Ranger RC $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora LX ➡️ Ranger TR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Dragonfly Black ➡️ Nox $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
P-72 Archimedes ➡️ X1 $14 ✔️ YES
Dragonfly Black ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
Dragonfly Yellowjacket ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
STV ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C8X Pisces Expedition ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C8X Pisces Expedition ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
STV ➡️ X1 Velocity $14 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
X1 ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Mustang Gamma $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutter ➡️ X1 Force $14 ✔️ YES
100i ➡️ X1 Force $9 ✔️ YES
X1 Velocity ➡️ X1 Force $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cyclone ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
Fury ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
ROC ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
300i ➡️ C8R Pisces $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ C8R Pisces $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
125a ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone RN $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone RN $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone TR $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone TR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Avenger Stalker ➡️ G12a $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Mustang Delta $9 🔥 Last one!
- 📌 TO 👇
135c ➡️ Syulen $9 ✔️ YES
Reliant Kore ➡️ Syulen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
325a ➡️ Avenger Titan Renegade $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
325a ➡️ Cyclone MT $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Reliant Kore ➡️ Reliant Tana $14 ✔️ YES
325a ➡️ Reliant Tana $9 ✔️ YES
Syulen ➡️ Reliant Tana $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Cyclone AA $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
300i ➡️ Spartan $25 ✔️ YES
G12 ➡️ Spartan $25 🔥 Last one!
G12r ➡️ Spartan $25 🔥 Last one!
Arrow ➡️ Spartan $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Nomad ➡️ Avenger Warlock $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Nomad ➡️ Herald $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Reliant Sen $14 ✔️ YES
Nomad ➡️ Reliant Sen $9 ✔️ YES
Spartan ➡️ Reliant Sen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Storm $19 ✔️ YES
Nomad ➡️ Storm $14 ✔️ YES
Reliant Sen ➡️ Storm $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Reliant Mako $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Reliant Sen ➡️ M50 $19 ✔️ YES
Gladius ➡️ M50 $14 ✔️ YES
Hull A ➡️ M50 $14 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ M50 $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Storm AA $14 ✔️ YES
Storm ➡️ Storm AA $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Hull A ➡️ Buccaneer $25 ✔️ YES
Hawk ➡️ Buccaneer $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Centurion $25 ✔️ YES
Hull A ➡️ Centurion $25 🔥 Last one!
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Talon $30 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ Talon $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Talon Shrike $46 ✔️ YES
Gladius ➡️ Talon Shrike $30 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ Talon Shrike $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Freelancer ➡️ Legionnaire $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M50 ➡️ Nova $25 🔥 2 Left!
Cutlass Black ➡️ Nova $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer ➡️ Nova $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Black ➡️ 350r $19 ✔️ YES
Talon ➡️ 350r $14 ✔️ YES
Talon Shrike ➡️ 350r $14 ✔️ YES
Legionnaire ➡️ 350r $9 ✔️ YES
Nova ➡️ 350r $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Black ➡️ C1 Spirit $19 ✔️ YES
Freelancer ➡️ C1 Spirit $19 ✔️ YES
Nova ➡️ C1 Spirit $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C Hornet ➡️ Cutlass Red $30 🔥 Last one!
Freelancer ➡️ Cutlass Red $30 🔥 Last one!
F7C-S Hornet Ghost ➡️ Cutlass Red $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Red ➡️ Hull B $9 ✔️ YES
Freelancer DUR ➡️ Hull B $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-R Hornet Tracker ➡️ Razor $9 ✔️ YES
Hull B ➡️ Razor $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Ballista ➡️ E1 Spirit $14 ✔️ YES
Razor ➡️ E1 Spirit $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-R Hornet Tracker ➡️ Expanse $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-R Hornet Tracker ➡️ Razor LX $14 ✔️ YES
Razor ➡️ Razor LX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Zeus Mk II CL $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Zeus Mk II ES $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Razor EX $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MAX ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
Mantis ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
Razor LX ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Gladiator $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Hull B ➡️ Khartu-Al $35 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Khartu-Al $19 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Khartu-Al $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Freelancer MAX ➡️ Sabre $25 🔥 2 Left!
Prospector ➡️ Sabre $19 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ Sabre $19 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Sabre $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Red ➡️ Cutlass Blue $46 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Cutlass Blue $25 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Cutlass Blue $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $25 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $25 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $14 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $9 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
E1 Spirit ➡️ Freelancer MIS $30 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Freelancer MIS $25 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ Freelancer MIS $25 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Freelancer MIS $14 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ Freelancer MIS $9 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Freelancer MIS $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $35 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $35 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $25 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $19 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $19 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
F7C Hornet Wildfire ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Sabre Comet $35 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ Sabre Comet $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Vulture ➡️ Zeus Mk II MR $19 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Zeus Mk II MR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ A1 Spirit $51 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ A1 Spirit $40 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ A1 Spirit $35 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ A1 Spirit $35 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ A1 Spirit $30 ✔️ YES
Zeus Mk II MR ➡️ A1 Spirit $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $51 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $35 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $30 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $19 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Vulcan $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Hurricane $62 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Hurricane $46 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ Hurricane $40 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Hurricane $30 ✔️ YES
A1 Spirit ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Defender $72 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ Defender $56 🔥 2 Left!
Sabre ➡️ Defender $56 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ Defender $51 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Defender $51 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Defender $40 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Defender $40 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Defender $25 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Defender $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
A1 Spirit ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Terrapin $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Railen $77 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Railen $30 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Railen $30 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Railen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Scorpius Antares $35 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Scorpius Antares $35 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Scorpius Antares $25 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Scorpius Antares $14 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Scorpius Antares $14 ✔️ YES
Railen ➡️ Scorpius Antares $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Cutlass Steel $40 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Cutlass Steel $19 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Cutlass Steel $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
A1 Spirit ➡️ San'tok.yāi $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ San'tok.yāi $46 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ San'tok.yāi $35 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ San'tok.yāi $25 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ San'tok.yāi $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ San'tok.yāi $14 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Steel ➡️ San'tok.yāi $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Scorpius $93 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Scorpius $77 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Scorpius $72 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Scorpius $62 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Scorpius $62 🔥 2 Left!
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Scorpius $46 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Scorpius $46 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Scorpius $35 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Scorpius $25 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Scorpius $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Scorpius $14 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Steel ➡️ Scorpius $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $46 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $25 ✔️ YES
Railen ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $19 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ 400i $56 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ 400i $35 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Apollo Triage $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Apollo Triage $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Ares Inferno $104 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Ares Inferno $88 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Ares Inferno $83 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Ares Inferno $72 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Ares Inferno $72 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Ares Ion $104 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Ares Ion $88 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Ares Ion $83 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Ares Ion $72 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Ares Ion $72 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Defender ➡️ Corsair $35 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Corsair $35 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Mercury $67 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Mercury $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Inferno ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Warden $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Vanguard Warden $25 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Inferno ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Apollo Medivac $40 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Apollo Triage ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Apollo Medivac $19 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Apollo Medivac $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Blade $40 🔥 2 Left!
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $40 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $19 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $56 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $35 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $35 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Eclipse $67 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Eclipse $46 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Eclipse $46 🔥 Last one!
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Eclipse $30 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Eclipse $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Starfarer $67 🔥 Last one!
Mercury ➡️ Starfarer $46 🔥 Last one!
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Starfarer $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Caterpillar $99 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Caterpillar $88 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Caterpillar $77 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Caterpillar $77 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Caterpillar $62 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Caterpillar $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Caterpillar $19 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Caterpillar $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Mercury ➡️ Redeemer $77 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Redeemer $77 ✔️ YES
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Redeemer $19 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Redeemer $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $30 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $30 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $14 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Crucible $40 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Crucible $25 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Crucible $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Endeavor $40 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Endeavor $25 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Endeavor $25 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Endeavor $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Valkyrie $67 🔥 Last one!
MOLE ➡️ Valkyrie $67 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Valkyrie $51 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Valkyrie $51 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Valkyrie $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Galaxy $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ C2 Hercules $93 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ C2 Hercules $67 ✔️ YES
Glaive ➡️ C2 Hercules $56 ✔️ YES
Valkyrie ➡️ C2 Hercules $30 ✔️ YES
Galaxy ➡️ C2 Hercules $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Genesis $93 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Reclaimer $30 ✔️ YES
Galaxy ➡️ Reclaimer $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ 600i Touring $67 🔥 Last one!
C2 Hercules ➡️ 600i Touring $40 ✔️ YES
Reclaimer ➡️ 600i Touring $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Prowler $136 ✔️ YES
Valkyrie ➡️ Prowler $72 ✔️ YES
C2 Hercules ➡️ Prowler $46 ✔️ YES
Reclaimer ➡️ Prowler $46 ✔️ YES
600i Touring ➡️ Prowler $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C2 Hercules ➡️ 600i Explorer $83 🔥 2 Left!
600i Touring ➡️ 600i Explorer $46 ✔️ YES
Prowler ➡️ 600i Explorer $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Hull C $199 ✔️ YES
Prowler ➡️ Hull C $67 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Hull C $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ M2 Hercules $220 ✔️ YES
C2 Hercules ➡️ M2 Hercules $130 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ M2 Hercules $51 ✔️ YES
Hull C ➡️ M2 Hercules $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ Arrastra $62 ✔️ YES
Hull D ➡️ Arrastra $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ Liberator $62 ✔️ YES
Hull D ➡️ Liberator $30 🔥 2 Left!
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Carrack $241 ✔️ YES
Genesis ➡️ Carrack $215 🔥 Last one!
Prowler ➡️ Carrack $173 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Carrack $136 ✔️ YES
M2 Hercules ➡️ Carrack $88 ✔️ YES
Arrastra ➡️ Carrack $30 ✔️ YES
Liberator ➡️ Carrack $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prowler ➡️ Merchantman $225 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Merchantman $188 ✔️ YES
M2 Hercules ➡️ Merchantman $141 ✔️ YES
Liberator ➡️ Merchantman $83 ✔️ YES
Carrack ➡️ Merchantman $56 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Orion $56 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Perseus $83 ✔️ YES
Merchantman ➡️ Perseus $30 ✔️ YES
Orion ➡️ Perseus $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Odyssey $109 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ Odyssey $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Hammerhead $136 🔥 Last one!
Carrack Expedition w/C8X ➡️ Hammerhead $88 🔥 2 Left!
Merchantman ➡️ Hammerhead $83 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ Hammerhead $56 ✔️ YES
Odyssey ➡️ Hammerhead $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Merchantman ➡️ Nautilus $83 🔥 Last one!
Perseus ➡️ Nautilus $56 🔥 2 Left!
Odyssey ➡️ Nautilus $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ A2 Hercules $247 🔥 Last one!
Carrack ➡️ A2 Hercules $162 ✔️ YES
Carrack Expedition ➡️ A2 Hercules $136 🔥 2 Left!
Carrack Expedition w/C8X ➡️ A2 Hercules $114 ✔️ YES
Merchantman ➡️ A2 Hercules $109 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ A2 Hercules $83 ✔️ YES
Odyssey ➡️ A2 Hercules $56 ✔️ YES
Hammerhead ➡️ A2 Hercules $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Perseus ➡️ Polaris $83 ✔️ YES
Hammerhead ➡️ Polaris $38 ✔️ YES
Nautilus ➡️ Polaris $38 ✔️ YES
Items Price
Scorpius - Stinger Paint 💎 $45
Scorpius - Sunburn Paint $14
Spirit - Olympia Paint $18
Constellation ILW 2950 Paint Pack $24
  1. PM me what you would like to buy and include your Verified PayPal email
  2. Reply to this thread by announcing that you sent me a private message "PM'd", so I can see that you are a verified buyer.
  3. I will then send you an invoice to your paypal email.
  4. After payment is cleared Item is delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address.
  5. You will recieve a regular email from RSI with the title "Someone sent you a gift from Roberts Space Industries"
  6. Make sure to be logged into the correct RSI account before you open the link inside,
  7. I will post in "Confirmed Trades theme post" thread announcing the sale.
  8. After confirming the gift, you can reply to the post in which I mention you with +verify in "Confirmed Trades theme post".
  9. Tracking and proof of delivery are provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website.
Important: I don't do middleman services, my Discord is Juannox#3193, I do not do trades or anything in discord, avoid trades with any name other than that, please read THIS
submitted by Juanox78 to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:28 Lordd_Farquaadd [WTS] 890J IAE and Store credit

890J 10 year insurance Melt: 890 Price: 934$
OC Zeus MR Mk2 W/ SOLSTICE Paint- Melt: 160 Price: 200$
Have about 10,000 in store credit I want to get rid of for 60%. Highest ship I can CCU to right now is a Polaris.
6month insurance Polaris Melt: 750 Price: 450$ (Highest I can go) 6 month insurance Mole Melt: 315 Price: 189$ (Lowest I will go)
1000 store credit in the combination of a Polaris(750) and a Subscriber 400i (250) for 600$
I also have a ton of LTI tokens so if you want to make it LTI let me know. Prices may be a little bit higher for LTI though because not all the tokens are the same price.
If you have any questions feel free to PM/Chat me.
All prices include fees and I’m only sending through PayPal invoice.
submitted by Lordd_Farquaadd to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 MomusVult I want to see King Periander in Season 3

Not only him, also the fellow demonic comrades of Seraphim and others, now that Tartarus is unleashed and his son Typhon is free.
But especially King Periander and his relatives, he is the father of Seraphim and he wanted to know what happened to his soul. It would have been interesting if in Tartarus Seraphim met his father and the entire male part of his dynasty (whom he killed).
Imagine Periander defending his son against his brother Acrisius and his sons in Tartarus or other possible scenarios, if Zeus and Hera can get a redemption, why not him? Making peace with Electra, forgiving each other, he for the abuse and she for the infidelity, seeking that their children have a better future than the one they had.
The real Periander was one of the Seven Sages of Greece.
submitted by MomusVult to BloodofZeus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:18 MusterBait Updated List of Available slots for Walk-in

Adventist Medical Center Manila ( 1 free slots)
Adventist Medical Center-Bacolod (2 free slots)
Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center (1 free slots)
Bataan General Hospital and Medical Center (28 free slots)
Batangas Medical Center (15 free slots)
Bicol Medical Center (14 free slots)
Bicol Regional Hospital and Medical Center (44 free slots)
Bulacan Medical Center (10 free slots)
Cagayan Valley Medical Center (37 free slots)
Capitol Medical Center (3 free slots)
Cardinal Santos Medical Center (5 free slots)
Cebu (Velez) General Hospital (19 free slots)
Cebu Doctors University Hospital (17 free slots)
Chinese General Hospital & Medical Center (1 tree slots)
Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital (7 free slots)
Cotabato Regional & Medical Center (40 free slots)
Davao Doctors Hospital (32 free slots)
Davao Regional Medical Center (25 free slots)
De La Salle University Medical Center (94 free slots
De Los Santos Medical Center (9 free slots)
Divine Word Hospital (2 free slots)
Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research & Medical Center (52 free slots)
East Avenue Medical Center (11 free slots)
Eastern Visayas Medical Center (65 free slots)
Far Eastern University Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation (83 free slots)
Fatima University Medical Center (61 free slots)
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo Memorial Hospital (14 free slots)
Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Medical Center (26 free slots)
llocos Training & Regional Medical Center (19 free slots)
Iloilo Doctors Hospital (16 free slots)
Iloilo Mission Hospital (1 free slots)
James L. Gordon Memorial Hospital (28 free slots)
Jose B. Lingad Memorial General Hospital (50 free slots)
Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center (93 free slots
Manila Doctors Hospital (3 tree slots)
Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital (2 free slots)
MCU-Dr. Filemon D. Tanchoco Foundation Hospital (34 free slots)
Medical Center Manila, Inc. (9 free slots)
Metropolitan Medical Center (32 free slots)
Northern Mindanao Medical Center (71 free slots)
OSPITAL NG MAKATI (8 free slots)
Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center (57 free slots)
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (49 free slots)
Perpetual Help Medical Center - Binan (45 free slots)
Perpetual Succour Hospital of Cebu, Inc. (11 free slots)
Philippine General Hospital (2 free slots)
Quezon City General Hospital (17 free slots)
Quirino Memorial Medical Center (112 free slots)
Region I Medical Center (23 free slots)
Riverside Medical Center (4 free slots)
Rizal Medical Center (93 free slots)
San Juan De Dios Hospital (4 free slots)
San Pedro Hospital of Davao City, Inc. (10 free slots)
Silliman University Medical Center Foundation, Inc. (5 free slots)
SLU Sacred Heart Medical Center (23 free slots)
Southern Isabela Medical Center (10 free slots)
Southern Philippines Medical Center (6 free slots)
Southwestern University Medical Center (24 free slots)
St. Paul's Hospital Iloilo (30 free slots)
Tarlac Provincial Hospital (22 free slots)
Tondo Medical Center (77 free slots)
UERM Memorial Medical Center (Hospital) (35 free slots)
Univ. of Perpetual Help Medical Center Dalta (12 free slots)
University of Cebu Medical Center, Inc. (4 free slots)
University of Santo Tomas Hospital (16 free slots)
Veterans Memorial Medical Center (15 free slots)
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (73 free slots)
Victoriano Luna Medical Center, AFP Health Service Command (112 free slots)
Visayas Med - Cebu (7 free slots)
VRP Medical Center (31 free slots)
West Visayas State University Medical Center (72 free slots)
Western Visayas Medical Center (40 free slots)
Zamboanga City Medical Center (27 free slots)
submitted by MusterBait to medschoolph [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:09 HillfortDigitalBTC Buy and host

🔥 Buy and Host Crypto Miners - MOQ 1! 🔥

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Model Hashrate Price
KS5 20T $24,600
KS3M 6T $6,000
KS5L 12T $13,000
L7 9,300M $6,200
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submitted by HillfortDigitalBTC to BitcoinMining [link] [comments]
