Background check estimated dates

Model 3 Delivery: chat here instead of refreshing your app every 5 minutes

2021.05.29 04:14 Soft-Orange227 Model 3 Delivery: chat here instead of refreshing your app every 5 minutes

With Tesla’s vague and fluctuating time windows, it’s stressful waiting for our cars. Here, users can share information regarding delivery and when they get their VINS in order to gauge when their own car will come in.

2022.05.15 04:49 LilyTessie TeslaModel3SRDelivery

For SR+ and RWD Model 3 orders. With Tesla’s vague and fluctuating time windows, it’s stressful waiting for our cars. Here, users can share information regarding delivery and when they get their VINS in order to gauge when their own car will come in.

2009.06.02 20:30 firepunk Anything Related to Comic Book Conventions

Welcome to comiccon, a subreddit covering news, updates, and assistance with attending comic con and popular culture events from your region and from all over the world. This subreddit offers help and information for attending and vending at the conventions, this is a place for sharing your experiences from the cons you attend, and join in with a community of attendees who enjoy similar interests.

2024.06.02 10:39 SpeakMusic123 How to Distribute Songs on JioSaavn – A Guide for Aspiring Artists

Hey Redditors!
If you're an aspiring artist looking to get your music heard, distributing your songs on streaming platforms like JioSaavn is a must. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you distribute your music on JioSaavn and reach a wider audience:
  1. Choose a Distribution Service: Use services like Deliver My Tune, Tune Core, Distro Kid, or CD Baby to distribute your music.
  2. Upload Your Music: Sign up for an account on your chosen service, upload your tracks, and provide necessary details like song titles and artist name.
  3. Select JioSaavn: Ensure you select JioSaavn during the distribution process to make your music available on the platform.
  4. Set Release Date: Plan a release date and promote your upcoming release to build anticipation.
  5. Promote Your Music: Use social media, collaborations, and email newsletters to promote your music once it's live.
For a detailed guide, check out this article on how to distribute songs on JioSaavn.
submitted by SpeakMusic123 to u/SpeakMusic123 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 AcceptLesbians My boyfriend is man in a child’s body.

My boyfriend is man in a child’s body.
TDLR; my boyfriend is trying to manipulate me into forgiving him for being secretive about an ex lover he calls his best friend.
My bf (M22) and me (F23) are having another tiff. We’ve been together for a year and moved in together October 2023.
It started when I was in the kitchen. I marinated chicken for supper then I set the dough for some donuts and started deep cleaning. When I was finished I walked into the bedroom where he had been all morning and afternoon. When I walked in he started whispering to someone on the phone then got up and left and I began to put some things in their rightful place.
I told myself to let it go and I'll check his phone later because what the actual eff! I checked his phone before I left for work and after I had gotten out of the shower he was awake. — I found a 20minute phone call so I went to check texts in WhatsApp. He was talking to a girl and I recognized the name. I saw texts from them from before we started dating and he was calling her sexy, beautiful etc. I brought it up to him asking who it was he said "it was a friend" I asked why he was whispering and he left he said "I didn't realize I was doing that" so I pressed further and asked who it was specifically, he said "it was my best friend" but I had never heard of this woman, I have never heard of this woman. He says "well I don't tell you about all my friends" and I said if this was your best friend I would definitely know them" and he started to name friends that I don't know about. Anyway he tried to show me the texts and I shrugged him off and he went to tl V shower as I was about to leave for work.
As I am leaving he comes up to me and tries to show the texts again and says something I cannot recall atm. He holds the door to our apartment open so l couldn't lock it while I left but I just walked down the stairs to go. As I am leaving he starts banging the door and smashes something, then he starts screaming, and I hear this all the way till I walked out of the door of our 3 floor walk up.
As I walk to the bus I text his saying to check on the bunny and make sure he feels safe and isn't scared. (Bunny's are prey animals and they get scared easily.) mind you during this entire conversation I was calm and only asking questions because I wanted to see what was going on before I jump to conclusions (I only checked his phone so I could know the facts w/o being blindly lied too and forgiving him) his exact texts were and I am going to copy and paste: (Screenshot above)
Him: picture of texts between them two
"Okay You are the prefect girlfriend You should know that love how you treat me I'm probably gonna be out when you get back so"
I said: "If I was you wouldn't be chatting with your rich mama privately" (he called her “rich mama” in the text a day before the call)
Him: "You make me wish I never met you I swear I'm blocking you cause I don't want to keep hearing hurtful things"
And then he blocked me. When I had gotten home from work my vape was missing and he took it, so I texted him and he ignored me for hours then said it was basically his cause he bought it and I was trying to quit so it didn't matter (bought it with my money) so I said but I was still mine and I wanted to use it tonight cause l'm stressing out and he didn't use it cause he didn't like the flavour. He ignored me for 3 more hours and then came back to the apartment. He came home talking about stuff that didn't relate to our argument, saying I never do anything for him, l'm never there for him, I don't take care of him. As he is pointing at the unfolded laundry. The one thing I didn't do this week.
I honestly don't know how I feel. I give my all for him and do my best for him. And it feels like he only sees what I don't do. He doesn't have a job right now because he booked of too much time between his all year job and his summer job (he leaves for moths to make 20k) so I don't understand why he couldn't folded the laundry or fixed supper when I have been working. I honestly have nothing to say to him after he said those things. I am so tired. So exhausted. He ignores me every time we have an argument and leaves for hours while blocking me. I'm tired of the psychological abuse. But I have no where to go. What should I do? How should I bring this conversation up to squash what happened? Or should I just leave him?
submitted by AcceptLesbians to u/AcceptLesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 random-string Working on an AI helper, seeking feedback

At the moment I am using it for two use cases. Text in italics is the AI reply, I am not including the actual screenshots.
  1. I give it a screenshot of dailies and make it write an itinerary to finish them quickly, example (without the screenshot because subreddit restrictions):
Here's a quick and efficient itinerary to complete today's daily challenges:
  1. Join a Public Team: Start by joining a public team that is focused on completing Daily Operations. This will help with the challenge of completing a Daily Operation on a Public Team and provide team buffs for other activities.
  2. Complete a Daily Operation: With your team, head to a Daily Ops location. This will tick off the challenge for completing a Daily Operation on a Public Team.
  3. Scrap Pipe Guns: While you're on your way to other locations or completing other tasks, loot enemies and containers for Pipe Guns. You need to scrap three of these.
  4. Kill Super Mutants: Travel to locations known for high Super Mutant activity, such as West Tek Research Center or Huntersville. Kill five Super Mutants here.
  5. Destroy an Assaultron: Head to locations where Assaultrons frequently spawn, like Watoga or certain RobCo Facilities. Destroy at least one Assaultron.
  6. Complete the Event: "Primal Cuts": Check the map for the "Primal Cuts" event. Participate in this event, which occurs periodically in different regions of the map.
  7. Eat a Cooked Meal in a Teammate's C.A.M.P.: Ask a teammate to cook some food at their C.A.M.P. or use their cooking station if they have one. Eat five cooked meals here.
Following this itinerary should help you complete all daily challenges efficiently within the six-hour time limit. Good luck out there in Appalachia!
  1. I give it a screenshot from my inventory and ask it to price check, it can currently pretty reliably check the FED76 plan collectors: Q: price check all of these, return a table
A: Here is the price check for the selected plans in Fallout 76:
Plan Estimated Value (Caps)
Alien Disintegrator High Powered Receiver 2000-3000
Behemoth Boss Plushie 1500-2500
Cultist Adept Robes 1000-2000
Cultist Backpack 800-1200
Cultist Incarnate Helmet 1000-2000
Cultist Neophyte Hood 1000-2000
Flamer 500-1000
Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie 1200-1800
Gulper Head 1000-1500
Human Tube 2 1500-2000
News Stand 700-1100
Peppered Tenderizer Mod 2500-3500
Plastic Fruit Bowl 500-800
These values are estimates based on current market trends and may vary depending on demand and availability. ​

2.5. Price check for weapons also seems reasonable, what do y'all think? Q: price check 3* vampire chainsaw
A: The estimated value of a 3-star Vampire Chainsaw in Fallout 76 can vary significantly depending on the specific legendary effects it has. However, generally speaking, a 3-star Vampire Chainsaw can fetch prices ranging from 5000 to 10000 caps. Here are some potential price ranges based on common effects:
  1. Vampire's effect: This effect regenerates your health when you hit an enemy. It's highly valued for its utility in both PvE and PvP scenarios.
  2. Additional Effects:
    • 25% Faster Swing Speed: This is one of the most desirable secondary effects, significantly boosting the weapon's DPS.
    • +1 Strength: Provides a general combat boost by increasing carry weight and melee damage.
    • 50% Reduced Weight: Makes the weapon easier to carry, which is particularly useful given the weight of melee weapons.
Based on the combined effects, the value can range within the mentioned caps or even higher if there is high demand and limited supply​.
If you want to give it a try:
submitted by random-string to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 Bleamestrauss QC Rolex Explorer 124270 CF

Dealer name: Steve
Factory name: CF
Model name (& version number): Explorer 124270
Price Paid: $513
Album Link:
Index alignment: looks good to me
Dial Printing: looks good
Date Wheel alignment/printing: N/A
Hand Alignment: looks good
Bezel: NA
Solid End Links (SELs): Looks good
Timegrapher numbers: -2 seconds per day
Anything else you notice: Rehaut looks of on the 12 hour marker. Checked about 20 of the last QCs and I would say every rehaut of the 20 looked better.
We also have the STEEL INOX flaw, but I think that’s okay as nobody will see this 😅 What’s your opinion?
submitted by Bleamestrauss to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:23 BW_Princess Please help me achieve the final step of my escape plan.

I'm 27 and I've spent the past 4 years having the most painful realizations about my parents and my horrible childhood. My parents are now divorced and hate each other. I spent 2 years influencing my mother to get the divorce. I needed to escape and since I was still in school and had no money, this was the only option.
Growing my dad was a typical narc. I grew up with my mum telling me that and I had no idea what it meant. I still don't tbh coz I haven't read any books on narc abuse - just on emotional and financial abuse, which I experienced.
Growing up my narc dad emotionally, spiritually and financially abused us. I was severely isolated which is what is affecting me sooo much now. I went to therapy and worked on the emotional impact of abuse but now that I live with my mum and have more social freedom I realize I need help with isolation.
My mother is extremely manipulative. She uses victimhood against me and acts like she played NO part in my horrible childhood but most times she enabled my dad's abuse. I feel resentful and angry towards her. This part of healing is tough because she has a mental health background and can use the terminology against me to justify her enmeshment and control over me.
My theory is that because she missed out on on sooooooo much of her life- she was married for 22 years, she wants to live through me by dictating that I should be a farmer (her long life unrealized dream) , who I date, who I befriend, how I speak, my values, beliefs and morals should reflect her. She wants me to a mini version of her. She literally said to me verbatim that "parents can live out their dreams through their children in a healthy way" shes delusional!
I grew up extremely sheltered, controlled and isolated by BOTH my parents.
My question is how to I ESCAPE my controlling mother. I escaped my dad's house when my mother filed for divorce. I moved out and only told him after I had packed up and left. I haven't spoke to him in a year. I have him blocked. I will NEVER talk to him again and want to change my surname to my mother's maiden name.
Now the final step is cutting off my enmeshed codependent mother, building a community and gaining some financial independence. I feel sooo immature and developmentally behind my peers so I get discouraged sometimes.
Please recommend some resources I can use to achieve this final step. Books, podcasts, YouTubers, movies etc etc
It's been a long journey but I can almost see the finish line! I've worked hard and I'm almost there!
i.e. I went to law school so I know I can a lucrative career. I just need help starting my career.
submitted by BW_Princess to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:23 komicancrib Hybe, JYPE, SM and YG need to divest

 Hybe, JYPE, SM and YG need to divest
Total divestment in any and all form is the goal All fandom need to come together
Thinking no other fandom will do it and it will harm only my artist is the kind of thinking that has not led to effective success of the divestment demand
At the very least the message to be sent to these companies is that if they do not do thorough background checks and collab with zionist brands and artists then they won’t get any support from us
submitted by komicancrib to kpopboycott [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:21 code-star-along I'm dating my first highschool 31F date. I 33M. But there's a catch. What should I do?

I 33M, I am dating my first highschool date 31F, after 20 years since our first "date". We were kids and things didn't worked out but we randomly met at a bar and started talking again. She confessed to me that she always loved me, that I broke her heart (that actually tore me apart) and she missed me all this time. So, since then, we spend lots of hours on the phone, daily. She texts me how much she misses me when she's with her friends. She does everything for me. Yes, she may be stubborn as a mule but her sweet side overall is much bigger than her stubborn side. I miss her too and I try to tell her every chance I get. We occasionally make love and other stuff and it's wonderful. I never want her to leave my house. She is a positive influence and energy even though sometimes she drives me crazy with her aforementioned stubborness.
Now for the catch. She's supposed to get married in a month. Now, I don't want to find excuses for myself, I know I'm guilty as much as she is. But I really don't know the guy. Never saw him. I think I'd have an hard time to recognize him even if I met him in person. She talks so freely about her wedding and how things are going to be. She also mentioned that she doesn't want to change things between us even after marriage. From what I understand her fiancee is a great guy but she owns the house and the car and everything else. He doesn't have a nice family background and leaving him would be a disaster for her. Friends in common, her family loves him, he'd have to move somewhere else and start all over. I don't want that to happen. I really wish things would work out for them, and I know I sound very hypocritical, I'm making no bones about what ginormous asshole I am. On the other hand, how can the nice sweet and caring person I love can also be this double faced, lying and cunning girl? I've had my relationships and I never cheated. I'm not judging who did it in the past, I know this kind of things happen on a daily basis, a million times a day. However, doesn't she see that her marriage is doomed from the beginning? When I say she loves me I think she is sincere. She really does everything for me. When I was sick in bed with a bad flu she never left my side. She surprises me with little things. She cherishes me. She always tells me how beautiful I am. She spends every second of her free time, and she doesn't have much, she works three jobs, with me. She calls me every chance she has, she really does the unthinkable for me. That's to say that it would be physically impossible for her to have another lover besides me.
Still tho, am I being cunned as well? Should I cancel her number and block her? I've tried in the past to "break up" but she broke in tears and begged me not to. That she loves me so much that losing me twice would kill her. I really don't know what to do. I love her. I find her very attractive. Funny. Beautiful. But this can't go on.
I'm not expecting sympathy, but I'd like to know your take on this experience I'm living.
What should I do?
submitted by code-star-along to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:19 Quartz_The_Hybrid The Endwar spreads its reach, and more and more Empires Join in the Chaos

The Endwar spreads its reach, and more and more Empires Join in the Chaos submitted by Quartz_The_Hybrid to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:18 PocketSquare1000 Hope someone can test the Xfer from RH (with their stock borrowing) to Fidelity or another more trustworthy brokerage

Hope someone can test the Xfer from RH (with their stock borrowing) to Fidelity or another more trustworthy brokerage
If I had my stash on RH I would. Someone said they checked with RH and they said it would be a “sell” and not a transfer and NO ONE wants that! HODL! Depending on personal average/share (ie. if it’s higher than current market, or roughly equal to with little volatility, how long the process would take, # of shares) it may be worth the risk for the “end game”.
I would get the info from the other side though to see what they would say on how it works. And I definitely would screenshot all transactions as proof making note of date purchased (for tax purposes), and # of shares and cost at that time per transaction. I would pose those questions with the other firm in the invent RH is trying a scare tactic for multiple reasons.
But I definitely would get all my new with the New group. I will personally try to remember to check with my own firm on the industry rules and regulations on that and test it out with a different stock that I have but less vested in. Hope those that do, do some research on this and that someone might test this out.
If nothing else, hope you enjoy the clip.🤣…Im ole’ school!🤣 R.I.P. Bernie!😇
submitted by PocketSquare1000 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 mi555trZ [Store] 300+ KNIVES AND GLOVES e.g. Fade MW, Cobalt Skulls FT, Smoke Out MW, Finish Line MW, M9 Doppler FN P2 & UV FT & Freehand FT, Nomad Fade FN, Butterfly Black Laminate FT & Stained BS, Kukri Crimson Web MW, Karambit Night FT & Rust Coat BS, Talon Vanilla, Glock Emerald FN, UMP Fade & many more

Taking csgo skins mainly (knives, gloves, aks, m4s, awps and so on). Anything as long as offer is good
I don't update this list everyday, so I have many items which aren't listed here. Check if something interests you! Also, some of the items are on trade hold, for release date you can add me or check by yourself.
Add me to talk here:
Keys from these buy outs aren't TF2 keys. I don't take Hydra keys either.
Buy outs are in keys for the sake of having a buy out, I trade for skins mainly.
Gloves Fade MW - B/O 200 keys
Gloves Cool Mint FT - B/O 75 keys
Wraps Cobalt Skulls FT - B/O 74 keys
Gloves Smoke Out MW - B/O 60 keys
Gloves Finish Line MW - B/O 51 keys
Gloves Turtle MW - B/O 50 keys
Gloves Scarlet Shamagh WW - B/O 46 keys
Wraps Caution FT - B/O 40 keys
Wraps Overprint FT - B/O 40 keys
Gloves Black Tie FT - B/O 38 keys
Gloves Rezan MW - B/O 35 keys
Wraps Leather FT - B/O 32 keys
Gloves Lt. Commander FT - B/O 31 keys
Gloves Mogul FT - B/O 31 keys
Gloves Overtake MW - B/O 30 keys
Gloves Tiger Strike BS - B/O 28 keys
Gloves Boom FT - B/O 28 keys
Gloves Polygon WW - B/O 28 keys
Gloves Cool Mint BS - B/O 27 keys
Gloves POW WW - B/O 27 keys
Gloves Mogul WW - B/O 25 keys
Gloves Lunar Weave FT - B/O 24 keys
Gloves Diamondback FT - B/O 22 keys
Wraps Giraffe MW - B/O 22 keys
Gloves Black Tie BS - B/O 21 keys
Gloves Yellow-banded MW - B/O 20 keys
Gloves Jade FT - B/O 20 keys
Gloves 3rd Commando MW - B/O 18 keys
Gloves Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 18 keys
Gloves Rezan FT - B/O 18 keys
Gloves Blood Pressure BS - B/O 16 keys
Gloves Case Hardened BS - B/O 16 keys
Gloves Needle Point MW - B/O 16 keys
Gloves Rezan WW - B/O 16 keys
Gloves POW BS - B/O 16 keys
Wraps Desert Shamagh MW - B/O 15 keys
Gloves Boom BS - B/O 15 keys
Gloves Diamondback BS - B/O 15 keys
Wraps Arboreal FT - B/O 14 keys
Wraps Giraffe FT - B/O 14 keys
Gloves Yellow-banded FT - B/O 14 keys
Gloves Queen Jaguar FT - B/O 14 keys
Gloves Rezan BS - B/O 14 keys
Gloves Needle Point FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Guerrilla FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Buckshot FT - B/O 13 keys
Wraps Constrictor FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Transport FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Bronzed FT - B/O 13 keys
Wraps Duct Tape FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Convoy FT - B/O 13 keys
Wraps Arboreal WW - B/O 13 keys
Wraps Desert Shamagh FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Bronzed WW - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Guerrilla BS - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Mangrove MW - B/O 12 keys
Wraps Constrictor BS - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Emerald FT - B/O 12 keys
Wraps Desert Shamagh WW - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Bronzed BS - B/O 12 keys
Wraps Duct Tape WW - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Rattler FT - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Convoy WW - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Racing Green FT - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Overtake BS - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Emerald WW - B/O 11 keys
GLoves Yellow-banded BS - B/O 11 keys
Gloves Transport BS - B/O 11 keys
Gloves Racing Green BS - B/O 11 keys
Gloves Emerald BS - B/O 11 keys
Knives and high tier items:
M9 Doppler FN P2 - B/O 360 keys
Nomad Fade FN - B/O 180 keys
Butterfly Black Laminate FT - B/O 180 keys
Kukri Crimson Web MW - B/O 135 keys
Butterfly Rust Coat BS - B/O 130 keys
Butterfly Stained BS - B/O 125 keys
Karambit Night FT - B/O 110 keys
Flip Doppler FN P2 - B/O 110 keys
Karambit Rust Coat BS - B/O 106 keys
M9 Freehand FT - B/O 100 keys
Nomad Slaughter FN - B/O 100 keys
Huntsman Gamma Doppler FN P2 - B/O 96 keys
M9 Ultraviolet FT - B/O 95 keys
Karambit Scorched FT - B/O 93 keys
Karambit Safari Mesh MW - B/O 90 keys
Huntsman Doppler FN P4 - B/O 87 keys
Talon Vanilla - B/O 87 keys
M9 Urban Masked BS - B/O 85 keys
UMP Fade FN - B/O 80 keys
M9 Urban Masked FT - B/O 80 keys
M9 Boreal Forest FT - B/O 78 keys
Bayonet Case Hardened MW - B/O 78 keys
Talon Damascus Steel MW - B/O 75 keys
M9 Safari Mesh FT - B/O 75 keys
Flip Slaughter FT - B/O 68 keys
Huntsman Marble Fade FN - B/O 63 keys
Talon Ultraviolet FT - B/O 61 keys
Flip Autotronic MW - B/O 60 keys
Classic Vanilla - B/O 56 keys
Talon Night FT - B/O 52 keys
Bowie Marble Fade FN - B/O 52 keys
Gut Gamma Doppler FN P2 - B/O 51 keys
Talon Night BS - B/O 49 keys
Stiletto Damascus Steel WW - B/O 48 keys
Talon Urban Masked FT - B/O 47 keys
Bayonet Bright Water FT - B/O 47 keys
Survival Slaughter FT ST - B/O 45 keys
Talon Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 45 keys
Talon Boreal FT - B/O 45 keys
Huntsman Autotronic MW - B/O 45 keys
Gut Fade MW - B/O 44 keys
Flip Case Hardened FT - B/O 43 keys
Flip Damascus Steel FN - B/O 42 keys
Gut Fade FN - B/O 41 keys
Gut Lore FN - B/O 41 keys
Bowie Case Hardened FT - B/O 41 keys
Ursus Case Hardened FT - B/O 39 keys
Huntsman Case Hardened WW - B/O 38 keys
Classic Blue Steel BS - B/O 38 keys
Kukri Forest Ddpat BS - B/O 38 keys
Bowie Case Hardened BS - B/O 36 keys
Navaja Doppler FN - B/O 36 keys
Bayonet Urban Masked WW - B/O 36 keys
Daggers Gamma Doppler FN P3 - B/O 35 keys
Bayonet Scorched BS - B/O 35 keys
Flip Bright Water FT - B/O 35 keys
Huntsman Blue Steel FT - B/O 35 keys
Nomad Night FT - B/O 35 keys
Gut Marble Fade FN - B/O 34 keys
Paracord Crimson Web FT - B/O 34 keys
Flip Ultraviolet WW - B/O 33 keys
Flip Night FT - B/O 33 keys
Gut Lore MW - B/O 33 keys
Nomad Scorched MW - B/O 33 keys
Survival Case Hardened FT - B/O 33 keys
Stiletto Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 32 keys
Huntsman Crimson Web FT - B/O 31 keys
Classic Stained FT - B/O 31 keys
Stiletto Safari Mesh FT - B/O 31 keys
Flip Urban Masked MW - B/O 29 keys
Falchion Crimson Web FT - B/O 29 keys
Daggers Marble Fade FN - B/O 29 keys
Classic Night MW - B/O 29 keys
Flip Rust Coat BS - B/O 29 keys
Gut Case Hardened MW - B/O 29 keys
Bowie Crimson Web WW - B/O 29 keys
Survival Case Hardened WW - B/O 28 keys
Classic Stained WW - B/O 28 keys
Navaja Vanilla - B/O 27 keys
Navaja Tiger Tooth FN ST - B/O 26 keys
Nomad Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 26 keys
Gut Freehand BS - B/O 25 keys
Flip Boreal FT - B/O 25 keys
Huntsman Lore BS - B/O 25 keys
Navaja Case Hardened FT - B/O 25 keys
Huntsman Black Laminate FT - B/O 25 keys
Falchion Freehand FT - B/O 24 keys
Nomad Safari Mesh FT - B/O 24 keys
Classic Urban Masked FT - B/O 24 keys
Navaja Tiger Tooth FN - B/O 24 keys
Nomad Safari Mesh WW - B/O 23 keys
Gut Vanilla - B/O 23 keys
Huntsman Freehand FT - B/O 23 keys
Bowie Bright Water FN - B/O 22 keys
Daggers Case Hardened FT - B/O 22 keys
Huntsman Forest Ddpat MW - B/o 22 keys
Gut Lore BS - B/O 22 keys
Classic Urban Masked BS - B/O 22 keys
Ursus Rust Coat BS ST - B/O 22 keys
Classic Scorched BS - B/O 22 keys
Ursus Rust Coat BS - B/O 21 keys
Survival Stained FT - B/O 21 keys
Huntsman Ultraviolet WW - B/O 21 keys
Paracord Stained FT - B/O 21 keys
Gut Freehand FN - B/O 21 keys
Huntsman Ultraviolet FT - B/O 21 keys
Falchion Safari Mesh MW ST - B/o 21 keys
Huntsman Bright Water FT - B/O 21 keys
Huntsman Ultraviolet BS - B/O 21 keys
Navaja Case Hardened WW - B/O 21 keys
Ursus Scorched MW - B/O 21 keys
Falchion Bright Water FT - B/O 21 keys
Gut Blue Steel MW - B/O 20 keys
Huntsman Bright Water BS - B/O 20 keys
Bowie Ultraviolet FT - B/O 20 keys
Huntsman Rust Coat BS - B/O 19 keys
Ursus Forest Ddpat FT - B/o 19 keys
Bowie Bright Water FT - B/O 19 keys
Ursus Scorched WW - B/o 19 keys
Ursus Scorched FT - B/O 19 keys
Daggers Freehand FN - B/O 19 keys
Bowie Black Laminate WW - B/O 19 keys
Huntsman Boreal FT - B/O 18 keys
Huntsman Safari Mesh BS - B/O 18 keys
Falchion Forest Ddpat MW - B/O 18 kes
Bowie Forest Ddpat MW - B/O 18 keys
Bowie Night BS - B/O 18 keys
Gut Black Laminate FT - B/O 18 keys
Daggers Lore WW - B/O 18 keys
Falchion Night BS - B/O 18 keys
Daggers Lore BS - B/O 18 keys
Survival Night FT - B/o 18 keys
Ursus Safari Mesh BS ST - B/O 18 keys
Gut Damascus Steel WW - B/O 18 keys
Ursus Safari Mesh WW - B/O 18 keys
Ursus Boreal BS - B/O 17 keys
Bowie Forest Ddpat WW - B/o 17 keys
Falchion Boreal FT - B/o 17 keys
Bowie Safari Mesh FT ST - B/O 17 keys
Falchion Urban Masked BS - B/O 17 keys
Navaja Damascus Steel FN - B/O 17 keys
Gut Bright Water FT - B/O 17 keys
Gut Ultraviolet FT - B/O 17 keys
Navaja Blue Steel MW - B/O 16 keys
Gut Stained BS - B/O 16 keys
Daggers Autotronic BS - B/O 16 keys
Daggers Damascus Steel MW - B/O 16 keys
Gut Bright Water BS - B/O 16 keys
Bowie Safari Mesh FT - B/O 16 keys
Navaja Damascus Steel MW - B/O 16 keys
Daggers Freehand FT - B/O 16 keys
Paracord Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 16 keys
Navaja Blue Steel BS - B/O 16 keys
Navaja Night BS ST - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Blue Steel FT - B/O 15 keys
Gut Boreal MW - B/O 15 keys
Survival Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 15 keys
Survival Boreal FT - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Rust Coat WW - B/O 15 keys
Paracord Safari Mesh FT - B/O 15 keys
Gut Night FT - B/O 15 keys
Paracord Safari Mesh WW - B/O 15 keys
Survival Safari Mesh WW - B/O 15 keys
Gut Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 15 keys
Survival Boreal BS - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Damascus Steel WW - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Damascus Steel FT - B/O 15 keys
Daggers Boreal WW - B/O 15 keys
Gut Urban Masked FT - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Night FT ST - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Night MW - B/O 15 keys
Daggers Urban Masked WW - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Scorched WW - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Black Laminate MW - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Ultraviolet FT - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Bright Water MW - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Ultraviolet BS - B/O 14 keys
Gut Safari Mesh FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Scorched MW - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Stained WW - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Boreal MW - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Bright Water FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Scorched FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Urban Masked FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Night FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Ultraviolet BS - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Forest Ddpat WW - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Boreal WW - B/O 13 keys
Daggers Urban Masked BS - B/O 13 keys
Daggers Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 13 keys
Navaja Night BS - B/O 13 keys
submitted by mi555trZ to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 mp3geek Uninterrupted streaming feature

Youtube music rolled out a new "feature" to limit background music users from non-premium users.
Rolled out a fix into Brave to counter this. If you're streaming youtube music with Brave Shields. It won't nag you, or stop playback or anything Also disable checks on Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, Pandora, Soundcloud in default Brave shields.
Still testing detection, if you want to test it out Enable Experimental List in brave://adblock
submitted by mp3geek to brave_browser [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 bio_kk Middle Eastern players, how do you feel about the upcoming ME region?

As a Middle Eastern player, the most shocking part of this entire patch notes was:
The Middle East server opens its digital doors on June 25, 2024. Qualified accounts can transfer to the ME server for 1 Blue Essence from the moment the server opens until September 2, 2024. After that, the price will increase to the usual 2600 RP for a one-way transfer. Note that TFT Mobile will arrive at a later date further into the year.
As far as I know, Riot didn't ever hint towards this despite the community asking for this for years (although not vocal due to how scarce we are) and although other region changes over the years were a big deal, ours happened so suddenly.
I feel really glad that we are getting acknowledged, and now we don't have to play minimum 126 ping and after years of playing with this ping I'm so excited to see what it will be on low ping as long time ME gamers will remember that lifechanging moment when games like CSGO, TF2, COD, OW, Battlefield and fucking Valorant introduced ME servers and we got a taste of that delicious 18 ping after decades of lag.
Now my issues with this: First off, I am originally British living in Dubai, and if anyone of you are living in Dubai then you know how it goes: this is not your country and you gotta leave once done, which is why I'm currently on EUW. I love living here but the future isn't certain and I'm really hesitant to switch servers due to this. Another issue is that ME players know how the gaming scene is here: everyone only plays Fifa on the PlayStation 4, and that is over 90% of the gaming scene. PC gaming is dead unless it's literal kids who play Fortnite and Minecraft, of adults who only play CSGO, also physical stuff for PC is completely gone here unless you are talking about expensive PC parts. Also playing Battlefield every day, you notice how the ME servers are the most dead ones around with 1 server populated at a time, and back in the times of Team Fortress 2 we would get 3-5 servers which is crazy bad for such a popular game.
I want to check out the new server and see you all there since it will be 1BE to transfer, but if I don't like it then I dunno how I can transfer back as it will be 2600 rp ($22 or 100AED) so I guess I just use an alt for now 😅
submitted by bio_kk to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:10 gurpster Dealership Incompetence x2

I purchased a W206 in late December and towards the end of March the car developed a fault with the HUD saying is was inoperable and that I should contact a work shop.
So I did , but not where I purchased the vehicle from, they took the car in for a day and then after an hour after the vehicle had moved (thanks to geo fencing) they advised that the issue could be rodent damage and that the entire dashboard would need to be taken out.
Note I've never had rodent damage in any vehicle ever.
So I then decided to book the car in with the dealership where I purchased the vehicle as I was horrified that the first dealer wanted to rip my car apart. They spent a good half day investigating the issue and diagnosed that a new control unit would be required.
Now a week later MBUX update 2.4 arrives and a day after installing my HUD is working.
I seriously can not explain how two separate Mercedes dealerships are unable to do their checks as well as mercedes themselves are unable to communicate software issues to either their own dealership network or the customer.
I took two days out of work for each dealership visit and for an issue that was fixed over the air.
The second dealership hasn't called me on arranging a date for the control box replacement as yet, should be an interesting conversation.
submitted by gurpster to mercedes_benz [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:10 sde_felon I ruined my career and my family’s future

I’m a software engineer in a big tech company, with a good compensation. But I ruined it. I was with wrong people and got involved in a fraud case, and now I’m pleading guilty to 1 count of felony, obstruction of justice in federal level, also facing a large amount of penalties. I’m pretty sure I will lose my job once I plead guilty, get sentenced and move away. It will be difficult for me to pass background check in future. I’m not sure how realistic it is for me to continue a career in tech? We are selling our house to pay the penalty and moving to a smaller city to stay with my in-laws. I feel so sorry for my wife and kids. It breaks my heart every time when my kids smile at me. They are so innocent and they don’t know their father has ruined their life.
submitted by sde_felon to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:10 Party_Needleworker71 [USA-CA] [H] Ryzen 5 3600, RX 5700, 16GB DDR4, 512GB NVME SSD PC Build, Corsair 4000D Airflow Black Mid ATX Tower Case w/x3 pre-installed fans, iPhone/iOS x2 mics (lightning cable), GBA SP/GBA parts + x1 donor mobo lot, free empty boxes [W] Local Cash, PayPal

please comment on this thread before pm'in me. no messages.
cleaning & selling these items. feel free to give me reasonable offers, more so lenient if it's especially local.
i can meet up as soon as tomorrow afternoon. i usually am free all day during the afternoon.
for sale:
PC build ~
CPU - Ryzen 5 3600
[BN] CPU Cooler - Thermalright Assassin X 120 SE (white)
Motherboard - MSI B450 Tomahawk Max
GPU - ASRock Challenger D OC Radeon RX 5700 8 GB (cleaned thoroughly & re-pasted w/fresh Arctic MX-4)
Ram - GeIL SUPER LUCE RGB SYNC 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 CL16
Storage - 512GB Samsung OEM 960 Pro NVME SSD
PSU - High Power 80+ Gold Non-Modular PSU w/power cord
[BN] OS Key - Windows 10 Home key
[BN] Extras - Okinos White Sleeved Cable Extension Cable kit
[OB] PC case - Zalman Z7 NEO RGB ATX Mid-Tower w/4 pre installed RGB fans
(OB means open box, BN means brand new)
bios driver & all basic drivers are up to date.
built w/a mix of almost all used, n a few open box/new parts. all parts have been fully tested. this includes in games n stress tested w/multiple workloads. pc is cleaned through w an electric duster & sanitized all around ready. pc is also cable managed properly. can provide more pics.
asking $550 local cash only
Corsair 4000D Airflow Black Mid ATX Tower Case - in used condition, some signs of use like light visible scratches & minimal wear. x2 pre installed Thermalright C12 PWN fans on the front & x1 Zalman DC/Molex on the back. all io covers included n has most additional accessories/screws. i have the hdd cage & one additional ssd cage but they wont have the screws to put it back inside of the case theyre suppose to be in. you can have both of them or not, up to you.
asking $45 local cash only
iPhone/iOS x2 mics (lightning cable) - includes x2 mics, pairing part, chargin cable (never used), & remote to take pics. used this at least twice, then left it collectin dust. works without any issues.
$13.50 shipped, $5 local cash w/any other item
GBA SP/GBA parts + x1 donor mobo lot - lot includes a donofor parts/as is gba sp ags 001 mobo (cartridge reader slot pins destroyed & 2 motherboard traces cables exposed. has broken cartridge & replacement cartridge part), mix of oem & third party (i think) screws (some stripped but still can screw down), screen custom clear black shells only, & third party buttons/pads. all from a gba i had to swap for another shell & buttons. the third party buttons & pads are in good condition. also x2 brand new gba abs metal parts for the chargin
asking $25 + shipping costs, depends on your location. or $20 local cash . $15 w/any other item
leftover white custom cables - pretty sure its for the cpu i think? they work tho.
free w/any other items.
free boxes - boxes for an asus rx 6600 w/some paper work , msi b450 tomahawk max w some paper work & disc, & intel i5 10400f .
free locally, $1 + shipping costs if you really want these shipped. depends on your location.
submitted by Party_Needleworker71 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 Any-Opportunity-9070 C-Drive was filled up mysteriously? [iTunes, Windows 10]

I apologize in advance for all the context I’m going to provide, haha. Honestly, I am at least a little scared that this could be something bad.
I have the latest version or 2nd-latest version of Windows 10 on my PC. I have a 500GB SSD, and before all of this, it had maybe 50-75GB of space remaining. My iPhone 12 Pro had IOS 14.
I wanted to backup my iPhone because I finally had an urgent need to update its IOS, so I installed iTunes on my PC. Then I connected my iPhone to my PC via cable and attempted a backup, and left my PC and phone alone for a while. When I came back, there was a notification in iTunes saying that the backup couldn’t be completed due to a lack of space on my PC.
I opened my Files program to see if I could clear some space. I noticed that the C-Drive indicated that it had less space than when I had checked it last. I clicked on a different folder, then back to the first one. There was even less available space indicated this time. I clicked back and forth repeatedly until there were only a few MB left. Later, it freed up a little, to 5 GB. While this was going on, I attempted to google my problem, but Firefox had stopped loading new pages and my cursor’s loading animation would play while having Firefox open. (After a shutdown, Firefox seems to be working again.)
What bothers me is, why was the value indicating available space changing like that, how did things get where they are now, how bad are they, and how do I fix it? A friend suggested it was iTunes bloatware, but I thought I had already completed its installation on my PC. Is it because I attempted a backup, and the data was taking up space on my drive even though the backup couldn’t be completed? Or is it what I truly fear, that by connecting my PC to my phone with its out-of-date IOS, I had unknowingly transferred some sort of virus to my PC? (I have Malwarebytes Premium on my PC, and a Quick Scan didn’t return any questionable files. I then attempted a full custom scan, but after 4 hours, it was only about 90% of the way through the process, and its rate of checked files per minute had dropped exponentially.) I tried googling my problem, but I probably don’t know how to use it effectively or something.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Any-Opportunity-9070 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 Simpattywappez Recommendation of Vet Clinics in Manila or Metro Manila

Recommendation of Vet Clinics in Manila or Metro Manila
Hello Cat furrents! First time posting here. I just badly need your recommendations/piece of advice about best Vet Clinics in Manila or Near Manila. (Long post ahead please read huhu) For background story, I have 8 cats in our house and we also do stray feeding some cats outside of our house. My oldest cat is 9 years old last May. Last year September I observed my 9 year old cat that she have toothache, pinopaw niya yung right face niya. We went to vet clinic where our two dogs also went, nag blood test siya kung may other problem pa yung cat ko. The result came, ang sabi ng vet niya problem lang sa teeth niya is may tartar so she then removed the tartar and injected antibiotics, nadetect na may UTI raw yung cat ko kaya nag prescribed din siya ng supplements and antibiotics for UTI. She went back to normal. But this 2024, again sumakit nanaman yung teeth niya which is bumalik kami sa vet but again shot lang antibiotic twice plus prophylaxis pero wala sinabi sinabi if may tooth decayed ba or need ng removal of teeth na. After a week sumakit nanaman teeth niya kasi pinopaw p rin niya yung teeth niya. We went to another vet clinic for second opinion para sa teeth niya kasi nahihirapan na talaga siya mag eat. Another blood test and the results came, may kidney problem na raw ang cat ko pero yung problem sa teeth niya no solution p rin. The 2nd Vet prescribed for her kidney and follow up check up is needed. We went for a follow up check up but the other vet in the same clinic told us that my cat needed dental x-ray because they cannot do a surgery without dental x-ray. Their clinic don’t have dental x ray kaya he wrote a referral letter for our chosen vet clinic which offer dental x ray. We went to the 3rd clinic in Mandaluyong this May lang din, we gave the referral letter to the assigned vet. She runs again CBC test and SDMA (for kidney). Bad news came, the result of the test stated that my cat has already Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease and cannot proceed the dental procedure because the anesthesia hesia that they will give may lead to cardiac arrest. The vet gave me two options. 1st is to confine my cat 1-2 days to stabilize her but there is no cure to her CKD, told me that may cat’s lifespan is only 1-2 months. 2nd option is to euthanize my cat. My cat is strong but her teeth hinders her to eat and causes too much pain for her. Ang sakit makita na yung pet mo na pumapayat and kahit soft food na hindi na niya makain. I chose option 1 because I will not give on her up easily. We confined her just last saturday. Medyo hindi lang pala update yung staff ng clinic sa status ng cat ko. Sunday night pinuntahan ko siya, medyo okay pa siya and medyo malakas pa but ayaw niya kumain kaya syringefeeding siya. Masungit talaga cat ko ever since na kahit sa dalawang vet na pinuntahan namin nakakalmot sila and nakakagat sila kasi hindi siya sanay na pinupwersa siya lalo na forced feed or kukuhaan siya ng dugo. So monday night, nag visit ulit ako kasi sabi medyo weak pa raw cat ko pero napansin ko nawalan siya ng balahibo sa leeg at namumula pa (photo attached). Nag ask ako sa isang staff what happened to my cat but reply niya lang “tanong ko po” wala na kasi yung assigned vet ng cat ko kaya hindi ko na ma aask off duty na niya kasi that time. Nag hihintay ako na may lalapit or may mapagtanungan what happened pero wala kaya disappointed ako sa nangyari. Ididischarge ko na sana yung cat ko kinabukasan (tuesday) pero off naman ng nung vet ng cat ko kaya na discharge siya last Wednesday lang. To cut the story short, nagbigay ng medicine and for maintenance to my cat yung vet before we went home then follow up check up na lang daw. Pero na observed ko na maas nanghina yung cat ko instead na maging okay. I don’t want my cat to go back there dahil sa nangyari. Please please recommend where can I bring my cat. 🥺
submitted by Simpattywappez to catsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 IceJD 63.0.0 Observations - New Features & Misc.

This post is always a work in progress. New sections added throughout the reporting process. Check back often for more insights
This post has NOT yet been QAed
The following standalone post(s) cover several key features updates in more detail


🎡🎲 Regular Prize Wheel - TWO in July and Bonus Prizes Added🎲🎡

June Wheel Info posted in April, see 61.0. - New Features & Misc.
Dates and Themes

Prize ~% Odds
300 Coins 20.79%
2 Lives 20.79%
Sun Infinity Boost (15 mins) 19.48%
4 Lives 12.98%
2 Gems 8.44%
1500 Coins 7.79%
4 Gems 5.19%
Silver Chest 2.60%
Gold Chest 1.30%
Diamond Chest (Plus a one-time Bonus Prize, see description above this chart!) 0.65%


Deluxe Wheels in V63

Special artwork and slightly different prize odds from the standard wheel!
Deluxe Wheels and mostly include an emoji with very low 1% odds each time....


New Mission Levels

Mission Level Level Prize
971 2,500 Coins
972 Silver Chest
973 Gold Chest
974 3 Sun Boosts
975 Bronze Chest
976 5 Lives
977 7,500 Coins
978 5 Full Power Boosts
979 15 Gems
980 Rainbow Box (Not a Choice Box)
submitted by IceJD to disneyemojiblitz [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:57 DrippyWaffler Upcoming Events in Auckland courtesy of TMA

Sunday 2 June, 2pm-4pm

Auckland - Rafah is Burning! Te Komititanga - Britomart

Israel drives Palestinians in Gaza into what Israel calls a Safe zone in Rafah. Then Deliberately Bombs it, setting it alight. Any sense of moral decency and respect for International Law has gone. Israel spurns them all. Come rally to call on the New Zealand government to take serious action. Not just mouth platitudes. This is Genocide. Send the Israeli Ambassador home. Link:
Monday 3 June, 2-5.30pm

Tāmaki Makaurau For A Free Kanaky, 372 Massey Road, Māngere East

Come along to Māngere East Community Centre to listen and talanoa with guest speakers in solidarity with the Kanak struggle for independence. No alcohol & no violence is permitted on premises. Link:
Tuesday 4 June - Friday 5 June, 9am-1pm

Online Te Tiriti O Waitangi workshops (over two mornings), online via Zoom

An online workshop for those needing an up-to-date overview of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The programme is split over two mornings. Click here to register via Eventbrite: Your registration is for BOTH dates.
PART 1: Tuesday 4 June 2024 9.00 am - 1:00 pm via Zoom (with beaks!) How we connect to Te Tiriti as people from many backgrounds. The political context leading to a declaration in 1835 and a treaty in 1840. What the signatories agreed to.
PART 2: Wednesday 5 June 2024 9.00 am - 1:00 pm via Zoom (with breaks!) A history of colonisation: Crown actions and Māori resistance
The Treaty Principles Bill & current political context Matike Mai: a future vision for Aotearoa
This is an interactive workshop, not a webinar, so spaces are limited. Run by Tauiwi facilitators from Tangata Tiriti - Treaty People If cost is a barrier to your being able to attend, please feel free to drop us an email: If you can't make this one but would like to find out about the next opportunity, follow our Facebook page to hear about future dates or sign up here: Payment required. Link:
Tuesday 4 June, 6.30-8.30pm

Timebank Gathering: What’s been happening and what’s next, Gribblehirst Community Hub

The evening will be focused on reconnecting and sharing food. Timebank Auckland Central will also update on projects happening and a chance to hear about some exchanges. Newcomers welcome but it is a social evening rather than the usual offers and requests discovery session. Bring a dish if it’s easy. Timebank Auckland Central will sort out food closer to the time as they might like to set a meal theme. What is timebanking? Timebanking is a way to connect to your community while sharing and exchanging skills, goods and resources using time instead of money as the currency. All time is equally valued and this idea builds community and supports people in creative and interesting ways. Link:
Wednesday 5 June, 4-6pm

Speaking truth to power & keeping your job, online via Zoom

This webinar by Stop Institutional Racism is for kaimahi who want to get an expert steer on speaking up about Te Tiriti and racism in the workplace at this time. Link:
Saturday 8 June, 1-3pm

March for Nature, Aotea Square

On Saturday, June 8, at 1 pm, environmentalists will March for Nature in a peaceful protest against this Government’s reckless attacks on environmental protection. Either RSVP and just show up on the day, or if you want updates and/or you're keen to get involved in promotion or help on the day, head over to Environmentalists will march against mining on conservation land, against new oil and gas exploration, seabed mining and they'll march against the Luxon Government's War on Nature and against the one-stop shop for environmental destruction that is the fast-track approvals bill. They'll march because the fast-track bill undermines our democracy and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The march organisers are a broad coalition of environmental groups, led by Greenpeace, Forest & Bird, Coromandel Watchdog, Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, Coal Action Network Aotearoa, WWF New Zealand, Ours Not Mines - and they expect many more will join as they go. Link:
Friday 14 June, 3.30-8pm

June Cook Up, Gribblehirst Community Hub

Food Not Bombs Tāmaki Makaurau have been blessed with some wonderful food donations so this month's cook up is looking at being their most delicious yet!!!! Their next Cook up will be Friday 14 June. Food Not Bombs was started with the premise that food is a basic right. They rescue food that would otherwise be wasted and make vegan meals for the community. All are welcome to attend their cook ups of vegan food that has been rescued from landfill and donated by members of the community, as well as businesses who support our kaupapa of feeding the community through love, mutual aid and non-violence. Attendance is always free and open to everyone, and human kids and furkidsmore than welcome as long as they're okay in large groups and you can keep an eye on them. If you are attending please click going on this event and/or e-mail them at so they can plan for the number of volunteers that are attending. They will start food prep at 3.30 pm and we will be serving dinner around 6pm. Any leftover food will be frozen and served to those in need when they request it through our page. Volunteers are also encouraged to bring their own containers to take home meals as koha for their hard work. Yhry appreciate you! If you know anybody that is having a tough time at the moment please let them know about this event. Any leftovers will be packaged and stored for distribution to those who need food. Link:
Monday 17 June, 7.30-9pm

Practical strategies for effective Palestinian solidarity in the era of the IHRA, online via Zoom

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism calls anti-Zionism antisemitic. Its use distracts from the message of protest, and punishes expressions of Palestinian identity. This workshop aims to give activists practical strategies to communicate effectively. Alternative Jewish Voices-Dayenu, and Justice for Palestine, with support from ActionStation, are hosting a workshop for organisers and activists on undertaking Palestinian solidarity in the context of the IHRA definition of anti-semitism and responding to the threat the IHRA campaign poses to our movement. This session will involve a facilitated discussion, they will then workshop with participants anti-racist responses to common IHRA challenges, followed by Q&A. Who: Kate Stone, tangata Tiriti, co-convenor of Justice for Palestine, will facilitate the conversation between: Marilyn Garson is a co-founder of Alternative Jewish Voices (AJV). She has also lived and worked in Gaza. She has co-produced AJV's briefs for government and others on the IHRA definition of antisemitism, and in June she will be attending an international conference on this and related issues. Rand Hazou is a Palestinian theatre practitioner and scholar. His research explores arts engaging with rights and social justice. In Aotearoa, he has led teaching and creative projects engaging with prison, aged-care, and street communities All Palestinian solidarity and anti-racist organisers and activists are welcome. RSVP required. Link:
Sunday 23 June, 7-8pm

Tina Ngata: Speaking Truth to Power, online via Facebook

Join Mana Wahine Aotearoa on Sunday 23rd of June on the Mana Wahine Aotearoa Facebook Page: as they engage in a korero with indigenous, environmental, human rights advocate Tina Ngata. They will be diving into the impact proliferation and misinformation has on wāhine Māori. Join the Mana Wahine Aotearoa Facebook Group via:, see you there 🪴 Link:
submitted by DrippyWaffler to Aotearoa_Anarchism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:51 leahmariebrearley more screenshots from the person who was 13.

more screenshots from the person who was 13.
check the date kailee tweeted that and when she was dming the 13 year old she was obsessed with.
submitted by leahmariebrearley to KaileeMorgue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:50 Jakez9898 Beware: Unfair KOI Card Policy

Beware: Unfair KOI Card Policy
I recently received a KOI card as a birthday present in late December.
However, when I tried to use it in March, the staff told me that their system didn't show any value.
I was surprised and asked if they can check again, but to no avail. I was left feeling extremely embarrassed like a total fool trying to use a card with no value.
I reached out to KOI, and was met with a cold and sarcastic response, saying that the customer should have been the one "responsible for monitoring and utilizing the card content before expiry".
But the problem is, a user won't know the expiry date unless the user has downloaded the KOI app AND added the card to his/her account, or used the card at their outlet.
There's no indication of any expiry on the card, and I felt so cheated.
If KOI is sincere about letting the customers utilize the card that they purchased, they would have included the expiry date clearly on the card.
Beware of buying any value cards or vouchers from KOI, this is such an unfair policy.
submitted by Jakez9898 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:49 antonl99 [Store] TOP TIER SHOP / CRAFTS / GEMS - 0.00 BFK Emerald/Ruby/BP/Sapp , 2x FN Dlore (one w Titan Holo on scope), MW T2 Kimonos, FN Gungnir, M9 BP/Ruby, Kara Ruby/Emerald FLAWLESS, Kara BP, MW Spearmints, Talon BP/Ruby/Sapp, 100% BFK Fade, 4x IBP AK Redline ST MW, BFK P2, FN/FT howl, HR Holo D Blaze

Hi dear friends, everything in my inventory is up for trade and up for sale.
I also buy/sell skins via Crypto/CSGOFloat.
Check out my CSGOFloat stall here, almost every high tier item is listed here:
(This List only contain items above $100 I have a lot more items in my inventory, check that out on my profile)
This list is not always up to date there is more unlisted items in my inventory! feel free to add me to discuss offers. The fastest way to get a response is to send me a direct trade offer through my trade link.
Tips to communicate with me: be informative on what you're interested in and if you wish to buy with cash/crypto or trade.
My discord: antonbeastskins
Links to my profile / trade offer
Steam Profile:
Trade offer:
Every item is up for trade, don't be afraid to send an offer! Buyout
★ Butterfly Knife Emerald - FN - 0.008
★ Butterfly Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.008
AWP Gungnir - FN - 0.06127217784523964
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.03 Titan Holo Scope
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.06
★ Butterfly Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ Karambit Emerald - FN - 0.010
★ M9 Bayonet Black Pearl - FN - 0.022
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Ruby - FN - 0.015
★ Butterfly Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.009
★ Karambit Ruby - FN - 0.015
★ Karambit Black Pearl - FN - 0.007
M4A4 Howl - FN - 0.007
★ Moto Gloves Spearmint - MW - 0.14
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - FT - 0.32
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.01
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.02
★ Talon Knife Ruby - FN - 0.03
★ Talon Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.009
★ Sport Gloves Vice - MW - 0.12
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT - 0.356
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT - 0.323
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.14 T2 Max Red
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.12
M4A4 Howl - FT - 0.328
★ Talon Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.029
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.032
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.064
★ Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.035
★ Flip Knife Emerald - FN - 0.068
M4A1-S Knight - FN - 0.026
★ M9 Bayonet Lore - FN - 0.004
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - MW - 0.126
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor - FT - 0.257
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.012
AWP The Prince - FT - 0.189
★ Flip Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.025
★ Flip Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.018
AWP Desert Hydra - MW - 0.08
Souvenir AWP Desert Hydra - MW - 0.07
★ Ursus Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 0.007
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 0.15
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Butterfly Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 0.010
Glock-18 Fade - FN - 0.010
Glock-18 Fade - FN - 0.001
★ Huntsman Knife Emerald - FN - 0.007
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 0.018
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FN - 0.061
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 0.14
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 0.019
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 0.008
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 0.0138
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 0.0299
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 0.031
★ Sport Gloves Vice - FT - 0.194
★ Bayonet Gamma P2 - FN - 0.032
AWP Fade - FN - 0.014
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 0.054
M4A1-S Hot Rod - FN - 0.019
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - FN - 0.06
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - FT - 0.16
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FN - 0.01
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 0.24
★ Skeleton Knife - - 0.38
AK-47 Jet Set - FN - 0.064
StatTrak™ AWP Containment Breach - FN - 0.036
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 0.13
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.007
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.006
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.009
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 0.03
★ StatTrak™ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 0.05
Sticker Crown (Foil)
submitted by antonl99 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]