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Early Childhood Education: Teacher & Professional Forum

2011.10.20 05:03 Early Childhood Education: Teacher & Professional Forum

Come learn, grow, and contribute with us. We are an early childhood education discussion forum for ECE teachers to share ideas, advice, questions, current events, and experiences with each other, other ECE related professionals, parents and carers.

2013.10.15 20:10 isolani Todoist

This community is devoted to the discussion of Todoist, how to use it, tips and tricks, interesting ideas and opinions, news and updates, and how it can help us achieve our goals.

2020.06.28 01:37 RetroMonkeyBizzz KelseyLien

A subreddit regarding the saxophone professional/teacher Kelsey Lien

2024.05.18 22:34 BookkeeperNormal8636 Autonomy

If I'm teaching the same course as another teacher, are we required to deliver the same lessons, and tests, on the same schedule?
I understand the reason to keep kids at the same spot, but I have a very different skill set than this other teacher, and would like to rearrange the units to give a better experience to my students.
I'd love input if anyone just refused the "course team" model and put their foot down for professional judgement and autonomy.
submitted by BookkeeperNormal8636 to OntarioTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:57 Regular-Kick-5311 CS Master Application Advices for students from different backgrounds

I am a 2nd year management engineering student from Istanbul Technical University(ITU). My major includes fundamental engineering classes and also economics/management/production etc but since the first summer break the time I did a sales internship in a startup that provides data annotation service to AI teams and from that day I want to work in a technology industry and have a technical role in a team. Since that day I started learning python and continued on machine learning.
Nowadays I’m about finish my 2nd year and need to have a roadmap for my future professional life. I believe having a CS major would help me to understand the systems behind it and allow me to understand more deeply of AI.
My current GPA is 3.5 and also I have a opportunity to apply for double major program with robotics engineering(I can not do with Computer engineering because it will probably require more than my current gpa) but my main goal is to have a CS master in USA. What can I do to increase my chances to get in one of the good universities?
I am open to any kind of advice🙌🏻
submitted by Regular-Kick-5311 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:56 sinomaltanews "L-MUT tgħid li l-pretensjonijiet tal-ministru dwar żieda proposta ta’ €10,000 fis-salarju tal-għalliema mhumiex minni

"L-MUT tgħid li l-pretensjonijiet tal-ministru dwar żieda proposta ta’ €10,000 fis-salarju tal-għalliema mhumiex minni
Meta wieġeb għall-istqarrija tal-MUT il-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni Clifton Grima saħaq li l-proposti tal-gvern jinkludu salarju inizjali ta’ €36,000, u hedded li jippubblika l-ftehim kollu propost.
Il-Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) ċaħdet pubblikament it-talbiet li għamel il-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni Clifton Grima dwar żidiet fil-pagi tal-għalliema.
Nhar is-Sibt, l-MUT kienet qed tirreaġixxi għal artiklu ta’ ONE News, fejn Grima ħeġġeġ lill-unjin biex tinforma lill-membri tagħha bil-proposti finanzjarji tal-gvern, hekk kif stqarr li l-pakkett finanzjarju jinkludi salarju inizjali ta’ €36,000 għall-għalliema, li jirrappreżenta żieda ta’ €10,000. .
L-affermazzjonijiet tal-Ministru ta’ €10,000 żieda u salarju inizjali ta’ €36,000 għal għalliema ġodda mhumiex riflessi fil-proposti finanzjarji tal-gvern lill-MUT, qalet il-union. L-MUT ppubblikat siltiet mill-aħħar proposta tal-gvern fuq il-websajt tagħhom, li ma juru l-ebda evidenza ta’ dawn iż-żidiet allegati.
Minflok, id-dokumenti jiżvelaw żidiet proposti fit-tagħbija tat-tagħlim, telf ta’ parità bejn gradi ekwivalenti bħalissa, u arretrati tas-salarji għall-2024 eskluż l-2023.
L-MUT akkużat lill-gvern li qed jipprova jsalva wiċċ billi jiskredita lill-unjin aktar milli jaħdem lejn soluzzjoni għall-ftehim settorjali. L-union enfasizzat ir-rieda tagħha li tkompli tiġġieled għar-rikonoxximent u t-trattament ġust tal-edukaturi, peress li kkonkludiet li l-membri tagħha, ""m'għandhomx ikunu intimidati.""
Nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-MUT ħarġet ultimatum lill-gvern dwar il-ftehim settorjali li għad irid jintlaħaq qbil dwaru, hekk kif l-unjin iddikjarat ukoll tilwima kummerċjali mal-gvern.
Il-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni jwieġeb għat-talbiet tal-MUT
Meta wieġeb għall-istqarrija tal-MUT nhar is-Sibt, il-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni Clifton Grima saħaq li l-proposti tal-gvern jinkludu salarju inizjali ta’ €36,000. “U din hija żieda waħda biss għal kategorija waħda ta’ edukaturi,” qal Grima. Huwa nnota li l-proposti jinkludu aktar żidiet li ma jeħtieġux xogħol jew kwalifiki addizzjonali.
Grima tenna l-appell tiegħu biex l-MUT tinforma bis-sħiħ lill-membri tagħha, u żied li l-unjin m’hi qed tagħmel l-ebda referenza għall-aħħar żewġ laqgħat bejn il-gvern u l-union.
Grima hedded li jippubblika l-ftehim kollu propost jekk l-MUT ""tkompli taqsam informazzjoni selettiva li tpinġi stampa falza.""

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Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
針對 MUT 的聲明,教育部長 Clifton Grima 堅稱政府的提案確實包括 36,000 歐元的起薪,並威脅要公佈整個擬議交易
馬耳他教師工會(MUT)公開駁斥了教育部長克利夫頓·格里馬(Clifton Grima)關於教師加薪的說法。
週六,MUT 對 ONE News 的一篇文章做出了回應,其中 Grima 鼓勵工會向其成員通報政府的財務提案,他表示財務方案包括教師起薪 36,000 歐元,這意味著增加了 10,000 歐元。
工會表示,部長關於新教師加薪 10,000 歐元和起薪 36,000 歐元的主張並未反映在政府向 MUT 提出的財務提案中。 MUT 在其網站上發布了政府最新提案的摘錄,其中沒有顯示這些聲稱的增長的證據。
相反,這些文件顯示了擬議的教學負擔增加、當前同等年級之間的不平等,以及 2024 年(不包括 2023 年)的工資拖欠。
MUT 指責政府試圖透過抹黑工會來挽回面子,而不是努力解決部門協議。該聯盟強調其決心繼續爭取教育工作者的認可和公平待遇,並得出結論,其成員「不應被嚇倒」。
週五,MUT 就尚未達成協議的部門協議向政府發出了最後通牒,因為工會也宣布與政府之間存在貿易爭端。
教育部長回應 MUT 的說法
教育部長克利夫頓·格里馬 (Clifton Grima) 在回應 MUT 週六的聲明時堅稱,政府的提案確實包括 36,000 歐元的起薪。 「這只是一類教育工作者的加薪,」格里馬說。他指出,這些提議包括更多的加薪,但不需要額外的工作量或資格。
格里馬再次呼籲 MUT 充分告知其成員,並補充說工會沒有提及政府和工會之間的最近兩次會議。
Grima 威脅稱,如果 MUT“繼續選擇性地分享描繪虛假圖景的信息”,他將宣布整個擬議交易。

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"MUT says minister's claims of proposed €10,000 rise in teacher's salary is not true
Responding to the MUT's statement education minister Clifton Grima insisted that government's proposals does include a €36,000 starting salary, and threatened to publish the entire proposed deal
The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) has publicly refuted claims made by education minister Clifton Grima regarding salary increases for teachers.
On Saturday, the MUT was reacting to a ONE News article, where Grima encouraged the union to inform its members of government's financial proposals, as he stated that the financial package includes a starting salary of €36,000 for teachers, which represents a €10,000 increase.
The minister's assertions of €10,000 raises and a starting salary of €36,000 for new teachers are not reflected in the government's financial proposals to the MUT, the union said. The MUT published extracts from the government's latest proposal on their website, which show no evidence of these claimed increases.
Instead, the documents reveal proposed increases in teaching load, a loss of parity between currently equivalent grades, and salary arrears for 2024 excluding 2023.
The MUT accused the government of trying to save face by discrediting the union rather than working towards a solution for the sectoral agreement. The union emphasised its resolve to continue fighting for the recognition and fair treatment of educators, as it concluded that its members, ""shall not be intimidated.""
On Friday, the MUT issued an ultimatum to the government regarding the sectoral agreement which is yet to be agreed upon, as the union also declared a trade dispute with the government.
Education minister responds to MUT claims
Responding to the MUT's statement on Saturday, education minister Clifton Grima insisted that government's proposals does include a €36,000 starting salary. ""And this is only one raise for one category of educators,"" Grima said. He noted that the proposals include more raises which don't require additional work load or qualifications.
Grima reiterated his call for the MUT to fully inform its members, adding that the union is making no reference to the last two meetings between government and the union.
Grima threatened to publish the entire proposed deal should the MUT ""continue to share selective information that paints a false picture.""

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"एमयूटी का कहना है कि शिक्षक के वेतन में €10,000 की प्रस्तावित वृद्धि के मंत्री के दावे सही नहीं हैं
एमयूटी के बयान पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए शिक्षा मंत्री क्लिफ्टन ग्रिमा ने जोर देकर कहा कि सरकार के प्रस्तावों में €36,000 का शुरुआती वेतन शामिल है, और पूरे प्रस्तावित सौदे को प्रकाशित करने की धमकी दी
माल्टा यूनियन ऑफ टीचर्स (एमयूटी) ने शिक्षकों के वेतन वृद्धि के संबंध में शिक्षा मंत्री क्लिफ्टन ग्रिमा द्वारा किए गए दावों का सार्वजनिक रूप से खंडन किया है।
शनिवार को, एमयूटी एक समाचार लेख पर प्रतिक्रिया दे रहा था, जहां ग्रिमा ने संघ को अपने सदस्यों को सरकार के वित्तीय प्रस्तावों के बारे में सूचित करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया, क्योंकि उन्होंने कहा था कि वित्तीय पैकेज में शिक्षकों के लिए €36,000 का शुरुआती वेतन शामिल है, जो €10,000 की वृद्धि दर्शाता है .
संघ ने कहा कि मंत्री के €10,000 की बढ़ोतरी और नए शिक्षकों के लिए €36,000 के शुरुआती वेतन के दावे एमयूटी के लिए सरकार के वित्तीय प्रस्तावों में परिलक्षित नहीं होते हैं। एमयूटी ने अपनी वेबसाइट पर सरकार के नवीनतम प्रस्ताव के उद्धरण प्रकाशित किए, जो इन दावा की गई वृद्धि का कोई सबूत नहीं दिखाते हैं।
इसके बजाय, दस्तावेज़ शिक्षण भार में प्रस्तावित वृद्धि, वर्तमान समकक्ष ग्रेड के बीच समानता की हानि और 2023 को छोड़कर 2024 के लिए वेतन बकाया का खुलासा करते हैं।
एमयूटी ने सरकार पर क्षेत्रीय समझौते के समाधान की दिशा में काम करने के बजाय संघ को बदनाम करके चेहरा बचाने की कोशिश करने का आरोप लगाया। संघ ने शिक्षकों की मान्यता और उचित व्यवहार के लिए लड़ाई जारी रखने के अपने संकल्प पर जोर दिया, क्योंकि उसने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि उसके सदस्यों को ""डराया नहीं जाएगा।""
शुक्रवार को, एमयूटी ने क्षेत्रीय समझौते के संबंध में सरकार को एक अल्टीमेटम जारी किया, जिस पर अभी तक सहमति नहीं बनी है, क्योंकि संघ ने सरकार के साथ व्यापार विवाद की भी घोषणा की है।
शिक्षा मंत्री ने एमयूटी के दावों का जवाब दिया
शनिवार को एमयूटी के बयान पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए, शिक्षा मंत्री क्लिफ्टन ग्रिमा ने जोर देकर कहा कि सरकार के प्रस्तावों में €36,000 का शुरुआती वेतन शामिल है। ग्रिमा ने कहा, ""और यह शिक्षकों की एक श्रेणी के लिए केवल एक वेतन वृद्धि है।"" उन्होंने कहा कि प्रस्तावों में अधिक वेतन वृद्धि शामिल है जिसके लिए अतिरिक्त कार्य भार या योग्यता की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
ग्रिमा ने एमयूटी से अपने सदस्यों को पूरी तरह से सूचित करने के अपने आह्वान को दोहराया, और कहा कि संघ सरकार और संघ के बीच पिछली दो बैठकों का कोई संदर्भ नहीं दे रहा है।
ग्रिमा ने धमकी दी कि अगर एमयूटी ""झूठी तस्वीर पेश करने वाली चयनात्मक जानकारी साझा करना जारी रखता है तो वह पूरे प्रस्तावित सौदे को प्रकाशित कर देगा।""

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अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"MUT dice que las afirmaciones del Ministro sobre la propuesta de aumentar el salario de los docentes en 10.000 euros no son ciertas
En respuesta a la declaración del MUT, el ministro de Educación, Clifton Grima, insistió en que las propuestas del gobierno incluyen un salario inicial de 36.000 euros y amenazó con publicar todo el acuerdo propuesto.
El Sindicato de Profesores de Malta (MUT) ha refutado públicamente las afirmaciones del Ministro de Educación, Clifton Grima, sobre los aumentos salariales de los docentes.
El sábado, el MUT reaccionó a un artículo de ONE News, donde Grima animaba al sindicato a informar a sus miembros sobre las propuestas financieras del gobierno, afirmando que el paquete financiero incluye un salario inicial de 36.000 euros para los docentes, lo que representa un aumento de 10.000 euros. .
Las afirmaciones del ministro de aumentos de 10.000 euros y un salario inicial de 36.000 euros para los nuevos docentes no se reflejan en las propuestas financieras del gobierno al MUT, afirmó el sindicato. El MUT publicó extractos de la última propuesta del gobierno en su sitio web, que no muestran evidencia de estos supuestos aumentos.
En cambio, los documentos revelan aumentos propuestos en la carga docente, una pérdida de paridad entre las calificaciones actualmente equivalentes y atrasos salariales para 2024 excluyendo 2023.
El MUT acusó al gobierno de intentar salvar las apariencias desacreditando al sindicato en lugar de trabajar por una solución para el acuerdo sectorial. El sindicato destacó su determinación de seguir luchando por el reconocimiento y el trato justo de los educadores, y concluyó que sus afiliados ""no deben ser intimidados"".
El viernes, el MUT lanzó un ultimátum al gobierno sobre el acuerdo sectorial que aún no se ha acordado, ya que el sindicato también declaró un conflicto comercial con el gobierno.
Ministro de Educación responde a reclamos del MUT
En respuesta a la declaración del MUT del sábado, el ministro de Educación, Clifton Grima, insistió en que las propuestas del gobierno incluyen un salario inicial de 36.000 euros. ""Y este es sólo un aumento para una categoría de educadores"", dijo Grima. Señaló que las propuestas incluyen más aumentos que no requieren carga de trabajo ni calificaciones adicionales.
Grima reiteró su llamado al MUT para que informe plenamente a sus afiliados y agregó que el sindicato no hace referencia a las dos últimas reuniones entre el gobierno y el sindicato.
Grima amenazó con publicar todo el acuerdo propuesto si el MUT ""continúa compartiendo información selectiva que pinta una imagen falsa"".

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"Le MUT déclare que les affirmations du ministre concernant une proposition d'augmentation de 10 000 € du salaire des enseignants ne sont pas vraies
En réponse à la déclaration du MUT, le ministre de l'Éducation, Clifton Grima, a insisté sur le fait que les propositions du gouvernement prévoyaient un salaire de départ de 36 000 € et a menacé de publier l'intégralité de l'accord proposé.
Le Syndicat des enseignants de Malte (MUT) a publiquement réfuté les affirmations du ministre de l'Éducation, Clifton Grima, concernant les augmentations de salaire des enseignants.
Samedi, le MUT réagissait à un article de ONE News, dans lequel Grima encourageait le syndicat à informer ses membres des propositions financières du gouvernement, affirmant que le paquet financier comprend un salaire de départ de 36 000 € pour les enseignants, ce qui représente une augmentation de 10 000 €. .
Les affirmations du ministre concernant une augmentation de 10 000 euros et un salaire de départ de 36 000 euros pour les nouveaux enseignants ne se reflètent pas dans les propositions financières du gouvernement au MUT, a indiqué le syndicat. Le MUT a publié sur son site Internet des extraits de la dernière proposition du gouvernement, qui ne montrent aucune preuve de ces prétendues augmentations.
Au lieu de cela, les documents révèlent des propositions d'augmentation de la charge d'enseignement, une perte de parité entre les grades actuellement équivalents et des arriérés de salaire pour 2024 à l'exclusion de 2023.
Le MUT a accusé le gouvernement d'essayer de sauver la face en discréditant le syndicat plutôt qu'en travaillant à une solution pour l'accord sectoriel. Le syndicat a souligné sa détermination à continuer de lutter pour la reconnaissance et le traitement équitable des éducateurs, concluant que ses membres « ne doivent pas se laisser intimider ».
Vendredi, le MUT a lancé un ultimatum au gouvernement concernant l'accord sectoriel qui n'a pas encore été conclu, le syndicat ayant également déclaré un conflit commercial avec le gouvernement.
Le ministre de l'Éducation répond aux affirmations du MUT
En réponse à la déclaration du MUT samedi, le ministre de l'Éducation, Clifton Grima, a insisté sur le fait que les propositions du gouvernement incluent effectivement un salaire de départ de 36 000 €. ""Et ce n'est qu'une augmentation pour une catégorie d'éducateurs"", a déclaré Grima. Il a noté que les propositions incluent davantage d'augmentations qui ne nécessitent pas de charge de travail ou de qualifications supplémentaires.
Grima a réitéré son appel au MUT pour qu'il informe pleinement ses membres, ajoutant que le syndicat ne fait aucune référence aux deux dernières réunions entre le gouvernement et le syndicat.
Grima a menacé de publier l'intégralité de l'accord proposé si le MUT ""continuait à partager des informations sélectives qui donnent une fausse image"".

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Avis de non-responsabilité : ce site est à titre informatif uniquement et ne doit pas être considéré comme un conseil juridique [santé, fiscal, professionnel]. Nous ne sommes pas responsables des pertes, dommages ou responsabilités pouvant découler de l'utilisation de ce blog. Ce blog n'est pas destiné à remplacer un avis médical professionnel. Les opinions exprimées dans ce blog ne peuvent pas être celles de l'hôte ou de la direction.
"Laut MUT sind die Behauptungen des Ministers über die vorgeschlagene Erhöhung des Lehrergehalts um 10.000 Euro nicht wahr
In seiner Antwort auf die MUT-Erklärung bestand Bildungsminister Clifton Grima darauf, dass die Vorschläge der Regierung tatsächlich ein Einstiegsgehalt von 36.000 Euro vorsähen, und drohte mit der Veröffentlichung des gesamten vorgeschlagenen Deals
Die Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) hat Behauptungen des Bildungsministers Clifton Grima bezüglich Gehaltserhöhungen für Lehrer öffentlich zurückgewiesen.
Am Samstag reagierte die MUT auf einen Artikel von ONE News, in dem Grima die Gewerkschaft ermutigte, ihre Mitglieder über die Finanzvorschläge der Regierung zu informieren, indem er erklärte, dass das Finanzpaket ein Einstiegsgehalt von 36.000 Euro für Lehrer beinhaltet, was einer Erhöhung um 10.000 Euro entspricht .
Die Behauptungen des Ministers, Gehaltserhöhungen um 10.000 Euro und ein Einstiegsgehalt von 36.000 Euro für neue Lehrer seien nicht in den Finanzvorschlägen der Regierung für die MUT enthalten, sagte die Gewerkschaft. Die MUT veröffentlichte auf ihrer Website Auszüge aus dem neuesten Vorschlag der Regierung, die keine Beweise für diese behaupteten Erhöhungen enthalten.
Stattdessen offenbaren die Dokumente vorgeschlagene Erhöhungen des Lehrpensums, einen Verlust der Parität zwischen derzeit gleichwertigen Noten und Gehaltsrückstände für 2024 mit Ausnahme von 2023.
Die MUT warf der Regierung vor, sie versuche ihr Gesicht zu wahren, indem sie die Gewerkschaft diskreditiere, anstatt auf eine Lösung für die Branchenvereinbarung hinzuarbeiten. Die Gewerkschaft betonte ihre Entschlossenheit, weiterhin für die Anerkennung und faire Behandlung von Pädagogen zu kämpfen, und kam zu dem Schluss, dass ihre Mitglieder „sich nicht einschüchtern lassen dürfen“.
Am Freitag stellte die MUT der Regierung ein Ultimatum bezüglich der Branchenvereinbarung, auf die noch keine Einigung erzielt wurde, da die Gewerkschaft auch einen Handelsstreit mit der Regierung erklärte.
Bildungsminister antwortet auf MUT-Behauptungen
In seiner Antwort auf die MUT-Erklärung vom Samstag bestand Bildungsminister Clifton Grima darauf, dass die Vorschläge der Regierung tatsächlich ein Einstiegsgehalt von 36.000 Euro vorsähen. „Und das ist nur eine Gehaltserhöhung für eine Kategorie von Pädagogen“, sagte Grima. Er wies darauf hin, dass die Vorschläge mehr Gehaltserhöhungen vorsähen, die keine zusätzliche Arbeitsbelastung oder Qualifikationen erfordern.
Grima wiederholte seine Forderung an die MUT, ihre Mitglieder umfassend zu informieren, und fügte hinzu, dass die Gewerkschaft sich nicht auf die letzten beiden Treffen zwischen Regierung und Gewerkschaft beziehe.
Grima drohte damit, den gesamten geplanten Deal zu veröffentlichen, sollte die MUT „weiterhin selektive Informationen weitergeben, die ein falsches Bild zeichnen“.

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Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:43 CarefulExchange7269 What Does a Patent Agent Do?

A patent agent is a professional who assists inventors in preparing and filing patent applications with the goal of getting their inventions protected. They specialize in understanding patent laws and regulations, conducting research to ensure the uniqueness of an invention, and communicating technical information effectively to the patent office. Patent agents play a vital role in helping innovators navigate the complex process of obtaining a patent, which ultimately safeguards their intellectual property rights.
submitted by CarefulExchange7269 to patentlaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:42 warmandcozysuff Interview Questions

I am going back to teaching after taking a year off (substituting) and applying in a completely different area than I used to teach in. I'm pretty nervous because I haven't done an interview like this in forever. I've seen several posts asking about what questions may be asked in interviews, with no responses. It's been a while since my interviews, but I remember nailing most of them (I did A LOT of interviews before I settled on my previous school). The reason I nailed them is because my classroom management teacher gave us a list of questions and let us practice answering them with a partner at the end of every class. I also wrote out the answers to every question, so I knew I had really thought them through, and I put the questions in a little cup and pulled one out every time I passed it to practice answering them.
Honestly, I think most of us will find a job even if we do not nail the interviews, but it could be the difference between getting the job you want and just taking the job you get. So, it is important IMO to practice questions a lot if you have your heart set on a specific school.
I'm not sure how much questions have changed since COVID and everything, but I thought I'd share the list I had from back then. I'd love to know any additional questions y'all may have encountered in interviews since then, so I can add them to my little cup. I'm also happy to listen if any incoming teachers want to bounce some answers off of me! Also, most of the questions on my list were never asked in my 20 or so interviews. The most common ones back then were strengths/weaknesses, what curriculum are you familiar with, and classroom management style. There were also some new questions at each interview, though I didn't add them to my list back then unfortunately. I'm interested to know if there are any specific questions y'all have gotten over and over.
So, without further ado, heres the list my teacher gave me all those years ago:
1. Why did you become a teacher?
2. Why do you want to work at this school?
3. What kind of qualities do students look for in a teacher?
4. What do you think it takes for a teacher to be successful?
5. What is your classroom management philosophy?
6. How will you plan to build positive relationships with parents?
7. How will you handle a parent who is overly involved in your classroom?
8. How well do you know and understand the Common Core State Standards?
9. What is your opinion of classroom technology and how do you plan to integrate it?
10. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
11. What is your personal philosophy of teaching?
12. How do you anticipate identifying a struggling student? What will you do to help that student?
13. Can you describe important events of the first day of school in your classroom?
14. What do you think about teachers working together to plan lessons and test? What will you be able to contribute to this collaboration?
15. What was the most difficult aspect of your student teaching experience?
16. What are the different ways you will assess students and measure their learning?
17. How will you modify your instruction to meet the needs of a gifted learner?
18. What is the most valuable lesson you learned from your student teaching experience?
19. How do you plan to continue growing as a professional?
20. How do you plan to accommodate a student with an IEP?
21. Can you tell me an example of a lesson you’ve planned and taught that models differentiated instruction?
22. How will you prepare your students for our standardized state assessments?
23. What type of communication do you plan to have with your parents?
24. How will you handle a student who continues to interrupt your instruction?
25. How will you handle a student with autism who is having a meltdown in class?
26. What grade and/or subject do you feel most comfortable teaching?
27. What subject area is your least favorite?
28. How will you handle conflict among fellow teachers?
29. What is one area where you hope to grow professionally?
30. What is your opinion of classroom observations?
31. What classroom rules and procedures do you consider important?
32. How do you plan to address bullying in your classroom?
33. Who was your most influential teacher and why?
submitted by warmandcozysuff to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:41 Koleilei Books to become a better English Teacher

I'm new to teaching high school level English, English First Peoples (an Indigenous English course in my province), and Literary Studies. My passion is Socials and History with a heavy focus on displinary History skills, and I haven't taken an English course since somewhere around 2004. My principal has given us pro-d money to use to buy a book to count towards our Pro-D days in the summer. I'd like to find one that focuses on the fundamentals of teaching English as a subject (not EFL and not basic teaching practices or based in American CRT/CRE, but critical multiculturalism in English would be great!). I am pretty good in a History classroom, I work hard to make the material engaging, disciplinary based (using a portfolio system to showcase historical thinking concepts and skills), do a fair anount of inquiry projects, and try to add fun tidbits where I can. My students seem engaged, participate, and put effort into their learning (most of the time, they're still teens and I'm very far from perfect). I'd like to get to that point as an English teacher too, but I lack the experience, background knowledge, and finesse in that subject area. I'm hoping to use some of the Pro-D money for books on something that would help me become a better English/EFP/Literary Studies teacher.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a book(s) that might suit my goal?
submitted by Koleilei to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:40 sinomaltanews "Spa ġdida tiftaħ fiċ-ċentru ta' Great Falls

"Spa ġdida tiftaħ fiċ-ċentru ta' Great Falls
Qed tfittex post sabiħ biex tirrilassa? Studio Stiles huwa spa ġdid ta 'lussu fiċ-ċentru ta' Great Falls. Huma ospitaw ftuħ grandjuż il-Ġimgħa wara nofsinhar - kompluta b'ċerimonja tal-qtugħ taż-żigarella u trakk tat-taco.
Is-sid Tia Stiles u l-manager Jasmine Johnson iltaqgħu fi skola tal-kosmetoloġija fi Great Falls, u eventwalment fetħu l-ewwel Studio Stiles sitt snin ilu f’Malta.
Il-par huma eċċitati li jespandu s-servizzi tagħhom lill-komunità ta 'Great Falls. Is-sid Tia Stiles tgħid li l-għan tagħha għall-spa huwa li tkun “iffukata ħafna fuq il-parti lussuża tagħha. Allura, kun żgur li jkollok oasi fejn titbiegħed u tirrilassa. Aħna nagħtu t-ton meta tidħol b’xokk tas-saqajn u jew, taf, prosecco, kafè, tè, ilma, tkun xi tkun il-burdata tiegħek, u mbagħad nidħlu fis-servizzi tagħna.”
Filwaqt li l-spa joffri varjetà ta 'trattamenti tal-wiċċ, garżi tal-ġisem, u waxing, il-ġbid ewlieni huwa l-magna Neveskin tagħhom, apparat ta' sculpting tal-ġisem li jippromwovi l-issikkar tal-ġilda u t-toning.
Filmat: Landspout tornado fil-Montana
KRTV jgħid addiju lil Maggie Reilly
Ħsara maltempata f'Monarch u Neihart
Lineup tal-kunċerti: Montana State Fair
Stiles jispjega, “Ħafna nies semgħu dwar Coolsculpting. Huwa simili għal dak, l-istess xjenza, biss inqas invażivi, inqas riskju ta 'ħsara permanenti u teknoloġija aktar ġdida. Għandna xi għażliet ta 'toning sabiex jekk kellek, taf, trabi, telf ta' piż drammatiku huwa wieħed tassew kbir għalina. Jgħin biss biex tissikka dik il-ġilda.”
In-Neveskin jintuża wkoll għal trattamenti tal-wiċċ, inkluż li jdawwal u tissikka l-ġilda tal-wiċċ. Stiles jgħid li din hija għażla inqas invażiva għal dawk li qed iħarsu lejn botox jew fillers għal skopijiet ta 'kontra t-tixjiħ.
Studio Stiles huwa l-uniku spa ċċertifikat f'Montana li juża n-Neveskin il-ġdid, u kien is-seba' fin-nazzjon li rċieva l-magna tagħhom, wara li kien għadu kif ħareġ f'Marzu 2024.
Johnson jgħid, “Ġeneralment, it-teknoloġija, taf, qed tinbidel kontinwament u l-edukazzjoni dejjem titjieb. U naħseb li fl-industrija tagħna għandna nibqgħu aġġornati b'dan. Allura huwa ġdid u eċċitanti, Bħal biss, titgħallem affarijiet li jistgħu jgħinu lin-nies ta’ benefiċċju.”
Studio Stiles jinsab fiċ-ċentru ta' Great Falls f'18 Fourth Street North, Suite A. Għal lista sħiħa ta 'servizzi u biex titgħallem aktar dwar Studio Stiles, ikklikkja hawn biex iżżur il-websajt.

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Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
正在尋找一個放鬆的好地方? Studio Stiles 是大瀑布市中心的全新豪華水療中心。週五下午,他們舉辦了盛大的開幕儀式,並舉行了剪綵儀式和一輛墨西哥玉米餅卡車。
店主 Tia Stiles 和經理 Jasmine Johnson 在大瀑布城的美容學校相識,最終在六年前在馬耳他開設了第一家 Studio Stiles 工作室。
兩人很高興能夠將他們的服務擴展到大瀑布城社區。業主蒂亞·斯蒂爾斯 (Tia Stiles) 表示,她的水療中心目標是「非常注重其中的奢華部分。因此,請確保您有一個可以放鬆身心的綠洲。當你進來泡腳時,我們就定下了基調,你知道,普羅塞克、咖啡、茶、水,無論你的心情是什麼,然後我們就會開始提供服務。
雖然水療中心提供各種臉部護理、身體裹敷和打蠟服務,但最吸引人的是他們的 Neveskin 機器,這是一種可以促進皮膚緊緻和膚色的塑身設備。
KRTV 告別瑪姬·賴利
Stiles 解釋說:「很多人都聽說過酷塑。與此類似,同樣的科學,只是侵入性較小,永久損壞的風險較小,且技術更新。我們有一些塑身選項,因此,如果您已經有了嬰兒,那麼顯著的減肥對我們來說確實是一件大事。它只會幫助收緊皮膚。
Neveskin 也用於臉部護理,包括提亮和緊緻臉部肌膚。史泰爾斯說,對於那些尋求肉毒桿菌或填充劑抗衰老目的的人來說,這是一種侵入性較小的選擇。
Studio Stiles 是蒙大拿州唯一獲得使用新型 Neveskin 認證的水療中心,也是全國第七家獲得其機器的水療中心,該機器於 2024 年 3 月剛發布。
Studio Stiles 位於大瀑布城市中心 18 Fourth Street North,Suite A。

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"New spa opens in downtown Great Falls
Looking for a nice place to relax? Studio Stiles is a new luxury spa in downtown Great Falls. They hosted a grand opening Friday afternoon - complete with a ribbon cutting ceremony and a taco truck.
Owner Tia Stiles and manager Jasmine Johnson met at cosmetology school in Great Falls, eventually opening the first Studio Stiles six years ago in Malta.
The pair are excited to expand their services to the community of Great Falls. Owner Tia Stiles says her goal for the spa is to be “very much focused on the luxury part of it. So, making sure that you have an oasis to get away to and relax. We kind of set the tone when you come in with a foot soak and either, you know, prosecco, coffee, tea, water, whatever your mood is, and then we'll go into our services.”
While the spa offers a variety of facials, body wraps, and waxing, the main draw is their Neveskin machine, a body sculpting device that promotes skin tightening and toning.
Video: Landspout tornado in Montana
KRTV says farewell to Maggie Reilly
Storm damage in Monarch and Neihart
Concert lineup: Montana State Fair
Stiles explains, “A lot of people have heard of Coolsculpting. It's similar to that, same science, just less invasive, less risk of permanent damage and newer technology. We have some toning options so that if you've had, you know, babies, dramatic weight loss is a really big one for us. It just helps tighten up that skin.”
The Neveskin is also used for facials, including brightening and tightening the facial skin. Stiles says this is a less invasive option for those looking at botox or fillers for anti-aging purposes.
Studio Stiles is the only spa certified in Montana to utilize the new Neveskin, and was the seventh in the nation to receive their machine, having just been released in March 2024.
Johnson says, “Overall technology, you know, it's constantly changing and education's always getting better. And I think in our industry we have to stay up with that. So it's new and exciting, Like just, just learning things that can help benefit people.”
Studio Stiles is located in downtown Great Falls at 18 Fourth Street North, Suite A. For a full list of services and to learn more about Studio Stiles, click here to visit the website.

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"डाउनटाउन ग्रेट फॉल्स में नया स्पा खुला
आराम करने के लिए कोई अच्छी जगह खोज रहे हैं? स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स डाउनटाउन ग्रेट फॉल्स में एक नया लक्जरी स्पा है। उन्होंने शुक्रवार दोपहर को एक भव्य उद्घाटन की मेजबानी की - एक रिबन काटने की रस्म और एक टैको ट्रक के साथ।
मालिक टिया स्टाइल्स और प्रबंधक जैस्मीन जॉनसन ग्रेट फॉल्स में कॉस्मेटोलॉजी स्कूल में मिले, अंततः छह साल पहले माल्टा में पहला स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स खोला।
यह जोड़ी ग्रेट फॉल्स के समुदाय में अपनी सेवाओं का विस्तार करने के लिए उत्साहित है। मालिक टिया स्टाइल्स का कहना है कि स्पा के लिए उनका लक्ष्य ""इसके लक्जरी हिस्से पर बहुत अधिक ध्यान केंद्रित करना है। इसलिए, सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके पास दूर जाने और आराम करने के लिए एक नखलिस्तान है। जब आप पैर भिगोकर आते हैं तो हम एक तरह से टोन सेट करते हैं और या तो, आप जानते हैं, प्रोसेको, कॉफी, चाय, पानी, जो भी आपका मूड हो, और फिर हम अपनी सेवाओं में लग जाएंगे।
जबकि स्पा विभिन्न प्रकार के फेशियल, बॉडी रैप्स और वैक्सिंग प्रदान करता है, मुख्य आकर्षण उनकी नेवेस्किन मशीन है, एक बॉडी स्कल्पटिंग डिवाइस जो त्वचा को कसने और टोनिंग को बढ़ावा देती है।
वीडियो: मोंटाना में भूस्खलन बवंडर
केआरटीवी ने मैगी रीली को विदाई दी
मोनार्क और नीहार्ट में तूफान से क्षति
कॉन्सर्ट लाइनअप: मोंटाना राज्य मेला
स्टाइल्स बताते हैं, “बहुत से लोगों ने कूलस्कल्पटिंग के बारे में सुना है। यह उसी के समान है, वही विज्ञान, बस कम आक्रामक, स्थायी क्षति का कम जोखिम और नई तकनीक। हमारे पास कुछ टोनिंग विकल्प हैं ताकि यदि आपके पास, आप जानते हैं, बच्चों, नाटकीय रूप से वजन कम करना हमारे लिए वास्तव में बड़ा है। यह बस उस त्वचा को कसने में मदद करता है।
नेवेस्किन का उपयोग फेशियल के लिए भी किया जाता है, जिसमें चेहरे की त्वचा को चमकाना और कसना भी शामिल है। स्टाइल्स का कहना है कि बुढ़ापा रोधी उद्देश्यों के लिए बोटोक्स या फिलर्स की तलाश करने वालों के लिए यह एक कम आक्रामक विकल्प है।
स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स नई नेवेस्किन का उपयोग करने के लिए मोंटाना में प्रमाणित एकमात्र स्पा है, और उनकी मशीन प्राप्त करने वाला देश का सातवां स्पा था, जिसे अभी मार्च 2024 में जारी किया गया था।
जॉनसन कहते हैं, “कुल मिलाकर प्रौद्योगिकी, आप जानते हैं, यह लगातार बदल रही है और शिक्षा हमेशा बेहतर हो रही है। और मुझे लगता है कि हमारे उद्योग में हमें इसके साथ बने रहना होगा। तो यह नया और रोमांचक है, जैसे कि, बस ऐसी चीजें सीखना जो लोगों को लाभ पहुंचाने में मदद कर सकती हैं।
स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स शहर के ग्रेट फॉल्स में 18 फोर्थ स्ट्रीट नॉर्थ, सुइट ए में स्थित है। सेवाओं की पूरी सूची के लिए और स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए, वेबसाइट पर जाने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

आज की अमेज़ॅन डील (संबद्ध), किफायती वस्तुओं के लिए आपका वन-स्टॉप गंतव्य, घर की सजावट, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक, पालतू जानवरों की आपूर्ति, खेल और खिलौनों के चयन के लिए बिल्कुल सही। - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"Se abre un nuevo spa en el centro de Great Falls
¿Buscas un buen lugar para relajarte? Studio Stiles es un nuevo spa de lujo en el centro de Great Falls. Organizaron una gran inauguración el viernes por la tarde, completa con una ceremonia de inauguración y un camión de tacos.
La propietaria Tia Stiles y la gerente Jasmine Johnson se conocieron en la escuela de cosmetología de Great Falls y finalmente abrieron el primer Studio Stiles hace seis años en Malta.
La pareja está entusiasmada de ampliar sus servicios a la comunidad de Great Falls. La propietaria Tia Stiles dice que su objetivo para el spa es estar “muy centrado en la parte de lujo del mismo. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de tener un oasis al que escaparse y relajarse. Como que marcamos la pauta cuando llegas con un baño de pies y, ya sabes, prosecco, café, té, agua, cualquiera que sea tu estado de ánimo, y luego entramos en nuestros servicios”.
Si bien el spa ofrece una variedad de tratamientos faciales, envolturas corporales y depilaciones, el atractivo principal es su máquina Neveskin, un dispositivo para esculpir el cuerpo que promueve el estiramiento y la tonificación de la piel.
Vídeo: tornado terrestre en Montana
KRTV se despide de Maggie Reilly
Daños por tormentas en Monarch y Neihart
Programación de conciertos: Feria Estatal de Montana
Stiles explica: “Mucha gente ha oído hablar de Coolsculpting. Es similar a eso, la misma ciencia, sólo que menos invasiva, menos riesgo de daño permanente y tecnología más nueva. Tenemos algunas opciones de tonificación para que, si ha tenido bebés, la pérdida de peso dramática sea realmente importante para nosotros. Simplemente ayuda a reafirmar esa piel”.
Neveskin también se utiliza para tratamientos faciales, incluido iluminar y tensar la piel del rostro. Stiles dice que esta es una opción menos invasiva para quienes buscan botox o rellenos con fines antienvejecimiento.
Studio Stiles es el único spa certificado en Montana que utiliza el nuevo Neveskin y fue el séptimo en el país en recibir su máquina, ya que se lanzó recientemente en marzo de 2024.
Johnson dice: “En general, la tecnología cambia constantemente y la educación siempre mejora. Y creo que en nuestra industria tenemos que mantenernos al día con eso. Así que es nuevo y emocionante, simplemente aprender cosas que pueden ayudar a beneficiar a las personas”.
Studio Stiles está ubicado en el centro de Great Falls en 18 Fourth Street North, Suite A. Para obtener una lista completa de servicios y obtener más información sobre Studio Stiles, haga clic aquí para visitar el sitio web.

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado), su destino único para artículos asequibles, perfectos para decoración del hogar, electrónica, artículos para mascotas, deportes y selecciones de juguetes. - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Un nouveau spa ouvre ses portes au centre-ville de Great Falls
Vous cherchez un endroit agréable pour vous détendre ? Studio Stiles est un nouveau spa de luxe situé au centre-ville de Great Falls. Ils ont organisé une grande ouverture vendredi après-midi, avec une cérémonie d'inauguration et un camion de tacos.
La propriétaire Tia Stiles et la gérante Jasmine Johnson se sont rencontrées à l'école de cosmétologie de Great Falls et ont finalement ouvert le premier Studio Stiles il y a six ans à Malte.
Les deux hommes sont ravis d'étendre leurs services à la communauté de Great Falls. La propriétaire, Tia Stiles, affirme que son objectif pour le spa est « d'être très concentré sur l'aspect luxueux ». Alors, assurez-vous d’avoir une oasis où vous évader et vous détendre. Nous donnons en quelque sorte le ton lorsque vous arrivez avec un bain de pieds et, vous savez, du prosecco, du café, du thé, de l'eau, quelle que soit votre humeur, puis nous passerons à nos services.
Bien que le spa propose une variété de soins du visage, d'enveloppements corporels et d'épilations à la cire, le principal attrait est leur machine Neveskin, un appareil de sculpture corporelle qui favorise le raffermissement et la tonification de la peau.
Vidéo : Tornade de trombes terrestres dans le Montana
KRTV fait ses adieux à Maggie Reilly
Dégâts causés par la tempête à Monarch et Neihart
Programmation des concerts : Foire de l'État du Montana
Stiles explique : « Beaucoup de gens ont entendu parler du Coolsculpting. C'est similaire à cela, même science, juste moins invasive, moins de risques de dommages permanents et une technologie plus récente. Nous proposons des options de tonification, de sorte que si vous avez eu, vous savez, des bébés, une perte de poids spectaculaire est très importante pour nous. Cela aide simplement à raffermir cette peau.
Le Neveskin est également utilisé pour les soins du visage, notamment pour éclaircir et raffermir la peau du visage. Stiles dit qu'il s'agit d'une option moins invasive pour ceux qui recherchent du botox ou des produits de comblement à des fins anti-âge.
Studio Stiles est le seul spa certifié du Montana à utiliser le nouveau Neveskin et a été le septième du pays à recevoir sa machine, qui vient de sortir en mars 2024.
Johnson déclare : « Dans l'ensemble, la technologie, vous savez, évolue constamment et l'éducation s'améliore toujours. Et je pense que dans notre industrie, nous devons rester à la hauteur. C'est donc nouveau et passionnant, comme simplement apprendre des choses qui peuvent aider les gens.
Studio Stiles est situé au centre-ville de Great Falls, au 18 Fourth Street North, Suite A. Pour une liste complète des services et pour en savoir plus sur Studio Stiles, cliquez ici pour visiter le site Web.

Offres Amazon d'aujourd'hui (affilié), votre destination unique pour des articles abordables, parfaits pour la décoration intérieure, l'électronique, les fournitures pour animaux de compagnie, les sports et les jouets. - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Avis de non-responsabilité : ce site est à titre informatif uniquement et ne doit pas être considéré comme un conseil juridique [santé, fiscal, professionnel]. Nous ne sommes pas responsables des pertes, dommages ou responsabilités pouvant découler de l'utilisation de ce blog. Ce blog n'est pas destiné à remplacer un avis médical professionnel. Les opinions exprimées dans ce blog ne peuvent pas être celles de l'hôte ou de la direction.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:39 hi_kaylaaa13 How do I tell my teacher I'm going to a new studio?

Next year I plan to go to a different studio. It's not because I don't like the one I'm at, just for my goals I need a more serious studio. I've been at my current studio for 8 years but idk if I need to talk to my teacher in person or what to say. Please help 😭
submitted by hi_kaylaaa13 to BALLET [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:38 Any-Lengthiness1460 Question About Marketing First Community on Skool

Hey! I am a guitar teacher who is launching a course + community on skool. My goal is to hit 125 members at 25$/month. I currently have about 13,000 followers on instagram but am also thinking about marketing with ads. I'm thinking of creating a lead magnet, growing an email list, then pitching the course on the landing page and my goal is to reach this goal in a ~60 day timeframe. Any tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you :-)
submitted by Any-Lengthiness1460 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:37 CarefulExchange7269 What Does a Patent Agent Do?

A patent agent is a professional who assists inventors in preparing and filing patent applications with the goal of getting their inventions protected. They specialize in understanding patent laws and regulations, conducting research to ensure the uniqueness of an invention, and communicating technical information effectively to the patent office. Patent agents play a vital role in helping innovators navigate the complex process of obtaining a patent, which ultimately safeguards their intellectual property rights.
submitted by CarefulExchange7269 to PatentBarExam [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:24 Koleilei English Teaching Books

I'm new to teaching high school level English, English First Peoples, and Literary Studies (my passion is Socials and History and I've been teaching for about 15 years) and I haven't taken an English course since my early BA days. My principal has given us pro-d money to use to buy a book. I'd like to find one that focuses on the fundamentals of teaching English (not EFL and not basic teaching practices). I am pretty good in a History classroom, I work hard to make the material engaging and disciplinary based, and add fun tidbits where I can. My students seem engaged, participate, and put effort into their learning (most of the time, they're still teens and I'm very far from perfect). I'd like to get to that point as an English teacher too, but I lack the experience, background knowledge, and finesse in that subject area. I'm hoping to use some of the Pro-D money for books on something that would help me become a better English/EFP/Literary Studies teacher.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a book(s) that might suit my goal?
submitted by Koleilei to CanadianTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:24 Awkward-Ad1037 Simplifying Dynamics 365 CRM Reporting: A Look at Custom Quote Generation

Hi everyone,
I'm excited to share a glimpse into a recent project where I developed custom reports for Dynamics 365 CRM. Today, I'll be focusing on our Quote Generation Report, which exemplifies the power and versatility of our reporting solution.
Our goal was to streamline the process of generating quotes within Dynamics 365 CRM. The Quote Generation Report automates this process, pulling data from our products table and dynamically generating detailed quotes for our clients.
Key Features:
  1. Dynamic Product Integration: Each product in the quote is associated with a technical document, providing comprehensive information to the sales team and clients.
  2. Customization Options: We've built in several customization options to tailor each quote to the specific needs of our clients, offering a personalized experience:
    • Language Selection: Users can choose their preferred language for the report generation, ensuring that the content is presented in the language they prefer.
    • Template Selection: Users can select a template from the available quote templates based on the previously selected language. The data is automatically adapted to the selected template and language, enhancing the flexibility and customization of each quote.
    • Dynamic and Static Data:
      • Dynamic Data: Data is read from the CRM, ensuring real-time accuracy and relevance.
      • Static Data: For example, a product may have a technical document available in different languages. Based on the chosen language for the report, the appropriate technical document is merged with the main template, ensuring that all information is presented consistently and comprehensively.
    • Direct Download: After the report generation finishes, users can directly download the report. Each report is saved as a note in a custom entity for easy access and reference. Additionally, reports can be uploaded to SharePoint for collaborative sharing and storage purposes.
These features not only streamline the quote generation process but also empower users with the ability to create tailored, professional reports that meet their specific requirements.
Visual Showcase:
I've prepared a video walkthrough of the Quote Generation Report, giving you a firsthand look at its functionality and user interface. You can watch it here.
Additionally, I've uploaded the same sample quote document generated in the video (the data has been replaced with dummy data) using our solution. You can view and download it here.
I'm eager to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you may have about our custom reporting solution
submitted by Awkward-Ad1037 to PowerApps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:23 Sea-Kick9828 School rescinded verbal offer, probably over bad evaluation

This is a throwaway account and a rant, but basically what the title says. I am covering a parental leave at a private school where I am the youngest teacher by far in the department (and one of the youngest teachers overall). My boss seemed hesitant to hire me because of my relative inexperience but my teaching demo went very well and so I'm here.
In general, this department seems to mostly hire older, experienced teachers, which I totally understand, but a week ago, I told my boss that I have an interview at [Good Private School] in the area (since my current position is temporary), and in response to this my boss basically verbally offered me a job after telling me she had spoken with the admin and they all said I seemed to be doing a good job and they wanted me around. It was going to be for a temporary year-long position next year, but then she even said, "In December, we'd look at renewal but there's always a place for talented people." She also told me she'd come in for an observation on Monday and write up a contract by Monday afternoon. I like my current school and was honestly excited for this.
Fast forward to Monday. I was tempted to let go of my interview at the other school on Monday morning, but chose not to because I needed a formal contract. Interview went very well. Monday afternoon I had to teach at my current school and had that observation. This of course happened to be the day my otherwise lovely students decided not to cooperate with me because they didn't know they were starting a new topic, despite the fact that I had emailed them so the week before. I fully expected my boss to be observing me, but I did not expect the admin to be there too. And they were watching as the students sat there gaslighting me and I was holding firm and saying, nope, today isn't a work block.
Now, I think everyone who's taught for any amount of time knows that students try to gaslight their teachers all the time, but after the class, during my debrief with my boss, she basically blamed me for the students not knowing they were starting a new topic. She also blamed me for students seeming disengaged, which -- of course they were! They were mad at me for not giving them a work block. But she told me they were disengaged because I had spent too much time on historical background; for context, the other (more experienced) teacher teaching this class told me that she had spent half that class period on historical background that she felt was excessive. Because that class was an introduction to a new topic, I thought a dry introduction was fine, and while, admittedly, I could have been more prepared on the historical background itself, the class wasn't awful -- in the second half, once they got into the topic, they were very engaged, as even my boss acknowledged (but she said I needed to cut to the chase faster).
She didn't mention anything about the job, which I found suspicious, because she told me she'd get back to me by Monday afternoon. By Tuesday afternoon, the other school offered me a job, and then I emailed my boss, telling her they'd officially offered me a job but that I would prefer to stay at [Current School]. She congratulated me and then told me that actually they were not looking to hire me for the position they had listed, which was going to become two separate positions, one for the fall and one for the spring. She told me they wanted someone with more specific experience for the fall (totally understandable) but that I could apply to the spring position -- which is the same job I am currently in -- if I want, but that they're not "ready" to hire me right now for it.
Everything about this was so completely anger inducing. TBH it's a bullet dodged -- I don't care to work for a boss who expects perfection of this sort and blames student disengagement (for one half of one class period) on me rather than on the students. I guess she sees me as a liability for some reason (probably age, if I had to guess), or maybe admin decided they hated my observation too. But if she was going to make the position contingent on one observation, she should have told me that before giving me a verbal offer.
I think this lack of professionalism flourishes in schools because everyone knows you can't leave the same way you can in corporate. I have less than a month of my contract left; had this been corporate, I would have been out the door already, but because I care about my students, I can't exactly do that.
Oh, and I turned down the other school's offer, too. I'm leaving teaching after this. Have seen enough poorly managed schools and programs despite my young age and this was the last straw, because it's otherwise a good school but the lack of professionalism really pissed me off. I have outside options and, fortunately, have managed to keep one foot in the door of the private sector with some part-time work, and would rather make the switch this early in my career than feel trapped in teaching for a minute longer.
submitted by Sea-Kick9828 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:14 seo-agency-in-india Affordable SEO Services in Delhi for Businesses

Affordable SEO Services in Delhi for Businesses
affordable SEO services in Delhi
In the competitive landscape of Delhi, businesses need effective SEO strategies to enhance their online presence and attract more customers. Finding an affordable yet reliable SEO agency in Delhi can be challenging but not impossible. This guide will help you understand how to find the best SEO services in Delhi that are cost-effective and result-driven.

Understanding the Importance of SEO for Businesses

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for any business aiming to improve its online visibility. SEO involves optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results, thereby increasing organic traffic. For businesses in Delhi, local SEO is particularly important to attract nearby customers. A good SEO agency in Delhi will understand the local market and implement strategies tailored to your needs.

What to Look for in an SEO Agency in Delhi

When searching for the best SEO services in Delhi, consider the following factors:
Experience and Expertise: Look for an agency with a proven track record in delivering successful SEO campaigns. Check their portfolio and case studies to understand their expertise.
Customized SEO Strategies: The best SEO agency in Delhi will offer personalized strategies that align with your business goals. Avoid agencies that use a one-size-fits-all approach.
Transparent Reporting: Transparency in reporting is crucial. Ensure the agency provides regular updates and detailed reports on the progress of your SEO campaigns.
Ethical SEO Practices: Confirm that the agency uses white-hat SEO techniques. Unethical practices can lead to penalties from search engines, harming your online reputation.
Affordable Pricing: While cost is a significant factor, the cheapest option isn’t always the best. Look for an agency that offers a good balance between affordability and quality of services.

Benefits of Affordable SEO Services

Opting for affordable SEO services in Delhi can provide numerous benefits for your business:
Cost-Effective Growth: Affordable SEO services enable small and medium-sized businesses to compete with larger companies without breaking the bank.
Improved Online Visibility: Effective SEO strategies can boost your website’s ranking on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
Higher Conversion Rates: Targeted SEO efforts can attract the right audience, increasing the likelihood of converting visitors into customers.
Long-Term Results: Unlike paid advertising, the benefits of SEO are long-lasting. Once your website ranks high, it can maintain its position with minimal ongoing investment.

How to Choose the Best SEO Services in Delhi

Selecting the right SEO agency in Delhi involves careful consideration. Here are steps to help you make the right choice:
Research and Shortlist: Start by researching various SEO agencies in Delhi. Create a shortlist based on their experience, services, and client reviews.
Evaluate Their Proposals: Request proposals from shortlisted agencies. Evaluate their approach, the services they offer, and how they plan to achieve your business goals.
Check References and Reviews: Contact past clients and read online reviews to get a sense of the agency’s reputation and reliability.
Schedule Consultations: Arrange meetings with the top candidates to discuss your needs in detail. This will help you assess their understanding of your business and their communication skills.
Assess Their Commitment to Your Success: The best SEO agency in Delhi will be genuinely interested in helping your business grow. Look for an agency that offers ongoing support and is invested in your long-term success.
Finding affordable SEO services in Delhi doesn’t mean compromising on quality. By considering factors like experience, customized strategies, transparency, ethical practices, and affordable pricing, you can find the best SEO services in Delhi that will help your business thrive. With the right SEO agency in Delhi, you can achieve higher search engine rankings, attract more customers, and grow your business sustainably.
submitted by seo-agency-in-india to u/seo-agency-in-india [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:12 New_Carpenter3333 Single Mom of 1 Urgently Looking for Share

Hi all. I’m urgently looking for temporary housing the the Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin area.
The Situation: I’m a 47 year old professional woman and mother of a 13 year old daughter. I moved to the Bay Area to pursue a career in the Tech industry, but I’ve been affected by tech layoffs. I currently live in Pleasanton in a 2BR apartment with a monthly rent of $2800. I’ve been living in this apartment for over 3 years and I’ve been in Pleasanton for nearly 5 years. I’ve been unemployed full-time for 6 months, exhausted all of my savings and I can no longer afford my rent. I’m at risk of losing my apartment and I’m looking for a share to move-in around mid June. I don’t drink or smoke. I’m 420 friendly, but not around kids. Love working out and generally live a healthy and drama-free lifestyle.
What I need: I’m looking for a large unfurnished room, in-law unit, studio or the like for a reasonable rent (I know that reasonable is subjective in the Bay). I don’t want to disrupt things too badly for my daughter and change schools in her last year of middle school and take us away from our community, so I’m looking to stay in the Tri-Valley or close to it. We’re originally from the East Coast and don’t have family here who can help, so I’d like to stay close to the community that we do have. East Oakland, San Leandro, Castro Valley, Hayward or Fremont could also work. I have a 16 year old cat who likely won’t be around for much longer and that I’ve had since a kitten and I really, really, really dread parting with him. Thinking long-term, I’d like to move into a house and rent two rooms (in Alameda or Berkeley) for my daughter and I during high school years, but that option may be cost prohibitive right now.
My current income: I’m working two different part-time jobs with an hourly rate that’s much less than what I’m used to. I’m onboarding as a substitute teacher with an organization, will do Uber in between jobs and I’m actively interviewing for full-time roles with salaries at or near what I’m used to. I’ve been gainfully employed for over 20 years and never thought that I’d be in this situation. I have the experience and credentials to get a full time job, but time isn’t on my side right now.
Since posting, I’ve seen that some suspect that I’m a scam. I’m not scamming. I’ve also suspected that some people are looking to scam me. I’m not for it. I’ll provide all the references that you need and I’ll be expecting for you to verify that you’re who you say you are too. I’d expect that we’d talk by phone, meet in person and I’d see the space. Please provide pics of your space if you have them. I’m absolutely not sending anyone any money before meeting, seeing the space and agreeing to move forward. I’m definitely not sending you my bank account or personal information because you’re so generous and want to help.
If you don’t have a room for us but you do have a job lead, I’ll take that too! I’m a Project Manager who’s worked at some of the top tech companies in the area.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by New_Carpenter3333 to SFBayHousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:12 HiJumpT I'm so done with it all

For the last 2 years I've been good, attended mental hospital once and have been in therapy since then plus on ADHD meds bc I have diagnosed ADHD plus NPD. My whole life sucks. Bad grades, horrible gpa, divorced parents and only one of them genuinely cares and supports me. Fully independent person, I've distanced so many ppl from my personal life that way they don't and can't know. I'm done with it all, at least my friends sometimes care about me. I'm always the one to get mad first and when I do get mad I can never calm down for days afterwards. I do so many sports to distract my mind from mental health issues. I just want to end it all soon. All my teachers hate me and same goes for all my school coaches. I only have about one week left of school at the current moment and none of my friends want to do anything with me for the last day of school. They all hate me because of a recent incident where I got in a fight and messed up the other guy (he deserved to be put in his place, he was beating up a freshman girl). Now I've been framed for the incident and everyone shames and looks down on me. Finals are coming up and I can't study because I have to write apology letters and texts and emails to various people to apologize for my recent failures. The one girl I have liked for a long time I was going to ask her out on the last day of school but none of those friends want to see me anymore. I try to be nice but everyyime I try to be nice I end up being the "too harsh" person in the end. "Money can buy happiness" my ass, I have plenty of money and it just makes me sick to the stomach to use or see any of it. I'm depressed and sad because of money. I have donated so much to other people and given back to churches and charities but it never makes me feel happy in return. I haven't smiled out of pure happiness in over 3 years and am cold and either too loud or too quiet. I'm extremely narcissistic and always want control of everything I can't have control over. I just want 5 more years to try and prove that life is worth my time that I have already wasted. Just have to make it to 20, then I'll make my decision. But for now I want to end it before my time is up. To the average person my life would seem amazing and so enjoyable but deep down it sucks and I just want to disappear off the face of the planet for good. The only thing keeping me alive is the fear that my father might follow in my footsteps because he's been hit pretty hard due to work and so many other things. My mom doesn't care about my own goals or thoughts and is never trying to be supportive or on my side of things. My brother is the only person I've trusted and he just sees another happy person instead of a cold, narcissistic, depressed kid who wants to die. I constantly think about just ending it all tomorrow but I know that if I do end it all, everything will fall apart even more and nothing will get better for anyone. My late girlfriend killed herself because she didn't see good in humans and didn't want to be a part of the world. Same goes for me now. Please just let me stop being afraid and let me end it all, please just let me die and be done with everything. No more emotions, no more mental disorders or problems, no more me.
submitted by HiJumpT to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:11 MermazeAblaze Exposé of Principal Dr Misti Tope

Dr. Misti Tope, principal of Classen School of Advanced Studies at Northeast High School in Oklahoma City, has been the subject of growing controversy. Allegations of fostering an environment of fear and hostility, coupled with acts of racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, and misogyny, have surfaced from students, parents, and faculty. This exposé delves into the troubling realities under her administration, providing a detailed account of her impact on the school community and the systemic issues at play.
A Climate of Fear and Hostility
Since Dr. Tope assumed her role, there has been a marked increase in complaints from all corners of the school community. Parents have resorted to organizing private meetups to discuss their grievances, underscoring the pervasive fear and dissatisfaction. Students, feeling unheard and marginalized, have taken to creating petitions such as the "Say Nope to Tope" campaign, highlighting their desire for change.
Aligning with Controversial Views
Dr. Tope's public statements indicate her intent to align the school's educational environment with the views of Ryan Walters, the Oklahoma Secretary of Education known for his conservative and often controversial stance on various social issues. This alignment has raised alarms among many, especially as Walters' views are seen as divisive and not conducive to an inclusive educational setting.
Discrimination and Intimidation
Firing of Teachers
One of the most troubling aspects of Dr. Tope’s tenure is her treatment of teachers of color and LGBTQ+ faculty. She has systematically fired or forced out several teachers of color under dubious circumstances. Notably, Mx. Mustain, a trans teacher nearing tenure, was dismissed without just cause. These actions suggest a deliberate effort to purge the school of diversity and suppress any dissenting voices within the faculty.
Threats Against Female Students
Dr. Tope has also exhibited a disturbing pattern of intimidating female students who report predatory behavior by faculty members. Furthermore, she disbanded an after-school club formed to offer support to students over a broad range of topics, including predatory behavior - threatening to disband any group that seeks to protect itself from predatory teachers. One student reported receiving a threatening call from a private number, during which Dr. Tope did not identify herself but implied severe consequences if the student continued their advocacy. Dr. Tope later admitted to making this call when confronted and it was allegedly condoned by the Oklahoma City Public School District administration per Dr. Tope.
Inappropriate Physical Conduct
Dr. Tope’s misconduct extends to physical interactions with students. She has been accused of groping students during dress code checks, making derogatory comments about their bodies regardless of any actual dress code violations. Her actions have been described as not only invasive but also profoundly inappropriate, contributing to a culture of discomfort and fear among female students.
Racism and Antisemitism
Targeting Black Students
Dr. Tope's administration has been particularly hostile towards black students. She has attempted to disband the Black Student Union (BSU) multiple times and has made openly racist remarks. She has referred to black students as "rats and roaches" and suggested that they are incapable of learning, likening them to goldfish with limited memory. These comments have exacerbated racial tensions and marginalized black students, making them feel unwelcome and undervalued in their own school.
Holocaust Denial
Dr. Tope’s antisemitic views are equally alarming. She is an active Holocaust denier and has disrupted educational programs about the Holocaust. A notable incident involved her removing the son of a Holocaust survivor from the stage during a presentation. By shutting down these important conversations, Dr. Tope undermines educational efforts to teach tolerance and historical accuracy.
Behavior of Dr. Tope’s Son
Dr. Tope’s son, also a student at the school, has contributed to the hostile environment. He is known for carving swastikas and other Nazi imagery around the school and making antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, and racist remarks. Despite this behavior, Dr. Tope dismisses it, blaming it falsely on influences from anime, and allows her son to skip classes and roam the school freely.
Transphobia and Misogyny Discriminatory Policies
Transgender students have faced severe discrimination under Dr. Tope’s leadership. She has enforced policies that force transgender students to use restrooms corresponding to their biological gender and dress according to their biological gender. Additionally, she has relocated the gender-neutral restroom several times to make it less accessible, further marginalizing these students.
Double Standards
The treatment of male and female students reveals a disturbing double standard. Male students who have exposed themselves to female students have received minimal punishment, such as detention, while female students reporting these incidents are dismissed as "overemotional" and "dramatic." This disparity not only perpetuates a culture of misogyny but also discourages female students from coming forward with legitimate concerns.
Investigation and Student Perception
Before the publication of this exposé, the Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) conducted a comprehensive investigation into Dr. Tope's leadership at Classen School of Advanced Studies. This investigation included an anonymous parent survey aimed at assessing Dr. Tope's effectiveness and the level of trust she commands within the school community. Despite Dr. Tope's public efforts to cultivate a friendly rapport with black students (mere hours before the survey was made public), her actions were met with skepticism and rejection by the student body.
Statistical Context
To understand the broader implications of Dr. Tope's actions, it is essential to consider national and state statistics on the issues at hand. According to the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey by the CDC, 36.3% of LGBTQ+ students reported being bullied on school property, and 18.4% experienced physical dating violence. The ADL reported a 34% increase in antisemitic incidents in schools across the U.S. from 2018 to 2021. In Oklahoma, these issues are equally pressing, with numerous reports of discriminatory incidents in schools across the state, highlighting the urgent need for inclusive and supportive educational environments.
Impact of Discrimination on Academic Performance and Mental Health
Extensive research underscores the profound impact of discrimination on academic performance and mental health among high school students. Studies published by the American Psychological Association reveal that experiences of homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, racism, and antisemitism significantly impede academic achievement among adolescents in grades 9 through 12. Moreover, these discriminatory experiences are strongly associated with increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation among affected youth.
For instance, a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that LGBTQ+ students who experienced high levels of victimization based on their sexual orientation or gender identity were more likely to report lower grades and higher rates of absenteeism compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers. Similarly, research conducted by the National Association of School Psychologists indicates that exposure to racial discrimination contributes to elevated levels of psychological distress and impaired academic functioning among students of color.
Inclusivity Across Demographics
It is imperative to acknowledge the intersectionality of discrimination and its differential impacts across various demographic groups. According to data from the U.S. Department of Education's Civil Rights Data Collection, students from marginalized racial and ethnic backgrounds, including Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, and Native Americans, often face disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes due to systemic inequities. Additionally, transgender and LGBTQIA+ students frequently encounter hostile school environments characterized by harassment, bullying, and exclusion, which detrimentally affect their academic engagement and well-being.
Research in the field of developmental psychology emphasizes the importance of creating inclusive and affirming school climates that validate students' diverse identities and lived experiences. Positive school environments that foster a sense of belonging and acceptance have been shown to promote academic success, psychological resilience, and social-emotional well-being among students from marginalized groups. By prioritizing equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives, educational institutions can cultivate a culture of mutual respect and support that benefits all members of the school community.
Support Resources
In light of the mental health challenges exacerbated by discrimination and prejudice, it is crucial to provide accessible resources and interventions to support students in distress. School-based mental health services, such as counseling, therapy, and peer support groups, play a vital role in addressing the emotional needs of students experiencing discrimination-related stressors. Additionally, community-based organizations and advocacy groups offer valuable resources, helplines, and crisis intervention services tailored to the specific needs of LGBTQ+ youth, racial/ethnic minority students, and other marginalized populations.
Empowering students to advocate for systemic change and social justice within their schools can also promote resilience and collective empowerment. Educational initiatives that promote diversity education, cultural competence, and inclusive curriculum development contribute to creating equitable learning environments that affirm students' identities and promote social equity.
By integrating evidence-based practices, trauma-informed approaches, and culturally responsive strategies into school-based interventions, educators and mental health professionals can address the multifaceted needs of students affected by discrimination and promote positive youth development outcomes. Through collaborative efforts and sustained commitment to equity and social justice, educational stakeholders can work together to dismantle systemic barriers and create inclusive communities where all students can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.
Student and Parent Mobilization
The dissatisfaction with Dr. Tope's administration has reached a critical point. Students recently cornered Dr. Tope in her office, an act indicative of their desperation and frustration. A planned walkout threatened to escalate into violence, with rumors of a possible attack on Dr. Tope’s son. Parents and students are organizing and mobilizing independently, indicating a breakdown of trust in the school’s administration.
Administrative and Legal Failures
The response from school resource officers and local police has been inconsistent and troubling. When contacted, the OKCPD and OKCPS Resource Officers provided conflicting accounts of the incidents, revealing a lack of proper communication and coordination. The mishandling of serious allegations internally by the school administration points to deeper systemic issues and raises questions about accountability and transparency.
Dr. Misti Tope’s leadership has led to a toxic environment at Classen School of Advanced Studies. Her discriminatory practices and intimidation tactics have harmed students and faculty, creating an atmosphere of fear and hostility. As parents and students mobilize for change, it is clear that Dr. Tope’s tenure is untenable. For the future of Classen and the well-being of its community, it is imperative that these issues are addressed and resolved promptly. The school needs a leader who fosters inclusivity, respect, and safety for all its members.
For those who may be struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts as a result of discrimination or other challenges, it's important to seek support. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential support 24/7. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or visit their website for more information and resources.
submitted by MermazeAblaze to InfernalBurner [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:10 opusmomentum Best Digital Marketing Agency in Lucknow with Opus Momentum

Best Digital Marketing Agency in Lucknow with Opus Momentum
Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh, is known for its vibrant culture and heritage. In recent years, it has also emerged as a significant hub for digital innovation and business growth. Choosing the right digital marketing agency is crucial for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and achieve their marketing goals. This article will guide you through the best digital marketing agencies in Lucknow, with a spotlight on Opus Momentum.

Criteria for Selecting the Best Digital Marketing Agency

Best Digital Marketing Agency in Lucknow
When selecting a digital marketing agency, consider the following criteria:
Range of Services Offered: Ensure the agency offers comprehensive services, including SEO, social media marketing, PPC, content marketing, and web development.
Experience and Expertise: Look for agencies with a proven track record and experienced professionals.
Client Testimonials and Case Studies: Check for positive reviews and successful case studies.
Innovation and Use of Latest Technologies: The agency should leverage the latest tools and technologies to deliver results.
Pricing and Value for Money: Assess whether the agency offers competitive pricing and delivers value for your investment.
Customer Support and Responsiveness: The agency should provide excellent customer support and be responsive to your needs.

Top Digital Marketing Agencies in Lucknow

1. Opus Momentum

Overview: Opus Momentum stands out as a leading digital marketing agency in Lucknow, known for its strategic approach and comprehensive services.
Unique Selling Points: Opus Momentum is renowned for its client-centric approach, innovative strategies, and a dedicated team of experts.
Notable Clients and Case Studies: Opus Momentum has worked with various businesses, helping them achieve significant online growth and enhanced brand visibility.

2. Digital Jugglers

Overview: Digital Jugglers is another prominent digital marketing agency in Lucknow, offering a wide array of services.
Key Services: SEO, social media management, content marketing, web development, PPC.
Unique Selling Points: Known for its creativity and effective marketing strategies.
Notable Clients and Case Studies: Digital Jugglers has a solid portfolio of successful campaigns for diverse clients.
3. PromoteDial
Overview: PromoteDial specializes in result-driven digital marketing solutions.
Key Services: SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media management.
Unique Selling Points: Focuses on delivering measurable results and ROI for clients.
Notable Clients and Case Studies: Successfully executed campaigns that have significantly boosted client’s online presence.
4. Rank Up Technologies
Overview: Rank Up Technologies offers specialized SEO services and digital strategy consulting.
Key Services: SEO, web development, digital strategy consulting.
Unique Selling Points: Expertise in SEO and customized digital strategies.
Notable Clients and Case Studies: Proven success in enhancing search engine rankings and online visibility for clients.
5. Click Retina
Overview: Click Retina excels in social media marketing and web design.
Key Services: Social media marketing, web design, SEO, content creation.
Unique Selling Points: Known for creative social media campaigns and appealing web designs.
Notable Clients and Case Studies: Helped clients achieve significant engagement and brand recognition.
6. Digital Nawab
Overview: Digital Nawab provides holistic digital marketing strategies tailored to client needs.
Key Services: SEO, social media management, PPC, comprehensive digital strategies.
Unique Selling Points: Personalized approach and extensive digital marketing expertise.
Notable Clients and Case Studies: Delivered successful marketing campaigns with impressive results.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Opus Momentum: Successfully executed a multi-channel marketing campaign for a leading e-commerce brand, resulting in a 50% increase in online sales and a 30% improvement in brand visibility.
Digital Jugglers: Boosted a local retailer’s online presence, leading to a 40% increase in website traffic and a 25% growth in sales.
PromoteDial: Achieved a 45% reduction in cost-per-click (CPC) for a real estate client through targeted PPC campaigns.


Q1: Why should I choose a digital marketing agency in Lucknow?
A: Digital marketing agencies in Lucknow offer local market expertise, competitive pricing, and comprehensive services tailored to your business needs.
Q2: What makes Opus Momentum a top choice?
A: Opus Momentum stands out for its strategic approach, innovative solutions, and a dedicated team that delivers measurable results.
Q3: How can I measure the success of my digital marketing campaigns?
A: Success can be measured through various metrics such as increased website traffic, higher search engine rankings, improved conversion rates, and enhanced social media engagement.


Lucknow is home to several exceptional digital marketing agencies, each offering unique strengths and services. Whether you choose Opus Momentum, Digital Jugglers, PromoteDial, Rank Up Technologies, Click Retina, or Digital Nawab, you can be assured of innovative strategies and impressive results. By selecting the right agency, you can effectively enhance your online presence and achieve your business goals.
submitted by opusmomentum to u/opusmomentum [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:06 shalott1988 Interview with Team OA

Video link on Bilibili: 【OnceAgain探班来袭!老友重聚再冲一次-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/lJBBNKN
Xiao Shuang: Ex-OWL commentator, Community Manager for the 2023 OWWC Team From China; she's also been doing a series of one-on-one interviews with the ex-Spark members in the meantime, including the trip to an adult expo with Guxue.
Mu Zi: Ex-OWL caster
(Note: I skipped a bunch of the chatter from the hosts since I'm a bit lazy; sorry! A lot of respect for the old Chinese OWL crew.)
Interviews were done in small groups (seemingly by room assignment):
Mmonk: Hello hello, I'm Mmonk from...(pause)OA.
Shy: Hello everybody, I'm Shy from............um. Shy. From OA.
Host XS: You've been streaming full time for a long while now; how does it feel to return to pro play? Has it been a smooth transition?
Shy: It's been a little difficult to adjust. Playing OW professionally again, I feel like my attitude towards the game is a bit different.
Mmonk: About the same.
Host XS: (laughing) You have such a talent for interviews. (Mmonk's post-game interview answers during OWL were notoriously brief and awkward.).
Host MZ: How well would you say you've shaken off the rust?
Shy: We're returning...we've scrimmed for a few days, and I feel like we've been improving day by day. (Note: Leave leaked a screen a few days back showing something like a 1-11 record in custom games).
Host MZ: What about Mmonk?
Mmonk: (ducking away from the mic) Um, we're maybe back to 50%.
Host MZ: Okay, what about a simpler question. Now that you're back, have you guys set a goal for yourselves?
Shy: Umm...I'm not setting a big ambitious goal, I don't want to jinx us. I think I'm just trying to focus on succeeding in head-to-heads.
Mmonk: I think just beating the top two teams once. (I think that's what he meant? Otherwise it sounds like he's saying just playing the top two teams, which seems TOO unambitious).
Host XS: Have you missed the feeling of being back in a training environment?
Shy: Honestly, it's been a tiny bit hard to get used to it again. At home, I can start playing as soon as I sleep...(pauses, visibly rewinds) I mean, I can start playing as soon as I wake, then sleep when I'm done playing. Here, the schedule is very rigid. It's a bit nostalgic, makes me think of my school days.
Mmonk: I really missed this kind of lifestyle. Being a full-time streamer for me is torture.
Host XS: (Laughing) Okay okay, last question. You have a new coach now, it's your first time working with Rush. How has it felt working with him over the past few days?
Shy: He's awesome. Just wait till you see the results.
Mmonk: Rush is a very serious person. He'll point out any flaws.
LENGSA (with truly impressive bedhead)
Host XS: How does it feel? Now that you're back to communal living, do you have to keep ordering takeout? (Note: Lengsa revealed in the past that he's accomplished at ordering super super cheap takeout, it's become a bit of a meme in CNOW circles).
Lengsa: The good thing about communal living is that I don't have to get takeout! I can go out with the others for meals and eat a bit more.
Host MZ: So how does it feel for you to go from full-time streaming back to the lifestyle of a professional player?
Lengsa: It feels like freedom.
Host XS: How does it feel to work with a mixture of old and new staff? Have you gotten used to having a new coach yet?
Lengsa: Um...(strokes chin) I share a room with the new coach, so we're still getting used to each other.
Hosts: You share a room??
Lengsa: Yep.
Host XS: Is it easy to communicate?
Lengsa: We give our translation apps a good workout.
Host XS: I remember when we were talking last time over dinner, I asked how you guys were doing, and you said you couldn't even beat the last place Korean team. Now that you've had a few days of training under your belt, do you feel like you're getting back in the groove?
Lengsa: Now we're playing the top few teams.
Hosts: Oooohhh.
Host XS: Okay, let's do a quick pop quiz. Please introduce yourself.
Lengsa: Hi everyone, I'm Lengsa from Hang--Team OA.
Host MZ: Three players, and not a single one has gotten that out smoothly.
Creed: Hi everyone, I'm Creed.
Host XS: Creed from...?
Creed: Uh, I'm...(thinking) Creed from Team OA.
Hosts: (Laughing) Not a single one.
Host MZ: We're very happy to see you back. How do you feel about the team? Now that you're back, have things changed at all?
Creed: I don't think so. Feels like it did during the HZ Spark playoffs.
Host MZ: So what are your hopes for this new team?
Creed: Hopes? To make another run, I guess.
Host XS: You received an invitation to join this team. How did you feel when the invite came?
Creed: "Finally!"
Host MZ: The players haven't played professionally in a really long time. As a coach, how do you feel like you can help them?
Creed: I think just scrimming as usual is sufficient. We've been scrimming the past few days and I feel like they're recovering pretty well.
Host XS: My last question is about how you feel. I know that you must have felt regret that you couldn't be with the team during the last OW World Cup. Now that you've returned, do you feel like it's a chance to make up for that regret?
Creed: Well, about the World Cup, you know I had COVID at the time. And honestly, after the playoffs, I was very tired and needed some rest. But after resting I did regret that I wasn't able to go with them. This time I feel like I need to grab every opportunity.
Creed: I'm especially thankful to Yaoxie. Rush and I were both recommended by Yaoxie. Originally it was supposed to be the three of us coaching, but he couldn't make it here for personal reasons. I hope that once he takes care of those issues he can join us. If he has the time, he's gotta come! I miss him, I want to keep working with him.
Rush: Ni hao. (waves)
Host XS: We've gathered a lot of questions from the fans and chosen a few of them to ask Coach Rush.
Host MZ: First question -- as your first time coming to China and coaching a full Chinese team, how did you feel when you received the invitation?
Rush: This actually isn't the first time I've coached a full Chinese team. (Rush used to coach Team 1246) Because I've already had that experience, this hasn't been that much of a change. The players are also all players I'm very familiar with. Because the players are all very good, I'm also very happy and content.
Host XS: My question is about something behind-the-scenes--when Coach Rush joined our first meeting, Guxue asked if you could bring some ramen over from Korea. May I ask Coach Rush if you can show us what types of ramen you brought?
Rush: I really brought a big trunk of ramen and snacks over from Korea! I asked what kinds of ramen they didn't have in China and I brought a lot over. Mainly turkey ramen.
Host MZ: Here's my next question for Rush. There are a lot of strong teams in the Asia region, and among them there are a lot of your old opponents like Moon and Crusty. Do you feel a lot of pressure facing them?
Rush: Since Overwatch isn't a game that sees a lot of changes even if you've set it aside for awhile, that's not a huge problem. Because we still have a good amount of time, if we start training really hard now, I feel like we can win, whether it's against Team Falcons or Crazy Raccoon.
Host XS: Moon said recently that he really wished he could have coached 2023's Team China. That said, it's Coach Rush who's getting that chance. Do you have anything you want to say to Coach Moon?
Rush: Um...not really. Coach Moon was in China for a long time, and it's natural that he'd want to try different things. I've also coached overseas and worked with players of other nationalities before. New challenges are always enjoyable. I'm sure if he has a chance he'll also work with other Chinese teams and players. If we face each other again with all-new teams that'll probably be fun. Coach Moon is currently with Korean players on a Japanese team, which might seem a bit odd, but if we meet, we'll still take them down no problem.
Host XS: Anything else you want to say to your fans?
Rush: When I came to China last time, not a lot of people knew about me, and I probably didn't have any fans. Now people probably know me a little bit, and I might have some fans? I'd like to say to them: thank you for your support, and please keep supporting our team. We'll work hard to bring you good news and good results.
Leave: (Starts laughing before the interview even starts and sets the others off)
Host XS: What are you laughing about?? Since you're laughing, I need to test you--please introduce yourself.
Leave: Wait, wait. Hi everyone, I'm Leave.
Host XS: Leave from...?
Leave: I'm Leave from Hang--OA.
Hosts: (Laughing) Xu Qiulin, your turn. (Xu Qiulin = Guxue's real name).
Guxue: Hi everyone, I'm Guxue from OA.
Host MZ: This guy came prepared. Not like this other guy.
Host XS: Going from being a streamer to being a professional player again, how have you dealt with this sudden change in status? Has it been an easy transition? What's been the most difficult adjustment?
Leave: The in-game part's been pretty good. If I needed to choose something that was difficult to adjust to, I'd say it's the lifestyle and sleep schedule. Because we have two-person rooms...yep, this is my roommate, let me introduce him (points to Guxue), we sleep in the same room. Everyone's sleep schedule and habits and whether or not they snore are very different.
Hosts + Guxue: (Laughing, since Guxue & Leave have been playing up an adversarial relationship on stream the past few months.)
Host MZ: Leave, are you satisfied with your current roommate?
Leave: Pretty good, not bad (laughs)
Host MZ: Guxue, what about you? How do you feel, going back to communal living?
Guxue: I think I've adjusted pretty well. Being a full-time streamer the last half year, it was too lonely. It feels nice to return to living with everyone.
Host MZ: Okay, then I also have to ask, are you satisfied with your current roommate?
Guxue: (Pause) I think my current roommate is pretty okay.
Host MZ: Very direct! No hesitation.
Host XS: I also want to ask the question that I think everyone is most concerned about--how's training going? How much of your full strength do you think you've recovered?
Leave: 30%, probably.
Host MZ: That's very conservative.
Leave: Is it conservative?
Host MZ: I don't know
Leave: Have you watched our scrim VODs? (Recently some OA scrim codes were reported to have leaked.).
Host MZ: I haven't! How would I? I just think you're being modest.
Guxue: If you sub to my stream I'll show you one.
Host MZ: No no no no no. So what about you? What percentage of your strength do you think you've recovered?
Guxue: I think I'm doing pretty well. Even though I'm just streaming, I've been constantly prepping while streaming. I've played over a thousand games in ranked per season to keep ready.
Host XS: Now that there are competitions on the horizon, what kind of goals are you setting for yourself?
Leave: A 5-5 win rate against Team Falcons, and a 4-6 win rate against Crazy Raccoons. I think that would be pretty decent.
Host XS: Who's 4 and who's 6?
Leave: Guess.
Host MZ: For Guxue, since you play the tank position, and we know that tanks have seen a lot of changes recently, now that you're back on a team, have you set any goals for your team or for yourself?
Guxue: Currently the tank situation isn't too bad. In a couple of days there'll be some big tank changes, so I don't know how it'll be then. (This was probably recorded last week).
Host MZ: Now that we've talked a bit about yourselves, you have a new coach for this team. We've heard what your teammates have said about him. What about you guys? How are you getting along?
Guxue: As of right now, we've been training together for two or three days and have scrimmed five or six times. Starting from the first day, when we did...pretty tragically, we've improved a lot over the past couple of days and I think Rush has been a big help to us.
Host XS: What about Leave?
Leave: I always thought Rush was rather shy. That's not the case. If he sees something to improve on, he'll point it out straight away. He'll call you out. He's called me out, yeah. The very first day he arrived. And then he called me out again today. It's very scary.
Host MZ: You think the callouts are helpful to you?
Leave: Yes, but he's very direct. He'll come straight out with it.
Host XS: Finally, do you have anything you want to say to your fans?
Leave: We still want to thank everyone for the huge support you've always given us. Rush will take us on one more run.
Guxue: Even though I've started training again which means I'll be streaming less, everyone remember to re-up your subs! Don't stop subbing.
Leave: Me too me too.
submitted by shalott1988 to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:56 YeetMyster12 How to set up a case for camera gear?

How to set up a case for camera gear?
Hello all, I recently got myself a case for holding my camera gear during transportation and I think I found a good layout but I just wanted to get some feedback before I start cutting foam.
I do not do this professionally, this is just a hobby of mine. My goal for the case is to hold my cameras and anything somewhat fragile that can't get wet. I do a lot of mixed media and I think I have my most used gear inside the case, anything else such as GoPro mounts and tripods can go inside a bag.
I hope to add another camera body, a microphone, and maybe a gimbal but that may require a separate case unless I ditch the filters. Any recommendations or criticism for the layout?
submitted by YeetMyster12 to AskPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:45 Obvious_Outsider Character Analysis: Rean Schwarzer (How do I Feel About Rean?)

This post contains spoilers from CS1-Reverie, including Reverie’s post-game content.
Disclaimer: The analysis portion of the Background section contains discussion of mental illness. I am not an expert in mental health, or any health field for that matter. I’m just a guy applying his own perception, lived experiences, and surface-level knowledge to interpreting Rean’s arc. I probably don’t even need to be making this disclaimer, but I felt like it.
Last year, I made this post asking how the members of this sub felt about Cold Steel’s protagonist: the one and only Rean Schwarzer. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of engagement it got, as well as the diversity of opinion expressed in the comments. There were those who loved him, those who were neutral on him, and a few who just couldn’t stand him. At the time, I had just finished CS2, so there was a ton about Rean I wasn’t privy to. However, now that I’ve played Reverie and am fully caught up with the first half of the series, I have a much fuller picture of him. Since so many of you were kind enough to offer up your takes on Rean back then, I figured I’d express my own thoughts on him in the form of a proper analysis. Without further ado, let’s begin!


Rean Schwarzer (born Rean Osborne) is the main protagonist of Trails of Cold Steel I, II, III, and IV, as well as one of the three main protagonists of Trails into Reverie. He was born in S.1187 to Erebonian commoners Brigadier General Giliath and Kasia Osborne. Rean’s father was a brilliant leader and strategist, but his commoner status made him an enemy of the military’s nobles. This led to Giliath’s home being attacked by jaegers when Rean was five, resulting in Kasia’s death and Rean’s heart being punctured by shrapnel. In a desperate bid to save his son’s life, Giliath made a deal with Ishmelga, the Ebon Knight, to become its Awakener and used its power to transplant his own heart into Rean’s body. Due to his deal with Ishmelga, Giliath was forced to give up custody of Rean, entrusting him to the care of Baron Teo Schwarzer. As a result, “Rean Osborne,” the son of a commoner military officer, became “Rean Schwarzer,” the adopted son of a minor noble family.
Although Rean’s new family was loving and supportive, his new life was not without struggle. The boy’s sudden, mysterious appearance in the Schwarzer household made the family - particularly Teo - the subject of gossip and controversy among other nobles. Some believed Rean was Teo’s illegitimate child, while others openly lambasted Teo for his willingness to potentially allow a commoner into the nobility’s ranks. Teo essentially became an outcast among his noble peers, his family’s name tarnished by rumor. Rean, for his part, came to believe he was at fault for this situation, and the subsequent guilt would plague him for many years.
Rean’s self-worth was further challenged by another, more personal problem that arose during his childhood. At age nine, Rean watched an unknown monster attack his younger sister, Elise, and the stress caused an innate “ogre power” within him to manifest. Rean fell into a blind rage, savagely killing the monster. When he returned to his senses, Rean was traumatized by the scene he had left behind, and by the discovery of this new, violent side of him he could not control.
Two years later, Rean became an apprentice of the legendary swordsman Yun Ka-fai, founder of the Eight Leaves One Blade school, hoping to learn how to control his ogre powers. Despite showing great promise as a swordsman, Rean was unable to develop control over his ogre power, and Yun was eventually forced to cut short Rean’s training for unrelated reasons. Although the beginner-rank Rean continued to train on his own, the damage to his psyche was too deep-seated for him to fix alone. He believed he was nothing but a burden and a monster, undeserving of love or happiness. This guilt and self-loathing spurred him to always put others’ needs and well-being above his own, believing himself less important than anyone else. This self-sacrificial behavior became a recurring problem for Rean over the course of his adolescence and early adulthood.
In S.1204, at age 17, Rean enrolled at the prestigious Thors Military Academy in eastern Erebonia. He, along with eight others, became part of Class VII, Thors’s first socially integrated graduating class. Although he still struggled with low self-worth, Rean thrived in this new environment, quickly befriending his classmates and discovering his natural-born ability as a leader. By this time, Rean’s real father, Giliath Osborne, had become Chancellor of Erebonia and was being targeted for death by the Imperial Liberation Front - an anti-Osborne terrorist group. The ILF was a recurring presence in Class VII’s lives during their first school year, and the two groups clashed frequently. At the end of the year, Rean’s life took a dramatic turn when he unexpectedly became the Awakener for the Divine Knight Valimar before watching the ILF - led by his friend Crow Armbrust - seemingly assassinate Osborne and spark a nationwide civil war. Thors came under siege by Crow shortly thereafter, and in the chaos, Rean was forcibly separated from his classmates.
One month later, Rean awoke in the Eisengard Mountain Range outside his adopted hometown, Ymir. Now armed with Valimar’s power, Rean rendezvoused with his family and set out to reunite Class VII. Although he succeeded, Rean was later captured by the Noble Alliance and was held captive alongside Erebonian princess Alfin Reise Arnor. With Alfin’s encouragement, Rean freed the two of them using his ogre powers and rejoined Class VII onboard the imperial family’s airship Courageous. Thanks to Alfin and his bond with his classmates, Rean learned to stop fearing his ogre powers and started opening up more to those closest to him. Using the Courageous, Class VII successfully led a mission to retake Thors before ultimately confronting the Noble Alliance’s leader, Duke Cayenne, and stopping his plan to use the Infernal Castle to win the war. At the same time, new drama entered Rean’s life: Shortly after stopping Duke Cayenne’s plan, Crow unexpectedly died and Osborne was revealed to still be alive - and Rean’s real father. Rean, for his part, was formally recognized by the imperial government for his role in ending the war and became a national hero. This was, however, merely a ploy to pressure Rean into obeying Osborne’s wishes, and it succeeded, as Rean subsequently became an operative in Erebonia’s conquest of Crossbell. It was during this time that he became acquainted with Crossbell Special Support Section leader Lloyd Bannings.After Crossbell’s annexation, Rean fought in the Northern War, which resulted in Erebonia annexing North Ambria. He partook in the siege of Haliask, where he fought archaisms using Valimar. During this stretch of the war, Rean lost control of his ogre powers and was rendered unconscious for three days. As a result, he once again lost faith in his ability to control himself, and swore off the use of his ogre power.
In April S.1206, roughly 1.5 years after the civil war’s end, Rean started a job as instructor of a “new Class VII” at Thors’s new branch campus in western Erebonia. At the branch campus, Rean bonded with his students and fellow faculty while also taking on assignments from the imperial government. It was also during this time that Osborne’s plan to trigger the Great Twilight started unfolding, causing Rean, his students, and his comrades to regularly butt heads with jaegers, Ouroboros, and powerful cryptids. Ultimately, however, Osborne outmaneuvered all attempts by Rean, Olivert, and others to stop him; the Courageous was destroyed by a bomb with Olivert still onboard, Rean’s forces were spread thin through various battles, and Rean himself was forced to watch as Millium Orion was killed and turned into a Sword of the End. Finally at his wit’s end, Rean suffered a mental breakdown and was consumed by his ogre powers, causing him to violently trigger the Great Twilight himself before being taken captive by Osborne and Ishmelga.
After a short period of captivity, Rean was freed by Class VII and their allies. He, along with the SSS and the Liberl Bracer Guild, declined to become part of Musse Egret’s Operation Mille Mirage, instead choosing to oppose Osborne their own way. Rean, as Valimar’s Awakener, decided to partake in the Rivalries to reform the Great One, in hopes of defeating Ishmelga’s curse. He gradually defeated and absorbed power from the other Awakeners until, finally, during Operation Jormungandr, he defeated Osborne and Ishmelga, becoming the pilot of a corrupted Great One. It is at this time when two different futures unfolded: In one, Rean flew the Great One beyond Zemuria’s atmosphere to remove Ishmelga from the continent. In the other, Rean used the power of the Holy Beast of Earth to give Ishmelga’s curse a corporeal form, allowing him and his friends to destroy it. It was this latter future that became Zemuria’s reality, while the former remained hypothetical and unrealized.
Many months after Ishmelga’s defeat, in S.1207, Rean became involved in the incident involving Crossbell and Elysium. While combating enemy forces in the Nord Highlands, Rean started undergoing assimilation with Ishmelga-Rean, an alternate version of himself created by Elysium based on the unrealized timeline from when Ishmelga was first beaten. Later, during the final confrontation with Ishmelga-Rean, the real Rean saw visions of his other self’s sacrifice and finally grasped the devastating effects his past martyr-like behavior had on those he loved. He vowed to make a change before eliminating Ishmelga-Rean, stopping the assimilation.
Sometime after the clash with Elysium, Rean visited Longlai in eastern Calvard with his family, secretly hoping to track down Yun while there. Instead, he encountered members of the Ikaruga jaeger corps, who informed him that Yun was not in Longlai before departing. Rean has since contented himself with his current life as a Thors instructor, sensing that the next incident to befall Zemuria will involve not him, but an entirely different group of heroes.
Analysis: From even a cursory glance at Rean’s story, it is clear he endured much distress and trauma at a young age, and in my view, the result was deep-seated mental illness - namely depression. I am not a psychologist, but I would wager that the violent manner in which his five year-old self lost his home, his mother, and, almost, his own life, was horrific enough for his mind to block all memory of that period as a defense mechanism. This would help explain how Rean did not remember his real parentage until his encounter with Osborne in CS2 jogged his memory. Further stressing Rean were the controversies surrounding his adoption, which were not at all his fault but still interpreted as such by him, and the sudden, gory manner in which he learned of his ogre power. With such a potent combination of stressors burdening his young mind, it is no surprise to me that it took Rean such a long time to overcome his feelings of guilt and worthlessness. He was saddled with depression during the most formative period of his life, and like any mental illness, depression cannot be overcome with just one or two instances of positive reinforcement. It is often something people have to live with for many years, with periods of relative difficulty and relative ease. Looking at it this way, it makes sense for Rean’s arc to have taken as long as it did.
Side note: Obviously, Rean’s story is not the most realistic depiction of depression in fiction, but the manner in which it unfolds and is presented is still enough for me to take it seriously as a journey of struggling with mental health. When Rean receives support or encouragement from his friends and family, it helps in the short-term, but does little to erode the larger problem because that simply isn’t enough. Further, Rean’s progress is not linear, but is marked with occasional setbacks: In CS2, he finally learns to stop fearing his ogre power, but in CS3, we see that he is still vulnerable to losing control of it, and he does so during the Northern War and in the finale of that game. He receives a pendant (“meds?”) and training (“therapy?”) to control said power in CS3, but he still struggles with it. In CS4’s “bad” ending, even after everything he has gone through, Rean falls back into his old habits of self-sacrifice, because that’s how “baked-in” his problems are; he doesn’t even see the issue because he’s lived that way for so long. It is CS3’s finale that is the most striking part of Rean’s journey to me: In my eyes, it is the same as Rean having a mental breakdown, too overcome by his own emotional turmoil to control himself. He becomes consumed by his own demons, literally and figuratively, and it takes the collective effort of his loved ones in CS4 to bring him back to stability.
It is also fitting that Rean’s big turning point - the moment in Reverie where he sees the pain his martyr-esque behavior causes others - is as dramatic as the instances that facilitated Rean’s internal struggle to begin with. What I particularly appreciate about this chunk of Rean’s arc is that it is presented as Rean finally realizing the change he needs to make, rather than him being instantly cured of his ailments. It is simply him resolving to change his outlook on himself and his relationships, and that feels more grounded to me than any alternative route the writers could have taken.


Rean is a kind, courageous, selfless individual who greatly cares about those around him. Despite his own low self-esteem, he is a gifted speaker and possesses the spirit of a natural-born leader. It is this charisma that quickly made him the de facto leader of Class VII, as he often served as an intermediary for the interpersonal clashes between his other classmates (see: Machias/Jusis and Fie/Laura). He often goes out of his way to help his peers solve problems or make their lives easier. This behavior is propelled by his own feelings of worthlessness, which causes his generosity to often escalate to self-sacrificial activity. On the occasions when Rean is unable to help someone, he often feels guilty, even if the problem at hand was not his fault or was out of his control (examples include his inability to stop Vulcan and Crow from dying in CS2).
Rean is also extraordinarily perceptive thanks to his Unclouded Eye technique, which he learned from Yun Ka-fai. This allows him to set aside any preconceived notions or prejudices he may have and accurately discern a person’s true nature. His training also allows him to notice things others may not, such as objects moving at high speed or unseen people/creatures in his vicinity. At the same time, there are things he struggles to pick up on, namely when it comes to others’ feelings regarding him. Rean often fumbles when it comes to romantic/intimate interactions with the girls in his life, either unintentionally flustering them or failing to understand how deep their feelings run. Rean also fails to understand how his martyr behavior hurts those he cares about, despite numerous incidents ending with people refusing to abandon him and calling him out for perceived recklessness.
Analysis: One thing I’ve always appreciated about Rean is that, despite his serious personal problems, he never comes off as whiny, annoying, cringe, etc. He knows how to compartmentalize and portray an air of confidence and amicability; I would attribute this to his noble upbringing, as we see similar behavior in other noble characters like Laura and Jusis. His natural ability as a speaker and leader are reminiscent of Osborne’s, as is his penchant for self-sacrificial behavior; Osborne was, after all, willing to bond with Ishmelga, literally give his heart to his son, and turn himself into a villain for the sake of his people.
There are considerable differences between Rean and the three protagonists who preceded him. He is almost the antithesis of Estelle: She is lively, spontaneous, and unafraid to open up to others emotionally, Rean is more reserved and measured, and is initially guarded, though he does learn to express himself over time. While he does share similar backstory details to Kevin, their outward personalities are starkly different, with Kevin being suave and laid-back and Rean being more serious and passive. As for Lloyd, while Rean does share his kindness, perception, and leadership ability, the two do have their differences as well. Lloyd’s arc is about starting from nothing and overcoming barriers, gaining strength along the way. He is driven by a commitment to justice and a zealous patriotic spirit. Rean, on the other hand, starts out with great power at a young age but struggles to control it, making his journey more internal and personal than Lloyd’s. Additionally, his fighting spirit comes not from burning passion, but from steely nerve and trust in his companions. And, of course, he is not morally gray like his successor, Van.


Due to the sheer number of people Rean becomes involved with, I will only address his more notable relationships. Many will be in clusters, with only a select few individuals receiving their own entries.


As a main series protagonist, Rean is basically guaranteed to return in a future game. Whether or not he will be playable or have a significant role in said game is difficult to ascertain, but given his lengthy period of stardom in the Cold Steel games and Trails’s treatment of other past protagonists, my guess is that he will take more of a side role. Since Rean was looking for Yun Ka-fai after Reverie, and Yun is set to appear in Kai no Kiseki, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Rean in that game at all - at least in flashback form. Failing that, Rean will surely appear in or close to the series finale. Of this I am certain.

Misc. Notes/Commentary

submitted by Obvious_Outsider to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:31 CamelBackground6292 My boss is excluding me and siding with his best friend who emotionally abused me

Some background. When I (26F) was in college I did a summer program where I got to perform with other students ages 16-22ish. The program was not affiliated with any school. I was 18 the first summer and I became really close with the guy ("Gus" 39M) who was in charge of teaching me and my peers. I took a summer off to do some service work for a church and went back the year after, where Gus was still in charge of teaching students. While I was gone, Gus and I communicated frequently via email and FB, with him giving me lots of support because it was hard being away from home. Over time, as I leaned on him for support, he began to do the same.
The summer I went back, Gus and I remained very close. While he would be teaching me and my peers, we would also still be exchanging messages and joking around. Outside of the program, we would hang out and get food, he would give me rides (he said physical touch was his love language and would often give me long hugs or put his hand on my knee). He would always pay, saying he knew I was tight on money because of college. I didn't realize at the time that this was weird or not right for someone in a teaching position to do with a student, even an adult one. When people started asking me if Gus and I were dating, I let Gus know that people thinking that made me uncomfortable and we should reevaluate how we act because I wasn't interested in that. We were just friends. It seemed like he understood, but over those next months, he would get upset with me when I had more free time to give to my boyfriend (now husband "Shaun") than I did Gus.
Shaun and I got engaged and Gus was upset I didn't tell him directly (we told our siblings and parents and then made a FB post for everyone else). It really soured my excitement. At our wedding, Gus sat a table the whole time and didn't come to the dance floor where I was the whole night. He was then upset that he didn't get a picture with me in my wedding dress before I changed.
Over the next few years this same pattern continued where Gus would be upset when I didn't spend more time with him, he'd get upset if I wasn't texting him every day, but he didn't want to hang out with me and Shaun together because "he didn't know Shaun that well". I tried to set boundaries multiple times and tried to explain to Gus that I was feeling like he was using me as a fill in SO, but he wouldn't ever finish talking through it, would say he understood or had questions, things would cool for a few months and then he'd start complaining about the lack of time we spent together again. I was still teaching at this school with him. My husband started teaching there as well and Gus complained saying "this was the last thing we had that was just us". I had started feeling anxious having to spend any time with Gus.
When I started working with the summer program, Gus was still there as well. I had to do a training for safety with minors in order to work there and that's when I started to realize Gus had developed a weird, unhealthy emotional attachment to me and had been ignoring the rules teachers are meant to follow concerning students (even adult students). He had been love bombing me, gaslighting me and emotionally abusing me for years. And I had no clue what to do with this realization. My heart sank. I loved being friends with Gus but he had abused me, my trust and my friendship. I decided I would just start cutting him out and leave it at that.
The following summer, I had a friend who had also been a student in the program who was now working with the program ask me how I got Gus to leave me alone. Apparently, she'd been feeling uncomfortable around him as well for similar reasons (though she was older and smarter than I was when he started pushing on her). I told her I hadn't, really, I just stopped talking to him.
This past year, I got a more permanent position with that same school. I had thought that Gus was no longer working there much, so I thought it would be okay. I work directly with someone who I'd known for years, and had known Gus for decades. Gus and him hang out every Sunday and they had worked together for just as many years. Like I said, I thought Gus wasn't working in that same role anymore, so I took the job and thought nothing of him. I was wrong. And I had a breakdown knowing I'd have to work directly with Gus now. My boss had no clue any of this was a thing and I hadn't previously mentioned any of to anyone besides my husband. After realizing I'd be working with Gus, I broke down to my boss who encouraged me to let the program coordinator of the summer program know about what had happened. I was worried at this point because it was clear it wasn't just me - if it had been, I would've suffered in silence. So, I let the coordinator know. I also texted Gus one last time to let him know I could not and would not be involved in this sick twisted friendship any longer. I would work with him, but that was it.
Gus was asked to resign from his position as a result and he was informed that I was the individual who had made the report. I still think it was wrong for whoever to betray my anonymity but I haven't done anything about it.
Now onto the problem as a result of all of this. The school we all 3 work with has no clue that Gus was asked to resign his position working with students because of an inappropriate relationship with a student. Gus and my boss exclude me from major decisions, even though Gus is hired as a para professional and I am hired as an Assistant Coach. On paper, Gus and I should at least be on the same level, if not me above him, but he has years of tenure.
I kept asking my boss why I wasn't being included, and he kept giving me bullshit excuses about how I wasn't intentionally being excluded, Gus and him just hang out a lot and end up talking about work at the same time. Things finally came to a head a few days ago when I was excluded from our staff FB chat group for the past few months until that day. I confronted my boss on why I had been excluded, telling him it wasn't really about the chat, it was about everything else leading up to it. I asked him again why I had been excluded from major decisions and he finally told me it was because Gus was uncomfortable being around me. To say I was shocked and angry was an understatement. I was already crying from frustration before he admitted this.
I reminded my boss that I was the victim, not Gus. He told me "well he's not NOT the victim, his whole life is different now because of your report". I reminded him that he encouraged me to bring it forward and he said "don't turn this on me, you chose to do it" completely ignoring that I had told him I was unsure what to do but just wanted him to know because Gus and I would be working together. He has no concept for the idea that he's shaming me as the victim. He told me he was trying to "mitigate" the situation and every time he had suggested bringing me in on things, he "could just see Gus tense up and get comfortable" and so he decided to leave me out, instead. My boss is choosing his best friend over me. I asked my boss what my future here could possibly be if he was going to choose Gus over me, and he went off on how he values me, but if I feel I need to leave, then that's my choice.
I'm just so angry that I'm getting punished for something Gus did. I'm losing out on opportunities because I was emotionally abused. And no one else on the staff has any clue and they all use love Gus. It feels like no one knows or cares that I'm getting pushed out of my dream job because an older man got the hots for one of his students and couldn't control himself. I don't even know how to bring this up to the administration, because I clearly can't work in these conditions and they need to know if I leave it's because my boss is siding with my emotional abuser on all of this.
submitted by CamelBackground6292 to AITAH [link] [comments]
