Teddy bear templates


2020.04.01 05:59 ProfStorm TeddyBearGarden

Teddy Bear Garden

2017.02.13 23:01 TROPICALCYCLONEALERT Mope.io Modifications Subreddit

This Subreddit is for all Mope.io modifications. If you have created one, you can use ideas given here, but only with permission. And also, if you make a video with the mods or skins, please, and i mean PLEASE, cite the creator. Thank you and have fun!

2024.06.02 08:54 Illustrious_Bet1380 Korblox Acc $25 DM or Add On discord: Blackpplstealstuff

submitted by Illustrious_Bet1380 to RobloxTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:37 Lonel_yartist_ Scribbled Teddy Bear

Scribbled Teddy Bear
Gostaram? Did you like it? Lembrando eu não sei desenhar Remembering I don't know how to draw
submitted by Lonel_yartist_ to RabiscosBr [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:28 Kyubensis what is this song?

what is this song?
i remember this melody being programmed into my little sisters teddy bear ages ago and i this video comes from a video of an edit to the song that was made 3ish years ago. ive been looking for a long time if anyone knows please lmk!
submitted by Kyubensis to WhatsThisSong [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:43 Upset-Bug-36 Help me find this ‘vintage toy’

I think it is more a decorative item for adults to display rather than a toy.
The outside looks like an old school book (extra thick) but when opening the inside is hollow with a cute display/playset.
There is a little bedroom with a teddy bear figure; a bed, clothes, little drawers (all made from cardboard), and a passport, books, little pencils and loads of accessories.
It’s super cute and delicate and I really want to find it !
Any ideas of what to search online would be really helpful, or if you have seen something similar I would love to know
Edit: approx. H: 15 x H: 25 x D: 12 cm)
submitted by Upset-Bug-36 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:02 Human_Passage384 Grandma won't let go of our hands

My grandma has this need to hold onto anyone she can get a grip on. Us, nursing staff, anyone. I'm looking for suggestions of grippable comfort items that have helped others. She has a teddy bear but she doesn't really hold onto it. I know there's no substitute for human contact but I'd like to help her if possible.
submitted by Human_Passage384 to Alzheimers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:18 Leading-Diamond-5786 [15m] looking for a real małe friend.

Hi, Im looking for real małe friends. By real i mean somone I can count on, somone who will be there for me in bad and good moments, care about me as I also care about them. Somone who I can hug or even cuddle if things go really bad. Somone i would feel safe and comfy with and Just goof around, talk about the most dumb stuff.
Im a very open person, I love psychology and meeting ppl of all ages, text me no matter how Old are you, cuz Everybody desrves a good friend. I might be hard to talk to cuz of how easily i get scared or uncomfy, but I will try my best to be fun to talk with. :)
About me, Im a gay white Polish ginger guy. Im pretty chubby and teddy bear shaped. Im 5'4 feet tall and I work out a bit.
Im a huge horror fan, in gaming and movies. I love drawing, I been a artist sińce I was a baby. I love creating stroies and learing about the world. I also love hugging and cuddling.
(If you would like to see my face Just check my profile)
Thank you all for reading this and I wish u luck in finding new friends. ❤️
submitted by Leading-Diamond-5786 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:16 Leading-Diamond-5786 [15m] Just a boy looking for real friends of any age.

Hi, Im looking for real małe friends. By real i mean somone I can count on, somone who will be there for me in bad and good moments, care about me as I also care about them. Somone who I can hug or even cuddle if things go really bad. Somone i would feel safe and comfy with and Just goof around, talk about the most dumb stuff.
Im a very open person, I love psychology and meeting ppl of all ages, text me no matter how Old are you, cuz Everybody desrves a good friend. I might be hard to talk to cuz of how easily i get scared or uncomfy, but I will try my best to be fun to talk with. :)
About me, Im a gay white Polish ginger guy. Im pretty chubby and teddy bear shaped. Im 5'4 feet tall and I work out a bit.
Im a huge horror fan, in gaming and movies. I love drawing, I been a artist sińce I was a baby. I love creating stroies and learing about the world. I also love hugging and cuddling.
(If you would like to see my face Just check my profile)
Thank you all for reading this and I wish u luck in finding new friends. ❤️
submitted by Leading-Diamond-5786 to gayfriendship [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:15 Leading-Diamond-5786 [15m] Just a boy looking for real małe friends.

Hi, Im looking for real małe friends. By real i mean somone I can count on, somone who will be there for me in bad and good moments, care about me as I also care about them. Somone who I can hug or even cuddle if things go really bad. Somone i would feel safe and comfy with and Just goof around, talk about the most dumb stuff.
Im a very open person, I love psychology and meeting ppl of all ages, text me no matter how Old are you, cuz Everybody desrves a good friend. I might be hard to talk to cuz of how easily i get scared or uncomfy, but I will try my best to be fun to talk with. :)
About me, Im a gay white Polish ginger guy. Im pretty chubby and teddy bear shaped. Im 5'4 feet tall and I work out a bit.
Im a huge horror fan, in gaming and movies. I love drawing, I been a artist sińce I was a baby. I love creating stroies and learing about the world. I also love hugging and cuddling.
(If you would like to see my face Just check my profile)
Thank you all for reading this and I wish u luck in finding new friends. ❤️
submitted by Leading-Diamond-5786 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:10 Disastrous-Soup-5413 Ex husband’s new wife & step daughter accidentally threw away our son’s childhood stuffed lovies while he was away at college.

Ex husband’s new wife & step daughter accidentally threw away our son’s childhood stuffed lovies while he was away at college.
He got ‘Lucy’ in the summer of 2006.
I’ve searched ‘tan teddy bear big nose’ ‘beige fuzzy teddy bear’ and variations of that on eBay/Google for several months now.
Any help or tips on searching would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Disastrous-Soup-5413 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:08 HolidayNo6726 Antique Stuffed Animal Restoration???

Such a random question to ask, but I have held onto my favorite childhood teddy bear and he has definitely seen better days. He could use a cleaning and repairs and when I asked Google I could only find things like tin and wooden toy repair. Does anyone have any recommendations? I’m in Seattle, but am willing to ship. Thanks in advance!
submitted by HolidayNo6726 to VintageToys [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:56 pauldrano Photo of me as a pre-teen with the teddy I dubbed Space Bear

Photo of me as a pre-teen with the teddy I dubbed Space Bear
I don’t know what the thought behind Space Bear’s outfit was, it seems to be a couple of scarfs tied around their body and socks on their arms. I do remember saying Space Bear wasn’t a boy or a girl before I ever knew the word “nonbinary”. Happy Pride to Space Bear and all other nonbinary friends. We got this!
submitted by pauldrano to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:19 truecrimeoklahoma "Monster hurt my Daddy"

In the very heart of bible country, nearly the buckle of the belt, is the state of Oklahoma. It was October in Oklahoma, leaves were changing color, and the heat was gone. The fall hunting season was already on its way to another good year turnout of hunters for Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma City Walmart was stocked to the brim with Halloween candy, costumes, and color hair spray as far as the eye could see. And there were always many little eyes alight with delight as Halloween was known as the signal for the “holidays”.
Children dream. The possibility of becoming a ninja, superhero, Greek goddess, or even the main villain out of that summer movie, the one that everyone had to see. You know that villain.
These Children were easily found anywhere costumes were to be had. It was nothing to see a little head bob up over the isle of half shelf, the ones that ran for acres. And in a very juvenile voice, one could hear the pleading, “Please, please mommy.” Spooky sounds playing over the k-mart speaker system. As costumes were picked out with love and a small giggle of fun. A giggle of fun Michael Rhodes would no longer be able to share with his children.
In September of 2012, Brittany Dillard, one of the seven nieces and nephews staying with Michael Rhodes, when Britanny was asked to leave. Her behavior had gotten out of control and the Rhodes’s felt she was being irresponsible to her baby, by dating a gang member, especially sense he was a Crip and she was not. Some of her other behavior had been less than lady like behavior outside the home.
Brittany felt she was the victim of this, and she hadn’t been given a chance to explain how things really were. But her auntie and uncle were not here foolishness. Both parties were very head strong. Maybe because they were related.
Michael Rhodes was a family man. The beautiful wife and four kids plus the seven nieces and nephews meant stretching the budget to make it all work. Sometimes there was a stretching of the patience too thin, a consequence, Ms. Dillard discovered.
Michael Rhodes was a family man, with a teddy bear heart when it came to his wife, four kids and 7 nieces and nephews. He didn’t tolerate any foolishness either, didn’t do anyone any good. His nieces and nephews had been the victim of a different crime altogether.
Having just been received back from the Watchful Eyes of DHS, they were just getting settled back into some kind of home life. With the “holidays” fast approaching, they were excited the costumes were out in the stores.
A phone call, to Brittany Dillard, one of the 7 Rhodes had taken in, would start the evening of October 19, 2012, and shattered lives.
On the late evening of Oct. 19. Driving into the neighborhood, members Dulxw women, a small group of the gang known as 107th Hoover Rolling Crips stop and get out of the car. Within just a few minutes, they had fired a weapon, slashed the tire of the family car, and threw rocks breaking two windows. No one was home at the time, much to the ire of the entire group. Then they left, they would go to call Fuston. Even though he rolled out of Enid, they were able to get him to Oklahoma City.
Brian Bulter went to Pennon’ s house before the incident took place. Bulter had ridden with Howard. Bulter had agreed to “rob some Mexicans”, but then he got to help kill an innocent person and nearly his daughter.
The police were called and there was a small investigation conducted. Without any evidence, there was not much that could be done.
For the safety of the children, Rhodes had the children picked up. Brittany was asked to leave as well. This was concerning the drama she had brought upon their household.
Brittany called and went to stay with Mrs. O’Neal, the maternal grandmother of Brittany’s baby.
On the evening of the Oct. 20t, Mrs. Rhodes had spent all day getting harassing phone calls from the women of Dulxw. Mrs. Rhodes repeatedly told them; Brittany was not there. The land line just rang with call all from these women. After it seemed to finally die down, Mrs. Rhodes and her daughter left the house to go to dinner. They wouldn’t even reach the place they were headed out the next evening with her friends to get a little rest from the ongoing drama dropped at her doorstep. She left her youngest daughter and her 19-year-old son, Jalan at home with their father.
That night late on the evening of the 20th, Fuston and his crew rolled up on Rhodes’s house in two cars. Ronnie Fuston was impulsive, angry, and looking for another chance to kill. This Dillard woman fit the bill no matter what, but they all had to die, according to Fuston.
Ronnie Fuston, Terral Howard, butler, pennon, and Jordan crept up in the thick darkness. Anothy brown JR was told to remain in the car, according to court documents. The darkness of the neighborhood added to their stealth. The car had not had its tires replaced and thus sat in the driveway for them to hide from line of sight of the front door. It would only take a second for Fuston’s hot raging impulses to kick in. He ran for the door at a full barrel roar. With the other in tow, he kicked in the front door to find Rhodes on the couch half asleep with Rhodes three-year-old on his chest. The first hit was in the shoulder of Rhodes, the blood spattered on his toddler. The noise and the blood woke her, Rhodes dropping her on the couch behind him in protection. She screamed and cried, covering her ears.
Rhodes never had a chance to react as two more bullets struck him. Everyone else had fired wildly hitting nothing. They didn’t search the house, had they, they would have found Rhodes’ 19-year-old son, Jalan.
They ran out leaving the door wide open. Hearing the shots, neighbors were stepping out to see what happened, one neighbor would see Fuston speed away. She would later tell the police she saw it only leaving and didn’t have anything else.
Having heard the gunshots, Jalan had been playing video games in his room. He ran into the living room. Jalan found the door open and that his dad was on the floor up against the couch. He helps sit his father up and called 911. As he did, he snatched up his little sister.
Jalan tried to wipe some of the blood from face as he held his phone with his free hand. He had sat her on the edge of the couch so he could see both her and his father.
Rhodes was holding his son’s hand as he lay there and bled out. His eyes went dark as Jalan didn’t know if and how to do CPR. For Christ’s sake, he was just a kid!
When the police arrived at the scene, Mr. Rhodes was deceased. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital where he was officially pronounced. His wife and children were thrown into the middle of chaos and Mrs. Rhodes blamed Brittany for her bad choices and what she had done to bring this tragedy down on them.
This is not where this story ends. Things would take the road not taken with full knowledge of the consequences
The police would question every family member to see what they could learn. They even decided to question the three-year-old daughter. All she could tell them was, “monsters hurt my daddy.” This broke a lot of hearts. This child was fatherless, and the worst part, she was in his ears when Mr. Rhodes was murdered. When she was questioned, she was still wearing her father’s blood.
Jalan hadn’t seen the actual incident. This made his mother very thankful, and she praised God. She would praise him for saving her son and daughter again when hearing in court that Fuston wanted them all dead.
Fuston drove back to Enid with Butler, there would be no victory had in the split between Brittany and Dulxw Women. During the drive Fuston changed his cell phone number. Now did he change it to run from the murder or run from the girls, after a botched hit. It was time to cool his heels for a bit.
Butler told him on the ride back this murder was going to come back to haunt him. Fuston just shrugged it off. Either way, Fuston had the confidence of a gambling addict as he told butler confidently, that girl won’t testify.
For about a month, there was nothing in the investigation. But it had not grown cold.
Minor thefts and other minor offenses had been occurred. Nothing to really raise an alarm. Just the way it was designed to be by this “Lil’ thug that couldn’t.”
One night in December, thinking his murder of Rhodes was over for him, he continued his thug life just the way he liked it. After all, it was Oklahoma City, there are NY style clubs and women.
In 2012, Trelon Haley, Anthony Brown, Donta Young, and Ivan Williamson were all friends. They spent a great deal of time hanging out in “the Ville.” And often were found at the Martson Sisters or Judd Julian. When not there, they could be found at a vacant lot near Fuston’s mother’s old home.
This vacant lot was one of the places used to keep a cache of weapons. This was the place they stowed.
In October, around the time of the Rhodes murder, Fuston found himself at his cousin’s house, Judd Julian, where Fuston was using Judd’s computer to surf Facebook. Fuston found a picture of someone named “Marciano,” with a wad of cash in his gob.
He told Judd that he was going to “hit a lick” which meant he wanted to go kill someone. Judd didn’t take him seriously at the time.
On the evening of December 22nd, 2012, Fuston decided he was going to get that money from “Marciano”. Fuston load Haley, young, brown, into the car. Haley drover. Fuston was sitting in the passenger seat, leaving the other two in the back. Fuston gave directions to Haley, he drove.
The location that Fuston directed Haley to, was a trailer home.
The four crept up, the darkness of the trailer court holding their shadows in secret. Haley was on one side of the door, brown and young on the other. When Fuston knocked, he used his best Hispanic voice and called out to behind the door.
Crites was home sick for work today and was certainly home when his unwelcome guests arrived. Crites opened the door, when he saw who it was, he tried to close it. Fuston’s name and face were all over the news, and not to mention they all lived in Enid together. Fuston prevented him from closing the door by placing his arm in between the door and the facing.
Fuston fired his gun into the trailer house. Crites had been hit with such a wild shot, that luck was not on his side, and Fuston shoved his way in, taking his cohorts with him. Crites was hit in the shoulder. When Brown and Young entered the trailer, Crites was holding his left shoulder with his right hand. Both walked past the scene and moved to toss the bedrooms.
Crites swore he had nothing. Angry, Fuston yelled at him and shoved him on his back. Fuston had taken the stance, rigidly over Crites in a fashion one might find a police officer standing over a suspected and again he screamed at Crites. “where’s the stuff? Where’s the money?”
Crites held his palm up to prove he wasn’t a threat. All Crites could do was think about his loving wife, Kelly Churchill. He loved her so much and was hoping, praying in his head they would just leave. “I don’t have anything, please don’t hurt met.”
Moments later, while searching for the bedrooms for drugs, and money, Young would hear shots ring out, as he later testified. Young left the residence after finding nothing in the bedrooms and heard one or two more gunshots.
They were all back at the car and moved out of there quickly. Haley was driving. The shots woke neighbors and at least one resident was able to make out the car as it sped away.
The ride back quiet, when the events just happened were brought up, Fuston said, “it was self-explanartory.”
Fuston couldn’t help himself not long after the murder of Rhodes was already bragging about it with the pride of a newborn’s father. Later when Crites was killed again with the chest thumping. This would not be his downfall, come on, it’s Oklahoma we all gossip.
Between 1:30 and 2:00 am, Churchill could not reach Crites by phone. He was late picking her up from work. Churchill caught a right home with two co-workers. She was taken to a house with all the lights on and the front door was standing wide open. Churchill ran up to the trailer home and walked inside. She found Crites lying in the middle of his own blood. Churchill called Crites’ boss then 911.
Sgt. Nick John with the Enid police department received the call around 2:18 AM. He was called to the residence of Crites regarding a homicide at his address. When Sgt. John arrived at the scene, Churchill was hysterical.
Through the hiccupping sobs, Churchill told the Sargent what she had found. Sergeant John went inside the residence and checked Crites for a pulse. He had none, there were others in the home at the time, Sargent ordered everyone out.
Tommy Rose, an evidence tech with Enid police department was called in around 5 am. Rose recovered 10 .45 caliber shells casing from the Trailer House. Rose submitted these to the Oklahoma Bureau of investigations for test.
The state medical would work on Christmas eve to complete the autopsy on Crites. Crites suffer eleven gunshot wounds in total. The Bullets recovered from the left arm, pubic bone, and the spine. The cause of death was ruled a homicide.
Sometime just after Christmas Williamson was walking with Fuston down to the store. Fuston asked if Williams had heard of the Columbia Street murder. When Wilson indicated he did and pointed to himself and looking crazy. Fuston said he went to somebody’s house, disguised his voice as Hispanic, when the man opens the door, Fuston fired.
January 9th, 2013, Fuston was jailed on an unrelated charge. During a phone call to Haley, he was head telling Haley to get rid of the hammers.
Williamson went to the house on Wabash, where the vacant lot was. He then called a gentleman by the area of Oakley. Williamson would then send Haley a Facebook message letting him know the gun had gone.
On January 11th the Enid Police contacted Oakley and informed him he had possibly received stolen property. After speaking with his attorney, Oakly gave him the .45 Taurus, purchased from Williamson.
During the summer of 2013, Judd Julian, was with Young, brown, Haley. While together young told Julian about the Crites murder. Julian would later testify about what Young.
All of which landed Ronnie Fuston on death row and a child without her daddy.
submitted by truecrimeoklahoma to Truecrimesokie [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:04 dee_gal7 Latest project

Latest project
I free-handed a teddy bear with faux fur yarn today
submitted by dee_gal7 to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:55 Ceciduck nightmare neighbour help?

Hi all,
Apologies if this is long. We’re in England.
I’m 21 F and have recently just bought and moved into my very first house, this was done through hard work and the help of my partner 21 M. We both own the house however he is in the army so is away an awful lot, so it’s just me and my dog.
I’ve only been in the house for about a month and a half, we share a garden with the neighbours on the left. Who are absolutely lovely, I always take the dog out on a lead to toilet and keep him to my side of the garden. They’re a very kind older couple who rent the house but are moving soon, they’ve kindly left us a lawn mower and strimmer for the garden as we helped them take some things to the tip.
On the other side I’ve only met the neighbour twice. We’re divided by a low garden fence. We’re in a terraced row. The first time I met him he seemed quite normal and okay in his 60s and on his own, he mentioned that the walls dividing are single brick so he can hear a lot and he mentioned a creak in our stairs. I thought nothing more of this and we pleasantly went our ways I’ve not seen or heard from him since until today.
My partner had returned for the weekend and we went to go out for dinner. As we left the front door our next door neighbour flew out of the house. Marching up to my partner and began quite literally screaming and squaring up to him in the middle of the street asking us if “we were idiots” red in the face and spit flying from his mouth. Both myself and my partner were extremely confused especially since my partner hadn’t even met him before.
He then proceeded to continue to scream “how dare we disturb him stomping down the stairs in the morning” at this point my partner said we haven’t been doing that and he turned to me wagging his finger in my face shouting very aggressively that “he warned me” and that he was so considerate he even waited until we weren’t home to hoover and I should do the same!!! My partner is a teddy bear who doesn’t have a confrontational bone in his body so didn’t rise to anything he said neither did I. I just apologised and he stormed off muttering “we’ll f**king see” over and over.
Some points to note is I know for certain we’re not loud, my dog is a very quiet greyhound mix who doesn’t even bark at the door most of the time, we never leave him alone in the house. We don’t have loud arguments, play music, hardly ever drink, no parties not even a housewarming. We certainly don’t stomp down the stairs, they do have a creak at the bottom but not something we can currently afford to fix. We don’t typically get up before 7-8am and our bedtime is typically around 10. The loudest thing in the house is the washing machine. Even when it comes to “bedroom activities”.
When we bought the house it was previously a rental and we saw that they had a noise complaint and we thought nothing of it. Speaking to our other neighbour they said that previous tenant was lovely and polite never a bother so it’s left me thinking it was the same guy who reported them. If they had any dealings with our nasty neighbour they never said.
Honestly the whole incident has left me quite shaken. With how aggressive he was out of nowhere and me being in the house on my own most of the time.
I know a noise complaint shouldn’t go anywhere as he will have no evidence. And we plan to put up a ring doorbell on the front and a camera in the garden to be safe.
I’m just very upset, feeling uneasy and a little scared in my very first house wasn’t what I wanted. I refuse to tiptoe and mouse around in my own house so will just carry on as usual. I just dread now even thinking about having a small gathering or summer BBQ with friends and family.
If anyone has any support, advice or has been in a similar situation please share that would really appreciated.
Thank you.
submitted by Ceciduck to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:50 Disastrous_Jello_982 Cheyenne and Lea play dress-up

Cheyenne and Lea play dress-up
Outfits "borrowed" from a porcelain boy doll and a very fancy teddy bear.
submitted by Disastrous_Jello_982 to americangirl [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:19 ds-10- My testimony to the TRUTH of the World...

Hello my name is Damian.
All my life I have pondered on why the world is the way that it is. Why evil seems to prevail in this world. Why people are called 'Great' for being conquerors and killing people. Out of everyone in history there hasn't been anyone like Jesus Christ. In 3 years of ministry with no army, spreading love has left such a massive impact 2000 years later. To me this proves his divinity. I truly believe in my heart that Jesus is God and the Son of Man. I am willing to die for this message. I have had 6 encounters with God now. He has revealed the secrets of the universe to me and confirmed my already existing suspicions of this world. I do not want any glory for my self, all glory to the one and true God Jesus. I am just simply relaying the infinite wisdom he has given me - but all glory comes from him. I am a mere mortal Human like yourselves. After what I experienced and have been told and the love I experienced and that engulfed my spirit. I know for my self, I just want to spread this to as many people as possible. Because Jesus loves every single one of us, he really does. He told me. However, we do also have free will and that plays a massive part in life. If you choose to live your entire life apart of him and you don't even dedicate 1 second of your time to get to know him - how can then you turn around and say "Father you have forsaken me" when something bad happens in your life? Imagine you are a father and you are responsible for a child's life. Now lets say that child grows up and chooses to disregard you as a teacher and chooses to never listen to you. Now lets say your child gets him self in some trouble. Can that child now turn around to the Father and say "This is because of you" or should that child take accountability? He chose to live his life outside the teachings of his father and got himself in the mess he got himself into. Regardless the Father still loves the child and can't stop loving him despite the fact the child does not listen. That is us and God. He still loves you even when you are sinning but he hopes you find the light. Just as the father of the child prays to see the day his child does well and succeeds and becomes a full grown well taught and well behaved functional member of society and adult. That can look after him self and others around him. God is everywhere around us, he sees everything. My human mind cannot begin to comprehend and articulate the greatness of God. I could wake up and talk about it and go to sleep and wake up and repeat and to the day i get old and grey I still will have words to say, and i would never run out of words. God is the word of life. To quote the scriptures John 1:1 - In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. He really is the word of life and this elaborates on his infinite greatness. God wants you to find him and he hopes the best for you - he wants you to eat among him in the kingdom of Heaven. The question is are you willing to let him in? What is the number one persecuted religion in the world? Christianity. The one religion that gets openly mocked, everyone feels disheartened by but nothing is done about. This proves it is the truth to be a Christian means to follow God and the teachings of God. Accept Jesus as the Son of Man and let the truth set you free. Amen. No other religion gets so criticized as much as us by Hollywood, media and music industry etc. Street preachers will be attacked on streets for spreading the good news of the Gospel in a 'FREE COUNTRY'? Do we have freedom? or is freedom just an illusion and a tactic of Satan, he made us all think freedom is money when in reality freedom is God. Take a look at Lil Nas X, Sam Smith, these are humiliation rituals taking part and they are openly mocking us now... They worship Ba'al as mentioned in Romans 11:4, Numbers 25:3 and Judges 2:11. Why are they doing this? Let me explain. They want to reject the one true God because they want to be God's themselves, they see them selves as icons and idols. They want worship of the people and we are giving them that. All the glory they want is from the people. I have seen heavenly things now personally so no earthly things could make me reject Jesus Christ. They want you all to think we are more advanced than what we are - this is a hard truth pill to swallow i am aware. But Jesus said in Matthew 11:15 - "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." So those who are willing to accept the truth. Note, this will disrupt the whole fundamental belief you was told to believe in and your reality will be shook. We have been brainwashed since school since kids we was told we live on a sphere, most of us grew up in Christian countries and they never put any emphasis on the Bible they just dismissed the teachings of it and replaced it with science. Who you going to trust the almighty all knowing God or a human prone to error. They hide the truth away from you. The Flat Earthers are correct the world is Flat, not because they are wise and they figured it out and we are all stupid. Everyone knew the world is flat since existence the concept of a spheroid Earth is a relatively new idea. The bible confirms this is true there are only 3 dimensions, Heaven, Earth and Hell. Even the concept of 3D they stole of the bible and tried making it their own. The bible gives you answers about life, Science just creates more questions not answers. Lets further dive into this so you know i am speaking of the truth, lets talk moon landing. The great deceptions to fool many due to a space race with the USSR, USSR sent the first satellite into space 'apparently'. America caught winds of this and thought how can we top them up and assert our dominance, we send people to the moon. People that believe that we have been to the moon you are greatly lost and i hope you find Christ and welcome him. Notice how when the USSR dissolved and countries became independent and Russia wasn't seen as a great threat no more as the ideology of Capitalism won against Socialism, we haven't been so eager to get ourselves back there... I wonder why that enthusiasm has burnt away? After all, i thought space is the final frontier? With the technology we had back then do you guys think this is possible? According to their own science it contradicts everything they said that the vacuum of space has so much radiation, that i am struggling to believe that a normal not even specialized for the event camera was abled to take photos on the moon and return back home with clear images... The Earth is flat and the moon and Son is within the firmament. I know the first human emotion of someone reading this is going to be that is a big bombshell. Now lets look into the deeper reason why that is, you have been programed to be hostile to the idea of any other theory besides the one you have been taught in school and subscribed to without knowing. And your first instinct when you hear a view as such is to say to the person 'you are stupid' and laugh at them because you think they didn't listen in school or they are slow. In reality they are the ones who are wise because they seen what the Earth is with their own eyes and made their decision on that. Lets have a look what the famous band had to say in the song 'Califiornication' by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. "The sun may rise in the East, at least it settled in a final location, it understood that Hollywood sells Californication." Now lets really analyze what was the authors intended message of this song, as everything is ambiguous and open to interpretation by others, however, the author always has an intended message. What can the Sun be looked as. God. So if you replace Sun with God, God raises us and he understood that Hollywood sells Californication. Now what is Californication? That is the fairytale that came from Hollywood, California - the AI dream all you guys are eating up. "Space may be the final frontier, but it is made in a Hollywood basement." Now what is a final frontier? It is the final and most biggest achievement for humanity. This is just a illusion sold to you by the devil for your soul and money. You can try discredit this particular group as conspiracy theorist or maybe look to the possibility they got given everything they wanted the money and they still wasn't happy, they was around all the wealthiest and most powerful people in Hollywood, just as i trust the eye-witness testimony of the disciples. So do i trust the subliminal eye-witness account secretly contained in this song. I can imagine he saw a lot of shady stuff going on in Hollywood that really troubled his soul. You don't have to look far to know Hollywood is a dark and evil place. Think R Kelly, Drake and Diddy to name a few but i could go on more. It is evil. Do not wish to be a part of that table, as thy not know what they are wishing for. The is a reason so many celebrities are leaving that place... Lets talk about Michael Jackson, a gifted and talented individual who the world once loved. He spoke out about the dark side of Hollywood and they killed him. You would think they would stop there... No they made allegations of him being a pedophile despite the fact that he is dead and cannot defend himself. Whether you believe in God or not, ask your self is this just. Now whenever i mention him people mock his name, yet he is not here to defend himself. These people are evil. As said in Isaiah 5:20 - Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil." bless him father. Lets talk some more about Ba'al the false deity of the rich and powerful. Jeremiah 19:5 says "They have built the high places of Ba'al to burn thier children in the fire as offerings to Ba'al - something i did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind." Bohemian Grove is a great example to strengthen this point. Isn't it strange that the top 0.1% of the most elite bankers and politicians gather together and dress as druids and offer burnt sacrifices to an owl God. In form of 'Prop' children. Everyone disregarded this as pure non-sense and conspiracy. Then Alex Jones of InfoWars infiltrated this event taking place and publicized it to many millions. It was news for some time and people know vaguely about it but the world swiftly moved on. In a free country he has been completely silenced by the Government. Even the US constitution that can't be changed was changed for that man. As the freedom of speech is a right given to all Americans. Why silence him? Because he spoke great truths that is the thing. Athletes who are spotted drinking partying with girls get spoken more about than this happening with the 0.1%. It is very sad how ignorant we all are... We indulge of the distractions of life too much to realize the truth is in front of us. They are dropping us hints and we still obey them like sheep. Whilst we are distracted with football, cars, material things of this Earth. They are dressing up as druids and laughing at us and how easy it is to deceive the world. As the colosseums were built as a tactic to not lose power and control and distract people from the issues at hand, so are they doing with football stadiums around the world. Ryan Garcia speaks openly about God and Hollywood and they are not trying to portray to the masses he is having a mental breakdown. They are scared of you o' father Jesus. Now lets talk Baalenciaga, every materials girl and boy most favorite 'devil worshipping' brand. The 2022 ad campaign featuring children holding teddy bears dressed in "Bondage". If you were to look into this and see that this is a ritual they are doing, study the photos and look at the hints and symbolism of it all, you will see how twisted they are. Are we really going to let them defile our children like this and do nothing about it? We are really enabling and allowing these scumbags to do this to us and our children... God bless all those children affected o'Lord. In regards to this matter. It was news for a week now it has been forgotten about and everyone still wears the brand now. Whilst we are busy distracted there doing this to our own people, orchestrating their evil plans. You might have read now and you might be thinking to yourself, but why that is the purpose of all this deception. Money. Money is the root of all evil. They want you to worship money and in return they also take your soul. Nasa the biggest space program in the world with annual budgets of $25.4 billion in 2023 and $24billion in 2024. And international space program being worth 447 billion dollars in 2022. This explains the collective deception and the argument why so many would be in on it. Here you go. Money. As said in 1 Timothy 6:10 - "For the love of money is the root of evil.". If you were to ponder for a long time you will realize as all roads in Europe lead to Rome. Anything you can think of evil is money related. People will kill for money, betray one another, because of lack of money the demons will tempt you to steal and get from other to benefit yourself. Money is evil and is the root for all our problems. Lets stop worshipping a piece of paper, a note that is a ledger that tells you that Government has gave this note this much value and worshipping the one true God Jesus Christ, o' Father put glory on your name, amen. Paper will not defeat us as people. If we all raise we all have a chance. Enough is enough, the world was made for all of us not them. Lets take back what is ours from them. Draw Jesus in closer and he will draw in closer to you. There is a reason there was film made called 'Don't look up' because if you did you will see all the angels in their glory. The time has commeth, the son of man will be back soon amen. Lets have a further look into Nasa for the non-believers of my testimony. Nasa in Hebrew means 'Nasha' or 'Naw-saw' it means to lead astray or delude/deceive. What does being lead astray mean "to be lead away from the correct path or direction." This is hidden in plain sight, only those with a deep consciousness can see these things, those who don't see these things have been swallowed up by the Earth and material things of the Earth. They are mocking us. The founder of Nasa 'Werner Von Braun' 1912-1977, guess what he got made to be put on his gravestone... Psalm 19:1, now what does Psalm 19:1 tell us "The heavens declare glory of God; the skies proclaimed the work of his hands." Guilty conscious? Maybe he was mislead, only God will know. What I do know is even he knew the truth. Lets not let them win guys. God has personally told me he loves us all; however, we do have free will. He can't decide what you do with your life. What was written has to be fulfilled; if you like this idea or not. It is the reality Amen, i do not seek any glory of the people as the only glory i seek is from the one true God. I am just speaking of what i know and what God has educated me on. It is not too late to get good with God, he loves you. He will always be there for you. Are you going to stand on the side of Evil or the side of the Light with God. I know what path i am personally choosing. They can build bunkers, you can't run away from the wraith of God, as Jesus drank the cup that the father gave him. So shall a lot of you people too. As mentioned in Isiah 2:19. You are smart Satan, but I a meer mortal like my self figured out your entire plan before the father even confirmed this to be truth. Shame on you. You will never be like my almighty power God, Jesus Christ. Trust his plans guys. God is Good and God is Great. What has been written has to come true. I have nothing to gain from this personally but I just hope this reaches a lot of peoples hearts... I hope you guys let him in. He is a jealous God, he is like a father to you all, of course he is upset when he is seeing his children going astray and living a life of Sin. Even if i see one person in Heaven that has read this and believed in the one true God. I will be the happiest man alive. I am just a witness of that light. May we give Glory and peace to the one and only true son of Man, and lets all be eternally thankful and grateful for the amazing life he gave us. If you break everything down, when you are on your deathbed, money is the last thing that will be on your mind, it will be the experiences, friends and family you will be thinking off and all these experiences are only made possible through God. Heaven is real you will see your loved ones again, i promise you. Believe. This is my testimony. I have so much proof and further evidence. Check my Tik Tok d.0113 for videos proving God performing miracles that can't be explained by Science. And if any of you feel lost in this world - just know i felt that too. If anyone needs a friend to speak to i am always here to help, just as is God. God can help you will a lot than I, however, i will do my best. God bless you all brothers and sisters, I once hated you all, now i love you all because God loves you all. Amen.
submitted by ds-10- to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:56 th3_scout_tf2 when i saved up enough points to buy the mystery box some little anoying ass squeaker with a shitty mike spends all his points get the gun he wants and then when it' my turn i get that stupid FUCKING TEDDY BEAR AND THEN IT JUST LAUGHS AT ME AND THEN IT DISSAPEARS

when i saved up enough points to buy the mystery box some little anoying ass squeaker with a shitty mike spends all his points get the gun he wants and then when it' my turn i get that stupid FUCKING TEDDY BEAR AND THEN IT JUST LAUGHS AT ME AND THEN IT DISSAPEARS submitted by th3_scout_tf2 to blackops2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:44 hibiskus42 Searching for the name of a plush that told fairytales and storys?

Hi. I am searching for the name of a plush that could tell storys and fairytales. The plush could have been a bear, a tree or maybe an owl? I think it moved the head (and or eyes). It was in an commercial in germany (maybe somewhere between 2000 and 2006?) and in the background was a fake but pretty forrest. I think it could tell many different storys (maybe with buttons or square discs?) I am extremly sorry for my bad english. It is not my native tongue. Thanks in advance. P.S.: It was not Teddy Ruxpin or Cuddle Barn Plush.
submitted by hibiskus42 to toys [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:29 lady_caterpillar Rodrigo, a drag queen

Rodrigo, a drag queen
Rodrigo, a plush teddy bear, a drag queen, burlesque actor(-ess). Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of expressive emotions and artistic flair? Meet Rodrigo, the handmade plush teddy bear crafted with love and attention to details. Sewn from vintage plush, each piece has been dyed exclusively for this project, giving Rodrigo his unique and vibrant personality. Rodrigo is not your average teddy bear. He's a captivating character who knows how to steal the show with his dramatic gestures and emotional expressions. He effortlessly entices laughter and awe from everyone he encounters. His eyes light up with mischief, and his carefully stitched features beautifully capture every nuance of his artistic soul. ° ° ° ° ° Rodrigo is about 35 cm height. He is stuffed with 3 types of wood shavings, weightened with glass and steel beading, toned with oil paint. He has 5 cotter pin joints, moving his head and paws. In the last photo you can compare him and Lady Melania which you can find in my recent posts.
#teddies, #teddy, #teddybear, #r, #arttoy, #handmadetoy, #handmade, #collectiontoys, #collectibletoys, #artistbear, #vintagebear, #burlesque, #dragqueen, #drama
submitted by lady_caterpillar to somethingimade [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:25 Green____cat A bear and his teddy bear

A bear and his teddy bear submitted by Green____cat to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:03 Saturdead Noah ate someone

A few years ago, I was moving from Cleveland to Minneapolis. It had been the worst year of my life. The man I’d been dating for the past three years had been involved in a scam and squandered most of our joint savings along the way. Shortly after, I lost my job. I just couldn’t keep up with the pressure of finding a new place and surviving on breadcrumbs, and I just… broke down.
So I decided to start over in Minneapolis. I had a couple of friends who offered me a couch to crash on for a couple of weeks. I was looking to get a new job and start over fresh. I got on a greyhound with nothing but two suitcases and a handful of unread DMs.

It was a long trip. Most people stepped off in Chicago and Milwaukee, so for the final stretch of the trip there was only two people left; me, and a passenger sitting right across from me. A man in his early 60’s. He had a kind face and spent most of his time sending messages to his friends and family. I got the impression that this was some kind of event for him. He had a fanny pack with snacks, an extra battery for his phone, sunscreen on the tip of his ears, and a pair of ray bans resting on his trucker cap.
I talked to him a little. His name was Noah. He was heading home after a long consultation job out-of-state. He was some kind of environmental lawyer. He was all about public transportation and reducing the carbon footprint. I could tell he was a jubilant fellow – I don’t know a lot of people who speak so highly of their job.

About half an hour from our destination, the bus suddenly lurched. There was someone standing in the middle of the road, and the driver had done his best to steer out of the way. I saw a brief silhouette of someone small go by the window – possibly a child.
Moments later, we were thrown into a ditch, and the bus tipped over. In the blink of an eye, all turned to chaos. I was thrown out of my seat like a slack-necked doll, and there was this awful metal groaning noise. The side of the bus was torn open.
Suddenly, the world was still. My mind was spinning. I barely made it off the bus before I hurled, my inner ear screaming at me to lie down. Everything felt different. The air tasted metal. We’d driven straight into a field, leaving a long trail of bent grass and wild blue sunflowers behind us. As the engines of the bus died, all that was left was the flapping of moth wings. Looking back at the road, there was no one there.

I couldn’t see Noah, or the bus driver. I picked up my phone and called the police without a second thought. I felt disoriented, and the strangest details stood out to me. Like, how often do you stop to look at the shape of your phone, or stop to think about the actual code you use to unlock it?
While still on the phone, I was asked by the operator to check if everyone was okay. I moved to the front of the, saw the driver’s seat empty, and rounded the corner.
“Can you see them?” the operator asked again. “Is everyone alright?”
I heard the noise before I saw them. This thick, meaty squish. The tearing. Clicking teeth.
The kindly-looking Noah was sitting a bit further out in the field with a streak of blood trailing him. He was cradling the driver in his arms; slowly biting off pieces from the side of his head. Hair and all, slurped up like spaghetti.
It looked almost serene, like a grazing antelope.
“Excuse me, miss?” the operator repeated. “Can you see them?”
“Y-yes,” I whispered, breathlessly. “Yes, I do.”
“Is everyone alright?”
Noah looked up at me with complete disinterest. For a moment, his eyes met mine, and he was as calm as ever. There was no panic. No regret. Nothing. Like a dog enjoying a meaty bone.
“No,” I wheezed back into the phone. “N-no, we’re… we’re not alright.”

Yes, he’d killed and eaten that man. The moment we got off the bus, the first thing he’d done was to kill, and eat him. No hesitation whatsoever.
For a good fifteen minutes, I just stood there, watching. The police were on their way, but this was a bit out of their way. Noah didn’t seem to mind an audience. He just bit, chew, and swallowed. Bit, chew, and swallow. Thin spurts of blood stained his horn-rimmed glasses. But I couldn’t move or look away. I couldn’t bring myself to move or turn my back on him. I was just… frozen.
The moment the police arrived they didn’t even pull out their guns. They just stood there, staring in disbelief. Putting Noah in handcuffs and taking him away was completely uneventful. There was no struggle, no sudden attacks, nothing. Noah just looked disappointed to have his meal taken away, like a child tiredly reaching for his teddy bear.

I was so distraught after stating my witness account that I forgot one of my bags. I just took the one closest to me and got out of there. I couldn’t bring myself to call on my friends; I crashed at the first motel I came across. I sat up all night, staring into the ceiling, still trying to make some kind of sense about what I’d seen. I didn’t notice myself crying, and I didn’t notice how those cries slowly turned to screams. I just lay there, head empty, screaming into a cheap, tear-stained motel pillow.
Over the following weeks, I settled into a new place, a new job, and a new life. Everything was different, but in ways I hadn’t anticipated. I felt like an alien, as if the world had shifted. Like I’d seen something not of this Earth. Some of the most mundane things felt strange. Eating a sesame seed bagel at the café down on the corner felt like ashes in my mouth. All I could think about was teeth. Tearing. Ripping. Curious eyes looking my way.
But looking past all that, there was something else that kept crawling back into my mind; just how awful I was at judging someone’s character. How I hadn’t noticed the scam my ex had been wrapped up in, costing us our savings. How I hadn’t noticed how I was neglecting my work to the point where they had to let me go. And now this; how I couldn’t see that the friendly Noah on the bus had been ready to eat a living person at the drop of a hat?
It didn’t add up to me. How do you miss something like that?

I was one of the witnesses called in the trial that followed. I hoped it’d be a chance to finally put it all behind me. I said my piece, and I stayed to watch the proceedings. I had to know more about this man, and what turned him into this… monster. He didn’t look like a monster though. He was just a man in a suit. He even had the same glasses. I couldn’t look past his friendly demeanor – still as unbothered by this whole situation as the day I saw him bite down on raw flesh.
There was a clinical psychologist called to the stand. He’d been there to assess Noah’s mental state and was ready to share his findings.
“Mister Ayton is deeply confused,” he said. “To him, this behavior is not something new. This is something he’s been forced to do for years in order to survive.”
“Is he confessing further crimes?”
“Yes,” the psychologist continued. “But mister Ayton has lost perception of reality. He speaks of living in a forest, hunting people for food. He has no memory of ever having a family, or an occupation. To him, his life has been about… inhuman acts brought by never-ending strife.”
“And… you assess that this belief is a genuine response to trauma?”
“Yes, his belief is genuine,” the psychologist agreed. “This man has suffered a great trauma.”
There was a short pause as the psychologist checked his notes and adjusted his glasses.
“It’s… it’s as if he believes he comes from a different world.”

In Noah’s mind, he’d been a murderer for years, trapped in a sort of limbo state. His description of the world was horrifying; living in a space of ruptured reality, where the only certainty was famine and pain. He’d taken refuge in what he believed to be the shell of an abandoned bus. Suddenly, there were intruders in his space; one of which he killed and ate. The other he didn’t mind since he was already having his fill. According to his testimony, he was even willing to share. He wanted to be a good host.
His family spoke of another story. To them, Noah was a kind man with a busy schedule. There were pictures of him coaching his son’s basketball team. He’d recently celebrated 30 years of marriage to his wife, which he loved dearly. To them, this was an unreal nightmare. There was nothing in his history pointing to this kind of madness.
“Something happened,” they said. “Something must have happened on that bus.”
I hate to admit it, but I agreed. It just didn’t make sense.

I’m not sure what happened to Noah. There was a lot of talk behind closed doors, and most of what was said stayed there. The papers didn’t say a lot about it. There was mention of a case of “mutilation”, but every report about it was vague. It’s as if no one really wanted to report it. Maybe they didn’t know if it was a case of mental illness or something more sinister. Either way, there wasn’t much said about him.
I tried to put it out of my head. I caught up with my unread DMs. I’d been dreading reading worried texts, demands about unpaid bills, and whatever else might kick me further while I was down. I couldn’t go back to that world just yet, but I sort of had to.
But that’s where things took another turn.
I didn’t recognize these messages. Unknown names and numbers, asking me to call them back. One begged me to “reconsider”. Another sent me an address and a name. All kinds of strange, even coded, messages. Also; bank accounts. Payments.

That made me pause. I had no idea who these people were, or what they wanted from me. Had they gotten the wrong number?
I remember my second bag. I’d only brought the one, which I’d stashed away in my bathroom. I hadn’t opened it since that night. And the second bag, well… I still hadn’t talked to the police about it. But I decided that before I did anything else, I ought to at least unpack what little I’d brought. Even though it might be stained with blood, or worse. I couldn’t bear the thought of it.
But opening the bag, well… there was nothing of the sort in it.
It was my bag. I was certain of it. But there were no clothes or keepsakes. Instead, it had syringes wrapped in leather casings. Little clear vials; unmarked. Sheets of plastic, bags, duct tape, and knives. Several knives, of various sizes. All sharpened to perfection.

I picked one up. It fit perfectly into my hand, as if made for me.
Looking up at the bathroom mirror, there was something about the image looking back at me that I couldn’t recognize. While I could feel a frown forming on my brow, the face looking at me had a creeping smirk.
And I saw it blink.

That was only the beginning.
The police didn’t have my second bag. There had never been a second bag. There was only that one bag, and I couldn’t recognize a thing in it.
Even stranger, I couldn’t get in touch with anyone I knew. All numbers seemed to be out of commission. My parents, my sister, my friends… none of them. I couldn’t call them or find their social media profiles.
In my bag, there was a wallet. Several fake IDs, and thousands of dollars in cash.
I couldn’t recognize the president on the bill.

With every revelation, the smirk on my mirror image deepened. It would tilt its head the other way. It would look up and down; observing me. I’d raise my hand towards it, and it wouldn’t return the gesture.
Once, when I was in the bathroom, the bulb went out. I was standing there, fresh out of the shower, in complete darkness. I wrapped my cold towel around me, and I heard something. It sounded like a distant echo of my own voice, as if spoken from the other side of a window.
“…closer,” it whispered.
I didn’t say anything. I just held my breath, and listened.
“…I’m lost,” it continued. “…coming home.”
A finger brushed against my hair. I recoiled, and so did something else. I heard footsteps, moving away. As I opened the bathroom door and let some light in, the mirror image was nothing out of the ordinary. But somewhere out there, in the dark, I heard waning footsteps.

With every message I received, it was becoming increasingly clear that people were expecting something of me. That I’d move somewhere, meet someone, do something. I was asked about my equipment, about places and times. There were also a handful of threats from people expressing disappointment.
There was a knock on the door once. Another time, I saw a car slowing down to watch me through the kitchen window. There were mysterious phone calls at night. And whenever I stepped into a dark room, I’d stay clear of mirrors. If I stepped too close, I could hear something moving in there. Footsteps. Irregular breaths.
Sometimes, I’d feel the warmth of something reaching for me. Skin, just inches away.
Then, a hasty retreat.

I decided to retrace my steps. After all, Noah Ayton had been a family man before we swerved off that road. But what the hell had I been? Maybe he wasn’t the only one who’d changed.
I rented a car and took to the highway. I was having trouble navigating, ending up down a couple of roads I wasn’t supposed to. When I finally began to recognize where I was meant to go, the sun was already setting. I didn’t care. I was ready to drive through the night, if need be.
The first rain spatter came as soon as the sun set. The wind was picking up. I didn’t dare to look in the rear-view mirror. I didn’t want to think about what I might see.

I don’t know how long I drove. After a while, I stopped seeing other cars on the road.
Then, a shadow. Someone in the middle of the road. A boy?

I stepped on the breaks. A couple of moths thumped against my windshield as my car came to a full stop. I caught a glance at a side-view mirror, only to see a hand reaching out. I blinked it away.
I got out of the car, looking back down the road. I could still see the silhouette of a boy, walking away. Just like that night when the bus swerved off the road. This had to be connected; it just had to. I left my car running by the side of the road.
“Wait!” I called out. “Hold on!”
He didn’t stop. I was catching up, but as it turns out, I wasn’t the only one.

As I got closer, other figures emerged from the rain. Some of them looked like me. Others only held a vague resemblance. A select few were identical.
Further out, there were other figures. Some impossibly tall, others barely even human.
We all looked at one another; our heads turning in unison. Left. Right. Left. Like a ripple of thought, forcing us all to do the same. A collective impulse.

“I want my knives back.”
A voice breaking through the rain. I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. I’d seen her in the mirror dozens of times by now. But this time, her voice was unhindered. There was no mirror in the way. I could feel her staring at me.
We were all spread out in a circle around the mysterious boy. A sort of beacon we’d all gathered around. And the closer we got, the stranger things became.
I lost track of time. I could barely feel the weight of my heartbeats as they quickened and slowed seemingly at random. The wind picked up, then disappeared, then reappeared. Rain, to snow, to hail, to summer sun. In one blink of an eye, the world was on fire. In another, we were standing in oncoming traffic; cars throwing themselves off the road to avoid us. In one place, the stars were gone and the ground was nothing but black sand.
In so many places, there was nothing left. No life. No sky. Nothing.

It was terrifying. I wanted to turn around to run, but I couldn’t trust the figure to my side not to take advantage. Instead, I stopped. A few moved closer, only to dissipate or be changed forever. One sprouted a third arm. Another was dragged into the dark by an unseen force. One fell to the ground, stretched, and bent like hot metal. Screams, cries, and hysterical laughter.
Slowly, the boy moved away. And with every step he took, I could feel my world slowing down. By the time I could feel the rain on my skin again, there was a hand on my shoulder.
I was grabbed, spun around, and pushed. In front of me; my twisted mirror image.
“Go home,” it hissed. “I’m done with this place.”

A push. Shadows growing distant, and the rain growing stronger.
A different rain.

There was an unknown car waiting by the side of the road. One more neatly parked. Similar to the one I’d used, but not the same. Going through the glovebox, I recognized several items. Looking in the back seat, there were two familiar bags.
I realized what had happened. I’d been gone, and now I’d returned.

I have been back here for quite some time now. Here, where Noah Ayton is an ordinary family man without any articles mentioning his name. I settled into my new place, and eventually got a new job. Got back in touch with my family and friends. I started to recognize the faces on my dollar bills again.
But a few things have happened. No one has seen my ex for a while. There was a string of disappearances around the area where I used to live, back in Cleveland. I don’t like to think about what has happened there. Am I responsible? If not, who is?
I’m not sure what happened that night. Not really. I think we got too close to something we shouldn’t, and what little sense we make of this world got mixed-up.
I can’t help but to look a little longer at mirrors. I lean my ear in to listen, making sure I don’t hear anything. I turn my head back and forth, making sure the image follows. So far, it does. But I sometimes get the sense that it doesn’t. Maybe in the dark, when I can’t look as closely.

If you find yourself near a strange sunflower field, keep your eyes on the road. Slow down.
And if you do get a little too close, watch your surroundings. Check your bills.
And in more ways than one – know your place.
submitted by Saturdead to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:56 Gamer_Gamess 48 years ago today back on June 1st 1976 Elvis played at the Tucson Community Center Arena! I found a bootleg soundboard recording and figured I share with the residents of Tucson! (Soundboard - MP3 320kps quality. Download link in comments.) Did anyone see this show? Have a good weekend!

48 years ago today back on June 1st 1976 Elvis played at the Tucson Community Center Arena! I found a bootleg soundboard recording and figured I share with the residents of Tucson! (Soundboard - MP3 320kps quality. Download link in comments.) Did anyone see this show? Have a good weekend! submitted by Gamer_Gamess to Tucson [link] [comments]
