Ahsoka tano pregant


2020.05.22 07:43 Arisd23 AhsokaTanoSW

Welcome to AhsokaTanoSW This community is about Ahsoka Tano, a character from Star Wars Universe. In the world many people like this Togruta girl. She is the protagonist of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels.

2012.09.24 17:23 Ahsoka Tano

Everything pertaining to Ahsoka Tano: Order 66, Images, Fan Art, Stories, Video Clips and much more.

2022.04.06 22:04 sickomodeelmo69 ahsokaworship

A SubReddit Dedicated to worshipping the Beautiful and Sexy Ahsoka Tano

2024.05.19 00:19 Dennis_ODell Dark Jedi Ahsoka Tano Confronts Sith Alema Rar during New Republic

Dark Jedi Ahsoka Tano Confronts Sith Alema Rar during New Republic submitted by Dennis_ODell to starwarsblackseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:36 B504ro Is this trade worth it, I get a lot of trade requests for this card

Is this trade worth it, I get a lot of trade requests for this card submitted by B504ro to starwarstrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:35 DaglaZ Did i messed up my zetas?

Did i messed up my zetas?
My main goal is GAS rn. Should i keep using all my resources in this squad?
submitted by DaglaZ to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:49 LateralRaise405 New f2p account, is this a good farming plan? I know the starting meta has changed a bit since when I first played

New f2p account, is this a good farming plan? I know the starting meta has changed a bit since when I first played submitted by LateralRaise405 to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:06 silent_pm Found these old Star Wars toys in the loft, had no idea Funko did figures of this size too. Is there any value to them?

Found these old Star Wars toys in the loft, had no idea Funko did figures of this size too. Is there any value to them? submitted by silent_pm to funkopop [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:23 Cursed_Wolf_1945 My idea for potential faction rosters for Total War: Star Wars

I've seen a lot of talk about a potential Star Wars: Total War and thought I would make up a mock example of a potential roster for three potential races - the Galactic Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Galactic Empire. This list is not by any means exhaustive - it's mostly to provide a brief overview of what units COULD be added to each faction. Other weapon and equipment variations could certainlty be added. ONLY material from canon is included. Units I believe would belong in a subfaction are NOT included such as the several Geonosian and Umbaran units that could be added.
Again, this list is not-exhaustive and could easily double or triple in size if you include non-canon material.
Please post any questions or feedback you may have.

Galactic Republic

Legendary Leaders
Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi - 212 Attack Batallion
Commander Cody (Legendary Hero)
Jedi General Anakin Skywalker - 501st Company
Ahsoka Tano (Legendary Hero)
Admiral Wullf Yularen (Legendary Hero)

Generic Lords

Jedi General
ARC Trooper

Ground Roster:


Clone Trooper Battalion (DC-15A)
Clone Trooper Battalion (DC-17)
Clone Rocket Trooper Battalion
Clone Commando Squad
ARF Trooper Battalion


BARC Speeder Bikes (Hero Mount as well)
HAVw A5 Juggernaut
HAVw A6 Juggernaut
TX-130 Saber Tank

Space Roster:

Small Craft

V-19 Torrent Starfighter (Light Fighter)
BTL-B Y-Wing (Strike Bomber)
ARC-170 (Multirole Strike Fighter)
V-Wing (Multirole Strike Fighter)
Delta-7 Starfighter (Hero Mount for Jedi)
Eta-2 Actis Starfighter (Hero Mount for Jedi)


Acclamator I Class
Acclamator II Class
Arquitens Class Light Cruiser (Light Cruiser)
Consular Class (Frigate)
Pelta Class Strike Frigate
Venator Class Cruiser (Capital Ship)

Confederacy of Independent Systems

Legendary Leaders

Sith Lord Count Dooku
General Grievous

Generic Lords:

Super Tactical Droid OR Tactical Droid
OOM Command Droid

Ground Roster:

Light Droids (11 Units)

B1 Battle Droid
B2 Super Battle Droid
B2/HA Super Battle Droid (Homing Rocket Launcher)
B2/RP Super Battle Droid (Jets)
BX Commando Droids
Droideka (Sharpshooter)
DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid
IG-86 Sentinel Droid
IG-100 Magnaguards
LM-432 Crab Droids

Heavier Droids/Other (4 Units)

AAT Tank
HMP Droid Gunship
IG-227 Hailfire tank
NR-N99 Persuader Tank
Octuptarra Combat Tri-Droid
Octuptarra Magna Tri-Droid - Larger version of the above.
OG-9 Homing Spider Droid

Artillery (1 Unit)

J-1 Proton Cannon

Space Roster

Small Craft (3 Units)

Vulture Droid
Hyena Bomber

Starship (9 Units)

C-9979 Landing Craft
Lucrehulk Class (Battleship)
Lucrehulk Class (Carrier)
Munificent Class Frigate
Providence Class (Carrier)
Providence Class (CarrieDestroyer)
Providence Class (Dreadnaught)
Recusant Class Light Destroyer
Seperatist Supply Ship (Light Carrier)

Galactic Empire:

Sith Lord Darth Vader
Grand Moff Tarkin

Generic Lords:


Ground Roster

Army Trooper Battalion
Stormtrooper Battalion
Shadow Troopers
Dark Troopers
Death Troopers


LAAT/le Patrol Gunship

Small Craft

Tie/Ln Fighter
Tie/Sa Bomber
Tie Advanced V1
Tie/In interceptor
Tie Avenger
Tie/d Defender
Tie/sk Striker
Tie/ph Phantom


Acclomator I
Acclomator II
Arquitens Light Cruiser
Gozanti Class Cruiser (Light Carrier)
Gozanti Class Cruiser
Imperial I Class Star Destroyer
Imperial II Class Star Destroyer
Interdictor Class
submitted by Cursed_Wolf_1945 to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:11 FrostFire131 Where to buy accessories for the Saber Forge line of toys?

Where to buy accessories for the Saber Forge line of toys?
So I bought my son this a year or so ago, and as he's getting into Star Wars a bit more, I pulled out my old lightsaber toy that makes sounds and lights up and all that jazz. I know this Saber Forge line from Hasbro has lots of customization options, but do you all know of anywhere I can just get the sound part without having to buy an entire new lightsaber set? I'm not opposed to getting him a nice lightsaber that makes all the lights and sounds, but if there's somewhere I can get a sort of "upgrade" to put in his existing lightsaber toy that will make the sounds that would be great.
submitted by FrostFire131 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:34 thejuggernaut25 Star Wars Baseball Lineup

I saw a video on Instagram (can’t remember the account) while doom scrolling where two players were asked what their Star Wars lineup would be and I decided to make my own! I can and will explain every choice ⚾️
Build your own and let’s compare!
P - Qui-Gon Jinn R
C- Captain Rex R
1B - General Grevious S
2B - Ahsoka Tano S
3B - Han Solo R
SS - Darth Maul S
LF - Obi-Wan Kenobi R
CF - Anakin Skywalker (pre-lava) L
RF - Luke Skywalker L
DH - Chewbacca R
CP - Mace Windu R
Wrecker 1B/DH R
Ezra Bridger (SS/2B) L
Lando Calrissian (3B/OF) R
Kit Fisto (UTIL) S
Revan OF S
Yoda (Knuckleballer) R
Crosshair L
Bastila Shan L
Thrawn R
Jango Fett R
Cad Bane L
Boba Fett R
Bo-Katan R
Asajj Ventress L
Jar Jar (Wild Thing) R
Manager: Palpatine
1st base coach: R2-D2
3rd base coach: Chopper (sends runner EVERY time)
1 - Ahsoka Tano
2 - Darth Maul
3 - Anakin Skywalker
4 - Chewbacca
5 - Luke Skywalker
6 - Obi-Wan Kenobi
7 - Han Solo
8 - General Grevious
9 - Captain Rex
submitted by thejuggernaut25 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:18 the_caddy ELO ranking system for Jedi/Sith lightsaber duelists

ELO ranking system for Jedi/Sith lightsaber duelists
I came across an older post discussing every lightsaber duel before the fall of the republic, and also the win-loss records for these duels. I was unable to find a ranking system for Jedi/Sith lightsaber duels, so I decided to try and come up with something myself, although there are probably better solutions out there that already do the same thing. It was mainly an excuse for me to get started using the "Go" language, and also attempt to determine the most skilful lightsaber duelist.
I think i've come up with something rudimentary that ranks the duelists. Please note that I took a slightly different approach to the previously mentioned threads as I added the possibility for a "Draw". I'm also well aware that the dataset included in this repository is very limited, and that it is borderline impossible to draw any conclusions from the results given the dearth of data and lack of recorded lightsaber duels. I've included links to some YouTube videos in the data so that others can see where I came up with the results. My interpretation of the outcome of these duels may be incorrect. I just thought this was a fun project and wanted to share.
I've included a screenshot of the results in the README for quick reference, and I've included instructions on how to use the code if anyone is interested in playing around with the project themselves. Thanks for looking.
TLDR: Count Dooku, based on the dataset, is the most skilful lightsaber duelist.
Edit: included screenshot of results.
submitted by the_caddy to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:35 Present_Music_7079 I 've been waiting since december.God damn December!! hell nah bbts

I 've been waiting since december.God damn December!! hell nah bbts submitted by Present_Music_7079 to starwarsblackseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:32 jbarchietto Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano submitted by jbarchietto to AFOL [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:31 jbarchietto Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano submitted by jbarchietto to studshooters [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:17 Dangerous-Emu8921 Progress so far... what next? (repost, last time forgot to add the images)

Progress so far... what next? (repost, last time forgot to add the images) submitted by Dangerous-Emu8921 to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:43 nacicaba Darth Vader vs Ahsoka Tano painting by Naci Caba

Darth Vader vs Ahsoka Tano painting by Naci Caba submitted by nacicaba to StarWarsPaintings [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:14 nancyjazzy Ahsoka Tano and Darth Maul team up and confront Anakin on Mustafar instead of Obi-Wan. Together, can they defeat him?

Canon Versions
In the scenario (except for bonus round), Obi-Wan doesn’t go to Mustafar so Padme goes by herself. However, another ship arrives when she’s talking to Anakin and Ahsoka and Maul step out of it.
R1: Anakin chokes Padme because he thinks she gave them his location. The fight starts after she goes unconscious.
R2: Padme doesn’t get choked but the fight happens.
R3: Maul starts attacking Anakin first. Whoever wins then fights Ahsoka. Can Ahsoka survive this?
R4: Maul and Ahsoka show up on Coruscant when Anakin is telling Padme that he’s about to go to Mustafar. Does this change the outcome of the battle?
Bonus Round: The fight starts on Mustafar but Obi-Wan does show up halfway through. Obi-Wan is unable to stop the fight. Who does he fight?
submitted by nancyjazzy to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 Training-Mess5833 The Main Characters fates during the epilogue of Victory and Death

Here is the list on where are the main characters are in 17 BBY:
Here are list, so if I miss a lot name one on the comment section. Yes I know people know this already but I’m just showing where the characters are during 17 BBY.
submitted by Training-Mess5833 to TheCloneWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:38 Tiny-Sir8644 Anyone know what Ahsoka Tano’s T-6 Jedi Shuttle is like and if it’s a good purchase?

submitted by Tiny-Sir8644 to lego [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:20 Training-Mess5833 The Main Characters fates during the epilogue of Victory and Death

Here is the list where are the characters are in 17 BBY:
Here are list, so if I miss a lot name one on the comment section.
submitted by Training-Mess5833 to clonewars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:59 isaacsaa Qui-Gon vs Padme Dilemma

Hi all, I recently started playing at the beginning of April and I’m completely F2P. I’m currently level 71 have GR Jedi built up as best I can with GK, JKA, Windu, GMY, Ahsoka Tano and Plo Koon. Looking to the future, I am torn between working towards Padme and using her as a lead, or farming Qui-Gon and making use of his GAC omicron.
Which path do you think would be best? I know Padme is a bigger investment, but is it worth it in the long run? Or would the GR Jedi be better utilised with a Qui-Gon lead?
submitted by isaacsaa to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:52 writerrsblock101 Need more secret identity trope

As the title suggests, one of my favorite story tropes is that of secret identities. However, I find that whenever they appear, there's never enough content revolving them. Even more is that I'm obsessed with people finding out about the secret identity. Unfortunately, the stories I find don't seem to satisfy my need for this trope so here's a bit of what I'm looking for:
I do have a few examples of characters that fit most of these tropes, but unfortunately, I can't think of any books since most of these requirements are specific aspects I'm pulling from shows I've recently watched. The only book I can think of that kind of fits some of this is The Name of the Wind (my favorite book) but also I haven't read it in a while so I can't remember exactly everything it covers.
Character examples include: Barry Allen/The Flash - he kind of reveals his identity a little too often but the way a lot of those scenes are executed are done really well. Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars, and I'm specifically thinking of her appearance in season 7 of the Clone Wars. Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm - she's a little careless but it doesn't get in her way. (and honestly a lot of isekai/portal fantasy main characters fit the secret identity trope) If you don't know some of these characters, that's fine. I just wanted to put them out there as examples regardless.
So anyway, TLDR: I need someone to suggest me a book with the secret identity trope that has these specific variables. Preferably something in sci fi or fantasy but I'm willing to give some other genres a shot. Just let me know what genre, and if the book doesn't have a certain point I've listed, let me know as well. I haven't read in a long time and I'm looking get back into reading again so I might as well start with one of my favorite tropes.
submitted by writerrsblock101 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 autobuzzfeedbot The 20 Most Important Moments In Star Wars' 22-Year Clone Wars Saga

  1. Omega Leaves Pabu To Join the Rebellion
  2. The Bad Batch Retire To Pabu
  3. Crosshair & Hunter Kill Royce Hemlock
  4. Echo Infiltrates Mount Tantiss
  5. Crosshair & Omega Are Detained On (& Escape) Mount Tantiss
  6. Tech Is Killed After A Mission Gone Wrong
  7. Emperor Palpatine Personally Retires The Clones
  8. Echo Leaves Clone Force 99 To Join Rex
  9. Kamino Is Destroyed By Admiral Rampart
  10. Hunter Lets Caleb Dume Live During Order 66
  11. Ahsoka Tano Removes Captain Rex’s Inhibitor Chip
  12. Order 66 Is Executed
  13. Ahsoka Tano Leads The Siege of Mandalore
  14. Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, & The Bad Batch Recover Echo From The Techno Union
  15. Fives Uncovers The Clones’ Inhibitor Chips
  16. Ahsoka Tano Is Framed For Bombing The Jedi Temple
  17. The 501st Defies General Krell On Umbara
  18. Anakin, Obi-Wan, & Ahsoka Visit Mortis
  19. Ahsoka Tano Becomes Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan
  20. The First Battle Of Genonosis Kick-Starts The Clone Wars
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:25 BroMandi [eBay] 12" Star Wars Ahsoka Tano Interactive Action Figure w/ Lights & Sound Effects $15 + Free Shipping [Deal: $15.00, Actual: $29.99]

[eBay] 12 submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]
