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2024.06.02 08:40 marl3nee I might be fucked

I have three speeches. One on Thursday, another one in 3 weeks and another in 4 weeks. I haven’t spoken in front of people in about 5 years and whenever I’m asked to read aloud in class, I literally can’t breathe and start shaking uncontrollably.
I have no idea what to do. I’m 16 years old and I’ve been nervous for these speeches for months. Now that one of them is so close I’m actually breaking down. I want to tell a teacher or something but I’m afraid of confrontation and genuinely so embarrassed about it. Everyone in my class is so confident and I panic at even the thought of reading out loud.
I want to take something to calm me down but my mother doesn’t believe in ‘anxiety’ and just think I’m overthinking the whole thing, and once I get up on the stage I’ll relax. I told her I literally might have a panic attack but she thinks I’m ‘too young to be having problems’ and just being dramatic.
I have a friend that bursts into tears whenever she goes up to the present and everyone is pretty much used to it atp, so when she does it’s not a big deal. I asked her for advice and she says that she tells herself to ‘stop being a pussy’ and get over herself. She tells me it makes her feel worse so if someone makes fun of her, the words they say is not as bad as what she tells herself. I think she might be a masochist so I’m not sure if I should take her advice.
My other friend told me to just start crying/panicking in front of everyone and then they’ll understand to never make me read aloud again. I’m lowkey considering it just to prove that I do have problems and need help. But the thing is, I don’t think I’d be able to handle being in that class with the same people during the aftermath of my breakdown.
To make things worse, one of the speeches I have is for a subject called ‘society and culture’ and I basically have to talk about my interests for 6 minutes without palm cards or anything. This whole assignment is worth 40% of my overall grade and the teachers are judging us purely on our confidence, eye contact and how engaging we are.
My teacher was talking about anxiety and if you can’t present, you have to get a doctor’s certificate confirming you have actual speech issues and you’ll just present in front of just one teacher instead of the whole class. And like I said, my mother doesn’t believe in anxiety and pretty much hates doctors.
I’ve tried everything to try and help me relax, but nothing is working. Breathing techniques make me more anxious and heart rate quicken even worse.
Am I fucked? Any advice??
submitted by marl3nee to PublicSpeaking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:38 undergroundvgt Seeking Advice on Military Discharge Upgrade and VA Disability Claim

Hello everyone,
I'm looking for guidance on upgrading my military discharge and filing a VA disability claim. Here’s my situation:
  1. **Discharge Upgrade**: Tried upgrading my discharge on my own but faced challenges and frequent denials.
  2. **Attorney Consultation**: Considered hiring an attorney, but they couldn't guarantee success and required high fees.
  3. **Veteran's Advice**: Suggested I file a disability claim to access medical treatment.
  4. **Disability Claim**: Filed a claim, but progress was halted due to needing a character of discharge.
  5. **Current Status**:
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by undergroundvgt to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 fabulouslasvegasesco INTENT's Roadmap Milestones: From TENT MVP Launch to Full Token Deployment

We're excited to share some major milestones from INTENT's roadmap, reflecting our commitment to transforming digital asset management.
Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished so far:
  1. Launch of TENT Platform MVP: We successfully launched our Minimal Viable Product (MVP), marking the first step in our mission to innovate digital asset management.
  2. IBAN Functionality Deployed: With IBAN integration, our users can now perform transactions effortlessly, enhancing their overall experience.
  3. Banking Platform Integration: We integrated with a major banking platform, making the transition between traditional banking and digital assets seamless and efficient.
  4. INTENT Token Fully Deployed: Our token is now fully operational, setting the stage for advanced digital asset functionalities and opportunities.
  5. Airdrops for Active Users: We completed our first airdrop, rewarding our loyal and active users. This is just one of many incentives we plan to offer.
These achievements are key steps toward our vision of a comprehensive digital asset management platform.
submitted by fabulouslasvegasesco to Crypto_Talkers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 overgrownfawn I asked ChatGPT to give me a breakdown of what to look out for on June 4

I'm very interested in the General Elections but can't follow political news due to time constraints. So I took GPT's help and asked it several questions to help me understand the situation and to tell me what to focus on during the election results. Questions I asked were:
  1. Browse the Internet and explain to me what I should look out for while watching the Indian election results all day on June 4
  2. Give me an hour-to-hour breakdown of what to expect on that day
  3. Give me the key battleground states and tell me what a "good" performance would look like for the BJP/NDA in those states
  4. What would be a good performance for the BJP/NDA on a national level?
  5. How many more seats would the BJP/NDA need to win in which states to secure 400 seats realistically

Browse the Internet and explain to me what I should look out for while watching the Indian election results all day on June 4

While watching the Indian election results on June 4, here are key points to focus on:
1. Major Alliances and Parties:
- BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party): Led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP is expected to be a significant contender. Pay attention to their performance, particularly in stronghold states like Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat.
- INDIA Alliance: The opposition coalition, including the Indian National Congress and several regional parties. Watch for their performance in states like West Bengal and Bihar, where regional dynamics are crucial.
2. Key Contests and Battleground State:
- States like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, and Bihar are pivotal. These states have a large number of parliamentary seats, and their results can significantly impact the overall outcome.
3. Voter Turnout and Trends:
- Voter turnout can indicate the level of public engagement and support for various parties. High turnout in specific regions could favor the ruling party or the opposition, depending on the demographic and historical voting patterns.
4. Economic and Social Issues:
- Economic concerns, such as unemployment and agrarian distress, are major voter issues. The performance of the BJP's welfare schemes and economic policies will be scrutinized, especially in rural areas heavily dependent on agriculture.
5. Hindu-Muslim Relations:
- Communal issues, particularly the controversy surrounding the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, could influence voter sentiment. This has been a polarizing topic, with potential impacts on voting behavior in key constituencies.
6. Newly Formed or Shifting Alliances:
- Keep an eye on any last-minute shifts in alliances or defections among major political figures, as these can dramatically alter the political landscape. For instance, any changes within the INDIA coalition or defections to the BJP-led NDA can affect the results.

Give me an hour-to-hour breakdown of what to expect on that day

Here’s an hour-by-hour breakdown of what to expect on June 4 during the Indian election results day:
Early Morning (6 AM - 9 AM)
Mid-Morning (9 AM - 12 PM)
Afternoon (12 PM - 3 PM)
Late Afternoon (3 PM - 6 PM)
Evening (6 PM - 9 PM)
Night (9 PM onwards)
Key Points to Watch

Give me the key battleground states and tell me what a "good" performance would look like for the BJP/NDA in those states

Here are the key battleground states for the Indian election and what a "good" performance would look like for the BJP/NDA in those states:
1. Uttar Pradesh (UP)
Significance: Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in India, contributing 80 seats to the Lok Sabha, making it a crucial battleground.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA:
2. Maharashtra
Significance: Maharashtra has 48 Lok Sabha seats, and it is another major state where the BJP/NDA needs a strong showing.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Maintaining dominance: Winning around 30-35 seats would be considered a good outcome. In 2019, the BJP and its ally Shiv Sena won 41 seats together.
3. West Bengal
Significance: West Bengal contributes 42 seats to the Lok Sabha. It has traditionally been a stronghold for the Trinamool Congress (TMC).
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Significant gains: Winning at least 15-20 seats would be a marked improvement for the BJP. In 2019, the BJP made significant inroads by winning 18 seats.
4. Bihar
Significance: Bihar has 40 Lok Sabha seats and is another key state with significant political importance.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Majority wins: Securing around 25-30 seats would be a strong performance. In 2019, the BJP and its allies won 39 out of 40 seats.
5. Madhya Pradesh
Significance: Madhya Pradesh contributes 29 seats to the Lok Sabha. It is traditionally a stronghold for the BJP.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: High seat count: Winning at least 20-25 seats would be considered good. The BJP won 28 seats in 2019, and maintaining this level would be crucial.
6. Karnataka
Significance: Karnataka has 28 Lok Sabha seats. It is a key southern state where the BJP has been trying to expand its influence.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Majority wins: Winning around 15-20 seats would be considered strong. In 2019, the BJP won 25 seats.
7. Rajasthan
Significance: Rajasthan contributes 25 seats to the Lok Sabha. It is another key state for the BJP.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Majority of seats: Winning at least 20-22 seats would be considered good. In 2019, the BJP won all 25 seats.

What would be a good performance for the BJP/NDA on a national level?

A good performance for the BJP/NDA on a national level in the Indian general elections would entail several key achievements:
1. Securing a Clear Majority
2. Dominating Key States
3. Retaining Stronghold States
4. Making Inroads in New Regions

How many more seats would the BJP/NDA need to win in which states to secure 400 seats realistically

To secure 400 seats, the BJP/NDA would need to significantly improve their performance in several states, including retaining their current seats and gaining new ones. Here's a breakdown of where they would need to gain additional seats and the approximate numbers needed in key states:
Current Scenario
Key States and Additional Seats Needed
1. Uttar Pradesh
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA won 62 out of 80 seats. - Additional Needed: Winning 70 seats (an increase of 8 seats) would significantly contribute towards the goal.
2. West Bengal
- 2019 Results: BJP won 18 out of 42 seats. - Additional Needed: Securing 30 seats (an increase of 12 seats) would be a major gain.
3. Maharashtra
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA won 41 out of 48 seats. - Additional Needed: Winning 45 seats (an increase of 4 seats) would be realistic if they retain their alliance.
4. Bihar
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA won 39 out of 40 seats. - Additional Needed: Securing all 40 seats (an increase of 1 seat).
5. Madhya Pradesh
- 2019 Results: BJP won 28 out of 29 seats. - Additional Needed: Winning all 29 seats (an increase of 1 seat).
6. Karnataka
- 2019 Results: BJP won 25 out of 28 seats. - Additional Needed: Securing all 28 seats (an increase of 3 seats).
7. Rajasthan
- 2019 Results: BJP won all 25 seats. - Additional Needed: Maintaining all 25 seats.
8. Gujarat
- 2019 Results: BJP won all 26 seats. - Additional Needed**: Maintaining all 26 seats.
9. Haryana
- 2019 Results: BJP won all 10 seats. - Additional Needed: Maintaining all 10 seats.
Expanding in New Regions
1. Tamil Nadu
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA had a minimal presence. - Additional Needed: Winning at least 10-15 seats would be a significant gain.
2. Kerala
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA had minimal success. - Additional Needed: Securing 5-10 seats would mark a breakthrough.
3. Andhra Pradesh
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA won no seats. - Additional Needed: Winning at least 10 seats would be a substantial gain.
4. Telangana
- 2019 Results: BJP won 4 out of 17 seats. - Additional Needed: Securing 10 seats (an increase of 6 seats).
5. Odisha
- 2019 Results: BJP won 8 out of 21 seats. - Additional Needed: Winning 15 seats (an increase of 7 seats).
submitted by overgrownfawn to indianews [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:33 QuietAffectionate498 I don’t care about my longest, strongest crush from high school at all. I thought that his rejection would impact me psychologically for a long time, and it seemingly didn’t. Why?

I’ve been 19 for almost two months, just for reference. In my first year of high school, I developed a crush on a boy in my class that lasted for a year (didn’t end after he called me a 5 and then a 4,) because he noticed me when I was depressed. I was so depressed at the time because I’d experienced an immensely traumatic incident (my older brother having a mental/psychotic break, and seeing my parents fail to handle this effectively.) I was used to my peers being bullies, and I think I was slowly but surely entering a stage wherein I was no longer very attracted to girls and was starting to prefer boys. Over quarantine, my body dysmorphia was partly so bad due to his comment. I had lost attraction to him by 11th grade, in part because he’d become average looking. I’ve understood since I was in 11th grade that we’d have been incompatible. But I mean, I’d never had such intense feelings for someone, so I’d always thought it’d be more impactful. Nowadays, I don’t really care about him. Why did it not have the impact I expected it to have?
submitted by QuietAffectionate498 to psychologyofsex [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 Count-Daring243 Best Acrylic Bookshelf

Best Acrylic Bookshelf
Welcome bookworms! In this article, we're diving into the world of acrylic bookshelves. Acrylic has taken the furniture world by storm, offering not only chic, modern design but also practical functionality. So, let's explore the best acrylic bookshelves on the market and find the perfect addition for your reading nook.

The Top 13 Best Acrylic Bookshelf

  1. Contemporary Acrylic Floating Shelves for Books and Decor - Add style and storage with the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves, featuring a modern design, 100% acrylic construction, and a space-saving vertical layout.
  2. Stylish Dwelling with Pride Acrylic Shelves for Display and Organization - Upgrade your home décor and storage with Dwelling with Pride's modern, easy-to-install acrylic shelves, perfect for displaying photos, books, and more.
  3. Acrylic Bookshelf with Magnetic Acrylic Doors for Storage and Decoration - The MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, featuring acrylic doors and a bamboo finish, is a waterproof, dirt-proof storage solution that adds natural beauty to your home while keeping your belongings secure and easily accessible.
  4. Large Modern Clear Acrylic Leaning Bookcase for Open Shelving Storage - Organize and display with style - the 6-foot Claimed Corner Leaning Acrylic Ladder Bookcase offers a modern, multifunctional solution for any space.
  5. LED Light Acrylic Bookshelf for Versatile Storage - Illuminate your space with style: This 5-tier acrylic bookshelf, featuring adjustable LED lights and adjustable bottom shelves, is a versatile and sleek storage solution for any room.
  6. Brass Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf - Elevate your home decor with the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf, a stylish blend of brass and glass that's as strong as it is sophisticated, perfect for holding your collection in high regard.
  7. Orren Ellis Clear Acrylic Modern Bookcase - The Orren Ellis Crystal Clear Acrylic Bookcase offers a sleek, modern design that lets your collection of photobooks or unique objects shine, making it a must-have for any book lover seeking an elegant display option.
  8. Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf for Kids - This 5mm twice thicker premium acrylic invisible floating bookshelf from NIUBEE is a sturdy, safe and versatile solution for organizing kids' books, making it a perfect gift for mothers and kids while also being ideal for various spaces and decor styles.
  9. Elegant Double Acrylic Shelf for Ample Storage Space - Get double the storage space with our stylish Double Acrylic Shelf, perfect for any room and effortlessly blends with any decor.
  10. Luxurious 5-Tier Acrylic Bookshelf for Stylish Storage - Moasis 5-Tier Acrylic Bookshelf: A luxurious and versatile storage solution crafted from durable wrought iron and acrylic, perfect for displaying your favorite books, plants, and decorations in your home.
  11. Acrylic Bamboo Narrow Bookcase with Magnetic Locking Doors - Keep your room organized and stylish with the MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, featuring a slim yet sturdy bamboo structure, acrylic doors with magnetic locking, and a water-proof, transparent design for easy access to your stored items.
  12. Acrylic Wall-Mounted Floating Shelves for Versatile Wall Storage - Experience ultimate convenience and style with the Sezanrpt Black Acrylic Wall Shelves, offering unmatched stability, versatility, and easy installation for any room in your home.
  13. Impressive Clear Acrylic Floating Bookshelf for Space-Saving Storage - Transform your space with the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf, a versatile and durable solution for neatly displaying books, photos, and other items while keeping children safe.
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🔗Contemporary Acrylic Floating Shelves for Books and Decor
As someone who was constantly struggling to find the perfect storage solution for my eclectic collection of trinkets, I was thrilled when I came across the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves Decor, Bookshelf. The sleek acrylic design really caught my eye and piqued my interest.
The first thing I noticed upon setting up the shelves was their sturdy construction. Made from solid pine wood, they exuded a sense of durability that left me confident in their ability to hold up against daily wear and tear. The black neutral finish was also a bonus, as it allowed me to seamlessly blend the shelves into my existing decor.
However, one area where these shelves fell short was their space-saving design. While they were perfect for preserving valuable floor space in my small apartment, I found that they didn't have enough room to hold some of my larger items comfortably.
Despite this minor hiccup, I was pleasantly surprised by how well the shelves performed in terms of storage capacity. With five shelves offering ample real estate to display my favorite books, picture frames, and collectibles, I was able to showcase every item with pride.
In terms of appearance, I couldn't have asked for a better addition to my living space. The clean, modern lines of the shelves were the perfect complement to my contemporary aesthetic, and they made a real statement when placed alongside my other decorative accents.
Overall, my experience with the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves Decor, Bookshelf has been a positive one. Despite a minor space issue and a slightly higher price point than I had initially anticipated, the combination of durability, style, and ample storage capacity more than made up for it.

🔗Stylish Dwelling with Pride Acrylic Shelves for Display and Organization
In my search for modern, easy-to-clean, and long-lasting shelves, I stumbled upon Dwelling with Pride's Acrylic Shelf. It was love at first sight - the sleek, clear design made my favorite books and photos pop. Plus, it's sturdier than I thought, making it a great investment for my small space. The easy-to-install process was a breeze, thanks to the handy hardware provided.
One of my favorite features has to be the effortless organization. No more fumbling for that perfect spice; these shelves keep everything in plain sight. I also appreciate the versatility - this Acrylic Shelf can be a display for my treasured photos or the perfect spot for my daughter's favorite toys. I'm thrilled with my purchase, and I wholeheartedly recommend Dwelling with Pride's Acrylic Shelf to anyone looking to add a touch of style and functionality to their home.

🔗Acrylic Bookshelf with Magnetic Acrylic Doors for Storage and Decoration
I recently came across the MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, a slim and elegant addition to any home or office decor. In my experience, the bamboo construction gives it an earthy and natural touch, while the 5-tier design offers ample storage space for various items. However, what really stands out is the acrylic door with magnetic locking – a practical feature that keeps your belongings protected and dry.
The see-through design allows for easy organization and showcases your favourite items, making it a beautiful statement piece in any room.

🔗Large Modern Clear Acrylic Leaning Bookcase for Open Shelving Storage
As a lover of modern decor in my home, I was intrigued by the Claimed Corner Large Modern Clear Leaning Wall Bookshelf. It was a breath of fresh air to have an acrylic, non-wood bookshelf that could easily blend into the modern design of our living space. Its multifunctionality allowed it to be placed in various rooms, making this versatile bookshelf even more appealing.
The sturdy construction of the bookshelf was really impressive. It had strong acrylic frames that could hold up to 30lbs each, guaranteeing durability. The mounting hole and hardware made the entire process of securing it to the wall a breeze. Despite its industrial-strength design, the bookshelf's modern aesthetic never compromised.
My only concern was the limited space for displaying books on each shelf, which at times made it challenging to store all my books. Nevertheless, I managed to work around it, arranging and rotating the books to ensure they fit nicely. Despite this drawback, the bookshelf exceeded my expectations in terms of utility and style, becoming a beloved part of our home decor.

🔗LED Light Acrylic Bookshelf for Versatile Storage
This white LED-lit bookshelf has been a game-changer in organizing my study space. The acrylic door adds sophistication, and with the LED light's adjustable brightness and color options, it's perfect for any mood. It's lightweight and easy to move around to different rooms, making it incredibly versatile.
The adjustable lower shelves are super helpful for storing books of varying sizes, and the sturdy structure ensures the bookshelf won't topple over. However, I did notice some minor scratches after a few months, but no major issues to worry about. Overall, it's a stylish and practical addition to any space.

🔗Brass Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf
Imagine walking into your room to find a stunning piece of modern furniture that effortlessly brings together luxury and style. That's the experience you get with the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf in Brass. This tall, elegant piece has a warm-toned brass finish that perfectly complements the cool strength of the acrylic and glass components. I recently added this bookcase to my living space, and let me tell you, it makes quite a statement.
One of my favorite aspects of this bookshelf is its weight capacity of 66 pounds. It may not seem like much, but it was more than enough for my collection of books and decorative pieces. However, be prepared to assemble it yourself, as the instruction manual is not the easiest to follow.
The brass finish on the bookshelf is quite impressive, offering a subtle shimmer that catches the light just right. The acrylic and glass components are of high quality, ensuring that the shelf will maintain its timeless fashion for years to come. The only downside is that the item seems to be quite fragile, as some users have reported damaged items upon delivery.
Despite the occasional quality concern, the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf in Brass is a stunning addition to any room. It's the perfect blend of luxury and modern design, offering a touch of glamour to any space. While the assembly process can be a bit challenging, the end result is definitely worth the effort.

🔗Orren Ellis Clear Acrylic Modern Bookcase
The Orren Ellis acrylic bookcase has been a staple in my living room for the past few months. Crafted from crystal clear acrylic, it has a minimalist modern design that effortlessly blends into the room's decor. The understated look allows my favorite photobooks and intriguing objects to take center stage, making it an instant conversation starter when guests visit.
One of the features that stood out to me is the clarity of the acrylic material. It creates a seamless connection between the bookcase and the objects inside, giving them a floating appearance that is both sleek and captivating. However, I also noticed that the acrylic material is quite stubborn, which can make it difficult to reposition items within the bookcase, especially heavier ones.
Overall, the Orren Ellis acrylic bookcase is a stylish and functional addition to any living space. It effortlessly combines form and function, making it a standout piece in any home.

🔗Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf for Kids
I recently stumbled upon the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf and decided to give it a try. This little gem is perfect for organizing my kids' books, as it floats in the air, making it a fun and engaging way for them to keep their reading space neat and tidy. The high front lip on this wall-mounted shelf is an added safety feature that prevents books and even my makeup from falling down, providing peace of mind for both me and my kids.
The shelf comes with a free screwdriver and easy installation, making the whole setup process a breeze. I also appreciate the rounded front edge, which not only looks great but is also safe for the little ones running around. Plus, the acrylic material is sturdy and guarantees a lifetime, giving me confidence in the product's durability.
This shelf has become a versatile addition to our home, and not just for books. It's perfect for organizing and displaying items like photos, artwork, spices, and even nail polishes. The invisible design adds that wow factor when it comes to organizing, making it a fantastic conversation starter for guests.
Overall, the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf is a must-have for those looking to spice up their book storage while keeping things safe for their kids. It's a stylish and functional addition to any room in the house, and I highly recommend it as a perfect gift for mothers and kids alike.

🔗Elegant Double Acrylic Shelf for Ample Storage Space
I recently purchased the Double Acrylic Shelf from The Container Store, and I must say, it has been a game-changer in my daily life. This sleek, clear shelf effortlessly enhances any space while providing ample storage. Mounting was a breeze, and the wall anchors included made sure my shelf could handle the weight without any compromise.
One of my favorite features of this shelf is its versatility. I found it to be an excellent storage solution in my compact bathroom, but its clear design also lends itself well to a plant shelf or even as a subtle display in a corner. The acrylic material is sturdy without appearing bulky, making it a great fit for any home or office decor.
While the installation process was simple, I did notice that the shelf had a few scuffs on the clear plastic. However, these minor imperfections became invisible once the shelf was in place and in use.
Overall, the Double Acrylic Shelf exceeded my expectations, providing the perfect blend of functionality and simplicity. I'm already considering picking up more for other areas of my home!

Buyer's Guide

Acrylic bookshelves are a durable and elegant choice for organizing and displaying books and other decorative items. In this guide, we'll cover important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make the best purchase for your needs.

Features to Consider

  • Size and Capacity
  • Shelf Count and Depth
  • Material Thickness
  • Weight Capacity
  • Color and Finish

Size and Capacity

Consider the number of books and items you plan to store when choosing a size for your acrylic bookshelf. Measure the space where the bookshelf will be placed to ensure a proper fit. Also, consider the height of the bookshelf to accommodate larger books or other items.

Shelf Count and Depth

Determine the number and depth of shelves needed for your books and decorative items. Shelves with deeper depths can hold larger items, while shallow shelves are better for smaller objects. The number of shelves will affect the overall size of the bookshelf, so make sure to choose a size that accommodates the desired number of shelves.

Material Thickness

Acrylic bookshelves are typically made of clear acrylic or a clear acrylic with a tint, ensuring that your books and decorative items remain the center of attention. The thickness of the material should be considered for both durability and appearance. Thicker acrylic provides more stability and reduces the risk of warping or bending, while thinner acrylic can be more susceptible to damage.

Weight Capacity

Check the weight capacity of the acrylic bookshelf to ensure it can hold the weight of your books and other items. Generally, acrylic bookshelves have higher weight capacities than comparable wooden bookshelves, but it's still essential to verify the weight capacity before making a purchase.

Color and Finish

Acrylic bookshelves come in a variety of colors and finishes, allowing you to choose one that complements your home decor. Consider the color and finish that will be most visually appealing and functional for your space.

Additional Tips

  • Look for acrylic bookshelves with reinforced corner joints for added stability.
  • Measure the space where the bookshelf will be placed before making a purchase.
  • Consider the placement of the bookshelf, taking into account any nearby windows or doors to avoid glare or obstruction.
  • Check the return or exchange policy of the seller in case you need to make a change after receiving the bookshelf.
Investing in an acrylic bookshelf can be a great addition to any home, providing both functionality and style. By considering the important features and tips outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect acrylic bookshelf for your needs.


Why should I choose an acrylic bookshelf?

Acrylic bookshelves are popular for their modern, sleek design and lightweight construction. They do not rust and are easy to clean, making them perfect for placing in different spaces. Their transparent nature also allows you to showcase your books and decorations with a touch of elegance.

What are the advantages of using an acrylic bookshelf over a wooden or metal one?

Acrylic bookshelves have several advantages over wooden or metal ones. Firstly, they are lightweight, making them easy to move around the house. Secondly, they do not rust or warp, ensuring durability even in humid environments. Lastly, the transparent nature of acrylic allows you to display your books and decorations instead of obscuring them. This results in a more visually appealing and organised space.

Can I customise the size or shape of the acrylic bookshelf?

Yes, acrylic bookshelves can be customised to fit your specific needs. Manufacturers often allow customization of size, shape, colour, and even the presence of built-in shelves or drawers.

Are acrylic bookshelves durable?

Yes, acrylic bookshelves are quite durable. They do not rust, warp, or bend easily. Acrylic is a versatile material that offers long-lasting performance in different environments, including humid spaces.

What tools do I need to assemble an acrylic bookshelf?

Assembly instructions usually accompany an acrylic bookshelf. It's generally straightforward and typically requires no specialised tools. However, you might need a screwdriver and perhaps a hammer depending on the style of screws or nails used for securing the bookshelf to the wall.

Can I install an acrylic bookshelf on a wall?

Yes, many acrylic bookshelves come with wall mounting hardware, which makes them easy to install on a wall. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for specific installation details.

How do I maintain and clean an acrylic bookshelf?

To maintain and clean your acrylic bookshelf, simply use a damp cloth or mild soap solution. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scratchy materials that could damage the surface. Regular dusting and wiping will keep your bookshelf looking as good as new.

What happens if the acrylic bookshelf gets scratched or damaged?

Acrylic is a durable material, but it's not completely scratch-proof. If your acrylic bookshelf gets scratched or damaged, it can often be repaired. Contact the manufacturer for information on how to repair the damage, or consider using touch-up paint or acrylic repair kits available at home improvement stores.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:11 echolm1407 Eunuchs are trans here's proof

What Jesus said about Eunuchs
Matthew 19:12
12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”
The eunuch trade:
It shows that eunuchs were made by crushing the testicles of boys. This made them underdeveloped so they didn't go through puberty. They never became men. They were feminized. They were trans.
"The presence of eunuchs was not limited to the Mamluk court or to the Islamic world; Byzantine and Chinese imperial courts, among others, made use of eunuchs too. Nevertheless, despite their willingness to purchase and use eunuchs, both medieval Muslims and Christians banned the castration of enslaved boys."
And eunuchs exited in Babylon, Persia, India, Judea, Rome, Greece, and even Ethiopia. All of these civilizations knew of each other. All of these did trade with each other. The Bible and history confirms this. And in India we have surviving eunuch communities in the hijras from. Over 2000 years ago. They are LGBTQIA.
Jesus himself insinuated that he was a Eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of God. Thus showing solidarity to trans and LGBTQIA people.
Pride month is a time of understanding and love. It's not of hate. Put away your hate as the Bible says.
1 John 4:16-21
16 So we have known and believe the love that God has for us.
God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness on the day of judgment, because as he is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love. 19 We love[a] because he first loved us. 20 Those who say, “I love God,” and hate a brother or sister are liars, for those who do not love a brother or sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 21 The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also.
submitted by echolm1407 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 Alternative-Hat432 I'm either having a nervous breakdown or melatonin is making me feel crazy

So my mental health is thin anyways. I've known this.
Everyone I love is fighting. So one of my closest friends from another Church, her husband ran away with someone else from the Church.
I lost my brother to cancer a few years ago. There was no reason for him to have cancer. Then my Mom got breast cancer two years ago. It came back. But she's clear now. My best friend's mom has stage 4 cancer. So many people have died lately. Mire than this. And sick. My aunt is in the hospital. Umm yeah. I feel like the more I talk about all this the more crazy I feel.
If you can think of an area of life where you would have pressure. I have it.
I started missing sleep last summer I think it was. Well maybe before that. The itching started. On and off at night. I couldn't sleep. I itched like crazy. I got up and would put lotion on. I started waiting to take my allergy medicine with supper.
After a while I figured it was psychological. Umm.. I have this one stuffed animal my Mom bought me as a suprise recently. Weirdly if I can purmt my arms around that at night, the itching goes away. Most times.
This year the sleeplessness got worse. Umm early spring I think. I just literally couldn't sleep. It was miserable. It wasn't just the itchiness either. I was exhausted. My body craved sleep, but it would not shut off when I went to lay down. Melatonin wouldn't help.
I'm depressed I think. Undiagnosed. I told my Dad that I don't feel happiness anymore. I feel like I'm in panic mode waiting for the next bad thing to happen.
I feel like everything is an act.I don't do things to bring me joy. I'm not lazy. I can't stand to see people hurting and nothing I can do. I want to help other people. I can't scrub an entire bathroom with a toothbrush. But for me I don't care. When I'm feeling good enough where I do something for me I do them to distract me.
But I told him that I prayed about it and that God had been giving me good thoughts lately. I felt like my mind was being flooded with good things. Good memories.
I didnt tell him this, but I had been feeling like I'm on autopilot. Just stopped living. Waiting to get to heaven to see my brother again. I was thinking thag this wast right. And God was helping me. But I was feeling better for a bit.
Then he started preaching about how God told us to be happy. And choosing happiness. And not wallowing in self pity. Every Sunday. And praying in public that we wouldn't proud be sorry slobs wallowing in self pity. Yet he denies it was about me.
So I get migraines every Sunday. And I'm not sleeping again and he knows it so probably he is going to preach on that today.
But in the midst of all this I found some friends online in gaming, and a guy that liked me, and we started spending time together. I started staying up late to play with him, and I thought the staying up late reset my sleep schedule. I could sleep again. We got close for a while. It wasn't serious but it was a friend I needed.
Well then in the midst of all this he started liking my friend better than me. She threw herself at him. I suspected, for a bit. Then confirmed. And I found them online together.
Anyways after this I started losing time. In the day. Like my bracelet broke. I came back to fix it the next night and it was repaired. I went into McDonald's and the cashier told me exactly what I wanted to order, and asked me if it was for here or to go. It scared me. I had no memory of telling him that.
Then I started not staying up so late, and my mind got better. But now I'm back to not sleeping good. I wake up at 3 am and lay awake. So I took melatonin, and it helped. I like took it 3 times over two weeks. 10mg.
Umm . . . Also I just wanted to sleep. And sometimes when it is working, like just before I fall to sleep, it almost feels like it kicks the serotonin in and I feel normal. I wanted that.
But then two nights ago I took it again. And I did not sleep. The next day man I was groggy. Confused. Like is my hand on the table or beside me. I could snap out of it, but I struggle. Then I got a good night's sleep, and felt a little normal. Then I started to write an email, and I was talking about my brother's death. I didn't want to.
Either my brain was still tired, or the melatonin is still in my system, but I got feeling confused again.
I'm awake at 1 am again. I still don't feel right in the head.
submitted by Alternative-Hat432 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:07 cadenzaossia My dough shriveled after cold proofing overnight in the fridge

My dough shriveled after cold proofing overnight in the fridge
I'm following this Japanese Milk Bread recipe from Bob's Red Mill. Using the exact same flour. I changed the recipe by increasing liquid content until it's about 75% hydration. Also instead of proofing at room temperature, I decided to cold proof it overnight in the fridge since I want to bake it fresh the next morning.
Everything went well right up to the proofing stage. My dough passed the windowpane test after kneading. It doubled in size during bulk fermentation. 1st pic is how my dough looked like after shaping and right before going into fridge covered - I let it proof for about 10 mins first at room temperature just to get it going before storing it for the night. About two hours later I opened the fridge to check up on it and saw that it has slightly increased in size so I thought things were going well.
The next morning however after about 10 hours in the fridge, I saw that the dough had massively shriveled (2nd pic). So I reshaped it (3rd pic) let it proof at room temperature for about 1 hour (4th pic).
It all turned out ok in the end though. 5th pic is how it looked like after baking and the bread was as fluffy as you would expect a Japanese milk bread to be.
So now I wondering how can I prevent the dough from shrivelling after cold proofing? I really would like to just prep my dough the night before and bake it straight from the fridge the next morning.
Before cold proofing
Shriveled next morning
After reshaping
After proofing at room temp
after baking
submitted by cadenzaossia to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:07 mysticmonarch222 Feeling very hopeless

Sorry this is depressing, but I need to get it off my chest and some support, advice, encouragement, etc would be helpful. I know I’m not the only one who could use it.
I’m usually really good at keeping myself busy enough that the mental health aspect of suffering with endo doesn’t hit me hard enough to keep my down, but i’m really losing so much hope. My biggest issue right now is the 10cm cyst on my left ovary (a 10cm endometrioma took my right ovary two years ago) causing me increasingly more pain each day. I’ve been on Myfembree for about 7 months and it’s helped with my flare ups being so constant and being so debilitating, so i’ve managed the endo pain better than in the past. I have stage 4 endo, with adhesions everywhere. My bladder, colon, fallopian tubes, bowels, sciatic nerve they suspect but haven’t confirmed, and who knows where else. I’ve adjusted and push through, but this massive cyst is something I cannot deal with anymore. The pain never stops, and it throbs and feels sharp. It feels heavy. It’s causing my left side to hurt so bad, and I haven’t been sleeping barely at all because I usually sleep on my stomach and I can’t now. Pain meds do not touch it.
I do not have insurance. I had to leave my last job that gave me great insurance because it was shot up while I was there and I was too scared to go back. My new job is amazing in every way, accommodating, awesome coworkers and manager, understanding if I need to leave early or take off due to pain but no health insurance. It’s a locally owned business so right now it’s just dental and vision, which i’m grateful for but I need health insurance. I can’t get on medicaid, I wasn’t approved for special enrollment for marketplace insurance, I can’t afford out of pocket for insurance, and I can’t afford to pay to see a specialist tbh even with insurance because there’s none close to me. The ER of course can’t do anything for me but I keep going because it’s my only option right now. They can’t remove the cyst until it’s a medical emergency, and so far my left ovary torsion has not happened (is it bad I wish it just would?) like my right did so they won’t do anything. I tried following up with a sliding scale OBGYN and she was no help. I’m fighting for a hysterectomy but i’m in a southern state and having zero luck being in my early 20’s with no kids. I have always wanted to adopt so a hysterectomy is not an issue to me at all.
Sorry that was a lot but basically, I’m not sure what to do. I don’t know what other resources are out there for me. I have BPD, anxiety, depression, and ADHD so I have already struggled a lot with this, but it’s really getting to me now. Two years ago the only reason anyone listened to me (not that I did this to get them to listen) was because I tried to take my life due to the pain from the massive endometrioma and the ER sending me home saying it was a UTI. I had a blood infection from my ovary dying and rotting in me. I’m just having those desperate thoughts again of wanting relief, and help, and not having either.
I’m not sure what to do anymore. I’m so tired. I miss my life, I miss living it.
submitted by mysticmonarch222 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:52 chrlsman 20 [M4F] #California #Socal - Looking for a friend maybe more?

What’s up! I’m 20 years old and living down in socal, and to be honest I’m surprised i’m even giving this another shot but here we are!
About me: - I’m 6’0 with an average build, and i’m naturally introverted but i’m definitely open to more extroverted stuff - I’m really into anime and games, some of my favorite anime are vinland saga, black clover, jjk, solo leveling, and castlevania (to only name very few) and the games i play tend to be valorant, battlefield 1, hunt: showdown, and overwatch (though i play others these are kinda what my friends play so it’s what i play too) - I have a dog named albert and he’s my best friend, he’s a pit bull! - I work two retail jobs and use delivery apps on the side for the extra cash (i’m not hurting it’s just summer and it’s what i’ve chosen to occupy a lot of my time, might as well be making money yk), also i’m saving up for a genesis coupe!! - I try to get into the gym about 3-4 times a week, but sometimes it’s only 2, shifts pile up yk - I’m sure there’s more but I could be forgetting, pretty much: I’m introverted but still love going out, i watch a lot of anime and play games, and i work any shifts i can - Don’t think of that as me never having time for anything, it’s true i tend not to, but it’s because i don’t have anything else to occupy it… hint hint
About YOU! - I’m pretty light on expectations, share some of my interests and (hopefully) be local, i’m open to people from everywhere tho! - I’d really love someone to talk about shows with and play games with - and if you’re local and we eventually meet up or take things further, i have no preferences on looks or height or anything, as long as you have good hygiene and take care of yourself :)
That’s about it! again i’m sure there’s more but we’ll talk more if you respond! don’t feel forced to send a pic, but i’d appreciate it if you did, hope to see you!!
submitted by chrlsman to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:50 ExilusNotus Never been this lucky as a F2P

Never been this lucky as a F2P
Have been trying to find good guides to play this game right but gacha hit me hard. This is my haul for the first 4 days of playing (my trial for the bonus just ran out).
Realized this page existed so let's hope I figure out how to escape the last stage of Chapter 8 and best Igris. Anyone know who among these guys I should especially focus on?
Got our MC the Plum Blossom sword too. Last page is my remaining energy and tickets to use.
Thank you for your assistance!
submitted by ExilusNotus to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:39 adulting4kids More Five Level Questions

  1. Love Story Arc:
  1. Conflict Resolution:
  1. Character Development:
  1. Symbolic Elements:
  1. Moral Dilemmas:
- *Level 1:* What moral dilemmas does [Protagonist] face early in the story? - *Level 2:* Explore the complexity of these dilemmas and the internal conflicts they create for [Protagonist]. - *Level 3:* How do [Protagonist]'s decisions in the face of moral dilemmas impact other characters? - *Level 4:* Are there moments where [Protagonist] questions their own morality or ethical compass? - *Level 5:* Reflect on the broader implications of the moral dilemmas and their contribution to the story's overarching themes. 
  1. Unconventional Choices:
- *Level 1:* Provide specific examples of [Protagonist]'s unconventional responses to adversity. - *Level 2:* Explore the motivations behind these unconventional choices and their immediate outcomes. - *Level 3:* How do other characters react to [Protagonist]'s unorthodox decisions, and does it lead to alliances or conflicts? - *Level 4:* Are there moments where [Protagonist] questions the consequences of their unconventional choices? - *Level 5:* Reflect on the cumulative impact of these choices on [Protagonist]'s journey and the overall narrative. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:37 toadsgoat The Kamilla V repost cause the kamilla v post i did is old and not as interesting as it could be

The Kamilla V repost cause the kamilla v post i did is old and not as interesting as it could be
The Kamilla V is a Karelian superheavy tank, designed in early mid 1941 into late 1943, before being produced in the beginning of 1944 trialed through early 1944 and entering service by mid 1944, with 3 of them being produced in that time, the tank would see multiple improvements of tank design throughout its design period, such as a range finder, a dual axis stabilizer aswell as a gas turbine engine, while the range finder is a good addition, Karelian scopes were very well designed to help the gunner figure out ranges with lines to indicate the size of a vehicle and numbers to indicate what range that could be, this was made during the early stages of the war using other Karelian tanks as a basis, which worked well as tank s at that time were around the same size as eachother, though in the later stages they use both captured and destroyed enemy vehicles to make these scopes.
Kamilla V 1 after trials
The reason as to why the Kamilla V was designed was because of the rising Talapovian heavy tanks that were gaining more and more armour and more powerful guns, The Kamilla V was a statement that the Karelian military was more then capable of making a counter that is better in almost everyway, the armour of the Kamilla V may have been only slightly thicker then that of the Tiger 2, 160mm across the hull and turret front sloped on the front plate at 64 degrees effectively being at its highest 460mm thick and at its lowest 390mm thick, while the lower plate was abit weaker with its highest effective thickness being 300 and its lowest being 270 and with the tracks over the top the thickness was 370+ though the tracks were made of rubber not only to make it quieter but to give it better grip aswell the tracks over the lower plate is more of a bluff rather then actual protection, the armour on the front of the turret was 160 sloped at 64 degrees with the turret cheeks being 145mm effectively making them 1360mm thick front on, even without the turret facing front on the cheeks were still relatively strong, the side of the tank was 130 sloped at 35 degrees making 160mm thick aswell as the lower side being 135mm thick though with the side skirts it was 160 aswell, the turret side was 145 sloped at 30 degrees, the rear was 125mm over all its armour was significant being able to block antitank rifles RPGs and shots from light tanks, to the side, the only weakspot of the tank was its mantlet, being only 210mm thick during its early days, this weakness would cause them to be out of action untill breach replacement or repair, or they would explode if a round was in the chamber, but through this the mantlet would go up to 280mm of thickness.
V 2 after trials
The Kamilla V's engine started as a 46L V12, with 1229 horse power, which for a 160-165 ton tank was not the best the power to weight was 7.7, taking 80 seconds to get up to its full speed of 37kms which was quite fast for this tank, as unlike the Germans the transmission that the Karelians gave the Kamilla V was actually quite good that didn't stop the engine from blowing up though, the V12 was good but it was incredibly unreliable and incredibly loud, that is when one of the designers, Sahira Tafirü the head engine designer suggested a gas turbine engine, the King Thratuus Üdam said to her. "a gas turbine engine? tell me more" The turbine would have its design done by mid late 1943 where it would be tested untill production of the Kamilla V, where it would be found that the engine would run incredibly hot causing it to be set ablaze, this required the Kamilla V to have substantial cooling with 6 fans and 4 vents, which sufficiently cooled the engine, it was a major upgrade from its predecessor getting the tank up to 41kms an hour, getting up to speed in less then half the time it took the V12 to, with 1639 horse power or 9.9 per ton at its heaviest of 165 ofwhich the weight increase is due to side armour increases to 135 on the upper side and 150 on the cheeks aswell as the mantlet armour, the engine was still loud but it got quieter over longer distances, so while it may have been louder close up, further away it was much quieter.
V3 after trials
The Kamilla V throughout its service, gained a reputation, Infamy, if you will, the gun of the Kamilla V would go down in infamy as one of if not the most feared gun, of WW2 the 8.5 meter long rifled 125mm Greta cannon was the most powerful tank gun made by the Karelians, rivalling the APDS of tanks such as the Leopard 1 and T54, with its Tungsten tipped armour piercing with 363mm of penetration and a velocity of 1103 meters a second along with its APHEBC with 292mm of penetration and 965 grams of TNT mass, using 550 grams of FVC which is equal to about 1.7 grams of TNT, the APHE had a faster velocity of 1259 meters a second, able to snipe from across 2 or 3 or even 5 kilometers away and do it confidently, just the sound of the gun firing boosted the morale of any soldiers rounded it, as they knew when they hear the sound of the 125mm Greta that's one less enemy tank on the field, as the APHE had so much explosive mass that it would just blow up enemy tanks, like a grenade, but with this infamy came confidence, too much confidence, as Karelian crews would just aim and shoot at an enemy tank nomatter what, which would lead to the destruction of multiple Kamilla's though sometimes the can come back from this and score the kill anyways.
In total 50 Kamilla V's would be produced, with 25 of them being destroyed, which were huge losses, as most Kamilla V's were crewed by only the best Karelia had to offer, though the first 3 of them defied the odds and managed to make it out alive, the kill to death ratio of the Kamilla V is argued very highly amongst historians, but the most common number is about 1-70 which includes engagements against both Talapovia and Minandoria, many sought to hunt Kamilla V's, especially V 1 2 and 3, many failed, the Kamilla V would live forever in infamy and forever be feared by those who lived to tell the tale.
submitted by toadsgoat to SprocketTankDesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 JDCooke Coast Environmental Alliance vs the local Aboriginal Land Council: an interview with ‘Walk for Kariong’ organiser Emma French.

Coast Environmental Alliance vs the local Aboriginal Land Council: an interview with ‘Walk for Kariong’ organiser Emma French.
Recently advertising appeared on Social Media for an upcoming event related to “Saving Kariong Sacred Lands.”
Advertised as a Walk 4 Kariong, this event was being run by Emma French, of the GuriNgai affiliated ‘Coast Environmental Alliance’ (CEA) founded by non-Aboriginal man Jake Cassar.
To find out more, I had a quick yarn with the organiser of this event, Ms Emma French.
My first question was simply whether the Walk for Kariong Sacred Lands event was being organised by Ms French, to which she replied “it’s just a day that we are going to meet up, as a group, and do some of the 5-Lands Walk.
‘It’s just a social group getting together, it’s not like an actual organised event. There are t-shirts, for the cause, which people will be wearing on the day. It’s a social event, with our group, that are going to walk together, to help the wildlife. We are going to be walking together, that’s it, it’s not a protest; it’s a family friendly walk’, Ms French said.
“The thing is, we are doing it on that day because Darkinjung Land Council (Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council DLALC), and ‘5-Lands’ are pretty much the same people. The 5-Lands is sponsored by, supported by the Land Council (DLALC) so they are quite entwined.”
Ms French claimed that ‘Kariong Sacred Lands was saved by the same group of people around 10-12 years ago. The people that saved the land are from the same group as I am from (Coast Environmental Alliance, CEA). Darkinjung (DLALC) owns a big chunk of that and they are trying to rezone it, so they can build on it. So all those people who were fighting back then, are back up again.’
Ms Emma French went on to say ‘there’s different groups, and they change over the years, but the group that we are belonging to now, well are just part of, we are just members, is CEA, Coast Environmental Alliance, set up by Jake Cassar. So it’s all linked, we’re all linked together. We have been doing protests and rallies, we’ve tried to get Liesel Tesch to listen, but she won’t and keeps saying her hands are tied.’
Ms Emma French described that her group and Save Kariong Sacred Lands were essentially the same group, while Coast4One is also run by another member of CEA Vicki Burke, whom Ms French described as being among Evan and Steven Strong as ‘the original people who fought to save Kariong’.
I mentioned that all these different groups, of essentially the same half dozen people, seem completely focussed on one small parcel of land that is owned by the local Aboriginal controlled organisation.
“Right now that’s the land that is at threat. We know if we don’t say anything, and just let that (the development) go through, it will be very easy for them to take down other sites.’
At this point I sought clarification on who Ms French meant when she said ‘them’.
‘Darkinjung! The developers! Darkinjung is a land developer, they’re a council and a land developer. We know that Darkinjung is a developer. The people will be very much aligned with them (DLALC), their families, and hire them to build and develop the land.”
To summarise what we’ve learnt so far – Ms Emma French had planned a ‘social event’ including over organisations that have for the last few years been hyper focused on Kariong, and were now selling t-shirts and marching together in a non-protest in solidarity against the local Aboriginal controlled Local Aboriginal Land Council, on the day of the 5-lands walk…
Ms French replied ‘well the t-shirts were not for the event, they were something we were always going to get done anyway. We were always planning to do the t-shirts, the t-shirts are coinciding with the event, people might wear them for the event, or wear them if they are doing the event or not. I back the local Aboriginal People opposing the development such as Paul Craig, Renee Sales, and Colleen Fuller.’
I asked if Ms French was familiar with the very public controversies regarding ⅔ of her ‘Aboriginal People’ who were in reality non-Aboriginal, and that only Renee Sales is an Aboriginal Person.
‘Talk to Jake Cassar, he does everything, and I just do the graphic design.’
The topic turned to CEA’s repeated criticism of members of DLALC allegedly not being from the Central Coast. I asked why that would matter, and why this standard was not applied to Ms French, and her compatriots who are themselves, for the most part, not from the Central Coast, as well as not being Aboriginal.
Ms French replied “I’m just doing it for the animals, to give them a voice.
We’re not intending to gate-crash the event, we’re not gate-crashing the event, we’re just walking on the beach.’
Ms French had at this stage not been in contact with 5-Lands Walk, and had no intention of doing so.
“I’ve never had to ask permission to walk on Copa Beach before.”
submitted by JDCooke to u/JDCooke [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:35 Real_Suggestion_65 Five nights at Freddy's movie rewritten to be better

A security guard is seen running from foxy the guard runs into Freddy and Bonnie and chica in the dining. Foxy raises his hook and slices the guards arm off and the guard is knocked down. He wakes up in a chair it is a torture chair with sharp saws going to his face he sees a screw and tries to unscrew it doesn't work. The sharp saws go threw his face as his skin and meat and blood scattered on the floor and you see his bone they get cutting so wide the cupcake sees this and bites his meat and eats it.
Scene 1**
Mike wakes up in his bed staring at the clock reading 6:00 AM. He goes to his job as a cashier getting paid 3.29 a hour he is planning to quit but he needs rent money. He sees a guy stealing something so he runs and tries to tell him to give it back but sees a child and he realizes he should let them go because they could be hungry. Mike gets called to his boss. The boss tells Mike you are fired pack up your things or we will call 911. Mike packs up and goes home. He calls number for a job council he finds one. 2 weeks later (4/8/2000).
Scene 2**
Number 27, number 27. Mike realizes he heard his number and goes to a office. Hello my name is Dave Miller I am ur councilor today so what is your deal Mike letting people just go after stealing something is just bad you know that right? said Dave Miller. Mike said I did the right thing mr.Miller. I know but you can't be doing that ok Mr.Michael Schmidt also do you want coffee for ur job. What job? Said Mike. Security at Freddy's said Dave. Mike said how is the pay. Not good but hours are worst said Dave Miller. I will take it ok said Mike. Okay said Dave Miller.
Scene 3**
[1 day later]
I am at Freddy's Mike tells Dave on the phone. Ok remember check the place top to bottom but do not look in the suits said the owner and no parts and service also the owner said Dave. Ok I said Mike. (20 minutes later) I am in my office goodbye said Mike. goodbye said Dave Miller. Mike saw a tape with his name he played it and it was the year 1987 of the tape. Hello and welcome to Freddy fazbear pizza place our wonderful staff will love you and if you cook good so will chica and beware of one thing FUN!!! And remember the animatronics should be taken with care ain't that right Henry said the staff. Yes said Henry. Let's see th- th- video tape ends. Mike hears a call from the phone and answers. Uhm hello hello hello and welcome to Freddy fazbear pizza place it is for fancy and fun come to life and remember do not like do anything bad that would get you an illegal trouble I know I know why am I reading this well our last night girl let's just say was terrible at his job and I mean it just make sure to not do anything bad and hopefully not like the last last last night guard he was a train wreck oh yeah guess what he did on his cameras he wrote he nobody like drew the middle finger on every single camera lens that's all I got to say is don't do that and take my warning animatronics are alive and remember close the door and check the lights I'm not going to tell you again because if you ever mess with them they will harm you or worse the last night card sadly passed away because of a glitch at least that's what we think basically we have to reopen this place so we need another car to clean up it and make sure to keep it clean that's all I have to say goodbye said phone guy. Mike said okay and proceeded to look around the place. And before he knew it it was 6:00 a.m. and he could leave ending his shift for night one.
Scene 4**
Mike drove home and he saw a card taped to his door it said that he could get evicted in the next two weeks or else he would have to pay a lot of rent and if he didn't pay it by that time he would lose his house and be forced to live on the streets. So Mike just went to bed waited for 11:30 so he can drive off to Freddy's and get started with his night. He woke up and it was 11: 37 he was 7 minutes late and it was a 30 minute drive so he's so he went a little over the speed limit for the start of it and then calm her down but luckily he knows on the road or else they could have gotten hurt or even killed and but by the time he slowed down those traffic so he got the place at 12:03 and well he just went to his office and checked on everything and cleaned and made sure nothing bad would happen but he heard a phone call. hello hello oh yeah it is me again I tried giving you that warning the last time but you're not going to take it so I'm going to tell you in the hardest way I can and that is damn electronics will try to forcefully stuff you into a Freddy suit but pretty much saw in your face and pretty much that's what happened to the last guard so just be careful I guess but yeah I'm finishing my last week cuz a matter of fact yeah the last card was the one before mine yeah I don't know I'm calling it your last one but it's a awkward just trust me with this I know you probably say I was crazy last time but I'm going to redeem myself but I'm going to send the VHS tapes the company said not to to prove to you that those animatronics are nothing but bad and they always will be so I recommend you just stop messing with them or else they will mess with you in the most Gory way possible they will make sure they rip you live from when they will make sure you do not survive trust me well that's the end of the call goodbye. I thought the guy was crazy. Mike continued his night and well he got curious and he went by the animatronics they smelled disgusting and he saw a drip of blood fall out Mike just cleaned it up thinking it was just water pipes or something but cuz he got Mike just cleaned it up thinking it was just water pipes or something but cuz he Mike just cleaned it up thinking it was just water pipes or something but he got told not to look in the animatronic so he just ignored him and just cleaned he cleaned up the place and finished his night and then he just left thinking that exact drop of blood he realized something was deadly wrong so hey just text again and again and again he couldn't find anything so he heard a knock on the door it was 2:00 a.m. so he didn't care he saw on the cameras it was a police officer her named is Vanessa Mike learned when she told him when he opened the door Vanessa walked in. Mike showed her to her office and he was told about kids went missing in 1987. They never found the bodies. She asked Mike why did you choose this job is this something you think of yourself being at 10-20 years. Mike said no. She told Mike I have to go. Mike said okay cuz it was 5:59 a.m. Mike had to go anyways and he did he went in his car and left and went home and disgust on the phone with his own with the house on her he lives in and they talked about if they can postpone his rent to be later the owner agreed and said we will but if you do this again I will charge you extra.
**Scene 5
It was 7:38 pm and teenagers thought Freddy's place would be a good place to party they went inside and set up everything at 9:54 pm a kid went in the kitchen and saw chica and laughed because he didn't think chica was alive and went by her mouth and chica opened her mouth and peeled his head skin the boy screamed but the speakers where loud. Chica pickled at his meat as she went more and more deep as the cupcake jumped at the boys stomach and ripped his guts and blood on the ground as the blood was gory and one of the girls went to check on him and the cupcake jumped at her biting her face open. One teen went behind the stage with her boyfriend and saw Freddy put his microphone down her throat deep and ripped it out of her neck inside her and he stomped on her face. The boyfriend got scared but Freddy put his arm in his eye holes as he rips his head from there. Another group of friends went in the janitor closet to tell each other the scary horror story of Freddy fazbear pizza place and the light went off and the door opens and closed and the light was back on and they saw Bonnie in there with them as he uses his guitar in one put it in thee boys mouth and putting it out of his back ripping his torso open the teens tried to escape but the doors where locked and bonnie toookk them out one by one. In the dining room foxy ran at them using his hook to kill them slicing there brains out and golden Freddy desposes the bodies.
Scene 6**
Mike went to his office and cleaned the pizza place but phone guy called. Hello hello yeah as you can see I'm back from the call I know you're probably thinking right now and this guy talking about where you found out either way I'm going to help you no matter what even if I am dead right now and probably am I get that because they don't like me they will get to know you and they will like you I will give you hints that I found out on the way they are ghosts children I mean if I was forced to sing songs for decades I would be mad too because that is kind of bad basically no one caught who did I found it out because I'm not dumb and I am actually very smart at least I think but probably not I know exactly will have the bite of 87 happen that's what we call it basically Mike it was dangerous basically this child got bit in the forehead by foxy yeah pretty crazy stuff foxy but the kid raising his suck at him yeah the kid at least yeah the kids did not survive sadly imagine having to write that note to the parents or the parents right now basically they gave him a discount to me that's pretty messed up in the brain like if your child I would you want to do that no I'm not saying that you don't have kids or if you do I don't know anything about you probably know you can be the owner's child right right yeah you probably are knowing your name and that's the same name that's his and he did change his name and it will be new in the public is a start with an s because someone tried leaking the full name I'll ask is if you are him do not try killing me do not be like your father because I found out he's the one and as soon as I get going with this job you know what I'm going to do I'm going to report it to the police station and they're going to find out all the evidence cuz I found the bodies but I didn't remove them because that's disgusting their children dead in the suits I know you I'm guessing you're only doing this because your father told you to let me tell you something why you can stop right now you can at least I mean you were 6 years old when you accidentally killed your brother and dwell changes your name and everything all I ask I don't remember what happened and the year 1983 that's all I have to say goodbye. What Mike said. As he thinks I don't even remember being a child before I was 12. Mike was confused it was 2:00 a.m. he realized Bonnie moved and moved and he got scared Mike right now if his office try to get the exit the exit doors lock so you run back to his office went underneath Bonnie's legs as Barney tried trapping him with his kneecap almost freaking Mike got loose and ran to his office door and closed it and he started realizing phone guy was crazy as he thought Mike knew he was wrong the whole time Mike thought he knew they where not alive but he was wrong bonnie slamed the door trying to get in but left. He closed all doors at 5:00 a.m. and waited it was 6:00 a.m. he left. Mike found Vanessa and told her their alive Vanessa. She said I know they are they are just kids you shouldn't mess with them like do not harm them in any way just quit your job and leave every one you know that is a child out of this place or else they will get dangerously hurt said vanessa mike went to bed.. to be continued next week
Up for part 2
submitted by Real_Suggestion_65 to FNaF [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:31 EyeZoneOptometry INTENT Celebrating Our Achievements and Looking Ahead!

We’re excited to share some amazing updates from INTENT! Over the past months, we’ve achieved significant milestones that have set the stage for our vision of a groundbreaking digital asset management platform. Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished:
  1. TENT Platform MVP Launch: We’ve successfully launched the MVP of our TENT platform. The feedback from our early users has been incredibly positive, helping us make key improvements.
  2. IBAN Functionality Deployed: We’ve integrated IBAN functionality, which has made transactions more seamless and efficient for our users. This is a critical step towards merging traditional banking with digital asset management.
  3. Integration with a Major Banking Platform: We’ve completed our integration with a leading banking platform, enabling us to offer a more comprehensive range of financial services. This integration is pivotal to our mission of providing a unified financial experience.
  4. Full Deployment of the INTENT Token: Our INTENT token is now fully deployed and operational. This token is essential to our ecosystem, providing various benefits and engagement opportunities for our users.
  5. Airdrops for Active Users: To show our appreciation, we’ve conducted airdrops for our active users. This initiative is our way of saying thank you for your continued support and engagement.
These milestones are just the beginning. Our roadmap is packed with innovative features and enhancements that will further elevate your digital asset management experience. We’re committed to continuous improvement and innovation.
Thank you for being a part of this journey. Your support and feedback are invaluable to us. We’re excited to continue building the future of digital asset management with you. Stay tuned for more updates, and feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.
submitted by EyeZoneOptometry to ICOCryptoInfo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 pnwquattro [NM] Billetspin V2 Soul Pen 35@$5

Spots@$Price 35@$5
Total Price: $175
Make and Model: Billetspin V2 Soul Pen
Timestamp and Pics:
Price Justification:
Description: PLEASE BE THOROUGH. EXPLICITLY STATE ALL ISSUES : Billetspin V2 Soulpen in really nice condition. I picked this up off the swap for $175 recently to check it out, I have been recently getting into pens. This is a gorgeous configuration on this one. Not finding any blemishes or issues with this one. Comes with billetspin leather slip.
International shipping: US Proxy Only
Payments as PayPal friends and family or Cash App ONLY with NO NOTES. No e-checks, or any of that stuff.
Please reply to the PM received with your spots with at least your full name and payment method.
If you select a specific number and it is not available, a random number will be assigned in its place. If you ONLY want the numbers you called, please specify by adding "only" or something similar.
I can choose to limit spot calls if deemed necessary. Please pay for spots received in a prompt manner, unpaid spots can be removed at my discretion

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Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 DarthRevan987 PAID
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15 cobramonkey87 PAID
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25 Bosskz PAID
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28 chicken-wings99 PAID
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31 Vegas777777 PAID
32 wjinak PAID
33 Vegas777777 PAID
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submitted by pnwquattro to KnifeRaffle [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:23 Femboy_Yugioh 26 [M4M] looking for the man of my dreams #USA #Texas

Well hi! Nice to meet you🤗. Names Kira. Here’s is some info about me . I know this post may not be everyone’s cup of tea however I think it’s important to let others know some great facts about me _^
Texas . Willing to move to another state or have my future partner live with me .
Appearance :
A thick black femboy who loves dressing up sometimes . Height : 5’3. Age: 26 Personality : I’m super ambivert . I love to go to anime cons, anime movies , TCG stores for tournaments , ect . I’m a super silly goofball who loves to make people smile .
💙My hobbies:
🩷What im looking for in a Relationship🩷
TALL (taller than my own height) , very communicative, masculine(mostly beards and body hair) gamers/anime nerds.
Someone who’s ready for a long term relationship Someone who may want to live together in the future
Someone who loves anime or video games especially OW2. *These are just preferences not a deal breaker. *
✅Ps: for compatibility reasons I’m a 100% bottom.
Do not ask me NSFW question it will be an immediate block
If you made it this far, please message me an introduction about yourself. This is extremely important as it tells me alot about you and for me to give you a well detailed response. Mostly a name to call you , hobbies, location (state wise) and what you’re looking for . You may send pics in the first message if you may like 😊
submitted by Femboy_Yugioh to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:22 ukexiao vouch for u/EmeraldOnyxPixie

vouch for u/EmeraldOnyxPixie
The request was to farm 4600 jades in HSR (later lowered to 3600 due to shop reset.) Incredibly fast service, completely transparent and flexible with payment methods too! Very kind and overall a 10/10 experience.
submitted by ukexiao to StarRailTrades [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:21 RedditIsTrashLma0 Just beat this game. My thoughts.

I thought this game looked pretty generic at first. It all looked like very basic, bogstandard roguelike business. I saw a few youtube videos propping up the game up but I was still sceptical. I was also tired of roguelikes in general by this point and was convinced that it is a mediocre genre that is plagued with fodder mobs and repetition. But a week ago I saw that it was on sale for only about £4 so I thought "sure why not?".
The introduction at the museum felt slow. Then I started my first few runs. I wasn't used to the lack of inviniciblity frames when you get hit for one. I also found it a bit uncomfortable how scarce gold was. But then I played again and again until the newness wore off and I finally adjusted and got into a flow state with this game.
And all I can say is....
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I was NOT expecting this level of peak. This game has singlehandedly rejuvenated my faith in the entire genre. Heck, in video games as an entire medium. Video games like this are why I live. This game is objectively a 10/10 and I will eat anyone who says otherwise.
First off, the difficulty feels brutally honest. Fair but honest. Unlike 99% of games you can't just abuse invincibility frames to back away from enemies when you get hit. You have to make sure you don't put yourself into a situation where you can get hit. This move alone was extremely bold on the devs part but it made all the difference in making the combat feel exciting and difficult to players who enjoy a challenge.
Mobs are very smart, strong, fast and all around ruthless. The basic enemies aren't much of a problem but the beefier realm exclusive soldiers usually have a trick up their sleeve like the wind knights evading your attacks and instantly teleporting behind you or the earth knights unexpectedly guarding your attack. Or enemies with reflect shields. Or that asshole cyclops enemy who can stunlock you into losing like half your health with his laser. You have to constantly stay on top of them and be aware of your surroundings(nearest escape route, positioning yourself away from pits, etc) and your cooldowns because one slip up can lead to you being stunlocked into losing half your health. Mobs move very fast and can even teleport around you, forcing you to stay on the move and make quick decisions on the fly. The fact that you do not always have access to any given spell in your arsenal due to the cooldown system makes you hyper cautious of every decision you make during combat as well as you might need access to a certain spell if you get cornered, further reinforcing this intense, razors edge feel to the combat. Mobs are brutal but at the same time they aren't damage sponges. This is probably the biggest problem I have with some other roguelikes like Warm Snow, Astral Ascent and to an extent Hades. In order to compensate for how busted your damage output can get due to the chaotically unrestrained progression in those games, they design the mobs to get exponentially tankier(without as much of a buff to the aggressiveness and damage output) as the run progresses to the point where most fights you're just mashing the same attack buttons and going through the motions until you reach the next boss. This game nailed mob design and other games should take note.
The bosses are phenomenal. I think the wind and lightning boss were kind of cheap but still very enjoyable. What really sets the bosses apart in this game from other bosses is similar to what makes the mobs great. They have relatively low health but have relentless attack patterns that are hard to dodge and move fast, making battles feel exciting rather than just drawn out and tedious. You can clear out each boss in about a dozen seconds if you're skilled enough but you risk losing a lot of health if you go on the offensive more.
I think part of what allows the combat to be so great is how "controlled" the progression is, both in and out of runs. This is by far the most balanced roguelike i've played in that regard. This isn't one of those roguelikes where you can easily come across broken upgrades or string together broken synergies and just steamroll everything. It's almost impossible to do that with how low the stat buffs are across the board for relics. For example, if you choose the relic which increases max health, you get 50 points of health, increasing it from 500 to merely 550. In Hades(which in all due respect, is relatively balanced for roguelike standards), your health increasing keepsake increases your health by about 50%. There's also the fact that your average damage buff relic only increases by about 10%, sometimes even lower. At most during any given run you can expect about 30-50% of a damage buff maximum whereas that percentage increase number escalates into the hundreds if not thousands(Warm Snow, i'm looking at you!) in other roguelikes. The currency(Gold) is also handed out very scarcely, pushing the player to make careful decisions with how they spend their money. These are just a few examples, I could spend all day comparing how balanced WOL is with other roguelikes.
As for meta progression, it's basically just collect new spells and relics to equip for your run. You don't level up your health, damage, speed or anything like that. The way I see meta progression in roguelikes is a two edged sword. On one hand there is a feel of instant gratification to using points acquired during your run to make yourself overpowered, allowing you to sweep through encounters that were difficult beforehand. But on the other hand this sort of undermines the point of playing roguelikes. You aren't really getting any better that way. You aren't getting more skilled at the game and making use of trial and error to overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable. This is what I love about WOL. It doesn't spoil you. It doesn't let you just "cheat" through the campaign. You have to EARN your victories through blood, sweat and tears and it feels ever so rewarding when you finally make a breakthrough with your own skill and hard work, nothing more. That type of satisfaction is far greater than the cheap, visceral thrill of activating nodes on a skill tree.
Also last thing, I think the level design is great. It feels like the perfect blend of arena and exploration style roguelikes, it seamlessly blends between these two modes with little to no hangup. One second you're fighting off a horde of knights and within the next dozen seconds you're in a shop carefully deciding which relic or arcana to buy with the limited amount of gold you have. There are certain areas in a stage which gets walled off and you are trapped with a horde of enemies but the gate opens and closes in about a split second so it feels so seamless. I also think stages are just about the right length. Long enough to get yourself immersed in, but short enough so that they don't seem to be endlessly dragging on. I like that you can challenge the stage end miniboss as soon as you find the "gate" and just progress to the next stage, even if you only clear out like 20% of the stage. This adds somewhat of a risk/reward element to the game where you may miss out on gold, gems and arcana/relics from shops but you dont risk losing health. Players can engage with the levels as they see fit. Lastly, I think the fact that the order in which you tackle each dungeon is randomized between 5 different dungeons(3 of which are present in a run) which cuts out some of the mundane repetition that as I mentioned above, can sour the experience of roguelike games.
The only major flaws I can see with the game is the balancing between arcana spells(signature lightning orb completely overshadows any other single target spell) and how being rewarded with enhanced arcanas after defeating each boss disincentivises you to buy arcanas(which are usually non enhanced) instead of relics. But these issues can easily be overlooked.
I've rambled a lot here but anyway, my overall point is this game is unashamedly nintendo oldschool brutal and I am all here for it! It just shows that roguelites can be god tier games when they don't coddle the player with pathetically weak mobs, broken synergies and meta-progression that trivialises the need to actually git gud and learn how to beat the game through trial and error.
This game is undoubtedly the king of roguelikes. As much as I love Hades, Rogue Legacy 2 or Dead Cells as the next person, this game is just undeniably the GOAT and it is criminal how obscure it is and how it isn't mentioned in the same conversation as those aforementioned roguelike hits.
submitted by RedditIsTrashLma0 to WizardofLegend [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:20 its-ur-boi54 I feel like I’m suffocating

Before I start I’m not looking for any pity I’m just lost and I don’t know what to do. I’m just looking for some guidance.
I just graduated high school almost 3 weeks ago and since then life has hit me like a truck. Everything ended so abruptly and it feels so weird now. I keep thinking I’m going to go back to school after a few days. Idk it just feels kind of weird. For all those 13 years of school I just kind of winged it and half-a$$ed everything. I was never “smart” per se and I always had trouble following simple directions, doing math, focusing on a lesson, etc etc.
Besides all that my mental state has been kind of messed up since I was about 16. My first major depressive episode was when I was about 12/13 and it lasted maybe about 4 months. I go through episodes of depression that can last anywhere from a week to a month long where I spend all day alone, I sometimes cut myself on the arms or legs, and I go from feeling this terrible sense of dread and hopelessness to not feeling anything at all. It also stops me from getting anything done because I just don’t see the point anymore.
When the depression cycle is over I feel like the happiest and healthiest man alive and I every time I think to myself “I was fine, I was just overreacting for no reason.” But then it comes back and I’m stuck in the same cycle.
I have friends that I’ve talked to but there’s only so much someone can do to help you. Plus I don’t want to kill the mood by always talking about how I feel or by even being there. I used to be able to fake my happiness but now I don’t do it as much because it’s hard to. When I do it’s only for people I’m close to as to not make them worry or make them feel awkward. So I stopped doing social things because people always ask me “Are you ok? You look sad. What’s wrong?”
I’m also addicted to weed and have been on and off smoking since I was 14. But for the past 6 months I’ve been smoking violently and non-stop. My parents gave up on me and tell me that they’ll let me ruin my own life with this drug. I wish I could quit but it’s so hard to, it gets hard to eat, sleep, and be calm without it. But at the same time it makes me lazy and stops me from accomplishing goals I have throughout the day. My mom called me a “nashaee(Pashto for druggie)” today and she always talks about “What wrong have I done in life to receive a son like you?” They tell me that “it’s just weed, not crack, you can easily quit it.” But I don’t think they realize how dependent I’ve gotten off it.
Therapy is off the table because I don’t want to have this conversation with my parents again about my mental health. They are great parents and will most likely get me help. However, I don’t want them to worry more about me as I’ve done enough to hurt them in past. Also, my dad is at risk of having cancer and I don’t want to stress him any further. Also, they don’t understand mental health and they always brush of my feelings as “teenage hormones.” As if I’m not 18 and have already gone through puberty.
I don’t think anyone knows I’m going through this because I don’t talk about it and I do my best to look and smell good and I try to dress in clothes I feel confident in which is all usually an indicator that someone is doing well.
I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Everything feels so hopeless and bleak. I have big dreams and ambitions but I just can’t find the fire to do anything anymore. I’m always on edge and there’s not much that brings me happiness. Everything feels exhausting and I always feel like everything is wrong. I don’t know who to turn to.
submitted by its-ur-boi54 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]