Flirty facebook status that will get comments

Cricket Shitpost

2016.08.23 11:54 lee98 Cricket Shitpost

Best memes and exclusive shitposts related to cricket.

2017.08.05 01:17 MrF1GuyV12POWAHHH formuladank

F1 shitposts i guess Join our Discord server:

2017.12.14 18:41 duckyoumate Indian Girls on Tinder

No matter a guy or a girl, share some cringeworthy profiles or chats from your Tinder encounters, have fun! :) Also remember that this is NOT an incel jerk sub, so if you're looking to whine about women and how they won't date you. You won't find that here, nor will it be tolerated. Be kind, be civil. 500 post karma and 1000 overall karma required. Don't message the mods asking why your posts aren't showing up, if you don't meet the karma requirements.

2024.05.19 07:00 ath3nA47 Whatsapp Business API pricing for GPT powered Bots

Hi everyone, need to clarify something regarding the WhatsApp business API usage, any help is highly appreciated. I'm building a GPT-powered chatbot for a business and I want to get the pricing right for this.
Scenario - "A customer wants to check on a product and he initiates a conversation with my business number inquiring about the pricing" - My chat bot will continue the conversation providing specific information.
Which category does this conversation fall into according to their docs (Marketing, Utility, and Authentication Conversations) Because I really cannot understand where this falls under to get the numbers right.
Also it says I have "1000 conversations free", does this GPT conversation fall into the same category? Because I am not doing any marketing or authentications, simply replying a message that hits the webhook.
submitted by ath3nA47 to whatsapp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 19, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
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Q1. Should I re-roll?
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Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
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submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 SteamieBot The Steamie - Sunday 19 May 2024

Cancellations to services between Helensburgh Central and Edinburgh
Due to a fire next to the track at Bathgate all lines are closed. Disruption is expected until 08:00 19/05.
Train services between Helensburgh Central and Edinburgh may be cancelled, delayed or revised.
Option 1 - Check if a rail journey is currently possible..
Option 2 - Alternative Routes & Local Public Transport..
Option 3 - Rail Replacement Transport..
Option 4 - Consider travelling later..
Let us help you:Please let us try and help you if you are being disrupted. At the station or on-train:* Speak to a member of staff or use the Help-point (station only).* Listen for announcements.* Information will be displayed on Customer Information Screens.Keep up to date or get in touch on your phone:Twitter: Live updates @ScotRail.WhatsApp: Contact us on WhatsApp.App: Live updates on our app. Phone: Contact Customer Relations.
Today in Scottish History
19 May 1795: The premature death from from the effects of a dissolute lifestyle of James Boswell, the lawyer, diarist and author.
/GlasgowMarket Digest
Converted Campervan - Beautiful Wood Interior
2 tickets for Liam Gallagher at the OVO Hydro
Ticketmaster £100 gift card for sale
2 Lucy Spraggan Ticket For Tonight at the Barrowlands - £40
Little Big
Tune of the day
Jill Lorean - Kneading (Official Video) (suggested by ScreamingFannyBaws)
Only one eligible link submitted today. Suggest tomorrow's tune.
submitted by SteamieBot to glasgow [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 AutoModerator [PSA] Daily Island Services and Visitors MegaThread May 19, 2024

This thread is for all Public Service Announcements for today's date. If you want to offer a service or an opportunity for an experience or visit, please post in this thread instead of posting separately with the [PSA] tag.
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submitted by AutoModerator to ACTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 BevoBot [5/19/2024] Sunday's Free Talk Thread

/LonghornNation Daily Off Topic Free Talk Thread

Today: 5/19/2024
Last Thread

Current Austin Weather: 80° and Clear

Seven Day Forecast:
5/19 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/25
92°, Clear 93°, Clouds 95°, Clouds 96°, Clouds 93°, Rain 95°, Rain 98°, Rain

Your go-to place to talk about whatever you want. From the dumb shit aggies do on a near daily basis, to the latest whatever happening wherever. What ya got?

Here's a look at upcoming Longhorn Sporting Event(s):

  1. 5/19 University of Texas Women's Golf vs NCAA Championship Stroke Play
  2. 5/19 University of Texas Rowing vs Big 12 Championship
  3. 5/19 12:00 PM University of Texas Softball vs Northwestern
  4. 5/19 4:00 PM University of Texas Men's Tennis vs TCU
  5. 5/20 University of Texas Men's Tennis vs NCAA Singles and Doubles Championships
  6. 5/20 University of Texas Women's Tennis vs NCAA Singles and Doubles Championships
  7. 5/20 University of Texas Women's Golf vs NCAA Championship Stroke Play

Trending on Reddit

  1. Chimp’s reaction to seeing a puppy for the first time
  3. Des Moines Superintendent and former Olympic athlete Ian Roberts races against students
  4. My grandparents just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary
  5. My boss doesn’t speak good English so I get texts like this often
  1. /CFB Donates $18,000.00 to Toys For Tots & Children's Hospitals, thanks to the 8th annual Holiday Drive!
  2. Auburn RB Brian Battie was reportedly shot in the head last night in Sarasota, FL and is currently in critical condition
  3. Neither Georgia Tech vs Clemson nor Georgia vs South Carolina will be played in football this year. The last season neither matchup was played was 1957.
  4. It's Happened Again (Brisket). BYU Showcases Brisket from their New Smoker
  5. The Longhorn Network - arguably the reason for a cascade of conference realignments - broadcasts its last game.
  6. [Cristovich] "NEW: The NCAA and Power 5 have spent $15M+ on a sophisticated operation involving DC’s most powerful lobbying and PR firms to halt—and reverse—the golden age of athletes rights that has earned players millions."
  1. [5/18/2024] Saturday's Sports Talk Thread
  2. [5/18/2024] Saturday's Free Talk Thread
  3. Texas Men’s Tennis Defeats Wake Forest 4-2 To Advance To NCAA Championship
  4. [Post Series Thread] ⚾ #25 Texas sweeps Kansas, 3-0, in its final regular season series as a member of the Big 12.
  5. Softball Regional LHN Stream
  6. Longhorn College fantasy league on Fantrax
  7. Texas Softball 🥎 Mac Morgan throws a complete 7-inning post-season no-hitter and Texas wins 5-0 over Siena!
LonghornBot: you can get a list of commands you can give for the bot by commenting ".help". You will receive a private message with the commands.
This thread was programmatically generated and posted on 5/19/2024 12:00 AM. If you have any questions or comments, please contact brihoang or chrislabeard
submitted by BevoBot to LonghornNation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 2soccer2bot Daily Discussion

Welcome to the soccer Daily Discussion!

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  • Any other kind of toxic or unreasonable behaviour.
The moderation team will remove comments that violate those rules and ban persistent offenders.
Please report comments you think that break such rules, but more than anything else, remember the human. The Internet is full of places to discuss football in bad faith. This community tries to be an exception.

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This thread is posted every 23 hours to give it a different start time each day.
submitted by 2soccer2bot to soccer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:58 tfosnip CS50W - Proj4 Network - Django doesnt recognize my JS code at all

I've double checked the following:
I've put down several triggers inside this JavaScript code yet none of them run.
console.log("newlikes.js is loaded"); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { console.log("DOM fully loaded and parsed"); document.querySelectorAll('button[id^="like_button_"]').forEach(button => { button.addEventListener('click', function() { console.log("clicked!") let postId ='_')[2]; let userId = this.dataset.userId; let likeCountElement = document.querySelector("#like_count_" + postId); let likeButton = this; fetch('/like/' + postId + '/', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ 'user_id': userId }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-CSRFToken': document.querySelector('input[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').value } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (data.like_status) { = 'grey'; likeCountElement.textContent = parseInt(likeCountElement.textContent) + 1; } else { = 'red'; likeCountElement.textContent = parseInt(likeCountElement.textContent) - 1; } }); }); }); }); 
my index.html code:
{% extends "network/layout.html" %} {% load static %} {% block body %} 
{% if user.is_authenticated %}

Create New Post

{% csrf_token %}
Image Link Url:

{% endif %}
{% comment %} list of posts for people that users follow {% endcomment %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% for post in page_obj %}

    Posted on: {{post.created_time}}
    {% csrf_token %} {{post.liked_by.count}}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}
and my
""" Django settings for project4 project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 3.0.2. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ import os # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = '13kl@xtukpwe&xj2xoysxe9_6=tf@f8ewxer5n&ifnd46+6$%8' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'network', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', ] MIDDLEWARE = [ '', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'project4.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'project4.wsgi.application' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), } } AUTH_USER_MODEL = "network.User" # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"), '/network/project4/network/static', ] 
my folder structure looks like this:
I've been stuck on this project for half a week now because I thought my JS code was bugged, and only until today I added more triggers and realized it wasn't run at all...... (I have 2 more earlier versions of js code in the same folder but none of them are quoted anywhere so I assume this isn't a problem)
I truly really appreciate anyone's help to get out of this brain prison!! I used 120% of my brain and I am still 100% clueless rn :P
submitted by tfosnip to cs50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:58 Jealous_Criticism_68 I feel lonely and today I cried a lot out of nowhere.

A bit of context, I'm currently alone, and my partner (honestly, my best friend) is out on a trip.
We live outside of our home country, so we only have a few friends, no family, but I've got a dog (my rock tbh).
So, today I was reading some histories online (my hobby) and in such history a mother was picture protecting her child, then the OP said the word "mother" and I suddenly started crying hard out of nowhere, my dog came to me and helped me calmed down.
1) The thing is that I know why I cried... I feel lonely and powerless, we are changing countries (I don't know the language of such country). I'm young 22, but I also feel that I crashed my partners feeling by telling her that she needed to figure her life out, if she wanted to be a mother and she needed to work for that goal financially.
But, she likes to travel and has a job related to it. I never liked it. This job has no future, and people retire in the same position as her with low, very low pay. So, I always told her that if she wanted to travel, she could work into a better field with better pay, so the flight benefits would be just meaningless.
She refuses and insists that this is her dream job ( I know, it isn't she wanted something else, but settle for less since she can't have it (residency status issue))
I've been telling her for years that she has to work for the goal of being a mother and provide financially, and having a better career with a higher salary/future is better.
She kept saying later later that it's been 3 years of this. The plan was to have a kid at 25 (her age, next year), but I told her bringing a child into our situation is a selfish decision, and we can't.
I was pretty mad and said hurtful things, this is because I know what its to have parents that struggle and do their best so their kids can eat, study, have good cloth, etc. (I want to clarify, I apologized for my behavior).
She also sees children and traveling not possible together.tbh I think with a good plan it can work just fine. But she doesn't it.
For this reason, she said later into the conversation that she won't have children. I was sad when i heard it, because I saw her face, it looked destroyed like something died inside.
Later, we talked more, and I finally convinced her to not give up on the idea but to work for it. (She said she'll take a break of the topic this year and next year. She will invest fully in it) I'm very happy with this outcome.
However, seeing her face when she said those words was horrible, I just felt bad, like my shiny rock wasn't radiant anymore.
It's also the moving it's very stressful and annoying because I don't know the language and it's my fault for not studying it. I feel frustrated, now I'm studying it, and I'm trying to build a habit of it.
Anyway, I think that today, when I read that word, I just cried so badly because I remembered the hardships my mom endured and the face my partner made. I just felt useless and impotent.
A few more things:
I don't mind having children, it will be nice, but it's not the most in my life.
However, I am trying since that's her goal. So, I signed up for university and set up a saving goal. Currently have 30k (after paying the U in full, very proud tbh).
Thanks for reading my rambling!
Edit: some grammar corrections
To add:
I'm not a saint. I have a lot of issues, too, so this is not intended to portray my partner as bad. She is by far the funniest person I've ever met after me, and she is caring and understanding and shows her appreciation a lot and constantly.
This is just my current view of this situation and how it made me feel and comments are appreciated.
submitted by Jealous_Criticism_68 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:57 BuckeyeReason Hazardous heat engulfs South Florida as Miami issues first May Heat Advisory in 15 years

<< This has prompted the National Weather Service in Miami to issue its first Heat Advisory in the month of May in at least 15 years....
Several records have been tied or broken across South Florida this week. Key West, for example, was absolutely baking on Wednesday.
The city tied its highest heat index ever at a sweltering 115 degrees. >>
Accelerating climate change impacts now include consecutive monthly global heat records.
<< April 2024 was Earth’s warmest April since global record-keeping began in 1850 and was the planet’s 11th consecutive warmest month on record, NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, or NCEI, reported May 14....
The European Copernicus Climate Change Service also rated April 2024 as the warmest April on record and said that the global average temperature for the past 12 months (May 2023 — April 2024) was the highest on record for any 12-month period, 1.61 degrees Celsius above the 1850-1900 preindustrial average. >>
See the frightening "Global Temperature: 12-Month Running Mean" chart in the above article.
Florida's Republican political regime seems oblivious to the urgent need for Florida, the U.S. and all of mankind to transition rapidly away from fossil fuel consumption in order to halt, if still possible, escalating climate change impacts in the state. Miami and southern Florida especially will bear the brunt of climate change impacts. Climate change increasingly is an overwhelming reality, despite any efforts to deny it.
submitted by BuckeyeReason to Miami [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:57 Big-Pair5172 Graduating M7er here. I finally landed a full-time job with philip morris (Big tobacco). it pays mBB level salary, but i'm worried about social Ostracization from m7 network. should i accept?

Title. Graduating 2nd year at an M7, been struggling to recruit for a full time role ever since I didn't get a return offer from my internship (corporate strategy at a F100). Pre-MBA background in healthcare consulting.
I cast a wide net, across a variety of different roles and industry, initially targeting tech Strategy & Ops, MBB & T2 consulting, and similar mainstream roles. However, I got completely rejected from them.
So I started throwing my apps into my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tier options.
It was my last choice, but I got an interview callback from Phillip Morris, a Big Tobacco company, which owns extremely famous brands like Marlboro. They recruit on my campus. It was a strategy oriented role, and after a few rounds, I landed! And what's crazy is that the role straight is a godsend in this horrible job market - it's MBB level pay, $200k+ in total compensation.
The issue, however, is that my role is genuinely a blatant, net negative to society. My role will contribute to strategies on getting more people hooked on tobacco, cigarettes, and nicotine products, which will directly contribute to lung cancer, second hand smoking, deaths etc.
I am worried because on my campus, this type of company and industry is completely against what's socially acceptable. Most people talk about how they want to be equity oriented business leaders, be pro DEI, be pro ESG and try to balance capitalism with giving back to society. Yes, industries like MBB or investment banking or even Big Tech have their demons and societal ills. But while McKinsey helped fuel the opioid crisis and prop up dictators, most of its projects are relatively "benign" and mundane where the people going into consulting have "plausible deniability" that McKinsey isn't completely evil.
That's why you have incoming McKinsey consultants post very pro liberal and progressive political comments on Instagram while not viewing that as cognitive dissonance. Most of my classmates are outwardly liberal, at least on social issues.
Big Tech, investment banking, and consulting is popular on my campus. I have seen people go into Oil & Gas companies like Chevron (they also have a major MBA program) and they've gotten socially ostracized for doing so. Same with someone going to work for a controversial defense or military contractor. CPG Brand Management is an option, with the reception being more mixed. People don't love PepsiCo but are neutral on say deodorant owned by Unilever.
From Wikipedia itself: "With tobacco being addictive and the single greatest cause of preventable death globally, the company is highly controversial, not least because of its history of obfuscating scientific evidence around the health effects of smoking. It has been the subject of litigation and restrictive legislation from governments."
The company claims it supports a long-term vision of a "smoke free future" where cigarettes are replaced with non-smoking tobacco products such as e-cigarettes, vapes, nicotine pouches, and heated cigarettes. But this seems like smoke and mirrors and for the here and now, cigarettes are an essential part of the company's sales strategy & revenue. And even non-smoking tobacco products are extremely addicting with net health negatives. It's the same as Big Oil companies saying they have a clean energy division.
I have a wife and and incoming baby. I need to pay back near $200k in MBA student debt. I didn't have a job lined up, and financially this is a no brainer for me. I don't like that it's unethical, but it doesn't bother me too much.
But people say the biggest long term ROI of the MBA is not just the initial job pivot, but the network. And I feel deliberately joining a Big Tobacco company in a role where I am essentially pro cigarettes and nicotine, would put a Scarlet Letter on my back. I fear people will be reluctant to refer me to future roles, and I could also lose many MBA friendships.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by Big-Pair5172 to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:56 pseudosoup_ ridealongs before applying for a job?

Hey! So, long story short, is it a good idea to do a ridealong with a company before applying for a job with them, or is it okay to just send in an application?
I just received my certification (yay) and am looking to start working with an ambulance service in my area. During my EMT class, my instructor made a comment about getting a job that was along the lines of "if you've done a couple of ridealongs with a place and they like you, you'll be able to get a job with them once you're certified."
I wasn't required to do any ridealongs/clinical stuff for patient contacts or anything, so ridealongs were just for personal enjoyment/education, and afaik, maybe five people out of my 25-person class did any. Since I was busy just trying to keep my head above water with EMT school on top of a college schedule and job, I never got around to scheduling ridealongs until the couple of weeks between when I was done with school/my emt class and before I took my NREMT tests. I did one with a company that I wouldn't ever work at even if it was a million-dollar salary, and two with a place that I liked and thought would be a good starter job, but people I know told me it was essentially a soul-sucking location that I should avoid at all costs. That being said, it seems like every company I've suggested, there's somebody who will say "that's an awful place the boss sucks," and there's an employee who tells me to run from the whole industry. It's difficult to tell what's an actually good warning and what's just classic ems negative nancy behavior.
Anyway, obviously I'm going to be sending applications to more than one company, but I'm not sure if I should be doing ridealongs to get in the door and have my face seen before sending in an application (sort of what my instructor implied was the way to get a job) or just apply. Is it beneficial to do a ridealong in order to scout out a place? Or to make myself look like a more legit candidate? It seems like my area has a pretty severe shortage of EMS folks, and I've been told by some that for part time work, all you need is a warm body, but other new-ish EMTs I know say it's basically impossible to get hired as a new EMT.
submitted by pseudosoup_ to NewToEMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:56 gradientpastel Bandwidth passing through wireguard server faster than connection to server directly

I'm having a weird issue where my bandwidth through my wireguard server hosted on my NAS is higher than my reported bandwidth to my NAS itself. When I say "through" my NAS I mean traffic that is routed through my wireguard server on my NAS but has a destination that is external. Here's some context:
Here's my wireguard config (note my domain resolves to my home network's public IP):
[Interface] PrivateKey = PRIVATEKEY Address = DNS = MTU = 1420 [Peer] PublicKey = PUBLICKEY PresharedKey = PRESHAREDKEY AllowedIPs = Endpoint = PersistentKeepalive = 0 
Some speed datapoints:
As another data point, I recently tried installing and using tailscale, but I seem to have similar bandwidth issues, although tailscale's passthrough bandwidth is pretty close to the bandwidth I get when connecting to the NAS directly. One thing to note is that when I use tailscale status, I see that it's a relayed connection. Additionally, tailscale ping is unable to give me a direct connection, so this could be degrading tailscale's performance (another potential indicator that something's wrong?).
The passthrough speeds I'm getting could be acceptable if I could get them to my NAS itself, but they're not even close, making streaming content from my NAS very painful especially on "slower" client connections. I've seen a data point where someone else had a client and server 3500 miles away and was still able to get ~285 Mbps which was close to their line speed. Any tips or suggestions for tools/commands I can run to debug this issue would be much appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by gradientpastel to WireGuard [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 GrownUpGirlScout Nancy Cunard, Parallax, and (Taylor's Version of) Modernism

Nancy Cunard, Parallax, and (Taylor's Version of) Modernism

I did not entirely intend to end up this deep down a rabbit hole, but here we are!

The other night after reading the wonderful The Eras Tour Follies post-GO READ THAT POST, everything in there relates to ALL of this as Loie Fuller was a modernist choreographer and so her art relates strongly to everything I will be discussing. Pretty much everything I present here emphasizes the idea that Taylor is leaning into a very specific type of performance art. Anyway, after reading that, facebook suggested to me a post from a page with follies in the name and between that and the line “my swift imagination”, my attention was captured. From the post-
“‘You shall not prison, shall not grammarise / my swift imagination.’ So declares a poem Nancy Cunard wrote in 1919, at the age of twenty-three. The speaker of “In Answer to a Reproof” casts herself as “the perfect stranger / outcast and outlaw from the rules of life”. Conveying something of Cunard’s defiance of social norms, the poem seems to prophesy her later cutting of ties to both her mother and her country. For Jane Marcus, it constitutes “the declaration of independence of female modernism”.Cunard began her writing career as a poet, and her long poem Parallax was published by Virginia Woolf’s Hogarth Press in 1925.
Jane Marcus wrote a book called Nancy Cunard: Perfect Strangers which was released in 2020 (post-humuously, the book was finished by her research assistant.) It seems like it was a small university press type deal and not widely available in print, though it seems sites like jstor may have it available in its entirity. The book summary-
“Nancy Cunard: Perfect Stranger reshapes our understanding of a woman whose role in key historical, political, and cultural moments of the 20th century was either dismissed and attacked, or undervalued. Here, Jane Marcus, who was one of the most insightful critics of modernism and a pioneering feminist scholar, is unafraid and unapologetic in addressing and contesting Nancy Cunard’s reputation and reception as a spoiled heiress and “sexually dangerous New Woman.” Instead, with her characteristic provocative and energetic writing style, Marcus insists we reconsider issues of gender, race, and class in relation to the accusations, stereotypes, and scandal, which have dominated, and continue to dominate, our perception of Cunard in the public record. In the wake of inadequate histories of radical writing and activism, Nancy Cunard: Perfect Stranger brings its subject into the 21st century, offering a bold and innovative portrait of a woman we all thought we knew.”
I was mostly going to get into her poem Parallax, but after having looked up the entirety of “In Answer to a Reproof”, I HAVE to bring that up as well. Her work isn’t super widely available online, but I did find this weird little poorly formatted archival site that seems to have the full text of her collected poetry . I haven’t read it all (yet), but to start with I’d direct you towards the poems “Outlaws”, “Monkery” and “The Love Story”, but when I read the opening lines to “In Answer to a Reproof” my jaw DROPPED.
“Let my impatience guide you now, I feel
You have not known that glorious discontent
That leads me on : the wandering after dreams
And the long chasing in the labyrinth
Of fancy, and the reckless flight of moods —
You shall not prison, shall not grammarise
My swift imagination, nor tie down
My laughing words, my serious words, old thoughts
I may have led you on with, baffling you
Into a pompous state of great confusion.”
“The long chasing in the labyrinth” “shall not grammarise my swift imagination” (grammarise or gramarize can mean to analyze or describe), are both lines and ideas resonate a lot with what we know about Taylor and her work. The poem is saying, "you will not hold me to these interpretations you have of me, even if I was the one using my words to lead you on and confuse you.”
“...I have concluded we are justified
Each in his scheming ; is this not a world
Proportioned large enough for enemies
Of our calibre ? Shall we always meet
In endless conflict ? I have realised
That I shall burn in my own hell alone
And solitarily escape from death”
The burning imagery, the implications of a deep emotional rift between enemies who might be lovers? This poem, and honestly a lot of her others, have that sort of vibe. This part is justifying the need of enemies in the world and bringing attention to the role of destiny in the fate of two such adversaries. The poem text is available the collected poems I linked above, there is also this handwritten original from Yale’s archives on Nancy Cunard (had to go to the original to figure out what word she was using for solitarily because the formatting was so wonky on the other, lol)
Let’s move on to Parallax! As mentioned above, the poem was originally published by Virgina Woolf’s literary press. It is a long form poem based on the The Waste Land, also a long form poem by T. S. Eliot. This is from the wiki page on The Waste Land-
“widely regarded as one of the most important English-language poems of the 20th century and a central work of modernist poetry…The Waste Land does not follow a single narrative or feature a consistent style or structure. The poem shifts between voices of satire and prophecy, and features abrupt and unannounced changes of narrator, location and time, conjuring a vast and dissonant range of cultures and literatures.”
These ideas are all VERY important in modernism. And modernism is VERY relevant to the idea of what Taylor does, but ESPECIALLY what she is currently doing with TTPD.
Modernism was about rejecting the old ideas of things, and trying to rebuild, especially in the aftermath of WW1. Artists,writers, and musicians strongly embraced the idea of the visibility of the artist in their work. They no longer felt compelled to uphold the status quo and traditional methods (of poetry, of painting, of music, of literature, of architecture), they experimented with forms and processes that would be visible to the viewer in ways that had not been common or fashionable in the art world in the past.
Stream of consciousness writing, unreliable narrators, and multiple points of views were new things being explored, especially in writing (A Room of One’s Own by Virgina Woolf being a great and relevant example of this, also go check out the first edition cover-Midnights much…). The artists wanted to invite deeper thought about what was being said and by whom.The way modernism referenced the past was also very relevant. Modernism was known for creating entirely new interpretations of traditional works. Rewriting traditional narratives, creating parodies, satire, incorporating aspects from many other sources and being referential to those sources (the idea of artistic collages, and incorporating old media into new works was being heavily explored).
The definition of Parallax is “the apparent displacement or the difference in apparent direction of an object as seen from two different points not on a straight line with the object”especially : the angular difference in direction of a celestial body as measured from two points on the earth's orbit.”
Okay so I honestly have a hard time wrapping my head around this, but…put your finger in front of your eyes, look beyond your finger, and then alternate closing one eye at a time. The way your finger appears to jump? That is an example of parallax. The closer an object is, the more drastically it appears to move when observed from different places. The further the object, the less it moves. (I find it interesting that Taylor’s shows have been speeding up and going faster? Almost like as she gets closer to…whatever she’s heading towards, the faster, the more drastic the change?)
These are typical visual representations of parallax
Which majorly reminds me of this.
And I know that there’s only so much one can do with lights on a stage, but I find the visual parallels and the different perspectives during the TTPD set interesting.
And from the lyric video of “I Can Do it With a Broken Heart”
Let’s get back to the poem!
Here is Parallax by Nancy Cunard
Scan from google books of the original printing of the book.
A website with an easy to read full text version.
It's long, but it's WELL worth reading. Very very rich imagery and themes which seems to go along with Taylor's use of similar themes and images
“Provisioning of various appetite.
Midnights have heard the wine’s philosophy
Spill from glass he holds, defiant tomorrows
Pushed back.”
“Think now how friends grow old—
Their diverse brains, hearts, faces, modify;
Each candle wasting at both ends, the sly
Disguise of its treacherous flame . . .
Am I the same?”
"Without prompter for the love-scene or the anger-scene.
And . . . You and I,
Propelled, controlled by need only,
Forced by dark appetites;
Lovers, friends, rivals for a time,
thinking to choose,
And having chosen, losing."
Again, long but well worth reading.
For a couple years, Nancy had a relationship with a man named Lois Aragon. I found this research paper about Aragon’s personal interest in fairy tales and in the author Lewis Carol. Cunard was instrumental in assisting Aragon to create a printed French translation of the Lewis Carol nonsense poem The Hunting of the Snark. The paper includes this bit, (part of?) a poem Aragon wrote for Cunard during their first trip together-to London. It is a love poem which uses ideas and imagery from Alice in Wonderland (the pdf of this pastes to nonsense so, screenshot.)
So as interesting as I found all of these connections, I did at many points wonder if I was in fact thinking about all of this way too much.
I decide, I’m just…gonna google Nancy Cunard and Taylor Swift. See if anything, at all, comes up.
The Cunard Building. She filmed the video for I Can See You. In. The. Cunard. Building. The Cunard Building, which was built for the Cunard Steamship Company. Nancy Cunard’s family.
So now I officially feel like I’ve lost my mind, but I am even more interested in…where this is going and what is the POINT of it all? All of this suggests to me that TTPD has been HIGHLY HIGHLY staged and planned and executed in ways which seem to encompass all of the ideas of modernism, while making reference to modernists and their work (Louie Fuller, Virginia Woolf). She is using herself and her life, as well as them and their works, as the references for the writing. Leaning into the unreliability of her narration, the parody, and the multiple points of views from switching narrators.
And that concludes my post on...introducing Nancy Cunard as a highly probable (in my opinion anyway) inspiration for Taylor's work and life, as well as giving even more context and understanding to what we already knew-she's performing. But trying to be sophisticated about it? And trying to point at a lot of references in order to make us think about the deeper meaning.
I'm EXHAUSTED. And so happy I've finished this. Thank you thank you to this sub for the assistance, moral support, brilliant information, and incredible connections that make us all more knowledgable and better critical thinkers. <3 <3 <3
submitted by GrownUpGirlScout to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 epiccabbage123 review of every professor i've had at BU

now senior so i thought id take a look back. most TFs or lab instructors missing bc i don't remember them and never attended most office hours.
Courtney Martin - FY101 freshman fall. utterly useless class (was an undeclared major so took it hoping to get some guidance, basically got nothing out of it.) very chill instructor though, no issues there, just waste of time.
Scott Possiel - WR120 freshman fall and WR152 freshman spring, grad student teacher. pretty chill and class was interesting (mediterranean religion [roman religions]), learned strong amount about writing. no complaints, hope he's on to great things.
Alexander Nikolaev - CL/208LX208 freshman fall. awesome class on zoom, funny and knowledgeable dude, learned so much about about indo-european linguistics, and sparked basically all my interest about linguistics. assignments were fun and refreshing. one of my favorite professors at BU despite only having had one class with him, unfortunately he disappeared (left?) after 2020 and I have no idea why, nor did any of my classmates. lucky to have had his last BU class in first semester of freshman year.
Christine Papadakis - CS112 freshman fall. her ratemyprofessor 1.9 score says enough, bad at explaining topics, strange class vibes, pretty unhelpful. seems like a nice person though. main reason i did not continue with compsci after 1 semester at BU, class wasn't too difficult (got B+ and could have done better if i tried harder) but it was so utterly boring it was the dread of every week and genuinely difficult to find any will to do work for it. lectures were insufferably boring, especially on replay when studying. avoid her at all costs.
Edward Loechler - first half of BI107 freshman fall, BI108 freshman spring? (i remember him and spilios teaching some class together or two part or something). chill old man vibes, class was solid and well taught. don't remember anything else except no issues. recommend.
Kathryn Spilios - second half of BI107 freshman fall. chill professor, class was solid and well taught. don't remember anything else except no issues. recommend.
Leah Kronenberg - CL102 freshman spring. awesome professor, very kind and good at teaching. recommend
thomas keyes - CH101 freshman spring. worst professor i had in all of BU hands down. so utterly useless and incompetent his syllabus was barely even divided into paragraphs, just a spam wall of text. lectures monotonous and uninteresting, bad at answering questions, mean to students, generally seemed like he was on the verge of suicide or homicide or both at any given moment. thankfully he retired so i do not have to say avoid him at all costs.
special shoutout to Alyssa Kranc - TF for CH101, grad student. actual angel sent from heaven to guide the class thru the horror that was CH101 with thomas keyes. great at explanations, patient, and brought good vibes. i actually really liked chemistry and it was only thru Alyssa's help and lab review meeting things that I learned anything in this class and got an A. Hope she is onto greater things and epic research.
jane x. luu - AS102 sophomore fall. chill professor, kinda made class easier as time went along when she realized nobody really gave a shit about the subject and was just there for hub or get chance to look thru telescope. actually discovered some really awesome things in her research (the kuiper belt). was visiting professor so dont think she'll be back.
brandon jones - CL101 sophomore fall. awesome professor, good lectures, chill guy. recommend.
john thornton - HI175 sophomore fall. boringest history lecturer ive ever had, quiet so had to sit in the front to even hear him (maybe cuz covid masks everything was quieter). chill guy, easy class, probably cooler to talk to at office hours than for survey history class. recommend.
cathal nolan - HI284 sophomore fall. Lowkey kinda pompous guy, but classes were always insightful and really felt like attending a speech notsomuch a lecture. history of war class was one of the few classes where i felt like i really gained wisdom and not just knowledge, but also fell short of my expectations at the same time if that makes sense. pretty easy if you like history / are good at writing. needs to learn how to use slides though lol, windows photo app on USB stick photos can only last so long. recommend.
Christopher McMullen - FY102 sophomore spring. genuinely do not remember a single thing about this class or professor. pretty sure we unironically did a meyers personality test thing, hilarious waste of time. or that was in FY101.
hannah culik - CL237 sophomore spring. very kind professor, learned a lot in the class. 0 official dealines so u can turn in everything late but i do not recommend leaving it all to the last minute. pretty political charged, but i think in an engaging way. she left BU but i would recommend if she were still here.
simon payaslian - HI176 sophomore spring. felt like high school class but i guess that's how history survey courses go. chill dude, kinda tough grader? dumb assignments. average lecturer. recommend.
bruce schulman - HI231 sophomore spring. very kind professor, i turned in my final research paper like a week late LMFAO and he still accepted it (with some completely justified points off for lateness of course). good lecturer. recommend.
Christopher Daly - HI231 sophomore spring. kind professor chill lecturer some course as schulman (double professors). retired, otherwise would recommend.
Alexis Peri - HI200 sophomore spring, HI272 junior fall - one of the best professors at BU hands down. kind but pushes you to truly learn. writing excelled under her and i felt i improved my overall skills as a student / scholar in every way. she grades easier as class goes on. genuinely proud to have achieved in A in both her courses, pushed myself to get there. maybe a bit too much class discussion for my tastes though, i don't really enjoy sharing out. recommend.
shoutout to Margot Rashba, TF for HI272. helpful explainer since I couldn't go to professor Peri's office hours due to time conflict. hope she is onto great things.
christopher Backman - HI101 junior fall. chill professor, class pretty boring but funny lecturer. completely ghosted my email sent in next semester discussing my idea for senior thesis lol, and wasn't at the office hours listed on website, idk what happened. apparently went on leave after some controversy regarding speech. so yeah lol. recommend.
Stephanie Nelson - CL161 junior fall. awesome professor, kind and fun class. recommend
Timothy Clark - CL162 junior spring, CL322 disorganized and seems like he didn't really care about the class tbh, but overall chill guy. really likes parthia and didn't really care about Rome at all. dumb assignments at times, but he did have no issue with me consistently missing a language class day to to schedule conflict without issue, which I appreciated. don't recommend.
eugenio menegon - HI363 senior fall. hard to explain but going to class just felt... uncomfortable every time? does lot of cold-calling. lecture was kinda boring, didn't learn very much, felt more like a high school survey class of china than a 300 level class on ancient China. covers way too long a time period in too little detail. dude seems pretty chill though don't recomment.
christopher ell - CL300 senior fall. very boring lecturer but he clearly does try to make it funny, which is appreciated. chill guy, some leniency on scheduling and assignments, very clear about all his instructions and overall taught well. very fair and no conflicts at all. enjoyed his class. recommend.
spiridon-iosif capotos - CL261 senior fall, grad student teacher. hilarious, deadpan dry humor. fun class, learned a lot of greek, hope he is onto great things. recommend
simon anderson - SY101 senior spring. chill guy, class not the most useful but was alright. not really that indepth, prob waste of time could've learned everything reading online guides. instructor was fine though, no issues.
hannah kloster - CL262 senior spring, grad student teacher. awesome and kind instructor, very fun class, learned a lot despite having no interest in Greek poetry. hope she is onto great things. recommend.
jilene chua - HI500 senior spring. very kind professor, chill class and great vibes, but too much discussion for my taste. new professor to BU, had her on her second or third semester teaching as professor ever (i think); class was kinda unorganized or ad hoc at times. will only get better as time goes on. recommend.
stephen scully - hi406 senior spring. no interest in the subject (iliad translations) when i joined class and minimal interest in the subject as I leave the class (and BU). chill professor, but grades harshly and requires a lot of writing. cold calls often. class was also quite unorganized for entire first half. in terms of material, honestly a lot of stuff in class felt quite arbitrary in understanding (as is probably the case with most literature classes, which i did not take outside of this). recommend if you really love classical literature / mythology / philology (or anything humanities), don't recommend for classical history (or anything social sciences).
Rui Hua - HI364 junior fall, HI370 junior spring, HI553 senior fall. the most energetic, fun, chill professor i've had at BU, every lecture was a blast and even if i went to class in a bad mood it was impossible to leave without a smile on my face. took us on field trips to relevant destinations when possible. I had the first 3 classes he's ever taught as a professor ever (I think), and it definitely showed bc they were somewhat unorganized or ad hoc. but i am sure his teaching will only get better as time progresses, learned a lot and had a great time in all his classes, he does cover some overlapping material in them so if u take them u might repeat some stuff. also super lenient on deadlines but i do not encourage delaying all of them to the last minute as I did like an idiot. easy classes overall, but if you like the subject he definitely is encouraging for those who want to learn more. recommend.
Loren J. Samons - CL321 junior fall, CL303 junior spring, CL202 senior spring. best professor i've ever had at BU, hilarious, funnest lectures of all time, learned so much, and brings so much old man sardonic energy to every class. CL303 fall of roman empire another class where I felt I genuinely attained wisdom and not just knowledge. assigned readings are some of the few I actually did. class might be difficult if not ur a good writer / not a social sciences person, but u'll definitely improve if you take the effort to do so, otherwise easy class got As in all of them. very straightforward. recommend.
feel free to ask individual questions about any of these professors / instructors in comments.
submitted by epiccabbage123 to BostonU [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:48 WindValleyFirst Questions about romantic attraction

I am a transgender woman, and I'm experiencing something new that I could use some help parsing. I've been transitioning a while now.
I've never been the kind of person to experience romantic or sexual attraction. I can think of maybe 2 times in my life I've had anything close to what people describe romantic attraction as (I'm roughly 3 decades old, for reference), and I've understood I was under the aroace umbrella for a long time. To be clear, this experience I'm having entirely pertains to romantic attraction. I'm including my asexuality for the purpose of being up front and honest.
I've only dated women previously, and generally never had any attraction to men, (to reiterate, I've never been physically attracted to anyone. Both the times I think that I've had romantic attraction was after knowing the person for a long time. But the most recent one was 5 years ago). Recently (I say that, it's actually gone on more than a year now) I've met a guy that...I don't know, I just act weird around.
It's difficult to describe. I don't get any of those butterfly feelings people describe. I do get some kind of strange emotions? But I can't put a name to them, and they're on the rarer side. I certainly value his presence, opinion, and company a lot more than most people. Even some people I've known longer. There's not normally a physical feeling though, oftentimes I'm not feeling anything, but I'm responding without a doubt. But I definitely act weird around him. I'm always really happy to see him, and I interact with him in a manner that is genuinely unlike anyone else in my life. And it is flirtatious, I'll be completely transparent about that. It's something people around us both notice. If I'm drunk? Lord help he and I both, I'll send some very flirty and affectionate messages. Nothing inappropriate, just compliments usually.
I don't know. It's strange because it's not what anyone has ever described romantic attraction as, so I can't say for certain that's even what it is. But I'm plainly acting as though I like him in that way. And honestly? I can get myself into like...a euphoric mindset about it? Not always, but consistently. But when it's quiet, I do relapse on that. While putting it into words is hard, it's like...if I think about telling people (friends or family) about these feelings, and I feel myself recoil at the thought. I was subject to a lot of negative comments regarding my murky sexuality (and, as it turns out, gender identity) as a child from my social surroundings and my family, so I don't discount that perhaps it's a learned aversion to that particular perception.
Yeah, that's it. This is new. It's weird. It's honestly a little extra weird since the person prompting this behavior is a boy. And I didn't know where else to go. I don't know what specific questions I have. I more just...want to know what people think. And if this strikes a chord with anyone here. I would appreciate the input.
submitted by WindValleyFirst to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:46 ByMyDecree Reviewing and Ranking Every Battle: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

Tier List:
This one hits different. Right from the start, with those ominous vocals giving the whole thing a feeling of foreboding and momentousness. Donald Trump lurking around the stage for his titlecard, even staying onscreen as his titlecard goes away is hilarious and a great visual touch. Then we get Hillary sitting in her debate chair; this battle committing so hard to a location both rappers are present in is pretty unique.
"I've been in this game too long; I'm a public servant! Have been since I met MLK in person!" Serviceable opening on paper, but the guest actor, Kimmy Gatewood, makes it stick out with her performance. Love the intensity of her voice and facial expressions. "I'm a woman of the people; that's for certain. You're a man of the people who don't like turbans!" This is a great line, very accurate, and I love the look on Hillary's face. "I was living in the West Wing while you were professional wrestling. Got skin like Russian dressing from too much Russian investing!" Good lines, in particular I really dig the Russian dressing/Russian investing parallel. Also, while I don't think Kimmy bears a super strong resemblance to Hillary Clinton(the guest actress from Clinton v. Henry VIII was much more on-point) she does look a lot like her as she does the Russian dance in the background. Something about her wide-open smile. "You been going bankrupt since the 90s; if I was in Iran you couldn't find me." Very true on both counts, very solid line. I don't know what more there is to say. Is it gonna be controversial to acknowledge the reality that Trump's gone bankrupt lots of times and probably couldn't point to Iran on a map, even now that he's been president? "You don't care about the job, Trump, you just think the desk is shiny." I think it's accurate that Trump really only cares about the prestige, but this still seems like a pretty weak attack. Hell, you could argue the vast majority of presidential candidates care more about the prestige than actually doing anything. "I said that I respect your children but that wasn't quite right, yo! Looking like some extras on American Psycho!" This line is pretty fucking great. I didn't get it when this battle first released, but I've seen American Psycho more recently, and comparing the Trump kids to the useless trust fund posers surrounding Patrick Bateman is hilarious. The hyper-aggressive hip thrusting Hillary's doing is also a great visual. For the most part this portrayal doesn't resemble Hillary much, but I think there's some truth in how she's portrayed as being very try-hard here. "First name is Hillary, middle name Rodham, last name is Clinton, and lyrics I got 'em! You fire celebrities on The Apprentice, motha fucka I fire Bin Laden! (Crack!) cough" Being tryhard again. The lines are pretty good, the flow is pretty good. The reference to her coughing is a fun touch. "How do I say this? You're racist! Ooh, you must get so pissed that your hands are too small to stop and frisk!" The asking/answering of that question at the beginning is really funny, and I like the way they worked Trump's small hands into this attack on him for being racist. "So you use your fingers to touch chicks. (She's only 12 years old.) That's enough, shit! (But she's married, sir.) Just gotta get pushy. (That's your daughter.) Well, grab her by the pussy!" One of the highlights of the battle, love the way they worked in the secret service agent here. Pointing out Trump being a creep at child beauty pageants and towards Ivanka are great lines of attack. "That's assault, brotha! Don't tell me the victim's at fault, sucka! You don't know shit about steaks! Yucka! But the ones on the 8th are great! Motha fucka!" Really fun delivery, good attacks, I like that they threw the Trump Steaks jab in between the more serious sentiments. I don't know what the fuck is going on with the background in this section, though they're really going hard on the tryhardness of Hillary. "Better save the date; I'm gonna rock the vote! Bad bitch on the scene like Murder, She Wrote!" Hillary trying to compare herself to that character is pretty cringe, as is highlighted by her attempting to dab with the biggest "look, aren't I cool, kids?!" look on her face. Real "Pokemon Go to the polls" moment. "So go ahead, Donald, let me see you flow. I brought Michelle's speech; borrow some quotes!" It's a pretty great line, though this line is moreso an attack at Melania than Trump himself; she should have ended with a more Trump-focused attack.
"Let me just say I respect all females. But your rhymes are trash; put 'em next to your emails." The first line is funny in how flagrantly untrue it is, the second line is just plain funny. Good opener. "Our country's in crisis. Who wants to vote for the mother of ISIS? That might not be exactly true, but I don't do politeness." Trump talks out of his ass and lies a lot, yes. "(Believe me!) You wanna talk about misogyny? Your Bill's worse than Cosby! He left a mess on that dress like you left in Benghazi!" The comparison of the rapist Bills is a great line, and I'm not sure whether the whole Benghazi thing was actually something that was Hillary's fault or just a Fox News talking head talking point, but it's a good line regardless. Also by this point it's clear that Lloid's Trump impression is on-point, much better than Peter's. "(Terrible!) You wanna break the glass ceiling, Hillary, I sense it. But the only crack you'll find is my ass pressed against it." The gesturing Lloid is doing during the "I sense it" line is fucking hilarious. The second line is also pretty funny, and did turn out to be true. "The numbers are in and I'm right on your tail. You don't have the stamina, baby, you're frail! This will be just like '08 when you fail! But Trump will appoint you to jail!" Fun parallel to Hillary's "First name is Hillary" segment from before going on here. The lines themselves are fine, nothing amazing. The second-to-last one turned out to be true, the last one did not. "How do I say this? You're a 2. And you almost lost the primary to a socialist Jew!" It's pretty funny how Trump mimics Hillary's "How do I say this?" bit, and "you're a 2" is such a simple but funny jab. He's got a point that Hillary was so weak a candidate that Bernie Sanders came outta nowhere and was able to put up a serious competition in a race that was supposed to have no real competition for her. "What do the American people gotta yankee doodle doo, to get it through your fat face, that they're just not that into you?!" The use of 'yankee doodle doo' is funny and he's got a real point that Hillary needs to accept she's very unpopular, though that 'fat face' line is such a pot calling the kettle black moment. No doubt intended as such. "They want a strong male leader who can stand up to China! Not a crooked, little, wishy-washy bleeding heart vagina!" These lines, of course, exist purely to point out that Trump is a giant sexist. The "China, China, China... bloody vagina!" in the background is a very funny touch. Little bits like that just add so much to this battle. "I'm gonna run these streets like I run my casinos; more police and less Latinos!" These lines, of course, exist purely to point out that Trump is a giant racist. "While you bury us in debt buying poor people socks, I'll create jobs, tearing down mosques!" Trump is against programs that help the impoverished and hates Muslims. "Then I'll use all the best rocks from the site to build a wall, dip it in gold and make Mexico pay for it all!" The thing Lloid does with his eyes as he smiles when he says "build a wall" is just... SO Trumpian. This really is one of the greatest Trump impressions I've ever seen, Lloid did an amazing job. As for the line... Trump says he's gonna build a wall. He built a partial wall. A partial, really unimpressive wall. "I'll make this country great again! We'll all be living large! And I'll tell Congress you're fired, and put Charles in charge!" Trump's slogan is MAGA and Charles in Charge was a TV show whose main actor is a Trump supporter. Also apparently there was a Supreme Court judge named Charles Trump once wanted nominated. Alright. "'Cause this whole system's rigged! And we all know the riggers! For the last eight years this country's been run by- (CAW!)" The point of this line is that Trump is a giant racist. I like the touch that the crowd is cheering wildly for Trump while Hillary looks disturbed in the background.
Then Lincoln comes soaring in on an eagle, as he did in Obama v. Romney. "Are you fucking kidding me with this blah blah blah? I've half a mind to feed you both to my oversized - (CAW!)" The use of 'CAW!' as a censor is amusing. "I've heard more thoughtful discussion up in TMZ! You two got brother blocking brother on their Facebook feed!" This isn't fun anymore, it's just real. "I'm so sick and tired of this ridiculous shit! If this is the best my party gets, then my party should quit!" The Republican Party is a nightmare and Lincoln would be ashamed of it today, is what is being said. "I'm sorry, did I say something that you found funny? Wipe that creepy-ass smile off your face and beat this dummy!" Clinton is a shitty politician who didn't take Trump seriously enough, and she comes across as cold and inhuman. And in case you somehow failed to pick up on it before, ERB makes clear here their endorsement for which candidate to vote for. "And if she does win the White House, be a man and hold the door. Don't get your fans stirred up in some sorta Twitter civil war!" Too real, especially after January 6th. "Here's an equal opportunity smack down in the sequel! That's of the people, by the people, for the people, eagle!" Some people have debated whether Lincoln slapped Trump twice in place of slapping Clinton at all because he's a gentleman and wouldn't hit a woman, or because ERB favors Clinton over Trump. The latter is definitely true, but the former is also probably true. So... both! Then Lincoln yells "Eagle!" and fucks off.
Let's talk about bias. There's two camps of people I've seen in discussions about certain ERB battles, especially this one, and they both irk me. So let's address both of them.
First off: YES, ERB is biased against Trump. And are biased against Republicans generally, and much more sympathetic to the Democrats. They've made that completely obvious from the beginning. And you know what? That's totally fine! They're right to be biased against them! But for some reason, some people in the fanbase can't just admit that. For some reason, there's a lot of people in the fanbase who will bend over backwards trying to explain how it's actually totally unbiased(false) and they attack both sides equally(false) and people complaining are being salty(true). But if you think ERB is unbiased, then society has failed you, because you are a woeful media illiterate. They're screaming Vote for Hillary, Don't Let Trump Win! at you and somehow you haven't managed to decipher what they're saying. I hope for your sake you're, like, twelve years old if you actually think they're unbiased. Here's an important lesson for you to learn as you grow up: 'biased' does not equate to 'bad'! For example, you SHOULD be 'biased' against Hitler! If you look at someone like Hitler and compare him to someone like MLK and treat them as equally valid figures whose ideas are both worthy of consideration, then you're at best a useful idiot and at worst a Nazi apologist! Stop feeling like you have to defend ERB's honor by feverishly denying any claims of bias!
But even worse than those jokers are the fuckers who love to bitch about how ERB has gotten "too political" or "too woke" nowadays. NEWSFLASH, DUMBASS: the very FIRST battle was John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly, and Bill O'Reilly literally says "Because I'm evil! Heart blacker than Don Cheadle!" Their very foundation as a series is shitting on Republicans! They didn't suddenly 'go woke' just because they stopped doing gay jokes and shat on Trump even more explicitly than they already did to Romney.
Anyway, I've got mixed feelings about this battle. The 'mixed' part of those feelings come from how heavy it is; I have to be in a certain mood to want to listen to this, and most times I see this pop up in my playlist I just skip on to the next one. It's uncomfortable. It's real. Maybe a little too real. But then again, maybe they were right to take it so seriously. It's still a great battle, even if it can be a little hard to come back to. The only big issue I have with it is that Lincoln coming in at the end is kind of a drag. It was funny the first time; this doesn't recapture the magic. He doesn't really have any great lines either. I tend to stop listening by the time he comes in. But besides that, this battle has an amazing instrumental track, great visuals, peak performances from both Lloid and Kimmy, and good, sometimes great, writing.
I used to think Trump won this battle despite always having been anti-Trump. Revisiting it now, I'm not sure why I thought that. Maybe it was because his part was just so entertaining, even moreso than Hillary's. Maybe it's because I, like many others, harbor a strong resentment and bitterness towards Hillary Clinton(muh Bernie) that would lead me to not be entirely honest about her performance here. Maybe it's just because that hardly anybody said Clinton won back in the day; Trump had either a majority or a clear plural majority of votes in polls, then Lincoln with a fair amount, then Clinton with a small fraction. Now I see that that is utter bullshit. The only reason anybody votes for Lincoln is either because of the Last Word Effect or because they want to be centrists about it and not side with either candidate; even if you could argue he was the best part of Obama v. Romney, here his verse falls well short of both Clinton and Trump's. On the question of Clinton v. Trump... I can kind of see how someone might think Trump won on account of how hilarious he was, but a ton of his stuff just makes himself look bad, and if we're being honest I think Clinton had better burns and more substantive lines of attack. I say Clinton>Trump>Lincoln.
inb4 someone says I got "too political" in my presidential election battle analysis
submitted by ByMyDecree to ERB [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 deedee50 SUSSEX SQUAD GOING IN ON EVERYONE ON X (myself inc)

The Sussex Squad seem to have been put on high alert for some reason, they're running riot and seem very very angry, accusing us "derangers" of getting paid now? physican heal thy self, and i mean you meganut.
This is disgusting it's accusing me of lying about my #CANCER my twitter #cancerfamily will support me, as they know me, but these #sussexsquad maniacs posted this 5 times THIS IS THE REAL HATE #SUSSEX SQUAD. look thru my acc & youll find lots more wishing me dead, including the first pinned tweet, I've been putting up with this this ever since. SO I HAVE DECIDED TO PUT A STOP TO THEIR NONSENSE AND SUE APPARENTLY I CAN VIA LIBEL. "a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation"
Replying to Catbird70353124 FROM HER Liar. Fake having cancer for engagement. Sick pos. AND ANOTHER Catbird70353124 Moomadee1 is a lying grifting b@tch pretending to have cancer for engagement. She gets paid for replies to her posts. She is one sick pos. Hope karma strikes her lying azz so hard. Pls don't be fooled by her lies.
Catbird70353124·4hReplying to and Sugar is a racist term that you derangers like to use to escape using the n word. It would seem someone with stage 4 cancer, as you claim you have , wouldn't be spending precious time spewing racist, demeaning comments on sm. But you can
I'VE REMOVED ALL TRACES OF MY FULL NAME, ADDRESS, HOSPITAL NUMBER, DRS NAMES, EVEN THE HOSPITAL but have proivded proof as i'm not putting up with this any more or letting hank and skank get away with it =thanking their members.
Do you think i have enough to sue, would you? im worried about the extra stress, but i've seen them bully lovely kind peple, ill for some reason, on both twitter and oasionally reddit.
submitted by deedee50 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 burners2020933 Paid ads business models / products that are lowkey fire - from a $10M marketer

Paid ads business models / products that are lowkey fire - from a $10M marketer
Hey guys, I used to work at a private equity marketing agency that bought, scaled, and sold DTC e-commerce, SAAS, info & digital product online brands and I was a media buyer. I have over $10M worth of spend under my belt for clients, and have worked with multiple 7-8 figure online companies.
No I’m not looking to sell you anything so don’t assume that I’m making this post for that reason.
I am trying to build a network of like minded people and am focused on building an engaged community with the same goals to help each other and stuff.
I’ve had the luxury of being able to see many different business models by working for a P.E agency. I will share some businesses I saw and you can do what you want with that info

1 - $100M a year self cooling bedsheet brand

When I tell you self cooling bedsheets had the highest revenue I’ve seen of any ecom store I am not exaggerating. It was f*cking baffling how much money these mfs were making by selling self cooling bedsheets.
The craziest part is that they did it all thru paid ads. I was stunned looking at the backend of the Shopify account and seeing these numbers. The reason a product like self cool bedsheets works so well is because of a few things:
A) Broad TAM (total addressable market) This means they can sell to a broader range of people. The more people you can sell to for e com the better.
Their AOV (average order value) was $110 as well. So not only are they targeting a broad audience, but they have really good margins
I think another reason why this product / brand is doing so well is because of timing as well. They exited in 2018, but really blew up during 2020 when everyone was home.
F it I’ll name drop. They’re called Miracle brand. Go study their LP and ads. Their LP is really high converting like 5-7%. Their offer is amazing (3 free towels with your bedsheets) and the CRO is fully optimized.

2 - subscription based Digital Assets

This one is really good, but super niche. The company basically sells digital editing assets that go with editing software like Davinci, IMovie, and whatever other editing softwares there are
They have 100% profit margins on the product and they offer a subscription. Their AOV is $60 per month and people actually subscribe because they know that these digital assets are really really good and it will save them time when editing. They were doing $2-$3M per year in revenue on a 100% margin product which is now offered as a subscription. I believe the overall margins on the business was like 70-80% they had low overhead.
These mfs are absolutely PRINTING. It’s not easy to make really good digital editing assets either so it’s hard to replicate. The #1 thing when buying or selling a business is margins. Their business if an easily be sold for 7-9x because of big margins, big AOV, and the MRR (monthly recurring revenue). On average businesses sell for 3-6x in the DTC (direct to consumer) e commerce space, but when you add a subscription model and it’s a digital product, you double the valuation of your company
Like I said, I am just sharing business models I’ve seen that were absolutely amazing!

3 - Sticker company

This one I think surprised me the most. These guys were selling a subscription for you to get a pack of custom anime stickers every single month.
Yup, you get high quality anime stickers every single month. This business wasn’t doing $1M but they did take in 6-figs. The reason this model is smart is because the margins are really good. It only costs like $0.50 USD to make a full pack of these custom stickers and you add $3-$4 for shipping. Their AOV was like $25-$30.
I think this business worked well because it caters to a strong fan base of people who love anime. Personally I like avatar and one piece but there’s a lot of anime super fans who would love to subscribe to a sticker club that sends you a custom pack of cool stickers of your favorite anime. Not sure how the legal side of it worked.
Comment what you think, and let me know if you have any questions. Half of these business models were very surprising and to this day it’s hard to believe that they work so well.
Feel free to also share good business models you’ve seen. There’s a lot more I can share but these stand out the most
submitted by burners2020933 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to MeowTarot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to Spiritual_Energy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to SoulAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to Intuitiveguidance [link] [comments]