Meth recipe video

Cooking on a Budget

2016.08.31 13:32 Cooking on a Budget

Budget-friendly recipes and related recipe discussions. Recipe posts must include the full recipe, not just a link to a video.

2012.06.14 05:20 allrecipesx Easy Recipes!

A community for sharing and finding your tastiest, easy recipes! Individuals of all skill levels, tastes, and talents are welcome!

2016.04.16 03:36 The_Paul_Alves Top Secret Recipes

Top Secret Recipes is a place to find recipes so you can make your favorite restaurant food at home! We're like the wikileaks of food! All recipes are welcome as long as it keep with the spirit of the sub! This is the place for recipe copies of famous/commercial recipes.

2024.06.02 08:54 Bowbell_TheArtistCow Creamy onion salad

Have any of you had this? I was watching some ASMR videos and they often eat this with sashimi and it looks very good but not a lot list a recipe and I would very much love to try it and any description of what it actually taste like would be helpful
submitted by Bowbell_TheArtistCow to OnionLovers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:00 Revolutionary_1968 What are the reasons for private use of single-use kitchenware and tableware

On a lot of food/cooking shows, clips, recipe videos, etc. set in home environments I see people using single-use cutlery, dishes and beverage holders (made of paper, plastic and foil). Why not use ceramic plates, glasses and metal cutlery? I would imagine the single-use stuff is more expensive in the long run, and probably even bad for the environment.
submitted by Revolutionary_1968 to AskRedditFood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:31 wesbren They Have Power Over This Earth And Nations And The Power Is In Their Hands, And They Can Destroy This Whole Earth And Nations And Upset All Government Plans Are Based On Real Ancient History And Biblical Prophecies And The Book Of Revelation'' Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret

They Have Power Over This Earth And Nations And The Power Is In Their Hands, And They Can Destroy This Whole Earth And Nations And Upset All Government Plans Are Based On Real Ancient History And Biblical Prophecies And The Book Of Revelation'' Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And Illuminated New World Order Secret Societies And Secretive Power Elite And Freemasonry Brotherhood!!
And their hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except UN goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and the mark of the beast and new age movement combines with the new world order and the devil know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ
antichrist and satanic agenda to control the world secret society and people have already heard about new age movement revolutions and new world order secret societies, is all true and based on the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 11-18, they are going to create an image here in the future, a global spiritual body, a stature will come alive and speak and one world religion and if no one who does not
worship this image will be killed and based on the book of Revelation, a false prophet will be coming here in the future, and he is the second beast of book of Revelation and will have power to make fire come down from heaven and to give life unto an image, a global spiritual body a stature and what they are planning here is a kingdom of evil and think they can manipulate the world believing this is not true,
are based on real ancient history and biblical prophecies and they come from a cursed bloodline and are offsprings of the devils' seed and they are a danger and threat to our nations and countries and state, and they think what they are doing here in this time is a secret and no one doesn't know what they are planning here in this time and is setting up the stage for one world government and new world order
and the mark of the beast to attack the nations based on the book of Revelation and if they get complete control of these whole nations, they can destroy the whole world and through satanic occult people are being demonize and control and manipulated, using lust and money and drugs and alcohol and lottery and cigarettes and life simple pleasures and tv game shows and video games and music and
free vacations and leisure and pagan holidays and free food and recipes and beauty commercials ads and animals and pets and social media to distract them to infiltrate their minds tempting them and people do not know they have been brainwashed and lied too and are living here without God's law and no church here in this time were send from God and through new age movement have taught millions to
trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist and not the real gospel and this is a prophecy taking place here right now in this time and darkness is sweeping the face of the whole earth and is consuming everything in its path, a world out of control beyond redemption and without God's law the whole nations will be destroy and if people continue living here without God's law the whole nation will
perish and they do not want people to know the real reason what this is about and secret societies and where this power comes from, they have over these nations, are based on bible prophecies and the reason God gave them temporary power over these whole nations, was because their forefathers forgot God and did not keep his commandments and served false gods and involved themselves with
heathens and YouTube do not want this video being played in public on their web site, because they do not want the truth to come out and do not want people to know the truth and they know the video is being talked about them, are based on real bible prophecies and they are members of secret societies and are a part of the bible's history based on ancient prophecies people in this time are bringing to pass
and no church here in this time were sent from God they are all possessed with devils in them global worldwide using them to destroy and rob the whole world of salvation and they have nothing but pure evil in them and are not what you think they are, and they come from a corrupt bloodline because
of curses and the whole world is being ruled by evil people possessed with devils in them, for complete details please visit my page links from here.
submitted by wesbren to TrueGospelOfChrist [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:21 Imaginary-Claim9551 May 27, 2024

May 27, 2024
Receta en su video/ recipe in her video
submitted by Imaginary-Claim9551 to NessarctzFanPage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:16 ProfStorm Are there any YouTubers that make videos specifically using basic one-button Rice Cookers?

So far I've only ever used my basic Rice Cooker to cook basic long grain rice because I'm a newbie and that's mostly all is available in my country, but I've started to watch a couple of YouTubers that make more complex recipes, like adding meat and veggies and cooking it all together in the Rice Cooker.
The only problem is they all use the more expensive Rice Cookers that have different programs and functions and my rice cooker is the basic one-button generic kind, so I'm not sure how well these video recipes would translate using my type of Rice Cooker.
My basic one-button Rice Cooker
Are there any YouTubers you can recommend that make videos using the basic one-button style of Rice Cooker to cook meat and things other than just rice?
Thanks in advance and sorry if this type of question/post is not allowed here.
submitted by ProfStorm to RiceCookerRecipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:56 Legal-Ad-9586 25 [F4R] #Tennesee/Online — D&D DM, Writer, Artist, Gaming, and Tomfoolery

Hey all, I've finally mustered the courage to post on this sub, since the silliness is spreading to my lungs and made me delirious with slight confidence ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ . I'm 25, turning 26 soon, pansexual and non-binary (AFAB), although any pronouns are fine!
A little bit about myself, and by a little, I mean a novel. I couldn't write a short bio even if my life depended on it.
I have two partners currently, my nesting partner of 10 years, and my long distance partner of 2 and a half years. I've been practicing polyamory for around 7 years, with several dynamics. We all date separately, and I'm also open to just making some friends! While I’d heavily prefer to find someone in Tennessee or close by, if you're open to travelling or being online, that's also okay.
I'm heavily into writing, whether it's fanfictions, books I'm working on, my D&D campaign lore, or just some poetry. I just started a campaign with 4 players, but if you're local, would love to add people to it!
When it comes to gaming, I prefer horror-survival. Games like 7 Days to Die, Green Hell, Project Zomboid, and The Forest/Sons of the Forest. Point and click's RPG's, rhythm, VR, you name it I've probably played some of it. (Bonus points if you're into Undertale)
I'm a complete menace in the kitchen, so be ready to eat. I love cooking, grilling, baking, you name it. Always trying new recipes, making my own pasta, homemade bread, etc. I love hotpot, sweets, and anything chicken.
In terms of my appearance, I'm 5'9", and around 220lbs. A thicc girl, if you will. I've lost about 25lbs since the start of this year and want to continue improving my health, but I do like being a bit curvy. I've got long black hair, with a hime hairstyle. I fluctuate between slightly pale and very tan, since I'm half white, half Native American. I have a few tattoos, and a few piercings, but had to remove a lot of my facial ones due to one of my medical conditions.
Speaking of medical conditions; I am disabled, and am currently on SSDI. I have a few conditions that I won't completely list here, but the main factor is a type of seizure disorder and neurological disease that can give me flare-ups. These flares impair my ability to walk, speak, or use my arms/hands at times. While I'd be happy to disclose more in private, I feel it's necessary to be at least a little upfront beforehand. Not everyone wants to date someone who is disabled, and that's okay! I do have limitations in what I can do/where I can go during a flare up, and navigating a relationship with someone who is disabled can be different if you've never experienced it before, so no hard feelings. However, I don't let this stop me from still trying to enjoy myself and have a good time. I still try to stay active, go to the pool, and practice my hobbies!
What I'm looking for? Preferably someone local or close, but online works as well. A person who loves laughing at shit posts, dumb memes, playing videos games, D&D 5e, and is at a point in their life where they are comfortable emotionally. You'd be able to clearly communicate with me, your needs, boundaries, wants, desires, and of course your interests! For age, preferably between 25-40, but I don't have a big preference on appearance. I would love to meet someone taller than myself considering I've been taller than most of my past and current partners, but it's not super important haha. Gender does not matter to me, so shoot your shot!
All in all, I'd like someone I can laugh like an idiot with, game with, eat good food with, and maybe have deep discussions with while sitting around a bonfire, sipping on some drinks.
Thank you for coming to my hour long ted talk, and if you're interested, feel free to shoot me a DM!
submitted by Legal-Ad-9586 to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:54 Ok-Emotion-6379 Hi, I'm 23 years old, and don't know how to face having to work for life. Maybe there's something out there that'll make it feel okay? I just want to stop saying no to everything...

Gonna be a long read, thanks for going through it.
I'm in Canada. I attended Uni for 1 year studying IT but dropped out, I did not like a single moment about it. It killed my passive mild interest in coding. I wanted to study social work but threw that idea away after feeling completely apathetic after helping homeless people in the city. During my NEET years, I fell in love with a game. Eventually, I got a full-time day job working on a computer, and at night I taught many other players how to get better at that game for free, and some were willing to pay a couple bucks. I tried to advertise myself through YouTube, but it didn't take off fast enough and I had to call it quits from stress of overworking myself after 6 months. I wasn't given the opportunity to work part time to be able to focus more on being able to make it work.
I absolutely loved every second of it. Filling in my free time with coaching sessions, building and maintaining new relationships with players, constantly brainstorming new lesson ideas for videos, working on scripts, recording and editing videos, designing the thumbnail. Every single video I released I cherish with all my heart and am very proud of myself for what I have made, and I love coaching players so much I continue to do it to this day for free, though much more sparingly than I used to.
That was a year ago. Nowadays, I pay $500 in rent to live in my parents home and just go full degenrotting whenever I am not at work. When I am at work, I miserably and quietly suffocate, begging internally to be saved by the grace of spontaneous death or a time skip to the weekend, even though its only just an hour into Monday. It is not an exaggeration when I say it feels like suffering to be at work. This is not a case of the 'I hate Mondays'. I've already used up all my sick days and vacation hours to avoid work as of last week, so that leaves me with 6 months of no paid time off remaining to use. It's only Saturday night as I type this, and I am already dreading and stressed out about how I have to go back to work soon.
The job itself is like gold compared to any other minimum wage job around I've seen for no degree. Insurance benefit, well air conditioned, I sit by a window with a view of trees and grass, work hours are 7-2:30 M-F with 30 min paid lunches, the work is easy too as it is just basic data entry, and travel takes only 5-10 mins by car. My supervisors and manager are extremely passive as well and basically completely leave me alone, not even so much as a progress evaluation or anything of the sort. Because of this, I spend at least 60% of my work time (if not more) just browsing reddit on my phone and take bathroom breaks constantly, occasionally I will get high in the middle of the work day too. I am the worst employee, no doubt about it, but I truly can't bring myself to care because I find it gratifying to think that I will be fired. I do not talk with any coworkers and have no friends both inside and outside of work.
Typing out that last paragraph and reading it back, a part of me genuinely thought, Wait, that sounds like a dream job. Yet, despite being in it... I hate it, and it sucks that I do :( At work, I often fantasize about escaping in unhinged ways, like jumping from the second floor, calling in a bomb threat, injuring myself to be admitted to a hospital, and other such ilk. I often question what's wrong with me, and wish I just could be okay with where I am in life, but I deeply feel like my life sucks. I have ADHD, I am taking meds for depression, and also seeing a therapist.
I also like to cook, but love learning new dish recipes even more. I would hate cooking if I worked in a restaurant, and I don't have the chutzpah to become a personal chef.
I appreciate you for reading this far. If I could be allowed an additional luxury, please, if you have any suggestions to help me, please make it as detailed as possible; include the exact steps or relevant resources that would take to achieve your suggestion, as well as a description of what the path you suggest looks/feels like. I need to know not only *what*, but also the *how* and *why*. I understand if not every one is willing to do this, I appreciate you all the same for even just responding.
submitted by Ok-Emotion-6379 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:52 easydoubleyew Guest said that’s not a screwdriver after I made him one…

I served a really nice guest who was from some part of Central America I’m assuming. He requested a screwdriver so y’know, I made him the simple mixed drink. And then he started getting disappointed saying “ahhh that’s not a screwdriver, it’s like a mixture of wines.” I wasn’t mad or anything I was genuinely curious so I asked him but then he paid and walked away lol.
So my question to this community is does anyone have any idea what he’s talking about? I’m assuming it’s a regional thing because I truly have never seen a post, video, recipe, etc for what he is talking about.
submitted by easydoubleyew to bartenders [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:23 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: 1 of 6
I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:23 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: 1 of 6
I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:22 RDWayneright 33 [M4F] Chef Looking to Share Recipes and Chats

The life of a chef is a busy one. Long hours and a lot of days preparing and cooking food doesn't give me a whole lot of free time to meet people, and certainly not on weekends. That's why I find subreddits like this one appealing because it let's me flex my extroverted brain in a schedule that would otherwise force me to be an introvert. If you're someone that loves cooking or food then we'll be off to a good start. Happy to help people in the kitchen with advice and new recipes or just to share some recent food pics.
A few facts about me:
If anyone wants to chat please drop me an envelope saying your age, kik handle and your general intention with the chat. I'm okay with getting flirty over chats but if that's not what you want I'm fine with shutting that down.
Hope to hear from some of you out there.
submitted by RDWayneright to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:10 oxidizingcarbonbeing 30 [M4F] Texas/Online - Looking for wholesome flirty friend

looking for a connection that is good, mutual, genuine. I've been lucky enough that my life has been heading in a great direction these past few years, but I am sure it will be greatly improved by having someone to share it with. The good, the bad, the exciting, the superficial, and the deep dark stuff. I wish to do the same for you. Let me be there for you and listen to what you have to share. I'm sure it will be exciting.
Not looking for anything particularly serious. I do miss getting to know someone, the flirting, vulnerability, intimacy, and openness. It would be amazing to meet someone organically, be ourselves, see where things go, without any of the pressure of it developing into something more. I do want to be clear about my intentions before you reach out, and let me tell you a bit about myself if you are still here.
I'm a scientist working in an exciting field. At least I find it interesting, but you can find out for yourself once we can talk more about it. I find cooking relaxing and I like to try new recipes often. What is your favorite dish/cuisine? I run to keep somewhat healthy, but I hate it. I enjoy the occasional video game, tv show, movie. I'm big into alternative rock. Somewhat of a computer nerd with so much more to learn.
I'm not looking for any specific person, just someone honest, kindhearted, and silly that isn't afraid of being fully herself.
If this sounds interesting, I can't wait to hear back from you.
submitted by oxidizingcarbonbeing to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:54 Certain-Alfalfa-8818 First time making wine

Alright y’all it’s my first batch of wine ever brewing! I got the method from a few videos on YouTube and want to check my recipe. We’ve got some Welches wine here! (I hope this community doesn’t judge, it was easy as a start) did the normal add sugar and yeast but where my question comes is in the spices.
I want to add Rosemary (I heard it can reduce the sour flavor) and I don’t know what else I could/should add. I only added a little now for the fermentation. I’ve got a week or so till it’s done fermenting so let me know what y’all think!
Edit: I am more so wanting information on what I can add to give it a more complex & interesting flavor profile. Any comments please address that.
submitted by Certain-Alfalfa-8818 to winemaking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:05 chrizzle9000 What a marathon - K2SE + Rampant Victory (Spoilers)

Some time in early 2022: After a lot of inspiration and interest caused by watching Factorio videos, I finally decide to buy the game and launch a rocket. Mid 2024 and 937 hours later: Spaceship Victory achieved! The upcoming DLC and 2.0 gave me the remaining motivation to push for victory.
What a Factorio journey. It sounds crazy (and maybe is), but this marathon of a savegame is actually my second only playthrough of Factorio. I installed it, and had a lot of fun launching my first rocket. Then I came across SE and because I love space, I said: "I want to do that". And of course, because I enjoy challenges, I added K2 and Rampant. Oh, this overconfidence my first rocket gave me! I had no idea what I was getting into.
Over this playthrough, I learned so much more about Factorio. I learned about trains. I learned about circuits. I learned about the ridiculous scaling power of well-made blueprints. And so many great Factorio moments happened.
But my learning curve is not the only reason why it took so long. I had no experience of the resource demands of a growing factory coupled with the maintenance/resource tax of constant biter attacks. During the early to mid-game almost everything came to a complete stall, and I barely survived on core mining. My ore patches in reach were slowly running out, and I was struggling hard to fight through the rampant biters.
The factory just so managed to sustain itself, and every single bit of ore had to be put to maximal use. It was a tough, long stretch of time trying to get slow research done and accessing resources from Nauvis' moons. Every crashed rocket and parts that couldn't be re-used hurt. Every breached wall, every assembling machine that had to be replaced, every bullet that had to be expended in the defense of the factory, mattered. I think I was even happy about the resources I collected from meteors, but this could be just embellishment of my memories now.
During that period, I decided that in the long-term I would quit my planet dwelling days, and move to space with as much infrastructure as possible. My story was that I would be building an orbital ring of factories around Nauvis, with the space elevator in the center. At this point I was half-roleplaying that dirty industries should happen in orbit, while planets are more or less nature reserves. The biters had made their position very clear.
I was committed to brute-forcing my way through, with the raw power of huge spaceship logistics. Planetary surfaces would only serve as resource and mining outposts. Only much later I would start to learn about the intricacies of the compounding effects of modules in supply chains, and that I would be losing large amounts of output by purely manufacturing in space.
I would also never again fight biters directly. This moral stance was later facilitated by the discovery of the auto-glaive function of the energy beam emitter. A multi-gigawatt (506 to be exact) planetary sanitizer was quickly established in orbit of the sun. Defense and expansion of the the interplanetary factory has achieved a new scale. The size of biter reserves in turn was scaled down. To zero.
Once raw resources were no longer a concern, my bases underwent multiple iterations and refactorings (including a switch of my train network from right-hand drive to left-hand drive, don't ask me why I thought that was necessary). The space base went from a spaghetti & bot base supplied by cargo rockets, to a semi-structured base centered around the space elevator and space trains, to a city-block-in-space orbital ring, where automated resource haulers ship in hundreds of thousands of mined resources directly to processing.
I learned so much about circuits when setting up interplanetary cargo rocket networks, sushi belts and memory cells for recipes with re-cycleable output, automated spaceships with multiple cargo types, and for the Arcosphere balancing puzzle. My approach settled on one that I think is quite common here: I analyzed the recipes and identified the "rotation" principles. I then set up a small cluster of facilities, and set up circuit conditions in a way that a certain upper and lower bound of sphere counts will be maintained. A certain Arcosphere rotation would then only be activated, if it would move the set of spheres away from the boundaries.
Now the only thing remained was to build my victory spaceship and fly it. Oh, and a note to self for future K2SE runs: Don't place the intergalactic transceiver in the middle of your mall.
Other numbers:
Speaking of sand. I now feel well equipped and motivated again to finish the Seablock game I started as a distraction, because I was a bit burned out from K2SE.
Hope you also find many more hours of fun, looking forward to 2.0 and SA!
3990 integrity
orbital ring base
science packs
tech cards
cargo rocket usage
almost how it looked like
the resulting Arcosphere balancer
Naquitite bulk freighter
spaghetti bot base
intermediate space train base, you can see the remnants of the spaghetti bot base in the bottom right
the Nauvis base with the ground section of the logistic exchange
submitted by chrizzle9000 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:23 PineappleEncore Week 22 Dairy free: Lactose free butterscotch ice cream

Week 22 Dairy free: Lactose free butterscotch ice cream
Admittedly not dairy free, but lactose free and so nice I couldn’t even wait until after I’d taken a photo to try it.
More on my blog including the recipe:
More photos/videos on my Instagram:
submitted by PineappleEncore to 52weeksoficecream [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:20 xanderblaze123 24 M UK - Looking to talk to someone regularly

How’s it going?
I am currently looking for someone to talk to regularly. Maybe everyday or every other day. But frequently is ideal.
Chat about stuff, hopefully have similar interests. Encourage and motivate each other. Among other things.
My life is pretty boring, consisting of mostly work and just not much else.
About me:
submitted by xanderblaze123 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:16 xanderblaze123 24 M UK - Looking to talk and support someone regularly

How’s it going?
I am currently looking for someone to talk to regularly. Maybe everyday or every other day. But frequently is ideal.
Chat about stuff, hopefully have similar interests. Encourage and motivate each other. Among other things.
If you need support on anything, I’m happy to give it.
My life is pretty boring, consisting of mostly work and just not much else.
About me:
submitted by xanderblaze123 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:15 xanderblaze123 [24/M] - Looking to talk to someone regularly

How’s it going?
I am currently looking for someone to talk to regularly. Maybe everyday or every other day. But frequently is ideal.
Chat about stuff, hopefully have similar interests. Encourage and motivate each other. Among other things.
My life is pretty boring, consisting of mostly work and just not much else.
About me:
submitted by xanderblaze123 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:14 xanderblaze123 24 M UK - Looking to talk to someone regularly

How’s it going?
I am currently looking for someone to talk to regularly. Maybe everyday or every other day. But frequently is ideal.
Chat about stuff, hopefully have similar interests. Encourage and motivate each other. Among other things.
My life is pretty boring, consisting of mostly work and just not much else.
About me:
submitted by xanderblaze123 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:42 Chai_Marshmallow 29 [M4F] NYC - Nerdy Guy looking for Someone to Enjoy the Warm City Vibes

I'm a 29 year old guy living in NYC and looking for someone to vibe with and develop a relationship with them. I'm a pretty easy going and relaxed person. Currently working in the tech industry and been loving it so far! I have a mix of introvert and extrovert energy where I love to go out for concerts and events but love to relax at home with a good cup of tea on the couch. I am pretty nerdy but do enjoy doing all sorts of things in my free time. Physically, I'm 6 feet tall, white, wear glasses, thin/decent shape and have dark blonde hair. Once we start talking, I would be more than happy to swap selfies.
For hobbies, I like doing all sorts of things such as cooking/baking (always happy to swap recipes!), traveling, reading comics/manga, playing board/video games, live music, exploring the city in search of great food/cafes, and boba. This year I will try to cut back up bubble tea but do love drinking it! Ive been cooking since college and have gotten pretty good. It's been fun looking at recipes online and YouTube and making them at home. I'm a big fan of manga and comics and usually read them pretty often. I'm trying to jump start my Yelp reviews of restaurants so I'll definitely be moving around the city to review and find new food to try out!
Mainly looking in NYC and the northeast area (22+) but if you feel like we could be a nice match then feel free to message or chat!
submitted by Chai_Marshmallow to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:27 DJLaMeche What would this dish be called?

Hey guys, I recently made a pasta recipe that I saw on some Instagram video. As far as I remember, there wasn't any name given for the dish. It's probably not a traditional dish with it's own name, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask :D
Recipe was rougly:
Does this have a name, or if not, what would be a sensible name to call it?
submitted by DJLaMeche to ItalianFood [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:00 Affectionate-War-954 Hate life

Just want to vent. I hate my life even though I should be grateful. For context. 28 year old single mom of 3 year old. Her dad has been out of the picture for 2 years but recently I messaged him 3 weeks ago out of anger and he asked to start video chatting her. He lives several states away (he ran off there) and he doesn’t pay child support. He says he has no intentions to come back to help raise her. My support system really sucks. My mom has dementia (we find out what stage next month) and lives in a nursing home. My dad is a meth addict but he is a functioning addict. A couple members of my family are nice and inviting but I always feel like an obligation. I have no grandparents, no siblings, just a couple of aunts and one cousin. I don’t have a lot of friends but the ones I do have treat me as a low priority. I don’t get invited to anything, no calls, always the first to initiate, plans left hanging in the air, left on read/delivered. I have always had a hard time making friends, I do try to talk to others, but I don’t find reciprocation. I love my daughter but I regret bringing her into my mess of a life, she deserves so much more. Her dad tormented me our whole relationship, the more I open up to my therapist of 3 years, the more she says it’s psychological abuse.
If you’re still reading me complain, I thank you. A lot of times, my mom has told me that her life was worse and I need to be stronger. So I try not to complain but I can’t always help it, my life just seems to suck. There’s no one to ever talk to and if I do find a friend for lunch I feel like I talk their head off and feel horrible afterwards (I always apologize). We are about to move closer to my family & friends in hopes that the relationships are better, stronger and we have more people to hang out with. But I’m so skeptical, I guess I don’t believe love is unconditional anymore.
I sound like such a brat posting this. There’s others out here who have it so much worse. I’m physically healthy, and so is my child. I have a job and other stuff. I wish I could just focus on that. But sometimes I’ll go a full week without talking to anyone besides my 3 year old (she only wants to talk about paw patrol and poop). Thanks for letting me vent. There’s really no advice to give, no solutions for my problems I’ve taken a shit ton of therapy and pills. It’s just my life.
submitted by Affectionate-War-954 to depression [link] [comments]