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2024.06.02 10:21 Similar_Owl1886 How to Download Arturia Analog lab V

Discover a world of sonic possibilities with Arturia Analog Lab V, a revolutionary plugin that brings together thousands of world-class presets, intuitive controls, and seamless integration in one powerful package. Whether you're a seasoned producer, performer, sound engineer, or vintage synth enthusiast, Analog Lab V offers instant access to iconic synth and keyboard sounds that will elevate your music production to new heights.
Immediate Creativity: Analog Lab V provides instant access to a vast array of vintage and modern presets from Arturia's award-winning V Collection. With intuitive smart-filter browsing, you can easily navigate through thousands of sounds and breathe new life into your mixes with the beloved sounds of faithfully emulated classics.
Ultimate Preset Selection: Featuring a curated library of 2000 presets and patches covering every musical style imaginable, Analog Lab V ensures that your sound is always on point. Behind this extensive collection are world-renowned sound designers with decades of experience, guaranteeing top-notch quality and diversity in your sonic palette.
Smart Browsing: Navigate through Analog Lab V with ease using intuitive search options based on instruments, sound banks, designers, types, and styles. Find the perfect sound to suit your needs and customize your library by tagging favorite presets for instant recall.
Create Playlists: Organize your sounds into personalized playlists for quick access during performance or practice sessions. With the ability to leave notes for reference, Analog Lab V streamlines your creative workflow, allowing you to focus on making music.
Legendary Sound at Your Fingertips: From soulful organs to razor-sharp synth bass and warm analog pads, Analog Lab V offers a comprehensive selection of sounds from every instrument emulation included in the V Collection. With seamless integration and easy-to-use controls, you can unlock the iconic sounds of every era and genre with just a few clicks.
Easy To Use: Designed for simplicity and efficiency, Analog Lab V lets you focus on your creativity without getting lost in complex menus. Whether in standalone mode or within your preferred DAW, you can browse, play, and tweak sounds effortlessly, saving valuable time in your production process.
Parameter Mapping: Fine-tune your sounds with precision using intuitive controls that allow for quick and creative sound shaping. The latest presets feature four macro controls for dynamic sound manipulation on the fly, giving you endless possibilities for sonic experimentation.
Intuitive Browsing: Effortlessly navigate through thousands of sounds with an easy-to-use browser interface, making it simple to find the perfect sound for your project.
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Choose Your View: Customize your workflow with three distinct interface views – Library, Studio, and Stage – to suit your creative needs and enhance your musical experience.
Conclusion: Unlock your creative potential with Arturia Analog Lab V and experience the ultimate synthesis of inspiration, innovation, and accessibility. Whether you're a professional musician, enthusiast, or newcomer to the world of music production, Analog Lab V is your essential tool for crafting timeless sounds and unforgettable melodies.
submitted by Similar_Owl1886 to u/Similar_Owl1886 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:01 Left_Cash_7290 Bald and Bankrupt proposing a fraudulent mail-order bride agency where the forum sexpats would have a casting couch and 'lure in' Eastern European women

Bald and Bankrupt proposing a fraudulent mail-order bride agency where the forum sexpats would have a casting couch and 'lure in' Eastern European women
If you need to understand Bald and Bankrupt's accounts Vorkuta (he changed the account name to The Fantasist in 2016) and Borderland on poverty pickup artist and sexpat forums before reading, see:
Naughty Nomad forum founder Mark Zolo also confirmed that Bald and Bankrupt was a member:
Bald and Bankrupt as Vorkuta on Zolo's Naughty Nomad:
. . . I think there needs to be an office of this agency opened in the FSU [Former Soviet Union] that we each take it in turns to run throughout the year. I've always thought that such an idea would be a good one, I mean we want to bang hot Russian girls right? So whats the best way to meet them: open an agency so that they come to you! It's so simple it's genius.
I also think it could be started very simply and cheaply if your aim is not to make money but rather to bang girls. I mean we just need a web site and an office in Kiev for example where they come,we take their details,photos etc. and list them.
If they never get a date with a foreigner because nobody knows about our agency who gives a fuck? All we are interested in is getting dates with the cream of the crop and working our magic.
We could even lure in the girls with a promise that if they don't get married to a foreigner in 12 months we pay them $1000. Of course by the time the 12 months are up we have moved operations to another city so we don't pay up.
Could probably get a good book out of the story too : )
Bald and Bankrupt as Borderland on the sex tourist forum International Sex Guide (ISG):
Thread: Minsk
. . . Why don't we start something over there? I'm not talking anything mega but something that maybe 4 or 5 of us could put say 5000 US each into and use it as an excuse to meet hundreds of women. What about a marriage agency? Low overheads, could run it from an apartment and we'd instantly have our pick of every woman on our books. I'm not saying we'd make much but what an adventure . . .
Let's face it Belarusians have no idea how to deal with foreigners properly so we could monopolize the market if we put our minds to it. Imagine interviewing the office girls we were going to hire. Casting couch.
. . . Come on fellow ISG's, let's put our heads together and come up with a masterplan! PM me your ideas.
Read more:
submitted by Left_Cash_7290 to BaldAndBaldrDossier [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:49 TechSwankk To the Point - Is the Microsoft Surface better than the Apple MacBook Air M3?

Many tech users must be curious and should be curious reading this line - 'Is the Microsoft Surface better than the Apple Macbook Air M3?' Microsoft and Apple are the best companies when it comes to technology. Both giants have gone beyond the expectations. In today's competitive market, people tend towards more powerful, beautiful and affordable technologies.
Microsoft Surface and MacBook Air M3 have their strengths but Microsoft has put forth compelling reasons why their Surface Laptop might be the better choice for certain users.

Is the Microsoft Surface better than the Apple MacBook Air M3?

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Performance Benchmarks:


Battery Life: Based on internal personal testings (may vary depending upon usage and model)

Components and Performance: Surface wins


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Ports and Features


Quench your full thirst here:

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submitted by TechSwankk to u/TechSwankk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:49 Ranupatelwebexpert Transform Your Online Presence with Expert Freelance Web Design in Los Angeles

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business aiming to succeed. Whether you're a small startup or an established company, your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. A well-designed website not only attracts visitors but also converts them into loyal customers. This is where expert freelance web design comes into play, especially in a competitive market like Los Angeles. One standout professional in this field is Ranu Patel, who offers exceptional services under the brand name Ranu Patel Webexpert.

Why Choose Freelance Web Design?

Before diving into the specifics of what makes Ranu Patel Webexpert a top choice, let's explore the benefits of opting for freelance web design services in Los Angeles:

1. Personalized Attention

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Working directly with a freelance web designer means there are no middlemen. You can communicate your ideas and feedback directly to the person responsible for bringing your vision to life, which can lead to a more cohesive and efficient design process.

Ranu Patel Webexpert: Elevating Your Web Design Experience

Ranu Patel, operating under the brand name Ranu Patel Webexpert, is a seasoned freelance web designer based in Los Angeles. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating visually stunning and functional websites, Ranu has helped numerous businesses transform their online presence. Here's what sets Ranu Patel Webexpert apart:

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Ranu Patel has experience working with clients from a wide range of industries, including retail, healthcare, entertainment, and technology. This diverse portfolio ensures that Ranu understands the unique needs and challenges of different sectors, allowing for tailored solutions that resonate with your target audience.

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At Ranu Patel Webexpert, the focus is on creating websites that reflect your brand's identity and values. Ranu takes the time to understand your business, your goals, and your target audience. This information is then used to craft a custom web design that not only looks great but also provides an intuitive user experience.

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With more people accessing websites from mobile devices than ever before, having a responsive design is crucial. Ranu Patel ensures that all websites are optimized for both desktop and mobile users, providing a seamless experience across all devices.

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Your website needs to evolve with your business. Ranu Patel offers ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that your website remains up-to-date, secure, and fully functional. Whether you need regular updates or occasional tweaks, you can rely on Ranu for continuous support.

Case Study: Success Story with Ranu Patel Webexpert

To illustrate the impact of Ranu Patel Webexpert's services, let's look at a real-life success story:

Client: Boutique Clothing Store in Los Angeles

Challenge: The boutique clothing store needed a website that could showcase their unique fashion line, attract local customers, and provide an easy-to-use online shopping experience.
Solution: Ranu Patel designed a visually stunning, responsive website that highlighted the store's fashion products. The website included an integrated e-commerce platform, enabling customers to browse and purchase products online. SEO optimization was implemented to attract local traffic.
Result: Within six months of launching the new website, the boutique saw a 40% increase in online sales and a significant boost in foot traffic to their physical store. The website's modern design and user-friendly interface received positive feedback from customers, enhancing the store's brand reputation.

How to Get Started with Ranu Patel Webexpert

If you're ready to transform your online presence with expert freelance web design in Los Angeles, getting started with Ranu Patel Webexpert is easy:
  1. Contact Ranu Patel: Reach out through the website or social media channels to discuss your project requirements.
  2. Initial Consultation: Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals, vision, and any specific needs you have for your website.
  3. Proposal and Agreement: Ranu will provide a detailed proposal outlining the scope of work, timeline, and pricing. Once agreed upon, the project begins.
  4. Design and Development: Ranu will create a custom design and develop your website, keeping you updated throughout the process.
  5. Launch and Support: After final approval, your website will be launched. Ranu offers ongoing support to ensure your website continues to perform optimally.


In a competitive market like Los Angeles, having a professionally designed website can set your business apart. With Freelance Web Design Los Angeles services from Ranu Patel Webexpert, you can be assured of a website that not only looks great but also drives results. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to revamp an existing site, Ranu's expertise and dedication to quality will help you achieve your online goals. Contact Ranu Patel Webexpert today and take the first step towards transforming your online presence.
submitted by Ranupatelwebexpert to u/Ranupatelwebexpert [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:31 wesbren They Have Power Over This Earth And Nations And The Power Is In Their Hands, And They Can Destroy This Whole Earth And Nations And Upset All Government Plans Are Based On Real Ancient History And Biblical Prophecies And The Book Of Revelation'' Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret

They Have Power Over This Earth And Nations And The Power Is In Their Hands, And They Can Destroy This Whole Earth And Nations And Upset All Government Plans Are Based On Real Ancient History And Biblical Prophecies And The Book Of Revelation'' Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And Illuminated New World Order Secret Societies And Secretive Power Elite And Freemasonry Brotherhood!!
And their hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except UN goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and the mark of the beast and new age movement combines with the new world order and the devil know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ
antichrist and satanic agenda to control the world secret society and people have already heard about new age movement revolutions and new world order secret societies, is all true and based on the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 11-18, they are going to create an image here in the future, a global spiritual body, a stature will come alive and speak and one world religion and if no one who does not
worship this image will be killed and based on the book of Revelation, a false prophet will be coming here in the future, and he is the second beast of book of Revelation and will have power to make fire come down from heaven and to give life unto an image, a global spiritual body a stature and what they are planning here is a kingdom of evil and think they can manipulate the world believing this is not true,
are based on real ancient history and biblical prophecies and they come from a cursed bloodline and are offsprings of the devils' seed and they are a danger and threat to our nations and countries and state, and they think what they are doing here in this time is a secret and no one doesn't know what they are planning here in this time and is setting up the stage for one world government and new world order
and the mark of the beast to attack the nations based on the book of Revelation and if they get complete control of these whole nations, they can destroy the whole world and through satanic occult people are being demonize and control and manipulated, using lust and money and drugs and alcohol and lottery and cigarettes and life simple pleasures and tv game shows and video games and music and
free vacations and leisure and pagan holidays and free food and recipes and beauty commercials ads and animals and pets and social media to distract them to infiltrate their minds tempting them and people do not know they have been brainwashed and lied too and are living here without God's law and no church here in this time were send from God and through new age movement have taught millions to
trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist and not the real gospel and this is a prophecy taking place here right now in this time and darkness is sweeping the face of the whole earth and is consuming everything in its path, a world out of control beyond redemption and without God's law the whole nations will be destroy and if people continue living here without God's law the whole nation will
perish and they do not want people to know the real reason what this is about and secret societies and where this power comes from, they have over these nations, are based on bible prophecies and the reason God gave them temporary power over these whole nations, was because their forefathers forgot God and did not keep his commandments and served false gods and involved themselves with
heathens and YouTube do not want this video being played in public on their web site, because they do not want the truth to come out and do not want people to know the truth and they know the video is being talked about them, are based on real bible prophecies and they are members of secret societies and are a part of the bible's history based on ancient prophecies people in this time are bringing to pass
and no church here in this time were sent from God they are all possessed with devils in them global worldwide using them to destroy and rob the whole world of salvation and they have nothing but pure evil in them and are not what you think they are, and they come from a corrupt bloodline because
of curses and the whole world is being ruled by evil people possessed with devils in them, for complete details please visit my page links from here.
submitted by wesbren to TrueGospelOfChrist [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:59 webclickmarketer

Visit a site that is created for you. Follow as we dive deep into the world wide web to put together a database of internet based sources of income.
submitted by webclickmarketer to u/webclickmarketer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:59 dirkisgod [OFFER] Kriptomat - 40EUR total - 25EUR from them and 15EUR from me (EEA)

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2024.06.02 06:58 BoogMaGoo95 What do I have?

What do I have?
I am brand new to this hobby. Like “just bought my first box today new”.
This Ella De La Cruz anime /50 card was in the first pack I ever ripped. Did I do something here?
submitted by BoogMaGoo95 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:56 Jazoom I just open sourced a simple module for getting automatic browser reload when developing a web server

The problem:
What I did:
I called it simplereload. It's so small you could probably be happy copying the files directly into your project. Or you can go get
This is my first ever go module (other than the server I've just started creating), so feel free to tell me if I could have done something better.
submitted by Jazoom to golang [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 chocolatecauldrons Part II: The Anthology - An Analysis of Each Track

Thank you guys for all your nice comments on my previous post! Here's my followup post walking through the anthology - I apologize for the delay, but I wanted to sit with this half of the album a bit longer. This analysis will be slightly different: first I’ll go through themes present throughout the anthology, and then walk through each song individually, since it’s not as consecutive of a story as the first album. As with my first analysis, I tend to also stay away from literal details as proof that a song is about a certain subject or muse – to me, it’s easier to understand the album when you think first about what the song’s overarching meaning is, rather than getting caught up in literal details (and I think Taylor often throws these in as red herrings). Moreover, it’s important to note that it’s likely that the literal detail she’s thrown in is one that only she and the muse will understand (i.e. her referencing a lilac skirt in imgonnagetyouback is unlikely to be one we’ve ever seen her wearing in public, so it’s useless to paternity test based on that detail!).
Firstly, the word anthology means a collection of assorted literary works. As a result, I think there are more themes scattered through this album, and it’s meant to be a little harder to parse than the first one. I think this album is what TTPD would have been before it crystallized into a tighter theme – similar to the 3 AM tracks for Midnights, the majority of which were written prior to the standard edition’s tracks.
There are a few themes throughout this album. From a romantic context, to me, this album is primarily about Joe. I’ll walk through why I believe that, but this album feels less muddled to me in terms of its muses, and I think that is in part due to the fact that her self-described mania from the standard edition is not a theme on the anthology. This work also covers her own relationship to celebrity and fame, and how that affects her romantic relationships and her personal life in general. And finally, I think the final theme throughout this collection is the idea of childhood, of formative experiences, and how our author goes about processing events that happen to her.
The Black Dog
What happens when you intimately know someone, when you share every aspect of your life with someone, and then it's over? Six weeks after their breakup, she’s barely holding it together (“I move through the world with the heartbroken”). She even tried to rebound her pain away (“I took the miracle move on drug, the effects were temporary”), and wasn’t able to succeed. Meanwhile, she sees him go to a bar, and she has the sudden realization that he may be able to do what she failed to do – he might be able to move on, with someone new. Reckoning with that realization is horrifying. If he is able to pull it off, what does that mean about the love they shared? When he had told her for years that he was who he was for her, and her alone?
You said I needed a bravе man
Then proceeded to play him
Until I believed it too
And it kills me
How could they go from being so intimate that they shower together, that she’s aware of his every move, to being so distant from each other that she wonders if making her fall in love with him was a hazing? And the cruelest part of it is – she doesn’t want either one of them to be able to move on, and give validity to the fact that they weren’t right for each other, even though she knows they have to. Moreover, she’s already *tried* to move on at this point, and failed – she tried to manufacture a counterfeit version of their intimacy, but what if he’s able to perfectly replicate it? And to really drive in the knife, what if it’s with someone younger than her?
And you jump up, but she's too young to know this song
That was intertwined in the magic fabric of our dreaming
Given that a theme throughout the first album was her feeling like she’d given him so much of her youth, so much of her childbearing years, with nothing to show for it, what does it feel like to know that he can essentially reset time, by being with a younger woman, but she’ll never be able to get that time back?
We know that her and Joe took a break or two while they were together (see: Hits Different, The Great War, in addition to PR articles). To me, this song is about when you do take that break from your partner, and you’re trying to make a point to them that they’re not going to find anyone better than you (I can tell when somebody still wants me, come clean) – the two of you are too intimately intertwined to find a suitable replacement. You know what to wear, what to say, what to do to bring them back to you:
I, I hear thе whispers in your eyes
I'll make you wanna think twice
You'll find that you were never not mine
This song also has a lot of similarities to So Long, London, which is why I attribute it to Joe. To me, it provides a deeper story to some of the lines she touches on in So Long, London:
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out
I founded the club she's heard great things about
And to some of the lines in Hits Different:
I washed my hands of us at the club
You made a mess of me
I pictured you with other girls in love
Then threw up on the street
Bet I could still melt your world
Argumentative, antithetical dream girl
imgonnagetyouback is a story of one-upmanship – of trying to out-jealous your partner, of proving to them that nobody knows them better than you do. And maybe this time when they’re both playing this game, it works:
Push the reset button, we're becomin' something new
Say you got somebody, I'll say I got someone too
Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leavin' here with you
We broke all the pieces, but still wanna play the game (Oh)
Told my friends I hate you, but I love you just the same
Pick your poison, babe, I'm poison either way
The spacing to me is a deliberate red herring (the 1975 very famously made a song called fallingforyou), and a way to illustrate that the subject of the song wants space from her – but she’s not going to give it to him. This is another theme that calls back to Joe – in So Long, London, she describes him as constantly pulling away (Pulled him in tighter each time he was driftin' away). Matty didn’t pull away – he was all in for two weeks, until he chose to ghost her, and leave abruptly. There was no slow death, no push and pull to her relationship with Matty – it was a meteoric rise and fall.
The Albatross
This song feels like a sister song to “peace” – she describes what it’s like to love her. It’s a little more twisted, however, as she describes her love for her partner as both a danger, and a rescue from the danger she’s imposing on him by being involved with him:
Wise men once said
"Wild winds are death to the candle"
A rose by any other name is a scandal
Cautions issued, he stood
Shooting the messengers
They tried to warn him about her
She’s described herself as wind and liquor in her relationship with Joe previously, in Mastermind:
I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails
And the liquor in our cocktails
She has empathy for the narrator, but disdain for herself. There’s also acceptance though: she knows that she tried to prevent it, and tried to warn him about the danger she posed. In the end though, he chose this life with her, and he chose the danger – there’s only so much she can protect him from.
The devil that you know
Looks now more like an angel
I'm the life you chose
And all this terrible danger
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
This song feels like another sister song to The Black Dog – how does she cope with the idea that her long-time partner might move on? How does she cope with the fact that if she chooses to leave, she also chooses the future in which they both move on? A future in which they don’t know each other? It also touches on her wondering if she should move on with Matty, and how feasible it would be to know someone else instead of her partner:
If you want to tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
This song, more than anything else, illustrates that moving on with Matty was nothing but a way to move past Joe – what she really wants, more than anything, is a response greater than indifference from Joe:
As the decade would play us for fools
And you saw my bones out with somebody new
Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school
And you just watched it happen
There’s also the realization that Joe may never love who she is now – who she was at the beginning of their relationship will always be who he prefers:
If you want to break my cold, cold heart
Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'
She’s trying desperately to find some way to make up for the fact that she had to leave Joe, that there was nothing she could do to stay – she tried changing everything about herself, but still, the need to leave him eventually caught up with her:
I changed into goddesses, villains and fools
Changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules
All to outrun my desertion of you
And you just watched it
And she wonders whether despite his indifference, and the distance between them, she should still stay:
Could it be enough to just float in your orbit
Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses
Cooler in theory but not if you force it
To be, it just didn't happen
But now, they are merely ghosts of who they once were – it’s not possible to force the relationship anymore.
How Did It End?
When a long-term relationship ends, you can point to the factors that led to its demise: a difference of opinions on money, on marriage, on children, and so forth. It is easy to determine the “what” and the “why” of an ending. But what is harder to diagnose is how you both became the versions of yourselves that weren’t on the same page, that were unable to discuss these topics, that couldn’t move past these dilemmas. That is much, much harder to pinpoint, and this is the question Taylor asks in this song. She knows what killed them:
We hereby conduct this post-mortem
He was a hot house flower to my outdoorsman
We were blind to unforeseen circumstances
We learn the right steps to different dances (ohh)
And fell victim to interlopers' glances
Lost the game of chance, what are the chances?
But what she still doesn't know is how it happened – how did it end? She also finds the empathy from the media and from the public to be false and selfish – they only want to know what happened to feverishly spread the news like wildfire.
Come one, come all
It's happenin' again
The empathetic hunger descends
We'll tell no one
Except all of our friends
We must know
How did it end?
Soon they'll go home to their husbands
Smug 'cause they know they can trust him
Then feverishly calling their cousins (ohh)
Say it once again with feeling
What the feeding frenzy wants more than anything is gossip, and they don’t care that she is utterly lost – lost as to why this happened, and lost physically and mentally:
Guess who we ran into at the shops?
Walking in circles like she was lost
How does she give an answer to quell the empathetic hunger, when she herself doesn’t understand exactly how it happened?
So High School
In an album that touches so much on feeling like she’s running out of time to have the future that she wants, and running out of youth to give the various men who come into her life, it is interesting and heartwarming that the song about Travis on the anthology is one that describes being with him as regaining her youth:
The brink of a wrinkle in time
Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
Moreover, another detail to note in this song is the difference in how she describes alcohol and drugs – in nearly every other song on TTPD, alcohol is a vice she uses in her moments of despair, and drugs are what her previous partners turn to in their moments of strife (she also describes the influence of drugs on her partners as something she detests – “sinking in stoned oblivion” and “you needed me but you needed drugs more”). With Travis, she’s not imbibing in any substances – instead, his thoughts and jokes are enough for her:
I'll drink what you think, and I'm high
From smoking your jokes all damn night
Travis is giving her back her youth, making sober promises, and the impression that we get is that they’re building this dreamlike reality together – it’s wholesome, all-American, and high-school-inspired, yet still grounded in something tangible, unlike the promise of fate and destiny, which powered her relationship with Joe and her entanglement with Matty.
I Hate It Here
More than anything, I think this song illustrates how Taylor sometimes uses escapism and maladaptive daydreaming to ignore the reality of the situation she’s dealing with. She recognizes that it’s not possible to stay where she is, locked inside this prison of stagnation and boredom:
If comfort is a construct
I don't believe in good luck
Now that I know what's what
She recognizes that this isn’t what she used to be, and that she never intended to choose this life of secrecy, perhaps alluding to all those years she spent “locked inside her house”:
You see I was a debutante in another life but
Now I seem to be scared to go outside
She describes herself as finding hope in the places her mind creates (seemingly alluding to her creation of characters and places for folklore and evermore):
I hate it here so I will go to
secret gardens in my mind
People need a key to get to
The only one is mine
I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child
And her escapism into her past, and imaginings of what could have been:
I hate it here so I will go to
Lunar valleys in my mind
When they found a better planet
Only the gentle survived
I dreamed about it in the dark
The night I felt like I might die
All throughout the song, there’s recognition that she doesn’t want to be here – she doesn’t want to feel as if the only place she can be free is in these imaginary worlds she creates. But there’s also concession – is she perhaps only destined for an eternal consolation prize? For loneliness? For imagined romanticism? For the fantasy of how she imagined her life and her love to be?
I'm lonely but I'm good
I'm bitter but I swear I'm fine
I'll save all my romanticism for my inner life and I'll get lost on
This place made me feel worthless
Lucid dreams like electricity, the current flies through me,
and in my fantasies I rise above it
And way up there, I actually love it
​​thanK you aIMee
This song, along with a few others in the latter half of the anthology, discusses the loss of innocence she felt in key moments of her life. This one quite obviously alludes to Kim Kardashian, and their infamous feud. I will make a separate post on this, but I think people describing this song as petty may not remember the depth of the hate aimed at Taylor in 2016. Kim and Kanye organized a revenge porn music video for Famous, and held a museum exhibit so that people could take pictures with the naked dolls. The night the snapchat videos were released, every Kardashian family member descended upon social media to gleefully celebrate the #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty. The amount of hate Taylor got was so unprecedented that Instagram actually built their comment filtration system because of this incident. It really was that bad.
And every baby step Taylor took (for example, even just posting that she had a good 2017 was met with immediate media backlash) was quite literally mocked across the internet. People thought the reputation era was cringey, that she was over, and that she deserved everyone’s ire because she was “proven” to be a liar. She describes this in the song:
Each time that Aimee stomped across my grave
And then she wrote headlines in the local paper
Laughing at each baby step I'd take
And it was always the same searing pain
But the whole time, despite the pain and blood, she was dreaming of the day that she would heal, and dreaming of the day that she would climb her way back to to the mountaintop:
And our town, it looks so small from way up here
So I pushed each boulder up that hill
Your words were still just ringing in my head, ringing in my head
What still irks her though, is that this bully who created this entire hate train and organized her downfall will pretend as if it never happened – she will undoubtedly reframe things to make our subject seem overdramatic, petty, and unable to move past the incidents of years ago. Taylor, however, has always been clear about one thing: sometimes, no amount of time can heal you from something that deeply traumatized you.
I Look in People’s Windows
This song to me feels like a sister song to The Black Dog, but a few months after the official end of a relationship. A sub theme that runs through Taylor’s songs about the Joe breakup is the loss of being understood – when you are no longer with a long-term partner, how do you cope with the fact that you move the world knowing everything about this person, but at the same time, not knowing them anymore? Would you peek into their windows just to get a glimpse of what their life looks like now? As anyone who has gone through a breakup knows, the hardest part is often not being privy to the mundane details of that person’s world – their dinner parties, their wine, their friends, and so on.
I look in people's windows
Transfixed by rose golden glows
They have their friends over to drink nice wine
I look in people's windows
In case you're at their table
What if your eyes looked up and met mine
One more time
The Prophecy
The prophecy is devastating. More so than any other song Taylor has ever written, it is full of desperation and longing. All she asks for is to be known, to be understood – to not be perceived as an idea of a woman, or a starlet with no humanity:
I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy
Don't want money
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me
Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo
The prophecy?
It’s striking especially considering how much she laments that leaving Joe means she’s giving up being known – it’s also striking given the fact that in the epilogue poem, she states that neither Joe or Matty ever truly knew her:
He never even scratched the surface
of me.
None of them did.
What she desires beyond fame, beyond notoriety, beyond money, is to be loved and to be known. The song also alludes to her being in therapy, and to finding some sort of consolation that she will find someone to share her life with:
I'm so afraid I sealed my fate
No sign of soulmates
I'm just a paperweight
In shades of greige
Spending my last coin so someone will tell me
It'll be ok
This track is a sister song to ​​thanK you aIMee, and continues exploring the theme of fraught public womanhood we see in Clara Bow and Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me. In this song, Taylor discusses how the validation of women is never publicized in the way that the crucifixion of them is:
When the first stone's thrown, there's screaming
In the streets, there's a raging riot
When it's "Burn the bitch, " they're shrieking
When the truth comes out, it's quiet
Moreover, when women speak up about an issue, they’re often viewed as overdramatic, and unserious. Cassandra, in Greek mythology, was cursed by Apollo to always predict the future accurately, but never be believed. We see this happen every day to women in politics, in the media, and in pop culture:
So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst
And tried to tell the town
So, they set my life in flames, I regret to say
Do you believe me now?
And for Taylor, it’s reminiscent of all the times she’s been the first to speak out about something in the industry – for example, against Scooter Braun and his well-established pattern of bullying, or of the exploitation of artists on streaming services – but never been supported broadly by her peers. They believe her later, but at that point, very few people give her the credit for speaking up in the first place. It’s reminiscent of the Kimye scandal. When the news broke originally, the hatred she received was widespread. But when she was acquitted by the long-form video that leaked, it didn’t receive anywhere near the level of coverage that the original scandal received.
Peter is another song that touches on both the male muses for this album, and in turn, on the promises various men have given her over her life (we’ll circle back to this in The Manuscript!). It also touches on the theme of waiting that’s seen throughout this album, especially on her songs about Joe – how much time is enough time to give?
Both Matty and Joe were 25 when they met her, and it’s abundantly clear that both men made promises to her: promises of marriage, of children, and of a future. But how long can she wait for these promises to be fulfilled? To Joe, she gives six years of her life and youth, and to Matty, she gives him a chance to prove that he was reformed from the time she knew him last: both men eventually fail. Neither man is ready to give up their childish whims, and she has no choice but to lose hope that either of them ever will.
And you said you'd come and get me but you were 25
And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired
Lost to the lost boys chapter of your life
Forgive me Peter, please know that I tried
To hold onto the days when you were mine
But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light
Another thing to note is the interesting double meaning of the song title. To peter also means to diminish gradually – much like her faith in both men’s promises.
The Bolter
A lot of the songs Taylor has written about Joe in this album deal with the question of “when is the right time to leave?” When you know that things are stagnant, and you know that you’ve given everything you have to a relationship, you know that you have to leave – but it’s easy to convince yourself if you have a history of “leaving before you get left” that you should ride out this wave, and that this pain might just be temporary.
The Bolter, to me, reflects on Taylor’s history – it seems like she prided herself on being able to see the warning signs, and being able to get out in time.
She's been many places with
Men of many faces
First, they're off to the races
And she's laughing drawin' aces
But, none of it is changin'
That the chariot is waitin'
Hearts are hers for the breakin'
There's an escape in escaping
It’s relevant to TTPD, because likely, she saw not bolting as a sign of growth and maturity. You know that you’ve grown as a person when you don’t abandon ship at the first sign of trouble, but what if there are so many signs of trouble that the truly mature thing to do would be to leave?
Robin leads into this theme of childhood and innocence that we see further in The Manuscript. The track name is also the name of Aaron Dessner’s child. She ponders how beautiful and sweet it is that we work so hard to protect childhood naivete:
Strings tied to levers,
slowed down clocks tethered,
all this showmanship
To keep it, for you,
In sweetness
And there’s an element of wistfulness to it – don’t we sometimes wish that we could also be protected from the worst the world has to offer?
You have no room in your dreams for regrets
You have no idea
The time will arrive for the cruel and the mean
You'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline
But now we'll curtail your curiosity
The Manuscript
This song is perhaps the most climactic song on the album. It covers her romantic history up until that point, and starts at the moment she feels everything went awry – and it predates Joe and Matty. Instead, it calls back to the first time she experienced a proper heartbreak, and the first time she lost her childlike innocence in the world – her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal (a time she described as her transition from childhood to womanhood). She describes how they compared licenses, and how he told her that if they had sex, and it was as good as the conversation was, then they would get married, and have a family. He was the first man to make her these promises:
He said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was
Soon they'd be pushin' strollers
But soon it was over
He tells her that it’s ok that they have an age gap, because she’s so advanced for her age:
She thought about how he said since she was so wise beyond her years
Everything had been above board
She wasn't sure
While dating him, she desperately wants to be older, and starts emulating his behavior:
In the age of him, she wished she was thirty
And made coffee every morning in a French press
And when it’s over, she regresses, and turns back into a child – unable to sleep alone without the comfort of her mother, and unable to eat anything substantial besides the sugary cereal of her youth:
Afterwards she only ate kids' cereal
And couldn't sleep unless it was in her mother's bed
She forces herself to date boys her own age, to not rely on the maturity of an older man to guide her through adulthood, but she can’t help but feel disappointed in their youth:
Then she dated boys who were her own age
With dart boards on the backs of their doors
Finally, as she creates the All Too Well short film, she recognizes the damage he did to her, and how the consequences of that affair have shaped her life since:
And the years passed
Like scenes of a show
The Professor said to write what you know
Lookin' backwards
Might be the only way to move forward
Then the actors
Were hitting their marks
And the slow dance
Was alight with the sparks
And the tears fell
In synchronicity with the score
And at last
She knew what the agony had been for
Everything calls back to this first man, and these original promises – everything she’s been chasing since is reminiscent of this first scar. And just like how releasing All Too Well transformed and healed her, she hopes that by releasing this additional manuscript into the world, it will heal her again. As she describes in the epilogue poem, she is entering all her thoughts, emotions, and pain into evidence – she now asks the audience to process it with her, and thus conclude this process of healing.
The only thing that's left is the manuscript
One last souvenir from my trip to your shores
Now and then I reread the manuscript
But the story isn't mine anymore
If you read all of this - thank you! I enjoyed writing it, and I'm excited to discuss with you all in the replies :)
submitted by chocolatecauldrons to TaylorSwift [link] [comments]

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2024.06.02 06:41 MrFavorable Boros Herioc Deck Building

Hey everyone, a few days ago I asked why [[Spikefield Hazard]] was relevant to this deck and I received a lot of insight. Well I just got my playset [[Slickshot Show-Off]] and adjusted my deck to an updated build. I ordered a few other cards after looking at some lists and here is what I ordered 2 of each of the following:
[[Feather, the Redeemed]] [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]] [[Tajic, Legion’s Edge]] and [[Chance for Glory]]
I was messing around and realized thanks to Feather I can no longer play [[Jegantha, the Wellspring] (at least I think based off its wording), but then I also realized that if I wanted to play the Feather and Dreadhorde combo I would need to cut down on spells. Which this deck needs its pump spells and I believe it will feel bad cutting out four spells for these creatures. So I think I won’t end up playing them currently.
I am interested in Tajic but I’m wondering if he would to high cost? He would be the top of the mana curve and I think he offers great utility a 3/2 with haste, mentor, and the ability to prevent non combat damage I feel it great against board wipes. Also the pay a W he’ll be able to gain first strike until the end of the turn makes this a versatile card. I know I’ll need to adjust a few things in my deck I just am not sure what. Maybe I could cut [[Favored Hoplite]] and [[Illuminator Virtuoso]] down to 3 each to make room for 2 Tajic might be worth considering.
Chance for glory I feel could be a main board of two and with Illuminator Virtuoso you could always connive one away since you could run two in the main and realistically you’re only casting one per game. Or it could be a one of much like [[Gods Willing] and [[Sejiri Shelter]]. I think being able to end out the game by gaining and additional turn and providing your creatures I destructible is a huge positive.
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? I think I’m ok with not playing feather and dreadhorde because they make the player remove instants and sorceries from the deck and recursion and is not necessarily needed. Not to mention the companion in Jegantha would be lost due to feather costing 1R2W.
Here’s my list:
I’m sure it’s extremely generic at this point also I’m looking to drop [[Damping Sphere]] potentially because I’m realizing that’s a card that hinders me also.
submitted by MrFavorable to PioneerMTG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:29 thebluudwolf Platinum End Theory: Who Is God And Those Mysterious Beings In The Finale Explained

Platinum End Theory: Who Is God And Those Mysterious Beings In The Finale Explained
Original link-
Repost cause the original was deleted. I'm not OP. OP is
Deleted Theory
Thanks for the Pastebin link.
DISCLAIMER: This theory will go over the entire story of Platinum End, so obvious spoilers ahead.Just a heads up, this theory is posted at the time that only a few episodes of the anime have been released. Depending on how much the anime stays like the manga, details may end up changing. Therefore, the entire theory will be based solely on the manga. I will also leave snippets of the manga with the highlighted text to support my claim. Please be sure to read those as it will help this theory make sense. This theory is completely my own original thoughts. If anyone shares this, please be sure to credit me, Muphenz. Thanks! Hello, my fellow Platinum End fans! If you’re like me, the ending completely caught me off guard and left my head-scratching. Do not worry! I’ve overanalyzed everything and made a theory to possibly explain who god and those beings at the end of the story are, so you don’t have to. Those beings at the end of the manga, chapter 58, are drum roll…humans of the future who have achieved many scientific advancements who existed well before the story of Platinum End takes place and are simulating their own world with fake humans, fake angels, and a fake god. Why are the real humans running this simulation? Simply put, they’re suicidal and no amount of therapy is going to help with that. Why are they wanting to die? In the future, it is predicted by Gaku Yoneda that within 500 years, humans will achieve immortality. Once they achieve immortality, they will eventually master time and space and will be able to do things like teleport, time travel, see the future, etc. And once humans achieve immortality and are able to know all of the future, they will discover that the future cannot be changed according to Dr. Yoneda. Just like Dr. Yoneda’s prediction, the real humans are wanting to die which is why it’s stated by one of the real humans how annoying it is that there is no death. Whatever the process was that made the real humans immortal, it seems that it cannot be reversed to restore one’s mortality. Although it’s not stated how humans will achieve immortality and allow them to control time and space, this will somehow cause humanity’s apocalypse as well, destroying the original Earth. What makes these creatures more human-like than god-like is that they admit they were born on another planet, most likely the original Earth. They are also aware that they too were created by something that is above them. How do we know Dr. Yoneda’s predictions are right? It was stated by Shuji Nakaumi that his past predictions came true. One thing to understand about science is that it’s extremely good at accurately predicting things. Example 1: With Issac Newton’s law of motion, scientists can predict the position of an object at any specific time, past, present, or future. Example 2: In the 1840s, Fitzner astronomer Urbain Le Verrier was analyzing the orbit pathway of Mercury and found that it is changing very slowly over time. With technology limited at that time, it was hard to provide proof. In 1915, the famous German physicist, Albert Einstein was able to calculate the influence of the curved space in Mercury’s orbit. That is 75 years later that science proved its prediction was right. Although science cannot tell future events like a psychic will attempt to, I believe this is what the author was using to help advance the plot for the ending. The real humans already know the future and they’re aware that no matter what they try, death is not a part of that. If they cannot do it, someone else can. That is when these simulations come in. The real humans will create simulated humans. In one of the simulations, the story of Platinum End takes place. This would not be on a computer. This process would involve terraforming an entire planet to support carbon-based life. The planet that the simulated humans live on will be similar to the original Earth as well as the history and advancement of science will be similar to the real humans. As the simulated human’s society progresses, like in Platinum End, they would eventually learn how to become immortal and learn how to control space-time which would lead to them wanting to die just like the real humans. But unlike the real humans, the simulated ones may actually achieve a way to kill themselves once they obtain immortality that the real humans could use. But as we already know stated by the real humans, this specific simulation was a failure. Nothing was created that was capable of killing them. Thus, the real humans will move on to a new simulation. Pay very special attention to this picture. Notice right after all of the humans disappear when the fake god kills himself, the buildings are slowly crumbling away since no one is here to maintain them. According to World Building, it would take an average of 250 years for a building to start to break apart since materials like wood and plastic would be destroyed by the environment if not maintained. Metal would be expanding and no longer able to keep the building's structure in place. This would cause things like windows to fall off and shatter. So after a few hundred years, the real humans return to the planet after the simulated humans disappeared due to the fake god’s suicide. It’s possible that during this time they’re running other simulations on other planets and returned when this simulation was completed. Since the real humans have achieved master over space-time, teleporting to anywhere in the universe would not be out of the question. Since they cannot die, the amount of time it would take for the real humans to travel anywhere in the universe is irrelevant as well. Even though Gaku Yoneda’s predictions about the simulated humanity’s end were wrong, he was technically right. It did come true for the real humans. If Shuji Nakaumi, as the fake god, did not kill himself and wipe out all of the fake humans, they would of most likely learned how to cheat death and to control space-time in the future. Gaku was wrong about the fake god being a product of human belief in order to live. He even admits that the composition of the fake god was wrong. If the fake god required human belief to live, then Shuji would not have erased the memories of those who were not god candidates as it would have affected the fake god's existence if fewer people believed in him. There is one thing that begs the question. Why is a fake god needed to run these simulations? Why do the simulated humans have souls? Why not just create the simulated humans and leave them to figure out how to create an immortal killing machine without the process of a false god? This is because God and souls are actually real and are necessary for life to exist. To clarify, the “God” that Shuji Nakaumi was transmuted into is not the true God that I’m referring to. I’m referring to the first cause of everything, a self-aware creator, a deistic God who existed before time and space who created the universe and does not intervene in its creation. This means no miracles, prophecy, answering prayers, divine revelation, etc. Everything in the universe is governed by physics and these laws cannot be broken. The real humans who are running the simulations are aware that they are a creation made from a creator. However, since a deistic God does not interfere in the universe, the real humans cannot know of him, at least while they are still alive. Considering the real humans can control space-time, I can say for certain at one point, at least one person went to the very beginning of time and saw something that would be evidence of an intelligent designer creating the universe. When the real humans are conversing with each other at the finale, one human suggests identifying what created them and the second one replies that seeking their creator will be a waste of time. If a deistic God won’t intervene in its creation, the real humans would be wasting time by attempting to contact him. Even though they can control space-time, if the creator exists outside of reality, they would not be able to reach this entity. Focusing on figuring out who created them means that time is wasted if they're not figuring out how to die which is why it would take them further away from death. Just as the simulated humans have souls, the real humans also have souls. At some point, the real humans discovered the soul. They are aware that this is needed for life to be sentient. The discovery of the soul could have played a key part in the real humans achieving immortality. The fake god is engineered by the real humans to create souls so that life can be sentient, mimic the universe's deistic God by allowing the simulation to run with no interference, and act as a mod to keep an eye on life with the red and white arrows. The celestial realm was created so the fake god would not be a part of the simulated world. Even though time moves differently in the celestial realm, it is the closest thing that the real humans can engineer to simulate a deist God that is separated from its creation. This fake god does not have the powers of a supreme being. The fake god does not know everything, is not everywhere at once, and does not display any sort of omnipotent ability. There is a lot of things that the fake god admits to not knowing, such as who created him, why are souls preserved, and how long does the merging process take. Although we do see the fake god have the ability to observe humanity, I would say that this is the equivalent of having admin privileges to watch humanity live-streamed on YouTube. The fake god is aware that he is created by someone. The fake god noticed that there are things that had already been created that he was not a part of just by observing everything in the universe. Although he seems to not understand what created him. He even acknowledges the idea that humanity could have created him. All the simulated souls come from the fake god. This is done through a process of emanation, which means to flow from. In the Abrahamic religions, specifically Gnosticism, Jewish Mysticism, and certain sectors of Protestantism, instead of your typical creator being separate from its creation, everything is a spontaneous outflow from God. As pieces of God emanate from him, it becomes less divine, but these pieces will eventually become an individual soul that forms into human spirits, angels, demons, as well as other things that come into reality such as heaven, hell, and the world of the living. Eventually, everything that came from God, will return back to the creator. (If you’re still confused on what emanation is, I would do more research before continuing to read as this will play a key role in understanding who the fake god is.) Emanation is how the fake god created the simulated human and their soul, the fake angels, and the celestial realm. The fake god took a piece of himself and used it to create life. Since everything emanates from the fake god is connected to him, as he is dying, most of the angels are dying too. Due to this connection, when the fake god killed himself, everything that was tied to the fake god disappeared. But because the creation of the fake god is not connected to the physical world, the planet and everything that is not life remained on it. When the simulated human beings die, the soul goes to the celestial realm. This is the returning aspect of emanation. The souls that came from the fake god are returning back to him. You always see all angels, regardless of rank, having the task of carrying the souls to the celestial realm. It seems that the main purpose of the angels is to help with the return part of the emanation process. The more that the emanence is divided, the less divine it becomes. This is why the fake humans are considered sub-celestial in the hierarchy.It appears that there is a certain order to the flow of emanation. The newest creations emanate from the fake god. Kids will be the first in the line for the emanate process and their parents will be behind them. This is why when the fake god committed suicide, the kids were the first ones to disappear, then the adults. All things that emanate from the fake god are returning to the original source in reverse order when the fake god takes his own life. When the fake god merges with a human, this appears to go against the set pattern of the emanation process by breaking the order in which the emanence flows. This is why when Shuji merged with the fake god, it felt like there was something foreign in the fake god's body similar to how an infected person's body acts when the immune system detects foreign bacteria or a virus. The only way to get around it is by the fake god merging with a simulated human and having the fake god take over the new body when the fusion is completed. It is stated by the fake god that it is nothing more than humanity's assumption that God cannot die. This may be true for the deistic God, but not for a fake god. It is already known that the real humans achieved immortality. Although the fake god could have been engineered to be immortal, that would just create another being who would eventually want to die. The fake god was designed to live a long life, compared to humans, that could be extended through the process of merging with one of its emanated counterparts until the simulation was completed. This has been done throughout time in the form of the god choosing process. The fake god confirmed to Shuji that his purpose was to create life. Professor Yoneda confirmed that the fake god was created by human imagination and that its purpose was to end life. On the surface, this may seem like a contradiction. But both of them are right. The fake god’s purpose was to create the simulated humans. God is metaphorically a creation of human imagination. It was not by the simulated human’s imagination as stated by Yoneda, but it was designed and engineered by the minds of the real humans. Since the purpose of the simulation is for the fake humans to achieve immortality and figure out how to reverse it, you can say that the fake god is a part of that process of killing humanity. Right as all of the humans are disappearing, Dr. Yoneda realizes that the composition that makes up the creature is based on a science that the simulated humans have not discovered yet. The composition of the fake god is Aether. In medieval times, a common study among scholars is alchemy, which can be best described as the forerunner for modern-day chemistry mixed with the pseudoscience of metaphysics. According to Charles Gillispie, a historian at Princeton University, in his book, The Edge of Objectivity, An Essay in the History of Scientific Ideas, Aether is the fifth element, along with earth, wind, fire, and water, that are the basic building blocks of the universe. During medieval times, Aether is the substance that is believed to connect the physical world to the spiritual one. It was even a common belief that the Abrahamic God was surrounded by Aether and that all of the angels, demons, and souls that dwelled in the afterlife breathed it in as humans breathed in the air. According to Jakob Bernoulli, a mathematician from the 1600s, believed that Aether is what allowed souls to interact with their human bodies. All of these characteristics of Aether match the composition of the fake god. Aether is what allows life to become sentient, connecting all of the simulated humans back to the fake god from the physical world to the celestial realm. It seems at some point, the real humans discover this element. This discovery most likely led to the discovery of the soul. Using this element, the real humans used Aether to construct the fake god needed for the simulations. Everything that is a part of the simulation, the fake god, angels, the soul, the arrows, is made up of this element. The red arrow is what allows the god candidates to make other humans fall in love with them so much that the person who is under the influence of the arrow will do literally anything the person who is in control wants, even die for them. The white arrow has the ability to kill any life while all inanimate objects are unaffected. These were limits placed on the arrows by the fake god. According to Ogaro, the fake god can use the full power of the arrows at will. The red arrow is more than just making someone fall in love. The arrow does this by taking away their free will. The god candidates were limited to using the arrow on 14 people at once for a period of up to 33 days. With the fake god able to use the full power of the red arrow, he can enslave any or all simulated humans with a snap of his finger for as long as he desired. The red arrow also played a role in creating the first simulated life as well. The fake god stated that if life was left alone, it would multiply. The desire of falling in love and wanting to procreate was implanted by the red arrow when life was created. The white arrow is the opposite of the red arrow. This arrow can kill life instantly. The limit that was placed on this arrow is that only one white arrow can be shot at a time. Just like the red arrow, this arrow has a maximum range of 31.6 meters. When cycling the white arrow, there is a cool down period of 0.3 seconds. If these limiters are removed, the fake god can kill all humans with the white arrows with virtually no limit on distance, any number of arrows can be used simultaneously, and there would be no mandatory cool down period. The creation of the simulated humans involves two key ingredients. The first is the soul which comes from the fake god. The second is a physical body for the soul to be attached to. The real humans asked if it was worth planting another seed and another god as those are two separate things. The making of another god is obviously the fake god. But what is the seed? The seed is what makes the physical embodiment of all plants and animals that all emanence is attached to. I.E., souls attached to bodies. According to the fake god, before he created life on the fake Earth, there was some sort of micro-organism. This seed would be that micro-organism, specifically carbon-based bacteria that is capable of evolution. Around 3 billion years ago, the first life on Earth was bacteria. There are two types of bacteria, a classification of anaerobic bacteria that ate other organic compounds and simple sugars to survive. The other kind is autotrophs bacteria which is capable of self-feeding. Anaerobic bacteria would evolve into modern-day animals. Autotroph bacteria would evolve into modern-day plants that still have the ability to self-feed through a process of photosynthesis. It is possible to send bacteria through space. According to a 2020 study published in the Journal of Frontiers in Microbiology, bacteria were able to survive in space for three years. If the real humans were able to transport the seed through space in less than 3 years, it could easily survive. Considering they achieved immortality, it is within reason to think this would be a piece of cake for them. At some point, part of the anaerobic bacteria would come in contact with the fake god, who was on the fake Earth at that time to make life, recognized the fake god as food, and attempted to feed off of him to survive. The bacteria that fed off the fake god would eventually evolve into Nasse. The bacteria that did not feed off of the fake god would evolve into more complex forms of life on the fake Earth. Since Nasse was accidentally created from this event, it most likely means that she is the first angel that the fake god created. This means that she could serve as inspiration for the fake god to create angels for the celestial realm. The angels don't seem to share any ability to reproduce with each other. There is never any mention of any family heritage. It means that all of the angels were created around the same time. Since Nasse is the only angel that came from the seed/bacteria, her biological makeup differs from all the other angels. While the majority of her is angel, part of the genetic makeup is similar to carbon-based life. Although I would not say Nasse is an angel-human hybrid, she could be considered a type of Nephilim. Due to this biological difference, Nasse is the only angel that can interfere in both the physical world and the celestial realm. Much research has shown that facial expressions are innate among all animals, not just humans. The same animals that display facial expressions when expressing emotions, lying, determination, etc. use similar muscles in the face as humans do. For example, a Psychologist, Paul Ekman, studied facial expression from hours of film and ventured on to multiple isolated tribes who have very little contact with modern society. He showed them pictures of facial expressions and asked them to interpret them. These people were able to match facial expressions and their meaning with high accuracy. This is one of the many studies that show facial expressions are genetic. Even though Nasse is single-minded, she is able to understand facial expressions due to her biological relationship with the simulated life on the fake Earth. But hey, this is just a theory."
submitted by thebluudwolf to platinumend [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:58 Righteous_Warrior how do I deploy a deploy a hosted blazor wasm app from my linux pc?

I currently don't have my .net web api serve my blazor wasm app. The .net web api is deployed to and the wasm app is deployed to github pages. They are working find until the authentication/authorization pages come in. I am using cookie auth and the web api cannot pass a cookie to the wasm app because they have different urls and i am guessing this is to avoid any CSRF attacks. Even if the web api serves the wasm app, i still cannot picture how this can all be deployed to since the web api .csproj file has to be at the base for this to work (
submitted by Righteous_Warrior to dotnet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:37 bkyle5678 USB stick not recognized in my Model Y

USB stick not recognized in my Model Y
My 2020 Model Y got broken into. Nothing was stolen because there was nothing to steal. I'd like to enable sentry mode to record video if this happens again.
I bought a 128 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive "USB Stick". See attached photo.
I inserted it into the front USB port in the center console, below where my iPhone charges, but the Model Y didn't seem to detect it.
Instead, I put the USB Stick into my computer, re-formatted it, and created a base-level folder titled "TeslaCam", as described on the "USB Drive Requirements for Recording Videos" web page of the Model Y Owner's Manual:
After doing this, I put the USB Stick back into the Model Y and it still doesn't seem to detect it.
Any ideas why it's not working?
Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time. I eagerly look forward to any suggestions.
128 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive
submitted by bkyle5678 to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:24 Repulsive_Ball3373 How do i fix my shaders?

How do i fix my shaders?
I'm on macbook and opened opera and my shaders aren't working anymore and its white instead, help pls
submitted by Repulsive_Ball3373 to OperaGX [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:07 Comfortable-Grand-46 Still didnt get payments for almost 3 months.

I posted on NYC Image maker but they deleted my post for calling out an individual/company as they dont allow it so I'm gonna post it here. (That's not the original website. The original one is gone.)
The photographer, Ace Amir, did not pay me for almost 3 months which is going to be more than 3 months on next week. He only responds once on May 11th as he promised to pay all payments and late fees in 5 days but he never did. He is not responding on both Instagram and email. I gave him 5 days of grace period based on NY law. I reached out to other assistants who worked with him before and one of them told me he is notoriously known for late payments which means this is not the first time.
The problem is he never shared his address and even DCWP and freelance union cant help me due to the lack of address which is a huge problem. I'm not able to find his information on the web and his website is deleted and changed to other website especially without contact info. Even his phone number is not working as the color of the text changed from blue to green. His original website is gone for sure. Instagram is the only place where I can reach out to him which is still unsuccessful.
At this point, there is no way I can force him to pay but I'm trying to find his client's direct contact info which is Harper's Bazaar Brazil. I had two jobs and I dont know who is the other client. He sent a payment when we worked for the first time via Zelle but I'm not able to access both Zelle and Chase as I'm outside of USA for traveling. This is already stressful as I need to deal with this while I suppose to have fun for almost 4 months.
Yes, I should've asked his address which is the best way to solve the problem but he never did. For now, I gotta find another way to resolve this problem by getting all payments and late fees. It's just gonna be a long fight which will wast my precious time. Move along wont work cause he owes me a lot of money with increased late fees.
You are welcome to help me but just avoid him at all cost.
submitted by Comfortable-Grand-46 to Photoassistants [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:47 UpsetSignificance345 Toronto Apartment Scam from James Rioux ???????

Hi everybody, Please help me
I currently am in Edmonton and I was looking to rent a place in Toronto to move to in August. I found a really nice studio apartment in a house on Rusholme Dr for $900/month (all utilities included) I got in touch with the landlord named James Alexander Rioux, or James Rioux for short. We communicated through email at first. He sent me a long introduction email, introducing himself and the place, including pictures of the place which look very good. Then, I sent him an email introducing myself and I'd like to move forward with it.
He then sent me his Ontario ID card and a few images of himself (now, this ID could be FAKE, i have no clue). He then asked me to send him a piece of ID and some details like move in date and such. So I sent him a picture of my driver's license, which was very very stupid of me because I should never have shared my ID with a stranger. Now he could use my ID for malicious intent.....
We then took it to Facebook messenger for better communication. He sent me the contract and I signed it. He also demanded $1800 (deposit + first month's rent), which I stupidly.... transferred to him. Here I got a bit suspicious, but still stupidly proceeded to send him the money and it was deposited before I realized something was wrong. Here is when it got hella sketchy:
  1. transfer email is of his quote-on-quote lawyer (I think he is African based on the e-transfer legal name) , ie NOT James (the landlord) email
  2. I found multiple facebook accounts of the landlord which raised a big red flag
  3. No landlord is supposed to send you their ID like that ( so prob it is a FAKE ID)
4) I then asked him to return me back the $1800 and he agreed. However the next morning, he said that the quote-on-quote lawyer told him:
"According to my lawyer he use a company account and the lowest amount that can be sent out from his account is $2500, you will need to send him more $700 to complete it and once it’s received then he will send you $2500 back instantly without any problem."
Now, I think I got scammed..... so then called Scotiabank fraud department and BMO advisor and they said that there is no such thing as a minimum limit of how much money you can send regardless of the type of bank account. It just doesn't work like that which makes total sense to me ( there is only upper limit of how much money you can send). Therefore, they said it was highly a scam/fraud and filed a fraud case for investigation. He just kept insisting on the fact that I had to send him the extra $700 before I can get back the $2500 in full.....
Have you guys been in the same situation? Is this 100% a scam? Number 4 above is where it gets extremely scammy. Since the money had already been deposited into the "lawyer''s account, I couldn't take it back on my own on the Scotiabank website, hence scotiaBank is investigating it.
p/s: I captured all screenshots of messenger's conversations and transfer confirmation
submitted by UpsetSignificance345 to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:41 UpsetSignificance345 Toronto Apartment Scam from James Rioux ???????

Hi everybody, Please help me
I currently am in Edmonton and I was looking to rent a place in Toronto to move to in August. I found a really nice studio apartment in a house on Rusholme Dr for $900/month (all utilities included) I got in touch with the landlord named James Alexander Rioux, or James Rioux for short. We communicated through email at first. He sent me a long introduction email, introducing himself and the place, including pictures of the place which look very good. Then, I sent him an email introducing myself and I'd like to move forward with it.
He then sent me his Ontario ID card and a few images of himself (now, this ID could be FAKE, i have no clue). He then asked me to send him a piece of ID and some details like move in date and such. So I sent him a picture of my driver's license, which was very very stupid of me because I should never have shared my ID with a stranger. Now he could use my ID for malicious intent.....
We then took it to Facebook messenger for better communication. He sent me the contract and I signed it. He also demanded $1800 (deposit + first month's rent), which I stupidly.... transferred to him. Here I got a bit suspicious, but still stupidly proceeded to send him the money and it was deposited before I realized something was wrong. Here is when it got hella sketchy:
  1. transfer email is of his quote-on-quote lawyer (I think he is African based on the e-transfer legal name) , ie NOT James (the landlord) email
  2. I found multiple facebook accounts of the landlord which raised a big red flag
  3. No landlord is supposed to send you their ID like that ( so prob it is a FAKE ID)
4) I then asked him to return me back the $1800 and he agreed. However the next morning, he said that the quote-on-quote lawyer told him:
"According to my lawyer he use a company account and the lowest amount that can be sent out from his account is $2500, you will need to send him more $700 to complete it and once it’s received then he will send you $2500 back instantly without any problem."
Now, I think I got scammed..... so then called Scotiabank fraud department and BMO advisor and they said that there is no such thing as a minimum limit of how much money you can send regardless of the type of bank account. It just doesn't work like that which makes total sense to me ( there is only upper limit of how much money you can send). Therefore, they said it was highly a scam/fraud and filed a fraud case for investigation. He just kept insisting on the fact that I had to send him the extra $700 before I can get back the $2500 in full.....
Have you guys been in the same situation? Is this 100% a scam? Number 4 above is where it gets extremely scammy. Since the money had already been deposited into the "lawyer''s account, I couldn't take it back on my own on the Scotiabank website, hence scotiaBank is investigating it.
p/s: I captured all screenshots of messenger's conversations and transfer confirmation
submitted by UpsetSignificance345 to TorontoRenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:41 mikeeatsnycburgers Mike Eats NYC Burgers

Hi, I'm Mike, a burger enthusiast and NYC local. I created Mike Eats NYC Burgers to share my perspective with fellow burger lovers.
My mission is simple: to eat, rank, and review the best burgers in NYC and beyond. Check out my website for tiered rankings, occasion-based recommendations, tours, global adventures, and more. Let's explore the burger scene together!
Instagram: mikeeatsnycburgers
submitted by mikeeatsnycburgers to burgers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:17 estricnina500 Relato de terror con Lovecraft como protagonista

Relato de terror con Lovecraft como protagonista
Hola todos.
Los invito a seguirme en un mi cuenta de Instagram o visitar mi sitio web, en los que publico relatos de horror todas las semanas.
Próximamente estaré subiendo una colección llamada "Et diabolus incarnatus est, et homo factus est.", en la que podrán leer un relato que tiene al propio Howard Phillips Lovecraft como uno de sus personajes principales. Titulé a esta historia "El escritor de Providence".
He aquí una fragmento:
"Al llegar a los pasajes dedicados a la industria lítica y cerámica, un sonido estridente y pesado lo interrumpió abruptamente. Lehmann-Nitsche entró en la sala, acompañado de dos ayudantes, que arrastraban con ellos una linterna mágica, emplazada sobre una base con ruedas, pesada y de aspecto reluciente y moderno. Los dos enormes engendros colocaron el artefacto junto al proyector usado por Jermyn hasta hacía unos momentos. Luego, lo desconectaron. Toda la sala quedó a oscuras, y apenas podían distinguirse las figuras de los presentes a través de sus pieles, que devolvían la luminosidad lunar.
—What kind of beasts are these? —preguntó Lovecraft.
Alguien contestó en español, no pudo saber quién:
—Padecen un tipo de acromegalia específica, en un estado avanzado.
Dos manos erigieron un par de placas que desprendían un resplandor incandescente. Los presentes las siguieron con la mirada, hasta que desaparecieron en el interior del cuerpo de la linterna mágica. Interpretaron todo aquello a través de las sombras y contornos.
Una serie de imágenes se proyectaron entonces sobre las paredes de la sala, rodeándolos.
La voz de Lehmann-Nitsche interrumpió la fantasmagórica escena.
—El Doctor Willet ha buscado el Necronomicón en la ciudad de Buenos Aires durante quince años, sin éxito alguno. Señor Lovecraft, sé que está aquí, también, por ese asunto. Sé también que Usted, a pesar de haber creído tener una certeza, tampoco lo ha hallado. En realidad, no es secreta su ubicación: el problema es que no han buscado bien, extraviándose en pistas falsas y rumores inconducentes. El Necronomicón, déjeme decirle, se encuentra albergado en la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. La ordenación topográfica del ejemplar no fue transcripta en su catálogo, pero con gusto se la daré al finalizar la reunión, ya que lo he estudiado en detalle durante al menos una década".
Página web:
Muchas gracias.
submitted by estricnina500 to ArgentinaBenderStyle [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:59 No_Occasion9127 [Offer] Virtual Assistance Services

Are you looking to streamline your operations and enhance customer engagement? My charges are from $3 dollars an hour. Look no further! With my expertise in virtual assistance and web chat management, I offer a range of services to boost your productivity and elevate your online presence.
Virtual Assistance Services:
Web Chat Attendant Services:
Engage your website visitors in real-time and provide instant assistance with their inquiries. Let me handle your web chat, email responses, and social media interactions efficiently, freeing up your time to focus on core tasks.
Why Choose Me:
Let's discuss your specific needs and how I can tailor my services to meet them effectively. Feel free to reach out via PM to start the conversation. Let's elevate your business together!
submitted by No_Occasion9127 to slavelabour [link] [comments]