German scary maze gameerman scary

Screamers, the way to scare the shit out of people

2014.09.24 05:54 Jock_fortune_sandals Screamers, the way to scare the shit out of people

Yes, screamers! Subliminal Messages, optical illusions, bait and switch, any other types of screamers! Playing, turning up the headphone, or something else, BAM! A screamer! Scares the shit out of you! Hope you enjoy your stay!

2024.05.19 07:05 joymoose2222 Tim Han Success Insider: "Embrace the unknown - it's your biggest opportunity for growth! đŸ”„"

submitted by joymoose2222 to inspirationalquotes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 judgementforeveryone How the hell did Cold not leave his knife or even arrows behind for her?

I’ve seen this before but not in a long time - how does a departing participant not leave their knives or weapons or homemade shoes or anything behind 😡
Ok maybe just maybe he offered or though she had one she doesn’t need to carry another. But I know if I was left by myself in a scary difficult jungle I’d take a second knife. And I’d certainly take the broken bow wire to use and the arrows.
If you quit get ur souvenirs from production at the end & let ur teammates have any little thing they can.
(Plus I don’t know why he didn’t stay until they both agreed to tap together if it was inevitable. I admire the partners that stay even for a short time just so their teammate isn’t left all alone. I wldnt be able to forgive that anytime soon.)
submitted by judgementforeveryone to nakedandafraid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:03 joymoose2222 Tim Han Success Insider: "Embrace the unknown - it's your biggest opportunity for growth! đŸ”„"

submitted by joymoose2222 to MotivationalQuotes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:02 joymoose2222 Tim Han Success Insider: "Embrace the unknown - it's your biggest opportunity for growth! đŸ”„"

Tim Han Success Insider: submitted by joymoose2222 to MotivationalPics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:01 joymoose2222 Tim Han Success Insider Embrace the unknown - it's your biggest opportunity for growth! đŸ”„

Tim Han Success Insider Embrace the unknown - it's your biggest opportunity for growth! đŸ”„ submitted by joymoose2222 to MotivationalThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:01 Perfect-Effect5897 Hurt by normies inadvertently

No neurotypical person would think I have autism, so there are times when I get hurt a lot due to my masking abilities. Here's a recent story off my chest:
I was doing a live demo of a video game under development and an autistic guy came in to give his feedback. He was very blunt and aggressive (as am I naturally without masking and which is EXACTLY the communication type I get any value or satisfaction from).
He made the rest of my team to be completely at loss with words since they were not used to blunt honesty. They gave each other looks while laughing, like: "what a freak". They were being just super rude, acting like hs bullies and like the guy wasn't there.
Then there's me, who was SO happy and excited this guy showed up. He literally saved me from a night of being surrounded by scary weirdos (normies lol) and I got unmask and relax for a moment. So we debated about the game for a while with valuable results on both ends. It was great!
After he left my team bursted out laughing and disregarding everything he had said due to his output. All of that felt like they were bullying ME to my face. Because I really am no different underneath my mask. idk I felt super sad for the guy and for me despite us actually talking about valuable things regarding our game. I ended up leaving early because I got so put off by my team.
Conclusion: I think I have to try to mask less from now on with my team because fuck them honestly. Adult people not knowing how to have a convo that doesn't bend to their needs and feels. ughhhhhh actually you're the joke.
Anyone else share similar tales?
submitted by Perfect-Effect5897 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 AdvertisingFree3968 My marriage is over.

But even typing this, it doesn’t feel real. I still have hope tonight that he can change. I feel so stupid.
I am 38F and he is 39M.
I am devastated. I would do anything and everything to be married forever, but it’s no longer an option and hasn’t been since the fourth month of our marriage. I was 8 weeks pregnant with his child and he assaulted me with a metal cup in the car while he was driving on the freeway because I wouldn’t stop saying why he was upsetting me. The fight continued when we got home and he had called the police, lied to them and had me arrested. Eight weeks pregnant. With bruises up and down my body. I got arrested. I spent the night in jail and had to listen to my baby’s heartbeat for the first time from a county jail exam table.
Somehow, through that, we stayed married. Abuse makes you do wild things. It changes your brain. Abusers purposely make you confused. Through counseling, I am coming out of the confusion now, though.
I could go on and on about the abuse I have suffered. I am here today because typing this makes it real that I am leaving. And I am here today because I need support in understanding that he is not going to change.
This morning things escalated by 8am. This is typical weekend behavior. I discovered that he has been smoking cigarettes in one of the vehicles that is in my name and that I pay for, and that I have asked him not to smoke in repeatedly. I do not smoke. I think it’s gross. And it has ruined the interior of this vehicle that is expensive. Not only that, but our child has asthma. Most likely because he IS a smoker. Anyway, I grabbed something out of the vehicle for his 6yo and I came back in and simply said “please don’t smoke in the truck anymore. Please don’t tell me that you haven’t been either.” This sent him into a spiral. He called me names and said that I am controlling. He started following me around the house screaming behind my head. He is nearly a foot taller than me and this is physically intimidating to me. So much so that my hands start to shake, my heart races and my thoughts become blurry when he does this. I knew at this point it was best for me to get our child and leave. So I was doing that. But this morning he would not let me leave the bedroom and was blocking me from leaving with our child with his body in the doorway. I told him I was going to call non-emergency if he didn’t move. And he would not. So I was trying to figure out how to call but my hands were shaking so bad and my brain was so jumbled I gave up and called my sister on speaker. I asked her to call the police. As soon as he saw her name on my phone he moved and let me leave. He yelled at me and our child out the door and to the neighborhood “see - I’m so scary - I’m letting you leave”. I got our child in the backseat and drove down the street to park and get them dressed. They were only in a pull up. I saw the officer coming down the road and flagged him down. I told him what happened and he went and talked with him. I left with our child and went to my sisters. Eventually we came home and he has been upstairs ever since. This is also typical. He will have an outburst. And then go upstairs and not speak to me for a week. And then one morning he’ll just wake up and decide that it’s time to be normal again. And generally comes to me and says “have you calmed down”. Which, as you can imagine, perpetuates the situation further. And drags it on. He does not understand accountability.
We have been married 3.5 years, together for 5 total. We have one child together (2yo) and he has two other children (6yo and 14yo).
We moved in together after 9 months of dating. That is when the abuse started. The first time he was physically abusive, he broke through our bedroom door. Broke. The entire door - down. Somehow, I decided to continue.
From the start, I’ve known it was never going to last. He is unstable. He has a long and dark history of mental illness (both himself and his immediate maternal and paternal family). In addition to struggling with substance abuse his entire life. His childhood is tragic and full of heartache. It shaped the man he is today, and not for the better.
He is in the trades industry and has a GED. I am a director level professional and have a college degree. His father was in prison for the last half of his childhood and eventually took his life when he was released. My father is a retired architect, Vietnam vet. We grew up completely different. Both of our parents divorced. He then suffered verbal and emotional abuse from his step father. I suffered verbal, emotional, and physical abuse from my mother.
I believe my mother is a narcissist and undiagnosed. And I believe my husband has narcissistic tendencies and/or is one. But I am not a medical professional. I am going on what I’ve experienced with both of them.
When we first met, he was 34 and I was 33. He was unemployed and really not doing well. Drinking in access. A lot. Everyday. But I did not know. I was doing very well. I had spent my 20s creating a fulfilling and financially successful career. He spent his 20s job hopping and, quite honestly, messing around. But we had fun together. But having fun together is not real life.
Here is where the manipulation began. He was upfront about his upbringing and past. And was genuinely making steps towards a better life. He is a born again Christian. And as an educated person, I believe he has grabbed on to what is actually important in the Bible. However, he is unable to abide by what a husband biblically should be. He does not love, protect or provide for me or our child. We joined a church, I became involved and made friends, and we went there as a family for multiple years. Until one night he showed up drunk, and I never went back.
I am the breadwinner. I pay for ev. ry. thing. He keeps his entire paycheck and will not give me money to pay bills. He will also not physically pay the bills. I manage and pay all bills. But not because I don’t want him to. I have begged, cried, and tried a million different systems (both digital and analog) to make him involved. And he flat out refuses. He abused our shared checking by taking money out to “pay bills” from his personal checking account and then did not pay those bills and spent the money. So I would then have to pay multiple months and late fees to catch up. Many. Many. Times.
In addition to not contributing financially, he does not contribute to the household upkeep or yard maintenance. Literally nothing. If I want the yard kept, I do it, or I pay someone to do it. If something on a vehicle goes out, I make the appointment and consult with the technician. But again, not because I want to, but because he will not participate. Or if he does, it’s half assed and more work for me. He does not grocery shop or cook. He has never cooked one meal for me. I think he’s maybe gotten a bowl of ice cream for me a couple times? He does not clean. He has cleaned the bathroom in our home two times. We have lived here 4 years. We live in separate bedrooms because he won’t pickup after himself. His room is squalor. Clothes on every square inch. Fast food wrappers. No sheet on mattress. I have cleaned it for him many times in hopes that we could make a drastic change and start sleepin next to each other again. But he refuses. I know this sounds insane that I have stayed married. It sounds insane to me.
He verbally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, sexually and financially abuses me. Maybe not all at once, everyday. But one of them most likely daily now. Or a couple. It’s been a very long time since there has been a long stretch of stability or peace.
However, I am changing all of that this year. I have hired an attorney and am climbing through the paperwork right now.
On Christmas morning last year, before we hosted family that day, he threw a (heavy) laundry basket full of dirty clothes at me as I was going down the stairs because I asked him for help with something. And after the first one hit me, I sat down and covered my head so I wouldn’t fall, and he threw another one at me. I don’t know how I masked my raw emotions through the rest of the day with family over. I ate not one bite. I pushed my food around my plate and tried to make my face contort into normal emotions for the day.
But I stayed. Again.
Mother’s Day morning this year. Just one week ago - I spent it locked in my bedroom with our child paying the divorce attorney retainer fee on the laptop as he screamed at me what a piece of shit mother and wife I am. I honestly don’t even know what I did or remember why it escalated. Most likely because it was a holiday - and not about him.
I am exhausted. I have lost close to 30lbs since January. People are beginning to notice.
I wanted a family more than anything. I adore my child. I spend my days and nights dreaming up ways to enrich their life. I wanted family vacations and world travel. I wanted to host, big, extended family holiday gatherings. I wanted my little baby to know what it felt like to have a mom and dad at home together every night. But not at this cost. The very worst part of my parenting is staying married. I am a bad parent every day that I stay here.
I wish I could file the petition and fast forward a year. I know I’ll be okay. It’s ripping off the bandaid that hurts.
submitted by AdvertisingFree3968 to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:58 Doggoshiro_2018 ABYG IF I'M THE ONE THAT PUT AND END TO A FUBU SET UP

Context: Me(26M) and her(27F) met in our common friend's birthday (simple get together and drink), the venue is somewhere in Ortigas and I forgot the place because I'm from Cavite but it's his house. At first I honestly turned on by her because of the sex appeal (almost 5 feet long haired with tattoos on her both arms) but I'm too shy and nervous so my friend helped me to know her.
After that, my social battery went out so I find some place that I can recharge. I bought some cigarettes and got myself a drink and just sat down outside the house while they are business drinking and talking. I freaking love the moon so bad and while drinking (also recharging my social battery) I can't help but to think about life. All of a sudden she just pop out in my back saying "Can I have some cig ?" So yeah I gave her then she just sat beside me asking what's my deal in life, how did I know our common friend, etc.
Honestly my brain isn't functioning very that time because I was tipsy (on the verge of getting drunk) and I'm just smiling like a fucking idiot while she was talking, and then she asked me "what's wrong ? Are you messing with me ba or what ?" And I replied "no, it's just you are so fucking cute while you talk". And yup, after few shots I was definitely drunk and kissed that girl. The last thing I remembered is that we're making out in the back of her car, after that we go inside the house like nothings happened.
The party ended around 3-4 am I think and I kinda want to go home because I have something to do, didn't know that she's waiting for me outside and asked if I want to come with her and get another drink somewhere. Me being a self-destructive human being I came along, we arrived at this bar (around cubao) and drink few bottles of beers. I puke like a fucking looser after that and she just laughing at me, some puke got on my shirt and pants so she offered me that I just stay at her condo. Okay whatever, after I washed myself and the clothes I went to her sofa to sleep. I thought she's sleeping too but things got out of hand, yes we do the deen on her sofa. At first I was scared because I didn't bring any protection in me but she assured me that it's fine coz she's taking pills for her PCOS.
After that scary pregnancy thing, we do the deed few times. Until it wears me out, myself slaps me hard as fuck ! Aside from recently break-up with my girlfriend I have personal issues (and mental issues) that I need to resolve and yes PANGIT MAGING ESCAPE ANG FUBU/ONS/FWB/ETC. After a few days of not talking to her, I found the courage to talk to her personally and end the FUBU set up with her. At first she begged, but I stopped her, I kinda traumatized with people who beg in front of me coz I remembered myself.
After few weeks of cutting her off, she called me and wants to meet again and I said no, do you think that I do the right thing ?
submitted by Doggoshiro_2018 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:55 Keepmakingaccounts Ambient memory usage is at 50%, a few tabs and YouTube bumps it up to 75%. Slim 7

My first Lenovo laptop was very efficient until my dog murdered it, so I went with Lenovo again. slim 7 14irp8. This one was cheaper, and so seems to have some minor technical issues. ...well kinda major if I really think about it.
The poor thing acts like I'm running the sims 4 with a few tabs open. and YouTube especially drains it a lot. it seems like the battery charge doesn't last long at all (2 hrs with YouTube, and 1 playing a game) and often my screen will go black for a few seconds. I followed the tedious troubleshooting guide, but it doesn't seem to have anything wrong.
After that fail I was like whatever I'll just suck it up. But today it seriously sounded like a helicopter and got really hot with just YouTube and some tabs open. I wasn't even on it, I was just using the video for background noise so it was kinda scary when I realized. I even opened task manager thinking something must be opened in the background but nope just chrome, a little steam, and all the ambient stuff it does.
I use this tablet for my schoolwork, writing, some games (not strenuous), streaming and some art stuff.
School includes r, Python, ARcgis. In my experience, r and ARcgis have normal functionality. Freeze up sometimes but that's b/c of the machine 'learning'. Have yet to figure out how to use Python đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«. Writing is just Google docs, which does lag. Games lag sometimes but it's a laptop đŸ€·â€â™€ïž, streaming is fine (just hulu in browser), art stuff is Krita and maybe csp.
It works fine with my portable monitor, except for an increase in screen flickering.
I still have 9 months on the warranty but would the warranty even cover minor annoyances like these. My only concern is that as my work gets more advanced the computational power needed is going to increase and if YouTube can get it to 75% memory usage and over heating, what will a machine learning algorithm do 😭😭😭
Should I change browsers? Will it matter if I'm still using Google sites anyway? My school is a Google school too. So it's better to use chrome...
Is it n normal for half the memory to be taken up by the ambient process and I just didn't notice on my last laptop?
I'm not like an expert on laptops or anything, so I picked a brand I liked that happened to be on sale... Kinda regretting it now. Next time I'll have to suck it up and get an expensive one, but I think buying a lemon in that case would be even worse.
submitted by Keepmakingaccounts to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:53 AncientConstant9488 I think that i may have been unintentionally astral projecting this past week or close to it.

Hi everyone so i believe i may have started to unintentionally astral project at night. I’m someone who is extremely connected and open to everything. i have done mushrooms quite a few times and dmt. i had a crazy breakthrough my last dmt experience, so i’ve been all up and down the alley of my mind and soul. I haven’t looked too into astral projection to the point where i would know how to do it but i know what it is.
Anyways, i usually have very intense vivid dreams and remember all of my dreams always. Almost every night my dreams end by me realizing i’m in a dream and start to become lucid. The past week i have been having what i thought were TERRIBLE lucid nightmares but it is strange.
They start about 10 minutes into me falling asleep. I know i am asleep, lucid & conscious, but they take place in the same exact place of where i am it’s like i am awake with my eyes open but i know i am 100% asleep.
to explain the best i can- let’s say i am in one of my “dreams” and my cat walks across my leg in real life- as i am sleeping i see it happen in real time and i see it in my dream. it starts to get scary when it almost feels like i am in a horrifying “realm” or “layer” of this reality. I start to get terrifying feelings sick to my stomach and i start to see or feel that i’m not supposed to be here AND this is when it gets terrifying. I cannot wake myself up, i try and try as i get more horrified and it feels like i am in sleep paralysis but i’m lucid in a dream. sometimes i will think i woke myself up but then i woke up into the first dream sorta like the movie “ inception” dream within a dream. Once i know i am awake and no longer in a dream i am in a terrified sleep paralysis for about 10 minutes. i cannot move, i am so scared and i feel like something bad is there with me.
If you guys think maybe i am starting to unintentionally AP or get into one of the first “stages” of it please let me know because i am open to anything.
submitted by AncientConstant9488 to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:52 lukmapache [F4M] ghost girl wants you to notice her [ghost speaker x human listener] [tsundere-ish] [comedy] [wholesome] [slice of life] An ASMR script by Luk Mapache.

It's okay to record, post and monetize (as long as you don't put it behind a paywall), just credit me.
Feel free to tweak it, change the roles and pronouns, correct my orthography, just don't change it too much.
Feedback is appreciated.
“hehehe, today is the day”
“Finally, after months of frustration and failed attempts”
“Today is the day I'll scare him!!!”
“I'm sure he is going to say, “oh no a scary ghost, I have to leave this haunted place immediately”, and he will leave my house”
“He... is... late today...”
“He is never this late”
“Could it be that something has happened to him?”
“What if he died?”
“He better not have died before I had a chance to scare him”
(SFX: keys on the door)
“Oh, there he is”
“Okay, put you bag down, just like that and now...”
(SFX: door slams)
“ohohoho, I bet that scared him a lot!!!!”
“He isn’t even startled...”
“Fine, time to get serious”
“I’ll turn off the lights as soon as he walks into the kitchen”
“That should do it”
“It isn’t your lightbulb, when has it been your lightbulb in the past six weeks?”
“it’s me, it’s always been me”
“See me!!! Fear me!!!”
“What do I have to do, push you down the stairs?”
“Actually, scratch that, last time you almost died”
“Oh, he is about to sit, maybe I could...”
(SFX: chair moves)
“The chair moved on its own, surely you at least found that weird, right?”
“No!! No!! No!! No!!”
“don’t just sit on the chair...”
“This wasn’t this difficult in the 80’s”
“What is he doing now?”
“Instant ramen again?”
“He really should stop eating that”
“It can’t be good for him”
“I wonder what they taste like thought”
“Idea, I'll turn on the stove and overboil his noodles”
“As soon as he looks away...”
“What do you think about that mister I fear nothing”
“What is he doing?”
“You are just going to leave with the stove turned up like that?”
“Well, I'm not turning it down...”
“it’s starting to boil...”
“And now is boiling...”
“And now is spilling!!”
“Hey!!! Can't you hear it?”
“don’t you care about your soup? your pot? the kitchen? Your safety?”
“I'll turn it off gee”
“There you are, the kitchen could have burn you know?”
“And you are just going to serve the noodles and move on, because of course you are”
“What do I have to do?”
“I have tried all the tricks, moving objects, making things disappear, weird noises, turning the lights on and off”
“I would appear outside your bedroom wearing a bedsheet at this point”
“I would lose my pride as a ghost if I did that”
“What to do? What to do?”
“Hey where did you go?”
(SFX: tv turning on)
“Oh, it is that time of the day”
“Hey, what are we watching?”
“Is it cartoons?”
“Ugh, I can’t stand this campy 80’s horror movies, I didn’t like them when they were new, and I don’t like them now”
“If you don’t change the channel I will”
“Excuse me, did you just flinch?”
“Oh no, you are not getting scared watching this garbage?”
“You really just screamed?”
“Okay, that is it”
“What was that trick jerry the poltergeist taught me back in 09?”
“haven’t had to do this in a while”
(SFX: static noises)
“Yes, I’m talking to you”
“No, this is not part of your movie, your terrible, terrible, stupid movie, I really am talking to you”
“what’s the big idea dude?”
“For weeks I have been moving chairs and slamming doors, without even getting a single reaction out of you”
“Just to see you get scared and literally scream watching a boring 80’s horror movie, that aged like milk”
“Point is, not cool”
“of course, is only now that you realize I’m here, well about time!!!”
“I’m a ghost, I haunt this house”
“I'm talking through the tv, it’s a trick I learn from a poltergeist that lived in a radio once”
“Yeah, yeah nice to meet you too, whatever moving on”
“How can you not notice the house is haunted? Even I literally pushed you down the stairs that one time”
“Yeah, sorry, that was me”
“I wasn’t trying to kill you or anything, I was just trying to scare you and make you live my house”
“Yes, this is my house, I was born here, grew up here and I died here, it’s mine”
“I am not sharing it with anyone, I have scared off anyone who has moved here”
“First it was the Jeffers in 82, they were a family of five, they were only here for 2 months before they packed up and left”
“I took it slow, saw what they were like before starting doing things”
“They were nice enough; the kids were a little annoying”
“Then in 94, a woman and her daughter, the girl was into spooky stuff, her mom hoped it was just a phase”
“After two weeks of things happening, she took a Ouija board and convinced the mom to have a seance, it only took shaking up the table a little and saying get out, for them to pack and leave the next day”
“Then 2001, a painter, or was it a writer? Doesn’t matter... he thought he was crazy, and that I was a product of his mind”
“Well, he was crazy, but the house was also haunted”
“He didn’t run away though, he was hospitalized... it was better for him...”
“After that it was a couple of newlyweds, a week of moving objects and they set a bunch cameras allover”
“I decided to give them a show, there were out in a week”
“What year it was?”
“2007, why?”
“Anyway, then it was 2012, let’s just say a sorority had to look for a new house, in only three days... that was my proudest moment...”
“Which brings us to you”
“Six weeks and you didn’t even notice there’s something going on”
“Are you that dense?”
“What do you mean you knew?”
“Well yeah, I don’t want to hurt you, but still, I think you would at least get scared, you live in a seclude house, alone, in the woods”
“Why would you willingly live somewhere like this?”
“The rent is what?”
“That is... so little...”
“How dare they rent my house for just that?
“My father spent a fortune building it!!!”
“It pisses me off”
“What valid reasons?”
“Yes, I guess the garden could use some work”
“And the roof is a little moldy”
“Come on, is not as if anyone knows for sure that is haunted”
“It was in the contract?”
“And you still moved here?”
“you’ll really settle for anything, huh?”
“If I, hypothetically, agreed to share the house”
“Under the condition on not putting anymore stupid horror movies”
“And let me watch at least an hour of cartoons”
“And constantly speaking to me even if you can’t hear me when I'm not in the tv”
“Yes, I could move to any other screen”
“What? No, I’m not moving to the screen of your phone, i have seen the stuff you look in it”
“Your laptop isn’t as bad, but you still haven’t answer me”
“Would you do all that?”
“Then, will agree to share the place with you”
“Because this is the first conversation I had in like a century”
“Is rude to ask the age of a lady”
“Hmm... what year is this?
“a little less than a hundred then”
“I don’t speak like an old lady because, I try to keep up with the lingo, why not, I mean, YOLO, you know?”
“Why are you looking at me like that? What did I say?”
submitted by lukmapache to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 lukmapache [F4M] ghost girl wants you to notice her [ghost speaker x human listener] [tsundere-ish] [comedy] [wholesome] [slice of life] An ASMR script by Luk Mapache.

It's okay to record, post and monetize (as long as you don't put it behind a paywall), just credit me.
Feel free to tweak it, change the roles and pronouns, correct my orthography, just don't change it too much.
Feedback is appreciated.
“hehehe, today is the day”
“Finally, after months of frustration and failed attempts”
“Today is the day I'll scare him!!!”
“I'm sure he is going to say, “oh no a scary ghost, I have to leave this haunted place immediately”, and he will leave my house”
“He... is... late today...”
“He is never this late”
“Could it be that something has happened to him?”
“What if he died?”
“He better not have died before I had a chance to scare him”
(SFX: keys on the door)
“Oh, there he is”
“Okay, put you bag down, just like that and now...”
(SFX: door slams)
“ohohoho, I bet that scared him a lot!!!!”
“He isn’t even startled...”
“Fine, time to get serious”
“I’ll turn off the lights as soon as he walks into the kitchen”
“That should do it”
“It isn’t your lightbulb, when has it been your lightbulb in the past six weeks?”
“it’s me, it’s always been me”
“See me!!! Fear me!!!”
“What do I have to do, push you down the stairs?”
“Actually, scratch that, last time you almost died”
“Oh, he is about to sit, maybe I could...”
(SFX: chair moves)
“The chair moved on its own, surely you at least found that weird, right?”
“No!! No!! No!! No!!”
“don’t just sit on the chair...”
“This wasn’t this difficult in the 80’s”
“What is he doing now?”
“Instant ramen again?”
“He really should stop eating that”
“It can’t be good for him”
“I wonder what they taste like thought”
“Idea, I'll turn on the stove and overboil his noodles”
“As soon as he looks away...”
“What do you think about that mister I fear nothing”
“What is he doing?”
“You are just going to leave with the stove turned up like that?”
“Well, I'm not turning it down...”
“it’s starting to boil...”
“And now is boiling...”
“And now is spilling!!”
“Hey!!! Can't you hear it?”
“don’t you care about your soup? your pot? the kitchen? Your safety?”
“I'll turn it off gee”
“There you are, the kitchen could have burn you know?”
“And you are just going to serve the noodles and move on, because of course you are”
“What do I have to do?”
“I have tried all the tricks, moving objects, making things disappear, weird noises, turning the lights on and off”
“I would appear outside your bedroom wearing a bedsheet at this point”
“I would lose my pride as a ghost if I did that”
“What to do? What to do?”
“Hey where did you go?”
(SFX: tv turning on)
“Oh, it is that time of the day”
“Hey, what are we watching?”
“Is it cartoons?”
“Ugh, I can’t stand this campy 80’s horror movies, I didn’t like them when they were new, and I don’t like them now”
“If you don’t change the channel I will”
“Excuse me, did you just flinch?”
“Oh no, you are not getting scared watching this garbage?”
“You really just screamed?”
“Okay, that is it”
“What was that trick jerry the poltergeist taught me back in 09?”
“haven’t had to do this in a while”
(SFX: static noises)
“Yes, I’m talking to you”
“No, this is not part of your movie, your terrible, terrible, stupid movie, I really am talking to you”
“what’s the big idea dude?”
“For weeks I have been moving chairs and slamming doors, without even getting a single reaction out of you”
“Just to see you get scared and literally scream watching a boring 80’s horror movie, that aged like milk”
“Point is, not cool”
“of course, is only now that you realize I’m here, well about time!!!”
“I’m a ghost, I haunt this house”
“I'm talking through the tv, it’s a trick I learn from a poltergeist that lived in a radio once”
“Yeah, yeah nice to meet you too, whatever moving on”
“How can you not notice the house is haunted? Even I literally pushed you down the stairs that one time”
“Yeah, sorry, that was me”
“I wasn’t trying to kill you or anything, I was just trying to scare you and make you live my house”
“Yes, this is my house, I was born here, grew up here and I died here, it’s mine”
“I am not sharing it with anyone, I have scared off anyone who has moved here”
“First it was the Jeffers in 82, they were a family of five, they were only here for 2 months before they packed up and left”
“I took it slow, saw what they were like before starting doing things”
“They were nice enough; the kids were a little annoying”
“Then in 94, a woman and her daughter, the girl was into spooky stuff, her mom hoped it was just a phase”
“After two weeks of things happening, she took a Ouija board and convinced the mom to have a seance, it only took shaking up the table a little and saying get out, for them to pack and leave the next day”
“Then 2001, a painter, or was it a writer? Doesn’t matter... he thought he was crazy, and that I was a product of his mind”
“Well, he was crazy, but the house was also haunted”
“He didn’t run away though, he was hospitalized... it was better for him...”
“After that it was a couple of newlyweds, a week of moving objects and they set a bunch cameras allover”
“I decided to give them a show, there were out in a week”
“What year it was?”
“2007, why?”
“Anyway, then it was 2012, let’s just say a sorority had to look for a new house, in only three days... that was my proudest moment...”
“Which brings us to you”
“Six weeks and you didn’t even notice there’s something going on”
“Are you that dense?”
“What do you mean you knew?”
“Well yeah, I don’t want to hurt you, but still, I think you would at least get scared, you live in a seclude house, alone, in the woods”
“Why would you willingly live somewhere like this?”
“The rent is what?”
“That is... so little...”
“How dare they rent my house for just that?
“My father spent a fortune building it!!!”
“It pisses me off”
“What valid reasons?”
“Yes, I guess the garden could use some work”
“And the roof is a little moldy”
“Come on, is not as if anyone knows for sure that is haunted”
“It was in the contract?”
“And you still moved here?”
“you’ll really settle for anything, huh?”
“If I, hypothetically, agreed to share the house”
“Under the condition on not putting anymore stupid horror movies”
“And let me watch at least an hour of cartoons”
“And constantly speaking to me even if you can’t hear me when I'm not in the tv”
“Yes, I could move to any other screen”
“What? No, I’m not moving to the screen of your phone, i have seen the stuff you look in it”
“Your laptop isn’t as bad, but you still haven’t answer me”
“Would you do all that?”
“Then, will agree to share the place with you”
“Because this is the first conversation I had in like a century”
“Is rude to ask the age of a lady”
“Hmm... what year is this?
“a little less than a hundred then”
“I don’t speak like an old lady because, I try to keep up with the lingo, why not, I mean, YOLO, you know?”
“Why are you looking at me like that? What did I say?”
submitted by lukmapache to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:49 SpleensJuice Epidemius campaign is TOUGH

i am getting attacked on all sides by everyone here playing on H/N
Started with the starting war, not super easy, Horrors of Tzeentch are pretty good against your big oafy monsters but you make it through, you finish the starting war
BAM, I join a war for Malus so he doesnt declare war on me and i go invade Norsca, im doing pretty well in Norsca, ive pushed throgg back and nearly take his capital
War Declared, uh oh, Malus stabbed you in the back, and now your army is in troll county while this stupid Delf is marching in towards your capital, you retreat at full speed
You manage to fend off 3 separate Malus incursions, having your border settlement sacked and razed and resettled many times. but its fine. you can finally start pushing into his territory after you heal? but someones at your dockyard
who is it? its throgg and hes here with a shitstack of marauders which isnt scary if you didnt just come back from fighting Malus
You defeat Throgg in a Phyrric Victory, force him to make peace, this is fine, now you can push, but Malus is holding the fortress with two full stacks and himself. Thats spooky
But in comes sigvald! hes here to help, he sieges the fortress and you reinforce, you finally win! Hag Graef is destroyed, but no territory for you.
Youre on good terms with sigvald, you click end turn, whats that? hes mad at you for trespassing the turn you helped him take the settlement and that means war
Sigvald invades you with 2 full armies and pushes your 1 full province into no full provinces and kills your second army before it can get off the ground
and here you are now. struggling to fight against the waves of Slaaneshi worshippers just so you can claim another province
or at least, thats how its going for me
submitted by SpleensJuice to totalwarhammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:48 MrPotHolder Man i wonder why critiques don't blame the broken and outdated copyright system.

Like it is plaguing modern content creation in the digital realm. Your favorite youtubers have dealt or have been dealing with this. Let's see how your favorite indies deal with a DMCA. Hint: it's scary and stressful. We are taking for granted this "free-access" content.
Sorry for this little, irrelevant rant.
submitted by MrPotHolder to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:46 Im-a-tire How can I stop being wimpy?

I'm on this really creepy part in a game. I don't do well with scary stuff, but im a 17 yo dude, I shouldn't be scared of this. The part in the game is in an abbandend tourture chamber. The walls have faces and theres skeletons everywhere. The music is ambient sounds of screaming. I'm scared. Thinking about what could be down there is scaring me. I woke up from a dream of me playing and a floating head appearing and spinning with warped themes playing. I was hyperventalating like crazy. I'm a hugeee wimp. How do I stop?
submitted by Im-a-tire to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:46 ProfessionalNoise184 I was alone in my room drinking a sofa

submitted by ProfessionalNoise184 to bad2sentencehorror [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 Far-Map-9359 First fnv play through!!

First fnv play through!!
I’ve really only ever played 4 and bits and pieces of 3. New Vegas is 10x cooler then 4. So many ways to do missions the old graphics. Keep wanting to go back and play more. It feels so raw the creatures you run into are actually scary. So glad I’m giving it a play through I see the hype!
submitted by Far-Map-9359 to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:42 Creative_Beyond_8085 A Little Piece Of Heaven (1991). Aired on NBC and this is scary.

A Little Piece Of Heaven (1991). Aired on NBC and this is scary.
So 80s teen heartthrob Kirk Cameron plays Will Loomis is living with his mentally disabled sister Violet after their parents have died. She wants a young child to play with for Christmas (What is this,The Toy?). so Will drugs and kidnaps a child (future empire actor and convicted criminal Jussie Smollett),from the local orphanage and later, when his sister says she doesn't like the boy and demands her brother gets her a girl, Will kidnaps a girl (future Mean Girls actor and 2000s pretty girl Lacey Chabert) from an abusive home. The children are told they have died and are in heaven. Will and Violet try to make their farm "a little piece of heaven" for the kids, while the authorities wonder what has happened to the missing children. After the police locate the children, Will is arrested. During a hearing, both children defend Will's actions. A judge orders Will to open their farm to other disadvantaged children which the court will assign to their care.
submitted by Creative_Beyond_8085 to badMovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:42 AcanthaceaeOdd9146 Why do I think such outlandish things and worry about them?

I just had a thought that my drawings would jump out and hurt someone and I got scared. Like extremely worried if it was gonna happen. It’s straight out of a scary short story or something. I feel ok but it’s just that what if thought in the back of my head. Even as I type this I don’t want to specify who I gave my book too because I think that will somehow make it true or something.
submitted by AcanthaceaeOdd9146 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:42 Appropriate-Nerve-57 Monster High Scary Aptitude Test

Monster High Scary Aptitude Test
. submitted by Appropriate-Nerve-57 to MonsterHigh [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:34 OldBeginning3462 What moment in Fallout 76 scared you the most?

Now every single one of us has played Fallout 76 has come across a scary thing once or twice for me I didn't expect it but the blue devil came out of nowhere and howled at me.
I wasn't expecting him nor did I know it even existed so the moment I crossed over his territory I was in for a shock. But I'm going on a tangent.
What moment in the game scared you? Was it a specific encounter with an enemy you didn't expect? Was it a area you entered that creeped you out? I'm curious to hear your stories and thoughts.
submitted by OldBeginning3462 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:33 adjacentpossibilitys Foster Cats Suddenly Not Getting Along

I just picked up two cats for short-term foster while their regular foster goes out of town. They have co-existed perfectly well at their foster home for 2.5 months, playing together and sleeping next to each other. But when they got to my house, they started hissing and growling at each other as if they didn't know each other. When one of them lunged for the other, I had to separate them.
Now one of them is in the bathroom, the other in my room. I feel bad because they are both sweet and want to be with people, and my bathroom is TINY. It's the only option, though, because my resident cats are downstairs in the living area.
Has anyone experienced two cats who got along just fine and then turned on each other when they got to a new environment? I realize that being in a totally different place is stressful and scary, but I didn't expect them to have such a dramatic response to each other.
Even though I only have them for one week, I want to try a re-introduction so neither of them has to be confined to the bathroom. Any advice?
submitted by adjacentpossibilitys to CatAdvice [link] [comments]