How to make pictures with just keyboard keys

Everyone deserves a good keyboard

2010.03.24 16:48 Everyone deserves a good keyboard

Non-mouse and non-audio input devices for the discerning fingertip.

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2024.06.02 06:31 entercooluser My (20F) childhood friend (20M) has a thing for me, how do I go about it?

So a bit of a short backstory, I was close friends with this guy I went to school with as a kid ( let's call him max ) and we lost contact after I switched schools, but he happened to find me on social media last year and we ended up reconnecting. He's a really sweet guy and i definitely consider him one of my best friends because we understand each other a lot in terms of the traumas we've dealt with in life. The thing is, I've always seen Max as a brother and still do.
Lately it's becoming more and more obvious that Max has a thing for me, because whenever we talk he's always saying things like "you're my favourite girl" or "I love hearing you talk because I'm in love with the way you think" or constantly telling me that I'm the prettiest girl he's ever seen, and it's starting to make me feel very weird. I just say "oh that's very sweet of you! thank you" but I'm afraid he's taking me being nice as me flirting? I have a bit of a ( bad habit ) of being overly nice to people, and I'm making a conscious effort to dial it down a notch because sometimes people take it as me flirting and I always have to justify that that's just my nature, I'm not flirting.
He also recently told me about his "type" and he described me to a T. At this point he's not even being subtle about it. I don't know how to talk to him now without making it obvious that I know. He hasn't told me he likes me but it's just very apparent. Also, we live in different countries right now so we mostly talk over social media or very rarely FaceTime (which has started to become awkward because he just keeps complimenting how I look and I have to keep changing the subject.) I don't want to lose a good friend, but lately I've kinda been dreading talking to him. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by entercooluser to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:31 WayOfWinter (Advice) In love with my best friend.

I hate to finally admit this, since I've tried for so long to try and change it, but I am in love with my best friend. I've tried to move on, talk with other people, explore, stay alone even. But it all leads back to him. I feel awful. I know he would never see me the same, I've known him for so long. And yet, I keep talking with him about my love life, just like he talks to me. I know he likes someone. I feel like a horrible friends and I feel so much guilt around this. Romantically, I want nothing more than to always be there for him, and support him. But I know that because of how I was when I was younger, he could never view me that way, I also dated his friend a long time ago in high-school, nasty breakup because of how i was treated, best friend no longer talks to them as far as i know, i dont either. But maybe they do still talk, I'm not 100% certain. Overall I'm just confused about what to do in this situation.
Be Real with me, is it hopeless? It's been a year and these feelings haven't changed, if anything it's staying steady.
I feel very guilty about my attraction to him because he is so smart and amazing, and I feel compared to him I'm not there, I've been working on myself and lot but I just can't help it, it's like when I think of him I can accept I'd love to be in his life forever, and be there to support him, care for him when he needs it, and cook for him, and I admire him and his aspirations. I just don't know what to do. We are both 19M, and interested in so many of the same things and views and I don't want to ruin our friendship but it's getting harder and harder not to show that I have feelings, my face gets red, I stutter, and just become a total mess trying to talk with him. We often talk about our futures, getting a place together, what pets we would have, and our views on relationships and marriage (not with eachother, but we do joke like that.) I'm absolutely hopeless with reading people and reading signs and I feel like maybe I'm reading into nothing. But gosh do I hope he feels the same, I care about him more than I can put into words.
I just can't handle not saying anything anymore, and so I thought to say something here.
I could go on and on about how much I care about him and wow. I just feel lost on what to do, do I cut off these feelings?? How do I do that? I've tried and they just stay. I've been in love before, or so I thought but this feels even more like it. Me and him have always been there for eachother and I really just need to figure out what to do here. I know our future careers may not go side-by-side. But I don't care. I care too much and it scares me, I get so happy when he talks to me it makes me cringe. I've never felt like this with anyone else, none of my other friends or even my exes.
Anyways, thank you for reading this. Any advice means a lot, I'm so unsure of what to do or how I should even bring up these feelings, or if I even should at all. I'm bouncing back and forth between telling him and just staying friends, I'm really unsure because the feelings are real, but the friendship matters so much to me. We are young, I know. Most relationships at 19 don't last long, but I would truly be happy with him for the rest of my life. I mean that. Thank you for your time.
submitted by WayOfWinter to romance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:29 Own_Strength_7645 AITAH for getting pregnant again?

I had a child awhile back. after I had the child I had a bunch of problems and they told me if I didn’t get a grip on some things I wouldn’t have more. We wanted the option of more, so I got on top of what they said. Medication, exercise, complete diet change, physical therapy, the list goes on. MONTHS of work. shortly after the progress was noticeably there, I ended up pregnant. I worked very hard just to even have this opportunity.
my SIL is having infertility issues. theirs no treatment (it has been recommended, she’s choosing not to do it) of the underlying conditions and a lot of mental warfare with everyone around that is pregnant. honestly- there’s no accountability at all with it. they told her what to do to increase the possibility, and she chooses not to.
i waited a significant amount of time to tell her I was having another child. i’m at the point where i have all day sickness and it’s noticeable i was pregnant. my mom told me since i can’t hide it anymore, and i was so sick, not to surprise her the day of. we had a family event this weekend, i had to tell her. i was kind, i expressed that i knew it was difficult conversation for her and I was empathetic for what she was going through. I told her I didn’t expect a response from her that day. She read it and didn’t respond, fair enough.
we go to our event- she won’t speak to me. she won’t look at me. she’s giving my husband super shitty looks. if my sibling talks to me she gives them shitty looks until they stop. my grandparents congratulate me and she glares and is super shitty to them. my parents both asked me what the deal was, i told them the truth, that i told her i was pregnant. my dad is a no bullshit kinda guy, he makes a comment about how this is awkward and the awkwardness needed to stop, loudly. so at that point i decide to un-invite myself from the family dinner that was happening after the event, and we just went home to our kids.
my dads upset we left. we do this dinner every year, and he looks forward to it. i explained to my dad that i was uncomfortable and i didn’t want to be around them. i removed myself from the situation so everyone else could enjoy themselves.
my sibiling is saying i just shouldn’t have told her and i’m an asshole for saying it. my mom & dad are saying that their infertility isn’t my fault, i worked hard to be in a position to have another child, it’s okay to be upset but not ruin an entire evening over it.
AITAH for telling her? for leaving on my dad like that? i’m hormonal and feel really, really guilty for even being pregnant at this point.
submitted by Own_Strength_7645 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:28 mykel_0717 Additional mechanics I would like to see in Unite

So there have been talks about the game suffering from a lack of new content to keep the gameplay fresh. I thought one thing Unite was lacking compared to other mobas was the ability to switch up your build depending on how the game is going, and that is one avenue they can try exploring for the next major patch. Other mobas do this using purchasable items or talent trees that you unlock by leveling up, etc. Whereas with Unite, your item build is locked at the start of the game, and the only adjustment you can make in-game is with your skill build. But then you run into problems where you might want to flex your skill build but your items do not synergize with it.
I don't think purchasable items makes sense in Unite lore-wise, but I suggest being able to buy vitamins with aeos energy (HP up, Calcium, Protein, etc) just like in the mainline games to passively boost stats. And they don't even have to be regular, boring stats like Attack, Sp Def, etc. They already implemented stat modifiers that affect cooldown, unite cooldown, crit rate, attack speed, etc via emblems (which are unavailable in tournament play anyways), they can repurpose vitamins in Unite to increase those stats instead.
Another thing I would like to see would be a purchasable move (again with aeos energy) from a move tutor. Basically like a second battle item you can purchase in-game. The move tutor can provide moves available to each and every pokemon like protect, rest, etc. And can have some type specific moves like Blast Burn, Draco Meteor, etc to make pokemon types relevant in Unite without destroying balance.
I think having these options to change up your build halfway during a game will make for more interesting and varied games. You also get risk-reward decision making, do you sacrifice getting a point lead in lieu of better stats/an additional move (similar to how EX mons consume aoes energy to fight better). And before any negative nancy says what I'm thinking about is broken, nothing is broken until you put numbers on it. To me it just seems like a good concept to freshen up the experience for players.
submitted by mykel_0717 to PokemonUnite [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:28 -NuhUh Am I depressed or just lazy and looking for something to use as an excuse ?

I've been idk, different for the past few years and it's just gotten worse and I don't know the reason.
Till I was like 14 - 15, I used to hang out with friends everyday, coming home at late hours and just having fun outside. Then idk, one random summer I just stopped going out for no reason at all
I remember that was the first summer where I literally barely took a shower, like the whole 3 months, not brushing my teeth, hell not even changing my underwear.
I didn't have any traumatic thing happen to me during that time, my grandparents died during that time period, and yes they were very dear to me, but not to the point of making me depressed I guess, I wasn't THAT sad.
And since then I always felt like I wasted my youth, my sisters who's 1 year older than me would always go clubbing and shit while I was at home, playing on my phone or pc or whatever.
It kept going like that till I finished high school, I was unemployed like half a year, then I went to work at my cousin in Italy (I'm from romania).
I was kind of good there, working, having my salary that i used to help my parents back home, I'd shower and take care of myself every day. Then my father got diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2022.
I was devastated of course, but I kept working and taking care of myself. I went back home in December of 2022 to spend Christmas with my family, i was supposed to go back to italy before new years eve , but my dad got worse by the day, so I decided to stay home till he dies since I knew it wasn't far off.
He died on February 8th 2023. I was right besides him as he gave his last breath. I was unemployed for a few months till summer came around and I worked as a bartender for the season at the beach. (Before that I again, barely took care of myself)
That autumn i came home and got back into my old habits, alcohol, going weeks without showering, hell I haven't brushed my teeth in almost a year. Ever since I came back home from the beach in September 2023 I've been unemployed, filthy and a disgrace, I barely help around the house .
I thought maybe I'm depressed, since I really want to get a job since I struggle financially, and to start taking care of myself again as I am disgusted by myself, but I just... can't.
I thought maybe my dad's death was the final drop that broke me, since I also had a very complicated relationship with him, but I keep thinking I just use his death as an excuse for me being lazy and disgusting.
The day he died I kept seeking attention when it was his funeral for God's sake. I want to get better but I can't get rid of my loser mentality, acting like I'm always having it worse and that I'm always the victim since I was 15 (I'm 21 now).
Sorry for the long vent or whatever this is, I guess I just need someone to tell me the truth even tho it would hurt. I want to get better, I just don't know how. I just want to live again
submitted by -NuhUh to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:28 NFT_ANIpix Bhai - bahan.

So, I am just 18 and I try to walk on my father's foot steps as he is great in keeping relation let it be friendship, being some brother, etc. He is my inspiration as I try to copy many things from his behaviour like he have sister from another mother (he meet her during his school time) and he has been a great brother to her helping from getting her proper education to getting her Marry and making sure she is happy. that's going great as she also respect my father and it's all great between them (happy family)
Getting inspired from my father, I also make some one my sister in class 11th as during rakhsaha bandhan she was standing on geat holding rakhi I go to her and Ask her to be my sister she happily accept and I was so happy, i treated her like my own sister from gifting her dress on raksha bandhan and etc. I always take her care as I usually do for my sister.
but she never ask me how is your health stuff like that, she kinda ignores me until I talk to her first (she didn't even ask when I got into accedent) idk what's her issue.
THE MOST IMP IS The things happening with me never happened with my father.
I am still treating her as my sister. Idk but I can't ignore her or disrespect her. (Ghar ka sanskar ha).
submitted by NFT_ANIpix to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:27 Maleficent_Error3885 [16F]Is it safe to make yourself pass out

I’m a 16F and about a year ago I learned how to make myself pass out on TikTok I knew it was dumb but I just wanted to see if it worked. It worked and it would make me pass out for about 30 seconds and I would regain consciousness with a throbbing headache and my whole body would be tingling. After that I would do it about 1-2 times a month when I was really bored or idk. Recently I have been passing out unintentionally and it happens when I stand up to fast or I stand to long. I also play lacrosse and when I run for long periods of time I get really light headed and either throw up or pass out idk if that is related or not but I need help what do I do and is making my self pass out the cause of this?
submitted by Maleficent_Error3885 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:27 Lefthandedcigar I Probably Shouldn't Think My Son's Pre-K Teacher Is Stupid ... But I Do!!!

I have been looking forward to my son’s Pre-K graduation for months. Although I am extremely proud of- and happy for him, a few things are weighing on my mind following the graduation. Maybe I’m overreacting – and I truly hope I am. If I am, please tell me.
The first thing that bothered me about my son’s Pre-K graduation is the total lack of security to enter. It’s a very small VPK, so I didn’t expect security guards, but there wasn’t so much as a sign in sheet for the parents / visitors. There were no ID checks; anyone could simply walk in. *
Second, when my son was called up to receive his diploma, the teacher called him by his first name only and followed up with, “I’m not even going to attempt to pronounce your last name”. We do have a longer Italian surname, but it’s not hard to learn, not hard to say, and the teachers has more letters in her last name than we do. In my 40 years, the only time people weren’t sure how to pronounce it was the first time I met them. Other than that, or simply not knowing me personally, you’re a telemarketer if you can’t pronounce it. You don’t need to know a different language ffs. We’re born and raised in the US for the last century. I expect the teacher who’s with my son 5 days a week or an entire school year to know how to say his last name. If my son’s peers can pronounce it, there’s no excuse. (And yes, this WAS his full-time teacher, not an assistant or different teacher, etc.) Here's the kicker. It's a class of like 16. It's not a school like Hogwarts full of kids with no vowels in their last names. *
Lastly, I was so happy when my son received two awards because only a couple kids received two. What could go wrong, right? His last name is spelled wrong on both of his laminated awards. Really? Come on, man! *
Oh, one more thing that I should have started with. Upon arriving at the scheduled time of the graduation, I found out that they were behind schedule by a full hour, and everyone had to wait outside. There was just a note on the door and the door was locked.
Really? We can do better than this. #DoBetter
I know these "problems" may seem miniscule compared to other "real" problems in the world. I know I have the choice to focus on the positive things that happened today and not let the "small" things live rent free in my mind. But should I turn the other cheek? Am I wrong to assume the brightest crayon in the box shouldn't be in my son's backpack - it should be teaching the class? Sorry, for the jokes. I'm trying to make light of the situation to cheer myself up. That was kind of funny, I guess. At the end of the day, all of this is just very discouraging when I think about who will be teaching my son.
Before I go, I want to give praise to ALL of the good teachers out there who care about the kids and their education and take the time to know their students, no matter if you're a Pre-K teacher or a Scholar, I commend you and appreciate you. I understand that it is not an easy job and I know you should be paid a hell of a lot more. I am in no way intending to bash all teachers or even most teachers. I TRULY hope this is an isolated issue in this smaller sized town in the SE.
I had many great, and memorable teachers in my life I will always remember, and I truly pray someone just like one of them finds their way into my son's classroom when he begins kindergarten this Fall.
Thanks for listening.
submitted by Lefthandedcigar to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:25 taenerys Euthanized my cat this week and feeling a lot of self hatred over my overall decisions.

I had two cats 10M and 3F. They were cuddle buddies and loved each other. About 2 months about the male started losing weight and declining. He went through many tests and bloodwork and meds but ended up getting diagnosed with cancer on Tuesday and was put to sleep to end his suffering as he wasn’t himself. The entire time, my girl cat who is my entire heart and soul seemed so sad. She didn’t play with him anymore (it feels like she knew he didn’t feel good and didn’t want to bother him) and would cry at night for someone to play with as she would run around.
I’m feeling a lot of guilt and regret I didn’t spoil him in his last months. What if he had future symptoms and I didn’t register them as abnormal? I feel like I was in strong denial we would find something out and he would be fixed and healthy again. We would cuddle every night but I feel like I should’ve done more and spent more time focusing all my attention on him. He was such a sweet loving boy. I can barely eat and I’ve been throwing up I feel so sick for how it ended. When we brought him to the vet on Tuesday I feel like I got hit by a truck when the vet felt his abdomen and immediately said it’s not good and he thinks it’s rapidly spreading intestinal cancer. X-rays confirmed this. He was put to sleep with me and fiance in the room while he weakly laid there.
We stayed in the room for the process by his head petting and kissing him while he got injected with the anesthetic. I didn’t want him to look at what was going on and he kept his eyes on us the entire time. After the first injection, he started purring so loud. He hadn’t purred like this in weeks. I feel so guilty he was purring to comfort himself because he was scared or in pain but was too weak to vocalize or move.
We chose to do cremation. I’m scared they weren’t kind and gentle with his body. I’m personally so against cremation as it feels so cruel to do to a body even if they’ve passed. I’m scared he was just thrown into an incinerator and didn’t get the respect he deserves. My coworkers asked me if it was a solitary or mixed cremation. I didn’t even think about this. I don’t mind getting mixed ashes - it could be multiple animals whose owners chose not to keep their ashes and that’s so sad to me. But what if I get the ashes back and it’s barely his? How do I even know if it’s him? I want to ask the vet clinic but I’m so scared of the answer and how I’ll linger on it forever.
Then… I got two new outdoor kittens that were about to get trapped in storms happening and adopted them this week. I got one Monday and my male cat cuddled him and me the entire time before his appointment. After we euthanized him… we went back and got the other babies brother the same night so he wouldn’t be alone and scared and in the storms. It wasn’t to replace him - that was not our intention whatsoever. We just knew we could help this baby and it would be more comforting to the first kitten to have his brother.
They’re so sweet. But I feel so guilty my cat somehow feels replaced. But they could never be a replacement for him, they just needed help and we had the resources to do so. I feel like it looks really shitty of me to adopt so quickly and that it looks just forgetting my cat for some new babies. I know I shouldn’t care what people think and I would never judge someone else for helping out a cat after a loss.
My girl cat seems happy. She loves cuddling them when they’re calm during the day and plays with them at night which is her regular crazy hours. She sets her boundaries gently with them when they get a little wild and she’s not ready to play. But I feel so guilty and evil. They get lots of love but to be honest I can’t help but look at them and think that should’ve never happened with my male cat and he should be here. I applied to volunteer at my local shelter that needs help to help with their cats - they have a lot of senior and special needs cats I want to work with as they deserve love.
I’m really just rambling but I feel like I can’t talk to anyone about it without looking crazy. I’m in one on one therapy but it’s not until Tuesday and I feel weird going in and just dumping all my problems about cats. It feels so insignificant compared to issues people go through in life and we’ve been focusing on my OCD obsessions and rituals.
Am I a bad cat owner? Did I make too many wrong quick decisions?
submitted by taenerys to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:25 vanillamang0 Boyfriend wants kids, I don’t think I ever do

I found the absolue love of my life. I’m 24F, been in several long-ish relationships, nothing that has ever been so right for me as this. Genuinely feel like I found my person who I want to be with for the rest of my life.
We’ve been together 9 months and started seriously talking about our future together, marriage kids and all that. He is very excited about having one or two kids one day and really talking about it made my heart sink. I have nothing against kids just never have had the desire to be a mom. I know I’m still young so who knows maybe I’ll change my mind.
I guess I’m just scared, I feel like I should know by now whether or not that’s something I’ll want for my future but I don’t know. All I can say is the older I’ve gotten and the more people I’ve known who have had kids themselves, the less I feel like I want to make all the sacrifices that I know it would take to be a good parent.
If I knew for certain I didn’t want kids, it would be a sad but easy decision that we are not compatible. I don’t want this relationship that’s so fulfilling to me to end because of an uncertainty. But I also don’t want to be with someone who is constantly hoping I’ll change my mind
I don’t know if I’m looking for advice or just want to get this off my chest because it’s weighing on me heavily right now. If anyone had a similar internal conflict I’d love to hear how things turned out for you
submitted by vanillamang0 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:24 Number_________3 Exploit problem [SOLVED] / Argument for player trading of currency outside of the game

Exploit solution - Apple Bug Bounty Program. It has been solved and I don’t know why gaming companies do not do this. This is a perfect solution to eliminating exploits and the after effect they cause. CIG is not a trillion dollar company that could lose billions off of one exploit so they do not have to pay 2 million per exploit but imagine this. CIG has a link that you can report exploits to and if they find it to be credible they will pay the reporter 1k - 25k. I lean more towards 25k because of how much money/time/bad press/loss of a player they will save from a program like this. It is invaluable and is the reason Apple will pay 100k - 2 mill to someone who finds and reports exploits in their systems. Think of all of the after effects of these exploits. Scroll through this Reddit and you will see them. Problem solved. Cheap and effective. Your welcome.
Buying and selling currency - I don’t understand the issue with this especially at this stage in the game. It literally has zero effect on other players. Zero. It’s not pay to win at all. Pay to win would be buying the new f7c mk2 and wiping the floor with everyone in arena commander with no ability to earn it in game. I’m not even complaining about it I’m just throwing that out there. The pay to win angle is one the only counters I could think of so I’m not sure how it is applicable here. Please counter if you have any ideas. No matter which way about it, the work required to earn the money will be done. There is no getting around it. Someone did the work and they got rewarded, very simple. Why can’t the person who did the work sell the currency they earned to another player who either doesn’t want to do the work / doesn’t have the ability to do the work. Not every gamer has the time to make it to the end game through grinding. With game developers making games with the sole focus of player retention, it could take days if not years (Ark survival Evolved) to make it to the end game and a lot of games start at the endgame. Why exclude and lose a potential buyer? Especially a potential buyer that on average will have way more money to spend than an average full time gamer. I would go as far as keeping the player trading in house similar to the way steam does when it comes to buying and selling skins. Also CIG can take a nice tax from every transaction. Now imagine all the players that come here to play and make real money. They open a box and find at $300 dollar sniper or skin that they can sell to a willing buyer. Or they grind salvaging or one of the other game loops and sell their excess capital to willing buyers. Now pirates have an even bigger reason to rob and regular civs doing the lords work have a reason to pay for protection. Adds an entire new layer to the game that is extremely exciting and brings the star citizen world closer to reality. Last thing I will say is CIG can also still make money on their ships. Sell the ship for whatever price you want for real money only and then after say a year let it be buyable in game. Could even attach it to a subscription service such as Elder scrolls online. You can either pay $60 dollars for the dlc now or wait a year and you can pay a $15 a month subscription to be able to play all the dlc of the past. Let me know what you think.
That is all. My dms are open for job offers.
submitted by Number_________3 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:24 volvos (hot take) (debate post) Martin V Boise and the right to peacefully sleep and why i find it specious and not convincing

(hot take) (debate post) Martin V Boise and the right to peacefully sleep and why i find it specious and not convincing
i feel the need to rant a little because of my personal experience living on the streets and staying in a "christian ministry" In Martin V Boise the circuit court said you can't make it a crime to be homeless if there is no where to go. i'm here at the union gospel mission in salem which yeah--is a christian ministry- but it's a very low barrier shelter - you can bring nips of whiskey to your bunk! These are brand new beds with wifi, plug ins, AC, three meals a day, we literally had steak and rice and veggies tonight- of this new facility of 120 beds in 6 dormitories we have just FOUR! four sleeping in here tonight--you can literally get plastered and shoot up fent in this place and nothing will be done. This model isn't good enough for the naysayers - they want to tent outside, smoke cigs in their tent, shoot up heroin! You can do all that here in a shelter (except smoke) if you can take a fent tab and drink! It is pure horse shit that these shelters from eugene to salem to portland to Seattle all let you get out of the elements - three square meals a day and drink and use drugs - that's still not good enough--the nursing staff will even give you a benzo to sleep here! it's wild! lol the whole homeless campers are taking away the rights of paying tax payers their enjoyment of the park or sidewalk commons - how is this fair !
what in the heck am i missing here?!
submitted by volvos to homeless [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:23 Crafty-Coat-8595 What would make this guy happy?

What would make this guy happy?
I'm sorry the lighting isn't normal colored but I'm just curious what people would do with this thing to make it flourish. I believe this is a peperomia trinervis and all of the pictures online look so full and lovely, I'm wondering if soil is better? If I should chop and prop first? To be honest I'm scared to do anything with it so I'd like some tips/advice first. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Crafty-Coat-8595 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:23 Beachdays1432 Help! Husband doesn’t want a longterm romantic relationship or sex. Can we save this relationship?

Hi all,
Just looking for some advice for anything at all that might help our situation other than divorce.
I've been with my husband for almost 13 years, married 10. We are both 35. Have three wonderful kids 5-9 years that we both love so much. We are through all the toddler phase and sleep deprivation.
Our marriage is in a dire place, which both of us contributed to by not prioritising the other and essentially just aiming to survive through parenting. We have no family close by / breaks so it is full on.
For several years I've felt lonely in the marriage and things have come to a head the last 18 months. He's acknowledged the issues and says he doesn't find me sexually attractive, doesn't have any romantic feelings for me. Going on dates is like time filling for him. He says he finds other women attractive, but there's no specific woman he wants to have sex with. He has no desire for sex with me and will occasionally have sex after a lot of work on my end. He thinks his libido is normal But he is not seeking out sex with other women and masturbates only on occasion to porn. He wants more time for himself (which is hard in the constraints of a family, but I have worked hard to provide for him by doing as much household stuff as possible, taking kids out so he has house to himself, he stays up very late). He thinks his current needs and behaviour are selfish, but doesn't want to compromise on that.
He has had bloods done with GP. Normal testosterone level. We've done marriage counseling. She says he's got a severe dismissive avoidant attachment style, which I can see now, but I can't understand how he wasn't acting like that pre-kids. Our best sex was actually post- last kid but dried up a few years ago. We still have sex maybe once every 1-2 months but it's not enough for me and I feel like he's fulfilling an obligation rather than any actual desire to be with me so it reduces my pleasure. He says he doesn't want a longterm romantic relationship with anyone currently. But he loves me. We are still together currently as both our ideal outcomes would be for a happy fulfilling marriage and intact family unit. But it's at the point he doesn't even want to have to greet me or ask about my day and I've always prided us on having a great underpinning friendship and don't want to lose that too. I am also aware of the example we are setting for our children for their future relationships.
We've gone on regular dates in the last year, I try flirting with him, he's sharing a bit more of some aspects of the household work, although I have the majority mental load. We've tackled identified areas of resentment from both sides (although I feel like this has been a lot of him doing what is best for him and me doing a lot of what is best for him). He does not feel he is depressed and happy on other aspects of his life. His mum Is asexual and has never had another partner after separating from his dad 32 years ago, his brother lives with his mother at 37 years old and has never had a partner, his maternal uncle lived with his mum until she died and I wondered if there was a genetic component to things. But maybe I'm grasping at straws and that doesn't offer a solution.
I'm fit and attractive to the general population haha. He says he can see I'm attractive to others so it's not like I've "let myself go" in any sense since having kids, and actually have a better body than pre-kids.
I have talked a lot with various people and some had suggested having an affair to give me what I need, but I would never disrespect him In that way. However we have talked about a "one-sided" open marriage for me to essentially Have a sexual relationship +_ some emotional connection with someone else, in the hope that in the future, my husband would want those aspects again and hopefully pursue them with me... I had thought this might relieve him Of his guilt / make our interactions not an obligation for him. I had hoped we could go on dates and have the rare sex when he wants in the interim also. He is supposedly agreeable to this. I'm scared to do something (ie sex with someone else) that I can't take back though.
I guess I always have a sliver of hope, he's the dad of my children and I committed to spent my life with him and that's what I ultimately want. But currently, every day is like I lose a part of myself with the constant microrejections and while I know you are the one responsible for your own happiness, my self-worth, confidence and happiness are slowly being eroded by feelings of inadequacy and why I am so unattractive / undesirable to him on so many levels (sexual / non-sexual gestures / romantic / friendship) etc. If it was just one area, perhaps I could be more accepting / patient.
Other context, I have the primary career / income earner / drive in where we have ended up. I've always asked his opinion and been mutual decision making for big decisions, and despite my best efforts to support him to find himself, he has never shown much drive for anything other than computer gaming (which he would easily spend 5+ hours a day most days doing, at a cost of sleep). He doesn't particularly enjoy his job and has changed industries constantly when working. There's a Netflix special for a show called Jigsaw and that resonates a lot with him, he didn't have a complete self-identity before he met me and was happy to follow me along the way in life and got to where we are (which on paper is the most amazing life) and he's realised he's not happy within it. I've tried to support him in trying new things and exploring himself, but I can't be his motivation and really the only thing he is showing motivation for currently is increasing his level on DOTA2! We did have sex droughts during pregnancy due to me being incredibly sick and having zero libido, but we got through that and I guess I didn't feel it was a big issue at the time as we loved each other and every other aspect of the relationship was solid, but potentially that was a contributing factor to marriage demise. Although at the time, I felt we would never get back to an amazing sex life, we did and it was very fulfilling until twoish years ago.
Any advice is much appreciated. I am guessing a lot of people will think we are non-compatible / he doesn't want a relationship and I can't change that so divorce is the best option, but I'm willing to try anything at this stage.
Ps we have both seen a personal counsellor as well as the marriage counsellor. I am seeing mine next week and will ask about the open marriage concept.
Thanks for your thoughts!
submitted by Beachdays1432 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:23 svndaygirl I broke up with him but I want him back

After almost 3 years of relationship (2 being long distance) I broke up with him. I met him at a very weird time of my life where I had just ended a situationship and although I should’ve let myself heal first before entering a new relationship, he was too good to not give it a shot. We became a couple just after a couple of weeks dating. I was so happy during our time together but long distance became harder as our future together seemed to not align any time soon (he is trying to make his life in a new country and I have a job that I love that cannot be done remotely). I had expressed being uncomfortable with the distance but we always worked it out. I wish I had let myself think clearly before pulling the trigger but I didn’t and I broke up with him “out of nowhere” (I had been thinking of ending things due to distance for about 2 months). It was over the phone and didn’t lasted more than 30 minutes, it was as amicable as it could be and I made it clear that it was just bc of distance, he told me that the relationship would go as far as I wanted so it was over. Now it’s been almost 3 months and there’s not a day that I wake up not thinking about him. If I’m busy working I’m ok but as soon as I can I start thinking abt him and how much I miss him and how fool I was for not staying with him and making the effort to start life together where he lives (he had made it clear that I could move in with him the second I decided to). I want to reach out but when I did 2 days after breaking up he made it clear we both needed space, since then I reached out 2 other times for valid reasons, it was v clear he didn’t wanted to reply. I’m not sure if he hates me but it sure feels like it, I want to let him know how I feel and that I regret everything, that I want to try it again but I’m afraid of his response , if I get any. I don’t know if I should give it more time before reaching out or just do it and have an answer already.
-during ldr we saw each other every 4-6 months which is quite often given that I had to take a flight and about 12 hours of transit time everytime I went to visit him
submitted by svndaygirl to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:21 everlastingeverett I’m struggling to forgive my girlfriend.

I (26, non-binary) have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (28, F) for 6 months, and moved in together out of necessity (being financially unstable in our current climate will do that). We met after we’d both been dumped by partners and connected over that, and it moved on naturally from there. We’re poly, in a Kitchen Table relationship. I’m newly poly (she is my first) and she has been in the community for a little while. She had a long-distance partner for a while who was married, whose wife felt jealous of my girlfriend. They thought they could work it out, but it wasn’t. After my girlfriend and I started dating, he came back into her life unexpectedly and she set firm boundaries, and told him off. Last week, he reached back out and she melted. I’m the jealous type, so I assumed my unease was because of that, but after talking with her other partner (32, he/him) we realized she had been lying to us about aspects of this ex and her relationship with him, and felt distrusted. The weekend before, my girlfriend went to take a psychoactive edible to last the long weekend and I told her to take half because of her history with them. In a stubborn state, she shoved the whole thing down and said she didn’t care. Four hours later, she had vomited four times, and peed herself. I helped her into the tub and cleaned both the carpet and her hair, and went to bed. Wake up the next day and she’s eating on the couch saying she doesn’t remember the night before. I lose it, and have a panic attack on my floor. In my last relationship, my ex got a major surgery with recovery time at home, and I was the only one who could care for her. I had no experience, and watching her almost die added both a trauma bond and PTSD. This happening triggered those emotions, and as I sobbed on the floor, my girlfriend messaged me asking if I was home. I went non-verbal and avoided my girlfriend. She eventually apologized, but not for a while after I told her what had happened. That next weekend, the ex above messaged her out of nowhere, saying he hadn’t stopped thinking about her. She immediately folded, and I told her I didn’t like this guy, given how she talked about what happened with him. She ignored concerns from both myself and her other partner about how she had been treated before and was gleeful in the idea of rekindling this relationship. All of my emotions became so overwhelming that I messaged her while I was at work that morning, telling her exactly how I felt and how this hurt me. I normally would’ve had held back and tried to be kinder but I was very to the point. I didn’t not feel like I could trust her and after the abuse I had suffered in former relationships, that was a huge red flag to me. She sent a message back begging to make things right, saying she knew she was being stupid and pretended everything could just work out when she knew it was damaging to all three of us. I asked for a break. And so I’m sitting here now on this break, wondering what to do next. I love her, and I know this is something that can be worked through, but my flight or fight response has been triggered and I don’t want to ignore it. I just hope I’m not too blinded by love to see this if it’s a big red flag, or that I’m too scarred to ever have a normal relationship dynamic. Any help?
submitted by everlastingeverett to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:21 Krispy_Kolonel CMV: College football is a shell of what it used to be

I’m not sure who on here cares to answer, I’m just looking for a reason to care about this sport again. I look around at college football today and I’m just utterly shocked at what it is. I’m really not that old and I didn’t get into watching college football until I was in high school (only about 10 years ago), but even in that time frame, there has been so much change that it almost feels like it’s not worth it anymore.
  1. Conference realignment. For anyone unaware, Texas and Oklahoma left the Big 12 for the SEC, most likely for larger revenue streams and “more guaranteed post season access”. That meant the Big 10 had to grab Oregon Washington UCLA and USC and Cal and Stanford are now playing in the Atlantic Coast Conference with new arrival Southern Methodist (who are in Dallas), effectively killing a conference that has been around for almost a century.
I want to watch rivalry games that matter. I want to see the passion the fans have when Oklahoma faces Oklahoma State or Oregon and Oregon State face off. I want the regular season to actually mean something, give teams and alumni and fans regional bragging rights over their conference mates. Century old rivalries have been splintered without a second thought. The Miami Hurricanes of Florida are going to Berkeley CA for an IN CONFERENCE match up. USC in downtown Los Angeles are hosting Rutgers, who’s campus is 30 minutes from Times Square, in an IN CONFERENCE match up. It’s ridiculous, it’s enraging, but it’s not at all entertaining. The pageantry and tradition that the game is known for has been watered down and made Disney safe at the cost of losing part of the identity of the sport.
  1. Everything is becoming about the post season. I’m not a huge fan of Josh Pate, but he has a really good view on this. Some programs just aren’t meant to be national championship contenders and are instead just supposed to focus on the regular season games. Only the top of the top, the best of the best should get to play for a title, and while I acknowledge that there are teams that got screwed out of contention in the past, how is this new post season going to be any better? Coaches will start benching players during the end of the season when they know they have a playoff spot secured just to guarantee longer rest before the playoffs.
  2. The excess in commercials and marketing has my head spinning. The head of the SEC stated at the spring meetings that teams may need to start looking into on field branding or jersey patches. They are actively turning the game into a walking advertisement. Increased ads turning games are turning them into 4 hour slog fests, and while I would love to watch my team on tv and support, I almost can’t justify that time anymore.
  3. This isn’t about the students anymore. I’m not sure that it ever was, but it was nice when everyone was at least still trying to pretend. There are guys that are making more money right now as college athletes than they will at the highest level in the NFL. I’m glad the players are getting paid, the fact they weren’t before was highly exploitative. But now it feels like the best are going to get better and everyone else just has to be ok with them being left behind. The sports betting scene has death threats being sent to athletes on a weekly basis during the season.
Again, I’m looking for reasons to watch again. I’m trying to find the fun in the game and experience again and I just haven’t been able to find it myself
submitted by Krispy_Kolonel to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:21 KoffingKitten Sweet Sephora Stories

What are some of yalls most heartwarming/sweet client stories?
Today we had a little girl come in and ask if she could clean our drunk elephant testers because she hates when kids her age make them messy and it makes her angry. We told her she didn’t have to but she insisted. It just made me really happy to hear about her.
I’ve also had clients who have been in and out of the hospital who just wanted someone to understand how they felt and give them a boost of confidence back. I’ve been told so many times by clients that I genuinely made their days, that they’ve been struggling mentally or physically and that my helping them with makeup or whatever else in store helped them beyond that.
It’s what I love most about this job. And I’d love to hear from you guys what stories you have that still stick with you in a positive way!
submitted by KoffingKitten to SephoraWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:20 SensitiveEnthusiasm5 2022 50” Frame Turn Off Dimming When Screen Is Dark?

Hi All. Just purchased this and dealing with an issue I had resolved on my previous Samsung TV. Some of you may be familiar with this. Local or global dimming? When there’s nothing on the screen when watching a movie or show - say, in-between on screen credits, the screen goes pure black as though it has turned off and then quickly fades up to “movie black” when there’s something on screen, which looks more like really dark grey if you’re in a darkened room. I’ve tried the service menu and raising the PWM ini and the other suggested PWM to 100 to no avail. My model/firmware doesn’t have a PWM min option to adjust. This is really bugging me that I can’t get this to go away. In my old Samsung dumb TV, the issue was resolved by tricking the TV via more in-depth picture settings to think that the TV never went below a certain darkness level. But the Frame doesn’t have these advanced image options. Anyone have suggestions or experience on this model getting this dimming to go away? When I enter the service menu and it shows me the model and serial number etc there’s a part that says Global Dimming[00]. I don’t know how to get that value to 100 if that would help. Thank you for any thoughts!
submitted by SensitiveEnthusiasm5 to TheFrame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:20 HighballingHope ReWriting the Past

I couldn’t help but feel that the finale of The Owl House was somewhat underwhelming, particularly with the origins of the Collector. This little fella had so much potential for a deep and exciting backstory, which looking back seemed to get oversimplified for the sake of time crunching. So I thought, how would I rewrite the Lore behind the formation of the Boiling Isles?
Well, from my days of roleplaying I decided to come up with my own backstory of its deep Origins.
The tale goes as follows;
In the age before the witches, before the dawn of the Titans, and before the reign of magic, there existed The Overlords.
These ancient celestial beings were known to rule over the world, whose name could not be remembered, as it still had yet to be formed.
So the Overlords created the Titans as cosmic craftsmen, gifted with the power of magic as engineers of the high heavens who crafted worlds, rising the mountains and lowering the seas.
But the Overlords were unsatisfied. And with each world the Titans created, another was destroyed to make room.
The Titans, angered by their works being destroyed, rebelled against their Overlords in a celestial war that destroyed all the known worlds. All but one; ours.
Few Titans remained, but the Overlords left behind the Five Children of the stars, each with a title.
The first is The Watcher, the most noble of the siblings. As his name implies he would watch over the mortals of the for their safety, and in spite of his shyness would intervene when necessary. He would look after his siblings, pertaining to the role of big brother. Tiresome as his responsibilities are, he still maintains a strong sense of compassion.
Then there was the Chronicler, who would observe the ongoings of the boiling isles and write them down from memory. He keeps a near infinite amount of records in his abode that would make even the most decorated librarian humbled. He loves to keep his collection of books in a neatly and orderly fashion, and becomes quite irksome when his other brothers tamper with it.
Then there’s the rapscallion; the Collector, who, being the youngest of the children, is more than not known for causing mischief among the mortals. As his name would imply, he has an odd curiosity of collecting just about anything for himself, and keeping it as a specimen. For what purpose is unknown.
Then there is the Dreamcatcher; the Boogeyman of the Boiling Isles. Taking the form of a shadow, this child is even more mischievous than the Collector, and as such, dangerous. Hiding within the crooks and crannies of peoples homes, he often loves to spook them at best, and at worst, torment them by turning their dreams into living nightmares.
Finally, there is the most terrifying child of the stars; The Puppetmaster. Often known as the cruel hand of fate, this child sees mortals as nothing more than pawns to manipulate, and takes it upon himself to pull the strings behind the unseen curtain. No one truly know what he looks like. But many accounts in the Boiling Isles have recalled that whenever something truly horrible happened, there was someone no one else than the victim could see.
As the Titans fade into legend, the Children of the Stars have faded into obscurity. Only one has shown his face in recent memory.
submitted by HighballingHope to TheOwlHouseTheory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:20 Excellent_Nectarine3 Police wont investigate family violence or take statement even with clear evidence. Feeling trapped.

This is a long one, sorry. I've put my actual questions in bold at the bottom if the details are TLDR. I appreciate any advice.
I (32f) was in an incredibly abusive relationship for 2 years where I was engaged to and shared a home with my former partner (45f). Police attended our address regularly and often urged me to make a statment, I never did as I was afraid of how my ex would react when police were gone, becoming homeless as my ex owned the home and also becasue I loved her very much and thiought the relationship could be saved.
Around a year ago things hit boiling point and my ex was admitted to hospital for mental heath reasons . I took this opportunity to finally go the police and make a report. I had video evidence of a serious assualt and text messages admitting to the assault as well as admitting to/blaming the incident on being drunk which was a breach of the family safety notice in place which had the condition of not being near me/contact me if effected by alcohol.
Fast forward a year later and despite multiple attemps to follow up they still won't take a statement and no charges have been laid against my ex. I have since moved out and the relationship has ended, but my ex continues to harrass and threaten me, such as sending 200txts in a day in which they say they will come to my home and shoot dead my housemates, torments me about my previous partners suicide and says she'll do the same - eg "you like your women hanging", "kill me like you kill your other girlfriends", and continuously makes false reports to police about me, some resulting in criminal convictions but most Ive been able to prove not true - but my ex has figured out that if I have warrant or whereabouts it will prevent me from being able to make a report if I go into a police station because they have to process me first.
She has an IVO on me but has sent over 100 emails in the past month begging to get back together, but also saying that if I DONT respond she will report me to police - and she does, just says I sent her a message or showed up at her house and ill get arressted, sometimes charged and sometimes not, depending on the police at the time really.
During the past year I have made multiple attemps to report the abuse, on one occasion I was able to show them the abusive messages with the threats to kill and threats to self harm if I did not message her back, but they have done nothing about that either.
Last time I called to follow up they told me they could not tell me anything over the phone and that I would have to go into a station to get any info about the investigation, but that sounds like bullshit to get me into the station for what I assume to be another false report made agaisnt me.
I would usually go in and just deal with it but Ive recently had major surgury and been diagnosed with heart failure (which im certain has been brought on by the extreme levels of stress and anxiety over the past 3 years, strangulations, beatings and immense greif and sadness I feel when forced to relive my partners death, and also the ending of the relationship with my most current ex, as stupid as it is I love her more than anything and miss her everyday).
I'm reluctant to risk arrest and possible remand as Ive learned no one takes me seriously when saying I have heart failure as a 32 year old, and it;s something that can easily go from 0 to 100 and possibly kill me.
But life has become unbearable, Im finding it hard to see the point in life if this is all there is. Things only get worse no matter what I do, I cant move forward, I cry everyday, ive pushed away all my freinds, I don't leave my house, I know it doesn't seem important but I can;t cope with the injustice, everytime Im arrested, charged, put in a cell, plead guilty or stay in a cell for weeks to fight it all, it's like ive edured this torture for 3 years, and now I am also being punished for it and painted as a perpetrator which is almost worse in a way. Nothing happens to her, she even got some sort of payment when she got the IVO on me. It's fucking unbelieveable how this has panned out. I need to report her and have her held accountable or she will never stop. Believe me or not, I don't deserve this, I don't, Im not perfect, but I don't deserve whats happening to me, I just want to be left alone, I want to be able to plan a future for myself.
My questions:
Police wont take me seriously even with evidence and witnesses of serious assaults and abuse, how do I get them to listen to me?
Do police need to tell me, if I ask over phone, if they have any outstanding warrants or whereabouts that would see me arrested if I went to the police station?
Is it true that they cannot update me over the phone about their "investigation" and that I have to go to a station?
What else can I do to help myself? Is there anyone out there that can help me?
submitted by Excellent_Nectarine3 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:18 bangersonlyplz 40 weeks, family driving me nuts

I hit my due date today, and I have been all over the place emotionally. I’m super excited that my baby could come any time, I’m anxious about labor and childbirth, I’m scared by my inexperience with babies, I’m grappling with this new chapter of my and my husband’s life starting with just a cascade of emotions- and then there’s my parents.
They’ve been calling me every day, and sometimes when I answer they just immediately go “are you in labor?” before I can even say anything.
I’ve told them explicitly what the expectations are for when baby comes- they’ll get a text from my husband when we’re on our way to the hospital, another after the baby is born, and then they’ll wait to hear from us about when we’re ready for visitors, which will be after we get home from the hospital. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve outlined this for them.
But then they call, and call, and ask if they’ll be allowed to come to the hospital, and make jokes about sneaking in to see the baby. And they’re divorced- so my dad keeps saying he wants to be texted first before my mom, and I am just like- why are you putting this childish rivalry on me, a 36 year old woman who is 40 weeks pregnant?? They’re both saying they’ll leave work as soon as they get the text. I am like- “why? You will not be allowed to visit, I put “no visitors” in my birth plan.”
I have a physical reaction every time they make me repeat myself, I feel like my blood pressure must be sky rocketing. It honestly makes me not even want to tell them when the baby is born at all. I don’t think they would really violate my very clear boundaries by showing up unwanted, but the fact they’re making jokes and forcing me to repeat myself again and again is just stressing me out.
They’re also really only interested in the baby and knowing when he might come. They’re not asking about me at all- how I’m doing, what I’m feeling. It’s just “are you having contractions yet”, “when can we visit”, “are you sure you don’t want us at the hospital”, over and over again.
I know they are anxious and excited, but I am about to go feral and run away to birth my baby in the deep woods
submitted by bangersonlyplz to BabyBumps [link] [comments]