New year 2011 start work

draw the rest of the fucking owl

2014.11.11 17:28 flounder19 draw the rest of the fucking owl

For instructions that are less than in depth.

2017.07.27 20:48 souffle-etc Embrace the chaos: Acrylic pouring!

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2013.04.03 20:56 fetamorphasis Etsy Sellers of Reddit

A subreddit for Etsy sellers on Reddit to collaborate and discuss techniques and experiences selling their products and building their stores.

2024.05.21 23:15 missmillierene Just got over pneumonia three weeks ago, and I now have it again at the worst possible time.

Three weeks ago, I thought I was dying. I was so sick, for three hellish weeks. The first week I was waiting for it to go away, then I got to a point I could barely breathe. So I went to the hospital where they horribly mistreated me and I left without treatment. Another week later and I had to suck it up and take the bus to the ER where they said I had pneumonia and a lung abscess.
About 12 days ago, a new depression medication I had been taking for a week prior caused me to experience horrific auditory hallucinations. This was the first time in my life I had experienced this, and it was so real, that after a week of torture, no sleep, all while not knowing it was the med causing it, I broke and called the police to go help my elderly neighbor who I was 100% convinced was being tortured in their apartment that’s connected to mine.
I had no idea I had a year old warrant from the girl my supposed former partner had been living with for two of the four years he said we were together. So the police checked on my neighbor, who was fine, and then came and arrested me.
While in jail for 8 days, I was not given any of my medications. Including the one causing the auditory hallucinations, which after two days they all stopped and that’s when I figured out that it had been the med that whole time.
While in jail, the sadistic sick guards put me with 14 other women in one small cell intended to hold 8, for almost 36 hours. They didn’t even give us water that entire duration. Two of the girls sitting next to me were complaining of sore throats. Yesterday I woke up with a cough, and today I’m coughing up green and grey yet again. I feel flat out like walking death.
When I got out of jail, which I had never been to before, nobody told me I needed to go directly to the bondsman and sign paperwork. So they called me last night and said if I don’t come in they will revoke my bond. They are in a city two hours away and I do not drive due to massive amounts of head trauma which caused a balance disorder.
Now I have to get two bus tickets, a Lyft to and from the bondsman, and only have $60 to do all that with. The woman that the SSA put in charge of my money at first, did not pay all of my rent last month, so I had to give my landlord $120 when I got out of jail, after finding an eviction notice warning letter on my coffee table when I got home.
I am in the middle of trying to pull together a move to NC after receiving a letter one week before I was arrested, saying that I had finally come up on the waitlist for Section 8 out there after years of waiting.
Today I had to make the decision on the lawyer I wanted to hire to help me with my trial since I am clueless about anything to do with law and don’t want to go back to jail.
I have a billion things to do this week still, including spending however many hours at the SSA tomorrow so I can get enough $ released early to pay my attorney fee so she can begin working on my case before the trial next month. I can barely stand up at this point, this just hit so hard so fast.
I’m so overwhelmed and none of this can be put off even a week. I haven’t eaten since I got out of jail 4 days ago cause all my food went bad and I have to give and save every dime now, part went to my landlord and the rest I need to get to the city my bondsman is in and make it home.
I cannot even believe this fucking shit.
submitted by missmillierene to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:14 Anadanament Zuzeshi, the Serpent's Embrace

Zuzeshi fulfills prompts 2 + 3 for May.
Contrasting Parts: Zuzeshi's goal is to be an assassin, as he strikes from stealth and takes control of a single target through the Serpent's Embrace, eating them slowly and rendering them useless to their team. He is a highly effective way to take out a single, high-priority target.
Zuzeshi is also a tank, eating everything he can find in the jungle, and using his ultimate to eat enemy Champions to increase his own maximum health and mana. He cannot gain health through levels, so he must farm extensively. With extensive crowd-control and a massive health pool, Zuzeshi can quickly disrupt team fights with high durability and reliable knockbacks and fears, and can even puppeteer targets with less health than himself to force them to attack their own allies and disrupt their own team.
Written By a Different Style: Zuzeshi's ultimate is different from most ultimates - he has a shape-shift ultimate... of sorts. When Zuzeshi ults, he flings himself at a specific target and becomes untargetable for up to 4 seconds, attaching himself to the enemy target. He then gains access to an entirely new kit that allows him to use the enemy he attached to in order to become a source of heavy disruption and mild DPS in the middle of their own team. As he can only puppeteer targets with less maximum health than himself, it plays to his strengths to grab a squishy carry and remove them from the fight.
And while he attaches to them, they are unable to use their own ult, replacing it with Constricted, an inactive passive that does nothing.
Zuzeshi is a jungler, and his ability to gain health and mana would suffer greatly if he spent his time attacking and eating lane minions. Large monsters give Zuzeshi a significant portion of his health gain.
Zuzeshi was born a warrior, fighting with his friends and winning before he was even a man. He established himself a great champion, taking on foes that many could not stand up to, serving as a war leader and a respected Chief in his own right.
But when his hair turned grey and he felt the loss of strength in his limbs for the first time, he became truly scared. A battle on the horizon, and soldiers for days, something that he would have laughed at in his youth, made him nervous.
And as the fighting started, Zuzeshi could not do it. He felt truly terrified for his life for the first time in his life as he fought men much younger than himself, and he couldn't fight them with brute strength alone.
And he ran. He looked at the hills, and he ran and he ran, and only one person saw him leave - Kichawi, his leader, the one woman who could tell him what to do.
And she cursed his name as she watched him run, as she stood in front of the tribe's children and struck down soldier after soldier with her magic of ice cold. She sung out a curse as old as her magic, turning Zuzeshi's blood cold and his body colder, terrifying him even further.
Zuzeshi lived out the rest of his days alone, longing for the respect and renown he had known in his youth. He died in a cave, alone, having not spoken a word to another human in decades.
But he did not leave for the spirit world. Instead, the once-great warrior awoke once more in the body of a serpent, forever cursed to feel that cold dread in his blood that he once felt when he ran as a coward.
And Kichawi called his name, seeking him out herself as a spirit herself, and bound him to the Txo-Yuha of their people, making him a puppet of the Oyate until he remembered what loyalty was.
submitted by Anadanament to LoLChampConcepts [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 shinkairi YouTube on Android

Videos on my Android phone have been getting slow and laggy. Takes a tiny bit longer to load to, even though internet speed didn't change. Is this a YouTube cache or something else YouTube related issue? Or is it most likely a phone issue, as in, my phone might die any minute now? It's only 3 years old. But it did fall once or twice. Could that be it? Specs are quite good, and it has been working fine till today. I did nothing to it that I know of that could have caused this. Downloaded nothing suspicious.
Or will a simple factory reset fix this whole thing?
submitted by shinkairi to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 Cotton-Collar Confusion over travel systems and compatability

We're looking at pushchairs/ carry cots/ car seats and I'm a bit confused about how they all work together.
I understand if we buy an all in one travel system then the parts (pushchaicarrycot/carseat) will be interchangeable on the frame and probably need an adapter for the car seat to sit on the frame.
If we buy a 2nd hand pushchaicarrycot and a new car seat, how likely is it that we'll be able to attach the car seat to the pushchair frame? Are adapters specific to the car seat or the pushchair? For example if I buy an Ickle Bubba pushchair and a Cossatto car seat, would I be able to buy adapters from Ickle Bubba that allow me to put the Cossatto car seat on the pushchair frame? I don't think we'd be regularly putting the car seat on the pushchair frame but partner says never say never and would like to understand the options.
Regarding isofix bases, is it a case of all car seats fit all bases? We have seen a 360 car seat base quite cheap on marketplace but haven't chosen a car seat yet, so I don't want to buy the base if it's not a universal fit if that makes sense?
Thanks all!
submitted by Cotton-Collar to PregnancyUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 JadedCitizen2022 I still have questions and am in a lot of pain nearly a month after the death of my cat - long

I adopted Pumpkin in the Winter of 2012-2013 after someone abandoned him in the town where we used to live. I took him to his very first vet appt several months later and his age was estimated to be 3 or 4 at that time.
Pumpkin was a runner for who knows how long before I adopted him, so getting him to be accustomed to becoming an indoor kitty was very hard. He tried a number of times over the years to escape but the few times he did, Pumpkin didn't get very far.
After adopting him, Pumpkin developed chronic constipation, probably because he was living a much more sedentary lifestyle He was put on Laxatone only at first but when that stopped working he was put on Lactulose too, which he hated.
To make a long story short, he eventually got put on Miralax, in addition to his Laxatone. Pepcid a/c was added when he developed upper tummy issues.
Fast-forward to February 2023. During one of his routine checkups, Pumpkin's vet told me she detected a heart arrhythmia. She urged me to take him for an EKG and echo, but I needed time to save money. It took several months to do that and get approval for the wheelchair bus I needed to take him out of town.
Pumpkin had an echo, which was normal, but the EKG was not and it confirmed his heart rhythm problem. This was late October 2023. His vet and I discussed putting him on a heart medication but I decided it wasn't worth the risk because he was very difficult to medicate. I was worried that something would happen if he went on it temporarily and then refused to keep taking it. Potential side effects were another reason.
In January of this year and mid-March, Pumpkin had what appeared to be transient stress episodes where he'd collapse on the floor, pant and act like he was dying. The first episode lasted about a half hour and it was on a weekend when no vets except for the online one was available. This happened right after I had to give him some medicine. I snuck up to him to put it on his paws - something I did many times previously w/o any problems. Right after this first episode I had a consult with an online emergency vet who was the one who told me it was probably a transient stress episode. I consulted with his regular vet soon thereafter and she agreed In mid-March he had another one that lasted longer, at least 45 minutes.
It was around this time he had a checkup with a different branch of his vet's office and a different vet, who said he was ok except for the heart rhythm problem. He had his rabies booster at that time too.
On April 23, two days before Pumpkin died, he had a massive bowel movement. I expected him to bounce back as usual but this time he didn't. Two days after that (the two day wait was so I could reserve a wheelchair bus - they require two days notice) I took him to the vet and after she examined my baby, his vet said he sounded like he had fluid in/near his lungs. Xrays and an ultrasound confirmed this, in addition to fluid in his abdomen. Even with treatment, the prognosis was poor and I made the difficult decision to have him put down.
To this day I question whether or not I could have done more to save him. If only money wasn't an issue and the heart tests weren't delayed....if only I gave him the heart medicine he probably would have eventually refused....if only I got the wheelchair bus approved sooner (the one where I took him out of town for the heart tests). And if only I didn't choose to let him have his rabies booster. I had it done a couple of months before it was due to save time since we were already at the vet's. I didn't anticipate any more problems.
Both his vet and the one who did his heart tests said there was nothing I could do to have prevented his from happening. His next to last vet appt (with that rabies booster) was about 5 weeks before he died. Pumpkin seemed ok then per the vet. The sudden accumulation of fluid around his lungs and abdomen happened after that.
Both vets said it can happen that fast. Cats are really good at hiding how sick they are.
I've been going over what few medical records I have on hand....posts on a cat owner message board to construct a timeline of his health issues, etc, all to figure out if I missed anything. The one thing I stayed on top of without fail was keeping him pooping, which, after Pumpkin died, probably extended his life so said his regular vet.
Btw, Pumpkin's weight on his next to last vet appt was about nine pounds or so. In the five weeks or so from that day to his death he gained about one pound, which is a huge amount in such a short period of time for a cat. It was most likely his heart.
Pumpkin was a short haired male cat, neutered and declawed by his previous owner.
I should have asked for a necropsy but it's too late now. One thought occurred to me - maybe I should ask for a copy of his medical records? I don't want to be a pita to his vet. She bent over backwards to help me and him, esp. on his last day on Earth. I discussed the possibility of fostering a cat and his vet said she would be a reference for me.
I keep blaming myself. What should I do now? I am gutted.
I have no idea how this happened. His age was estimated to be around 14-15.
Please help me. Thank you.
submitted by JadedCitizen2022 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 Casandora At least five years did she have to wait for GW to catch up.

At least five years did she have to wait for GW to catch up.
Look what fell into my lap just now. I have spent way too many hours experimenting Benefictus head designs these last days, and as I was looking for an odd bit on a shelf for abandoned projects this finished model literally fell into my lap. 😳
It's a pretty decent Benefictus proxy. It needs some more details added for sure, but the basic shape and symbolism is definitely there: Anti-tank gun, psychic hand to enlarged head, concentrated/painful grimace.
I had forgotten all about her. I don't even remember when I started this project or what it was supposed to represent (Sentinel? Hive Guard? For one of my home-brew skirmish systems?). But I do know that it was long since abandoned when the Abominant was announced in 2019, because I dusted off her twin to convert into an Abominant.
So she has been patiently waiting for at least five years, until GW finally acknowledged her existence with a datasheet!
"A plan generations in the making" indeed!
submitted by Casandora to genestealercult [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 Tubzy023 Upgraded PC keeps crashing

So I recently updated my build with some new components
Kept my case, GPU (RTX 3070 FTW), and storage (970 Evo m.2)
When I first turned on my PC, I changed bios and after a few tweaks I was able to load into my windows, but it kept crashing. I then decided to use the integrated graphics and disconnect my GPU, which worked fine to download drivers. I plugged in my gpu again and installed the latest drivers, then restarted. It would work fine, but as soon I enter an application it would crash. Sowmtimes as I opened any game client, sometimes just as I press enter to login. I thought my power supply was the problem as I had a 650 80+gold, so I got a new, NZXT 850 Gold but the same problem is occurring and it keeps crashing. My PC with the old components worked perfect, so the GPU is not defective or anythin and I’ve been stuck for 3 days trying to figure it out.
Any help is much appreciated
submitted by Tubzy023 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 Upstairs-Studio8509 I can't decide if I should ask my boss for help

I have an idea for a product that would work great in the same industry as the company I work for without being a competitor. But I lack knowledge, resources and networking relationships that are needed. I really want to own the concept and execution and build my vision into a real company making real revenue. I have thought out everything I can and I'm at the point where I need to bring others in to start the actual work. My boss is a cool guy, very understanding and supportive. I'd value his input on my idea either way, but I want to ask him if I can use the company's resources to take on the project myself. If I do this I feel like the product would then belong to his company and not me. I would feel comfortable asking for significant profit share from the use of the product, but since he would front me the resources (and hopefully some cash for marketing/advertising) I also think it would be fair for his company to own it.
What should I do?
submitted by Upstairs-Studio8509 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:12 Ill_Variation_2490 New player looking for some tips!

I haven't played Factions for years ever since I got the platinum trophy for the original The Last of Us, but after they canceled the new stand-alone multiplayer game I decided to go back to the original and I'm surprised at how good the multiplayer mode still is! I just love the slow-paced, grounded style of these games!
That being said it's honestly a strange occurrence when there isn't at least one person telling me just how bad I am on the voice chat every match, honestly it gives me some classic Call of Duty lobby flashbacks haha, I try to mute and avoid them as much as possible but I'd like to get better at the game and feel like I'm actually contributing to my team so I'd be immensely grateful if you guys could give me a few tips at how to get better at the game.
submitted by Ill_Variation_2490 to thelastofusfactions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:12 little_sunshine- How are Merida e-bikes?

Hi I’m thinking of getting Merida e-bikes. Im thinking of using it to commute to work, so about 40KM back and forth a day. I also live in Auckland, New Zealand, so the city is quite hilly, a lot of ups and downs.
Does anyone know if the Merida bikes are durable, how well do the batteries last overtime?
Many thanks
submitted by little_sunshine- to ebikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 MastaAnime 2011 Chevy Equinox Not Starting After Recharging AC

I drive a 2011 Chevy equinox LT. Today I tried to give a recharge to the AC. I attached the hose to the low pressure value, and after filling up the system towards the green line, The Hague on the nozzle suddenly stopped working. Even after squeezing refrigerant again, the needle would jump and just return to 0. The AC also failed to get cooler. I let the car idle and ran the ac on blast for about 30 minutes and then drove home. After pulling into the parking space and turning my car off. It no longer starts. The car had power, and a check engine light comes on. The starter clicks once and then stops.
submitted by MastaAnime to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 din-owenz is it authentic ?

is it authentic ?
hihi, a guy offered to trade his gameboy for an item I'm selling and I'm just wondering if it's a genuine gameboy. thanks !
submitted by din-owenz to gameverifying [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 LifeIsJustASickJoke My mother knew there was a 95% chance her next child would have at least one disability, yet she still decided to have a third child because she didn't want to work.

Here's a summary to start: my parents had my brother, and two years later, in 2000, I was born with multiple disabilities. My brother was just lucky not to be disabled. The doctor then told my parents that if they had another child, there was a 95% chance it would also have at least one disability. Ten years later, in 2010, my mother still decided to have a third child (my sister) simply so she could stay home and not have to work, as she would have to take care of a child at home.
In other words, she ruined a person's life because she was too lazy and didn’t want to work. Now, my sister (and I) must live a life full of suffering just because my mother is obviously a complete idiot.
And the saddest part is this: last year, she needed glasses because her eyesight isn't as good as it used to be, and she got so upset about needing glasses and couldn't accept it. But having a child with disabilities is not a problem? As long as she isn't physically affected, she obviously doesn't care.
Her “logic”: I deliberately had a child with disabilities, so I wouldn’t need to work. That’s no problem. I need glasses because my eyesight got worse over time. How can the universe do this to me!
It's just pathetic. How can anyone be so selfish? I just don’t get it.
submitted by LifeIsJustASickJoke to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 clowesy22 Walken with Giants Podcast: Not a thing?

Hello heroes - big UK fan of the ATN podcast and have been for a few years now. The ATN podcast always produced the best NFL content in my eyes, but as a Giants fan, when I started hearing about this “Walken with Giants” podcast… well, “colour me intrigued” as Marc would say in his Olde English parlance.
Since Christopher Walken’s great work was brought up in previous months, I’ve been searching for his Big Blue podcast. Alas to no avail, only being able to find “Walking With Giants” charity initiatives and no Oscar-winning G-men audio-feasts.
And after months of searching, what do I find with one glance at a deep sub-reddit? It’s Jason FREAKING Zumwalt with the gaul and audacity to replicate the legend’s voice and produce this fake content. I both hate it and, ultimately, love it at the same time. Why did I think Christopher bloody Walken would be dialling down on all things New York Football Giants in his spare time? I don’t know, all I know is Zummy got me good, what a hero. Heed the call.
submitted by clowesy22 to AroundTheNFL [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 windowtomymind my partner (26 nb) was mean to me (23f) when meeting my mom for hr first time

my partner, who i love, has been working on changing. they are going to therapy, using therapy tools and making huge effort. they always admit their mistakes and apologise soon after they do something like yell o overreact. they grew up without a role model for love, and their family relationships are tumultuous- which I have seen. The family is a lot. They are also from a culture known for yelling being he normal.
Anyways, I am close with my family. My mom came to visit us after three years of marriage (international couple) and finally met my partner in person. The first few days were fine but the last day was awful. All the stuff my partner had worked on in therapy over the past few months went out the window completely. They insulted me in a catty way and told me they wanted a divorce twice in the same day, both in front of my mom. Both times they apologised after but it was INSANE that they did this in front of my mom, whose opinion means so much to me. She now told my family and doesn't feel like I am in a emotionally safe relationship. I moved to a different country to be with my partner so for them to threaten divorce is to uproot and change my whole life in a way that is so intense. International relationships are hard and we have had a difficult time as it is.
My mom and I cried on the last day, not how I wanted her to feel at the end of her trip. She supports and loves my other siblings relationships, but said mine felt like a toxic cycle of fighting and making up. I don't know what to do. My partner cried and apologised, asking for me back and said they would do more therapy and that they didn't mean it. They used to say that and I told them threatening the relationship is abusive when i have nobody in this country and that's a big reason they went to therapy in the first place. The fighting was over trivial sh*t like sharing housework and just little stuff I don't fight people over. Insulting me too. My mom knows i'm very non particulachill and knows I wouldn't ever get worked up about these things. She felt my partner talked down to me and was not pulling their weight in the relationship, which is true and I almost broke up with them before they started making those impactful changes.
Now my mom saw the way they treated me a few months ago before they started to change, and I was so upset in her visit those behaviours came out. When they said they wanted a divorce in front of my mom I almost packed my bags and left. I stayed in the end because they were telling me they are going to do more therapy or anything I need to try to change. They love me and I love them, my mom agrees to seeing their love for me and that it is a dysfunction in how they show it.
I told them I am taking time to decide if I should stay or go. I am married and in love with this person, so nuanced answers would be appreciated. They are a good person, but with bad learned tendencies from their family (which I have witnessed) and are actively trying to change.
On the flip, can I be with someone who would talk down on me and threaten our relationship in front of my family? It seems humiliating in an unforgivable way, or that's how it felt in the moment. I love them very much, but I feel at a crossroads.
Can people change patterns they work hard to change, and do not want in your opinion. And if they can, how long would I need to be patient to wait for those changes. They've been in therapy for a few months and had really made so many changes I asked for until my mom came... which is really really upsetting. We are in our early 20's and I just need advice from other married people. They have manipulative and controlling tendencies- and so does the family. I always call it out, they always apologise.
I know people say "if your partner wants to they will" and they are doing everything I asked, but how they acted especially in front of meeting my mom was nuts. They are in the process of changing. I am in the process of deciding to stay or go.
Mind you, it is a huge life decision as I applied for PR in their home country and paid a lot of money and we are married. My whole life would change drastically if I left, and they are my best friend, partner, and companion. They treat me right 80% of the time, but the other 20% is unacceptable. And they know that. I always tell them.
Drunk rant.
submitted by windowtomymind to u/windowtomymind [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:10 No-Edge3135 Starting prozac... advice?

Tw I'm new to reddit and I'm giving TMI. idk what to do and where to go. I'm trying to find support.
I'm starting new medication for my anxiety/PTSD after being unmedicated for almost 10 yrs. The panic episodes are getting worse and compulsive. I wake up in the middle of the night and within 5 minutes convince myself that I'm awake cause I'm going to v*- then sob and shake all night. I'm about to lose my job because of it. I'm extremely underweight because I'm scared of eating.
My new psychiatrist thinks prozac (10mg) will help me but I know it causes n. She prescribed me ondansetron 4mg with it. I need to start meds because I cannot handle this constant anxiety but I'm scared to take it. I don't know when n from taking prozac kicks in. I need to go to work in 4 hrs and if I feel n* at work I'll freak out again and get fired. But I also want to take advantage of taking it while my boyfriend is home... I just don't know what to do. I need help. I can't handle this anymore.
submitted by No-Edge3135 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:10 BaseballBot Game Thread 5/21 ⚾ Mets (21-26) @ Guardians (31-17) 6:10 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Mets (21-26) @ Guardians (31-17)

First Pitch: 6:10 PM at Progressive Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Mets Adrian Houser (0-3, 7.44 ERA) SNY WCBS 880, WINS 92.3 (ES)
Guardians Xzavion Curry (0-0, 0.00 ERA) BSGL WTAM, WARF1350 (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Pre-Game

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
NYM 0 0 0 -
CLE 0 0 0 -

Box Score

Posted at 5:10 PM. Updates start at game time.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:09 CharlesRimbaud I (M21) can't even pay her (F23) a cinémas ticket. How overcome this feeling of ruining her youth?

Hello everyone, My girl (F23) and I (M21) have been together for five years, we are happy in the sense that we love each other a lot, the passion is still there etc etc. Except that we live in poverty, I alternate between many jobs so that we can pay the rent etc., I often find myself doing odd night jobs. She works in a store but earns very little. Between us we manage to just about get by, that is to say, pay the rent and buy just about enough food, but it's a daily struggle. And today I got depressed, telling myself that I couldn't even afford to go to the cinema for her, we don't have many friends and the only outings we do are walks in nature. In short, the feeling of not being present enough because I do everything to earn a little money and despite this not being able to pay her anything that would make him happy, not a single birthday present for two years et. She tells me that everything about love is fine, that she would love me to be more present but that the moments we spend are magical and that she is happy despite poverty but I am afraid that one day she will look back and say to herself : I missed my youth with him, I went through so much.. We never live. Of course, this is the case for many people (metro, work, sleep) and we are not the only ones but how do you overcome this feeling of surviving and never really living?
submitted by CharlesRimbaud to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:09 Ella77214 I had a bad day and am feeling super bummed out

My boss "jim" and I don't have a natural chemistry. We constantly miscommunication. Like we both speak two different languages.
If we met one another outside of work. We would never be friends just bc our personalities are so different. My personality is too "big". I'm professional but I get very excited about new ideas and projects and I love working hard and what's worse - I'm enthusiastic about working hard.
He is very introverted. And just has the opposite demeanor.
I recognized early enough on that I should scale myself back with him and that less was more.
But no matter what I do - I'm always doing it wrong or I'm doing the wrong thing according to him. I have a lot of experience and I'm smart. And I always thought that my personality may not be for him but we worked well together bc we respected the others one intelligence and experience very.
But it finally landed with me - - I realized that he not only doesn't like me, he thinks I'm stupid.
For months, he already vehemently disagrees with anything I say. No matter what I say or how I say it. He never supports anything I saY or tell staff. And contradicts me with staff and has been wrong for it. He seems to be happiest when he knows I am doing menial work. I have to keep and projects I have secret. If he finds out that I am doing anything that involves using brain cells, he will assign it our from me to someone else.
And it's so hurtful but today was a real bad day as far as his open display of his contempt for me goes. All the following happened today:
  1. This morning, he sent an updated staff assignment sheet showing who should contact staff for what area of.concern. he asked us all to review it b4 he published it on the intranet. He had at least 15'-20 items listed for each team member. My name was at the very bottom. Be had two items listed. He sent me a note and told me I should add more responsibilities of mine if I could think of any.
  2. I received a salesforce question from staff. Salesforce isn't my area, so I pinged both him and my colleague who manages it to communicate it. Denise responds with an answer to the inquiry. And I thanked her. Then my boss wrote "that's an excellent approach, denise!" And it's not that he complimented her. It's that it took him complimenting her to make me realize in that moment that he has never said one nice thing to me about anything I do in the workplace.
  3. Yesterday, Our sales team sent he and I a fairly standard support request with a non standard caveat. I responded and indicated that I could not immediately comply with the request without confirming that what they wanted wasn't a compliance violation. He replied all and said it was fine and to do it. I really struggled and ultimately decided - without consulting him - to email our CIO and legal and I CCed him and I relayed the request and relayed the concern I had. And without naming names I said I was being pushed to perform an action that I was not comfortable performing until I knew that action was compliant. Today, The 4 of us had to get on a call. I was told I was really smart for contacting them and that it wasn't compliant and good catch on my end. Jim didn't acknowledge any part of the conversation one way or another. He just said he would talk to sales.
  4. Our team has our first stand up call as part of a new meeting series. It's a 3 min round Robin where we all go thru and quickly update the team on what we are doing. Ive been coaching denise on product implementation (unbeknownst to jim). I recently led a project of hers (in secret) while educating her on the why behind the scenes so she wouldnt need me for her next project. I directed her every action item. I provided guidance, support, timlines. Today she announced the close of the project. Jim was ecstatic and singing her praises. She looked so uncomfortavle. She repeatedly credited me with mentoring her. He would not acknowledge any claim of hers to give me credit. there was 6 minutes left on the call by the time it got to me (I was last). I ran thru my current tasks super quick.
  5. Our weekly 1:1 meeting was next. He was20 minutes late. I was very eager to show him something I had spent weeks working on (bc I do care about the work. And I love working. I can hide my enthusiasm but it shows in my work. Multiple industry pros who I have worked with in the past have praised my project plans and audits and other efforts as "the gold standard." Our company was late to adopting agile methodology. I am an agile pro. He's been dragging his feet on committing to it but it's a directive from higher up. Today, I presented him with the "skeleton'" if you will of our teams roadmap. I built everything for him - just the bones, the automation. I added my own work to it aa a demo. The outline that all he would have to do is fill in. This was something that would have taken him hours of time to do if he had attempted building it himself. Which is why he kept putting it off.
    Before presenting these boards to him, colleagues from different departments had stumbled upon them and asked me if they could clone my work over to their own workspace and did I have any mgmt tips for them. I did not share this with him. I'm not a bragger but I do take great pride in my work. I low key worked on our boards outside of office hours. I was determined that this would finally win him over. Bc I've never quite understood how he treats me. My personality isn't for everyone, I know that. And I'm not perfect. I've contributed to miscommunications between us before. But I've tried really hard to be what he needs me to be in this organization in my role. And today I was going to do it. I was determined it was going to be our watershed moment. I proudly unveiled my boards. He waved them off. Made a remark that he thought it was so interesting to see what people got passionate about in the workplace. That he thinks it's funny that they usually think they're helping the organization when they are really making it all about themselves. He then throws in "and I say that in the nicest way possible." He then told me I had talked for way too long on our stand up call. He said I had to dial it way back next week. That the entire team did not have time to sit there and listen me ramble.
And I've been sitting here sobbing ever since. That pushed me over the age. Normally I can shake it off, I can separate, I like myself, I know I work hard, I know that I am smart. So I am pretty quick to let go of all the ways he chooses to diminish me on a fairly regular basis. But this was alot of hits to take in one day. I'm embarrassed to admit that he really took the wind out of my sails today. And I feel so stupid. I feel so fucking stupid. And I just want to quit. I don't want to work here anymore. This feels awful. And everyone loves him. He's every employees favorite guy. He is universally beloved at my company. So surely I must be the problem, right? And we ve talked about our miscommunication and I've done everything I can but I guess I just rub him the wrong way. I am always either not doing enough, doing roo much, or I'm doing the wrong thing. And I just needed someplace to vent while I cried my eyes out.
Tl; DR: boss is really mean to me, today he made me cry, I need to make a plan to quit
submitted by Ella77214 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:09 LatteFreeKingDa Should I get a quick cash loan if I can pay it off soon?

Long story I'll try to make short. Girlfriend and I got in an accident two years ago, not at fault, car was totalled. We got a lawyer. Our insurance and the other party's was able to cover our rental car costs, until we couldn't, and we had to buy a new car to go to work. We got a used car in good shape, but on a 26% interest loan that was super hard to pay off, and after being behind for too long, the car got repossessed, and I have about a week to get it reinstated before we're stuck with paying for a car we no longer have.
Good news is, the settlement from the accident has FINALLY been closed and our checks are making there way over, but just not in time for us to use that money on the car.
We've already gotten so much help from friends and family on other matters, it seems our outside resources have been exhausted.
From what I understand these cash loans suck and are incredibly dangerous in the long run... but assuming my check will be here shortly after, is it my best option? I have no credit, yet. The car loan was on my girlfriend's credit which is currently suffering.
submitted by LatteFreeKingDa to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:09 SafetyStandard8229 Gaming PC - fans run loud then screens go black constantly

This happens to me about every 30 mins to an hour where I have to restart the PC to fix it. I thought it was maybe overheating but the temp checks I did seem that the PC is not getting too hot. How could or should I try fixing this? The PC is relatively new (it was a pre-built from best buy), I've only used it for 2-3 months and works fine normally.
It is Windows 11 with 4070 Ti GPU
Also I tried looking for GPU driver updates and saw there was none available so I dont think that is the issue (hopefully)
submitted by SafetyStandard8229 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:08 Terkmc Yes, we've had baby NHP talent and angry NHP talent, but what about a third hidden thing: Roomate-you-have-beef-with NHP

Yes, we've had baby NHP talent and angry NHP talent, but what about a third hidden thing: Roomate-you-have-beef-with NHP submitted by Terkmc to LancerRPG [link] [comments]