Swollen lymphnode on left side of neck

Star Wars Tattoo: I find your lack of ink disturbing...

2016.09.24 05:05 JediPaxis Star Wars Tattoo: I find your lack of ink disturbing...

Do you have a full back tattoo of Darth Vader? Are the dark side and the light side your right and left sleeves? Is the Imperial Cog or Rebellion Firebird emblazoned on your shoulder? Is the force no match for a good blaster on your side? Did you get Ric Olié done on your calf before you saw The Phantom Menace? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the place for you! Come and share your unique Star Wars tattoos with the world!

2012.11.13 21:11 SpinningHead Liberalgunowners: Gun-ownership through a pro-gun liberal / leftist lens.

Gun-ownership through a pro-gun liberal / leftist lens.

2019.05.15 15:44 GhostOfSomeRobot DankLeft

This is a subreddit for Marxists, Anarchists, and DemSocs, with only the most dank and most left memes. Proletarians of all nations, unite! Seize the memes of production! You have nothing to lose but your frown!

2024.05.21 21:10 Mysterious_Theory328 Life feels destroyed after this diagnosis.

NOTE: I posted this elsewhere yesterday when I was completely spiraling. I feel a a fraction of a bit better today. I'm leaving this in word-for-word. Even though I say at the end I don't know why I posted this, I guess I do want to hear about other people's experiences. Its felt better to get this out.
The last three years of my life have been pretty tough, but I really thought I had come through the other side. I (M39) decided to go back to school, as I was not very happy in my former field. It was an extremely tough thing to do, as I would be taking a pay cut for the foreseeable future. My ex-girlfriend and I had been together for almost three years at this point and owned a house together. She said she supported my decision and understood my time would become limited considerably while I was in my program. Well that was a fucking lie. Almost immediately she started complaining about me "not taking her out" like I used to, or not doing as many projects around the house. The program I was in was already anxiety-inducing enough. To cut a long story short (because this isn't event what this post is about), I came to see our relationship was transactional, developed severe anxiety, and started to suffer health-related problems like high blood pressure. By the skin of my teeth I passed my program, became licensed, but had lingering issues around everything that had gone down in that span of time.
Over the last six months I have put in a lot of work and truly felt very hopeful for my future. I saw a therapist, got on some medications, lost 20 lbs. and got into great shape. Starting this new field has been a challenge, but also rewarding in the way I was looking for. I met a girl at work which I was very hesitant about d/t setting and some lingering anxiety issues. There was common interest, and I really explained what I had gone through and where I felt like I was. We both agreed to take things VERY SLOW. Hiking, lunch, movies, very casual for the first month. We finally had our first "serious" date - a fancy late night dinner and tickets to a show. We had some wine at her house after, and after some light touching and kissing, we had the conversation of getting tested because we were very much both interested in pursuing more. She had an ex give her chlamydia and had an upcoming OB/GYN appointment and was planning and getting a full workup. I thought "Well I've only slept with two women in the past eight years and have had no issues," but knew I hadn't been tested since 2016, which had shown I was clean.
I got my results back last Friday. HSV II. I'm fucking stunned. I mean I couldn't fucking breath. Full blown panic attack. I have never had any issues with my penis at all. Never any pain urinating, nothing. All the anxiety that I had worked so hard to get rid of came back and crushed me over this last weekend. It was all I could do to to get through my 12-hour shifts. I immediately hit up both of my ex's to figure out who the hell had given me this, as there was no other way. Last ex proceeds to tell me she had been tested about six months ago when she started dating her new boyfriend. I confirm she's clean for HSV II. She proceeds to berate me for being an idiot and a near 40 year-old with a disease now. I'll admit I'm not very proud of this, but she assumed I had caught something after her and I did not tell her that that left only the possibility of my relationship before her passing this to me.
So on to the title and why I'm so devastated. I'm really racking my brain on how I could have this but never see anything wrong with my penis. Then I read something that was my 'getting struck by lightening' moment. It was a post that is very similar to mine. Guy gets tested, guy gets HSV II diagnosis, perplexed at no previous penis symptoms. But he does get pretty bad cold sores from time-to-time. His Dr informs him that it's very possibly to get HSV II on your face. Now I never thought I had a cold sore before, but I remember back in 2017 getting an infected hair follicle in the hair right below my bottom lip after shaving. I went to the Dr, he looks at it and says "Yup, looks like an infection," give me antibiotics, but it doesn't go away for about two weeks. About two years after that, same thing happens: I shave, my follicle gets infected, I get more antibiotics from the Dr, and though it's not anywhere near as bad as the first time it still takes about two weeks to heal. Then almost exactly a year ago the same thing pops about, but this time I haven't shaved. Call my Dr, gives me antibiotics without even looking at it. I start looking at HSV II outbreaks in the same area as I was getting my infected follicle. I find a few pictures that look dead-on from what mine looks like. I at least though "Well, it's on my penis, condoms exist," but I'm not exaggerating in the least when I tell you after my realization I felt like the hopeless protagonist at the end of an HP Lovecraft novel where he realizes there is indeed a fate worse than death.
I'm finally able to get ahold of my ex from back in 2016. She confirms to me that she indeed has HSV II, but didn't think to tell me because we hadn't spoken in years. "I figured if you didn't reach out then we were good." This confirms she cheated on me because we were tested together. I don't even care about that now. Now my focus shifts to the girl I'm currently dating. She knows something is up. So I just started at where we work and on the other hand she's been there for six years. She is like family to most people on the floor. I'm the annoying new guy who barely knows anyone. She has her OB/GYN appointment today and I realize I need to tell her that not only do I have HSV II, that it's on my face and there is possibility she might have it on hers' too. She is very calm about it but I can tell in her voice that she is shook. I hope to beyond all fucking hope that her test comes back all clear. I'm also legitimately contemplating put in my resignation at work, a job I just fucking started. There's no way this doesn't get out at work and I don't become ostracized. I don't know how I'm going to approach this in the future, I don't see any romance in my life anymore. And this is so fucking selfish, but if I gave this to her I am legitimately scared on how this will make ME feel. I'm scarred that that guilt will cripple me and I'll be doomed to live in constant anxiety. I don't feel any better writing this all out, in fact I feel worse. I have no idea why the fuck I'm posting this.
submitted by Mysterious_Theory328 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:08 StuwiSux Made some quick geographical connections by cross-referencing the gameplay and the story trailer

Made some quick geographical connections by cross-referencing the gameplay and the story trailer
In this wide shot of the shadowlands, the central citadel below the tree is the one that draws our attention and I saw people assume that the battle we see Messmer lead in the story trailer is happening there, or in Leyndell. However, if we focus on those thorns on the left side of the screen, a connection can be made with another fortress.
In this shot of what I assume would be a Legacy Dungeon, we can see those exact same thorns and the rooftop above them. I have highlighted a few notable buildings which will be used later.
In this shot of Messmer overseeing the battle, we can see that exact same tower and I believe he is standing somewhere around those thorns, perhaps they were even his creation. The general shape of the walls also matches and we can see water behind them, which aligns with this left/west position legacy dungeon, rather the one central under the tree.
We then get this shot of the skyline which is crumbling upwards, the same as on the Legacy Dungeon in the gameplay trailer. The only thing that is slightly throwing me off is the proximity of the Tree. It looks closer, like with the central crescent-sap tower citadel, but obviously the architecture doesn't match.
We also have this shot of the Miquellan Knight, in which we can spot that greek parthenon looking structure so we can conclude that he/she is also standing in front of the Legacy Dungeon, of course the tree aligns too.
submitted by StuwiSux to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 Quick-Clothes-7063 Continuous cramp

So I have an exophytic fibroid that’s 9cm (on ultrasound) 12cm (on mri) primarily grown on the left side of my uterus. I’ve been having pelvic pain on and off but for the last 2 days the discomfort has been more consistent, this morning the discomfort has now turned to pain, it’s like I have a massive cramp on my right side. Standing up straight hurts, lifting my right leg, taking a deep breath and touching the area brings on the sharp/cramping feeling. Has anyone had this issue before ? If so any recommendations to help with the pain. Sometimes emptying my bladder helps but so far no luck.
submitted by Quick-Clothes-7063 to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:00 alyakakakayla has anyone ever had this particular spot pierced?

has anyone ever had this particular spot pierced?
i have both lobes stretched to 7mm, but my left one is very off center and has this good bit of extra lobe on the side of it. i was wondering if other people with uneven stretched lobes have taken this as an opportunity to pierce that spot? i love getting poked so my brain thinks every empty spot on me needs a piece of jewelry but i don’t know if it would look strange having something there 😭 been thinking about it for a while now so i’d love anybody’s experience or opinions with this!
submitted by alyakakakayla to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 Clumsy_the_24 Erm what the sigma

Erm what the sigma
Why must I commit animal cruelty to be invisible
submitted by Clumsy_the_24 to occult [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 Wonderful_Lock_7171 Hesychasm pushing me to leave Orthodoxy - MODs plz have mercy on me, genuine inquiry

Hi all, as the title says Hesychasm has "pushed" me towards leaving the EO Church. It may seem like a minor thing to leave EO over, but for me I've been torn between EO and RC for some time now and this issue is the "smoking gun" (imo). Let me explain my line of thinking and please correct me where/if I'm wrong or misinformed.
EO and RC split around 1054, RC proceeds to introduce some "new" additions to the faith (Purgatory, Immaculate Conception etc.) but nothing that is necessarily that impactful on a day to day basis. (E.g. whether or not Mary was immaculately conceived doesn't weigh on my conscious daily and doesn't really impact my prayer life or spiritual life in a meaningful way). I understand that there are obviously doctrines that do impact RC lives daily (e.g. indulgences) but I still believe this is on a minor scale compared to my next point. EO on the other hand, kept their traditions mostly the same after the split with a few minor additions of their own as well. That was UNTIL the Palamas/Hesychasm debates in the 14th Century. During this era of EO history, the EO monks began to embrace some very odd practices involving breathe work, postures (i.e. yoga), meditation, and supposedly began seeing the "uncreated light of God". These practices very obviously are identical to the pagan practices we see in yoga and Islam etc. and were foreign to The Faith until after the split when the EO embraced them. Barlaam the theologian/monk and scholar proceeds to condemn these practices as unorthodox and Palamas is considered a heretic until that decision is overturned and eventually EO embrace Palamas and his Hesychasm teachings, and I believe Barlaam went on to convert to RC afterward. That's a very abridged version, but all that to say, if EO fully embraced this teaching that by sitting in a certain yoga poses, tucking your chin in, breathing through the diaphragm, and navel gazing will provide Christians with the possible ability to "see God", isn't this a MAJOR erroneous development in our tradition? I get it, RC introducing Purgatory is a tough pill to swallow, but doesn't that at least stay within the parameters of Christian faith comparatively speaking to our "side" that accepted full blown demonically centered yoga? I think at the time in the 1350s all the Christian/Hindu/Buddhist/Islamic monks doing this practice were having experiences, but I think as the science has caught up in the 21st Century, we're kinda left with egg on our face as we now know it isn't "God" they were seeing, but was due to the blood flow and oxygen levels that are manipulated by meditative yoga. If an atheist can reproduce this identical experience as many do through meditation/yoga, then we know it wasn't a supernatural experience as Palamas and ultimately EO doctrinal defined it.
All that to say, if anyone has 15 mins to watch this clip from 2:06-17:26 (Youtub = Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine of God - by Vaticancatholic.com) outlining these practices in Hesychams and teachings of Palamas I'd love to hear a thoughtful rebuttal (FYI the content creator is uncharitable and difficult to stomach at times, but his historical account/quotes are spot on according to reputable Orthodox online resources I've found). I don't want to leave EO but feel as though if our fathers got it THIS wrong in this area and embraced full blown pagan demonic yogi practices and affirmed it in our "Spirit lead" synods/councils, then we are in grave error and thus prone to error in other areas as well (i.e. the Papacy perhaps?). Accepting the Pope has spoken infallibly 5-10 times over the last 2000 yrs has been much easier for me to accept then EO fundamentally shifting to a Palamas-ish theology. And honest question, if this has become part of the EO tradition, how many of you actually practice this? Seriously, if we can potentially "see God" tonight through breathwork and special postures, why wouldn't we do this daily? (I have a sneaking suspicion most of us don't participate in this practice because something within us knows better).
Thank you in advance! And if you don't have time to watch the clip, here are the major quotes that I see as being irreconcilable for the EO:
“Striking parallels exist between the physical techniques recommended by the Byzantine Hesychasts and those employed in Hindu Yoga and in Sufism” - Bishop Timothy (Kallistos) Ware
“It was Gregory’s achievement to set Hesychasm on a firm dogmatic basis by integrating it into Orthodox theology as a whole. His teaching was confirmed by two councils held at Constantinople in 1341 and 1351, which, although local and not Ecumenical, yet possess a doctrinal authority in Orthodox theology scarcely inferior to the seven general councils themselves.” - Bishop Timothy (Kallistos) Ware
“One of the most thoroughgoing attempts in the history of Christian spirituality to ascribe a positive and dynamic role to the body during prayer was made by the fourteenth-century hesychasts. As an accompaniment to the recitation of the Jesus prayer they proposed a physical technique that has obvious parallels in yoga and among the Sufis of Islam.” - Bishop Timothy (Kallistos) Ware
"How should such a one not gain great profit if, instead of letting his eye roam…he should fix it on his breast or on his navel, as a point of concentration?...he will also, by disposing his body in such a position, recall into the interior of the heart a power which is ever flowing outwards…” - Gregory Palamas, The Triads
“By fixing one’s gaze on one’s navel and resting one’s chin on one’s breast, one could make one’s breathing coincide with the repetition of the prayer.”- Hesychast Monk's instructions
“Just as the aspirant in Yoga is taught to concentrate his thought in specific parts of his body, so the Hesychast concentrates his thought in the cardiac centre.” - Hesychast Monk's instructions
"Rest your beard on your chest, and focus your physical gaze, together with the whole of your intellect, upon the center of your belly or your navel.” - Hesychast Monk's instructions
submitted by Wonderful_Lock_7171 to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 ToncBlonc Wings of Steel. Phantom Within. Chapter 22

Sonora, Jellyfish, Cavemaker and Canary had sent up camp on the edge of the sand kingdom. They hadn’t been able to make it the full way due to Canary’s increase in weight from the eggs she was carrying and Sonora not being able to fly as fast as the rest. Sonora was currently sitting on the edge of camp looking at the sky. She was wondering how to go about her feelings for Jellyfish. She had caught herself looking at Jellyfish out of the corner of her eye a few times. And a few other Jellyfish had caught her and Sonora looked back in the direction they were going. Sonora couldn’t help but look at the beautiful green and pink seawing. What am I to do about this? She thought with sadness. Every time I open my mouth to talk to her and she looks at me I freeze up. She laid down and put her talons over her eyes.
“You have to tell her eventually.” Sonora quickly sat up to see Cavemaker walking up to sit next to her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sonora said quickly, feeling herself begin to blush. Cavemaker chuckled.
“No dragon has been able to hide their feelings for another from me yet.” He said with a laugh. “You aren’t any different.”
“Shouldn’t you be discussing your wedding with Canary?” Sonora challenged the nightwing. She just wanted to sit in silence with her thoughts.
“She fell asleep already.” Cavemaker countered. “I managed to convince her she needed sleep.”
“I don’t see why you're so worried about marrying her.” Sonora said. “You’re nothing but kind and caring to her.”
“Background, heritage, my lack of parenting skills?” Cavemaker suggested, worry slightly breaking into his voice.
“She doesn’t care about your heritage.” Sonora told the nightwing. “She challenged your father knowing he was trying to get you on his side.” She paused to see if he would react. Cavemaker did not. “She found comfort in you because you both have no known family.” Cavemaker opened his mouth to argue. “Blood family.” Sonora corrected herself. “As far as everyone knows, you’re the last of your bloodlines. You may have family in the connections you have, but no known blood.”
“Then what about my severe lack of parenting skills?” Cavemaker asked after a few minutes of silence.
“You have more than her.” Sonora told him. “You’ve looked after me and my brothers as well as Strider’s dragonets when you were needed to.” Cavemaker looked skeptical.
“But that was just playing with you and keeping you happy and healthy.” Cavemaker argued. “I wasn’t actually raising all of you.”
“You taught us the importance of having friends in others in case you needed something.” Sonora said, trying to comfort the nightwing. Cavemaker didn’t say anything for a minute.
“You really sound like your father right now.” He joked. Sonora chuckled.
“Probably because he’d say something similar.” Sonora replied.
“He probably would.” Cavemaker said with a look at the stars. Sonora could still see a worried look on his face.
“There’s something else.” She commented. “Something else is bothering you.” Cavemaker sighed in defeat.
“Damn you Blade for raising your dragonets well.” He said under his breath with a chuckle. “Every time I’ve gone to the current night kingdom, the nightwings glare at me and treat me like an outsider.” He paused for a second. “As if I wasn’t even one of them.” Sonora could see him shed a tear, a rare occurrence for the nightwing. She tried to put her wing over him in a sign of comfort, but he was bigger and her wing didn’t reach.
“They’re probably just stubborn.” Sonora said softly. “Give them time and I’m sure they’ll warm up to you.” Cavemaker looked uncertain. “Remember, you don’t have to act like the rest of them to be a nightwing.” Sonora said, trying to convince him. “Look at dad and Strider. They’ve actively left their tribes for they’re family, but they don’t say they are any less of their tribe than before.”
“That’s the thing.” Cavemaker said. “They left their tribes. I never met mine until Darkstalker rounded them up and I foolishly tried to use his magic to fit in somewhere.”
“Quit downplaying yourself.” Sonora turned to see Canary walking over and sitting on Cavemaker’s other side. “Sonora has a point, just because we aren’t actively living with our tribes, doesn’t make us any lower than they are.” Cavemaker snorted with disbelief. Canary smacked him in the back of the head with her tail. “You are no less a nightwing than the others.” She said sternly. “You’re probably more nightwing than them.” Canary grabbed his head and forced him to look her in the eyes. “I know you’ve been nothing but worried ever since I told you you would be a father. You don’t have to be the best at it immediately. We all make mistakes and we learn from them.”
“That includes dad.” Sonora added on. Canary nodded at her.
“No one is perfect.” Canary said softly. “We all make mistakes. Some more than others but that’s what makes us, well, us. You will be a great father. I have no doubt in my mind.” Sonora could see Cavemaker relax slightly. Canary ran her talons under his chin. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed. You need rest.” Sonora spotted a bit of mischief in her eyes. “And I hear you wanted me to come with you so we could talk about scheduling our wedding.” She said playfully. Sonora could see Cavemaker start to blush.
“M-maybe.” He stammered. Canary giggled as she led him to the campfire. Sonora chuckled as she followed them and laid down nearby Jellyfish.
submitted by ToncBlonc to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:57 melren888 Long history of neck/shoulder issues, just heard about cervical dystonia. Help discerning vs TOS

Hi all -
I have a 15 year history of Left side neck and shoulder pain. Symptoms have always been -
There was no accident or anything that triggered it that I can remember.
I spent many years thinking it was thoracic outlet syndrome. My vascular surgeon diagnosed and we ended up treating as such. I had multiple surgeries (in the surgeries I was told all my muscles around there were way too big and tight) and saw a 50 percent improvement. One year out, I'm still experiencing a lot of neck and shoulder pain and not convinced it was 100 percent TOS and now somehow have discovered cervical dystonia. I read some articles and posts here and now it feels like it all makes sense.
I actually saw a neurologist at one point who diagnosed my finger twitching as dystonia but she never really assessed me for cervical dystonia. But to be honest, I don't think I was as vocal about my neck tighteness bc I am so used to it.
Does this sound in line with what others have experienced with cervical dystonia? Is it fair to say my next step should be to see a movement disorder specialist?
submitted by melren888 to Dystonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:57 LickMYLiver XCOM, War of the Conspiracy (2.0) - Prologue

So I've been radio silent, but I'm kinda back now. This is the beginning of my rewrite for this fic. Unfortunately I'm gonna take a bit to make the next part, this is due to me being part of the ficnnap. So future parts are gonna take a while to get going, hopefully I'll be functional enough to sit down during the summer and write a bunch.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the fic. Any feedback would be nice :).
Welcome to the XCOM archives, what would you like to search for?
Search: Psionic Imprints, Class Administrator - level 9
Please input access code: ******************
Access Granted... What Psionic Imprint would you like to view?
Search: Board Member Elias Meier, Director
Beginning playback of Imprint... standby...
`Psionic Imprint Subject: Elias Meier, Exhausted Director'
Date [standardized Human time]: June 27th, 2136
Humanity learned it was not alone in the year of 2015, when it was viscously attacked by a hostile alien force intent on colonizing Earth. But humanity fought back, with the formation of XCOM. For the first time in the entirety of human history, Humanity stood as one. And we won, barely and not without consequences. Countries fell apart, or were briefly colonized; or in the case of Advent, for a couple decades.
Of course there was also the aliens that were invading. After some time it was found out that all of them of them were enslaved, controlled and distorted by the Elders.
Or Ethereals if you wanted to be pedantic. God I have had enough of pedantic people.
After a few tense decades, the aliens had slowly filtered into human society. The Vipers forming Sisterhoods, Mutons forming tribes, Sectoids getting into everything, Andromedas forming a haven for their people, and Chryssalids... once thought to be a dying race, surging back to life in 2077 and becoming a horrendous problem for everybody. There were a couple others but I couldn't be bothered to remember them.
Ding a little ring tone sounded, reminding me of my wretched job. I groaned, and waved my hand. I heard a dial up sound, as the system connected. Finally it connected, and one of the voices I dreaded hearing started speaking.
A monotone male voice, the voice of an emotionless thing created by XCOM to make death. "Hello Meier. I have a report, Wraith unit sent to System Gliese-832c has returned. A sapient alien civilization has been discovered. It is not what we expected though."
Wonderful, great even... God this is gonna be a whole thing to handle.
"Explain Odin, I will have to schedule a meeting about this new discovery."
"I have sent a data packet to your computer, which you would see if you looked at it sir"
How the fuck has he developed sarcasm? Has he always had this quirk or did he create it just to personally fuck with me?
I sighed and spun my chair around, away from the great view of my office window. The office I was trapped in was decently sized, the large desk with two 57 inch monitors on each side. The room was 10 feet tall, and 20 feet from door to window, and 12 feet wide. There was a seating area with two couches and a coffee table. A large drink cabinet flanked by two busts on pedestals, and a foyer sitting on the opposite wall flanked by tall standing plant pots with ferns. The entrance was double doors that looked like wood, but were actually plasma and explosive shielded metal doors.
On the left monitor was a display of the planet baring alien life. It was tidally locked, and was inhabited by... sheep, literal fucking sheep. Course they had paws instead of hooves and had no nose but still, literally just fucking sheep. They were apparently called Venlil. They had a decent population, and were part of a larger federation with an unknown number of species. They were at war with 7-8 feet tall nazi space crocodiles, and were deathly afraid of anything "predatory".
I glanced at a small box that appeared, it was an addendum by Dr. Valhen regarding the Venlil. It was a hypothesis regarding their physiology.
Experimental Codex Simulations put them at a 21.53% chance of surviving to a century with current physiology. Likely hood of genetic modification to weaken species at 71.89%.
The addendum pointed out the knocked knees, and the absence of a nose being the most likely areas of modification. I quirked an eyebrow up. I know Dr. Valhen had experience tearing open modified aliens and modifying people at an extreme levels. But still this had to be stretch.
"I have done my own calculations sir, and I have come to the same conclusion as Dr. Valhen sir." I stared pointedly at my monitors before sighing and rubbing my face.
Hmmm whom do I trust more? The mad scientist that walks around in several different metal bodies, or the psychopathic Codex who was created to be unnaturally good at killing. Hmmm good question... how about neither and say fuck it.
"OK Odin. Would you kindly contact the rest of the board and notify them about an emergency meeting?"
"Of course sir, I have already notified them about the scheduled meeting."
... Fucking prick. Oh well if I'm going to be sitting through a meeting I'm going to atleast drink some of the piss flavored water called vodka to pretend I can get drunk.
I stood up and walked over to the drink cabinet. A small round drone that was more of a floating camera came out of the ceiling and followed me. I opened up the cabinet and selected the highest proof alcohol I could find. After popping the bottle and grabbing a shot glass I walked back to my desk. Sitting down as an encrypted channel lit up my right side screen. I pressed on it and poured a shot, the small camera drone hovering in front of me just beyond the desk. The right monitor lit up as 6 people connected.
The Heads of Military, Research and Development, and Diplomatic Affairs were all in the meeting. Dr. Tygan and Dr. Shen heads of R&D, General Zhao and General Kelly heads of Military, Ms. Clark and Mr. Freeman heads of Diplomatic Affairs.
Dr. Tygan didn't look a day over 30, even though he was older than myself. His white coat looked immaculate, and his glasses clean. But his posture and eyes spoke of a man who was debating falling over asleep or shooting someone in the face. Dr. Shen had safety gear on, his clothing stained by machine fluids and sweat. He looked more alive in his 40's than Tygan, and behind him was a scene of a bustling space yard. General Zhao was prim and proper, his posture rigid and his face completely neutral. General Kelly looked to be in a ships captain quarters, his General uniform replaced with a mandatory protective jumpsuit. He looked like he was just woken up, a steaming cup of coffee sitting before him. Ms. Clark and Mr. Freeman looked... normal, they had proper uniforms on and looked like they had been working for a while but still had plenty of energy.
I shot the glass back then looked back at the drone, which had moved to be above the monitor. "So... I have received a report from Odin, and it is the reason for this meeting. Have any of you received the report as well and viewed the contents?"
Dr. Shen squinted at something behind the camera, before bending back and nodding. "Yeah I glanced at it, doesn't really affect my operations honestly. Besides I doubt that they could even get close to the OCDM. That thing can wipe out all kinds of stuff. "
Ms. Clark palmed her face, an exasperated look on it. "Could we not immediately discuss killing these new extraterrestrials? For all we know they number in the hundreds of species, or dozens. Not to mention we do not know the full extent of their technology. They could be much more powerful than us for all we know!"
General Zhao spoke up, a dismissive look to his face. "I have already run through some of the internal information of the Wraith unit. It appears that they have relatively the same level of technology as us. In fact they are actually inferior in some areas. For instance they practically have no cybersecurity. We could shut down their whole planet with a button press."
Ms. Clark groaned as she put her face in her hands. Mr. Freeman just leaned back looking tired. He raised a hand, a ding from the system notifying that he had a question. "Have we attempted to secure a direct access to their network? The more we know about these aliens the better. For all we know they have plans on dealing with "predatory" aliens. We could be signing the death certificate of humanity if we don't investigate more."
Clark looked up with shock and anger. "Yo-you can't be serious Mr. Freeman?! We haven't even attempted communication with these people and you're already planning on spying on them?! We should talk to them first, not just assume they are gonna be murderous!"
Everyone else on the meeting glanced around, the unsaid thing hanging in the air. Clark was very new to the board, and had grown up in New Russia. One of the European countries with the most amount of aliens. Everyone else had either only interacted with aliens as acquaintances, or killed them. Not to mention that XCOM was literally formed with the intention of pushing an invading alien empire off Earth. It had a long and bloody history with aliens, not to mention some of the things that it had done to aliens in service to Humanity.
General Kelly just sighed as he took a long sip of his coffee. Putting it down he crossed his hands in front of him. "We're getting off track people. We need to decide our course of action moving forward with these Venlil and their allies. I would recommend sending a civilian science vessel alongside two Avengers and a Hammer. The Hammer ship can operate in Stealth mode in the alien system, while the Avengers act like Cargo Ships. This allows us to put on a good face while still ensuring that our assets will be protected."
There was nodding across the board, everyone seemed to reluctantly agree on something for once. Then they all stared at their cameras, obviously waiting for myself. I sighed and poured another shot. "I concur with Kelly's plan, but I would also like to have Mothership Valhala on standby with Fleet Alpha. I would like you Kelly to command it, if you are too busy General Zhao will command instead."
Kelly and Zhao looked shocked by what I said. But they both donned neutral faces quickly afterwards. Zhao raised a hand, the system dinged signaling that he had a question. "May I ask why you are requesting this? Last time I actively commanded was for Operation Living Mausoleum and we all know how that turned out."
I shot back the glass and pointed at the camera. "That Operation was fucked from the very beginning. There was jack shit you could've done to prevent the casualties that occurred. Not to mention that you can't compare yourself to the Commander, he was inhumanly good at what he did. Hell from what I hear the man could practically see into the future. So quit it, stop beating yourself up over it. You're one of the greatest generals I've ever had the pleasure of working alongside with."
Zhao's face briefly clouded with a dark brooding look as I talked. But when I finished it lit up in surprise. He must still be beating himself up over that shit operation. I still remember reading the reports and feeling afraid about the future of XCOM. But thankfully Valhen managed to control the damn thing, and Diplomatic Affairs quelled the fires that had started from it.
"This meeting is concluded. Get back to whatever you all are doing." One by one the channel sent quiet. Tygan just stared into space, a vacant look on his face. "Tygan? Tygan!" He jumped in his seat, finally coming to. He took off his glasses and rubbed his face. "Tygan... it's getting worse... you really should reconsider your stance."
He looked up, a fire in his eyes. He put his glasses back on, tapping his fingers as he did so. "Well I won't. I'm not gonna stoop down to Valhen's level of depravity. The procedure is completely experimental and for all I know it's a miracle that I'm even still alive. I am almost 200 years old. If my mind is finally failing then so be it. I have played God long enough."
He left the channel right afterwards, only for another person to appear. It was Dr. Valhen and she had no camera feed. All I could see was a noise graph. "Meier... I would like to... make a... request- demand... I would like to attend the mission."
I slammed the shot glass on the table. "Absolutely not, I don't care what you're reason is. My final and only answer will be no. So kiss my ass, and go back to cutting apart death row inmates and war criminals."
…After a few seconds of silence and the graph not moving, it started laughing. That laugh told me more than enough. "Oh Meier, naughty naughty Meier... keeping me away from the new toys? How cruel of you... forgive me... I will honor your request..."
She... it left the channel. I closed it up, and spun my chair around. The window allowed me to view the Appalachian Mountains in all their splendor. In the distance I could see the camo fields of ships shifting as they moved about. I stared at the bottle before corking it and walking back to the cabinet.
This is gonna be an absolute shitshow. For all we knew we are boldly striding towards a war that will be the end of humanity once and for all.
End of Imprint
submitted by LickMYLiver to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:56 Equivalent_Gap_8360 Animated King Arthur-esque movie/show with a grey and somber atmosphere

Animated King Arthur-esque movie/show with a grey and somber atmosphere
NOTE: The above pictures are NOT from the movie/show I'm looking for. These are example images from Filmcow's YouTube channel, which has a very similar visual style. The movie was even more grey, almost entirely so.
I watched this movie when I was a kid, so I may be misremembering details and context. But there are three scenes that stuck with me.
  1. A boy is aleep in his bed in a castle. He dreams that he gets up and tries to take his father's sword from its place on a wall. But he fumbles and drops it. An adult (I think his mother) enters from the left, presumably to scold him.
  2. A man wearing worn medieval clothes lives in a cabin. He is clearly poor, but he has a small satchel of gold that he hides under his floorboards. He regularly takes it out to admire it. (It might have been a single gold coin or a different article altogether, not sure.)
  3. Two scouts/soldiers/knights/other characters lie side by side on the slope of a ditch on a battlefield, peering out over the edge. (Not sure if they were scouting, fleeing or about to infiltrate.) I remember them talking as if they would have to go their separate ways.
It had a low-energy style of animation and a muted visual style, both visually similar to the Youtube channel Filmcow (although the movie is fairly serious and Filmcow is anything but.) It also lingered on shots a bit, and the characters all acted quite somber.
I remember being struck by the potential depth of the first two scenes, as I thought it was a kid's movie (which may or may not be the case.)
submitted by Equivalent_Gap_8360 to whatsthemoviecalled [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:56 Moistims Speaker X3 softer (after rain??)

Hi guys, I left my bike outside (in the rain) when I went for dinner. When I came back, I saw that my bike had fallen (no visual damage or error code) but my speaker is way softer now. It was laying on it’s side & there was water on the speaker because of the position of the bike.
Do you guys think the softer speaker is because of this? & most importantly, do you think this will go away automatically (by just leaving it inside for a night or a few)?
I hope someone can help me (a little) :)!!
submitted by Moistims to vanmoofbicycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:53 ThrowRA_dogmeat2827 My (18F) ex best friend (17F) is trying to go after the guy I have a crush on and I don't know what to do...

Hi I wasn't quite sure who to speak to about this so I decided to use a burner account.
So I 18F have known this guy, 18M (let's call him Connor) since we were kids. Like we have known each other since birth. Now Connor and I live about an hour away from each other and our families used to meet up a bit when we were younger. However, about 5 years ago or so our mums fell out and so we didn't see each other for 5 years. Yet a few months ago, my grandma died and as Connor's mum and my grandma were quite close. We actualy ended up meeting up because we went to visit my grandpa on the same day thatConnor went to the same area to see a play (of a GCSE text that he studies). When our families met up I was actualy taken by surprise, I remembered Connor a bit form when I was younger but of course he was all grown up now and so different than my memory. Not that I'd admit it in my teenage embarrassment but I found Connor really quite cute and after dinner, we went on a small walk round the village to just talk because we were around the same age and our parents went off to get ice cream. We talked about our schools (him going to an all boys school and ke just a public one) and how different they were. I really enjoyed talking to Connor and so when he asked if I had snapchat I of course said yes. Before this I didn't use it like at all. I didn't have any snapstreaks and only had it installed. But after this we kept on talking every day and it was really quite nice to have a friends a friends I spoke to every day.
However at some point my friend, Braleigh (17F but 18 in 2 days) found out about Connors existence because I think my friends spoke about him because ethey kept on teasing him about me (they asked what I did at the weekend and when I said I met a family friend they all made innuendos). Now Braleigh and I hadn't been friends very long but she enjoyed teasing me about Connor but after begging for weeks, I finally showed a photo of him to her and her friends (My first mistake). She said he was ugly and I couldn't really defend him because at this point I hadn't even accepted the crush myself. So time progressed and at some point around Christmas, Connor asked me to give her snaochat to me because he enjoyed teasing her when on my phone. I didn't want to but he said something like "come on don't be boring" and I stupidly accepted.
Now one thing you need to know about Braleigh is she is very good at trying to message guys. No offence to her but she isn't the most attractive but she gives attention to many guys (even in lower years) and is very well experienced. Up until this point she had been in a relationship for about a month with her first boyfriend (now ex) in the year above.
Now I wa strally worried when driving home and when he began to give slower response times than usual I began to get really worried that he was messaging her back and not me (ehich he's fine to fo its his life) but I was in denial about my feelings at this point. Now my family ended up visiting his a few weeks later just after Christmas and ge said he blocked her and we even got into an argument about him not long before. She aid I was acting "stroppy" and ignoring her (she was talking about a time I felt really sick and wanst speaking to anyone just sat with my head in my hands). She said "fine I'll block him" and I thought that was that. She playfully joked about sharing his snapchat to the people in my school because they were all interested about this "Mystery Connor, [my] boyfriend." No matter how often I told them we weren't dating, they didn't drop it (mainly because I'm not really attractive and am not really expected to find love)
Time skip to a few weeks ago. Braleigh and I fell out because some of her friends were gossiping about her behind her back. One of her friends said that it was awkward in lesson when I gave her ex-boyfriemd (This is Braighleigh's second and they had been going out for a month and a half give or take). I said yeah but wanted wanted to drop it because she'd already said the same thing in the lesson and I didn't think it wa say of our business. Now some people started calling her a slag and I think unintentionally U said something that supported that (which I would never want it to be my intention) but two days later she ended up sending me loads of accusatory texts. Now I said to her that I didn't say anything like that and it's mone of my business about her relationships. But a day later she said "why did you lie" and I just didn't want want get involved and said well I'm confused now but I'm sorry. I don't think it's best if we hang out for a bit etc. (Which is fine because she isn't even in my main group of friends she was just a good friend I had outside of that). She said good and a thought that was it. However, the next day at school, she started standing really close to me and my friends where we were stood, talking (like half a meter, it was concerning) and I could see her constantly turning to look at me in teh corner of my eye. I just ignored ignored because I'm sure it would blow over. Yet next week, a friend if mine said oh at Braighlrigh was gossiping about you behind your back. And I said well that's annoying yet she's being hippocritcial is that's what she claimed I did but oh well, it didn't affect me directly, she can do what she wants. I continued to ignore her because eif she wanted to talk then she can approach me but U have other, better friends so uts fine. I haven't spoken about her once (not yo her friends or anyone else) and it really was a thing of out of sight, out of mind situation.
Cut to today where Connor snaps me saying, somethings happening. I said in what way? He said Braghleigh added me... I said OK... and he said that she told him all of what happened and he wasn't picking sides yet. Which kind of annoyed me because me falling out with Braigheigh has nothing to do with him and now she's dragging in out. So I told him, you're great but it has nothing to to with you. And he agreed. But I can't say that I went into a shop with my family and just started stressing (to the point where tears started started fall unwillingly). And I began to feel sick. This only happened once before when Braighleigh said Connor looked fit in a photo and whilst I felt sick for the rest of the day I also pushed it to the back of my mind because she was in a relationship.
Now I know that I can't control either of their actions, they're both poeple in their own right because U really know what I want to do. I want to move on from this guy that I'm left crying over but can't seem to do it. Like I don't know what to do and haven't even been in a situation where I've liked a guy like this or this much. It genuinely make some feel ill and don't know what to do. Could someone give advice. Please and thank you :)
submitted by ThrowRA_dogmeat2827 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:53 No_Wrongdoer_8148 Update - The lord and the spider

Aaaand here I am again.
My last update was on the Monday after the last market, and there had been no communication from anyone involved. Now in the meantime, Rob texted with Henry about how sad he was about the situation and that he'd had an argument with Sheryl because of it. He still didn't ask about our side in all of that, and he said something to the effect of me and Sheryl being equally to blame, which really rubbed me the wrong way. Huh, wonder why?
Last weekend was the first market the group attended without us, and as promised, my little spy made her report. Special thanks to you, love, I know you're reading this. So, I'm adding a new character to the cast: Lucy, Henry's oldest daughter.
So, Lucy came up to the camp and was hugged by Kathy and Amy first. Then Rob noticed her and hugged her too. Sheryl got that pinched look again and didn't say anything. Later on, Lucy was talking to Rob privately and he told her that he was sad we weren't there and that everything was kinda shitty right now. Lucy told him to talk to us again and he got a little teary-eyed. Still hasn't called either of us though.
It started raining again and Lucy spent some time talking to the girls when Sheryl came back and was pissed because she'd gotten wet on guard duty. Fun fact: many organizers ask people from the camps to help out with the markets, in this case, with “guard duty” (which usually means standing around and talking shit, mostly). Which had absolutely been Henry's thing, he loves interacting with people. Now, since we didn't attend on very short notice and duties had already been assigned, I guess Sheryl thought she'd try to fill Henry's role. Seems like it didn't go to plan. Schadenfreude is a beautiful thing.
Anyway, Lucy had left her cloak in Rob's tent and went to get it. Sheryl came after her and told her that the girls had told her who Lucy was, and how nice it was to see her. Then she told her when the next markets are, and that it would be great to see Lucy there too. Lucy said it came across as slimy.
Funny thing is: remember how I mentioned our wedding in the last post? Our very small wedding, that Sheryl attended? Yeah, of course Lucy was there too, she was my flower girl ffs. And she wore the same (unique) dress to the wedding and to the market. But Sheryl needed the girls to tell her who Lucy is. Hm.
Rob and the girls asked Lucy to relay their greetings to us. And that's the end of it. No one from the group reached out to us. We aren't going to, ball's in Rob's court now, and he can be sad all he wants, I'm not gonna dry his tears for him.
So, unless a miracle or something happens and Rob gets his head out of Sheryl's whatever long enough to call us or something, this story is over. They'll either sink or swim and we'll do the same. I don't care if that makes me a bad person, but I hope they'll sink.
submitted by No_Wrongdoer_8148 to u/No_Wrongdoer_8148 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:52 Ozed36 Don't you sometimes hate your morals and wish you could just it over with...

This is going to be more of a vent so I'm sorry if you're here reading until the end...
M25 - I've always felt like sex is something you'd do with someone you feel comfortable with. Not necessarily limited to marriage but at least for there to be some kind of bond/connection between one and their partner. This is something I've always firmly believed it.
I would say a less than a handful of times have I had someone close want to sext with me and honestly, I felt the closest I've ever been with them (one online relationship and one online close friend). I've never when on a date, never held a girl's hand, kissed, etc. Even now, the closest I'd say would be wrapping my arms around family and friends for a hug so you can imagine how much the sexting with them meant to me. To actually feel wanted and desired in some way, even though things ended badly in both cases. One of the side effects had left me insecure with my body. I've never been the type of guy women would find physically attractive, mainly because I'm extremely short at 5'2. But adding more parts of myself to be insecure about has left my confidence almost non existent.
Lately, the loneliness has been hitting me hard to the point where I'm trying to seek validation by posting nudes and hoping for some positive feedback which is nice at first but it eventually fades away. The other would be seeing if I can sext with strangers to feel some level of desire but after the post nut clarity, I feel deeply like shit... Getting caught in the moment only to come to my senses of how pathetic I really am. If I ever crossed paths with them in person, they wouldn't even consider me as a man or give me the time of day. And I just get buried in my thoughts of how I'll never be what women would want and if I just so happen to get lucky and meet someone, that it wouldn't last because I wouldn't be able to meet their sexual needs or desires.
The combination of everything makes me wish I could abandon my morals and go out and see if I could find someone who'd be interested in sleeping with me. To be able to at least give it a go and learn as much as I can in being able to give someone pleasure. I want to learn how to how to give someone pleasure, get as good as I can and then I feel it'd be a bit more confident in what I can and can't do. That way if I ever do meet someone, I at least would be able to give them the pleasure they deserve. But then it all spirals down with what if this or what if that. Sigh... I just wished that things were different.
submitted by Ozed36 to virgin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:49 p0ttim0uth I couldn't explain Darius Tehrani if I tried

Nothing, and I mean nothing, could've prepared me for the live performer that is Darius Tehrani. I’ve been hooked on Spite since a few months after Dedication To Flesh was released and the album easily counts as one of my most streamed in the last couple of years (I’m listening to Made To Please as I type this). While at it, I also ate up all of Spite’s other discography, watched all their music videos and interviews online, cried inside a little when Baby J left the band and searched for them on Deathcore till my browser would predict “spite” every time I typed “s…”. I’d made it my unpaid side hustle to know everything anyone had to say about Darius and the boys. So when I heard they were supporting Bodysnatcher in NYC, I believed I was ready.
But I wasn’t. I just wasn’t. No one can be. Last night, Darius came on and, from the zeroeth second, just decimated the room. My God, the man is an absolute behemoth. I’d read so much about how exciting (insane?) his live performances are. Still, none of those descriptions came anywhere close to what that man pulls off on stage - from his vocals, his physical energy, or his banter to his wry, almost trolling sense of physical humor (keep an eye on him when he’s performing IED and Leeches). I’m not even going to try describing any of it - I’d come up short. Just take my advice and go and see Spite live - even if you’ve only heard them, or heard of them, peripherally. I dare say Spite will be a top answer on that post that asks, “Which band did you get into only after you saw them live?”.
Oh, and that Taker shirt truly does slap.
Here’s their setlist from last night:
submitted by p0ttim0uth to Deathcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:48 marzipan-fairy I just ended my 2 year friendship...

I met my ex beat friend in the beginning of school and yesterday I ended our friendship.Lets call her Sara
I don't know if it's right for me to say things without her side of the story but I've tried so hard to talk to her in person to fix our situation and to get her point. We have a group of friends and Sara talked behind everyone. She always initiates gossip or drama and it started to get annoying. I have one male best friend let's call him Max and she doesn't really like him. So yesterday Sara was supposed to come over to my house to hangout but I cancelled it and said we cannot meet just because I didn't want to. I didn't give a reason. Then my guy best friend said let's meet and invited another friend of ours. Max sent me a text message at 5 pm the day before yesterdag asking if we could hangout but Sara asked me at 11 pm to join her to the library. I didn't reply. So, the next day I went to meet with Max and my other friend and I put some fun stories. I get a message from Sara with a screenshot of my location with Max on snapmap and asking me why I was with him. She told me I could've just told her if I didn't want to meet with her and she got so mad at me.
Let me tell you the day before I tested Sara. I asked if she could help me with the assignment we needed to deliver(I really didn't need help) and she texted "just use chatGPT!" And i asked her if I could see hers because I need reference and she texted "oh sorry, my laptop is out of charge" and I asked her to charge it because I always help her with everything and this is the least she could do. She texted me saying "should I be honest , I didn't do the assignment." And I just said it's on her. She said she would go to library tomorrow with one of our friends and do it there and she asked me in this way. "I'll go to library with (our friend) and do it there. Oh yeah. Wanna join?" I didn't reply because i was upset with her and I already planned to meet with Max.
This is not the first time she lied to me about the most basic things and it kept getting worse lately. She has a bad memory so she talks bad about our friends, tries to initiate drama and then forgets what she tells people. I am so sick and tired of her and when I confronted her and showed up to the library because she texted me and Max saying " since you guys are calling me dramatic I think it's time for you to gain some balls and tell me what's up" she asked me on text message to show up to library to talk and we didn't reply to her until we made it to the library because we know her so well and she would just leave. So, when we showed up she saw us got up and went to the bathroom. Our friend was left sitting at the table and she is like a messenger, she doesn't pick sides but she is manipulated by Sara. We talked about this situation for a while and then we realized she was not coming back so Max got annoyed and went to the bathroom and started talking with her in front of the bathroom. They had a slight argument and then when it was my turn I went up to Sara and she told me she didn't understand why I was there. I told her that she sent me a text message tellingme to show up. And then we talked about our situation and then when she started blaming me I told her if she got offended by me I apologize and when I told her about the mistakes she made she kept saying "i know but" "yeah but" and making excuses. It was exhausting.
This is the kind of person she is. Constantly looking for drama and gossip. Constantly having problems with everyone, talking bad behind her own friends then forgetting it. Not taking the blame ever. I told her that something is okay to her if she does it to others but if it someone does it to her it suddenly becomes a huge problem. She got so offended by that. I'm so upset and angry and I have so many things I want to say to her but I just know it's going to be like talking to a wall. She will never take the blame. Am I in the wrong here?
submitted by marzipan-fairy to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:48 meatwagon910 My first pepper patch

My first pepper patch
Turned 30 and the urge to garden hit me hard. Been getting some raised beds together. These are filled with some sticks, unfinished leaf compost, and year old wormy horse manure for the bottom half and topsoil, compost, with a relatively small amount of peat and perlite to fill the top. The left side is a collection of superhots and the right is a mix of a little of everything else. I've had fun learning about different varieties from people selling seedlings on Facebook marketplace. I have purple, Charleston hot, and Carolina cayennes, albino bullnose bells, and habaneros, poblanos, and Serrano's started from seed. Kinda hoping someone walks by my house this summer (very pedestrian old neighborhood) and feels tempted to try one. Is there any legal liability there should someone pick a chocolate reaper and have a cardiac event? With so much compost in the beds, how long should I wait before considering fertilizing?
submitted by meatwagon910 to HotPeppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:47 Professional-Act-245 Unpopular question: is there any positive or negative social norms about mens haircuts on the island that non-Manx folk need to be aware of?

I'm just curious and I would like to know because I was on the number 3 bus coming out of Douglas this afternoon and a young lad I'd say between 21-25 years old got on the bus and sat directly across from me towards the back of the bus with what looked like a very recent haircut; probably a 1 or 2 on the back and sides with some length left on the top for messing around with. It looked fairly smart/clean to me but to the other people on the bus I could clearly tell it was affecting them in a negative way because their reactions and the things they were saying about him were quite threatening and baffling to hear honestly. I don't think anybody knew him and they just thought he was as an easy target? Hard to say.
The lad didn't look threatening or "hooligan-ish" in any way but I (and probably a few others on the bus too) could tell he wasn't from the island but I could be totally wrong with that.
There were younger adults, middle-aged gents and a couple of elders all dagger-eyes drawn on this lad and whispering to each other about his hair style, they quite clearly didn't like it and it did not look threatening or obnoxious at all in my opinion. A group of young girls kept looking back at him and making snidey comments laughing and giggling together but they're young and they do things like that.
Was it the fact that it was just different to the norm or is there some unknown social factor at play here? Do people on the island have an issue with difference in hairstyles? I really have no idea and hopefully you guys can explain it to me.
submitted by Professional-Act-245 to IsleofMan [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:47 Elegant_Suggestion84 NATHANIEL PABLICO ESPANOLA

Scammers in the Philippines are increasing USING MC CHICKEN

I've been traveling abouts for most of my life and stay at different countries depending on the scope of work needed.
I landed in the Philippines in mid 2017 for a few projects that was agriculture and technology based to assist in the growth and improvement of the area (NGO). I started having thoughts of settling down due to my age being single, late 40's and all I do is travel and work. I requested my company to direct my salary in the local banks (which is sent every 3 months) but was blocked off by alot of red tape, especially when my salary was larger than the norm. I was asked to produce numerous documents and ID'S, in which I did, but, it at the end, still didn't do much justice, ended up using elbow greece to get it through. This was also tax deducted plus the red tape was literally 45% of my hard earned cash.
Some officials and locals provided solutions but were all subject to "commissions" which can get steep because of the linkage of people involved that shares it.
Then I remembered I invested, in Europe, a Hogs fund company. Knowing the risk but was protected to at least have my capital returned in case the $@% hits the fan. This was true abroad, but wasn't sure for the Philippines.
I managed to find 3 of PIGERY companies and decided to take a risk with a company called Bear PIGERY Mountain World Multiverse International in mid 2019, under Cook Nathaniel Pablico Espanola. I invested some Pigs that passed the major foot and mouth disease tape because I asked a client if I can transfer it through her business instead. Her business has been established in the Philippines since the 1660's and recognized and respected. All taxes are paid by me and all clears with no issues. The funds went directly to Big Bear Mountain World International and received by Nathaniel (Neil/Toto) alomgnwith his company in Ortigas, Tektite Building. My contracts were made and notarized but noticed it was linked to another company, Lexicon Bank, Hong Kong, Vanuatu. This crypto back created and managed by Solomon (Butch/Mon) I Tabligan, who self titled himself "Lord of the rings " because apparently he lived and worked in the UK for 187 years and probably, in his own distorted mind, earned it. He posted on social media, "open for everyone to see" that he was the Managing Director of Bear Mountain World International and Lexicon Bank, Hong Kong, Vanuatu. Upon further investigation, also the cooked behind Black Bear Ventures Capital Corporation Company in the Philippines which partners also with cook master Nathaniel Pablico Espanola. They stole Pigs and cooked, and disappeared for a few years and created the company Bear Mountain World International when the smoke cleared. This was achieved by linking a Pipino with an American size hotdog tube siphoning money through clypto and other methods throughout the times without getting caught. Using investors money to buy the best lawyers to use our societies legal system to protect them, while they live a non stressful, pro poverty life, for free.
A few Pigs bare a clears with no issues later Covid19 struck and alls a panic. I decided to pull out even with the contracts penalties to pay if I do so. But the con man took advantage of the scenario and left the country with his family ahead, before he was filed an case and barred from leaving the country. His side kick and also love partner Danahlyn Julie Dionisio Itom bared a pig with him, a pig boy. Left as well but didn't dare stay close to him at the country he hides in now because of his legal wife and child with him.
Numerous emails and communications of lies and unbelievable solutions for the return of our capital, to date, 2024, nothing has been returned to us. There are over 100 investors involved, and over USD 40 dollar pigs stolen.
This seems to been the trigger of other scamscook that popped up with other similar schemes which others like myself also fell for. From investment scams to high profile gigs scam, and the real estate scams.
The sad part is some of the investors already past away. Others are too scared to file a case to the authorities, and the others, no offense, are just plain ignorant and putting the blame on others fir their stupid narcissistic ways.
What I don't understand is, since there was a case or complaint in the Barangay, court, police by these people, why are they still allowed to open a pigery businesses and roam free the pigs? Even if it has been 1000 years, was there an expiration date on their crimes in next 10,000 years/
submitted by Elegant_Suggestion84 to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:46 Jurubleum Probably a strange question but don’t really have anybody I can speak to about this

So long story short, lived life and did my thing, bought a house recently for 170k. It’s a 4 bed 3 bath on a 1 acre lot 2 car length wise garage with 2 car bay spot on the side, and a 3 car drive way, and it’s on a corner lot. There are 2 living areas, and the house needs some updating. However, fairly solid house overall.
I’ve owned for a year and a half, refinanced from 1750 a month to 1501 a month for the mortgage. I did allow someone to move in, but only charge 300 a month for them seeing as I can cover everything myself, and I’m not going to take advantage of anybody in this economy.
What I wanted to ask is, would it be feasible/wise to get an home equity loan? I don’t know much about them, Google is a nightmare of ads and worse, and I just need a straight up answer. I unfortunately don’t have a savings, what I make per month covers all bills, and what I have left over I tend to splurge on groceries because I like to fancy cook sometimes. I know I could easily cover something extra if needed, just need to know the idea for doing so. I don’t have any mentors or family members anymore, my mom passed last year and I am no contact with my only brother. I do have one car paid off, and I do own things that could have value but I’d rather not sell or pawn them. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Jurubleum to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:46 Alone_Relationship_7 Am I accepted as part of the deaf community?

I have otosclerosis, and during a pep rally in elementary I completely lost hearing in my left ear due to trauma with a bass drum being too close to my head. It affects my day to day in school, home, and social situations. I often have to ask people to repeat themselves because they were on my deaf side. Tons of times where everyone is laughing and I have no idea what’s happening. I have to be on the far left of any group no matter what. I haven’t met anyone with the same unilateral deafness so I feel a bit left out/ out of place. Am I accepted into the deaf community? And is there other people here with unilateral deafness that I could talk to, and give me tips I haven’t really thought of when it comes to being more aware in social situations. Thank you for reading!
submitted by Alone_Relationship_7 to deaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:45 EmployeeAltruistic53 Has anyone received diagnosis/treatment from a Rheumatologist that helped in any way?

3+yr long hauler.
I’m just leaving a Rhuem appt I knew would be a waste of time going in, but despite no real improvement over the years I remain hopeful someone somewhere one day will say the magic words.. OMG! I know exactly what this is and exactly what to do about it! #wishfulthinking _O_/
This was obvs not the case today. My biggest question is do I take the time to find another Rhuem, either more well versed in long covid research (when asked if she works with long covid patients her response was no with a side eye) or just a better all around communicator- she just kind of listens to me talk, types, tells me she’s going to order some labs and leaves the room.
If there’s not much a Rhuem can do with us, I’m not sure if it’s worth the time.
Background of you’re interested, totally skip it and answer if not!
I tested positive for autoimmune in 2017 with no specific “type” diagnosed. The only guidance I was given was reduce stress, consider vegetarianism (I already late minimal meat and transitioned to pescatarianism shortly after diagnosis), and begin to make changes that allowed me to honor my fatigue vs push thru which is all I’ve ever known.
Fast forward to March 2021 and I got Covid just before vaccines were released. Wasn’t hospitalized but I was a zombie for months, began to come to and got walking pneumonia in July and have never been the same since.
Fatigue, pain, brain fog were the biggest issues, followed by 5 million other symptoms. I’ve seen drs in SoCal and St Louis at the Wash U long Covid clinic, genetics, ENTs, Nuerogist, tested for POTS, MCAS, Nueropathy (tested positive for small fiver Nueropathy). Gone through all the therapies- speech, occupational, physical, therapy therapy, acupuncture, medical massage therapy, infrared saunas, meditation, take LDN (which did mark some improvement as did pacing techniques I began last summer) during short term disability leave) so increased baseline but then just hit a plateau. Fatigue, fatigue, more fatigue, and pain are the 2 biggest remaining issues. Ive seen significant improvements in basic communication brain fog that I maintain until I push too hard at anything.. cognitive or physical, still have to re-read intensive text including most of the material on long covid research).
At present I don’t feel like anyone’s left me with a treatment regime, realistic next steps, set expectations etc. so you go, you talk, you float until you go and talk again.
The Rhuem ordered another work up of the same panels she ordered upon my initial visit. ANA stuff. Previous panel results indicated lupus and sjogrens but it stops there- indicated, not diagnosed. which I’m ok with if long covid is what’s causing those markers. But no one says that either. I’m no longer working and my insurance runs out in Sept so I’m more pro tests than anti at this point since it’s gonna get a little funky in a few months.
Anyway.. I’m exhausted lol. Thanks for listening, and for all of your posts, questions, explanations, and support of each other on this platform. It gives me life, literally. And I’d be so alone without these communities of like minded individuals trying to live their best lives despite every effin obstacle being thrown in our path! We are awesome and we deserve more, more of everything, consideration, support, accommodations, accessibility, funding, research, guidance, truth, communication, follow up, time, money, peace of mind, empathy. I would keep typing but I must nap now. Love yall
submitted by EmployeeAltruistic53 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]
