Find the length of the legs of the triangle worksheet

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2013.06.10 21:14 What's everyone on about?

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2019.10.30 01:03 mwthecool House of the Dragon

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2016.06.14 20:29 kozrov Tears of the Kingdom - Breath of the Wild

/Breath_of_the_Wild/ has gone private due to Reddit's decision to kill 3rd party applications. Direct any questions you need answering about the game to discord:

2024.05.21 23:31 7billionandthenme im 15 and planning to run away

so im planning to run away in the next few months and im going to start planning from today.
i just cant handle my family anymore and my mental health is so bad and nobody believes me so i cant get any help and i just feel so fucking trapped and suffocated and ive thought about offing myself but i still want to live so my last option is to run away.
ive read a few sources these past few hours but im still abit clueless about what i'm going to do so here's what ive planned so far: -for money im going to take it from my parents i already have £300 gathered and i think i'll need about £1.5k to make it last a while - for id im going to take my sisters bcs she looks exactly like me and she's about to turn 18 - im gonna look for a job for more money and limit my spendings - going to take black clothes like 1 pair of leggings, 2 pair joggers, 2 pair hoodies, 3 pair socks and some t shirts and underwear and a black cap and just a little bit of makeup - gonna find a place to hide in my town for a little bit and then i'm going to go - going to use my friends bus pass - i might find someone else to run away with me bcs i don't wanna go alone - i want to take my phone and delete any tracking apps and socials but i need my sim because it has unlimited data so when i need it i'll quickly put it in for data and take it back out idk if it'll track me tho - find a cheap motel to stay at after a few nights or weeks on the streets - a big black backpack or maybe 2 and just hide the other one somewhere like my friends house (my parents dk these friends) - sharp object and im very good at self defence so i dont think i have too much of a problem w that
that's all i have so far so can someone give me any tips and if anyone wants to run away with me then dm me
submitted by 7billionandthenme to runaway [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:30 ToadstoolWitchery Body Scan Exercise

As we examine our beliefs, We recognize that we have a say in what goes on in our life but we can not control it. It’s important to surrender to and accept this fact. Through praying to a higher power, we may find ourselves more connected to ourselves and the universe. A body scan exercise is a great way to help ourselves ground and observe the sensations across our bodies. This exercise may prove to be especially potent in times when we feel uncomfortable with ourselves. To do the body scan exercise, lay on your back and take three deep breaths. Starting from the top of your head, begin to scan down your body slowly, noticing any sensations, feelings, and thoughts that may arise as you observe each body part. Take note of the feelings across your head, chest, arms, and legs. Don’t get involved in thinking, simply observe your bodily sensations and continue scanning downwards. Once you reach the tip of your toes, you have completed this body scan exercise.
submitted by ToadstoolWitchery to SacredSpirithood [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:26 SierraBrelsford Any idea on what could be wrong with me? Tired of being dismissed by doctors.

Over the last two years, I've been on a mission to get to the bottom of what's wrong with me. I feel like my doctors are either dismissive right away, or excited to try to figure it out, but quickly give up when no one test isn't off the charts bad. I'm seeing a neurologist in July. Wondering what other specialists I should ask for. I've already been to an allergist, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist who specs in electrophysiology and has referred me for a tilt table test, an orthopedist as a teen, and a gastroenterologist.
About Me:
Almost 30 years old, female. Married, no children, full time self employed business ownehairstylist. Of English and Mediterranean descent. No significant history of alcohol use. Have not drank since 2020. I don't use Marijuana or other drugs. No significant nicotene use, but smoked 1 to 3 cigarettes per day until 2021, switched to vaping the lowest concentration, quit nicotene in 2023. Generally healthy and balanced diet. 5'5", currently about 145lbs. 105/65 is normal resting BP, heart is high 50s to low 60s. No significant personal medical history aside from benign ovarian tumor resulting in emergency surgery due to torsion in 2017. Have had pelvic ultrasound within last 6 months, no findings. Normal abdominal CT. Have had two colonoscopies and an endoscopy due to GI issues, detailed below. PFT suggested mild asthma. GI Scopes found mild cell changes in lower esophagus, rectum, and chronic gastritis in stomach. Had MRI of brain which showed two small white matter hyperintensities. Normal echocardiogram, cardiac stress test showed elevated ejection fraction which may have been due to dehydration. Normal cardiac event monitor. I have some degenerative disc disease in my cervical and thoracic spine.
Blood panels usually show: - low- to low end of normal hemoglobin, potassium, sodium. - high end of normal levels of CO2 -high but not alarmingly high wbc (very high neutrophils but low lymphocytes) -thyroid (free t3 and t4) levels tend to swing from the 1.0's to almost 3.0 -estradiol low end of normal Have a normal ESR blood test, have not been given an ANA.
Symptoms include:
-Sudden, crushing fatigue (have almost fallen asleep while standing and walking) -Heart palpitations (both fast and slow, pounding ones) I do take propranolol 10mg as needed and it always helps within an hour. -Sudden feelings of impending doom/death/panic -Sudden lightheadedness and nausea -Sudden bloating and diarrhea 5+ times a day -Cystic acne, currently controlled with tretinoin -Migraines with aura, with or without headache (visual and sound distortions, cannot look at certain patterns (especially small stripes) or hear certain noises without feeling "out of sorts" -Vertigo (feels like I'm falling or about to fall over) -Extreme acid reflux that is never fully controlled even with Pantoprazole (burning is gone, regurgitation still a thing) -Dysphagia -Unexplainable weight fluctuations of up to 25 pounds within a couple months, both gain and loss. This has happened since age 12/13. My mom took me to the doctor for this when I was 95lbs at 13, size 000 and couldn't put on weight no matter what I ate after suddenly losing 15lbs for no reason, doctor accused me of bulimia and dismissed us. -Random episodes of shortness of breath, rescue inhaler works typically. Sharp, stabbing pains and dull aches in rib cage, back, neck, and chest Sudden aching pains in arms and legs or skin will feel like patches of it are burning for a few minutes Unable to vigorously exercise or I will have what feels like an adrenaline dump and have a panic attack. Usually walking up to 3mph is fine but sometimes it isn't. Hypermobile joints which have resulted in many partial and full knee, shoulder, and finger dislocations, especially in teens and early 20s. I've always been very flexible. I do have TMJ as well.
***Also worth noting: Throughout 2018 and 2019, I'd have random days here and there where I would spike a fever and be in bed all day with flu like symptoms, if I went to the doctor my WBC count would be quite high, but either the next day or by the end of the day I'd be fine. This went on for about a year and a half. Then in late 2020, I got COVID and everything started or severely intensified about 6 months later. Continued to worsen until early 2022, then again in early 2023 after a series of very stressful events, and has stayed the same since. Most of my above symptoms have been with me to some degree since childhood or teens, but greatly intensified post-COVID.
Family history of:
Mitral valve defects DVT Heart attack Unstable angina Atrial fibrillation Renal failure Heart failure Type 2 diabetes Hypertension High cholesterol Colon cancer Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Reproductive cancers in men and women Anxiety Depression Bipolar disorder Substance use disorder Fibromyalgia Chronic fatigue syndrome Ulcerative colitis GERD Lupus PMDD
Honestly at this point I don't believe I will ever get a diagnosis. I'm leaning toward some type of dysautonomia like POTS, an autoimmune or thyroid disorder, or even EDS.
submitted by SierraBrelsford to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:23 bnracc1 Moving past trauma

How to move past my trauma
M21, Gunna try and cut this short otherwise this would be the length of a book lmao, i suffered a lot of physical and emotional abuse from my mother growing up as well as sexual violence (from a male), i also had a very traumatic relationship full of verbal and emotional abuse from my ex whom i managed to seperate from last year. But i find now i am terrified of talking to women, like i can talk to some at work if i have to ( i work in a school) but i can never make eye contact and when it comes to trying to get myself back out there i cannot bring myself to speak to any girls. I feel i’ve done a lot of healing since we split and i’m in a much better place than i once was but that is the only obstacle really preventing me from being happy i think. Has anybody else had this or does anybody have any words of advice?
Thank you
submitted by bnracc1 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:23 Heretic_Fun Is it possible to continue a voice conversation?

when using the voice assistant via openWakeword, Whisper and a wyoming satellite, I simply can't continue a conversation. Is it possible to set the maximum length of a pipeline run somewhere?
I have the Extended OpenAI Conversation running and using it via the text-only assist works flawlessly and is actually very impressive.
However using the voice pipeline the pipeline seems to always stop after one reply. Which is not very helpful if this reply is the question if some action should really be executed. In the Assistant Debugger View it neatly shows that the run has ended and so far I could not find any settings to change this behaviour.
Any ideas?
submitted by Heretic_Fun to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:22 PWOFalcon As Astra Volume 0, Prolog, Chapter 1, part 1

Hello, everyone; I have created two donation sites for people who wish to support Ad Astra. Chapters will be released one week before donors are made public on them and here. If you want to support us, please come here
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Also come visit my Discord for updates and conversations:
1/22/2048 (military calendar)
Campsite, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie
Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


Looking past the dark horizon of the valley below, all that was seen were the crisp peaks and ridges of the Torness mighty mountains. Above the heights was the final shine of the father of all light, the yellow sun god known as Dorash. It almost seemed like his gaze was taking one last peek at the skirt of Alagore mountain peaks before finally fading to rest.
As the sun fell below the distant mountain peaks, a robust and crisp breeze swept through the valley below, bringing a sudden chill. As expected, the darkness came and got the freezing mountain cold. Everything became pitched black as the only light source came from the starlight flickering high above the dark void. That was until a new light from the campfires illuminated the camp, only so slightly not to be discovered.
The half-elf girl Fraeya Holiadon was not used to this type of cold. Being a forest noble elf who grew up in the warmth of cities, she quickly grabbed her black-white pattern cloak and pulled tightly to remain as warm as possible.
She took a long breath from the thin, chilly air and stared into the massive valley below—forests, lakes, and, in the distance, a glimpse of lights from a nearby town. Everything looked natural and wild, where civilization had struggled to conquer. A sight she rarely saw outside the city walls. She found the scenery incredible. Worth the hellish adventurer across the Torness Mountain Range.
"Stay away from the edge," a Lat said. "We don't want to be spotted."
"Alright," Fraeya replied. She looked at the Lat, surprised at how he stood, defiant of the thin air and freezing temperature. "Are you not cold?"
"Of course, I am," the last warrior said as he returned to the camp. "Living away from civilization, you grow used to such conditions."
As the soldier left, she looked at the valley one last time before heading back toward the camp.
Fraeya saw nearly a hundred soldiers huddling their campfires for warmth, gathering supplies, or standing watch within the camp. They are known as the Palatini of Orias, one of the many Republic elite units within the legionary. They were hand-picked by the Legate for this mission.
As the young girl walked past the palatini, she could see the exhaustion from their mannerisms. Many looked hungry; others tired with dark, deep black bags under their eyes. Others shaking as their bodies adjusted to the night. To her confusion, she also could see the determination within their eyes as the environment was just an annoyance toward their objective.
She wouldn't blame them for their exhaustion as she could feel most of her body sore from the non-stop marching and climbing, she had to endure to get to this point. Something that her professors left out of their classes. A part of her couldn't help but chuckle from how she once thought after graduation from the academy that she was ready to face the challenges of their world. Only now did she understand how little schooling prepared her for the real world.
"What is so funny?" Another Lat said as she passed.
When she turned to the man, she felt a slim nerve of fear that ran through her body, believing that she might have insulted them. While most of them accepted her within the platini, she could tell they saw her as a weakling over a comrade. "I am sorry. I meant no insult. I was remembering my time at the academy."
The man turned back to his friend, commenting on her inexperience.
Fraeya felt sad as this was not her first failed interaction. For the better part of a week, Orias had escorted her and her father across some of the roughest terrains on Aldrida, taking great lengths to avoid enemy forces as their orders were to keep the two elves protected at all cost. As many men had stated, it was a near miracle that they made it this far without being noticed.
From what she understood, the commanding centurion hoped to reach the base of the mountain they were on by tonight. Such delays had become the norm; they had to delay their travels because of enemy patrols. They were hiding for hours because of J'avias' patrols from one of the nearby City-States. As they adventured deeper behind enemy-occupied territory, she expected this problem to worsen.
While the Hispana Republic's detachment for the expedition could have defeated them, the legionnaire leader, Centurion Fionntan Henness, did not want to risk exposing their unit to the enemy. He feared that if the J'avias or one of their puppet races could pass a message to the Unity's regional vassal, the Verliance Aristocracy, their mission would fail, and their last hope for victory would vanish. His superiors had invested in this last-ditch effort to turn the tide of the war to risk it on a small skirmisher with fewer soldiers.
Between the dozen campfires and the dark but illuminated sky lit by their mother Tekali, this side of the mountain range had perfectly trapped the cold air, something that Fraeya Holiadon was struggling to adapt to. As a Noble Elf, she was used to the warmth of the forest and the benefits of civilization from the continent's western side. Not the chill of the alpine.
Hearing a loud howl that echoed through the mountains, clearing coming from another party elsewhere within the area, Fraeya noticed her ride panicking. She quickly rushed over and slowly approached the beast once she got close.
"There, there," Fraeya whispered to her Deerip, a four-legged beast with three horns, light brown long hair fur, and red hoofs.
Noticing that these lands unsettled the beast, a feeling she could relate to, she rubbed the side of the Derrip's neck. Slowly and calmly whispering a song to it as the beast to calm down.
Once the beast was calm, Fraeya reached into her backpack and pulled out a bundle of grass to feed it. "I understand how you feel. This place leaves an unsettling chill down my spine, too. But you need to stay calm."
"If your beast is going to cause trouble, it will be wise to let it free," Henness said as he approached.
Looking at the centurion, Fraeya replied, "he is just startled. Deerips do not usually travel these lands. He needs to get used to being here."
Henness reached into his bag, pulling out a dark red amulet. He then tossed it into a fire pit. One of the other soldiers, a pyromancy battle mage, approached the hole and ignited it with a low-level fire spell. Unlike most red and orange flames, this fire was blackish purple, a type of flame known as dark fire by the commoners.
"Half-Elf, it took us over a week to get here through this dangerous path. These mountains are very unforgiving to wandering passengers, even to the Legion. We are deep behind enemy lines with no support. If Kallam vassals discover us, we will be slaughtered without mercy."
"That is if we are lucky," a Lat said as he sat beside the Dark Fire. "I heard stories of what happens to the prisoners that are handed over to them. I wouldn't subject my worst enemy to such a fate. Especially if a little girl got us caught."
Feeling frustrated and hearing the disrespect from the man's tone, she wanted to march over and warn Henness. While Lats could be civil and possess a strong warrior spirit, she is always surprised by how stubborn they could be.
"What is your issue, Lat? Fraeya asked. "I understand the risks. My father has been studying for this mission longer than you have been alive. I know what is at stake. This legend is our only hope in stopping them."
"Hope?" Henness asked while being unfazed by the young elf's aggressiveness. "The only reason the Legate sponsored this insane mission was that your father already got funds from a Kitsune archivist guild with a questionable reputation. They wanted to eliminate your father to focus on winning the war. They cannot afford to chase fairytales from time immemorial."
"Insane mission?" Fraeya boldly stated. "This quest is not insane, you…, damn Lat! It is the answer! We all know we cannot win the war. They are just too strong. I cannot believe how you, of all people, your kind, should believe in this."
"It is a fool's quest, Fraeya," Henness replied calmly, showing his military discipline. "Look at what we are doing." Allowing himself to collect his thoughts, he sat by the Dark Fire. "We are looking for an ancient relic, a Lat-Orc folktale that allows you to travel to another world. Hundreds of sages like your father have looked for this and other relics over the centuries. Even your father was proven wrong on this subject. There is a reason why the Guilds and his own people disowned his research."
The legend of an ancient relic from a lost age was an everyday fairytale throughout the continent of Aldrida. A Bridge that connected Alagore to the world known as Altaerrie. Her father discovered that each species and civilization had their own version of the legend over the millenniums. While the tales had many different versions, they all had the core idea - that all life was brought here by the Goddess Tekali.
In this quest to validate the legend, her father, Raegel Holiadon, dedicated his life to validating the myth and the truth of their people's past. While she did not know why her father was so passionate about searching for this truth, she knew that he believed it was the most crucial mystery of Alagore.
Considered a joke from the magical and sage guilds, Fraeya's father, Raegel Holiadon, was forced to conduct his research in isolation. Dozens of sages before him have searched for the truth and failed, falling into the same ousted fake from civilization. No one believed that this time would be any different. Because of his tenacity, he was banished to the fringes of the world to prove his theories. It was not until the Unity invaded Aldrida that he brought renewed interest to his work, not because of recent discoveries or because they suddenly believed in the legend but out of desperation to survive.
"It is different this time," Fraeya said. "If we could tale the sphere and-."
Henness cut Fraeya off, saying, "I am too tired to debate this right now. All that matters is that my Palatini was ordered to escort your party through these lands. I and the rest of my people will follow those orders to the end; I guarantee that. You shall not have to worry about our duty. I just hope this fool quest does not result in the death of my men."
Fraeya felt a deep urge to defend her father's work. As she approached, a Noble Elf stopped her, her father.
"Do not let your emotions get out of control," Raegel said.
"He called me a Half-Elf," Fraeya frustratedly replied. "And he insults my Deerip and questions your life's work."
"I know, I know, now let it go," Raegel said as he calmed his daughter. "It has been a long journey for all of us. Everyone is tired and is on nerve. Do not let an off comment grow into a wild vine."
She was hearing the wisdom from her father; she took a deep breath to calm her nerves, placing her hands together to relieve stress. The journey was long after leaving the great Hispana fortress of Nervia Glevensium. Unable to take the main highway between regions, crossing the Alps was the only way. Bypassing many Unity air patrols, Cities that pledge loyalty toward Kallem, and rouge monster hordes, she realized that her father was correct. "Okay, Father."
Seeing the warm smile from Fraeya's father, she followed him to their tent. Once settled, she wrapped herself in a blanket and sat by the fire.
She watched her father place one of those dark red amulets into a fire pit; that same battle mage shortly approached and activated it with the same low-level spell, igniting the amulet into Dark Fire. Unlike the natural red fire or the other magical types like green and blue, dark fire is used by soldiers and travelers to provide a heat source at night without attracting unwelcome guests. According to the sages, Dark Fire does not illuminate as brightly, so heat-seeking creatures and constructs cannot see the flames from distances. Perfect for behind-enemy-lines missions like this. However, it provided some warmth but could never match the red flame's natural heat.
Finally feeling some warmth, or at least as Fraeya's body wanted to believe, she turned to her father and asked, "Do you think this time it will work? Can we find this Bridge?"
"I know we will," Raegel replied as he checked their supplies. "I know that Lats can be a handful, trust me. I have been around them since my exile, but Henness is correct to be skeptical. You must understand normally that only a fool would undertake such a mission. A fool that I proved to be once or twice in my lifetime." He said with some laughter. Seeing a smile from his daughter, he continued, "But this time, it will be different."
Holding the blanket tight, Fraeya shook her head. "I don't understand, though. It is their people's legend, their story. Why wouldn't they be supportive of our mission? Especially if it is our last hope to stop the Unity."
"I am not a military man," Raegel said. "I never learned the art of war but put yourself in his boots. While you were at the academy and I conducted my research, these men have been fighting this war. Imagine all the battles, all the deaths of fallen brothers that they have witnessed time and time again. Last hopes are poison for soldiers, who have lost no matter what they do. It is their fault that the war has gone this badly, or at least I assume that is how they feel."
"But the legends," Fraeya stated again.
"Soldiers do not wage war based on legends," Raegel said. "While we believe in the legend, that does not mean they do. Thousands of years have passed and that is why they call them legends in the first place, my dear. Think about all our fellow elves' tales we have, and how many of our kind believe in them?"
Reflecting on what her father had said, she knew her people had many stories. Being one of the oldest civilizations on Aldrida, they have stories relating to dozens of topics, returning to orlilla. One of her favorite legends was how her kind were once flowers that sprouted legs. Some say that this was why the Noble race was so beautiful.
"You think that orb you found is the key to everything?" Fraeya said.
"I do," Raegel said. "Everything I have invested in up to this point has pointed to this moment. Whoever hid the Bridge did so to never be discovered by anyone. They hide it with magic beyond our means. That is why no one has ever found any trace of it. They were missing one piece of the puzzle, that orb."
Thrilled to see her father excited again, Fraeya cannot wait to see his dream finally coming to life. After all these decades of researching and traveling across the world to search for any clue, he eventually will be able to prove his life work was correct. He had toured Alagore for centuries, looking for clues, relics, ruins, and anything from the old era. A life work proved worthwhile.
As Fraeya stared at the Dark Fire, she asked, "What do you think this other world will be like?"
“I have no idea,” Raegel said. "I believe that this other world will be like ours. If the historical archives at Allsari and stories of old are true, then it is the world of the Lats…, Altaerrie."
submitted by PWOFalcon to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:21 Eastern_Joke_7675 FYI Series: How to have a strong Start in your my faction Journey.

This FYI will focus on giving you a strong start in my faction, Apart from Live events and Towers, your two main issues at the start will be Proving Grounds (PG) and Faction Wars (FW).
I will discuss faction wars later in the article as some of the strongest cards in the game, even at present, are located there. But to have an easier time in faction wars you will need good card to begin with. So hers how to get a head start on some great Sapphire and Ruby Cards.
In regards to your starter pack choose whatever you prefer, you will receive emerald evo cards which, by meeting specific requirements will evolve gem levels eventually reaching Ruby 80 overall. I tend to go for Strikers as they are easier to meet the requirements and MFP match actions for PG, Lives and Towers.
MyRise and Showcase:
Completion of these modes unlock various my faction cards and some of them are very strong.
Cheesing Myrise and Showcase: If you just want to blast through the modes, set it to easy and go to balancing, then turn everything in your favour, reversals, kick outs, health and regarding submission, change it so the AI is punished for wrong button presses, you not so and correct button presses are strong for you and weak for AI, you will be submitting people in seconds unless the match has objectives or stipulations to meet first. Is it scummy? Yes. Does it matter? No.
I would recommend showcase first, this can be laborious as you cant just win it but have to complete all objectives, again the difficultly adjustment will help but the part that rewards you is the end. It involves you taking part as the first entrant in a 30 man battle royale, to meet all objectives to unlock the showcase cards you need to survive and also eliminate 10 individuals during the run. Choose your wrestler wisely! Someone whos strong can reverse but can survive!
For completing Showcase Royale Rumble with 10 eliminations and winning you receive the following my faction cards which in my opinion are the best starting cards in the game prior to the FW bosses:
My Rise is split into two Story's One male (Undisputed), one female (Unleashed), the female is linear and requires only one playthrough as long as you do all optional objectives to get all of the cards. Unleashed provides far more cards and far better cards:
Unleashed will provide the following My Faction Cards:
The Male undisputed story will require completing the story twice and completing all optional objectives also, the main branch is during a choice to stay with Miz or go to NXT. The undisputed cards you unlock are as follows:
Check which locker codes are active and enter them. Some expire, they provide free packs and cards, free agent cards can be scrapped for MFP, DO NOT ASSIGN THEM! Find recent locker code links here, also this is a great resource.
WWE 2K24 Locker Codes List for MyFACTION (May 2024) WWE 2K24 Coverage (
FW Bosses:
This section will be quick as I may do a whole FYI article on Faction wars and the best cards and why but my list in order are as follows:
Best Males:
  1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
  2. Rock (either, same stats and badges if not Cena will suffice the one that matches rocks badges)
After this its your choice, another rock or Cena couldn't hurt, YOKO and Andre were beast but the stamina nerf has affected them. Undertaker has terrible badges for his class but his super finisher is a submission and coupled with his space invader badge he can make submitting foes easy. I am not the biggest fan of Cody card but he's okay,
Your 4th card for the line up should be your showcase Shaun Michaels, TRUST ME!
Honorable Mentions:
The FW Sapphire Roman, Bobby, 78 Cena and Randy can be good.
  1. TRISH STRATUS WITHOUT A DOUBT. OP, still one of the best female cards.
  2. Bailey - Trust me her badges, she stuns easy and her stuns drain enemy special and finisher.
  3. Either Charlotte 84 or the Becky 84 but go for charlotte, quicker limb attacks, on a stun bar can do three leg attacks, Becky does one! Furthermore, she has purple space invader meaning her subs are stronger.
Honorable mentions:
FW Sapphire Trish Stratus, Asuka, Chyna.
My starting line up after a while was this:
Males: Stone Cold, Rock, Rock, Shaun Michaels Showcase
Females: Trish, Bailey, Charlotte 84, Becky (84) (But Bianca, Becky or rhea from showcase are good also!).
I hope this is useful and Sub please chime in with your own advice. The more discourse the better. And again to the new players! Welcome!
PS Apologies for typos. Did this on my android.
submitted by Eastern_Joke_7675 to WWEMyFactionSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:20 PendriveNova What are your top recommendations for calming a fussy or colicky baby? Any tried-and-true techniques or remedies that worked well for you?

Calming a fussy or colicky baby can be challenging, but here are some tried-and-true techniques and remedies that have worked well for many parents:
  1. Swaddling: Swaddling can provide a sense of security and mimic the snug feeling of the womb. Wrap your baby gently in a lightweight, breathable blanket, ensuring their hips and legs have room to move.
  2. Gentle rocking or motion: Many babies find comfort in gentle rocking or rhythmic motion. You can try rocking them in your arms, using a rocking chair or glider, or even going for a calming stroll in a stroller or baby carrier.
  3. White noise or soothing sounds: Background noise can help soothe a fussy baby. Consider using a white noise machine, playing soft music, or creating a calming environment with sounds like rainfall or ocean waves.
  4. Comforting touch: Gentle touch and skin-to-skin contact can be incredibly soothing for a baby. Try holding your baby close, providing gentle massages, or using techniques like infant massage to promote relaxation.
  5. Calming bath: A warm bath can help relax your baby's muscles and provide a soothing experience. Use warm water, mild baby-friendly products, and make it a calm and enjoyable time for your little one.
  6. Changing positions: Experiment with different holding positions or carrying techniques to find what works best for your baby. Some babies find relief in an upright position, while others prefer being held close or in different arms.
  7. Pacifiers: Offering a pacifier to suck on can provide comfort and help soothe a fussy baby. It can provide a calming effect and satisfy the natural sucking reflex.
  8. Burping and gas relief: Fussiness can sometimes be caused by trapped gas or indigestion. Take breaks during feedings to burp your baby and try gentle tummy massages or using gas relief techniques recommended by your pediatrician.
  9. Dim lighting and quiet environment: Creating a calm and peaceful environment can help soothe a fussy baby. Dim the lights, reduce noise levels, and minimize external stimuli to create a serene atmosphere.
  10. Seek support: Don't hesitate to reach out to healthcare professionals, support groups, or experienced parents for guidance and reassurance. They can provide valuable advice and support during this challenging time.
Remember, each baby is unique, so it may take some trial and error to find the techniques that work best for your little one. Trust your instincts as a parent and be patient and loving in your approach to calming your baby.
submitted by PendriveNova to AskMomUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:06 Blueberry_Truffle Need to Vent- Warning Long

I (F28) am part of a group of girls who meets to play board games and sometimes Switch games on the weekend. One of the girls (F26), who we’ll call Sarah, has been my friend for 5 years. The past 3 years in particular we've become inseparable, and I've considered her to be my best friend. She's very religious, I believe in god but have had some issues with organized religion, and we've discussed our views on this respectfully at length over the years. (This will come in later, and I have absolutely nothing against people who are really into organized religion I just had to take a break for personal reasons.)
She had been dating our mutual friend (who we met around the same time) for about a year, before breaking up with her a month ago pretty suddenly. Her ex (F25), who we’ll call Hana, is in the group of girls who comes over on the weekend. The whole group was surprised by the breakup, as prior to this they had been pretty seriously planning a future wedding and they seemed to have very few issues. Sara told her that she needed to work on herself, and maybe they could get back together in the future but that she wouldn't blame her for moving on.
When I talked to her about it, she said she hasn't been as involved in her church as she would like to be in this relationship and she wanted people in her life who put more pressure on her to go to church. So I tried my best to be more supportive of her, and when she'd ask my opinion on things in life I’d redirect her to her churches stance. She started going to church every Sunday, and I even went with her once to show my support. (But let her know that I was only comfortable with the one time.)
After that, she became obsessed with figuring out her sexuality. (Which I totally get, but the whole process was very strange.) She'd talk to me a lot about the boys at church. She seemed very focused on finding a boy who was hot enough to convince herself that she was sexually attracted to them, or rich enough that she could take it easy but didn't want to sleep with them or let them sleep with anyone else. All the while texting Hana her “self progress” everyday, and getting upset if she perceived Hana’s behaviors as moving on too quickly.
I told her list of requirements in a partner seemed unrealistic. (He had to be solid 9 or 10 physically, wealthy, didn't care if they ever had sex for the rest of their life, and let her do whatever she wanted on their dime.) And most importantly, to me, she wasn't treating Hana fairly. She told Hana that she wasn't going to date at all, and was purely figuring her life out. Meanwhile she had been telling everyone else in the friend group that she didn't want her back, but was just scared no one else would take her.
The comment was made gently, but directly, and I could tell it upset her but she changed the subject immediately.
A few days later, we introduced a new girl to girls night. She was a gem, but had happened to sit next to Hana by chance. The two didn't know each other, and maybe spoke a total of three times one on one. When the event ended, Hana gave her a quick hug and welcomed her to the group before asking Sara if she could walk her to her car. Sara declined passively, and everyone left.
I thought everything went well, but then Sara then called me. She ranted that they were disrespecting her by flirting right in front of her, which was super surprising to me. They hadn't flirted at all in my opinion. When I tried to calm her down, she accused me of trying to set them up. I said I wasn't doing anything of the sort, and she seemed to calm down.
After that she was very distance, and only invited me to spend time with her church friends as opposed to our usual one on one hangouts. I originally didn't think anything of it, but when I was there Sara began to openly discuss LGBT stuff with her church group in reference to both herself and me. This is a church known for opposing LGBT. I panicked (I didn’t know these people), and remarked that obviously we weren't trying to attack their beliefs. They all gave me a harsh look, most of all Sara, and stated that every girl in the group was LGBT. Sara then explained that she had invited me for that reason. I was beyond uncomfortable due to the lack of heads up, and they were all very cold to me after that.
The next day her Ex, Hana, called and told me that she wanted the new girl uninvited from the group. I was surprised, and asked if Sara had asked her to call me about this. She immediately began to dodge the question, and I told her that I couldn't handle Sara’s break up drama anymore. Hana asked what I meant by that, and I asked if Sara had mentioned why she wanted the new girl removed. This caught her off guard, and she realized that she hadn't been given any reasons. I asked if she'd give the new girl another chance, as she hadn't done anything wrong, and she reluctantly agreed.
After that Sara became more cold than ever, and texted me that I wasn't being a good friend. I asked how, and she didn't respond.
I tried meeting her one on one to see how things were going, and she was very distance. She seemed to be leaving her church, and was almost treating me like I was bigoted for asking about it. When a week ago it was her biggest priority. I dropped it, and tried to ask if she was okay overall, and she shrugged it off.
A few days later, she sent me a text that said that I no longer fit into her life, and not to come by her house. She then blocked me everywhere without any reasons. I tried my best to support her in finding herself, but feel like I was punished for being supportive of what she said she wanted last week just to have her decide the opposite by the next time I saw her.
I don't understand what went wrong, and I'm devastated.
submitted by Blueberry_Truffle to lostafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:06 Boring_Ad_2819 Need help find manga (around 5 years ago I read it) plss

Ok, so I don't remember much, but here is everything I know:
There was a male protagonist, he was at school and with green hair, also he had problem with his leg, so he had a walking stick. There was his classmate, girl with red eyes (I think). I remember a moment, he was running from her, in his flashback, she was like a ghoul and she wanted to eat him, but for some reason she didn't and they had an agreement, that she doesn't eat him so far, but he helps her with smth. The style of manga/manhwa was like a comic, not usual style.
That's all I remember for now, any help is much appreciated, I read it a while ago, and can't find it anywhere. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Boring_Ad_2819 to manga [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 Late_Switch1390 i live in the rural country (no stores to walk/bike to) and I do not have a car. How can i find a way to support myself when i have no way of phyeically getting to a job or interview?

Basically title. I am 25 and I have no work experience outside of 4ish days at mcdonald's like 4 years ago.
I have depression and anxiety (diagnosed) and i suspect autism and adhd as well. I've been trying to find a way to earn money since i was 13. for 12 years I've struggled just getting more depressed in the process. I've decided i really would rather die than spend decades working for some corporation just to survive.
I live with my mother, but we are technically homeless. we sleep in my great grandmother's living room. our car broke down shortly after moving here and we only have my mom's disability that's around 800 a month to live on, but between bills and little treats to keep us alive we haven't been able to save up much, and I recently got hit with a court issued payment for an old credit card that's now taking up an extra $100 of my mom's money every month.
i don't want to die and leave my mother in this shitty situation alone. she's tried so hard my entire life just for me to not be able to meet expectations. I started college courses in high school but i was too depressed so i dropped out in 10th grade and really just kinda dissociated until graduation thinking I'd end up killing myself before then, so i didn't make any actual plans for life. i ended up accidentally sleeping through my SAT timeslot so i just never applied to any colleges. I wanted to get a working certificate but it was like $600 when i graduated and i had no job and no way of getting one, and my mom was at the time struggling to pay our $350 rent cause she herself was disabled with no disability back then.
I'm pretty creative so for a few years i made money doing whatever i could from home, trying to be patient about the "starting a business takes years" thing, but after about 3 years in the most successful thing i tried, the pandemic started and many people started businesses from home in my niche which basically took away the ability for me to stand out and do numbers that had helped me get that far. i kept trying for another year but sales were pretty much nonexistent and i got burnt out trying to keep up the work with no money.
since then I've kinda just been drifting by in life. after burning out while working at home i tried to get a job at mcdonald's which everyone said was a great starter job, but after a week i was left even more burnt out. I hate being around people and having to speak, ehich was so draining. customers are so vile to fast food workers, the bosses treated us like kids (even the ones that had long graduated high school), I am not good being watched or timed so i kept messing up, my bosses would pressure me to take early breaks and on my last day i didn't get a break at all, and every day after work my legs would hurt so bad I'd just sit and cry. i struggled even walking to the bathroom for a month after i quit, i genuinely thought i had done permanent damage to my legs and i had only worked for 4 days (not including the training which i never even got to finish). it was a nightmare and i never want to do that again.
I know I've listed probably way more information than necessary but I'm so desperate. i don't want to die, but if my options are work the rest of my life or end it early, I'm choosing the latter. but before i do that i just want to get my mom into a more stable situation. my grandmother is 91 and once she dies my mom will be on the streets. i don't want that for her. i just don't see any actual solutions.
submitted by Late_Switch1390 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 Unhappy_Ad4506 Internal spasms, vibrations, shivering feeling every night

I’m 31F, slightly overweight but not majorly.
Recently diagnosed with SIBO but I don’t think this is related.
Since late February I’ve been experiencing the strangest feeling in my body. It feels like something inside my lower abdomen right the way down to the top of my legs is spasming/ vibrating / shivering. The vibrations or spasms come in waves. It’s painless it’s just weird af and is happening more and more frequently. It happens mostly in the evening and into the night. It sometimes wakes me up or if I wake up in the night for another reason it’s there.
I’ve obviously googled and found anxiety is listed as a cause but I really do not think it’s that this is physical. Mentally I feel the best I have in a long time.
I am also experiencing some changes in my menstrual cycle it’s prolonged and heavy. And weird one - like a tingling feeling in my outer labia like pins and needles kind of feeling.
Any ideas what this could be? I am finding it super uncomfortable.
submitted by Unhappy_Ad4506 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 ErvcWise Pythagorean Archive

In a right-angled triangle, the Pythagoras Theorem Formula is expressed as:
c2 = a2 + b2
submitted by ErvcWise to u/ErvcWise [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:52 germanideology Enticement at the Encampment: An Erotic Short Story

Tom took another look at the dwindling encampment as his dismay began to fade away. "Whoever's left to hang out with are the most committed to the cause" he thought to himself. "If anything, I'll have more fun than I did before." And after all, they had a good lineup of activists scheduled to visit in the next few days, and an anarchist band had even agreed to play this afternoon. He had definitely noticed a rapid drop in the number of campers since the end of the semester, and had even begun to doubt that they would be able to get any sort of concessions out of the university. But his thinking had changed after hearing the speeches that morning.
First to speak was Tom's friend and comrade, Eric. His impassioned indictment of the Israeli government reminded Tom of the importance of their activism. Then came the married grad students, the Trotskyist Abdou and the pan-Arabist Farida. They were international students studying English and anthropology, respectively. Or was it anthropology and sociology? Abdou lectured on the university's connection to the military-industrial complex. His speech was filled with threats to the administration that Tom was sure the limp-dicked Trot had no means of fulfilling. Even so, he had to admit that despite all his other inadequacies, Abdou was a powerful speaker. Finally came Farida. Tom had always considered her the best speaker of them all, but frankly he had a hard time taking his eyes off her whether she was speaking or not. He had tried flirting with her before, and he got the feeling that Abdou was even more into it than she was. Thinking about it now, he couldn't quite remember what her speech had been about, but it had certainly improved his spirits.
As the "Bacon Brigade" began setting up their instruments, Tom decided to make a point of dancing with Farida that afternoon. As the average tent now held two campers rather than five, he even thought he might get a chance to enjoy some of the newfound privacy.
When there was a break in the music, Tom sauntered over to the table where Abdou was sitting. As an ML, Tom could hardly stand Trotskyists, but he put on a smile for the sake of "left unity."
"She's a good dancer isn't she?" said Abdou.
"Oh yes, the best," agreed Tom. He was trying to think of a way of progressing his slow seduction of this Muslim woman and decided to be bold. "Look Abdou, the band will be winding down soon, why don't you both come back to my tent and I'll show you some comradely hospitality. I also have some suggestions that I know you'll love."
Abdou's mind was racing with the possibilities of the situation. Would this be the chance to see his wife seduced and taken by this big stud? Supposing Farida won't agree? Before he could engage his brain Abdou found himself agreeing to Tom's offer. "Wonderful, wonderful," beamed Tom and he could feel his big cock twitch at the thought of bedding Abdou's beautiful wife.
Just then Farida reappeared. "What are you two talking about?" she said.
Before Abdou could say a word, Tom said "Well my dear, your husband has kindly accepted my invitation of hospitality at my tent."
Farida didn't know what to say. She had thought Abdou would whisk her off back to the hotel and give her the fucking she desperately needed. Rubbing up against Tom's manhood had taken its toll. "Well I suppose we could come and see where you camp," she said, "but we mustn't stay too late must we Abdou?"
"What? I err no, I suppose not," stammered Abdou as Tom rose and offered Farida his arm.
And the three of them found themselves heading off to tent where the lives of Abdou and Farida would be changed forever. As they walked along Abdou held one of Farida's arms and Tom the other. However, after a while Abdou consciously let go of his wife's arm and stepped behind Tom.
This was not lost on the big white and he put his big protective arm around Abdou's wife as if to say to everyone "she's mine." If Farida hadn't been so dazed by the afternoon's events, she might have noticed various other white students smiling at Tom with knowing grins. They had recognized the situation immediately; a Muslim couple with cuckold husband following on as a big powerful white man led the wife to his cot.
Soon they reached Tom's tent and both Abdou and Farida were pleasantly surprised at how spacious it was. "Let me get you some coffee," said Tom as both Abdou and Farida collapsed onto a big sleeping bag.
Having sorted the drinks, Tom put some music on, and crawling over to Farida he said, "Can we have another dance Farida, you're such a good dancer?"
Before Farida could answer she felt her husband pushing her up. "Go on Farida, you know how much you enjoy it."
Abdou secretly wanted to see his wife in the arms of this Adonis again and who knows maybe more. Having no real reason to object, Farida agreed and as she accepted Toms hand she couldn't help but feel a shiver at the thought of being reacquainted with his penis, albeit covered by his trousers. However, as they left the tent she had a suspicion that he wasn't wearing any under garments since his penis had seemed so clearly outlined earlier.
As he clasped her to himself Tom could feel his big cock twitch once again. He moved one hand down to the small of her back, just to test the waters and meeting no resistance after another minute or so he moved his hand onto her sexy bottom. He could feel through the thin dress that Farida wasn't wearing thick pants, or perhaps only very skimpy ones and he couldn't wait to see her naked.
Farida felt lost in a different world as she circled round with this big man. Not only could she feel his penis growing hard against her once more, but she felt his big hand on her bottom pulling her onto his hardness. When she looked at her husband (still sitting in the tent), she noticed that he was just rubbing his own penis through his trousers. "My goodness," she thought, "he's getting turned on watching us. Supposing I flirt a bit more and show him what he's missing?"
With that Farida deliberately started to open her legs and let Tom's muscular leg rub against her inflamed sex.
This change in Farida's demeanor was not lost on Tom. As he led her back to the tent, he let his hands roam all over the back of this sexy hijabi Muslim wife and he leaned down to kiss and nibble her neck and ears. He heard Farida sigh and knew that he was close to capturing this sexy wife. "Fatima, let's give Abdou a show to remember shall we?"
Farida was brought back from her dreamlike state by Tom's question. "What do you mean?" she asked.
Almost in a whisper Tom said, "You know, a bit of thesis-antithesis-synthesis."
He had already found the zipper that ran down the back of Farida's dress and he had it in his hands as he spoke to her. He slowly started to pull the zipper down and it was half way down her back before Farida realised what was happening. "Wait Tom, we can't do this, I'm married."
"So what of it, Abdou wants me to undress you, don't you Abdou?"
Abdou had no hesitation in replying in the affirmative. This is what he had wanted for so long.
Caught in the confusion and surprise of hearing her husband say that he wanted to see another man, undress her, Farida just lay there while Tom pulled the zipper right down and then eased the dress off her shoulders. Suddenly she realised that she was lying in only her stockings, garter belt, and thong panties.
As she looked up at Tom she saw something that she hadn't seen in a man for years and that was undisguised lust. This man was lusting after her, this married women! She should have felt ashamed at her feelings but she didn't. Having got half-naked, she realised that she was enjoying the attention of this muscular white man. In fact she decided to crawl around in front of him as if to say 'look at what my husband has and you haven't'.
This might have been a foolish act, but it merely served to confirm what both men knew. For Tom it confirmed that Farida was absolutely gorgeous, the sexiest Muslim woman he had ever seen and that she needed to be loved sexually. For Abdou as he fingered his painfully erect cock, he knew that he was just a few steps away from pushing his wife into a sleeping bag with another man. He was close to realizing his fantasy.
Tom pulled Farida to him, lifted her face to his and he kissed her. Farida would always remember that first kiss since it was both passionate but more significantly the precursor to her crossing a line that could not be re- crossed, and to setting in motion events that would last her and her husband a lifetime. She accepted his big tongue into her mouth and her tongue fenced with his. She could feel his big hands roaming all over body now.
In her trance-like state it seemed quite natural that Tom should start to remove his clothing. Both Farida and Abdou watched as the big man removed his shirt to reveal a hugely-muscled chest and then he dropped his trousers and just as Farida had suspected he wore no underwear. His big cock reared up in all is magnificence and Tom was gratified to hear both husband and wife express surprise at his size.
Tom crawled over to the sleeping bag where Farida was sitting and crouched in front of her, his big cock semi erect. He remembered that Eric had told him that the cops were closing in, and he knew he would have to move quickly if he wanted to finish before they cleared the encampment. Farida's head was at the same level as the big man's groin and she was amazed at the whole size and muscularity of this man. Her trance-like state was broken by Tom who said softly "Take my cock into your mouth."
Farida was aghast, "I can't! It's dirty and I've never done that before."
Tom laughed to himself. This wife was indeed naive and yet he was gratified that he would be the first man to have his cock sucked by her. Lifting her face so that she could look into his eyes, Tom said, "As we hear from German ideologists, Germany has in the last few years gone through an unparalleled revolution. The decomposition of the Hegelian philosophy, which began with Strauss, has developed into a universal ferment into which all the “powers of the past” are swept. In the general chaos mighty empires have arisen only to meet with immediate doom, heroes have emerged momentarily only to be hurled back into obscurity by bolder and stronger rivals. It was a revolution beside which the French Revolution was child’s play, a world struggle beside which the struggles of the Diadochi [successors of Alexander the Great] appear insignificant. Principles ousted one another, heroes of the mind overthrew each other with unheard-of rapidity, and in the three years 1842-45 more of the past was swept away in Germany than at other times in three centuries.
"All this is supposed to have taken place in the realm of pure thought.
"Certainly it is an interesting event we are dealing with: the putrescence of the absolute spirit. When the last spark of its life had failed, the various components of this caput mortuum began to decompose, entered into new combinations and formed new substances. The industrialists of philosophy, who till then had lived on the exploitation of the absolute spirit, now seized upon the new combinations. Each with all possible zeal set about retailing his apportioned share. This naturally gave rise to competition, which, to start with, was carried on in moderately staid bourgeois fashion. Later when the German market was glutted, and the commodity in spite of all efforts found no response in the world market, the business was spoiled in the usual German manner by fabricated and fictitious production, deterioration in quality, adulteration of the raw materials, falsification of labels, fictitious purchases, bill-jobbing and a credit system devoid of any real basis. The competition turned into a bitter struggle, which is now being extolled and interpreted to us as a revolution of world significance, the begetter of the most prodigious results and achievements.
"If we wish to rate at its true value this philosophic charlatanry, which awakens even in the breast of the honest German citizen a glow of national pride, if we wish to bring out clearly the pettiness, the parochial narrowness of this whole Young-Hegelian movement and in particular the tragicomic contrast between the illusions of these heroes about their achievements and the actual achievements themselves, we must look at the whole spectacle from a standpoint beyond the frontiers of Germany.
"Ideology in General, German Ideology in Particular: German criticism has, right up to its latest efforts, never quitted the realm of philosophy. Far from examining its general philosophic premises, the whole body of its inquiries has actually sprung from the soil of a definite philosophical system, that of Hegel. Not only in their answers but in their very questions there was a mystification. This dependence on Hegel is the reason why not one of these modern critics has even attempted a comprehensive criticism of the Hegelian system, however much each professes to have advanced beyond Hegel. Their polemics against Hegel and against one another are confined to this – each extracts one side of the Hegelian system and turns this against the whole system as well as against the sides extracted by the others. To begin with they extracted pure unfalsified Hegelian categories such as “substance” and “self-consciousness,” later they desecrated these categories with more secular names such as species “the Unique,” “Man,” etc.
"The entire body of German philosophical criticism from Strauss to Stirner is confined to criticism of religious conceptions. [The following passage is crossed out in the manuscript:] claiming to be the absolute redeemer of the world from all evil. Religion was continually regarded and treated as the arch-enemy, as the ultimate cause of all relations repugnant to these philosophers. The critics started from real religion and actual theology. What religious consciousness and a religious conception really meant was determined variously as they went along. Their advance consisted in subsuming the allegedly dominant metaphysical, political, juridical, moral and other conceptions under the class of religious or theological conceptions; and similarly in pronouncing political, juridical, moral consciousness as religious or theological, and the political, juridical, moral man – “man” in the last resort – as religious. The dominance of religion was taken for granted. Gradually every dominant relationship was pronounced a religious relationship and transformed into a cult, a cult of law, a cult of the State, etc. On all sides it was only a question of dogmas and belief in dogmas. The world was sanctified to an ever-increasing extent till at last our venerable Saint Max was able to canonise it en bloc and thus dispose of it once for all.
"The Old Hegelians had comprehended everything as soon as it was reduced to an Hegelian logical category. The Young Hegelians criticised everything by attributing to it religious conceptions or by pronouncing it a theological matter. The Young Hegelians are in agreement with the Old Hegelians in their belief in the rule of religion, of concepts, of a universal principle in the existing world. Only, the one party attacks this dominion as usurpation, while the other extols it as legitimate.
"Since the Young Hegelians consider conceptions, thoughts, ideas, in fact all the products of consciousness, to which they attribute an independent existence, as the real chains of men (just as the Old Hegelians declared them the true bonds of human society) it is evident that the Young Hegelians have to fight only against these illusions of consciousness. Since, according to their fantasy, the relationships of men, all their doings, their chains and their limitations are products of their consciousness, the Young Hegelians logically put to men the moral postulate of exchanging their present consciousness for human, critical or egoistic consciousness, and thus of removing their limitations. This demand to change consciousness amounts to a demand to interpret reality in another way, i.e. to recognise it by means of another interpretation. The Young-Hegelian ideologists, in spite of their allegedly “world-shattering" statements, are the staunchest conservatives. The most recent of them have found the correct expression for their activity when they declare they are only fighting against “phrases.” They forget, however, that to these phrases they themselves are only opposing other phrases, and that they are in no way combating the real existing world when they are merely combating the phrases of this world. The only results which this philosophic criticism could achieve were a few (and at that thoroughly one-sided) elucidations of Christianity from the point of view of religious history; all the rest of their assertions are only further embellishments of their claim to have furnished, in these unimportant elucidations, discoveries of universal importance.
"It has not occurred to any one of these philosophers to inquire into the connection of German philosophy with German reality, the relation of their criticism to their own material surroundings.
"First Premises of Materialist Method: The premises from which we begin are not arbitrary ones, not dogmas, but real premises from which abstraction can only be made in the imagination. They are the real individuals, their activity and the material conditions under which they live, both those which they find already existing and those produced by their activity. These premises can thus be verified in a purely empirical way.
"The first premise of all human history is, of course, the existence of living human individuals. Thus the first fact to be established is the physical organisation of these individuals and their consequent relation to the rest of nature. Of course, we cannot here go either into the actual physical nature of man, or into the natural conditions in which man finds himself – geological, hydrographical, climatic and so on. The writing of history must always set out from these natural bases and their modification in the course of history through the action of men.
"Men can be distinguished from animals by consciousness, by religion or anything else you like. They themselves begin to distinguish themselves from animals as soon as they begin to produce their means of subsistence, a step which is conditioned by their physical organisation. By producing their means of subsistence men are indirectly producing their actual material life.
"The way in which men produce their means of subsistence depends first of all on the nature of the actual means of subsistence they find in existence and have to reproduce. This mode of production must not be considered simply as being the production of the physical existence of the individuals. Rather it is a definite form of activity of these individuals, a definite form of expressing their life, a definite mode of life on their part. As individuals express their life, so they are. What they are, therefore, coincides with their production, both with what they produce and with how they produce. The nature of individuals thus depends on the material conditions determining their production.
"This production only makes its appearance with the increase of population. In its turn this presupposes the intercourse [Verkehr] of individuals with one another. The form of this intercourse is again determined by production.
[continues in comment]
submitted by germanideology to Ultraleft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:51 -TheBlackSwordsman- I'd like to give this old table a white paintwash, but the top face has a layer of fake wood grain

I'd like to give this old table a white paintwash, but the top face has a layer of fake wood grain
To be clear, this piece in the image is a center piece that can be added to a circular table to extend its length, but the whole table surface looks like this.
I want to give it a nice paintwash with white to give it a bright raw wood look. I took a closer look and realized there seems to be a sort of laminate slab over the entire top face of the table with fake wood grain. You can see the unnatrual smooth texture on the top, whreas the sides clearly have real wood grain.
I cant do a paintwash on this top layer but would it be a smart idea to peel it off? The fake grain layer was added which makes me think there isn't a natural grain underneath, unless it's only there to protect the wood from food spills.
The tables legs and all the chairs look like nice solid wood with grain grooves, it's just the table face with the fake stuff.
Let me know if peeling this layer off would make any sense or if this table is just not suited for a paintwash. Thank you!
submitted by -TheBlackSwordsman- to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:48 Ready_Television1910 Diverging gender identity and expression?

Hey folks, been a lurker for a while and recently rejoined the sub. I've been having some struggles lately and wanted to share my experiences here in the hopes of finding sympathetic ears or people that have had similar experiences.
I am AMAB and have identified as agender for several years, though generally speaking I consider myself a 'late in life' queer (I only came out in the early 2020s and am in my mid-30s). About 9 months ago I started HRT and have been taking estrogen and anti-androgens since then with the care of my doctor. Everything is going well and I love just about all of the changes that HRT is bringing about in my body and mind, with the exception of maybe my boobs.
This leads to my bigger point, which is that I know deep down to my core that I am agender. This is an identity that is important to me: I absolutely just want to be myself and not associate myself with gender at all. They/them pronouns feel the most joyful to me and I have no desire to change that for now.
I enjoy aspects of my masculinity such as my voice, jawline, and facial hair -- but I also want my body to be more feminine, particularly my legs, hips, and waist. As my body changes and I grow more breast tissue I find this to be more and more of a difficult stance to hold, to the point where my body is starting to feel alien to me when I look at myself in the mirror. It feels weird to be feminine below the neck, and masculine above it. I'm going to start experimenting with makeup to see if that helps. Growing my hair out isn't really an option either, unfortunately; I'm not particularly blessed in the follicular department when it comes to my noggin and I started HRT way too late in life to counter my early male pattern baldness.
Sorry if this post comes across as rambling and disjointed but it would be great to hear from other people that have experienced something like this: not necessarily just AMAB folks going more femme (though any advice on how to deal with keeping aspects of masculinity and still be femme would be greatly appreciated it) but also just anyone that has dealt with this divergence between gender identity and expression.
submitted by Ready_Television1910 to agender [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:47 Much-Recognition-426 It’s gotten so bad I can’t even feel my body, i have no connection to it or the environment I’m in at all. It was not this bad a few weeks ago.

I don’t know what is happening to me. I’ve lost all sensation of my body, I can’t feel anything. I was driving and it feels like I’m floating, I don’t even feel bumps in the road. I drive places and it feels like I just appeared there, I don’t remember the drive or how I got there.
I go out into the sunshine and have no idea what time is it, I don’t feel like I’m “here” at all. Things are unrecognizable, and not visually - mentally. It’s like I’ve never been where I am before.
I have no thoughts in my mind at all, just music repeating over and over again. It’s like my thinking brain and inner monologue are gone, and the fear part of my brain is in complete control. The scariest part is, I don’t have any physical anxiety or panic at all, that’s how I can’t understand why this has gotten worse. I haven’t felt any sort of panic in probably a year. I feel so past the point of many people on here - I don’t see very many people saying they have no anxiety, or they can’t feel their body, they feel disoriented and unable to comprehend reality around them. I cannot focus, or get my mind on anything that requires concentration. My mind is blank.
Why is my nervous system doing this? I cannot find any triggers or anything that would make me feel MORE anxious. Nothing in my life has changed. DPDR is destroying my ability to function. Walking around feeling like you have no body, like life isn’t real, like you’re no connected to yourself or the world around you. I try so hard to just live, and I have been for many months, but I continue to feel worse - not better.
I haven’t had health insurance but once it’s active, I’m going to have every test done. This is not normal, my nervous system must be damaged in some way. If you can’t feel your body even when you touch yourself, or it feels like your legs aren’t even attached to anything, there’s something wrong. I don’t even feel myself breathing or my heartbeat. When I used to take deep breaths, I could feel my lungs expanding, now it feels like I can barely take a full deep breath.
The cognitive issues, the memory loss, the complete lack of energy or interest in anything, the lack of an inner self, not recognizing where I am, what time it is, what life even is. I 100% feel dead, I don’t understand how a doctor wouldn’t able to see this on an MRI or scan - I’ve lost all sensations in my body. Is DPDR just cutting off the physical sensations from being read by my brain?? Same with senses, I don’t smell, feel, taste, nothing. Those things still have to be there but my brain isn’t reading the input and connecting it with memories, which is why everything feels so foreign and awful.
I’ve been watching Robin Shindelka’s YouTube channel and she’s so wonderful, calm, collected. She had DPDR and she came out of it. But I don’t see her explaining my symptoms the way I experience them, she still had physical anxiety and feelings. I have none of that. How can you heal from anxiety when you can’t even feel it? You can’t accept or float through something you’re unable to feel. I don’t see anyone describe DPDR the way I do.
I’ve truly never been in such a worse place. Even at my worst DPDR, I could feel anxiety. It didn’t feel like it was happening to me, or my body - but it was there. Anyone living like this would be afraid. It’s not only taken my reality from me, it’s taken myself and my body from me too. I picture someone experiencing this as they are dying, as a way to cope with the pain. But I’m not dying, I’m not being eaten alive, I’m just doing basic things trying to survive. I don’t fight the way I don’t feel anything. I just sit in this hell every single day.
Robin mentions that DPDR happens when you can’t run from your emotions, yourself or your fears. There’s no actual bear, I’m the bear. My mind fears my own emotions, my own self, there’s no trust. I don’t even know where to begin to get my subconscious to not fear existence. To not fear my own emotions. Any little bit of feeling I have, my mind goes deeper into DPDR. This is all subconscious. My mind doesn’t trust itself - a real bind I’m in here. If you can’t trust you own mind, who are you?
submitted by Much-Recognition-426 to dpdr [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC , May 21, 2024 /CNW/ - Kootenay Silver Inc. (TSXV: KTN) (the "Company" or "Kootenay") is very pleased to announce results from the first six drill holes targeting the eastern extension of the D-Vein target.
Four of the first six holes (CDH-24-148 to 151) were deliberately drilled at shallow levels to establish dip orientation of the vein before testing the deeper productive zone. Outcrop exposure is limited in the drilling area and initial holes drilled for structure followed by holes CDH-24-152 and 153 that drilled for grade at a significant 200 meter step out from previous intercepts at a comparable depth.
Holes CDH-24-152 and 153 targeted D-Vein at or below the important elevation of 1750 meters above sea level below which, as a rule of thumb at Columba Project, high silver grades are encountered. These two holes are on the same fence and are both very large step outs of 200 meters from the nearest intercept below 1750m elevation (CDH-23-147). and both intercepted mineralization in the D-vein. The two holes are 150 meters apart in the dip direction.
Holes CDH-24-152 to 153 increase the previously established 450 meter strike length to 650 meters between holes CDH-23-136 to 137 and CDH-24-152 to 153.
  • 435 gpt silver over 11 meters drilled width/3.52 meters estimated true width within 183 gpt silver over 40 meters drilled width/12.96 meters estimated true width
  • 920 gpt silver assay high over 1.35 meters drilled width/0.43 meters est. true width
  • Very large lateral step out along strike from nearest holes at similar elevation around 1600 to 1675m
  • ~325 meters from CDH-23-145 (22 meters/15.4 meters est. true width of 174 gpt silver with 6 meters/4.2 meters est. true width of 435 gpt silver and 1 meter of 814 gpt silver ) 1
  • ~375 meters from CDH-22-128 (20 meters/13.6 meters est. true width of 136 gpt silver with 2 meters of 520 gpt silver) 2
  • Large step out along strike of previous drilling.
  • Tests the upper edge of high grade zone near 1775 meter above seal level
  • ~ 200 meters along strike of CDH-23-147 ( 532 gpt silver over 8 meters drilled/4.96 meters est. true width within 219 gpt silver over 28 meters) 3
  • ~ 150 meters up dip of CDH-24-153
  • 347 gpt silver over 5.6 meters drilled/3.36 meters est. true width within 240 gpt silver over 9.0 meters drilled /5.4 meters est. true width.
  • 492 gpt silver over 2.65 meters drilled/1.59 meters est. true width.
The current drilling program is designed to find the strike extent of D-Vein mineralization in preparation of infill drilling and a now fully funded follow up program of 20,000 meters, aimed to delineate a maiden resource expected in late 2024. In addition to the D-Vein, the Company maintains a priority list of new vein targets and known vein extensions all warranting drill testing.
Kootenay's President & CEO, James McDonald states, "We increased the magnitude of step outs on the D-Vein with 100 to 300 meter step outs to great success on the first few holes. These large step outs along strike and down dip are rapidly building volume of mineralized vein. We are very excited to continue stepping out and are preparing to add a drill rig to test high priority targets while one will remain dedicated to step out then infill drilling of D-Vein."
Drill highlights, maps and sections from the project are tabulated on the Company's website at the links below
Click to view the , , and cross sections
Table 1. D Vein Intercepts from shallow drilling
Table 2. Highlights of Drill holes Targeting D-Vein Below 1750m elevation
As previously mentioned, results discussed herein represent the first series of holes designed as aggressive step outs along the D-Vein structure in a region where the structure is not visible at surface. Holes CDH-24-148 to CDH-24-151 successfully intersected the target at shallow depths, above the projected upper horizon of strong mineralization. These holes will provide invaluable information for subsequent drilling targeting high grade mineralization. Holes CDH-24-152 and CDH-24-153 intersected the D Vein at a deeper levels and silver grades returned were correspondingly higher.
The company has completed over 30,000 meters of diamond drilling in 153 holes at Columba since 2019 and intercepted numerous veins with high silver grades and widths indicating excellent resource potential. Prospective veins on the project are hosted within a volcanic caldera setting, the surface extent of mapped veins measuring roughly 4 kilometres by 3 kilometres. Management believes that Columba may be a newly recognized vein district that is nearly entirely preserved from erosion.
A comprehensive list of drill results completed on the Columba Property since 2019 may be viewed here: Columba Drill Results
Sampling and QA/QC at Columba
All technical information for the Columba exploration program is obtained and reported under a formal quality assurance and quality control ("QA/QC") program. Samples are taken from core cut in half with a diamond saw under the direction of qualified geologists and engineers. Samples are then labeled, placed in plastic bags, sealed and with interval and sample numbers recorded. Samples are delivered by the Company to ALS Minerals ("ALS") in Chihuahua. The Company inserts blanks, standards and duplicates at regular intervals as follows. On average a blank is inserted every 100 samples beginning at the start of sampling and again when leaving the mineral zone. Standards are inserted when entering the potential mineralized zone and in the middle of them, on average one in every 25 samples is a standard. Duplicates are taken in the mineralized intervals at an average 2 duplicates for each hole.
The samples are dried, crushed and pulverized with the pulps being sent airfreight for analysis by ALS in Vancouver, B.C. Systematic assaying of standards, blanks and duplicates is performed for precision and accuracy. Analysis for silver, zinc, lead and copper and related trace elements was done by ICP four acid digestion, with gold analysis by 30-gram fire assay with an AA finish. All drilling reported is HQ core and was completed by Globextools, S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Qualified Persons
The Kootenay technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) and reviewed and approved on behalf of Kootenay by Mr. Dale Brittliffe, BSc. P. Geol., Vice President, Exploration of Kootenay Silver, is the Company's nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed the scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release. Mr. Brittliffe is not independent of Kootenay Silver.
About Kootenay Silver Inc.
Kootenay Silver Inc. is an exploration company actively engaged in the discovery and development of mineral projects in the Sierra Madre Region of Mexico Mexico , Kootenay continues to provide its shareholders with significant leverage to silver prices. The Company remains focused on the expansion of its current silver resources, new discoveries and the near-term economic development of its priority silver projects located in prolific mining districts in Sonora , State and Chihuahua, State, Mexico , respectively.
*The information in this news release has been prepared as at May 20, 2024
Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Kootenay as of the date of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors, known and unknown, could cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Except as otherwise required by law, Kootenay expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any such statements to reflect any change in Kootenay's expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.
Cautionary Note to US Investors: This news release includes Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources classification terms that comply with reporting standards in Canada and the Mineral Reserves and the Mineral Resources estimates are made in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (" NI 43-101 "). NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. These standards differ significantly from the requirements adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the " SEC "). The SEC sets rules that are applicable to domestic United States reporting companies. Consequently, Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources information included in this news release is not comparable to similar information that would generally be disclosed by domestic U.S. reporting companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements of the SEC. Accordingly, information concerning mineral deposits set forth herein may not be comparable with information made public by companies that report in accordance with U.S. standards.
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SOURCE Kootenay Silver Inc.

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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:45 Content_Strike_5972 Am I the AH for breaking up with my bf after he S/Aed me?

Aologies in advance for the length. Okay so I'm a college student and my ex and I go to the same school. He lives in the dorms and I live off campus with some friends. We were dating for about 9 months. His friends and mine all hang out too so it's a really tight knit group. He's a foreigner here on a visa and makes excellent grades on the honor role and is active in the community on campus. He's on track to go to Ivey League also, so everyone likes him and respects him.
We started having sex almost right away. There was just such an attraction. He's a college aged male so he wanted it like all the time. And usually I obliged. But one night about a month ago, he was over at my apartment. There was only one roomate/friend of mine home. We were in my room and he wanted sex. I said I didn't want to tonight and he started pressuring me. We were laying in bed and I was on my stomach. I won't go into detail but he got behind me and did it anyway. He acted like it wasn't a big deal because have sex all the time.
I was in shock and felt disgusting so I told him I needed a moment and went to get in the shower. The other reason it was indeed a big deal is because I told him no is because I was on my period and had a tampon in. I did for the record, tell him that but he thought I was lying because I didn't want to do it. So again he pushed himself onto me despite my protests and struggling. I tried to fish the tampon out in the shower but I couldn't find the string. He came into the bathroom (the lock was busted) and tried talking to me. I told him I didn't want to talk but he insisted and even got into the shower. I was crying and I told him I wasn't lying about the tampon and I was scared because having one inside you can cause major medical problems. He said he'd get it out but I didn't want him to touch me. I got out of the shower and he kept wanting to talk and apolgizing and touching me. I finally screamed at him to leave me alone for awhile, while I took some time to think but be wouldn't.
My scream triggered my roommate who came in and saw me obvious upset, crying, wet, in a towel. She was alarmed. I told him if he wasn't gonna give me space then he should leave. My roommate wanted me away from him to ask what was wrong and when I told her, she said we should go to the hospital to get the tampon out. So we left and my ex was still there. At the hospital the nurse asked if I had been raped and I was taken aback honestly. She asked if I knew the person...yes. If it was consensual... not this time. She nodded and asked if I wanted to file a police report. I was so confused by this. I told her no and we left.
In the car she said the nurse had a point and it was SA. I wasn't ready to accept that at the time. But here's the kicker! My ex called me while we were on our way back. He doesn't have a car so he called a friend to come get him. He asked if I was okay and said he was calling to break up with me! Apparently I embarrassed him by having to have a friend come and get him in the middle of the night and him having to explain that he got kicked out. And "in his country, kicking someone out of your house is the ultimate form of disrespect." Also that now people were in his business.
I was devastated. We didn't talk for about a week and I had to see him on campus. Of course all our friends were asking what happened. I obviously didn't want to tell everyone the truth so I just said he broke up with me because I kicked him out. So people were telling him to forgive ME! It took me a while to realize that what he did was indeed SA and it took me some time to admit that. But with the help of my friend and roommate who is the only one of our friends who knows the truth, I came to terms that, that's what happened.
About a week after the break up, he calls me and wants to talk. He asked me to meet him at a park near campus so I did. I listened to him talk for about 45 mins straight. Here's the thing, and yes I might be dumb and naive but I really do love him and I was willing to listen to him and even get back together if he admitted what he did and promised to never do it again. But during that entire speech about what he saw as our future and how much he loves me, etc, he never once apologized. He didn't even bring that night up. Which told me that he really doesn't think he did anything wrong. And that scares me.
So he said he wanted us to get back together. I told him I'd think about it. I took the day and then told him I thought it was better if we just stayed friends (it's easier to be friends than completely cut him off because all our friends also hang out so we'll be around each other). So now all our friends think that we broke up solely because I kicked him out and that while he shouldn't have broken up with me in the first place, that I should forgive him for the break up and get back together. I keep telling them I refuse and now they're saying I'm punishing him and I'm being unfair. They keep trying to convince me. But they don't know the whole truth. The only one who does says I shouldn't give in because I'm being pressured.
I know I'm not the AH but I'm not sure if I should tell the group the truth. One I'm embarrassed. I know it's not my fall my and I shouldn't be but it's hard yah know? Also even the faculty love him and I'm afraid it'll be a his word vs mine situation if it gets around and I don't know if I can handle not being believed. A lot of other girls on campus wanted to date him and have been jerks to me because I "got him" so I feel like most people would take his word over mine. What should I do?
submitted by Content_Strike_5972 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:43 ErvcWise Pythagorean Archive

The Pythagoras theorem equation is expressed as, c2 = a2 + b2, where 'c' = hypotenuse of the right triangle and 'a' and 'b' are the other two legs. Hence, any triangle with one angle equal to 90 degrees produces a Pythagoras triangle and the Pythagoras equation can be applied in the triangle.
submitted by ErvcWise to u/ErvcWise [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:43 CederTrees ▌ELIMINA ▌ Open World RP ▌Original Setting ▌Server ▌ 21+ ▌

The Setting
Almost three-hundred years ago, the Earth was almost destroyed. A monumental catastrophe raked over the planet, swallowing up reality and changing everything.
The great wiping of the slate allowed for a new civilization to grow into one where Humans and Fae became intertwined. New forms emerged as well, living concepts called Daemons who shepherded the Earth races toward other stars.

Elimina is a prison planet five light years away from Earth.
Exiles have been sent from all over the habitable systems to the remote planet for two-hundred years. Survivors of earlier exiles have built societies from the wastes, learning to live on what they could find.
With growing towns and settlements, getting sent to Elimina is no longer the death-sentence it used to be. The planet is now in the early days of building a new society, one that isn't solely a dumping ground for the violent and inconvenient. It's a fresh start for some, and a regulation-free eden for research and industry.
Most are thrown into the wasteland by force while others come to escape prisons of different kinds.
The Vibe
Sci-fi/Solarpunk with magic.
The server has chill, casual RPs as well as long, world-altering plot progressions.
There are no post length requirements. Members are all flexible writers who make long scene-setting, descriptive posts to rapid-fire dialogue and action.
The server requires at least a highschool level of English proficiency, which means members should be able to clearly express yourself through writing. Occasional mistakes are okay.
We've built a history for a unique world, enough to provide a structure with room to create your own story. We have rock lore, dirt lore, political lore, science lore and even a little gas lore.
The server and setting have been set up to help you go from joining to making a character with a minimal time investment.
We're an active community, but there's no activity requirement.
Click Here To Join
submitted by CederTrees to Group_Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:41 Glad_Task_9601 Trying to find a good chair for me

Hey everyone, I’m a 188cm tall men (6"2 iirc) and I want to find a real good office chair for me since I spend a lot of time sitting. Sometimes I like to cross my legs or put them onto the chair, the armrests are also very importants for me I don’t really know how much do you need to spend to have a real good office chair but I want it to be very comfortable (obv) but I also want it to last for a very long time I hope to find some help here !
submitted by Glad_Task_9601 to OfficeChairs [link] [comments]