Living things plants worksheets

animals being jerks!

2013.02.22 05:05 tara1 animals being jerks!

A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being jerks.

2020.09.12 17:47 a-mile-high sacredplants

A place for people to discuss plants/fungi/living things that have been used as entheogens!

2014.07.03 19:27 FoodGrower Urban Homesteading Tips, Tricks, and other stuff

This subreddit is curated, meaning posts may be removed if the content does not contain something relevant to the topic of urban/suburban homesteading. If you feel your post was unfairly removed, you may request an appeal from the mods. Our reddit community is dedicated to anything related to homesteading on an urban or suburban property. Topics include (but not limited to) canning, growing, building, fixing, and providing for yourself and your family. Please keep comments civil. Thank you.

2024.05.21 22:58 Late_Switch1390 i live in the rural country (no stores to walk/bike to) and I do not have a car. How can i find a way to support myself when i have no way of phyeically getting to a job or interview?

Basically title. I am 25 and I have no work experience outside of 4ish days at mcdonald's like 4 years ago.
I have depression and anxiety (diagnosed) and i suspect autism and adhd as well. I've been trying to find a way to earn money since i was 13. for 12 years I've struggled just getting more depressed in the process. I've decided i really would rather die than spend decades working for some corporation just to survive.
I live with my mother, but we are technically homeless. we sleep in my great grandmother's living room. our car broke down shortly after moving here and we only have my mom's disability that's around 800 a month to live on, but between bills and little treats to keep us alive we haven't been able to save up much, and I recently got hit with a court issued payment for an old credit card that's now taking up an extra $100 of my mom's money every month.
i don't want to die and leave my mother in this shitty situation alone. she's tried so hard my entire life just for me to not be able to meet expectations. I started college courses in high school but i was too depressed so i dropped out in 10th grade and really just kinda dissociated until graduation thinking I'd end up killing myself before then, so i didn't make any actual plans for life. i ended up accidentally sleeping through my SAT timeslot so i just never applied to any colleges. I wanted to get a working certificate but it was like $600 when i graduated and i had no job and no way of getting one, and my mom was at the time struggling to pay our $350 rent cause she herself was disabled with no disability back then.
I'm pretty creative so for a few years i made money doing whatever i could from home, trying to be patient about the "starting a business takes years" thing, but after about 3 years in the most successful thing i tried, the pandemic started and many people started businesses from home in my niche which basically took away the ability for me to stand out and do numbers that had helped me get that far. i kept trying for another year but sales were pretty much nonexistent and i got burnt out trying to keep up the work with no money.
since then I've kinda just been drifting by in life. after burning out while working at home i tried to get a job at mcdonald's which everyone said was a great starter job, but after a week i was left even more burnt out. I hate being around people and having to speak, ehich was so draining. customers are so vile to fast food workers, the bosses treated us like kids (even the ones that had long graduated high school), I am not good being watched or timed so i kept messing up, my bosses would pressure me to take early breaks and on my last day i didn't get a break at all, and every day after work my legs would hurt so bad I'd just sit and cry. i struggled even walking to the bathroom for a month after i quit, i genuinely thought i had done permanent damage to my legs and i had only worked for 4 days (not including the training which i never even got to finish). it was a nightmare and i never want to do that again.
I know I've listed probably way more information than necessary but I'm so desperate. i don't want to die, but if my options are work the rest of my life or end it early, I'm choosing the latter. but before i do that i just want to get my mom into a more stable situation. my grandmother is 91 and once she dies my mom will be on the streets. i don't want that for her. i just don't see any actual solutions.
submitted by Late_Switch1390 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 Critical-Sun-5358 My Husbands Dog

My husband decided to get a dog almost two years ago, “for our kids!!” he cried, (but I can assure you our now 5 & 2 year old don’t give a crap about this dog) anyways, husband promised he’d walk it, pick up after it, train it etc etc, it wasn’t a puppy when we got it she was almost a year old, also free off kijiji (should’ve been the biggest red flag) Anyways flash forward to now, husband doesn’t take it for walks, she’s reactive and freaks out at other dogs, doesn’t walk good on a leash, needs some serious training that she won’t get living here. She steals and is constantly in the garbage like I seriously leave her for 1 minute and she’s in the garbage, she’s constantly scrounging for crumbs or anything my kids have dropped, I have to watch this thing 24-7 I have two kids and this is worse than having kids.
I’m due in December with our third baby, I told my husband I am absolutely done with this dog, I don’t want it haven’t wanted it for a while, I’m done cleaning up after it, I’m done having it in my house destroying things because it can’t be left alone literally for a minute, my husbands been dragging his feet, not wanting to let go his dog but I really don’t see why? If this dog isn’t getting attention, or walks, he can’t remember to feed or give it water unless I remind him then why is it here? It’s not bringing anyone joy, we have two kids when my husband comes home from working 11-13 hour days the literal LAST thing he wants to do is spend time with his dog.
I was waiting for him to finally be at his breaking point with it, but he just won’t reach that point.. I woke up at 4 am having to pee, opened our bedroom door and was hit with a blast of dog diarrhea smell, slapped my husband awake and told him to go clean up after his dog, sure enough he wakes up goes downstairs and this thing diarrhea exploded all over its cage all over my dining room at 4 am…
Just wanted to rant, let it all out because I’ve been holding this in for so damn long. I want to add my husband is great, he’s a great dad, he’s a great human being and I think he thinks that giving this dog up means he’s failed, I think it’s embarrassing for him to admit that this dog needs more than what we can give it, it needs training, it needs a home where someone’s home 24-7 and doesn’t have other responsibilities just solely can focus on the dog.
submitted by Critical-Sun-5358 to TalesfromtheDogHouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:57 AcanthisittaClear550 I made a post earlier about people mixing up our sexual orientation and our identities, and I would like to change that opinion

So basically as it says. You guys came in the comments and kindly explained a different side to this, and honestly brought some perspective to things, so I wanted to repost this with a new perspective.
So my opinion now is that, while by technicalities, the word gay is different from our identities by a dictionary perspective, but that should not dimish the fact that for many of us, being gay does shape a huge part of our identities and our personalities.
Now, I live in a gay neighborhood of a world city, and what I've noticed here is that it's not uncommon for guys to believe that if you don't fit the stereotypical things, that you are literally "not gay". And I mean literally. I believe you should do what truly makes you feel best, and what you truly want to do. It's completely fine if you want to change aspects of yourself in order to fit in with the community better, if that is what truly makes you feel better. Like, if you value being included in the community, even if that means changing aspects of yourself to fit in, that's totally fine. But, on the other side of the coin, if you value your authenticity more than just fitting in, it is totally fine to not change aspects of who you are to fit in. The honest truth is that you may lose some friends by doing that, but you may also cultivate deeper relationships that might be more meaningful for you. It all just depends on what you personally value more. But at the end of the day, there is no rule book for how you have to be, dress, talk, or act in order to be gay. No matter what you choose, you are still you, and you are still part of the gay community regardless.
Do not feel pressured to fit some stereotypes pushed onto us. Just do what makes you feel best and what resonates with you.
submitted by AcanthisittaClear550 to gay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:57 moon_cat666 Reminiscing about Colonial Christmas celebration in Yardley/Newtown area

I grew up in Bucks, I have fond memories of the Crossing Community Church reenactment of Colonial Christmas. Everyone was in costume, they had traditional food like venison stew, they had a little fife & drum band, bonfires... we weren't members of the church but my brother participated in the band for a couple years, probably in the range of 1999, 2000, 2001? From what I see online, it seems like they don't hold this event anymore, time flies. I haven't lived in Bucks for 15 years and my brother passed many years ago. Does anyone else remember going to this? I would love to find archived pictures or learn more about it, I was relatively young then and web presence for this kind of thing was not how it would be today. Thanks :)
submitted by moon_cat666 to BucksCountyPA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:57 breastanyharder Complicated situation - need ISTJ perspective

Hi ITSJ’s - female ENFJ here.
I like an ISTJ. I could tell he liked me a lot because he kept showing up to things and physically kept leaning into me. We became friends by attending church together.
Here’s where it gets complicated: We met while I was dating someone, but I could tell he’d grown to like me over time as we hung out innocently as friends.
Friday, I asked a couple of friends if they’d like to join me for dinner with another couple, and he was the only one to say yes. Then the couple left after dinner and we went to a bar to hang. After talking and making intense eye contact, he leaned in and held my hands and kissed me (while I was still dating someone). Then he apologized a ton. He said he felt terrible because my bf is a really great guy. I told him I liked him, and he immediately said “I like you too”. I said I couldn’t tell fully if that was true, and he said “I love your personality and you’re attractive, of course I like you. But I can’t pursue someone in a relationship”. I felt like there was pain in his eyes, and assumed it was because he’d liked me for awhile and felt he messed up (mostly because he kept saying sorry and touching me). Then he kept holding my hand and rubbing his fingers across me out of nervousness. I told him it was okay, not to feel guilty, I was the one in the relationship and that I was going to break up with my bf soon. He said that did make him feel better that I was ending things with him. But also proceeded to grill me on why I chose to live with him if I wasn’t sure. I told him I was 22 when it happened (we dated for 6 years).
Then I kissed him back and we went to another bar and kept kissing.
Then Sunday, a friend invited us both to brunch, many of whom knew my bf. he didn’t sit near me and seemed distant, but I did catch him looking at me (tho I could be overanalyzing).
I broke up with my bf that night Sunday, and told him the next day: “Hey, I wanted to let you know that I broke up with [name here] last night. He doesn’t want to make it very public and out of respect for him, not many folks know but I wanted to be fair to you. I’d been planning to do it within the next month and didn’t want you to feel guilty. We’re all invited to this MDW party but if I’m not there, didn’t want you to worry that it was you.”
He responded 6 hours later with: “Hey thanks for letting me know and definitely not going to mention this to anyone. Don’t worry about being fair to me, you don’t owe me anything. Sorry about all of this, I know it has got to be a really hard time for you and I probably contributed to that, so I am sorry. I would totally get it if you didn’t want to run into me (I’m out of town Memorial Day anyway). Happy to catch up if you want to sometime, but please don’t feel obligated at all.”
I do feel terrible and am focusing on caring for my ex through the transition of us parting. That being said, I still like this guy. I’m afraid how he acted st brunch was an indication he doesn’t like me anymore. His vague response in text feels like that solidified the truth. I value honesty and trust and this is the first time I’ve let something like this happen. I’m afraid we messed things up, but hoping to reconcile. Wondering if i should try to be friends first. I can’t tell if his text means he’s being cautious or that he’s polite and we’re done for.
  1. how do you interpret his text and intentions, what his fears and goals may be? Would you rule me out as a prospective partner as an ISTJ or would you want to just wait?
  2. any advice on how to fix this?
submitted by breastanyharder to ISTJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 ForeverNo5009 Why is this happening please I don't understand

Buckle up, this is going to be confusing and long. I have to say from now that I actually have major "memory gaps" from alot of what happened and most of what I'll say from now is information I had to gather from people who were around me when this happened.
Last week, in school, I was sitting with my friends in the cafeteria area. I looked at my watch and realized the date of the day and thought "my dad is coming back today from traveling" (he was in another country), I just remembered a past memory of him yelling at me and abusing me. Now the thing I don't understand is that suddenly I kept having multiple "flashbacks", both visual and auditory, of the abuse my family put me through, including my dad. I wanted it to stop but I realized I couldn't, I was literally paralyzed on the outside. I tried to nudge my friend beside me but I could barely twitch my finger. (she was distracted with my other friend and had her head turned away from me). The best way I could explain the "flashbacks" is that it was like if you had multiple Tvs around you playing multiple movies, aka memories, all at once at high speed and volume.
I realized my heart was beating very fast and loudly, and even in less stressful situation than this one, feeling my heart makes me anxious. Luckily one of my other friends came to sit with us and noticed how I was. I tried with all my strength to talk to them and tell them what's happening but I was "paralyzed" and couldn't tell them. I was already extremely distressed and realizing how badly I couldn't react made me start crying involuntarily and they called the doctor assuming I was ill. Obviously the doctor realized I wasn't sick and told me to just drink juice. The more she asked questions and the more I didn't respond, the more she got frustrated at me. By that point they called my sister who also got mad at me for not talking. By then, the break had ended for a while and I don't know how but I ended up in my classroom, I think i just literally walked there but I don't remember doing that at all. Then I sat down on a chair next to the supervisors table and, once again, I don't remember what happened but I realized time had passed and there were multiple people surrounding me and one of my friends was on her knees infront me trying to talk to me. And when I realized I don't remember her walking up to me at all, talking to me, kneeling down beside me, I was so frightened and just started sobbing. I don't remember much from here but I do know, from my friends, that the supervisor told everyone to go back to their class. I should mention that my class was less than a few feet away from the supervisors seat, she doesn't have a private office.
I just started sobbing and sobbing and the only person I wanted was my closest friend, who I'll call "S", who knew me more than anyone else. I was scared of my dad so badly even though I knew he couldn't do anything in school. Again, I somehow ended up in another area near the supervisor's table and I was hugging S so hard her arms turned red. My mind felt hazy and then I glanced behind her for a second and I fucking saw my dad just standing there. I knew there was no fucking way he was there, I go to an all girls school, 3 floors up, and he was in a different country, but I was so confused. I half believed and half didn't. I was so horrified and I kept telling them he was there but they told me no one was there (from my friends' narration).
This kept going on for a while until I just somehow ended up in the bathroom, laying down on the floor, and a few teachers and people from the administration were surrounding me. I genuinely don't remember how I ended up there. It got so bad my sister had to call my therapist, and I yelled at the phone that my dad was there and he was going to hurt me but even I knew that was ridiculous but I couldn't help it. We had to hang up on her through. After a long while I managed to stand up and I was beside my class, my class door has a window thing you can look through and then it hit me that all of my classmates are seeing this and it scared me again.
My friends told me later that someone opened the door and I ran in and grabbed one of my closest friends who also knew about my dad's abuse and yelled at her something like "tell them I'm not lying tell them tell them" but the thing is I don't remember who "them is" or what I meant by lying I really don't. They kicked everyone in the class out and I ended up just sobbing for a while again. I don't remember much and my friends had to leave so I don't have any information of what happened. I ended up going home and they gave my mom a warning.
So fast forward to yesterday, on Tuesday. I was having a completely normal day, and then an hour into school, I just felt "weird" and started banging my head hard and alot on my table. Luckily the tables aren't that hard, I don't know what the material they're made out of is called but they can't really do much, it's hard but weak. My friends sitting beside me had to grab me with all their strength because, again from their narration, I kept trying to fight against them to hurt myself. The administration came in and kicked everyone out and I just kept trying over and over again to harm myself. Apparently I even tried to take my clothes off but they stopped me. But everyone saw what my upper body looked like I think. And I ended up downstairs 3 floors down in the principals office, I don't remember how I ended up there. I was screaming crying and begging for S and my favourite teacher, they wouldn't bring S but they did call that teacher. She kept hugging me and comforting me. Then they tried to make me leave to my driver who was outisde the gate. When they got me out to the gate i for some reason just ended up on the floor sobbinf and I don't know why. Then I looked behind me and my dad was there. It wasnt a delusion or whatever he was there. Enough time had passed for him to have time to come. They also called 3 male teachers from the boys section to carry me. When my dad held I can swear I screamed like I was tortured alive. The more he held me the more I was distressed and scared. I don't know what happened but he left and they called my mom to pick me up instead. (I live with both my parents but my dad has a busy job and had to go back to work for emergencies whole my mom stays at home). I went back home and the rest is too much irrelevant details I don't wanna focus on. Theres only one week of school left with exams, in the exams time we stay only 2 hours in school and leave, there's no classes or anything like that. And now the school is refusing to let me go back to my classrooms, they said I'll have to take the exams in the administration room.
I genuinely have no idea what's going on with me, I've done so much research but I haven't even found anything that could be a basic assumption or theory or idea or whatever of what's going I'm so confused I hate this and I'm stressed and now everyone at school knows I'm being abused by my dad. Please if you have any idea what's goin on with me, even if it might sound ridiculous or whatever please please tell. And I know I have to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist but we're still in the middle of dealing with that so yeah. Also no one in my family has a history of mental illness especially with something like this.
submitted by ForeverNo5009 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 Bluelobster212 28 [F4M] #London / Anywhere - Looking for the love of my life

Hey :) Ultimately I want to find my best friend and lifelong partner. Open to chatting to guys in the UK and anywhere around the world. A bit of info about me:
My dream guy is:
Those things are core compatibility factors that are important to me. Other than that , I'd love to learn more about your interests and hobbies even if they aren't ones we share currently :)
Please send a message with your age, location a picture if possible in your message :)
submitted by Bluelobster212 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 Opening-Echidna222 Type me based on my life for past few years

2019: graduated from University with a gold medal, and i have an idea what I want to be in future, where I want to earn money and enjoy as many things as possible and live life in luxury so I started upskilling myself and applied to many jobs and attended job fairs but i failed in passing exams in every job and I never succeeded in any interview , I took each and every experience and started improving myself but i failed again and again. No matter how much I try there is so huge competition that I'm failing in every job openings . I am getting rejected by every company.
2020: COVID happened , no job openings and no job fairs to attend and stayed at home and became a shut in for 6 months all while watching animes, movies with whatever money I earned from part time jobs, friends and family. I thought I want to live like that forever (stupid me). In the later years i joined masters course from online as my father pressurized me by saying "do it , u r jobless, u r worthless scum, u are just a shut in who won't do anything" , I said "if I join masters in the institute u r recommending then this plan of urs will definitely fail as u already know it well, u don't have enough guts to send to go far away place where the institute is located if in case COVID reduces" he said "when COVID reduces, just drop out of masters" I said "huh? Then y should I join then?" He said "because I said so, it's for ur good" i said "dad,wait for few months I will find worthwhile job" he said "u will be worthless if u neglect ur career further" . And everyone around me pressured me to join masters course and I joined the course because of pressures and it was completely online at the time , and I worked tirelessly to pass each semester.
2021: continuing masters, i put so much effort into my exams only to barely pass. Whereas , my classmates scored straight As . I was suprised , i was putting so much effort and why I couldn't be as good as them but I was chill cause I'm passing. I finally got assigned a project. I completed the project early even before final semester and I even published a research paper in a journal
2022: in final semester when the COVID decreased the institute which I enrolled masters insisted us to come. The institute was pretty far away from my place. And my dad never allowed me to go there and he never wanted me to lose the masters , I thought of making deal with professor as i already completed the project and even my research paper was published in journal and my professor said " even if u complete the project and passed in every exam I won't pass u in the project unless u come " I said " I can't come due to family issues" my professor "then u r unworthy to study " my dad raised a complaint and after hearing the complaint the whole institute accused me of defaming the institute honor and blackmailed me they will get cops involved in this and ruin my future and to solve this they demanded me to come there and do what they say. I said to them "whatever it is , i won't come there" and i am dropping out of the institute and i do t need any master's . I dropped out of the college and I said this to my dad he became angry and i blamed him this was his mistake and told him "2 years ago I told u this will happen u and none listened to me now see there is 3 years gap in my career and no one will recruit me and 2 years ago when I was clean i failed everything now I have this remark of dropout and now none will recruit me, u do realise how fcked up competition really is in our country , if u r not competent u will be crushed" . A few months passed and i decided to leave the town and family. I found a minimum wage job out of the town and lived with one of my cousins, where I have to do maintenance of transformers and other electrical equipment. There i worked for 4 months and left it because my boss was too bossy and I don't want to work under him. I started working as another minum wage job and left it too because I can't stand bossy people there and also i slapped my boss and i finally thought my own stupidity, professors arrogance and power and my father arrogance and power are the reasons for this, and i decided to go in teaching field. So, i planned how to get into it, so first I started working as a tutor. I joined masters course again at a different institute with scholarship facility as I was a gold medalist from University during my undergraduation. I continued tutoring as a part time to earn money and working on masters in other hand
2023: I worked on my masters and passed through all semesters with above 4 GPA and worked on my project. The students that i tutored as a part time stood as strong as support to me. Their happiness after I teach them filled me with confidence that I can do many good things in life and I want to help as many students as possible. Though I never admitted this to them because as a teacher I can't show weakness before and I need to be strong. Also, my cousin who provided me shelter in times of need made me to be strong and not lose hope on myself
2024: i completed my masters last march and I immediately joined as professor and this professor job is good that none bosses me around again and i am teaching students who are very interested in my lectures, as i already has experience in teaching. I kinda love this job , i don't live with minimum wage anymore and I am helping people with their studies and most importantly none bothers me as i myself earned quite a name regarding skills all thanks to the technical skills and subjects i learned back in 2019. My hardwork of that time not wasted , instead the skills that i developed at the time are helping other people instead. Currently,i am planning on doing PhD maybe I will do it next year or some time later but presently I need to stabilize myself financially .
That's it guys, I'm curious what u think my type is based on this
Also, I agree , I made many stupid decisions in my life don't be harsh on me please... I already blamed myself enough
submitted by Opening-Echidna222 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 schnitzel_envy Looking for recommendations for the the best chicken soup options.

My wife will be living in the Silver Lake area for work for the next six months. I'll be going back and forth, but for the most part she'll be on her own. I'm the chef in the family and she's not great when it comes to meal planning. I'm cooking some big batches of her favorites to stock up her freezer, but I'm trying to find good options for pickup or delivery that she can rely on. One thing she never gets tired of is chicken soup. Chicken noodle, chicken and vegetable, pretty much anything with a good chicken broth that doesn't contain any seafood (allergies). Can anyone recommend some tasty chicken soup options? Are there any fresh soup brands available in grocery stores or farmers markets that are any good? Any recommendations from local soup aficionados would be hugely appreciated!
submitted by schnitzel_envy to FoodLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 insomniatica No kitchen in house: Help w/ solutions? & portable burners questions

Hi there!
The place where I live has does not have a kitchen. It only has a small countertop with a double sink w/ room for a microwave and a place to dry dishes. (Please no judgements. It's what we can afford.)
Here's what we have so far:
I want to replace the electric skillet (that has some scratches) with a maybe a double electric burner that we can take outside when needed, as there's limited ventilation inside. Inside, we can also only operate 1 appliance at a time or a breaker trips! =/ If I rearrange things, I can put a burner or two directly next to the window, though...
  1. I'm thinking of getting a double portable burner (see above). The one I'm looking at has one 6.1 & one 7.4 inch burner. It's 1800W (900w + 900w). That means that if I'm using both burners, I can NOT plug anything else in to the outlet at the same time, is that correct? (I'm in the United States)
  2. As far as I know, we only have one outlet outside, and our refrigerator is on that. So if the double burner wouldn't work, would a 900W single burner be enough to do most cooking? How about for searing a steak or chicken breast?
  3. Should I get induction instead? I heard that they click constantly... is that true? (I have sensory issues, so constant clicking sounds will drive me crazy)
  4. Any other suggestions are appreciated!
submitted by insomniatica to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 bigpolka Inflatable Coleman air leak

I have a Coleman SaluSpa Tahiti Inflatable Hot Tub. I had it up all of 2023 and took it down for winter storage this past October due to living in the New England area and not wanting my inflatable unit sitting and running outside. I was able to place the entire hot tub unit is a large plastic storage box which I then placed in my shed so nothing would damage it during storage.
I just put it out this past Saturday and everything is working fine except it is leaking air somewhere. I have to fill it with air daily to keep it standing up it seems. There is no visible damage to the valve that I connect the tube to inflate the air into and when I screw the cap on, there is no leak coming from it, as I’ve done the soap and water test. I’ve also done the same around the entire unit to see if there might be a puncture somewhere but not seeing any signs.
Rubbing out of ideas on how to troubleshoot and how to fix this. I am outside of a warranty and trying to prevent myself from buying a new unit because then IMO, this would be a POS if this is what I’d be expecting every time I take down a inflatable unit each year.
Anyone have a similar situation with a fix or could help shed some things I can try to do to locate the leak with a possible fix?
Thank you all in advance!
submitted by bigpolka to hottub [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 BennytehIstophobe "Mr. King" is my OTHER favourite episode of the series.

Going through Inside No. 9 one episode stands heads and shoulders above the rest for me: "The Riddle of the Sphinx", S3E3. But if there was one that came pretty close, it would have to be "Mr. King", S7E2.
Set in Class 9 of a Welsh School, "Mr. King" is the perfect embodiment of a traditional Inside No. 9 affair: Gut-busting black comedy, married with intense horror and psychological thrills, and topped off with a shocking twist ending. Shearsmith's Mr. Curtis is an endearing lead, and his performance adds to the comedy on display, whilst Pembleton's Headmaster is enigmatic yet subtly sinister. However, the Child Actors steal the show here, doing a great job and selling the jokes and horrific twist ending. Speaking of which, the humour is on point here: Consisting of delightful low brow jokes and dark "mistaken for MAP" jokes, "Mr. King" is honestly one of the funniest stories in the show. I will never look at a misshapen carrot ever again without Shearsmith yelling "BIG FLOPPY PENIS?!" in my head.
But the highlight here, is the plot. It begins as a teacher having to live in the shadow of his predecessor whilst teaching a class about subjects like Climate Change, and morphs into a darkly comic thriller about said teacher having to uncover the mystery of just who... or WHAT Mr. King is. There's tons of misdirection for the audience who expect it to be the story of a MAP haunting a school by the end, yet there's subtle foreshadowing for the REAL twist you'll miss on first viewing.
And speaking of that twist, HOLY SHIT! The reveal that the entire school, not just the children but EVERYONE there, is a giant pagan cult and that the story was actually a homage to The Wicker Man (one of the greatest horror movies ever and a film that Shearsmith and Pembleton have taken influence from prior for their sitcom The League of Gentlemen) is utterly terrifying and genius! The context of the story prior is changed beautifully, and it gets even better on repeat viewings once you catch all the foreshadowing you missed. One thing's for sure, I will never look at Dick Pics the same way again....
submitted by BennytehIstophobe to insideno9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 bmbod Soil mold?

Soil mold?
We went out of town for 5 days, and I came home to find this growing in my snake plant. I dont water the thing often, and when I do I sit it in the sink and fill, then let drain out before putting it back on the tray. It does live on my kitchen counter, and gets moderate light through my western facing windows all day.
I have the worst luck woth plants. This was given to me over a year ago already potted. Is the mold going to kill it? Should I try repotting it?
Any and all help appreciated!
submitted by bmbod to MoldlyInteresting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 WitchsmellerPrsuivnt Talking openly about sexual preferences and needs with new Partner

I (45f) am seeing someone (44m) for 2 months and things are starting to get very sexual. I'm an animated and extroverted Aussie with a chronic illness living in Europe and this new guy is very shy, quiet, speaks broken English (im fluent in his language so its okay) and rarely speaks anyway, local.
My culture is very open about sexuality and being confident, and I'm plus size, with him being conservative in opinions, and thin enough to warrant people being concerned he has an ED (his whole family are like that). So I've become self conscious, sexually. We are an odd couple.
Anyway, this has had an affect on my usual openness about needs and wants with sex, and I worry I am overwhelming him in bed and really want to know what turns him on. The sex so far has been great but I really want to be more open or him open up to me about his preferences and really treat him. I love to tell him how good he makes me feel but because he is as he is, I'm not sure if I'm complimenting him , scaring him, about to crush him between my mighty bosom and despite the obvious signs, I'm left in the dark.
At this stage I'm literally feeling my way around without much feedback. If any.
I really want to do him something special. Rather than appear in the doorway in a I'll fitting wetsuit, flippers, a snorkel, a bathtub full if peanut butter and custard and a pink tutu... and take my chances.
How would you guys go about this? Do the men here like bring told how they make their sexual partner feel in bed and asked what they like/prefer?
Or is it a "turn off the lights and we will find out in silence" situation?
Never been this awkward in my life.
submitted by WitchsmellerPrsuivnt to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 EbonyDaggon I'm not a Christian anymore but I feel like I still believe in a higher power.

I'm using this to get my thoughts together and figure out what I exactly believe and if there is a word for it.
I feel like I believe in a god that doesn't interfere in the lives of intelligent beings. I think that it's more like in Futurama when Bender becomes God to those little fellas and he eventually drifts finding God. God in the show says, "when you do things right people will wonder if you did anything at all."
I don't believe that this God created life on planets. I believe that God created the fundamentals for life to develop on its own. I believe that they are a neutral observer to the universe and put rules (physics/astrophysics) to the chaos.
I believe that science is the understanding of God as a natural being. I don't believe that the supernatural is unnatural but is part of the natural world. And I've had encounters with things that would be considered to other people as supernatural. I've knew someone was going to die before they were even sick yet. I've seen a few ghosts too. And I don't have schizophrenia I've been told so by my psychiatrist. And every other psychiatrist I've had. Because seeing ghosts made me think I was crazy at first so I asked the professionals about it. And low and behold I'm not crazy.
I believe in the natural order of the universe. I believe human sexuality should not be repressed but celebrated as a part of the human experience. I believe that the human experience is very important and I think that we should be kind and compassionate towards others.I believe that hardship teaches us lessons in life. Not that hardship is good, don't get me wrong please. It's just a chance to learn and grow. I've had a hard life up until 5 years ago so I know hardship. But without it I wouldn't know my boundaries. I would not know what I value in family and friends. I mean I could do without the C-PTSD but that's out of my control and no use in tearing myself up over it.
I don't believe in Jesus. If he was a real man I believe he was just an apocalyptic cult leader that's ideology exploded after his death. I also don't believe in the abrahamic God. He is evil.
So I'm sure my beliefs will grow as time goes on but this is just the basic stuff I guess. If there is a word for how I believe let me know. And I'm sorry this is so long. I hope you have a wonderful day/ night.
submitted by EbonyDaggon to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 Antique_Lighting Testa di moro - A story from Sicily (Italy)

Whether as a flower pot or just as decoration, in Sicily you will often find two ceramic vessels in the shape of two heads: a man with a beard or moustache and a beautiful woman. The heads are richly decorated with flowers or fruit and wear turbans and crowns. The man is often black-skinned.
What is this couple all about?
The following legend is told: in the 11th century, a beautiful young woman lived in Palermo. Because of her beauty, her father almost never let her leave the house. So every day she took care of the flowers and plants in the house, her pride and joy.
One day, as she was watering the flowers on the balcony, a young man walked past in the street below the balcony. He was Maure, a man from a Berber tribe in North Africa. At the time, Sicily was under Arab rule.
When he saw the beauty, he immediately fell in love with her, entered the house and confessed his love for her. The young woman was so overwhelmed by these exuberant feelings that she also fell in love and entered into a secret relationship with the man.
However, the man forgot to mention that his wife and children were waiting for him in his home country and that he would soon return to them. When the young woman found out about this, she waited until her lover was asleep at night and killed him.
She cut off his head and made a flower pot out of it, planted basil in it and put it on the balcony. This way, her lover would never leave her again and would always stay with her.
The basil grew so well in this pot that the inhabitants of her neighborhood became jealous. So that they could also have such beautiful basil, they had the potters make flower pots in the shape of a Moor's head.
Unfortunately, it is not known whether this worked or what happened to the young woman.
submitted by Antique_Lighting to mythology [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 SunbathingNapCat LO Perse would actually make a compelling villain in a chase horror game.

Fuschia pink body that exaggeratedly emphasizes her feminity. Bloodred red eyes that fill up to her irises. A petite but curvy childlike body that's like a pedo's dream from Lolita and a nightmare for others that brings out concern and pity. And yes, she acts innocent. But she does all these wrathful things while stalking you to turn you into a plant, knowing deep-down, she suspects she's being manipulated, but not by the people she expects to be the bad guys. She has this mother figure that's pushing her to her groomer while they cuckold her right in front of her, and yet, Perse takes it out on you while insisting nothing is ever her fault.
-Just a thought while watching a yt playthrough.
submitted by SunbathingNapCat to UnpopularLoreOlympus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 ForeverNo5009 Does anyone have any idea what the hell is happening to me and why??

Buckle up, this is going to be confusing and long. I have to say from now that I actually have major "memory gaps" from alot of what happened and most of what I'll say from now is information I had to gather from people who were around me when this happened.
Last week, in school, I was sitting with my friends in the cafeteria area. I looked at my watch and realized the date of the day and thought "my dad is coming back today from traveling" (he was in another country), I just remembered a past memory of him yelling at me and abusing me. Now the thing I don't understand is that suddenly I kept having multiple "flashbacks", both visual and auditory, of the abuse my family put me through, including my dad. I wanted it to stop but I realized I couldn't, I was literally paralyzed on the outside. I tried to nudge my friend beside me but I could barely twitch my finger. (she was distracted with my other friend and had her head turned away from me). The best way I could explain the "flashbacks" is that it was like if you had multiple Tvs around you playing multiple movies, aka memories, all at once at high speed and volume.
I realized my heart was beating very fast and loudly, and even in less stressful situation than this one, feeling my heart makes me anxious. Luckily one of my other friends came to sit with us and noticed how I was. I tried with all my strength to talk to them and tell them what's happening but I was "paralyzed" and couldn't tell them. I was already extremely distressed and realizing how badly I couldn't react made me start crying involuntarily and they called the doctor assuming I was ill. Obviously the doctor realized I wasn't sick and told me to just drink juice. The more she asked questions and the more I didn't respond, the more she got frustrated at me. By that point they called my sister who also got mad at me for not talking. By then, the break had ended for a while and I don't know how but I ended up in my classroom, I think i just literally walked there but I don't remember doing that at all. Then I sat down on a chair next to the supervisors table and, once again, I don't remember what happened but I realized time had passed and there were multiple people surrounding me and one of my friends was on her knees infront me trying to talk to me. And when I realized I don't remember her walking up to me at all, talking to me, kneeling down beside me, I was so frightened and just started sobbing. I don't remember much from here but I do know, from my friends, that the supervisor told everyone to go back to their class. I should mention that my class was less than a few feet away from the supervisors seat, she doesn't have a private office.
I just started sobbing and sobbing and the only person I wanted was my closest friend, who I'll call "S", who knew me more than anyone else. I was scared of my dad so badly even though I knew he couldn't do anything in school. Again, I somehow ended up in another area near the supervisor's table and I was hugging S so hard her arms turned red. My mind felt hazy and then I glanced behind her for a second and I fucking saw my dad just standing there. I knew there was no fucking way he was there, I go to an all girls school, 3 floors up, and he was in a different country, but I was so confused. I half believed and half didn't. I was so horrified and I kept telling them he was there but they told me no one was there (from my friends' narration).
This kept going on for a while until I just somehow ended up in the bathroom, laying down on the floor, and a few teachers and people from the administration were surrounding me. I genuinely don't remember how I ended up there. It got so bad my sister had to call my therapist, and I yelled at the phone that my dad was there and he was going to hurt me but even I knew that was ridiculous but I couldn't help it. We had to hang up on her through. After a long while I managed to stand up and I was beside my class, my class door has a window thing you can look through and then it hit me that all of my classmates are seeing this and it scared me again.
My friends told me later that someone opened the door and I ran in and grabbed one of my closest friends who also knew about my dad's abuse and yelled at her something like "tell them I'm not lying tell them tell them" but the thing is I don't remember who "them is" or what I meant by lying I really don't. They kicked everyone in the class out and I ended up just sobbing for a while again. I don't remember much and my friends had to leave so I don't have any information of what happened. I ended up going home and they gave my mom a warning.
So fast forward to yesterday, on Tuesday. I was having a completely normal day, and then an hour into school, I just felt "weird" and started banging my head hard and alot on my table. Luckily the tables aren't that hard, I don't know what the material they're made out of is called but they can't really do much, it's hard but weak. My friends sitting beside me had to grab me with all their strength because, again from their narration, I kept trying to fight against them to hurt myself. The administration came in and kicked everyone out and I just kept trying over and over again to harm myself. Apparently I even tried to take my clothes off but they stopped me. But everyone saw what my upper body looked like I think. And I ended up downstairs 3 floors down in the principals office, I don't remember how I ended up there. I was screaming crying and begging for S and my favourite teacher, they wouldn't bring S but they did call that teacher. She kept hugging me and comforting me. Then they tried to make me leave to my driver who was outisde the gate. When they got me out to the gate i for some reason just ended up on the floor sobbinf and I don't know why. Then I looked behind me and my dad was there. It wasnt a delusion or whatever he was there. Enough time had passed for him to have time to come. They also called 3 male teachers from the boys section to carry me. When my dad held I can swear I screamed like I was tortured alive. The more he held me the more I was distressed and scared. I don't know what happened but he left and they called my mom to pick me up instead. (I live with both my parents but my dad has a busy job and had to go back to work for emergencies whole my mom stays at home). I went back home and the rest is too much irrelevant details I don't wanna focus on. Theres only one week of school left with exams, in the exams time we stay only 2 hours in school and leave, there's no classes or anything like that. And now the school is refusing to let me go back to my classrooms, they said I'll have to take the exams in the administration room.
I genuinely have no idea what's going on with me, I've done so much research but I haven't even found anything that could be a basic assumption or theory or idea or whatever of what's going I'm so confused I hate this and I'm stressed and now everyone at school knows I'm being abused by my dad. Please if you have any idea what's goin on with me, even if it might sound ridiculous or whatever please please tell. And I know I have to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist but we're still in the middle of dealing with that so yeah. Also no one in my family has a history of mental illness especially with something like this.
Ps. As I've said most of what I've written is from what people told me they saw when they were there so I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer most questions.
submitted by ForeverNo5009 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 tiffforever123 30 [F4M] Canada - Looking for someone to experience life with

Hey everyone (:
Young lady seeking a life partner to love and be loved in return . Dating apps are long and exhausting so I'd rather get straight to the point and be direct.
If you don't think we'd be a good match don't message if you don't have the capability to communicate and get to know me .
Send message via chat ! My Dm/pm doesnt work (:
I'm black , 5'3 , born and raised in Montréal , Introverted, Demisexual. Healthcare worker .
I'm kind , loyal , supportive and looking for the same in a partner who also values honesty , communication, commitment.
I want to go through life with someone that's willing to grow , heal , learn , openminded , We accept each other for who we are but are open to criticism and respect, love , kindness is the center of our relationship.
Location: Montréal Canada
Interests : working out , concerts , hockey fan, romance novels .
Looking for : life partner 28-40 Someone willing to take things slow , open minded , emotional available and can communicate must be a good texter, phone calls , video call is a must
Religious beliefs : Christian but mostly spiritual / liberal views .I believe in God
Deal-breaker: I can't date someone without a job , doesn't take accountability, doesn't apologize, any form of abuse will not be tolerated . Men with children unfortunately.
Likes : Beards, sense of humor, family oriented, liberal views , British accents . Puts 100% in all aspects of their life ( friendships, job , Relationships, mental health , self care )
I take pride in communicating effectively, effort being reciprocated so I expect the same in my partner.
I don't see myself living anywhere else so if you're open to long distance relationship keep in mind I'm not moving and if you aren't either then there's no point in us talking .
submitted by tiffforever123 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 Certain_Anybody2752 What things helped you with extreme anxiety before starting a new job?

I start a new job making $75k and I’m terrified of screwing it up.
For understanding, that is more money than I ever thought I would make in my field of work, social services.
I’m having high blood pressure, my heart rate is elevated. And all this two weeks before I even start the job! I’m going to my primary later this week to actually get clearance to work because of it.
Any advice on things that actually worked when dealing with the anxiety, negative self talk, and amount of pressure I’m putting on myself? Also, this job affords my wife and I to finally leave this shithole town we live in.
I just don’t want to screw up…
submitted by Certain_Anybody2752 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 politicallyadrift Wish me luck

I don't drink every day, but often when I drink, I DRINK. I've been this way for about 30 years.
I have brain fog, my mood is up and down (mostly down), I feel tired all the time, I have a bad memory (short and long term), I have trouble taking in new information, I don't sleep well, I'm overweight, I get very stressed and anxious and I have bladder issues.
I'm not expecting abstinence from alcohol to be a magic bullet and solve all these problems, but given that they are all things that alcohol is known to cause/exacerbate, I'd be surprised if it doesn't help with at least some of them. And at least I'll know which ones I need to address in other ways.
I realised there's a limit to how long I could carry on complaining about these problems whilst living every day putting up with them and continuing to drink. So I have decided to stop drinking and actually give my body and brain a chance.
Because deep down I know I am crying out for that chance.
submitted by politicallyadrift to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 Bluelobster212 28 [F4M] #London / Anywhere - Looking for the love of my life

Ultimately I want to find my best friend and lifelong partner. Open to chatting to guys in the UK and anywhere around the world. A bit of info about me:
My dream guy is:
Those things are core compatibility factors that are important to me. Other than that , I'd love to learn more about your interests and hobbies even if they aren't ones we share currently :)
Please send a message with your age, location a picture if possible in your message :)
submitted by Bluelobster212 to r4r [link] [comments]