Milper messages for body fat calculator


2012.09.28 21:09 keto4life Ketogains

Ketogains is a protocol created by Luis Villasenor & Tyler Cartwright that helps you unleash the benefits of whole food, low carb dieting and strength training to achieve optimal body composition

2012.07.23 21:05 Fittit Challenge

This is where the work happens. Weight loss, weight gain, etc. Challenge 2012 will be [12/12/12]( Stick with and have fun most of all.

2018.08.22 14:25 ihateleague1 Easy to Use Web Calculators

A subreddit for linking useful web calculators for everyday problems. This could be anything from a mortgage calculator to a body fat calculator and so on.

2024.05.21 18:55 anon063064 Can you help a complete NEWB get started in the gym!

30, 5'7", 156 lbs. Skinny fat. I get anxious about working out.
I don't know where to start, but I really want to begin. I bought a Planet Fitness membership, walked in, and then right out. That was a big step for me.
I live a very sedentary lifestyle, and it's taking a toll on my body, health, and mind. I want to change that.
Whenever I go to the gym, I get nervous and overwhelmed, and I feel a sense of dread.
I've tried starting to work out before, but I always go too hard, injure myself, and then avoid the gym for months.
I've worked with trainers twice, but they pushed me too hard on the first session, and I quit. I also tried working out with two fit friends, and it was the same story.
I feel like a failure because I know I can do hard things, but I can't seem to push through this.
I know I need to work out solo and start where I am. But where do I begin?
Should I just get on the stair master and leave? Do I work on three random machines and go? I think I'm suffering from analysis paralysis.
Can anyone offer advice on the most efficient way to approach the gym?
submitted by anon063064 to PlanetFitnessMembers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:53 l0stinsid3u Yes I lied about my reason

Yes I said it’s bc my life is fucked up and I don’t wanna date coworkers
What was I gonna do say I have no interest in your life and I don’t find you even remotely attractive
I felt like telling you I drunk messaged someone else should have been enough
I don’t care what my reason is you don’t try to change my mind
You fucking asked me to a fancy restaurant and I said that was too much
But I was also upset and visibly annoyed so maybe learn about body language
I said “ugh god dammit”
If you ask a girl out and she says that she does not like you
If she throws her hands in the air and is visibly upset maybe take that hint and never bring it up again
So yes I lied
Because a veteran employee asked me on a date in the middle of the workday and didn’t let me drive myself so I was in his car after what I thought was a professional work lunch
I fucking said no when you tried to pay for it
Women have to assume someone is going to retaliate or be dangerous - we let down gently or ghost for our protection
Because we’re terrified to say no
Because of men like YOU JJ
Stop this shit immediately
submitted by l0stinsid3u to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:51 erciedan how to set realistic expectations for weighted pull-up (neutral)?

hi all, i'm 170cm (5'6) and weigh 67kg (147 lbs). probably 17-20% BF rn. i'm in my early 20s and i've been working out semi seriously for over 2 years.
got a dip belt recently and my weighted neutral pull-up went from a 1RM of 20kg to 30kg over the course of 2 weeks.
i have a few questions:
  1. how do i calculate a realistic ceiling for 1 RM? are there any online calculators for this? obviously overweight people will have trouble pulling twice their body weight so what's the consensus here? "who" can expect to pull twice their body weight?
  2. how long will it take? obviously i'm experiencing some newbie gains from the novel stimulus, so +10kg every 2 weeks probably won't continue forever. is there a formula for this?
obviously it's all individual, but a nice reference point would be very helpful
submitted by erciedan to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:50 patientstrawberries What % body fat did it take for you to see abs?

I’m at 13% body fat. Workout daily, been cutting since November. I get abs if I flex in the mirror but they don’t show in mirror selfies I take
submitted by patientstrawberries to TeenBodybuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:48 Front_Ordinary7516 Failed to load the display the audio player in the chatscreen of the chat app

Hi all, I am writing a chat app which can play audio file in the chatscreen of the app. After updating to Expo SDK 51, the app cannot load the chatscreen with audio message (but it used to work fine when I was using Expo SDK 48). The following are the error showed in the log when I opened the chatscreen with audio message:
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'Track' of undefined
This error is located at:
in AudioPlayerViewTest (created by Bubble)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by Bubble)
in TouchableWithoutFeedback (created by Bubble)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by Bubble)
in Bubble (created by ItemWithSeparator)
in ItemWithSeparator (created by CellRenderer)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by CellRenderer)
in VirtualizedListCellContextProvider (created by CellRenderer)
in CellRenderer (created by VirtualizedList)
in RCTScrollContentView (created by ScrollView)
in RCTScrollView (created by ScrollView)
in ScrollView (created by ScrollView)
in ScrollView (created by VirtualizedList)
in VirtualizedListContextProvider (created by VirtualizedList)
in VirtualizedList (created by VirtualizedSectionList)
in VirtualizedSectionList (created by SectionList)
in SectionList (created by ChatScreen)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by ChatScreen)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by PageContainer)
in PageContainer (created by ChatScreen)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by ImageBackground)
in ImageBackground (created by ChatScreen)
in RNCSafeAreaView
in Unknown (created by ChatScreen)
in ChatScreen (created by SceneView)
in StaticContainer
in EnsureSingleNavigator (created by SceneView)
in SceneView (created by SceneView)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by DebugContainer)
in DebugContainer (created by MaybeNestedStack)
in MaybeNestedStack (created by SceneView)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by SceneView)
in RNSScreen (created by Animated(Anonymous))
in Animated(Anonymous) (created by InnerScreen)
in Suspender (created by Freeze)
in Suspense (created by Freeze)
in Freeze (created by DelayedFreeze)
in DelayedFreeze (created by InnerScreen)
in InnerScreen (created by Screen)
in Screen (created by SceneView)
in SceneView (created by NativeStackViewInner)
in Suspender (created by Freeze)
in Suspense (created by Freeze)
in Freeze (created by DelayedFreeze)
in DelayedFreeze (created by ScreenStack)
in RNSScreenStack (created by ScreenStack)
in ScreenStack (created by NativeStackViewInner)
in NativeStackViewInner (created by NativeStackView)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by SafeAreaProviderCompat)
in SafeAreaProviderCompat (created by NativeStackView)
in NativeStackView (created by NativeStackNavigator)
in PreventRemoveProvider (created by NavigationContent)
in NavigationContent
in Unknown (created by NativeStackNavigator)
in NativeStackNavigator (created by StackNavigator)
in StackNavigator (created by MainNavigator)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by KeyboardAvoidingView)
in KeyboardAvoidingView (created by MainNavigator)
in MainNavigator (created by AppNavigator)
in EnsureSingleNavigator
in BaseNavigationContainer
in ThemeProvider
in NavigationContainerInner (created by AppNavigator)
in AppNavigator (created by App)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by MenuProvider)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by MenuProvider)
in MenuProvider (created by App)
in RNCSafeAreaProvider (created by SafeAreaProvider)
in SafeAreaProvider (created by App)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by GestureHandlerRootView)
in GestureHandlerRootView (created by App)
in Provider (created by App)
in App (created by withDevTools(App))
in withDevTools(App)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by AppContainer)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by AppContainer)
in AppContainer
in main(RootComponent), js engine: hermes
My code for the audio player is as follows:
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react"; import { HStack, Icon, Slider, Text, Button, NativeBaseProvider, } from "native-base"; import { MaterialIcons } from "@expo/vector-icons"; import { Audio } from "expo-av"; function msToTime(millisec) { var seconds = (millisec / 1000).toFixed(0); var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); var hours = ""; if (minutes > 59) { hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60); hours = hours >= 10 ? hours : "0" + hours; minutes = minutes - hours * 60; minutes = minutes >= 10 ? minutes : "0" + minutes; } seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60); seconds = seconds >= 10 ? seconds : "0" + seconds; if (hours != "") { return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } return minutes + ":" + seconds; } export const AudioPlayerViewTest = (props) => { const { audioUrl, } = props; const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false); const [active, setActive] = useState(false); const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const sound = useRef(new Audio.Sound()); const [currentDuration, setCurrentDuration] = useState(0); const [totalDuration, setTotalDuration] = useState(0); React.useEffect(() => { loadAudio(); }, []); async function loadAudio() { setLoaded(false); setLoading(true); const checkLoading = await sound.current.getStatusAsync(); if (checkLoading.isLoaded === false) { try { const result = await sound.current.loadAsync({ uri: audioUrl }); if (result.isLoaded === false) { setLoading(false); console.log("Error in Loading Audio"); } else { setLoading(false); setLoaded(true); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); setLoading(false); } } else { setLoading(false); } } async function playAudio() { try { loadAudio(); const result = await sound.current.getStatusAsync(); console.log(result); if (result.isLoaded) { console.log("Play Audio"); await sound.current.playAsync(); // setPlayable(true); setIsPlaying(true); setActive(true); } sound.current.setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate((playbackStatus) => { if (playbackStatus.isPlaying) { setCurrentDuration(playbackStatus.positionMillis); setTotalDuration(playbackStatus.durationMillis); } if (playbackStatus.didJustFinish) { setIsPlaying(false); setActive(false); setCurrentDuration(0); sound.current.unloadAsync(); loadAudio(); } }); } catch (error) { console.log("Cannot Play Audio"); } } async function pauseAudio() { try { const result = await sound.current.getStatusAsync(); if (result.isLoaded) { if (result.isPlaying === true) { console.log("Pause Audio"); sound.current.pauseAsync(); setIsPlaying(false); setActive(false); } } } catch (error) { console.log("Cannot Pause Audio"); } } return (           {msToTime(currentDuration)} / {msToTime(totalDuration)}    ); }; 
Also, anyone has ideas on how I can modify the function playAudio( ) as I feel strange that the loadAudio has to appear twice (The purpose of that is to make the playback to go back to time =0 after direct finished playing).
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Front_Ordinary7516 to reactnative [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:47 Ok-Promotion-6703 I was bored and went to a dark web chat but that was a life changing

I never thought much about the dark web. To me, it was just a spooky corner of the internet, filled with urban legends and exaggerated tales. But last month, my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to explore.
I had always been tech-savvy, so accessing the dark web was easier than I expected. I found forums, marketplaces, and bizarre sites that looked like something straight out of a horror movie. But one night, I stumbled upon something that still haunts me: a chat room called "The Abyss."
The description was cryptic: "Talk with those who truly see." Intrigued and a bit naive, I clicked the link and entered the chat. The interface was basic, just a black screen with a list of usernames on the side and a chat window in the center.
The usernames were strange—EbonShade, SoulSeeker, _WhisperingVoid_—and they immediately started messaging me.
EbonShade: Welcome, new traveler. What do you seek?
SoulSeeker: Knowledge? Power? Or perhaps, something darker?
I hesitated before typing, "Just curious. What is this place?"
WhisperingVoid: This is a place where truths are revealed. But beware, not all truths are meant to be known.
I felt a mix of excitement and unease. Before I could respond, a new message appeared.
EbonShade: Would you like to see something truly enlightening?
My heart raced as I typed, "Yes."
A link appeared in the chat, ominously labeled "Enter the Abyss." Against my better judgment, I clicked it. My screen went black, then filled with a montage of disturbing images: old, decaying buildings, people performing strange rituals, faces twisted in terror. It was overwhelming, like a nightmare unfolding before my eyes.
When the images stopped, I found myself back in the chat room, but it was different. The usernames had changed to real names—David, Claire, Michael—and my webcam had turned on, displaying my own horrified face in the corner of the screen. Panic set in as I realized I couldn't close the window or turn off my computer.
David: Now you see. There's no turning back.
I frantically tried to unplug my computer, but the screen remained on, showing my terrified expression and the cold, emotionless faces of the others in the chat.
Claire: We know where you are.
My heart felt like it was going to explode. I grabbed my phone to call for help, but it wouldn't turn on. Suddenly, my screen flickered, and a new video feed appeared—my own apartment, seen from a perspective I didn't recognize. It was as if someone was inside, watching me.
Michael: You invited us in. Now we are everywhere.
In a frenzy, I ran to my front door and threw it open, only to be met with the empty hallway of my apartment building. No one was there. I checked every room, every closet, but I was alone.
When I returned to my computer, the chat room was gone. My screen was back to my desktop, as if nothing had happened. But I knew better. My phone buzzed, and I saw a notification for a new email from an unknown sender.
Subject: Welcome to the Abyss
Body: We are always watching.
I haven't been the same since that night. I moved to a new city, changed my name, even got a new job, but the feeling of being watched never leaves me. Sometimes, I'll catch a glimpse of a shadow in the corner of my eye, or hear a whisper when I'm alone.
One night, about a week after I moved, I woke up to the sound of my computer booting up. I had left it off, but there it was, the screen glowing in the darkness. The chat room was back, but now, the names were different: John, Emily, _Sarah_—all people I had known in my life, all who had passed away.
John: Why did you leave us?
Emily: You can never escape.
Sarah: We are part of you now.
I unplugged the computer, but the screen stayed on, showing their faces, twisted in agony and anger. I screamed and threw the computer out of my window, watching it shatter on the pavement below. The screen finally went dark, but the terror remained.
I replaced my computer, thinking it would end the nightmare. But then, the texts started. Unknown numbers, always the same message: "We are watching."
I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I see them everywhere now, in reflections, in crowds, in my dreams. If you ever find a chat room on the dark web called "The Abyss," don't enter it. Some doors, once opened, can never be closed.
One evening, as I was walking home from work, I felt someone watching me. I turned around, but no one was there. Quickening my pace, I hurried to my apartment. When I entered, my phone buzzed. Another unknown number.
Text: We are here.
The lights flickered, and the temperature dropped. My breath came out in visible puffs. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen, my hands trembling. As I backed into the living room, the shadows seemed to move, coalesce, forming shapes that were almost human.
I don't know if it was a hallucination or something worse, but I heard their voices, whispering my name, promising I would never be alone again. I dropped the knife and ran to my bedroom, locking the door behind me. The whispers grew louder, more insistent.
Desperation set in. I decided to document my experience, to warn others. I started typing out this story, but the words are running out. The whispers are too loud now. I can't think. They're here, with me, in the room.
If you ever find this post, heed my warning. Do not go looking for "The Abyss." It will find you, and once it does, there is no escape.
submitted by Ok-Promotion-6703 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:47 Lancelot1503 Did I really get hacked

So have I really been hacked? The password (crossed out) was only ever connected to evernote which was left unused for years and another account I haven't used since 2-3 years. I am a bit confused because my mail account has a totally different password and has been changed every now and then plus the weird NSFW stuff that is claimed is not correct at all. Is this a real hack or not?
mail found in junk folder is shown below. I did change passwords again and force logged out on all devices
Hi there!

I am a professional hacker and have successfully managed to hack your operating system.
Currently I have gained full access to your account.

When I hacked into your mail_account, your password was: xxxxx

In addition, I was secretly monitoring all your activities and watching you for several months.
The thing is your computer was infected with harmful spyware due to the fact that you had visited a website with porn content previously. ╭ ᑎ ╮

Let me explain to you what that entails. Thanks to Trojan viruses, I can gain complete access to your computer or any other device that you own.
It means that I can see absolutely everything in your screen and switch on the camera as well as microphone at any point of time without your permission.
In addition, I can also access and see your confidential information as well as your emails and chat messages.

You may be wondering why your antivirus cannot detect my malicious software.
Let me break it down for you: I am using harmful software that is driver-based,
which refreshes its signatures on 4-hourly basis, hence your antivirus is unable to detect it presence.

I have made a video compilation, which shows on the left side the scenes of you happily masturbating,
while on the right side it demonstrates the video you were watching at that moment..ᵔ.ᵔ

All I need is just to share this video to all email addresses and messenger contacts of people you are in communication with on your device or PC.
Furthermore, I can also make public all your emails and chat history.

I believe you would definitely want to avoid this from happening.
Here is what you need to do - transfer the Bitcoin equivalent of 1290 USD to my Bitcoin account
(that is rather a simple process, which you can check out online in case if you don't know how to do that).

Below is my bitcoin account information (Bitcoin wallet): 1KZnEyumPFBVNK7jdedYL5XwaCLNW3G5Ty

Once the required amount is transferred to my account, I will proceed with deleting all those videos and disappear from your life once and for all.
Kindly ensure you complete the abovementioned transfer within 50 hours (2 days +).
I will receive a notification right after you open this email, hence the countdown will start.

Trust me, I am very careful, calculative and never make mistakes.
If I discover that you shared this message with others, I will straight away proceed with making your private videos public.

Good luck!
submitted by Lancelot1503 to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:47 Typical_Gap_7705 31[M4F] #PA - it’s been awhile…

I’ve never been a “girlfriend guy”, if you know what I mean. I’ve always had an independent streak, and no problem being alone. My past relationships didn’t exactly blossom. Love and vulnerability are scary. Recently, I’ve discovered something scarier: loneliness.
Also, dating at 30 lol…
So here I am, looking for something real on the internet, and if you’re reading this, so are you. God help us.
A little about me: I’m a musician. I play the drums and some keyboard. Love the outdoors, but I’m not a huge fan of travel. I guess one of the (only) perks of living in PA is that Mother Nature is right at your doorstep! I’d really like to get into bicycling; there’s some great trails around me. You know anything about it?
I’m a huge tv/movie buff, not in an annoying snooty way, but more of in an appreciative way lol isn’t it so cool that we have the oldest human tradition of story telling literally on demand at our fingertips?! I like all genres - I’d love to share favorites with you!
I’m a huge sports fan, particularly soccer and football. Go Union/Go Birds. As far as music goes, I like most everything, from Slipknot to Glasper. And my food, I like it spicy. Very spicy.
Uhh what else? Right - what I look like. 5’11, white, brown hair, well groomed beard, not fat, not skinny. I’ve been told my best feature is my blue eyes. Happy to trade pics or FaceTime or whatever.
What am I looking for in you? Shit idk lol I’d be surprised if this even gets me any messages. But if it does, I’ll guess I’ll see you there!
submitted by Typical_Gap_7705 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:47 Due_Cap_9823 A better way to cut (in my opinion)

I'm wondering why this isnt a more popular method of cutting....because I can tell you first hand it
Bulk for however long, and then do a much much shorter cut, but at alot lower deficit than a few hundred calories. Essentially a fast, exept your still eating as many calories as it would take you to eat your 1-1.5 grams if protien per lb of body weight.
So for example my bulk was 4 monthes and I was at 3700 calories. My cut has only been two weeks si far but I'm literally eating only the calories I have to in order to get my 200 grams of protien in....and usually I can get 200 grams in with o ky about 1200 calories.
It's alit more extremely but for a shorter period of time and from my research, I've seen that the faster your dropping the fat, the less muscle would accidentally be burned, there are a few reasons for this that have a long explanation but basically from what I see through research as well as my own body, the longer and slower the cut, the more muscle your body will give up. After a 4 month dirty bulk I'm shredded after two weeks....striations all over...I can make my felt striations dance haha
submitted by Due_Cap_9823 to bodybuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:47 Typical_Gap_7705 31 [M4F] PA - it’s been awhile…

I’ve never been a “girlfriend guy”, if you know what I mean. I’ve always had an independent streak, and no problem being alone. My past relationships didn’t exactly blossom. Love and vulnerability are scary. Recently, I’ve discovered something scarier: loneliness.
Also, dating at 30 lol…
So here I am, looking for something real on the internet, and if you’re reading this, so are you. God help us.
A little about me: I’m a musician. I play the drums and some keyboard. Love the outdoors, but I’m not a huge fan of travel. I guess one of the (only) perks of living in PA is that Mother Nature is right at your doorstep! I’d really like to get into bicycling; there’s some great trails around me. You know anything about it?
I’m a huge tv/movie buff, not in an annoying snooty way, but more of in an appreciative way lol isn’t it so cool that we have the oldest human tradition of story telling literally on demand at our fingertips?! I like all genres - I’d love to share favorites with you!
I’m a huge sports fan, particularly soccer and football. Go Union/Go Birds. As far as music goes, I like most everything, from Slipknot to Glasper. And my food, I like it spicy. Very spicy.
Uhh what else? Right - what I look like. 5’11, white, brown hair, well groomed beard, not fat, not skinny. I’ve been told my best feature is my blue eyes. Happy to trade pics or FaceTime or whatever.
What am I looking for in you? Shit idk lol I’d be surprised if this even gets me any messages. But if it does, I’ll guess I’ll see you there!
submitted by Typical_Gap_7705 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:43 pieguy3579 A story of reversal

I would like to share my experience so far with diabetes. When one mentions the word 'cure' on this sub, it doesn't tend to end well, so I will omit it and let you be the judge.
I was diagnosed with t2 in Nov 2021. A1c right at the cut-off (6.5), but gtt of 232 mg/dl so definitely diabetic.
My doctor told me to exercise and watch my diet. She didn't mention to lose weight as my bmi was 23 at diagnosis.
So I began my quest to research diabetes. I started from a base of almost zero knowledge, and when I began researching, I found all the typical information on diabetes.
But then, I started going down the rabbit hole of reversing diabetes. There seemed to be a body of research that indicated it was possible. The best situation to reverse it was if you started with a low-ish a1c, lost weight immediately, and kept the weight off. Apparently this would allow the pancreas to heal in some people.
So I decided to give it a try. At diagnosis, I was 6'1" and 179lbs. This sounds like a good size for someone, but I was actually very thin with a lot of stomach fat. I began my quest to lose this fat. I was already fairly active, but I ramped up my activity levels and started Keto immediately (I wanted to lower my a1c quickly, so went the super low carb route).
Within three months, I was at my new permanent weight of 145lbs (this sounds small for someone who is 6'1", but it actually suits me perfectly), and five months after diagnosis, my a1c was 5.7.
Fast forward to the two year mark post-diagnosis (with a1c results of 5.7, 5.4, 5.3, 5.6, and 5.4 under my belt). I decided that at this point, I should probably introduce some carbs into my diet to see what happens. I increased to about 125g a day - adding healthy things like fruit, ezekiel bread, flaxseed, etc to my diet. After doing this for a few months, my a1c was 5.3.
Now, onto the big challenge. We planned an Alaskan cruise. I spent quite a while researching low carb options on cruise ships, until something flipped in my mind and I decided to not worry about my diet on the cruise.
And not worry I did. Although I didn't actively track, my best guess is that I was eating roughly 600g of carbs a day for 7 straight days (three desserts per meal (including at breakfast), high carb snacks throughout the day, hash browns, fries, chicken fingers, breaded fish, etc etc).
I don't regularly test my blood sugar levels. I never wanted the anxiety from it, but I made an exception for the cruise. Two blood draws a day, and not once over 140. In fact, not even close to 140. Was I perfect at testing? Did I test one hour after eating, and then two hours, or whatever the guidance is? No, but I got a good enough idea.
Three days after getting back from the cruise, I got my a1c done and it was 5.2 - my lowest since being diagnosed.
To summarize, in the span of a week, I ate around 4200g of carbs with no spikes and a non-diabetic a1c right after.
My theory, which some research supports - everyone has a fat level their body can tolerate. Mine apparently is not very high. And once I got rid of that fat (which I did very quickly, and before my a1c had gotten very high), my pancreas was able to heal.
In the two years or so since I got down to 145lbs, I have not been above 148lbs. True, if I gain 35lbs again, my pancreas will falter and my a1c will rise because I have diabetic genes. But having lost weight as quickly as I did, and having kept it off for as long as I have, I can apparently go through life as a mostly non-diabetic.
The diet I'm on right now - 125g of carbs a day or so, with lots of healthy things like nuts, grains, fruit, etc - is the one I'll stay on. I see no point in re-introducing cake, fries, etc.. but I have the peace of mind in knowing that I can have a slice of cake at a party, or a potato at a steak house, or nine desserts on a cruise day, and I'll probably be okay.
submitted by pieguy3579 to diabetes_t2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:42 Limp-Duty723 How long do I keep my routine/cals without progress before making a change?

Hello! New to the group 😊
I am a 31f 5’2” at 159 lbs or so. I’ve just started my journey (again) as of 3 weeks ago. I’m eating about 1200 cals per day based on my TDEE calculation which came in at 1067 so I rounded it out. I’m currently doing Noelle Benepes summer shred workout and adding in a few 30 minute moderate cardio sessions/walking each week.
The scale hasn’t budged these last 3 weeks (albeit I did indulge for my birthday two weekends ago). When the scale does move slightly, it almost immediately goes back up.
Admittedly, I’m an impatient person and i generally need to see progress fairly quickly before I get defeated and give up all together.
I’m tryingggg not to do that but I’d like to know how long I keep doing what I’m doing before I change it - either changing calories or workouts or whatever. When do I know that I’m past the initial calibration phase of my body figuring out what’s going on vs what I’m doing just straight up isn’t working?
Thanks all!
submitted by Limp-Duty723 to PetiteFitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:42 slimy_banana_phone It’s time to cut right? I’m so annoyed by my stomach I could scream

It’s time to cut right? I’m so annoyed by my stomach I could scream
5’5” 155 lbs/ 70kg and feeling like I need to cut, especially because of how much fat I carry in my lower stomach/ right above my csection scar. I don’t carry a ton of fat anywhere else, some on my upper thighs and a little on my upper arms. But I can see my ribs and sternum and really am mostly pleased with my body EXCEPT for my stomach.
Am I delusional and it’s long since been time for a cut? I started cutting back this week and I can definitely sustain for my goal of 12 weeks, but I know my lifts will suffer. I recently got to 70/44/100kg on squat/bench/deadlift, and know the 500lb club is within reach, but I miss feeling good about my body.
I’m 6 months pp with #3 and have been focusing on maintenance and strength building for a while now (pregnancy and postpartum), but I’m so tired of that pouch (that, on the last pic you can see goes entirely away in certain positions).
Any advice or thoughts much appreciated!
submitted by slimy_banana_phone to BulkOrCut [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:36 DracoDagonWyrm Chaquetrix Future Part 2: The Changeling Species

In the last post we talk about how the chaquetrix would be upgrade for the future, or at least what I think we would be a good idea for it. In this post we go even father into how the upgrades to the chaquetrix and Ben effects his children and descendants and how they effect the universe. We talk the a new species made by Ben and the chaquetrix girls, the changeling species.
While Azmuth design the chaquetrix to save species by mating so he design that the first genertation made by the chaquetrix, AKA the kids of the wearer, could mate with both the wearer species and the pure species of their chaquetrix parent. This was done making it so the kids would have three forms, the wearer species form, a hybrid form, and pure chaquetrix parent form. He also design that the parents, no matter how the species normally propagate, would have litters of ten at least. However something happen he didn't plan for, something that happen with the chaquetrix 2 being upgrade into the chaquetrix 2.10. The children of the chaquetrix 2.10 and their descendants inhered omnicores as part of their biology, and inhered the some of the abilities of the the chaquetrix. So when Ben and the chaquetrix girls starting having children, and they had a lot of children, they were creating a new and powerful species, and species that comes in three phenotype. And in order to explain what makes this species so powerful we explain the abilities of the three phenotypes first.
Duotrix: The common form of the changelings, call duotrixes because they have three base forms. A human anodite hybrid form like that of Ben himself, a pure alien form which thanks to the nemetrix upgrade could come from non-sapient species, and hybrid form of the two. So they called duotrix because of they two base species forms and a third hybrid form of the two. They can stay any of these base for as long as they wish and as for they their abilities of these forms, well the alien form has powers of whatever that species but incease beyond what is normal for that species thank to the Potis Altiare upgrade the chaquetrix had. In their "human" form, which is also strengthen by the Potis Altiare upgrade, they are able to perform magic if the learn how to, which most do, in way similar to Gwen. While in hybrid form they have accuess to their alien powers and to a lesser extent their magic powers as well. This is due to the fact that thanks to the omnicore functions most changelings are unable to perform magic in full alien form unless that alien form is something like anodite.
However, this isn't all they can do and isn't all their forms, for while they can't fully transform into other species. They can still scan and store genetics of other species and use those genetics in other ways. But in keep in mind all other transformation outside their three based forms can only last a total of ten minutes. Now the first of these alter forms is their fusion forms, they can combine any of their three based for with the genetics of one other species. Now for their human form this just turns into another hybrid form for their other two forms it can have other changes as mix in this other species. Next is their Omni-Enchanced forms which are similar to their fusion forms but instead of a full fusion they only use the third species to enhanced their based forms. Giving them new features and some new abilities based on what species they used to enhanced themselves. There is also their amalgam forms, in which they take their alien form and combine it with nine other species to create a new hybrid, and "alien", that 1/10 the power of ten species combine. And finally the last way they can use the genetics they store in their omnicore is by making use of the slime-biot powers, giving to them thanks to the chaquetrix being upgrade to have them. To put simply they can morph their limbs, grow new ones, and make tools and weapons by using the genetics store in their omnicore as if they had a slime-biot of their own. They can also regenerate by using this feature as if they had a slime-biot (regrow lost body parts, fix damage ones) and in a way even more thanks to the fact that their consciousness is store in their omnicore, so they can even regrow their heads. And while this end of the transformations they get by other species genetics, it isn't the end of their transformations.
Thanks to inhering omnicores, they also inhered omni-naut and omni-kik which simply just allows them to wear either of said armor in any of their based forms. They also have an ultimate that allows their hybrid and alien form to become an ultimate form, and as for their human form. They lose the ability to do magic in this but they can use the powers of any alien species they have store in their omnicore, they don't transform however so can limit these powers in some way. They also have antitrix forms as well, in these state their human form becomes an osmosian form. Their skin turns grey or pale white, their hair becomes tentacle like, they grow four small horns, and they lose their magic but abosd matter instead. So they get Kevin powers basely, and they use these powers in hybrid mode as well. Their alien form and hybrid forms becomes a antitrix version of that form, causing them to be more aggressive. Then there evos forms which came about from the chaquetrix absorbing nanobots, their human become robotic like and they get the power to turn their limbs into kinds of machines as well grow machines from their body (so Rex's powers), their alien from becomes a more monstrous version of their based alien form and their hybrid form is a mix of the two.
Unitrix: A little less common the duotrixs, only one in every ten changelings is born unitrix, these are frankly just a stronger version of Eunice. They have her powers, but they don't have to touch others they can just scan them, they have evo human mode, and osmosian mode, as well as ultimate mode in which they get the ultimate powers of whatever species they using at the moment. They do store the genetics allowing their slime-biot powers to use them both now and latter, and yes this does mean they can use the powers latter as well. They also have omni-naut and omni-kik armor, but they don't have fusion, amalgam, hybrid, or Omni-Enchanced modes. And yes they can the Potis Altiare upgrade as well.
Omnitrix: Based on the name of these changeling, which only one in a hundred are born, it should be clear what they do. They can become any species, or take hybrid form of any species, and stay in based forms as long as they want. They also have fusion forms, ultimate forms, antitrix forms, evo forms, Omni-Enchaced forms, amalgam forms, omni-naut form, omni-kik forms, as well slime-biot powers, that they can freely use with any based alien and hybrid forms. They can also get new forms by scanning, Note, scanning powers can work on changeling in full based alien forms as well true member of the species. They carelt powerful version of the changeling species because of that.
Other Changeling Powers: Now quick list of powers all three types of changelings have that have that simply less obvious then the transformation powers, and has to do with their omnicores. First all changelings can change their at will, second all changelings do have some control over their looks. If they what they can permanently their looks in the same way you may change the looks of character in video game. For example they can give themselves curly hair or red eyes instead of green, and even make themselves a bit taller or shorter. They also all have an universal translator, the ability to surf the extranet, to record video and audio , to send messages including phone calls and video calls. They can generation and change clothes thanks their uniform feature on their omnicores. And finally and possibly more importantly they can store items, people, and themselves within their omnicores. Causing many changelings to see the inside of their omnicores as mix of their bedrooms and homes.
Changeling Reproduction: Where do new changelings come form? Simple, any offspring between a changeling and a non-changeling will be a changeling, and thanks to how powers work they can mate with just about anything. Now as what kind of changeling the kids will, well that depends, first of thanks to them storing genetics in their omnicore the kids could be duotrixs of any species they have in their, if they aren't unitrixs or omnitrixes instead. If two changelings have kids together, which that haven't done yet as they still see each other as family, the kids will also be changelings as well with a higher chance to get omnitrixes then normal.
And that is all I have on the changeling powers and abilities, and just how far have I though of ahead for the changeling species? Not that far, I only thought of to the time of Ben's great-great grandkids. In this future the changelings are mostly on Earth but there are a high number of them found on Galvan Prime and Petropia as well. Plus some living Primus as well, with that be being listed as their official home planet. Many changelings have join the plumbers thanks to family traditions, with a lot also choosing to become explorers to find new species to increase the power of the changeling species over all.
So what do you think of this idea? If you like you are free to use it
submitted by DracoDagonWyrm to ChaquetrixEnglishVer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:31 John-The-Bomb-2 A message from GOD about abortion [4 images and also see description]

A message from GOD about abortion [4 images and also see description]
A message from GOD...
I woke up to a dream. In the dream, I had a baby, but it was half human, half insect. It had the face of a human baby but the body of some sort of insect, maybe a spider. Eww.
It was covered in disgusting goo (I think somehow I birthed it out of my penis and placental goo somehow came out, the dream doesn't really make sense). Anyway, I tried to put it in my bathroom's tub or sink or something to wash it, and this little insect bodied baby got sucked down the drain.
I was in a state of despair, but then I thought "maybe a defective human being like myself with a defective baby shouldn't have babies in the first place. Maybe this is for the best". While I was despairing (in a state of despair), I noticed one tiny human hand on the edge of the drain. I reached for it (somehow my baby with the head of a human baby but the body of an insect like a spider had tiny human baby hands on the end of its spider legs), and I pulled it out. It was my baby and it was alive! I rejoiced! I will be a father!
Oddly enough this insect baby of mine was so small that it could get sucked down the drain in my bathroom, but somehow it also had a discernable human baby face.
Anyway, that reminds me of Bodies: The Exhibition ( ), where I saw photos of aborted fetuses (see images #2 and #3). A 14 week old fetus is like 3 inches long and a 5 week old fetus (embryo) is like 0.5 inches long, see my photos from 2019. Anyway, in my dream my messed up, disgusting baby that I rescued was so small that it could go down my bathroom drain.
I kinda consider myself GOD and my dreams as a message from my inner subconscious, GOD. Thus, I have just received a message from GOD! #Prophet #ProphetJohnReed
I used to say that the age of legal abortion should be the point where a fetus is developed enough to feel pain like I can, so about 22 weeks (which is where it was in the U.S. after Roe v. Wade was made law but before Roe v. Wade was overturned by Trump judges), but now I'm rethinking it. Based on this dream, I'm thinking this:
p.s. If you're going to limit women from having abortions, at least give them the Plan B morning-after pill and pregnancy tests.
Note: "...the morning-after pill, are medications intended to disrupt or delay ovulation or fertilization, which are necessary for pregnancy." -
Note that Plan B is NOT an abortion pill. It delays ovulation (the female egg coming out of her ovary) and fertilization (the male sperm fusing with the female egg), it does not cause an embryo to fall out of her.
But yeah, as the father and the son, John Reed, with the virgin mother of Virgin Capital Investments, who channels The Holy Spirit, bipolar disorder, I proclaim that I have received a message from God and that message is that you can reduce the age of legal abortion from 22 weeks down to six weeks but only if you provide women with Plan B emergency contraception and pregnancy tests. If she doesn't have Plan B emergency contraception and pregnancy tests, you're not allowed to stop her from having an abortion before 22 weeks.
I am "The Prophet" and this is my message from GOD which is to apply to all people in my kingdom, planet Earth. I am "The King of planet Earth" and this is my proclamation!
@ FBI , @CIA , @DOJ , @DoD , As the shadow leader of the "Deep State", as "The Shadow President", this post is my proclamation!
submitted by John-The-Bomb-2 to u/John-The-Bomb-2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:31 New-Lingonberry1953 Things I wish I knew before

I want to share some things I wish I knew before my first marathon which I completed this last weekend. Obviously everyone’s training is different and people have different outlets for advice and content but I somehow missed these things:
  1. Chaffing was/is by far the worst part. Buy something to make sure this is not a problem for all body parts. Rock some bandaids for the nipples too, mine are shredded (sorry tmi). It wasn’t an issue during training but race day I struggled, maybe because of heat and sweat, idk.
  2. Hydrate more than you think, before, during and after. I took electrolytes day before and day of but I definitely could have done more outside just day before. Make sure day after you are still replenishing lost electrolytes. Hit every water station you can.
  3. Eat for optimal nutrition. Someone told me I could eat whatever I wanted day before to make sure I carb up and fill my glycogen stores and I quite literally ate everything in front of me. This created quite the stomach situation before the race. I’d stick to high carb still but plain foods, no crazy sauces or high fat meals.
  4. Stretch after and use a foam roller as much as you can immediately after and next morning. I should have stretched more and I’m paying for it.
  5. Have your entertainment ready. Sounds dumb but I was like eh I’ll listen to my usual bands and playlists. Next time I’ll make a playlist before. Having a support system there to cheer you on is a must as well. I would have them go to more stops.
That’s it. Simple but next race I’m going to focus on some of these things for optimal performance and recovery.
submitted by New-Lingonberry1953 to Marathon_Training [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:29 Zealousideal-Tax-536 I Need Some Advice: Is My Friend Manipulating Me?

Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advice. I (29M-Gay) think my friend (30F) might be manipulating me, but I'm not sure. Please hear me out.
We've been friends for 7 years, since I started my Master's degree. My friend is very self-centered and doesn't listen to others' opinions. I thought I could handle it because I used to be like her 5-6 years ago when I was in a toxic relationship and had a lot of personal issues. But now, I've grown, ended that relationship, and have been in a healthier relationship for 4 years. Things are much better for me.
However, my friend hasn't changed. She has a history of being manipulated by her ex-boyfriends, and she hasn't been able to move on for a decade. I feel like she's now manipulating me. Here are some examples:
Does anyone have a friendship like this? How do you cope with it?
Also, could it be that the problem is with me? Do I need to change something? I'm not sure if I'm the one being toxic and manipulative?
submitted by Zealousideal-Tax-536 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:28 R3xZZZ My infant daughter stole a chicken leg is this a reasonable response?

My infant daughter stole a chicken leg is this a reasonable response?
I know there is a misspell wah wahh
submitted by R3xZZZ to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:28 Sunday-Shark Attention Sub Members

Hi guys,
As we've seen someone has been watching over us still. We as mods would like to express to please be aware of the rules of the sub. If there are any misunderstandings or confusion you may message the mods for clarification. Anna is and has been watching us. We all know this. And just because there hasn't been a doxxing or calculated attacks we all know she is trying to find a reason to get the sub down or take us all down so no one can comment on her.
Please be aware of the videos you are posting. Make sure they are for 'commentary reasons' and are not exact to the original post. Some ways to avoid a copyright are : Change the length and/or speed of video (audio/video), flip the video, and change any coloring or add graphics to the video.
We want to keep this sub according to the rules set by Reddit and also the rules we have set to keep all of us safe and in an open space to comment. Please review the rules of the sub posted on the home of the sub.
submitted by Sunday-Shark to AnastasiaMarie [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:27 Gold-Day-6637 I think I might have non-purging bulimia?

I was recentely diagnosed with CPTSD. I read past reports that I got from psychologists back, to understand the whole situation better. In one of the reports from when I was 16, I told my psychologist that I puked out my food. I remembered it as a phase in my life where I had a lot of stress. So I brushed it off. But if I'm honest with myself, I think it might be an eating disorder.
When I was younger I had periods of bingeeating, after that I used to throw up my food, exercise a lot, count calories when I bought food, skip meals, only ate super small amounts of super healthy food, used to weigh myself a lot.
Now I'm 28 and it has changed. I don't throw up or exercise a lot anymore, I don't count calories and don't weigh myself. That's why I thought it was gone. But then I read about non-purging bulimia.. I still bingeat a lot, mostly at night. There are periods I eat a lot and really unhealthy food. There are periods when I skip most meals. Sometimes I don't eat anything. When I'm with others I eat small amounts, but when I'm at home bingeating I eat a lot. There are periods when it's better and I eat breakfast and/or lunch. I don't know if this is something to take serious, but I know it's not healthy. Does this sound like nonpurging bulimia to you?
I know I have a distorted idea of myself and I think that's what bothers me the most about it. I always hated my body and thought I was fat, even at times when I was underweight. I hated my body so much, it made me think I was transgender. I took testosteron for 5 years and had a mastectomy. And now I know I am not transgender, I'm wondering why I thought I was. And I think maybe it's because of an eating disorder?
Oh, and when I look in the mirror my face morphes really fast, even when all the lights are on. Sometimes I can't see what I really look like. Super weird. Is this common or just me being weird? Thanks for reading and sorry if it's too long.
submitted by Gold-Day-6637 to bulimia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:25 Abyyx-32 I feel like shit

I don't even know what I should do now
I (19M) am in a relationship with my gf (18F) for almost a year now
AND THIS HAS BEEN THE CONSTANT DOWNHILL IN MY LIFE. This is going to be somewhat lengthy, so whoever stay till the end..Thanks. I need to get some things off my chest .
I met her during a trip , i really wasn't ready to go into another relationship as I had come out from a 2.5 years one recently.. but my best friend (and only friend), said that she seemed like a good woman and told me to give it a chance. We regretted that very quickly.
Seems like she also had a past , She had too come out of a relationship recently. Which was fine by me. But then she had unusually large number of male friends, I'm not going into detail but i understood she CRAVES male attention 24*7 ..
She's the most immature girl I've ever met, she unknowingly (or knowingly) said things to me that gave me several insecurities . Body dysmorphia. Some examples: "My friends You're so fat no one will ever wanna mate with you lol* I was never fat i Was 61 kgs at 5"5. But then I joined gym and I have a pretty decent physique now , but she still passes negative comments at my body (I don't know she does this willingly or cuz she's just not mature) She used to sent me ss of boys flirting with me , and one boy in particular went overboard one time and there was a huge conflict w me and that boy.. After some days she AGAIN sends me ss of that boy sending flirty texts to her and she's entertaining (she was doing her hw) I was genuinely surprised and asked her "You didn't block him yet!?" She said "no I like the flirts" LOL IMAGINE.
AT THIS POINT I'M FUCKED UP WITH MY LIFE. I feel like everyone else is better than me , she made me feel so. I was never THIS MUCH insecure, i am having a severe inferiority complex , I have -ve confidence..(confidence has always been one of my key strengths and now it's gone completely). I'm mostly depressed and spend my time thinking about ending this all . I'm mentally at my lowest. I've tried coming out of this relationship but for some reason I just can't , I have never had such difficulty to come out of a relationship.. I don't know how I got attached.. it's like I'm holding onto a knife, it's making me bleed I still won't let go .. I'm having a mental breakdown rn just from remembering all those things.. my day is ruined again has been like this for several weeks now .
PS: I've still left out many details (i don't wanna recollect those+ this post would get Way too lengthy) I can't end this rn, or I'll be finished.. I don't know what to do anymore.
I just want to talk to someone more experienced or mature as I have no one to talk to
Where should I go from here?
submitted by Abyyx-32 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:22 LaziestManAlive Eight Totally Reasonable Tips To Crush The Coding Interview

For ten years I had crippling writer's block. Like many creatives, my writing suffered when my mood stabilized. It's an unhealthy relationship with the craft that began to dissipate four years ago, and in the past year lifted almost entirely. I'm very proud to be writing consistently—ever improving—and an article of mine is being featured today in the humor publication Slackjaw. It's a short satirical piece about the absurd hoops you have to jump through to be hired as a software engineer. The full version is here.

Learn Rust inside and out

Rust is the hot programming language right now, and an essential pedigree even if you’re interviewing at a company that converts early 2000's wig stores into dating sites for divorced tradwives. How else will you convey an unyielding recreational drive to stay relevant? Free time is for suckers, Liberal Arts grads, and employed engineers who know Rust.

Memorize every algorithm in existence

What’s important in software isn’t understanding design patterns, writing efficient code, or resourceful problem-solving, it’s whether you’re an encyclopedia of algorithms in a hypothetical universe where Google doesn’t exist. At any moment a suitable candidate must be able to write a program that derives the first one hundred Mersenne prime numbers. What if Alan Turing rises from the grave and demands a Q2 turn-around on an unnecessarily encrypted calculator app? Get your shit together.

Live in “The Cloud”

Traditional on-premise computing is dying. Soon, your entire job will be hosted in The Cloud: databases, web servers, work happy hours — even the preservation of your body-orphaned consciousness (willing or otherwise). Get a head start by renting a cramped studio apartment in the Metaverse for $9,000 a month, where poverty has also transitioned into the digital age.
submitted by LaziestManAlive to creativewriting [link] [comments]