Hack into photobucket album using url


2012.01.27 05:14 dziban303 WarshipPorn

Your subreddit for the finest warship pictures and art from any era in history. Please keep all discussions respectful and polite.

2009.02.26 22:05 identify unknown objects

Welcome to whatisthis, a subreddit for identifying objects of unknown make, type, or origin. If you have something and you don't know what it is, submit it here to find out.

2014.03.20 04:36 dziban303 CSS Sandbox for /r/WarshipPorn

We're dedicated to posting the ***highest quality*** & ***largest*** images of ships of war, from the lowliest gunboat to the most glorious battleships of yore, be they from antiquity, the Age of Sail, or the modern era. **Ship models, blueprints, and schematics are accepted as well!**

2024.05.21 17:53 The_Nonce-ler Why should I actually continue living? (21M)

All I've ever felt is guilt and shame over not being good or capable enough. I used to be good academically and got into a very tough uni, but couldn't hack it and barely scraped through the degree. I struggle socially, I struggle to not isolate myself. I have a million weird phobias and OCD -esque issues that my parents get angry at me for having, bc they think I'm choosing to be this way bc im stupid.
All I do is try to daydream to distract myself from the constant shame and guilt. I have no future. I got a shit GPA, barely any experience, no skills. I can't even get any internship, no one will take me.
What is the point in living if I have no friends, no love, nothing? I've tried and it all crashed around me. And I'm in college - this is supposed to get harder with age. And I'm gonna have to move back in with my parents who think I'm a disappointment and want me to sacrifice any joy in my life just for endless hard work. I've already done that all my lfie and I'm tired of feeling like I have been sitting on the sidelines of life working and stufying for nothing. I haven't even got anyone I can talk to about this.
I wanna die. So badly. I don't have any hope.
submitted by The_Nonce-ler to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:50 DeepInAzure Breaking Down the English Trails Titles (So Far)

I recently watched a video where the uploader mentioned Trails in the Sky as being a great game with a terrible name, and it got me thinking about how Xseed did indeed drop the ball with that title (albeit for probably different reasons than that uploader). It also made me think of other titles in the series, and how it's been surprisingly inconsistent with whether or not the English titles actually work well. So, here's my attempt at analyzing each one so far, up to Daybreak.
Sora no Kiseki/Trails in the Sky - At first glance, this might seem straightforward. After all, 空 means sky, right? Well, not in this case. One thing many English-speaking fans may not be aware of is that that same character is used for what Xseed localized as the element of space, and anyone who's finished SC knows that the Aureole is the sept-terrion for that very element. With this knowledge, it's easy to infer that the title is referring the element, not to the sky, so the title is a mistranslation, presumably due to no one at Xseed knowing much about SC and not realizing all the foreshadowing for it in FC, thus opting for a direct translation either based on assumptions or simply because it was the easiest choice. They fortunately wouldn't make the same mistake for the next part of the series they localized, but more on that in a moment.
Zero no Kiseki & Ao no Kiseki/Trails from Zero & Trails to Azure - In contrast to FC, this should've been easy. 'Zero' does, of course, carry the same meaning in English that it does in Japanese, and Ao no Kiseki uses the English word 'azure' for the final dungeon, so these should've been the simplest titles to get right. Yet Xseed still messed it up with the 'from' in the English title they decided on for Zero when registering a URL for the game, and NISA messed up by keeping it for their localization. Now, you may be asking, how is this a mistake, zero means nothing, so you have to go from zero, right? However, that line of reasoning falls apart as soon as you realize that both titles refer to the same thing. I admittedly haven't played either one in English, so I don't know what dialogue changes Geofront or NISA may have made, but in the Japanese dialogue at least, this is even emphasized with both how KeA is referred to and the name of the project centered around her. In short, this is a mistake made for the same reason as 'Trails in the Sky': assumptions made due to a lack of foresight on Xseed's part.
Sen no Kiseki/Trails of Cold Steel - Unlike the previous titles, this requires some explanation from outside the games themselves. When asked about the Japanese title, Kondo answered that it referred to imagery of 'the flash of a sword as it's drawn from its sheathe', which is likely derived from a Japanese idiom likening that imagery to a sudden change in circumstances. While that meaning is appropriate for this part of the series, it's also not one that translates easily for a title. Furthermore, one site - Siliconera - had been reporting on the game using a direct translation of the title, 'Trails in the Flash', and was regularly mocked for it, so Xseed going for something similar may have been a bad look for the series. Instead, they opted to change the title, allegedly based on info from Kondo himself, claiming that Falcom were originally planning on having 'steel' in the title, and it just so happened that the normal battle theme for the first of these games, The Glint of Cold Steel, had a fitting title in it. And given what Kondo said about the Japanese title's meaning, it even has a direct link to that meaning. Thus, Trails of Cold Steel. It's hardly a perfect option, but it is unquestionably a step up from before.
Hajimari no Kiseki/Trails into Reverie - Not only is the Japanese title as indirect as the previous four games, it's even more abstract due to it being for the game's intended status as a transition to the next arc in the same vein that 3rd was between Liberl and Crossbell, making the meaning even harder to get across in English than the idiom behind Sen no Kiseki's meaning. As such, it's not hard to understand why NISA opted for the much simpler Trails into Reverie, but I do think it's disappointing nonetheless, even if nowhere near as egregious as Xseed's worst examples.
Kuro no Kiseki/Trails Through Daybreak - To someone with a basic understanding of Japanese, this seems like an obviously bad translation. 'Kuro' means 'dark' or 'black', so this should be one of the worst titles yet, right? However, as loathe as I am to praise a company that included an incel meme in their first localization for the series, if you understand the actual meaning behind the 黎 in the title, it's actually the best so far. According to Kondo, the kanji comes from the word 黎明, which is used for dawn, which daybreak can be a synonym for. He also elaborated that the title is meant to reflect this being the start of the series' second half, and it can thus be considered the 'daybreak' for the series after the 'twilight' of the previous arc. With this in mind, Trails Through Daybreak is a perfectly fitting title.
submitted by DeepInAzure to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:38 Ill_Introduction_495 That time I took 150mg of edibles and lost my mind

I was 18 and football and wrestling were over so I decided to try weed for the first time. I had no prior experience with any weed before. I bought these "delta 8" gummy peach rings. The package said do not take more than 4 within 8 hours. I thought I was being responsible in taking 3. They were 50 mg a piece. For my first weed experience I took 150mg of THC.
My experience changed my life. I am in a constant state of questioning my own existence and the absurdity of all things in existence.
I took them around 8PM, and went to take a shower to relax hoping to coast into a peaceful high. After about 30 minutes of sitting in the shower nothing had come on so I decided to go to bed with my girlfriend. I laid there for a while and remembered that the new Boba Fett show had just dropped a new episode. I decided I'd watch that. My girlfriend had fallen asleep within the first few minutes of the episode, so I was watching it alone in bed.
About halfway through i started to feel a little hazy. But nothing I didn't expect, I was exited that it had started. So I just laid back and let it wash over me.
I don't remember how much time had passed but eventually I convinced myself that I died. I was horrified but this realization wasn't anywhere near as mind altering as what was to come.
I began seeing these fluttering hazy colors surround either side of my field of view. The colors sort of looked like the 2 Use Your Illusion album covers from Guns and Roses.
I eventually came to the conclusion that these colors represented my understanding of "Heaven and Hell" and as I thought more on my morality and the life I had lived, either side would seem to overcome the other. I remember hearing distorted voices from each side.
This went back and forth for a while, and I began to hyperventilate. I began questioning my understanding on either side. They were only represented by the color that they were and the distorted voices coming from each of them. I lost sight of which side was "heaven" and which side was "hell". I knew that I needed to choose either one to envelop me but I didn't know which side was which. It was clear though that there was a distinction between the two.
I don't remember which side I ended up on. But what I do remember is that shortly after I was absorbed into the side I chose, everything was ripped away from me.
This is where it began.
My entire understanding of my own existence was taken from me. I heard distorted chanting surrounding me, it felt like every single atom around me was chanting. The chanting was distorted and droning, it wasn't English but somehow I knew exactly what they were communicating to me.
It was that absolutely nothing exists.
They were deconstructing my understanding on everything. I do mean everything. For example, I remember early on as my understanding of time left me the chanting said that "we create concepts like time" as if to distract ourselves from the absurdity of existence.
When I say I lost my understanding it's important to know that I don't mean that I was incapable of grasping the concepts of things like time and physical space. It was more so that they were taking those concepts and pointing out the fact that they are completely illusionary and nonexistent, and were crafted to create this false reality that I understand and live in.
I became aware of the fact that absolutely nothing existed, and I began to feel that fact in a physical way. It's hard to put any of this into words but it's most difficult to describe they way I felt physically.
I felt like I was infinitely compact. I felt my own nonexistence. I felt like I was a singular atom being pressed inward by surrounding atoms. I also somehow felt this friction stretching me in every possible direction.
I just remember feeling like I was an atom inside a dense piece of matter like a rock.
I looked to any comforting experience from my life to escape. But it just lead to more deconstruction of my mind.
Eventually I came to the conclusion that I have always been in this place, and that I was just blissfully unaware of it. Therefore my entire life, friends, family, experiences, and memories were all imaginary distractions from this reality.
This went on for what felt like actual eternity, and eventually after throwing up I suddenly felt my own heartbeat, and something about that brought me back to my reality.
I just remember thinking "my hearts beating, so I can't be dead." And I fell asleep. I didn't wake up until 2PM the next day in a pool of my own vomit. My girlfriend had taken some edibles too and woke up after me not recalling any vivid experiences.
We went and got Pizza Hut, and went about our lives. I had a really hard time coping with the experience for a while. I had panic attacks several times over the next few months.
6 months after the experience I graduated high school and married my girlfriend.
I'm 20 now and it's been a little over 2 years since the experience, and I'd like to say I've recovered. My wife and I have 2 sons and I've got a nice EMT job coming up.
Once in a great while I'll get an uneasy feeling, but I look at my sons and it all feels a little better.
I do have my own ideas on what I experienced, but if I dwell on them too much I get nervous so I try and avoid it.
I feel like I'm finally in a place where I can at least attempt to explain my thoughts on it so please DM me if you'd like to talk about it at all. My name is David by the way.
submitted by Ill_Introduction_495 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:26 Guacamole_is_good I'm running into a typescript error that I cannot resolve. It is related to my interface and export.

I'm running into a typescript error that I cannot resolve. It is related to my interface and export.
This is in a NextJS project (14.2.3).
This is the error which occurs on npm run build:
src/app/Components/LandingPageAppBapage.tsx Type error: Page "src/app/Components/LandingPageAppBapage.tsx" has an invalid "default" export: Type "LandingPageAppBarProps" is not valid.
This is the related code:
``` interface LandingPageAppBarProps { mode: PaletteMode; toggleColorMode: () => void; }
const LandingPageAppBar: React.FC = ({ mode, toggleColorMode }) => { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
export default LandingPageAppBar;
This is my tsconfig.json:
``` { "compilerOptions": { "target": "ESNext", "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"], "allowJs": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "strict": true, "noEmit": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "module": "esnext", "moduleResolution": "Bundler", "resolveJsonModule": true, "isolatedModules": true, "jsx": "preserve", "incremental": true, "plugins": [ { "name": "next" } ], "baseUrl": "./", "paths": { "@/": ["./src/"] } }, "include": [ "next-env.d.ts", "src//*", ".next/types//*.ts", "jest.config.ts", "jest.setup.ts", "env.d.ts" ], "exclude": ["node_modules"], "typeAcquisition": { "include": ["jest"] } }
submitted by Guacamole_is_good to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:21 B3njamin03 Where are 'albums' in the Photos Application?

I use the Photos App quite frequently, and I used the 'albums' feature to separate images into categories. Unfortunately, some time ago, this feature seems to have disappeared, and now I can't access these albums or add images to them. The option is simply no longer available. Is there a way to add 'albums' back?
submitted by B3njamin03 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:21 Eko01 What's up with the... bumbling?

While canon Taylor might not be a paragon of competence and intelligence, I wouldn't describe her as bumbling. She trains, prepares basically a professional quality costume, keeps her identity secret until the PRT moves to unmask her etc. And she did have a plan when she first went out - take down some mooks, prove herself to the PRT and either join the wards or start cooperating with them more or some such.
But in fanfics... I'd say like 8/10 have a bumbling protagonist, whether Taylor an SI or an OC, whether they are OP or weak. Often they tell you how life-threatening getting outed would be for them in one chapter, then in the next they out themselves to stop a thief or something (the undersider bank robbery comes to mind). Generally, no real thought is given to anything, no planning beyond "let's take down the bad guys". Characters with powers that suffer when their basics are known spill the beans the first time someone asks them. Tinkers talk about the importance of their workshop, then they invite the first cape they meet inside. Those with identities to hide wear domino masks and generally just give the bare minimum effort - then act all surprised when someone figures their identity out.
I've read a bunch of fanfics from other fandoms and generally, the issue I find is the opposite, with an abundance of too-competent mary sues. Most are just fairly competent though. It's just Worm for some reason. I've dropped so many stories, some with hundreds of thousands of words because of this.
As an example, the fic that made me write this was Of Blackguards and Mercenaries which really just showcases the spirit of bumbling well. Taylor triggers with a fairly strong power - 5 fully independent, life-like projections that have no range or time limitations that she can choose from the Overwatch character roster. As well as just summoning parts of their gear into her hands, miss militia style. It's a power good enough to clean up the bay and more - her summons cannot die, are all decently strong and possess enough relevant experience that they can teach her most of what she'd need. The nature of her power makes hiding her status as a master trivial too, especially since Mercy can resurrect people. Fairly easy to hide her resummoning the dead ones that way.
So what does Taylor do as a cape? First, she outs herself as a cape. Sure, it's done in anger and accidentally, so there is an excuse, but it is still bumbling. At least she manages to keep her master status hidden. Secondly, she hears about a parahuman altercation, so she just casually hacks into PRT comms to tell them that she is coming to help. No thoughts given to the consequences or even the worth of such an action (spoiler alert, it was fairly pointless). Then she pretty much executes Lung in front of Armsmaster.
Sure, it is tactically the right call, but it never occurs to her that maybe executing people in front of law enforcement isn't the brightest idea. Doesn't occur to her to perhaps use those hacked comms to ask about it. Then she gets pissy about Armsmaster not being happy about it. Now, the poor guy has the idiot ball in this fic, but some pushback was completely expected for killing a guy. To be clear I don't really have an issue with what happens here - my problem is the incompetent, thoughtless manner of it.
So what does she do next? Casually reveals that Mercy can resurrect dead people, basically just to spite the PRT. She just bumbles through the interaction, zero thoughts given to the consequences of revealing a cape that CAN RESURRECT THE DEAD. No, she doesn't think about it after the fact either.
Finally, what made me drop it. After the fight, Taylor chills on a rooftop and Glory Girl spots her. So Vicky is like "Hey, wanna be friends, random cape I know nothing about?" and Taylor responds: "Sure, btw I'm actually a Master and all these guys are my projections, he he."
And why does like every other worm fic do this?
submitted by Eko01 to WormFanfic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:10 myNameIs-Kyle How to add a View directly to the main activity?

Okay, so I'm learning Kotlin and this is probably gonna sound like a stupid question so forgive me. I'm literally on week 1.
I want to add a View here:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val myView: View = View(this).also{ } // setContent { // MyApplicationTheme { // // A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme // Surface( // modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), // color = MaterialTheme.colors.background // ) { // Greeting("Android") // } // } // } } } 
But I'm unsure of 2 things. One is this the correct thing to be passing into the View constructor? How do I add it to the parent or main view?
Now you might be wondering what my reasoning is. Also why am I not just using design part of android studio?
I am trying to build a stand alone view for another project in React Native and as of yet I haven't figured out how to use composables or xml in that. For example the tutorial I'm trying to modify does this with a web view:
class ExpoWebView(context: Context, appContext: AppContext) : ExpoView(context, appContext) { private val onLoad by EventDispatcher() internal val webView = WebView(context).also { it.layoutParams = LayoutParams( LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ) it.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() { override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView, url: String) { onLoad(mapOf("url" to url)) } } addView(it) } } 
So right now I'm just trying to figure out how to add a single stand alone view that I can then tack children onto like a video player, images, and text.
submitted by myNameIs-Kyle to Kotlin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:10 Famas_1234 FFXIV soundtrack has many motifs/leitmotifs, but does that mean it's better, or is it becoming predictable? (data inside)

FFXIV soundtrack has many motifs/leitmotifs, but does that mean it's better, or is it becoming predictable? (data inside)
This is more to observation regarding FFXIV music I hear and I feel/think to post here
FFXIV soundtrack factually has many leitmotifs even the community have tracked all the leitmotifs in a website form. I'm a bit enthusiastic about video game soundtracks at the past, but FFXIV feels like a good place to take the data for it. However, as the content formula is going established, or for better or worse matured, I think there is a predictability in the content including the tracks because they are tied to each other. So I want to open this from the data then we talk about the tracks themselves.
Based on what I've gathered in the web, motifs are musical notes/movements/passages that are modular to use for contextual stuffs (characters/environments/moments), which further called leitmotifs. Say like a specific character coming in the stage, the notes are played similarly which makes the music memorable by using leitmotif technique. This is also frequently used in FFXIV too.
However, there must have something in the balance. Too reliant on motifs may sound boring. But no motifs may sound nothing or less memorable (unless they make you pump it out). With motifs and leitmotifs together, you can also predict the scene what will happen next. But you may argue not every moment must have motifs so that it can decrease predictability, or not everything must be reliant to it so that it may sound unique. I believe there is a technique for that. In the end, it's the composers'/arrangers' ability to create. They can use it, but it's about how they insert those. It can be subtle in plain sight, or blatantly in your face.
You may feel this kind of thing, and I feel that too. But because I am usually data driven, I would like to share the data, accompanied by how the game is designed. The game design is also crucial for the music itself.

The Data

To use the data. I use my sound tracker data whose the leitmotif tracker is based from the compendium. Here's the data I've collected so far
Album version. Imgur is blurry on mobile so you may refer to the sheet itself above. Too complicated? Alright then, I'll upload it here
FFXIV 1.0 is kinda minimal on motifs besides classic FF motifs
ARR motifs are increasing. Not to deny the major relaunch of the game
ARR 2.x is minimal in comes into reusability
Heavensward 3.0 was the first to establish the formula, hence high reusability
Then followed by 3.x which was the early template for future motifs
Stormblood 4.0 has high reusability based on the field themes, but still not as much as Heavensward. You can neglect other one-off FF themes (I blame collaborations)
Shadowbringers has high reusability, may on par or more then Heavensward. Ignore the 1s, they're bloated anyway
Shadowbringers patches are also good while maintaining the post patch status compared the launch patch
Endwalker is simplified but you can see the numbers are much higher. Maybe too much?
Too many 1s man. But also many motifs from previous versions are represented again

The Content and Implementation

For main expansion motifs, they can be separated into pieces. However, main expansion motifs usually being reordered to give variety, but still the same. This is the case for:
  1. Main theme: stores all the motifs <- the templates are here
  2. Field battle: some open world mobs
  3. Cities: most main theme motifs end up in here but in different flavors
  4. Field hub (aetherite)
  5. Dungeon midboss
  6. Dungeon boss
  7. Most cutscenes: usually for the expansions they can have 7 out of 10 tracks that shares the motifs inside the main theme
  8. Solo duties/story battles: usually tied to some parts of the main theme
  9. Occasionally some trials: usually for crucial trials there are some motifs in the main theme
  10. Occasionally some dungeons
  11. Occasionally some fields that is crucial enough to have main motif in main theme
With at least 11 categories related to main theme motifs, it is a fact that main theme is the most used within expansion. Let's say Heavensward motif. It has many and consistent motifs that can span to other contents outside what I mentioned in the list. Because expansions here are treated like a book or a movie serial, they need to use different motifs per season.
For field motif, especially at the expansions, usually used in 3 tracks:
  1. Field day
  2. Field night
  3. Dungeons: each field usually has a dungeon, so they rather use that field's motif to simplify the process
Each FFXIV expansions usually has 6 fields. This is actually many, just reuse the motifs then you're done. In fact field themes are foundational. It started from main field day theme, then getting a piano rendition in night theme, then make an intense version in dungeon theme.
That means, you can estimate for each expansion, you probably get at least 11 main categories + 6 fields * 3 = 29 tracks. It can be more if we count more cutscene music and other eventful music that uses motifs. It can be approximately 35 tracks with motifs, but that is in estimate.
Yes, I made the numbers above without reference, but let's go to the real data. Let's open Endwalker album as the example. Here's what I get. This writing is going too messy later
With 63 tracks, you can see some major numbers are at least proven compared to approximate
  1. Main theme is expected. However, FFXIV usually has two main themes. In Endwalker's case, it's "Endwalker" and "Flow" as they are usually promoted in their YT channel. This main theme can be applied the category I mentioned before. Let's say 12 tracks
    1. Endwalker motif is used in most cutscenes
    2. Flow motif is also used in most cutscenes. Sometimes it also tandems with Endwalker motif
  2. Cities: 2 day, 2 night, 1 neutral. That uses "Flow" motif. That goes 5
  3. Story cutscene: of 11 tracks, there are 3 independent tracks. That goes 7
  4. Dungeon midboss and boss. That's 2
  5. Each field has dungeon. It's 6 fields*3+2 extra dungeons = 20
WIth this, you can get at least 12+5+7+2+20= 46 tracks with related motifs. It may be inaccurate, but you may get the picture
With Endwalker data above, I've counted that only 5/63 tracks (~8%) that are independent from the motifs.

Motifs/Leitmotifs are contextual, but how predictable in FFXIV?

Predictability here comes into sections:
  1. The events. May be a place, character, or some game elements
  2. How the music is made. May be the composition/arrangement itself
It may be predictable for main and field themes because how the game is structured. It could be better or worse. You may suggest like this:
  1. Make the field theme variative.
    1. The open field has two methods. Loop the track or play-silent-play the track. If the latter is used, it would be beneficial to have variant tracks. Take Genshin as the example. The open nature of that game allows to cycle the tracks. In fact, FFXIV ARR had this method especially in La Noscea, Thanalan, and Black Shroud. They have multiple movements in a track hence why the track is long. The question: should they revisit that method?
  2. Make the music longer or variate the melody
    1. If the gameplay is around the 2 minute meta, you don't realize that the music anecdotally follows that too. That is a single take without loop. You can variate by extend the music for a bit or maybe at least rearrange them.
    2. The concrete example I got is Monster Hunter music. That game has many renditions of monster themes while keeping the same melody. They have variations across the melody too
But there is a shock factor which makes it unexpected
Shock factor here means you don't expect one/some of the motifs are applied in the scene you are currently in. For example, who would think The Twinning music is a combination of Crystal Tower and Omega motif? Who would also think Anamnesis Anyder uses long buried Sastasha motif? How about mash all the old motifs in your face like how they made "Embers" which includes all tracks related to Lahabrea? How do you expect "Dynamis" comes back to "Flow" motif? This factor makes one of the most memorable musical experience in FFXIV.

Bonus: I already know who made this track

Related posts:
  1. How to spot FFXIV composer
  2. A Thread of Interviews and Showcases Related to CBU3 music team (FFXIV and FFXVI)
I just leave those here because this topic may be related to them and how the music workflow goes. In the end, you can predict who composes/arranges the music based on the style/implementation


And so that's it. What do you think about current formula of FFXIV music? Has it become better or worse?
I have ongoing survey about FFXIV music. You can pick before a week before Dawntrail!
My other posts
I gonna edit this later. I know the writing is getting messier
submitted by Famas_1234 to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:08 tokenathiest PowerPass v2.2.1

PowerPass release 2.2.1 is officially available here: https://github.com/chopinrlz/powerpass/releases/tag/v2.2.1
This release fixes an issue on macOS where reboots caused the AES key to become unusable due to dynamic MAC address assignment. These dynamic network adapters have been excluded from key generation.
As of this release, the current list of features are:
submitted by tokenathiest to powerpass [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:58 Green_Ad9547 Don’t buy from threedaysofrain FN ACC -_-

Don’t buy from threedaysofrain FN ACC -_-
After not even a month of getting the Fortnite account it got reclaimed from the original owner, I opened up a dispute and explained to him how I wanted a refund since I also payed extra for fucking warranty, I got spontaneously logged out during my game and when I tried logging it sent me into a sign up option which obviously meant the Russian email that came with the acc got changed which was impossible because I wasn’t able to change it until July and I checked the Russian email website to see if my details got removed or changed, for some reason I received zero information or email’s telling me my f2a or my emails were changed seemed like the original owner used his credit card info to reclaim there acc . Anyways while I was disputing with the seller the Cunt sent me one message and literally just never answered again, after two days i escalated the dispute ended up losing with lack of evidence which is fucking impossible to receive when I didn’t even get a email telling me my epic acc details were changed or anything
submitted by Green_Ad9547 to PlayerAuctions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:55 Cultural_Name4608 Ulthwe-Ynnari List

Rate my list: I was thinking about taking this to a local tournament as a competitive list and wondered how the local community felt like it would do?
The idea is to have Eldrad + the two FarseeWarlock Conclaves in a Wave Serpent wreak havoc on a side objective while the wraithblades move into the middle, bikes are there for speedy secondaries and shadow specter-like shooting. Walkers using their scout move can move into position and hurt/kill a key heavy thing early while guardians and storm guardians bring up the rear making everything sticky so the force can move from one objective to the other.
What do you think? List is below:
[b]++ Army Roster (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [2,000pts] ++[/b]
[b]+ Configuration +[/b]
[b]Battle Size:[/b] 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)
[b]Detachment:[/b] Battle Host
[b]Show/Hide Options:[/b] Legends are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible
[b]+ Epic Hero +[/b]
[b]Eldrad Ulthran [110pts][/b]
[b]Yvraine [100pts][/b]
[b]+ Character +[/b]
[b]Autarch Skyrunner [105pts]:[/b] Dragon Fusion Gun, Fate's Messenger, Warlord
[b]Farseer [80pts]:[/b] Singing Spear
[b]Farseer Skyrunner [90pts]:[/b] Singing Spear
[b]Spiritseer [65pts][/b]
[b]Warlock Skyrunner [70pts]:[/b] Singing Spear, The Weeping Stones
[b]+ Battleline +[/b]
[b]Guardian Defenders [100pts][/b] . 10x Guardian Defender: 10x Close Combat Weapon, 10x Shuriken Catapult . Heavy Weapon Platform: Bright Lance
[b]Storm Guardians [100pts][/b] . 5x Storm Guardian: 5x Guardian Combat Weapon, 5x Shuriken Pistol . Storm Guardian with Aeldari Flamer . Storm Guardian with Aeldari Flamer . Storm Guardian with Guardian Fusion Gun . Storm Guardian with Guardian Fusion Gun . Storm Guardian with Power Sword
[b]+ Infantry +[/b]
[b]Warlock Conclave [120pts][/b] . Warlock: Witchblade . Warlock: Witchblade . Warlock: Witchblade . Warlock: Witchblade
[b]Warlock Conclave [120pts][/b] . Warlock: Witchblade . Warlock: Witchblade . Warlock: Witchblade . Warlock: Witchblade
[b]Wraithblades [170pts][/b] . 5x Wraithblade: 5x Ghostswords
[b]+ Mounted +[/b]
[b]Windriders [160pts][/b] . 6x Windrider with Shuriken Cannon: 6x Close Combat Weapon, 6x Shuriken Cannon
[b]Windriders [160pts][/b] . 6x Windrider with Shuriken Cannon: 6x Close Combat Weapon, 6x Shuriken Cannon
[b]+ Vehicle +[/b]
[b]War Walker [110pts]:[/b] 2x Bright Lance
[b]War Walker [110pts]:[/b] 2x Bright Lance
[b]War Walker [110pts]:[/b] 2x Bright Lance
[b]+ Dedicated Transport +[/b]
[b]Wave Serpent [120pts]:[/b] Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Cannon
[b]++ Total: [2,000pts] ++[/b]
Created with [url=https://battlescribe.net]BattleScribe[/url]
submitted by Cultural_Name4608 to Eldar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:54 MLomas92 (Run and Bun) Is Brawly possible with this box?

Advice needed please!
Trying out a nuzlocke-esque* play through of Run and Bun. I'm relatively new to nuzlocking but have done some on vanilla games in the past, this is my first try out of an ultra-hard ROM hack.
I've got through the early game split deathless, and with some good mons in tow, but I've been stuck on a decent plan for Brawly and just can't see a way through. No catch on Togedemaru or Vivilon means I don't really have a decent answer, and I expect the only consistent solution involves a sack or two.
Particularly tricky is the retaliate/eject button on Lopunny, and Hitmontop's pursuit locking me in.
The best I've got so far goes something along these lines:
Team = Exeggcute / Ponyta / Monferno / Lombre / Diggersby / SLOT FREE
I still have my rare candy and two heart scales to invest. Potentially could get bounce on Diggersby @ level 22, but the calcs suggest it doesn't particularly help. Chewtle evolves into Dreadnaw but that also doesn't really solve the Hitmontop/Scraggy issues.
I've attached my showdown script with the full box.
Am I missing something? If anyone has any useful advice for this fight in general, or simply thinks I just need to brace to go back to the truck then that would be really helpful!
Exeggcute @ Oran Berry Ability: Chlorophyll Level: 21 Rash Nature IVs: 7 HP / 9 Atk / 22 Def / 30 SpA / 24 SpD / 6 Spe - Bullet Seed - Confusion - Sleep Powder - Psybeam Diggersby @ Oran Berry Ability: Cheek Pouch Level: 21 Relaxed Nature IVs: 16 HP / 17 Atk / 17 Def / 30 SpA / 3 SpD / 31 Spe - Take Down - Mud Shot - Dig - Double Kick Monferno @ Oran Berry Ability: Vital Spirit Level: 21 Lonely Nature IVs: 31 HP / 31 Atk / 18 Def / 14 SpA / 23 SpD / 31 Spe - Flame Wheel - Low Sweep - Fire Spin - Mach Punch Ponyta Ability: Flame Body Level: 21 Hasty Nature IVs: 22 HP / 3 Atk / 31 Def / 7 SpA / 26 SpD / 20 Spe - Flame Wheel - Stomp - Bounce - Ember Seadra @ Oran Berry Ability: Sniper Level: 21 Naughty Nature IVs: 26 HP / 24 Atk / 4 Def / 0 SpA / 10 SpD / 13 Spe - Bubble Beam - Smokescreen - Clear Smog - Twister Lombre @ Oran Berry Ability: Swift Swim Level: 21 Hasty Nature IVs: 10 HP / 6 Atk / 21 Def / 1 SpA / 16 SpD / 12 Spe - Fake Out - Natural Gift - Mega Drain - Bubble Beam Nosepass Ability: Sturdy Level: 21 Lonely Nature IVs: 26 HP / 1 Atk / 22 Def / 10 SpA / 24 SpD / 18 Spe - Thunder Wave - Spark - Ancient Power - Rock Throw Tentacool Ability: Liquid Ooze Level: 21 Lax Nature IVs: 15 HP / 23 Atk / 31 Def / 20 SpA / 3 SpD / 30 Spe - Poison Sting - Water Pulse - Confuse Ray - Acid Buizel Ability: Water Veil Level: 21 Adamant Nature IVs: 21 HP / 24 Atk / 21 Def / 13 SpA / 9 SpD / 20 Spe - Aqua Jet - Sonic Boom - Water Pulse - Fake Out Hitmonlee Ability: Reckless Level: 21 Gentle Nature IVs: 18 HP / 23 Atk / 30 Def / 23 SpA / 29 SpD / 13 Spe - Tackle - Double Kick - Fake Out - Foresight Fletchinder Ability: Flame Body Level: 21 Bashful Nature IVs: 25 HP / 14 Atk / 3 Def / 28 SpA / 19 SpD / 12 Spe - Flame Charge - Growl - Quick Attack - Aerial Ace Yanma Ability: Compound Eyes Level: 21 Impish Nature IVs: 5 HP / 11 Atk / 4 Def / 3 SpA / 5 SpD / 23 Spe - Bug Bite - Air Cutter - Detect - Quick Attack Cufant Ability: Sheer Force Level: 21 Careful Nature IVs: 19 HP / 18 Atk / 21 Def / 1 SpA / 29 SpD / 21 Spe - Stomp - Bulldoze - Rock Throw - Rock Smash Palpitoad Ability: Poison Touch Level: 21 Adamant Nature IVs: 18 HP / 19 Atk / 23 Def / 6 SpA / 10 SpD / 29 Spe - Bubble - Mud Shot - Mud-Slap - Bubble Beam Chewtle Ability: Strong Jaw Level: 21 Hardy Nature IVs: 15 HP / 18 Atk / 10 Def / 14 SpA / 29 SpD / 14 Spe - Headbutt - Water Pulse - Bite - Ice Fang Eelektrik Ability: Levitate Level: 21 Mild Nature IVs: 18 HP / 9 Atk / 12 Def / 22 SpA / 17 SpD / 27 Spe - Thunder Wave - Spark - Shock Wave - Crunch 
\By nuzlocke esque I mean I keep to the core principles (e.g. one mon per area/route, faint = death etc.) but I'll be pretty liberal in clausing away misplays. This is for fun not glory!*
submitted by MLomas92 to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:54 Ryandunham98 Doctor Who Season 1 + Special

Hi guys I wanted to share my seasons of Doctor Who if I was Showrunner so here is my first as of right now I have 11, I hope you enjoy the episodes and let me know your thoughts on season 1
Ep 1 - Rebirth Of The Doctor - The Doctor has just regenerated & crashed landed on Earth & is still recovering from the regeneration as she meets two new friends Ellie Young & Michael Summers, However the regeneration energy gets the attention of The Sontarans who are planning to create new Sontarans with regeneration energy, And The Doctor is unable to use The TARDIS as it is still repairing itself
Ep 2 - System Error - The Doctor & her friends land on a spaceship which is crashing into a moon with the ship's AI called A.M.Y being hacked by a unknown source which has gone rogue which has caused the Incoming threat plus causing chaos on the ship
Ep 3 - Bug Infection (Part 1) - The Doctor & her friends return to Earth after strange reports for higher amounts of insects attacks, So when investigating they found that a alien bug bacteria called Vinia Galpus has affected all insects by making more aggressive & increased toxicity in venom/poisons, it can affect insects by growing then to huge sizes & the bacteria is also growing a giant insect
Ep 4 - Bug Invasion (Part 2) - The bacteria has begun to spread further across the Earth & the bacteria has grown a giant insect which is leading the Invasion, So the Doctor has to make a antidote to stop the bacteria, However the bacteria is also conscious & is fighting back against the antidote
Ep 5 - Welcome To The Games - The Doctor & her friends visit the planet Soca, However found the planet has been taken over by a game show which is using civilians to entertain the host & is hurting the civilians & the host is an old enemy The Celestial Toymaker & he forced The TARDIS to land on Soca for round 2 of games for The Doctor
Ep 6 - The Timeless Knight - The Doctor & her friends visit London 1877 after The TARDIS detects alien technology, However there is a Timeless Knight who are paid mercenaries with powerful armour & weapons plus have the ability to time travel, The Doctor must get the technology first
Ep 7 - Lake Tanganyika - The Doctor & her friends visit Lake Tanganyika in South Africa & after an alien landed in the lake so after an investigate, they learn that it is a Surfer Wraith that a create rift & landed on Earth to grain all of the water until they is none left
Ep 8 - The Golden Age - The Doctor & her friends visit France 1946 after reports of people going missing so they investigate before learning that a alien species known as The Oro have been taking people & turning then into gold to do experiments, The Oro are made of solid gold with high intelligence
Ep 9 - The Midnight Sun (Part 1) - The Doctor has noticed strange activity with Earth's sun so they investigate before finding a hidden lab where someone has been doing illegally experiments on Earth sun, That person is The Master who was the one who hired The Timeless Knight
Ep 10 - Hell On Earth (Part 2 Finale) - The Master has finished his machine which will freeze Earth sun & will cause chaos on Earth so Ellie & Michael look for help, While The Doctor & The Master must battle again
Special - Christmas With The Judoon - So after The Doctor stopped the Master & saved Earth, The Master is arrested by The Judoon for illegally experiments however The Master tries to escape prison so The Doctor & her friends must team with Judoon to stop him escaping
Season Arc - With The Doctor getting used to her new body thoughout the season The Doctor finds herself in a series of linked connections, With the AI being hacked, The alien bacteria, Someone paid The Timeless Knight & The Oro experiments all being linked to The Master
Cast Kristian Tonteri-Young - The Doctor (16) Ruby Stokes - Ellie Young Tyger Drew-Honey - Micheal Summers Sean Pertwee - The Master
submitted by Ryandunham98 to doctorwho [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:44 Lonely_Caramel9707 cisco logs

I'm new to elsastic and i have been trying to get my cisco logs to show up in elastic. i have tried setting up the cisco logs intergation all with no luck. I keep getting a message that "No data has been received from this module yet". I may have an issue with the filebeat.yml or cisco.yml file.
I have attached both. Any help would be great


################ Filebeat Configuration Example

This file is an example configuration file highlighting only the most common

options. The filebeat.reference.yml file from the same directory contains all the

supported options with more comments. You can use it as a reference.

You can find the full configuration reference here:


For more available modules and options, please see the filebeat.reference.yml sample

configuration file.

Module: cisco

Docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/8.13/filebeat-module-cisco.html

enabled: true

Set which input to use between udp (default), tcp or file.

var.input: syslog

The interface to listen to udp or tcp syslog traffic. Defaults to

localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.


The port to listen for udp or tcp syslog traffic. Defaults to 9001.

var.syslog_port: 9002

With tcp input, set the optional tls configuration:


enabled: true

certificate: /path/to/cert.pem

key: /path/to/privatekey.pem

key_passphrase: 'password for my key'

Set the log level from 1 (alerts only) to 7 (include all messages).

Messages with a log level higher than the specified will be dropped.

See https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/asa/syslog/b\_syslog/syslogs-sev-level.html

var.log_level: 7

Set internal security zones. used to override parsed network.direction

based on zone egress and ingress

var.internal_zones: [ "Internal" ]

Set external security zones. used to override parsed network.direction

based on zone egress and ingress

var.external_zones: [ "External" ]

IANA time zone or time offset (e.g. `+0200`) to use when interpreting syslog

timestamps without a time zone.

var.timezone_offset: UTC

enabled: false

Set which input to use between udp (default), tcp or file.

var.input: udp

The interface to listen to tcp or udp syslog traffic. Defaults to

localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.

var.syslog_host: localhost

The UDP port to listen for tcp or udp syslog traffic. Defaults to 9003.

var.syslog_port: 9003

With tcp input, set the optional tls configuration:


enabled: true

certificate: /path/to/cert.pem

key: /path/to/privatekey.pem

key_passphrase: 'password for my key'

Set the log level from 1 (alerts only) to 7 (include all messages).

Messages with a log level higher than the specified will be dropped.

See https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/firepoweSyslogs/b\_fptd\_syslog\_guide/syslogs-sev-level.html

var.log_level: 7

Set internal security zones. used to override parsed network.direction

based on zone egress and ingress

var.internal_zones: [ "Internal" ]

Set external security zones. used to override parsed network.direction

based on zone egress and ingress

var.external_zones: [ "External" ]

IANA time zone or time offset (e.g. `+0200`) to use when interpreting syslog

timestamps without a time zone.

var.timezone_offset: UTC

enabled: false

Set which input to use between syslog (default) or file.

var.input: syslog

The interface to listen to syslog traffic. Defaults to

localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.

var.syslog_host: localhost

The port to listen on for syslog traffic. Defaults to 9002.

var.syslog_port: 9002

Set which protocol to use between udp (default) or tcp.

var.syslog_protocol: udp

Set custom paths for the log files when using file input. If left empty,

Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.


enabled: false

Set which input to use between udp (default), tcp or file.

var.input: udp

var.syslog_host: localhost

var.syslog_port: 9506

Set paths for the log files when file input is used.


Toggle output of non-ECS fields (default true).

var.rsa_fields: true

Set custom timezone offset.

"local" (default) for system timezone.

"+02:00" for GMT+02:00

var.tz_offset: local

enabled: false

Set which input to use between udp (default), tcp or file.

var.input: udp

var.syslog_host: localhost

var.syslog_port: 9525

Set paths for the log files when file input is used.


Toggle output of non-ECS fields (default true).

var.rsa_fields: true

Set custom timezone offset.

"local" (default) for system timezone.

"+02:00" for GMT+02:00

var.tz_offset: local

enabled: false

var.input: aws-s3

AWS SQS queue url

var.queue_url: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ID/CiscoQueue

Access ID to authenticate with the S3 input

var.access_key_id: 123456

Access key to authenticate with the S3 input

var.secret_access_key: PASSWORD

The duration that the received messages are hidden from ReceiveMessage request

var.visibility_timeout: 300s

Maximum duration before AWS API request will be interrupted

var.api_timeout: 120s

enabled: false

Set which input to use between httpjson (default) or file.

var.input: httpjson


var.url: https://api.amp.cisco.com/v1/events

The client ID used as a username for the API requests.


The API key related to the client ID.


How far to look back the first time the module is started. Expects an amount of hours.

var.first_interval: 24h

Overriding the default request timeout.

var.http_request_timeout: 60s

Overriding the default scan interval.

var.scan_interval: 10s


The tags of the shipper are included in their field with each

transaction published.

tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

Optional fields that you can specify to add additional information to the



env: staging

================================= Dashboards =================================

These settings control loading the sample dashboards to the Kibana index. Loading

the dashboards is disabled by default and can be enabled either by setting the

options here or by using the `setup` command.

setup.dashboards.enabled: false

The URL from where to download the dashboard archive. By default, this URL

has a value that is computed based on the Beat name and version. For released

versions, this URL points to the dashboard archive on the artifacts.elastic.co



=================================== Kibana ===================================

Starting with Beats version 6.0.0, the dashboards are loaded via the Kibana API.

This requires a Kibana endpoint configuration.

host: ""
enabled: true
verification_mode: "none"
certificate_authorities: ["/uslocal/share/certs/kibana-server_ca.crt"]
# Kibana Space ID
# ID of the Kibana Space into which the dashboards should be loaded. By default,
# the Default Space will be used.

=============================== Elastic Cloud ================================

These settings simplify using Filebeat with the Elastic Cloud (https://cloud.elastic.co/).

The cloud.id setting overwrites the `output.elasticsearch.hosts` and

`setup.kibana.host` options.

You can find the `cloud.id` in the Elastic Cloud web UI.


The cloud.auth setting overwrites the `output.elasticsearch.username` and

`output.elasticsearch.password` settings. The format is `:`.


=============================== Lifecycle Management =========================

setup.ilm.overwrite: true

================================== Outputs ===================================

Configure what output to use when sending the data collected by the beat.

---------------------------- Elasticsearch Output ----------------------------

# Array of hosts to connect to.
hosts: [""]
# Performance preset - one of "balanced", "throughput", "scale",
# "latency", or "custom".
preset: balanced
# Protocol - either `http` (default) or `https`.
protocol: "https"
# Authentication credentials - either API key or username/password.
# api_key: "1bBff48BxVUpsywKrQGA:PaN-4F_8RpKdfPxhaAYHiw"
username: "elastic"
password: "TgX-0Cw8Cx_5F6jQxaLw"

------------------------------ Logstash Output -------------------------------


# The Logstash hosts
#hosts: ["localhost:5044"]
# Optional SSL. By default is off.
# List of root certificates for HTTPS server verifications
ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/uslocal/share/certs/http_ca.crt"]
# Certificate for SSL client authentication
#ssl.certificate: "/etc/pki/client/cert.pem"
# Client Certificate Key
#ssl.key: "/etc/pki/client/cert.key"

================================= Processors =================================

when.not.contains.tags: forwarded

================================== Logging ===================================

Sets log level. The default log level is info.

Available log levels are: error, warning, info, debug

logging.level: debug

At debug level, you can selectively enable logging only for some components.

To enable all selectors, use ["*"]. Examples of other selectors are "beat",

"publisher", "service".

logging.selectors: ["*"]

============================= X-Pack Monitoring ==============================

Filebeat can export internal metrics to a central Elasticsearch monitoring

cluster. This requires xpack monitoring to be enabled in Elasticsearch. The

reporting is disabled by default.

Set to true to enable the monitoring reporter.

monitoring.enabled: false

Sets the UUID of the Elasticsearch cluster under which monitoring data for this

Filebeat instance will appear in the Stack Monitoring UI. If output.elasticsearch

is enabled, the UUID is derived from the Elasticsearch cluster referenced by output.elasticsearch.


Uncomment to send the metrics to Elasticsearch. Most settings from the

Elasticsearch outputs are accepted here as well.

Note that the settings should point to your Elasticsearch *monitoring* cluster.

Any setting that is not set is automatically inherited from the Elasticsearch

output configuration, so if you have the Elasticsearch output configured such

that it is pointing to your Elasticsearch monitoring cluster, you can simply

uncomment the following line.


============================== Instrumentation ===============================

Instrumentation support for the filebeat.


# Set to true to enable instrumentation of filebeat.

enabled: false

# Environment in which filebeat is running on (eg: staging, production, etc.)

environment: ""

# APM Server hosts to report instrumentation results to.


# - http://localhost:8200

# API Key for the APM Server(s).

# If api_key is set then secret_token will be ignored.


# Secret token for the APM Server(s).


================================= Migration ==================================

This allows to enable 6.7 migration aliases

migration.6_to_7.enabled: true


Module: cisco

Docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/8.13/filebeat-module-cisco.html

enabled: true

Set which input to use between udp (default), tcp or file.

var.input: syslog

The interface to listen to udp or tcp syslog traffic. Defaults to

localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.


The port to listen for udp or tcp syslog traffic. Defaults to 9001.

var.syslog_port: 9002

With tcp input, set the optional tls configuration:


enabled: true

certificate: /path/to/cert.pem

key: /path/to/privatekey.pem

key_passphrase: 'password for my key'

Set the log level from 1 (alerts only) to 7 (include all messages).

Messages with a log level higher than the specified will be dropped.

See https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/asa/syslog/b\_syslog/syslogs-sev-level.html

var.log_level: 7

Set internal security zones. used to override parsed network.direction

based on zone egress and ingress

var.internal_zones: [ "Internal" ]

Set external security zones. used to override parsed network.direction

based on zone egress and ingress

var.external_zones: [ "External" ]

IANA time zone or time offset (e.g. `+0200`) to use when interpreting syslog

timestamps without a time zone.

var.timezone_offset: UTC

enabled: false

Set which input to use between udp (default), tcp or file.

var.input: udp

The interface to listen to tcp or udp syslog traffic. Defaults to

localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.

var.syslog_host: localhost

The UDP port to listen for tcp or udp syslog traffic. Defaults to 9003.

var.syslog_port: 9003

With tcp input, set the optional tls configuration:


enabled: true

certificate: /path/to/cert.pem

key: /path/to/privatekey.pem

key_passphrase: 'password for my key'

Set the log level from 1 (alerts only) to 7 (include all messages).

Messages with a log level higher than the specified will be dropped.

See https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/firepoweSyslogs/b\_fptd\_syslog\_guide/syslogs-sev-level.html

var.log_level: 7

Set internal security zones. used to override parsed network.direction

based on zone egress and ingress

var.internal_zones: [ "Internal" ]

Set external security zones. used to override parsed network.direction

based on zone egress and ingress

var.external_zones: [ "External" ]

IANA time zone or time offset (e.g. `+0200`) to use when interpreting syslog

timestamps without a time zone.

var.timezone_offset: UTC

enabled: false

Set which input to use between syslog (default) or file.

var.input: syslog

The interface to listen to syslog traffic. Defaults to

localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.

var.syslog_host: localhost

The port to listen on for syslog traffic. Defaults to 9002.

var.syslog_port: 9002

Set which protocol to use between udp (default) or tcp.

var.syslog_protocol: udp

Set custom paths for the log files when using file input. If left empty,

Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.


enabled: false

Set which input to use between udp (default), tcp or file.

var.input: udp

var.syslog_host: localhost

var.syslog_port: 9506

Set paths for the log files when file input is used.


Toggle output of non-ECS fields (default true).

var.rsa_fields: true

Set custom timezone offset.

"local" (default) for system timezone.

"+02:00" for GMT+02:00

var.tz_offset: local

enabled: false

Set which input to use between udp (default), tcp or file.

var.input: udp

var.syslog_host: localhost

var.syslog_port: 9525

Set paths for the log files when file input is used.


Toggle output of non-ECS fields (default true).

var.rsa_fields: true

Set custom timezone offset.

"local" (default) for system timezone.

"+02:00" for GMT+02:00

var.tz_offset: local

enabled: false

var.input: aws-s3

AWS SQS queue url

var.queue_url: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ID/CiscoQueue

Access ID to authenticate with the S3 input

var.access_key_id: 123456

Access key to authenticate with the S3 input

var.secret_access_key: PASSWORD

The duration that the received messages are hidden from ReceiveMessage request

var.visibility_timeout: 300s

Maximum duration before AWS API request will be interrupted

var.api_timeout: 120s

enabled: false

Set which input to use between httpjson (default) or file.

var.input: httpjson


var.url: https://api.amp.cisco.com/v1/events

The client ID used as a username for the API requests.


The API key related to the client ID.


How far to look back the first time the module is started. Expects an amount of hours.

var.first_interval: 24h

Overriding the default req

submitted by Lonely_Caramel9707 to elasticsearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:40 Cute-Technician-5235 Openssl library ARM execution TLS and Incompatible version of OpenSSL Failure

Version : Qt5.14.2 Host : Ubuntu 22
I am trying to run an Application to use http url images(for display) that uses the openssl 1.1.1d version for the Qt Framework on the ARM platoform. I was able to build the openssl 1.1.1d for ARM and load the library into the device, also have set the ld path in the /etc/ld.so.conf. After all that, I have built and link the sample Application and it throws the following error
QSslSocket Build "OpenSSL 3.0.7 1 Nov 2022" qt.network.ssl: Incompatible version of OpenSSL (built with OpenSSL >= 3.x, runtime version is < 3.x) QSslSocket Version 0 supportsSsl false 
I have also tried moved out the openssl 3.0 libraries to a tmp folder. But still it throws the same error. However I was able to build the openssl 1.1.1d on x86 and run the sample-Application with success using http url images.
QSslSocket Build "OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019"
QSslSocket Version 269488207
supportsSsl true
What is going wrong on the deivce, is it the build steps or the device needs to configure properly? CMAKE for ARM, below the path is shown in the link file for both vars OPENSSL_SSL_LIB, OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIB:
set(SSL_PATH "$ENV{SDKTARGETSYSROOT}/uslocal/lib") find_library(OPENSSL_SSL_LIB NAMES "libssl.so" NAMES_PER_DIR REQUIRED HINTS ${SSL_PATH} PATHS ${SSL_PATH} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_library(OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIB NAMES "libcrypto.so" NAMES_PER_DIR REQUIRED HINTS ${SSL_PATH} PATHS ${SSL_PATH} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "/uslocal/lib") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) add_executable(helloworld main.cpp mainwindow.cpp mainwindow.ui resources.qrc) target_link_libraries(helloworld-image Qt5::Core Qt5::Network Qt5::Widgets ${OPENSSL_SSL_LIB} ${OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIB}) 
submitted by Cute-Technician-5235 to QtFramework [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:40 TodoHome How to Clean Your Bathroom Sink: Practical Tips and Step-by-Step Guide

Hey everyone! 🛁
Keeping your bathroom sink clean is more than just about appearances; it's crucial for hygiene too. In our latest blog post, we delve into why regular cleaning is important, how to tell when your sink needs a good scrub, and the best ways to clean different sink materials. We've also included step-by-step guides for cleaning your sink, drain, and faucet, plus some handy tips to keep everything looking fresh and prevent dirt buildup.
Whether you're a homeowner, renter, or just someone who wants to keep their bathroom in tip-top shape, this guide is packed with practical advice you can use right away. Check it out and let us know your thoughts! ✨
How to Clean Bathroom Sink: Best Practices

CleaningTips #HomeMaintenance #BathroomCleaning #HouseholdHacks

submitted by TodoHome to TodoHome [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:31 OkMountain9032 I was so disappointed with Neurodiver

I absolutely loved ROM: 2064! I loved the characters, the sense of humor, the exploration, the puzzles, the drama, etc. I'm even replaying it just to relive the experience. So when I heard Neurodiver was finally making it's way out I couldn't wait to play it. I couldn't wait to revisit the art style, the music, the social conversations and more. Unfortunately that didn't happen
I was extremely disappointed. It had so much potential that it was building up to just to end as soon as it was getting good. It was way too short for how long it was delayed. It pales in comparison to 2064.
Also, it really doesn't feel like a point and click. I was prepared to interact with the world, have a map, and be able to use spoiled milk on stuff again... but this game wasn't that at all. You could only view things not touch, talk, or use. It was like a visual novel with very limited dialogue options. It allowed me to take note of spoiled milk but there wasn't anything else I could do.
The conversations in this game were super shallow and the cast of characters were less charming and more corny. Not enough characters get fully developed. I was very interested in crow and seeing more of Tomcat showcase their hacking skills.
It was nice to see old characters again like Jess, Lexi, Turing, and Tomcat, but It felt so surface level. I thought they'd come into play for the new cast missions, but they're just there for random flashbacks. I was especially disappointed with Turings return. He literally assisted in the robot awakening and became the spokesperson after the whole 2064 incident, but in neurodiver, he hardly mentions it and is only shown as a plant loving sidekick. He doesn't even mention the other main character who he spent so long with solving mysteries.
There was hardly any gameplay at all. The only thing you can really do is enter people's memories, look around at items, and pick random items to try and solve the fragments. I was expecting to go on adventures using Lexis skills, Jess's connections, Tomcats hacking, Turings previous experience, Lunas psychic abilities and Gates combat skills. But we hardly see anything happen as far as gameplay. Gate ended up being useless because the neurodiver was never in any danger or threatened.
I'm hoping they have something else lined up to follow up this game since it ended with " until next time." However, that seems really unlikely in the near future. I'm not sure if I just went in with the wrong expectations of it being a cool continuation of 2064 or developing in that world, but this just wasn't what I hoped for.
submitted by OkMountain9032 to readonlymemories [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:16 turna049 Recovery tips

I made my Ironman a long time ago in 2020 using a works email, I barely played until last year, I changed jobs in 2022 so lost access to the email, never did anything about it as I never played. Since I came back I’ve played for close to a year and got pretty far into the game. Only recently I’ve been trying to recover the account to change it to my personal email whilst still playing in order to upgrade to a jagex account. Jagex must of believed somebody was trying to hack me and locked my account, now I physically can not recover the account, I’m using information from when it was first created, they’re mainly asking for transaction ids, but how is this possible considering I don’t have access to the registered email?
Does anyone have any tips or anything I can do to try and recover my account? I have runelite screenshots from back in 2022, so frustrating how poor the customer service is in relation to things like this.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by turna049 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:13 Digital_Cylizard Cylizard's Airpod Redesigns Project

Cylizard's Airpod Redesigns Project
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submitted by Digital_Cylizard to cylizard_digital_web [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 RobYaLunch Billboard Chart Discussion - Week Of May 25, 2024

Billboard Hot 100 chart
Position Title Artist ▲/▼ Last week Weeks Charting Peak
1 I Had Some Help Post Malone Featuring Morgan Wallen ▲+100 [FRESH] 1 1
2 Not Like Us Kendrick Lamar ▼-1 1 2 1
3 Million Dollar Baby Tommy Richman ▼-1 2 3 2
4 A Bar Song (Tipsy) Shaboozey ▲+1 5 5 3
5 Beautiful Things Benson Boone ▲+4 9 17 2
6 Lose Control Teddy Swims ▲+4 10 40 1
7 Like That Future, Metro Boomin & Kendrick Lamar ▼-1 6 8 1
8 Fortnight Taylor Swift Featuring Post Malone ▼-4 4 4 1
9 Espresso Sabrina Carpenter ▼-1 8 5 4
10 Too Sweet Hozier ▲+1 11 8 1
11 Euphoria Kendrick Lamar ▼-8 3 3 3
12 Saturn SZA ▲+1 13 12 6
13 We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love) Ariana Grande ▲+1 14 10 1
14 I Can Do It With A Broken Heart Taylor Swift ▲+1 15 4 3
15 Stick Season Noah Kahan ▲+4 19 33 9
16 Down Bad Taylor Swift - 16 4 2
17 Lovin On Me Jack Harlow ▲+1 18 27 1
18 I Remember Everything Zach Bryan Featuring Kacey Musgraves ▲+2 20 38 1
19 Family Matters Drake ▼-12 7 2 7
20 Cruel Summer Taylor Swift ▲+4 24 54 1
21 Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? Taylor Swift ▲+5 26 4 9
22 Feather Sabrina Carpenter - 22 24 21
23 Meet The Grahams Kendrick Lamar ▼-11 12 2 12
24 Miles On It Marshmello & Kane Brown ▲+13 37 2 24
25 Get It Sexyy Sexyy Red ▼-4 21 9 20
26 One Of Wun Gunna ▲+75 [FRESH] 1 26
27 I Like The Way You Kiss Me Artemas ▼-4 23 8 12
28 Yeah Glo! GloRilla ▲+1 29 14 28
29 Austin Dasha ▲+5 34 10 28
30 But Daddy I Love Him Taylor Swift - 30 4 7
31 Cowgirls Morgan Wallen Featuring ERNEST ▲+11 42 22 31
32 Greedy Tate McRae ▼-7 25 35 3
33 Type Shit Future, Metro Boomin, Travis Scott & Playboi Carti ▼-6 27 8 2
34 So Long, London Taylor Swift ▼-6 28 4 5
35 Agora Hills Doja Cat ▼-3 32 34 7
36 My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys Taylor Swift ▼-5 31 4 6
37 Where It Ends Bailey Zimmerman ▲+8 45 20 32
38 Guilty As Sin? Taylor Swift ▼-3 35 4 10
39 Boa Megan Thee Stallion ▲+62 [FRESH] 1 39
40 End Of Beginning Djo ▼-1 39 13 11
41 Florida!!! Taylor Swift Featuring Florence + The Machine ▼-8 33 4 8
42 The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived Taylor Swift ▲+9 51 4 14
43 Gata Only FloyyMenor X Cris Mj ▲+5 48 9 27
44 Good Luck, Babe! Chappell Roan ▲+2 46 6 44
45 The Tortured Poets Department Taylor Swift ▼-7 38 4 4
46 Whatever She Wants Bryson Tiller ▼-5 41 13 19
47 Wanna Be GloRilla & Megan Thee Stallion ▼-7 40 6 11
48 Push Ups Drake ▼-31 17 4 17
49 Texas Hold 'Em Beyonce ▼-13 36 14 1
50 Slow It Down Benson Boone ▲+2 52 8 40
51 Redrum 21 Savage ▼-8 43 18 5
52 Carnival ¥$: Ye & Ty Dolla $ign Featuring Rich The Kid & Playboi Carti ▼-3 49 14 1
53 Act II: Date @ 8 4Batz Featuring Drake ▼-6 47 19 7
54 On One Tonight Gunna ▲+47 [FRESH] 1 54
55 loml Taylor Swift ▼-2 53 4 12
56 Wild Ones Jessie Murph & Jelly Roll ▲+1 57 32 35
57 Bulletproof Nate Smith ▲+7 64 6 57
58 The Alchemy Taylor Swift ▼-2 56 4 13
59 FE!N Travis Scott Featuring Playboi Carti ▼-1 58 28 5
60 Prada Dem Gunna Featuring Offset ▲+41 -- 2 54
61 So High School Taylor Swift ▲+4 65 4 24
62 Whatsapp (Wassam) Gunna ▲+33 95 2 62
63 Fresh Out The Slammer Taylor Swift ▼-9 54 4 11
64 Made For Me Muni Long ▼-9 55 18 20
65 Obsessed Olivia Rodrigo ▼-6 59 8 14
66 Neck On A Yacht Gunna ▲+35 [FRESH] 1 66
67 Hakuna Matata Gunna ▲+34 [FRESH] 1 67
68 Halfway To Hell Jelly Roll ▲+8 76 6 68
69 Get In With Me BossMan DLow ▼-8 61 15 49
70 Illusion Dua Lipa ▼-20 50 5 43
71 Back Then Right Now Tyler Hubbard ▼-3 68 9 62
72 imgonnagetyouback Taylor Swift ▼-10 62 4 26
73 Scared To Start Michael Marcagi ▲+1 74 13 54
74 I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Taylor Swift ▼-11 63 4 20
75 La Durango Peso Pluma, Junior H & Eslabon Armado ▲+26 [FRESH] 1 75
76 Collage Gunna ▲+25 [FRESH] 1 76
77 Stargazing Myles Smith ▲+24 [FRESH] 1 77
78 Wildflowers And Wild Horses Lainey Wilson ▼-18 60 16 48
79 Enough (Miami) Cardi B ▼-4 75 9 9
80 The Black Dog Taylor Swift ▼-13 67 4 25
81 Tucson Too Late Jordan Davis ▼-10 71 11 71
82 Hell N Back Bakar Featuring Summer Walker ▼-13 69 6 53
83 Clara Bow Taylor Swift ▼-13 70 4 21
84 Belong Together Mark Ambor - 84 3 84
85 Wind Up Missin' You Tucker Wetmore ▼-5 80 7 75
86 Bandit Don Toliver ▼-14 72 14 38
87 Si No Quieres No Luis R Conriquez x Neton Vega ▼-1 86 2 86
88 We Ride Bryan Martin ▼-6 82 6 82
89 Dirt Cheap Cody Johnson ▼-6 83 4 83
90 Lose My Breath Stray Kids Featuring Charlie Puth ▲+11 [FRESH] 1 90
91 Tell Ur Girlfriend Lay Bankz ▼-25 66 5 58
92 Spin You Around (1/24) Morgan Wallen ▲+4 96 16 24
93 The Prophecy Taylor Swift ▼-16 77 4 32
94 Back In The A Gunna ▲+7 [FRESH] 1 94
95 Outskirts Sam Hunt ▼-10 85 10 66
96 23 Chayce Beckham ▼-6 90 20 45
97 Wine Into Whiskey Tucker Wetmore ▼-5 92 8 77
98 How Did It End? Taylor Swift ▼-17 81 4 35
99 Cinderella Future, Metro Boomin & Travis Scott ▼-21 78 8 6
100 I Think I'm In Love With You Chris Stapleton ▲+1 -- 2 91
Billboard Global 200 chart (most popular songs globally)
Position Title Artist ▲/▼ Last week Weeks Charting Peak
1 I Had Some Help Post Malone Featuring Morgan Wallen ▲+100 [FRESH] 1 1
2 Million Dollar Baby Tommy Richman - 2 3 2
3 Not Like Us Kendrick Lamar ▼-2 1 2 1
4 Espresso Sabrina Carpenter ▼-1 3 5 2
5 A Bar Song (Tipsy) Shaboozey - 5 5 5
6 Beautiful Things Benson Boone ▲+1 7 17 1
7 Fortnight Taylor Swift Featuring Post Malone ▼-1 6 4 1
8 Too Sweet Hozier ▲+1 9 8 1
9 I Like The Way You Kiss Me Artemas ▼-1 8 8 2
10 Gata Only FloyyMenor X Cris Mj - 10 14 4
Billboard 200 chart
Position Title Artist Sales Change Last week Weeks Charting
1 The Tortured Poets Department Taylor Swift 259,859 (48,177 pure) -9% 1 4
2 One Of Wun Gunna 83,467 (933 pure) -- [FRESH] 1
3 One Thing At A Time Morgan Wallen 74,765 (1,506 pure) +4% 3 63
4 We Don't Trust You Future & Metro Boomin 52,637 (195 pure) -16% 4 8
5 Dangerous: The Double Album Morgan Wallen 43,812 (504 pure) +4% 7 175
6 Stick Season Noah Kahan 41,404 (4,116 pure) +2% 9 77
7 SOS SZA 37,474 (1,716 pure) -5% 10 75
8 Zach Bryan Zach Bryan 37,834 (2,804 pure) +3% 12 38
9 Fireworks & Rollerblades Benson Boone 35,978 (798 pure) -4% 11 6
10 Cowboy Carter Beyonce 35,869 (3,935 pure) -15% 8 7
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why is X artist higher than Y artist on the 200 chart, even though X artist sold less?
A: This is because of a discrepancy between Billboard's ranking and the ranking from the website that the sales data is scraped from
Q: Where do you get the sales data from?
A: https://hitsdailydouble.com/sales_plus_streaming
Q: What does "err" mean on the 200 chart?
A: If you are seeing "err", that means that the bot I use to gather chart data couldn't identify sales data for a particular album because of a difference in album naming between Billboard and HitsDailyDouble
submitted by RobYaLunch to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:51 terryleewhite What's New in the May 2024 Lightroom Release?

What's New in the May 2024 Lightroom Release?
Hi everyone, Terry White from Adobe here, and I'm happy to share the news about today's Adobe Photography Release (May 2024). There are updates across the Lightroom Ecosystem to include Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom on Mobile, and Lightroom on Web.
Today, we are introducing a groundbreaking feature in Lightroom-Generative Remove, powered by Firefly. This innovative tool allows you to effortlessly eliminate distractions from your photos with a single brush stroke, all without the need to switch to Photoshop.
We've also improved Lens Blur (which was in Early Access), making it easier than ever to control the depth of field in your photos with professional results.

Easily remove distractions with Generative Remove (early access)

Available on Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom for mobile (iOS & Android), Lightroom for web, and Adobe Camera Raw
With Generative Remove, powered by Firefly, you can easily remove unwanted objects and distractions, even on complex backgrounds, in just a few simple steps.
Distractions can ruin an otherwise great photo. Generative Remove allows you to quickly remove them with realistic, high-quality results.
Generative Remove uses Firefly technology to intelligently fill the photo behind removed items. The results on complex backgrounds are particularly impressive, like matching a detailed wallpaper pattern or the fabric on a plaid shirt. Lightroom will even give you a few variations to choose from so you'll have full creative control in picking the one you like best.
\Note that the previous "Heal" tool is now called "Remove." You'll find Generative Remove within the Remove tool, accessible via a toggle on Lightroom mobile or a check box on Lightroom for web, Lightroom Classic, and Lightroom.*
Generative Remove is powered by Firefly Image 1 Model and is available today as an early access feature to Lightroom paid plan subscribers across the Lightroom ecosystem via mobile, desktop, iPad, web and Classic.

Get a pro-quality background blur with AI-powered Lens Blur

Available on Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom for mobile (iOS & Android), Lightroom for web, and Adobe Camera Raw
Our improved Lens Blur uses the power of AI to map the foreground and background of your image to apply a pro-quality blur effect. Blur busy backgrounds to make your portraits pop, add a dramatic blur to nature photos to make the greenery stand out, or get a dreamy, blurred background from a sparkling city skyline at night.
With the interactive and flexible controls of Lens Blur, you can play around with the blur amount, change the shape of the light points or "bokeh," and customize the area you want to blur using the focus range tool.
This new release of Lens Blur includes better subject detection, the ability to create custom presets, and batch editing capabilities. Please note that the latter two features are coming soon to Android devices.

Get the perfect blur effect in a click with new Lens Blur Adaptive Presets

Available on Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom for mobile (iOS & Android), Lightroom for web, and Adobe Camera Raw
Today, we also introduce a set of brand-new adaptive presets for Lens Blur that use AI technology to apply a blur effect that's tailor-made to your photo. Presets are great for quickly finding the perfect blur look without having to dig into fine-tuned edits.
You can choose from seven Blur Background adaptive presets that change the shape and style of the blur in the background: Subtle, Strong, Circle, Bubble, Geometric, Ring, or Swirl.
After you pick a preset, you can adjust the strength of the blur with the amount slider or customize the effect further by using the Lens Blur tool controls.

What else is new in the latest Lightroom release

We've also made several updates across the Lightroom ecosystem that give you more creative control and flexibility when working on your photos and videos.
Enjoy Sony tethering support
Available in Lightroom Classic on the latest Sony digital cameras such as the Alpha 7 IV and Alpha 7R V – for a full list see here.
See your images on a big screen as soon as you click the camera shutter. We're expanding support for tethering by adding the latest Sony digital cameras so you can photograph directly into Lightroom Classic, saving precious time on your workflow. It's now even easier to review photo details, edit in real-time, and collaborate with on-set production teams and clients.
For a full list of all newly supported cameras in Lightroom see this page.
Easily move cloud files to your local drive
Available on Lightroom
At last year's Adobe MAX conference, we introduced local storage for Lightroom — the option to work with your photos and videos in Lightroom without having to import or sync them to the cloud.
With this release, it's now easier to move or archive your photos off the Lightroom Cloud and store them on your computer's internal drive, an external drive, or a local server. This is great when you want to free up space on the cloud, or for file management such as archiving past projects to a local drive.
You can select multiple files within an album, or an entire album to move to your local drive. Lightroom will ask what folder structure you'd like to use, so you can preserve the album structure locally as you move it off the cloud. This is especially useful if you have a high volume of photos and are working with numerous files at a time.
Edit videos with the Tone Curve
Available on Lightroom
You can now edit videos in Lightroom using Tone Curve. This graph-based tool enables you to fine-tune a video's brightness and contrast by simply dragging the curve control points up or down. For example, if a point on the tone curve is moved up, it becomes a lighter tone; if it is moved down, it becomes darker.
Create and play slideshows in Lightroom
Available on Lightroom
Lightroom now has a slideshow feature so you can display selected photos from your library in a slideshow format — a great way to share edits with clients, family, or friends.

Performance, reliability, and workflow enhancements to Lightroom Classic

We've also made the following improvements to Lightroom Classic, so that it performs smoothly and enables you to work more efficiently:
  • Improved cloud syncing: Images in your Lightroom Cloud will now more reliably match what you see in your Classic catalog and vice versa
  • Smoother image navigation in Develop: We've improved the responsiveness and navigation experience in Develop along with better caching
  • Optimized preview management: We have re-architected the way we generate and store previews, resulting in a much smoother experience
  • Filter by exported images: You can now filter for files by their export status and create a smart collection showing what's been exported
  • Search support for new metadata: We've introduced new capabilities to search and create smart collections by alt text, extended descriptions, and images edited with Remove or Point Color

Watch a Demo

I created a video showing off these features that you can watch here: https://youtu.be/0VP7vhIfdYE
We are also LIVE on Adobe Live starting at 9AM PT/12 Noon ET here: https://www.behance.net/live/videos/23345/From-Ordinary-to-Extraordinary-Live-Lightroom-Editing-with-Professional-Photographers

Try out the new features from today.

You can download the latest features and enhancements today on Lightroom for mobile from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and Samsung Galaxy Store. Try the Lightroom app for free by going to the app store on your mobile phone.
Lightroom for web features are available at lightroom.adobe.com and no download is required. Lightroom for desktop can be downloaded via the Creative Cloud Desktop app. To learn more about these updates, check out the What's New pages for Lightroom and Lightroom Classic.
Disclaimer: Generative Remove in Lightroom is available to all Creative Cloud members with a subscription or trial that includes Lightroom. Generative Remove is not available in China.

Our commitment to AI ethics and principles

Adobe is committed to developing AI in accordance with the company's AI Ethics principles of accountability, responsibility, and transparency. As AI becomes more prevalent in content creation, Adobe believes that it is important to provide consumers with transparency about its use in the creative process. A recent study from Adobe showed that 76% of U.S. consumers emphasized the importance of knowing if online content is generated using AI. When Generative Remove becomes generally available, Content Credentials will be automatically attached to photos edited with the feature in Lightroom. Like a "nutrition label" for digital content, Content Credentials are tamper-evident metadata that can provide important information about how content was created, modified and published.
Content Credentials are built on the C2PA open standard and supported by the Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI), which was founded in 2019 to increase trust in the digital ecosystem. Today, the CAI has grown into a global coalition of over 3,000 members across tech, policy, media companies, creative professionals, researchers and more, all working together to add transparency to digital content.
As always, let us know if you have any questions in the comments. Cheers! Happy Lightroom Day.
submitted by terryleewhite to Lightroom [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 MyInnerCulture Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery - Untethering / What do we get out of being sick?

Hello...again. I'm still crusading with everything that has helped me live (mostly) Chiari symptom free for many years, and the next idea I want to share is uncomfortable. It won't feel good to read but if you think it doesn't relate to you I promise you--it relates to everyone and anyone who has a chronic condition or is sick in any way.
Little info about me:
Type 1 Chiari, 20mm. Diagnosed 2016; surgery was offered but not taken. My primary symptom was/occasionally is debilitating head pain from strain/pressure.
Links to my previous posts on the subject:
Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery
Take a Life Inventory
Reducing Triggers
Improving Overall Health
Don’t hate me for asking, but…what do you get out of being sick?
No one consciously likes being sick. No one longs for the skull-splitting pain that can accompany a Chiari malformation. No one relishes dizzy spells and nausea and eye sensitivity and poor coordination or the other twenty dozen symptoms that our doctors may or may not take seriously, that there may or may not be treatment for, and that may or may not rule our lives BUT with every illness there is always some kind of advantage.
At my worst, Chiari was the BEST at getting me out of things. Excruciating pain excused me from everything. Family gatherings, friend parties, work events…cleaning the house, taking care of myself, or doing anything other than watching TV and drinking wine. I didn’t have to do SHIT. Because I couldn’t. And the Chiari was permission to give no fucks what anyone else wanted or needed or how they felt about my withdrawal from life. It was the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card.
I mean, I was miserable…but I was basking in that misery.
I was in so much pain I couldn’t think about how to live better. I couldn’t worry about such things as my weight or the future of my writing or how filthy my floors were. I was barely living. And it was awful.
It was also a way out.

i was a sick person.

To my core, that was me: SICK. I didn’t realize how bad it was until my husband—who never gets a cold—complained of a virus and my internal dialogue went something like this: What? He thinks he’s sick? What a laugh! He’s not sick. NOBODY is sick like me.
I owned illness above all else. I hated it, but it was MINE. Every coughing fit, every spike of head pain, every wall I stumbled into, every night I cried myself to sleep. Being sick was who I became.
And I would never get well until I stopped being a sick person.
The Chiari had its sneaky tendrils snaked into every facet of my life, like we were woven together in a most elaborate tapestry of illness and pain. To begin healing, I had to untether from it. I had to separate myself from every Chiari strand until every fiber of my being was free.
If it sounds metaphorical, it’s not. It’s literal and simple (though seldom easy). Every time Chiari became a thought or an excuse, that was my cue to change the dialogue. For example, when I was contemplating changing jobs, I remembered my brief stint as a bartender in 2011 and immediately my brain said: I can’t do that anymore; what if I have a coughing fit behind the bar? Limiting beliefs running rampant in my brain needed to get shut down and rewritten into something more supportive, like: I would love to work with animals or in nature. That’s the kind of job I should be looking for!
In that kind of rewrite, I’m not denying that I might encounter pain or discomfort, but I’m choosing not to let pain or discomfort be the focus or run the show. Instead of looking at what I don’t want to experience, I’m putting my attention on the things that I do.
More than changing my thoughts, I had to stop using Chiari as an excuse to get out of living…and everything else…which meant showing up one minute at a time in all the places that I used to avoid, being present with all the people and situations the Chiari had shielded me from.

if i wanted to live without its pain, i also had to live without its protection.

Now, it’s true that there are plenty of legitimate physical limitations that accompany illnesses, Chiari included, but the problem comes when you talk yourself out of anything and everything because of them. I could get out of bed, I just chose not to. I could show up in life, I just chose not to. I could write a book or clean my house or have a kid…I just chose not to.
Or, rather, the Chiari chose for me.
Pandering to Chiari’s whims wasn’t limited to thoughts. It was in every decision I made, every choice to live small, every act to hide and shut down. It was in the purse that I carried (will it fit a water bottle to stave off a coughing fit?), the places that I went (can’t go there, the air in that store is guaranteed to tickle my lungs), the way I spent my time (I can’t visit those friends…I’ll have too much fun and want to laugh and laughing hurts so my head so much), and plans for the future (how can I have children when I can’t even take care of myself?).
Untethering from Chiari took work. And it’s still ongoing. Most of the ways that I have used Chiari to limit myself have been eradicated. My life, as a result, looks vastly different than it did in 2016 at the height of the pain. Today I’m a stay at home mom with a son, I have energy, I take Zumba classes, I write every day, my fiction has been produced by podcasts, I spend time outdoors every day, I laugh (sometimes it still hurts), I go into stores (sometimes) without bottles of water, I don’t drink wine every night (I don’t need to), and I’m free from the anxiety and depression that was once as crippling as the head pain that I only seldom experience. I am living.
If there’s one strand that I haven’t untethered from yet, it’s the fear around getting sick. I am terrified of being around sick people. I can’t even blame COVID, though it certainly contributed to the anxiety. I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable with someone coughing in my vicinity, knowing how bad it will hurt my head if I catch whatever they’re hacking up, and I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing to keep my distance when I know someone is sick (I mean, shouldn’t we be doing that anyway?) but I’m trying to be less afraid. Or, at least, I’m trying to be less of a jerk about it when that fear takes over and people don’t understand why their cold is literally my kryptonite.
What I don’t do is use Chiari as an excuse to get out of living. I show up every day in every way and life keeps getting better. Bigger. Chiari Free.
submitted by MyInnerCulture to chiari [link] [comments]
