Sore neck gland and roof of mouth sore

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.21 13:31 SalohcinYad Dull Ache on Floor of mouth/under chin.

35M, currently experiencing a dull ache on the floor of my mouth. My GP thinks it could be the saliva glands partially blocked, I have looked I can't see anything. I have no sores, or any changes in my mouth, dental hygiene is fine. I did smoke, the ache would be more present when pulling/dragging. My GP could not feel any swelling along jaw line. Has anyone else experienced this? It's starting to really bug me now! That's in advance.
Oh I don't use any stimulants, as far as I'm aware I don't grind my teeth.
submitted by SalohcinYad to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:24 CousinSam22 Right side of my face and neck is swollen

Right side of my face and neck is swollen
Hello Everyone! I hope you all are having a great Tuesday morning because I am not, actually since last night I had a slightly swollen neck, and this morning I woke up looking like this!
Will give a little background to help understanding how I got here, last week I had a very bad cold, fever, sneezing, sore throat and the hole package of cold symptoms…
I am a 420 user on a daily basis, but in small portions… its been six months I stopped smoking and chose healthier ways to get high, like gummies or vaporing flower (not vape pen) the reason I chose that was because my throat and neck was getting swollen.. (since I stopped smoking my throat and neck got back to normal size)
Yesterday morning I was feeling great, recovering from last week cold, my voice was coming back and I was having way less symptoms, I decided to vaporize just a little bit of flowers to give me some a better energy as I was going to meet some family members.. it did help me with my voice and throat pain which is crazy but vaping flowers is way less harsh..
At night I got some leftovers from my family member I met who ate at Carmines restaurant (their foods are amazing by the way!) and also ate some more food I cooked for me and my husband, oh I also tried a new Heinz catchup with Habanero just a tiny bit because Im not a spicy food fan..
After 30 minutes from trying it I started feeling this discomfort from my face and neck, but it wasn’t swollen yet, just could feel my heartbeat on my face… fews hours I noticed the swollen..
Im counting the minutes to get 9/10am so I can my ENT doctor to schedule an appointment and I will also run a full blood test, because on my google search the results as USUAL were catastrophic lol 😩 it went a food allergy to HIV infection… as you noticed I am gay and I am not on Prep (because I am allergic to TRUVADA and I am waiting on the list to try a different version of Prep)
Based on your experience, what this could be? Right now I took a Benadryl and I am hoping for the best and hoping that its just an allergic reaction or Sinusitis… but it’s scary! I never experienced something like this… only when I had my wisdom teeth removed (I removed 4 at once so I didn’t have to deal with the pain twice) and that was expected, but now I dont have any pain, I just had my tooth cleaned last week before the cold started so teeth problem is out of question as a symptom..
Can anyone help me calm myself down? Im writing this post shaking.. I already dont see myself on the mirror as a handsome person because of bullys back in school but my therapist always told me if you have a symmetrical face or as closest as possible to that means people might find you attractive and I based myself care on that since I heard that, now this messes entirely with my symmetry and makes me looks like Shrek 😩 of course my look is the least of my problems at this moment but I want my normal face back 😞
And Thank You for stopping by and read this post ❤️
submitted by CousinSam22 to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:18 Consistent-Record264 So much going on in this live..

So much going on in this live..
Patrick talks to followers in condescending and manipulative manner solely aiming for sympathy the entire time. He also claims the reason he has been itching his stomach is from a Clonadine patch and not another body sore..who knows. Can’t trust a word that comes out of his mouth these days.
His main goal right now is monetary gifts. Look how many gifts he received in just..5 minutes or so. And for what? Dollar store brownies? The rest will go up his nose 👃 or worse. He is a predator and going to take these people for every penny they have. Vile monster.
submitted by Consistent-Record264 to TayHoTrishUsa [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:25 ToughReward4211 I think i have rabies and im going insane

PLEASE HELP ME I hope you can be understanding of my problem, I need to tell someone what is happening to me. I hope this is just anxiety and a panick attack but I cant convince myself.
My cat is unvaccinated, i've been postponing vaccinating her against rabies for a while, exactly two weeks ago I let her go out in my yard and she came back with a bee sting on her chin, she has a little bump where the bee stung her. She is very playful and a little agressive at times so she bites and scartches me a lot.
She seems more vocal than usual in the morning, but that may be because we moved into a new appartment.
Anyways, sunday I started feeling wierd like im floating and Im very confused, i started having diarheea and nausea and feeling very axious thinking i got rabies from her. She doesnt foam at the mouth or salivate excessively, she seems fine, eats and drinks normally. But I cant stop feeling like I got rabies from her, I try to convince myself that she sould have gotten ill in those two weeks that have passed if she actually has rabies but my symptoms are only getting worse. I cant sleep well and Im very restless, when I lay down i feel like my body Is weightless, im very confused all day and now I think im getting a fever. Sould I go to the hospital?
I need to mention that a day before this all started, I engaged in drug consumption, I feel very ashamed saying this but I need to know if this is relevant. To be more exact, I was on a mephedrone bender for a day, just before this all started.
I also have a runny nose and a sore throat, maybe from the drugs. But its been almost 72 hours since i stopped, why do I feel like this? I keep convincing myself that i have rabies and i go into full blown panick attacks. Please help me
submitted by ToughReward4211 to rabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:59 YmeFandI Try this!!

Friends! 👋👋👋
For all of you going through having to deal with these, I'm sorry. As one who has suffered greatly for years with sores 80-90 % of the time (!), leading to fever, aches in head, jaw, face, neck as well as not being able to work, I had lost hope. Many times. People suggested and recommended but nothing worked.
I am still in a bit of shock and doubt because I'm so used to it always coming back after a little relief. But I've used a toothpaste for some months now and I ran out like two weeks ago. Bit the inside of my lips and then it was lift of. Ended up with around 7-8 painful sores right away. I was reminded how fucking painful it is and how much better I'd been since I started using it. I'm not sure it will work for everyone but I would be selfish if I didn't share this!
This is a link to the website I bought it from:
It is expensive but lasts about a month. With this and frequent toothbrush change it has changed my life.
Do your own research, I'm not a medical anything.
Good luck to all❤️
submitted by YmeFandI to CankerSores [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:56 falconsarecool Help - baby won’t eat—hand foot mouth

Would love tips on how to help baby eat and drink more!
My 9 month old baby has hand foot mouth and his sores in his mouth are making it so that he cries when he tries to drink normally from the bottle nipple.
We’ve tried feeding him from a cup but that generally leads to most milk being wasted as it flows down his chin instead of into his tummy—he hasn’t figured out cups yet. Best we can do so far but lots of wasted milk and takes long time.
We’re worried that he’s getting hungry and dehydrated! Would appreciate any tips on how to help him eat/drink more!
submitted by falconsarecool to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:55 Leaving4Living Allergic reaction after having Creatine and Whey Protein for the first time.

I (20M, 5'5", 122 lbs) had 16g of MuscleBlaze's Raw Whey Protein before sleep and woke up with a mild sore throat the next morning. I didn't think much of it and continued to take 5g of creatine monohydrate. Nothing happened immediately, so I took another dose of 5g after 4 hours.
After a few hours, I felt fullness or pressure in my ears and a scratchy, sore feeling at the back of my throat. It was mild. When I slept that night, I experienced headaches, body weakness, and fluctuating sensations of cold and heat. When I woke up, I felt fine except for a mild throat pain. I proceeded to take another 5g of creatine.
Later that day, I started having mild pain in my throat again when swallowing. I also felt pain when I touched the right side of my neck area under my ear.
Context: When I eat anything that has butter, ghee, mayonnaise, or certain oils like palm oil, I sneeze 10-12 times almost continuously the next day. This has been happening for the past 4 years. Sometimes, this also happens with bananas.
submitted by Leaving4Living to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:18 Dr_RuchaJain Tooth Sensitivity: Causes & treatment

Causes of Sudden Tooth Sensitivity:

  1. Brushing Too Hard:
    • Explanation: Aggressive brushing or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down enamel and expose dentin, leading to sensitivity. It can also cause gum recession.
  2. Gum Recession:
    • Explanation: Some individuals are genetically predisposed to thin gum tissue, while others experience gum recession due to periodontal disease, exposing the roots and increasing sensitivity.
  3. Gum Disease:
    • Explanation: Inflamed and sore gum tissue from periodontal disease can lead to sensitivity by exposing the root surfaces, which are directly linked to the tooth's nerve.
  4. Cracked Teeth:
    • Explanation: Chipped or broken teeth can become infected with bacteria from plaque, causing inflammation and sensitivity.
  5. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism):
    • Explanation: Grinding or clenching teeth can wear down enamel, exposing the underlying dentin and increasing sensitivity.
  6. Teeth Whitening Products:
    • Explanation: Whitening products can cause sensitivity. It’s important to consult a dentist for suitable options if you have sensitive teeth.
  7. Age:
    • Explanation: Tooth sensitivity tends to peak between the ages of 25 and 30.
  8. Plaque Buildup:
    • Explanation: Plaque accumulation on root surfaces can cause sensitivity.
  9. Mouthwash Use:
    • Explanation: Over-the-counter mouthwashes containing acids can worsen sensitivity if dentin is exposed. Consult a dentist for neutral fluoride solutions.
  10. Acidic Foods:
    • Explanation: Regular consumption of acidic foods like citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, and tea can erode enamel, leading to sensitivity.
  11. Recent Dental Procedures:
    • Explanation: Procedures like fillings, cleanings, and restorations can cause temporary sensitivity, usually resolving within four to six weeks.

Does a Sensitive Tooth Mean Infection?

Care and Treatment:

Can Sensitive Tooth Pain Go Away?

How to Stop Sensitive Teeth Pain:

  1. Use Desensitizing Toothpaste:
    • Explanation: Regular use of toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth can reduce discomfort. Applying a thin layer to exposed roots before bed can help. Ensure it contains fluoride.
  2. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene:
    • Explanation: Proper brushing and flossing techniques are crucial to clean all parts of your teeth and mouth thoroughly.
  3. Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush:
    • Explanation: This reduces abrasion and gum irritation.
  4. Watch What You Eat:
    • Explanation: Limit consumption of highly acidic foods to prevent enamel erosion and dentin exposure.
  5. Use Fluoridated Dental Products:
    • Explanation: Daily use of a fluoridated mouth rinse can reduce sensitivity. Consult your dentist for suitable products.
  6. Avoid Teeth Grinding:
    • Explanation: Use a mouth guard at night if you grind or clench your teeth.
  7. See Your Dentist Regularly:
    • Explanation: Routine exams, cleanings, and fluoride treatments are essential.

Dental Procedures for Reducing Sensitivity:


Understanding the causes and treatments of tooth sensitivity helps in managing and reducing discomfort effectively. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene are key to preventing and addressing this common issue.
submitted by Dr_RuchaJain to u/Dr_RuchaJain [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:04 GoFlyersWoo Chronic cracking, soreness and dryness corner of mouth

Chronic cracking, soreness and dryness corner of mouth
Hi all, for the past roughly six months, I’ve been getting chronic tongue, lips, etc. dryness, chronic thrush, and this lip cracking, dryness and blisters, sometimes with bleeding. Having trouble finding cause with doctors, any thoughts?
submitted by GoFlyersWoo to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:50 ComplexPassage9651 Help tongue sores

so a few a month ago I started messing with this guy and we both decided to just be f buddies (stupid idea never again in my life). Lately I noticed I had a sore throat after giving oral sex to him and then I look in my throat a few days after and notice I have white stuff on my tonsils they were swollen also and my tongue was more white and had sores on it so I went to the doctor and got test for the basics… test results came back in boom chlamydia ! even tho my throat swab test came back negative and on my pee test came back positive for it? Which is so weird but idk I don’t think the doctor got a good swab but idk. I got the medication to get rid of it and so far it’s been more than a week and I still have mouth sores and a white tongue and my tonsils are still red and I got a yeast infection idk if it’s from the medicine but someone pls help ik I need to go get tested for blood work just don’t have the money or the insurance for it rn. Lately I’ve been so mentally drained bc of this whole situation and I just want it to end
submitted by ComplexPassage9651 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:28 deten Opposite experience with SIBO from most posts I see here?

I tested for Methane SIBO about 1.5 years ago, but I definitely had it going on for years before then. I got H. Pylori in 2016 but it took the doctors a year to figure out it was H. Pylori after a shitload of unnecessary tests and taking PPIs. I have no idea what caused it but it sounds like all of this contributed.
My symptoms are:
  1. Loose stool
  2. Mouth Sores
  3. Itchy butt
  4. Excess Gas (burps and farts)
  5. More acne
It took me a while to get this all figured out. But Xifaxan and Neomycin helped me a LOT. I did about 3 rounds of it but unfortunately it always came back. The 4th round, I got tinnitus symptoms and had to stop. Still dealing with ringing but it doesnt bother too much.
I am thinking of doing an elemental diet for 3 weeks. Honestly the symptoms are more annoying than devastating. The acne and mouth sores are the biggest annoyances, itchy butt as well, along with being a bit embarrassing, fortunately I work from home and am happily married so my wife already tolerates my nonsense.
I feel like most people here talk about being constipated, yet my symptoms are the opposite. Was that more normal with Methane? Do others have similar symptoms? Specifically mouth sores? Thanks!
submitted by deten to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:11 SportMammoth867 Quirk: Helpin n Hurtin Words

Quirk: Helpin n Hurtin Words
Possible hero Name: Smack Talk
Villain Name: Trash Talk
Type: Emitter
Description: This Quirk allows them to manifest a speech bubble from their mouth. The effects of this quirk depends upon whether what the user says towards another person is either a compliment or insult, positive or negative. Furthermore the user can verbally fill the speech bubbles with their insults or compliments, however doesn't need to verbally say these words, they can internally say them and have the speech bubble manifest them. When these words hit their target effects will be given based upon what was said about them. Furthermore the user can also swell the words about furthermore the user can also use this ability on themselves by first manifesting it in their mouth and then swallowing it. These insults can also affect inorganic objects. Furthermore by specifying a Target the verbal attack/compliment will only chase and affect that Target and nothing else. It is also worth noting that disability works on those that are capable of comprehending words and they don't necessarily have to hear what the user says. These abilities can affect the mental, emotional, and physical state of their target. The words in the thought bubble are colored according to their meaning: golden for positive and purple for negative.
When compliments or positive words are given to someone usually they usually manifests in the form of healing or improving an ability (whether quirk related or not). For example, calling someone a genius will actually increase their intelligence. Like any words the more personally tailored towards that person it is the more effective the power will become. These powers can also affect mental abilities and emotional states. The downside of this Quirk is that sometimes complimenting someone too much can lead to them having an ego.
When insults or words with negative intentions are spewed often it results in a negative effect on the target sometimes manifesting as a physical impact. The user can also use simple insults for effect based attacks. For example, “Idiot” will make that person an idiot. If this quirk targets someone the target knows such as “Yo mama” jokes that insults affects who that person considers their mother. Insults about somebody's physical figure can also physically affect. Example of one says “You're so short you need a ladder to sit on the sofa” it will physically shrink that person to the point where they actually need a ladder to sit on a sofa. If the user creates more personal and creative insults the effects will also increase the potency of this Quirk's effect.
• Only apathetic beings such as Nomu are Immune to this ability.
• Covering the user's mouth prevents them from affecting others.
• Overuse of this quirk can lead to a sore throat.
• The insults become more effective if the user specifies a target or if the target associates themselves with the insult.
• The effects of this quirk will persist until the user actually drains their power from another person via contact AKA eating their words.
• The more effort behind the person's insults and or compliment the more powerful the effect said words will have.
• There is a limit to how much of a boost and healing the compliments can provide.
submitted by SportMammoth867 to QuirkIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:58 Cassiopeiathegamer Animated youtube movie series about a sad, awkward, lonely guy who hallucinates

I think it was a youtube series and it eventually culminated in a movie. It was simply drawn and had a narrator describing the character's thoughts. The series was kinda awkward and sad and seemed to revolve around the main character's skewed perception of reality.
I remember a scene where he was sitting at a bus stop staring at a lamp post and tonguing his mouth sore. And another scene where he encountered someone on the street and combines two greetings into a nonsensical word like "whats up" and "hey" gets combined into "Whey".
I appreciate any help offered.
submitted by Cassiopeiathegamer to whatmoviewasthat [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:51 BraveHoratio11 Gluten-loading for the last ten days to get tested; I am so miserable

Just wanted to rant to those who know because people are shockingly condescending about gluten intolerance haha
About 3 months ago I 27M went into the doctor with very irritable bowels and general fatigue and he told me to try an elimination diet. I cut out nearly everything for two months and felt incredible (and was just loving how I felt and didn't bother to reintroduce foods). I had energy that I hadn't felt in a year, was no longer spending an hour on the toilet each day, etc. Finally made the awful mistake to try a sandwich on a camping trip in a pinch and learned it was definitely gluten in the most awful situation possible.
Anyways I researched Celiac, saw that it comes with a host of other aspects and wanted to get tested to know. Read that I need to have gluten in the weeks beforehand and was excited to try some Gluteny treats that I've sworn off for the last 3 months like Chinese food, normal pizza, hamburgers, etc.
BUT IT HAS BEEN HELL! I feel incredibly awful and can't be far from a toilet. After clearing up when I stopped doing gluten, my entire mouth and tongue have broken out in canker sores. I feel deeply fatigued and my joints hurt. It seems my body got used to being GF and going back into it has made it 10x worse than it ever was when I was blissfully eating gluten.
That's all, just wanted to rant to no one in particular. Gluten intolerance actually sucks and most people just think I'm being dramatic/silly "so you fart after you eat bread, big deal".
submitted by BraveHoratio11 to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:41 nun_atoll Even With a Final Breath

8 March, 1608
The patient had been mostly unconscious for nearly a full day, his breathing becoming more and more laboured. Heart rate was rather accelerated, though not to enough to be deeply worrying. Appetite was, of course, weak; only some broth and milk-ice had passed the young King's lips the previous morning. There was no fever—if anything he was perhaps too cool, in spite of the well-stoked fire and many blankets—and light perspiration. Urination and defecation were sparse, given the depressed appetite.
Just as Dr. Heilig went to again check the King's pulse, the doors of the bedchamber opened quickly, and Lord Mircescu entered, his daughter in tow. The young lady carried a bundle in her arms that Dr. Heilig well knew to be the crown prince, born in the afternoon two days previously.
Lord Mircescu brushed past and went to the bedside, kneeling and taking the King's hand.
"Majesty. Your Majesty? Vladuț?"
There was a hint of consciousness, a tightening around the patient's eyelids and twitching of the muscles around the jaw, but no other response. Standing again, Lord Mircescu went to his daughter and collected the infant in her arms.
"My lord," Dr. Heilig said, "I hope you do not intend..."
"I intend to show the prince to his father," Mircescu hissed, and again stepped past the doctor.
For some days now they had kept the patient sitting up in bed, propped with a great many cushions and pillows. This eased the breathing somewhat, particularly when alternated each hour and a half or so with helping the patient to lean forward across a rolled blanket. Currently the patient was upright, and Lord Mircescu shoved one of the cushions askew to guide the body into an ever-so-slightly reclined position.
Mihai Mircescu rushed into the chamber, Ileana behind him. He barely registered the doctor near the bed, or the apprentice and assistant in the corner; for Mihai, there was only the sight of his dear young King.
The boy was sitting up in the bed, though he was clearly in some degree asleep or otherwise unaware. Mihai went to him, kneeling and taking the poor, pale, clammy hand.
"Majesty. Your Majesty?"
No response, and so he spoke again, he voice crackling with suppressed tears.
The King's eyelids fluttered slightly, and he seemed to try and close his mouth, perhaps to shut in the horrible gurgling rasps of his breath. That was enough sign to know he would be aware of what followed.
Mihai went and took the little crown prince in his arms, and then the doctor at last drew his attention.
"My lord, I hope you do not intend..."
"I intend to show the prince to his father!"
Moving past the man, Mihai carried the baby to the bedside and shift some of the cushions so the King was closer to lying back, though he was still in actuality sitting up.
Ileana's heart was full of fear and prayers as she followed the father to the King's chamber. She had known Vlad all of their lives, had been his playfellow and friend and even protector.
Now, there was no way for her to protect him from the illness that had been stealing him away for all of those years.
She thought of the young Queen, back in the Purple Room, lying still and sore after so recently giving birth. The poor young Queen, so recently and mother and so soon to be a widow.
She would protect the Queen, and the little Prince, as she had always tried to protect Vlad.
In the King's chamber, Ileana tried not to look at the rasping, skeletal figure on the bed. It tore at her not to look on her old friend, her King, but she wished to remember him as he had been. Never had Vlad been very healthy, but once he had seemed stronger, had been a smiling, joyful figure.
After a moment, her eyes closed in prayer, she felt her father lift the Crown Prince from her arms, heard him exchange some words with someone, and then she turned her back on the whole scene.
She opened her eyes only to gaze down at the carpet and let her tears fall.
Vlad did not know if it was very late, or very early, or no time in particular. His head swam, full of darkness and dreams and threads of thought that were impossible to catch. His mind always was so lost lately. It was so hard to breathe, and to think, and to be.
Somewhere, a great distance away, someone called to him.
He tried to open his eyes, to call out to the person, for he was very lonely here in the dark in his own head, but it was so hard to move and to breathe.
He missed Tata, who always could help him breathe again. But Tata was gone a long time ago now. Maybe a thousand years.
Someone shouted, and Vlad turned his head a little. He hated fighting and arguments.
Then someone moved him, only a little, and he was not sitting up so much.
A weight settled on his chest—not the usual, always weight of fighting to find breath, but some small, warm, soft weight. He was aware a little of a fragrance like the sweetness of warm milk, and then a voice, familiar and beloved, was near his ear.
"You have a son, your Majesty," Lord Mircescu whispered. "A perfect son."
A son? His son? Yes, Juliana had been close to having the baby, last he remembered. Was she all right, his sweet wife? Was she safe?
Straining, Vlad opened his eyes a little as he felt his hands moved over his chest. They settled on a silky, lumpy something, and when he flicked his gaze down, he saw a puff of fine dark hair poking out from the folds of a bundled blanket.
"Mm-my ssson?" Vlad managed.
"Yes, Majesty," Mircescu said. "Your son. Your Crown Prince."
Vlad felt as though his heart, indeed his very soul, soared in that moment to the heavens. He had known he would live to see his son. He had sworn it to himself and to the unborn and to God.
"Hhh... I k-kept... Kept my promise," he sighed, and willed his right hand to gently pat his infant son's back three times.
By Blood Ascended Chronological Listing
submitted by nun_atoll to liulfr [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:40 SushiandSyrup Struggling with PCS

Initial concussion was January 13th, moderate/severe. I eventually began PT, OT, and ST before coming to the realization (partially from this subreddit) that I wasn’t getting the treatment I really needed and was kinda being almost maybe neglected?
I was told I needed PT once a week for 30 minutes. My neck pain was only ever addressed once, and when I had full range of motion in my neck again it was checked off the list as like “all good”
(I think it’s also important to know that I struggle bad with low functioning, treatment resistant depression)
So after my neck was “fixed” my PT sessions consisted of 10 minutes of talking over symptoms, 5 minutes walking laps around the facility and getting on a random machine to see if I could go for 10 minutes at a slow/normal pace, I never could make it past 5 minutes. Was told the first week that we would be doing a treadmill test, and 6 weeks in I realized that we hadn’t done that yet. Overtime I became so frustrated to a point that I cancelled all of my therapies. Because during my PT time my body was really affected and what little stamina and strength I had completely went away. I can’t even climb a flight of stairs without struggling and I’m only 26F. So once I started learning things from here and my brain was slowly getting more frustrated that the professionals really weren’t helping. So I just dropped all of my therapies. Not one of my therapists have reached out in any way to check on me or anything.
I’ve learned that I likely need to address my neck for my PCS struggling but I have no drs like that around me that I can find so I don’t know what to do… yesterday I walked up the stairs with a bag of groceries and my legs were literally buckling underneath me. I got inside and was breathing and acting how I would feel after running our competition dances back to back to back over and over to build stamina when I was in my teens.
Today my legs and arms are so so sore from just walking up the stairs with one bag of groceries. It’s like my body is literally deteriorating and I don’t know what to do. I can’t find a doctor who has a more progressive treatment to concussions and PCS who would address my neck thoroughly as well as get me into pt multiple days a week for longer than just 30 minutes to start slowly building myself back up again
submitted by SushiandSyrup to Concussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:39 FarslayerSanVir Taking Flight, Chapter 26: Rocky Road Rumble

Back at it again with the Sweetlands Arc as our crew comes face to face with the Gummy Gator Gang in a high octane Mad Max parody.
Bon Appétit.
The night sky is alight with the full moon. The cool desert air blows past the War Rig as it makes its way across the Rocky Roads. Jax, Mario, Luigi, and Kinger are all in the main cabin while Saturday and Ragatha sit atop its roof, remaining vigilant as the others wait in the trailer.
Jax: See anything, ladies?
Saturday: Nothing yet. Ragatha?
Ragatha: All clear on my end.
Mario: I'm-a tired.
Luigi: Why don't we pass the time with some games?
Kinger: Ooh, I'll go first! I spy with my little eye..................................
Luigi: Uh........ Kinger?
Jax: Give him a minute.
Kinger: .................. Oh hey there, Luigi.
Back in the trailer, we see the others making some small talk. The trailer itself is surprisingly comfy apart from the balcony mounted guns.
Uzi: And THAT is why you should never bring up doors around my dad.
Meggy: Wow, he sounds quite........ interesting.
Uzi: Yeah, he's been like that ever since my mom died. Still, he tries his best.
Tari: Do you still stay in touch?
Uzi: I call him on the phone booth sometimes to let him know I'm still kicking.
Tari: Hm...... I wonder how some of my old caretakers are doing. Maybe I should call them up too, sometime.
Saiko: Eh, parents are a bit overrated for my taste. For the longest time Kaizo was the only one who actually gave a shit about me. My parents probably don't even care that I'm not in my game anymore.
Meggy: What about you, Pomni?
Pomni: To be honest, most of my previous life before the Circus is just a blurr. Sometimes I doubt my parents even HAD faces..........I do vaguely remember having two older sisters, though.
Barreling down just behind the rig is a warband of Gummy Bear Bandits riding Gingerbread Jeeps and Rocky Road Bikes. Leading the charge is the Syrup Tanker manned by Gummigoo and his brothers Max and Chad.
Some of the bandits flank both sides of the Rig, unleashing a hail of bullets from their Coachguns and revolvers. Everyone ducks for cover as Tari quickly makes some barriers to deflect the oncoming gunfire. Ragatha casts some thread and ties herself a lasso, which she uses to snag one of the bandits and hurl him around like a wrecking ball. He slams into one of the bikes, sending it and its riders tumbling across the roads. Saturday deflects some gunfire with her lances before sending one straight through a bandit's heart. Tari pushes the barriers outwards and sends the rest of the wave flying away from the Rig as another catches up. Meggy and Uzi quickly get to the mounted chaser guns and begin unloading into every Bike and Jeep they see.
One of the Jeeps manages to catch up with the Rig, allowing a few bandits to come aboard. One of them pops the top hatch open but is met with a hammer straight to the face as Saiko hauls herself onto the upper balcony. Ragatha notices the bandits brandishing their machetes as they charge Saiko, who manages to bat two of them off the Rig. One manages to land a slash on her side and readies to take her head, but is stopped by a cleaver slicing him in two. Ragatha casts the bandit's body aside and helps Saiko back up to her feet.
Ragatha: You good?
Saiko: Yeah. It's just a flesh wound.
Another bandit tries to attack, but Kinger pops up from the sunroof to save the day.
He tosses a life preserver right over their heads. The bandit is confused for a moment, which gives Ragatha a chance to cleave him into pieces.
Ragatha: Thanks for the save, Kinger!
Mario: Mario wants to help too!
Mario then opens the door and tumbles out of the Rig, taking out another pair of bikes before catching a convenient rope. Looks like that life preserver hooked onto the back hitch of the trailer. He then uses some of that "Style Fu" to dodge some oncoming rocks.
Jax: Heads up, A-holes!
Jax pulls a lever labeled with a cherry sticker, opening a compartment on the back of the trailer. A cluster of Cherry Bombs tumble out of the compartment, whizzing by Mario and exploding upon impact with those who couldn't get out of the way in time. That's when Jax spots a rough stretch of land.
He pulls another lever and extends the Rig's suspension as he swerves towards the rougher terrain. Mario cranks it into high gear as he continues to dodge the rocks. The bandits still follow suit, but not all of them fare as well as roughly half of them end up crashing into either the rocks or each other. The Tanker and Jeeps seem to have little issue though.
Jax grabs Luigi and plops him down on the driver's seat as he pulls something out from the backseat.
Jax: I'll be right back.
One of Jeeps is about to catch up to the tanker until it's obliterated by Jax and his Heavy Cola Cannon.
He crawls out from the sunroof and starts laying waste to the rest of the Jeeps as Gummigoo and Chad look on from the driver's cabin of the Tanker.
Chad: Boss, I think we should cut our losses and get outta here while we still can.
That's when he hears several loud pops from the back. He looks out to see Tari flying behind the Tanker as Pomni hurls prismatic spikes at its tires. He grabs his rifle and takes aim, but before he can shoot he hears something land on the roof and feels something yank him up by the scruff of his neck.
Saturday: You miss me, Gums?
He flips out of her grasp and onto the roof before drawing his machete. The two fiercely clash blades as Tari and Pomni continue to attack the tires. Meanwhile, Meggy tries to pull Mario back on board when Kinger suddenly comes rushing in with an anchor.
He tosses the anchor, nearly missing Mario and causing Chad to swerve out of the way to avoid getting hit. Saturday falls atop Gummigoo and the two end up in a VERY awkward position.
Meggy: Uh, Kinger....... is that tied to anything important?
Kinger: Hm..... Let me check.
As uf on cue the Rig suddenly grinds to a halt, and Chad swerves to avoid a collision. Gummigoo and Saturday both fall off of the Tanker as it spins out and grinds to a halt. Tari and Pomni land nearby and regroup with Saiko, Ragatha, Meggy, and Mario.
Ragatha: Pomni! Are you okay!? Are you hurt!?
Pomni: Ragatha, I'm fine. Really.
Tari: She was a big help, actually. Now the Tanker is out of commission without its tires.
Mario: YEAH! Mario wants to go again! My feet are a bit sore, though.
Tari notices Saiko holding a bloody towel to her side.
Tari: Oh my God, what happened!?
Saiko: Oh, this? It's nothing serious.
Tari: B-but you're bleeding!
Saiko: It's just a flesh wound, I'll-
Tari Are you dizzy!? Do you need water!?
Saiko: TARI. I'm fine, really. It's just a flesh wound.
Kinger then tosses a first aid kit that lands right beside the two.
Tari: Thanks, Kinger. Saiko, please.
Tari has Saiko sit down on a nearby rock, and she reluctantly lets Tari tend to her injuries. Meanwhile, Mario and Meggy approach the Tanker as Chad and Max pop their heads out to search of Gummigoo. Meggy raises her bowgun at the two.
Meggy: Don't you two try anything stupid.
Chad: Have any of you seen the Captain by any chance?
Max: He couldn't have landed too far.
Both groups find Saturday sitting atop Gummigoo, pinning him down by the wrists.
Saturday: Are you all just gonna stand there, or are you gonna help me tie him up?
Gummigoo: Oh, by all means, take your time! I wouldn't wanna miss out on such a lovely view.
Saturday: Ugh, you're such a pig.
Gummigoo: Actually, I'm a gator. Big difference.
She proceeds to punch him square in the snout.
submitted by FarslayerSanVir to SMG4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:25 EPills77 AITAH for no longer wanting anything to do with my step-children?

Buckle up, it’s gonna be a long post! First time poster, so please forgive me for the lengthy post, but I feel the details are import. I (46F) married my husband (52M) almost 17 months ago after dating for six weeks. To add some context, we have known each other for 30 years. We met when I was 15 & he was 21. His younger sister & I were good friends. My mentally unstable, Southern Baptist Grandmother who raised me was obviously not cool with he & I having any sort of a relationship back then so we snuck around and had the closest we could to a relationship at that time. This went on for years, off and on. I was in love with him from the beginning, but always afraid to tell him for fear of rejection. Come to find out years later, he felt the same way towards me back then. Over time, we went our separate ways, both got married twice & divorced twice, had kids, etc… about 3 years ago we reconnected. I was married at the time and he was in a relationship so no lines were crossed. We kept everything platonic. Eventually, we found ourselves both single at the same time. So, Thanksgiving 2022 neither of us had any plans. I invited him over. We hung out, ate, drank, I told him in advance he should just plan to stay the night since he had to be at work at 8:00 am the next day & I’m only about 30 mins from his work & his house was an hour from my house in the opposite direction. (Not like we haven’t ever shared a bed before). So, long story short, things picked up where they left off 24 years prior. We very quickly and seamlessly fell into a relationship. It wasn’t hard. This man used to be my best friend. I knew everything about his core values, his priorities in life, etc… and he knew everything about me as well. It wasn’t long before the conversation of Marriage started getting brought up. We knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together and we weren’t getting any younger. Everything was wonderful. We were planning on getting married in about a year. He has two boys. At the time they were 10 & 12. He had shared custody with their mother. I had not met her, but I hadn’t heard anything good about her either. I met his boys right after Christmas. They all came to stay the night with me on Mew Years Eve. Everything was falling into place, I was on top of the world. January 3rd we were laying in bed and I just made the statement “I’d marry you now if I could”. He said he felt the same. So long story short, Jan 6th we got married in my living room & didn’t tell anyone (at first). That didn’t last long bc we were too happy to keep it a secret. January 8th his boys called me and asked me to come get them from their mom’s house (their dad was at work) bc she was getting high in front of them with a 16 year old. That was the last night they spent with her. Side note, my son was almost 26 at that time & he is disabled. He has a very rare chromosomal abnormality that has left him completely non-ambulatory, non-verbal and terminal. He wasn’t expected to live as long as he has. I was not planning on raising any more children, but I love my husband and when all this happened, without hesitation, I told him to go get the boys, move in with me (bc I have the bigger house) and we will figure it all out. I quit my job & started working from home. I’m now a full-time caregiver to my son, plus overnight I took on the roll of mother to his two boys. It’s been challenging. They have a lot of emotional trauma to work through (from mom & dad), they hadn’t had proper medical, dental or vision care in years. I blame both of their parents bc their mom didn’t care & dad just assumed she was taking care of everything. My husband has also brought a whole set of unresolved emotional baggage into our marriage from his marriage to the boy’s mom. He doesn’t think a therapist can help him in any way and refuses to entertain the idea of going to one. he has zero ability for emotional regulation (nor do his boys), he immediately gets defensive and gaslights if anything is ever mentioned about his kids (even when it’s done in a calm manner out of concern), he always dominates any conversation we have and he treats me with a lack of respect in front of his kids, so you can guess how they treat me. For context, I had a very abusive childhood. I entered adulthood emotionally and mentally unstable w/out any of the skills necessary to navigate healthy relationships. I was not a good person for the first 12 or so years of my adult life. I used people. In my defense, that’s what I was taught & it’s all I knew. I finally figured out I didn’t want to be that person & started making changes, found a great therapist, started working on myself and made sure I was in a good place mentally and emotionally before considering entering into another relationship. So I recognize a lot of the unhealthy behaviors in my husband and his boys. I do genuinely love all of them and I want to give the boys every opportunity I didn’t have going into adulthood. So I keep trying to teach them things like healthy interpersonal skills, being accountable for one’s actions, impulse control (oldest is ADHD & has serious issues with impulses & compulsions as well as anger issues). So whenever I try to discuss with my husband something that I think he and I should do to help achieve any of these things he always gets defensive, argues with me, justifies their behavior, etc… There is so much more I could explain, but this post is already long enough. We fight constantly about the same issues with the kids and my need to be heard and validated. I literally kill myself doing Everything around the house, while caring for my son, taking care of his two boys, 29 chickens & a garden. I go non-stop from about 8:00 am-11:00 pm. I ask for what I consider the bare minimum. A little appreciation and when I’m talking to them that they don’t interrupt me and just acknowledge that they heard me. I can’t remember the last time I completed a full sentence w/out one of them talking over me. It makes me feel minimized. I feel like the only time any of them value me is if I’m doing for them or buying them things. Which I have paid for 95% of all the clothes, gifts & furniture as well as all of a birthday cruise for the boys and about 95% of the food and the majority of the bills. I also do about the same percentage of the household chores. I do nothing except take care of all of them. I have barely a shred of time to ever do anything for myself anymore. So now to the final straw. It got brought up in a conversation through text between my husband and I earlier this evening that I’m not only concerned about, but also tired of the fact that pretty much everything out of the 13 y/o’s mouth is either an over exaggeration, warped version of the truth or just complete fabrication. I don’t like feeling like I can’t believe anything he says, not to mention, he will never build healthy relationships or make it very far in any career if he is unable to ever tell the truth. I followed by saying that I don’t think we need to scold or punish him, but maybe start trying to gently encourage him to modify his behavior. I made sure to put that in text twice because I know my husband, and he only reads or hears what he wants to hear or read. FFWD to dinner: we are all sitting on the couch eating dinner and my husband and the oldest were talking so I waited for a break in their conversation and I started to say that pretty soon we need to go through all of his and his brother’s clothes and shoes and figure out what fits and what doesn’t so we can get rid of the old stuff and start getting ready to get school clothes. I got as far as “pretty soon we need to go through” when I was abruptly cut off by the 13-year-old, who did not even acknowledge that I was speaking and started talking to his dad again about the size of their feet. This is a bit of a sore spot with me as I am constantly being treated like this by my husband and the kids. I did not say anything in front of the 13-year-old. I waited until he walked away and mentioned it to my husband. As usual, my husband said that they heard me and I asked him how could they hear me when I didn’t even finish my sentence and then my husband followed up by saying that’s how an active conversation works that people just jump in wherever. I argued, an active conversation is where people give each other a chance to speak their words and respectfully listening is just as much a component of a healthy conversation as actually speaking. He said it’s not necessary that they acknowledge me when I speak to them. My husband then tried to manipulate the conversation and say that I’m expecting them to wait until I tell them they can speak which is not the case at all. I just want a chance to speak as well and be heard. My husband decides to take it up a level, and bring up the text conversation from earlier and say that I was criticizing the 13-year-old and calling him a liar. My husband never bothered to mention either of the times in the text conversation where I said I don’t want to punish him, but I would like to gently lead him into the direction of a healthier behavior, and when I tried to explain or defend myself, my husband did his usual where he dominates the conversation and doesn’t let me speak, nor does he listen to anything I’m trying to say or consider any of it with any amount of objectiveness. It’s literally like trying to talk to a four year-old throwing a temper tantrum. he hears what he wants to and refuses to acknowledge anything that’s actually being said, and he will manipulate and gaslight rather than try to have a constructive and productive conversation. I am just at a point that I am exhausted with all of this. My husband wants to cherry pick when I am a mother figure to his kids, and he only wants me to be a “mom” when I am doing things for them or buying them things, but when it comes to the nitty-gritty of parenting where I’m having to use tough love or teach them life lessons then it results in a huge argument. The kids know they can treat me any way they want to and get away with pretty much anything because they know that their dad is always going to defend them and tell me I am a liar or I am over exaggerating. These kids have no chores, pretty much run around here all day doing whatever they want to, and their dad always finds a way to make all of their actions someone else’s fault. Our last argument was a few days ago. It was because I very nicely asked if we could just set some ground rules about the pool and that the boys not use all of the pool cleaning tools as toys because they don’t just play with things, They have to destroy everything and that includes all of the tools I used to clean the pool and then I don’t have them when I need them. That was a ridiculous request on my part according to their father and I was told boys will be boys. I am exhausted with all of this. I love my husband, but I don’t like him very much anymore, and I keep trying to have a relationship with his kids, but he has created an environment where I no longer have a desire to try and build a relationship with them because no matter what I do, according to him, it’s never enough and when I have a legitimate request or complaint I’m met with Manipulation, opposition, and gaslighting. Mind you, my husband makes less than the bare minimum effort to have a relationship with my son. While I do not agree with the majority of the actions of the boy’s Mom, there is part of me that understands why she has walked away. I talked to her mother a lot, so I’ve gotten both sides of the story and her claim is that she doesn’t want anything to do with her kids because they are so disrespectful to her due to their father not ever holding them accountable for their actions. I don’t agree with her walking out on her children, but I can understand how she feels. So, that leads me to my question…. Am I the A-hole for reaching a point where I just want to walk away and until I am in a financial situation to where I can either walk away or take over the mortgage on the house we bought together am I the A-hole for not wanting to continue to try to be involved in my step son’s lives? if any part of this doesn’t make sense or you need more information for more context, please comment or message me and I will fill you in because there’s so much more. I have not put in this post. Thank you all for your advice in advance.
submitted by EPills77 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:51 ComplexRide7135 Did anyone feel different after adding red meat to their diet

I am 48F, I work out 4 days a week including lifting 100lbs in deadlifts, squats and Russian lifts, 205lb leg press, 115 lbs on quads, 145 lbs on adductors and adductors and 85 lbs on Hamstrings. I also do cardio at high resistance at 30 or 40 min sessions. The reason for details is to give perspective of my workload- I weight 117lbs at 5’. So for the last 8 months I’ve been experiencing chronic pain in my right neck, shoulder, thigh and big toe. About 10 days ago I had about 8 ounces of lamb by chance ( I’m vegetarian 98% of the time) and I had a monstrous workout the next day - so I started to wonder if it’s the lamb. I added 3 -3.5 ounce of lamb 4 days a week to my meal plan and I feel great- my aches and pains have diminished- yesterday I rode for 30 miles outdoors and my son ( 18) felt soreness in his legs and I did not - I feel great today as well. Has anyone else experienced a change in pain/ energy levels with adding red meat to their diet ? Any comments on whether I should eat red meat at a greater frequency than 4 times a week?
submitted by ComplexRide7135 to healthyeating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:50 coochie_chronicles Recurring lymph node swelling

Hello! New to this sub. I’m wondering if I might have some sort of autoimmune disorder. Lymph nodes in my neck swell about once a month (with pain), which I typically attribute to working with kids (they’re always sick). Occasionally I’ll get a positive strep test but lately it’s been coming back negative. Other random symptoms that have never been attributed to anything include palpitations, lightheadedness, and canker sores. My mom has 2 autoimmune diseases - colitis and takayasus arteritis. My grandma has rheumatoid arthritis and my cousin has lupus. Latest autoimmune panel came back clear. Going to doctor tomorrow. Any advice or insight is appreciated!
submitted by coochie_chronicles to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:42 RichellaMadden Using Mouthguards For TMJ: A Solution For Jaw Pain

Many individuals suffer from the debilitating effects of jaw pain, often a consequence of Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Bruxism the grinding and clenching of teeth can induce these TMJ related issues; however, dental mouthguards offer an effective solution by protecting your teeth and alleviating associated jaw discomfort.
In this extensive article, we shall explore the advantages, varieties and key considerations of utilizing mouthguards for TMJ. If you seek relief from jaw pain, continue reading to discover how these mouthguards can assist.

Understanding TMJ and its Causes

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorders can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. Bruxism, stress, anxiety, or even certain medications can contribute to TMJ disorders. Teeth grinding and clenching can lead to significant damage to the teeth and exacerbate jaw pain.

Benefits of Dental Mouthguards for TMJ

Protection from Teeth Grinding: Dental mouthguards act as a barrier, preventing the upper and lower teeth from grinding against each other during sleep. By cushioning the impact and reducing the pressure on the teeth, mouthguards help protect against tooth damage.
Jaw Pain Relief: Mouthguards provide relief by minimizing the strain on the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles. They help alleviate pain, soreness, and stiffness associated with TMJ disorders.

Types of Mouthguards for TMJ

Over-the-Counter Dental Guards: Sporting goods stores and pharmacies stock these mouthguards. To fit a range of mouth sizes, they are available in three sizes: small, medium, and big. Boil-and-bite guards are one type of over-the-counter guard that let you adjust the fit by soaking the material in hot water to soften it and shape it to match the contours of your mouth.
Custom mouthguards: After obtaining impressions of your teeth and jaw, dentists can make personalized dental guards. When it comes to fit and comfort, these guards outperform those found in stores. Custom mouthguards offer the best relief from jaw pain by ensuring a good bite alignment.

Selecting the Right Mouthguard

When choosing a mouthguard for TMJ, several factors should be considered:
Comfort: A comfortable mouthguard encourages regular use and maximum effectiveness. Custom-made guards often offer superior comfort due to their personalized fit.
Bite Alignment: Mouthguards that align the bite properly help reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation of the jaw muscles, leading to improved pain relief.
Durability: Custom-made guards are typically made from hard resin, making them more durable than over-the-counter options. A long-lasting mouthguard ensures that it remains effective over an extended period.
Professional Guidance: Consulting with a dentist or healthcare professional experienced in TMJ disorders is crucial for selecting the right mouthguard for your specific needs. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your symptoms, jaw structure, and overall oral health.

Caring for Your Dental Guard

To maintain the effectiveness and longevity of your mouthguard, proper care is essential. Follow these tips:
Cleanliness: Clean your mouthguard after each use with a toothbrush and toothpaste or antibacterial soap. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of bacteria and maintains oral hygiene.
Regular Check-ups: Include your dental guard during routine dental check-ups. Dentists can examine the guard for signs of wear, ensure proper fit, and make any necessary adjustments.
Are you tired of living with TMJ pain? Take the first step towards relief by booking a consultation with our TMJ specialists. Discover personalized treatment options and regain control over your oral health. Don’t wait, schedule your consultation now!
submitted by RichellaMadden to u/RichellaMadden [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:15 Desperate-Dealer2526 My recent RA Story. (Please read and any Info will help)

Hey everyone, im a male, 33 and I was recently told that i developed Reactive athritis from chlamydia/epididymitis that was untreated for atleast 12 weeks. My at the time partner decide to go outside of our "arrangements" and almost 4 Mos later im still dealing with the aftermath. I guess I'm just trying to gain some clarity of all this because it's truly affecting my mental health greatly and even sitting here typing this up it's hard to hold back tears.. basically I caught the clap, had minimal symptoms so i chalked it up as dehydration, and left it untreated for about 10 weeks. then one day I had this huge throbbing lump in my right testicle so I went to the ER and was told i have epididymitus. All the while, I couldn't walk on my feet, all my joints hurt, I went from 195lbs to 171lbs (what I am currently) and literally looked liked death itself. So I ended up landing in the ER again got blood ran and all my levels were out of whack (WBC; Lipase; ect), so they did a CT scan, STDs tests and everything came up completely normal, and thats when I was told I had RA. I did 10 days of dyoxcoline, got a shot of some other hard antibiotic and recently just finished a 6 day prednisone taper. The prednisone helped but I had some crappy side effects and fast forwarding the to the last 3 weeks these have been my symptoms: moving joint swelling/Inflammation mainly in the feet, ankles, knees, shoulders lower back and neck; bad constipation that's now recently turned into horrible indigestion and acid reflux; bloating; jaw pain; sweating; pain in testicals and hips. I also feel like my head is constantly "foggy" and my anxiety has been through the roof. I literally quit ciggerettes and medicinal marjuiana cold turkey over 2 weeks ago (which I find odd because I've never been able to quit). I recently as of now have mouth sores on my cheeks and sides of my tongue. I know this is a lot but I guess what I'm trying to ask for is some reassurance that these things are "normal" with RA? No doctor or ER has referred me to any specialist and basically they've all said " I just gotta deal with it". Lol.
This experience has mentally and emotionally taken a toll on me and my family and i have googled and pretty much ran myself scared half to death because of all this and my anxiety/depression. I have came up with every single reason of why I'm dying or have some terminal thing and at this point im lost at what to do. I can't help that I feel this way each day and this is a really hard thing for me to accept considering I was just normal and healthy and active. Thank you to whoever takes the time to read this because at this point I just need insight..
submitted by Desperate-Dealer2526 to Thritis [link] [comments]