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Guild Wars 2 Card Game: Heroes of the Mists

2017.03.21 13:16 LukeD1uk Guild Wars 2 Card Game: Heroes of the Mists

Guild Wars 2 Unofficial Card Game: Heroes of the Mists sub reddit, here you will find updates, news, releases and more.

2024.06.01 02:32 Hamza_stan Is "google-account-noreply@google. com" legit?

Just received this email and it looks super legit, except for the fact that when I search for that email on Google it has ZERO results so I'm worried is some kind of spoofing email? The direction I have saved is
I've tried to find if someone else has got this email but all I got was a video from india with only 3 views, not sure what to think about it??? Maybe it's a new domain and that's why there's no results?
(I added an space before .com in all directions so it doesn't generate links, the original is .com without spaces)

The full email is: your addresses in your Google Account
You can now manage addresses you previously added while using Google services – such as an address from a purchase or autofill on Chrome – in your Google Account. In addition, addresses you add while using Google services in the future will be saved in your Google Account With this change, you can use addresses in your Google Account to autofill address forms, saving you time as you only need to enter an address once.
[Learn more about managing your addresses] <- Link goes to com (virus total says it's clean)
[Manage your addresses button] Link goes to com (virus total says it's clean)
Sincerely, The Google Account Team
submitted by Hamza_stan to GMail [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:47 Secret-Tomatillo5044 Blood Clot pt 2

Blood Clot pt2
I'm out of the bathroom and am back in my car. I’ll pick up where I left off. If you haven't read the first part click here.
Feeling slightly more awake, I changed and disposed of all my used napkins after putting them in a trash bag. I had no idea what to do or think, especially since I had work the next day. Hafiz died to protect me from that demon and it did nothing. I drove into an abandoned parking lot and sobbed. My entire life was falling apart because of a single awful entity. My future now seemed impossible because of a grotesque monster who hated me for putting in effort to live. I couldn't believe what was happening and since my coping skills are admittedly pretty awful, I just distracted myself by finishing my notes. Eating the rest of my cashews and straining my eyes to read the page. I could have driven to the library but I had a limit on gas money.
I wasn't able to sleep for the rest of the night. The thought of seeing Tolc again plagued my mind every time my body started to rest. Every noise and visual kept me on edge. I prayed constantly, despite wishing I had a more proper environment to do so. That along with remembering the Quran’s words on perseverance kept me sane. When morning came I decided to bite the bullet and buy supplies. Stocking up on gauze and tissues. It was a hard call to make as the money I spent on the supplies was originally designated for food. Sure, not all of my food budget was spent on it but it was just enough to make me doubt my choice.
When I got back to campus I tried to act normal, but everyone could tell something was wrong. The dirty looks I got from classmates were exasperated as they stared at my wrapped hand. Their gaze was never one of sympathy, but disgust. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't help but overhear a girl mutter about how she thought I attacked someone. All the while I bit down on my lip to stifle a whine of pain. The craters in my hand were now inching closer to my knuckles. A palpable sting persisted each minute, bordering on insufferable once the layers of my skin grew flaky. I couldn't take the maddening sensation anymore and excused myself to use the restroom, unwrapping the bandage when I got inside.
“Come on,” I whispered through gritted teeth observing my trembling hand. It looked just as bad as it felt.
I grabbed some paper towels and patted my wound down. Finally allowing myself to wail in a mix of pain and relief. Making sure the water was cold, I ran my craters under the sink. I shivered from the temperature and recoiled as I rubbed soap over it. Muttering prayers to myself as the chill liquid slid through the cuts. After half a minute I dried it, laid down a layer of paper towels, and laid out my supplies, frantically cutting and applying the gauze. Rushing to pack my things since I still had a class to return to. As I swooped up my scissors, I heard a familiar voice.
“Woah what’s up with you?”
Instinctively I pointed the scissors in the direction of the voice. A choice I immediately regretted.
“Hey, don’t point that at me! What’s next you’ll run up with a bomb strapped to your chest.”
Chris, smiled, acting like his sad excuse for a joke was funny.
“I’m sorry, you spooked me. I just got done wrapping my hand and used these to cut the bandages.”
I nervously held up my wrapped hand as evidence and he furrowed his brow.
“Yeah, and I’m sure you got that cut from glass and not a blood sacrifice.”
His words completely perplexed me.
“Wait, what?”
“I know what you’re doing, I learned all about your people.”
I took a deep breath, dreading the conversation that was about to follow. Of course, the school’s resident racist conspiracy theorist walked in.
“Respectfully, whatever you think is going here isn't what’s happening. I did get it from glass. My hand split open when I was cleaning up a broken vase yesterday.“
I wanted to tell him that whatever hateful trash he was eating up was untrue, but if I even implied that he’d lose it.
“You’re just using my lie! Which I should expect because that book you worship is full of them!”
I sighed, putting my scissors away.
“I don't see it that way but you can say that if you want.”
I internally cringed at being civil with this man who smelled worse than the blood I just rinsed.
“Look, I’ve seen you around and haven’t said anything but I won’t let you bring your hellish beliefs to this campus like this!”
I averted my eyes and began to walk away.
“Boy, where are you going!” he yelled, pulling me back by my jacket.
Normally I wouldn’t give much attitude but by this point, I was too tired to keep being so docile. Respect is built into me but there’s still a limit.
“Back to class, to write a research paper you’d never read because it has facts.” I snarled, pushing past him and increasing speed.
“God, you’re delusional, you know that!” he angrily spoke without understanding the irony.
Luckily he didn't pursue me for the rest of the day, but the interaction stuck in my mind. Once my classes were done, I was feeling pretty exhausted. The deterioration in my hand had subsided but it was still there, and the lack of caffeine didn't help. When I got to my car I cracked open the second to last can of my emergency energy drinks. I had kept them in a lunch pale in the back pocket of my passenger seat for desperate times, this being one of them. I downed it before waking in, quickly fixing my hair as I entered.
I sat at my desk and checked to make sure the sewing machine was plugged in. Taking a deep breath while reminding myself to stay focused. The first few hours were a blur, I did what I needed to do but the moment I finished a piece it faded from my mind. The only thing I remember being the concerned comments from co-workers about my injury. Sometimes I even forgot what I was doing as I sewed it, needing to check my reference multiple times. Our store is open more than most custom embroidery shops, which is a blessing and a curse. It allows me to get more hours but at the same time, it makes my passion for what I‘m doing diminish. Which I know is what happens when a fun hobby turns into a job, but still. I was starting to get tired of stitching in logos.
The number of customers slowed, leaving me alone at my desk. Reflecting on not only that day but my life. Tolc’s words reverberated in my mind as I stared at my wrapped hand. All this work and I wasn't satisfied. I felt lucky to be alive and fully acknowledged what little privilege I did have, but I wasn't exactly happy. Things could be worse but it was easy to see the ways they could be a lot better. It took me a long time to accept it but in that moment I did. I wasn’t anywhere close to where I wanted to be.
”Maybe, he’s right.” I murmured to myself, struggling to keep my head up. I could feel that my body was moments away from a crash. I checked my phone, realizing that we were minutes from closing, and tugged on my hair to wake myself. I cleaned up my workspace, practically hobbling to my car. The cold hit me as soon as I stepped out. My lips quivered as I sat in the driver's seat. That in tandem with my tiredness made me struggle to hold myself together as I drove into a rest stop parking lot. I zipped up my sweatshirt, breathing into my hands, before turning on the heater.
“Wait,” I uttered, realizing that my blanket was in the trunk. Looking out my window I saw hail begin to fall from the sky.
“Of course,” I groaned, clicking my trunk open and running out. The frigid chunks felt like pebbles getting thrown down on me. I bit my teeth harder with each step, grabbing my blanket before running back in.
Curling up into a ball in my chair with a hefty sigh. I tried to stay up a little longer despite knowing I wouldn't be able to. After ten minutes I found myself slipping from consciousness. My eyelids dropped like the harsh hail from the freezing sky above me. Leaving me lying with the little warmth I had.
“Wow, you look like you haven't felt this shitty in a while, and that’s saying something.” that dreaded voice commented. I had the blanket over my eyes but I could tell he was smiling.
“Whoever told you ducking under the covers would save you from monsters lied.” he chuckled, pulling it off me. Yanking my bandaged hand up to his face.
“It's been a day and you already need gauze? Damn, I forgot how much my bite stings. I haven't done it in a while since I decided to spare your brother from it.”
“Let me guess I didn't get that treatment because in your opinion I got a chance to get better and he didn't?”
He nodded, grabbing my blanket and observing the embroidery on it.
“Aw, how cute, did your mom sew you this?” he mocked.
“Partly, every weekend she and I would work one patch together. Hate to break it to you but trying to make fun of me for having good childhood memories isn't that effective.”
He shrugged, tossing it over his shoulders like a cape.
“Maybe not, but I know it's making you miss those times.”
The chill from earlier had started to come back.
“Alright, just get to the point.” I snarled, curling back up.
He wrapped the blanket around his torso while responding.
“If you haven’t noticed already I’ve been going easy on you today. Just leaving your hand to fester.”
He slumped down sideways, resting his legs on my curled-up knees.
“I’m giving you this break hoping that it's allowing you to reflect on your current life and if it’s worth fighting for.”
I rolled my eyes.
“You seem to think I’m a lot weaker than I am. I’m not giving up after one day.”
He flashed his horrid grin again, red pupils shining the dark. The lights from the rest stop being the only thing preventing us from being swallowed in black.
“It’s funny, your kind always says the same thing right before the first crack in that armor forms.”
“My kind?” I sharpened my gaze.
“Yeah. Your kind. I told you last time, I go after a certain type of person, so I get a lot of the same responses. People like you are so predictable, putting up a fight saying that they’ll be able to beat a power like me.”
He snickered, strangely thick spit seeping between his teeth.
“The result is always one of two things. One, they kill themselves to escape the pain thinking that their death will somehow matter more than their life. Or two, I break them, assume their place, and make something better with the usable parts of their rubble.”
At that moment his smile appeared more sinister than it ever had before. His words were so viscerally wrong.
“So, with that being said, which route are you choosing?”
I slowly sat up, purposely moving my legs last.
I swiftly shoved his legs off, almost making him fall over. His smile quickly faded as he was turned on his side. Moving out of the blanket wrap he threw it back at me.
“Alright, fine, you want to play with fire like that?” he yelled, yanking me by the back of my sweatshirt.
“You are sleeping in a car in 40-something-degree weather, working at a place that’s killing your passion, and SOMEHOW think that existence is worth picking a fight with a demon for!” he growled, letting go of my sweater and grasping my neck. I tried to pull his hands away but I couldn't make a dent in his grip.
“I’ve given you your chance to submit and pass on peacefully, just like I gave you a chance to be something and yet again you failed!”
I coughed, doing my best to breathe through my nose.
“So prepare yourself for the morning because now I’ll revel like crushing a burnt rodent like you!”
As oxygen failed to reach my brain, my eyes closed.
I woke up with a sprain in my neck with my blanket on the other chair. I got out of my car to stretch, the cold air wafting over me. My stomach grumbled as I remembered that I hadn't eaten the night before. I checked for snacks but I was out. I groaned and noticed that my throat was hoarse from earlier. I attempted to speak but could barely get a word out. It worried me but I decided not to focus on it. At this point, I knew I’d probably be late for my first class no matter what so I didn't rush myself.
I got a bag of dry cereal and started eating it with a plastic spoon on a bench outside. I knew I looked pathetic, but it was hard to care about it with how hungry I was. After a few minutes, I felt an ick in my throat and my ears started ringing. Immediately, I knew what it was. I rushed to my car to put away my food and grab my supplies. Walking back inside the rest stop and into a stall in the bathroom. My eyes stung and my ears throbbed, the feeling of fluid coming up from both palpable. I got on my knees and put sponges in my ears as I started to gag. I closed my eyes as they bled, gore leaking from the folds in my eyelids
My entire body shook as each hole in my face bled. My nose stung like it had been attacked by a bee hive and my mouth tasted like a lump of steel. I did my best to plug it up with tissues but it barely did anything. I flushed the toilet at least five times from all the bloodied tissues and tried to rinse my eyes under the sink. Luckily no one saw me bleeding, but it still added a layer of humiliation anytime someone came in and I had to act like I was okay. I know I probably should have reached out, but I honestly didn't expect anyone to help me.
It’s cynical, I know, but in my experience, most people see someone like me and decide to let me suffer alone. Besides, I already felt vulnerable enough, I didn't need someone else seeing me in that state. Anyway, it continued for about 20 minutes with short breaks between, and as I slumped against this filthy toilet feeling my life force gush out, I thought about how no one would likely ever know why it happened. They’d find the body of this brown man covered in his blood with no idea how he got there. Not like it would probably matter to them. I hate to admit it but Tolc was right in a way. People like me die all the time and no one cares to make a headline about it.
My reflection stared back at me in the mix of toilet water and blood. Everything looked slightly red and for a moment and I feared I’d lose my sight. Maybe my life isn’t that remarkable but if I died then I’d at least want to be known for my death with the full story included. So once I got my bearings, I started typing the first post. If I wasn’t going to make it I at least wanted someone to know even if they didn’t believe me. I got a lot of horrified looks as I walked out with my face barely rinsed, and a wave of shame clouded me. Each one of their eyes was a needle sewing into my self-consciousness, but I got through it. I changed my clothes, wanting to burn the jeans that I’d spent almost an hour in on that disgusting floor. I drove to the middle of nowhere to set up an inflatable pool I could fill water with, making sure I was far from where people could see me.
Even though it was just as embarrassing as any other time I had to do it, it felt like the best bath in my life. Sure the cost of the gas I had to use and the worry someone would see me raged in the back of my mind, but for once I was able to keep it at bay. I’ve been writing this in my car for the past hour and a half or so. I feel bad about missing classes but I just can't today. Honestly, I’m not even sure how I’ve been able to stay awake. That’s everything that’s happened so far, I'm as okay as I can be right now, but I’m even more hopeless than before.
submitted by Secret-Tomatillo5044 to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:31 GlassPanther [WTS] 🔥🔥🔥 FIRE SALE 🔥🔥🔥 ... No really, my shop caught fire! :O ::: NINJA TURTLE POURS plus ARTIFACTS, Zelda, Star Trek, and MORE!!! .999 Fine Silver Hand Pours by Glass Panther!!!

🔒 2FA enabled for your pleasure! 🔒
WOOOOO BOY! I had an interesting week! I was trying to pour a 20ozt VECNA statue for someone and my flask exploded, pouring 2200'F molten silver all over the place! YAY! It also cooked my flask completely and ruined my work surface!!! :) You know what that means ..


Orders placed BEFORE 10pm Arizona time, 5/31/24, will get 15% OFF.
Orders placed between 10pm Arizona time and 10am Arizona time the following morning will get 10% OFF.
Orders placed starting at 10am Arizona time 6/1/24 will get 5% OFF!
Header image :
Proof Gallery :


TURTLE HEADS - BACK ::: First off ... YES, I know I only have three heads here. They are all the same (Leonardo) so there was no point in showing four of them. These radical heads are each a 2+ozt pour and are all made by hand in .999 Fine Silver. Asking $85.00 each!
GOOD VS EVIL Round - BACK ::: Featuring the logo of the HAMATO Clan (Splinter) on one side, and the FOOT Clan (Shredder) on the other, these great 1ozt+ rounds, done in .999 Fine Silver, are PERFECT for coin tosses, or to use as a card protector, or to show to friends on EITHER side of the aisle when you do sneaky ninja stuff. Asking $42.50 each.
MANHOLE COVER ::: Coming in at 2+ozt of .999 Fine Silver, and shipping in an Airtite for protection, this classic rendition of the well known manhole cover is antiqued for realism and ready to display! It's the same on the front and back. Asking $90.00 each!
OOZE CANISTER ::: The famous OOZE canisters from TGRI (TMNT the Movie 2), done in pure .999 Fine Silver and weighing 1ozt, this is one of the more unusual, but surprisingly cool, pours I've done! Entirely modelled by hand, by me, and poured at Panther HQ! Asking $42.50 each!
PIZZA STACKER - BACK ::: Another GREAT 2ozt pour - this stackable round features a totally tubular pizza on the front, and the (modified) logo on the back! .999 Fine Silver, of course! Asking $80.00 each!
CASEY JONES MASK - BACK - ALT ::: INSTANTLY becoming my favorite pour of all time, this tricky little bugger wasn't easy to make, but I got it done and I think it looks GREAT! Weighing ~2ozt of .999 Fine Silver, you won't see those copycats in Niue coming out with this any time soon! Asking $100.00 each!


HYLIAN SHIELD ::: These weigh 2+ Troy Ounces and are hand poured. These STACK, too! ::: $80.00 each
MIRROR SHIELD ::: These weigh 2+ Troy Ounces and are hand poured. ::: $80.00 each
SHEIKAH SLATE ::: For some stupid reason I neglected to take pictures of the back of these fully dimensional and highly accurate slates! These make GREAT keyfobs, too! These weigh 2+ Troy Ounces and are hand poured. ::: $80.00 each
LOGO CARD PROTECTOR ::: (Apologies for the terrible picture ... I need to take a better one!) Here's a BEEFY 2ozt+ CARD PROTECTOR (for you poker players!) featuring the Sheikah Sigil on one side, and the famous Z logo on the other! Asking just $80.00 each
MASTER SWORD ::: These weigh 2+ Troy Ounces and are hand poured. Epic! ::: $90.00 each
ZELDA NES Carts - ZELDA N64 Carts - ZELDA GAMEBOY Carts ::: 2+ Troy Ounces, HIGHLY detailed, and with the LABEL OF YOUR CHOICE! ::: $80.00 each w/FREE GOLD PLATING as needed!
RUPEES ::: Fantastic little RUPEES made of pure .999 Fine Silver! Each weighs 1+t.oz and are all made by hand! They are just $42.50 each!
MASTER COMBO ::: Includes a Master Sword and a Hylian Shield, along with the display base, for just $170.00
SAVIOR OF HYRULE COMBO - Alternate Pic ::: Includes one of my .999 Fine Silver Master Swords and one Shield of your choosing, as well as a GOLD PLATED NES/SNES/N64 Zelda Cart of your choosing and ONE Rupee (I know two are shown... sigh) ... That's SEVEN+ total Troy ounces of .999 Fine Silver and includes the stand for display! Each Savior of Hyrule Combo can be yours for just $290.00!


Pokemon - FIRST EDITION CHARIZARD : VIDEO ::: 4.6+ Troy Ounces of .999 Fine Silver, full scale and absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Each card ships with a Serial Numbered Certificate of Authenticity! $250.00 each


BIG MEGALODON TOOTH ::: Beautifully antiqued and exquisitely detailed! This .999 FINE SILVER tooth weighs over 100 grams (over 3 troy ounces) and is definitely a conversation starter! ::: $135.00 each ... Also available in a 1ozt version for $45.00!
THE DERRINGER ::: One of my all time FAVORITE pours - this 1:1 scale Derringer was modeled off a REAL period piece and is actual size! Made of solid .999 Fine Silver, this beefy piece weighs in at over 7.5 t.oz of solid girth! A difficult piece to make, but worth it! ::: $325.00 per pew pew!
VELOCIRAPTOR CLAW as seen (and modelled, 1 to 1) being wielded by Dr. Alan Grant to scare small brats in the famous film Jurassic Park, this is a BEAST of a pour, and beefy too!!! Weighing in at roughly 7 troy ounces and absolutely as dangerous as it looks Asking $325 for this beast and is also available in a mini ONE OUNCE VERSION for $50.00!
NATIVE ARROWHEADS ::: Made of 1+ozt of pure .999 Fine Silver and blackened to resemble the Earth from which it was hewn, these would make GREAT wrapped pendants! Asking just $45.00 each!
T-REX SKULL ::: A RARE piece of the Glass Panther collection ... this smokin T-REX Fossil Skull pour is one of my coolest pieces! A beefy five ounces of pure silver, which has been blackened and then selectively buffed to make the skull pop out. A truly exquisite piece and only $225.00!


THE STAY PUFT MARSHMALLOW MAN - FRONT 2 - BACK ::: What did you do, Ray??? This thicc and fluffy boi tips the scales at just over 3 troy ounces of .999 fine silver! Asking $145 each!
ECTO-1 BARS - BACK ::: The iconic plate from the Cadillac Hearse driven by the men themselves as they sought to rid Manhattan of its ghost infestation! These are 1+ troy ounce bars and are just $42.50 each!
NO GHOST - BACK ::: The most recognizable symbol of the most heroic men in all of NYC! This classic logo is a true crowd pleaser and weighs just over 2 troy ounces of pure .999 fine silver! Asking $80 each!


THE GUIDE ::: This great 2 ozt .999 Fine Silver pour was entirely designed and modelled by me based on the original book description. I figured it would look great with a slipcase, as well, so I made that too. I then hand paint the letters in gold and then buff the slipcase to give it a slightly weathered appearance. This was VERY fun to design! $80.00 each!
THUMBS UP ::: If you don't have an electronic thumb this is the next best thing! When you see the Vogon Constructor Fleet just hold this up in the air and hope you get picked up ... don't forget your towel, though! This 2ozt pour is $80.00 each!

::: FUTURAMA :::

BENDER - ALT ... Featuring a biteable shiny metal ass, a beer in one hand, and a cigar in the other, you can't go wrong with this great pour! Also includes a 3D printed resin base and is only $100 each!
SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY - VIDEO pour. This is a ONE ozt. pour and is a GREAT pocket carry or card protector! $45.00 each!
I WILL WAIT FOR YOU ::: This is one of the saddest scenes in television history and I STILL cry thinking about it. Seymour Asses, Fry's eternally loyal and faithful dog, who never gave up hope that his master would one day return for him ... I'm not crying YOU'RE crying. Just $45.00 each.
SLURM STACKERS ::: These great 2+ozt stackers interlock VERY well and are a truly unique addition to anyone's stack! $80.00 each!


BESKAR SILVER ::: Available in a 2ozt size as well as a super clean 5+ozt size, these great bars are poured, cleaned, antiqued, and then hand finished with a special technique I developed which gives them a shimmery "crystalline" look ... Check out THIS VIDEO for an idea of the surface finish. It's quite nice! The 2+ozt bar is $90.00 each and the 5+ozt bar is OUT OF STOCK for a minute.
CARBONITE - ALT - BACK ::: Everyone's favorite scruffy looking nerf herder, forever immortalized via being frozen in carbonite for all to see. ... Available in either ANTIQUED or BRIGHT SILVER, and also available as a honkin' 10+ozt big bar at $400.00! The 2+ozt version will return soon!


VAULT 111 DOOR - BACK ::: Weighing in at 2+ troy ounces of .999 Fine Silver, this is a great and BEEFY little pocket carry! It was 100% modelled by me and these things look great stacked ::: Asking $80.00!
PIP-BOY - BACK - The 5t.oz and the 2t.oz PIP-BOY ::: Available in TWO SIZES - Either a 5+t.oz or a 2+t.oz this is one of my coolest pours ever. I really had fun making this work and I hope you enjoy owning it as much as I enjoy making it! 5+t.oz Pip-Boy is $250.00 each and 2+t.oz Pip-Boy is $80.00!
v2 PLATINUM CHIP - BACK ::: Made in .999 Fine SILVER (not platinum!) this is a GREAT little 1+t.oz coin for ANY fans of the franchise! These are solid antiqued to make them seem like they've been through some stuff! I've UPDATED the design to include a purity mark as well as a weight ... plus I emboldened the lines a bit to make it pop! Just $45.00!
NUKA COLA BOTTLE - BACK ::: Another popular request ... this thicc boi 2+ozt. pour came out surprisingly well! Yours for $80.00!
THIRST ZAPPER - BACK ::: I had a lot of fun modelling this! I'm not normally a fan of organic shapes but I took this as an opportunity to work on my Fusion360 organics skills. This was entirely modelled by me - I'm quite happy with it!!! :) Weighing in at 2+ozt - yours for $80.00!
VAULT BOY STACKERS - ALT ::: This is a GREAT stackable Vault Boy pocket carry! Weighing in at 2+ozt. pour each in .999 Fine Silver and only $80.00!
ROULETTE CHIP - BACK ::: HIGHLY requested, so here you go! Covered with tons of little details - from the morse code on both sides, to the little ball, and then some ... this epic 2+ozt pour is done in .999 FINE SILVER and ships in an Airtite for display! Asking just $100.00!

::: ALIENS :::

XENOMORPH HEADS - ALT - ALT - ALT ::: They mostly come at night ... mostly ... These gorgeous and creeeepy Aliens pours are 2+ozt each of PURE .999 Fine Silver! Each is then antiqued by hand and are presented to you for $80.00 each
BUGSTOMPER (The Dropship) ROUND - BACK - PIC FROM MOVIE ::: Move it Spunkmeyer, we're rolling! Famous last words, but if you want one of the coolest pocket carries around and you know your trivia this round can't be beat! 2+ozt. of .999 Fine Silver ::: $80.00 each
M41A Plasma Rifle - LEFT - TOP - BOTTOM ::: Let me introduce you to a personal friend of mine! This is an M41A Pulse Rifle. 10mm with an over and under 30mm pump action grenade launcher. Feel the weight ... It is 2+ozt. of Antiqued .999 Fine Silver! Just $90.00!


TNG COMMS BADGE ::: These beefy little beauties are made with 2 Troy Ounces of .999 Fine Silver and are then electroplated with 24k gold. I then buff the gold off strategically and you are left with this absolutely GORGEOUS collectible! Get yours now for $90.00 each!
WORF'S BAT'LETH ::: After many people protested, I am keeping the Bat'leth available! This is a 1t.oz Pour ::: $60.00 each!
PICARD'S HORGA'HN - BACK ::: A horga'hn was a statuette that served as a fertility symbol on Risa, and represented the Risian symbol of sexuality. It came in many sizes, from small carvings to statues to a hotel with a giant horga'hn built into it. It was believed that to own one was to call forth its powers. Also used when seeking "Jamaharon" ::: 2+ troy ounces of .999 Fine Silver for just $80.00 each!
KLINGON INSIGNIA - BACK ::: Shown here beside my TNG Comms Badge pour, this great Klingon insignia is beefy and chunky at 2+ozt. "Cry HAVOC and let slip the dogs of war" for just $80.00 each.
Ferengi Gold Pressed Latinum SLIP - BACK ::: These are a GREAT complement to the STRIPS that I sell below ... Slips are ONE TROY OUNCE EACH of pure .999 Fine Silver and are just $45.00 a piece!

::: THE BIG N :::

NES CONTROLLER :: This is a GREAT little pocket carry! It weighs 2+ troy ounces and is $80.00 each
🚨🚨🚨 SNES CONTROLLER :: This is a GREAT little pocket carry! It weighs 2+ troy ounces and is $80.00 each
N64 CONTROLLER :: This is a GREAT little pocket carry! It weighs 2+ troy ounces and is $80.00 each
NES Carts ::: 2+ Troy Ounces, HIGHLY detailed, and with the LABEL OF YOUR CHOICE! ::: $80.00 each (add $5 for gold plating)
N64 Carts ::: 2+ Troy Ounces, HIGHLY detailed, and with the LABEL OF YOUR CHOICE! ::: $80.00 each (add $5 for gold plating)
GAMEBOY Carts ::: 2+ Troy Ounces, HIGHLY detailed, and with the LABEL OF YOUR CHOICE! ::: $80.00 each (add $5 for gold plating)


FUCK YOU PAY ME ::: The ORIGINAL FYPM pocket carry from Glass Panther! Weighing 1 troy ounce this is perfect for making decisions, or helping other people make the right decision! $45.00 each
POT LEAF ::: These are GREAT and everybody loves them! Two troy ounces of beefy .999 Fine Silver and these make an absolutely GREAT gift! These are $80.00 each
DICKBUTT - BACK ::: Back for a limited time? Who knows ... This great pour is 2+ troy ounces and is only $80.00
ANVILS ::: These are quickly becoming crowd favorites ... Shown here in TWO and TEN ounce versions ... They are BIG, BEEFY, and truly impressive. The 2+t.oz version is priced at $90.00 each and the 10+t.oz version is $400.00
THE PANTHER PIZZA - Gallery ::: 2 Troy Ounces of .999 Fine Silver that has been poured and designed in such a way as to make it possible to break it into individual 1/4 ounce slices! The full pie measures 55mm wide (a little over 2 inches) and is juuuust over 2 troy ounces. PIC - VIDEO of me Breaking One Apart ::: Each pie comes in a 55mm Airtite capsule! ::: These are $100.00 each
SHENRON THE DRAGON - BACK ::: A 100% designed and modelled in house, high relief coin featuring the powerful dragon Shenron! This epic coin weighs 2+ ozt and is made of .999 Fine Silver and ships in a clear Airtite capsule. Asking $90.00 each!
🚨🚨🚨 GRENADE ::: A truly unique FULLY 3D MODELLED beauty - poured in .999 Fine Silver and then blackened for effect! Available at a 2+ozt pour for $90.00 each, and also a 5+ozt version for $225.00!
🚨🚨🚨 SKYRIM SEPTIMS! These beefy coins were completely modelled by me (except for Tamriel's profile) and hand poured in my home foundry. Available in BRUSHED SILVER for $80.00 each or PLATED with 24k gold for $85.00 each!
🚨🚨🚨 THE BUSTER SWORD ::: Cloud's famous sword from one of the greatest games in one of the greatest franchises of ALL TIME ... Weighing in just over 2t.oz and absolutely a crowd pleaser! ::: $90.00 each
🚨🚨🚨 M1911 .45 Caliber Pistol Pour - ALT FINISH - SIDE ::: This is an ACCURATE and BEAUTIFUL representation of the classic M1911 pistol - Loaded with detail and made with care - it is a 5+ozt .999 Fine Silver Pour and is the PERFECT pour to bridge the gap between collections! Available in Bright Silver, ANTIQUED, and BLACKENED finishes for just $250.00 each!


FULL GAME SET w/BLACKENED or GOLD PLATED Set ::: Includes All Pieces Needed to Play as well as a Chessboard to play upon! Over 26 Troy Ounces of .999 Fine Silver : $1,300.00
A La Carte Pieces :
The KING or QUEEN : Over 1.5 Troy Ounces of .999 Fine Silver : $100.00 each
The BISHOP, KNIGHT, or ROOK : Over 1 Troy Ounces of .999 Fine Silver : $60.00 each
The PAWN : Over 0.5 Troy Ounces of .999 Fine Silver : $45.00 each
ONE OF EACH Set ( A King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Knight, and Pawn ) : Over 6.5 Troy Ounces of .999 Fine Silver : $400.00 each


USA RISKY SHIPPING IS FREEEEEEE!!! Once the USPS scans it I am absolved of responsiblity. If you'd like to pony up for insurance, etc, let me know and we can work something out!
I take ZELLE / VENMO & CASHAPP ... and BULLION TRADE ... but Zelle is strongly preferred
🔒 2FA enabled for your pleasure! 🔒
Posted at 4:30pm Arizona time, 5-31-24
submitted by GlassPanther to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:50 Joey3Golf Microtech Purge

Hello All,
For your consideration, I am unloading part of my collection. These sit in my display case, but it has become overloaded and I have to thin out my collection. Prices include shipping within CONUS. As I need to make room, I am not entertaining trades at this time unless it is an OZ Rosie with putter milled handle. Payment should be done via PPFF. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be happy to answer them. All knives come in their original boxes.
Please forgive my videos. They are long because I wanted to take the time to show all angles as thoroughly as I could. If you are only watching to see the action, it is at the end of each video so you don't have to waste your time. On to the knives.
LUDT Gen III (SV: $235): LNIB. Second owner. Previous owner did not cut/carry or disassemble. No reason to disagree. I have done the same; only out for pictures. Blade and clip are Apocalyptic finish. Color is listed as Tan, but I would describe it to be more of a brass color.
Ultratech Hellhound Shadow Edition (SV: $550): BNIB, original owner. Never cut/carried. Only out in my display case because I like looking at it. These retail for $584.
Dirac D/E Shadow Edition Full Serrated (SV: $600): BNIB, original owner. Never cut/carried. These knives have been Sold Out for a while based on what I have seen. One edge is standard, other is full serrated. I purchased this at a previous Blade Show and Tony Marfione was kind enough to sign it. This is an absolute fidget machine.
Ultratech Bayonet Blade Show 2023 Exclusive (SV: $400): BNIB, original owner. Never cut/carried. Limited # made only for Blade Show. This knife has comes with G10 show side handle, but what makes it special is it was made in Magnacut steel with Apocalyptic finish.
Daytona D/E Signature Series Green Mamba w/ Green Mamba Bubble Inlay (SV: $550): BNIB, original owner. Never cut/carried. These knives are Sold Out based on what I have seen.
Ultratech T/E Lightning Storm Limited Edition (SV: $750): BNIB, original owner. Never cut/carried. Very Rare. Purchased during the drop on microtechgear. Beautiful Lightning pattern on blade and clip. Blade steel is Magnacut. This one is a gem.
Amphibian RAM-LOK S/E Fluted (SV: $285): BNIB, original owner. Never cut/carried. I originally intended this to be a user along with my MSI and Stitch. However, this knife is just too big for my taste, so it has simply sat in its box.
Masters Shirts: I also have these Brand new, never worn Masters polos. They are all XL. I am selling all of them at sticker price. The 2 shirts with the different green logo are from Berckman’s Place. You can’t purchase those in the merchandise store.
Thank you for your time looking. Be well, and have a wonderful and safe weekend!
submitted by Joey3Golf to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:44 Rare-Material4254 Help-a-Cadet Program

This post was originally going to be about my experience doing the dark fluid mission on trivial and my experience as a lvl 116 struggling on diff 9. I ended up doing two missions, first one with a lvl 30 and second time with a lvl 1, who was straight out of the training academy dropped into the Super Earth-forsaken planet of Meridia, trying his best to be a useful asset.
I realized before we started that I should give him my quesadilla cannon to use and teach bout shooting the spores. Taught him how to use the dark fluid as a jump pack, collect samples, drop stratagems, he even picked up my eruptor and was having a blast from the looks of it. Kid kept shooting too close to and ragdolling us both 😂😂😂 one of the most fun times I’ve had In this game.
I play on ps5 and it’s a little slower for me to type full thoughts quickly but whenever I had a chance I trusted him to keep me alive while I typed lol… or I would die while typing but it was worth it lol.
We finished the mission and barely survived the hell-minute of shriekers kamikaze-ing us. Once we got back to the ship I asked if he had any queastions. According to my clips we spent the next 20 minutes going back and forth.
His first queastion was “how do I improve”… i dam near cried my eyes out cause my only thought was “this guy is trying his best, I love it”. I however told him to keep playing and just observe what others are doing and stay with the team, complete main obj and then do the sides so if you run out of lives it’s still a victory.
He then asked how to survive extraction and I had to tell him how this mission is not running as intended probably and this many shriekers is not normal. This mission is literally his first one out of training ( super earth needs to give these cadets more proper training before dropping them into Satans Butthole ) and he should run missions on other planets. I then broke down how the planets work and that again literally meridia is a special planet right now and is not the norm. Spent a little time breaking down that stuff.
I lastly told him about joining the community and how fun and friendly everyone is here, but to be wary and mindful of the negative posts. I told him to go in there with his own set of opinions and to not join the hatewagon that’s erupted from the Sony issue…
Last words to the shiny was, “Godspeed Diver! May I see out in space some day!”. At this point I’m a river of tears at this wholesome interaction I just had with a fresh player, and while I waited 5 minutes for him to reply and reciprocate my hug…. I could only think back to my first day of helldivers and being so instantly absorbed into the game and it’s lore and bug crushing. I really do hope to see him again some day in diff 9 when he’s ranked up some more.
If you see JakeandJordan out in space give him a hug and help him spread his unbridled democracy to these commie planets.
I’m most savvy enough with making videos and whatnot especially on ps5…. So I hope the story translated well enough. Originally wanted to somehow post the vid spells up or something.
TL:DR: join lower difficulties and help a new guy out. It may just be one of your best moments in this game.
submitted by Rare-Material4254 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:27 TachyEngy Solar Activity <> Spiritual Ascension

Hello my beautiful friends!
So this post inspired me to do some searching for information concerning solar activity and the law of one. I found a single reference and the topic was dropped.
(L channeling)
I am Latwii, and I greet you, my brothers and sisters, in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. My friends, as always it is a great pleasure to join you, especially on such a lovely evening as you would call it, for we are aware that the sounds and the conditions which are prevalent outside your structure are somewhat pleasantly distracting, but as we are capable of sharing this pleasure, we too are grateful for the distraction. At this time we present ourselves for your enjoyment in answering or avoiding the answering to any of your questions which you may desire to pose. We would make you aware, however, that the instrument also has a craving for this form of intellectual satisfaction, and would be appreciative of an opportunity to transfer the contact at an appropriate point so that his appetite may be sated. Without further ado, is there another question—correction—is there a question?
C: Yes. Something that popped, came to my mind this week, as to what are those things we call solar flares, and what are their purpose, since they seem to have an effect upon this planet?
I am Latwii. The manifestations that you refer to as solar flares are obviously, on the physical plane as you would call it, sudden outbursts of …
(Side one of tape ends.)
(L channeling)
The solar flares, as you call them, are outbursts of visible energy. They are the result of creative expression, so to speak, within the individual sublogos which you designate as your sun. The sun, being the physical point of origin of the manifestation of energy brought into your dimension, produces what appear to be violent outbursts or explosions of energy which are the result of metaphysical reordering of that which will become physical. There are also what you call solar flares that are the result of a need for forms of balancing on planets such as your own, which in their disruptive effect upon your communications and, incidentally, guidance systems of ballistic missiles, tend to serve a less understandable, but equally beneficial purpose.
May we answer you further?
C: Why is this energy then pouring into our—what is the reason for this input of energy?
I am Latwii. My brother, as you are aware, your planet is within a period of transition. Just as the surface of your planet has begun to react strongly to the resistance of those upon its surface to orderly change [in] thought and deed, so also does the remainder of the universe react to rectify the situation, just as a vacuum would soon be filled were it to exist anywhere in the universe. The alteration of your planet’s vibration is also accompanied by a strong desire emanating from the hearts of your people to have the disease that your people call war or aggression to be corrected in whatever manner possible. In this case the universe, within the limitations of the sub-logo, is providing conditions which are less than favorable for the continuation of your race’s aggressive tendencies.
May we answer you further?
C: So that when aggression is the highest, then activity, that inpouring of energy we call—that comes to us as solar flares, will increase?
I am Latwii. That is not necessarily the case, in that the specific form of the inpouring of energy may not always be the one to which you refer. However, we may confidently say that as the aggressive activity increases, so also will the number of aids provided by the universe to assist your race in reducing these same aggressive tendencies.
May we answer you further?
I am a pretty avid sun watcher, I have been glued to since I discovered it over 20 years ago. I was in a euphoric time of my life around the times of the 2003 Halloween solar storms, I lived close to the Canadian border at the time as well. Today I find myself somehow back near the border and experiencing some intense solar energy. These solar storms have been unreal, I need to share what I experienced in my back yard.
Tripod, Pixel 7 Pro in Astrophotography mode: Composited Images: Video Conversion:
These have been the strongest storms since the biggest flare ever recorded literally broke their measurement devices and they had to reclassify it multiple times. I really should get my solar telescope out today to look at the sunspots.. I can only imagine, with the context of what the sun is, what solar flares can mean for spiritual evolution:
41.4 Questioner: In trying to build an understanding from the start, you might say, starting with intelligent infinity and getting to our present condition of being, I am having some difficulty, but I think I should go back and investigate our sun since it is the sub-Logos that creates all that we experience in this particular planetary system.
Will you give me a description of the sun, of our sun?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a query which is not easily answered in your language, for the sun has various aspects in relation to intelligent infinity, to intelligent energy, and to each density of each planet, as you call these spheres. Moreover, these differences extend into the metaphysical or time/space part of your creation. In relationship to intelligent infinity, the sun body is, equally with all parts of the infinite creation, part of that infinity. In relation to the potentiated intelligent infinity which makes use of intelligent energy, it is the offspring, shall we say, of the Logos for a much larger number of sub-Logoi. The relationship is hierarchical in that the sub-Logos uses the intelligent energy in ways set forth by the Logos and uses its free will to co-create the, shall we say, full nuances of your densities as you experience them. In relationship to the densities, the sun body may physically, as you would say, be seen to be a large body of gaseous elements undergoing the processes of fusion and radiating heat and light. Metaphysically, the sun achieves a meaning to fourth through seventh density according to the growing abilities of entities in these densities to grasp the living creation and co-entity, or other-self, nature of this sun body. Thus by the sixth density the sun may be visited and inhabited by those dwelling in time/space and may even be partially created from moment to moment by the processes of sixth-density entities in their evolution.
As you can see, still very abstract, so I dug for some other interesting channelings:
On the science side of things, I was curious about the particle mass from the sun, so I asked GPT-4o:
The mass of the solar wind deposited on Earth varies depending on solar activity. On average, the solar wind delivers about 108 to 109 kilograms of material to Earth's atmosphere daily. This mass is mainly composed of protons (hydrogen nuclei), alpha particles (helium nuclei), and trace amounts of heavier elements like oxygen and carbon.
Breakdown by Type on a Normal Day: - Protons (H+): Approximately 90% of the solar wind particles. - Alpha particles (He2+): About 8% of the solar wind particles. - Heavy ions (O, C, etc.): Around 2% of the solar wind particles.
Mass of Solar Wind Particles (Normal Day): - Protons: ≈ 9 × 107 to 9 × 108 kg/day - Alpha particles: ≈ 8 × 106 to 8 × 107 kg/day - Heavy ions: ≈ 2 × 106 to 2 × 107 kg/day
During Solar Storms (G1-G5+): Solar storms, categorized by their intensity from G1 (minor) to G5+ (extreme), significantly increase the mass of the solar wind reaching Earth. The increase can vary, but it is estimated to be several times higher than during quiet solar conditions.
Approximate Increase Factors: - G1 (Minor): 2 to 3 times the normal solar wind mass. - G2 (Moderate): 3 to 5 times the normal solar wind mass. - G3 (Strong): 5 to 10 times the normal solar wind mass. - G4 (Severe): 10 to 20 times the normal solar wind mass. - G5+ (Extreme): 20+ times the normal solar wind mass.
Example of Increased Mass During a G5+ Solar Storm: - Protons: ≈ 1.8 × 109 to 1.8 × 10{10} kg/day - Alpha particles: ≈ 1.6 × 108 to 1.6 × 109 kg/day - Heavy ions: ≈ 4 × 107 to 4 × 108 kg/day
This substantial increase can have significant effects on Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere, causing geomagnetic storms and auroras.
Potential Impacts on Power Grids and Internet During G5+ Solar Storms:
Power Grids: - Geomagnetic Induced Currents (GICs): Intense solar storms can induce large currents in power lines, potentially damaging transformers and other components. - Voltage Instability: GICs can cause voltage fluctuations and instability, leading to potential blackouts or damage to infrastructure. - Transformer Damage: Prolonged exposure to GICs can cause overheating and permanent damage to transformers, leading to long-term power outages.
Internet and Communication: - Satellite Communication Disruption: Solar storms can interfere with satellite signals, affecting GPS, satellite internet, and other communication systems. - Radio Signal Degradation: High-frequency radio communications can be severely affected, impacting aviation, maritime, and military operations. - Submarine Cable Interference: Increased currents can induce voltages in submarine cables, potentially disrupting internet traffic and causing data loss or latency.
These effects can cause widespread disruptions, highlighting the importance of monitoring space weather and implementing protective measures to mitigate these risks.
References: 1. NASA - What is the Solar Wind? ( 2. NOAA - Space Weather Scales ( 3. NASA - The Effects of Solar Activity on Earth's Climate ( 4. National Academy of Sciences - Severe Space Weather Events ( 5. IEEE Spectrum - How Solar Storms Could Threaten the Power Grid (
Well there you have it, my postulating during meditation lately..
I ask you fellow wanderers, how deeply have you explored the topic and what have you discovered?
.. thanks for coming to my presentation 😅😅😅
Love & Light <3
submitted by TachyEngy to lawofone [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:26 Hot_Reach_7138 Do you think the villains from Warhammer 40000 are much more evil than the villains from ASOIAF?

Personally, I think some of the villains from Warhammer 40000 are much worse than the ASOIAF villains. Below, I will copy and paste all the Complete Monster entries from Tv Tropes of Warhammer 40k villains who have been approved to be Complete Monsters (You can read more about this tropes here).
Forces of Chaos
The Imperium of Man
Drukhari (aka Dark Eldar)

Expanded Universe only

View Poll
submitted by Hot_Reach_7138 to freefolk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:14 Ur_Anemone The Local Girls Who Inspired the Hollywood Classic “Mean Girls”

The Local Girls Who Inspired the Hollywood Classic “Mean Girls”
…“Do you want to hear something that sounds like a lie but it’s really true?” [Jessica] Jackson told the room. “I’m the real Regina George.”…
As proof, she pulled up an article on her phone, a 2002 New York Times Magazine cover story entitled “Girls Just Want to Be Mean.” At that time, Jackson was a 16-year-old junior at Northwest High School in Germantown. She loved Dawson’s Creek and Britney Spears, and when she spoke to the reporter for the story, she thought it was about some volunteer work she’d been doing with an organization that sought to build better relationships between girls. But in the course of their interviews, Jackson said some bonkers things about her social world, which wound up quite prominently in the Times…
Jackson is bubbly and warm, a bleached-blonde suburban mother of two who loves cats and Disney princesses…Jackson is not a person who resembles the Plastics—but somehow she’s partly the model for them. To understand how, you have to rewind a bit, to about a decade before she decreed Mondays jeans-free…
According to [Rosalind] Wiseman, the Mean Girls origin story begins in the 1990s…At the time, Wiseman was 22 or 23—not much older than her pupils. She listened as they talked about their lives, and it struck her how often they discussed other girls: how important and complicated their friendships were, and how painful and elaborate their cruelties. “I felt it was important to go to the foundations of why girls were doing the things they were doing in their relationships with each other,” she told me. “I wanted to give them the skills to self-reflect as they were operating in the world.”
So Wiseman pivoted, asking schools if she could try out a different kind of workshop—not self-defense but relationship-­building, the kind of thing we would now call “social-emotional learning.” Administrators said yes. Within a few years, Wiseman was a fixture at a broad mix of the region’s public, private, parochial, and alternative schools, teaching girls—well, not to be nice, exactly, but to disagree respectfully, to not abuse one another’s trust, to have friendships based in dignity, and to navigate the barbarism of adolescent life…
At that time, Wiseman was working with what she called her “Girls Advisory Board.” It was akin to a focus group: about a dozen teens from all over the region, who would regularly give feedback on her curriculum. “That group of girls were the people who said, ‘Tuesdays we wear that, Wednesdays we do this,’ ” she explained. They had a huge influence on her work, and aspects of their lives appeared in the movie...
If you remember the end of Mean Girls, then you know approximately what these workshops were like: The junior girls report to the school’s gymnasium, where Ms. Norbury, the put-upon math teacher played by Fey, stands before the bleachers and teaches them to be less cruel. The girls raise their hands if they’ve ever said something mean behind a friend’s back, then they handwrite apologies and read them aloud to their peers. For years, Wiseman led those exercises, almost exactly as they appear in the film…
In January, at a cafe in upper Northwest, Margaret Talbot admitted that she’d never seen Mean Girls. “I don’t own the phrase ‘mean girls,’ I didn’t even invent it,” she said. “But through this article”—the Times Magazine story she wrote—“it did enter the culture, and I feel mixed about it.” It troubles her to hear women called “mean girls,” often to trivialize or diminish them. Still, she thinks the term caught on because it “gets at something real.”
In the early 2000s, Talbot learned of a cutting-edge psychological theory: that adolescent girls are not, in fact, nicer than boys. Instead of socking each other on the playground, they bully through “relational aggression”—exclusionary cliques, caustic gossip, and arcane social cruelties. “I’d had some personal experience with the ingenuity of girls when they wanted to be dominant in a social setting,” Talbot said, so the theory resonated. It was “a useful antidote to a tendency to idealize girls, to imagine within feminism that women always had each other’s backs.”
To learn about relational aggression, Talbot began following Wiseman around DC, shadowing her at the workshops she was running, then interviewing her while they drove between schools. “She was super-vivid in her descriptions,” Talbot recalled, “and almost anthropological in the way she would lay out these different types of characters and maneuvers.” From Wiseman, Talbot learned about “fruit-cup girls,” who feign helplessness for male attention, and “bankers,” who hoard secrets to deploy as social currency. Her article mentions the diabolical tactic of leaving a message on a girl’s family voicemail asking if she’s gotten her pregnancy test back, knowing that her parents might hear…
Notably, Jackson’s relationship to Mean Girls is less fraught. “It wasn’t a public statement about me, it didn’t say my name,” she said. Hearing her teenage remarks in the mouths of various Plastics felt “so surreal,” but it “wasn’t obvious to anyone else the way it was obvious to me.” This freed her to love the movie: She thinks it’s hilarious and likes the positive ending.
As for Wiseman, she consulted on Mean Girls, but she first watched it in full at the AFI screening. “My experience of that was this kind of like—horror is a strong word, but it was like seeing a picture of yourself that you’re not really sure you want everybody to see.” She found the characters “so real” and “scary” and their meanness true to life. But after the movie came out, she learned that girls were dressing up as the Plastics for Halloween. “And it’s like, damn, girls subvert everything I do, all the time. I try so hard, but the opponent is formidable.”…
Days before, on the phone, I’d asked Jackson directly if she was a Queen Bee. “So, let’s do some layers here,” was her bristling reply. “When you’re confident and bold, are you a bitch? Are you Miranda Priestly? Do I only get to be either Taylor Swift from ‘Teardrops on My Guitar’ or Regina George?” For what it’s worth, Jackson has a “wild affinity” for Regina, for her fashion and brazen self-regard. Still, she said, the character is “not a representation of myself in high school, even though her quotes and my quotes are the same. Skeptical, I asked to see Jackson’s yearbooks, so she popped down to the basement and emerged with a stack. Opening one, she pointed to a picture of a jaguar mascot. “You see that? That’s me in there.” Before I could follow up, she’d moved on. “These were easily the most popular girls,” she said, her finger atop some identical blonde twins who apparently later became Ravens cheerleaders. Then she noticed another girl. “Anybody’s Regina George would be her, because everyone hated her but wanted her to like them.”…
But if Jackson wasn’t mean, then why the rules? When I asked, she seemed bewildered. “It wasn’t a big-enough part of our lives or friendships that I remember, like, how we came up with them. Let’s say they were, at best, a phase.” She added that she and her friends “wanted to wear skirts on the same day. We made up all kinds of random songs and fake little clubby things. We weren’t the mean girls by any means.”
But as I puzzled, two of Jackson’s comments rattled around my brain.
“Teenage friendships are a lot like teenage love,” she’d said. “Her laundry ends up in your clothes, you’re in each other’s closets and cars and dinner tables and bedrooms.”
That thought seemed related to this one, an offhand remark about the actor Sydney Sweeney: “I just want to be her best friend really hard. We would braid each other’s hair and I would tell her all my secrets. I want us to smell the same. I want our periods to sync up.”
To Jackson, friendship seemed to mean sameness and melding—mingled laundry, matched perfume. So I asked if she thought the rules were about formalizing intimacy.
“Wow, what a poignant point,” she replied. “Like, you killed it.”
“I’m also going to throw this out there,” she added. “There is a Disney movie called Wish Upon a Star starring Katherine Heigl, from the ’90s. I loved that movie. I watched it over and over again.” The movie features a Plastics-like popular clique, “and I remember those gals having specific rules about, like, shaving your legs every day, and this or that. I never forgot that.” Then she brought up the Pink Ladies from Grease. (“What made them friends? They had the jackets, it was a thing.”) “So maybe it has something to do with that,” she mused.
Of course, I thought—it’s classic high school, emulating movies to make life feel cinematic. But Jackson had slightly misremembered the plots. She described those two cliques as essentially benevolent, when both are a little mean. In Wish Upon a Star, the happy ending involves Heigl’s friends abandoning their rules, and in Grease, the Pink Ladies mock Sandy at a party—Sandy, who never gets to wear the pink jacket and belong. The misreading, though, is telling; it’s why the women of GAB are vexed about Mean Girls, that even though the ending is harmonious, it’s possible no one remembers it right.
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:13 rocco040983 Am I the asshole for not wanting to sell back a camper I just sold yesterday? Because the buyer chose to send her daughter and son-in-law to look at it in person and video call in from another province instead of coming and looking at it at herself?

We were selling a 20-year-old camper trailer on Facebook marketplace this week. We had a ton of interest. so many messages but one was an older couple from the adjacent province. They were so interested and they wanted to send their daughter and son-in-law to check it out for them because they live in our city. They wanted it so bad they offered to pay a couple hundred over asking and wanted to come early before the other viewings I had yesterday. So I came home early from work to show this trailer to the daughter and son-in-law while the daughter FaceTimed her dad who is the buyer the whole time. They looked at it for probably 45 minutes. They decided to purchase it. We filled out the bill of sale they sent the transfers deal is done. The daughter and son-in-law took the trailer back to their place. Then today we get a call from the Mom, they drove in today from the adjacent province to pick up their new trailer. She leaves me a voicemail today saying that there’s so much that didn’t show up in Photos and she’s really not happy with it and they just can’t take it so they want us to take it back. She’s talking about cosmetics. The outside of the trailer. She wanted us to give them their money back and we can keep $100 for the hassle. I don’t want to take it back. It’s such a pain in the ass selling used things on marketplace. They were the ones that bullied themselves in earlier than everyone else. They had two full grown adults come and look at it for an hour and they had the guy on FaceTime and they looked at the cosmetic stuff on the outside. They talked about it, and chose to purchase. I wouldn’t call it sight unseen because they sent someone to them and had them on video call. the outside isn’t the prettiest. Some of the decals are faded or have fallen off and the sealing and caulking on the outside isn’t very pretty. She thinks we didn’t show that in photos… I stood in my yard and took photos three days ago of the Trailer. Maybe the blemishes didn’t show up in photos but that’s not my fault. I did not intentionally hide anything. Should I take the trailer back and spend another week of my life talking to marketplace people and showing it? It’s very tiring and we’ve had a horrible month. We are just so done.
submitted by rocco040983 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:07 Amy2AV8Bennett Long rant without being drunk/high

original post so I won't have to explain everything in detail again:
I don't have any talents, I don't have any social skills, I lost my job, I lost my money, I will lose my home soon. I tell everyone that things will be fine, that I am fine. The only people I talk to nowadays are my sister and driver instructor (I didn't lose all my money, I saved some before my mom stole a lot of it). Small things can be enjoyed in life, but most people need the big things in life. I haven't felt suicidal for a long time, even though I went through all this grief and loss and pain. But two weeks can make a big difference in someone being happy or reaching their breaking point, I, unfortunately, fall under the latter. I´m hopeless, suicide isn't the answer. But the people that say: ¨money doesn't make you happy¨ are full of crap. Give me a load of those stacks, and I will be the happiest person in the world.
Or maybe I can just kill myself, I´d be fine with either. I'm so empty and hopeless, please help me

submitted by Amy2AV8Bennett to u/Amy2AV8Bennett [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:58 MpSeifs WTS - Medford USMC FF (Heavily Modified User)

Hello to all you knife lovers out there! Today I’ve got a heavily modified Medford knife I’m looking to sell. Will accept payment via Venmo or PayPal F&F with no knife related notes please! Will be shipped via Priority USPS within 24hrs of receiving payment. If yolod please be able to send $ within 30min. Will only ship in the United States. Any other questions please ask.
I recieved this Medford from a good friend who decided to try to install a steel lock bar insert into the lockbar to fix the lock stick….😵‍💫 why he didn’t send it back to Medford right away drives me absolutely crazy! So this knife has been sandblasted, anodized black, poor attempt at etching a skull into the lock side. Original blade was swapped for this new s45vn which has very minimal wear and tear. There is a decent sized hole ground out of the titanium on the lock face so that we could hammeSuperglue a small flat piece of tool steel ground down from a wiha torx bit to be our steel insert. It’s not perfect by any means BUT with a bunch of sanding both in the insert and the lock face of the blade I was able to pair the two nicely so that the lock up is crazy secure. No lock slip, lock rock, still a bit of lock stick but not terrible. I demonstrate in the video how it handles spine whacks no problem. No play or lash of any kind. Super smooth action on washers this thing is a beast and would be perfect for a heavy user as long as you aren’t splitting wood this will absolutely be good with regular knife use. Comes with original packaging and warranty which I’m positive is voided. Please watch video before yoloing and if you have any questions please ask and I’ll explain in detail as best I can. Will also throw in a used RovyVon S3 full titanium flash light to whoever yolos first. Won’t sell separate.
SV -$325
Timestamp -
Video -
Flashlight pics -
Thanks 🙏🏻
submitted by MpSeifs to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:26 VeneficusChaotic Basic simplification of Fire Emblem Three Houses part 1

Hello there everyone and yes I know it has been a while since I last posted anything here but life hasn't exactly been the best for me but lets keep our focus on today's topic. So my last post on here was about trying to explain different video game lore in a more simplistic and basic way possible but I haven't made anything since then... Well now it is finally time to start things off with a game I know and love very well from a not as popular of a Nintendo series in comparison to Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon. As it says in the title I will be doing my best to simplify and explain to the best of my ability the basics of Three Houses lore because in my opinion that title is the best Fire Emblem to date. It had great story, amazing characters, and interesting mechanics and not a full use of the weapon triangle. Now, this game has multiple paths so I will be explaining each one but for now I am gonna explain the origins and the timeline up until the events of Three Houses.
So a long time ago there was this land known as Fodlan and the Goddess Sothis decided to come upon said land from a far away place. She is being known as a divine dragon because thats what the gods and goddesses are within Fire Emblem (so basically big scary dragons lel) . She took on a human form and began living among the people even in Zanado. Sothis also had some kids with her as well with Rhea and Seteth being prime examples of her children and she made them through her special blood thus later creating the Nabataeans or Children of the Goddess.
However, people began abusing the privileges Sothis has given them even going out of their own way to cause harm and labels themselves as the gods and those people are the Agarthans. Also Sothis got so pissed off with these people that she laid waste to a particular part of Fodlan that the whole 3Houses are all too familiar with... Ailel, the valley of torment.
However after a war broke out causing Sothis to use her powers to her limits and became exhausted and vulnerable the remaining Argarthans formed this group known as Those Who Slither in the Dark and they managed to convince some bandit named Nemesis to go kill off Sothis. So he goes and does exactly that and through her death Those Who Slither in the Dark gave Nemesis her blood to acquire the Crest of Flames and forged a whip like sword out of her bones and that was what is now known as a Hero's relic (I'll get to that later). Nemesis also had a group of his own and they would also help out with wiping out the Nabataeans which was the Red Canyon tragedy.
Along with Sothis the Nabataeans who did die were also crafted into weapons and blood being given to Nemesis's other members thus forming the 10 elites. In short through Those Who Slither in the Dark, Nemesis became a conqueror and began terrorizing the lands. Rhea though, a survivor of the tragedy sought revenge and took on a holy warrior kind of character Lady Seiros. Through that form she joined up with followers and people who wanted to end this conflict.
As seen in the opening cutscene for Three Houses Rhea or Lady Seiros charged at Nemesis and the 10 Elites and managed to kill him off and her forces won thus founding the first country of the Three Houses classes nationality, The Adrestian Empire. Rhea later took on her mother's role with guiding the people of Fodlan and then thecreation of Garrech Mach Monestary was placed right in between all the countries and later took on the role of archbishop. She also helped form the Church of Seiros and then came the knights of Seiros.
Now several centuries later and a rebellion broke out in the northern part of Fodlan. Loog, the legendary King of Lions lead a campaign to rebel and create their own land in which they managed to successfully do that thus founding the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and as an added bonus accepted the Church of Seiros as their main religion. About a century or so later over to the east another rebellion happened and they decided "screw having one ruler, lets just make it a democratic state" and the Leicester Alliance was born.
East of the Alliance is a country called Almyra and they love to prove their strength through combat thus the creation of Fodlan's throat came to pass. Similarly Faerghus also has a country that has invaded them as well to the north, the Sreng region. It was also roughly around this time that the Officer's Academy was made and from that point foward the heirs of each country was sent to this academy to become better rulers, knights, mercenaries, etc.
Also one thing I forgot to mention that I will explain here is Rhea was also trying to revive her mother and the reason I held off is because we are getting closer and closer to the events of Three Houses. The kind of experiments she did is not exactly right. She took the crest stone from the Sword of the Creator and made at least about 12 bodies number 12 specifically being the main character's mother Sitri. It was also at this time the father Jeralt rescued Rhea but nearly died in the process. He was healed up using her blood and gave him a longer life and made him captain of the Knights of Seiros.
The mother Sitri fell in love with Jeralt thus making Sitri another failure although the character you play as Byleth becomes a success (but that will be for another time) and then Byleth was being born but unfortunately Sitri was dying and wanted Rhea to give that crest stone of hers to her child. Jeralt discovered the child was healthy and had a pulse but didn't have a heart beat and decided to start a fire and flee with the child. You also find this out later in the gane's story and this is where we get to the beginning of the game.
And that is the basic simple explanation of Fire Emblem Three Houses origins and backstory leading up to the beginning of the game. I hope this was simple enough to understand and I know I went back and forth on certain things but hopefully this will entertain or people may be interested so I guess we will see. For now though this is part 1 cause the next part I will be talking about parts 1 and 2 of the game story to essentially explain how the basis of both parts of the game's story goes and I will even explain the side story expansion too so keep a lookout for that
Alrighty then, Im out for now so enjoy and I hope to see how people react. Constructive criticism is always welcome or a tip to be more simpler
Edit: Alright so I figured I may have explained too much so Imma just write a shortened version to basically summarize what I just explained.
Alrighty then, so in short Fodlan was visited by a big scary dragon who took on a human form and helped guide the people throughout the continent. She created a new race called Nabataeans or Children of the Goddess but meanwhile humanity abused the guidance and then caused war. Mean people called Agarthans started the whole thing and Sothis put them down but became weakened. Agarthans formed a new cult Those Who Slither in the Dark and told some random bandit "kill these bitches and we will grant you immortality" kinda deal to which he responded "Bet" and became a warlord. Sothis and Nabataeans were killed off except a select few and one of them went battle maiden and got her revenge. Adrestian Empire was formed and creation of Garrech Mach Monestary, Church of Seiros and Knights of Seiros came to pass. Later some guy up north Loog said "Fuck you Adrestian Empire I want my own land" and later came the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Over in the east a group of people did the same thing and then the Leicester Alliance happened. Almyra, scary people, wanted to fight, makes Fodlan's throat. Then Rhea's 12th experimental subject to try and bring back her mother Sitri fell in love with possible immortal captain of the Knights of Seiros Jeralt and they make a kid who had no heartbeat. Jeralt scared of Rhea and the Church and fled faking his death. I know its still a bit but hopefully this shortened version should about sum up the longer more detailed version up above. Lemme know if it still needs a bit of tweaking
submitted by VeneficusChaotic to fireemblem [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:23 Draco359 On the topic of combating fake news and wokenes$

Hello everybody,
I want to share something I found from the Romanian Youtube space, which I found to be wild in terms of fake news and vile attempts at manipulating people.
Apparently there is TV channel in Romania called Romania TV and it presented the story of Amir Farsod as the story of a person who is being pressured by the Trudeau administration to join the MAID program so they can kill him off.
Why? Because apparently the Canadian government is trying to relieve the burden on the Social Services system by killing off the poor.
During this fake news sham, they "journalists" said that Farsod felt pressured in accepting to join the MAID program because the alternative was becoming a homeless man with severe back pain from a previous injury, while also criticizing the Canadian state as being a Totalitarian Progressive State.
Just for clarity, we are talking about one of three fake news broadcasts issued in ONE DAY, by a TV channel that reaches 361K viewers during prime time and is the audience leader for the whole of Romania, in regards to it's NEWS segment.
This TV channel basically used City News as the whole source for their material when they created fake news and didn't care to check any other sources.
How does this relate to combating wokenes then?
In Romanian mass media there have been several attempts at discreting progressive and woke ideology by using populist or religious arguments paired with shameless smearing and defamaition.
For example, the same news channel, when reporting on those Christian Churches that got set on fire after Canadian authorities discovered dead bodies of indigenous people, Romania TV argued that the upcoming Hate Speach Laws are so vile that they would make it a criminal act to identify as christian.
How do we teach young people who are not dealing with the brunt of woke non sense such as Romanians, Bulgarian and many others from Eastern Europe about the pitfalls of identity politics and other woke non sense?
I have here the original video which triggered me posting this, but it's not translated in English as of the time of this posting:
submitted by Draco359 to abanpreach [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:14 DelokHeart Made it to platinum for the first time. My experiences.

I hadn't really played Master Duel since a bit after launch; I just made it to gold 2 or smt with Aroma in the first season, and dropped it because the unbalanced game wasn't enjoyable.
I had fun playing TCG since then, got more knowledgeable about the game, and got myself a pet deck; all my experiences prior Master Duel were Duel Links, and Rata videos.
I kept in touch with Master Duel through this reddit, and content creators, and yesterday, I decided I'd create a fresh new account, and would dedicate all the newbie free gems towards building my pet deck, and rising to the heights I couldn't before, even if said rank isn't as statistically high as it once was.
The 750 packs got me a few nice cards, and together with the very first starter deck, and the Link Generations, I built myself something decent to earn myself as many gems as possible in the Solo Mode.
My pet deck is Naturia Vernusylph, with a bunch of Earth good stuff; the problems is, both of those archetypes have 90% URs for some reason. The first pack I decided to focus on was the Vernusylph, as it was the archetype that could more easily support whatever else I decide to build around them.
My first deck for ranked was Vernusylph with a bunch of staples, and some interesting tech choices. I got lucky, and pulled 3 of the G Golem Pebble Dog; they combo well with Vernusylph because they generate discard fodder, and their Link-2 is also decent because you can return spent Vernusylphs to the hand after reviving it with Vera.
Other cool things I used was a combination of that World Legacy normal monster with 1800 ATK, ROTA, Unexpected Dai, and Link Spider; they allow me to bait for Ash Blossoms, and make an easy link climb towards Aussa.
If they tried to handtrap me or anything, I had Triple Tactics Thrust to search for whatever I wanted like a toolbox; among the options were Tactics, Raigeki, Reborn, Imperm, Unexpected Dai, and even some traps I ran here and there for going second like Raigeki Break which comboes well with Pebble Dog.
The opponents don't think 2 normal monsters are worth much, so they allow me to access the Rank 4 toolbox as well; this isn't as versatile as the spells I mentioned before as all the good Rank 4s are URs, but at least Bagooska is SR.
This should make clear that my deck can't go first; no matter how low the rank, I was unable to build a board, so I relied on breaking it.
The 6th card helps, even though the opponent will always have around 7+ cards in term of actual value by the time it's my turn; Earth Kaiju, Vera, Ultimate Slayer, MST, those are all things that help.
I always enjoy imagining my opponent's face when I break the board using Ultimate Slayer sending Kachi Kochi Dragon, Junk Warrior, or Traffic Ghost, then proceed to normal summon the normal mon from the tutorial.
I fondly remember somewhere along Silver 1 or Gold 5 I had this duel with a Blue-Eyes player that I ended up losing, but was super fun as we outplayed each other, and had to go in a bit of a grindgame; him with the Jet, eggs, and Bystials, and me struggling to revive Vera every turn.
Somewhere between Gold 4 or 3 I find issues; even though I can adapt fairly well, the power of my cards can't keep up, or I get unlucky with the draws while my opponents play stronger things like Kashtira, or Swordsoul.
I still couldn't complete my Naturia Vernusylph deck; opening the Naturia packs neither gave me the UR Naturias I needed, nor gave me URs in general; I was swimming in SRs in comparison, but although the Pots are nice, they don't solve the core issue of power level.
I saw the season would end the 31, so I tried to collect as many gems as possible from the solo mode to pull a few more packs, and then I'd finally craft whatever was missing, dust the remaining things, and repeat.
The Main Deck of the final deck was pretty much complete with a few exceptions, but the Extra Deck was utterly empty; I pulled a Barkion, and had to craft a Beast.
With this 50% power level Naturia Vernusylph, I jumped back in, and I felt like home; I could play around Ash, Maxx C, Imperm, but Called By was super painful to go through.
In my deck I like to run the main deck Aussa, and Small World; I value consistency, and versatility, so being able to craft my hand the exact way I need is, well, cool; so long as there is 1 Mole Cricket either on field or GY, it is the equivalent of "full combo" for a control player.
I had some intense games in this rank too against Labrynth, Sky Striker, and of course, Snake Eyes.
I lost every game I had against Snake Eyes, but the more I played against them, the closer I got towards winning.
In the past, I would usually underestimate Snake Eyes, I would question how people played against them; to some degree I still think like that, the context is different in Master Duel with a blind best of 1, and limited resources.
The only thing I had in order to threaten them was Maxx C, however its value is greatly diminished when my opponent has multiple points of interaction, and plusses after every activation, and attempt at removal, while I go -1 after every card activation, and my effects are all hard once per turn, so if I draw 2 of the same Vernusylph, I can't use them.
I also lack the UR points to craft boardbreakers; I could only afford the Maxx Cs. Yet I'm still satisfied; I duelled them on the backfoot, but on my own terms.
It's clear who has the weaker deck, so it's satisfying to give them a little scare sometimes. I remember this game in which I drew the 1-of Nibiru, and nuked their board creating a 17K/12K token. Even tributing the token for my Kaiju, and hitting over it with Nibiru left them with 100 LP, leaving me ready to die next turn, so I tried to revive Vera with my Vernusylph, and got Ashed.
It was fun. These experiences taught me a lot about how cards should not be designed, and I hope they are hit real soon.
Anyway, after two full days of intense adventure (I wonder how many hours I accumulated), I reached Platinum 5 , and it was exactly when my music playlist was ending too, so super exciting.
I reached my goal with the deck I created myself, and love the most, while facing great challenges, and just in the nick of time. It was very fun.
submitted by DelokHeart to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:14 ConsciousRun6137 Electromagnetic Beings & Compassionate Awareness

Electromagnetic Beings & Compassionate Awareness
What I am expressing here is not new or original - but is better expressed by poets, literary geniuses, spiritual avatars, artists, composers and songwriters.
To all of them who have expressed this in more words, music or art than I can manage to include in one essay - my deepest respect and my most serious and humble appreciation.
We never walk alone - we only fall into the mistake of believing we walk alone.
You're More Than The Sum of Your Parts.
A spectacular change is happening to us as humans.
We all recognize that we are beginning to break free of old patterns and outdated culture, religion and philosophies.
There seems to be a full break with our history - that nightmare of history which we bear so heavily.
Our past and the old ways of civilized brutality and war and oppression and violence seem to be fading into obscurity.
But as the nightmare of history - these old ways die off - a battle rages for possession of our hearts and minds, the battle within is the most important.
I am not going to burden this essay with the specifics of this dying other than to say we can observe this rage in the upswing in intolerable genocide and nonsensical wars and political agendas.
We can see it in the tendency to wish to blame others and to dodge personal responsibility and understanding.
So - the old world dies off - this is observable fact.
But in ourselves and in our shared consciousness we know something very special is happening.
We are being informed by an energy which extends way beyond anything material and which simply cannot be explained by our history, science, religion or philosophy.
The problem for us is that we must observe the violent die off of the old without being able to change the fact it is happening.
We have never that I am aware of - throughout our history - been able to transform the great violence we have experienced into peace.
This violence has always stood against the fact that most of us wish to live peacefully.
Currently we are turning away from this old violence-torn way of being.
Interestingly a part of the violent death throes of the dying world includes illogical attempts to impose robotic machine technology and trans gender and trans humanist ideology on us.
All this is so very illogical that it is being rejected by most of us out of hand.
And furthermore it is being fed into by a digital communication system which is also dying out.
A digital communication system based on the old world of graft, corruption and exploitation.
Part of the old dying system of a dominance hierarchy designed on apartheid and oppression.
As Within So Without, In The Micro Holds The Macro.
So we are moving beyond our former limitations into a new way of life based on a higher form of consciousness.
  • A new way of life which will be quick to perceive less than noble intentions and reject them.
  • A new way of life which will be quick to detect noble intentions of good will, compassion and a real caring for others - and to accept and welcome them.
  • A new way which is more tapped into the natural world and into authentic ways of being.
  • A new way which turns away from the superficial - from the old world epitomized by the fake and as expressed through the unsatisfactory nature of social media communications.
  • And away from the organized and tight and binding mind of totalitarianism - the mind which grasps onto life with a death grip.
  • Challenged to find new ways of being - that which seeks out real communication, real engagement and real trust.
Congratulations might be in order for us star seeds - we are standing on that horizon of becoming what many of us have all along preferred to become.
We have always known there is far more to us than the simple sum of our parts.
The way offered by spirit, by nature, by the universe and by our own universal consciousness is now evolving - and evolving quite rapidly.
The fast evolution which is occurring can be uncomfortable - even painful - and presents its own challenges.
One of those challenges is that we cannot force others who are resistant to these changes to join with us.
We can only do what we do and serve as guides or at least as compassionate and patient friends - and as good examples.
Everyone proceeds at their own pace - and no one changes unless they wish to do so.
The last thing those resistant to change need is the burden of our own impatience with them.
However - simply recognizing that these feelings are necessary to the process - leads to an acceptance - and through this acceptance to the higher - more evolved consciousness we are seeking.
Take time in nature, take time to reflect on these changes, take time to engage with others who are experiencing the same transition.
Be assured that we are indeed the ones we have been waiting for and that there are innumerable spiritual allies to help speed us on our way.

As we allow these changes to take place - and to align our consciousness with all of those earth angels and fellow star seeds and shamanic processes and the guides to be found through the journey - we are exceedingly busy.
It is a path of feeling and of logic and reason - and guided by the principles of a universe far more knowing and wise and alight with creative fire and with the glow of compassionate energy than we might imagine.
There is help all around us and I recommend the work of those writers like
The Psychotherapist and the Shaman to help smooth the journey.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:04 Glorious_Sunset Avatar. Some thoughts on the original movie.

I hope no-one minds me posting this. These are some of my fave details. This post, is my thinking out loud. I know it’s all on screen. And you will all have seen this. It’s all obvious. I hope this post isn’t demeaning to you all. We, fellow fans of the world of Pandora. I hope you guys won’t object to this. These are the ramblings of a fan. One who went to see the movie in 3D about 20 times back when it was first released. But I love watching again and again and seeing these small(And large) details. I’ve wanted to write this stuff down for ages. I made these notes rewatching today after work. Constantly shifting scales in the movie. From the very beginning. Jake. Seeing small water bubbles. The cryo pods showing how huge the interior of the ship is. Relative to Jake(Relative to water bubbles). Exterior of the huge Ship, with shuttles for scale(And the shot with Jake in the cryo chambers, showing us how monstrous the ship is). Pandora showing how small the ship is. Shuttle detaches. It’s tiny entering atmosphere. Then we see it flying over the huge mine. With giant trucks(With humans for scale). And huge arrows in the tyres. We see scorpions in scale with the shuttle. And how big the shuttle’s interior bay is. How small Jake is compared to the trucks toting the ore. But how large the Avatar is compared to Jake. Jake nearly gets stepped on by an AMP suit(One of a series of “no-one paying Jake any mind until he’s in his Avatar body”). Selfridge using his new putter. “You see that?” “Yes sir. “ “No you didn’t, you were looking at the monitor”. But the guy Was watching. He did look. Makes me wonder if the company sent him a new putter on the ship? We see a “Stargate style” tunnel when Jake links with his avatar. “It’s all good, I got this”. Jake always trying to run before he can walk. And he does a way better job of running than Norm(Who has 520 hours of link time). Grace’s Avatar wears a Stanford shirt. Just a funny bit of snobbery, many light years from campus. And the fact that Grace’s Avatar looks way more human than Jake and Norm’s. Their noses are far closer to the Na’Vi norm than Grace’s is. Perhaps hinting that the original avatars(Grace may even have the original Avatar), was far closer to a human look than the later versions. That the “Avatar pen” where they leave their Avatars for the evening before unlinking, locks from the INSIDE. Grace closes the doors and locks it. So that means possibly no one can go in and mess with their Avatars while they are sleeping. But the most important part of this scene is to see that, when their Avatars go to sleep, the neural link shuts off. This is very important for later. When Jake meets Quaritch and Quaritch is suiting up in his AMP suit(Foreshadowing that, as small as Jake is in his wheelchair, he will be more than a match for that same AMP suit in his avatar), When Quaritch does a bit of shadow boxing, he nearly takes Jake’s head off. When we see Jake and Norm in their avatars, they stick to the human conventions of wearing scaled up clothing. But they are always sweating. Those bodies are built for the jungles of Pandora. And don’t need clothing. Jake’s face is dripping with sweat. Only when he gets to home tree and is clothed in a loin cloth, does this copious sweating stop. Another scale comparison. The avatars are shown to be tiny compared to local trees. And thanators. The Thanator chase systematically strips Jake of his tech. He loses his gun, his backpack, and, when he jumps in the river, his comms headset and throat mic. He takes off his jacket to make his torch, further stripping him(But he’s still dripping with sweat). He’s left only with his knife and hand to hand skills. But he would still have been killed if it weren’t for Neytiri. The unnatural light from his torch stops him from realising his Avatar has phenomenal night vision. Indeed, his avatar has its own bio luminescence. He fights well against the attack. And the realisation that he never needed the torch hits hard. When he says “why save me?” And Neytiri is taken aback and says he has a strong heart. No fear. This is their meeting. With the foresight of TWOW, we know She just met the father of her children. She already has scars from battle. One of the most prominent is on her right cheek under her eye. She has fought battles. And some have been close. She’s a warrior. Later, when she tells Jake how to know an Ikran has chosen a rider. “It will try to kill you”. And she did the same earlier. When the seeds alight on Jake and Neytiri must have literally never seen anything like it. It truly must be a sign from Eywa to her. And when Tsu’Tey and the warriors arrive, Jake loses his last human weapon when he has to drop his knife. The incredible scale of hometree. And the great dialogue from Eytukan. “His alien smell fills my nose”. When Jake has been cleaned up and has a loin cloth, he feels so self conscious. And when he finally goes to sleep, the link closes down. Later in the movie when Quaritch and his goons shut down the link machine, we realise why it’s dangerous and why Grace didn’t just do this when Jake disappeared earlier. We also see here how much of a drug it is for Jake to have working legs and an 18ft body. He’s finally alive. After a long time in a wheelchair, he’s living in a way that few humans have(In the crumbling Blade Runner-esque world he comes from). Able to be with nature. And the problem is that real Jake. The one in the wheelchair is just starting his suffering. He desperately wants to exist full time in that avatar. They have to force him to eat. And he’s not fully thinking it all through. He wants to get back into his Avatar. But he needs his real body to be fed and watered before he does. Because his real body is wasting away all those hours he spends in the link machine. The great look of disdain from Norm(Who was obviously hoping that he would be the bridge between humanity and Na’Vi) in the mess hall. And the brief period of animosity between him and Jake before he realises they were never enemies. The slow breaking down of tensions between Neytiri and Jake. And the continuous tensions between Tsu’Tey and Jake that will only break when he says “I will fly with you” later, making their brotherhood so very earned. From both ends. The cool detail of them going up into the mountains. But taking their human bodies AND Avatars with them. So. They had to link up with their avatars, “drive them” into the back of the Samson, unlink, then get into the same Samson, so they could fly up to the mountains. It’s that perfect Cameron visual storytelling that packs every frame with “blink and you miss it” information. We see Trudy and Norm getting closer. When we first see Seyzey, we see another scale comparison. We know Jake and Neytiri are 18ft tall. So the Ikran must be absolutely enormous next to humans(Later, we see Ikran taking down Scorpions and Samsons, but for now, you once again realise the scale of things on Pandora). When Jake falls asleep during a video log, Grace is able to put him into his bunk. He’s so tired that he doesn’t have the energy to be upset like he was earlier. But she shows a gentleness and care for him that would have been hard to imagine when they first met. When Jake and the other “young hunters” go to tame their Ikran, Tsu’Tey takes them on the slow way. And it looks three miles straight down. But Neytiri came up the easy way, riding Seyzey. And, as an aside, the fact Jake was able to close his Ikran’s mouth and make the bond, makes Quaritch’s “taming of the Ikran” even more impressive in TWOW. And the detail that Seyzey has a harness and saddle. With foot stirrups. But as Jake’s Ikran doesn’t have that yet, he has to put his heels into his Ikran’s “nostrils”. When Jake and Neytiri are talking about flying, she says “I turned very fast”, and he corrects her saying “I banked to hard”, showing that Jake is now teaching Neytiri, and this is a turning point in their relationship. He’s teaching her terms she never knew. Their run in with the Toruk, foreshadowing that Jake will ride Toruk himself. “You’re gonna get your legs back. Done deal”. Like that would mean anything to Jake after being on Pandora. Even having to go back to earth is like a prison sentence after spending 12 weeks on Pandora. We also know the Ometikaya are early to bed. In one of Jake’s video logs, he’s knackered and says “it’s 21:30, can I do this tomorrow?!?”, indicating that his avatar is in its hammock and sleeping. As an aside, when the tree of the ancestors is being knocked down, selfridge is eating a bag of potato chips. What must the dollar value of a pack of chips be, that may have had to be shipped light years away to Pandora. Although. That makes me extrapolate and wonder. Can they grow potatoes on Pandora? If they could, maybe they grow potatoes on planet and fry and bag them there. Just thinking out loud, lol. Otherwise, a bag of chips will be tens of thousands of dollars worth having to haul them out of a gravity well and across light years, lol. Just a stupid thought I had. When hometree comes down we have that musical cue that was first used in the Will Smith movie “Seven Pounds” that gets used for the felling of hometree, and the killing of the Tulkun and calf in TWOW. It’s a powerful piece of scoring that will likely be used in each Avatar movie. A lovely image, after they escape from the base, when they take the remote base. Trudy is lifting off the base, Norm is inside, transmitting into his avatar that is standing on the outside. Jake is tending to Grace. Just a beautiful image. Outcast, betrayer, alien. But for all this, in a grey, ashen world, after the destruction of hometree, Jake finds he has not been left by his Ikran. It’s there waiting for him. And the power of Neytiri looking at Jake when he dismounts from Toruk. She looks him up and down. “I see you.” Once again, Jake walks towards them, bereft of weapons. His knife was dropped in the ground in hometree when he refused to fight Tsu’Tey. The rousing speech where Jake asks Tsu’Tey to translate for him. Jake can speak just fine. But this finally bridges the gap between them. When Tsu’Tey says “I will fly with you”, I get a tear in my eye every time. They are brothers. They always were. But it took Jake taming Toruk for Tsu’Tey to see it. And believe it. You see it in Tsu’Teys face when he translates. He is a brother to Jake, now and always. “And this! This is our land!” I like to imagine them flying out and getting the Metkayina. Even though we don’t see it. “I’m probably just talking to a tree right now”. Jake takes a stance that seems alien to Neytiri. “More sky people are gonna come. They’re gonna come like a rain that will never end”(And how prescient that was). But the fact that Eywa not only heard Jake, but that the “immune response” he triggered is still in effect in TWOW. So he was right. But it took Grace being “uploaded” into Eywa for the planetary immune response to properly understand the threat. Seeing the shuttle with weapons emplacements built on top gives more of a scale realisation of how big it is. Seeing the battle in the Hallelujah mountains makes me wonder. Is “high camp” near here? I e could have seen it in these scenes and not known there were caves in there. The last stand of Tsu’Tey, that highlights the amazing score again. And shows, once again, the huge scale advantage that the Na’Vi have over the humans, then again, he gets shot and falls out of the shuttle. “Rogue one is hit. Going in. Sorry Jake”. I tear up every time. That low point. I have tears in my eyes now. Each time Neytiri says “They are very close. There are many”. I always imagine she’s about to die. It strikes me that, When you have loved someone with all your heart, the idea they are about to die, is so powerful. I always picture a similar situation with me and my wife. And with Jake and Neytiri, he knows she will never back down. Just as he will never back down. She has her back to that tree. And in every rewatch, I always picture losing my wife. It’s a powerful moment. I literally cry every time. And that moment where Eywa answers Jake’s call. I have never cheered so much at the death of human characters at the hands of aliens so much. “EYWA HAS HEARD YOU!!” And the scale of the riderless Ikran taking down the scorpions and Samsons. And that one grenade from Jake took down the Valkyrie’s front port side engine just in time to stop it from deploying. And another scale image, showing, no matter how large the Dragon is, Jake is still formidable hanging off the missile pylon. And also how absolutely fearless he is, based on his training from Neytiri about being able to absorb falling by slowing down on leaves. A cool detail that Quaritch gets a fire on his shoulder. And pats it out. And his AMP suit also has a fire on the same shoulder when he lands. Just a small, easy to miss detail. I live the fact that the AMP suit has a rear view mirror. And that, because we saw it earlier, we know the Thanator can easily snap human weapons. Another nice touch is showing that Tsahelyu goes both ways when Quaritch stabs the Thanator Neytiri is bonded with and she screams. So she feels the impact. And once again, for scale we see how massive the Thanator is compared even to the AMP suit. “You think you’re one of them? Time to wake up”. Jake has said so many times that being in his avatar feels like real life. And Quaritch smashing the window of the “shack” really is a wake up call. He is human. Earlier in the movie, Quaritch mentioned that the Na’Vi dip their arrows in a neurotoxin that will stop your heart in a minute. I don’t know if it stacks, but she shoots him twice, and he drops dead in less than thirty seconds. Another scaling issue is seeing how massive Neytiri is compared to human Jake. She recognises him because she has seen his Avatar. But, this is them seeing each other in person for the first time. And it’s powerful moment. He says “I see you”. And it’s the culmination of an entire movie’s worth of alien knowledge and language. Built up over more than two hours. “I see you”. Has become more than the sum of three words. “This is Jake Sully signing off.” We saw them try and fail(Or so we think), with Grace. And then we see them succeed with Jake Soolee. It’s a masterpiece. Not only of storytelling. But of saying so much in every frame. I see more every time. And I hope to see more with each watch. If you are a fan, and read one new thing from this post, I am happy. I hope I haven’t bored anyone. Thanks to everyone who read this all. I am eternally grateful for the franchise. I apologise if I’m retreading any ground that others have walked. If I get any traction, I don’t mind jotting down my thoughts on the sequel. Mawey, Na’vi’a.
submitted by Glorious_Sunset to Avatar [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:35 nathaliaaham wrist popping concerns

hi everyone! i woke up with my left wrist popping whenever i would rotate it or slightly bend it today. so i decided to just put light pressure on it to alleviate some of my discomfort, that usually helps me a little. but i immediately heard a pop & also felt it move a little & no longer felt the pain from those movements, lol.
with that being said, i was a bit concerned as i don’t think i’ve ever had that happen before, but i immediately put on my wrist brace…is this something i should worry about?
for some more context, i was a former barista who recently left that industry, but am transitioning to becoming a full time artist again, and enjoy playing video games on side, once & a while.
submitted by nathaliaaham to DeQuervains [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:33 VeneficusChaotic Basic simplification of Fire Emblem Three Houses part 1

Hello there everyone and yes I know it has been a while since I last posted anything here but life hasn't exactly been the best for me but lets keep our focus on today's topic. So my last post on here was about trying to explain different video game lore in a more simplistic and basic way possible but I haven't made anything since then... Well now it is finally time to start things off with a game I know and love very well from a not as popular of a Nintendo series in comparison to Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon. As it says in the title I will be doing my best to simplify and explain to the best of my ability the basics of Three Houses lore because in my opinion that title is the best Fire Emblem to date. It had great story, amazing characters, and interesting mechanics and not a full use of the weapon triangle. Now, this game has multiple paths so I will be explaining each one but for now I am gonna explain the origins and the timeline up until the events of Three Houses.
So a long time ago there was this land known as Fodlan and the Goddess Sothis decided to come upon said land from a far away place. She is being known as a divine dragon because thats what the gods and goddesses are within Fire Emblem (so basically big scary dragons lel) . She took on a human form and began living among the people even in Zanado. Sothis also had some kids with her as well with Rhea and Seteth being prime examples of her children and she made them through her special blood thus later creating the Nabataeans or Children of the Goddess.
However, people began abusing the privileges Sothis has given them even going out of their own way to cause harm and labels themselves as the gods and those people are the Agarthans. Also Sothis got so pissed off with these people that she laid waste to a particular part of Fodlan that the whole 3Houses are all too familiar with... Ailel, the valley of torment.
However after a war broke out causing Sothis to use her powers to her limits and became exhausted and vulnerable the remaining Argarthans formed this group known as Those Who Slither in the Dark and they managed to convince some bandit named Nemesis to go kill off Sothis. So he goes and does exactly that and through her death Those Who Slither in the Dark gave Nemesis her blood to acquire the Crest of Flames and forged a whip like sword out of her bones and that was what is now known as a Hero's relic (I'll get to that later). Nemesis also had a group of his own and they would also help out with wiping out the Nabataeans which was the Red Canyon tragedy.
Along with Sothis the Nabataeans who did die were also crafted into weapons and blood being given to Nemesis's other members thus forming the 10 elites. In short through Those Who Slither in the Dark, Nemesis became a conqueror and began terrorizing the lands. Rhea though, a survivor of the tragedy sought revenge and took on a holy warrior kind of character Lady Seiros. Through that form she joined up with followers and people who wanted to end this conflict.
As seen in the opening cutscene for Three Houses Rhea or Lady Seiros charged at Nemesis and the 10 Elites and managed to kill him off and her forces won thus founding the first country of the Three Houses classes nationality, The Adrestian Empire. Rhea later took on her mother's role with guiding the people of Fodlan and then thecreation of Garrech Mach Monestary was placed right in between all the countries and later took on the role of archbishop. She also helped form the Church of Seiros and then came the knights of Seiros.
Now several centuries later and a rebellion broke out in the northern part of Fodlan. Loog, the legendary King of Lions lead a campaign to rebel and create their own land in which they managed to successfully do that thus founding the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and as an added bonus accepted the Church of Seiros as their main religion. About a century or so later over to the east another rebellion happened and they decided "screw having one ruler, lets just make it a democratic state" and the Leicester Alliance was born.
East of the Alliance is a country called Almyra and they love to prove their strength through combat thus the creation of Fodlan's throat came to pass. Similarly Faerghus also has a country that has invaded them as well to the north, the Sreng region. It was also roughly around this time that the Officer's Academy was made and from that point foward the heirs of each country was sent to this academy to become better rulers, knights, mercenaries, etc.
Also one thing I forgot to mention that I will explain here is Rhea was also trying to revive her mother and the reason I held off is because we are getting closer and closer to the events of Three Houses. The kind of experiments she did is not exactly right. She took the crest stone from the Sword of the Creator and made at least about 12 bodies number 12 specifically being the main character's mother Sitri. It was also at this time the father Jeralt rescued Rhea but nearly died in the process. He was healed up using her blood and gave him a longer life and made him captain of the Knights of Seiros.
The mother Sitri fell in love with Jeralt thus making Sitri another failure although the character you play as Byleth becomes a success (but that will be for another time) and then Byleth was being born but unfortunately Sitri was dying and wanted Rhea to give that crest stone of hers to her child. Jeralt discovered the child was healthy and had a pulse but didn't have a heart beat and decided to start a fire and flee with the child. You also find this out later in the gane's story and this is where we get to the beginning of the game.
And that is the basic simple explanation of Fire Emblem Three Houses origins and backstory leading up to the beginning of the game. I hope this was simple enough to understand and I know I went back and forth on certain things but hopefully this will entertain or people may be interested so I guess we will see. For now though this is part 1 cause the next part I will be talking about parts 1 and 2 of the game story to essentially explain how the basis of both parts of the game's story goes and I will even explain the side story expansion too so keep a lookout for that
Alrighty then, Im out for now so enjoy and I hope to see how people react. Constructive criticism is always welcome or a tip to be more simpler
Edit: Alright so I figured I may have explained too much so Imma just write a shortened version to basically summarize what I just explained.
Alrighty then, so in short Fodlan was visited by a big scary dragon who took on a human form and helped guide the people throughout the continent. She created a new race called Nabataeans or Children of the Goddess but meanwhile humanity abused the guidance and then caused war. Mean people called Agarthans started the whole thing and Sothis put them down but became weakened. Agarthans formed a new cult Those Who Slither in the Dark and told some random bandit "kill these bitches and we will grant you immortality" kinda deal to which he responded "Bet" and became a warlord. Sothis and Nabataeans were killed off except a select few and one of them went battle maiden and got her revenge. Adrestian Empire was formed and creation of Garrech Mach Monestary, Church of Seiros and Knights of Seiros came to pass. Later some guy up north Loog said "Fuck you Adrestian Empire I want my own land" and later came the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Over in the east a group of people did the same thing and then the Leicester Alliance happened. Almyra, scary people, wanted to fight, makes Fodlan's throat. Then Rhea's 12th experimental subject to try and bring back her mother Sitri fell in love with possible immortal captain of the Knights of Seiros Jeralt and they make a kid who had no heartbeat. Jeralt scared of Rhea and the Church and fled faking his death. I know its still a bit but hopefully this shortened version should about sum up the longer more detailed version up above. Lemme know if it still needs a bit of tweaking
submitted by VeneficusChaotic to FireEmblemThreeHouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:26 MaliceMes Help! Extended garden and didn't realize how much sun the rest would get.

Help! Extended garden and didn't realize how much sun the rest would get.
So our original front was where the hastas are. It was always a pain to mow around the sidewalk and I wanted a large pollinator garden so we extended it. All the flowers are drying out now that we planted. I got some that were 4-6 hours of sun a day but didn't realize that gap got all day sun. You can pretty much tell where the mid day sun comes in. I'm in NC. In recommendations or flowers/bushes that are pollinators and cab handle full sun?
submitted by MaliceMes to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:20 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 05/31/2024

Date: 05/31/2024

Reading time: 8 minutes, 1718 words

🪖 Military

Defense ministers of the CSTO countries signed documents

Council of Ministers of Defense of the CSTO met in Almaty on May 31. Meeting took place within the framework of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the organization. Documents related to equipping the troops with advanced weapons and joint exercises were signed.
Armenpress, Armenia skips CSTO Defense Ministers' meeting in Almaty, Armenia does not participate in the session of the Council of Defense Ministers of the CSTO, Armenia will not take part in the CSTO Defence Ministers Council meeting, Armenia skips CSTO Defense Ministers meeting

🏛️ Politics & Government

Azerbaijan, which killed its own people, blames Armenians – “Geghard” SAF

“Geghard’ Scientific and Analytical Foundation issues statement addressing Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev’s recent statement that “Armenia should itself recognize the barbarities committed in Khojali and apologize to us” The statement reads as follows: “For the sake of internal political intrigues, Azerbaijanis did not hesitate to kill their own people.”

International partners show readiness to support Armenia following flood - Minister

The town of Alaverdi, significantly affected by the recent flood, welcomed more than 40 members of the diplomatic representations operating in the Republic of Armenia. They toured the damaged parts of the community to witness firsthand the efforts to eliminate the consequences of the disaster.
Armenpress, Gnel Sanosyan and Anahit Manasyan tour disaster zone, Armenia asks international partners for assistance to eliminate flooding consequences, Foreign diplomats visit flood-affected regions of Armenia

Anahit Manasyan meets with residents of disaster zone in Lori

Human Rights Defender of Armenia Anahit Manasyan met with the residents of the settlements affected by floods in Lori. HRD, accompanied by the staff, toured the places affected by the floods.
Armenpress, Gnel Sanosyan and Anahit Manasyan tour disaster zone, Armenia asks international partners for assistance to eliminate flooding consequences, Foreign diplomats visit flood-affected regions of Armenia

Kani reaffirms Iran's readiness to assist flood victims in Lori and Tavush

Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani spoke with his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan. The parties discussed the further development of Armenian-Iranian relations. The interlocutors emphasized that the neighborly ties between the two countries and peoples are deep and strong.

New tunnel to be built in Dilijan neighbourhood - deputy minister

Armenian government has decided to build a new tunnel in the neighbourhood of Dilijan city in Tavush region. Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Kristine Kalechyan said the situation is unsatisfactory in terms of safety. She noted that the start of construction is scheduled for early 2025.

Armenia has not appointed trade representatives to WTO and some countries

Armenia will not appoint representatives to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), as well as trade attaches in foreign countries, Economy Minister Gevorg Papoyan said on Friday. AMD 310.7 million was envisaged in Armenia's 2023 budget for maintenance of trade representatives in the WTO and some countries.

State Revenue Committee: Religious aspect should not be subject to tax

Transactions that are supposed to be of religious purpose should not be subject to tax, says State Revenue Committee Chairman Rustam Badasyan. The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin claimed that it had abided by all taxpaying obligations. Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on 22 May that the government is going to introduce transparent taxation for the church.

Advance declaration reduced customs clearance time in Armenia to several hours - SRC

The period of customs clearance, starting from entering Armenia and ending with the release of goods, has been reduced to 2-3 hours. About 8,955 trucks were served through this procedure in 2023, compared to 2,284 trucks in 2022. Customs posts located on the border have been modernised.

"Russian Railways" commences reconstruction of Armenian railway following the flood

After the flood, the "Russian Railways" company has promptly begun to restore the railways of Armenia. Russia allocates money for their restoration, press secretary of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk has announced.

U.S. Embassy in Yerevan Announces Second Professional Exchange Program for Journalists

The U.S.-Armenia Professional Partnership in Journalism (PPJ) Program will enable 54 Armenian journalists to visit the United States in a training program to improve their understanding of disinformation. The program combines World Learning’s expertise in international education and exchange with Poynter's expertise in the craft of journalism.

Armenia boosts exports to EEU market by 14 times - Mikhail Mishustin

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, announced that Armenia increased its exports to the EEU market 14 times, and the growth of the country's GDP exceeded 8.5 percent, said the head of the Russian government in an interview given to the Russia-24 TV channel on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of EEU.
Armenpress, Armenia’s exports to EAEU market increase 14 times, Russian PM says

Serzh Sargsyan about the struggle and demarcation of Saint Bagrat

Third president of RA, Serzh Sargsyan, and the Republican Party of Armenia support Bagrat Galstanyan's candidacy for the post of Prime Minister. He said that the constitution provides an opportunity to change by two-thirds the point that prohibits dual citizens from occupying the highest positions in Armenia. The European Union cannot lower or rise above its stated standards, he said.

Former President Sargsyan acquitted in embezzlement case

Two people were found guilty of embezzling millions of dollars from a government scheme. The scheme was set up by the government of Armenia in 2008. The case was brought to light by the president of the country's government.
CivilNet, Court acquits former Armenian President Sargsyan on embezzlement charges

The prosecutor's office demands from the former chairman of the SRC to confiscate 23 immovable properties and more than 5 billion drams

The General Prosecutor's Office demands the confiscation of 23 immovable properties, 9 means of transport, and funds from the former chairman of the SRC, Vardan Harutyunyan. According to the source, on May 20, 2024, the anti-corruption court accepted another lawsuit.
CivilNet, Armenia’s Prosecutor General seeks to confiscate AMD 20 bn worth of property from former Ecology Minister Ayvazyan

Russian Channel One resumes broadcast in Armenia

Russia's Channel One's broadcast was interrupted on 27 May due to a 2.5 million AMD debt to Armenia’s authorities. Channel One paid its debt in full the next day, so its broadcast was resumed in Armenia.

Armenian government refunded about AMD 363bn to taxpayers in 2023

Armenian government refunded about AMD 363 billion to taxpayers in 2023, which is AMD 100 billion more than in 2022. Value-added taxes refunded by 35% yoy to 75.4 billion drams. The volume of the ‘shadow’ economy significantly decreased over the past three years.

💵 Economy

Economy Ministry: Tourist flow from Russia greatly reduces, whole industry drops by 3%

The flow of tourists into Armenia reduced by 3.2% in Q1 2024 compared to the same period of 2023. The number of visitors from India, the Philippines, Iran and Georgia grew by 174%, 57%, 33% and 16%.

Armenian business entities made over 648 million transactions worth 12.2 trillion drams in 2023

Armenia's business entities made 648.7 million transactions worth 12.2 trillion drams in 2023. The number of transactions was up by 45 million compared to 2022. Receipts from the common Eurasian Economic Union’s budget increased by 32 per cent. The EEU countries accounted for 36.8 per cent of Armenia's total foreign trade turnover.

🧪 Science & Technology

VTB (Armenia) launches children's deposits

VTB (Armenia) retail customers from 1 June can open a deposit in national currency in the name of a child. The deposit is available from AMD 50 thousand to AMD 50 million for the term from 2 to 18 years. During the first 3 years of the deposit the interest rate will be 9% (annual yield - 8.99%)
ArkaAm, VTB-Armenia Bank launched a children's deposit

Efes Insurance launches two health insurance products in Armenia

Efes Insurance CJSC announced the launch of two new health insurance products in Armenia starting 1 July. A new product (Oncocare with Medical Second Opinion - MSO) was developed together with the international reinsurance company Swiss Re and the American company Mediguide. The product provides financial compensation in the event of a cancer diagnosis, and provides a second professional medical opinion on the prescribed treatment, diagnosis or examination results.
ArkaAm, "EFES" CJSC launches two new products in the field of health insurance in Armenia

‘CYBERGEN’ cyber security conference held in Armenia

For the third year in a row the Central Bank of Armenia has organised ‘CYBERGEN’ cyber security conference. The conference is to develop and improve the exchange of knowledge, skills and experience of young professionals in the field of cyber security.
ArkaAm, "CYBERGEN". Cyber security conference was held in Armenia (VIDEO)

🎭 Culture

“Crossroads of Cultures”: artists will hold master classes

Artists from Iran, Georgia, France, Italy and Switzerland will come to Armenia. They will hold master classes, roundtable discussion and meetings in several cities of Armenia. From May 31 to June 17, the project’s guests will be in Yerevan and regions.

⚽ Sport

Boxer Ani Hovsepyan is in the quarterfinals of the ranking tournament

Ani Hovsepyan, a member of the women's boxing team of Armenia, celebrated victory in the ranking tournament of the Paris Olympic Games held in Thailand. This time, the European bronze medalist defeated New Zealand's Sarah Varerau. Armenia has not yet won a ticket in boxing.

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:12 Historical-Milk-1339 A newcomer's review of Robocop: Rogue City

So I recently played and finished Robocop: Rogue City for the first time. After spending several days on it and thinking about my experience in hindsight, here's my verdict.....I really like it! Despite that I've only been into the Robocop franchise for about a week now, I'm already very impressed by how this game maintains the spirit of the first movie while delivering a satisfying gameplay loop to make me want to replay it.
First thing to talk about is the most important aspect, the gameplay. I gotta give all my props to Teyon because this feels like the definitive way of how a Robocop video game should play. The game is a first person shooter, but incorporates elements like Robocop's fist and his HUD/visors which I think really help make the experience more engaging. You also get to use the environment during gun fights like throwing explosive barrels or even using wall panels to ricochet your bullets off towards enemies to give you more creativity during gameplay. Something else that makes the game feel like a Robocop experience is whenever you are in a conversation with someone, the camera angle changes so you can see Robocop from a third person perspective when he's talking. I've yet to get all the upgrades, but I got a feeling the gameplay may be more fun with them unlocked.
Next up is the graphics and presentation. For a game made by a double A studio, it actually looks pretty damn good in my opinion. The environments and the visual effects look well designed, especially when I'm exploring the Downtown open world area. Seeing all the puddles on the ground reflecting light gives a lot of detail to the game, even if there's no ray tracing so you can see Robocop's reflection. Now the facial animations can be a little weak, but that's to be expected with this game's budget and it doesn't ruin the experience in any way.
But what really makes this game feel like a love letter to the franchise is how it handles the characters. We don't just see environments ripped out of the movies, all the characters like Anna Lewis, Sergeant Reeds and the Old Man are written very faithfully and makes the game feel like a proper sequel to Robocop 2. We also get new characters introduced in this game and each of them fleshes out the world in their own unique way. The two best examples I have are Pickles, a former addict who's trying to do something good and Ulysseus Washington, a rookie cop who wants to work hard so he can honor his family's generation of police officers.
Another thing that gives more depth to the game is the choice system of what kind of Robocop you want to be. It gives a lot of variety like making you choose whether to uphold the law or server the public trust, which does affect how the story goes and the development of characters around you. This can give the game a lot of replayability so you can make different choices and see how your experience is different each time you play.
As for the plot, I need to analyze it a bit more in case there's any plot holes or inconsistencies I overlooked. But it still has a lot I really like, especially the plotline of Robocop experiencing glitches that forces him to have psychological hallucinations that he needs to overcome, which makes for some of the darkest moments in the Robocop franchise imo. Hopefully if I find the number of plot issues to be minimal, I may like this game's story more than the original Robocop movie, which will be a massive hot take of mine.
Something else I like is that the game acknowledges the events of Robocop 2 and incorporates them into the narrative. They could've just ignored the second movie and only pay homage to the first one, but the fact that they didn't despite how flawed it is really shows how the developers aren't close minded to taking inspiration from things that didn't resonate that well with a lot of people. and it makes me appreciate Robocop 2 a little more.
Now there are some negatives I have. The main ones are sometimes during cutscenes, the character's voices are sound effects becomes delayed and fall behind the character's lip movements and the visual effects on screen, but was fixed when I reloaded the game and hopefully won't happen in my second playthrough. The other is I think the game's save system is kinda flawed. What I mean is when I want to change costumes, I have to exit my game, change in the main menu and then have to reload a conversation with an NPC that I already had. Wish there was a way to change costumes in game.
The save system can also be a pain during moments where if you die, you have to regain some tough progress. Like during the final boss, I died once when it was almost over and had to start the fight all over which frustrated me since I rather it spawned me about halfway through the fight or something more reasonable.
Other than that, this is a very solid game and one of the best things in the Robocop universe. It's not anything groundbreaking for video games, but it doesn't need to be since it has so much care for the IP compared to so much other modern media nowadays. I give Robocop: Rogue City somewhere between an 8 and a 9/10!
This concludes my beginner's marathon of Robocop as I'm not watching Robocop 3 or the 2014 remake. Feel free to leave your thoughts and any criticism you have in the comments!
submitted by Historical-Milk-1339 to Robocop [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:09 Ronald_McGonagall Let's derail the disinformation campaign

This is a long one, so buckle up.
There seems to be a lot of mis- and disinformation in this sub recently surrounding TC's development, and I think it's very important to clear some of this up. There are misinformed people repeating information that they're just guessing on, and there are some who are actively trying to convince others of information that is blatantly untrue, or highly unlikely. Let's go over some of the claims and get some things straight.
But first, who am I and why should I be the one to address any of this? Aside from developing games myself, I spent a few years with a large platform where our team worked directly with devs trying to publish to ensure they met their release dates. Sound familiar? That's because it's the situation TC has been in for the last couple years. Now our team didn't particularly care if a dev met their release date or not, but since these were our clients who wanted to achieve these dates, we obviously did what we could to help them get there. A lot of this was purely administrative and required devs to submit basic info about the game, like player count, price etc. but we also had to take deep dives into the content of the games for various reasons. Luckily we also had a team of QA testers, and an adjacent team of play testers, to do the brunt of that work, but some of you will have picked up on this fact: if we were required to assess the content in any capacity, we must have therefore required a completed build. If you submit a game and everything looks good, it's very obvious that a different build you submit a year later may be nothing like the first one. And that's not altogether uncommon! But the point is this: our team's job required us to have a very thorough understanding of how complete a game was throughout this process, and required the devs to give honest accounts of how things were going if they wanted to achieve their goals.
I am not claiming to know everything about this situation, but I have worked with enough devs in positions like TC to be able to shed some light on how some of these things might look internally -- obviously without much explicit detail because the NDAs are very heavy in this industry, and remain in effect years later. I'm not claiming to know anything with certainty here, but there are some highly likely things that many people seem to be overlooking, whether inadvertently or intentionally, and I think it's important for the community to have a better understanding. Before we jump into things, here's a TL;DR: Most likely, there have been development problems. Most likely, these problems are not unusual and are nothing we need to be overly concerned about. With that out of the way, let's dive into some common misconceptions.
*1. The release window was not official/real *
Apparently there was an interview with Leth where he says they said it was the plan to release within that window, but Microsoft marketed this info without TC's consent. If someone wants to timestamp that, great, but this raises several questions. First, it has been said that Leth apparently thinks it shouldn't have been called a release window because they just agreed that they planned to release within this window. The astute among you will note that this is literally the definition of a release window, so it doesn't really matter what he thinks. I am personally skeptical of whether or not he actually said this, but if he did, sorry, that's just how words work.
Secondly, if they did agree to this behind closed doors, that's confidential information. Remember how I mentioned that NDAs are crazy in this industry? One of our related teams would tell all the new hires: if your name is not in the credits, you can never tell anyone you worked on the game, including in the future. Seriously, they don't screw around with these. If Microsoft released very important confidential information about one of the most highly anticipated games, that would absolutely open them up to a world of legal problems. Game companies sue small leakers into the ground if they get caught, and it makes real news. If a billion dollar company intentionally leaked a release window, it would almost certainly be headline news in the gaming sphere. See how things don't quite line up?
Now I'm not saying Leth is lying, and it's possible there was a misunderstanding somewhere along the lines (e.g. they agreed to it in a previous contract which left them open to it), but games don't just accidentally slip into the biggest game showcases, so somewhere along the lines TC had to have agreed to something. One possibility is that they didn't put this info into an NDA so there wasn't any legal recourse for TC. This would be a really silly oversight and would probably make TC look pretty bad that they just forgot to NDA a closed door agreement with a platform in which they explicitly agreed to a release window, and it makes sense that the PR manager (aka the guy who is paid to make TC look good) wouldn't reveal that info to the public. To reiterate, I'm not suggesting this is precisely what happened or that Leth is lying, but he might be conveniently leaving out key information because there's nothing in the world of video games or business that would support information of this magnitude being made public against the main party's intentions without recourse.
Most likely status: claims being attributed to Leth that make it seem as though TC were almost duped into the agreement don't sound like the whole story; it doesn't seem malicious, just like a PR guy doing PR work. Aside from these claims, there is nothing to support the fact that the release window was not intended to be official or revealed by Microsoft.
2. Development is continuing smoothly
A while back, maybe 2 years ago or so, someone ran into Ari at a cafe and asked about Silksong, and was told development was going smoothly. I am paraphrasing and do not have a source because you lot of animals have parodied the post so many times that the parodies have completely buried the original source in search engines. If someone wants to find it, great, but the point is this: we have no reason to believe this was false. At the time it was ~3 years into development and there were no signs of any issues, just a frustrating lack of communication starting to set in.
After that, however, TC agreed to a 12 month window with Microsoft. We've discussed the claims about this not being intended to be made public, but that actually doesn't matter: whether or not it was public, it is confirmed that TC decisively planned to have the game out in that window. It doesn't matter what the intentions were with that information, nor how we got it, all that matters is that Leth has confirmed this (and we can take this at face value, because all other evidence, i.e. it showing up in the showcase, also supports this). This means that TC, with their ample experience at developing exactly this type of game for almost a decade, deemed that in their professional opinions, there was less than 1 year of work left to do. Given that TC seem like good devs, it's reasonable to assume this was an accurate estimation of the volume of work. (While this is largely speculation, if TC had given themselves about a 4 month buffer to account for any unforeseen snags, they'd probably be mostly doing final testing and polishing for this year, which typically lasts <6 months, often shorter. If they were aiming for 1 year and knew that, they'd have been in the very late stages of finalizing game content as of the announcement)
Now when we fast forward one year, we all know that the window was missed, the release delayed and Leth said they're still working on it (which, again, is just a PR guy doing PR work and really tells us nothing). This is a surprising hang up for people on this sub, so I'm going to walk through this thoroughly and logically. They had 1 year of work left to do, so:
My best guess, given the lack of a new date, the demonstrated skill of the devs, and the amount of time that's passed since the delay is a mix of these last two options: some small scope increases, and maybe a small technical issue. It's unlikely that they hit the stage of final testing, since that stage usually lasts for a few months tops and issues found are usually resolved in under 24 hours and the only kinds of problems from that which could lead to a delay of more than a few weeks would be, like I mentioned, from 'bad' devs who had abundant obvious problems going into that stage.
Now this is based entirely on speculation driven by the cases I've seen, but gun to my head, my best guess would be that they encountered a mix of these issues, had a pretty clear rough timeline for fixes of most likely a few months, accounted for a few months of final testing, accounted for a buffer of a few months and had an internal release planned for a year later (but this time didn't accidentally tell a major platform, apparently). This could be entirely wrong, but it's just in line with the kinds of problems I've seen crop up this late, and how long it usually takes devs to handle them.
A final mention, Leth has said recently that development is going smoothly, and I honestly take that with a grain of salt. Once again, he's the PR and Marketing guy, and it would go directly against his paid duties to inform the public of internal problems. It's something we'll likely never be able to prove, something that's sufficiently loosely defined that it would be hard to prove even with more info, and it doesn't harm them in any way to say that. I really struggle to see a way where this isn't just a PR thing, most importantly because smooth development means progressing as planned, and missing a release by a year, public or not, means something unexpected arose somewhere along the line.
Most likely status: Missing the window means things were not smooth, for at least a period. There has very likely been a development problem, whether technically, creatively (e.g. scope creep) or both within the last two years. These are not unusual problems and are not cause for concern
3. Something is terribly wrong
This is more like an addendum to the last topic as I mostly addressed big problems there, and how unlikely it is that TC has encountered something like that. Obviously the term "terribly wrong" is not a well-defined term in any industry, but colloquially it's the kind of language that would mostly be used to describe very big problems such as financial insolvency or a creative disagreement to the point where the game might not come out.
Most likely status: normal dev problems, most likely. "terribly wrong", almost certainly not
4. They are not in dev hell (or what "dev hell" is)
There has been some discussion about dev hell and often times people get pedantic about definitions. The problem is that there isn't one hard definition of dev hell, but as it's used in the video game industry, I will do my best to provide you with a definition that covers most cases:
Development Hell: a state of development where progress has slowed beyond expectations without a clear resolution time
Again, this is just me trying to give you a clear idea of how it's used in the industry under discussion, not like a definition you get in onboarding manuals or something. The key parts are that:
One incredibly important thing to note here is that scope creep is often a major cause of dev hell. We are, once again, in the murky waters of phrases that are not beholden to strong definitions, but broadly, scope creep refers to an unplanned expansion of the scope, not an expansion that was accounted for. If you say "the game will have X, Y and Z, but maybe more here and there", plan time for that and then the game ends up with "X, Y, Z, W and P" then it's probably not scope creep. However, if you only budget enough time for X, Y and Z and then during the development of Z realize how awesome W would be, so take more time to add that in, then during that realize how cool P would be and take more time for that, that's scope creep. When this occurs, the unplanned nature of the expansions mean that it is very difficult to give an approximate resolution time, while you've put main development on hold to handle this. If the new addition changes anything with the existing development, then you have backward progress. While none of this is inherently bad because some great mechanics can come from this kind of situation, it is a period of development where progress is either halted or regressing for an uncertain amount of time and is very much considered dev hell, namely when it occurs outside the planning or early development stages. Scope changes early in development are generally not considered dev hell since that's sort of the time when you're supposed to be figuring out the scope and it's expected to change, however if you go back and forth too much and it takes you a really long time to figure that out, it might be considered dev hell as well.
So most people seem to be of the opinion that the delays are due to scope increases, and as I mentioned, there's probably a fair bit of truth to that. Unfortunately for this novel I appear to be writing, we don't know how well TC have planned around this, nor do we realistically even know that there were scope changes. Working off the assumption that there have been scope changes, then at this stage of development they may have had an internal deadline for themselves, and hence a clear resolution time. If they didn't have scope changes, then any technical problem big enough to set them this far back this late in development would almost certainly not have had a clear time resolution.
Finally, going from a release window to a delay and no new window is a bad look for any company, and I can't think of a situation where I've seen this occur before in video games. Even if TC were working with a loose internal deadline while working through the cause of the delay, I really think they would have announced a worst-case-scenario date, because externally that looks like "we have a problem but know how to fix it" instead of what we got: "we have a problem and don't know how to fix it". This really pushes me to think that they didn't have any real idea of a resolution time, although this is based just on my general knowledge of how companies handle products since, as I mentioned, I don't recall ever seeing a company do this in my line of work.
most likely status: since the delay was likely more due to scope changes and their apparently inability to give a new window despite the downsides to not doing so, they have most likely encountered a period of dev hell, although the causes are most likely not unusual development issues and therefore nothing to be overly concerned about
5. The game will be P% bigger
While unfortunately there are individuals doing their damndest to convince others of the above claims (and, dangerously, even some suggesting that anyone which contradicts them is spreading misinformation), this one seems to be due mostly to good-natured but ill-informed extrapolation. It makes sense, at a passing glance, that if HK had ~45 benches and SS has at least 100, that SS should be at least twice as big. But that was in the past, and development time has far surpassed HK dev time so it's not unreasonable to expect that SS will be 3, 4 or even 5x as large!
If you're in this camp, I'm sorry to inform you that this isn't quite how things work. First, let's talk about what we mean when we say "big". This can refer to the file size, but this is not what most people care about since so many factors can affect this, while most have minimal effects on gameplay.
"big" can also refer to actual size of the map, and I suspect some people probably mean this. Unfortunately it's not a great metric since a map 3x as big with the same amount of stuff to do would just feel very empty, and so is a bad indicator of expected quality. Just off the bat, since Hornet is bigger and faster than the knight, just making HK's map identical but large enough to accommodate Hornet would probably be almost twice as big, but that would be an enormously disappointing version of Silksong.
Lastly, "big" can refer broadly to the amount of content in a game, which is both "things to do" as well as "places to go". While this is the most ambiguous, it has the handy metric of time to handle both: since it takes time to go places and it takes time to do things, you can look at the time it took you to roughly compare the amount of "content" in different games. If one game takes twice as long, it's because there are more places to go, more things to do, or both. It's not a perfect metric, but it's most likely what most people refer to when they discuss the 'size' of a game, and it encompasses the physical size of the map in a way that accounts for things like different sizes or speeds of characters.
Back to the question at hand, consider this: Dark Souls 1 has 43 bonfires while Dark Souls 3 has 77 -- by the same logic often brought up here, DS3 should be almost twice as large as DS1. Yet, DS3 actually takes less time to complete than DS1 by every metric on It's probably not a coincidence that a big complaint about DS1 was the long boss approaches and DS3 had bonfires very near most bosses, and just that alone would greatly increase the number of bonfires without touching the size of the game. Guess what was also a criticism of HK...
We haven't any solid evidence to point one way or another, just that there are about twice as many benches in SS as in HK, but we should consider that HK was already well beyond the size of what most people consider a good metroidvania. By comparison for completion times, HK averages 3 times higher than the biggest names in the genre. It's fun, but understandably too much for some people. In addition, unlike open world games where no two areas need to be connected in any way, metroidvania maps are designed in a much more purposeful way. In Mario Wonder, they could have added 15 whole new levels with absolutely no adverse effect on the existing game; if they added even one new area to HK, they'd need to consider what upgrades you'd have when you went there, if you get upgrades there, how those upgrades are incorporated in the rest of the game, etc, and has a ripple effect into the rest of the game. This isn't to say one is better than the other, but making metroidvanias meaningfully larger is much more difficult than open world or platforming games, for example.
This one obviously has nothing to do with my previous professional experience in the industry, but as a dev who has done a lot of game design research, my intuition is that the game won't be more than 20-30% bigger because that's the size that would start to turn more people off than attract them. I could be entirely wrong, and if I am I hope the quality is there to support the size. But I do think that those expecting more than a 50% increase are setting themselves up for disappointment, and expectations for a game at least twice as big are pushing 'unrealistic'.
most likely status: extrapolating linearly based on benches or dev time doesn't work since there isn't a linear correlation between those things and game size, and I'd be surprised to see more than a 50% increase
6. Xbox's twitter account is handled by an intern
No company the size of Microsoft would let an intern anywhere near their public facing social media accounts. If someone was interning specifically for a position in public relations then maybe they might be allowed to draft a tweet, but it would go through multiple proofreads to be published.
Also, PR departments would have no reason to know about things like release schedules if it didn't directly pertain to them, e.g. they were given the information specifically to announce.
Most likely status: definitely not true.
For anyone who read all this, thank you! It pains me to see someone say something that's woefully misinformed about the industry, but then because most people don't have any contradictory experiences it starts to spread. Worse yet is when others actively try to push their beliefs as fact, even in the face of contradicting evidence. I can understand that if someone has no experience with this kind of thing, there would be little reason to doubt Leth saying things are just hunky dory. And hey, maybe they are! I've literally never seen a game get delayed while progress was going smoothly, but I also haven't seen every game's development, so maybe they're just super exceptional and I'm not discounting it as a possibility. The whole point of this post is just to say that I've personally seen many devs in this situation, and it was my job to ensure that they were providing what we needed on time, in order to help them release by their chosen dates, and this meant knowing if they were sticking to their self-appointed schedules. It gave us a very close look into dev processes and forced us to develop good instincts for when a game was on track or not, and unfortunately Silksong appears to be checking all the boxes for instances of rocky development. This is far from worrying information, and for months now my money has been on a SGF release date announcement (ok ok, iii's little stunt hooked me at the last minute). But maybe next time we see someone insisting on some of this stuff we can politely point out that they appear to be misinformed, and it can be a learning experience for everybody. Happy skonging!
submitted by Ronald_McGonagall to Silksong [link] [comments]