Vitamin bar juicer

...Smart night time browsing.

2013.03.22 04:39 Gallionella ...Smart night time browsing.

To read the old sidebar and access the dark mode, long press this link ●○ ○● then wait until it highlights then let it go then while still highlighted long press it again, wait till it hovers and then drag and drop it on the URL address bar... or copy and paste it the same. You can check out smarter's here.. ●○ ○●

2024.05.21 17:20 versaverso Protein

Hi all. I'm doing well on Ozempic but my appetite really is practically non-existent. I'm not even on a high dose, just 0.5. Even when I am hungry I get full quickly and don't eat much. My issue is that I am really worried that I am not getting enough vitamins and more importantly protein. I cannot imagine eating enough food to get the grams I need to each day. Does anyone know any particularly good protein dense meals? Even protein bars don't seem that high in grams. Perhaps I'm aiming too high? It now 5pm where I am, I have had 8g of protein from Greek yoghurt and I'm not hungry enough to eat supper and especially not a chicken thigh etc. Anyone got some tricks up their sleeve?
submitted by versaverso to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:34 beauty_grooming Soap Exploring the Benefits of Vitamin C Soap Bars

Soap Exploring the Benefits of Vitamin C Soap Bars submitted by beauty_grooming to u/beauty_grooming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:12 Logical-World5432 I HAVE A SYSTEM!

I created a Google doc called "Gettir Done". ( Ronny is my cat 😽) I can access it from anywhere and keep it on my phone so I can update and customize as needed.
Every morning I get up and start to do my thing. Then I get coffee, sit by the river (my lil' morning meditation spot) and organize my day. I check the "tasks" off this list. If I do things out of order, or simply forget, I just go back to the list and make sure I've covered everything.
I'm always glued to my phone anyway, so this is the perfect trick to keep me motivated and my brain on point. Hoping this helps anyone who's been looking for methods to get through their day too! 💙
submitted by Logical-World5432 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:37 Meri34 CFS, Cancer, and eating habits

Hey all,
So I was recently diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. I have a double mastectomy scheduled for next month, followed by all the lovely reconstructive surgery that comes after. Ironically, I'm not so worried about the cancer. I'm very blessed we caught it early, and so far it's pretty straightforward. My CFS is a different story. I have been house bound for the last 3 years, and I felt I was JUST starting to get a handle on things when this cancer and surgery stuff waltzed up.
My biggest issue and point of contention with loved ones is over my eating habits. Generally I am too tired to eat well. On a good day I drink protein shakes and take my vitamins. On a bad day, I might eat a burger or a Snickers bar, or whatever will keep me from actual starvation before crawling back into bed.
But of course a lot of cancer advice has to do with eating a better diet. I can't seem to get my family/friends to understand that I literally CANNOT. I don't have the energy to prepare food. If they make me something healthy, I will always force myself to eat it, even if I feel too tired to eat. But if it's just more advice on something I know but can't do? I ignore it.
My question is about getting home help. Is anyone having outside help come in to support with meal prep and general care that would greatly improve your quality of life, but you don't have energy for? I'm on Medicaid but I think something like that could be covered if I knew what to ask/look for.
It's so hard to care about cancer when showering is often a Herculean task. Any suggestions would be welcome.
submitted by Meri34 to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:28 nostalgia_history Childhood memories

Childhood memories submitted by nostalgia_history to u/nostalgia_history [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:04 NicanderOfColophon Looking for advice

Been looking for advice on making a holistic soap bar, here's what I have so far:
Reactive Base:
Lye: 4.3% - saponifying agent
Jewel weed gel: 8.5% - removes poison/ toxins
Soap base:
Mct oil: 14.5% - Caprilic/Capric
Glycerin: 41.5% - humectant
Alchohol: 31.2% - your mom
Calendula pedals - triterpenes
Red bee propolis - polyphenols
Aloe ferox bitter - polysachrides
Frankensense tears - boswillic acid
Comfrey leafs - allantoin
Saw palmetto berries - beta sitosterol
EO: % of base weight
Oregano: 1% - Carvacrol/thymol
Cod liver: 1% - vitamin a
Borage: 1% - Gamma Linoleic Acids
Sodium citrate: 1% - vitamin c
Sodium lactate: 2% - lactic acid
Sorbitol: 3% - alpha hydroxy acids.
Any thoughts?
submitted by NicanderOfColophon to holisticlifestyles [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:06 EvenSatisfaction1254 My mono recovery after 21 months

Hello all. The title is not clickbait. Just wanted to provide a post now that I am nearing the 2 year mark from infection. I have posted on here previously but deleted it as I wanted to just give this one post some light. For context, I’m in my early/now mid 20s, was in the middle of grad school, was an athlete/active/outgoing. My timeline is below (If you’d like to just skip to how I’m doing now, just keep scrolling down until the April 2023-Present). I would also like to say beforehand that the vast majority recover significantly faster than this. This is not the norm, and please don’t panic if you just got sick. You’ll likely recover in weeks.
August 2022: Initial infection. Swollen tonsils, rash, fever, etc, labs eventually come back positive for mono.
September 2022: Acute infection symptoms still prevailing, somewhat improved late in the month. Other notable occurrences: ER visit from tonsils obstructing my breathing.
October 2022: Felt like I got hit by a bus. Insane flu like symptoms, fatigue, brainfog, PEM, muscle aches, nerve pain, dizziness, dissociation, feeling of body not able to remember to breathe (very weird version of shortness of breath), horrible GI/IBS like issues, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, genuine short term memory loss, motion sickness, heart palpitations/PVCs, temperature sensitivities, began losing weight/muscle from inactivity
November 2022 - June 2023: Virtually zero progress. Symptoms I listed above would cycle over and over randomly. I became obsessed with trying to feel better, track symptoms/what treatments worked or didn’t, and every single movement I did every day I thought about in terms of feeling worse or better. Doom-scrolled most of the day. Horrible on the mental health. I thought I had ME/CFS and that I’d have a slow and painful life, one that I’d rather not live if I have to be honest. Was barely able to keep up with all of the exams/labs/assessments/classes that came with grad school. I almost had to drop out. No parties. No sports. No hanging out. Couldn’t drive. I missed most of my classes. I felt like I had the flu every single day, all day. In any moment where I felt I could be doing better or I found something that might be helping, it didn’t. Went right back to flu like symptoms. Months 3-11 were truly hell. At this point, I lost 40 pounds of good muscle/fat and all my athletic abilities were gone. I felt so left out, alone, isolated, and depressed.
June 2023-September 2023: I am struggling to keep up at my internships. The hot weather made my brainfog worse, and I still had significant GI issues, light sensitivity, and noise sensitivity. On a positive note, my overall cycling of symptoms began to become less and less intense as it neared September.
October 2023: I will never forget this month. As I was still struggling at new internships, I vividly remember a string of days that I felt were better than usual. Usually after this happens, it goes right back to the same old stuff. But this time, it didn’t. Everyday became a “not bad” day. This was progress that I never ever thought would be possible.
November 2023-March 2024: Very slowly, this string of “not bad” days kept turning into some “good” days. I still had some ups and downs but, by winter time, I genuinely was able to feel like a functional human being again. I was able to go to work, study, hang out, and drive again. My brainfog has improved. All of my symptoms above have improved. The only one that really did not was noise sensitivity. Would I have occasional flares of awful GI problems? Yes, but so does every 20 something year old in this day and age from all the processed stuff we’ve been consuming. Occasional pain or headaches? Yes, but very normal amounts, just like any other normal person.
Late March/April 2024-Present: My brainfog, fatigue, and other symptoms, are afterthoughts. I don’t think about my symptoms most of the time anymore, because I don’t have them. My noise sensitivity improved so drastically over the past month that I’m now able to listen to music consistently for first time since getting sick. Having caffeine feels normal again somehow. I’m able to have some alcohol again. I can drive again. I went to bars and clubs with friends for the first time again. I went to weddings again. I went to trips with my family, friends, and significant other again. I graduated college. No more PEM crashes. Despite all odds, despite these symptoms, despite it being nearly 2 years, I have recovered. The only remaining symptoms of occasional muscle aches/heart skips/GI problems I really think are just from being so inactive for so long for the first time in my athletic life, and my autonomic nervous system/vagus nerve still being a little fried (but about 90+% back to normal). All those nights of crying, suffering, having horrible brainfog to the point of thinking I’m losing my mind, the nerve pain, heart palpitations, feeling so alone and wanting to not live life anymore, were gone. I don’t care what everything says here, and online. You can recover. I did in 2 years. The people who have also done this really must have decided to never update their progress on here, or anywhere. I don’t blame them in a way, this was by far the worst and darkest time in my life. But I can live again. I feel free.
I love you all and really hope you realize no matter how horrible you’re feeling right now, you can recover. There is no magic bullet right now that fixed it for me either. I’m sorry. The amount of tests I did at doctors offices, supplements I’ve tried, prescriptions I’ve tried, all either did not help or were incredibly inconsistent. Time was truly what healed me. Not over weeks, and not even over some months. It was over many many months. My heart breaks for all of you suffering and I will not forget everyone that’s still suffering. I hate how I can’t give everyone here exactly what I desperately used to scroll for; a treatment. But I can give you my assurance. I believe in you all, and I can’t wait for when I hear about some of your recoveries. Thanks for the read. Feel free to message with anything.
  • Ev ____________________
Some meds I tried over the course of the last 2 years that either did not work, or were mid at best and had side effects (this is simply documenting what I tried and I DO NOT endorse/recommend any of these. Please ALWAYS talk to your doctor or pharmacist before trying any medication): B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, ginger, 2nd gen antihistamines (like Claritin, Zyrtec, Xyzal), melatonin, Metamucil, ondansetron, modafinil, caffeine, CoQ10, ICS/ICS+LABAs (Pulmicort and Breo specifically), albuterol, monolaurin, bupropion, glycine. There were a bunch of others (like ibuprofen, Tylenol, viscous lidocaine) that I used in the beginning to help the initial infection, and a bunch of others that I did not try long enough to put on here. There were also a bunch of events and symptoms I did not mention above for simplicity sake. Please talk with your provider or pharmacist with any medical questions or if you think you may be having any other serious health issues. Thank you all again for the read, I will update you all once I get back into working out again in the coming weeks!
submitted by EvenSatisfaction1254 to Mononucleosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:38 BaseCampBronco Thrilled with how this custom order turned out - 3D printed soap stamps are next level!

Thrilled with how this custom order turned out - 3D printed soap stamps are next level!
I used my regular recipe (33% Coconut, 33% Palm Oil, 16% Canola, 14.9% Olive Oil, 3% Castor Oil and 0.1% Vitamin E Oil). Colors are from Mad Micas. (Blue Tide, Snow White, Tahitian Teal, and Matte Gold), the sand color has an added 1/8 tsp of apricot seeds, fragrance is Bali Breeze from Brambleberry.
I pour this entire bar at a tilt, layering in the sand color first, then the water colors.
Stamped with a custom 3D printed shark stamp immediately after they were cut. These are custom bars created as favors for the guests of an adventure & diving trip to Mexico.
submitted by BaseCampBronco to soapmaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:01 FoxtrotOscar19 First post after 1 month on 2.5, moving up to 5

27M 6ft5in SW: 220kg CW: 209.3Kg, 2.5mg going up to 5
I'm 4 weeks in and the difference is rather unreal, from the first few hours after the first dose until now my need for food has disappeared, along with the feeling of wanting sweets all the time.
I've got all the energy if not more than I had before despite only consuming around 1200 Kcal per day - of which I try to make a lot of it protein and I have cut out almost all carb only foods like bread and sweets.
Biggest things for me to eat now are scrambled eggs, cook frozen meals with just the main only, no rice/pasta additions, and I've found the Oreo grenade bars are perfect for when I want a chocolate feeling as they're not too sweet and are decently full of protein. I've been topping up on vitamins and Fybogel to make sure I'm not running low or getting clogged up also.
Side affects for me have relatively minimal, I get the typical flu like symptoms for about 24hrs after injection but those have been getting more minimal with each injection.
This is the first time I've managed to actually lose weight in a long time as I always lost motivation and was stress eating. At least with this I don't have to think about it in the same way.
My friends really noticed the weight drop off in my face but I'm also seeing it in my waist now as well - belt is 1-2 notches tighter and I can get in and out of the car much easier.
I'm starting to do more exercise, now that I move a bit easier I'm able to move for longer periods of time - I played almost a full day of airsoft on Sunday, only stopping as my body was complaining about lack of input. My stamina has definitely increased as I was only able to do short bursts of things before whereas now I can push for a lot longer.
I've not got a number goal in mind but want to be able to fit in an plane seat width wise comfortably - leg room will always be an issue at my height! In my mind its a more realistic and real world goal that reaching X weight or X percent lost.
submitted by FoxtrotOscar19 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:53 WinterYak1933 How do I route MIDI from my Akai keyboard to a VST Vocoder plug-in?

I know how to do this in Reaper, but I cannot seem to figure this out in Reason - how can I send MIDI from my keyboard into this VST Vocoder plugin? Audio routing from my mic is already fine.
I'm not seeing any MIDI cables on the back of the rack.
submitted by WinterYak1933 to reasoners [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:41 Lonely-Dealer-6191 23F diagnosed with Osteopenia - feel like I’m not being taken seriously

I’ll try to keep my history brief:
Since the age of roughly 5 I’ve been complaining of joint pain, it started in my knees. I used to wake in the middle of the night screaming and crying cause the pain in my knees was almost unbearable. This continued till about 14ish when my ankles and feet started to get the same pain. 16 when I noticed my wrists were starting to also hurt and click a lot. I discovered self management of heat, adaptive exercises and supportive shoes.
Everytime I was taken to the Dr re this issue I was told it was growing pain. I was told this about 4 times before my family gave up and accepted it must of been growing pains. Well I’m now 23 and have been 5’2 for the last 10 years so unsure how true that was lol
I had some other health issues - low iron, cyclical vomiting syndrome (this started at the same time as my joint issues) but nothing that stood out re my bones. I always had enough calcium and vitamin D.
When I was 21 I noticed my hands were becoming really sore and achy really quickly and I started loosing function. I started to shake holding cups, was unable to pump petrol with one hand, unable to grip weight bars without pain. 22 I finally went back to my Dr and requested hand imaging. After being brushed off but still given a referral, the day after my 23rd bday my Dr was speechless for a couple of seconds and explained i have early onset osteopenia in both hands and was referred for bloods.
My bloods were fine, nothing to explain why and nothing in my previous tests. At this point i tried to explain my history with joint pain and was told "im not just going to order imaging for every body part that hurts" i was referred to a rheumatologist.
im waiting to see the rheumatologist but wanted a second opinion on the imaging and the second dr said 'i agree with the first dr if you have osteopenia in your hands its going to be in every joint so no we arent going to image them'
I happen to work in personal injury so I’m dealing with medical records, specialists, referrals, dr’s the whole lot day in and day out and I know imaging is essential when seeing a specialist.
I could appreciate the assumption of the spread of osteopenia in older patients or if there’s a clear explanation, but at 23 with a long history of joint pain with no explanation I kinda feel like it would be important to capture the imaging now?
I also am unsure how to approach this at my age. I’m relatively active with no vitamin definitely apart from infrequent periods of anemia which only started at 12 years old.
I’m not a smoker drinker or drug taker, have not been on medication for any prolonged amount of time. I really can’t work it out, and I still feel like I’m being brushed off nearly 20 years later.
submitted by Lonely-Dealer-6191 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:07 Key-Main1016 The LINKS!

One thing I love about Benidorm is how each series links to the last. When characters disappear they normally return with fresh storylines. Each series has a previous returning character. Such as Les working at the bar and Geoff realising!! Also the scammer who tried to get a bar job. And the reference to the free bull show trying to sell juicers! As someone who likes to watch each series in order it’s great to see how much the writers think about the audience!
submitted by Key-Main1016 to BenidormShow [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:26 PSVic Juice bars are now a rip off.....

Juice bars are now a rip off..... submitted by PSVic to shrinkflation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:25 cihan2t Season 4 suprisingly dark and loved it!

I just started to season 4 and yesterday i finished ep. 7. Its suprising to see how series turn to grim dark and gore theme.
Putting rh+B females to facility to produce b+ babies to drink their blood, treating people like domestic animals, hang them to the hooks and drain their bloods, forcing people to live in terrible conditions and give them vitamin bars to keep them alive, strigoi law enforcers, human gangs who only serve themselves and completely ruthless, nuclear war and all other stuff. Its unbelievable to see such gore and dark stuff in the mainstream series. Respected it too much.
submitted by cihan2t to TheStrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:37 Worldly-Prompt6076 Question about test levels(natural improvement)

I'm 17 and I've been looking into improving my free test for a while now. I'm not looking to use exogenous means of improving my test(I don't plan on ruining my HPTA any time soon), but rather natural means. I've been doing what I can, given the limited control I have on certain aspects of my life(sleeping 8+ hours a night, making healthy choices with food[when I can], exercising more, etc.) and for context, my parents are divorced and they have separate housing. When I am at my dad's house, I have very little control over what I can and cannot do(though I try) due to a variety of reasons. For dinner, it's usually fast food or maybe a prepackaged frozen meal. I am not really allowed to go outside(though I try to sit by my window to get some sunlight). I use my school's gym so I still get exercise in, but my life at the house(especially on weekends) is very sedentary. I do have access to some supplements that I have been sneaking in my backpack(vitamin d3, zinc, magnesium), and I've been taking exclusively cold showers for a few months now(I know there is debate on how effective this is, but there's no harm in trying). Another thing I ought to mention is how my dad has reacted to my trying to be healthier. I haven't been too forward with him, as I don't want to anger him, so I've just been making the healthiest choices I can with fast food, and I've been refusing desserts(politely) without really telling him why. My dad has recently caught on to what I'm doing and is not taking it well. He started trying to verbally dissuade me, "what? Do you think some sugar is gonna kill you" "c'mon have some" "wow you really don't enjoy life" etc. This, I could stand, but now he has moved towards more confrontative actions. He has been entering my room and giving me candy bars, trying to pressure me into eating them and leaving them on my desk when I'm using the bathroom so I can't refuse them. He has been putting dessert out on my plate even after I refuse, and then tries to pressure me into eating it, since "I already put it out and I'm not putting it away." Overall, he has been getting angrier and angrier with me, leading to out-of-nowhere yelling and this has caused me to give in for the sake of peace. My dad has been struggling with obesity for a while, so this might have to do with why he's doing this, but I'm not going to try to psychoanalyze him. My life at my mom's house is much better, and there are few concerns for me. Here is my question: What can I do, especially with my time at my dad's house but also when I'm elsewhere(mom's house, school, etc.), to improve my general health, test, and HGH? Are there any clear things that I'm missing? Any general lifestyle tips or suggestions would also be appreciated. If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to ask.
Also no I'm not going to use SERMs like enclo, please don't suggest that
submitted by Worldly-Prompt6076 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:59 loveandlavender1 Found it suspicious.

One thing that always bugged me, something I thought was so weird at the beginning when she was homeless was her buying very expensive things like health shots, name brand fancy “healthy” snacks protein bars and very expensive vitamins. One daily basis for some of these things. What true homeless person prioritizes these types of things. It made me feel like she did have some sort of money in the bank, and something to fall back on. I’m talking even before really getting regular cheques at jimmy johns. Idk is that just me? Like boujie homeless without a clue and not real desperate in dire situation? Kinda of bizzare no? Unnecessary expensive luxuries for a homeless person? Maybe I’m not picking too much but I remember thinking that’s so weird why not buy rain gear or real food.
submitted by loveandlavender1 to GalWithNoPlan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:31 realMast3rShake Hot Granola Recipe

Hot Granola Recipe
I want to mimic the Alpen Fuel breakfasts as they are delicious and high in calories. It says granola, but is like a thick and hearty oatmeal when mixed with hot water, no crunchyness at all. Anyone have any tips on how to make granola that you can heat up on the trail? I have been messing around with making dehydrated steel cut oats but I think a hydratable granola would be better. Any tips or recipes would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by realMast3rShake to trailmeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:58 WizardZari8080 Little Bites came out with 160 cal muffins per pack…GAME CHANGER!

Little Bites came out with 160 cal muffins per pack…GAME CHANGER! submitted by WizardZari8080 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:26 keraun0s1 Check if my setup is okay

Check if my setup is okay submitted by keraun0s1 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:46 SyedXD123 Slightly off Medicine?

Hi! I was just wondering if it's okay to take slightly off medicine? I'm asking mainly because I bought Vitamin Pills from the Outpost and my character said they tasted funny so I'm assuming they were slightly off to begin with but even if there was the message I didn't really get anything bad afterwards, now I found some pill jars and went ahead and checked the taste and they were slightly off, so now again, are they safe to consume? (atleast a lot of them in the long run, also the percentage bar is at 70, do they deteriorate overtime like food?)
submitted by SyedXD123 to SCUMgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:54 Arbuus10 Proteiinibatoonide shrinkflation?

Proteiinibatoonide shrinkflation?
Ma ei tea, kas see olen lihtsalt mina või on proteiinibatoonid äkitselt korralikult väiksemaks muudetud.
submitted by Arbuus10 to Eesti [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:09 Key_Performance7166 Ultimate Guide To Grow Taller

First of all, this is not magic, it's hard work and dedication. So if you're not ready to work your ass off don't even bother to read further.
Now that everything is clear, let's start.
-Nutrition: You must be on a bulking diet, search on the internet for a tdee calculator and calculate your maintenance daily calorie intake and once you have the number you'll up your calorie intake between 300-1000 calories depending on your body complexity, meaning the harder it is for you to gain weight or the skinnier you are the more calories you'll need. Eating enough macronutrients and micronutrients it's essential for an ideal growth, especially protein, you must eat between 1 - 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. You must have an ideal micronutrients balance too, that's why having a healthy well balanced diet is key. Your meals should consist of a high protein source, a high carbohydrate source and a high fat source, eat vegetables and fruits too.
-Suplements: First you should take them if you're deficient in any micronutrient. Vitamin D3 is very important too if you're not able to take the sun, doses can go anywhere from 2000-5000 units of daily vitamin D3.
-Sleep: Sleep is very important too, during sleep your body secrets growth hormone which is essential for growrh, thereby the better quality sleep you have the more growth hormone you'll syntezise. To have the best quality sleep you'll have to sleep ideally between 8-9 hours although it can alternate from person to person, but the best way to ensure that you sleep enough is sleeping always at around the same hour, no more than an hour difference, you should wake up without an alarm and wake up naturally, not waking up in the middle of the night by not drinking too much water before sleep and not drinking water after your last piss before bedtime, not ingesting more than 200mg of caffeine after 6 hours before bedtime, and finally become relaxed and calm before bedtime by, meditating and emptying your mind, drinking an herbal infusion, sleeping in a warm environment and breathing through your nose inhaling for 5 seconds, maintaining for 1-2 seconds and exhaling for another 5 seconds.
-Gym: Although many argue against it believing it stunts growth they couldn't be further from the truth, actually there's been showed that weight training improves height growth. For a good weight training schedule search in YouTube for the best exercises and for tecnique form, anything you need.
-Streching: Look on YouTube for a full body streching routine which will take you about 30-45 minutes everyday. This will elongate and relax your muscle and tendons which are attached to your bones, that way they won't be pulling on your bones and compressing them.
-Strech Bed: This is one of Rustam Akhmetov methods of growing taller. The set-up is really simple, you'll have to attach an elastic band to the end of your bed with anklets attached to the band and another one to the other end of your bed pulling from your shoulders, therefore the two bands will be pulling from your feet and your shoulders elongating your bones, joints and vertebrae. It's Wolf's law, which says that you can change bone structure through applied force to the bones, just like some african tribes elongate their neck with rings pushing their head up or rings that they put in their cranium to make their cranium longer. Search for Rustam Akhmetov method and Wolf's Law for further doubts.
-Hanging: You'll have to hang with your hands from a bar and letting your body relax and strech, you could do it too with a pair of antigravity boots hanging from a bar if it's more comfortable. Do it 3 times everyday hanging for 1 minute every time.
-Exercises: Jumping, running, swimming and riding a bicycle or static bicycle. Jump 2 times a day as high as you can for 50-100 times every time. Run, swim and riding a bicycle 2-3 days a week in high intensity intervals doing 5 intervals of 20-30 seconds at maximum intensity every interval. Except for swimming. Running, jumping and riding a bicycle are compressing exercises, so you'll ask yourself why do them if they don't elongate and strech the body, it's quite simple, compressing the body causes the body to regenerate more bone cells because of the micro damages that compressing the body causes.
-Hormones: You should get tested to know what levels are your hormones are and do what's necessary to get them in range if they're not. Once you have your hormones in range there are ways of growing taller through hormone therapy. Testosterone will help you grow taller, you could take natural test boosters or take endogenous testosterone. Endogenous testosterone could make your estrogen levels to raise which would close your growth plates, so taking antiestrogens would prevent your growth plates from closing. Endogenous growth hormone is going to increase your height through increased cell count, somatropin or Mk-677 will increase growth hormone. Another powerful hormone to increase height is Igf-1, which is insulin growth factor hormone, you can increase igf-1 levels using Igf1-lr3. Be carefull using this endogenous hormones, you could harm yourself without the right knowledge, so educate yourself and do your due diligence before getting into this side of height growth. It's not required to do this to get taller, you'll still become taller with the other steps. IT'S NOT MANDATORY TO DO THIS
Keep in mind that the younger you are, the better results you will have. You should start this height growth journey in your teenage years but don't have too big expectations, this takes time and consistency. Doing everything the guide says would realistically make you grow anywhere from 5-10 cm per year but would would diminish after the first year, and the most results you could see after 3-5 years of following this guide would be between 20-25 cm maximum.
submitted by Key_Performance7166 to heightgrowth [link] [comments]