Harley davidson dxf


2021.01.31 07:56 xabs0lutezer0x HarleyDavidsonFans

A place to share pictures of your Harley (or a Harley you've seen online), talk about Harley's, or ask for advice. We also welcome Indians and other classic and Modern bikes that share a similar style to Harleys! We also welcome choppers and customs! Feel Free to share collectibles and merch from these companies but try to post your collection in a single post!

2009.11.05 04:41 TheBiggestFaggot Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Anything and everything related to Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the people who ride them.

2022.03.03 20:49 Ok_Ant6007 HarleyDavidsonBaggers


2024.05.22 04:14 ZephyrousMandaru Indecisive, aspiring motorcyclist

Hello everyone, I am new to the riding community. Given my inexperience, selecting a motorcycle has been quite a challenge. I suppose what I'm looking for as a first motorcycle is bike that has the performance of a sport bike but the comfort of a cruiser? I've been looking at Kawasaki Ninja 400s, 650s, Harley-Davidson Sportster Iron 1200s, Indian Scouts, Victory OCTANE and given how many options there, it can be overwhelming.
submitted by ZephyrousMandaru to SuggestAMotorcycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:13 abjinternational Prue Leith Confesses to Enjoying Pub Crawls in the Cotswolds on Husband's Harley-Davidson Worth £40k

Prue Leith Confesses to Enjoying Pub Crawls in the Cotswolds on Husband's Harley-Davidson Worth £40k submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:45 Media_Glad The Harley Davidson Crock. I'm doing this.

The Harley Davidson Crock. I'm doing this. submitted by Media_Glad to crocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:07 Sad_Post_1550 Custom Art Commission for Fathers Day Harley Davidson

Custom Art Commission for Fathers Day Harley Davidson
Hey everyone! Just wanted to see if there was someone who could commission a piece for me that is a Harley Davidson type of style so more “realistic”. Would like to give it to my dad for Father’s Day. Probably have both my dad and mom on a motorcycle. I would be open to different interpretations. I have attached a reference photo. Please message me if interested would be willing to give some clarification to those who would be able to help. Thank you!
submitted by Sad_Post_1550 to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:39 AgreeableExchange181 How to fade leather seams.

I hope I am posting this in the right subreddit, but basically, I have a pair of dark brown harley davidson paneled leather pants and i want to fade the seams on them like they are done on this pair pictured. any tips/ideas?
submitted by AgreeableExchange181 to Leather [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:22 Puzzleheaded-Way9621 Syracuse.com Right Winged Commentators

Why is it always a right winged middle aged Caucasian man from like Fulton or Bridgeport with either the following as his profile picture:
Have the dumbest things to say in the Syracuse.com comment section?
The comment typically never has any correlation with article! It is usually a comment that complains about Biden (and before you get into some hoorah- I hate him too) or some micro aggression towards POC that live in the inner city.
Also this is no hate towards Republicans, but some of you need to tell your meemaw and paw paws to get off the internet.
EDIT : I was unaware they turned them off on their website. I am speaking about their comment section on social media outlets (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, etc...)
2nd EDIT: I think the people I am talking about found this post 🤣
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Way9621 to Syracuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:23 Rufian2113 99 Fatboy- Diesel oil or motorcycle oil?

Context- I live in a rural area, the nearest Harley dealership is 85 miles away. I'm a reefer mechanic. Have access to diesel oil
I just recently got my factory shop manual for the 1999 softail models, and while I was doing my oil change with Harley oil, I would have to plan my whole day around going to the dealership to get the kit and it's not very convenient as the dealerships nearest me are always closed sunday and monday, and I work most saturdays. I've also used Valvoline Motorcycle Oil and that has worked well. Anyway, while reading the manual, it says:
*"If it is necessary to add oil and Harley-Davidson oil is not available, use an oil certified for diesel engines. Acceptable diesel engine oil designations include CE, CF, CF-4, and CG-4. The preferred viscosities for the diesel engine oils, in descending order, are 20W-50, 15W-40 and 1OW-40"*
So the question is: wouldn't the FACTORY manual know best which type of oil to use? Idk, I was like 11 in 1999, but I think Motorcycle specific-oil had already been invented by then, so why wouldn't they recommend that in the book? And should I just be using diesel oil if that's what I have every day access to?
Thanks :D
submitted by Rufian2113 to Harley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:22 LaffyDuck96 Pic of my first ever Harley that I got on Saturday

Pic of my first ever Harley that I got on Saturday
I forgot to post a picture with my previous post.
submitted by LaffyDuck96 to Harley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:25 Evethron Local thrift was good to us

Local thrift was good to us
I've wanted to buy a Roosevelts shirt for so long, and our store had one for $6.99! The men's shirts are all 3X, a size too big, they'll make fine house shirts. But the button up actually fits comfortably. My daughter found a Pusheen skirt and Harley Davidson shirt for $6 total. Knowing her, she'll wear them together 🤣
submitted by Evethron to ThriftStoreHauls [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:18 victorbarst Solid oil slick black+clear pearl=sparkling blue

One of the coolest things about this industry is some of the black magic of some of the colors and it sucks most customers only see blue, green, or silver and don't even know the difference between a pearl and a metallic
This is a trailer roof I was doing for a customer to match his custom painted Harley Davidson. The paint is a blue flake floating in clear solution with its own unique hardeners. It looks like shit sprayed over the top of the textured piece but that's what the customer wanted. We sprayed it over black to make it darker and make the flake pop more. Just one thin layer makes it goes from pitch black to deep blue
submitted by victorbarst to AutoPaint [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:51 Unable-Signal4617 Daytona

Daytona and choppers 🏁🏁🏁
submitted by Unable-Signal4617 to u/Unable-Signal4617 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:18 PlantYourFlag My Fathers Memory

I need a little help. My father who I have been very close with my entire life is approaching 90 years old. I live 10 minutes from him and see him regularly. He owns two Harley Davidsons which have been his passion for as long as I can remember. He has always said one Harley is for me to inherit upon his passing and one is for my brother to inherit. I grew up riding motorcycles and am acutely aware of their danger but reckon I will ride once my kids are adults. Recently I discovered he gave the bike he pegged for me to his pastor. I was shocked and am hurt. I don’t care about the value. For 20 years he has expressed his desire for me and my brother to take the bikes. I guess I thought I would see my father in that bike as it sat in my garage or as I ride until I die. It’s probably the most sentimental item I could have inherited from him. His wife of 18 years, I assume gave her blessing to the transaction though her and I both know he is losing his mind and is a shell of what he once was. His wife has no children and may not understand the emotional connection he and I have with him or the sentimental value that bike holds. I floated the idea of asking the pastor if I could purchase the bike from him if not now sometime after my father passes. His wife said that would embarrass them. I don’t know if this is a me issue, if I should forget it and move on or what I should do.
submitted by PlantYourFlag to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:02 Sid_W007 West end mall pune

West end mall pune
Reserved parking for Harley
submitted by Sid_W007 to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:00 AppearanceStandard13 Was CarPlay für Harley-Davidson Street Glide? und neuer Timer Cover by Medusa Bikes

Was CarPlay für Harley-Davidson Street Glide? und neuer Timer Cover by Medusa Bikes submitted by AppearanceStandard13 to HarleyDavidsonFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:37 Gekke_D Advice on buying a high-mileage Fat Boy

Hi all,
For some time now, I've been saving to and buy a Harley Davidson Fat Boy. As it stands, my budget puts me in a pool of mostly high-mileage Fat Boys, both Evo and Twin Cam. To be more specific, most of the listings sit between 30000 and 43000 miles and run from 1992 models till 2002.
Assuming the bike was properly maintained, stored throughout its life, and checked prior to selling: Would you consider buying? And if so, would you opt for the Evo of the Twin Cam? Or should I really find something with fewer miles on it? Perhaps good to mention: I do not intend to use the bike as a primary means of transportation. I won't be dependent upon it.
Thanks for any advice in advance!
submitted by Gekke_D to Harley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:18 Civil_Item_577 New rider, on a cruiser Yamaha Virago 535, but really wanting to buy a Naked Kawasaki z650. To soon?

As the title says, just started riding, no prior experience, 36 years old. Picked up an 87 Yamaha Virago 535 to learn on. Buddy talked me out of buying his Harley Davidson after realizing I had no prior experience. I’m thankful for his honesty, definitely a bad choice to learn on. I am still enjoying learning and being cautious in doing so, but I have realized a few things very quickly. I enjoy riding, but don’t think I like the cruiser. The ride is fun, but I want something newer, stylish, and can handle the highway better. I have looked at a ton of bikes and keep coming back to the Kawasaki Z650. The bike is new, with abs and traction control, and looks spectacular. I like the upright seating position. Not quite as much torque as the mt-07, but I can also pick it up for $1000-$1500 cheaper (and it looks better, with traction control). The problem is most of what I read online says not to get a 650 as a beginner. I can find a z400 for about $2000-$2500 cheaper. I am afraid I won’t be satisfied long enough and want to trade it after a year, becoming more expensive. The Z400 won’t handle the highway as well, no traction control, and honestly I like the red/blk Z650 much more. My friends who convinced me (and I agree) the Harley was too much for me as a starter bike, all say I’m a safe enough rider to just get the 650. Yet the general online advice says learning on the smaller bike, would make me a better rider. Just looking for thoughts and opinions.
submitted by Civil_Item_577 to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:19 colonel_ice_cream Ape hanger cable kits? Does anybody know good companies that make a kit

Does anybody know good companies that make a complete kit for an '05 Harley-Davidson
submitted by colonel_ice_cream to Harley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:02 Fun-Environment-4689 Harley-Davidson Owner Survey Project : School project (You'd be doing me a solid)

Hello my name is Shawn Conklan. If I could trouble you for 5 minutes of your time, would you be willing to complete a short survey? This is a requirement for my Marketing Studies in the University of Wisconsin Extended Campus Business Degree Program. The survey is found at: https://uwparkside.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8iSnfFws3KB0FLg
If you have any questions, please contact my professor Dr. Peter Knight at knightp@uwp.edu. The results will not be made publicly available, your responses are confidential and anonymous, and the questions pose no typical risks of concern to respondents. Thank you very much for your time.
submitted by Fun-Environment-4689 to motorcycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:16 SnooRabbits5953 Stage 4

Stage 4
Harley shop wants about $3,600 to upgrade this bike to a stage 4, that includes labor. Do you guys think that’s a good deal and are there any other things I should keep in mind or look out for? I’m hoping to keep my Vance and Hines but I’ve heard I could get more power with a 2 into 1 exhaust. Any opinions or advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by SnooRabbits5953 to sportster [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:23 jmpeadick Longer shocks on 1200 Low

Longer shocks on 1200 Low
I want to replace my stock low shocks with something that can handle rough streets and me on it (220 lbs). Was thinking 13” burly stilettos. Will these cause any interference issues?
submitted by jmpeadick to sportster [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:34 Triumph_CwK Inherited my Grandpa’s 1992 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail.

Inherited my Grandpa’s 1992 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail.
Excited to put some miles on her this year!
submitted by Triumph_CwK to HarleyDavidsonFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:40 darla412 Big Head Todd And The Monsters--Highway to Harley Giveaway ~ Win a $20,000 Harley Davidson Motorcycle {US} (5/28/2024)

submitted by darla412 to giveaways [link] [comments]
