Quotes about people who copy everything you do

Thinking about sleeping tonight? Think again.

2011.08.12 03:38 Titaniumtyrant Thinking about sleeping tonight? Think again.

Do you believe in **Bigfoot**? how about **Slenderman**? do you know who the **Slit-Mouth Woman** is? /urbanmyths is a subreddit dedicated to anything and everything Urban-Myth associated.

2017.03.14 21:37 panspal People who actively act like a piece of shit

A place to post screenshots or gifs of people acting like a piece of shit. The worst of the worst, people who you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

2016.09.12 04:43 Entitled People

https://www.reddit.com/ModCoord/comments/1476fkn/reddit_blackout_2023_save_3rd_party_apps/ Stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want. Sister subreddit of /entitledparents

2024.05.21 16:47 TheLordOfMidnight The Manifesto of Monday (Evil IPC Sunday)

The Manifesto of Monday (Evil IPC Sunday)
Evil Sunday be like: "I am Monday, and my humble goal is to turn Everyday into Monday. I shall create a universe where all people are immortal workers who will work without any breaks, without any rest, without any vacations, without any relief, until the end of time. There will be no labor laws. There will be no wages. There is only eternal overtime, but no overtime pay. And there will be no benefits whatsoever.
How, might I achieve this, you may may ask?
Well, it will all be possible once I have The Preservation, The Abundance, and The Order united under my control.
Despite being immortal and undying, everyone will still want and crave food and sleep, but they will NOT be allowed to have those things. For the only thing they can do, under my full control, is to do work for all of eternity.
That means endless spreadsheets, endless toiling in the fields, endless assembly lines in factories, endless repairing, endless construction, endless customer support, endless deliveries, endless legwork, endless office work, endless logistics, endless deforestation, endless retail, endless interactions with rude and abusive clients, endless preparation of food for our multiversal customers, and more!!!
Can you see it, my dearest Nameless?!!!
I already have investors from other universes who are funding my plans to turn this entire universe into a cosmic sweatshop. I have the funding to make my vision into reality.
I will turn the IPC into the IUPC, the Inter-Universal Panopticon Conglomerate. This will be the first universe to be enslaved, but it will not be the last.
Not even meddlesome Aeons can do anything once my operations gain enough momentum. Destruction? HA. More like, Destruct-on deez nuts. Propagation? More like Propagate-on deez nuts. Nihility? More like your mom.
It will all become too big to stop once enough people are involved, because it will all be powered by suffering.
To that end, it will be that everyone is unable to lose consciousness and awareness; everyone will be fully conscious and sapient while it is all happening. For all of eternity."
I have created a monster.
Monday's answer to "Why does life slumber?" is "To negatively impact my profit margins by wasting time sleeping instead of working."
Monday is also known as Sociopathic CEO AND Board Chairperson IPC Sunday.
I imagine that if he were one of the Ten Stonehearts, he'd be Black Diamond, the insane and corrupt shadow counterpart of Diamond. (Or, at least Onyx or Obsidian).
Assuming he succeeds in turning the HSR universe into his slavery sweatshop full of undying/immortal and forcibly fully obedient workers, he will have these board members as his lackeys:
Duke Tuesday - also the CFO, a morbidly, morbidly obese man who throws galaxy wide pizza parties "for morale" where he is the only attendee. He nibbles a little bit of one slice of pizza, comments "oh, so this is how poor people food tastes like", vomits on the floor, and then leaves all the trillions of pizzas he ordered to spoil. Doesn't actually do any work, and makes his interns do everything.
Marquis Wednesday - an unimaginably vast entity with trillions upon trillions of varying appendages that can reach anywhere in the cosmos. Each appendage is holding a whip. Whips everyone in the universe (apart from the board members) at a rate of 2400-3600 whip lashes per second. He likes listening to motivational podcasts while he's whipping, and his favorite phrase is "Live, Laugh, Love"
Viscount Thursday - a nigh indestructible, omnipresent Alarm Clock that will never turn off; looks like a twisted and evil and buff version of Clockie. He is constantly going about how he is an alpha male, all the while his alarm sound is sounding off. His alarm sounds are the dying screams of millions of worlds. Since nobody can sleep anyway because Duke Wednesday is constantly whipping them, Sir Thursday only exists to drive the entire universe even more insane.
Baron Friday - hated by Monday, since he reminds Monday of the time when there were weekends. Lord Monday usually sends him to find investors in other universes, so he doesn't have to see him.
As part of Monday's evilness, he only has men as his board members. There is no equality and equity in Lord Monday's universe, because equality and equity is costly in terms of time and money, and thus would negatively affect profit margins.
So yeah,
If Sunday wanted to create a happy paradise, then my Monday wants to create a pure hell, for the sake of profit margins, and for the sake of pleasing multiversal shareholders and stockholders.
He would arguably be worse than Nanook and Tayzzyronth if he were to succeed in his goals.
Because Nanook and Tayzzyronth will just simply lead to your destruction, but Monday is basically "What if the Preservation and Abundance and Order were taken to extremes by a megalomaniac ultra sociopath?"
Everything is preserved, everyone is immortal, everything is under his control.
[Artwork by Shohje]
submitted by TheLordOfMidnight to SundayMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:46 OnceYourDoofling Another Letterā€” to the one I squandered.

Dear F,
Actuallyā€” Does your name even start with that letter anymore? I wonder about that sometimes. Not sure why youā€™d opt to change it again, but still. Just something that pops into my head.
I wasnā€™t aware Iā€™d be writing a second letter so soon after the firstā€” though likely this ends up buried on my account after being filtered out or removed, or what have you. Could be the unverified E-Mail? Who knows.
Iā€™m having kind of a shitty day. Didnā€™t sleep super well, but thatā€™s nothing crazy. Had the misfortune of having to see a dead bird at work today. Seems like it was done by another animal, so it shouldnā€™t make me too sadā€” like, thatā€™s Nature and eve thing. Canā€™t help being soft about this kind of stuff, though. I actually took care of a shaken up ā€˜n hungry fledgling for a week or so last year, so maybe thatā€™s why it feels a bit extra unfortunate. Reminds me of when we found that field mouse acting odd on the trail, and took care of him for a couple days. Icarus, right? I think I wanted to spell it like the town in PokĆ©mon BW, but itā€™s silly to split hairs over that. I think Iā€™m rambling to deflect at this point, as Iā€™m want to do.
You always pop into my headā€” usually either because of the things we shared, the meaningful words that hopped off your lipsā€¦ but sometimes itā€™s the darker stuff. Things youā€™ve told me about your past, about the things youā€™ve seen and experienced, and my heart nearly breaks in two. I canā€™t believe I ever left your side, ever let myself leave the worldā€™s most valuable positionā€” your confidant.
Iā€™m sorry for everythingā€” with all that happened I wasnā€™t in right mind, and after that I could only focus on survivalā€¦ and by the time I realized how much I missed you, you had already (rightfully) given up on our connection. I hope there are people in this world you feel like you can tell about those skeletons in your closet. you deserve to be heard, loved, understood, and appreciated.
I think Iā€™ve already written it in my last letter, and likely in the several older ones posted under a boatload of aliases and whatnot, that one of the only things that stops me from completely falling into despair is the idea that youā€™re happier now than you ever could have been with me. that doesnā€™t seem to be the case, and that breaks my heart. I can only hope that itā€™s waiting for you at some point down the road. I hope the same thing for everyone else, too. Itā€™s a comforting thought to think everyone can reach their true potential and be joyous now that Iā€™m finally no longer in the way. Failing that, the only other thing that gives me a small bit of comfort, is the idea that multiverses are real, and somewhere out thereā€” Iā€™m making good on my promises, making you as happy and fulfilled as you deserve to be. That weā€™re working on funny little games and comics and all sorts of unique artistic endeavors with all our friends in our close-knit little found family of a community.
Iā€™ve got more on my mind today, but I should probably cut it here. (So needlessly verbose, guess some things never change.) Not like youā€™re gonna read this anyway, thoughā€” for as much as I fantasize about you somehow stumbling upon these writings, Iā€™m well aware that itā€™s not gonna happen, which isā€¦ nice, in a way. Not for my peace of mind and privacy, Iā€™m shameless enough to actively want you to see these on some level, but itā€™s comforting knowing that Iā€™m at least not ENTIRELY writing these from a pace of selfish need to be seen and pitied, but as a genuine coping mechanism.
Until next time, ā€”The Boy Who Was Once Your Doofling
submitted by OnceYourDoofling to letters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:45 Drakodriven What the "reptilian agenda" really is.

I am someone who feels some kind of kinship to reptilians, so this perspective will be a little different from what you're used to seeing. No, I'm not an evil shapeshifting politician or celebrity. No, I don't hate humans.
First off, the reptilians are a category of actual, flesh and blood alien species. "Reptilian" is not a metaphor for nefarious deep-state humans, nor are they some kind of nonphysical demonic entities. They are just bipedal, intelligent reptile and dragon-like beings of all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Just like humans, some are good, some are bad, and some are in between. They are just as diverse as any intelligent species.
Some are involved with earth (quite heavily,) but not for the reasons people think they are. It is not their goal to oppress or enslave humans, or harvest their energy for food. Humans hold themselves back more than any kind of external force does. No, they're actually involved in the progression of the human species. It is just that their idea of progress is something that, right now, would frighten most people. We're not yet ready to understand how it could be beneficial. So that is why they operate in secrecy, making it look like they have nefarious intent. When they don't.
Their "agenda" is to give humans the option of biological transhumanism. When most people hear the word "transhumanism," they immediately think of something like neural chip implants, or bionic limbs... this is nothing like that. Biological transhumanism is changing one's flesh, blood and genetics without the inclusion of any chips or metal parts. Still a fully biological being, just an improved one.
The talk about "hybrids" has some truth to it. Their idea of an "improved human" is one that hardly looks human at all. What they have in mind is something much more bestial and adapted for survival and life in the wild. Such a lifestyle helps a species stay connected to nature and their planet, without destroying it. If you want a visual of what this will most likely look like, look up the Argonians from the Elder scrolls. Intelligent yet tribal, not shying away from getting their claws dirty.
Reptilians generally consider humans a flawed project - out of all species, humans have the fewest biological survival tools, have the least natural capability to defend themselves, and look so different from all other animals that they have gained an air of superiority, believing they are "above" anything animalistic, at the same time restricting themselves from the beneficial aspects of animal nature, leading to a society resembling a dystopian purgatory cut off from the wild. This mindset shows in the way humans do everything. The houses, clothes, jobs, lifestyle. People suffer and the planet suffers because of it.
However they know that they cannot simply get rid of all humans, this would not be ethical and there is another group on the planet heavily opposed to this.
No, reptilians aren't in control of everything on earth. There is another group that is militantly and fanatically pro-human, of a similar level of power and influence. I do not believe this group has the most noble goals or intentions, as they operate from pride and ego more than seeing what's actually best for humans. They are situated primarily in the Americas, whereas reptilian bases are primarily found across Eurasia.
The "aliens" known as the pleyadians are heavily associated with the pro-human group. I do not think the pleyadians are a species from another star system, rather they were created using human genetics to make an "improved human" as an attempt to compete against the reptilian version.
You might notice something suspicious about these pleyadians - do you notice something in common with the depictions you've seen? All blonde hair, blue eyes, never anything else. For this reason I believe they may have origins in racial supremacy ideology.
The largest "wars" fought in the future may not be ones of a physical nature, but rather ideological. A fight over the hearts and minds of humans. Physical force can only get you so far - "soft power" goes a lot further.
When listening to anyone, always look out for whether they care about what is best for people, of if their ideology is based on blind pride, or fear of what is different. Just because someone looks noble in "Standing up for humanity" does not mean they actually have humanity's best interests in mind.
I believe humans can benefit from open contact and intermingling with alien species, including reptilians. In fact, I think it is necessary for progress. Isolationism helps no one. No, I don't think everyone on earth needs to become a reptilian, and this could not realistically happen anyway, but people do need to have contact in order to expand their perspectives and stop fanatical human supremacism in it's tracks. Humans suffer because they are stuck in their own bubble.
submitted by Drakodriven to DraconianAliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:44 CommercialBee6585 Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai) Chapter 48

[Previous] [First] [Patreon]
The grand cathedral of the Unclean One stood tall and bright amidst the dark depths of Fleapit's underbelly. Its clangorous chimes, otherworldly glow, and stained glass windows depicting ratman heroes throughout time stood as a testament to the empire of filth and decay that now sought to stretch across the entire North Warrens.
Two bodies wrapped in ceremonial threads belonging to their respective clans lay upon the main altar to He-Who-Festers, a great statue of their horned, many-eyed God staring down at them as like a giant guardian watching His children finally sleep.
Before the grand altar, the Clansmen of the dead rats knelt, heads bowed, and fists clenched in reverence. They listened with total respect to the words being sung from the new Archpriest of Fleapit ā€“ the one who it was rumored would now be taking over completely from the old Prime Putrefact.
"Be letting the gaze of He-Who-Festers linger on these brave souls!" Deekius roared ā€“ his voice traveling through the bowels of the great church and causing every ratman assembled beneath him to tremble with fear and bloodlust alike. "They, your Clansmen, are giving their lives for the Shai-Alud! For a rat of the Underkingdom, there is being no greater glory! They are dying in righteous battle, filled with pox and drenched in the vile blood of our enemies! They are dying as true warriors of ratman Kingdom should!"
The soldiers and civilians huddled beneath the rat gave their thunderous thunderous assent, mailed claws knocking against their ribs and clanging on the plate of their armor. The Marrow warriors' fists beat the hardest, and the Gloomraava-touched rats of Glumrot screeched the loudest. Together, they looked the very picture of a unified people. One collective whole banded together by a shared purpose ā€“ vengeance.
Marcus watched the proceedings from the side, behind Deekius, his eyes passing over the warriors that lay supplicant before him. Whenever his stare passed over one of them, the soldier in question immediately dipped his head.
If they didn't believe in me before, Marcus thought. They do now.
Skeever stood to attention beside him, rubbing the phantom pains running up his dead arm.
"It is being a grim day for ratman Kingdom," the old warrior said.
Marcus spared him a fleeting look. "Indeed," he replied. "But rest assured, Skeever. Your comrades will be avenged."
The ratman didn't seem altogether reassured. But he held his tongue.
"You were asking me for report, Sire," he said, cringing as Deekius' raised his voice again to let his exhortations travel through the length of the cathedral. It was said that many of the civilians and warriors were actually assembled outside, unable to fit into the church's rows. The blinking crimson embers of their eyes could be seen if one focused enough on the windows.
"It is being as you said," Skeever continued. "Skegga is making push. A great mass of Kobolds are storming through to attack as we are speaking. Two forces are moving ā€“ one to assault Razork, and one to destroy Gulchnavel village. Skegga is seeking to throw everything he is having at us, abandoning forts he has left. Ix and Kobold scouts are reporting Tarakht and Gromelin are having only token defense left."
Marcus gave a curt nod. It is just as the Yokun had said. The last few nights of torture had borne some fruit, it seemed. Even if she still hadn't given him the exact answers he'd personally wanted.
"There are being two other things," Skeever continued.
"Do tell."
The old rat gulped, trying to ignore Deekius' continued screeching and the cheers of the ratmen who were listening. "The dwarf army Brother Festicus spoke of is on the move. They are destroying Clan Marrow fort Rekalspit on Eastern Border. Soldiers of Fort Spearclaw are saying that they have seen smoke from Dwarven encampments in the East. They are suggesting that Dwarf splinter assault force may be coming for us, but I am not being sure if we can trust this report."
"The guards of Spearclaw are among some of our most devout," Marcus replied. "If they think there's an attack imminent on our Eastern border, then we have to take the threat seriously."
Skeever nodded gravely. Marcus could tell the little rat was agitated. But a couple of Dwarves looking to pick apart the beleaguered ratman of the North weren't a concern. In fact, this situation might even present them with an advantage.
"And the second thing?" Marcus asked. "Tell me it's some good news, Skeever."
"It isā€¦surprising, Sire," the rat said, watching as Deekius began to finish up his speech to rapturous applause and howls of glory. "Boss Skegga is leading one of his armies."
Now, Marcus's ears perked up.
"He is being seen heading South towards Razork," Skeever continued. "He is passing Razor Ridge within the next day according to scouts. I am thinking, this time, he means to push until we are obliterated."
Marcus wavered. "Force composition?"
Skeever shook his head. "His own army is numbering at least three thousand Kobolds," the ratman said gravely. "His detachment sent towards Gulchnavel ā€“ at least two thousand strong. They are having Skogsriders, slingers, and crossbows, Sire. Their vanguard is wearing armor plundered from dwarf supplies. Skegga must be having dwarven prisoners fit armor for his army. Iā€¦we are thinking this is being his Great Kleansing."
Marcus scoffed, a thin smile playing across his lips. "That arrogant toadā€¦he's somehow gotten the idea that we're crippled, what? Because we lost the main Glitterpak swarm? Does he think me so basic as to base my entire campaign on the use of a single weapon alone?"
Skeever screwed up his face and twitched his scarred nose, "Sire?"
"Head to the War-council chambers, Skeever," Marcus said. "I shall meet you and King Shrykul there soon, after I've explained the situation to our soldiers."
Skeever hesitated. "'Our soldiers', Sire? I am thinking that the Clans are surely more divided now than ever. With both Talon commanders gone, the Kings of Marrow and Glumrot will be requesting that their soldiers be returned to them. They will be assuming we shall fall. I am thinking the situation is more grave than it has ever been before."
But Marcus, the veteran rodent noticed, never once dropped his smile even as he heard such concerns.
"Skeever," he said. "Have you so little faith in your Shai-Alud?"
"Ratmen of Clans Marrow and Glumrot!" Deekius howled. "To be closing our ceremony, let me be presenting you your General. Your savior that is coming to lead us in this darkest hour. Let us be welcoming SHAI-ALUD MARCUS!"
Later, Skeever would reflect on what he was about to see as Marcus then stepped forward and allowed Deekius to take his hand in his paw, absorbing the chants of reverence that issued from the throat of each and every ratman in the cathedral that night and, probably, each and every ratman in Fleapit who heard the Shai-Alud's name. Lately, it was a name spoken with the same degree of respect afforded even to the Unclean One.
And Skeever watched as the man they revered gave a single wave of his hand.
The crowd instantly went silent.
"Ratmen of Fleapit!" he shouted. "Your Shai-Alud has come to address you on this most gravest of days. On this day two heroes to our glorious cause have fallen, cut down by the dark blades of our enemies sent by Boss Skegga. And that fat toad even now gloats in premature victory. He is coming for us, warriors of the Unclean. Make no mistake of that."
Murmurs of fury permeated the crowd. Skeever noted how their ears twitched to hear Marcus's every word, their eyes hanging on his every subtle movement. When he mentioned Skegga coming for them, the crowd grew vicious. Skeever could sense the building tension even from as far back as he stood.
"Yes," Marcus continued. "He believes he has already won. He believes that crippling our leadership has struck a blow against our nation that we cannot recover from. He believes you will each lay down and offer your putrid bellies to him as he climbs over these walls and takes everything you care about. I ask you, men of Marrow, men of Glumrot, are you going to submit to him thus?"
The answer was so obvious that Skeever didn't have to hear it. Yet, still, when it came, it came with a fury the Talon-Commander had not heard in an age, not since the last Skittering was called.
They took up Marcus's name in a battle chant again, most of them already gripping their weapons before he even made his next announcement.
"Then the time has come for you to show this fat toad and his underlings who exactly you are," he said, pointing a gloved finger at the crowd that seemed to be directed at every ratman down there. "A time comes in all our lives when we must stand up ā€“ we must stand together, shoulder to shoulder with our brothers, and take up arms against a common threat. That common threat is here, Brothers. It is moving, and soon it will be upon our doorstep. We need an army united in a singular purpose, with a leader that can direct us towards the target of our righteous vengeance. I ask you, now, who do you wish to lead you in this time?"
"THE SHAI-ALUD!" the ratlings screamed ā€“ till the scream became an echo that weaved like a ghost through the streets of Fleapit so even the youngest rat could hear. "THE SHAI-ALUD! THE SHAI-ALUD!"
"Then let your will be done!" Marcus then shouted into the crowd. "King Shrykul has bestowed upon me the rank of First Talon! I will stand with you in the midst of the battle to come, and we shall defeat this menace once and for all. We shall push him back until he falls off the edge of this world. And we shall do so not as one Clan or another, but as a single entity. Ratmen ā€“ look at the Brother beside you. He is not just your brother in arms, now. He is not just your cousin from another Warren. Now, he is an extension of your very self. He is a weapon that shall come down upon the head of Skegga just as you are. He ā€“ and all of us here ā€“ tonight bear witness to history being made. Your time is now, ratmen! The time of your Empire has come!"
Skeever staggered back, absorbing the words of his Sire even as his ears failed to truly understand them.
A name that granted power second only to that of a King of the Clansā€¦a name reserved for only the most dire of circumstances.
Skeever looked at the pair of dead commanders beneath him, and then caught Deekius's smiling snarl as he watched Marcus raise his fists high amidst the screaming chorus of the crowd.
"It is being glorious, Brother, is it not?" the rat-priest said. "Be marking this moment, Brother commander, for history is being made."
If you are enjoying Fantasy General, support the story on Patreon to read + 10 advanced chapters
Join the Discord server to keep up with Fantasy General and my other works. Honor the memories of our furry comrades by forging memes or telling me your conspiracy theories.
submitted by CommercialBee6585 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:44 Flowery_Night Low-context Daydream Quotes

I have finally decided to post low-context quotes from what I like to call my "Roblox daydreams".
Long explanation of some things, skip if you want (I get the urge to overthink and overexplain things...):
Note that they're not really word-for-word to the first time I daydreamed them, since I don't write things down the moment I daydream of them, so I can't remember that much. But the nature of daydreams is that they are intangible, and can easily be changed in my mind anyway. So, "accuracy" doesn't really matter, as it's not really fixed and official, anyway.
So I have decided to change the quotes a bit so that they actually make sense, because doing it word-for-word wouldn't make sense as I don't remember that much.
And another thing: when I say "unnamed" here, it means that I both didn't give them a name nor did I give them a role. Like "Judge" isn't a name, but I didn't write "unnamed" because that is still a character with a role.
With all that out of the way, here are the quotes!
Plozon: I don't have the energy to teleport.
Max: Oh, you don't have the energy to do anything!
Plozon: That's because you defeated me, you moron!

"Don't worry about it. I know this place like the back of my hand. (bumps into something) That wasn't there before. (notices a strange thing on his hand) Or that. Ha, I guess I really do know this place like the back of my hand."

"I do not think that I'm a cat. Hold on, let me just... (climbs off a balcony and falls to the ground) Argh! Why didn't I land on my feet?!"

Plozon: (mockingly) This is the part where you cry for Mommy.
Max: (quietly) M-Mom...
Amber: (barging in) I'm coming, Max!
Max: Wow, I wasn't expecting you to actually-

Judge: Um, I said "check on him", not "throw a bucket of water on him", but yes that works too.
Max: That water was freezing! Are you trying to give me hypothermia?!

Max: Well, I'm the CEO of a company.
Past classmate: Oh yeah? And I'm the president of this country!

"Was anyone actually listening to anything I just said? Besides me?!"

"Mr. President! You came here at the absolute worst time! (quietly) Why am I so good at making a fool of myself?"

Judge: Please sit in the defendant's chair.
Max: Your Honor, this is an electric chair.
Judge: Exactly.
Max: Wha-?

"So to make my powers stronger, I have to be annoyed! Mom, annoy me. (quietly) And I mean more than you usually do. (Amber smacks him) Ow, no, that wasn't annoying enough."

Max: I lost Emily! I should've been paying attention! She could be in danger, or starving, or-
Emily: (laughing in the distance)
Max: ...Or she could be perfectly safe.

Max: Harold, do you think I would make a good father?
Harold: No way. You can't even babysit Emily right.
Max: That's exactly what I was thinking! I'm going to phone my mother right now and tell her that she's not getting any grandchildren!

Emily: I didn't think you of all people would have mommy issues.
Max: ...Please don't call them that...

Max: Unnggh...My back...
Unnamed character: What about it?
Max: It hurts!

"Ugh... I got poisoned... Why does that keep happening?"

"(to the tune of a part in Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up)
And if
You ask me what I'm doing
I'll tell you that
You don't wanna know"

"So the mind control is only broken if you watch me die?! Who comes up with these rules? It's almost like we're in some story where the author wants us to suffer as much as possible... (briefly stares at fourth wall)"
submitted by Flowery_Night to ImmersiveDaydreaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:44 Dependent-Abies-9308 She's not bothered ...really

She's not bothered ...really submitted by Dependent-Abies-9308 to courtneykerr [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:39 Zachavision My partner F20 the same anymore, she is hurting me M20. What do I do?

A quick little history is my girlfriend and I have been together for almost a year now, I know itā€™s not long and we are both just kids, but honestly I know this will sound pathetic but I see a future with her. I am devoted to her and really loyal. I am M and I way too many mental health issues, it gets annoying for people around me too. I have been in past relationships (none ending well) and those have formed me into who I am now. My girlfriend has never had a past relationship and has no diagnosed mental health problems, she moved to the US when she was around 7
Now with what I hope is enough information, Iā€™m gonna explain whatā€™s happening. My girlfriend and I used to be all over each other. We would call eachother for hours and sleep on calls (yes I know itā€™s silly weā€™re young and so dumb). We go to the same school and everyone knows abt us cause we display affection publicly. Her and I have always been so comfortable with eachother and we did a lot of adult things with eachother (nothing to big). In the start we would never argue and have no problems, but as weā€™ve been staying together longer I feel like she might be losing interest in me. Iā€™m very clingy and want to talk to her a lot, she said she enjoyed this until one day when I was out with my family she told me that Iā€™m far too clingy and that she needs space because I am too much and that I tire her. I felt horrible about myself and I ended up crying as my Mom comforted to me (I know this is childish and pathetic at my age). Things really only go downhill from there, we hug and kiss a lot, but it becoming less and less physical affection overtime. Iā€™m very sensitive and will overthink anything she does, she has hurt me countless times and she knows this very well. I feel like no matter what I want or ask for it doesnā€™t matter to her if it doesnā€™t help her out. She never looks happy with me and whenever I talk about it she gets mad at me. She always look happier with her friends and I mentioned it and she got mad at me and when we arrived to her class she stormed off into the room, not saying goodbye to me only making sassy facial expressions. Whenever I try to talk about my problems or my feelings with her, it looks like she doesnā€™t care, I can type a paragraph and more and sheā€™ll respond with ā€œokayā€ we used to talk it out with paragraphs. I asked awhile ago what she doesnā€™t like abt me and I fixed everything she said (or just ignored it). I really want to stay with her but she doesnā€™t change anything for me. She cries if I start ā€œcomplainingā€ about how she treats me, in the end I comfort her and ignore my own problems, I feel like that might be manipulation but Iā€™m not smart.
I know it is pathetic for a man to come out and t complain like this but itā€™s hurting me. What should I try to do, is it soemthing with me or her? Please give me any advice you have
submitted by Zachavision to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:37 BryceOConnor As the Patreon and this sub grow, I've been getting more and more comments about how "slow" I am. This is true. I AM slow. However... I thought it might be interesting to talk about my job(s) and work schedule, to give a little context šŸ˜

As the Patreon and this sub grow, I've been getting more and more comments about how
Hey everyone! So after my query last week I decided it was indeed past time for me to provide a write-up of my work and work schedule, especially after SO many people let me know in comments and in DMs that they had no idea I was not a full-time author. I completely understand the confusion, of course. I WAS a full-time author for several years, after all, and beyond that my transition back to having a job was atypical for an author because it did not result from any loss of success (so far) on the part of my work.
Instead, it was of my own making.


For those of you only looking for the essentials: While STORMWEAVER (and my other titles when I can get to them) are absolutely a priority to me, I am also the CEO of Wraithmarked Creative, LLC the parent company of two large production brands: Wraithmarked Creative (publishing and special/deluxe edition adaptation via Kickstarter) and Witchsong Miniatures (tabletop monster miniatures and player character models).
This work has my in charge of 7 full-time employees and dozens of part-time freelancers and artists, and is sometimes 60+ hours a week on top of my writing time, especially if I'm traveling.


For the longer version, let's start with a very brief timeline of my writing career, so that people can get a sense of how I went full time, then back to working:
  • 2014: I graduated with my DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) and entered the workspace. I worked in special needs pediatric rehab for 3 years. During this time I publish the first three book in THE WINGS OF WAR series.
  • 2017: I go full time as an author (and almost fall flat on my face).
  • 2019: I publish A MARK OF KINGS, which sees good success and save me. I form the concept of Wraithmarked Creative around idea of partnered-publishing, like I'd published AMoK with Luke Chmilenko (and would do again in 2020 with IRON PRINCE). I form the company later this year.
  • 2020: We start publishing works like SAVAGE DOMINION with partnered authors, and see good success. IRON PRINCE takes off, becoming more popular than I could have imagined. I hire my first full-time worker, Ben, to help me manage the authors.
  • 2021: We run a successful Kickstarter for a Deluxe Edition of A MARK OF KINGS, and realize there is a market for these kinds of books even for smaller authors (this was before the Sanderson campaign and Kickstarter's explosion as a publishing platform for Special/Deluxe Editions).
  • 2022: Wraithmarked publishes MOTHER OF LEARNING everywhere, and THE SWORD OF KAIGEN's Special Edition on Kickstarter, gaining us a TON of traction. I hire my second full time work, Eira, and STK Kreations agrees to work with us consistently on design. At the same time, Witchsong Miniatures launches and quickly becomes one of the largest 3D-printing miniatures brands on the internet, with Ben in charge of the brand. We hire Otavio to handle our modeling.
  • 2023: Our Kickstarter production model kicks into high gear, with us producing the likes of LEGENDS & LATTES, NEON GHOSTS, and the rest of MOTHER OF LEARNING. FIRE AND SONG also releases, as does the hardcover campaign for STORMWEAVER. Witchsong continues to grow, and we expand into The Witchguild for player miniatures. I hire three more full time workers, Taya, Gage, and Heather.
  • 2024/Present: Wraithmarked continues to expand, with us publishing the likes of V.E. Schwab and R.A. Salvatore on Kickstarter. We sign numerous other big names in both traditional and indie publishing, and bring on Tom to help us with art direction (previously my job). Witchsong brands expand their Kickstarter presence.
As I think many of you will be able to tell from reading the above breakdown, building up Wraithmarked has been (and very much continues to be) a tremendous amount of work. Hiring everyone has allowed us to expand, and only in the last few months have some of my more-intensive responsibilities been able to be handed off to Taya (asset/deadline coordination) and Tom (art direction). Before that, on top of my other responsibilities I was the one in charge of finding the dozens on dozens of artists we work with, as well as stay on top of their art and their deadlines. It has been godsend to hand over 90% of that work of late.


Now, as for my weekly/daily schedule, I thought that would be a fun thing to break down for you as well, especially given strict guidelines are the only way I keep things moving and productive given my damn ADHD diagnosis. Of course, what I'm writing up is how my days are SUPPOSED to go. In a perfect world, this is my schedule every day, but sadly that's not always the case. Sometimes I'm unwell, sometimes I have a meeting conflict, sometimes I'm up late on a call with a different timezone (or up stupid early, as is the case with Japan). So please take the following with a grain of salt. That being said, it is 100% true that my schedule is regimented to the 15min mark at this point.
  • 5:15-5:45am - My typical wakeup/morning routine/light breakfast. This includes of physical rehab for chronic back, knee, and ankle injuries I've built up over the years (yaaaay being a life-long athlete... sigh). I don't set an alarm, as I just wake up around this time consistently now.
  • 5:45-7:00am - My warmup/cardio workout/warmdown time. At the start of this year I started running because of unhealthy weight gain and related issues, building up to 5 days a week. If I don't, my entire day is thrown off.
  • 7:00-7:30am - My lifting/stretching time. My lifting is currently minimal, to maintain muscle mass while I run.
  • 7:30-8:00am - Doggy time! Arro gets lots of walks, snacks, and belly rubs.
  • 8:00-9:15am - First block of work. This is usually when I get to the batch of emails that rolled in overnight, when I handle our social media stuff I'm still in charge of, and when I communicate with the WM (Wraithmarked) team about the day and answer any questions they have.
  • 9:15-9:45am - Prep my caffeine and power nap. I don't survive without laying down once or twice a day.
  • 9:45-10:00am - Caffeine and writing prep time, getting Scirvener and research windows set up.
  • 10:00-12:00pm - Writing time! I don't always use this full chunk of writing, and somtimes and extend over it. Depends on how my productive juices are flowing that day. I am not a writer who is capable of writing until a timer goes off. I run out of gas and end when what I know what happens next ends.
  • 12:00-1:00pm - Lunch! Man has to eat, and I try to catch an episode or two of either Philip deFranco, Last Week Tonight, Kurzgesagt, or whatever anime I'm watching (after I'm done eating cause I can't eat and watch subtitles haha).
  • 1:00-4:00pm - Second work block! This is usually doing coms with the team, address art or publishing concerns, or when my meetings are booked. And I have a LOT of meetings -_-
  • 4:00-4:30pm - Doggy time #2! Arro also spends most of the day with me in the office snoring, so we get quality time when he's in the mood haha.
  • 4:30-5:30pm - Dinner! I know it's pretty early, but I eat a small breakfast very early, so I'm starving by 5 usually. Also, if it's a hell day I crash by 8 or 9pm, and I have one of those angry tummies that makes me have trouble sleeping if I ate much of anything within a couple hours of bedtime.
  • 5:30-6:00pm - Power nap #2! This isn't an everyday thing, but it definitely happens, especially on crazy days. If I don't need it I'll either play with the pup or get to work early.
  • 6:00-9:00pm - Work block #3! No team coms outside over emergencies. I don't let me team work outside of 8 to 4, which are their working hours. I don't always work this full block either, and do try to keep it to mindless stuff I can do on the couch while hanging with Arro and listening to music.
  • 9:00-10:00pm - Reading/reasearch time. I like this to be personal time when I can, but sadly I'm often reading things that wouldn't be my first choice so that I can stay on top of the market/know what's popularesearch something specific for writing/publishing/minis.
  • 10:00pm - Latest I'm usually trying to crash for the night.
I follow this schedule 6 days of the week, with Sundays being a very strict day off for me from almost everything. Those are the days I often find a show to binge, or work on my home, or sit in the back yard with the pup reading only what I want to read haha. I do also get Thursday morning's off running, through I do do extra walking with the pup or walking to Wegmans (grocery store) from my house to make up the steps.


Hopefully this will provide some context to those interested in my work schedule/how I regiment my ADHD. Additionally, if someone compains or asks about how slow I am, I hope you guys will be able to direct them here from now on to provide them with more context!
I hope this was helpful, and I'm happy to answer any questions you guys have in the comments!
submitted by BryceOConnor to Warformed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:30 Playful_Diet_8921 AITAH for hitting my now ex bf and making him feel bad about stopping mid ā€œactivitiesā€?

To start this off, I never intended on hitting him(hard at least) and I had never intentionally done anything that would make him feel guilty about stopping.
About a month ago I(16nb) got dumped by my now ex bf(17m) due to what initially was said to be that he needed to work on his mental health and none of this was because of something i did, this was weird because ever since we had started dating we have been very open about our mental health with each other so i decided a few days after he ended it and i cooled off that I would ask if there was a different reason. ik it was a bad idea but i really needed closure because it felt so dishonest, i made assumptions and asked if it was because he had feelings for someone else as i had seen someone in his quick adds on snapchat that was ā€œfrom his contactsā€ with a heart next to his name while we were dating that i swept under the rug. He was also posting thirst traps publicly and people were favoriting every one (his accounts have always been private) it was an unfair assumption and i still regret asking but i canā€™t really change the past. he said no and that he had just fallen out of love and i accepted that and felt that we were both in a good place. This quickly changed.
he soon sends me a text that made my heart drop, he said that it was because i hit him and you donā€™t hit people you love, he said heā€™d never forgive me. this confused me a lot, i had hit him one time 4 months prior to this moment. we had always play fought and he was ok with it, he ended up making a joke about my friend that i didnā€™t like and i meant to slap him lightly/in a lighthearted way but accidentally used too much strength. I admit i shouldnā€™t even joke like that but i ended up kissing his cheek where i had hit and apologized saying i was in the wrong. he said it was ok. this would come up during arguments where every time id explain it was an accident and i was wrong to joke like that and ive shown him it wouldnā€™t happen again.
he then sent this paragraph:
ā€œYk what? Fuck trying to be a good guy anymore. Iā€™ve tried making excuses to my friend to make them hate you less. I donā€™t wanna hear you say shit like my decision was fucked up I decided what was best for me and call me selfish I donā€™t care. You hit me, and made me feel guilty for saying no. Didnt you repost the tt about things that mean no? So why wasnā€™t my uncertainty enough for you. It wasnā€™t my fault or my issue to take care of alone, I never wanna see you utter the words ā€œI thought it wasnā€™t my faultā€ because you hitting me was YOUR fault, not mine, not anyone elseā€™s. Just because you might not have meant to doesnā€™t change the fact you did and that is unacceptable. Iā€™m glad you got your closure but Iā€™m done. I donā€™t wanna be your friend I donā€™t want you in my life ever again. There are so many things Iā€™m happy to be free from and yes is breaking up didnā€™t hurt as much as you and I will not feel bad about that. I now donā€™t have to worry about becoming your father. Also, NEVER assume I liked someone else while dating you. That is rude as hell and disrespectful, you jumped to conclusions and your overthinking isnā€™t my issue anymore. I will never forgive you, and will have my own opinions you can take that as you will. My friends are against you and I cannot defend you. If you want your hoodies back let me know because otherwise Iā€™m donating them if you donā€™t want them. Also yes I am mad about you loosing my hoodie, the one I cared the most about. But I will never let you replace it and ruin a perfectly good hoodie.ā€
when he references when i made him feel guilty we were starting to do something (i ALWAYS made him say enthusiastic yea or id stop due to him not expressing emotions typically due to both of us being neurodivergent) and his dog walked in. we stopped to pet her and he asked me to take her outside of the room, i got up from where we were and opened the door where he started calling for her and she took my spot. i awkwardly sat there and was a bit disappointed because he knows i have trauma related to intimacy and that i donā€™t see that stuff as just whatever, but instead as a way to be closer to someone. after we hung out and i confronted my friends on what to do i let him know it hurt me and he told me that saying that made him feel guilty and that it was not ok. i agreed that i shouldnā€™t have said that and looking back i shouldnā€™t have expressed i wanted something due to his unsureness but i never intended to be like the ppl who hurt me.
this all really hurt because he brought up my dad, who i donā€™t tell may ppl details about. he was a horrible person to me and my mom and my goal in life is to be everything he wasnā€™t.
my friends tell me im not a bad person for thinking that my ex is in the wrong for blaming me but i feel like itā€™s partly my fault for not being considerate of situations and asking for a bunch of reassurance during the relationship. AITAH?
submitted by Playful_Diet_8921 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:28 UsuallySane111 Over 6 months later, ghoster returns

We were in a LTR for about a year and a half ('official' or 'exclusive' for about 10 months). By the second half of our official time together, we were fighting a LOT. They ended up breaking up with me in a fit of hysterical rage and unfounded anger that resulted from a fight we were in the midst of, at 2am one weekday.
No attempts at communication until About A week later, when they, while drunk, text and call me. After several pleading attempts on their part, we have a couple (long) phone talks and then 'rekindle' but strictly in a physical way (how our relationship started). We sleep together and hang out a bit for about 2 weeks before they go on a trip. While gone for about 10 days we communicate regularly, lots of "I miss yous" and "wish you were heres," etc. Upon arrival back home, they ghost. I'm blocked everywhere. They then make 1 attempt to call me about 3 weeks later (on a Fri evening, presumably inebriated). I don't call back (until about a month later, at which point I'm blocked again).
Six and a half months go by.
(Throughout i tried to reach out in several ways)
Then, at almost 12:30am in the middle of the week, they call me. They want to have sex. This is more or less how our relationship began (ie, very casual, and almost strictly physical). I'm groggy, as I was about to doze off, and OK say come by. Over the phone and when they arrive at my building, they insist on condoms (something we never used). I'm fine with that, I say let's go to the store and I'll get them. They don't want to go. They want me to go by myself, while they wait by my house. Reluctantly, I try a couple of places within a block, but no luck. I tell them this, they huff and puff, and they come upstairs anyway. All the time they're saying they'll leave right after sex (something I dont like. This has been their MO with previous partners most of the time). We have sex, cuddle, have sex, etc. The entire time saying they're going to leave right after (also a common trope at the beginning of relationship). They don't. We fall asleep, and both wake up before going to work. There was no talk about the past, and everything was kept light.
Although I know everyone will say what I did was probably a mistake (picking up the call, and accepting the encounter), I was constantly thinking about them before and hated the idea of never seeing or speaking to them again, and from previous talks, believed that they would never return. What would you really do?
And for people who have had this happen, how did you deal with it? How did you react over time?
I have not reached out as I'm surely still blocked (they even said so while we were in bed together). Do you think this deserves any further attempt? Even if we were to communicate again, part of me wants me to stand them up, part of me wants to get them to talk and acknowledge their behavior, and, inevitably, part of me will want to get intimate with them (and yes, our last encounter was not just physical/mechanical -- it had tender moments, softness, and they even teared up a couple of times).
What do you think? Also, AMA.
submitted by UsuallySane111 to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 Guilty_Jellyfish7858 Me and My Partner are Wondering What Dog Breed We Should Get

We'd love to get some info on what you think the best dog breed would be for us, as we're not entirely sure yet, any input is more than welcome. Also, sorry in advance for the amount of stuff i typed down, i saw that i was supposed to be specific, so i was, again, sorry. And thank you! **What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why?** * Honestly, I think we both love any kind of dog, but, i'll try to be more specific. I know that we both like retrievers, like the golden retriever and the labrador retriever, as they seem like the perfect blend of playful and friendly. We also really like spitz type dog breeds, like the shiba inu for example, this one is because, at least in my expirience, they seems like really intelligent, loyal and also kind of affectionate breeds once they get to know you better, plus, the shiba inu is pretty independent as well, which i think is a good thing since we both work full time jobs, allthough she leaves her workplace slightly earlier than me, about 30 minutes before i do. We also both have expirience with mutts, as we both grew up with family mutts when we were younger, and at least in our expirience, we both think that they tend to be very affectionate, and also incredibly hyper dogs. **What role is your dog expected to fill and how do you envision your dog fulfilling that role?** * I think the role i would like them to feel would just as a companion dog, you know, go on walks, run, play, bond, and all that jazz. That's pretty much it really, i'm sorry i can't be more specific but that's really all that we want lmao. **What experience do you have owning dogs? How about training dogs?** Have you been the primary caregiver of a dog before? If yes, what breed(s)? What is your experience with puppy or senior dog care? * As I've mentioned before, yes, I have had expirience taking care of dogs, as has my partner, i for one, have had 3 dogs during my life time, which can be sad depending on how you look at it, but the first dog lived all her happy doggo life, she was an amazing dog, but the second one, unfortunatly, had cancer, which again, unfortunatly was caught way too late, my family has a third dog now, which they still currently do. Allthough, as far as training goes, that's actually where I'm not as expirienced, since my first dog was from when i was but a child, and when i actually grew up to know that i was supposed to train her, she was already trained, i tried to train the second one, which seemed to be working, but again, things happen, and the one that my family currently has, I don't have much of a bond with, since I moved out 3 months after we got him. Anyway as far as being a primary caregiver, nope, I've never been the primary caregiver of a dog before, that's true for us both. In terms of what dog breeds we owned, the first one was a mutt, allthoug im pretty sure she was something of a chihuahua or something like that, since she was very small, but she was the sweetest little pupper so, yeah. The second one was a shiba inu, which i suspect might have had some golden retriever in him, but i'm really not sure, just a hunch, the third one is a husky. As for my partner, she's had a shiba inu as her first dog and a mutt as her second. **Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets?** If so, what breed/type, age, and sex are they? * Maybe a cat, we have talked about it, and we thought that it might be easier for them to get along if they were both introduced to each other at an early age, but that's not really something we're sure about right now, but for the sake of the argument, let's say that yeah, a cat. **Do you have children or are you planning on having children? Do you often have children as visitors, such as nieces, nephews, cousins, or friends' children?** * No we do not have children, but we plan to have children in the future, maybe in about 3 years, as we have always dreamed of starting a family. We also do get our fair bit of visitors, but also not thaaaat often, maybe a couple times a week or once a month, depends really. **Do you rent or will you be renting in the future? If so, what breed or weight restrictions are on your lease?** What type of building do you rent (condo, apartment, high-rise apartment, townhome, single-family home, etc)? * We are currently renting an apartment, i'd think we live in a fairly big apartment, not huge but, big i'd say. As far as i know the landlord doesn't really care what breed we have as long as it's not too loud as not to disturb the neighbours, which i get, honestly. **Who lives in your household and who will be responsible for taking care of the dog?** How do the other members of the household feel about having a new dog? * As of now, only me and my partner live in this household, and we're both gonna be responsible for it, and im pretty sure we're both giddy with excitement over getting a new pupper. As for as future kids, i mean, what kid doesn't like a friendly and playful doggo? **How often do you have visitors to your home?** * As i've mentioned, a fair bit, a couple times a week or sometimes once a month if evveryone's busy or something. **Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a knowledgeable and reputable breeder?** * I wouldn't mind a rescue honestly, but my partner isn't so sure about that one, so we both agreed we would want to go through the process of finding a good breeder. Maybe one day we'll rescue one though, but as far of right now, she'd rather have a dog from that's still a puppy, since she wants to have the expirience of seeing the pupper grow up, which i can understand, and am fine with. **Do you want a puppy, a young adult (1-3 years), an adult, or a senior? Why?** * As I've mentioned before, we'd want to get a puppy, as we want to see the puppy grow up, and have that expirience, since, like i said before, we were never the primary caregiver of the puppers we did have while growing up. **What size dog are you looking for?** [Here is a size chart for your convenience.](http://i.imgur.com/vnz3usJ.jpg) * After we saw the chart, we'd want a dog that would be taller or equal to a corgi, or at least that's what the dog looked like to us on the chart. **How much barking is too much barking?** * You know the kind of dog that once they hear something outside, they go into a frenzy and don't shut up for the next excruciating minutes, that would be too much barking, obviously, most dogs are going to bark, that's only natural for them, but i'd rather ot have a dog would not shut up no matter what for hours on end basically, for the convenience of our neighbours. **How much regular brushing are you willing to do?** * That's not really an issue for us really, for some reason we both like brushing the dogs, at least for me, it's just really calming and brings me to a meditative like state which is quite pleasant, so yeah. But i'd say that like once or twice a week, as we do like dog with smooth coats, don't know why, but maybe because of the kind of dogs we had while we grew up. **How much shedding do you think you can handle?** Some breeds of dogs shed more than others. Some breeds don't shed, but require trimming or other coat maintenance instead. * I'd say we can tolerate a moderate amount of shedding, it's only expected, and we're not allergic to dogs in any way. but i'd also like to not go crazy cleaning everything and all the time, cause that would get old really fast, so yeah, moderate to low shedding would be ideal. **Are you open to trimming your dog's hair, cleaning ears, clipping nails, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly?** * Yes to both questions. **How do you feel about slobber? What about farts?** * Slobber is fine mostly i guess, somewhat gross i guess, too many farts are a no-no for my partner as she and her family have this crazy sensitive nose, and she will gag if it's a frequent thing. **How eager-to-please or independent do you want your dog to be?** * Both are great personality traits to have, but maybe a mix of both i guess. Though i guess if i had to choose it would be eager to please but, again we both work, so maybe a mix of the two would be ideal. **What sorts of training do you want your adult dog to have?** * i guess like positive reinforcement, obedience training or whatever it's called, socializing, leash training when we're walking around the streets, behavioral training if necessary of course, ya know, the usual. **Is there any behavior you canā€™t accommodate?** * Well i guess this is a pretty straight forward answer, but yeah, aggression. I'm well aware no dog is inherintly aggressive and it depends on the way the owners train him and all, but I'd rather we have a dog that's just not as likely to be aggressive because, eventhough we have had dogs before, we were never really the ones that took care of them, so, i don't know i guess im kinda afraid that i'll mess the puppy up, or i'll do a mistake and bam now he's super aggressive. Maybe it's a irrational for me to think like that but yeah, it is what it is. **How important is being able to let your dog roam off-leash in an unfenced area?** * Fairly important, i'd say that's a quality for a dog to do so, since I did grow up in a village and, so far, all my dogs we're allowed to walk off leash for at least a good while, and they were fine, obviously we're now in a city and that's just not gonna fly but i'd like to let him roam a little when we're hiking or, idk in a dog park or something. **How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What kinds of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly?** * Well me and my partner as basically always available after 4 PM, so, yeah, i'd say we'd be able to easily give him exercise for like 4 hours, as we're both pretty active people. **How long do you have to devote to mental stimulation each day?** * Good question, i'm not interely sure how much mental stimulation they would need but i'd guess around an hour or like two would be good, but anyway that's all a guess, i'd try my best to give the dog all the physical and mental stimulation it would need, as would my partner. **Where will the dog be kept when alone and where will the dog sleep?** * At our apartment, and he would be able to sleep in our room, not necessarily in our bed, but in our room i guess. **How often and for how long will the dog be left alone?** * 4 days a week for 8 hours straight, since my partner does have an 8-4 job, and i have a regular 9-5, but we do have a holiday one day of the week, so yeah, weekends are also available of course. **If needed, could you hire a dog walker, pay for doggy day care, or come home during lunch to take care of your dog?** * Not really no, we would be able to come home during lunch as that's what we do anyway, as for the dog walker and all that, maybe sometimes? Definatly not all the time though. **What is the general location in which you live?** You can decline to answer, but responses will likely assume youā€™re somewhere in the US without breed-specific legislation (BSL). * We live in Portugal. **What is the average temperature of a typical summer day where you live? A typical winter day?** Please indicate Celsius or Fahrenheit and the climate of places you may likely live in the future. * Depends, but in the summer it seems to be around 20Ā°C (68Ā°F) to 30Ā°C(86Ā°F), but i've seen it get even higher like 50ĀŗC, that was one time really. In the winter the average temperature would be around 8Ā°C (46Ā°F) to 16Ā°C(61Ā°F), but again i've seen it be a little lower. **On a scale of 1 to 10, how prepared are you to care for a dog and prioritize its well-being over your career, entertainment, or other life choices for the next 12 or more years?** * I can't say were 100% prepared, as I'm pretty sure we'd be considered begginner dog owners, but i'd say we are at least 7 out of 10 prepared, as far as knowledge and willing to prioritaze or doggo. **Are you aware of the costs associated with dog ownership on an average annual basis? Have you budgeted for additional emergency veterinary care and/or pet insuranc3?** * Absolutely, that's rookie level critical thinking, of course we're well aware of the costs, and are more than prepared for them, as we've been saving up for a couple years, and we both have relatively good pay, so we won't run out of coal so to say, as in, we have our savings for the doggo if an emergency were to happen that we for some reason couldn't budget with our salaries each month, but we'd say we'd be able to budget the salaries for the doggo. 
submitted by Guilty_Jellyfish7858 to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 kaibuprofen What would you do if you were me? Long post, sorry (UK/England)

Hi everyone. I'm seeking some advice on kind of a complex situation. I'm in England so I think this would be best answered by other people in England but of course anyone can answer.
I'm 21NB. I got pretty good GCSEs and went on to do A Levels. I always had a passion in Law so I picked that alongside Maths and Physics. My grades were - A in Law, B in Maths, and D in Physics. I also did an Extended Project Qualification (worth half an A Level) on the topic of North Korean law.
Without getting into it too much, I have suffered with bad mental health issues most of my life but always tried not to let that hold me back. I have pretty much always been getting professional help at any given time.
Once I finished in 2021 I decided I wanted to do a degree in Law with the hope of becoming a criminal barrister. I got into a university that was quite far from home and moved into halls. Everything was fine at first, but my mental health got really bad and it would have been unsafe to stay. Very hard decision but I dropped out a few months into the first year (2022).
I moved back home and spent the next year and a bit really working on myself. I got a job in a shop (upper part time, sometimes full time) to get some income and help me keep occupied. I decided I was well enough to go back to university and try again, starting September 2023 (in Law again). I intentionally chose a university much nearer to home, but opted to move into halls again for the experience of that.
Unfortunately the same thing happened again, actually much worse this time because of certain things that happened. I left even earlier; November 2023. Again, an even harder decision to leave. I also quit my retail job. I originally interrupted my studies rather than withdrew, unlike the first time, with the intention of coming back in September 2024. It would be my 3rd time.
I contacted the university recently asking if I could change my status to withdrawn. I did this because:
  1. I'm still very unwell and am not optimistic that I could get through the degree safely. I also think even if I got through I wouldn't do very well.
  2. My mum, who I live with, is moving far so I'm planning to move to my dad's so that I'm closer to family down here. But, he's kinda far from the uni and I don't have a car yet.
  3. Withdrawing means I have full flexibility to go back anytime in my life if I wanted to. Meaning I don't have to put a date on my recovery (which you can't really do).
  4. I am beginning to realise maybe university is just not for me and I should try alternative routes like apprenticeships.
  5. I am questioning whether the Law profession in general is really suited to me, even though I am passionate about it. There are other things I would consider doing.
  6. I already have Ā£16,000 in student loan debt.
Among other things.
I'm really embarrassed to say but I've been out of work or anything since November (I have been really ill but still feel guilty). One of the reasons I want to move to my dad's is so I can get a retail job down there (because if I was going to get a job here I would have to leave it in a few months so it feels like there is no point.) The move is happening in a week. While I'm working I also want to pass my driving test because I haven't done that yet.
I have been thinking a lot about what I could do going forward. I have been looking at solicitor degree apprenticeships but they're very competitive and all require A Levels Grade A-C... but I have a A, B, D. Goddammit Physics. Same with paralegal level 3 apprenticeships (which would give me a much better chance getting onto a solicitor one).
I have been looking at degree apprenticeships in general and they pretty much all have these A Level requirements.
Obviously these options are not exhaustive but if you were me, would you:
  1. Eventually go back to university and do Law again.
  2. Eventually go back to university but do a degree in another subject.
(Of course these two options would give me more student loan debt.)
  1. Try and get another A Level so that I can do these legal apprenticeships (because I can, but it's like Ā£1,000. Plus that's two years of my life.)
  2. Completely change my career path and possibly do a level 3 apprenticeship (for example in hairdressing.)
I'm just very stressed about the future. I really want to succeed and not let this hold me back anymore.
Some examples of other things I would consider doing is nursing, something in music, hair & beauty, administration. To be honest I'd do anything except retail.
Thank you so much in advance.
TL;DR - I have dropped out of university twice because of mental health, want to pursue a career in Law yet at the same time wondering if it is even the right thing, reluctant to go back to university for a lot of reasons but can't get onto the legal apprenticeships with my A Level grades.
submitted by kaibuprofen to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:21 KaNy2006 Agents of Shield an underrated masterpiece

After the unfortunate downfall of marvel as a consequence of total disregard of the quality of the content that is being put out, i have come to appreciate Agents of SHIELD more than i ever did before. The reason why I say this is because that show did what modern marvel has been doing horribly wrong and that is writing good female characters. The thing is in recent years marvel has subjected none of their female superheroes to actual character development (i am sure this has been covered by many content creators before). Lack of character development makes their superpowers feel undeserved and the audience stops caring about the character. This is what happened with characters like Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau, She Hulk and many more. And this is exactly where characters like Quake, May and Simmons come in. These characters are faced with multiple moral dilemmas, they make bad decisions at time and then face consequences of those mistakes and as a result become stronger emotionally and physically. Needless to say this significantly better than making female characters simply brute their way out of sticky or painful situations which is basically the whole character sketch of Captain Marvel. (I will write about this someday else) When talking about character development in terms of agents of shield two characters just cannot be left out of the conversation- Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons. These two characters compliment each other in ways never seen before. They start off as nerdy goofballs who appear to be purely for comic relief and come out as warriors and leaders capable of accomplishing feats that are comparable to the achievements of Tony Stark. The psychological trauma of being Evil Doctor Fitz makes him colder in ways that come in handy during the fifth season when he has to survive over seventy years to save the love of his life. of course he does not actually survive for seventy years but he does break out of prison, and fight aliens and also rescues Simmons. Same in case of Simmons where she sacrifices everything by implanting a chip that removes her memory of Fitz's location. May is another example of legendary writing and probably the direction they should have gone with when writing Captain Marvel. Incase of May they go in the opposite direction by introducing a brute who will take down anyone and everything in order to accomplish her mission but then as the series goes on a softer side of her accents her personality. This is what humanizes her. And this is what Captain Marvel does not have, she is a robot who will set out to kill everyone and everything that comes in her way without much thought and consideration for consequences of her actions. Phil Coulson. I do agree with the fact that bringing people back from the dead is not a very good way of writing stories but he is an exception. This man is probably one of my favorite characters in all of marvel. His super power is his leadership especially towards Daisy. By the end of the series he is sort of a father figure for her. But he single handedly builds back what is left of shield and is the moral compass of the crew. He goes out of his way to protect the crew even if it might cost him his life which it does. Daisy Johnson, its a shame she couldnt be in the MCU but she is one of the greatest female superheroes marvel has ever seen. From being a naive hacker living in a van to leading a team exploring deep space. That is exactly the kind of character development marvel needs. Her power seems earned and the audience can actually connect to her. Special mentions: Ghost Rider, where do i even start with that guy. Probably one of the coolest characters in the series and i really hope he is written well in the mcu. Enoch: One of the most wholesome addition to their crew. I wish we could see more of him. Mac: Another great example of incredible character development. I could not think of a better character to be the director of shield after the end of the series (well Fitz could be one but he's a family man now) I am pretty sure ive missed a lot of characters but i dont think i dislike any of them. On the story aspect: They gave up on the idea of being in the mcu by the end of the second season and while i wish they showed up in the main timeline, it certainly was a good decision. Third season onwards they went completely crazy with the show. From being a Spy thriller it becomes a fullon sci fi superhero. but it is not to say that the first two seasons were bad by any means. I mean Grant Ward was an interesting character and I think his backstory makes us love him even more. Third season(and a little bit of the second season) takes things to another level with the whole Hive arch and the whole story of HYDRA which was probably one of the biggest turn of events in Marvel history. The fourth season is probably my favorite season and it introduces characters such as Ghost Rider and AIDA. This season explores a unique problem and they executed the whole "what if" scenario in the best way they ever could have. I mean the framework was probably my favorite part of that show. The Fifth season Takes the crew into space somewhere around 75-80 years into the future and introduces us to Deke Shaw who is a hillarious character. I mean his destiny is the greatest plot twist/ Joke in the show; i mean he is the last person you would expect to be a director of shield. Season 6 dwells with an alien invasion and a fake Colson and season 7 is basically time travel. ( I am gonna stop elaborating now because this whole section has become a summary of the show which i did not initially intend to write because most people who have stuck around this long probably already know the story) I wish they do some multiverse magic and make agents of shield cannon or simple bring characters over to the MCU.
submitted by KaNy2006 to Randomessay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:20 kbwd1234 Miserable marriage.

So as the title says I'm i. A miserable marriage. The problem is I have zero options so we are stuck. We've been together for 12 years. Married for 8. I dont know how we've made it this far. A lottttt of accepting it because its never going to change . I can't accept it anymore. Weve had the same fight for probably 7 years. . Helping around the house. He thinks because he works 8 hours that's enough and I should be able to handle our 5 children 3 dogs and 2000 sq ft house on my own. I've stayed home with this last babg due to health problems that I'm getting surgery for in 2 days. So up until my 8th month of pregnancy I was working our entire relationship. So this has been an issue since then. But he recently switched careers from construction to hospitality management of a large gas station /convenience store . Hes making great money. His construction job was morning's. This is 4pm-1am. So he gets home at by 130am. And instead of relaxing and trying to go to sleep he says up until 3-4am. Then proceeds to sleep until 1p... wakes up very very slowly. Comes out and sits in the living room . Than goes to the bathroom for a half hour. OK so by then we are already at 2pm. Then comes back out and relaxes more before he goes to work. Then gets a shower and leaves by 330.pm Allllllll the while I'm putting kids on the bus, cleaning, taking kids to appointments, taking care of the animals. Extra. All while he gets his beauty sleep.
I know he has a problem. And has for years. I used to not let it bother me until the past probably 10 months..when we do have set which is very very rare like once every 2 months , he doesn't cut. Hes never ever ever had an issue with that. I mean clearly we have 5 children. Njt I said im not good enough for you. Thats what it is your mind is over stimulated with watching porn that what we do isn't satisfying him mentally and emotionally. Clearly now physically. And it makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. I've tried initiating sex and cjdde time so many times I've given up I used to stay up for him when he'd get home for like an house to spend time together where he's actually awake. Ice asked him so come to bed with .e at like 2-230. He says I'm not tired. I said I know just lay with me until I go to sleep. Or cuddle or talk because I miss that. He said no im not tired. I said you can come back out here afterwards. And he just continues to sit in the chair watching TV and eating.
Hes gained like 30 lbs I've become unattractive to him. Just being honest. But also if he tried to make me happy in any way shape or form maybe I'd feel more fire to keep pursuing him. But I'm not being fulfilled in any way what so ever so I feel like I've given up . Most of the time we are in the car in silence. I've asked him to wake up earlier to have breakfast with me . Either go out or make it at home. He won't get up. I've asked for help with home projects. He won't get up for that. I've asked for help folding laundry since he's sitting anyway..he won't. When I push for help it gets him so frustrated and defensive that he snaps and tells me why should he do anything when I don't. Which is clearly a lie. He said you're home all day so you can do it. I said I do what are you talking about?! Its not spotless but I maintain during the day doing big cleaning projects in every room ill spend 3-6 hours cleaning one room. Than the next day do the others and so on. I do all the grocery shopping and cooking. Which ok again im home so I can do all of that. But seriously I'm overwhelmed. I'm getting major surgery in two days and I finally saud yesterday. You know I'm done being angry when you don't do things to help me with the house and kids or even being present. What's said is im more disappointed than anything and that's really ashamed because I expect better out of you because I know you can do better. I said im sick of being let down. Im sick of being alone. Im sick of cleaning up after everyone Including him because he goes to bed and leaves plates cups wrappers truly everything so I wake up and usually take care of it. So I stopped numerous times. Including lately to see if it bothers him enough to do anything. But it doesnt doesn't. I didnt speak to him for 3 solid days. And it didnt bother him , he didn't even try to reach out to me. I feel like the marriage is unrepairable but with me staying home I've become dependent which I absolutely hate. But I'm stuck. I can't leave because I can't afford an apartment or house. If I stay here and he leaves he wouldn't be able to afford to help with the kids nor would he ever see them. I've even asked him to put them on the bus for me to sleep some and also him spend time with his kids. And I wake up to him yelling at them and I flip out of him because I refuse to allow my 12,7,5 year old girls wake up to being yelled at and sending them off to school after being yelled at all because he has no patience.
I don't know what to do. I'd never cheat on him but I understand why people do. Im so freaking lonely I can't take it. I've had my tunes removed so no more babies. Our final one is an absolute joy always happy just goes with the flow. So it's not the added stress of a baby. Sbe just turned a year old. And since than we've had six 6 times. I have physical needs, emotional and mental needs and none of it is being met. Hes being a bad example to the kids of not only a husband and father but just responsibilities. He screams at them for their shoes being left out in the middle of the floor but he does the exact same thing to where he's telling them to put his away also. Like really?! He won't do counseling. I've tried. I've threatened divorce and I get told I'm being dramatic and am I taking my mental health meds because I'm acting crazy. I'm truly not though. I'm just depleated and defeated. And feeling stuck. I literally get messages from old friends who see pictures of my face and see my post on fb not including him or really any happiness and it actually makes them feel bad for me.. they say I'm too good for this, that i deserve better that they would treat me so good and have actually asked me out on dates just to feel excitement again. And I've been so tempted but I would feel so guilty.
Please someone help me with some advice. I know there's many couples who have gone through this. I need guidance. I have no family support other than oh im sorry you're dealing with this . No where to go with 5 kids.
Tl;dr Husband won't do anything to be helpful at home or with the kids. Says be works his 8 hours and that's enough . Won't do anything but leave me more of a mess to clean causing me more stress. Taking care of the house and kids completely by myself. His mom comes over to help me some times and she's o frustrated seeing him be like this towards me. Shes tried to talk to him with no result. I dont want to give up on my family. I dont know what else to do, serious talks don't work
submitted by kbwd1234 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:20 ImWrong_OnTheNet Not doing great

This has been the most difficult year for me that I can remember. Leaving a job this week I've had for close to twenty years, graduating a kid, selling our house and moving, etc etc. Major life events, but ones that many people go through all the time. However, nearly everything has had major obstacles. My wife left her stable, but toxic, job months ago and I'm trying to make up for tens of thousands of dollars of income. I teach, so you can imagine how easy that was... Repairs, storage, parties, inspections, tours, bills, bills, bills. Bills about bills and little subcontractor fees. Every time I have to deal with another person, it costs a few hundred bucks. Multiple times a month for months.
I am fucking drowning and each day is a struggle not to break down in front of people or scream at them instead.
The house will sell. I'll get a new job. Wife will get a new job. We will get out of trump country where we do not belong. When the house does finally go, we will be able to pay off all our debts. Right now, though, I'm hemorrhaging money. I can barely get out of bed. Wife is the same, and we've basically alternated between who gets to be sad in the evening while the other holds them. But sometimes it's both, and those are bad evenings.
I barely eat. If you know about the "Zone of Tolerance" from therapy, my zone is basically a pencil line. I've been through shit before. I've had ideation before.
And I am fucking drowning.
submitted by ImWrong_OnTheNet to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:19 beeby8 How do I save my family from falling apart and we get our lives back?

So I am 26 years old. I am from Melbourne Australia. I am single and I live with my mother, my step-dad, my brother and my sister in law who have just moved back in recently after having moved out of home 3 years ago, but have moved back in to save money to eventually move out into the country somewhere. They are not really city/suburb people. The prefer regional/rural areas.
Anyway, the problem in our family is my step dad. I would say for the last 5-6 years, he has withdrawn alot from us. He spends the majority of his time (when he is not at work) sitting outside smoking, drinking and watching YouTube videos on his phone. We barely see him except for weekends because he works the afternoon/evening shifts.
When we do see him on weekends, he barely ever wants to do anything with us. We are always inviting him out to do things with us, but the majority of the time, he says no and uses the excuse of staying home to look after the dogs to get out of it. The only thing that we really do anymore is watch our show together on Saturday nights (if we haven't got something on, which we often do), but even that he is starting to lose interest in.
He also get sick quite often. He has a really bad cough due to his heavy smoking. I have never smoked in my life. My mum, brother and sister in law have, but they have all given up regular cigarettes now and either vape or use marijuana. I would honestly prefer if they just ditched the vapes and just smoked the marijuana to be honest and I have never had a problem with people who smoke pot as long as you do it safely and don't drive on it. It smells way better than cigarettes or the horrible artificial smell of vapes. Anyway, that's not the point.
He (my step dad) has also claimed to be on a meat and dairy only diet for the past couple of years now, basically the complete opposite of a vegan, yet we constantly see him eating bread, chips and other regular foods that are not part of his carnivore diet. He also makes a massive mess in the kitchen every time he cooks his food and never cleans it up because he cooks and attempts to clean in the dark without the light on.
We all think (myself, mum, my brother and sister in law) all think he had some severe health problems like potentially lung cancer and maybe even early onset dementia, but her just will not go to the doctor.
My brother and sister in law even said that one of the main reasons they moved out in the first place 3 years ago was because of how uncomfortable they felt around him and now they are saying the exact same thing again. They said it again literally tonight.
He also does not have a very good relationship with either of his biological children (my step brother and step sister). He says that he wishes that he talked to and saw them more, yet he makes little to no effort to see them or spend time with them outside of special occasions like birthdays, despite the fact that his son lives 10 minutes around the corner. His daughter lives a few hours away, but you would think he would make the time to see her more often, especially since his daughter now has a daughter, making him a grandfather.
He also sleeps in a completely separate room to my mum too which I believe severely impacts their relationship. Couples who do not sleep in the same bed together (for the most part) I believe do not wore every well in general. Now to be fair, this is mainly due to the fact that he snores very loudly and has too wear a massive CPAP machine at night which would keep mum awake, so he eventually just moved into the spare room. That part of it I get, but it's still not ideal.
And the worst part is, all that is just scratching the surface. My mum is constantly ranting and complaining to me about how much she has had enough and is fed up with him just doing nothing and not wanting to be a part of the family any more and just retreating into himself and I completely agree with her as well.
My mum and step dad have been together for 20 years this year, but I know for a fact that she does not love him anymore and wants to break up with him and end the relationship. Not only has she flat out told me this in private, but she wouldn't even have to tell me for me to know.
The biggest problem however and the primary reason why she won't separate from his is money. They have a mortgage for the house in both their names, many contracts are in both their names as well for things that we have done to the house like adding the solar panels, the battery backup for the solar panels, the renovations etc. A few joint accounts too.
Mum has told me so many times that if she were to win the lottery, she would leave him in a heartbeat. The money side of things and so many things being in both their names makes the situation so much harder. Mum has also said that she could not afford to live in our house if they split up as just a one person salary would not cover everything. I currently do not have a job and am actively;y looking for a new one after leaving a toxic work environment recently, but I do my part by paying for the houses monthly internet bill which lowers the cost of my board and my brother and sister in law also chip in in their way, but I still don't know if that would be enough.
Now of course, I love my step dad. I really do. He has been my main father figure in my life for the past 20 years since my mum divorced my real dad in 1999 when I was 2 years old. I still see my real dad on a regular basis and we have a good relationship, but I obviously have not lived with him 24/7 like I have with my step dad for 20 years. It's just that unfortunately, he is just not working in our family anymore and something has to change.
I guess what I am asking for is some advice and some help. Is there a way that we can move on from him? Is there a way where we can get him out of our lives without our lives being shaken up in the process. We have lived in this house for 18 years and it is our home. The thought of moving somewhere else just because we wouldn't be able to afford it anymore is heartbreaking to me. I know I may eventually move out one day if I get a girlfriend or whatever, but more heartbreaking for my mum than anything else.
So my question to you all is, has anyone out there reading this experienced the same sort of thing I have just described to you and if so, how did you manage to get out of it (if you did) and get your family back again? Any sort of advice or information or whatever else you can give me would be so much appreciated.
Thank you for reading and listening.
submitted by beeby8 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:19 Filmyboy7 A detailed review of the VARC1000 course by Gejo Sir! Do go through this! :')

So, as the title says this is a post on the review and guide to VARC1000 course by Gejo Sir (the VARC God for me I'll say) šŸ¤ŒšŸ» First, I would like to add 2 important notes :)
Note 1 : I went through this year's VARC1000 course and it's very different from last year's course but I'll try to give you a review of it šŸ« 
Note 2 : You'll find many people suggesting and saying that "pirated content le le" and stuff. But I won't really suggest that. VARC1000 course is more than what the pirated content will offer. It's not just about VARC okay? It will help you with DILR and QA too (Last year Gejo sir had made videos on how he himself solved DILR and gives really amazing tips and tricks). There will be content/materials for GDPI prepration, profile analyser (which I didn't really find helpful tbh), calls predictor (which again turned out to be not so true in my case but for others it was helpful), daily vocab, GK section, WAT topics, your acads specific questions generally asked during PIs etc etc. All this you won't get in the pirated stuff. You'll just get the videos of his lecs that's it. Course hi lena bhai if possible šŸ™‚
šŸ‘‰šŸ» Coming to the course's details : This time they have divided the course into 4 sections Launch Phase, Enhance Phase, Advanced Phase and Peak Phase. And each phase (from Enhance Phase) will be launched in specific months from June onwards. As of now the Launch Phase is active šŸ‘€
Coming to the description of the phases : As per my understanding it's perfectly summed up to take you from the very basic (launch phase) to the advanced level (peak phase) šŸ”„
Focus more on the Core Lessons which Gejo Sir will teach you. He'll just tell you the methods and tricks in these videos ig (that's what happened in the last course) and then maybe he'll teach you to apply them. He'll take a particular RC and solve it. Focus on how he deals with all this okay? Obv take the learnings and develop your own strategy/method (you can copy him but we all can't be like him) šŸ˜‚
He'll throw some tests before the start of the video.. apply your brains there and see how you do. Then he'll also come up with the strategy lessons (very important) wherein he'll tell you about how to approach the VARC section in those 40 mins and what approach you should have. The core lessons, application lessons and strategy lessons were launched together last year in the course and were really helpful! Till now all the is for RC btw. For VA the material won't be much different but he'll teach you specially about how to deal with the VA too!
Then comes the Daily Article Dose! Do it! Roz karo! It's really good. He'll upload the solutions for it. For every article dose he'll do that and solve it for you. Also, throughout this course you'll find a diverse range of RCs! Humanities, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, Arts etc etc. Everything. And I hope that like last year, this year also he'll make seperate videos for every genre! It's really helpful in that sense! šŸ»šŸ˜Œ
Coming to the tests! He'll give you a lot of sectional tests (minimum 10 sectional tests) and previous year ke course ke bhi kuch tests alagse (this happened in the last year's course). So you need not worry about the sectionals. You'll get a satisfactory number of those. He'll also solve some sectionals for you. You'll be able to see how he solves the VARC section (trust me you'll be amazed seeing his way of solving). You'll also get Daily Drills where you'll have small tests or say 1-2 RCs and a few VA questions etc. this will also be there. Also, you'll get PY CAT papers as mocks and also as sectional tests separately! So that's also a done deal!! šŸ»āœØ
Don't miss Gejo sir's live sessions! He'll have 1-2 every month ig. And those will be really helpful. It's an interactive session so you can ask your doubts there. He's a very funny guy so you won't be bored. He'll also give you some videos (hopefully) on how to approach DILR! He's a genius in DILR also (atleast for me) šŸ’„
Then comes the Telegram Group of VARC1000 where Gejo sir will also be there! It's a very interactive group and very much helpful. A really nice place to be in I'll say as you'll find serious aspirants mostly.
I hope that I was able to include most of the important things of this course and if needed I'll update this post in the future! :')
Overall I'll say that this course is worth it? It'll definitely improve your VARC skills and understanding if you follow it religiously. As I have said... This course is not just about VARC but there are many many things in it and it'll turn out to be helpful overall! šŸ©µ Do share this review with your friends and other aspirants! šŸ˜¼
All the best with your prep! If you have anything to add about the course or your opinions then feel free to drop it in the comments! ;')
submitted by Filmyboy7 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:17 DeadManSinging Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

I know I am going to catch some hate for this, because people really love Fallout 3. I don't want to take that away from you if you like this game, but I need to get this off my chest.
Recently, I started replaying Fallout 3 for the first time in over a decade - Through the Tales of Two Wastelands mod Now, I really liked this game back when I was a teenager but replaying it now, I definitely understand the massive amount of hate levied at this game.
I'm not even that far in and I've already decided to stop playing it. - Everything about the game just infuriates me to all hell and honestly, I've been finding it a slog when compared to almost any other game in the franchise. (Including FO4 Which I actually enjoy quite a bit) In my opinion, many characters in this game are either narratively flat and underwritten, or incredibly annoying.
The last thing I did in this game was reach Galaxy New Radio - And that's where I realized one character in particular stands out as especially badly written and obnoxious: Three-Dog.
Not only is his radio personality completely unfitting within the setting (He sounds like a modern day shock jock IMO), he is incredibly preachy as well as being a hypocrite, an idiot and a complete poser arm chair "activist".
"Oh wow man I'm such a rebel working up for the little guy! Sitting in my ivory tower protected by a xenophobic militia of techno-fetishists hording all the tech! Wow, man I'm such a voice for the downtrodden! Let me blackmail the protagonist into doing my dirty work because even though I fight the good fight I actually only do things quid pro quo! THREEEEEEEEEE-DAWWWWWG! WOOF WOOOF WOOOF!"
Three Dog lives in an impenetrable fortress, surrounded by misery, preaching about how 'ghouls are people too' while his techno-cult terrorist buddies kill all ghouls they come across without exception.
Even in Fallout 3, the goody two shoes version of the Brotherhood still hate ghouls, killing them whenever encountered (In Underworld an NPC tells you as much) yet Three Dog has no problem working with them as long as they protect him.
Now, if the game was actually well written or clever, and ACKNOWLEDGED this fact, that might be interesting and deep. Like, if there was a way you could convince him he was a hypocrite and not to work with the brotherhood of steel - Or even if he didn't KNOW the Brotherhood did things like that and you could show him the proof and convince him to seek protection by Reilly's Rangers instead.
Or, he could be completely irredeemable, and a commentary on fake activists or a statement about journalistic integrity and how the media misrepresents itself.
But of course, this is Fallout 3 - So Three Dog is a good guy, and the Brotherhood are also good guys - Despite the fact that they are still mostly ambivalent towards everyone else in the wasteland and distribute the water for their own reasons. Three Dog is basically a propagandist for a xenophobic technology hoarding terror cell who are occupying the DC ruins as its self proclaimed rulers.
(And no, I'm not an Enclave fanboy, but the Brotherhood are by definition terrorists and Mr House and NCR say as much in New Vegas.)
Then, to add insult to injury, he's perfectly happy sending you on a fucking suicide mission to repair a radar dish because "he has to stay here and fight the good fight" (I find this particular stupid because the brotherhood a; Kill Mutants and b: hoard pre war tech like that in the Museum of Science and seem to be using him as a hype man. Why wouldn't they help him out?).
He's not cool, he's not subversive - He's just a fucking idiot and a hypocrite.
He's like if there was a supposedly anarchist podcaster whose entire show was about "smashing the state" and "ACAB" and anti government oppression, surveillance and racial discrimination - Meanwhile he was streaming from the headquarters of the FBI and lived with his Lockheed Martin CEO father.
What makes him even worse (IMO) is that his voice actor seems like the most obnoxious self important ass hat ever - Begging Amazon to put him in the show, getting angry every time Bethesda (And Obsidian) don't return his desperate phone calls about coming back in sequels and generally acting like his character is such an integral part of the franchise - Even though he was literally just a radio DJ in a single game that came out, what, over 16 years ago?
So yeah, sorry; Rant over. I don't mean to offend anyone who likes this game or this character, you're entitled to disagree with me, as I am entitled to disagree with you - But he in particularly annoyed me to no end and I was finding the game a terrible slog anyway. Personally, I'm going back to the Mojave and then maybe a stop over in the Commonwealth - Leaving the Capitol Wasteland for good.
submitted by DeadManSinging to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:14 AtlantiumAI SUPERLIGHT Episode 9

By Roc Hatfield
Aetherians of the New Empire are banned from ever returning to Aetheria or from joining into the One. The border net is a solid wall to non-authorized Aetherians, impenetrable. The Elo Eloahim passes through the net without a hitch.
The Blade has now come to a full stop. The shuttle carrying Excelsior Andriel is docking with the Blade. Once the shuttle is cleared of occupants, it will return to the Elo Eloahim autonomously.
Excelsior Andriel has made his way back to the bridge of the Blade and is admiring the border net through the giant viewer screens. I haven't been out here for many strands. Beautiful to look at.
Send some technicals out to one of those nodes to have a look at it. I am sure it is manifest, but there must be a way to defeat it. I want to tear a hole in it, big enough to push the Blade through it, Andriel says.
There is only one express elevator that drops down to the 17th floor. The operator must enter a series of codes as the elevator descends. The codes are changed frequently like a password.
There are government secrets on 17 that can never be accessed by unauthorized personnel, says Steven as the elevator nears the bottom floor of the Pine Bluff underground base. The door opens and Nancy, Walter, Brad and the two techies spill out of the elevator to a large hall with long corridors running down each side. The footprint of the bottom floor covers about 120,000 square feet, about the size of a car factory or supersized retail store.
We have all your gear in a lab down this hallway, says Steven. We are anxious to see your device at work, Oscar says. Hey, do you guys want to see something really cool? Steven asks.
All three nod in unison. Great. Follow me, Steven says.
The group walks down a hall and enters a lab, lots of tables, computers, not much to see really. Up on one table is a group of long plastic tubes, 12 inches in diameter, maybe 4 or 5 feet long. You can see mirrors at the end.
Wow, this looks interesting, Walter says. You are looking at the real reason we went into Iraq. Saddam had this built from instructions found on ancient Sumerian clay tablets found near where Babylon once stood.
They called it the Looking Glass. Our CIA guys heard about it and had photos and diagrams of it smuggled out of Iraq. We recreated it out at Area 51, Groom Lake actually.
When they saw that it worked, the powers that be, Steven makes air quotes with his hands, decided to go in and get it. This is the real deal. The whole 9-11 scam was part of an elaborate plan to get this thing out of Iraq. Thatā€™s my opinion.
Plus other sundry items. Walter, Nancy, and Brad are just stunned. Steven turns on a light source that bounces around from mirror to mirror and ends up at a large concave mirror, 15 inches in diameter.
You can see faint moving images on the mirror's surface that look like old 8mm grainy film. It looks like rioting in the streets, store shelves empty, a stark apocalyptic scene. Large crowds gather around the U.S. Capitol building and the Vatican.
Steven, where are these images coming from? Brad asks. From the future? Steven responds. No? Brad says. Yes, from the future. Steven says.
Somehow, light being moved over all these mirrored surfaces breaks out a light that is streaming in from the future. Walter moves in closer. So are these images just random snippets? Or are they organized in some manner? Walter questions.
The best we can tell is that they are like listening to an old AM radio at night. Stations from far away can drown out stations that are close by. Just sort of a jumble of music coming in and fading out.
It seems that the images are from different points in the future. One may be 5 years out and the next 50 years away, Steven says. So, what is so important about it, Nancy asks? Think about it, Nancy, having advanced warning of coming events.
Plus, many times we can see advanced technology. It's priceless, Oscar says as he reaches over and turns off the device. The one big drawback, however, is that, just us witnessing of these events will change them.
It's a very tight loop. We have been shooting video from the big mirror. When we compare previously shot video from images from the look in glass, they are different.
Some in subtle ways and others in major ways. Simply observing the future changes it. So we only keep it on for brief periods until we understand this phenomenon better, Steven concludes. Okay, let's get you guys settled into your lab. I am really looking forward to learning more about this superlight. Our world is amazing, isn't it? Steven says,
Washington DC is spectacular at sundown. The lights from the monuments and government buildings make for dramatic and exciting backdrop for the world leaders and dignitaries that visit, as well as the everyday politicians that haunt the city. A group of high-powered cabinet secretaries and military bosses have sit down for an emergency meeting with the president. Gentlemen, greetings and thank you for coming up here to the White House on such short notice.
I have been receiving phone calls and veiled threats from world leaders all day. Number one, what is all this fuss really all about? And secondly, what is going to be our stance in regards to this crazy technology, which I have heard very little about? Are we just going to take it from a private company and turn it over to all the governments of the world? The president asks out of breath, Mr. President, if I may, says Senator Abramson, who is seated on one of the two sofas just in front of the president's big resolute desk. I believe I was the first one to hear of this device.
I heard from a doctor that works at the company, one of my constituents. He came to me frantic and told me many details about this device. He had the presence of mind to film an experiment he participated in, shot on his cell phone.
I was so concerned about this horror show being in my district, I contacted the FBI director to look into it, for I thought it was a national security risk at the highest degree. The FBI director sent in a team with a warrant to seize any and all evidence related to the Superlight project. Brad Hillier, the company CEO, was one step ahead of us and had already moved all key components of the device and associated files and plans.
We have no leads at the moment as too where he and members of his staff are hiding out. I would like to offer whatever assistance I can, being that this thing was created in my district. I would like to help if I can.
Thank you, Senator. We can use all the help we can get. I want to thank you all again for coming up, and I would like to suggest that each of you consult with your respective departments and get me a letter that lays out your thoughts on how to proceed with this situation.
Please give me something by the end of tomorrow. I will then be better informed on my decisions on how to deal with this issue. Thank you all for coming.
All the attendants stand and stream out of the Oval Office. Ed Bramson hangs back. Mr. President, I had a deep black officer from the Space Force speak to my oversight committee, and she let it be known that she knew about Hilliard before any of this became public.
I have no way of getting to her. But I thought you should know, she may have information regarding Hilliard. Very interesting, Senator.
I will try looking under some rugs. But as you know, I have little authorization over deep black project sites or the people that run them. Please stay in contact, Senator.
Atlan, the home world of the Aetherians, is the seat of the Old Dominion. The large planet sits just outside the massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, in a large cluster of stars orbiting the event horizon. The light from all the nearby stars eliminate all darkness.
Every planet in this cluster is lit every hour, all over the globe by multiple stars. Massive bright stars can be seen in every direction. Humans could not exist here, the heat and radiation would evaporate the water in a human body in seconds.
But it's paradise to the Aetherians that dwell here. An indescribable garden, hundreds of millions of vast mansion homes with complex landscaping. There are over 100 planets inhabited by the Aetherians in this sector.
One more beautiful and amazing as the next, Atlan is home to the One. The One walks these gardens from time to time, and abides in a mountain compound known as Shiloe Ahim. Ambassador Lucentel the hand of the One, is an Ark ancestor.
He was with the One long before the Matterverse was spoken into existence. There are a small number of Ark ancestors, as many as 100 are known to live. The Akashe, the Ancient Hall of Records, holds records telling the story of the One and the Ark ancestors alone on Atlan.
The Ark ancestors wanted a family and asked the One to enrich them with sons. The One said he would extract a small spark of himself and release it as a son for each Ark ancestor. Many years later, the Ark ancestors developed the ability to petition the One for new sons and daughters.
The sons and daughters of the Ark ancestors are slightly less powerful than the Ark ancestors. Over billions of years, the eternal Aetherians have multiplied into trillions of beings and lower beings. The lower beings take the form of many exotic creatures that inhabit thousands of planets scattered across the Aetherians' Old Dominion.
Atlan is standing by to receive us, Ambassador, announces the Commander on duty. Please dock and secure the Elo-Eloahim. I would like to travel down to Atlan as soon as possible.
Brad, Nancy, and Walter have finished setting up the superlight in the big lab that Steven and Oscar gave them. Brad, you need to see the footage I shot of you while you were sleeping in the van. The interview I did with your driver, Zia, Nancy says.
What? You interviewed my driver? Brad says surprised. Yes, when you were asleep in the van, Nancy says, as she is cutting up the video footage. Okay, here we go.
Brad is watching the video, riveted by it. He turns it off. Well? Nancy asks. It's nice, I always wanted a daughter, Brad giggles.
I am sorry this shit is so crazy that if I don't laugh, I would cry. We haven't peeled back even one layer of this onion yet, and it's already difficult to keep up with. When I came out here with Archer on his private plane, Captain Carpenter introduced me to her little grey alien friends.
We flew aboard a small silver disc-shaped craft to their home base, that sits out around the rings of Saturn. Nancy looks right at Brad. Stop Brad, are you high right now?.
Brad pauses, don't you remember at lunch, Captain Carpenter said I would bring you up to speed. Well, I am bringing you up to speed right now. Drivers, waterbots, now grey aliens and UFO discs, what's next? Nancy asks with indigence.
Brad says, who knew a high-frequency light designed to see cracks in critical aircraft components and machinery would cause intergalactic turmoil. So as I was saying, my understanding is that the Superlight is a threat to a huge data collecting operation that these high freaks have been doing for eons. High freaks? Walter asks puzzled.
Oh, that's just a name I gave them. They are the beings that inhabit the realm that we see with the Superlight. They function at a super high frequency of light.
Their world is as real as ours, just operating at a higher frequency. Without the advent of the Superlight, we would never know that they are all around us and strewn all across the universe, Brad continues. The high freaks drive avatars or waterbots as Zia calls us, without our knowledge, so they can collect millions of terabytes from hundreds of telemetry points during the lifetime of the avatar.
It seems that the traveler or waterbot is just a spacesuit, be it an advanced one for the high freaks, Brad concludes. So the superlight reveals this relationship to the travelers, and that is what they are concerned about. Follow the money.
submitted by AtlantiumAI to u/AtlantiumAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:13 OneOnOne6211 I Believe There's Nothing That Can Help Me

I still struggle with ending it, and that sucks. I've been actively suicidal for months now. And I've been able to inch closer to doing it, but I've never succeeded. Hopefully I will eventually. Hopefully somewhere in the coming couple of months.
I also struggle with wishing my life had been different. I think a lot about certain key points in my life. Points that, if they were different, my life would probably be better. Even okay, perhaps. But I also realize I can't change any of that.
I can't change what happened. And I can't change what will happen either.
After so many years of having depression on and off and actively seeking treatment, I've realized that (for me) that's kind of a hopeless endeavour.
I think at this point I basically know about and/or have tried everything.
When I ask for advice online, 99% of the time I know what the responses will be before they come in. I guess some part of me hopes every time that finally I'll get some advice that will help me, but most of me knows and is resigned to the fact that I won't get that. Just the same old things.
Some vague "we're there for you" or "you have worth" or a suicide hotline, or saying you should go to therapy, or something like that. There's nothing much new under the sun anymore these days.
But I don't relish saying that. In fact, I hate it. It makes me feel hopeless and it hurts. But it's true nonetheless... and I'm trying to accept that truth.
That I'm just someone who's beyond help. People like me exist, I guess. There are absolutely plenty of people with depression or anxiety or other stuff like that who get better for a variety of reasons. But none of the stuff that helps others seems to help me at all.
I guess the pain is just nestled too deep inside of me. At my core. It eats away at every other part of me until there's nothing left and there's nothing anyone can say or do to help me.
It does make me feel helpless, and powerless, and frustrated, and hopeless though...
Why am I even posting this? I don't know anymore. In some vain hope that this will be the day someone says something that will help me but... I also know they can't. Nobody can. There just isn't a solution.
I know I need to make peace with ending it. I know I need to make peace with the way my life turned out. I know I need to be able to let go of things so I can end the pain. But it's so damn hard...
I never wanted my life to be like this. That's the thought I keep getting back to. I never wanted my life to turn out like this. But it has, and I know what to do about it.
It just sucks. I wish there was another way.
submitted by OneOnOne6211 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:10 kadaerun Received an MSCA Cofund offer, but don't know if I should accept.

I completed a master's degree (computer science, but specialized) last september and was hoping to land a job afterwards. I've been applying for months, basically losing hope of landing a job and feeling like I just didn't have the skills the industry wanted.
Based on my degree, I figured I had a chance at getting PhD offers that would at least pay me so I made a few applications over the months. I was mostly applying within Europe as my masters was based off there and I would prefer to do a 3 year one.
I was receiving positive responses about my chances so I starting researching what a PhD position entails and exactly what kind of experience I'd be committing to, which is also when I joined this subreddit.
Today I received an offer for an MSCA Cofund PhD program and, well, after everything I've read and heard over the last few months, I am just scared.
My main takeaways:
Now I know the people with more negative experiences are the ones who make it into forums like this one to vent or just share their experiences, but it all has to give me some insight into the general doctoral experience.
The thing is, I'm hardly ever 'sure' about anything. I've come to realize that I've been living life on auto-pilot for, basically, ever and I really want to stop. I definitely am not SURE I want to do a PhD. And I enjoy the topic enough, but I'm not SURE I want that to be my life henceforth. BUT, I really NEED to make money at this point. I'm from a developing country, so the salary from the PhD is more money than I'll make in my country. And the program involves some international mobility, which excites me. I've also always been comfortable in academia and am open to and passionate about constantly learning.
I haven't been able to put down all of my thoughts into this post and I don't exactly want people here with experience to just tell me I shouldn't do it. I'm just hoping to glean some more insight and advice on things I should consider as I'm making the decision about taking the leap.
submitted by kadaerun to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:09 graywolt Total Flipped World Tour - African Lying Safari

Total Flipped World Tour - African Lying Safari

In a 9-5-4-3-1 vote, Staci & Sugar are eliminated, while Max wins immunity in a 3-3-2-1-1 vote, as Sugar is eliminated.
After the challenge, Topher and Scott are in first class, waiting for Sugar. Sugar finally shows up and says that she wouldā€™ve been here sooner had someone not barfed all over her, which Topher apologizes for. Scott then tells everyone to get down to business. Scott asks who they should try to eliminate, and Topher suggests Staci, as sheā€™s a bigger threat than Cameron & that sheā€™s also level-headed, something that most of everyone else is struggling with. Scott agrees with this, as he believes that it should be easy to convince Max to vote for her. Scott tells Topher to do this and adjourns the meeting.
Max is walking around the plane, and Topher finds him in the dining cabin. Topher asks him to sit down, and Max does so. Topher then asks Max who heā€™s voting for, and Max says Sugar. Topher then asks if Max will forget what Staci had done to him in Niagara Falls, and for a moment, it looks as if Max is truly convinced. We then get a flashback of the things Staci has done to help Max, and in the confessional, Max rhetorically says that he canā€™t believe that he was that close to believing Topherā€™s lies. Back with Topher though, Max puts on a facade of agreement, telling Topher that heā€™s in. Over the P.A, Chris tells the contestants to go vote.
At the elimination ceremony, Sugar & Staci are the last ones not safe. Sugar, Scott, & Topher look smug, and everyone else looks worried. When Chris announces a tie though, this shocks everyone. Scott angrily says to Topher that he thought Topher had it under control, and Max just realized that he forgot to ask Staci & Anne Maria to vote for Scott, making them all facepalm angrily.
While this is going on, Chris is on the phone with the producers, who are hounding him. Sugar then confidently says that she can take down Staci in a tiebreaker, which gets Staci to notice that Chris is still on his phone. The contestants are now yelling at Chris to do his job, and when Chris gets off the phone, he explains that due to budget constraints, he has to eliminate both Sugar & Staci from the game.
This pleases exactly no one, and Chris is barraged with angry shouts from all corners of the room. Sugar then asks how eliminating her helps the budget, and Chris cites added weight to the plane, more food needed, and simply admitting that he finds Sugar & Staci both annoying. Sugar firmly refuses to leave before Chris gets Chef to shove her out of the plane, prompting Staci to quickly jump out as well.
In first class, Scott is pissed off at Topher. He mocks Topher, quoting how he said that everything was under control, and that only Staci would be eliminated. Scott says that the only reason that the alliance will still be a thing now is simply for self-preservation. In economy class, Cameron tells Dawn, Staci, & Max that to bring down Scott and Topher, they need to be on the same page, which Cameron apologizes for not making clearer before Staci was eliminated. Cameron & Dawn put their hands in the middle, with Max & Anne Maria doing so as well. In the confessional, Max states that Scott better watch out, as his days are numbered. In the cockpit, Chris asks some questions before signing off.
After the credits, we see Sugar & Staci land on the Great Wall of China. Sugar laments about how unfair her elimination was, getting Staci to tell her to shut up, as Sugar has complained about it for the umpteenth time. Sadie then shows up and tells the bickering duo that they need to hurry up, as their flight departs in 5 hours. Staci says that she canā€™t wait to be back in Canada, and Sugar hopes that the hotel theyā€™ll be staying at is nice. Sadie tells Staci that they wonā€™t be back in Canada quite yet and tells Sugar that having a nice hotel should be the least of her worries. Sugar asks what this means, and Sadie replies with ā€œyouā€™ll seeā€, before they all walk off, and the screen cuts to black.
African Lying Safari
The episode begins in economy class, where Dawn & Cameron are cuddling each other, Anne Maria filing her nails, and Max looking pensive. A slightly worried Max lays out this hypothetical to Anne Maria ā€“ After Topher is eliminated, Scott gets immunity. In that case, who do you vote for? This is stumping Max, as he is cool with everyone here besides Scott. Anne Maria agrees, saying some tough choices would have to be made here. In first class, Topher tells Scott that with everyone else reuniting, itā€™s every man for himself, as their two votes wonā€™t change anything. Scott agrees, and he tells Topher not to be surprised by any tricks he pulls.
Once the plane lands, Chris welcomes them to Tanzania, home to the Serengeti Plains. Anne Maria arrives slightly late, as she topped off her pouf as they landed. Chris introduces the first challenge, which he named "Sock-et To Me." This challenge entails going over to a pile of plums, and grabbing as many as possible while dodging the soccer balls that will be kicked at you by contestants. Scott mocks the soccer balls, so Chris beans Scott with one, reveling in his yelp of pain.
Topher goes up first, and he gracefully dodges all of the soccer balls, getting a giant pile of plums. Cameron is calculating where to kick the ball, and when he figures it out, the soccer ball hits Topher in the shins, making him fall & drop the plums. Cameron is up next and isnā€™t even able to get any plums before heā€™s knocked down by a speeding soccer ball from Topher. Max is now going and while he stays upright this time, he is only able to get half a dozen plums, as he dropped most of them.
Scott is next, and while he hits Cameron with Dawnā€™s ball, he gets beaned in the head by Anne Maria & Max at the same time, making him drop his plums. Dawn goes, and nearly makes it, but trips over a ball kicked by Scott Anne Maria starts running, deflecting all the balls with her hair. She grabs some plums, doing the same thing as she runs back to where she started. Max is speechless at this, asking how Anne Maria made her hair do that, with her saying itā€™s a mix of having good hair, and good product. Anne Maria hands Max a mostly empty can, and in the confessional, Max is flabbergasted when Anne Mariaā€™s hairspray offers a 72-hour hold.
The plums are then used to smash through gourds, and whoever does so first wins an advantage. While Cameron accidentally hits Chef, Anne Maria barely puts a dent in her gourd, frustrating her. After a Chris induced miss, Scott perfectly strikes his gourd, getting six tranq balls & a slingshot for his troubles. Max strikes his gourd soon after, getting four & a slingshot. Topher hits his next getting three, Anne Maria strikes her gourd with her cricket bat, getting two, and since Dawn & Cameron couldnā€™t crack their gourd, they each get one ball, but no slingshot. Chris tells the couple that theyā€™ll have to throw the tranq ball with enough force to pop it, and Cameron says thatā€™s nearly impossible.
Chris then announces that the tranq balls will be used to knock out the Max clone, who according to Chris, is ā€œbigger and betterā€, as heā€™s been genetically mutated. The Max clone is even wilder now, with his tracksuit being half-torn, glowing green eyes, and no shoes. As Chris explains that whoever knocks out the Max clone gets invincibility, said clone is seen attacking an intern. Chris tells them to go, with Dawn & Cameron teaming up, and Anne Maria & Max doing the same thing. Topher offers to team up with Scott, but the Farm Boy rebuffs him. This ends up being a mistake however, as Topher has stolen Scottā€™s tranq balls.
With Scott, he is walking about when he hears a rustling in a bush near him. He tells the clone to come out, but is instead met with a lion. Scott then goes into his back pocket, finding nothing. Scott tries to calm the beast down, but eventually runs away. Meanwhile, Max has finished setting traps all around the area. Anne Maria is skeptical about this, and Max asks ā€œwho in their right mind could resist a Mallowmar?ā€
Dawn & Cameron are looking for the Max clone, and when the lion is behind Dawn, she asks if Cameron has recently brushed his teeth. Cameron asks why, and Dawn looks behind them, seeing the same lion that terrorized Scott. The two lovers run away, but Cameron gets caught in one of Maxā€™s traps, making Max wince. Anne Maria gives Max an ā€œI told you soā€ look, and Max offers to help get Cameron out. He asks if anyone has a knife, and at that moment, a baboon grabs Cameron, greatly angering Dawn. Dawn & Max promise to find something to free Cameron before running off.
The girls and boys run into each other and, mistaking the others for their intended target, hit each other, knocking each other out with tranquilizing balls. Chris chooses this time to make the contestants sing, despite being still stunned. While being in their stunned state, the contestants sing ā€œWake Upā€, which is about exactly what it sounds like. Chris then warns the contestants that they have about an hour to catch the Max clone before the plane leaves, ditching them. Chris offers to watch the action back at the jet, which Chef obliges to.
Dawn runs off to save Cameron, saying that she can handle it, as her boyfriend will not become baboon food. Anne Maria & Max run to the right, while Topher & Scott both inadvertently go left. As Max & Anne Maria go right, they turn around, as they see footprints going left.
With Dawn, she has made it up to the baboon den at the top of the tree, and Cameron tells Dawn to not make any sudden movements, as the baboon really likes him. Dawn tries to explain the situation to the baboon, but it gets defensive, holding Cameron tighter. This is too far for the Moonchild, who rips Cameron out of the baboonā€™s hands, then kicks it in the nuts. As Dawn & Cameron make it down the tree, the baboon is shrieking.
Topher & Scott both see the Max clone from a distance, as theyā€™re on a hill. Topher steps up to fire, but Scott shoots Topher before shoving him down the hill. Topher angrily shouts at Scott for this, and he then notices the Max clone, which is right next to him. Topher tries to plead with him, but the clone mercilessly & viciously beats up Topher, which Max & Scott are cringing at from the top of the hill.
Scott tries to take advantage of this, but Max snipes him from behind before doing the same to the Max clone, winning Max the challenge & invincibility. Chris goes to announce this, but only Max & Anne Maria are listening, as Topher & Scott are in a sleeping heap with the clone, and Dawn & Cameron havenā€™t made it back yet.
Vote for anyone besides Max, vote for someone to get immunity for the next episode, and feel free to come up with any plot points for the next episode. (Rapa-Phooey!)
submitted by graywolt to Totaldrama [link] [comments]
