Pain in my cervix after clomid

Overcoming Gravity: A Systematic Approach to Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength

2012.10.02 00:24 eshlow Overcoming Gravity: A Systematic Approach to Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength

The official reddit and message board for Steven Low's site and books: Overcoming Gravity 2nd Edition, Overcoming Gravity Advanced Programming, Overcoming Poor Posture, and Overcoming Tendonitis. Discuss any of the books, training, nutrition, and lifestyle. The goal: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

2021.07.24 22:11 Stick-Mann Abandoned in Marriage, Relationships, A place for MEN.

Just Abandoned is a place for men to share their stories, receive advice, and give advice when healed. Being Cheated on, Left, and Betrayed.

2013.05.13 11:21 myfavor8throwaway Surviving Infidelity

Welcome to Surviving Infidelity. If you're here, it's because you are surviving, or have survived, infidelity in a relationship that you thought was life-long. This is a support sub, a safe place to ask for advice and guidance. Regardless of your decision to stay in your relationship or to go, we are here to support you on your path to recovery. We ask that you please read our sub rules before posting.

2024.05.22 04:21 Dizzy-Bear1407 Copper Iud’s

Hi guys! I wanted to make this because I just got my IUD today and all I could find were discussions or stories that were over a year old which stressed me out even more. I want to encourage people who have had good or bad experiences to use this chat to spread information.
My Experience: I got the copper IUD today. I have never had kids, let alone a pap, and I am an absolute drama queen when it comes to pain. Insertion DID NOT HURT. Now - My doctor gave me a lidocaine injections into my cervix and uterus which I DID feel. But it felt like when you go to the dentist. And it was not the big long scary needle that you see in some youtube story times or videos. It was a regular short needle. At first I didn’t even feel it go in, but I did feel it when she got to numbing the uterus. About a 1-2/10 pain. That was the worst of my appointment. I didn’t feel anything else. Other than pressure and literally just being uncomfortable and stretched open. I balled my eyes out - it was because the environment was super overwhelming and I was ANTICIPATING pain which caused even more stress. I am kind of mad at myself for reading so much online beforehand. Of course people who have bad experiences are more likely to post about it. And they have every right to. The “cramps” I felt were definitely cramps, but again not worse than that 1-2/10 pain scale. And I was more scared of them being pinchy, pokey, prodding cramps because I couldn’t understand how it would feel like a normal period cramp - but it did feel like a normal period cramp. After I bled a lot. I’m talking a lot. Soaked a pant liner, and a pad, I’m on the second pad now 5 hours in. By now the lidocaine has worn off I still have NO cramping.
I want to tell anyone considering getting the copper iud or ANY iud to educate themselves on the possible side effects and necessary precautions - but don’t go looking for bad stories because you will find them - and if it doesn’t change your mind, it will stress the heck out of you. If YOU have a bad experience ask to stop, take a break, or discuss more pain options. But everyone is different and I had a horrible experience just from having so much anxiety around it.
Being that it has only been 5 hours - I can keep this post updated every few months or so.
submitted by Dizzy-Bear1407 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:18 Dizzy-Bear1407 Copper Iud Experiences

Hi guys! I wanted to make this because I just got my IUD today and all I could find were discussions or stories that were over a year old which stressed me out even more. I want to encourage people who have had good or bad experiences to use this chat to spread information.
My Experience: I got the copper IUD today. I have never had kids, let alone a pap, and I am an absolute drama queen when it comes to pain. Insertion DID NOT HURT. Now - My doctor gave me a lidocaine injections into my cervix and uterus which I DID feel. But it felt like when you go to the dentist. And it was not the big long scary needle that you see in some youtube story times or videos. It was a regular short needle. At first I didn’t even feel it go in, but I did feel it when she got to numbing the uterus. About a 1-2/10 pain. That was the worst of my appointment. I didn’t feel anything else. Other than pressure and literally just being uncomfortable and stretched open. I balled my eyes out - it was because the environment was super overwhelming and I was ANTICIPATING pain which caused even more stress. I am kind of mad at myself for reading so much online beforehand. Of course people who have bad experiences are more likely to post about it. And they have every right to. The “cramps” I felt were definitely cramps, but again not worse than that 1-2/10 pain scale. And I was more scared of them being pinchy, pokey, prodding cramps because I couldn’t understand how it would feel like a normal period cramp - but it did feel like a normal period cramp. After I bled a lot. I’m talking a lot. Soaked a pant liner, and a pad, I’m on the second pad now 5 hours in. By now the lidocaine has worn off I still have NO cramping.
I want to tell anyone considering getting the copper iud or ANY iud to educate themselves on the possible side effects and necessary precautions - but don’t go looking for bad stories because you will find them - and if it doesn’t change your mind, it will stress the heck out of you. If YOU have a bad experience ask to stop, take a break, or discuss more pain options. But everyone is different and I had a horrible experience just from having so much anxiety around it.
Being that it has only been 5 hours - I can keep this post updated every few months or so.
submitted by Dizzy-Bear1407 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:45 Relevant-Front4099 8dpo - what I would tell myself to prepare

Im 8dpo (31F lap turned abdominal. Kept ovaries and cervix) and i think im past the worst of it. While im still pretty much couch ridden, I figured I would put this out there to maybe help someone else preparing for their surgery! Obviously we all know these experiences are highly personal and will not be exactly like anyone elses experience, but I personally found it helpful gathering peoples experiences and reflecting based on what I know about myself so I thought id write the kind of post Id want to read! I tried to make easy to skim but also included plenty of details!
Heres some things Im glad I did beforehand
Heres some things i was extremely stressed about but ended up not being a problem
-Food. My mom came and cooked me some large portion of meals. I ended up throwing most of it away. The idea was to freeze some of it but it was too much of a hassle. I didn’t have much of an appetite and definitely gravitated towards things in the BRAT diet especially bread. I spent the first few days eating like i had the flu and was really sensitive to grease. My mom made wedding soup and it was too greasy. I think i could have survived this week just on a package of bagels and different spreads.
-cleaning and chores. Im pretty sure I have OCD.. this experience has confirmed it. I looked out at my thriving garden yesterday and said to my partner absent mindedly “wow. Things really thrive when im not out there being over involved “ and like wow that is a lesson i did not expect to learn. My partner has been clearing the dishes each day and did some more involved chores once this week. So if you live alone I would advise paper plates and maybe some to help ya once a week for the first week at least.
-in terms of my surgery i was really scared of having a catheter which i did end up needing to have for a day. It was weird but not at all painful. Honestly it was kind of the worst part of my recovery so far just because i felt i had to pee so bad while it was in. Idk if thats typical. Taking it out was not at all painful but also weird. They used the catheter to put sterile water back in my bladder. As soon as i felt a twinge of uncomfortable full feeling i told my nurse. She removed the catheter and i peed it back out no problem.
-being bored. This week has felt like one day. Since it takes me 10x as long to do anything, the days are flying by. I got myself plenty of low key things to do (crafts, activity books, ect) and haven’t even had time to do any of them yet! I still have a feeling this will change in the coming weeks though..
-having enough help. I secretly wished one of my friends or family members would stay with me for a while just so I could be the solo focus of their attention. I live with my partner and two dogs and he has been totally enough support. I needed help getting up and down up until about day 5. He also makes my meals and cleans them up for me and would bring me my meds and water the first few days. I think it makes sense if you live alone to have someone stay a week with you, but ive been fine and honestly anytime someone has come to “help” its just felt draining. I didn’t know how much of a hermit I would wana be.
-my dogs. I piled myself in pillows if i was sitting on the couch with them. I also had a no chew spray near by that we used when they were pups but only had to use it one time. My partner helped to coral them the first few days too. I have not yet been puppy stomped
-the stairs. Its been fine I just have to go slow.
Heres some things I found out along the way that were helpful
-keep lil pillows by your toilet. The hospital gave me one that was plasticy and easy to wipe off (like an outdoor pillow insert). Or even a balled up towel would work. I couldn’t wear a binder because of all my incisions but this helped take the pressure off my stomach/incisions when i needed to have a bowel movement.
-if you stack pillows on either side of you, they can act as “arms” that are handy to push down on when you get up.
-sip your water and take your stool softeners as soon as they say you can! It took me until day 4 to poop but it was no problem when it happened.
-lots of deep slow breaths to calm your nerves and pain.
Heres some challenges I encountered that surprised me.
-my throat was so sore! For the first 4 days my throat was irritating, it felt like I had a flap of skin sticking down. The first day it hurt but the rest was just so annoying.
-always laying on my back is getting old. I haven’t quite figured it out yet but im getting there.
-not really a challenge but my lower belly is numb. Apparently that can just happen (even long term). Which has actually been helpful since I can’t feel my lower abdominal incision at all
Lastly!! The pain/symptom scale: Day 0: honestly don’t remember much except feeling i need to pee and my throat being sore. Day 1: was still in the hospital. Pain like cramps and burning pain near certain incisions. I was able to walk the hall but very tired after. Sore throat. Day 2: burning pain near bellybutton incisions. Heavy lung feeling. Left the hospital. Day 3: heavy lung feeling. Pinching pain in incisions whenever I stood or sat. Had some moderate discharge that was yellowish with red and brown. Otherwise no pain Day 4: more like a sharp ache when i stood/sat. Discharge again but a very light amount. Day 5: felt strides..any pain was mild cramping. Tried to shower myself and make myself breakfast which led me to be very tired for the rest of the day. Day 6: most tired yet. Pain the same Day 7: felt like turning a page. Pain very little and energy very good.
submitted by Relevant-Front4099 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:21 RaychAquila Terrified

So I'm currently pregnant with my 2nd child and I'm 7 +1 weeks according to my baby tracker app.
We lost our first child Jack at 20 weeks. I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and HELLP. But also my placenta was full of clots and baby wasn't growing how he should have been so we were made to induce and when that didn't work due to my cervix being swollen, I had to have a D&E procedure under general anesthesia. My epidural earlier that morning hadn't worked properly and I could still feel the right hand side of my body a bit.
Rewind slightly from that though, when I was in the process of being induced it was taking a long time so they broke my water, during one of my cervical exams after that the OB on shift at the time told the nurses (whilst still in the room) that they could feel body parts stuck in there. This OB was kinda rough and didn't have a great bedside manner considering what I was going through and then she said that, in earshot and it really upset me. Then she appeared to do nothing about it. Later that day I was out on a pitocin drip and throughout the night contractions started to happen and I was running a fever. They gave me antibiotics and convinced me to have an epidural because the hydromorphone and fentanyl was barely touching the pain. (I have hyper mobility and I'm a redhead which I believe can both affect how those kinds of drugs work).
My family had to fight for information the whole time I was there, even after my procedure. So when I still wasn't able to deliver they spoke to my nurse and sheanaged to get a different doctor to come in and talk to us who offered us the d&e procedure finally.
I get out of the procedure which was done by the new (to us) doctor that had offered it and the mfm doctor that had given us the awful news. They told me I lost a litre of blood but I'm lucky to still have my uterus. They also told me during my recovery that my white blood cell count was the highest they'd ever seen in their careers and when I was starting to heal from that they made it clear I'm lucky to be alive.
I don't know if I am remembering everything in the right order but that's essentially my experience.
Fast forward back to now. All I can think about is all of that, and the loss of our son. I was six weeks on the anniversary of his death.
Ive had bleeding already, a couple of clots but not enough bleeding to go to the ER. I'm terrified we're going to be told that we've already lost this baby. But if we aren't, I'm terrified that we're going to lose it anyway, in similar circumstances as last time.
We've decided not to tell anyone I'm pregnant this time. When my husband is at work I feel very alone with this but when he's home he's very supportive. I've felt awful, so much nausea and sickness/dry heaving etc and I feel unbelievably fatigued a lot. I'm really not coping very well. My first ob appointment isn't until the 29th and it just feels so far away still.
I guess I just needed to say all of this out loud to someone that's not my husband who is doing his damnedest to not be negative or show any fear himself with everything I'm already carrying.
submitted by RaychAquila to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:51 lilcbean3 Super positive hypertension induction 37 + 1!

Super positive hypertension induction 37 + 1!
This has been in my drafts since April 2023! If that says anything about how my postpartum is going 😅
Hi, all! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone apart of this group because it’s really did get me through pregnancy and labor. I’ve always wanted to be a mom very badly, but have always been terrified of childbirth and reading the graduation stories on here helped me so much so I wanted to share mine with you! I had my son Wednesday, April 19th at 8:14 pm. The Thursday before I had a regular prenatal appointment where my blood pressure reading was 152/100. My OB decided to diagnose me with hypertension that day and send me down to labor and delivery for monitoring. The on call OB said the only way to get rid of the hypertension is delivery so he was going to have me come in on Tuesday, April 18th at 6:00 pm to ripen my cervix with Cervidil then start Pitocin at 6:00 am the following day, April 19th, for the actual induction. I went in on Tuesday night for my ripening and the OB said my cervix was “awesome” 2 cm dilated outside and 3 cm inside, 80% effaced. He also accidentally started labor for me with his cervical exam so he decided no Cervidil for me and just Pitocin the following morning. I barely slept that night from nerves and anxiety plus the constant contractions. 6:00 am rolled around and they started my Pitocin. Nothing really happened until they broke my water around 2:00 pm because I was still only at 3 cm and 80% effaced. Around 3:30 pm I started to get some serious conversations I was at 4 1/2-5 cm at this point and that’s when I decided to get my epidural. The epidural wasn’t painful to me, it was quick too. I kinda just napped after I got the epidural because it worked perfectly. At shift change 7:30 pm a new nurse came in and she went ahead and checked my cervix. I was surprisingly at 9 cm so they started bringing the cart in and getting everything set up to deliver my son. 30 minutes later at 8 pm nobody was in my room and all of a sudden I felt so much pressure I called my nurse to check me and I was at 10 cm. She started helping me with practice pushing at this time, but the practice pushing was really just actual pushing because my son started to come out. Thankfully the doctor decided to randomly come stop by and check on me because my son was born just a couple minutes later at 8:14 pm. 6 lbs exactly and 20 inches long. Completely healthy baby boy born 3 weeks early. I ended up having 2 tiny tears on either side of my labia that required 1 stitch each. It wasn’t too painful really just a little sore. The worst thing was the side effect from the epidural it ended up making my blood pressure drop so much I felt lightheaded and short of breath any time I stood up for about a week after birth, but compared to feeling pain while giving birth I’d choose the side effect any day. I ended up being on Labetalol for a month after birth because my blood pressure didn’t come down on its own. About 3 months ago it finally went completely back down to my pre pregnancy readings. Baby boy is now 13 months old as of 2 days ago. 22 lbs and 31 inches tall. He’s happy and healthy and so, so adorable and he’s just the light of my life. I hope this can put someone else’s mind at ease. I had the worst anxiety my entire pregnancy thinking of everything that could go wrong and things did go wrong, but the outcome of it all is so worth it. I’ve added a picture from the day after my son was born and I picture of my son from a few days ago! It’s crazy how the time flies…
submitted by lilcbean3 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:43 NoDuck6067 Ovidrel Side Effects

Curious if anyone has had similar side effects. For reference I’ve been anovulatory for a year. Triggered after 50mg of clomid and two follicles.
  1. The bloating is unreal. Like my entire body feels so swollen and uncomfortable. Retaining about 2lbs of water. I’m 3DPO and the bloat seems to be calming down a little bit. Boobs also hurt - again today seems a bit better.
  2. I feel off. Just like truly off and not myself. It’s starting to decrease.
  3. Up until yesterday I felt like I had swollen bowling balls in my lower abdomen. It just felt soooo full. Also lower back pain.
  4. Anxiety/sadness was quite intense. Also just a cranky bitch.
  5. Temperature only increased starting today.
Overall at 3DPO I’m feeling a bit more ‘normal’ My mood is definitely better and the generalized swelling and abdominal discomfort has calmed down - hoping it continues to be on the decline.
Part of me is curious that I don’t know what it’s like to ovulate and I’m just so hypersensitive to any changes.
I keep trying to remind myself that I’m forcing my body to do things and asking a lot of it and I likely won’t feel like myself through this. But my anxiety is like omg if you can’t handle a trigger shot you can’t handle pregnancy…. Thriving over here clearly!
submitted by NoDuck6067 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:57 thegreatkizzatsby Diet-controlled… induction? Wait for spontaneous labor? What was your experience? So confused and anxious

I know this is an often-discussed topic here but I would love to hear any advice or experiences from my fellow GD mamas - this sub has been really helpful for me and I’m hearing different opinions from different doctors in my practice.
For starters, I love my OB practice, but they do follow the practice of rotating you through the different doctors within the practice for every appointment throughout pregnancy so you’re familiar with each before going into labor. Due to this, I’ve gotten different opinions from the different doctors. I was diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks and have been diet controlled the entire time (I’m 38+4 today). I would say my numbers have been 97% within range, with very few spikes. However, in the last three days I’ve had one spike per day (supposed to be under 120 after 2 hours, all have been below 130 but still a slight spike).
I have been told different things since my dx — 1) since I’m well diet-controlled, I could conceivably go up to 41 weeks and spontaneously go into labor without issue, 2) even though I AM diet controlled, if I don’t go into labor by my due date they will schedule an induction, 3) I can opt for an elective induction after the 39-week mark if I want, basically if I’m just tired of being pregnant. No one has actually discussed induction at length with me (I do plan to ask at my checkup today) and I have no idea what to expect if this is something they’re willing to put on a schedule.
I do not want to go past my due date, but I don’t know the risks of an elective induction. I so far have no signs of labor. Baby is head down. I was in a lot of pain when I got my first cervix check at 36 weeks & would very much like to not agree to another one. I have not had weekly NSTs, only two, that I requested due to decreased/changed fetal activity. I had a BPP for the first time last week (again, at my request due to feeling like he was in a malposition) which baby passed with flying colors.
Overall my doctors just seem very chill and blasé and approaching me overall as a low-risk, normal pregnancy. Which I’m definitely happy about, but the closer I get I’m so conflicted as to what the right thing to do is. I read the Evidence-Based Birth article about the benefits of induction with GD, but I’ve also seen people mention horror stories with GD & induction here - placental abruption, etc etc. so I just don’t know how I should be feeling at this point. I’m having a lot of anxiety over the last couple of days, I’m literally stressing myself sick over every little thing (sinus headaches, minor changes in baby movement, minor sugar spikes) and just ready to get this show on the f*cking road, to be honest. I wish that my doctors had been more clear with me about all of my options. I feel so lost and confused and just want to have this baby already.
submitted by thegreatkizzatsby to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:50 PrisBatty Gynaecological question please

Hello, please could any of you help me. I’m 46F, 152lbs non smoker, asthmatic.
I had the mirena coil put in on the 2nd October 2022. After one week of very mild cramps I suddenly had horrific pain, reminiscent of being in labour (I have two children) except without breaks in between contractions. It was so bad I had to get my TENS machine out and was breathless with pain.
I returned to the clinic where they said the coil had pushed a polyp through my cervix. They removed the coil and the polyp and biopsies the polyp (all clear). My pain levels improved to the point where I could now stand up and speak and appear ok, but they remained really quite severe.
Over the months additional issues have occurred which my doctor believes is fibromyalgia and IBS due to the stress of the pain and chronic migraines. My eyesight has dimmed and my hands have become clumsy, dropping pots and pans and knives while cooking and chopping.
It’s now roughly 19 months later and I’m still in severe pain. Every test so far has been clear. I have had an ultrasound and a transvaginal ultrasound, an x-ray, a CT scan of my abdomen, an MRI of my head, blood tests for everything including autoimmune, a colonoscopy and an endoscopy, plus a hysteroscopy and an endometrial pipelle sample taken.
Nobody can see any reason why I’m in such pain, although they’ve all been very nice. They’re talking about a laparoscopy next which I don’t really want. I have a kid with disabilities to take care of. This all started with the coil and I feel it has to have something to do with that.
My pain is all encompassing, it feels like permanently being in labour, with that same sense of urgency. It is hard to find any joy or interest in life and I’m literally just enduring every day. I’ve been given amytripaline which helped the pain for the first two months but now isn’t doing very much to help.
Thank you for any insight or suggestions you might have. I’m quite desperate at this point.
submitted by PrisBatty to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:00 Sea-Particular9959 Placenta previa 12 weeks and 24/7 nausea that won't ease?

So I guess I need some reassurance because i'm finding myself absolutely freaking out tonight after a number of weeks of various stressors, family loss, etc so its just been so hard. I'm 13 weeks tomorrow and last week at my scan the tech said "oh it's anterior placenta but I can't tell whether it's low lying or not. If it is, you'll need a c-section." c-sections are literally my worst nightmare, I suffer from emetophobia and very specific medical fears regarding my stomach and abdomen surgery. Anyway, today the written report came back saying it's definitely "overlying" the cervix so I assume that's totally covering it rather than just low lying. I know it's early days but I'm freaking out real bad. I have also had a very bad time with painful gas, extreme nausea, heartburn, reflux, basically a variety of stomach upsets that, in the best of times, stress me out. But this has been next level. I have only dry retched a handful of times, I haven't vomited. My midwife told me the nausea should be all gone at 8 weeks so at 12-13 she's worried it will be here the whole pregnancy which is just something I can't go through with, especially with the rest on top. Does anyone have any reassurance about feeling extremely nauseas and bad and it going away soon for me, as well as a complete placenta covering cervix at 12 weeks that has resolved without too much stress?? I don't even know whether to have sex or whatever, not that I feel well for that yet, but no one is telling me anything. I have had a really bad nausea flare up the last 2 days after thinking I might start to feel slightly better last week, when I did a lot of walking and had more stress over the weekend. So its all feeling too much for me.
submitted by Sea-Particular9959 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:29 olmaeyo I stupidly thought I was in the safe zone

I lost my baby today at 13 weeks 5 days. NT scan normal, NIPT results normal. From early on I had spotting with a big bleed at 8 weeks after which I was told I have a subchorionic hematoma. For weeks I lived in dread, limited my activities, counted down each day and each week, looked at the miscarriage risk calculator.
I had so much anxiety but the spotting stopped for 10 days and when the scan and genetic results came through at 12 weeks I let myself relax for my 3 days out of this whole pregnancy, let myself dream and be happy. We told more people. I saw my OB for the first time last Tuesday, and all was supposedly well. That night I started getting pelvic pain and I thought ok it’s the uterus stretching, the timing is right. I was also coming down with a flu and by Wednesday I had a fever and even more pain - I went to the ER that night to rule out a UTI, spent 12 hours there and was reassured with an ultrasound. On Friday the pain got worse, it felt like contractions and the spotting was back and it was bright red. We went back to the ER and they checked everything, including cervix and heartbeat and all was good. But this was the first time I found out my SCH hadn’t gone away and I now had two and they were pretty decent sized 5 something cm for one and 3 something for the other.
On Sunday and today the contractions were even more painful, they honestly felt like an 8 out of 10 and I have a high pain tolerance. They kept coming in waves but the duration kept increasing. I knew it wasn’t right. No matter where I looked online I couldn’t see any anecdotal stories of super painful contractions with SCH. I think I saw the writing in the wall but because the spotting was light and steady I had some hope. We had an OB appointment tomorrow and I just kept thinking we need to make it one more night to get answers.
I went to pee and that was it, my baby came out of me with no preamble other than the light spotting in the days before. I don’t think I am ever going to get over looking down and seeing that coming and out me and then later in the toilet. I’m sorry for the graphic description - I’m just so devestated. He was supposedly fine, in terms of chromosomal stuff, he was ahead in terms of growth. I just can’t understand why. All the other SCH stories I read online ended positively. I can’t help but go over everything to see where I went wrong.
submitted by olmaeyo to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:45 rhk_ch PSA - you can ask for anxiety and pain medicine at the gynecologist, even for “minor” and “routine” procedures.

Had to visit the gynecologist today because of irregular period perimenopause nonsense. They did a bunch of tests to “rule things out” in the office. And they wanted to do a procedure called an EMD at the same time. It’s a biopsy of the endometrial lining of the uterus.
I asked what kind of anesthesia would be used. They said, usually they don’t do any. So, I had them walk me through the procedure. They open your cervix and then stick a tool in there where they remove a piece of the uterine lining. I said, well, that sounds pretty invasive. I’d like some kind of anesthesia. The doctor was like, oh of course we can do that, but you have to come back when you have a driver and we have to call in a script. I said, fine. Let’s do that.
They were so surprised! Not sure if it was surprise that I was able to take time off and get a ride to and from the procedure. Or if it was surprise that I didn’t want a surgical procedure done on my reproductive organs without any kind of pain relief. Can you imagine them telling a dude they will just shove a sharp object in their penis and cut a piece out without even a Valium? You may experience some pressure and cramping in your penis, sir, but go in raw and it’ll be fine. The screaming, lawsuits, the holes punched in exam room walls if men were subjected to this!
A good friend had told me just last week about getting a similar procedure. She had a biopsy of her cervix without any kind of medication. My friend said it was one of the most painful things she had experienced. She had cramping and bleeding and pain for days after.
Just wanted everyone to know that you can request anti-anxiety medicine, local anesthetic, pain relief, and whatever you want. I’m not sure why docs are so against providing relief during these surgical procedures on our lady parts. I’ve heard everything from disbelief in women’s pain to cheapness, to laziness, to that’s how we’ve always done it. Whatever it is, you don’t have to put up with it.
submitted by rhk_ch to GenXWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:11 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: Ch 3

First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow (Native American) and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
What a week. 18 year old me had gone from a dry spell since AIT and graduation to a blow job, facial, and quick hard sex with a married captain at my first duty station. I was falling fast and hard for him. I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to think of me when he thought of being intimate. I wanted to be his release to do everything she wouldn't.
Dustin snapped me this morning, a pic of his obvious buldge greeting my day. "How's my little Private this morning? I wish you were here to help with this"....You have no idea Dustin. Now that the bandaid has been ripped off, I want nothing more than to keep going. I send him a snap back of my semi sheer, black athletic thong, holding it open in the front with the caption "you could drop your load right in here sir". Naughty I know. For some reason, the thought of him filling my underwear with cum is erotic and in the moment, I crave the feel of his warmth between my legs.
"Come by the house on your lunch break and you can have it" I get in reply. Fuck.
I get dressed in my camo uniform with a generic sports bra and the same black athletic thong underneath and try make it through the morning as routinely as possible. Not possible. All I can think of is what I'm willing to do for the married man I'm lusting for and it's got my mind anywhere but at work.
Dustin let's me know he left early for lunch so he's ready whenever I am. The whole drive over, my mind is racing at the prospect of what's about to happen. I knock and find the door open, with Dustin on the couch, laptop open to some semi sexy photos I'd sent to tease him over the last week while he strokes his firm shaft. "Private Hannah reporting as ordered sir" I say as sexily as I can muster in the spur of the moment.
"Private Hannah, you said you'd found a place to hold my cum" completely keeping character.
"Yes sir" I say, stepping around to stand in front of him, undoing my belt and the buttons on my pants, letting them drop to the floor around my ankles.
"Open up then, I'm already close since you decided to be late"
I hold open the front of my black athletic thong, exposing my shaved pubic area for his inspection.
"At least you remembered to shave to start the week" he says and he builds the pace of his stroking and touches the tip of his penis against my smooth skin. In moments I see him start to swell as he nears his release. A thick rope of white cum erupts from his tip and is followed by a second, third, and fourth. My underwear is filled with his thick, warm release and soon its soaked, mixing with my own minor arousal that has built at the situation. As he finishes, I let go of my waistband and allow my cum soaked thong to cling to my lower lips, teasing me with what could have been.
I pull my pants back up and stand breathless in front of eachother. It's been less than 10 minutes since I walked through the door, we've barely spoken and now his cum is dripping down my inner thigh. What has happened? I feel like an incredibly erotic play thing that's been used for a passing moment of pleasure and right then, I know I'm hooked.
"Hannah, I'm sorry if that was too much" Dustin says, coming to the realization that I'm now back in uniform with his cum filling my panties.
I kiss him square on the lips. "Shhhh babe. I wanted this. I want all of you"
"So you really liked that?"
"Dustin that has got to be one of the hottest things I've ever tried. I'm not changing for work"
I sit on his couch in a pool of his release while we chat for the remainder of our lunch hour. When it's time to go, I feel a glob of him drip down my leg. "Can I come spend the night tonight?" I ask, hoping to get my own release after work.
"Sure hun, I just have a few calls to make but it's okay"
I head back to work with a kiss goodbye and the rest of the day I can feel the stickiness between my legs and it keeps me on edge. I run back to my barracks room, take a fast shower, grab a change of clothes for tomorrow, and something special for tonight. I throw on some gym shorts and a hoodie over my sports bra. Coupled with my slides and I'm back across post and find a note on the door "on a call, be quite when you come in"
I come in and quietly shut the door and make my way past Dustin in the livingroom, obviously on a video chat with someone with the screen facing the wall to the garage. I hear a woman's voice say "oh man those walls are paper thin, I think I just heard the neighbors kids come home from school"
Oh shit, he's on with his wife I realize as I tiptoe my way to the master bedroom where I change into my suprise. Naked in his bedroom, I slip into a teal, sheer lace bra with enough underwire support to give me a little cleavage. I pull on a matching set of panties with an intricate sheer lace front and a single thin string between my cheeks in the back. I fold up my sticky cum soaked thong from earlier and walk back into the livingroom.
Dustin does a double take as I come around the corner. He covers this with a coughing fit as his wife asks if he's okay. "Yeah hun just had an itch in my throat" and they continue chatting, her oblivious to the fact that I've just sat down across from him.
I look him square in the eyes as I begin to tease my dark brown nipples through my sheer lace bra. As he tries to hold a conversation, I do everything I can to lightly tease him. I pinch and massage my breasts, softly run a finger between my legs on top of my lacy bottoms. I stand up and start to stretch, bending forward to let my small breasts hang just out of sight of his camera before turning around and bending forward, reaching back to spread my bum and letting the g-string bury itself between my cheeks, barely keeping my other tight hole from view.
I turn back around and unfold the sticky thong he came in earlier and hold it up for him to see the stain his release left on them, right between the legs. I pull my teal lace thong down in the front, and standing right behind his computer, I begin to lightly tease myself with the soft fabric of the back athletic thong, gently massaging my clit, resoaking the nearly dry panties with another round of sexual arousal.
As my arousal grows, I gradually push into my slick entrance and with one finger and then another, the soft athletic fabric of my underwear once again getting soaked as I rub my clit with them, teasing myself with the over stimulating feel against my raw bundle of nerves. I squat down, my face now right behind the computer screen as I squeeze my breast and open my mouth in a silent moan, performing for the man who can't respond.
All of a sudden I stop, ending my tease at the edge of release, not wanting to slip and give away what's going on...and to tease Dustin further. I stand up, place the arousal and cum soaked black thong on the table right behind his laptop and I walk to the kitchen and begin working on dinner with whatever ingredients I can scrounge up in the kitchen. It's such a turn on to do such a normal task in such a small set of lingerie and I secretly hope that Dustin is sneaking peeks at me from across the house.
At long last I feel warm, strong hands wrap around my waist and a kiss finds my cheek. "How's my baby girl, you little tease?"
I blush at the pet name the gentle touch. "I'm almost done, go sit down you silly boy" I say as I start to plate our dinner of chicken and grilled veggies, sauntering into the dining room like a server at one of those lingerie sports bars.
"So you sure know how to put on a show, Hannah" Dustin says as we begin to eat
"I can be anything you want me to be" I say as I begin a speech I'd thought through in my head, telling Dustin that I don't want casual, I want to be the girl he craves, the one who does the things that no one else does, who let's him try the things he's only imagined I'm his wildest sessions alone with himself.
"What do you get out of all of this?" He asks, questioning this step towards commitment.
"I get to explore myself and act out my cravings without having to deal with all the rumors of barracks and searching for guys to feel safe with. I don't want to be your wife. I just want you to forget her when your with me, and I want you to think of me when you choose how to play"
"Well if you're going to explore, we're going to have to push you out of your comfort zone and actually find new places and things to try"
My heart is racing as fantasies flood through my mind. "What do you have in mind?"
"Just play along with different roles and we'll see what happens baby girl"
Baby this role number one? Does Dustin think that with our 8 year age gap and my petite frame that we could play out what I think he wants to play? I did just tell him that I want to be the one he thinks of.
"Yes daddy"
"Good Girl"
I. Am. Wet.
"So what did you have in mind for dessert baby girl?"
I stand up, clean up, take Dustin by the hand. "These can end up on the floor too" i say motioning to my sheer lingerie.
"Not yet" he replies, guiding me back to the bedroom.
I find myself once again on Dustin's bed, this time guided into the center, onto my hands and knees. With gentle pressure between my shoulder blades, I drop to my elbows, arching my back and exposing my entrances to open view, my modesty preserved only by the thin g-string buried between my cheeks.
Dustin pulls that to the side, bringing my arousal fully into view. I shudder as a soft, wet tongue traces it's way teasingly between my parted lips, beginning at the bundle of nerves aching in my core and ending in the tight wet hole that's been longing to be filled since I started my teasing back at lunch. I moan a soft sigh of want as Dustin licks me again and again, using his thumbs to spread me open before teasing the inner entrance of my now soaked vagina with his oral stimulation.
After a few breathless minutes of almost over the edge teasing with his tongue, Dustin traces his tongue higher. My eyes go wide and my breath catches in my throat as his tongue glides across my other hole. After a brief pause, he repeats his elongated trail of tongue teasing a second and third time, ending on my bum every time.
I moan "Don't stop, daddy" as his tongue lingers on my hole, swirling around my rear entrance as his calloused fingers reach between my legs to tease my clit. I am so close as his tongue makes headway into my hole which is opening up for him at his constant stimulation.
"I'm going to fill you up baby girl" Dustin leans down and whispers in my ear, his tongue momentarily replaced by his thumb pressing further into my bum, slick with his saliva.
"Please daddy" I moan in reply, eager to keep my promise to do everything his wife won't do.
Dustin pulls away completely and reaches into his wife's nightstand. I see him pull out a bottle of lube and a silver plug with a red jeweled heart on the end, still in its packaging, unopened, unplayed with. I know what's coming and why we're playing this out right now.
Dustin removes the plug from its package and holds it tip first up to my lips. I know what he wants without saying a word. I stick out my tongue and lightly tease the cold metal tip, softly swirling circles around it, further and further down until I bob my head down, taking the whole plug in my mouth and closing my lips around the base. I look up at Dustin, the jeweled heart of the plug between my lips and softly moan in anticipation.
He pulls it out of my mouth and I seductively tease the tip one last time. "Wanna stick it in my ass daddy?" I beg as sexily as possible. After a few seconds of fumbling around with the lube bottle, I feel the cold liquid land on my hole, followed by a finger gently probing my already relaxed entrance. A moment later, the finger is replaced by the cold lubed plug and my breath catches in my throat as I stretch around the plug before closing down tightly on the base. Dustin moves my g-string back into place, covering my soaking wet lips and holding the plug firmly in my butt.
I look back at him pleadingly. I know I teased you hard earlier but if you stop now, this is just cruel. "Daddy please" I say breathlessly, not wanting the stimulation to stop while also acutely aware of the fullness inside my rear.
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me daddy"
"You have two options Hannah. You teased me, so this is a tease for you. You can go to bed, right now, right like this, or you can get your punishment and then a reward like a good girl. Bed or a spanking, your choice"
"Spank me Daddy" I beg without a moment's hesitation
smack the sharp crack of Dustin's hand on my bare cheek takes me by suprise and I clench hard on the plug inside my bum. "Oh fuck daddy" I moan in a mix of pain and pleasure. smack smack smack come three more successive blows, landing on alternating cheeks. I moan almost tearfully as my arousal builds to the point that I'm literally ready to beg for release.
"Daddy please fuck me. Do whatever you want just let me cum please"
A firm tug pulls my g-string down to my knees, still on all fours with my face in the pillows. A hard shaft rubs between my lower lips, finds my eager entrance, and in one firm thrust is buried all the way inside me. I cry out, looking back over my shoulder at Dustin who looks like a man possessed with the overwhelming urge to use me for his pleasure, and in that moment, it's all I want as well.
His firm hands grip my hips and I arch my back, throwing myself back against him to meet his own rapid thrusts. My cheeks clap a faster and faster pace as the overwhelming feeling of being completely filled mixes with the intense pleasure of the moment. I'm red faced and breathless, moaning Dustin's name as he continues in an unrelenting pace, thrusting in and out, in and out. At one point he pulls my face out of the pillows, gripping my long dark hair by my ponytail and commands "You're gonna be a good girl and cum for daddy"
He releases my hair but I remain facing forward, head up and moaning through the moment "Yes daddy, oh my fuuuuuuuuuckkkk" comes from my innocent lips as he simultaneously pulls out the buttplug and buries himself all the way inside me as I can feel him swell and begin to release against my cervix.
"That's right daddy, cum inside my pussy" I beg as he thrusts again and again as my inner walls clench down and my own release spills out of me, uncontained as I find one of the strongest orgasms of my life. His thrusts slow and eventually he pulls out, leaving me leaking cum and lube from both my holes.
He returns with a warm towel and begins to clean me off as I sit up, still in my sheer bra, and kiss him firmly on the lips. "That was incredible, daddy" I whisper, my forehead resting against his as he finishes cleaning my sensitive areas.
"Would you like to rinse off?"
I reply yes and he runs us a sensual warm shower, where nothing but gentle washing and a few lingering kisses happens. He's patient as I take extra time under the soothing water and wraps me in a soft towel when I get out.
As we get dressed into comfy pajama shorts and tshirts, I ask "so was I a good girl, daddy?"
"The best. I think we should stick with this role for awhile if you're into it"
After the time I had tonight, I'm more than willing to play along. We discuss some likes and dislikes and limits (nothing that leaves a mark where I'll have to answer questions about it at work), and reagree that none of this is a thing on the few occasions that his wife visits during her internship. And duh, no telling work, that would fuck us both.
We end the night with gentle pillow talk, and he asks if,for the role, I'd be willing to let him help me get dressed in the mornings, helping me pick out bras and undies from a selection of things I'd actually wear to work. I welcome the increased interaction and dedicated time to talk every morning without a second thought, and I fall asleep with his arm wrapped around me from behind, his strong hand under my tshirt, soothingly placed on my bare stomach, just below my belly button and just teasingly far enough into the area covered by a bikini. I'm in heaven.
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:06 ladymoonshyne Period after leep extra bad?

I had LEEP on Tuesday last week. She also did some sort of burning thing with another tool to the rest of my cervix but didn’t put it on my summary so I’m unsure what it all was.
Yesterday I was in so much pain and I think I’m starting my period. I haven’t had hardly any discharge so far. Yesterday I would have these super painful sharp shooting cramps that had me doubled over and they’ve happened a bit today but not as bad although I took the day off work because I was also bleeding so heavily. The blood doesn’t seem like a normal period though at first it was pink spotting like and then it was all of sudden just a shit ton of blood. Then nothing for hours, then a shit ton of blood again. Then today it seems like I haven’t bleed at all and am not even spotting.
Anyone else deal with this? I did call my gyno and she’s out of office until Wednesday so they scheduled me for a checkup that morning to make sure there’s no infection but just said to cancel tomorrow if I think it’s just a regular period after all.
submitted by ladymoonshyne to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:59 PinkLimes88 Has anyone had experience with Actim Partus test (preterm labour test)

Just needing some help and advice from anyone who may be familiar with my current situation.
I’m 26+2 weeks and went to hospital last week after experiencing light cramping which felt similar to dull period cramps. Pain wise they were a 3/10 but I went in to be extra cautious.
I had a swab done to test for preterm labour which came back as positive.
The doctor said this put me at an increased risk of possibly going into labour within the next 7-14 days.
She did mention false positives with the test and suggested an internal scan to check my cervix. My cervix was long and closed (I believe 35mm?) which they said was reassuring and a better indicator than the swab test.
I’ve had my cervix checked via U/S twice since and there’s been no changes as well as via speculum exam which showed a closed cervix.
I’ve read many reassuring stories from women who also tested positive but went on to deliver full term or only a couple weeks early.
I wanted to ask if anyone in this group has any experience or advice on this?
I feel like I will be treading on egg shells the next few days/weeks/months after this news and just hope everything is okay with baby and he stays inside till he’s due.
Thank you all, A very anxious mama
submitted by PinkLimes88 to PregnancyUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:54 mammalmechanic Has anyone been referred to a gynae unit for an iud insertion? What was your experience like?

I was all prepped to have an iud inserted by my GP. She asked that I be on my period, prescribed me ponstan and another medication to soften my cervix. There was a struggle (but no pain) to insert it so I was referred to a hospital to have it done. I was told they have different (better?) instruments and it would be much easier, that she didn't want to crack on with it and hurt me.
I knew exactly what to expect from the gp. She went over everything at least twice and I've built a rapport with her over the last while. I trust her.
Now I have an appointment in the hospital to get it done and I have no clue what to expect. I have painkillers to take beforehand and after. I'm apprehensive and really hoping that there's someone willing to share their experience so I know what's ahead of me.
submitted by mammalmechanic to IrishWomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:42 jjesscaht nothing can enter my vagina?

I’m an 18-year-old female and nothing can enter my vagina. I cannot get light tampons in. I went to a gynecologist for this and the first one said that I had a microperforate hymen but a second one was able to get a finger up to my cervix using lubricant and thinks it’s just because the tampons are pushing on my urethra because my urethra is large and further down than normal and vaginal opening is smaller than normal. I was going to follow up and not try to insert anything until then, but I ended up hooking up with someone and this was my first time trying to have sex. This guy has had sex with many women in the past and it was extremely painful when he tried to insert and it started bleeding. After that he tried to do it again but he said he had never felt something like this before and that it just wouldn’t go in. I know I’ve already been to doctors but I want to know if anyone has past experience with this or which doctor they think is correct or if there is another issue going on? The bleeding must have been from the hymen as far as I know, but this is really concerning to me and I don’t want to not be able to have sex or just not be able to insert anything in the future. I really need help for this and I can’t get into contact with a gynecologist at the moment.
submitted by jjesscaht to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:58 aydee12 To yeet or not to yeet?

First, I know the internet is not the place I should be going to to ask for validation for this decision but I feel like I just need input from a community that understands.
What I’m struggling with is that this doesn’t seem medically necessary (my dr never said that it was and was clear that it is an option). She said she is leaving it up to me, and if I want it, we will make it happen and it will be insurance coded as medically necessary. Technically, I suppose it is--I’ve tried everything else with no resolution. This is the next step and only remaining option if I want to be pain-free. And while the pain is pretty awful, it’s also something I can live with (not suffer with, actually live with with good quality of life). It’s 4-6 days a month, and it really sucks but it’s not crazy debilitating. I flinch and it takes me a few moments to catch my breath but then I move on. I’m not bedridden, I’m not crying from pain, I don’t have endometriosis or adenomyosis (I know none of those are prerequisites to get a hysterectomy). I get minor cysts when I ovulate but they’re not debilitating. Every couple months one will be bigger and more painful than normal, but livable.
I am careful not to compare myself to others in this--while objectively I do not experience the severe and debilitating symptoms that a lot of you have, my experience is still valid and I know that.
I just keep getting stuck on the not medically necessary part. Yeah, not having that pain would be nice, but again, it’s livable. I see some of the potential complications and I’m not sure it’s worth the risk for my situation. But I’m 34 now and if the pain gets more frequent or worse in the future, then this will be come medically necessary instead of optional. I'm worried about future recovery time as I age since I already noticed a slowdown in my normal recovery time with my bilateral salp. But that is still a “maybe” scenario and not guaranteed. There is also the small chance that it isn't my cervix causing this pain and the surgery won't solve the issue.. My dr and I think this is very unlikely, but it is still a possibility.
Thoughts? Advice? Insights? I know this is a decision that only I can make, but I'm just looking for something to help me make the decision.
submitted by aydee12 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:48 PinkLimes88 Positive fetal fibronectin test (fFN, preterm labour test)

26 weeks, positive preterm labour test - advice needed
I’m 26+2 and went to hospital a few days ago after experiencing light cramping which felt similar to dull period cramps. Pain wise they were a 3/10 but I went in to be extra cautious.
I had a swab done to test for preterm labour which came back as positive.
I spoke to multiple doctors and consultants whilst in hospital and left feeling confused.
The first doctor said this put me at an increased risk of possibly going into labour within the next 7-14 days. She prepared me for the worst case scenarios.
Following this I saw two consultants.
They mentioned false positives with the test and suggested an internal scan to check my cervix. My cervix was long and closed (I believe 35mm?) which they said was reassuring and a better indicator than the swab test.
I’ve had my cervix checked via U/S twice since and there’s been no changes as well as twice via speculum exam which showed a closed cervix.
I’ve read many reassuring stories from women who also tested positive but went on to deliver full term (or in some cases only a couple weeks early)
I wanted to ask if anyone in this group has any experience or advice on this?
I was not given steroids based on the fact that the scans showed no cervical changes and I was no longer experiencing any pain/cramps so they were reassured that there were no signs of labour.
I feel like I will be treading on egg shells the next few days/weeks/months after this news and just hope everything is okay with baby and he stays inside till he’s due.
Thank you all, A very anxious mama
submitted by PinkLimes88 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:00 NicoleLove74 The Perfect Cock – First-Hand Information About What It's Like to Be A Whore

The perfect cock is one with no man attached. You can rinse it off after use and put it back in the drawer. It’s always ready for action, hard and never tired! 😂 All jokes aside, the perfect cock should be attached to a man who knows what he does with it and has a good character.
Ok, let’s say for example that I am dating with you, yes YOU 💋 you know that I’m a prostitute and that I have seen a lot of cocks. You also know that I have sex with my customers and that some of them have a big cock, it may be that I love them. But that doesn’t take away the fact that I decide to date with you? right? To put it mildly, men are obsessed with the size of their cock. Especially how their size compares to other men and whether or not a woman will consider their cock big enough for quality sex. So, what if I tell YOU in all honestly that I have never experienced a date with a cock I didn’t like!
No cock is exactly the same, they are all special in their own way. Some have a bend upwards, some downwards, or straight. Others are curved, some the size of my forearm, other the size of my big toe. So, when people on REDDIT started to ask me if I like big cocks, if I consider a big cock a perfect cock, I decided to write you all about it, hope you enjoy reading it.
Let me start by saying that at work, size is not important for me. As long as it is hard and works, and that my customer enjoys it. When I have sex for fun, then it’s different, then I like to experience something more intense. For my own pleasure, YES, I honestly confess, I’m guilty, I find men with a big cock more sexually attractive, the feeling of being filled, hooray for stretch! but not too extreme, it should not dislocate my jaw or bruise my cervix. And it must be attached to someone that can keep up with me, every man that has ever dated me knows that I can go on for hours.
Have I ever dated a man with a big cock? YES, after my divorce I was dating for months a tall dark-skinned beauty. I experienced big cocks before at work, so I knew what to expect, but his one was huge! I was shocked by the size of it. It was a bit painful at the beginning, but then, hmmm it was just wonderful. There were a few times it was hard to work afterwards. But like anything else, you get used to it. He definitely got me hooked on big cocks. A pity we broke up, I was not looking for a pimp, but that’s another story. And no, all other cocks are normal, his one was just huge!
I hope you enjoyed reading it; I write about what’s it like to be a prostitute. Why? Because I can't talk about it with my family and friends. I’m 42 and a single mom of 2 and joined REDDIT so I can tell in this community my story undisturbed.
I created my own community on REDDIT: “Life_as_a_Sex_Worker” hope to see you all there, many more post will follow. Any questions, suggestions? Send me a private message, big hugs to you all XXX💋
submitted by NicoleLove74 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:09 Dismal-Plastic2910 Ovarian cyst post oophorectomy

Age 46
Sex female
Height 5’4
Weight 185 lbs
Race white
Duration of complaint 1 year
Location USA
46/f, 185lbs, non-smoker, diabetes type 2, Hashimoto thyroiditis. Levothiroxine .5mcg Trulicity In April 2019, I was diagnosed with stage 1 cervical cancer. I was treated with a radical hysterectomy and saplingo. They removed uterus, cervix, surrounding tissue, lymph nodes, fallopian tubes. My ovaries were spared for hormone purposes. Recovery went well and no issues were identified outside of random nerve damage to upper right thigh and right side skin in abdomen area. In June 2023, I thought I was passing a kidney stone with extreme pain, vomiting and flu like symptoms and left work because it was sudden. I went to ER and they informed me it I was not passing a kidney stone but that I had a 9cm cyst on my left ovary. They referred me to a specialist. 8/2023 The gyno/ oncologist recommended surgery and 2 weeks later it was removed. Recovery was a nightmare. 5 days after surgery I had a spontaneous hemorrhage and until January 2024 it affected my entire life. Day 1 from surgery my bladder had extreme pain starting and stopping urine. I kept telling the surgeon who dismissed me at every visit. April 2024 l again thought I was passing a kidney stone and had same symptoms again and knew this time I probably was actually passing one because I don't have a left ovary. Went to the ER and PA agreed I probably was because previous surgery but we will make sure that source of pain is kidney. CT scan report states I have a cyst on my left ovary. After going back and forth and showing OR report, radiologist refused to change report and advised I go back to surgeon. Surgeon refused to see me. My pop sent me to get an MRI and this image report states it's a chronic hematoma with a cyst with Peri vascular fat standing. PCP refers me to urologist and a new gyno/oncologist. 11 days later surgeon reaches out to invite me to a medical visit. I requested a referral to a hematologist to rule out hematoma and my pop refused. Meanwhile, I'm the one in pain with no relief. I'm posting this for guidance and advise on what questions to ask. My bladder is intermittently affected. This bladder episode has last 6 weeks as of today.
submitted by Dismal-Plastic2910 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:30 Subject-Incident1202 Surgery 2 weeks ago

Hello, first time posting here. I (34F) had a total hysterectomy 2 weeks ago (uterus, cervix, and tubes). It was done laparoscopically. Surgery went well. I stayed the night to make sure I don’t have seizures because I have epilepsy, and then went home the next day. I don’t remember the entire first week after surgery which is weird, but I know I had minimal pain. I also ended up with pretty bad contact dermatitis from an allergic reaction to surgical glue that spread to other parts of my body, so I’m on a long prednisone taper, which sucks. Anyway, I have a toddler, so I’ve been trying to find the balance between resting and doing what I can to care for him. It’s been 16 days since surgery, should I be okay to care for him all day by myself? I have help with him, but I feel guilty. I want to pull my weight, but sometimes I get so exhausted and in pain, and I can’t tell if the exhaustion and pain is real or in my head. Ever since surgery I’ve been really struggling with my mental health a lot. So I don’t know if maybe my mind is making things worse than they actually are. Also, even though I still have my ovaries, is it possible that this surgery impacted my hormones? I just don’t feel like myself at all anymore. Thank you.
submitted by Subject-Incident1202 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:03 JetCityWoman1 High-Risk HPV, Biopsy & LEEP: One Woman's Experience in 2024

Sorry if this is a bit disjointed and long, there's a TL;DR at the end. I just had my LEEP on Thursday and wanted to share my experience. Hopefully this soothes a fellow over-thinker.
Background: 30 yr old female, 130 lbs, 5'2". No moderate, severe or chronic health conditions.
I was diagnosed with high-risk (HR) HPV with LSIL/abnormal cells in February of this year. Not 16/18, but another HR strain. I got at least one shot of the HPV vaccine before I turned 26 so I was really shocked at this. I had a complete emotional breakdown because of the connection to HPV and cervical cancer, plus I just felt....dirty. I've gone through my sexually active years without getting as much as a yeast infection, and now I had just been hit with an STI, and the one that causes cancer. I went into a pretty deep depression and honestly I'm still in that depression zone but not nearly as much. I did a ton of research and my findings told me that even if it was cancer, it's one of the most curable ones especially given my age, health, etc.
My primary doctor referred me to a gyno's office connected to the hospital I go to, and I scheduled an appointment for March 1st. Gyno (who was actually not an OBGYN but an APRN/midwife?) basically did a slightly more advanced exam/questionnaire then I got another referral to an actual OBGYN for a colposcopy and scheduled it for April 1st. I thought I would have the colpo/biopsy with the APRN during my March appointment but I guess that's just a "yeah your primary is right you need a colpo" step. Idk, very confusing.
April 1st comes, the doctor that was available for that date (I wanted to get this done asap) had some less than favorable reviews on the internet so that made me a little uneasy. Between each appointment I was spending hours researching, redditing, googling, youtubing etc. so I wouldn't go into this completely ignorant and hopefully minimize the chance of any BS being pulled.
My doctor was, to my surprise, very chill, professional and knowledgeable. Took time to answer all my questions, we even had some laughs. Please ladies, find a doctor that makes you feel comfortable if you can. No question is a silly question and no doctor or nurse should make you feel like you're stupid for raising concerns or asking a lot of questions. If you feel something is off or a doc is being an a-hole, that's your sign to GTFO and find another doctor. Pleasant staff make this experience so much better.
The colpo: wasn't that bad. They crack you open like a pistachio with a speculum (like they would use for pap smear) and take a look at your cervix with this scope. A vinegar solution is applied to highlight the abnormal cells. My doc's colpo machine did have a screen that could show me what he was seeing, although it wasn't working and honestly I'm glad. I think seeing what was going on inside of me would make me worry more. So I just had to take my doctor's word for it when he said the area of abnormal cells was small.
I had a punch biopsy done during my colpo and oh man. It hurt. I wasn't instructed to take ibuprofen beforehand. I'm not sure if they didn't think I would need a biopsy or what but holy crap. 2 samples were taken, at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on my cervix, and I received a curettage as well. The curettage didn't hurt or was minor in comparison to the biopsy. After the biopsy, a "liquid bandage" was applied, this bandage is called Monsel's solution I believe. It's a mustard yellow paste.
The biopsy caused immediate moderate cramping and pain. The "6 o'clock" one, which was a larger sample, made me flinch and let out a little yelp. 6 o'clock hurt a lot. I will say that my doctor talked about what he was going to do before doing or as he was doing it so it's not like I was taken entirely by surprise. However, you don't realize how sensitive your cervix is until a chunk is taken from it.
After the biopsy, I felt this dull pain, nausea and cramping and apparently had excessive bleeding. Dribbles of blood were present on the procedure chair and floor, some of which had been cleaned up by the nurse/assistant prior to me sitting up so who knows how much was there. Doc confirmed this excessive bleeding in my after visit summary, but it wasn't so much so that it warranted some kind of emergency. I experienced some spotting for about 2 to 3 days after. I expected more blood in my pads but that never happened. I think seeing all this blood, knowing where it came from and why it was there made me even more nauseous.
The nausea and...weakness after the biopsy really had me messed up. I could barely focus as my doctor went into detail about what to possibly expect afterwards, what he saw (he even drew a little picture of my cervix), answered any questions I had. We said our goodbyes, I got dressed and made a mad dash to the waiting area's water cooler. I figured some cool water would calm my nerves and my stomach. I stupidly walked home after the procedure (I live in Chicago, very close to my doc's office). Nothing terrible happened but in hindsight, what if I passed out in the office, in the street? If you can ladies, have someone with you to get you home safely and for support. Or, at the very least, take an uber after.
After getting home I checked my pad, everything was good although I did have some "coffee grounds" in my pad from the Monsel's solution. The doc warned me about this and to expect it for a few days. I crashed on my couch for a little nap before going to a concert later that evening because I don't know how to take a day off.
The next month following my biopsy was largely uneventful, I did have intercourse about 2.5 weeks post-biopsy with no issues or pain, although the thought of infection and the whole process made it hard to enjoy sex (I healed up just fine so this was more unnecessary worrying). I didn't experience any pain, fever, or excessive bleeding, only some mild discomfort/cramping/lethargy (likely due to mentally stressing myself out) on day 2. I did however, experience one moment that freaked me out:
Day 3 post-biopsy: I got home from after work (my job requires me to be on my feet most of the day) and felt something in my vagina. It felt like a freshly inserted, regular sized tampon. I went to the bathroom, washed my hands and reached down to feel something coming out of me. Something was crowning and breaching my labial gates. I reached back down and slowly pulled out whatever object was in me. It felt like a horror movie. I knew I had inserted nothing.
Based on the feeling of said object, I thought my cervix was falling out of my body. I started panicking a bit. Panicking intensified after pulling out this...sac.
It looked alien. It was this membrane sac, about the size of a pitted date when rolled up. Within the sac contained those "coffee grounds." I knew it was the Monsel's solution and likely I had shed the liquid bandage. That logical thought didn't stop me from freaking out and gently wrapping my alien sac Starbucks trash baby in a piece of toilet paper and further sealing this HPV caused abomination into a Ziploc bag. My plan was to run to the ER and show them the freak I had given birth to.
Problem is, I had just lost my is insurance and was in process of getting a new plan, so a costly trip to the ER, waiting for hours for them to likely tell me I'm a panicky idiot wasn't really in the cards. So what does any overly anxious patient do? Turn to Dr. Google of course! I found a couple of reddit posts from women who had experienced the same thing but there wasn't much information on what had just slithered out of me. I found one of those "pay $5 for any kind of advice: legal, medical etc! Chat with an expert today!" sites that seemed legit enough. I got in chat with a doc quickly after some AI pre-chat prompts and he confirmed my suspicions: it was the Monsel's solution that I had expelled from my body. I was told this wasn't unusual and so long as I don't have an excessive bleeding, fever, pain, blah blah, I should be fine.
And I was fine. If you experience this and don't have any accompanying complications, you should be fine too. It is weird when it happens though.
My results came back about 2 weeks later. What was initially thought to be LSIL turned out to be HSIL/CIN-III, and my OBGYN told me I needed a LEEP sooner than later. My appointment was scheduled for next month and I still didn't have insurance. These month long waits between appointments were anxiety ridden depression fests, fueled by junk food and further exacerbated by internet research. The LEEP posts on Reddit had me so concerned, I reached out to my doctor to see if I could be put under general anesthesia for my LEEP, instead of receiving local anesthesia. Women on here described LEEPs as painful and traumatic. Just awful stuff. If you're reading this you've likely read those too. They described leg shaking after the shots, crying, etc. My doctor left me a detailed voice message and responded to my concerns with: "most women tolerate it well but if you're uncomfortable we'll send you to the hospital and put you under monitored sedation/anesthesia." I was still worried but was willing to see how I felt after local anesthesia. I was pleased he was open to working with me and my comfort level.
Fast forward to Wednesday last week:
The night before my LEEP, I got maybe an hour of sleep. I couldn't turn my mind off. My heart started racing an hour before my procedure and I had weird heart palpitations/irregular heart beat. I showered to calm myself down and be clean for my appointment, took 600 mg of ibuprofen as instructed, then headed out. Got a little snack from Starbucks (croissant for before since I was walking to my doc and some madeleines for after to help offset some potential nausea). For my LEEP I wore a big comfy sweater, some "period" leggings (leggings that aren't too tight and I don't care if they get blood on them) and brought a pad with me just in case. They should provide one for you but I'd rather be prepared. Got to the office, checked in, did the pregnancy urine test, got called in quickly, went through the whole height/weight/med history routine. About 5 mins later I sat down in my OBGYN's office. He described the lab findings (CIN-III), detailed the procedure, the tools and supplies they would use, aftercare and answered any questions I had. He then led me into a procedure room (pretty sure it was the same one I had my bloody biopsy in). I got undressed from the waist down like a pap, sat in the procedure chair, draped a little paper blanket over my bare bits and waited. The doctor came in with his nurse and went to work.
They again cracked me open with a speculum, this time it was rubberized on some parts. This is so your vagina doesn't get fried from the electrical current, otherwise your pubes and vulva will look like Marv in Home Alone. They also slapped a little rubber pad on my thigh to "ground" me like I'm some kind heavy duty machinery. Colpo machine comes forward so the doc can zoom in on your cervix. He applied 2 types of solution if I recall correctly: the normal vinegar solution to highlight abnormal cells and an iodine solution to highlight normal cells. Someone can correct me if that's wrong. The solutions and their uses were the least of my concerns.
He then went in with 4 lidocaine injections to numb the area, total of about 1 ml of lido I think. He used a very small needle and upon insertion, it felt like a little pinch. Now, for those afraid of needles, it is a long ish needle but the actual poke is minimal. Although some women report that the inject was the worst part. That was not the case here but the visual can be a bit alarming. After the first injection, I didn't feel the other 3. I felt comfortable going forward with the procedure, and my doc kept checking in with me to make sure I was ok. I did feel an increase in my heart rate post-lidocaine, but it wasn't concerning. I wasn't sure if this was from the "holy shit he's about to start zapping" or as a side effect of the lidocaine. Regardless, my heart rate came back down to a reasonable level given the circumstances in a few minutes. I was actually so comfortable at this point, I managed to relax my asscheeks after they were clamped together like a vise grip from the moment my derriere hit the chair.
I'm not really sure what happened after the injections, I knew he was using the LEEP machine but I don't know how long that lasted and when the wound was being created vs. cauterized as I didn't feel anything except some mild cramping/discomfort. I didn't flinch like I did with the biopsy. When the doc was finished, he applied a little bit of Monsel's, described how much he removed, went over aftercare again, we said our thank yous and goodbyes. I got dressed and went on my way, snacking on my madeleines on my way home (I walked again lol). I felt well post-procedure and even stopped at Target to do some shopping and smell some summer collection candles. I did feel myself bleeding but when I got home and checked the pad, there was a minimal amount of blood. Some women here have reported a distinct burning smell during their LEEP, I didn't smell anything but I also have sinus issues soooo maybe I just didn't pick up on it? My appointment was at 9 a.m. and I was out by 9:32.
When I got home I had some orange juice, water then slept for about 8 to 9 hours. I did have little cry sessions here and there after my procedure. But I was also sleep deprived and know I tend to get emotional. Regardless, take some time off after a LEEP, stay home around your own germs if possible. Get some of your favorite snacks, a face mask and a Nintendo switch or something. This is a good time for some self-care and rest, girlies.
Friday, day after LEEP: no bleeding, minor cramping/discomfort.
Saturday: Usual morning pee met with some blood in the toilet paper. Nothing in my pad though. Throughout the day I slept on and off, I've been more tired than usual. My body and mind has gone through some shit so I'm not mad at myself for being sleepy. I did experience some heavier bleeding throughout the day that was mostly dark colored. The blood level was about the same if not less than what I'd experience with a period. No unusual smell. I did shed the liquid bandage. Did have some mild cramping at certain points during the day but not debilitating or worth taking ibuprofen over.
Sunday: Energy levels finally back up to something normal, don't feel as tired. Still bleeding dark red blood/brown discharge but it's minor. Ran some errands today, I figured gravity would cause me to bleed more but it's about the same as yesterday if not less.
If there's interest, I'll check in at maybe the 2 week and 4 week mark, or whenever I remember since this is my throwaway account.
Overall the LEEP was way better than the biopsy in my experience. Reddit had me freaking out. I know I'm lucky, and this post isn't to dismiss any terrible or painful experience other women have had. I want to share my 'positive' experience, since most of my mental state surrounding my diagnosis, fears, the upgrade from LSIL to HSIL, has been negative.
Oh and I did get insurance literally a week before my LEEP, thank God.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask them below!
TL;DR: -Colpo: easy -Biopsy: sucks. Most pain I've ever felt and felt nauseous/uneasy after. Ask your doctor if you can take ibuprofen prior to a biopsy. Monsel's solution/liquid bandaid came out in sac-like alien baby about 36 to 48 hours later. Was able to have intercourse 2-2.5 weeks post-biopsy. No insertion of anything for about 3 days after. -LEEP: easy-ish? 600 mg ibuprofen 1 hour before procedure. Anxiety inducing but once I was numbed with local anesthesia, I felt nothing except some mild cramping. The injection didn't hurt and caused no serious side effects. No smell. No excessive bleeding. Felt fine post-LEEP but did experience some bleeding. It's been less than a week so I'll update if anything spooky happens, if no updates then expect everything went fine. No intercourse/tampons/etc for 3 to 6 weeks.
Tips: -Prioritize self care throughout this experience especially. It'll help you stay calm and heal. -Dress comfy for procedures -Take some snacks and water to your appointments for post-procedure ick -Do your research. Knowledge is power even if it makes you uncomfortable. Youtube was a great resource for me, I like to see what's going to happen before it does. Just try not to get worked up like I did. -Ask questions. If a doctor makes you feel stupid, see another doctor if possible. -Have someone with you for support and to make sure you get home ok -If you experience fever, intense pain, soaking through pads, or notice any weird smell: GO TO A DOCTOR
submitted by JetCityWoman1 to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]