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2024.05.21 22:58 GhelasOfAnza Indie games marketing guide — from someone who’s NOT an expert

Over the years, I’ve done a lot of different work in the games industry. I want to start this off by saying that I do NOT consider myself a marketing expert; maybe intermediate. I’m making this post to address the most common misconceptions my clients have had regarding marketing. Quite frankly, this is the biggest point of failure for indie games. Take it all with a grain of salt, share your own experiences, and please: correct me wherever you feel I may be wrong.
Marketing should start at the same time as development. You have a great idea for a game — awesome. Do you know who else is going to want to play it? Do you know how you can reach large numbers of those people? How can you make branding and messaging appealing to those people specifically? This should be day one stuff. It almost always isn’t.
Going viral on social media is an outdated concept. Social media wants you to pay for ads. That includes X, Reddit, and everything in between. Many will throttle you for unpaid self-promotion.
Don’t spend money on short-term engagements with content creators. Even if you catch them on a day when they are energized and having a blast playing, their first priority is their audience, not your sales numbers. A one-time payment will not change that.
Don’t hire unverified marketing help. Unfortunately, the indie games space is full of scams. Lots of people offering marketing help have no experience. Ask to see multiple case studies and successful campaigns.
We’ve gone over a lot of stuff that doesn’t work. Let’s cover a few things that do!
Know your ultimate goal. You should strive to create enough of a presence on multiple platforms to start getting noticed organically. Throwing a few hundred bucks at some ads isn’t going to do it. A somewhat successful post on Reddit isn’t going to do it. Align multiple marketing actions in such a way that they help amplify each other — make a new trailer, use it in your media outreach, promote it in various ways, use it to announce a demo and a contest — now we’re talking!
Optimize your Steam page. Make sure all of your art is high-quality, distinct, and gives a player an idea of what they can expect from your game (capsule art especially.) Figure out what the best tags for your game are. is a decent place to get some insights. Do this ASAP.
Create a community hub. I like to use Discord for this. All of your socials, Steam page, your game demo if you have one, and just as importantly, the game itself — everything should funnel players into one place. This will become an invaluable resource. The first committed members of your community will help provide insights into how to reach your demographic, help you find bugs and quality of life issues, and keep your team motivated. Don’t wait to do it — a year or more ahead of launch is ideal!
Reach out through content creator platforms. The ones I have personally had good results with are drope and lurkit. Your mileage may vary. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a few content creators that love your game and want to keep engaging with it.
Reach out to content creators for free promotion. This is really a numbers game — you might send out 100 emails and get 2 or 3 people who cover it. Focus on creators that absolutely love your genre, and love showcasing promising new content. Send them a free key along with a personalized message. The odds of success are honestly pretty low… Nevertheless, if a sizable YouTuber covers you and is genuinely intrigued by your game, this will be well worth your time.
Run contests, giveaways, or tournaments. Let’s face it — you have a lot of competition. If you want people to line up to try your game, a little extra incentive might help! Make sure that your prize(s) are hefty enough to overcome any barrier-to-entry. A caption contest would have a low barrier-to-entry, while a leaderboard competition would have a fairly high barrier-to-entry. Keep in mind that the likelihood of winning a prize is a barrier-to-entry factor as well. “Winner receives $100” < “10 random contestants receive $10.”
I hope someone finds this helpful. This is not a fully comprehensive guide, just an opportunity to compare notes. If you have questions about any of the things mentioned in this guide, feel free to DM me! If you have something to add or correct, please let me know in the comments.
submitted by GhelasOfAnza to indiegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:57 rao-blackwell-ized Here's how I got a Paxlovid prescription in about 10 min. via Amazon Clinic

Hoping this post of just sharing my experience doesn’t break any rules but let me know if it does and I can revise. None of this is intended to be medical advice. Obviously consult your healthcare professional. I'm also not advocating for lying on a health screener; I'm just telling you how it works.
I’m not going to opine on whether you need / don’t need / should take / shouldn’t take Paxlovid. There are plenty of posts on that already (just search Paxlovid on this sub). This post is assuming you’ve determined you do indeed want or need it. I’m just sharing my experience in case others are wondering how to do the same thing or what the process looks like.
This was extremely easy and only took about 10 minutes.
Here’s the link that should go straight to the Covid-19 treatment online visit page:
If for some reason that doesn’t work, go to the main clinic page, click “Find a treatment,” and then click Covid-19.
Click “Get Started.”
I did “Message Only.” No phone or video call. Basically just a chat screen. Messages also go to your email and phone if you choose and you can exit out of the chat window and return later if you need to.
I had 2 choices of an “online clinic” - Curai and Wheel. Both were the same price. Curai quoted me a shorter wait time. This probably depends on your home state because it asks that first.
The health screening questionnaire is basically a maze that you have to navigate correctly to get to your desired destination (a Paxlovid prescription), and the correct path is pretty narrow. It’s looking for a high-risk individual with a positive test in the last 5 days who doesn’t have immediate risk of a cardiac event. That last part is important because on my first attempt I checked the box for “chest tightness” and it kicked me out and told me to go to the ER. Pretty sure a lot of the initial symptoms it asks about are serious ones where it will just tell you to go to the ER. You’ll probably answer something wrong. Don’t worry; you can just click the back button in your browser and stay inside the questionnaire. BMI was my high risk qualifier.
Cost for the “visit” was $34 billed to my credit card saved with Amazon.
A family medicine MD replied in about 10 min. asking for timeline of positive home test and symptom onset. 10 min. later he replied with a proposed treatment protocol of a Paxlovid prescription and asked if I agreed with the proposed treatment plan. I agreed and the prescription was immediately sent to my local CVS and I got it within hours.
Neither Amazon nor the pharmacy will deliver Paxlovid to your house. You have to go pick it up in person. Both Amazon and my pharmacy explicitly stated this on the screen.
Pharmacist told me the 5-day course (10 packs of 3 pills each) would have been $1,500 without insurance, $325 with my insurance, and I happened to Google “Paxlovid coupon” and stumbled upon the Paxcess program/coupon and that made it completely free. American healthcare; go figure. Coupon is here:
Also, obligatory reminder to thoroughly check all the interactions and contraindications before taking this drug. There's a pretty long list.
Keep your heads up.
submitted by rao-blackwell-ized to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:57 Repulsive-Lunch3515 Modpack Release: TowardsRocketScience 2.0

Modpack Release: TowardsRocketScience 2.0
There was this experiment... A new source of energy they said... But it went very wrong! They turned our home land - the earth's moon - into a dust dessert without any atmosphere. You barely made it out alive and crash landed on the planet earth. Your starship was destroyed and evaporated into the air. But you are determined to survive and make our moon habitable again!
With this modpack you will explore immersive engineering, research and build rockets, travel to other planets and build a space station! Your goal is to terraform the moon - but it will be a long journey...
This modpack is designed progressively and beginner friendly and has multiple chapters.
If you like Immersive engineering and Advanced Rocketry you will love this pack!
This pack features:
  • Custom new planets
  • New asteroids to mine
  • A storyline
  • Toffel's building plans to inspire your creativity
  • Many new recipes
  • A research system to unlock items/blocks
  • Planet Artifacts
  • Immersive Tech power generation system

Full description:
Many recipes are changed or disabled and replaced with other methods to get the items. Most of them have to be crafted in an engineer's workbench (the large one). For some you need to mine asteroids or abandoned space ships. Some items need to be researched first and ordered in the quest book.
The Quest system utilizes the best features of my favourite mods in a story-like approach. You will need to do a task to unlock other paths but you have a little freedom in what paths you unlock next. it is NOT chapter1->end task->chapter2->... There is more to it!
Tasks include:
  • item creation,
  • reaching advancements,
  • trading-quests and
  • research-quests - you have never seen this before ;)
Below is an image of the main chapters:
You can use a buildcraft quarry to help you in early game to get some ores while you start to create your little Minecolony. With the ressource production from your colony and the quarry you can build more expensive heavy industry machines to start your rocket production. Of course heavy machinery needs heavy power generation. You can use the diesel generator for the basic machines but you want to upgrade to a steam turbine if you want to get your industry going.
You can dig for oil with the giant pumpjack and refine it into diesel in a large distillation tower, or you go "green energy" and make a solar tower. Last one might produce less energy but does not require any fuel.
Oh and one more thing: If you need water, you need to get it from a river or ocean biome because there is no infinite water in other biomes. if it is a large distance to the next river / ocean you could build a railway with tank carts to collect a ton of water at once and store it at your base. You can also find water deep underground and pump it up like oil. The core sample drill will help you there. You better find a good water supply or there is no steam turbine for you. The diesel generator and the gas turbine work without water. You also need some water to generate rocket fuel.
The quest system will further guide you in this pack.
Main Mods List:
Advanced Rocketry
Immersive Engineering
Immersive Petroleum
Immersive Tech
Refined Storage
Minecolonies 1.12.2 beta
Many quality-improvement mods
Guide on power generation:
1: Early game:
For early game power generation you can use buildcraft engines. Combustion engines can burn oil, diesel, gasoline and lubricant - but the last one does not make much power. You can collect oil with a bucket from oil springs or use a pump to power your combustion engine.
If you do not see any oil you can build stirling engines and burn coal. You might find a dark oak biome where you can get much wood in a short time because of the big trees.
2: Scaling up:
Once you have crafted a distillation tower you can refine oil into diesel, gasoline and lubricant. You can use the diesel in a diesel generator. This will give you some good power for your rocket factory or to power an excavator. The gasoline can be processed in a portable generator or in a buildcraft combustion engine.
Note: The buildcraft engines need a energy bridge to connect with other energy systems. Pipe buildcraft energy into a MJ energy consumer. Place the energy bridge next to the consumer. Place a RF/FE energy producer next to the energy bridge too. You can now use connectors to connect wires to the FE/RF producer. You can reverse this process too if you want a high speed quarry ;)
3: I need more POWER!!!
  • Build a gas turbine - it can burn gasoline much more efficiently than a portable generator and it makes much power. It also does not require water but it is a very loud process....
  • Build a boiler to burn diesel or biodiesel and produce steam. pipe the steam into a steam turbine.
  • Of course you could just build a big diesel generator array
4: Power on space stations:
Because there is no infinite water you will need different ways to produce water and energy.
  • You can mine for gas on gas giants and use oxygen and hydrogen to make steam in a refinery and pipe it into a steam turbine. Collect water from the output of the steam turbine. Note that for the steam turbine to generate power you need a high flow rate of steam. If the flow rate is too low you will not get energy.
  • If you have no water but access to gasoline or rocket fuel, you can use both in a gas turbine or a portable generator to produce energy. A gas turbine will output a little water when you run it on rocket fuel
  • Build large rockts with fluid tanks and load water or fuel from the ground to power your space station
  • tips when gas mining:
  • burning rocket fuel in a gas turbine will give more energy and less water
  • using a steam turbine will make more water but less energy
Steam turbine vs Gas turbine vs diesel generator:
Steam turbine (~12k rf/tick):
  • fuel: very fuel efficient, burns diesel or biodiesel(2x)
  • water: needs much water to run but you can recycle some of it
  • noise: no loud noise
  • size: large - (distiller), boiler, turbine, alternator
  • starting: slow startup, boiler needs to heat up and turbine needs to spin up
  • tips: use distilled water to get more steam from boiler and spin turbine a little faster
Gas turbine (~12k rf/tick)::
  • fuel: burns gasoline or rocket fuel, high fuel consumption
  • water: needs no water
  • noise: very loud
  • size: small - turbine, alternator
  • starting: needs start helper, fast startup
  • tips: use oxygen / hydrogen from gas mining and make cheap rocket fuel to power turbine
Diesel generator (~4k rf/tick)::
  • fuel: burns diesel / biodiesel, more efficient than single block engines, can sustain pumpjack and distillation tower very easy
  • water: needs no water
  • noise: a little noise
  • size: very small
  • starting: instant starting,
  • tips: works great to power an excavator. because it produces the same power that the excavator needs
Guide on Advanced rocketry:
The Quest Book will guide you here.
If you still need help you should have a look at this guide on youtube:
Note: The Terraforming process is sped up in this modpack - who would want to wait for weeks to transform a planet?
Asteroid mining:
There are some additional asteroids for you to mine:
You can find glowing asteroids that can provide you with glowstone and blaze powder
You can find end asteroids and nether asteroids.
Most important: You can find abandoned spaceships!
submitted by Repulsive-Lunch3515 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 ForeverNo5009 Why is this happening please I don't understand

Buckle up, this is going to be confusing and long. I have to say from now that I actually have major "memory gaps" from alot of what happened and most of what I'll say from now is information I had to gather from people who were around me when this happened.
Last week, in school, I was sitting with my friends in the cafeteria area. I looked at my watch and realized the date of the day and thought "my dad is coming back today from traveling" (he was in another country), I just remembered a past memory of him yelling at me and abusing me. Now the thing I don't understand is that suddenly I kept having multiple "flashbacks", both visual and auditory, of the abuse my family put me through, including my dad. I wanted it to stop but I realized I couldn't, I was literally paralyzed on the outside. I tried to nudge my friend beside me but I could barely twitch my finger. (she was distracted with my other friend and had her head turned away from me). The best way I could explain the "flashbacks" is that it was like if you had multiple Tvs around you playing multiple movies, aka memories, all at once at high speed and volume.
I realized my heart was beating very fast and loudly, and even in less stressful situation than this one, feeling my heart makes me anxious. Luckily one of my other friends came to sit with us and noticed how I was. I tried with all my strength to talk to them and tell them what's happening but I was "paralyzed" and couldn't tell them. I was already extremely distressed and realizing how badly I couldn't react made me start crying involuntarily and they called the doctor assuming I was ill. Obviously the doctor realized I wasn't sick and told me to just drink juice. The more she asked questions and the more I didn't respond, the more she got frustrated at me. By that point they called my sister who also got mad at me for not talking. By then, the break had ended for a while and I don't know how but I ended up in my classroom, I think i just literally walked there but I don't remember doing that at all. Then I sat down on a chair next to the supervisors table and, once again, I don't remember what happened but I realized time had passed and there were multiple people surrounding me and one of my friends was on her knees infront me trying to talk to me. And when I realized I don't remember her walking up to me at all, talking to me, kneeling down beside me, I was so frightened and just started sobbing. I don't remember much from here but I do know, from my friends, that the supervisor told everyone to go back to their class. I should mention that my class was less than a few feet away from the supervisors seat, she doesn't have a private office.
I just started sobbing and sobbing and the only person I wanted was my closest friend, who I'll call "S", who knew me more than anyone else. I was scared of my dad so badly even though I knew he couldn't do anything in school. Again, I somehow ended up in another area near the supervisor's table and I was hugging S so hard her arms turned red. My mind felt hazy and then I glanced behind her for a second and I fucking saw my dad just standing there. I knew there was no fucking way he was there, I go to an all girls school, 3 floors up, and he was in a different country, but I was so confused. I half believed and half didn't. I was so horrified and I kept telling them he was there but they told me no one was there (from my friends' narration).
This kept going on for a while until I just somehow ended up in the bathroom, laying down on the floor, and a few teachers and people from the administration were surrounding me. I genuinely don't remember how I ended up there. It got so bad my sister had to call my therapist, and I yelled at the phone that my dad was there and he was going to hurt me but even I knew that was ridiculous but I couldn't help it. We had to hang up on her through. After a long while I managed to stand up and I was beside my class, my class door has a window thing you can look through and then it hit me that all of my classmates are seeing this and it scared me again.
My friends told me later that someone opened the door and I ran in and grabbed one of my closest friends who also knew about my dad's abuse and yelled at her something like "tell them I'm not lying tell them tell them" but the thing is I don't remember who "them is" or what I meant by lying I really don't. They kicked everyone in the class out and I ended up just sobbing for a while again. I don't remember much and my friends had to leave so I don't have any information of what happened. I ended up going home and they gave my mom a warning.
So fast forward to yesterday, on Tuesday. I was having a completely normal day, and then an hour into school, I just felt "weird" and started banging my head hard and alot on my table. Luckily the tables aren't that hard, I don't know what the material they're made out of is called but they can't really do much, it's hard but weak. My friends sitting beside me had to grab me with all their strength because, again from their narration, I kept trying to fight against them to hurt myself. The administration came in and kicked everyone out and I just kept trying over and over again to harm myself. Apparently I even tried to take my clothes off but they stopped me. But everyone saw what my upper body looked like I think. And I ended up downstairs 3 floors down in the principals office, I don't remember how I ended up there. I was screaming crying and begging for S and my favourite teacher, they wouldn't bring S but they did call that teacher. She kept hugging me and comforting me. Then they tried to make me leave to my driver who was outisde the gate. When they got me out to the gate i for some reason just ended up on the floor sobbinf and I don't know why. Then I looked behind me and my dad was there. It wasnt a delusion or whatever he was there. Enough time had passed for him to have time to come. They also called 3 male teachers from the boys section to carry me. When my dad held I can swear I screamed like I was tortured alive. The more he held me the more I was distressed and scared. I don't know what happened but he left and they called my mom to pick me up instead. (I live with both my parents but my dad has a busy job and had to go back to work for emergencies whole my mom stays at home). I went back home and the rest is too much irrelevant details I don't wanna focus on. Theres only one week of school left with exams, in the exams time we stay only 2 hours in school and leave, there's no classes or anything like that. And now the school is refusing to let me go back to my classrooms, they said I'll have to take the exams in the administration room.
I genuinely have no idea what's going on with me, I've done so much research but I haven't even found anything that could be a basic assumption or theory or idea or whatever of what's going I'm so confused I hate this and I'm stressed and now everyone at school knows I'm being abused by my dad. Please if you have any idea what's goin on with me, even if it might sound ridiculous or whatever please please tell. And I know I have to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist but we're still in the middle of dealing with that so yeah. Also no one in my family has a history of mental illness especially with something like this.
submitted by ForeverNo5009 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 Soaked_in_bleach24 I believe I have conquered my fear of flying & it’s ALL due to this subreddit

About 2 months ago I was told I would need to be flying cross country for work and I found this subreddit. I want to share what I did within those 2 months that made me 1. Feel comfortable with getting on my recent cross country flight for work and 2. Has gotten me to a point where I am now seeking out flights for vacations, which is something I have never done.
So I compiled a short checklist of what I did along with some comments from pilots that resonated with me.
✅ use the search bar on this subreddit. If you are feeling on edge about something in particular, whether it be a recent incident (such as the Boeing incidents) or something more particular to my fears, such as, brake malfunction, wing falling off, turbulence, TWA explosion from the late 90s. All of these have been asked here with all of them having certified pilots putting your mind at ease. If you have a specific anxiety about flying, it’s likely someone has already posted about it, the search bar is your best friend here!
✅ do NOT read replies from non-verified pilots. During my two months here I didn’t read any replies that weren’t from pilots, luckily these comments are almost always the top comments. I did not scroll down to read what other anxious flyers are commenting, I only used this subreddit to find voices of reason.
✅ I followed a bunch of aviation instagram accounts, mostly pilots, where they have a ton of videos of them flying inside the cockpit, complete with landing and takeoff sequences. This helped me tremendously. Before, I avoided all aviation accounts because all it did was make me anxious.
And finally, and I’m paraphrasing all of these, but these are some quotes that really stuck with me when I first joined:
“How often do you see planes going across the sky while you’re walking and you become nervous the plane above you will crash? Probably never”
“Do you think pilots leave home and kiss their wife and children goodbye hoping it’s not the last time we see them because our plane may crash?”
“There are multiple redundancies regarding planes. If something were to malfunction, there is a backup, and there is often a backup to th backup”
“Pilots complete their own checklist and run through of the plane before takeoff, a pilot will NOT fly a plane they do not deem safe”
“Get on that plane. Do not cancel that vacation. You will be fine.”
Finally, I am sober of 5 years so no alcohol helped me with my most recent flight. I was also unable to be prescribed Benzos. I was sober Sally! I hope this helps. I am 34 and have been afraid to fly my whole life, but never truly took the time to understand how planes operate and all the safety measures in place. This subreddit helped me understand all of that. So a massive thank you to all the pilots that provide a voice of reason on here!!
submitted by Soaked_in_bleach24 to fearofflying [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 Venexion I've tried 7 different hard drives on 4 different systems, none work, is there something I'm doing wrong? NAS question

I am trying to build a NAS, here are the specs of the system:
- AMD Ryzen 9 7950x3D - 128GB DDR4 (3200MHz?) - RTX 4070 - 1TB 970 evo - 4 6TB WD Red Plus - Focus GX-1000 1000w PSU 
So whenever I plug in any of the hard drives to the system with SATA power, it just immediately clicks off, I'm assuming it's some kind of OVP because I have to unplug the CPU pins and power cycle the system to get it to turn back. I have tried the drives with 3 different systems, different PSUs, different cables, and even bought a 6TB WD purple to see if maybe there was some weirdness going on with nasware3.0 or something. Same problem. We also had a couple 12TB drives before that also were not working. We are at 7 different drives that do not work with any of our systems. What is going on?
One of the computers had 3 drives in it already that were working, and we would unplug the sata data and power, plug it into one of the high capacity drives, and boom nothing. Plug the original drive back in and it works.
I just cannot figure out what is going on. Even tried taping pin 3, and pins 1 - 3 just in case it had something to do with PWDIS, however even if that was the issue, all the info I can find about it says the drive should still spinup with no sata data plugged in, but that is not the case.
We had a WD80EZAZ laying around that wasn't working and tried the tape on pin 3 trick on that bad boy, and that revived it. So that just confirms to me even more it's not PWDIS.
A couple of the systems are windows, and the NAS machine has Ubuntu on it so I don't think it's an OS issue either, which again doesn't make sense since the drives never even spin up during POST
The hard drives I'm trying to use are WD60EFPXs, and I also got a WD64PURZ for testing which is drive 7 that isn't working
submitted by Venexion to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 Ready_Memory8578 AITA for eating junk food infront of BF who's on a diet?

AITA; My (27f) boyfriend (29m) recently found out he is at a high risk for diabetes and he is overweight on the BMI scale. His doctor told him he needs to start making changes to his diet.
My boyfriend has always been a naturally bigger guy but recently he's been eating more unhealthy, thus has gained 15 more pounds since the beginning of this year. Since his Drs appt he's been trying to make more healthier meals at home instead of eating out, and he's going to gym more often. I have been trying to be as supportive as I can for him and if I'm not able to go to the gym with him, I'll ask if he wants to go jogging together or ride bikes.
Now I am the opposite of my bf. I have always been very slim and have trouble gaining weight. I've just always had a really fast metabolism. My diet isn't great, but I do eat at home (especially more now since he's been cooking and I eat his meals with him/or I make us both meals) but the problem is I snack a lot.
I might have some ice cream at night after dinner or a cookie or two.
My boyfriend has been making comments to me saying I need to stop the snacking in front of him because its not helping his diet. He becomes tempted when he sees me eating junk food and wants to join in.
For example, a few nights ago after I got done from work, I decided to stop at dairy queen and I got a small sundae. My boyfriend ended up getting home earlier than expected so I walked in the house holding my sundae and he got upset. He said "oh my god... did you really need to get that? You don't need to have a treat every night, you can go one day without it. This is just ridiculous."
Also, I bought some Hershey chocolates at the store the other day and put them in the pantry. When he was in the pantry getting stuff to make dinner with, he saw the chocolates and got mad. He told me I shouldn't be buying this stuff and starts lecturing me on how bad it is.
Every time he sees me with junk food, he makes several comments about how I need to be more healthier, how I don't need to eat everytime I feel hungry, one day this will all catch up to me and then I'll regret eating this stuff. He also says I'm inconsiderate for eating it in front of him when he's clearly trying to he healthier.
I do want to support him and I feel like I have been but I told him I don't think it's fair he controls what I should and shouldn't eat.
Idk, I do feel bad but at the same time, I'm getting annoyed when he makes comments to me every time I want to enjoy something.
AITA for this?? What can I do to be more supportive?
submitted by Ready_Memory8578 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 ForeverNo5009 Does anyone have any idea what the hell is happening to me and why??

Buckle up, this is going to be confusing and long. I have to say from now that I actually have major "memory gaps" from alot of what happened and most of what I'll say from now is information I had to gather from people who were around me when this happened.
Last week, in school, I was sitting with my friends in the cafeteria area. I looked at my watch and realized the date of the day and thought "my dad is coming back today from traveling" (he was in another country), I just remembered a past memory of him yelling at me and abusing me. Now the thing I don't understand is that suddenly I kept having multiple "flashbacks", both visual and auditory, of the abuse my family put me through, including my dad. I wanted it to stop but I realized I couldn't, I was literally paralyzed on the outside. I tried to nudge my friend beside me but I could barely twitch my finger. (she was distracted with my other friend and had her head turned away from me). The best way I could explain the "flashbacks" is that it was like if you had multiple Tvs around you playing multiple movies, aka memories, all at once at high speed and volume.
I realized my heart was beating very fast and loudly, and even in less stressful situation than this one, feeling my heart makes me anxious. Luckily one of my other friends came to sit with us and noticed how I was. I tried with all my strength to talk to them and tell them what's happening but I was "paralyzed" and couldn't tell them. I was already extremely distressed and realizing how badly I couldn't react made me start crying involuntarily and they called the doctor assuming I was ill. Obviously the doctor realized I wasn't sick and told me to just drink juice. The more she asked questions and the more I didn't respond, the more she got frustrated at me. By that point they called my sister who also got mad at me for not talking. By then, the break had ended for a while and I don't know how but I ended up in my classroom, I think i just literally walked there but I don't remember doing that at all. Then I sat down on a chair next to the supervisors table and, once again, I don't remember what happened but I realized time had passed and there were multiple people surrounding me and one of my friends was on her knees infront me trying to talk to me. And when I realized I don't remember her walking up to me at all, talking to me, kneeling down beside me, I was so frightened and just started sobbing. I don't remember much from here but I do know, from my friends, that the supervisor told everyone to go back to their class. I should mention that my class was less than a few feet away from the supervisors seat, she doesn't have a private office.
I just started sobbing and sobbing and the only person I wanted was my closest friend, who I'll call "S", who knew me more than anyone else. I was scared of my dad so badly even though I knew he couldn't do anything in school. Again, I somehow ended up in another area near the supervisor's table and I was hugging S so hard her arms turned red. My mind felt hazy and then I glanced behind her for a second and I fucking saw my dad just standing there. I knew there was no fucking way he was there, I go to an all girls school, 3 floors up, and he was in a different country, but I was so confused. I half believed and half didn't. I was so horrified and I kept telling them he was there but they told me no one was there (from my friends' narration).
This kept going on for a while until I just somehow ended up in the bathroom, laying down on the floor, and a few teachers and people from the administration were surrounding me. I genuinely don't remember how I ended up there. It got so bad my sister had to call my therapist, and I yelled at the phone that my dad was there and he was going to hurt me but even I knew that was ridiculous but I couldn't help it. We had to hang up on her through. After a long while I managed to stand up and I was beside my class, my class door has a window thing you can look through and then it hit me that all of my classmates are seeing this and it scared me again.
My friends told me later that someone opened the door and I ran in and grabbed one of my closest friends who also knew about my dad's abuse and yelled at her something like "tell them I'm not lying tell them tell them" but the thing is I don't remember who "them is" or what I meant by lying I really don't. They kicked everyone in the class out and I ended up just sobbing for a while again. I don't remember much and my friends had to leave so I don't have any information of what happened. I ended up going home and they gave my mom a warning.
So fast forward to yesterday, on Tuesday. I was having a completely normal day, and then an hour into school, I just felt "weird" and started banging my head hard and alot on my table. Luckily the tables aren't that hard, I don't know what the material they're made out of is called but they can't really do much, it's hard but weak. My friends sitting beside me had to grab me with all their strength because, again from their narration, I kept trying to fight against them to hurt myself. The administration came in and kicked everyone out and I just kept trying over and over again to harm myself. Apparently I even tried to take my clothes off but they stopped me. But everyone saw what my upper body looked like I think. And I ended up downstairs 3 floors down in the principals office, I don't remember how I ended up there. I was screaming crying and begging for S and my favourite teacher, they wouldn't bring S but they did call that teacher. She kept hugging me and comforting me. Then they tried to make me leave to my driver who was outisde the gate. When they got me out to the gate i for some reason just ended up on the floor sobbinf and I don't know why. Then I looked behind me and my dad was there. It wasnt a delusion or whatever he was there. Enough time had passed for him to have time to come. They also called 3 male teachers from the boys section to carry me. When my dad held I can swear I screamed like I was tortured alive. The more he held me the more I was distressed and scared. I don't know what happened but he left and they called my mom to pick me up instead. (I live with both my parents but my dad has a busy job and had to go back to work for emergencies whole my mom stays at home). I went back home and the rest is too much irrelevant details I don't wanna focus on. Theres only one week of school left with exams, in the exams time we stay only 2 hours in school and leave, there's no classes or anything like that. And now the school is refusing to let me go back to my classrooms, they said I'll have to take the exams in the administration room.
I genuinely have no idea what's going on with me, I've done so much research but I haven't even found anything that could be a basic assumption or theory or idea or whatever of what's going I'm so confused I hate this and I'm stressed and now everyone at school knows I'm being abused by my dad. Please if you have any idea what's goin on with me, even if it might sound ridiculous or whatever please please tell. And I know I have to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist but we're still in the middle of dealing with that so yeah. Also no one in my family has a history of mental illness especially with something like this.
Ps. As I've said most of what I've written is from what people told me they saw when they were there so I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer most questions.
submitted by ForeverNo5009 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 702Johnny Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.

submitted by 702Johnny to iosgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 kaps84 Can you help me decide between two offers?

I am currently at a software startup, have been here about 6 years working in 'customer success' which really means any and everything they throw at me. I make $80k a year with an associates degree; when I started I was at $50k (so I have gotten a 60% increase in 6 years.) For reference, I'm 40/f, 3 kids at home (2 school age, 1 in daycare) - married, total household income right now is ~$225k. We paid off all of our debt minus our mortgage in 2020, so life is pretty good and I can afford to take a pay cut if needed. Husband's job covers our insurance. I am working in a very toxic environment where I'm basically gaslit every day. I can't do it anymore.
I have 2 offers right now and both have pros and cons. The first offer is for a school secretary at the school my oldest starts in this fall. Hours are 7-3:30, M-F, no nights no weekends. Pays $21 an hour with a pension. I would get 18 holidays, 3 weeks of sick time and 15 days of PTO. I know I would kick ass at this job, I had my interview today and rocked it, they called and made an offer a couple of hours later. I could realistically retire from this job - work there for the next 15-20 years while my kids finish up school and retire with a pension when the youngest graduates. It's union so there are guaranteed 4% increases every year as well as the step levels you can progress through. But the max base pay looks to be about $28/hour at some point (before increases, any other stipends, etc). I'm also looking at the fact that most of their staff is closer to retirement age so maybe some other higher level roles will open up in the next few years?
Second offer is with another software startup, I know a handful of people over there because they have moved on from my current company in the past few years. Their current President, Engineering Manager and Head of Product are all people I've worked closely with, President actually hired me at this company and I reported to him for 2 years. 'Unlimited' PTO which I have now, colleague claims they have the 'best work life balance he's ever had' which... who knows. I was told the salary is anywhere from $40-60k but I have a feeling I could talk them up to $70k or maybe even closer to where I am at now. I'm nervous about working in another startup. It's so chaotic where I'm at now, I'm not sure if I want to do it again.
Would love some unbiased advice, as my mental health is really struggling in my current role and I'm ready to walk tomorrow. ('Keep looking' would normally be an option - but my current company is not normal.) Thanks!
submitted by kaps84 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:52 Wise_Entertainment92 Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3 Won’t Boot

So basically I closed my laptop instead of shutting down the other day (I know, bad idea, was tired) and when I went to open it back up it was stuck on a black screen and wouldn’t wake up from sleep mode so I tried to reboot using the power button, all this did was turn the computer off
I wait about a minute for it to boot back up but nothing happened so I hit the power button again, the power light and keyboard lights all come on but the screen is still dark and I don’t hear my fans come on
I’ve had something similar happen once and I hooked it up to a monitor with an HDMI and use the monitor to troubleshoot so I tried it again, only this time the HDMI is not getting any signal off the laptop.
The weirdest part is that when I try to turn the computer on my monitor goes from no signal, to searching for signal, and back to no signal, so something is definitely happening.
My question is: is this an at home fix? From what I’ve seen online it could be the RAM and Ideapad Gaming laptops are built to allow you to upgrade it, I could easily replace the stick myself if that’s what’s wrong but I’m not sure and don’t wanna mess with it until I have more info.
Edit: I used the hardware flair because I BELIEVE it is my RAM stick, if this sounds more like a software issue please let me know and I’ll fix this post!
submitted by Wise_Entertainment92 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:52 Affectionate_Run3921 My FIRE playbook

I replied to a post the other day and received some requests to share more about my story as to how I grew my annual earnings from 28k to 750k, and my net worth from a starting point of being in debt to what is now on track to be $10M+ when I retire early in a few years at 55. This happened slowly but steadily over the course of a 30 year career. I replied that my story was not very exciting, and that I’m not sure how replicable it is and perhaps its not be all that relevant to many of you. But, I am happy to share it here in hopes there is some value for someone.
Take it as just one guy’s plan, about how to get a little rich very slowly. For me, the formula has been to focus on growing my earnings without much lifestyle creep, and invest all I could for the long term.
I grew up lower middle class. Far from poverty, but we didn’t have a lot. As a kid, I wanted more and set very specific goals towards finding ways to make money and to one day retire early. I didn’t know any successful people, but figured it starts with going to college. No one else in my family had done that, but I went off to a state school and put myself through 4 years to get a Bachelors in Business Wanted to try something entrepreneurially after, but couldn’t afford to and needed to get a job to start paying back the loans.
I had read every career and business book I could get my hands on. The job search strategy I chose was to get hired in an entry level role at a branch of a Fortune 500 company and work my way up, or leave in a few years and apply what I had learned to my own business. I got a couple interviews but wasn’t getting hired because I lacked experience.
Sales seemed to be the best place to start from what I had read, and I ended up getting hired in a sales job at a small company earning $28k. Once I had a year of experience I again started applying to big companies. I don’t want to get into what company or specific field I’m in, but it’s not FAANG / tech, not healthcare, and not banking/finance. I really don’t think industry/field matters as much as size of company does. Big, publicly held corporations benchmark compensation levels and tend to structure pay similarly to be competitive.
Also, everyone says pick a field you are passionate about. That’s great advice, but I think the culture of the company matters most. I targeted large, growing industries and researched company culture. Speaking to people first hand instead of relying on online reviews, which often have negative bias. My 21 year old logic was to work backwards - big successful companies with a good culture will have the most opportunities for me to grow, advance and earn more over time.
I finally got in the door and landed a sales job at a small district of a Fortune 500, making 60k. I outperformed my peer group and built a name for myself internally and externally in the market over my first 2 years. By now I was making 80k and ready to move up, but there were not any openings expected anytime soon. Around this time, I got recruited by a different company as a manager and accepted. My comp jumped to 130k. More importantly, this company was performing better, had a better culture, and had more internal opportunities. I made it known I was here to grow and make contributions to the business, and wanted to advance. Management liked the enthusiasm and I delivered on results. I also constantly invested in my own professional development. I learned everything about our customers and competitors, and brought forward ideas and strategies to stay ahead of the game. A few more years of this, and I moved out of sales and into other departments to learn more about the business and grow my experience - Operations, Marketing, etc.
25 years and a series of promotions later I was promoted to be one of a handful of Vice Presidents running the company. There are obviously a lot of variables and this path isn’t for everyone, and it’s up to you what applies for you. For me, the themes that worked were: Out work and outperform others. Keep a positive attitude. Seek mentorship. Be a lifelong learner. Build relationships at all levels of the company - treat everyone the same regardless of position or title. Be quick to adapt to constantly changing environments. And most importantly, never comprise your integrity. It’s everything you have. Performance is only table stakes. You need a good attitude and people skills to go with it if you’re going to advance. High performance gets you exposure to upper management, and how you show up in those exposures becomes your image over time. Image carries the most weight for promotions based on studies. It’s up to you to manage yours.
Outside of work, my wife stayed home and we raised our family very comfortably on my growing salary. We lived well but didn’t spend any more when I made 750k than we did at 200k. We paid off all debt as soon as possible, including our house, allowing us to maximize the amount we were able to invest over a long time period.
I hope that aspects of this are helpful to some of you. Happy to answer any questions here but no private messages please. Too many scams. Best regards.
submitted by Affectionate_Run3921 to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:51 hugeboobiesloverldn Please help me choose, Job A or Job B.

I'm so confused, I need all the advice I can get in deciding what to do. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
So here is my dilemma. I started a new job (Job A) three months ago. It's a role where a big group of us all started together and hence, I've made some strong bonds and good relationships with a lot of my colleagues. We have a lot of laughs and banter. It's very long shifts, however, as I like the job, time seems to fly quite quickly and also that means I only have to work 4 days a week with 3 days off each week. It's a 25 mins drive from my house, get free hot meals during my breaks. The negative thing about that role is the salary is just ok and also, I'm not allowed my phone in my work area and so have to leave it in the car, but even with that, even though I thought it would be a major issue, I've kinda learnt to live with that.
Now prior to starting Job A, I had also applied for Job B. However, with Job B, there was an enhanced security check which means it was a very long pre-employment process before getting the final contract. So about three weeks ago, I finally got a call from Job B to confirm that I'd passed my security check and to start the week after. As I was already employed in Job A, I took a two weeks holiday so I can start Job B to see how it is.
Now some information about Job's an hour drive from my home. I'm the only new person who's started in this team in the last couple of years. And hence, all my other colleagues have already formed their bonds, know each others traits etc. Also, it's a lot more relaxed compared to Job A. In Job A, I'm constantly working and as I'm a naturally active person, I really like it. However, in Job B, I may work for a couple of hours then it's basically hanging around the office until my finish time. Moreover, I was told I would be issued a full uniform when I started. But when I started, I was then told I would need to go out and buy the uniform myself then submit the receipt to them and they will re-imburse me. Moreover, for the last couple of weeks in Job B since starting, even though I submitted my bank details so they can pay me, on our work server, it says my bank details is empty and so been emailing and phoning so many different people and departments to try to rectify it and it's still not done. The positives about Job B is the pay is £6,000.00 more than Job A in terms of basic salaries. But like I said, they're already messing with my money which I really don't like. And also, there is a chance to earn more in Job A if I work overtime. Also, with Job B, I've already noticed some of my colleagues gossiping about me, I guess because I'm the new guy. Whereas with Job A, most of us are new and started together so that isn't an issue. Oh yeah, I must admit, Job B looks better on my CV. I don't know, I'm now ranting. Please help with any advice you may have. If you need any more info, please ask and I'll expand. Thanks in advance.
submitted by hugeboobiesloverldn to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:51 UnknownCat246 I miss MTG

TLDR: I haven’t played in like 3 months. It’s not because of work, but the husband won’t go with me. I can’t go by myself. He won’t play. Every experience I’ve had screams I cannot go alone.
The first shop I ever went to I got hired by, when the owner realized I wasn’t gonna sleep with him I got fired. Had a boyfriend. Was very clear.
The next store a dude flipped a f**kin table and accused me of cheating because there was “no way” I’d get lucky enough to draw the same card that won me the game twice in a standard game where you can run 4 of each of the friggin cards. I lost every other game that night. Same shop had a drunken brawl happen in the middle of Friday night magic. Decided place was not for me.
The next store a guy literally yelled at me in a casual game of commander where we were teaching a new guy to play. He’d brought his “ultra CEDH deck that makes everyone cry” and because me and the other dude were helping the new guy he won. This angered Mr ultra high power CEDH. Why I was the only one who was yelled at in the scenario I have no f**kin clue, the new guy was just as confused, the other guy tried to tell him it wasn’t my fault, but it honestly made me cry so I just left and never returned. Why? Because he is a regular there and the other regulars agreed I was just being a baby. Since that’s the player pool I want nothing to do with it. Didn’t want to be part of that psychotic echo chamber.
Next shop was just to far away. I can live with no one respecting my opinion unless my husband repeats it when it comes to magic, but I can’t drive 4 hours round trip to go play.
Next shop a dude seriously misunderstood our friendship and I had zero idea until we were on a trip outta town to go to a magic shop for some singles we needed. He suggested a restaurant and I said sure till we got there. Highly romantic couples place and I had to drag him back out and ask what the actual FK, I HAVE A BOYFRIEND, YOU KNOW HIM, WE HANG OUT TOGETHER, WHAT THE FK?! An his response was well you’re always at my house. CAUSE WE PLAY MAGIC TOGETHER! WERE FRIENDS! Just because a chick hangs out with you doesn’t automatically mean y’all are dating or that she wants to sleep with you! When I say I have no idea I mean NO IDEA. I’m autistic. High functioning, but I am not good with social queues at all. I missed ALL A THAT HOT MESS and wound up on the most awkward car ride home of my life.
The last shop that caused me to lose ALL HOPE in the male gender I got to be friends with the shop owner who I thought was entirely safe to interact with cause the man’s married. He got me into Pokémon and I was happy to just have an actual friend. I took every dmn precaution I could. No hanging out alone, no hanging out at his house, made sure my relationship with the now husband at this point was 100% evident and mentioned previous mishaps. Everything was fine for a while. I noticed his wife getting kind of testy(?) with me, so I stopped coming around the shop as much after she “accidentally” dropped her actual live dog on my board state during a commander game. Cut back on contact. I assumed I was doing something that made her upset. I had to be. Like half a year passes then this man starts sending me random roleplay texts while we’re planning to meet up to play Pokémon and I was like ??? The fk is this ??? He said he was sorry and he just liked to do the asterisk roleplay with people and I told him yeah I’m not into that. Then one day we’re having a conversation about the next pre release of mtg and he throws a *spanks you for your naughty talk in because I disagreed that a card would be played a lot in standard and I just blocked him until the husband got home. Didn’t go back for months and randomly got a text from an unknown number and all it said was 2 texts. “Hey it’s Arseface” and “I really miss you.” I responded to fkin neither of them because I. AM. MARRIED. That owner is gone now and it’s run by another dude who isn’t fond of me cause he was friends with the previous owner. Apparently a rumor circulated that I was trying to get with a married man even though I NEVER HUNG OUT WITH HIM ALONE. NEVER. Not one god forsaken fkin time.
I literally cannot go alone, in the 8 or so yrs I’ve been into this game it’s NEVER gone well and my husband doesn’t want to go now because he’s tired of dealing with the “oh I would have beat you if I drew this card” people. He won’t play with me because he “doesn’t like beating his wife” even though he hasn’t beaten my new test deck once….i honestly feel like he’s secretly spiteful that my first attempt at a CEDH deck that he said wasn’t going to work it just crushing his decks.
Magic is the one place I feel like being a girl is actually genuinely looked down upon or like an object. I never see many girls play. The few I do see work in the stores, but don’t play, are much older and can’t play often or too young to be friends with and are eventually driven off by dudes literally hitting on an actual child. I had to step in at a previous shop when a 30 something was asking a 17 yr old about her favorite sex positions. Was she into it? No idea, but I knew it was beyond inappropriate. The only other consistent girl I see I do not believe is there for magic. Is she playing? Yeah, but all she’s doing the whole time is trying to get people to go to her onlyfans or come to the strip club she works at and she flat out told me she doesn’t like my “housewife ascetic” whatever the hell that meant.
I feel hated and/or used. I have no fkin clue what I’ve done to people who do hate me. I have no idea why no one will respect my fkin marriage. My literal Xbox bio was just “I AM MARRIED” until I ran out of characters. Do I need to staple that sht to my god dmn forehead??? I love magic, but this community is just full of awful people.
submitted by UnknownCat246 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:50 Sin-God Generic Tamer Thoughts

Oh hey, it's me with more miscellaneous thoughts on Edrogrimshell's Generic Tamer jump. This remains one of my favorite jumps, to this day, it just sets a really, really high bar for generics without any outlandishly powerful perks that make you some ridiculous being. You can go here, and then go to almost any setting in the future and still potentially have a challenge, you're just better equipped to tackle said challenge.
Generic Tamer was actually the first of EGS's jumps that I made an extensive post about. I had a lot to say, and I stand by it all. I think that Generics get some flack for being... pretty OP, which is often warranted, but this particular generic is just a gem. One of the big appeals, to me, of this jump is that it doesn't ever do something that will actually no-sell the threats of other settings.
By coming here you won't gain some sort of super invulnerability or plot armor that makes you essential, but you will gain stuff that just makes you better suited to what seems to be, in the modern world, alternative lifestyles. Perks here make you far more self-sufficient without doing something as strong as making you not need to breathe or something. For example, if you fuse this and a Minecraft jump together this won't make you immune to dying of hunger, but it will give you the ability to more meaningfully interact with various neutral and passive mobs, potentially giving you new ways to get the stuff you want and need to survive, and also doing stuff like letting you tame tamable creatures without expending resources to do so (so every wolf is a buddy, not just the ones you see after you fought a skeleton).
There are a lot of settings that are just neat if you have the means to interact with the monsters present in them beyond fighting them. I think the Metroid jump is a lot more fascinating when you see a critter in the wild and you see a potential friend. I like the ability to tame and befriend Sheegoths and the War Wasps, and I think they make sick friends, especially if you have the perks that let you make them smarter, build unique bonds with them, and even give them human/humanoid forms. The ability to bring an army of wild animals in BOTW is very funny, and the power to give cows autonomy in Minecraft is hilarious.
Going beyond the directly, specifically useful and practical consequences of these perks a good number of them are just fun or handy in ways that transcend the needs of the specific jumpers who'd be most likely to come here. One unusual example is the Breeder perk, which is intended to be used to simplify the breeding process for monsters and animals but can actually allow you to do a good job working as a fertility specialist and someone who helps couples conceive, with the upgraded version of the perk being especially good for same-sex couples or couples that would otherwise struggle to conceive a child that is biologically both of theirs. This is hardly the only perk like this, as both Home Cook and Instructor are incredible perks for cosmic citizen type jumpers; those who either lack a grand purpose or those who just want to relax and experience the wonders of new settings in peace. These perks could serve as the basis for your jumper finding perfectly mundane, solidly high-paying jobs in settings outside of here, or even here if your jumper uses this as a supplement or is otherwise a skilled social figure who can navigate the generic world you've created.
The items here are also really good quality of life items. The Portable Cabin is probably the best early housing option I've seen that isn't something like the Apartment item from Generic Cubicle, with it being a a solidly nice housing option you can place anywhere that can fit the house. This limitation makes it a touch weaker than the Toon-Vehicle and Hole-In-The-Wall options as far as housing options in the same price range go, but both of those are part of Generic Cartoon World, a hilariously powerful jump for an early jumper to go. Feed Bag is also a lot of fun, and it's cheaper than Portable Cabin, though its purpose is different. It's a very nice way to either reward your peeps, if you have something like Home Cook, or to make sure your partners stay alive to help you out, since you can't make something yourself.

Fun Settings To Visit With/After Generic Tamer

So some of the easy settings to think to pair this with are other EGS generics (this pairs hilariously well with Generic Culinary Warrior & Generic Merchant). That said there's plenty of other options as well.
I can imagine this being a fun generic to pair with something like Generic Creepypasta, Generic Castaway, Generic Farming Sim, or even Generic Royal Court Drama, at least with the right perks from here.
This would be very fun to pair with any farming simulator, from Stardew Valley to Harvest Moon. This could also be a lot of fun to mesh with some LOZ jumps (BOTW and Wind Waker both come to mind), Mario, Minecraft (this is my favorite of the EGS's to fuse with Minecraft, taming Hoglins, neutral and passive mobs is always a funny mental image), to any of the DIsney jumps, all the way to the Elder Scrolls. I can think of so many settings that become way more fun if you visit here either before or during a visit to those jumps. I'd love to hear what settings you like to visit from here!
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:50 Cool_Personality_636 My wife has vaginismus

Please can someone read and share their thoughts. Would really appreciate it.
I’m a young 21 male who got married at 19 to a beautiful woman the same age as me. From the very start, we were unable to have sex as it would just be really painful to the point where I felt bad looking at her go through the pain so I stop every time we try (we used to try at the start but not anymore). Before marriage, there was a lot of chemistry between us and we would both get turned on from just being close to each other. When we got married, we would try and try but it wouldn’t get anywhere at all. We tried to seek help from doctors who say that it is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. My wife and her ex boyfriend were having fun one time and he put it inside of her which she didn’t want to happen but didn’t exactly say for it not to happen at the time however she did state previously to him that she did not want to have sex before marriage for religious reasons. When she was explaining it to me, her words were “before I had even got the chance to say no, it was already in and I didn’t even feel it. As soon as I realised, I told him to get off.” I don’t really agree with that part because she was naked infront him at the end of the day. I know men and when they’re in a relationship in that situation, shit will happen because the tension is so high from both sides. I understand it was a mistake from her part and she understands that too which is why I’m not hung up about it.
Anyways, she had opened up to me about it during our talking stage, which I appreciated and accepted her for it but did not realise how badly it was going to affect our relationship.
We’re now coming up to 2 years into our marriage and we haven’t tried doing it for the past 5 months.
I’ve always wanted to flirt with my wife and send dirty messages and pictures but it’s like what is all that for if we cant have sex? I really do love her and can’t see my life without her but at the end of the day, I have urges which are not being fulfilled. Can I really go my whole life in a marriage without sex? Am I just expecting sex to be this amazing thing as I haven’t had it before? If I leave her, it’ll make me feel like shit leaving her out to dry by herself.
We’ve been through therapy for a short while which only got a conversation going but didn’t really help the way I expected it to. We’ve spoken to a couple people who have had vaginismus about our situation but they say the usual things like oh it will get better and you guys will be able to have sex. How will that happen if there’s no effort being put into it? We’re both tired of trying and using dilators all for it to just be painful and not get any improvement whatsoever.
It’s messing me up inside. I’ve become soo moody to a point where I don’t want to go out. I would rather just stay at home and do nothing. My friends ask me all the time how marriage is and I have to lie and say it’s going good because our situation is so messed up. They even joke about sex and I have to go along with it because I can’t just tell them oh we haven’t had sex yet because they wouldn’t understand.
I haven’t cried in the past 6+ years even during family deaths but I cried about this. Shows how messed up I am inside about this whole situation.
I’m not the type of person to go out of my way and speak to someone about it because I’ve always been a reserved person. I keep things to myself which isn’t turning out good because it’s all just being bottled up. How long can I keep this up for? My wife and I have questioned how long will we last like this?
We’ve talked about divorce about 3-4 times and she has told me many times that she’ll leave me if it makes me feel better as I will just get married again and be able to have my needs met. I don’t want that but I want that. Somehow it makes sense to want both. I want her in my life and to be able to have sex. It feels like I’m asking for too much but isn’t that just the basic needs of men?
There’s a surgery called Botox or something which numbs the muscle that contracts in the vagina which has 100% success stories. It’s costing £3,000 but we can’t afford that. Both our families can’t pay for it. Seems like it’s costing £3,000 to fix our marriage but it’s something no one can afford. I don’t want to cry for help and beg for money.
Can someone tell me something. Anything please.
submitted by Cool_Personality_636 to vaginismus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:49 Ascension2TheDevine Saving yourself!

IT IS POSSIBLE! This is the first and most important fact to remind yourself consistently. There is no step by step plan for this. But there are things you need to know and study up on. Im going to go into some facts and get into what you can do to help yourself maneuver through life and out of the reality surrounding your life that is gangstalking….
*COVERT NARCISSISM- these aren’t your typical narcissistic people… they are harder to detect and utilize more dark manipulation tactics, like coercive control, manipulating you to try to play the wounded healer role, and playing the caring friend role, giving gifts (don’t except gifts! More on that later) “helping” you so they can act like you use them and take credit for good things that come in your life and your accomplishments. HOW TO DEAL WITH THE ISSUE? Research! YouTube, Ben Taylor’s channel called raw motivations, YouTube also has information about dark psychology manipulation tactics and I would really dig DEEP into that, recognize the tactics of dark psychology being utilized by the people you interact with in your day to day life and then proceed to cut them off! And when they try to act confused understand that it’s more manipulation. Covert narcissists LOVEEEE to use an internal podcasting system to play their group podcasts through your devices with multiple audio output so you can hear them talking shit while they watch you, this way they can call you crazy and make you look crazy to everyone. HOW DO YOU SOLVE THIS? block the people that you hear, on your accounts and cut them off completely, also raise your vibrational frequency and the voices will fade. They will send you texts that have t”ypos” that have a period in between two words instead of a space or just a period where it wouldn’t belong, it’s a hack link and you need to block them immediately and turn off your phone immediately after blocking them and cut them off and out of your life immediately, they are hacking you to know what your plans are so they can Sabotage you, along with watching you to later fuck with your head.
*UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE NOW IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE!!!!!! These people are in cults for the most part…. Look up the INEE handbook. These cults have different names because there’s more than one cult. Ouiinee is the one I dealt with personally. They use a language of context, which means they use code words for many things. “School” is what they call the humiliation ritual they do on a victim they have targeted, “teachers” are your handlers, they break you down to control you and try to teach you that conformity is your only option, “work” is their word for organized operations against you that they document record so they can make money off your suffering, by selling footage on dark web platforms. They will do black magic on you for energy harvesting and to create blockages…. Ever get a gift given to you and then you lose your job or something you love, or become more and more trapped? Pray to your Devine god, call your guardian angels ( YouTube “dark knight of the soul” and “spiritual warfare”) they also supercharge their technology with dark magic to make you hear their internal podcasting system down to the core of your soul, they will also attack you in your dreams, and you just have to get closer to the Devine. Don’t fear being alone, isolate yourself to research and reconstruct yourself to vibrate higher. What helped me know what they were doing was the tarot readers on YouTube. REMEMBER THAT THE DEMONIC SIDE DOES’T ATTACK SOMEONE THAT HAS NO LIGHT!!! IF YOU DON’T HAVE THE ENERGY THAT COMES FROM THE DEVINE LIGHT EMBEDDED IN THE FABRIC OF YOUR SOUL, YOU AREN’T A THREAT AND YOU CANNOT BE OF USE EITHER!! You must listen to your intuition and develop your discernment, your gut feeling will always tell you something is not right, and listening to it is more important than falling into the trap of not wanting to believe that someone you care about isn’t who they pretend to be, it’s a mask and they were never who you thought they were. It’s important to not be having sex with these people and it’s safer to stick with solo action until you are in the clear, this is one of the ways they attach energetic cords to you so they can harvest your energy and bind demonic entities to you and make their black magic more effective in keeping you vulnerable, stuck and stagnant in life
*THINGS WILL HAPPEN WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY. Strange fibers growing in your skin, seeing small dust particle drones, etc……. You need to move unannounced and mostly unplanned, tell no one, and move far enough away that it’s inconvenient for them travel to watch you, being trapped is an illusion. It may seem like they fallow you everywhere, also an illusion, they are simply just EVERYWHERE! This is where understanding dark psychology, setting firm boundaries,discernment, and intuition is important! Don’t disrespect your boundaries, when you do that they have the upper hand and will always take it farther, as soon as someone disrespects your boundaries, simply walk away and cut them off. Make room in your life for those that respect your boundaries. Not everyone is like that, also don’t over share your personal life, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for everything. They appear to be fallowing you to every town because you display behaviors that they can exploit. They can sniff out easy targets like a bloodhound. Have boundaries and tell people when they are disrespecting a boundary and if they don’t stop they you will cut them off, then fallow through.
*ADVANCED BIOFUELS- genetic engineering, feeling crawling under your skin, covered with a very oily/waxy substance, getting random cuts on your body like invisible razor blades are coming out of nowhere and doing driveby on your skin? Making you feel like you’re being attacked by parasites? That’s advanced biofuels and they have a code word for it called buty wax that refers to butamax you need to RELOCATE and this will eventually destroy your body and your immune system and they will keep putting it into your environment until you move. They can make it at home or get it from the dark web for cheap, this is a torture tactic and as long as they know your location you are not safe from this. To help treat the effects of this, do cleanses to eliminate toxins from your body and take natural herbal remedies that will boost your immune system, get sunlight and exercise, avoid drugs and alcohol.
*DONT USE HARD DRUGS they target people with addictions because people don’t want to believe that what is happening is true if you’re on drugs, people don’t take addicts seriously because they assume they they are just hallucinations, making them an easy target for this type of abuse. Also many people in the drug world target people so they can get more drugs as payment and use drugs without being the target. And numb their pain all at your expense.
*AVOID THE PEOPLE, PLACES, AND THINGS, avoid the people you know are your gang stalkers, avoid places like bars, strip clubs, and trap houses, and avoid things that trigger you to relapse on drugs or get involved with certain people, also avoid the people places and things that give you a bad gut feeling.
submitted by Ascension2TheDevine to GangstalkingTruth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:49 Hornet-Formigante How to deal with a (creep) toxic INTJ?

this is basically a LONG story, so prepare yourself
The first thing I have to say is: the tip is not for me, I'm a fem ENTP 7w8 - in high school.
I'm asking this question anonymously for a friend of mine (fem ESFP 2w3), I met her right after I arrived at high school and I also met a fem INTJ 5w4.
Anyway, we always go together well But recently my friend ESFP met an INTJ, I knew he was an INTJ after talking to him for a bit. Obviously I met other people at the time and they complained about this INTJ (let's call him INTJ-a so as not to confuse him with my friend INTJ 5w4).
the first warnings I heard about him were two friends I made (an INFP and an ISFP) who always hung out together, they said they tried to be friends with him but as time went by he started to exclude them and use them both to give money for him if they wanted to continue to be his friends.
they obviously stoped talking to him and every time he passed they sarcastically shouted things like 'GUYS! LOOK AT KIRA!' (since he identified with the L in death note).
Interestingly, that's how I met them (I couldn't help myself, I had to talk to the two people who shouted something about someone every time that person passed by and ran away when someone looked at them)
Anyways, I looked at INTJ-a crookedly from the beginning because I just heard shit about him.
My ESFP friend wanted me to meet him (since according to her we were both intelligent and would get along well) I obviously refused, and rarely spoke to him - the messages he sent to people radiated a certain arrogance that was annoying. but I admit, I thought about messing with him a bit, just to get him feeling dumb. But I gave up and decided to just focus on my friends.
well, in the meantime my ESFP friend kept talking to him.
My INTJ 5w4 friend and I agree that our ESFP friend has always been an emotional person, the type of person that if you say you like her she will ask you to marry her. But she is a good girl, just too much sometimes.
However, she has always had terrible taste in men and ended up being rejected by a guy who can't spend a sentence without saying something that will land him in jail (he is prob an ESTP). He's not bad compared to the INTJ-a, but he's still an ass.
In short: she was in need of romantic attention and this weird intj guy showed up.
He told her that he has autism and she said that she also suspected she had it and the two started talking to each other. Sometimes I would snoop on her cell phone and see that she was texting him.
They talked, talked, talked a lot. Honestly, I never liked him: I could smell the god complex from afar, but my INTJ 5w4 friend said 'meh, he doesn't seem that bad. He just likes be quiet and with himself.'
Well, so I ignored it until things started to go wrong.
The ESFP told me that she didn't want to be with him, but she was embarrassed to do so because he broke up with his WEB-girlfriend because of her (Yes, he was Web-dating, the INFP and ISFP were bullying him all the time because of that - I'm not going to lie it was bully. Those two definitely held a grudge against him after what he did, asking them to pay to be friends with him)
She started to show discomfort when being close to him but seconds later she was smiling and happy with him. Some times I sneaked up behind her and she immediately hid the cell phone where she was talking to - guess who? The INTJ-a.
I knew there was more to this than meets the eye But I didnt ask anything because she didnt wanted to say anything - so I just mentioned this to my INTJ 5w4 friend.
My INTJ 5w4 friend told our ESFP friend that if you feel uncomfortable around someone you like, that's not normal, and that if he says something strange she should just walk away. She also said that if she wanted to put an end to what was going on between the two of them she should stop trying to run away from the problems and just tell him (My ESFP friend wanted to pretend that she was dating me and that she was a lesbian so he would leave her alone, at first I thought it was a joke but then I immediately denied it)
Anyways, I let the tips with my INTJ friend.
well the ESFP spoke to the Intj guy and apparently it all ended there. but not.
She continued to talk to him (even after showing interest in another boy) and there came a point, I don't know what he said, that she desperately wanted him to delete his conversations with her. She talked to him and apparently he did that, but even my INTJ 5w4 friend told her "how are you sure he really deleted everything" - which boiled down to: my INTJ friend and I started to suspect him more, almost like a instinct.
and then the bombshell went off when I heard from a girl and a boy in the third grade that when he was 16 the INTJ-a posted online intimate photos of his ELEVEN YEAR OLD girlfriend.
and then it all got worse when our third year high school friend (ESTP 2w3) told us that he and she were planning to 'do it' in a isolated building. And when I least expected it, our group of friends was already around her, saying she shouldnt ho there, while she cried desperately.
We saw him looking for the ESFP in the cafeteria and on the exit but hesitating when he saw that my INTJ friend and I were with her.
I took her to a coffee shop and bought her some drinks. And then our ESFP friend vented, she said she wasn't innocent and stuff like that, she also said she didn't know what to do because she felt trapped.
I read his messages, honestly, it was weird to see him talking so warmly to her while sometimes treating her so coldly. (he also said he had a foot fetish and wanted to massage her foot 🤣🤣💀💀💀 - sorry guys, I laughed when I read his messages to her.)
Honestly, in my opinion he's just fucking manipulating her - and I'm definitely going to ban her from going to building two at my school (which is the part where he studies and is where it's a secluded corner and they planned to do that) . He also constantly uses the excuse of being autistic to make my Esfp friend think what he is doing is normal.
She always shows that she wants to stop being friends with him, and then starts talking to him again. She's definitely not telling him everything he is doing to her - probably manipulating her so she doesn't move away from him.
Anyway, I chose to post this on this Sub because it is easier to characterize people because of the MBTI. So how exactly do I help her realize he's a creep? i mean, she notices this, but she always falls for his lines. just remembering that he posted CHILD PØRN ONLINE, and wanted to take her to an isolated room at school to do god knows what.
Well, any Advices?
submitted by Hornet-Formigante to intj [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:48 LoverOfTabbys Superficiality compared to SoCal

Hi everyone
I’m curious for those of you who have moved from SoCal (la, sd, oc) how would you compare that region to vegas in terms of superficiality? In SoCal there’s a pressure to look good, get plastic surgery, look somewhat like you have money, care about the male gaze, and there’s “influencer culture”.
Just curious how much of that you find in Vegas off the strip? Would you say it’s more laid back in terms of appearance in vegas or no? Poll below. I ask because I’m tired of the pressure and want to chill and be homely in peace and not feel that need to look perfect.
Thank you
View Poll
submitted by LoverOfTabbys to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:48 FortyandFinances What salary should someone expect to be Director of Transmission line in the power industry that is over multiple offices?

I am BS6, 40 years old, and my home is worth about 550-600K, and I owe about 350k. A large reason I'm considering this promotion is to have a huge shovel to pay my house off ASAP.
I know this is not the best place to get advice, but I don't have anyone personally I can reach out to. I have been offered an opportunity by my company. The company has about 1,000 employees. Right now my title is "team lead" and I manage a group of 10 engineers at 1 location. My base salary is $180,000. My company has offered a director role to be over the transmission line group of 4 difference offices. This would obviously require a LOT MORE travel than I'm used to (and want to do). I am reaching out to see if anyone has any advice, experience, or wisdom in what salary expectations should be for a director in this role.
I'm sure a "bonus" will be brought into this, and I will ask what the bonus typically is, but there's a big difference. Some engineering firms pay a bonus of $2,000-$3,000 a year, and others pay $20,000-$30,000 a year.
submitted by FortyandFinances to DirtyDave [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:48 Zeovhi Bridging the gap, maybe?

If you don't like walls of texts there's a TLDR below
I hope some of you get to read some of this, before it might get deleted. It can help you understand things.
I want to freshen the air a bit and hopefully untie some knots ppl are hung up on. I will not mince my words and feel like I need to vent a bit. I might answer questions as good as my autodidact ass can answer. Since I haven't read much leftist theory. I've only read The State and Revolution by Lenin, once. It's better to ask infinitely more knowledgeable ppl within the leftist movement.
So let's get to the "drama":
I'm superior to Destiny when it comes to being an autodidact. I'm morally, historically, rhetorically and logically superior due to the fact of, luck. The luck is that I was born in a Nordic country, so when I had my moral failings, society helped me through it, it gave me time to really analyze myself and society. One thing he has over me definitely is debate.
Anways, at every step of the way when met with an obstacle of moral nature, I stopped and self corrected. Meanwhile Destiny never truly internalized his failures to learn from it, he's such a stubborn and morally bankrupt asshole and deserve to be in the same trash heap of history (forgotten) as capitalism, the peak of immorality.
Capitalism's current torchbearer, the US, is history's most evil country. Just because it doesn't have as many internal governmental problems as other dogshit countries, doesn't give it a pass on things like exporting death and destruction. In total suffering and deaths, nothing compares to global neoliberal capitalism, how many ppl die again every year, due to starvation? That alone, kills so many.
So I don't hate the asshole as an individual, but I do despise the person he's become and his rotten ideas which he spreads to some of you little gremlins in here.
Maybe you'll understand my thought process more from this other angle. Let's think of the 2 big quotients of human intelligence. He might have a high IQ but it's balanced out by his EQ or EI being 100s of points in the negatives. This is what happens when you don't self correct bad behavior. This is not a balanced person and other sane ppl in the real world can see it clearly, can you?
His lack of understanding of concepts on a macro scale, again due to American education, is embarrassing. He keeps saying one has to debate him in which socioeconomic system is better and that's what everyone wants according to him. But Hasan doesn't have to and that fact makes him so mad. Doesn't Destiny understand there's 3 different types of rhetoric? Has he read any fucking thing, like Aristotle? There's logos, pathos and ethos, not everyone "debates" all the time, he just hates that hasan doesn't use "logos" a lot. Logic doesn't mean truth. Also the general population vibes with "aesthetics", and that's more of Hasan's angle because it's the fucking zeitgeist. That's why he's able to convince ppl.
Let's go through some of the other recent "drama" he's had with hasan
  1. Crackergate: I will dismantle it with one sentence. The etymology of both words have no equal and someone that has basic understanding of history would know this.
  2. Genocide: He doesn't understand the basic concept that morality trumps over law but with the caveat that it depends on what society or part of it thinks, after filtering through someone's moral arguments. If your morality is sound, people will listen. And if such a person's morality extends beyond current law on a subject, it will be deliberated faster among a part of civil population, it will take more time on a judicial level, understandably. Franscesca Albanese is one such a person and we feel it is sound, you have to prove it isn't. Saying there's no genocidal intent doesn't disprove anything, especially when there's several instances of it. Calling them animals, cutting off their supplies, threatening a second Nakba etc is proof on our side, which ppl like Destiny deny is intent ofc. Imagine being negatively polarized by a dumb influencer like Hasan, into defending genocide? That's just sad. So that he can't see why it's a genocide is a moral failing. I wouldn't call him sociopath but maybe "sociopath-lite"
Personally what lit a fire in me recently, and negatively polarized me further away from the right and towards the left, to a degree never before, was when all the ziofascists and other right wingers really loved to run the propaganda that Hamas is wrong with the numbers. Just because the UN decided to separate numbers between identified and unidentified bodies. How the fuck do you identity someone when there's only a foot left? Is it so hard to imagine why they couldn't be identified. It was instantly "Hamas lied" and it showed their bias. If one knows the history of the Hamas run health ministry. Things like UN finding out it's often an undercount due to how fragile their institutions are. Now that everything is bombed it's even harder to count, you know? Now I don't believe Ralph Nader's numbers, but he has been open about saying that up to 200k ppl could've been killed so far.
So stop being edgy, grow up and join the broader leftist movement in fighting against war hawks and the like. Everyone deserves a good life (even destiny) and nobody should die in unneccesary wars or conflicts. Btw Americans, not to fearmonger but doesn't it honestly feel like your country is on the brink of something, maybe either collapse or a fucking civil war, I'd hate to see workers fight amongst eachother.
Make it easy for yourselves. You belong in the majority, your fucked up leaders are the minority. Take down ppl like Matthew Miller, that Dracula looking ass state department spokesperson, from his position. He defends murdering families and gets paid for it. Meanwhile he smirks with that shit eating grin, while you work your ass off day in and day out, not knowing what to do, to change things.
Find the nearest group that dabbles in leftism, Parliamentarism is over, whether you like either trump or biden.. neither of them really cares about you. They only care about profit. You will at some point want to defend something and their police state will be ready to crack down on you.
Sidenotes: I want to cover the topic of white supremacy from another angle, hopefully it makes you think on it a bit.
So I've heard this be brought up enough, so I thought it's good to cover it.
The argument of [insert other ethnic group other than "whites"] using slavery over other groups is such stupid systemic analysis. There's enough time gap that there's no logic to it, especially if one tries to monolithically make a connection between a certain race, across history. The bigger the time gap the less logical sense it makes. There's a reason why we speak so much about white supremacy, the time gap is short and it's still in effect.
This can also be translated to Israel's modern founding. There's enough time gap that they have no justifiable claim on that land. 1000s of years ago? So? They should suck it up, it's also what their holy book say. Or they could retry without the colonialism part. Do you think sane ppl will wait x amount of time for the genocidal ziofascists to be able to make the same claim over the land? Like bro, come on..
TLDR: Don't abandon leftism. If you don't really care, the least you can do is read some stuff. I for example have only read Lenin's "State and revolution", it can help some. Read it so you can ask leftist theory nerds about context and why you don't like some parts.
I also have to say it's not the leftists that are radical, sure some of them are directionless and lash out in a bad way, but I probably can't change your mind on that. But have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, capitalism is radical? It's radically committing a genocide rn. Radically starving ppl worldwide. Radically only focused on profit, fuck the people that create that profit, right? How does this make sense? It's not radical to want to undo that.
submitted by Zeovhi to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:48 g3thic [F4A][Literate] Genres and Fandoms!

Hello again! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my other posts about a fandom roleplay but this one is gonna be about any roleplay in general, fandoms included. This’ll be pretty detailed and I’ll let you know the parts if you want to skip ahead (I suggest you don’t). If you don’t wanna read all of this, then don’t. This was made for people willing to read blocks of paragraphs and maybe even respond with their own.
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I hail from Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
I am not looking for a specific roleplay. I would say i’m skilled in all genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, apocalypse. All of that. Even slice of life, though that depends on what type of plot exactly. To be more specific on each genre, starting off with fantasy, I'm more used to high fantasy and mythology. I’m not that great with medieval, unfortunately. DnD based role plays aren’t really fit for me and I struggle playing with species like ogres. Just putting that out here. For fantasy, I don’t have any specific ideas.
Sci-fi is the genre I have more skill in. Most of my roleplays are based off of them! Specifically, I’m fine with all subgenres of that.
For other genres like horror and apocalypse, I do have some taste. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and all of that and I even have my own idea set up in older times dealing with vampire lords and hunters and all of that. I also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like that one sun genre of it, like video game horror? I’m not sure how to describe it. I also forgot if it even has an official name or if it’s just something used to describe the horror genre. I like Resident Evil, so maybe that’ll tell you the type of horror I usually enjoy. I do have a developed idea of something more eldritch horror.
More on fandoms! To get some other things down, I usually only play OC unless the character you want me to play is one I know more about and I'm more comfortable playing. The fandoms I like in the more anime way are Jojo’s, Nana, Death Note, JJK, AOT, Haikyuu, and probably more. I’m well versed in the Jojo’s, Aot, and JJK fandoms but less knowledgeable on Death Note since i’ve only seen it once. Other fandoms i’m in include ATLA, TLOK, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, and many more.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to Roleplay [link] [comments]