Pixel furni in habbo

[FLASH GAME] [Unknown] Game about find objects inside a mansion and end up in a virtual world

2024.05.04 16:15 Crazy-Fig-3591 [FLASH GAME] [Unknown] Game about find objects inside a mansion and end up in a virtual world

I remember that when I was little, like more than 10 years ago, I used to enter the Onyular 1 platform a lot, I don't remember what genre it was in, since I never knew the name of the game I used to try with genre of skill or intelligence and in the end I used to find it one way or another.
You see the game from the point of view of games like Habbo, but the visual style of the game I'm talking about was not pixelated, the characters looked very cute. Maybe a similar style to a chibi anime.
At the beginning of the game you could choose whether to be a boy or a girl, there were quite a few character options, I particularly remember 2 that were the ones I used the most, one was a girl with an orange headband, her hair was straight brown and her clothes were also orange, the other was a blonde boy in uniform. After choosing your character I think you had to investigate a mansion, at that age I understood English much less than I do now so I don't remember what the character's purpose was to be in that mansion.
The game was based on you having to search throughout the mansion and collect objects, at the end of the game some of them awarded points and others subtracted them. Something that I always remember is that when I was investigating in the kitchen there was a knife and 2 loaves of bread, one was fresh and the other rotten but I always took both even though the rotten one deducted points from me. There was a part where you ended up surrounded by a bunch of boxes and barrels, it seemed like a maze, that part was near the end, I don't remember how to get there.
At the end of the game you could go to a virtual world with the character you chose to play.
Sorry if you can´t understand this very well, I´m using a translator.
submitted by Crazy-Fig-3591 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 23:01 arbansduet59 [PC][2004-2010] high school simulator with an art style similar to habbo hotel - vanilla (?)

Platform(s): PC, specifically on AlbinoBlackSheep
Genre: Sim
Estimated year of release: probably sometime between 2004-2008
Graphics/art style: Pixel Art - Very similar to Habbo (?)
Notable characters: None it was just random high schoolers
Other details: Keyword might be like "Vanilla" I stg it was called Vanilla High but I literally cannot find anything. It was on the extended list of games on albinoblacksheep in the late 2000s early 2010s but for whatever reason it's disappeared?? It was essentially a single player high school simulator - I believe you created your own character. It's a distant memory but good luck figuring this one out!
submitted by arbansduet59 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:59 kelpsplatterscope Does anyone remember the Las Vegas Hotel?

God this is so niche, but it was such a core memory in my early habbo days. I started playing habbo in early 2011 when we still had the cool keyboard cafe and staff would make us welcome rooms with events and stuff built in. One of the rooms I spent so much time in was called the Las Vegas Hotel and it was always around the topic of the navigator. I think DiceK was the owner but I'm not sure but I know they were a popular user at the time. I used to rp as the front desk people or I'd just sit in one of the little hotel rooms with all lodge furni and wait for people to come in (this is sounding wild now that i think about it. This was before the great mute and I remember once in a while people would come in and spam for people to go on cam sites or to send pics etc.
But yeah I'm just wondering if anyone has any pics of the room archived somewhere because I don't think the room exists anymore in the hotel.
submitted by kelpsplatterscope to habbo [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 14:12 Existing_Try_3439 Can I get my old account back?

Hi, in these days I feel very nostalgic. When I was younger I used to play Habbo.it a lot, I had my own poker and a good amount of furni. One day (I think in 2013/2014, I’m not sure) I got banned, I did nothing about it but now I’d like to get my account back. The account still exists, I can find my rooms, but when I tried to open a ticket they said there’s nothing I can do about it because it’s an old ban. Is there anything else I can try?
submitted by Existing_Try_3439 to habbo [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 09:58 Sudden_Assistance944 Being hacked back in the day

I started to play habbo as a kid like very young around 2005 or so. I was dead broke in the game and I was looking around online for free money so I found a website and entered my login details. Obviously I got hacked and they took my one and only chair. I went to go change my password but I didn't have my date of birth because I made it up in order to create an account. I kept the same password and didn't think anything of it until after a year I got hacked but this time I had so much furni because my parents bought me some habbo cards which made me quit and go to Runescape. Who else couldn't change their password?
submitted by Sudden_Assistance944 to habbo [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 22:34 sokoversace we can’t be friends (wait for your love) habbo music video

we can’t be friends (wait for your love) habbo music video
hi everyone! i have a custom music persona in the habbo hotel community (yes still thriving) and made a pixel art music video for ariana grande’s latest song “we can’t be friends (wait for your love)
any support, just viewing it, would be appreciated as i poured so much work into this. thank you!!
submitted by sokoversace to habbo [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 05:26 jupiitersbunnii WCIF on MoshiOnline the pixel/"retro" (*cough* H4bbo furni *cough*) items in game? What store sells it?

WCIF on MoshiOnline the pixel/ submitted by jupiitersbunnii to moshimonster [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 19:56 cryptosijoittaja Paying my rent (700$/month) with Habbo NFTs daily airdrops

Project: Habbo NFTs (Habbo Avatars, Habbo Portraits, Habbo Rooms on OpenSea)
Initial investment: 10k$
Current collection value: around 20k$
By selling the daily airdrops on IMX marketplace I generate 700$/month to pay my rent here in Spain.
For all the oldschool Habbo players out there (who might own some old Habbo furnis from playing habbo back-in-the-day): I think you should look in to the project since habbo NFT has rolled out a feature where the Web2 Habbo players can mint their web2 furnis in to web3 NFTs and being able to sell them on IMX marketplace. For example, currently the classic rare "Throne" is selling aroun 40-50 usd on IMX marketplace. Minting web2 throne in to web3 throne will cost 3-4 usd. The IMX marketplace is quite active - the economy is getting bigger and more active every day.
So if you have bunch of thrones stacked on your old habbo account - look in to minting them to NFTs and selling them on IMX to make quick buck.

submitted by cryptosijoittaja to NFTsMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 18:28 Hairy-Slide-5541 Bulding pixel art games similar to Habbo Hotel

Is there any game with a style similar to Habbo Hotel where you can build interiors of buildings?
Something I also like is a game like Rimworld or Prison Architect, I just want a top down game (preferably with pixel art graphics) where I can build interiors.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Hairy-Slide-5541 to gamesuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 18:27 Hairy-Slide-5541 Bulding pixel art games similar to Habbo Hotel

Is there any game with a style similar to Habbo Hotel where you can build interiors of buildings?
Something I also like is a game like Rimworld or Prison Architect, I just want a top down game (preferably with pixel art graphics) where I can build interiors.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Hairy-Slide-5541 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 04:15 HoopDays Someone hacked my account and took everything, including the worthless but sentimental trophies 🤷

Someone hacked my account and took everything, including the worthless but sentimental trophies 🤷
So, this is what they left me lol. They left a note on the sticker saying sorry they hacked me, but they saw I had a good time with friends and will leave the trophies. But they still took the trophies. Pretty crappy, but oh well, it's just pixels at the end of the day.
It's strange that they managed to hack me too. I hadn't played for a few years when I was hacked, so it's not like I had logged into something Habbo related that keylogged me. My email wasn't in any leaks that contained my Habbo password.
submitted by HoopDays to habbo [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 10:24 Delicious_Help6648 [PC][2009 - 2010][Voxel] A Facebook game similar to habbo hotel

Hi guys there is a Voxel game in Facebook that I want to see if anyone still remembers, last I know it shutdown but I would like to see if it got a revival, it's a voxel/pixel like game and it has the camera angle like that of habbo hotel, it's where you go from room to room of other people and you have to chance to 'steal' some of there furniture for yourself via a crane game minigame
After that you can decorate your room with the thing you have gotten on other people's room, I can't for the life of me remember it, I think it released somewhere near when that restaurant game in Facebook released.
submitted by Delicious_Help6648 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 20:35 Newsies_Forever [Flash] [Early 2010’s] Hotel management game

Trying to look for a game I played on Hooda Math when I was in elementary school, it was a hotel management game that was pixelated (it was not Habbo Hotel) and you would have to do quests and buy rooms and upgrades to get more customers and level up
submitted by Newsies_Forever to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.02.10 03:08 ArfenZard Back after years away

My account, originally Habbo UK, was created way back in 2004. I did log in some years ago to see I had been hacked, all of the stuff that could be taken/traded was gone and it was like a dagger in my heart.
I didn't think I would ever come back because of this. I wasn't exactly Habbo rich but I had a few thrones, a room full of HC sofas (they were the go to currency at the time) and a shop full of rares which I had earned through running a shop for most of my Habbo life.
But with my recent enjoyment going back to another game from my childhood, ToonTown, I thought I would see what remains of my account. I don't know how or why but it looks like someone went back to it and it has some furni again!
It's not much (or at least I don't think it is, I don't recognise most of it) but it's meant I've spent an evening sifting and sorting through my ruined rooms and got me to thinking about what this random furni I have is worth, is any of it rare etc.
Had no idea where to turn, or if there's even much of a community still for Habbo so I turned to Reddit.
If anyone here can help me out identifying what the hell I've been left with by some random who seems to have been running some kind of game room on my account (so probably scamming people) then I would really appreciate it.
Tldr; old man needs help identifying random furni left on account after getting hacked years ago.
submitted by ArfenZard to habbo [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 18:45 Longjumping_Yak318 Where did all my furni actually go?!

Last week I had a crazy nostalgic memory of Habbo and decided to login after about 10/11 years of being inactive only to find all the furni in my rooms was gone. Gutted.
I’m maybe defiently too invested in this issue, I have no intention on playing again, but I contacted the help desk to see what happened. I had spent lots of money on Habbo between 2006-2013, my rooms had lots of rare, desirable items in them that I spent years collecting and I have fond memories of the hotel.
I just wanted an explanation, so after a few messages back-and-forth and then a couple of days waiting their conclusion was I was hacked - case closed. I’m not completely satisfied with this, I still have some tradable furni in my inventory, surly that would be gone too if I were hacked? Also and most importantly, my account had a very secure password and I had also set the two safety lock questions.
My initial thought was data associated to my account has been lost. It’s obviously to see things have changed and moved on a lot since I stopped playing, and now that I am working in computer programming, I know it wouldn’t be to much of a stretch to suggest that as the platform grows there is a risk data can be lost - especially when it comes to old, legacy user accounts. I have visited my "favourited rooms” (owned by habbos from the same era as me) which all but one of were also completely empty too. I also looked up some famous users of that period (funny how once you go back you suddenly remember names) and all their rooms are empty too! That’s so strange, right?
I’ve done some research, and have come across older threads where the replies suggest data WAS lost from their servers over the years. Lots of people decided to make nostalgic visits back in 2020 only to find their stuff gone (although I can’t comment on how secure their accounts were). So I’m completely behind the data lost theory.
I won’t lose any sleep over this, just curious more than anything. Kinda wish I worked there to see how they go about logging and event handling.
Anybody had similar issue?
submitted by Longjumping_Yak318 to habbo [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 23:02 deuxdouxdough Trying to find an MMO I played a couple times

I remember it being fantasy/medieval based. I'm pretty sure it was pixel/2d but extremely polished, and had a 3d element to it like Habbo had. I never got past the tutorial which I think was to deliver cloth or clay to an NPC? I also remember the house you owned being an extremely large, empty room at the start with just a bed. This was in the late 2000s. If anyone knows what the heck I'm talking about, please let me know. And please don't comment something dumb like "oh was it a maplestory?". It's been 20 years and I still haven't found it, so it was most likely extremely underrated.
submitted by deuxdouxdough to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 12:44 pixidea Created a Habbo Club Sofa in my art style. The game that started my love for pixel art!

Created a Habbo Club Sofa in my art style. The game that started my love for pixel art! submitted by pixidea to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 02:50 solsantoremedio [Web Browser] [2000s] "Girls" Puzzle Game

English is not my first language so please bear with me.
Platform(s): PC, specifically a web browser game. I remember playing it on the spanish version of Games.com (im not sure if this platform still exists) which was Juegos.com. I also believe it was made with Unity and took a really long time to load.
Genre: It was a puzzle game with a 2D isometric POV. It was a 'point and click' game as in the only controlls were the left and right clicks. It also was categorized as a 'girls game' mainly because the characters were all girls.
Estimated year of release: Late 2000s or early 2010s. Maybe between 2007 and 2012.
Graphics/art style: Im 90% sure it was pixel art. Pixel art or not, the style of the scenery and characters was very cartoony, like Habbo Hotel or Nitrome-like graphics. The colors were all very vibrant and saturated. The stages of the game took place on an island made of blocks floating in empty space sort of like Bloxorz. The aesthetic of the island was, well, island like. With beachy colors like bright greens and blues. Sort of 'hawaii-themed'. I belive the island was green (like covered in grass) and the background was a light vibrant blue (like a sky).
Notable characters: All the characters were girls that you had to move around an island to solve puzzles. Their hair and skin colors were representative of various races. Besides the color changes they all had the same design, sort of like the default Habbo Hotel girl character.
Notable gameplay mechanics: It was a puzzle game with various stages. On every stage, there was a floating island on the centre of the screen divided by an invisible grid in which characters moved. You had to move the characters around to solve puzzles. The characters moved like in Habbo Hotel: you click a square on a grid and the character walks there. I belive moving boxes around was involved in the puzzle-solving, and there could be between 1 to 4 characters per stage. I also believe fruit-like items were involved but im not sure.
Other details: I never managed to find this game on any platform other than Juegos.com when I was little. I havent been able to find this game since circa 2014. As hard as I try I cannot remember anything regarding the name. I could try drawing what I remember of what the puzzles looked like if anyone needs it. The demography of the game was probably small children, particularly girls (as it was on the 'girls games' section of the website).
Thank you all so much.
submitted by solsantoremedio to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.01.12 17:37 Charming_Ad644 Is it possible to get an account back in this scenario?

Just wondering if anyone has had this exact thing happen.
Some time ago in 2012 I created an account with a random email which wasn't mine, as if you all recall it was easy to do back then, no security codes no nothing, and verification of an email only took a text number. I didn't intend to for this account to become my main, but after a few years it did. I kept logging on with this hotmail email not thinking anything of it.
I took some time off and returned, then the email was deleted. Whether or not the owner of the account deleted it or it was deleted due to inactivity not sure, but the Habbo account still exists to this day. So the email is gone, but the Habbo account still exists. I have a new main now, but there's some furni and coins on this lost account and was just wondering if it would be possible to recover.
This would also be a good time to ask, do gmail accounts even get password reset verification codes? It seems to always work on hotmail/outlook emails, but gmail never seems to get the email code.
submitted by Charming_Ad644 to habbo [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 09:13 LoserBoyNate The Feeling of Nostalgia

I logged into Habbo today as I usually do a few times a year and randomly thought to myself to check to see if there was a Habbo reddit and here we are lol. I was reading some other posts and it was just nice to see how many people seem to feel the same about how much they miss the old Habbo. The community back then was just something you had to be there for, as some people related to old school Runescape. Anyways, does anyone else just log in to stand in one of the public rooms and just chill, people watch, and read conversations while doing other things? Sometimes I just scroll through my friend list and think back to interactions with people knowing that I'll probably never hear from them again, wondering what they're doing in life, seeing that I'm the only one recently active as others haven't logged in since 5-10+ years ago. It kinda just hits seeing how much Habbo has changed from when I first started back in '07, although I do remember having an account even earlier but I think it got banned or something because I can't even find it when I look it up? All the popular trading and falling furni rooms, battle ball and snow fight, the endless rooms of mazes and misclicking just to have to start over again.. I remember just exploring the hallways, diving into the pool, or trying to get the welcome lounge bot, I think it was, out from behind the counter with random people. I miss how easy it was to just go into a room and make friends, maybe it's just me, but it seems like most people talk to their already established friends from back in the day or somehow kick up a convo. I could go on and on about the feels and the good ol' days but I'll leave it at that for now lol.
If anyone wants to add me to talk about literally anything or would be down to play other games just f/r Scaredy on Habbo!
submitted by LoserBoyNate to habbo [link] [comments]

2023.12.21 01:00 kctingding [PC][Early 2000s] Online game with main character a little dude with a weird afro. Community was predominantly French speaking. Had a chat lounge, little mole creatures??

Crossposted in tipofmytongue
This is driving me nuts. I distinctly remember being obsessed with this game when I couldn't have been older than 10 so I'm thinking like 2002 give or take. I played this game around the same time I was playing MyCoke Music and Habbo Hotel. But I have scourged the internet and even picked Chat GPTs brain and I've discovered nothing.
You played as this little black dude. He had large round sunglasses, I cant remember if he was supposed to be blind or maybe he just wore sunglasses and my child brain presumed the sunglasses meant he was blind. His hair was a weird afro thing. Or maybe it was supposed to be more like thick dreadlocks. There were little mole like creatures prominent in the game as well. Or were they rats? They were rodent like, and lived underground so I assume mole things. The game was online, I'm fairly sure free to play as I was so young, and there was a chat lounge where you interacted as one of the mole things and not the main character with the afro/dreads. Everyone in the chat lounge predominantly spoke French, but most also knew English fine. I played the game in the USA, but wonder if the game was based out of France, Canada, or maybe even Belgium.
Can't remember the overall premise of the game but it had "chapters" and I remember one of the chapters involved a tornado coming through your town? I also remember the final chapter or close to the final chapter involved these weird statues you had to make sing - my memory seems to picture them as resembling the stone guardians from that Disney Atlantis movie - but I don't think they actually looked like those. There were random mini activities like cooking in your house and shopping at the market in the game as well. The art of the game was more so resembling just like, a 2D cartoon. It wasn't pixelated like the characters in Coke Music and Habbo.
I thought surely a search for French games with mole creatures in the early 2000s would bring up SOMETHING but all I got was pointed towards the direction of, uh, Whack-A-Mole. And GPT thinks I'm talking about Dofus - which I'm not.
submitted by kctingding to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2023.12.20 23:39 kctingding [TOMT][Game][Early 2000s] Online game with main character a little dude with a weird afro. Community was predominantly French speaking. Had a chat lounge, little mole creatures??

This is driving me nuts. I distinctly remember being obsessed with this game when I couldn't have been older than 10 so I'm thinking like 2002 give or take. I played this game around the same time I was playing MyCoke Music and Habbo Hotel. But I have scourged the internet and even picked Chat GPTs brain and I've discovered nothing.
You played as this little black dude. He had large round sunglasses, I cant remember if he was supposed to be blind or maybe he just wore sunglasses and my child brain presumed the sunglasses meant he was blind. His hair was a weird afro thing. Or maybe it was supposed to be more like thick dreadlocks. There were little mole like creatures prominent in the game as well. Or were they rats? They were rodent like, and lived underground so I assume mole things. The game was online, I'm fairly sure free to play as I was so young, and there was a chat lounge where you interacted as one of the mole things and not the main character with the afro/dreads. Everyone in the chat lounge predominantly spoke French, but most also knew English fine. I played the game in the USA, but wonder if the game was based out of France, Canada, or maybe even Belgium.
Can't remember the overall premise of the game but it had "chapters" and I remember one of the chapters involved a tornado coming through your town? I also remember the final chapter or close to the final chapter involved these weird statues you had to make sing - my memory seems to picture them as resembling the stone guardians from that Disney Atlantis movie - but I don't think they actually looked like those. There were random mini activities like cooking in your house and shopping at the market in the game as well. The art of the game was more so resembling just like, a 2D cartoon. It wasn't pixelated like the characters in Coke Music and Habbo.
I thought surely a search for French games with mole creatures in the early 2000s would bring up SOMETHING but all I got was pointed towards the direction of, uh, Whack-A-Mole. And GPT thinks I'm talking about Dofus - which I'm not.
submitted by kctingding to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]
