I have been on 10mg of lisinopril


2013.05.20 22:47 IamNotHereAgain 2C-B

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2024.06.02 22:37 permalink_save Looking into therapy, questions about blood pressure and eligibility

Some background, I had a rough childhood of being prescribed Ritalin then Paxil as a preteen with therapy, have not sought treatment as an adult but struggled hard with (not diagnosed as a kid) anxiety and some OCD. Realizing how bad anxiety is amd hearing about psychotherapy has brought me here.
I've been using salvia every couple weeks at low doses for theraputic and meditarive purposes. Ketamine is also disassociative and the stories I see here reflect almost verbatim the experience I have had, but not as many reaources for therapy with salvia as ketamine.
I have hypertension, untreated around 145/95, treated with 10mg lisinopril it usually gets down to 130/80 (less if I am relaxed). I suspect the readings are white coat because for a while I had it down to 130/80 with no meds. Is this going to disqualify me? Is the lisinopril a problem (can't find anything online about interactions)? My primary care doc also suspects I have POTS (orthostatic hypotension) weirdly enough so low blood pressure screws with me too, but between lisinopril and eating normal sodium and drinking lots of water everything seems in balance. I get heart rate spikes to 140 sometimes which I believe is anxiety related, epsecially reading BP, and it settles quick, like to 70bpm.
How much does theraputic levels usually spike BP? Does lisinopril matter here? Trying to get an idea before trying to go inro this since what I have done so far has been tremendous help, and I think disassociatives are the thing that really helps me where nothing else has.
Edit: have seen a cardiologist who, after a bunch of tests, settled on just doing the low level BP meds, so mechanically things are fine.
submitted by permalink_save to TherapeuticKetamine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 22:32 BlacksmithSuitable17 Unexplained pain in legs

What could this be? Leg veins protrude randomly and are accompanied with aching pain (5-6 out of 10 on pain scale). It happens once to three times daily, and some days not at all. These are not varicose veins.
I've seen the following specialists and none have been able to help: oncologist, rheumatologist, orthopedic, neurologist, vascular surgeon. I've been dealing with this for 9 years with no relief. It's getting progressively worse in terms of pain. Besides the veins popping out, my leg muscles are in pain 75% of the day, feeling like something is inside my body pinching my muscles.
I have been unable to isolate any potential causes. I feel it when I'm sitting, doing chores, and it wakes my up at night like clockwork around 4:30am (I go to bed at 10pm). I can walk a couple miles without issue. I have no lost much strength - I don't think. I can still run up stairs and lift/carry heavy objects without issue. I have some slight narrowing in my spine that encroaches on nerves at L5-S1, but I doubt that's connected. This does not happen anywhere else on my body but from my hips to my ankles. Both legs are affected to the same degree. I have slightly high blood pressure (10mg lisinopril nightly). Also on testosterone injections. 75ml every 10 days. 47 yo male 250lbs No other medical conditions outside of diverticulosis and sleep apnea.
submitted by BlacksmithSuitable17 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:31 IsolatedHelp On blood pressure medication but getting conflicting readings

Hello all
For a few years now, I am on 10mg of lisinopril one a day due to my family history and my own blood pressure being in the hypertension area. Due to other reasons I have been keeping an eye on my blood pressure lately and I have noticed that my diastolic numbers are coming out in the 60's often usually the lower 60's while my systolic are either in the 120's or over 100. Is this normal? Should I be look at talking to my doctor about this. I feel fine a majority of the time and the times I don't, I can't say it's because of blood pressure because I have other health issues.
Background: Female; Age 52; overweight by 30/40 pounds. Lately drinking way to much caffeine. Not very active have been losing weight.
I don't have the best blood pressure cuff (Just a digital wrist wrap around) but here are some of the reading as of late.
126/62, 108/59, 106/60, 125/68, 125/66, 115/70, 115/68
I don't take my blood pressure at a set time. 126/62 is the most recent one but the 108/59 was taken within 30 minutes before this one so I have no idea if it was a false reading or not. According to the reader outside of the two occasions in the last couple of months I am normal.
Should I be concerned or just keep an eye on it? Thank you
submitted by IsolatedHelp to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 21:11 mndtrvlr 64yo w/abdominal pain. Please help direct.

Age 64 Height 5'5" Weight 142 Medications: amLODIPine 10mg, atorvastatin 40 mg, aspirin 81 mg oral delayed release tablet, potassium chloride 8 mEq (600 mg) oral tablet, extended release, furosemide 40 mg, lisinopril 40 mg, Cipro 500 mg oral tablet
Open heart surgery in January of 2020. In 2021 she began having abdominal pain, diarrhea, thin stools, and sometimes blood. In 2022 she had a colonoscopy. Dr diagnosed her with diverticulitis in the lower part of the colon. Gave her some information on how to manage and sent her on her way.
Chronic diarrhea and blood symptoms have stopped shortly after the colonoscopy.
Abdominal pain and occasional diarrhea occurs.
In April 2023 she experienced a hematoma in her abdomen that required emergency surgery. It's suspected they this was from excessive situps. My mom is neurodivergent (maybe autistic. I am so it's a possibility) and gets oddly obsessed with things. She started working out at the gym and couldn't stop. She was going 4xs per day and hitting the ab machine hard. I can only imagine what this situation looked like.
I don't have the exact date but she had corneal surgery late 2023.
April 17 2024 went to urgent care with significant pain in the abdomen. My mom has a lot of social issues so it's huge that she went to urgent care. She described the pain as burning and uncomfortable. Pain 4/10. They sent her home with no treatment.
April 18, 2024 went to ER for pain becoming significantly worse. She was also experiencing uncomfortable edema in hands feet and face. After CT scan her kidneys were noted to look abnormal. There's a 2cm cyst on the left side of her kidneys. And acute kidney injury was diagnosis. Her gfr levels at that time were in the low 20s. They also found a 3cm cyst on her ovary. The er Dr said that her pain was likely from that. She was told to stop one of her BP meds (LASIx?...something like that) in case it was the cause of the kidney injury.
She was sent home still in pain. She made appts to see a Dr about her kidneys and gyno. She felt she couldn't take the pain much longer. She decided to see her cardiologist since he had an open appointment and it could be related to her heart.
She saw her cardiologist 5 days later and again no information. Still in pain.
On May 13 she saw a general practitioner. She was sent away and told it was her ovaries. Still in pain.
On May 21 she saw the gyno. The gyno said absolutely not due to the cyst. She was very upset that my mom got a run around. She noted moderate swelling on rlq. Tenderness was noted in RLQ. She did mention wanting to rule out ovarian cancer. She said she would speak to a colleague and order tests to check for cancer markers. My mom left still in pain. Later that day they called and asked her to come the next day. I should note she has her a hysterectomy.
On May 22 she saw another general practitioner. Nothing happened except prescribed Cipro because of it possibly diverticulitis.It was frustrating.
She did her labs a couple days ago. I don't see any flagged issues except for her hyaline casts are 11-25. Gfr is 56. Her baseline is 63 and acute injury brought her down to low 20s. It's been slowly going back up.
She has an internal ultrasound scheduled for June 3rd (to look at ovaries) and an appt with another general practitioner June 4th.
My mom is not a good advocate for herself. She won't demand anything. She's in so much pain and nobody has addressed this.
Current symptoms are: "Deep bone type pain" in her lower right hip and it sometimes will spread closer to the middle of her abdomen.
It gets worse when she's active
Pain "aches" and "nonstop"
She has significant swelling in the area she is experiencing pain. Right low ab
Little to no appetite
She has stopped doing all enjoyable activities.
I want to know what direction we should take in case we are given a run around again. We are still waiting for some of the urinalysis to come back to screen for ovarian cancer.
submitted by mndtrvlr to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:43 jonwcode High Blood Pressure - Focalin

So, I have been keeping note of my blood pressure ever since I started on Focalin 10mg twice daily. From everything that I read online my blood pressure being around 140/100 or higher or lower (it's been as high as 149/107) is a problem and when I bring this up to my doctor she doesn't seem to be that concerned about it.
I am on propranolol for my heart rate, because it tends to get high, but it doesn't do that much for blood pressure for me anyway. I'm on 20mg now after requesting to have it upped because 10mg was working but no longer seems to be effective, so also has me on 5mg of lisinopril, and that seems to not be doing anything at all. I guess what I'm wondering is, is it normal for your blood pressure to be that high when on your meds? As of late, I've been noticing my face has been getting flushed when taking my meds as well. I'm not sure if it's due to me being sick, because I have been sick with a chest cold here lately, or if my blood pressure is getting too high. I just checked it now and my reading was 139/94.
I just was wondering what other people's experience has been with Focalin and stimulants in general.
I've also noticed that my body especially my back and my neck has been pretty tensed up as well, I'm not sure if that would have anything to do with it or not.
submitted by jonwcode to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:34 Psuedo77 Stage 2 Hypertension at 20 years old

The earliest I can remember somebody making a comment on it was when I was about 14. Some doctors were telling me I should be on medication for my blood pressure, but majority were kinda brushing it off as, “oh, you must be a little nervous”.. when I never was. But I mostly just ignored it for several years up until recently. And back then, I was a high level endurance athlete with a very healthy diet.
Like I said in the title, I’m only 20 years old now and as of recently, I’m averaging readings of like 150s/100s consistently. On Friday evening, I had my pressure checked and it was like 170/120, which was extremely concerning. I had an EKG and a 12 lead done, which showed a little hypertrophy. Also had some bloodwork done, which all came back perfectly normal. My diet isn’t the best it’s ever been, but it’s probably about as good as any normal person’s. And I’m also fairly active still.
I’ve been taking lisinopril 10mg for a couple weeks now, and my BP has actually gone up since taking it. After the night with the extremely high reading, my doctor told me to double it to 20mg (hasn’t worked), and essentially told me I was fine and not to worry about it.
There is some family history of hypertension as well, but I feel like it shouldn’t be affecting me this bad, this young.
Does anybody have some good advice for what I should do about my abnormally high BP?
Edit: I’m also 6’4”, 240 lbs. Most people are shocked when I tell them how much I weigh because of how well my body distributes it. I’m fairly muscular from all the years I wrestled. So I’m not even really overweight in my, or anybody else’s opinions.
submitted by Psuedo77 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:09 IDreamInNeon Chest Tightness/Lightheadedness, Not Cardiac, Need Guidance

Hi everyone! 40F, 5'7" 450 lbs, White. I have MS and mild hypertension. I also have depression and general anxiety. I am losing weight, but slowly since mental health is a bitch. I have been under the care of both a PCP and cardiologist but neither have been able to help my current issues. I will give a brief rundown of the past few months because it has been a whirlwind and a mess to figure out what is causing what. TL;DR of current symptoms: Chest and neck tightness, as if what wearing a corset may feel like; chest soreness; lightheadedness.
I'm currently taking Ocrevus for my MS (last dose given 4/8), I have a Nexplanon birth control implant, Zyrtec 10mg SID, and I am usually on Wellbutrin XL 300mg SID and Buspar 10mg BID but I have been messing with the dosages for these over the past two weeks or so, currently haven't taken either in about 5 days. I'm trying to figure out if my issues are side effects of either of these.
Back in December, I was prescribed Lisinopril 20mg SID for BP by my PCP. My blood pressure was generally around 140/90ish, sometimes up to 150s/90s, but never higher than that. A few weeks into the Lisinopril, I started feeling my pulse more generally in my body, as well as in my ear when wearing headphones, and my anxiety went through the roof. I was having some neck strain/pain and lightheadedness. I saw my PCP one month into it and her asst took my blood pressure immediately after I broke down crying from thinking my high BP was going to kill me; I already wanted to go to the ER once the week before but didn't. My BP was of course high when she took it, I was just crying. My PCP, instead of waiting and retaking my BP, DOUBLED my Lisinopril to 40mg SID. My anxiety was so bad that I just listened to her and thought the higher dose couldn't hurt. We also increased my Wellbutrin from 150mg to 300mg at this visit, because my depression had been getting worse the past couple months before, unrelated to the Lisinopril, but in case of a side effect issue, I wanted to mention it.
Very quickly, I started having a lot more of the neck strain and started having short, sharp almost pinching-like pains in my chest, not in one specific spot. My anxiety was so bad at this point that I wanted to go to the ER at least 5-6 times within a two week period after she doubled the dose. I went to see a cardiologist on my own because I was so sure I was in heart failure and dying. Right before my appt with cardio, I finally found out, through online research, that Lisinopril is KNOWN to make anxiety worse for people who already have it. My EKG was normal, and my cardio agreed to go back down to 20mg of Lisinopril and scheduled an echo just to be safe, especially with my weight. Echo was normal. I was still having a lot of side effects from the Lisinopril so I tapered off it right before my follow-up visit with cardio, and he said we should just leave off any BP meds for now because it was likely just my weight and overall not a huge concern. This was early March.
I finally felt like I was getting back to normal and all of the issues went away once I stopped the Lisinopril, including my anxiety going back down to being totally manageable with the Buspar. I still did get the neck strain, but didn't seem as bad, but that could 100% be posture-related, as I have a computer job working from home.
A few weeks ago, the chest tightness and lightheadedness came back, though I don't think the chest tightness like this was really an issue back in Jan/Feb, I just don't remember to be honest. I saw my cardiologist again last week, EKG was still normal. He thinks it may just be anxiety. He put in an order for me to get a PET scan stress test, I haven't scheduled it yet. He also gave me an Rx for metoprolol when I asked about maybe trying a beta blocker in case it IS anxiety causing it all, but I wasn't feeling anxious mentally when this happens. I filled the Rx but haven't taken it yet because I'm afraid of more side effects and trying to make sure other meds aren't causing it first. These symptoms are unrelated to physical activity, as they usually happen/are most noticeable when I am just sitting at my desk. The last couple days, the sharp pinching pains have returned, not only in my chest, but also in my neck last night. These last barely a second and only happen a couple times in a short period, then nothing for awhile.
As I mentioned, I'm taking a break from the Buspar and Wellbutrin right now to see if it's from side effects from those, but so far no real changed. The tightness may be less? but hard to guage. I have a really hard time dealing with this on top of anxiety; this started up before messing with my meds so I really don't know how much anxiety would be causing it without anxious thoughts. The tightness has been happening daily for about a week now, it wasn't quite daily for a week or two before that. It lasts for hours at a time, but I don't wake up with it, and it doesn't last all day.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I don't even know what kind of doctor I should see about it, as cardio isn't really helping and I have decided not to return to my PCP (I found another to try, just haven't scheduled yet).
submitted by IDreamInNeon to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:37 Carolinevivien Where to get help for chronic issues involving fluid retention and breathing?

I’m asking this for a family member. It’s quite frightening and they don’t know where to get help.
50 M
50 mg of clonzopin twice a day Lisinopril 20 mg Amlodipine Besylate 10 mg Escitlalopram oxalate 20 mg Bupropion hydrochloride 150 mg Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Montelukast sodium 10mg Trazadone 50 mg at night Tamsulosin .4 mg Levocetirizine dihyrochloride 5 mg Fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhaler 250mcg
What’s known: asthma, gastroparesis, anxiety, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, allergies
Challenges: he’s always struggled with weight. In the past 8 years he’s put on 100 pounds. He currently weighs 340 and is 5’10”. He is aware of his need to lose weight.
He wakes up every morning struggling to breathe, even getting dressed makes him short of breath. He has abdominal discomfort in the mornings. He has been abnormally lethargic and exhausted with his legs retaining a lot of fluid- a LOT OF FLUID.
He’s had a stress test for his heart, an ultra sound of his heart, which came back fine. They’ve looked at his lungs and they’re fine but he is waiting for results of a breath test.
Bloodwork is fine except hemoglobin is slightly low.
They looked into his gastrointestinal system and found that he has gastroparesis. He’s looking into changing his dietary habits but it’s challenging when he’s also trying to lose weight.
Nobody seems to want to help him. He’s aware that he needs to lose weight. He knows it’s a big part of the problem.
But nobody seems concerned about the insane amount of fluid on his legs and the doctors just scratch their heads and have told them they don’t know.
So my questions are:
1- could he still have a heart issue despite passing a stress test? 2- would an internal medicine doctor be his best help at this point?
submitted by Carolinevivien to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:25 Tavarshio Does Prozac work forever?

So I have been on Prozac for the past 12 years mainly as a mood stabilizer and as an anti-anxiety medication. However, I have been suffering from really severe anxiety that began roughly in December 2022. It has been off and on but got severe last fall, relaxed a bit this winter but this February it came back with a vengeance. I thought the lisinopril was entirely to blame for this but I have found that even stopping it didn't make it go away. What has really helped break the cycle of anxiety more than anything is the Lorazepam(Ativan). I have noticed that Prozac gives me some unusual physical symptoms that it never did before: chest heaviness, stomach cramps, muscle weakness, bloating, and paraesthesia and this began when I increased to 20mg per day. Higher doses worsen these effects and make it difficult to breath. So nope! Not going up. But lately I've been feeling very depressed and discouraged and the Prozac doesn't really seem to help much anymore the way it used to. Is it possible for a medication like this to "burn out"? I assumed I'd take it indefinitely since it has very few long term side effects. But I am now really thinking of stopping it and trying something new(a serotonergic medication since Ativan makes me down and causes digestive issues).

submitted by Tavarshio to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 17:28 steviezyns Constant Uvulitis

Age: 25 Sex: Male Weight: 195
Medications: Lisinopril 10mg, Seroquel 100mg, Hydroxizine as needed 25 mg
Medical Conditions: Arenal Agenisis, High BP, BPD
Hello all! I’ve recently been dealing with recurring/constant uvulitis. I’ve gone to PCPs, Urgent Care, etc. and they are all saying the same thing. My violent snoring mixed with my blood pressure medication and social habits (drinking and smoking) are the root of it. I’m just very nervous about soft palate cancer. It’s an irrational fear as I don’t have any lesions growing on my uvula, no difficulty swallowing food, or any voice changes and I have many obvious causes. It’s also just super annoying. Anyway I can get this to go away without have to go a sleep specialist or ENT? Just looking for some reassurance I guess as well.
submitted by steviezyns to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 16:30 Lildiabetus69 What the heck is going on ? Why would this be happening ?

My blood pressure will be good some days and then other days it's not like yesterday I was 123/72 and by the night time I was in the 140s even after taking my night time meds (40mg of lisinopril & 6.25 cardveilol) my morning meds (10mg amlodipine,40mg lasixs, 6.25mg cardveilol) seem to work some days but not always. I have been on lisinopril and amlodipine for about seven months and the other medication's just started about three weeks ago. I have kept a log over the past week to see if I notice any patterns or if I'm doing something different daily but I'm not so I'm just super confused. I have an appointment with a cardiologist on Monday and my nephrologist Monday as well. Hopefully I can get some answers but just wanted others input as well
submitted by Lildiabetus69 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 02:21 Agile_Translator35 Medication related depression?

48F 240 lbs (down 60 lbs in the last 16 months) Former smoker- on and off for 25 years Type 2 diabetic Sarcoidosis (lungs and lymph nodes) Lupus anticoagulation syndrome Asthma
Dx with sarcoidosis in May 2023. Started high dose Prednisone June 2023. Slow taper starting in December 2023 and finally off Prednisone as of April 1, 2024. Added Hydroxychloroquine February 2024 due to continued joint pains primarily in hands, wrists, knees, ankles, elbows and shoulders while trying to taper. Now off Prednisone the pain is primarily in my hands and wrists.
Last A1C was December 2023 and was 6.3 but it was very hard to keep it that low because literally anything I ate would cause a glucose spike due to the steroids. Thank God for my dexcom 7 monitor because it helped me figure out what I could safely eat without immediately spiking my glucose into the upper 200's to lower 300's. My diet has been primarily eggs, veggies, chicken and some dairy for the last 10 months. I think the strict watch on my diet is the reason I didn't gave a bunch of weight while on steroids. I've only gained 5lbs to date and I'm sure that is water weight because I am so bloated and my legs are constantly swollen.
Beginning March 2024 I noticed anxiety type symptoms- agitated, not sleeping well (3-4 hours a night), night sweats, hair loss. That has now morphed into depression like symptoms - questioning self image, crying about everything, irritable and no desire to do anything.
I'm questioning whether it could be from the hydroxychloroquine because it all started about 1-2 weeks after I started it. Or could it be menopause, no clue about menstrual cycle due to hysterectomy in October 2021, ovaries intact.
I see my endocrinologist next week and don't know if I need to have her run bloodwork on my hormone levels or if I need to contact my pulmonologist and see about trying a different medication, I have an appointment scheduled in May with her. She has mentioned possibly methotrexate and azathioprine if the hydroxychloroquine didn't work.
Psychologist has mentioned maybe starting on antidepressants but I am on Xarelto (8 years now) and it doesn't play well with a plethora of medications. But I can't go off it because I start throwing clots within a week of stopping it, often times within 4-5 days when I've had to stop it for surgery.
Previous antidepressant trials from years ago with Wellbutrin, Zoloft and Lexapro did not go well and within a couple months symptoms would worsen so I am leery of antidepressants.
I'm just at a loss, my mental health is starting to affect my marriage and I need to pull myself out of this tail spin I'm currently trapped in.
Current meds I take daily- 14mg Rybelsus, 10mg Farxiga, 2.5mg Lisinopril to offset BP increases with Prednisone, 10mg Singular, 180mg Allegra, 10mg Xarelto (down from 20mg), 200mg Hydroxycholoroquine, centrum silver women's multivitamin, 600mg Calcium Citrate, Vitamin D3 5,000 IU, Vitamin C 1000mg, Vitamin B complex, and a probiotic.
submitted by Agile_Translator35 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 20:03 LunaFalls Have lupus SLE, but I don't think this is lupus anymore and I'm scared. Burning, tight, shiny rash that looks like stretch marks started randomly in my armpits a few months ago, then inner thighs, occasionally hips, back, stomach too. Red racoon eyes began first, last spring .

Age 32 Sex Female
Height 5ft2in
Weight 118
Race Hispanic and white
Duration of complaint
These Symptoms began sbout 15 months ago . That's the first time I started getting the red eye rash. The armpits and thighs had their first rash maybe 5-6 months ago, and the insane neck rash started in December and took over a month to clear.
I noticed my hair stands were all wrong and honestly deformed in July. Everyone gets the occasional crazy hair that's unusually thick and/or varies in thickness though the strand, but suddenly it was like my head was 30% those types of hairs (i would find one or two per year before, but over the summer it was just insane. I lost tons of hair and have lost hair before due to lupus so I know what my hair strands feel like. This is unprecedented for me.)
I have had biopsies done on my head before because I get the worst sores on my scalp with flares, so at first I chalked it up to the hair being damaged from the 4 biopsies and growing in. But it's not just in those 4 little areas
Since December I've lost way too much hair and have bald spots that i can't even hide. I wear hats and beanies and a mini wig if I am going out .
Nails on hands and feet have gotten eeird and thick grooved, pitted, as well as skin on hands and feet it's just incredibly messed up , too. Thick, hard skin fingertips and toe tiñs just crack open and those cracks just DO NOT heal like other wounds. They take months to close up despite constant aquaphore and lotions and oils, hydrocolloid bandages, etc. Then with zero cause the just open up again a week or two later.
Raynaud's also the worst is ever been, starting in August
Location Denver, CO USA
Any existing relevant medical issues
Lupus SLE, diagnosed since 2018 but started around 15 years old with joints. Diagnosis came after I had my first baby and lupus started to attack my kidneys in earnest.
I also became allergic to Arizona, which is where I grew up, but I never had traditional allergy symptoms so I thought my doctor was mixing up my results at 18. As time went on, though, my body started reacting and skipping over the sniffles and going straight to anaphylactic reactions. Blood and skin tests repeated over 10 years all concurred that I am allergic to 29 trees, bushes, plants, etc, which are native to the Sonoran desert. 14 of those were the most severe rating . Moved to Denver this past June for this reason, and only like 3 things on my list even live in Colorado, and one is a soil mold which should die in winter at least, one is a pigweed, and another is a grass that I haven't really seen much here. I was able to drop all 5 allergy meds, inhaler, and Prednisone over night once I left Phoenix. It was amazing for like a month before these new things started, but at least my throat isn't closing on me anymore. The red eyes started the last 6 months in Arizona and increased in frequency before we moved, but I was so sure it was from the allergies. IDK anymore
I was really low on Vitamin D in May, at 11.4 and supposed to be closer to 40 iirc. Started supplementing.
Current medications
Plaquenil 200mg
Lisinopril 10mg
Vitamin D 5000 ui
Adderall 20mg
Saphnelo- Ireceived my first Saphnelo infusion last month, going again in a week, and it has done wonders for my other symptoms like joint swelling/pain and energy levels but now the skin stuff is doing me in again.
Include a photo if relevant
All photos are from the last 6 months, except a couple labeled from Arizona in May and June when the red eye thing started happening for the first time, seemingly at random. Random lumps form under my skin and move around until a sore forms . Face will be very swollen at times, with pitting edema . The rash on my neck showed up in December on one side then migrated to the front too. It HURT and felt like the worst sunburn, and itched like crazy for a month. Tried 2 different antibiotics and steroids and nothing worked. My Doctor assumed lupus related and was able to call the rheumatologist I was waiting to see and have them move my appointment sooner. Labs showed ANA was high this time (in January), and it hadn't been positive in years (since 2018). Armpit/hips/thighs line rash just burns like my skin is too tight and if I move suddenly my skin will crack open. I moisturize like crazy to try to prevent it now but it still occurs. It goes away completely within a few days to a week, only to Begin again but worse the next time. The skin feels almost velvety? It's too shiny and weirdly very very smooth before the red raised lines appear.
We all thought this was lupus but it has had me very uneasy. I received my first Saphnelo infusion last month, going again in a week, and it has done wonders for my other symptoms like joint swelling/pain and energy levels but now the skin stuff is doing me in again. At least I don't have to wake up to agonizing, unusable fingers and hands every morning anymore! But now I need to fix whatever this is because it's severely impacting everything else.
submitted by LunaFalls to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 23:50 Alluring_Allabaster Urinary Issues

Background info:
34/M, 210 lbs, 5'9", Occasional medical marijuana user, Cigarette smoker, Only drinks alcohol socially 1-3 times per month
Regular Medications: Lisinopril 10mg/daily for blood pressure

Hello all,
Please bear with me, as I've been having some issues over the course of a few weeks now and want to make sure I cover all bases here.
It started off as a burning sensation that I was getting as, and mostly after, urinating. So I went to my doctor and she tested me for both a UTI as well as pretty much every STD. Those tests came back negative, and I even had a second round of testing where they came back negative again.
After that visit and the tests, my doctor put me on 200 mg of Phenazopyridine and I took 3 of those per day for ten days.
Since all of that, I haven't experienced any hard or sharp pain but I have been experiencing a few symptoms: Frequent urination, no color in my urine (regardless of how much I'm drinking), and occasional pressure down there. Again, no hard pain, but it's more of a dull pain/discomfort.
After contacting my doctor again recently, she said to just drink a lot more water over the next couple of weeks. I have been fluctuating between feeling alright and occasionally having that pressure/discomfort again. And I will admit that it's worse when I forget to hydrate.
Does anyone have advice for me? Should I insist to my doctor that I see a specialist such as a Urologist? Maybe just keep drinking water for now and not worry about it too much? Should I find a specialist on my own? Any and all recommendations are greatly appreciated!
submitted by Alluring_Allabaster to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 03:17 badass_flavored Amlodipine side effects report (anyone else?)

I’m a truck driver and noticed while training a student checking my BP at Walmart my bp was pretty high 165/100 so I should go get it checked out. Well I went to an urgent care and my bp was 180/101 at that time so they put me on 5mg amlodipine.
I took that for a few weeks and it didn’t seem to do much. I was in the Philippines with my fiancée and decided I would go to the pharmacy there and try taking the 10mg instead. (Stupid idea I know now) I took that and it helped a little bit but still I had 155/85-90 until I changed my diet and I was able to get down to about 140/70.
My only side effect was a sinus headache for awhile. Then I started to feel extremely depressed and I would easily cry at the smallest thing. Well maybe not quite 2 months in to taking this medication I was in Amarillo, TX at a truck stop I suddenly had this weird feeling in my head like bubbles moving in my head, kinda freaked me out but I pretty much shrugged it off. A few moments later I got extremely lightheaded and almost passed out, and my heart was going nuts with palpitations.. I called 911 and the paramedics put me in the ambulance. They checked everything and I recovered and they didn’t know what happened but said I can probably just go back to my truck. But then it happened again so they took me to the hospital.
My HR went down to the upper 30s and they said that when I talk, it spikes up to 110 for some reason…
Anyway they gave me an IV and some medicine I don’t remember and I ended up being okay. The hospital found nothing wrong on ct scan xray blood test urine test. They sent me on my way and told me to just take my medicine as prescribed. So I went back down to 5mg. And since then it’s been really horrible feelings of nausea and panic attacks and a strange creeping sensation at the bottom of my spine and in my legs. And very very poor sleep
I called 911 again later that week I was at a beer distributor in La Crosse, WI backed into a dock and I got horrible ringing in my ears and strange feelings in my scalp and my head ny whole body, feeling like I’m dying. Well they did more tests found nothing either. I was so debilitated at that point I could berely drive for more than 30 min at a time then I would have to stop.
I made it back to Colorado a couple days ago and made an emergency appt with a doctor. He put me on lisinopril 20mg and told me to stop taking amlodipine. I feel soooooo much better and the lisinopril is more effective at treating my bp so far, it’s about 130/70
But I still keep getting kind of panicky and I still have this weird feeling in my spine it’s like coming from my prostate and up my spine and warm creeping tingly feeling very uncomfortable. I’m really hoping this goes away soon. I’m just glad that I’m not on that amlodipine anymore because that was truly one of the most unpleasant things I’ve experienced. Anyone else have similar symptoms? I really want this to stop with the feeling in my spine. I need to count my blessings tho because I don’t feel anything close to what it was the past 2 weeks or so.
submitted by badass_flavored to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 19:09 EasyMode615 Amlodipine - Pins and needle side effect?

Hi, I started Amlodipine 5mg + Lisinopril 10mg + HCTZ 12.5mg in December 2023.
Randomly on 3/1 (3 months after I started), my right foot felt warm and I got pins and needles. It wasn't debilitating, but it was distracting. I cut Amlodipine to 2.5mg and the side effect went away. I met with my doctor on 3/15 and my BP was within range, though on the border of increasing dosage.
I've been taking my BP readings at around the same time each morning (10AM). My BP has slowly increased.
I'm worried that if I go back to 5mg of amlodipine, the pins and needles side effect will come back.
Did anyone have this side effect? Did it go away? If you switched off Amlodipine, what pill worked for you? (I know this varies per person, but would like to know my options for pills that would work with Lisinopril+HCTZ).
submitted by EasyMode615 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 23:40 KonstancjaxPee Mystery Illness

Hi all, I don’t know if this is the right place but I’m running out of ideas. This will be extremely long. Any advice that would be helpful is greatly appreciated. I’m 27F nonbinary afab, 350lbs, 5’6”, previous smoker, I take dual advil, lisinopril 10mg, omeprazole 40mg as needed and skyrizi every 3 months. The only chronic conditions I’ve ever had consistently in my life is Psoriasis, mildly elevated high blood pressure and evidence of EDS. As of 2017, I’ve become chronically sick with a mystery illness. The symptoms I have everyday are fever (99 to 102F), extreme fatigue, torso pain (from my intestines to my stomach) that feels like there is a blender going through me. It’s better some days, or it’s more localized to the left side of my stomach into my bladder region. I also have a cyst on my ovary that developed after getting the previous one removed. Only on the left side. A cyst has also developed on my cervix. I had a month and a half where moving felt like agony and nothing made me feel comfortable, I peed blood one day and saw a urologist as a result. We did a CT and found that my left kidney was fine but the right has a lot of cysts in it as well as kidney stones. He asked if I have had a lot of UTI’s growing up and I’ve never had one, ever. He said my kidney looks very scarred and was being pulled inwards. My latest CT scan said something about my kidney as well but I can’t remember what exactly, essentially just to keep an eye on it. That same CT showed thickening in my colon as well. As of recently (September) my lymph nodes in my armpits have started to swell and become extremely tender. It started with the lymph nodes in my left armpit closest to my breast becoming enlarged. The pain gets worse with any pressure and with eating. Sometimes the pain is so bad that it makes my arm have this incredible numbing pain. This also travels to my collarbone and sometimes to the side of my neck. My lymph node behind my jaw on my left side also became so swollen that I thought it was going to burst if I moved a certain direction. It’s gone down but it’s not back to normal. The same situation is happening on the right armpit now, exact same lymph node. However the pain only goes to my back on that side, not down my arm. The lymph node on the back of my jaw on that side has also become swollen, but is not as painful as the left side was. I also deal with chronic dry eyes/eye irritation, constantly high WBC, pain that goes from the left side of my stomach to the right side of my rib cage. I don’t have a gallbladder bladder. Also no periods and low vitamin D. I see my PCP, rheumatologist, OBGYN, and gastro. Now a breast care specialist as well. I am due for a lymph node biopsy coming up, but she is not convinced it’s anything malignant. I have had two endoscopy/colonoscopies, a pill capsule endoscopy, cystoscopy, genetic testing, all the blood work checking my CBC, vitamins, cholesterol, thyroid.. everything normal except my ESCRP and platelet count being high sometimes , plus WBC’s being high most of the time. My a1c is also normal. I move around, I dont over eat, I drink water and eat balanced meals, I sleep as best as I can (I get night sweats. For my lymph nodes I’ve tried ice, heat, voltaren gel, massages (doctors suggestion). I also take 2-3 dual Advils everyday or else functioning is a nightmare. I’ve seen an allergist, been gluten free, did the elimination diet.
I don’t know what else to do. If my biopsy comes back normal I then go to an orthopedic dr again. Thanks for reading.
submitted by KonstancjaxPee to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 22:09 Cynical_BassetHound Recommendations for Tests? My doctors seem stumped.

I have never posted before and hope I am doing this right:
40F diagnosed: depression, anxiety, gout, high blood pressure, heartburn. Currently taking 10mg Prozac, 75mg trazadone, 300mg allopurinol, 20mg lisinopril, 40mg Nexium, and BC Recently discontinued 75mg Effexor and 150mg Trazadone under dr supervision due to following: Have been suffering with nausea (often times unbearable) shakes/chills/sweating, vomiting on and off and diarrhea on and off since Feb 2nd. All bloodwork so far good except sodium and potassium keep falling. Sodium is 125 for reference. Abdominal CT normal. Chest xray and EKG normal. Head CT normal. Waiting for endoscope and colonoscopy. Negative for all tick illnesses and celiac's. *Here's the part that my docs are confused on: had been on effexotrazadone combo for 24 years with zero issues. About a week and a half into this mystery illness, i started noticing my effexor making me violently ill. I went to the ER twice because about 2-3 hours after taking it, i had muscle spasms, sweating/shivering/uncontrollable shaking, extreme nausea, clenching my jaw, amd confusion. I really thought i was dying. Anti-nausea meds (zofran, promethazine) made it 1000 times worse. Was given valium and discharged with instructions to see a psychiatrist if i thought it was my Effexotrazadone. (All vitals were good, except slightly elevated HR, and they had GSWs and people dying - apparently I just felt like I was dying) I can tell psychiatrist and PCP are not sold on theory that symptoms were made worse by Effexotrazadone, but PCP did take me off Effexor and put me on 10mg of Prozac. Pyschiatrist tried to up the prozac to 20mg, but...nausea, muscle spasms, etc. increased. Have almost constant nausea and anxiousness/irritability now, not able to work approx 2-3 days/week due to this. Nausea is debilitating sometimes. Things that are or have made symptoms worse: benadryl, Tylenol, Hydroxyzine, Buspirone The only thing that temporarily helps symptoms: Atavan (yes, very aware how dangerously addictive this can be, try not to take it except maybe once a day, if that) Was previously taking lisinopril and htz for blood pressure, but recently discontinued by PCP because blood pressure is now low. (Have lost 57lbs since 2 FEB) Waiting on endoscope and colonoscopy, but GI doc hasnt offerred any insight on what may be going on and when i mentioned the medication issue she told me to follow up with my psychiatrist and PCP for issues with medication. Any recommendations for additional tests? My psychiatrist and PCP seem stumped, and i am so miserable. am sorry if I don't word or post this correctly, I've never posted on Reddit before, but am desperate.
Also, sorry for the novel.
Edit to original post: Forgot that I am also on sucralfate. It doesn't seem to be helping anything but its not making me sicker (at least I don't think so?)
submitted by Cynical_BassetHound to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 16:55 Tennis_Buffalo My Bad Blood Pressure is Disappearing!

Hey guys, I wanted to share this with anyone out there who might be in the same boat. I’m 30 years old and I’ve had high blood pressure since I was 16. I found out when I was 16 that my family has a history of high blood pressure after failing a physical for football due to High BP. For years I was on and off medicine. It had nothing to do with my blood pressure improving I just didn’t take it seriously. During this time period I went from 185lbs (5’11”) to 285lbs to 200lbs to 325lbs to 240lbs to 290lbs to 218lbs to 257lbs to 195lbs. These days my weight is much more under control and for the past 2 years I’ve been 210-225. Last year though my blood pressure got higher than it ever had and I wasn’t even that big. I once saw a reading of 180/110. I got prescribed Lisinopril at 10mg and took that for a little while before having my dosage upped to 20mg and then two months ago upped to 30mg. After coming home from a trip to Mexico 3 weeks ago where I had indulged in a lot of food and alcohol I was once again around 230lbs and for the first time in my life I decided to go on a diet. Nothing special, just wanted to eat under 2500 calories a day and not eat out. I know 2500 calories may seem a lot but my rmr is 2450 so at 2500 as long as I continue to exercise I’ll lose weight. Now up to this point in my life I had only ever lost weight by killing myself in the gym, on the tennis court, in Orangetheory, etc. but this time I found the willpower to eat a little more healthy. Cut to a week and half ago after just 1 week on the diet my BP was low. I went down from 30mg to 10mg and it was still low. So now for the last several days I’ve been off of Lisinopril completely and my BP has evened out at 105/70. I will continue to take my pressure multiple times a day for a long time to make sure I don’t need to go back up to 10mg at some point but it turns out doctors were right about dieting. In fact, they have me wondering if my whole family doesn’t just have an eating disorder and not genetic high blood pressure. It is really hard to eat right but I just wanted to tell you guys this in case you haven’t tried it. I know a lot have but some people like me just can’t find the willpower for it. Maybe this will help. Have a great day.
submitted by Tennis_Buffalo to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 04:32 Longjumping_Trade198 I think I may have burnt out my hair follicles

https://ibb.co/HgrgXbL I am a 27F, 286 lb, 5'4. no history of thyroid or hormone issues except recently my testosterone levels were high in January. I have been taking Lisinopril 10mg for almost 1 yr, Metformin ER 500mg for about 4mo, & sertraline 25mg for 2 yrs, fish oil, vitamin D and magnesium. Last year my hair started falling out after having my 1st child as expected, Ive heard its supposed to start growing again like normal after a few months but it hasnt gotten better. My hair has never been super thick but it hasn't ever been as thin as it is now. As a teen from age like 14-16 I bleached/ colored my hair constantly, on the scalp. I always changed colors so at one point I was bleaching my hair and scalp every 2 weeks to achieve my desired colors. I still color my hair every couple of months but don't use bleach every time. the last time i used bleach on my scalp was about 2 months ago for 2 strips of red in the front. Now I'm thinking I may have burnt my follicles or something bc my hair is just getting thinner and thinner. I wash my hair every 5-6 days and usually gather a clump of hair about the size of a walnut. Is there any hope for my scalp? I started using minoxidil for women about 3 days ago.
submitted by Longjumping_Trade198 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 20:59 sillyho3 Is IF enough to help Type 2 Diabetes?

First off, I'm 5'1, 193 lbs and a 36 year old female.
I've been overweight pretty much most of my life. I lost my gall bladder at 20. Was diagnosed prediabetic then. 5 kids later, I was diagnosed type 2 in 2019.
I am currently on 1500mg of Metaformin. 10mg of Lisinopril and 5mg of Farxiga.
Alrighty, I'm not new to Fasting. So I've fallen off the wagon for a while now and am concerned because recently had a CAC score done and it was 18.
My A1C is currently at 7.1
In 2021, for 3 months I did IF. I fasted 20 hours and ate for 4 hours. Never ate past 7. I work at a warehouse to I have a physical job.
Well when I actually was strict about fasting, My A1C at the time went down from 8 to 6.1!
So I do believe fasting can help me tremendously!!
My struggle is because I'm a food addict, I tend to have a hard time controlling myself. So if I do Keto, I find myself hungry all day vs when I fast and then eat, I find it easier to limit what I eat then because I'm satisfied by those 4 hours.
When I did that fasting, I also did not do Keto. I ate a better diet because I didn't feel restricted.
So I was looking to see if any of you have helped your weight loss or diabetes by just focusing on fasting vs diet?
I don't want to eat junk. I want to focus on whole foods eaten in that small time frame instead. Just wondering if that's a good plan? Or of I should just do Keto in those 4 hours to help me lose weight and control my diabetes better. I also noticed when I eat low carb, my blood sugar numbers really fluctuate if I eat 3 meals a day.
submitted by sillyho3 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 03:27 EasyMode615 Sudden Drop in eGFR

Hi, I'm a 38M. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and T2 diabetes in December 2023. I had a blood test on Friday and it showed I was able to get my blood sugar and blood pressure under control quickly. I drastically cut down on sugars and sodium and barely had red meat. Diet is primarily veggies, protein (chicken/fish/eggs), and fruits. I've been on amlodipine 5mg and lisinopril 10mg + hctz 12.5mg.
When I was tested in December, they did detect protein in my urine. When they spoke to me about it, they didn't seem too concerned and that's why they put me on the lisinopril.
In December 2023 my creatine level was 1.19 and eGFR was 80. When I went in to get my blood tested a few days ago (I was a bit dehydrated), my creatine level was 1.64 and eGFR 55.
I meet with my primary care provider on Friday. Currently, I have no pain or symptoms. I know my doctor will talk to me about my results, but was wondering if anyone could give an idea of why my creatine would jump up and why my eGFR would drop 25 points. I'm scared and anxious - mostly because I'm a single father of 2 boys and worried about the future (not a lot of support or family around me).
I guess I'm looking for support (scared right now) and guidance as to the sudden change in numbers in 3 months.
submitted by EasyMode615 to kidneydisease [link] [comments]
