Unique accounting team names

American Airlines sub

2013.12.07 10:12 bascokt American Airlines sub

This is the subreddit devoted to American Airlines. We are not affiliated with the airline

2013.02.18 06:46 Destiny 2

destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going-ons of Destiny 2. All posts and discussion should in someway relate to the game. We are not affiliated with Bungie in any way, and are a strictly fan-run community.

2008.09.16 21:42 ♫My Brazilian Brazil♫

A subreddit for the international community to discuss all things Brazil!

2024.05.22 00:50 Warm-Wave-3605 What’s everyone’s favorite and least favorite character and case from each game?

For THH I’d have to say Kyoko is my favorite character. I usually love detective characters in any piece of media and I also really like her relationship with Makoto
My least favorite has probably gotta be Hifumi or Junko. Hifumi was annoying asf and expressed borderline predatory behavior at multiple points in the game
Junko was a fine mastermind in the first game though I still thought the hope and despair thing was pretty dumb and kinda cringe even the first time but she just kept coming back and as a result overstayed her welcome
My favorite case in THH is with no competition 1-2. It had so many twists and turns and memorable moments. The genocider reveal, Byakuya messing with the crime scene which was the first time we experienced antagonistic behavior from one of the students in the series, Chihiro being a boy and Mondo’s sad backstory. I loved the antithesis between mondo and chihiro. Also this case is unique cause the murder was done on impulse and wasn’t pre meditated, in contrast to almost all other murders in the series, which made this case even more real to me.
Worst case was 1-3. Because Celeste is just retarded here and so is the rest of the cast. I mean why would the killer want to show which order they killed the victims in with the numbers of the hammers? Celeste is extremely obvious as the culprit and I am convinced she wasn’t even trying to hide it. Throughout that entire trial whenever the cast figures out something Celeste just outright lies and denies it AND THEN GETS PROVEN WRONG. It’s just her who does this, even if she wasn’t the culprit I probably would have still voted for her for acting so suspicious. The name coincidence with Yasuhiro was super dumb and contrived too. What’s most offending though is that the game is trying to convince you even before Celeste gets executed that she’s a good liar. No dude she’s not a good liar, Gonta would probably be a better liar than her. I don’t really mind the unsympathetic motive weirdly, but the rest was awful
For SDR2 my favorite character is Fuyuhiko with Hajime and Chiaki as close 2nds and 3rds respectively. Fuyuhiko had such great character development and a really emotional trial. Even though he was a Yakuza he debatably was one of the most ethical characters in the cast. We stan Fuyuhiko
My least favorite would have to be Akane. Akane is just a waste of a survivor spot. She’s not useful in class trials, she’s not that interesting (yes I’ve played her FTE I still don’t like her) and her being hungry all the time was not funny. The survivor spot should have been given to Hiyoko who really really sucks as well cause she got no development and died a hatable little bitch. What’s worse is that she was gonna get development. And no it was not worth it for Akane to live for the sake of Nekomaru’s memory cause we already have Sonia being a survivor in Gundham’s memory. I am sorry I really don’t like Akane 🙃
Favorite trial is 2-4 I loved learning how that funhouse worked it was really unique and interesting. Also Nagito’s personality shift in this trial was really good too. Gundham was great here, sacrificing himself for the rest of the group while putting on the mask of the villain so they wouldn’t feel sad plus his relationship with Sonia was really cute and seeing her beg Monokuma not to execute him was heartbreaking. Also this was the only murder in the series which was basically consensual besides V3-2 since both Nekomaru and Gundham were ready to sacrifice themselves for the group
Least favorite is 2-3. I- I don’t think I even wanna get into this. The despair disease is one of the worst things I’ve seen in a video game. Literally if anyone else got Mikan’s disease they’d have killed as well, she killed just because she was unlucky. Hiyoko’s murder isn’t even discussed, it’s like no one cares and everyone just assumes the same person killed them both. Mikan who is the clumsiest character in the game pulls inhumane shit that makes no sense and on top of that they assassinate her character by the end of the trial. This is the worst case in the series, fuck 2-3
For V3 my favorite character is Kokichi, he’s my favorite character in the series and one of my favorite fictional characters. He’s so darn complex and interesting and embodies the themes of the game perfectly. I really don’t like how a lot of the fan base seems to mischaracterise him as either some UwU boy or evil incarnate cause the truth is he is very much somewhere in the middle, probably in the grey area but I’d say he’s leaning towards the good side more. I can literally write a 500 word thesis on why this little lying bastard is peak but I won’t get into it here. I also love Shuichi, Kaito and Maki overall they are my 4 favorite in the franchise. I love v3 if you couldn’t telll
As for least favorite I really don’t think V3 has a single bad character imo they were all used extremely well and are all memorable and unique in their own way but if I had to pick one it’d be Tsumugi. I know she had to stick around for the Mastermind reveal but she’s just so boring throughout the entire game which I know is the point but I still would have much rather have had someone else in her place
For my favorite case I’d have to go with V3-5, it’s my favorite in the series actually. This is probably the most complex case in the entire franchise and it pulls it off really well without feeling too convuluted. There so are many twists and turns and great moments here like Maki confessing her love to Kaito, Monokuma teaming up with you and everyone having to come to terms with the fact that kaito was the one who died. Also the fact that the 2 characters who liked each other the least cooked up a plan to defeat the mastermind, really epic plus it was cool to see that Kokichi really wasn’t all that bad in the end and wanted to end the killing game his own way even if that meant he had to go to extreme lengths to do so.
I really don’t think V3 has a bad case I quite enjoyed them all but if I had to pick one as the least good it’d be V3-3. Crazy how all my least favorite cases are chapter 3’s. But unlike the other 2 this one is not as bad. Yes, Korekiyo’s motive is extremely odd and weird but to me it felt kinda refreshing to see a student that was completely mad and done well, looking at you Celeste. If you do Korekiyo’s FTE you’ll understand why he does the things he does and the fact that he mistook his abusive relationship with his sister as love and as a result became mad. It’s pretty interesting, Kork isn’t just funi seesaw dude. He also killed some the 2 most annoying character in the cast so good on you Kork. Other than that even though I didn’t like Tenko I think she went out in a great way passing down her wishes to Himiko and ultimately making her a better and much more interesting character worthy of being a survivor. There are a lot of great emotional moments with Himiko here. The reason why this is my least favorite trial is because of the missed opportunity of having 2 killers. Before we get to that it should also be noted that most of the trial is spent on tenko’s death which is kinda weird seeing as it’s not the one that matters for the entire cast to survive. The fact that the game gets your hopes up for there to be 2 blackends and the fact that they may have to live with a killer among them is so darn disappointing when you learned that Kork killed them both. Overall even though this trial isn’t on par with the rest of the V3 ones I still think it’s a good one despite a lot of people not liking it
submitted by Warm-Wave-3605 to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:49 djuggler R.E.A.C.H. Rowing is running its Youth Learn to Row camp in June. This is a wonderful opportunity to expose young people to the exciting sport of crew rowing. Rowing is much fun!

If your youth wants a fun and unique experience, R.E.A.C.H. Rowing is running their Learn To Row program in June. Spending a week discovering the exciting sport of rowing will be a memorable summer activity!
Cost of the camp is $200 per session. Each session is Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Following are the dates for each session: Session 1: 6/3/24-6/7/24 Session 2: 6/10/24-6/14/24 Session 3: 6/17/24-6/21/24 (Session Closed) Session 4: 6/24/24-6/28/24 More information is available at https://reachrowing.org/programs/youth-learn-to-row-camps/
My son was on the L&N Stem Academy's rowing team and it made an incredible difference in his life. Rowing has a focus on community, fitness, and leadership. It builds physical strength, mental fortitude, commitment, community, and leadership. Plus it is really fun!
submitted by djuggler to Knoxville [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:49 Good-Picture-7952 Unveiling Leadership Excellence: Tereno Jason Forbes

Hey Reddit fam! Today, let's shine a spotlight on an unsung hero in the realm of financial management and leadership – none other than Tereno Jason Forbes. You might be wondering, who's this Tereno Forbes guy? Well, buckle up because you're about to embark on a journey through the realms of dedication, expertise, and unparalleled leadership.

Who is Tereno Jason Forbes?

Tereno Jason Forbes isn't just your average Joe. He's a powerhouse of experience and proficiency, boasting a background that spans property management, construction, maintenance, healthcare services, and administration. This guy wears many hats, and he wears them well.

What Sets Tereno Forbes Apart?

Let's talk about dedication – Tereno Forbes doesn't just show up, he goes above and beyond. Whether it's leading financial and accounting programs or overseeing large-scale budgets and projects, Forbes is the epitome of results-focused management.

The Tereno Forbes Magic Touch

Ever heard of someone who can juggle operations management, cost management, team leadership, legal compliance, and financial analysis like it's a walk in the park? Well, that's Tereno Forbes for you. He's the Swiss Army knife of financial management, with a knack for making the impossible seem effortless.

Meet the Integrity Guru

In a world where integrity is often an afterthought, Tereno Forbes stands tall as a beacon of honesty and transparency. His high-integrity leadership style inspires trust and confidence, making him a force to be reckoned with in any boardroom.

But Wait, There's More – Tereno Jason Forbes

Now, you might be wondering, why the double name? Turns out, Tereno goes by Tereno Jason Forbes too. Whether you call him Tereno Forbes or Tereno Jason Forbes, one thing's for sure – he's a name you won't forget anytime soon.

In Conclusion

In the fast-paced world of finance and leadership, Tereno Jason Forbes is the unsung hero we all need. With a resume that reads like a roadmap to success and a reputation for excellence that precedes him, Forbes is proof that dedication, integrity, and expertise are the ultimate keys to unlocking your full potential. So here's to you, Tereno Jason Forbes – may your star continue to shine bright in the ever-changing cosmos of business and leadership.
submitted by Good-Picture-7952 to mybusinessneeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:48 Mcarps424 US State inspired league

US State inspired league
I made a US state inspired Retro Bowl league
Since there ate 50 states and only 32 slots I had to combine a couple states into one to form a team.
Combined Teams: Cascadia = Washington and Oregon New England = Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut The Virginias = Virginia and West Virginia Megakota = North and South Dakota Carolina = North and South Carolina Great Lakes = Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, and Minnesota Deep South = Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas
It was easy to group New England and the states that share a name together. I excluded South Carolina from the Deep South team to group it in with North Carolina. I excluded Texas and Florida from it too, because I felt they should each have their own teams. I felt like Georgia should have their own team too, but it was easier to group them in with the Deep South. I acknowledge that the states grouped together for the Great Lakes is kind of cursed given college football and NFC North rivalries. I attempted to break that team up and have a Tornado Valley team instead, but couldn’t figure out how to divide everything up as nicely. As cool as a Tornado Valley team would be, “The Great Lakes Superiors” is an equally cool team in my mind.
I made the conferences East vs. West. For the divisions, I tried my best to group states in the same geographic location as best as I could. The Eastern Conference was fairly easy, though Missouri was the odd one out and needed to be moved to the West. For the Western Conference, the placement of Nevada in the Pacific vs. the North division is debatable. It can easily be switched with Cascadia, but this placement felt better to me. I originally called the Pacific division, the West division but the West West division sounded dumb compared to the Pacific West. I was then left with 4 states that didn’t really fit anywhere nicely, so I decided to put them together and call it the Mountain Plains division.
I didn’t post the jerseys, but for the most part I tried to make jerseys that match the state flags. I kept Carolina, New England, Tennessee, and Arizona as their default jerseys. There were too many red and blue, and blue and gold teams, so I took some liberties with those states. For the combined states I tried taking colors from each of their flags. The Great Lakes Team, I found a color called “Great Lakes Blue”, which I used as their main color.
I am only midway through Season 2 in the save. I was assigned to take over Missouri. Alaska won the Retro Bowl in Season 1 over Megakota.
I had fun putting this together and I may make some updates in the future. I am open to any thoughts, suggestions, and questions.
submitted by Mcarps424 to RetroBowl [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:45 Gaznik2137 It would be incredibly funny if doctor's madness on tier III gave survivors input lag, random camera drift, reversed sound direction or fake random sound effects

Like yeah the first 2 are my killer bias but still would be very unique to have. The rest seem balanced to me. Also plz return the madness III doctor face jumpscare i will give you my bank account details BHVR fr fr
submitted by Gaznik2137 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:44 fotoboxes212 IP address shows up as me on only one website

I am going to try to explain this. Maybe it's nothing but I'm super confused.
There is a e-commerce marketplace I use to sell things. When I check the logs that shows the IP addresses that have logged in, it says that my current IP address is 12.XXX.XXXX (name of ISP). I use a VPN and checked with them and the IP address does not belong to their servers. I can't replicate it anywhere else - my VPN on or off. The listed ISP is not the ISP I use at home.
It's the only account that is logged in according to the logs.
Sorry if this is vague it's hard to explain when I'm not sure what to explain. Any thoughts? I can add more detail. Thank you!
submitted by fotoboxes212 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:44 Capybara_Pulled_Up Why am I getting [ 'value', [ExpectedConstraintError] ] ]?

I'm attempting to deal with the following table:
It has a varchar of 2000, but if I attempt to give it the string:
/edit_config approve_message: Congratulations, your character was approved! We'd love to meet them! Drop your description and portrait in ⁠character roster! Don't forget to run !timer to accrue downtime and !level to set your level and class. Next, set yourself up with some ⁠roles. Ping-able roles notify you when other players are looking for others for RP, Adventure, or PVP. Also react for a role icon that best reflects your character's build. It makes your account look pretty! Nicknames on this server are formatted CHARACTER'S NAME [level]username. If you have multiple characters on one discord account, use /set to change which character is gaining XP. For example, Kei's first character is Lumina, with an index number of 1, and Amica, with an index number of 2. To gain XP on Amica, she would use /set 2. To switch to Lumina, she would use /set 1. This is a vital step if you wish to have multiple characters and staff will enforce this.
It gives me [ 'value', [ExpectedConstraintError] ] ], why is this? Should I use TEXT instead?
submitted by Capybara_Pulled_Up to sqlite [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:43 srainsdon Backup Problems

so borg is throwing this as the log file.
Performing backup... Starting the backup... Creating archive at "/mnt/borgbackup/borg::20240521_144252-nextcloud-aio" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Repository: /mnt/borgbackup/borg Archive name: 20240521_144252-nextcloud-aio Archive fingerprint: 12255958afd0fedd0142c60638b363c5dbd4e15abddcc324db3811bff4f12a61 Time (start): Tue, 2024-05-21 14:43:09 Time (end): Tue, 2024-05-21 15:53:31 Duration: 1 hours 10 minutes 22.28 seconds Number of files: 58213 Utilization of max. archive size: 0% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Original size Compressed size Deduplicated size This archive: 100.51 GB 97.33 GB 13.88 MB All archives: 902.64 GB 862.34 GB 92.44 GB Unique chunks Total chunks Chunk index: 97645 1087494 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORG_PRUNE_OPTS are --keep-within=7d --keep-weekly=4 --keep-monthly=6 Pruning the archives... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Original size Compressed size Deduplicated size Deleted data: -73.68 GB -70.65 GB -151.01 MB All archives: 828.96 GB 791.70 GB 92.29 GB Unique chunks Total chunks Chunk index: 97438 1002935 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Compacting the archives... Local Exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/repository.py", line 802, in compact_segments new_segment, offset = self.io.write_put(key, data, raise_full=True) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/repository.py", line 1679, in write_put fd = self.get_write_fd(want_new=(id == Manifest.MANIFEST_ID), raise_full=raise_full) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/repository.py", line 1436, in get_write_fd raise self.SegmentFull borg.repository.LoggedIO.SegmentFull During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/platform/base.py", line 194, in close self.sync() File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/platform/base.py", line 183, in sync platform.fdatasync(self.fd) OSError: [Errno 5] I/O error During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/archiver.py", line 5343, in main exit_code = archiver.run(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/archiver.py", line 5263, in run return set_ec(func(args)) ^^^^^^^^^^ File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/archiver.py", line 189, in wrapper return method(self, args, repository=repository, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/archiver.py", line 1870, in do_compact repository.commit(compact=True, threshold=threshold, cleanup_commits=args.cleanup_commits) File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/repository.py", line 505, in commit self.compact_segments(threshold) File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/repository.py", line 804, in compact_segments complete_xfer() File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/repository.py", line 761, in complete_xfer segment = self.io.write_commit(intermediate=intermediate) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/repository.py", line 1705, in write_commit self.close_segment() File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/repository.py", line 1493, in close_segment fd.close() File "/uslib/python3.11/site-packages/borg/platform/base.py", line 196, in close self.f.close() OSError: [Errno 5] I/O error Platform: Linux 462f1c068a73 5.15.0-106-generic #116-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 17 09:17:56 UTC 2024 x86_64 Linux: Unknown Linux Borg: 1.2.7 Python: CPython 3.11.9 msgpack: 1.0.6 fuse: llfuse 1.5.0 [pyfuse3,llfuse] PID: 39 CWD: / sys.argv: ['/usbin/borg', 'compact', '/mnt/borgbackup/borg'] SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND: None Failed to compact archives! 
I'm at a loss as to what is going on here but It looks like its just a compression problem. is that something to worry about
submitted by srainsdon to NextCloud [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:43 PerspectiveSuperb394 Looking for a Canadian surrogate mum to help me with family [ca]

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to the page admin for this community. I hope I don't breach BabyBumpsCanada rules.
My Message to wonderful surrogates in this community. I hope this story finds you in good health and high spirits.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vin and I am reaching out to you with a heart full of hope and a dream that has been cherished throughout my life. I am 48 years old, living in Australia for last 17 years. I have seven embryos safely preserved in Creatvie Fertility Centre, Toronto. I have registered to 2 canadian surrogacy agencies for match but I have no luck for last 8 months. As a result, I am trying to find myself through online communities.
My journey through life has been a unique one. There were many ups and downs, good times and difficult one. I have been single for as long as I can remember, and while I have had my fair share of fulfilling experiences and accomplishments, I have always felt a profound desire for parenthood. Unfortunately, despite my wish, I didn't find partner with whom to share this incredible journey. As the years passed, I realized that the timing was never quite right, and I began to fear that I might never experience the joy of becoming a parent. But then I learned about surrogacy, and a new found sense of hope filled my heart. Surrogacy offers the opportunity for individuals like me, who haven't found a partner in life, to fulfil their dream of parenthood. My longing to be a parent is not just about having someone to care for and guide; it goes beyond that. It is about creating a bond, sharing unconditional love, and building a family that will bring happiness not just to me but to my child as well. I yearn to experience all the joys and challenges of parenthood, to be there for every step of my child's growth and to support them in becoming the best version of themselves.
I understand that the path to surrogacy is not an easy one, and I approach it with the utmost respect and gratitude for the immense gift it represents. I believe that the relationship between a surrogate and an aspiring parent is built on trust, mutual understanding, and compassion. It is a partnership that will forever connect us in this remarkable journey. If you choose to embark on this incredible adventure with me, know that you will not only be making my dream come true, but you will also be giving life to a little soul that will be endlessly loved and cherished. Your selflessness and compassion will have an everlasting impact on both of our lives.
I am committed to providing full support throughout the process and, most importantly, being a dedicated and loving parent to the child that is brought into this world through your invaluable help. If you feel a connection with my story and share my dream of bringing a life into this world, I would be immensely grateful to have the opportunity to get to know you better. I believe that this journey should begin with open and honest communication, and I am eager to hear your thoughts and hopes regarding this extraordinary possibility. Thank you for taking the time to read my request and for considering this journey together. I eagerly await your response and the possibility of creating a beautiful future filled with love and family.
If anyone is interested, please send me a message here
Warmest regards
submitted by PerspectiveSuperb394 to BabyBumpsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:42 SmellyRedditFingers Yakuza stories aren’t good?

So there’s this YouTube video game journalist I follow who was recently playing “Like A Dragon”. I told him I really don’t enjoy turn based combat games and asked him if the story was good enough for me to go through with a play style I don’t really like, and he said “Well, no, when have Yakuza stories ever been good?”
I thought that was an insane take that he said so casually and a couple people in chat seemed to agree with him. I thought they were fart smellers.
From my perspective I’m a new Yakuza player and I wanted to start from the start of the story so I began with Yakuza Kiwani 1. I loved Majima everywhere and the story of falling out with my friend I think named Nishki or something, but by then I already screwed up because I was so excited to see the origins of Nishki and the dragon of dojimas’ backstory so I had to play Yakuza 0 next.
Playing Kiwami first and Yakuza 0 second as a first time player was so uniquely depressing and massively impressive because I got to witness the friendship that was once there and the unraveling of Goro Majima. Kiwami was incredibly well written but 0 kind of put it all into another perspective and I thought the story was the greatest part (and the relationships with the characters and all the side stories were sometimes silly and sometimes very compelling).
So like what, what happened that made people think Yakuza games have bad stories? I’ve not played the other ones but Kiwami and Zero were such flawless examples of storytelling I can’t imagine why someone would talk down on the excellent stuff created so far.
submitted by SmellyRedditFingers to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:41 funtwototango Get dashcams, like right now !!

Get dashcams, like right now !!
Stop driving, cancel all your rides, and get dashcams for full 360 degree horizontal view and 270 degree vertical view for your vehicles, like absolutely right now !!
An insurance-fraud by a passenger has me deactivated permanentaly as of this very moment.
  1. This passenger's ( female ) drop-off address in her ride-request wasn't her intended place to go.
  2. I drove around the block for another 5 mins with the sole intention to help her, but her destination isn't anywhere close, so I take her back to the drop-off address as per her ride-request, and end the trip in the app.
  3. Mind-you, this drop-off address is an abandoned diner / bank, whatever establishment it used to be previously, absolutely empty and deserted, on a busy street. However, I wasn't scared for life, because this was in the noon, bright under the shining sun.
  4. At this time, I am parked in a parking spot. She wouldn't get out of my vehicle claiming she's changing the drop-off address, but I had already ended the trip in the app, and had provided a negative feedback on her.
  5. She began cussing at me using expletives. I politely told her that a wrong drop-off address in the ride-request wasn't my fault, and that she needed to exit the vehicle because I had another ride-request queued and another passenger waiting for me for quite a while now.
  6. If she were to create a new ride-request, she'd find a different driver. She eventually exited, I re-adjusted my seat-belt, checked my mirrors and began reversing my car, when I bumped into her.
  7. Apparently, she was hiding in a blind-spot, behind my vehicle in the parking-spot, the one you don't see in any of the rear-view mirrors. I certainly did not turn all around to my right to view through the rear-window, primarily because we were in a deserted empty parking of an abandoned commercial establishment.
  8. As soon as I bumped into her, I checked if I had not run-over her. She was totally ok. No blood, she didn't fall down, my vehicle wasn't damaged, I wasn't hurt. So, I ask her why was she behind a vehicle with a running engine, rear-lights glowing, about to reverse from a parking-spot. She had nothing to say, except stare at me angrily.
  9. This was the moment I knew this was going to blow-up. I immediately initiated the Emergency thing in the Lyft app. Upon completing the submission after pressing some buttons, I notice that the pending ride-request in the queue is still active, a passenger waiting for me, some $$$ to be earned, that I did not intend to cancel, of course.
  10. So I say sorry to this lady despite none of it all was in any way my fault, while I drive out of the parking-lot of that abandoned place.
  11. I get a phone-call from ADT, I use bluetooth headphones always, I describe everything as-is from above while driving for the pickup of my current active ride-request, hoping this will all be sorted properly.
Boy, was I wrong !!
PS: Reddit won't let me include a JPEG in this post, so I am posting the email-content about the permanent deactivation as a comment.
submitted by funtwototango to lyftdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:41 Affectionate_Run3921 Selling stocks for index fund

I have a handful of individual stocks positions in a taxable brokerage account, with gains of approximately $400k. I am typically an index fund guy, but had hand picked these names a few years back and added to them here and there to form the positions. Overall this basket of stocks has done well, but I am not doing much better than the SPX, so am included to simplify and go back into an index fund. Stocks I’m holding include APPL, WM, GOOG, OXY, GDX, MSFT, CVX and a couple others.
I earn around 800k from my job as an executive, and see the tax bill coming on this 400k of gains so am considering options. I’m a few years away from retirement. In my shoes would you…
  1. Sell them all, dump into an index and just pay the taxes without overthinking it
  2. Hold them with no plans to sell. They’re good names and stick with them.
  3. Trim the positions and pay some of the tax.
  4. Other ideas?
submitted by Affectionate_Run3921 to investing [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:41 Originahl Gmod Addon - Ammo System + HUD Ammo

Gmod Addon - Ammo System + HUD Ammo : https://osgmod.com/gmod-scripts/3928/gmod-ammo-system-huds
Gmod Ammo System + HUDs is a complete ammo management system that will allow you to modulate the gameplays that involve ammo, from ammo management to maximum transportable ammo, customizing the display of magazines on the HUD with thousands of probabilities to do something unique, from the behavior of ammo on the ground, such as whether to press USE or just touch it to pick it up, to the behavior of the ammo. Whether or not players should loot their ammo when they die, or even how likely it is to happen. If they can via a chat command drop their ammo to the ground. It also allows you to create scripted ammo entities easily. In short, this GMod addon is new in its genre and has the word "System" in its name for a reason.

gmod #garrysmod #lua #programming #production #STEAM #osgmod #ORIGINAHL #Gmodstore #physgun

submitted by Originahl to osgmod [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:41 Seeking_Pi_Solutions [CA] Retaliation Mediation/EEOC Question

Hey all,
Im using a throwaway account for privacy sake.
To start, I am no longer employed with the company I am seeking to mediate/file an EEOC complaint against.
An incident occurred in December of 2021 that left me being harrased and targeted by a member on the executive team. Many other executive members tried silencing him during this meeting, and ultimately his assistant followed me to my car as I was crying after this all took place. The information I provided during this situation outlined the failure of a contract that his other company signed with our company. (Side note- he worked for the company I worked for AND had a few other companies that he would align with the company I worked for as contracting work.)
After this situation he cut off all work communication with me even though we had many things on our project that were dependent on our mutual communication. He then hired people and put them in places to try and undercut the compliance and data management that my job was responsible for upholding and maintaining.
Fast forward to Summer of 2022. He restructured my department and put people in place that left the company vulnerable to neglect of compliance for a major project. He worked to have me work off-site of said project to ensure that I wouldn't be able to communicate to the compliance and executive teams about the cornerns with the project.
At this point I was experiencing many mental and physical issues all stemming from the stress and unhealthy working environment. My doctor took me out on medical leave in the Summer of 2022 and during my medical leave I was sent "separation documents" that had a small sum of money contingent on me signing the documents. I have yet to sign these documents that were initially sent to me in March of 2023. I was told that the department and project I was managing was all being laid off. For what its worth I can still look up and see that the company I worked for owns licences for the project I was involved in. I suspect that they leased this project out to a 3rd party company to side step the company being involved with it any longer.
I have contacted many attorneys and have been told that I have a case. I put together a 72 page document outlining my tenure with the company with pictures and descriptions of the unhealthy working environment as well as the harassment and retaliation that took place. I was not able to afford 2 of the attorneys that would take on my case, and the one that could take me on contingency told me 4 months later that his team hadn't filed any EEOC or CCRD complaints on my behalf and that he did not have the bandwidth to take my case at this time.
My questions are as follows;
  1. How can I word an email to the HLegal team of said company that would allow me to mediate a higher "severance/separation payout"? I don't intend on trying to take them for much, mostly just the cost of the mental health treatments I had to undergo due to the situation.
  2. Should I continue with filing a complaint to the EEOC and CCRD all while pursuing medation?
  3. Can I leverage the contents of my 72 page document during mediation or should I keep that private so they don't end up gaining access to it? The contents detail many illegal things the company had done over the past 7 years, all of which I don't believe are within the statute of limitations anymore to sue over.
I do not plan on having an attorney with me during mediation as I feel confident/comfortable negotiating what my severance could possibly be and dont believe I am willing taking a chunk out of to pay to an attorney.
submitted by Seeking_Pi_Solutions to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:39 Captain_Hook_ Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, better known as Paracelsus - details from the infamous "Book on Nymphs, Slyphs, Pigmies, Etc." - c. 1530

Know, therefore, that the purpose of this book is to describe the four kinds of spirit-men, namely, the water people, the mountain people, the fire people and the wind people. Included among these four kinds are the giants, the melusines, the Venusberg and what is similar to them.
How things are in relation to us will have to be described in the following order:
First, their creation and what they are;
second, their country and habitation, where they stay and what their mode of living is;
third, how they come to us and let themselves be seen, how they mix and have intercourse with us;
fourth, how they perform some miraculous works, such as Melusine, the Venusberg and similar stories;
fifth, the birth of the giants and their origin, and also their vanishing and return.
The flesh must be understood thus that there are two: the flesh from Adam and that which is not from Adam. The flesh from Adam is a coarse flesh, for it is earthen and is nothing else but a flesh that can be bound and grasped like wood or a stone. The other flesh which is not from Adam, is a subtile flesh and can not be bound nor grasped, for it is not made from earth. Now, the flesh from Adam is the man from Adam. He is coarse like the earth which is compact. And, therefore, man cannot go through a wall. He must make a hole to slip through, because nothing recedes before him.
But before the flesh that is not from Adam, walls recede, which means that such flesh does not require doors nor holes; it goes through intact walls and does not break anything. They are both flesh, blood, bone and so on, whatever belongs to a man, and in their whole nature they are like man’s. But they are different in that they have a double origin like two cousins; they are in equal way like a spirit and like man. The spirit goes through all walls and nothing locks him out; man, however, not, for he is locked out by the bolt or the lock.
With all this, they bear children, talk and eat, drink and walk—things that spirits do not. Hence, they are like the spirits in speed, like man in gestures, figure and eating, and so they are people who have the character of spirits and also that of man, and both are one in them. Although they are both spirit and man, yet they are neither one nor the other. They cannot be men, since they are spiritlike in their behaviour. They cannot be spirits, since they eat and drink, have blood and flesh. Therefore, they are a creation of their own, outside the two,... It must be understood further that although they are spirit and man, yet they are neither. Man has a soul, the spirit not. The spirit has no soul, but man has one. This creature, however, is both, but has no soul, and yet is not identical with a spirit. For, the spirit does not die, but this creature dies. And so it is not like man, it has not the soul; it is a beast, yet higher than a beast.
Now, they are separated from us because they are not from Adam and do not participate in the same earth from which Adam was made, but God has decreed that we may see them miraculously, which has a particular meaning, as will be discussed in the last treatise. They have children and their children are their kind, not ours. They are witty, rich, clever, poor, dumb like we who are from Adam. They resemble us in every way. Just as one says: man is the image of God, that is, he has been made after his image—in the same way one can also say: these people are the image of man and made after his image.
And so they are men and people, die with the beasts, walk with the spirits, eat and drink with men. That is: like the beasts they die, so that nothing is left; and neither water nor fire harms them, like the spirits, and nobody can lock them up, like the spirits, but they reproduce like men and therewith share his nature. They have man’s diseases and his health but their medicine is not from the earth from which man is made, but from the element in which they live. They die like men, but are dead like the beasts. Their flesh rots like other flesh and their bones like other men’s bones and nothing remains of it. Their customs and behaviour are human, as is their way of talking, with all virtues, better and coarser, more subtile and rougher. The same applies to their figures : they are very different, like men. In food they are like men, eat and enjoy the product of their labor, spin and weave their own clothing. They know how to make use of things, have wisdom to govern, justice to preserve and protect. For although they are beasts, they have all the reason of man, except the soul.
Their abode is of four kinds, namely, according to the four elements : one in the water, one in the air, one in the earth, one in the fire. Those in the water are nymphs, those in the air are sylphs, those in the earth are pygmies, those in the fire salamanders. These are not good names, but I use them nevertheless.
The name of the water people is also undina, and of the air people sylvestres, and of the mountain people gnomi, and of the fire people vulcani rather than salamandri.
Now you must know that if their regions have to be described, they must be divided into their parts. For the water people have no intercourse with the mountain people, nor the mountain people with them, nor the salamanders.
The undinae have their abode in water, and the water is given to them as to us the air, and just as we are astonished that they should live in water, they are astonished about our being in the air. The same applies to the gnomi in the mountains: the earth is their air and is their chaos. For everything lives in chaos, that is: everything has its abode in chaos, walks and stands therein. Now, the earth is not more than mere chaos to the mountain manikins. For they walk through solid walls, through rocks and stones, like a spirit; this is why these things are all mere chaos to them, that is, nothing. That amounts to: as little as we are hampered by the air, as little are they hampered by the mountain, by earth and rocks.
Since water is the fish’s air, the fish does not drown, and so the unda does not drown either. As in the water, so in the earth: the earth is air to the gnomi; hence they do not suffocate. They do not require our air, we do not theirs. Thus also with the salamanders: fire is their air, as our air our air is. And the sylvestres are closest to us, for they too maintain themselves in our air, and they are exposed to the same kind of death as we, namely: they burn in fire, and we too; they drown in water, and we too; they suffocate in the earth, and we too. For, each remains healthy in his chaos; in the others he dies.
Let us philosophize further, about their food ... The sylphs are like men, nourish themselves like men in the wilderness, on herbs in the woods. To the salamanders the soil is earth, their heaven is the air, and fire their chaos. Thus food grows to them from the earth and from fire, and the constellation from air is their heaven.
About their clothing: they are clothed and cover their genitalia, but not in the way of our world, in their own way. For they have modesty and similar qualities, as men must have, have law and similar institutions, have their authorities, [etc.] ... To the beasts clothing is inborn by nature, but not to these people. To them nothing is inborn by nature; they must work for it like man whom they resemble. Their work, like man’s work, is in the nature and kind of their own world and earth on which they live.
**About their figures, know that they are different. The water people look like men, both women and men. The sylvestres do not conform, but are cruder, coarser, longer and stronger than both. The mountain people are small, of about two spans. The salamanders are long, narrow and lean. Their place and abode are in their chaos, as was mentioned before. The nymphs live in water, in running brooks, etc., so close that they grasp the people who ride through or bathe therein. The mountain people are in the mountain chaos, and there they build their houses. This is why it often happens that one finds in the earth an attic, vaults, and similar structures, of the height of about a yard. They have been build by these people for their abode and dwellings.
The water people do the same in their various places. Know also that the mountain people live in the caves of the mountains and this is why strange structures occur and are found in such places. These are their work. Know also about the fire people whose yelling, hammering and working can be heard in volcanic mountains. It can also be heard when the elements are incinerated. For all these things are the same as with us, but according to their secret quality. Those who travel through wild regions learn the reason for such beings and obtain information. There these beings are found. In the mines also, close to good ore, etc. they are found, and in waters the same also, and the vulcans near the Aetna. And there are many more marvellous things, about their coins, payments and customs, which would be too long in this connection, but will be described in their place.**
All that God has created, he reveals to man and lets come before him, so that man has and attains knowledge of all happenings of the creatures.
And in order that we may have a good knowledge of things, the water people have not only been truly seen by man, but have married him and have born him children. Thus also, the mountain people have not only been seen, but people saw them, and talked to them, and received money from them and blows and similar things. The same happened with the forest people, as was mentioned before, the people saw them and dealt and walked with them. Thus also, with the vulcans, who also, as mentioned before, appeared to man, and revealed themselves essentially, who they were and what had to be understood of them all.
The nymphs, namely, become apparent to us, but not we to them, except in what they tell about us in their world, as a pilgrim would, who had been in foreign lands. They do not need such rapture, the way the mountain people enrapture us, or the water people. For they have no power over man, and their world is not such that they could adopt us. Man is not subtile in body, but coarse in body and subtile in chaos, while it is the contrary with them. Therefore, they can well stand our chaos, but not we theirs. Their element also is in itself their chaos, which to us may not be chaos. Thus they appear to us, stay with us, marry with us, die with us, and also bear children.
This happens with the water people. They come out of their waters to us, make themselves known, act and deal with us, go back to their water, come again—all this to allow man the contemplation of the divine works. Now, they are men, but on the animal side alone, without the soul. From this it follows that they marry men. A water woman takes a man from Adam, and keeps house for him, and gives birth to children. Of the children, we know that they follow after the father. Because the father is a man from Adam, a soul is given to the child, and it becomes like a regular man, who has an eternal soul. ... Just as the condition of these people is, when they are in union with man, so is the condition of man, when he is in union with God.
From this it follows that they woo man, and that they seek him assiduously and in secret. ... they seek love with man, so as to be in union with men. With them all intelligence and wisdom are outside the qualities of the soul, and not the soul.
One must also know that not all of them may be married to us. The water people come first; they are the closest to us. Next after them come the forest people, then the mountain and earth manikins who, however, rarely marry humans and are only obliged to serve them. The vulcans never attempt to enter into union with humans, and yet are apt to serve them. Know also that two of them, namely the earth manikins and vulcans, are considered spirits and not creatures, being looked upon as a mirage only, or as ghosts. You must know, however, that just as they appear, thus they are, flesh and blood like another man, and with that, quick and fast like a spirit, as was told in the beginning. They also know all future affairs, present affairs and the past, which are not apparent but are hidden. In that they can serve man, protect, warn, guide him, and such like. For they have reason in common with man (except in regard to the soul). They have knowledge and intelligence of the spirit (except in regard to God). Thus they are highly gifted, and they know and warn, so that man may learn about such things, and see them, and believe in such creatures.
It is said of the nymphs, that they come to us from the water, and sit on the banks of the brooks where they have their abode, where they are seen, taken also, caught, and married, as we said before. The forest people, however, are coarser than they. They do not talk, that is, they cannot talk although they have tongues and enough of all that is needed for speech. In this point they differ from the nymphs, for the nymphs can speak in the languages of the countries; the forest people, however, cannot but they learn easily.
The mountain manikins are endowed with speech like the nymphs, and the vulcans speak nothing, yet they can speak but roughly and rarely. The nymphs appear, as was said before, in human clothing, with human features and desires. The forest people are like men, but shy and fugitive. The mountain people are like men, not tall, short; sometimes they reach about half the size of man or so, sometimes more. Thus and in the same way, the vulcans appear, fiery, and fire is all over their features and clothing.
They are the ones of whom one says: a fire man or spirit is going through the house; there goes a burning soul, etc. It often happens that such figures are seen. They also are the flames that are frequently observed as glowing lights in meadows and fields, running through each other and towards each other. These are the vulcans, but they are not found living with man, on account of their fire. They are often found with old women, however, that is, with witches, wooing them.
You must know, however, that there is danger with the fire people, because they are commonly possessed, and the devil thus rages in them, which causes great harm to man. Know also that he equally takes possession of the mountain people and thus makes them subservient to him, and of the forest people also. He then can be found in the forest possessing sylphs and venturing to make love to women who live in forest regions. But they all become like lepers, scabby and mangy, and there is no help for them either.
When these beings are not possessed by the devil they are human and seek union as has been mentioned. But they keep the way of spirits, in that they disappear. One who has a nymph for a wife, should not let her get close to any water, or at least should not offend her while they are on water. And one who has a mountain manikin with him, should not offend him, particularly not at places where they get lost. But they are so much obliged to man and so closely bound to him, that they cannot get away from him, unless there is a reason for it, and this happens at the place from which they come. If one has a wife, she does not get away from him, unless she is provoked while they are on water. Otherwise she will not disappear and can be held. The mountain manikins also must keep their pledges, when they are in service and have been pledged.
But obligations to them must be kept also, in all that is due to them. If duties are kept as should be, they are honest, constant, and intent on their work. And one must know that they are particularly loyal to man and much inclined to spending money. For, the mountain people have money, because they themselves coin it. This is how it must be understood. What a spirit wishes to have, he has, and their wishing and desiring is thus: when a mountain manikin wishes or desires a sum of money, if there is need for it, he has it, and it is good money. Thus they give money to many people in the galleries of mountains, to make them get away; they buy them off. All this is divine order— that they thus appear to us and that we see what is incredible to tell. Man is the most earthbound of all creatures. What he must have and wants, he must make for himself, and he obtains nothing by wishing and desiring it. But those people have what they need and desire, and man does nothing for it. They have it without work.
As we came to the end of the treatise, we had sufficiently discussed the necessities of these beings, and how they come to man. You must now, furthermore, know about their disappearance from man, and about their doings with us, with many such tales and stories that have happened with them, in many queer ways.
It also happens that sirens are born. They are water women too, but live more on the water than in it. They are not split like fish, but are more like a virgin, yet their form is not quite that of a woman. They bear no children but are monsters, just as a strange human being can be born from two normal parents. I would like to put it thus: the water people reproduce themselves like humans, but when it happens that they produce a monster, these monsters are sirens that swim on the water, for they repudiate them and do not keep them. This is why they occur in many forms and figures, as it happens and is the case with all monsters.
Thus we marvel not only at the water people but also at the sirens, who have many strange features and are very different from people. Some can sing, some can whistle with reeds, some can do this and that. Monks are also born from nymphs, that is, a monster which is shaped just like a monk. This you must know, namely, that such growths that are comparable to men and are found in some places, come from men, that is, they come from water people, earth manikins and similar beings.
To continue the discussion of these beings, know that such people also convene and assemble in one place, where they may live together and seek intercourse with man, for they love him. ... There are more women than men in such groups, few men, many women; hence they are after men whenever they have a chance. From such people a group originated that is called the Venusberg. It consists of nothing else but a kind of nymphs, thrown together in a cave and hole of their world, yet not in their own chaos, in man’s chaos, but in their regionibus. Know about them that they reach a very old age, but you cannot notice it, because their appearance remains the same from beginning to end, and they die unchanged. Venus was a nymph and undine who excelled others and reigned for a long time, but she died and the succeeding Venus was not as endowed as she had been. She died in the course of time and her kingdom vanished. There are many tales about her.
There is a story about a different beginning. It tells of a queen who resided there and sank into the earth. It was a water woman who resided there. She went into the mountain, under the pond that was above her, in her region. There she took her abode, and for making love, she built a gallery, for her to get to the lads and they to her. Such strange things happened there that nobody was able to report about these beings, what they were or where they were from, until it came to an end. It is quite possible that this could happen again should another nymph come, equal to her.
There is also a true story of the nymph in Staufenberg who sat on the road in all her beauty and served the lord she had chosen. ... Our nymph was a water woman. She promised herself to von Staufenberg and stayed also with him, until he married another wife, and took her for a devil. Taking her for a devil and considering her such, he married another woman and thus broke his promise to her. Therefore, at the wedding, she gave him the sign, through the ceiling, during the banquet, and three days later, he was dead.
We must pay equally great attention to Melusine, for she was not what the theologians considered her, but a nympha. It is true, however, that she was possessed by the evil spirit, of which she would have freed herself if she had stayed with her husband to the end. For such is the devil that he transforms these beings into different shapes, as he also does with the witches, transforming them into cats and werewolves, dogs, etc. This happened to her also, for she never was free of witchcraft but had a part in it. A superstitious belief resulted, that on Saturdays she had to be a serpent. This was her pledge to the devil for his helping her in getting a man. Otherwise, she was a nympha, with flesh and blood, fertile and well built to have children. She came from the nymphs to the humans on earth and lived there. But then, as superstitio seduces and vexes all beings, she went away from her people in her superstitious belief, to the places where the seduced people come who are bewitched in superstitionibus and spell-bound. Mind you, she remained the same serpent to the end of her life, and God knows how long it lasted.
You must know further that there are two more kinds that belong to the kind of nymphs and pygmies, namely, the giants and dwarfs, who are not born from Adam. Although it is a fact that Saint Christopher was a giant, yet he took birth from human seed, and hence we shall not write about him. But we shall write about the other giants, referred to in the stories of Bern, Sigenott, Hiltbrant, Dittrich, etc., also about the dwarf Laurin and others. Such stories are frequently rejected, but you must know that the same people who reject them, reject also much more important truth.
To come to an end, know that such people, giants and dwarfs, may well make women from Adam pregnant, because same likes to meet same, and nature may permit it. Yet you must know that the monsters are not fertile, although they are monsters only so far as their strength and size is concerned; they are not misbuilt. But they have only one seed available, that is, they do not attain the third, fourth, etc. generation. Know also that when they get into man’s kind, the result is uncertain. If the child’s body takes after the mother it falls into her kind; if not, it becomes a beast like the father. It is not possible for it to become a mixed being because the seed of one of the two always prevails. It happens otherwise that both become one seed, but here not. And if it were one seed it would have to be qualified by the one partner who gives the soul. More is said about this subject in other philosophical treatises, and there is no need to tell it here. Their kind, however, has died out and they have left no descendants to replace them.
Now that we must reflect in terms of natural philosophy about the causes of these creatures we must remember the facts, all the points, many of which have been discussed in the previous treatises. We need not repeat them here. Further causes that may be explored are these: namely, that God has set guardians over nature, for all things, and he left nothing unguarded.
Thus gnomes, pygmies and mami guard the treasures of the earth, the metals and similar treasures. Where they are, there are tremendous treasures, in tremendous quantities. They are guarded by such people, are kept hidden and secret so that they may not be found until the time for it has come. When they are found, people say: in times-of old there used to be mountain manikins, earth people here, but now they are gone. This means that now the time has come for the treasures to be revealed. The treasures of the earth are distributed in such a way that the metals, silver, gold, iron, etc., have been found from the beginning of the world on, and are being discovered by and by.
[Now of] the fire people. They too are guardians, of the fireplaces, in which they live. In these places the treasures, that others guard, are forged, prepared, made ready. When the fire is extinguished, it is the earth manikins’ turn to be on guard. And after the earth manikins’ guard, the treasures are revealed. It is the same with the air people. They guard the rocks that lie on the surface, that have been made by the fire people, and put at the place where they belong, from where they get into man’s hands. They guard them so long, until the time has come. Wherever there are treasures, such people are on hand. These are hidden treasures that must not be revealed yet.
The nymphs in the water are guardians of the great water treasures, that lie in the sea and other waters, that have also been melted and forged by the fire people. It is, therefore, commonly understood that where nymphs are, there are considerable treasures and minerals and similar matters which they guard. This is apparent in many ways.
The cause of the sirens, giants, dwarfs, also of the will-o’the-wisps, who are monsters of the fire people, is that they predict and indicate something new. They are not on guard, but signify that misfortune is threatening people. ... when this is going to happen, signs occur. These beings are such signs, as has been said, but not they alone; there are many more. You must know that the signs change each time. They do not appear in one way, but are hidden to our eyes.
And, finally, the last cause is unknown to us. But when the end of the world will come close, then all things will be revealed, from the smallest to the largest, from the first to the last, what everything has been and is, why it stood there and left, from what causes, and what its meaning was. And everything that is in the world will be disclosed and come to light. Then the fake scholars will be exposed, those who are highly learned in name only but know nothing by experience. Then, the thorough scholars and those who are mere talkers will be recognized for what they are, those who wrote truthfully and those who traded in lies, the thorough and the shallow ones. And to each will be measured according to his diligence, earnest endeavor and truth. At that place, not everyone will be or remain a master, or even a doctor, because there the tares will be separated from the wheat and the straw from the grain. He who now cries, will be quieted, and he who now counts the pages, will have his quills taken away. And all things will be revealed before the Day of Judgment breaks, order that it be found of all scholars, from the past to that very day, who had knowledge and who not, whose writings were right and whose wrong. Now, in my time, this is still unknown. Blessed will be the people, in those days, whose intelligence will be revealed, for what they produced will be revealed to all the people as if it were written on their foreheads. For that time I also recommend my writings for judgment, asking that nothing be withheld. Thus it will be, for God makes the light manifest, that is, everyone will see how it has shone.
submitted by Captain_Hook_ to apocrypha_files [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:38 Salt-Process-931 Bill.com Spend & Expense reimbursement sync to QBO.

Hello, my firm just started using bill.com AP/AR and their spend & Expense platform.
Everything seems to sync to QuickBooks Online minus one thing, Reimbursements. does anyone else use the platform and what are the solutions for reconciling reimbursements processed via bill.com?
I know I can export reimbursement details, but I modified category names so things could be easier for employees to select (so category names are not going to match), project names do not match, I am not sure what the best workflow is.
Our Firms bank account is linked to QBO so the reimbursements just show as 1 line item, I assume I should export/import the details as a bill. then match the bill to the banking transactions, i just feel like this could cause issues...
submitted by Salt-Process-931 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:38 CertainTHROWAWAY22 Received multiple confirmations of Youtube privacy complaints filed on MY behalf - but it is not me

Received multiple confirmations of Youtube privacy complaints filed on MY behalf - but it is not me (posting as throwaway)
A random person came into my work with a body cam, and tried to be outrageous (likely for views on their prank channel) This is at least 4 months ago. I was *not* in any of the videos. Only 3 people (my co-workers) are in the video.
I just received several confirmations from Youtube for privacy complaints that refer to the videos taken at my work. They appear to show that I was the one who filed a privacy complaint for being in the videos. I spoke to all three co-workers, none of whom filed the privacy complaint (and quite frankly, likely would not know how to do so, and would have used their own name and email address to complain)
This is several months after the videos were posted, and the videos have low view counts. Looking at the Youtube page, your google account can be suspended or terminated for filing false privacy complaints. Not sure if google requires that you are logged in to google / youtube when filing a complaint? The email address used for the complaints is my work email address.
I've seen a number of posts asking about false privacy complaints, but they are all from people posting videos asking about complaints AGAINST them. None where the complaint is filed under a false name. Anyone have this happen to them? Does not appear to be a place on youtube to follow up, other than removing the complaint or providing more detail.

From: YouTube Support Team [privacy+REDACTED@support.youtube.com](mailto:privacy+REDACTED@support.youtube.com)
Subject: Privacy Complaint Received

Thanks for contacting the YouTube Legal Support team. The reference number for your complaint is REDACTED
We received your Privacy Complaint about this content: https://www.youtube.com/REDACTED
To give the uploader a chance to remove or edit their video, we notified them about the potential violation. Your privacy is respected during this process. We won’t share your identity or contact info with the uploader without your consent.
YouTube gives the uploader 48 hours to act on the complaint.
If the uploader removes the video during these 48 hours, the filed complaint is closed.
If the potential privacy violation remains on the site after 48 hours, we queue the complaint for review by the YouTube Team. Your complaint will be carefully reviewed. We get a high volume of privacy complaints, and we thank you for your patience.
During these 2 days, if you want to cancel your claim, follow this link and confirm your retraction: http://support.google.com/youtube/contact/privacy_followup?caseid=REDACTED=REDACTED&email=REDACTED
Note that abusing our webform to harass others on the site or to create false privacy reports could lead to your Google Account being suspended.
The YouTube Legal Support Team
submitted by CertainTHROWAWAY22 to u/CertainTHROWAWAY22 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:38 MiserableSoft2344 [Game Thread] Atlanta Dream (1-1) vs Dallas Wings (1-1) - Tuesday, May 21st 7:30 PM ET

Atlanta Dream vs Dallas Wings

Gateway Center Arena - College Park, GA
Tipoff: 7:30 PM ET
The CW, Peachtree TV, Peachtree Sports Network
ESPN Gamecast
Dream Injury Status
Starting 5 TBD
Position Dream Sparks
PG Jones
SG Gray
SF Howard
PF Parker-Tyus
C Charles
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submitted by MiserableSoft2344 to AtlantaDream [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:37 Top_Train9653 TF

I know I didn't just hear the pretty boy say people seeing him get gifts and being happy has cured their cancer 🤣 also the person you're trying to compare Clare to is LC you used to say she was indescribable and no one had ever done it like her too. Yes I'm a new account and yes I made it just to make this post and what 🤷‍♀️ You follow a master manipulator who's rinsing his team of $35k a day for what? So he can forget your name like he has every other gifter who dared to stop kissing his ass. The Empire is as fake as its leader and like all Empires his will fall too just wait.
submitted by Top_Train9653 to TikTok_Top99_UnBiased [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:37 IAMDUKE21123 I hate r/boysarentreal

I hate boysarentreal
They banned me for something I posted on this sub is that even allowed?
submitted by IAMDUKE21123 to girlsarentreal [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:37 TheCryptoFrontier How can we financially protect those who lose jobs to AI? Universal Basic Income in an AI World

AI performing most modern jobs has become a stark possibility.
The following logic brought me to this conclusion: We are on the verge of creating an intelligence that exceeds human cognition and mechanical capability, operates 24/7, 365 days a year, and is cheaper, faster, better, and safer than humans. This will account for most of the roles in our current job market (see AI in The Workplace for the entire argument).
While the idea of losing our jobs anxiously raises eyebrows and invokes fear, I argue that uniquely human jobs will remain and amplify. I think this will be great for humanity given one critical detail—people's finances are worked out.
The financial aspect is fundamental to the AI job takeover conversation. If we can navigate it, we can easily ask, "What does it mean to be human, and how should I structure my life to live with meaning and purpose?"
However, these questions are inconceivable if families don't have the resources to see how they'll provide for tonight's dinner.
In my most recent piece, I deepen my thoughts on a UBI system's architecture by doing the necessary background work - I dive into what UBI is, consider the arguments for and against it, look at case studies that have been performed, and consider how a UBI system can help people!
Check out my full article for a detailed analysis and join the discussion!

Universal Basic Income in an AI World

submitted by TheCryptoFrontier to economy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:37 LD50_irony No contact from insurance, crash was 5 months ago, Hertz/ESIS

A car hit me in January and damaged the side of my 2005 Sprinter van enough that several collision shops told me it was likely to get totaled. Van damage.
The person who hit me was driving a Hertz rental. They eventually assigned liability and sent the claim to ESIS, their claim management company.
ESIS eventually gave me a name and phone number for my adjuster in Kansas City. I've left four messages for this person since 4/30. No contact back.
The car accident happened in AZ in January. I live in WA.
I have Safeco insurance (comp and collision, actual cash value). However, I got the impression when I contacted my insurance that going through them would mean I was using my own benefits and therefore it would likely result in higher rates, whereas getting it covered by Hertz/ESIS wouldn't affect my rates.
Additionally, my van is built out as a camper on the inside (DIY) but it's not specifically insured as a camper van. My understanding is that the at-fault insurance would need to take the value of the camper upgrades into account, but maybe my insurance would not?
I use this van to avoid SAD during the winter months by heading south so it's important to me; I'm anxious about not knowing whether I'll be paid out and keep it or need to find a new ride.
Is this time lag normal? Is there something else I can do to make them deal with this? Report them to somewhere? Should I give up and contact my insurance? Is Hertz/ESIS known for this?
Am I correct in my various assumptions (effects of using my insurance etc.)?
Does the fact that the accident happened in AZ but I live/am insured in WA make any difference?
Any suggestions for the camper van aspect of this? I have looked into getting a camper van appraisal but thought I should wait to see what the insurance offered before paying for this.
Anything I should be asking you about but don't know enough to ask you?
I appreciate any help! I am completely new to this.
submitted by LD50_irony to Insurance [link] [comments]
