Don cheto y marlene

21M I’m faded and I’m hoping I can text some people can be short term or long term we can also play games and voice call anyone down I’m from United States text me

2024.06.02 10:02 lSaucyyyl 21M I’m faded and I’m hoping I can text some people can be short term or long term we can also play games and voice call anyone down I’m from United States text me

What’s going on y’all I hope you are doing good I’m chilling just getting faded and hoping to text some people and become friends if that’s something y’all are down for please message me I know people don’t really text or even use Reddit as much anymore but hopefully can get some messages
submitted by lSaucyyyl to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:57 BigDonza08 Anybody here played the new Fortnite season?

If you don’t have one of the new cars you’re cooked cause they’re too op. What do y’all think tho?
submitted by BigDonza08 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 Plebamvs Since this Reddit been dead I’ll show y’all a gem if y’all don’t know bout dis

Since this Reddit been dead I’ll show y’all a gem if y’all don’t know bout dis submitted by Plebamvs to kankan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:49 The_Red_Phoenix93 Favorite Safe Food?

Hi y’all, I know safe foods with all three IBS types are kind of…not a thing…but I was curious if anyone had any favorite foods to gravitate towards after a really bad flare-up.
I am most likely going to be unable to sleep tonight 🙃 but some of my girlfriends are taking me out tomorrow for my birthday dinner, and I don’t want to just order nothing.
submitted by The_Red_Phoenix93 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:40 quetzalcoatl0001 Need advice

Hello So I (21, M) have a really close friend of mine (20, F) who I very much care about. We have known each other for 6+ years (since HS) and we are super close. She opened up to me about her life and how she always struggled with identity issues, abandonment issues and overall her life experiences. And I was the first person she opened up to about her identity as someone who is LBGTQ. I am a straight male but I accepted her regardless because she means a lot to me and she is a great person, I would never judge her (or anyone for that matter) for that.
The thing is though one day she implied that she kinda liked me? At the time I didn’t think much of it because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship and I thought “what if she is saying that because she is conflicted of her identity?” So I told her respectfully at the time that we shouldn’t try anything. She has also previously admitted that she has found me attractive physically and emotionally (even admitting her would check me out back then)? Idk if it was her being a good friend complimenting me or if she genuinely felt that way.
Fast forward I recently started developing strong feelings for. I care about my friend a lot and respect her. There was a day we were hanging out and we became very affectionate (holding hands and cuddling) and I ended up kissing her hand and forehead. I was worried initially because I thought I went too far and made her uncomfortable but then she said that it was okay and it was nice and she felt comfortable. The thing is I am super confused right now because 2 weeks ago I tried to express my feelings and she told me that she would try to go out with me and see where things go, and she has also complimented me, told me how great I am and even admitted that whenever I mentioned a girl she would feel a bit jealous (even saying that she would be if I ended up with someone).
However at the same time she was also trying to date this other person, a bi girl. And she had expressed that she really wanted to see where it goes. And it was upsetting since the girl gave off huge red flags but also because I liked my friend back a lot so I was jealous. At the time she was so sure of it though and instead decided to pursue it because she wanted to fully explore and accept her sexuality. And I didn’t want to take that away from her because that isn’t right for me to do so. And the day after then she would say to me that she is gay and she doesn’t think she’ll be able to date a guy and her preference is women. And that hurt. I was hurt and confused.
Did she mean it? What was all those words and stuff for then? And after that we gave each other some time to distance ourselves from each other because she did care and she didn’t want to lose me either. We gave ourselves 2 weeks. During that time apparently that girl did in fact play her and basically what happened was she had asked her out, my friend said yes but then took it back and “friend-zoned” her because I guess they didn’t immediately do anything sexual?
I don’t know the full details on that yet but that was the gist of it. Anyway she did tell me so far that in the time we didn’t talk it made her realize she did miss me and she had a lot more time to reflect and realize more of herself. What that means I don’t know yet. At the time of posting this I have only mentioned to her that I feel like we need to have a conversation to figure some things out and talk things out (I was vague I know) but she agreed. She also had gone to a drag show and posted herself waving the lesbian flag. Again I have yet to talk to her about this.
But me personally I want to figure this out once and for all because it’s contradictory and I just don’t know what to think or how to approach this. I want to ask her again how she feels because it was confusing and trippy and because I still have feelings for her.
This is eating me up especially of late and to the point where another friend of ours (who he himself is my age and is bi) wants us all to basically sit down, talk it out and figure it out once and for all. Because he saw all this unfold and understands it’s affecting me and is also confused and concerned.
I overall am still just conflicted, confused and it’s been bothering me since. I want to talk to her about this but I do not know how to approach her on this and what to say. Especially since I don’t want to damage the friendship any further (or at least I feel like it might be, idk kinda on a low point right now y’all😭), I don’t want to just cut her off or anything like that. I just want guidance to a peaceful solution for me, something I feel would help me make the right decision. I would very much appreciate any help and also any insight to understand maybe where she is coming from and overall help me on my next step is. Any honesty is also very much appreicated🙌
submitted by quetzalcoatl0001 to AskLGBT [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 DragKitchen1078 Is my i9 damaged externally?

I’ve had this i9900k laying around for a year now ever since I upgraded. I am planning on selling it but I want to know if y’all can see any external damage on it. I need to make sure I don’t scam anybody
submitted by DragKitchen1078 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:34 rhaburnn GPU recommendation.

I built in a Meshroom S with a 12600KF. I wanna go with a 3090 because I plan on going to a 13700K as soon as possible. I don’t plan on upgrading too much. Y’all think this is a good idea?
submitted by rhaburnn to sffpc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:33 Intelligent_Doubt_53 When do you think we’ll get a pcvr adapter announcement?

With the adapter recently applying for certification, I’m expecting Sony to drop some sort of announcement sooner rather than later, I’d love for it to be annouced this summer but for now we don’t have many details, what do y’all think?
submitted by Intelligent_Doubt_53 to PSVR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:33 unhopedfor Are there any languages that don‘t have diminutives?

Hey y‘all!
I was wondering whether there are any languages out there that do not have a way to express diminutives. As far as I know, most languages so this via suffixation, so I‘d also be interested to learn about languages that don‘t have any diminutive suffixes, but rather use an adverb or another POS.
Thank you!
submitted by unhopedfor to asklinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 Infinite_Practice826 Does anyone here happen to have this exact jersey ??

Does anyone here happen to have this exact jersey ??
Had it saved on eBay but someone got it before me and I’m devastated, so this is my last shot to find one, if any of y’all got this and don’t want it, I’ll gladly take it off your hands, name your price I won’t care
submitted by Infinite_Practice826 to ockytop [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 Foxidrilo Almas caritativas

CDMX, hoy tuve que asistir de emergencias al hospital de Balbuena desde las 11:00, muy buena atención por cierto, me tocó ver a un don que llegó infartandose y lo metieron en fa a reanimación y después de arrancarselo a la parca de sus huesudas manos se me salían las de San Peter ver cómo la doña estaba ahogada en llanto y viendo como los docs se rifaban en su noble labor, que llega trabajo social la tranquilizó informandole que su esposo sería trasladado a otro hospital, a los 10 min escuché un helicóptero y ahí que lo llevan al hospital Belisario Domínguez junto con su señora, la verdad que buen equipo formaron todos y espero de verdad que se haya recuperado.
Total a mí me dieron las 20:30 cuando salí, todo hambreado y sediento, medio mareado por estrés y los procedimientos de diagnóstico, y ahí me volví a maravillar cuando una señora me llevo de la mano a una fila y me dijeron "echese un taquito" y me dieron 3 de canasta, nombre me sabían a carne y que parote, no termine de comerlos cuando me hablaron de otra fila y zaaz una torta de jamón y un refresquito, pues les agradecí mil veces, me levanté y me dirigía a un Seven eleven y una señora que estaba en una banca me llamo, y me dio un sándwich de jamón con queso, y créanme por dios que no me lo acabe cuando un señor en la banca de enfrente se levantó y me alcanzó unos tres metros adelante, me extendió una bolsa con otro sándwich y un juguito de uva, me dijo tenga para mitigar su sufrimiento y venga mañana que si su paciente se queda, aquí le damos una cobijita para taparse el frío, o un suetercito de los usados en las pacas americanas, pero tapan bien.
Conclucion aún hay almas piadosas y que no pierden la fe en nuestro México, personas que se quitan un taco para dárselos a sus semejantes en desgracia, gracias a todos por llegar hasta aquí y leerme.
Tengo que irme por qué no se a quien fregados se le ocurrió pelar cebolla a esta hora, bye
submitted by Foxidrilo to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:25 notloccc Car for a tall fella with good storage space and can handle mountain/dirt roads

I’ve got a 2018 Nissan Sentra currently, and it has given me nothing but problems. It’s turning into a bit of a money pit and I’m looking to switch.
Problem is I’m 6’6”, mostly leg length. Seems like nearly everything I’ve seen has less front leg room than my Sentra (42.5”). I’d want equal or more legroom and some extra headroom (39.4”). I’ve also really been craving extra cargo/storage space, so I’d want a pickup, midsize SUV, or a roomy hatchback. I’d also like to be able to take it outside of the city for mountain driving and camping.
Thanks y’all!
Edit: Didn’t mention price range. With how shitty the used car market is right now, I just don’t want to have unrealistic expectations, but the dream would be something below 20k
submitted by notloccc to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 MaddieWolf99 AITA - for uninviting my STEP SL from my wedding?

My (22)M fiancé and I (24)F wedding is coming up this winter. It’s a small venue with limited space. Luckily we still were able to invite everyone that’s important to us. We decided on a no small children wedding due to the venue size and photographer equipment safety. (We have a huge security deposit on it.) Don’t get us wrong we absolutely love children. If we weren’t paying for it all ourselves and if we had a bigger venue we’d been more than happy to accommodate the children as well. We’ve been trying to conceive ourselves. Sadly once ending in a miscarriage.
Fast-forward to the day everyone starts receiving their invitations. My fiancé’s STEP sister received her invite and instead of coming to us about her concerns. She calls 5 family members telling them “how dare we request for no children under the age of 10 to attend.” (She has a 9y and 11m) By the time she called us we had already heard from 3 of his family members about how upset she was about it.
She belittled us saying things like “If I can’t bring them I’m not coming! It’s not my fault y’all have failed to become parents” etc. until my fiancé was on the verge of tears. He’s not a crier. He really wanted her to be there. So after over 10 mins of the nonsense, I told her she can bring them but that she is to sit in the back.
She’s always been the drama starter including asking my ask my fiancé if she could wear a white dress TO MY WEDDING since my dress is technically ivory. He told her no, gave her the list of colors she can wear. Her words “oh gosh, your wedding colors are gross” (it’s our 2 favorite colors and used in weddings a lot). Then proceeded to tell my fiancé he needed to postpone the wedding so she can have one last Christmas with “her family”.
Now here’s where I may the asshole. She tried to tell, not ask but told me her kids were my ring bearer and flower girl. When I asked her when did we ever agree to that? She said “well I assumed…. “ I snapped and said “well you know what assuming does it makes an ass outta u and me” she looked at me crazy. I said “you better be glad we are even allowing them at the wedding, do not push our courtesy invite or I will be more than happy to revoke it.”
My fiancé walked in right after that and the comment about the white dress came to mind. I switched back to her and stated loud and clear to her “and if you show up in that white dress you were asking about be prepared to go home in a red one”. My fiance laughed and his step sister stormed out.
Now we are getting calls from his step family saying we bullied her into not wearing a dress she liked…when we questioned them well it seems she never clarified that it was white to any of them… guess that slipped her mind…..some still think we need to apologize to her because “she seems really upset about it”. At this point we are thinking about inviting them.
So Reddit AITA for wanting to uninvited my STEP SL to avoid drama on my big day?
submitted by MaddieWolf99 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 sarcasticstalli best credit cards for a 22 y/o trying to improve credit + earn rewards

background: i’m a 22 y/o living in the US with a pretty low-paying job (less than $40k). current credit score is 750 (transunion: 751, equifax: 753). i have 2 credit cards, an authorized user on my moms cc, and a personal finance (which will be paid off within the next month or so). credit limit is $20,800 and i have 3 hard inquiries in the last 2 yrs. i always make sure my credit utilization stays below 10% and always pay my cards off every month.
im trying to improve my credit score (i know it’s good but id like to continue to improve and reach 800 by the time im 25, maybe 850 by 27-30).
i’d really like a visa credit card, since i shop at costco pretty often (and they don’t accept other cards unless they are debit) and my current cards are a cap one savor (MC) and discover. i really like the cash back i earn on both of these cards as a bonus. i am thinking abt getting a card to earn more regular CB on gas and id like a travel card so i can start earning rewards for some travel plans id like to make in upcoming years.
current cards im considering: 1. AMEX Blue Cash Every Day OR Preferred 2. Chase Freedom Unlimited 3. Chase Sapphire Unlimited 4. Cap One Venture One
i really don’t know when to apply for a new credit card considering i have 3 inquiries on my account already (1 from nov 2022, one from june 2023, and one from april 2024). i was thinking to apply in november when the first inquiry falls off my account and i don’t want to have too many. i don’t know if im being overly cautious about that though.
also between the four cards i listed, im not sure which one to get first. the AMEX would be nice for gas CB but wouldn’t be able to use at costco where i get my gas pretty frequently (but the cash back on it may make up for the difference of what i save when i get gas at costco). the chase saph and capital one cards would be great for travel while the freedom unlimited would be good for just every day.
if anyone has advice on how i should proceed id appreciate it !!
submitted by sarcasticstalli to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:14 Free_Cellist3100 Mental health on active duty

Been out for a minute but had a buddy reach out who’s still on active duty. From what I can tell he’s really struggling. He reached out to his leadership and sounds like they gave him the run around. Told him about using the mflac or chaps. Don’t know what other resources he can use. I know it was hard for him to admit he’s having problems with mental health. Hoping y’all can give some insight.
submitted by Free_Cellist3100 to USMC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:09 alignment99 Can you connect iPhone for calls by cable? Or how best to limit phone audio connectivity.

Just got a Y and it’s great.
Previously I’d always use CarPlay via cable because then I’d never worry about Bluetooth being connected and calls picking up in the car, or any other audio going through to the car.
With all the apps and navigation on the Y I don’t really need the phone connected to the car for anything other than calls. I’d like to avoid Bluetooth or limit it to calls only if possible.
Is it possible to connect call audio via usb cable from iPhone to a Tesla, or lock Bluetooth down to calls only?
submitted by alignment99 to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 widdlewatt BKM updated again

Didn’t want to leave y’all hanging 🌶️
Jeremiah’s half of the scene in baby, kiss me.
I don’t want to hear anything about locked doors 🚪
submitted by widdlewatt to jellyshippers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:03 FantasticBug8665 questions and seeking answers

this is a bit tmi but does anyone else have bowel problems? i’m a 20 y/o female and i was in a car accident at 18 and suffered a number of injuries including brain swelling and a broken pelvis. so i’m wondering if this is caused by my brain injury and if anyone else with a TBI has these issues or if it caused by my pelvis. which i have two screws in my pelvis but i’ve done a lot of therapy so i don’t think it would be because i have weak muscles in my butthole 😭🙃😂 it’s a serious situation but hey you gotta laugh at these times ya know.
but yeah basically i’m wondering if anyone else has these problems and what do they do to help with this issue
submitted by FantasticBug8665 to TBI [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:02 Financial_Pepper6715 Worst Musical Movements? (Respectfully)

In your opinion, what are the most annoying or detrimental waves/scenes in popular music? Pop music meaning anything from the 50s-60s onward in case that needs clarification. I don’t necessarily mean the music but the impact and legacy of the music.
Here are my top 3 in no particular order.
  1. Grunge - responsible for so much shitty late 90s/early 2000s hard rock and imo effectively (in conjunction with the next group) killed rock as a mainstream institution for the bulk of the 2010s due to fart rock oversaturation
  2. Pop Punk/Emo - inarguably 1 of the most irritating scenes of all time. Not all bad musically, but definitely irredeemable culturally imo. A legitimately annoying aesthetic and a generally bad environment for children and young adults alike (glorifying self harm, encouraging hyper sexual behavior in teenagers, taking advantage of that… Yada Yada) Also the whiny aesthetic definitely put the final nail in the coffin of rock for a decade. To its credit, it kind of kept it alive behind the scenes, but it was literally the original cringe core.
  3. Glam - good music in here, love Bowie and Rex etc. but the legacy is definitely cringe. Tons of sexual predation, extreme glorification of alcoholism and drug use (🤙), probably the peak of opportunists wanting to make music to get rich and famous, and super corny performance gimmicks becoming common place in pop music.
This is just my opinion, I don’t think any of these genres are straight garbage fyi 😁 alright, what y’all got?
submitted by Financial_Pepper6715 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:52 gunma747j Heading to the tourney i wanted to go for a long time, held at "Shooting with soul", Yuen Long Hong Kong

Heading to the tourney i wanted to go for a long time, held at
I am continuing my weird deck, WA 4-70T,PW 9-60MN and TB 4-60P. And yes, the organizer allowed MN.
submitted by gunma747j to Beyblade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Secondtimenature 27M No experience really, what you think ?

So if i were to describe my dating experience it’s close to nonexistent. I’ve basically gone as far as kisses but that’s it. Not to say there hasn’t been opportunities to date, but the way I’ve approached dating since when I was young was to ‘Make sure I’m the best version of myself’, as I want to be able to give the women I date ‘my all’ in a sense. I don’t want to look back at a relationship and fear that I wasn’t able to be my best self. Fast forward some years I still am not my best self (no surprise there), far from actually but I’m developing hunger to reach whatever that means. And I also don’t want to lead others astray when my own walk with God is luke warm at times. I’ve always looked at dating as a means to marriage, what I mean is I won’t consider dating someone who I can’t see marrying someday. I’m fairly stubborn when it comes changing stances but at the same time I feel like I’m shooting myself in the foot. Don’t get me wrong, I have no complaints about the single life, but the desire for companionship be growing ever so slowly within. Almost 30 with close to no dating experience haha, how do y’all feel about that ? Do you know of others or any experiences that’s similar to my own ? Would like to hear some wisdom and thoughts from y’all
submitted by Secondtimenature to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Gold_Discussion_ Never appeared in public because of my appearance

What do you think about this? I’ve never went anywhere in public because of my appearance. (Except school back then and some grocery shopping now, I also had a part time job where no one saw me anyway)
I’ve always said I’m gonna do plastic surgery first and then do stuff, I have to have a surgery anyway so, because of my jaw and nose, but I don’t even have will or patience for that anymore.
And when I remember all these other surgery I plan to do, I don’t have patience for that anymore. I plan on ending it all very soon. Is there anything to do with this, I don’t know
What do y’all think about this?😂😂😂
submitted by Gold_Discussion_ to selfimprovement [link] [comments]