Adult chiefs cheerleader uniform

Do I have to sign this?

2024.05.19 18:02 Super_Pollution3236 Do I have to sign this?

I'm going to try and make this as simple as possible.
A coworker at work was attempting to date an associate at work. We have a fratenization policy which we were all made aware of. Nowhere in the fratenization policy does it state that if I am aware of it, i have to report it. I knew about it, but I didn't feel like it was my business because my coworker is an adult and I felt like he could go and tell my manager himself. My coworker kept me out of the loop either way, so I didn't want to spread misinformation and look bad and get him fired either.
Another incident where a security guard that works under me quit because he wasn't getting paid enough. I spotted him out in public wearing a different uniform, which obviously leads to to me knowing about it. I did not tell my manager either because I felt like the gaurd must've already discussed this with my manager and it's just simply none of my business. He's also a grown man, that's his decision and that's not within my power to tell someone.
Skip to today, my manager sends out a form and tries to write me up for not telling him this "vital information". The form states "I hereby agree that if I am aware of something that violates policy - " etc basically stating that if I don't rat out on people or say something, I get written up and be subject to termination.
I stated my side of things. I told him straight up that I am simply here for work. I put in my time, I work my 40 hours, I put in my statistics, and that's it. Anything that does not have to do with protecting the company from losses, has nothing to do with me. My coworker having a relationship is none of my business. The gaurd quitting and working somewhere else is none of my business. So im not signing that paper.
I find this completely unfair. Now if I were to see my coworker stealing, doing time theft, doing obvious stupid things, then yea I'd tell my manager. But little shit like that is not in my category.
submitted by Super_Pollution3236 to lossprevention [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:01 Super_Pollution3236 Do I have to sign this? Possibly may get terminated if I don't

I'm going to try and make this as simple as possible.
A coworker at work was attempting to date an associate at work. We have a fratenization policy which we were all made aware of. Nowhere in the fratenization policy does it state that if I am aware of it, i have to report it. I knew about it, but I didn't feel like it was my business because my coworker is an adult and I felt like he could go and tell my manager himself. My coworker kept me out of the loop either way, so I didn't want to spread misinformation and look bad and get him fired either.
Another incident where a security guard that works under me quit because he wasn't getting paid enough. I spotted him out in public wearing a different uniform, which obviously leads to to me knowing about it. I did not tell my manager either because I felt like the gaurd must've already discussed this with my manager and it's just simply none of my business. He's also a grown man, that's his decision and that's not within my power to tell someone.
Skip to today, my manager sends out a form and tries to write me up for not telling him this "vital information". The form states "I hereby agree that if I am aware of something that violates policy - " etc basically stating that if I don't rat out on people or say something, I get written up and be subject to termination.
I stated my side of things. I told him straight up that I am simply here for work. I put in my time, I work my 40 hours, I put in my statistics, and that's it. Anything that does not have to do with protecting the company from losses, has nothing to do with me. My coworker having a relationship is none of my business. The gaurd quitting and working somewhere else is none of my business. So im not signing that paper.
I find this completely unfair. Now if I were to see my coworker stealing, doing time theft, doing obvious stupid things, then yea I'd tell my manager. But little shit like that is not in my category.
submitted by Super_Pollution3236 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:17 Responsible_Cat_2928 Questions about legal/ethical conflicts?

My apologies in advance – this is going to be long but hopefully not too convoluted/confusing. I posted this in the legal advice sub but haven't gotten any advice, so am posting here in hopes of getting advice. Please let me know if there's somewhere else I should ask my questions.
My questions are about the possible ethical/legal conflicts going on with a corporate level certified financial planner (CFP)/investment advisor representative. This person is a founding principal of and works in an LLC located in Chicago and is registered/licensed (per their SEC IAPD report) in Illinois and Florida. Information available online indicates that this person also carries the title of Chief Compliance Officer for the company. I will refer to this person as Pat. Pat’s online credentials are listed as CPA, CFP, PFS and registered investment advisor.
Pat’s client that I am concerned about is more than 70 years old and the owner of a nationally-known company with significant assets/value. The client maintains (for tax reporting purposes) a residence and vehicles in Missouri, however, actually spends the majority of their time in California, where they also have a residence, vehicles and other properties; client also owns properties and vehicles in other states. The client is not married but has adult children and siblings; the relationships with these family members is distant but not estranged. Client will be referred to as Shannon.
In addition to having the company, Shannon established a 501(c)3 foundation that accepts donations and provides scholarships. Pat is named on the board of this foundation as the treasurer, which seems inappropriate to me but I am unsure if this is legally or ethically an issue.
In recent years, Pat has become more actively involved in the employee/personnel aspects of Shannon’s company, most recently personally taking on the role of firing employees or reducing their hours to create non-livable employment situations; employees who previously communicated directly with Shannon are now being directed to communicate through Pat with their questions/concerns. Pat has, on many occasions, answered calls going to Shannon’s personal phone.
Pat has also become more involved in Shannon’s personal life and appears to be influencing Shannon to be more isolated from family members, as well as trying to convince Shannon to sell properties (Pat refers to these properties as “money pits” in an effort to influence Shannon to sell them). I have become aware that an updated legal document (unsure if it was a will or trust or something else) was prepared for Shannon that has the potential to pass any estate/inheritance to Pat when Shannon dies if the family remains distant or becomes further estranged. I don’t have a copy of this document nor do I know the name of the lawyer that prepared it, but this set off huge alarm bells for me.
All of this together seems incredibly sketchy to me but I am not sure where to start with regard to reporting it. Part of me is concerned about the isolating of Shannon as possibly crossing into elder abuse but I don’t believe that Shannon’s mental state is sufficiently diminished enough to support that they don’t understand what is going on; I believe that Pat is a master manipulator, especially since they have had this ongoing advisoclient relationship for many years.
I’m looking for any advice regarding how to bring this situation to the attention of whomever would investigate it – or any advice at all, really. Thank you.
submitted by Responsible_Cat_2928 to CFP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:26 Automatic_Oil_7099 WIBTA for cutting my dad out of my life over money?

There’s 2 major points of context I need to share to help you understand where I’m coming from.
The first is that my dad and I have never had a great relationship. When I was young I never felt like I was “man enough” for him. He always worked manual labor and would build things around the house. I was a really passive kid who clung to my mom and came to rely on her as my role model for how a person should act. And I relied on her even more when my dad started traveling for work. We’d see him maybe 5-6 times a month when he wouldn’t really engage with us and there would be constant screaming matches with my mom, and later my sisters. And before you think to ask yes, there were multiple affairs. At least 5 my mom found out about and most likely a lot more. I saw how that impacted my mom and it made a huge impact on me and my feelings towards relationships. They got divorced eventually and my mom, like the saint she is, had the lawyer file it as an ‘amicable’ divorce. No blame was placed on anyone, no fault was assigned, no custody battle was waged. She had them split the assets and the debts 50/50 and walk away completely free and clear. It was benevolence that my dad frankly didn’t deserve.
As I got older, and he got older, things started to improve between us. He wasn’t really good at guiding and teaching a child but he was great at meeting me as an equal. He readily saw me as an adult, a responsible man. Someone he could converse with honestly and openly. We were working on getting on better terms. (He’s a stubborn 1960s kid with some more conservative views than me but nothing bigoted.)
Which leads to the second context point and the real linchpin of my issue. My mom passed away just over a year ago. She’d been battling cancer a long time so it wasn’t out of the blue but it just left me broken for months. Her estate is beginning to settle (aka payout to her debtors, allow transfer of ownership of her house, etc.) and I found out that my dad put a claim against her estate. A claim for his half of the credit card debt he and my mom amicably spilt in the divorce and he has since paid off.
This absolutely fucking incensed me like nothing else I have ever experienced. The amount of money is relatively small and not the issue at hand. What I cannot stand is the idea that he thinks he is owed this money from her estate (literally her cold, dead hands) when she isn’t here to fight him anymore. He was given such a clean break from the marriage when my mom could have saddled him with all the credit card debt, all the mortgage debt, all the car payments, all the student debt, demanded alimony, she could have buried him if she wasn’t such a better person than him. And even now, with her dead and gone, he just has to pick at her a little more, make himself out to be the victim in all this who was so unfairly saddled with this credit card bill. A credit card that paid for me and my siblings to take dance classes, and buy soccer cleats, and cheerleading outfits none of which he ever bothered to be around for!
Obviously when I’m mad it’s easy to think “yeah fuck him” but at the end of the day it is just money. My family tree has gotten so thin in the last few years I don’t want to lose both my parents before I’m 30. I just don’t know if this is even a reasonable response and I think some unbiased 3rd parties might be needed.
Thank you for reading all this, just typing it out helps.
submitted by Automatic_Oil_7099 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:12 Lisan_al-Gaib_ Will shut down ‘shops producing mullas’, ‘business of four marriages’ when NDA comes with 400 seats: Himanta in Bihar

Will shut down ‘shops producing mullas’, ‘business of four marriages’ when NDA comes with 400 seats: Himanta in Bihar submitted by Lisan_al-Gaib_ to CriticalThinkingIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:04 anonomusfem I’m not sure if I’m making the right choices in life.

I am a 32-year-old gay, chubby, feminine male. I've recently had family trouble: my father has gone missing on the Navajo reservation, which has taken a toll on my family. I was never close with my father due to being the oldest and seeing his alcoholic abuse cause domestic violence against my mother. My brother, the second child, who should have been named Junior but wasn't, worshiped our father and started taking up his career. Now that our father is missing, this sibling has taken up the alcoholic title. Though he may not be abusive, my mother and I think he might turn out to be soon. The baby of the family has had a love-hate relationship with our father. He also loves to blame everyone for his personal issues and bad choices. He has mother issues and is now copying our second brother by drinking every day. Both of them drinking has led to poor financial decisions, putting my mother and me in debt as we try to fix our finances and provide food and keep the house up to date. We rent the house we live in, so if we decide to move, the owner will likely charge us for the accumulated minor damages. I think I am the only one worried about this situation. Our mother is devastated by our father's disappearance. In my mind, they were soulmates and high school sweethearts. She was the cheerleader, and he was the sports jock. They loved each other, but my father's alcoholism was a huge problem, so she raised all three of us mostly on her own. There is evidence suggesting foul play in our father's disappearance, adding another layer of complexity to our family troubles. A bit about me: I struggled with coming out of the closet until I had my first boyfriend in 2011. My mother was very homophobic due to her religious upbringing but eventually learned to accept me. That first relationship only lasted a few months because his mother made a comment about my transportation to his home. At the time, I had no car, so I took the bus. When she asked how I got there, his response was "the bus," to which she said, "The bus? Isn't that for peasants?" This made me uncomfortable and led to our breakup. He was my first and only boyfriend, and I've never dated after him. At a young age, I was molested by a male cousin, which I believe influenced my sexuality and femininity. I have forgiven him and learned to move on with my life without blaming him. I've always wanted a job in Hollywood but have come to realize that's not going to happen. However, I landed the second best thing: working and traveling with Broadway shows. I took my first tour for ten months, back in 2022, came home, and took a season off. On this tour, I grew from my experiences and became an independent adult. I feel like I became the best version of myself. On tour, I had no one but myself, and I became independent. Now that I'm back home, I feel like I have to take care of everyone and make decisions for the long run. I'm not going to lie, I was sleeping with guys left and right and living life. When I came home, I reconnected with two guys: one a young African American guy and the other a Hispanic guy. The African American guy was younger than me, well-endowed, about my height, and very slender. We had known each other for the years I was on tour. He was living alone and had his own place. We were hooking up, and that's it. We connected less during my tour. I then reconnected with the Hispanic guy. He is about my age, shorter than me, and very masculine. He's a gentleman. When we first met, he came to my place. I thought that I had cleaned myself well, but when I pulled out my buttplug, I realized I hadn't. I excused myself and re-douched. He was very understanding and sweet about the whole situation, and I fell in love with his charm. When he left that night, I hoped I didn't scare him off, but he messaged me a few weeks later, this time inviting me to his place. He turned on his fireplace and laid blankets on the floor for us, being tender and romantic. After this encounter, I overthought the situation, building an idealized image of him, which made me sick with worry. He says he owns a company, which is why he doesn't reply quickly, but my social media feeds suggest otherwise. He never checks on me, but the African American guy did from time to time. A few weeks after visiting the Hispanic guy, I messaged the African American guy to see if he wanted to meet up. He told me he had become homeless and was looking for a bed at a homeless shelter. He asked if he could stay with me until he found a bed. Despite being undecided, I agreed. The worst part was that he showed me what a relationship with him could be like: affection, endless cuddles, and companionship. It was everything I wished for in a relationship, but I had to remind myself that I was only helping him temporarily. In this short time, he showed me love and what life could be like with a boyfriend. However, we eventually argued over something small, and he left, leaving me heartbroken. Songs from Ariana Grande's album became my anthems: "We Can't Be Friends," "I Wish I Hated You," and "Imperfect for You." I miss him, but he's too young to forgive me. I still see the Hispanic guy, but I fear I'm building him up to be something he's not. He still takes a while to reply to my messages, and I make excuses for his absence. I hope we'll become something, but I think that's unlikely, which also breaks my heart. A week ago, my siblings and mother and I had a huge argument, all of us under the influence. It started with me telling my mother that I wanted to move out. She, being overbearing, shut down and pushed me away from the idea, using my drunk siblings to turn against me. This brought out the worst in everyone, with all the built-up envy and jealousy coming out. Now, I'm indecisive about my future. Should I take a traveling job and leave my mother alone with my siblings, knowing they're not in the right state of mind? Is the person I'm seeing worth my emotional investment?
submitted by anonomusfem to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:26 Julius_seizure_2k23 Thinking about next 5 years if BJP wins is scary and horrifying.

Some of the promises they have made in their manifesto seem like the final blow and nail in the coffin to Indian Democracy.
1. One nation one election, under the garb of saving costs will deal a deathly blow to our Democracy which is already in ICU.
  1. Dilution of Regional Issues: State elections often focus on specific regional concerns, and combining them with national elections could overshadow these crucial matters
  2. Reduced Accountability: Longer election cycles may reduce the frequency at which voters can hold governments accountable for their actions, potentially leading to complacency among elected representatives
1. When elections are staggered and spread across, it atleast keeps the national/multi-state parties on their toes and keeps them somewhat accountable and also allows for other states’ issues/national issues to affect state elections.
2.For example : Say a massive farmers protest occurs in Delhi and their ill treatment might influence voting decision of farmers in local states that are going to elections in the following months or a big corruption scandal that got exposed nationally might affect the same party’s prospects in the local elections.
  1. The constitutional challenges of "One Nation One Election" intensify if a government is dissolved or dismissed prematurely. This scenario raises complex issues regarding synchronizing the terms of the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies, requiring amendments to Articles 83, 85, 172, 174, and 356 of the Constitution. The need to manage breaks due to dissolution, President's Rule, or hung assemblies poses significant hurdles, potentially undermining India's federal structure. Without proper synchronization and constitutional amendments, the proposal risks facing legal and structural criticisms, impacting the democratic fabric of the country.
  1. UCC and Some sections of the new criminal laws are outright anti people and snatch away our freedoms. Like UCC requiring live in relationships registration and requiring scrutiny/consent from a police station guy, maintaining registry, and then after breakup
  1. Anti-Woman and Anti-Democratic (Anti-Liberty and State interference in personal lives): The UCC is seen as anti-woman, anti-democratic, and draconian. It restricts adult women's sexual autonomy, allows for moral policing, and interferes in consensual relationships, including marriage and divorce
3.Criminalization and Penalties: The UCC is criticized for its heavy focus on penalties and punishment, creating a legal environment that criminalizes personal choices and relationships.
4 Exclusion of Tribes and Targeting Minorities: Critics highlight the exclusion of Scheduled Tribes (STs) from the UCC and its perceived targeting of Muslims. The law is viewed as a "Hindu Code" that imposes cultural values on all citizens, especially minorities
5.Registration of Live-In Relationships: Mandatory registration of live-in relationships is seen as intrusive, violating individual autonomy, and potentially leading to marital disputes, interference from authorities, and societal scrutiny
  1. Selective Application and Double Standards: Critics argue that the UCC's selective application, exemptions for certain communities, and exclusion of tribal and minority groups undermine the law's claim to uniformity and equality
  2. These criticisms collectively paint a picture of a UCC in Uttarakhand that is perceived as regressive, discriminatory, and detrimental to personal freedoms, especially in the context of relationships and breakups.
And then if BJP wins this time with almost similar results as 2019 and in worst case if it gains more seats, then it reinforces BJP’s mindset , attitude and gives them bold confidence that what they are doing does not matter to people
  1. Manipur does not matter. They can get away with gross incompetence.
  1. In any half decent democracy, this alone would be enough for a president’s rule to be enforced and state govt dismissed and army brought in.
4.Protests mean nothing to this govt and are dealt with force.
1. Farmers protest took over a year with 700+ deaths and we all saw how the recent farmer protests were treated almost as an infiltration into the country with nails,spikes, blockages etc
2.Wrestlers protest and nothing happened
3. Ladakh Protest
  1. Not attending and not even acknowledging the protests and meeting the agitated is basic responsibility of a govt. Whether the demands are reasonable/feasible/logical or not is secondary. If govt believes they are unreasonable then govt should atleast meet them and explain and sort things out.*
  1. Extreme Misuse of agencies does not matter.
  2. Press freedom does not matter. PM holding a open press conference and being held accountable does not matter. PM coming to the the parliament and answering questions does not matter.
  3. Passing bills without any discussion or debate does not matter
  4. Suspending MPs for raising their voice does not matter, Mass suspension also does not matter
  5. Use of governors to interfere in state govts functioning does not matter
  6. Washing machine politics does not matter. People dont care
  7. Communalism and Hate speech does not matter
  8. Toppling govts doesnt matter
  9. Election Commission and its discharge of constitutional duties does not matter
  10. Using PMLA and UAPA on civil society activists does not matter
  11. Electoral bonds does not matter
  12. Covid mishandling does not matter
  13. Weakening of democracy does not matter. CAG / RTI is being diluted..
  14. Heck, rejecting opposition candidates’ nominations, forcing them to withdraw and win uncontested without even a single vote being cast like it happened in Indore,Surat and In Arunachal Pradesh, 10 BJP MLAs have been declared elected unopposed (they have simultaneous assembly and lok sabha elections)
  15. I also have a distant fear that once NRC is brought in and implemented, Muslims might be particularly at the receiving end and a significant number of them might be declared as infiltrators. I dont know why I feel this , but I feel this more so after PM gave a blatant hate speech saying Muslims are those who have more kids and are infiltrators…
  16. Delimitation if not done properly will make the south politically irrelevant because UP + Bihar will have equal political influence of that of the entire south.
  17. Add above delimitation and the way they undermine Rajya Sabha by bypassing bills by introducing them as money bills to bypass rajya sabha scrutiny, further reduces the states political power in the federal structure.
The list is endless and these are some of the major things that come to my mind and are certainly gloomy.
I seriously don’t have energy to fight the whataboutery and falsehoods spread about the INDIA Alliance..
Remember in India politics is not who is good and better than the other but rather who is the lesser evil…and it’s clear who the lesser evil is.
Amazing how People are willing to trade humanity, empathy and their freedoms/liberties/privacy, democracy, social harmony for infrastructure.
Its highly likely that BJP will return to power for 3rd term on their own. As much as I don’t want BJP to return , I’m starting to lose hope and I’m starting to believe in what Bhakts say , “Ayega toh modi hi” ,
So be mentally prepared (atleast I am)… Good luck and best wishes to all of us.
submitted by Julius_seizure_2k23 to india [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:45 wellwellwelly Trying to figure out why Aldi beer gives me a headache

Trying to figure out why Aldi beer gives me a headache
I'm trying to figure out why Aldi beer specifically gives me a headache vs their non-knockoff counterparts. After some sloppy research I read it could be due to acetaldehyde. Now although I appreciate this may not be a specific ingredient, but I found that Aldi beer doesn't seem to advertise any ingredients at all which makes me further intrigued and suspicious.
There is something weird about it. The buzz seems harsher and more like a cheap spirit, and the headaches pretty quickly pile on after you've finished drinking them.
submitted by wellwellwelly to UkBeer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:52 SadNorth7506 Is this a wart?

I have a history of warts on my hands and feet mostly from childhood, but occasionally I have gotten them as an adult. I haven’t had one in 8+ years. I’m treating it at home with salicylic acid 40%, an over the counter treatment I found. I’m guessing that it is working? The skin seems to have died and is peeling off. I am not sure when to discontinue treating it, or if it was even a wart in the first place because it has been so long since I had one. It was painful to walk on up until treating it, it was getting larger but staying uniform in shape. Below are images before/during treatment, it has been 8 days. tdl is this a wart? how long should I continue to treat it with the medicated bandaids?
submitted by SadNorth7506 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:22 ztoopidpete I was held against my will from 17 until 19 at a “rehab” program in Samoa trigger warning

I was at coral reef academy for 17 months
I don't know where to start really. the whole country is homophobic unless you are fa'fafine or fa'fatama. that is essentially like transmasc transfem I guess. they also speak a whole different language, so that makes things weird. it is hard to reason with an authority that can barely understand you. some of the staff spoke English alright but most didn't speak it well enough to like have a real conversation with you. their culture is wild to be thrown into as an outsider too I would recommend a read or to experience it for yourself (obviously not at CRA lol). they have a hierarchal society that you can climb the ranks of throughout your life, some become chiefs some die with little or no title. strange world to be thrown into. there was a lot of homophobia there with the staff lots of f slurs and such. most of the staff were pretty bad, two of them are convicted murderers in the USA. one of the murderers recently got caught with loads of meth and guns (linked). he was and is a member of park valley crip gang, and was banged in at 13 or 14. tamoua is the other murderer and he killed a guy with a stool in a bar fight. he wasn't too bad but was kinda power trippy and bragged abt gang shit. Eli(iliata tafili) would also brag abt how he had more bodies they didn't know abt. both of these guys were shift managers. there was a normal staff too who got fired from being a cop in AU for I forget what then became a prison guard in Samoa and got fired for beating a inmate within an inch of his life. he once hit a student In the head for not taking off a hat. they used to lock us all in our rooms for weeks at a time. they had. isolation rooms we would get locked in if we tried to escape, get on the internet, talk to are parents abt what is going on, etc. while in isolation a staff tried to come on to me and wanted to touch me. I had to essentially pretend like it was maybe gonna happen I just needed some time to think abt it until the shift changed. they were kinda responsive but it took 2 months to get him fired. I really think the worst part was not being able to leave as an adult. I don't think this shit should happen to anyone much less a 18, 19, 20 year old. like all the shit was bad but the not being able to go was such a fked up feeling, especially as an adult. there was students at cra who were viewed as children who were the same age as some of the staff at the program I had came from. if anyone has any questions shoot em in the comments if I think of anything else ill add it if anything doesn't make sense I'm pretty baked
submitted by ztoopidpete to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:54 Lopsided-Category-48 Christi as a brunette

Does anyone have any pictures of Christi with her natural hair? I’m curious to see her with brown hair.
I’ve only seen her a young adult (her cheerleading pic) but she already had blonde hair by then. I’ve never seen pics of her as a kid
submitted by Lopsided-Category-48 to dancemoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:51 TeamNew8607 Euphoria Season 3, My Way

This thread is about to be very long, and I will be adding to it frequently, but this is how I would write season 3 of Euphoria since Sam is obviously preoccupied with god knows what. This came to me in a dream so call it fate ig.
Background- since season 2 ends with the card that Rue stayed sober through the rest of junior year, and Lexi’s play takes place in the spring, I thought it’d be best to pick up on the first day of their senior year in the fall. This means that Cassie, Maddie, and Nate have all graduated, leaving us with Rue, Jules, Lexi, Elliot, Bobbi, Ethan, BB & Kat. Also Gia, the Parents, and Ali. Anyways here goes.
Episode 1- I Stayed Sober (Mostly)
[Scene 1]: The Last First Day Episode One opens with a black screen that has flashes of red and blue, like police sirens, that increasingly become more intense and vibrant, to indicate Rue coming out of a dissociative state. She narrates over the screen:
“You want to know the worst part about staying sober? It’s not the withdrawals or the cravings, even though they’re pretty fucking bad. It’s not even the depression or the emptiness you feel without your poisonous security blanket protecting you from your worst thoughts and emotions. The worst part about staying sober, is that you’re trapped back in the fucked up world that made you want to do drugs in the first place”
The red and blue screen shifts to police sirens with cops yelling in an attempt to evacuate everyone from the school. It’s raining and the sky is gray and muddy. All the students are now wearing muted uniforms in the school colors, blue black and white (the uniforms are explained later) The scene looks very muted and drained. As the students flood out of the school in a frenzy, we see Rue and Lexi standing at the exit, uninterested in the theatrics and significantly changed from last season.
Rue has a brighter disposition to herself, appearing more soft and bright, while keeping her moody demeanor. Her look shows that she is trying her best to be more optimistic, despite going through hell from her plethora of mental illness that have now taken over due to her sobriety. Still, she looks healthier and brighter.
Lexi, on the other hand, has a more goth like appearance. In addition to her new dark black hair with red colored streaks (red to signify her stepping into her power) she also looks less approachable with more gothic motifs such as skulls and roses on her increased accessories. We learn later that this is an attempt to reinvent herself after last year’s play incident and fez dying. She seems uninterested and annoyed, but has a more confident air after being put in the spotlight and no longer having to live under her sisters shadow. She has become more monotone, speaking her mind and embracing her realistic perspective of life.
They begin walking to the parking lot, looking for Lexi’s mom among the waves of chaotic students pushing past them.
Rue: Of course, just our fucking luck that someone decides to shoot up the school our first day of senior year.
Lexi: It wasn’t even a real shooting. I heard some kid brought a gun to show off and got tackled by his teacher. Everyone started freaking out, and now I’m missing the first day of my AP English class.
Rue: Not like you need it. I think you proved that you can write a good story that makes waves and changes lives (sarcasm)
Lexi: 😐 that’s not funny Rue. That play is all anyone could talk about all summer. Everyone hates me because they think it’s my fault that we all have to wear these stupid uniforms.
Rue: actually that was Cassie’s fault, that fight got a new edit every week. My favorite was the #mollywhop dance (starts doing a dance that is significant of Maddie slapping Cassie and Cassie riding a carousel)
Lexi: Rue I’m serious. I got so sick of living in the background that I put my entire life on display in front of all of East Highland just for my sister to make everything about her.
Rue: Well good writing is supposed to be controversial. And take it as a victory, at least you’re not a nobody anymore.
Random Guy: Hey Lexi, I got a horse you can ride (does the dance)
Cop: Keep it moving sir!
They get to the end of the parking lot and sit on the pavement.
Lexi: 🙄of course she’s late.
Rue: hey, it’s a new year. You’re no longer the girl whose sister was the hottest cheerleader in school and I’m no longer the resident drug addict that everyone is waiting to die.
Lexi: you’re right. That’s Elliot. Or Jules. Have you checked on either of them since his overdose?
Rue: no…fuck them both. They seem happy in their stupid relationship with their stupid anniversary posts. I had to block them both before I killed myself or worse. They can die for all I care.
Lexi: well he almost did. I heard he had a stroke and is in a wheelchair until he learns how to walk again.
Rue: trying to hide that she’s concerned really?…i mean i don’t care, but that’s what he deserves right? Can’t do drugs that carelessly without consequences. Ask me how I know.
Lexi: I don’t think anyone deserves to OD. I hope he gets some help.
Rue: he has help, that bitch is playing housewife which she probably loves. Attention seeking whore. You know I’m sick of talking about Jules and Elliot and Cassie and every other narcissist with a victim complex that keeps trying to make themselves the main character. pulls her closer with a shoulder hug this year it’s about us. Starting over and getting a chance to finally make it out of this stupid town. You have colleges lined up at the door and I’ve been sober for almost a year. No one is going to take this year from us. That why you blocked Cassie, and that’s why I had any memory of Jules permanently erased from my brain. Out of sight out of mind.
Lexi: I guess you’re right. New year, new us.
Rue: alright. Now call your mom so we can get out of the rain. I hate cops more than I hate being fully clothed and wet.
Lexi: (finally smiling) almost as much as they hate you
Rue: hey fuck you, I still have to go to court for that.
Lexi: too soon? 🤭
Rue: just dial the fucking phone
Rue [vo while it shows Suze driving up and the girls walking across the parking lot]: Despite how terrible last year was, I feel like Lexi and I finally got back to how things used to be. Before the drugs, before the funerals. Just Rue and Lexi like it’s always been. Sometimes I forget how great life was when I was just a kid. But drugs tend to take away everything that makes life, life. I just wish Fezco had stayed alive long enough to finally see me sober. Then maybe Lexi wouldn’t be so serious and emo these days. But she took care of me, and now it’s my turn. I just don’t know what’s worse, losing the love of your life before you get a chance to say it love you (shot of Lexi rubbing a cross chain fez gave her looking at the sky before getting in the car) or thinking you found the love of your life just to end up as strangers. (As Rue opens the door to get in, she sees Jules wheeling Elliot across the parking lot. She stares for a bit before getting in the car.) Either way, we all died. (Rue gets in the car before Jules can see her.)
Jules looks over at the car but doesn’t see anyone. She looks distraught, hoping to catch a glimpse of Rue, who she hasn’t seen since the play. She’s dressed in a mostly black school girl uniform with a short skirt and corset that she’s clad in neon accessories and coquettish garters and bows. Her hair is longer than in season 2 but shorter than season 1. This is to signify that she’s embracing her femininity more with Elliot, but is stepping into a more powerful, dominant version of femininity. She’s content with her relationship, and rebuilding herself after the abuse she endured in relationship with rue. Now she’s just worried about repeating the same story with Elliot. She looks off into the distance, paused in a state of reflection.
Elliot: babe are you good? Jules: what? Yea just thought I saw something. (Continues wheeling him across the parking lot) Elliot: It was probably a ghost. HEY CASPER, LOOK BUT DONT TOUCH HOMIE Jules: (laughing) you’re so unserious Elliot: what do you mean? I’m serious. I don’t want his ectoplasm fucking up your makeup. Jules: You’re the one who keeps fucking up my makeup Elliot: and I’ll do it again kisses her winces ow fuck Jules: relax dude. You know the doctor said you can’t stretch your spine much after your stroke. Elliot: and you know I told that doctor nothing can kill me and I’m basically a god Jules: even when you’re sick you’re still crazy Elliot: crazy for you Jules: yea yea, just be happy it was a stroke and not a death sentence. whispers in his you know if you would’ve died I would have to kill you. Elliot: besides the fact that that makes zero sense, you know it wasn’t my fault Jules: I’m just glad that Laurie lady got put behind bars. Who the fuck puts fentanyl in Weed? Elliot: a plug who can’t find enough junkies to buy their fentanyl. That’s why I always sniff my weed before I smoke it. Jules: and that sniff put you in a wheelchair, so who’s god now? Elliot: mmmm, still me. I live close enough to the school that I don’t have to pay for a van, and I have a hot chick with a huge dick as a nurse. Not to mention loads of settlement money from suing the biggest plug in our area and a med card with all the unlaced weed I can smoke. I’m up as fuck. Jules: or too high to be traumatized Elliot: And (dances her around his chair like a waltz until she falls in his lap) my dick still works. Jules: nice try Romeo, but your ego is showing (zips up his pants and continues pushing) Elliot: fuck, has it been like that all day? That’s embarrassing Jules: no more embarrassing than the whole school thinking you’re in a wheelchair because you couldn’t hold your oxys Elliot: it was Percs actually, thank you very much. And fuck what those bots think, I’ve been sober since that intervention. I guess you can say Rue knocked some sense into Me. Jules: (avoiding the topic of rue) did you see the comments on our last post, they called us percinstein and the coke bride Elliot: damn I guess they did know it was Percs (Now on his front porch)
Jules: (standing in front of him looking in his eyes with sentiment ) Elliot I’m serious. I’ve been the topic of conversation ever since I moved to this fucking town. I just want to have a normal year for once in my complicated life. Elliot: babe listen it’s high school. Everything is the topic of conversation and no one is normal. People talk shit because they’re bored and have no personality or sense of self outside of the useless drama they can create in their minds. But you have a life, and a future. You have an amazing, sober boyfriend who loves you and a portfolio that can get you into any art school in the world. You’re at the last step before your real life begins. I’m just happy that I have the privilege to watch. And you know I like to watch. Jules: you’re a lunatic. Elliot: I love you. Jules: I love you too. kiss
Elliot: Are you sure you can’t stay tonight Jules: I wish, but my dad is serious about making sure I get into the best school, which means spending hours look at boring virtual tours and applying early admission. Elliot: ok well I’ll be here figuring out how to pee without standing up Jules: how do our conversations always center back to your dick Elliot: I can’t talk about anything else, it’s too hard Jules: wow, you sound like my dad and I’m turned off [starts walking away] Elliot: it’s not me it’s the weed. now you make sure you make it home safe. There’s a shooter on the loose. Jules: [grabbing her bike] the gun wasn’t even loaded. besides, getting shot would not be the worst thing to happen to me. Elliot: you’re American. It always gets worse. Jules: [riding off] that’s depressing Elliot: text me when you’re home Jules: [almost gone] you have my location! Elliot: [to himself] and I still never know where you are
submitted by TeamNew8607 to euphoria [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:44 anon1mo56 Plan of Iguala Translated by Me

The Plan of Independece of North America
Americans, under whose name I aglutinate not only those born in America, but also the Europeans, Africans and Asians who reside in her: have the kidness to hear me. The nations that are called great in the expanse of the globe were once dominated by others, and until their enlightenment allowed them to establish their own opinion, they did not emancipate themselves. The Europeans who have achieved the greatest ilustration and political development were once slaves to the Romans; and this Empire, the greatest that history recognizes, resembles the Parent of a family, who in his old age sees his children and grandchildren separate from his house because they are already of age to form theirs, and set out themselves, preserving, respect, veneration and love, to its primitive origin.
Since three hundred years ago North America has been under the tutelage of the most Catholic and pious, heroic and magnanimous Nation. Spain educated and exalted her, forming those opulent cities, those beautiful towns, those provinces and expanded kingdoms that in the history of the universe will occupy a very distinguished place. With the populations and ilustration increased, and known to all, the branches of the natural opulence of the soil, its metallic richness, the advantages of its topographical situation, the damage caused by the distance from the center of its unity, and that the branch is the same has the trunk; The public and general opinion of all population is that of the absolute independence from Spain and from every other Nation. This is how the European thinks, and so do Americans of all origins.
This same voice that resonated in the town of Dolores, in the year 1810 and that caused so many misfortunes to the beautiful country of the delights, due to disorder, abandonment and other multitude of vices, also established public opinion that the general union between Europeans and Americans, Indians and indigenous people, is the only solid foundation on which our common happiness can rest. And who will doubt that after the horrific experience of so many disasters, there is not even one who stops lending themselves to the union to achieve so much good? European Spaniards: your homeland is America, because you live in her; In it you have your beloved wives, your tender children, your estates, commerce and goods. American people! Who among you can say that they don't descended from the Spanish? See the sweet chain that unites us: add the other ties of friendship, dependence and interests, education and language and the conformity of feelings, and you will see that the bonds are so close and so powerful, that the common happiness of the Kingdom must be made by all, gathered in a single opinion and in a single voice.
The time has come for you to manifest the uniformity of feelings, and that our union shall be the powerful hand that emancipates America without the need for foreign aid. At the head of a brave and determined army, I have proclaimed independence of North America. It is now free; she is the mistress of herself; She no longer recognizes or depends on Spain, nor on any other Nation. Hail her all as independent, and let our hearts sustain this sweet voice, united with the troops who have resolved to die rather than part with from such a heroic enterprise.
The army has no other desire than to preserve the pure and holy religion that we profess, and to ensure general happiness. Hear the solid foundations on which the army bases their resolution:
1st. The Catholic, apostolic, Roman religion, without tolerance of any other.
2nd. The absolute independence of this Kingdom.
3rd. Monarchical government tempered by a Constitution analogous to the country.
4th. Ferdinand VII, or those of his or another reigning dynasty will be the emperors, to find ourselves with a ready-made monarch and prevent the disastrous attacks of ambition.
5th. There will be a Junta, in the meantime the Cortes are created to make this plan effective.
6th. This Junta will be named gubernatorial and will be made up of the vocales and the Viceroy.
7th. The Junta will govern by virtue of the oath already taken to the King, in the meantime he appears in Mexico and takes it, and then all further orders will be suspended.
8th. If Fernandinand VII decide to not come to Mexico, the Junta or regency will rule in the name of the Nation, while the Cortes decide who must be crowned.
9th. This government will be supported by the Army of the Three Guarantees.
10th. The Cortes will decide whether the Junta should continue or be replaced by a regency while the Emperor arrives.
11th. The Cortes will work, after they meet, on the Constitution of the Mexican Empire.
12th. All its inhabitants, without any other distinction than their merit and virtues, are citizens suitable for any job.
13th. Their persons and property will be respected and protected.
14th. The secular and regular clergy are preserved in all their rights and properties.
15th. All branches of the State and public employees will remain as before, and only those who oppose this Plan will be removed, and replaced by those who are most distinguished in their adherence, virtue and merit.
16th. A protective army will be formed that will be called The Army of the Three Guarantees, and that will sacrifice itself, from the first to the last of its individuals, rather than suffer the slightest infraction of them.
17th. This army will observe the Ordinance to the letter, and its leaders and officers continue where they are, with expectations, despite vacant jobs and those they consider necessary or convenient.
18th. The troops of which it is composed will be considered as troops of the line and the same will be true for those that later embrace this Plan; Those who differ and the countrymen who want to enlist will be considered as national militia, and the arrangement and form of all of them will be dictated by the Cortes.
19th. The jobs will be given by virtue of reports from the respective chiefs, and in the name of the Nation provisionally.
20th. While the Cortes meet, crimes will be dealt with in full accordance with the Spanish Constitution.
21th. In the case of conspiracy against independence, imprisonment will be carried out, without moving on to anything else until the Cortes dictates the penalty corresponding to the greatest crime after Lesse divine Majesty.
22th. Those who try to sow division will be monitored and will be considered conspirators against Independence.
23th. Since the Cortes that are to be formed are Constitutional Cortes, the deputies must be elected under this concept. The Junta will determine the rules and the time necessary for this purpose.
Americans: Here is the establishment and creation of a new Empire. This is what the Army of the Three Guarantees has sworn, whose voice is carried by the one who has the honor of addressing it to you. Here is the object for whose cooperation it incites you. It does not ask you for anything other than what you yourselves must ask for and desire: union, fraternity, order, inner stillness, vigilance and horror of any turbulent movement. These warriors want nothing more than common happiness. Unite with their courage, to carry out a enterprise that in all aspects (if not for the small part that I have had in it) I must call heroic. Having no enemies to defeat, let us trust in the God of armies, who is also the God of peace, that all of us who make up this body of combined forces of Europeans and Americans, of dissidents and royalists, will be mere protectors, simple spectators of the great work that I have outlined today, and that the fathers of the country will touch up and perfect. Astonish the Nations of cultured Europe; See that North America emancipated itself without shedding a single drop of blood. In the transport of your joy say: Long live the holy religion we profess! Long live North America, independent of all the nations of the globe! Long live the union that made our happiness!
Iguala, 24 of february, 1821
Signed Agustin de Iturbide.
submitted by anon1mo56 to monarchism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:51 justin_quinnn The Republican Party’s Platform Right Now

The Republican Party’s Platform Right Now submitted by justin_quinnn to USNewsHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:35 Responsible_Cat_2928 Financial advisor ethical/legal questions

My apologies in advance – this is going to be long but hopefully not too convoluted/confusing.
My questions are about the possible ethical/legal conflicts going on with a corporate level certified financial planner (CFP)/investment advisor representative. This person is a founding principal of and works in an LLC located in Chicago and is registered/licensed (per their SEC IAPD report) in Illinois and Florida. Information available online indicates that this person also carries the title of Chief Compliance Officer for the company. I will refer to this person as Pat. Pat’s online credentials are listed as CPA, CFP, PFS and registered investment advisor.
Pat’s client that I am concerned about is more than 70 years old and the owner of a nationally-known company with significant assets/value. The client maintains (for tax reporting purposes) a residence and vehicles in Missouri, however, actually spends the majority of their time in California, where they also have a residence, vehicles and other properties; client also owns properties and vehicles in other states. The client is not married but has adult children and siblings; the relationships with these family members is distant but not estranged. Client will be referred to as Shannon.
In addition to having the company, Shannon established a 501(c)3 foundation that accepts donations and provides scholarships. Pat is named on the board of this foundation as the treasurer, which seems inappropriate to me but I am unsure if this is legally or ethically an issue?
In recent years, Pat has become more actively involved in the employee/personnel aspects of Shannon’s company, most recently personally taking on the role of firing employees or reducing their hours to create non-livable employment situations; employees who previously communicated directly with Shannon are now being directed to communicate through Pat with their questions/concerns. Pat has, on many occasions, answered calls going to Shannon’s personal phone.
Pat has also become more involved in Shannon’s personal life and appears to be influencing Shannon to be more isolated from family members, as well as trying to convince Shannon to sell properties (Pat refers to these properties as “money pits” in an effort to influence Shannon to sell them). I have become aware that an updated legal document (unsure if it was a will or trust or something else) was prepared for Shannon that has the potential to pass any estate/inheritance to Pat when Shannon dies if the family remains distant or becomes further estranged. I don’t have a copy of this document nor do I know the name of the lawyer that prepared it, but this set off huge alarm bells for me.
All of this together seems incredibly sketchy to me but I am not sure where to start with regard to reporting it. Part of me is concerned about the isolating of Shannon as possibly crossing into elder abuse but I don’t believe that Shannon’s mental state is sufficiently diminished enough to support that they don’t understand what is going on; I believe that Pat is a master manipulator, especially since they have had this ongoing advisoclient relationship for many years.
I’m looking for any advice regarding how to bring this situation to the attention of whomever would investigate it – or any advice at all, really. If there’s somewhere else I should post this, please let me know. Thank you.
submitted by Responsible_Cat_2928 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:20 I_Stole_Your_Pie The legion could have been so much more than what we got

Look I love the legion their a really cool faction But there's a part of me now that says they were just half-done I understand the whole 18 months of development for New Vegas but still
It feels like they just made the legion evil just to make the NCR look better I mean if they want to do that then that's fine but just why do they allow us to join them if the legion was just was just going to be evil Hell if the legion is so sexist then why does the legion allow a female courier to help them
The legion isn't a fleshed out faction only the NCR is and that's only because we've seen them in another game
It would have been way better if the legion was just a morally gray faction We could have looked more into their society And less about the slavery and crucifixions Like they could have added scribes or war priests
They could have added morally good characters that so happened to the legionaries Along with the morally bad legionaries
The legion could have actually pointed out Actual flaws within the NCR instead of saying oh the government is corrupt they could have actually pointed out actual hypocrisies within the NCR They could have pointed out that the ncr was doing the exact same thing as them
Hell I would happily sacrifice the brotherhood of steel the independent Vegas the bombers quest line just so I could have a better legion quest line
Because the independent Vegas ending is a cop out ending for if you screw everyone else over and make them hate you and unable to finish the game
The brotherhood of steel was a pretty good questline but it felt like they only really existed just do be another way for you to get power armor and power armor training
And the boomers were just unnecessary I think they would have done better if nellis Air Force Base was instead a NCR military base Trying to get bomber jets working again
Hell I would give the NCR real power armor and power armor training while giving the legion the salvage power armor And the ability for the player character to create salvage power armor
Hell I've created a different version of New Vegas in my head where the legion has Hoover dam and the NCR has New Vegas And Helios One
So this is the part of this post Where what I would have changed a lot more of the story
Ok first part is of the territorys that the legion would control the legion will control all territories that they already have But they will have the NCR correctional facility, prim, Boulder City, novac, hover damn, and camp forelorn hope,
Boulder City will be besieged by the NCR forces including NCR rangers, NCR power armor troopers, and and regular NCR troopers With mechanical infantry like the m4 Sherman tank, Humvees, m44 armored personal carriers, And robot infantry, like sentry bots, protectrons, holograms from the Sierra Madre, Mr gutsey's (I might have said it wrong) As Vertibirds and howitzers will be bombing Boulder City constantly Basically the Battle of Berlin
hoover dam is no longer just a military complex but also a city that due to the fact that the legion moved a bunch of people on to Hoover dam building houses and walkways across the whole wall but it will also be besieged by NCR forces with the same equipment I listed above just without the air support or the howitzer support no air support because the legion will be using anti-aircraft weaponry and the howitzers are busy with Boulder City, but it will have to suffer from watercraft like NCR military boats Such as WW2 patrol torpedo boats,
Primm is not being besieged by the NCR but they are suffering a revolution pro NCR partisans has attacked prim from the inside causing havoc and destruction against the legion military and local law enforcement They will have regular civilian clothes with Kevlar vests, makeshift helmets, and service rifles, Hunting rifles, hunting shotguns, SMGs, Makeshift explosives and vehicles made into armored cars
Camp forlorn hope will be a military hospital camp do treat injured or sick legionary soldiers suffering skirmishes against the NCR troopers and NCR mercenaries due to the fact that it has close proximity to Hoover dam but is they are not being besiegeddue to the fact that Hoover dam is right around the corner and that place is currently being besieged
And Novac will be a relatively peaceful legion City only suffering from occasional NCR skirmishes but they will have a partisans problem too just on a lesser degree That is due to the fact that the NCR is right around the corner in the NCR is currently just starting the revolution within Novac
The NCR correctional facility now known as the legion gulag because I cannot have thought of a better name right now Is not currently being attacked by any forces because it is a military prison installation holding criminals partisans and prisoners of war and unlike the NCR they were not being dumb and they are not giving the prisoners TNT
Okay second part the NCR Will have all the territories they have in New Vegas except for the ones I listed above But they will have other places like the big MT and the Sierra Madre casino along with the brothers of steel bunkers and nellis Air Force Base along with black mountain
The Mojave Outpost was no longer just being Outpost but a giant military base with vertibirds howitzers and m4 tanks that the legion will be constantly besieging
The Big MT will be an area where the NCR is excavating technologies and resources they will not be attacked by the legion but they are being attacked by brotherhood of steel remnants with enclave vertibirds they stole from The enclave after Fallout 2
The Sierra Madre casino will be an area where the NCR is also excavating for technology But unlike the big MT NCR is having much more troubles because of the corrosive fog the ghost people And the captured prisoners of war and legion sympathizers/political oppositions that they are using for slave labor will revolt against the NCR using the technology they find against the NCR themselves
The hidden valley bunkers will be NCR territory now after they hunted down the brotherhood of steel and slaughtered them leaving some to escape to live to fight another day they are not being besieged by any hostile forces as for right now due to the close proximity to Black mountain
Black mountain will be a large military base of operations in charge of radio transmissions due to this fact black mound will be protected 24/7 by vertibirds and soldiers and it will also be protecting the hidden valley bunkers due to the fact that the bunkers are close in proximity Black will have a large military presence
Nellis Air Force Base unlike black mountain will be attacked constantly by legion forces due to the fact that the Air Force Base is where the vertibird and a working b-24 bomber plane is stationed due to this fact the outside areas of nellis is a blown out hellscape but it is not dealing with the front of the attacks unlike Vegas or the Mojave Outpost
New Vegas is basically the Battle of Stalingrad As inner Vegas is perfectly okay but outer Vegas is currently being attacked by legion forces Legion sympathizers, and a rogue group of l brotherhood of steel remnants who went rogue and are now terrorizing Westside With mechanized infantry and death squads/Stormtroopers Outer Vegas is constantly being bombed out by howitzers, vertibirds, and legion motors, Along with makeshift bombs by the legion partisans, The ncr also has mechanized infantry, power armor troopers, desert rangers, NCR troopers, It is not a safe place to live in outer Vegas Inside the strip itself it's perfectly fine though for some reason but it has been completely closed off due to well the events that's currently happening outside
Ok now we are at the part of the weapon technology of the legion and NCR
Starting off with the legion, They will have a little worse equipment than the NCR but they have more soldiers overall killing them by a thousand cuts But the technology they do have includes Mortars, howitzers, Humvees modified with Rams, some salvaged m4 Sherman tanks from the NCR, salvaged power armopower armor without the power, they will have a b24 bomber and vertibirds Only if they successfully take over nellis Air Force Base, Along with some laser and plasma weapons only some not a lot if any,
Now the NCR Because they have been salvaging from Big MT & the Sierra Madre They will have much more advance technology Such as fully working power armor, forcefield technology, fully working vertibirds, holograms, instead of the crappy NCR trooper uniform in base game Vegas they will have The superior combat armor that the United States military pre-war used, they also have the ability to use Archimedes 2 the orbital death laser, also m4 Sherman tanks, m44 armored personnel carriers, Humvees, boats, Howitzers,
Now the skeletal frame for the story during the first battle of Hoover dam the main characters will obviously be Caesar, the malpis legate, vulpes inculta, general Oliver, the NCR president currently at Vegas, Chief Hamilton,
And mister house is now reawakening about to send his robot army to get rid of all factions from Vegas
You are The scribe and you have just arrived in Nevada you were involved in a vertibird crash that left you with no memories Only that you woke up in a red robe and a 10mm magazine fed revolver
Almost all the factions within this new story Will be morally Gray with both good and bad characters belonging to them It is your job to choose who you work for The occupying force of the NCR He already established force of the legion Who came there before the NCR Or will you go neither and work with the mysterious house a man who is not awoken yet...
You can convince the brother of steel to work with legion if you do so before the Air Force Base mission you will get air support and the brotherhood of steel will be come an exhilary Force for the legion They will not join the NCR at all Unless you take the place has elder
And that's it I might think of something else later but right now I'm out of thoughts anyways how do you guys think of this.
submitted by I_Stole_Your_Pie to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:26 Naive_Replacement156 After Nina Dobrev constant bad behaviour she was called into the principals office. My office. “Ahh, Miss dobrev, take a seat.” I say, unable to stop myself perving on our head cheerleader in her red uniform.

After Nina Dobrev constant bad behaviour she was called into the principals office. My office. “Ahh, Miss dobrev, take a seat.” I say, unable to stop myself perving on our head cheerleader in her red uniform. submitted by Naive_Replacement156 to Celebrity_Fantasies2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:48 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 17 2024

DAY: MAY 17, 2024

MAY 17, 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:18 LSARefugee The Republican Party’s Platform Right Now

The Republican Party’s Platform Right Now submitted by LSARefugee to RepublicanValues [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:23 esanch101 Park Ridge Historical Society living history exhibit today till 4

submitted by esanch101 to Parkridge [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:00 TakerlamaCostume One Tree Hill Cheerleading Uniform Ravens Printed Tops Skirt

submitted by TakerlamaCostume to TakerlamaCosplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:22 SexySammy_89 AITAH for getting pissed at my ex-bff and not speaking to them again

I was once very close like siblings to my best friend that well call Danny for a couple of decades, both of us early 30s. But when it came time to get married during the start of COVID (April 2020) instead of telling me in person or over the phone I wasn't invited to the wedding he sent a message on Facebook that my groomsmen gifts would be on the porch to pick up and maybe I could watch on socials. This shocked me because it was known that the wedding would be downsized and done at the home, but myself and a few other people were expected to still be there as of a couple days prior. There was a very minor chance I potentially had Covid which was the reason given, but that was 2 weeks prior and neither myself or our other friend involved in the ceremony totally bought it.
i told him that I felt like I was getting broken up with via text, asked why he couldn't have talked outside but a distance apart like adults. I'm not just anybody, I'm their oldest friend, they were my best man at my wedding, and I was helping with theirs. I got yelled at and disregarded, simply for asking why he couldn't have done it face to face. I decided to just stop talking at that point, I was pissed an d felt a little betrayed. Our other friend played middle man for weeks and eventually got us to meet. Then I found out that apparently because I got engaged shortly after him (a few weeks) he started to think I was copying him. Why is beyond me, as my relationship with my wife is one that everyone in our friend group and everyone we know claims is one of the strongest they've seen. Everyone had a blast at our wedding, thought it was beautiful and fun and the best they had been to (still get told this).
Our engagements had been 2 years prior, and he let this thought just fester the entire time. He can be a very paranoid person and quick to anger, so this didn't totally shock me. It lead to him thinking I was doing things only because he was, I was growing distant from our friend group (I wasn't he stopped inviting me),and changed attitude that apparently only he saw. I apologized for a few things I did he had issues with (that even the friend present agreed were minor) but he only apologized for his tone when I got pissed with him initially. Never said why he didn't bring anything up and acted very self righteous the whole time. His wife was there too and was in the background like the most ratchet cheerleader I've ever seen, chiming in every now and then with some white trash remark or sound.
I basically came to the conclusion that his paranoia and those around him (the wife and his family who are similar) were causing him to change drastically for the worst, and he seemed to legitimately believe my relationship was only moving towards marriage because his was. It didn't seem like we got anywhere, and he refused to apologize for anything aside from the tone he took. So at that point I decided I needed to just end things and step away from that friendship. It's been almost 4 years now, and he's never tried reaching back out. Last I heard the two of them divorced after she had a kid with him, which some saw coming a mile away. But I sometimes still wonder if I was the asshole for how I handled it and just abandoning him after decades of friendship. So am I the asshole?
submitted by SexySammy_89 to AITAH [link] [comments]